


Extracts from an 1857 trades directory, for BIDEFORD and AREA

Transcribed by John BISHOP <100041.1516[at]compuserve[dot]com>
and made available with his kind permission.

Bideford is a corporate and market town, 9 miles from Barnstaple, 48 from Exeter, and 211 from London; the parish contains 3196 acres of land, and a population in 1851 of 5775, being an increase in ten years of 564 inhabitants. It is a polling district for the Northern Division; the number of voters in 1957 was 171.

The town of Bideford is very pleasantly situated on the banks of the river Torridge, which divides it into two parts, the eastern and western divisions, and is crossed by a stone bridge of twenty-four arches, with sufficient span to allow vessels of considerable tonnage to pass: this bridge was built in the early part of the 14th century, and is said to have been erected by the Grenvilles, lords of the manor. A large wood rises from the side of the river to the summit of a high hill, and at the bottom is a small meadow, which is verdant all the year round. This, with a noble mansion close by, gardens, and fields in a high state of cultivation, forms a landscape admirably worthy the attention of the eye of taste.

In Willis's Notita Parliamentaria it is called a borough, and appears to have sent members to parliament in the reign of Edward I. and II., but not since. A market on Monday and a fair for five days at the festival of St Margaret, were granted in 1271, to Richard de Grenville; it is probable that it has fallen away considerably, for in 1574 Sir R. Grenville procured a charter from Queen Elizabeth, by which the market and fair were confirmed, and two other fairs granted, and the town incorporated and made a free borough. It subsequently received further and extended charters in the reign of James I. Under the Municipal Corporation Act of 1835, it is governed by a Mayor, four Aldermen, twelve Councillors, with a Recorder etc. It has a court of Quarter Sessions, and Petty Sessions are held every Monday. The market is now held on Tuesday, and is well supplied with the neccessaries of life: there are three great markets and three fairs annually, the former in March, May, and September, and the latter in February, July, and November.

In the reign of Charles I., the Bideford merchants imported large quantities of wool from Spain, and afterwards, besides their commerce with Holland, and France and the Mediterranean, had so large a share in the Newfoundland trade, that in the year 1699 they sent out more ships than any other port in England, except London and Topsham, the numbers being - London 71, Topsham 34, Bideford 28, Bristol 12, Plymouth 5, and Liverpool 3.The chief of the vessels belonging tothe port are now employed in the coasting trade.The quay is upwards of 12000 feet in length, and at high water vessels of 500 tons burden can discharge their cargoes. Ship-building is carried on to a very considerable extent, and gives employment to many of the inhabitants. Silk-weaving was introduced here in 1650, and after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, in 1685, many French Protestants settled in the town, and established the manufacture of silk and cotton, but the trade has long since died away.

During the Civil Wars two small forts were erected on the banks of the river, and a third at Appledore, which were garrisoned in the interest of Parliament, until they were taken for the King by Colonel Digby, after the battle of Torrington, September 2nd, 1643, who soon afterwards entered the town, which had been evacuated by the Parliamentary troops. On the eastern side of the river are the remains of one of these fortifications, called after the Parliamentary General, Chudleigh; it is surrounded by a stone wall, turreted at the top.

Bideford has been the birthplace of several individuals worthy of record, amongst the foremost of whom may be noticed Sir R.Grenville, who distinguished himself in 1591, in an action fought near the island of Flores, with a Spanish fleet , consisting of fifty-three sail and 10,000 men; nor did he surrender till he had spent all his ammunition, and then only on honourable terms. Dr. John Shebbeare, a noted political writer, was born here in 1709: his writings giving offence to the ruling powers, he was sentenced to stand in the pillory, but was attended by a servant who held an umbrella over his head; the sheriff was prosecuted for not enforcing the sentence. Those celebrated mathematicians, Abraham and Benjamin Down, the latter of whom published maps of Devon and Cornwall, were born here.

On October 29th, 1855, the extension line of the North Devon Railway was opened from Barnstaple to Bideford, which was the occasion of much rejoicing by the inhabitants. The New Town Hall, erected in 1850, is a handsome and ornamental building. It is used for Magisterial business, concerts, balls, etc., for which it is admirably adapted.

The Literary and Scientific Institution is held in the Town Hall. Mr Charles Wood, Secretary. There are Private Reading Rooms on the Quay. Mr. A. Harvie, Proprietor.

The Savings Bank is in the New Road. Mr. Richards, Manager.

The Dispensary is in Bouport Street, and is liberally supported by donations and supscriptions. Mr. J. C. Saunders, Dispenser. The Inland Revenue Office is held at the New Inn: Mr. C. R. Solomon, Collector; Mr. S. Doble, Clerk; Mr Edwin Trent, Supervisor.

The Custom House is in Bridgeland Street: C. Gill, Esq., Collector; Mr. Alfred Gossett, Comptroller; Mr. John Curtis, Locker.

The Harbour Office is on the Quay: Mr. Yeo, Clerk.

The Police Station is under the Town Hall. Mr. Snell, Superintendent.

The County Court is held at the Town Hall. John Tyrrell, Esq., Judge; Thomas Rooker Esq., Registrar; Richard H. Buse, Esq., High Bailiff; Mr. T. Husband, Bailiff.

The Church (St. Mary) is a spacious structure, in the Early English style of architecture, supposed to have been erected about the 14th century. The interior contains a handsome stone screen, a Norman font, and some interesting monumental memorials. The living is a Rectory, valued in the King's Books at £27 7s., in the patronage of L. W. Buck Esq. Rev. F. L. Bazley, Rector; Rev. J. Tagert, Curate; Mr. J. Wickham, Organist; Mr. W. S. Blight, Clerk. Divine Service is also performed in a Chapel in East in the Water: supplied by the above Ministers.

The Baptists have a small Chapel in Honeston Lane, erected 1838; Rev. Mr. Willshire, Minister.

The Congregationalists are now erecting a new chapel on the site of the old one in Bridgeland Street; Rev. J. Whiting, Minister. The Wesleyan Meeting House is in Allhaland Street; Rev. Mr. Hardy, Minister. The Bible Christians have also a small place of worship in Silver Street; Rev. Mr. Blackmore, Minister.

The Grammer School, Bridgeland Street, is a very old foundation, and various sums of money and property have a different times been left for its support. Rev. A. K. Thompson, Headmaster; Mr. Bostock, Second Master.

The Bideford Commercial School is held in the same building as the above. This establishment is free, and 10 boys are on the foundation. Mr. Lepper - Master. The British Schools are in Honestone Lane. Number of children - boys, 130; girls, 80. Mr. C. Wood, Master; Miss Rider, Mistress.

The Infant School, in connection with the National School, is at the top of Honestone Lane. Number of children, 130. Miss Emma Ogleby, Mistress.

The Union Workhouse is at the top of Meddon Street, and is a substantial erection, built in 1835-6. Thomas Pridham, Esq., Surgeon; Rev. R. H.

Halford, Chaplain; Mr. H. A. Harvie, Clerk; Mr. James Stevenson, Governor; Mrs. Stevenson, Matron; Mr. W. Coles, Schoolmaster; Miss M. E. Martin, Mistress. Board days, alternate Tuesdays.

Alphabetical List of Clergy, Gentry, Etc.

In the following Directory the few contractions used will be readily understood, being chiefly the following:- h for house, st for street, pl for place, ter for terrance, rd for road, and bd for buildings.

Adams Henry B., Esq., Forest Hill
Arthur Rev. B. Baptist Minister, Strand
Ash Mrs., Margaret, Quay
Baller Mrs., Buttgarden st
Barratt Samuel, Esq., High st
Bartlett Mr.Richard, Strand
Bazley Rev. F. L., Rector, Rectory
Bowden Mr. Richard, Torrington st
Bowen Mrs., Woodbine Cottage
Bowen Mr. Walter, High st
Buck L. W., Esq., Magistrate, Morton House
Call Captain George J., Bridgeland st
Callon Mr. William, Bridgeland Street
Carter Charles, Esq., Mill st
Cawthron Mr. William, Bridgeland Street
Chanter Thomas B., Esq., Magistrate, Queen st
Clyde Mrs Sarah, Bridgeland st
Cole Mrs. Elizabeth, Meddon st
Collis Jervois, Esq., Pill Head House
Colmer Mr. George, Meddon Street
Crowe Colonel, Farleigh
Dalgety Mrs. Mary, Hampton ter
Day Captain, High st
Dennis Mr. John, Meddon st
Denton Mrs., New rd
Denton Mrs. Ann, Bridge st
Forester Mrs., Bridgeland st
Foulkes Mrs.
Froude James A., Esq., Northdown House
Glynn Admiral, Torrington st
Glynn Captain John, Chingswell st
Grant Miss, Middleton Cottage
Halford Rev. H., Chaplain of Union, Bridgeland st
Handford Captain Richard, Quay
Handford Captain Thomas, Quay
Haywood Miss Harriet, Quay
Heath Mrs., High st
Howarth Miss, Rock Cottage
Huxham Mr. Thomas, New rd
Isaac Mr. Thomas, Mill st
Jennings Rev. E., Wesleyan Minister, Buttgarden st
Jenkins Mr. William, Mount Pleasant
Jewell Mrs. Margaretta, Quay
Jones A. N. Esq., Magistrate, Quay
Ley Mr. Henry O., Magistrate, Quay
Ley Mr. Thomas, Quay
Maine Captain John, High st
Major Mr. D. W. Woodland ter
Manning Mr. Thomas, Bridge st
Martin Miss, Quay
Maxwell Mr. John G., Bridgeland st
Newcombe Mrs., Bow Cottage
Pekome Miss Ann, Mill st
Pemley Mrs., Buttgarden st
Pollock Miss Sarah, Bridgeland st
Pridham Mrs., Bridgeland st
Pridham Mrs. P., Bridgeland st
Pridham T. L. Esq., Magistrate
Pyke Captain, R. N., Ford House
Reed Mrs. Ann, High st
Reeves Mr. Stephen, Bridgeland st
Reynolds Mrs., Mount Pleasant
Richards Mr. G., Actuary at Savings Bank, New rd
Roberts Mrs., New rd
Shopland The Misses, 2, Queen st
Spencer Miss, Willett st
Stap Mr. Randol, High st
Tagert Rev. John, B. A., Curate
Tamlyn The Misses, Miss st
Tardrew Mrs. Mary, Quay
Thomas Captain W. N., Bridgeland st
Thompson J., Esq., Mayor, Buttgarden st
Tranter Miss Eliza, Meddon st
Tucker Miss Eliza, Mill st
Vansten Mr. JAmes, 4, Victoria ter
Vellascott Mrs. H., 1, Victoria Terrace
Walters Miss Ann, Buttgarden st
Wheeler Mr. Richard, Quay
Whitaker Mrs. Elizabeth, Meddon st
Whiting Rev. J., Congregational Minister, Strand
Windeatt Mrs., Cold Harbour Cottage
Yeo Mr. Thomas, High st

Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Etc.

Abbott William, beer retailer, High st
Ackland William, surgeon, Chingswell st
Ackland William H., surgeon; h Bridgeland st
Ackland William Henry, surgeon, Chingswell st
Aishton Mary, New Inn family and commercial hotel and posting hose, Market pl
Algar S. J., grocer, tea and provision dealer, Buttgarden st
Ashton Henry, cabinet maker and French polisher, Mill st
Ashton J., beer retailer, Dove, Honestone Lane
Avery Levi, victualler, Mariner's Inn, Cooper st
Babbage G., linen and wollen draper, High st
Bailey William and Co.,wine and spirit merchants,agents for the Universal Life Insurance Company Market pl
Bale James, glass and china dealer, carpenter and joiner, 3 High st
Baleh R., victualler, Terminus Inn, Old Town
Baleh S., victualler, White hart, Queen st
Baker Henry, victualler, First In Last Out, Old Town
Baker Isaac, marble and stone mason, New rd
Baker Thomas, victualler, Swan, Mill st
Barnecott Charles, baker, Mill st
Barrow James, beer retailer, Quay
Bartholomew W, victualler, Dolphin, Market pl
Bartlett Bryant, painter and glazier, 13 High st
Beard J., Royal Arms commercial hotel, Allhalland st
Beard James, wine and spirit merchant, Allhalland st
Beer James, tailor and draper, Mill st
Beer John, tailor, Chingswell st
Berry Jane, greengrocer and fruitier, Allhalland st
Berry Joseph, basket maker and second-hand bookseller, Mill st
Berry W., shopkeeper and basket maker, Quay
Bettey Sarah, milliner, Honestone la
Bideford Bank, R. E. Yelland, Esq., manager; draw on Commercial Bank London; open from 10 to 3; High st
Bishop John, printer, bookseller and stationer, Mill st
Blight George, rope maker, Honestone la
Blight William S., bookseller, and stationer, music seller, Librarian to the North Devon Institution, and Secretary to the Christian Knowledge Society, High st
Bradd William A., shopkeeper, Silver st
Bragg John, victualler, Globe, Meddon st
Braund Charles, painter and glazier, Meddon st
Braund George, linen and woollen draper, haberdasher, and hosier, Market pl
Braund Jessie, carpenter, Tower st
Braund John, tailor, Meddon st
Braund William, boot and shoe maker, Meddon st
Bray Samuel, shopkeeper, Mill st
Brayley George, solicitor, High st
Brayley William, boot and shoe maker, Bullhill
Brend Joseph, hat maker, Market pl
Brooks William, farmer, Upcot
Brownscombe James, shopkeeper, Gunstone la
Brownscombe Phillip, victualler and maltster, Malt Scoop, Cooper st
Boyle George, linen and woolen draper,haberdasher, and hosier, Market pl
Boys David, victualler, Torridge Inn
Bridgman George, baker and confectioner, High st
Brown Christopher, furniture dealer, Bridge st
Brown Joseph, fancy repository and ladies shoe warehouse, High st
Burdick William, victualler, Angel, Market pl
Burnet Sarah, day school, High st
Burnard Wm. H. E., solicitor, Clerk to the Trustees of the Bideford Turnpike, North Devon Cottage
Burrow James S., Relieving Officer, Meddon st
Buse R. H., solicitor, notary public, Mill st
Cadd William, chemist, druggist, and grocer, Market pl
Cann Edward, shopkeeper, Meddon st
Capern Edward, shopkeeper, and Post Office messenger, Mill st
Carter John C., seedsman, Mill st
Cawsey Lewis W., victualler, Pack Horse, Union st
Chalk John, licensed to let horses, Old Town
Chanter T. B., merchant, Queen st
Chappell J., beer retailer, Lamb, Honestone
Ching Bryant, coal merchant and potter, Torrington Lane
Chope Henry, saddler, Honestone la
Chope Walter, marine store dealer, and shopkeeper, Market pl
Chubb Richard, farmer, Lodge
Clerke George, grocer, tea and provisions dealer, painter and glazier, Mill st
Clarke John L., tailor, Pottery la
Clements Abraham, grocer, tea and provisions dealer, Market pl
Clerk Betsy, shopkeeper, Market pl
Clewer Daniel, farmer, Newton
Clotworthy John, shopkeeper, Market pl
Cole John, farmer, Gammaton
Cole W., stationer, book and music seller, Allhalland st
Cole W. W., printer, bacon and cheese factor, Allhalland st
Colwill Phillip, farmer, Tennacott
Cook John, shopkeeper, Meddon st
Colley John, beer retailer, Tradesman's Inn, Cooper st
Colwell William, victualler, Swan, Torrington st
Craig W., cooper and shopkeeper, Allhalland st
Crocker, Samuel, potter, Pottery Lane
Crocker Samuel, potter, Strand
Dannell Bartholomew, baker, Mill st
Dannell Edwin, hat maker, Allhalland st
Daniel James, farmer, Adjuvin
Daniel J., victualler, London Inn, Barnstaple st
Danniel James, coal merchant, Barnstaple st
Dark John, hat maker, Meddon st
Dark W., boot and shoe maker, Barnstaple st
Davey W., boot and shoe maker, Barnstaple st
Davies Wm. G., tailor, draper, agent to the Protector Loan and Annuity Society, Mill st
Davis John, chimney sweeper, New st
Dennis Harriet, furrier, High st
Dingle Edward, grocer, tea and provision dealer, chemist and druggist, Bridge st
Doherty George, Inland Revenue Officer, Barnstaple st
Doidge Wm. H. grocer, tea dealer, wine and spirit merchant, High st
Down Edward, tallow chandler and marine store dealer, High st
Down E. H., tallow chandler, Mill st
Down R., clock maker and gun maker, High st
Drew John, shopkeeper, Meddon st
Dullam Mary, dress maker, High st
Edwards Adams, chemist, druggist, tea dealer, tobacconist, agent to the Caledonian Insurance Company, Mill st
Elliott Richard, victualler, Ship, Cooper st
Ellis Charles, coal merchant and maltster, Quay
Ellis James, dyer and stay warehouse, agent for the English Provident Life and Tontine Annuity Offices, Church gate
Ellis James, dyer, High st
Ellis Marine, stay maker, High st
Ellis Thos, corn factor and Maltster, 1, Queen st
Ellis William, Peacock, Market Place
Elson Edwin, tailor, Mill st
Embury William, Shopkeeper, Barnstaple st
Facey Margaret, day school, Cooper st
Fishley Bartholomew, victualler, Old Ring of Bells, Honestone la
Flood T., marine store dealer, Honestone la
Fowler Hugh, marine store dealer and shop keeper, Old Town
Ford the Misses, milliners, Marine Gardens
Freeman E., victualler, Steam Packet, Quay
Friendship Ann, confectioner and pastry cook, High st
Friendship James, beer retailer, Union, Mill st
Friendship James, Licensed to let horses, Barley Mow, Mill st
Fry William Henry, chemist, druggist, and agent to the Minerva Insurance Company, High st
Fulford W., boot and shoe maker, High st
Gabbage Gilbert, linen and woolen draper, haberdasher, hosier, and agent to the Royal Exchange Insurance Company, 2 High st
Galliver Samuel, ship smith, Barnstaple st
Geen Thomas, tailor, Honestone lane
Gibbins James, victualler, Old Portobello, Honestone la
Gibbens William, marine store dealer, Torrington la
Giddy George, victualler, Cornish Arms, Bullhill
Giddy Richard, maltster, corn, hop, and seed merchant, Bridgeland st
Gill Clifford, Collector of Customs, Quay
Glover John, shopkeeper, Barnstaple st
Goull Ann, milliner, Bridge st
Goull William, linen draper and cabinet maker, Bridge st
Grant John, victualler, Plough, Honestone la
Grant, J. H., victualler, Farmers' Exchange, Market pl
Grant Robert, tailor and draper, High st
Green G., glass and china dealer, 5 High st
Gregory T., veterinary surgeon, Meddon st
Griffiths Thomas, chemist, druggist, bookseller and stationer, High st
Grigg John, shopkeeper, Honestone la
Haddon Alfred, shopkeeper, Mill st
Hamlyn John, insurance agent, High st
Hammett William, sail maker, Torrington st
Harding Mary E., shopkeeper, Barnstaple st
Harkness Amelia Ann, grocer, tea and provision dealer, Allhalland st
Harris James, victualler, King of Prussia, New st
Harvey Elizabeth, beer retailer, Bridge Inn, Bridge st
Harvey George, shopkeeper, Torrington st
Harvey Harry Arthur, solicitor, Vestry Clerk, Clerk to the Union and Magistrates, proctor, and agent to the Norwich Union Insurance Company, Church Gate
Harwood Thomas, shopkeeper, Mill st
Hatherley The Misses, school, Bridgeland st
Hatherley William F. W., solicitor, agent to the London, Fire, Life, and Marine, National Live Stock, Law, Property, and Trust, and Colonial Life Offices, Bridgeland st
Hawkesley George, furniture dealer, Meddon st
Hawkesley Jonathan, shopkeeper, Meddon st
Hawkins William, agent, Woodland ter
Hay William, baker, Barnstaple st
Haycroft William, boot and shoe maker, Honestone la
Headon Samuel, painter and glazier, Bridge st and Grenville st
Heard Peter, grocer, tea and provision dealer, and maltster, Market pl
Heard Richard, timber merchant New rd
Heard & Son, auctioneers, Colonial bd
Heard Thomas, coal dealer, shopkeeper, and block maker, Cooper st
Henwood Richard S., shopkeeper, Torrington st
Hern James, blacksmith, Pottery la
Hewett John W., solicitor, Warmington House
Hoare John, boot and shoe maker, Mill st
Hobbs John, shopkeeper, Meddon st
Hogg Thomas, chemist and druggist; agent to the Phoenix Fire, and London Mutual Life Insurance Companies, Bridge st.
Hole Charles, solicitor, Bridgeland st
Holman Rd., licensed to let horses, Honestone la
Holman Richard, butcher, Allhalland st
Holman Robert, clerk, Chingswell st
Holman Thomas, butcher, Allhalland st
Honey Eliza, printer, stationer, bookseller, and agent to the Crown Life Insurance Company, Grenville st
Hookaway James, boot and shoe maker; agent to the National Guardian Life, and Essex Economic fire Offices, Mill st
Hookaway, William, shopkeeper, Old Town
Hooper Richard E., boot and shoe maker, New rd
Hooper William, furniture dealer, house agent, pawnbroker and auctioneer; agent to the General Fire and Life Office, Quay
Hopson Edward, picture restorer, Strand
Hornabrook Peter, hat maker, Grenville st
How & son, wine and spirit merchants, Honestone la
How William, general merchant, New rd
Hunt Thomas, farmer, Warmington
Husband Thomas, auctioneer, Old Town
Huxtable Edwin, clothier and outfitter, 4, High st
Huxtable John, shopkeeper, Barnstaple st
Huxtable Mary, milliner, 4, High st
Huxtable Mary, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Grenville st
Hutchings Peter H., cooper, tea dealer, grocer, and coal merchant, New rd
Jacobs Sarah, fancy repository, 7, High st
Isaac John, shpkeeper, Bridge st
Jeffery Jane, baker, New st
Jeffery Maria, milliner, Mill st
Jenkins Henry, beer retailer, Appledore Inn, Chingswell st
Jenkins John, baker, Honestone la
Jenkins Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Mill st
Jenkins William, blacksmith, High st
Jerman William, shopkeeper, Barnstaple st
Jewell John, victualler and shopkeeper, Castle, Allhalland st
Joce James, chemist and druggist, Grenville st
Johns John, beer retailer, Red Lion, Honestone la
Johns Williqam, victualler, New Ring of Bells, Honestone la
Jones A. Newell, surgeon, Quay
Jones Emma, stay maker, Mill st
Jones John, coal merchant, New rd
Johnson Mrs Ann, ship builder, Barnstaple st
Johnson John, ship builder, Barnstaple st
Kievell J., victualler, Sailor's Inn, Torrington la
Kievell Thomas, shopkeeper, Honestone la
Lake William, victualler, Railway Inn, Barnstaple st
Lamerton John, wheelwright and carpenter, Honestone la
Lamerton Thomas, carpenter, Bridge st
Lee Frederick, cabinet maker, Buttgarden st
Lee Jas, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Victoria ter
Lee John, farmer, Saltern
Lee John and Son, cabinet makers, upholsterers, carvers, gilders, painters, house agents and auctioneers; agents to the Palladium and Imperial Insurance Companies
Lee William, mason, Chingswell st
Lee William Yeo, hairdresser and toy dealer, reading room, High st
Lee William, clock and watch maker, High st
Lethbridge Ann, shopkeeper, Allhalland st
Lendon Thos. P., boot and shoe maker, and clothier, Bridge st
Lendon William S., ironmonger, tinman, and brazier, Mill st
Lerwill John, Boot and shoe maker, Cooper st
Ley Arthur, Solicitor, Bridge st
Ley Mrs, boarding and day school, Quay
Ley Thomas, merchant, Quay
Lock George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Chingswell st
Lock Richard and John, cabinet makers and upholsterers, Allhalland st
Long George, tanner, Westcombe
Lord John, Mason, Clinton Cottage
Mackenzie Joseph, professor of music, Quay
McNamara J., shopkeeper and teacher of navigation, mill st
Major William H., boot and shoe maker, Mill st
Martin Thomas, dairyman and farmer, licensed to let horses, Mill st
Maunder John, Victualler, Newfoundland Inn, Quay
May William, baker, Barnstaple st
Maynard James, boot and shoe maker, Allhalland st
Middleton Robert, boot and shoe maker High st
Mills William J., clock and watch maker, 12, High st
Mock John, blacksmith, Allhalland st
Monkley The Misses, milliners and dress makers, Buttgarden st
Monkley Thomas, builder, Buttgarden st
Mountjoy John, tailor, Meddon st
Moyse John, shopkeeper, Honestone la
Murphy Thomas, carver and guilder, Mill st
Narraway John, currier, Honestone la
National Provincial Bank; H. O. Ley Esq., Manager; draw on the London and Westminster Bank; open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Quay
Norman Thomas, corn merchant, Torrington la
Norman Thomas, seed merchant, Meddon st
Oatway George, haidresser, fancy depository, High st
Oatway George jun., agent to the Britain Life Office, High st
Oatway William, tailor and draper, High st
Oatway William H., boot and shoe maker, Mill st
Organ William, clock and watch maker, Mill st
Paddon J., boot and shoe maker, Torrington la
Pain Richard, miller and corn factor, Westcombe
Palmer Richard, brightsmith, High st
Parkin Geoge E., boat builder, Torrington st
Parramore Thomas, family and commercial hotel and posting house, New rd
Parsons Francis, veterinary surgeon, Buttgarden st
Parsons Henry, baker and blacksmith, Bullhill
Pedler Christopher,linen and woolen draper,haberdasher and hosier, Grenville st
Penrose James, butcher, Mill st
Phillips Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Old Town
Phillips Susan, shopkeeper, Honestone la
Pickard John, accountant and schoolmaster, Market pl
Pickard John, shopkeeper, Market pl
Plucknett John, victualler, Torrington st
Pollard Anna Maria, shopkeeper, Torrington st
Pound William, painter and glazier, Mill st
Powe John H., shopkepper, Honestone la
Powe Richard, coffee-house keeper, Buttgarden st
Powe Robert, boot and shoe maker, Grenville st
Prance, James, victualler, Three Tuns, Quay
Pridham Thomas, saddler and harness maker, Grenville st
Prince Thomas, shopkepper, New st
Prior Robert, painter and glazier, Mill st
Prouse Charlotte, milliner, Mill st
Prouse Hugh, boot and shoe maker, Mill st
Prust E. and C., glass and china dealers, Mill st
Prust Michael, maltster, brewer, and corn dealer, Mill st
Prust Thomas, butcher, Allhalland st
Purchase Francis, shopkeeper, Pottery la
Pyke Benjamin, inspector of vessels, Bridgeland st
Radford William, victualler and maltster, Honestone la
Redclift James, carpenter and joiner, Meddon st
Redclift Mary J., milliner, Meddon st
Rendle Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, High st
Richards Dorothea, saddler and harness maker, market pl
Rigsby Thomas, shopkeeper, Bridge st
Risdon Joseph, surveyor and land agent, Bridgeland st
Risdon Mary, milliner, Bridgeland st
Rooke Fanny, straw bonnet maker, Bridge st
Rooker James, solicitor, Clerk of the Peace, and to County Court, and agent to the Royal Exchange Life Office, Bridge st
Sanguin Thomas, Currier, Buttgarden st
Saunders John, carpenter, Barnstaple st
Saunders John C., chemist and druggist, Quay
Saunders Thomas, carpenter, High st
Saunders William P., ironmonger, tinman, and brazier, High st
Seldon Henry, ironmonger, Bridgest
Shepherd William, coal merchant, Gunstone la
Short Samuel, shopkeeper, Mill st
Short Samuel, clock and watch maker, agent to the United Kingdom Provident Society, 73, High st
Skews William, agent, Barnstaple st
Sluman G., victualler, Ship on Launch, Barnstaple st
Snell John, commercial traveller, Meddon st
Smale Charles, solicitor, High st
Smith Thomas M., surgeon, Bridgeland st
Squires Elizabeth, dress maker, Chingswell st
Squire John, grocer, tea and provision dealer, High st
Stafford Robert, victualler, King's Arms, Quay
Stanbury Thomas, coal merchant, Barnstaple st
Stone Sophia, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Bridge st
Sweet Emily, milliner, Allalland st
Sweet Emily, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Grenville st
Sweet John, painter and glazier, Allhalland st
Tardrew and Son, ironmongers, iron and steel merchants, and agents to the County Fire and Life Office, 9, High st
Tardrew William, ironmonger, tinman, and brazier, 17, High st
Taylor Elizabeth, farmer, Cadd's Down
Taylor Robert, builder, Quay
Thompson John, surgeon, Buttgarden st
Thorne Jane, fancy repository, 14, High st
Thorne Richard, shopkeeper, Torrington la
Thorn Richard, gardener and seedsman, Meddon st
Tremear John, carpenter, High st
Trewin & Co., grocers, tea and provision dealers, Market pl
Trick Charles, victualler and maltster, Joiner's Arms, Market pl
Trick Margaret, boarding and day school, Mill st
Tuckett J., manure and salt merchant, Barnstaple st
Turner Charles, surgeon, Mill st
Turner George, solicitor, Buttgarden st
Turner William, lime merchant, Torrington st
Turner Richard, farmer, Grange
Vellacott William, woollen and linen draper, haberdasher, and hosier, Stamp Office, High st
Vincent William, tailor and draper, Bridgeland st
Vinson Thomas and Son, linen and woolen drapers, hosiers and haberdashers, 8, High st
Waters Thomas, ship builder, Barnstaple st
Watts Henry, beer retailer, Three Crowns, Barnstaple st
Westcott William, marine store dealer, Meddon st
Whitaker George, boot and shoe maker, Mill st
White E. M., builder and gas manager, Strand
White John P., tailor and woollen draper, Mill st
White Joseph, saddler and harness maker, Mill st
Wickham & Co, wine, spirit, and tea dealers; agents for Burton ale, High st
Wickham Thomas, wine merchant, Quay
Willcock Stephen, wine and brandy merchant, High st
Williams John, clock maker, bell hanger, and gunsmith, Mill st
Williams John, ironmonger, ironmonger, tinman, and brazier, agent to the Sovereign Life Office, High st
Williams William, H., ship broker, Bridgeland st
Wills George H., linen and woolen draper, haberdasher, hosier and milliner; agent to the Unity, Fire, and Life Office, High st
Wilson John, ship broker, printer, bookseller, and stationer, Bridge st
Wrey Richard, victualler, London Inn, Quay
Wyatt James, linen and woollen draper, haberdasher, and hosier, High st
Yelland R. E., Esq manager at bank, agent to the Albion Life and Sun Fire Office, High st
Yeo William, carpenter, Silver st
Young Joseph, shopkeeper, Mill st

Brian Randell, 20 Oct 1998