Charter of Bideford - c.1272
Transcribed by David Carter
Henry, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, to his Archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, justices, sheriffs, reeves, servants and all his bailiffs and faithful greeting. Know that we have granted and, by this charter, have confirmed to Richard de Greynuille that he and his heirs in perpetuity may have a market each week, on Monday, at his manor of Bidiford (Bideford) in the county of Devon, and an annual fair there to last five days, namely on the Vigil and on the Feast of St Margaret the Virgin (20 July) and on the three following days, unless that market and fair should be to the detriment of neighbouring markets and fairs. Wherefore we will and urgently command, for us and our heirs, that the aforesaid Richard and his heirs in perpetuity may have the said market and fair at his manor aforesaid, with all liberties and free customs pertaining to such a market and fair, unless that market and fair be to the detriment of neighbouring markets and fairs as is aforesaid. These being witnesses, the Venerable Father W(alter Giffard), Archbishop of York, Primate of England, Roger de Mortemer, Robert Aguilon, Elias de (F?)abayn, Peter de Chaumpnent, Stephen de Addewrth, Nicholas de Kigeho, Roger de Wauton, and others. Given by our hand at Westminster, the twenty-fifth day of May, in the fifty-sixth year of our reign (1272).
[This Charter is believed to be in the Burton Collection in Bideford, the above working taken from copy in North Devon Record Office].