Kelly's Directory of Devon (1893)
Transcribed, with the publisher's permission, by
Jonathan Frayne
[Suffixes to names, e.g. M.B., Bart., J.P., etc., are ignored; prefix titles are retained, e.g. Maj., Rev. etc. Many women only gave their title, e.g. Miss, Mrs, and not a forename. A few women also gave their husband's forename, e.g. Mrs John Smith. These entries are indexed as though the title was a forename. No abbreviations other than those in Kelly's have been added, some have been expanded. N.B. All addresses are transcribed as given. However, some addresses, particularly 'terraces', are sometimes given in Kelly's as street names and in some cases as terraces in another street name, e.g. Ebberly terrace given in Bear street sometimes and sometimes not.
All data are 'comma separated' in order to facilitate transposition into spreadsheet or database format. The fields are: Surname, Forename(s), House Identifier, Street Name, Area Name]
Abbott, Henry, , Allhalland street,
Abbott, John, 14, Westcroft,
Abbott, Mrs., 23, The Quay,
Ackland, Charles Kingsley, Slowford house, Strand,
Ackland, William Henry, 23, Bridgeland street,
Adams, Mrs., 2, Chingswell street,
Adcock, William, 4, Westcroft,
Archer, Rev. John [1], , Bridge street,
Arnold, Edward, 3 Woodland ter., North road,
Andrew, George Henry, , Market place,
Andrew, Thomas, 1, Lansdowne terrrace,
Acott, William, 18, Buttgarden street,
Backhouse, Thomas, 65, High street,
Backway, John, , , East-the-Water,
Baker, John Cook, Brunswick house,
Baker, The Misses, Brunswick house,
Balsdon, John, 6, Milton place,
Barnes, Thomas, 7, Westcroft,
Barrow, Robert, Torridge house, , East-the-Water,
Bartlett, Ernest William, 2, South view terrace,
Baxter, Frederick, York cottage,
Bazeley, Henry Montague, Belvoir, North Down road,
Beare, Miss, , Bridgeland street,
Bennett, Samuel, , Commercial wharf,
Bennett, William Henry, , Elm grove,
Biggs, Mrs., , Forest hill,
Blackler, Miss, , Old town,
Blackmore, Mrs., 14, Lime grove,
Blackmore, Robert, , Cooper street,
Blake, Samuel., 8 Elmsleigh terrace, Clovelly road.,
Bourne, William S., , High street,
Boyle, George, 5, Queen street,
Boyle, Vernon, 3, Queen street,
Broad, William, , Milton place,
Brockenshire, William Mark [2], 7 Elmsleigh terrace,
Brook, Isaac [3], , North Down lane,
Burdick, William Johns, , Honestone street,
Burnard, John Edward, 24, Bridgeland street,
Burnard, Miss, 24, The Quay,
Burns, Rev. J. S. [4], The Presbytery, North road,
Cawley, Rev. Thomas, Octagon house, The Strand,
Chapman, Mrs., 3, Cooper street,
Chegwidden, Misses, , Old town,
Chope, Mrs., , Meddon street,
Clark, Capt. Richard, Weaver villa, Abbotsham road,
Clarke, Mrs., North bank, North road,
Cochrane, Blair Onslow, Slade house,
Cock, John, , Church walk,
Cook, William Joseph, , Grange villas, East-the-Water,
Cox, Edgar, 14, The Quay,
Crichton, Mrs., 16, Milton place,
Crowther, Rev. James Herbert Lea [5], 70, High street,
Cumberland, William, 18, The Quay,
Dark, James, , Market place,
Dark, John, , Honestone street,
Dawe, Henry, , High street,
Dayman, Miss, 16A, The Quay,
Dennis, Charles, 39, Elm grove,
Didham, Commander Charles Charles M. [6], Middleton house,
Dingle, Henry, , Meddon street,
Dingle, Mrs., , Meddon street,
Duncan, Alexander Greig, , South bank,
Duncan, John, 15, The Quay,
Dunhill, Mrs., Ennore house, The Quay,
Durant, L. W., , High street,
Dymond, Robert, , The Mount,
East, Mrs., 40, Elm grove,
Eastman, John, , Elm grove,
Eden, Lieutenant William Graven [7], Stanhope lodge,
Edwards, Mrs., 18, Bridgeland street,
Edwards, Mrs., 22, The Quay,
Edwards, Ralph, Northcote, Abbotsham road,
Embery, Mrs., Strawberry cottage, Meddon street,
Emmett, Mrs., 3, Westcroft,
England, Mrs. Thistledown, , Clovelly road,
Faulkner, Rev. Frederic John, Chudleigh house, High street,
Fierville, Mrs., Southern house, New road,
Fittock, Charles, Tamar villa, Abbotsham road,
Fogarty, Hooper, 10 Westcroft, Clovelly road,
Fogarty, Thomas Archibald, 11 Westcroft terrace, Clovelly road,
Ford, The Misses, 53, High street,
Freeman, Mrs., 20, The Quay,
Gent, William jun., , Old town,
Giddie, William, , New road,
Giddy, John Lyle, 1, Lime grove,
Giles, Rev. Edwin, The Elms, New road,
Goaman, Thomas, , Buttgarden street,
Goaman, William Thomas, , Buttgarden street,
Gooding, Matthew Richard, 7, Bridgeland street,
Gorton, Gilbert, Grenville house, The Quay,
Gosnell, Thomas, South View terrace, North Down lane,
Gottwaltz, John Francis, Culworth, North Down lane,
Granville, Rev. Roger [8], Rectory,
Granville, Mrs., , High street,
Gregory, Frank D., Rock cottage, North road,
Grimes, Edward, , The Quay,
Grossard, Mrs., 2 Woodland terrace, North road,
Hamlyn, Thomas, 8, Silver street,
Hankin, Capt., 6, South View terrace,
Hanson, Mrs., Iffield grove, North road,
Hanson, William Day, Whitehill, Abbotsham road,
Harvey, Daniel, 10, Buttgarden street,
Hatherley, Miss, 9, Bridgeland street,
Haydon, Miss, 3 South View terrace, North Down road,
Heyward, Winstone John, Rock cottage, Abbotsham road,
Heard, Stanley, Royal Hotel,
Heath, William, Sunnymead, North Down road,
Heywood, Frederick, Westcroft terrace, Clovelley road,
Heywood, Joshua, Hawthorn house, Abbotsham road,
Heywood, Mrs., , Springfield terrace, East-the-Water,
Hill, Mrs., Carlton house, The Quay,
Hodges, Misses, 4, Abbotsham road,
Hole, Charles William, North View house,
Holloway, William, 18, Milton place,
Hookway, Mrs., , Richmond terrace,
Hookway, Robert Taylor, Bath house,
Hopkins, Henry Heard, 4, Lime grove,
Hopper, Charles Cottel, , The Strand,
Howard, Mrs., , Richmond terrace,
Hutchings, Ernest Lee, , New road,
Hutchings, Frank Lee, , Strand,
Huxham, H. Willett, , , East-the-Water,
Huxtable, Mrs., 3, North road,
Jenkin, Thomas Cann, 47, High street,
Jenkins, Rev. William Turberville Llewellyn [9], , Lansdowne terrace,
Jewell, William Henry, , Market place,
Joce, Miss, , Grenville street,
Joce, William, 11, The Strand,
Johns, William B., Sydenham place, Honestone street,
Jones, Sydney, 67, High street,
Keall-Parkhouse, William, 9, South View terrace,
Keates, Alfred Edwin, , Marine gardens,
Keates, William Henry, , Meddon street,
Keen, Mrs., , Clovelly road, Old Town,
Kelly, Tim, Thistledown villas, Clovelly road,
Lamerton, John Jeffery, 14, Milton place,
Lee, Mrs., , Belmont terrace,
Lewis, Edward, 19, The Quay,
Ley, Miss, 13, Bridgeland street,
Littlejohns, Christopher, , Trafalgar place,
Littlejohns, John Clements, , Trafalgar place,
Long, Mrs., 22, Bridgeland street,
Low, Percy Charles, 28, High street,
Maddix, Samuel, Elmsleigh terrace, Clovelly road,
Maine, The Misses, 35, High street,
Major, Joseph, , Bridge street,
Martin, Thomas, 1, Bridgeland street
May, Mrs., 4, South View terrace,
Meredith, Harold J., 1, South View terrace,
Meredith, Josiah J., Carisbrooke, North Down road,
Merefield, William Henry, , Mount Pleasant,
Monkley, William, 12, Buttgarden street,
Moore, Lieut.-Col. E. H., Beechworth, Abbotsham road,
Mountjoy, Samuel, Elmsleigh terrace, Clovelly road,
Munford, Mrs., 3, Cooper street,
Murray, Henry P., 8, South View terrace,
Narraway, John Whitlock, , Honestone street,
Oatway, John, , Allhalland street,
Oatway, Miss, Hillside, Abbotsham road,
Oerton, Thomas, , Chudleigh villas,
Oliver, Mrs., 28, High street,
Page, Rev. Ernest [10], 9, Westcroft,
Parkinson, Miss, Kingsdown, Abbotsham road,
Parkinson, Mrs., Kingsdown, Abbotsham road,
Pattison, F. G., Rocklea,
Pollard, George, , , East-the-Water,
Pollard, Thomas, , Chapple park., East-the-Water,
Powe, John Heard, 1, Springfield terrace,
Powell, Capt. Thomas Folliott, , Grange villas, East-the-Water,
Pridham, Arthur, , , East-the-Water,
Prince, Thomas, 50, Mill street,
Prust, Miss, 25, Lime grove,
Purchase, Mrs., 15, Bridgeland street,
Pyke, Benjamin R., , Longfield,
Pyke, William, , Longfield,
Reed, Rev. William Bryan [11], Edgehill,
Rees, Arthur, , Clovelly road,
Repath, John, 12, Lime grove,
Restarick, Henry Morgan, 27, Bridgeland street,
Reynolds, Mrs., 3, Queen Anne's buildings,
Ridge, William John, 70, High street,
Risdon, Miss, , Bridgeland street,
Rodgman, Mrs., 34, Elm grove,
Rogers, William, Inkerman house, Clovelly road,
Roskruge, Samuel, 1 Woodland terrace, North road,
Rouse, Ezekiel, 11, Bridgeland street,
Rowe, Mrs., 4, Lansdowne terrace,
Rowe, William, 6, Lime grove,
Sanders, Mrs., 55, High street,
Schmid, William de, 13, Westcroft,
Schmidt, Frederick, 17, Westcroft,
Sellick, William, 6, Westcroft,
Seward, Mrs., 11, North road,
Sewell, William, , Sunnyside,
Shute, William, 17, Bridgeland street,
Sing, William Walter, 10, Lime grove,
Sinkins, Joseph N., 10, Lansdowne terrace,
Skewes, T. L., 31, Elm grove, Belvoir,
Smale, Charles, , Bridgeland street,
Smith, Col. Charles John, Fairholme, North Down road,
Stevens, Henry, , Bridge street,
Stucley, Sir George Stucley, Moreton park,
Sturley, Miss, 33, High street,
Tardrew, Henry, 5, South View terrace,
Tattershill, Edward John, Ensor, Abbotsham road,
Thomas, Stephen, Pengersee, Abbotsham road,
Thompson, Rev. William [12], 16, Westcroft,
Thompson, Charles Sinclair, 4, Buttgarden street,
Thorn, Mrs., 2, Trafalgar place,
Topham, Edward H., Pillhead house,
Trapnell, Frank, 19, High street,
Treleaven, Miss, , Buttgarden street,
Trewin, Thomas, 17, The Quay,
Trowbridge, Mrs., , Strand,
Tucker, John Edward, 29, Bridgeland street,
Tucker, William Henry, , Victoria terrace,
Turner, George, 4, Bridgeland street,
Turner, William, The Barton,
Turner, William Henry, The Barton,
Vellacott, Misses, 31, Bridgeland street,
Vigars, Joseph Henry, 31, Bridgeland street,
Vigors, Capt. Urban, Lynton house, Abbotsham road,
Warmington, Philip, Saltrens,
West, James, 8, Lime grove,
Whitefield, Capt. John, 15, Westcroft,
Whitlock, Samuel , , Elm grove,
Wickett, George A., , North road,
Wickham, William D., 3, Abbotsham road,
Williams, Mrs. E. T., Westcroft terrace, Clovelly road,
Winter, Major John Arundell, York house.,
Wrey, Charles, Ford house,
Wyatt, Frank, , High street,
Wyatt, James, 63, High street,
Yeo, Miss, Wooda,
1 Weslyan
2 Bible Christian
3 Head master of Grammar School
4 Catholic
5 Curate
6 R.N.
7 R.N.
8 Rector and Surrogate and Chaplain of the Union
9 Curate
10 Baptist
11 Bible Christian
12 Weslyan
Brian Randell, 24 Mar 2002