


PIGOT & Co.'s







Transcribed by Lindsey Withers

BIDEFORD is a corporate and market town, sea-port and parish, in the hundred of Shebbear; 200 miles W. by S. from London, and 42 N. W. from Exeter - situated on the river Torridge, about three miles from Bideford bay. The town is divided by the river, the greater part being on the western side. The Torridge here, about eight hundred feet in width, is crossed by a handsome stone bridge, of twenty-four arches, built about the thirteenth century. The ancient name of the place was 'Bytheford'; probably so called from there being a 'ford' across the river (before the bridge was erected), a short distance above the town, and near to a house to this day called 'Ford House', belonging to the Granville family soon after the conquest. The borough was first incorporated in the sixteenth of Elizabeth; the new Municipal Act vested its government in a mayor, four aldermen, and twelve councillors, and styled the corporate body 'the mayor, aldermen, and capital burgesses of the borough town, and manor of Bideford, in the county of Devon.' The corporation hold a court a quarter session, a court of petty session monthly, and a court of record every three weeks; there is also a court-leet held annually, under the lord of the manor, Augustus Saltern Willett, Esq. During the earlier part of the last century and for some time before, Bideford possessed an extensive trade to America, Newfoundland, and the Mediterranean; but this commerce, as well as ship-building, has much decreased. At present there is a considerable importation of timber from Prince Edward's Island and other parts of North America; and coal is brought here for the supply of the north-west part of the county. Linen and woollen goods, cordage, iron, provisions, naval stores, &c. are exported to the colonies of North America. The coasting-trade is in corn to, and general goods from, London and Bristol; and slates, iron, castings, bar iron and limestone from Wales. The principal manufacture of the place is a peculiar kind of coarse brown earthenware, of superior quality in pitchers, ovens, salting-pans and other similar wares. The superiority of the ware is attributed to the quality of the gravely soil. There are in the neighbourhood some culm, and mineral black paint mines; the former are becoming productive.
    The parish church of St. Mary is a spacious and neat cruciform structure, containing some interesting monuments. The living is a rectory; of which Lewis William Buck, Esq. M.P. (for North Devon) is patron. Besides the church, there are five other places of worship for dissenters. The Free Grammar School here is an ancient foundation; it was rebuilt in 1657, and a new front was added, at the expense of the Bideford Bridge Trust, in 1780. There is also a commercial school maintained under the same trust; and a national school, upon Dr. Bell's plan, opened in 1824, wherein are educated two hundred boys and the like number of girls: this school-house was also erected out of the surplus revenue of the bridge trust estates. There is also a British school. Bideford realizes considerable benefit, in its local trade, from the numerous opulent families residing in its immediate vicinity; and there are many handsome seats that contribute highly to ornament the country: amongst these, it may be well to particularize 'Moreton House', the residence of L. W. Buck, Esq. M.P.; 'Hartland Abbey', G. S. Buck, Esq.; 'Clovelly Court', Sir J. H. Williams, Bart.; ':Portledge House', Rev. J. T. Pine Coffin; 'Durrant', T. S. Ley, Esq.; 'Tapeley', A. S. Willett, Esq.; 'Glenburnie', Thomas B. Chanter, Esq. &c. &c. The market days are Tuesday and Saturday - the former is the principal one. Fairs, February 14th, July 18th, and November 13th - the one held in February is the largest. The parish of Bideford contained, in 1831, 4, 846 inhabitants; and in 1841, 5,211.
INSTOW is a village and parish, in the hundred of Fremington; situated on the road between Bideford and Barnstaple - three miles from the former and six from the latter town. The village, which is remarkably pleasant, is much frequented by visitors during the spring and summer months; and for their accommodation there are respectable lodging-houses, hot and cold baths, and an excellent inn - the latter, called the 'Marine Hotel', is an admirably conducted establishment. The views around here are very picturesque; their beauty enhanced by the rivers Taw and Torridge - the latter gliding close by the village, the former laving the northern boundary of the parish. The church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist: the living is a discharged rectory. The population of the parish, at the last census (1841), was 557.

    POST OFFICE, High-street, BIDEFORD, John Lee, Post Master. - Letters from LONDON, BRISTOL, BATH and parts North and East arrive every forenoon at twenty minutes before eleven, and are despatched every afternoon at ten minutes past three. - Letters from TORRINGTON arrive every afternoon at five minutes past three, and are despatched immediately after the arrival of the London mail.
    Letters from CORNWALL and parts South and West arrive (from LAUNCESTON) every morning at three minutes past nine, and are despatched every afternoon at half-past three.

Adderley Capt. __, R.N. Woodville
Adderley Mrs. Sarah, Raleigh
Alford Rev. Henry, Bridgeland st
Allen John, Esq. Chircombe
Baller Mr. Edward, Orchard hill
Bartlett Mrs. Eliza. High st
Bayly Lieut. Col. ___, Bridgeland st
Bayly Mrs Sarah, Bridgeland st
Bean Felix, Esq. Strandfield House
Bowen Mr. Walter, High st
Bradstock Rev. __, Instow
Brailey William, Esq. Instow
Britton Rev. Thomas Hopkins, Mount pleasant
Bruton Charles, Esq. South Yeo
Buck G. S. Esq. Hartland Abbey
Buck Lewis Wm. Esq. M.P. Moreton
Burnard Mrs. Martha Elizabeth, Bridgeland st
Call Capt. George Isaac, Bridgeland st
Carter Mr. Charles, Mill st
Chanter Miss Eliza, Meddon st
Chanter Thos. B. Esq. (Deputy Vice Admiral of the North of Devon), Glenburnie
Church Mr. Richd. Nathan, Marine gardens
Clifton Mrs Theodosia, Bridgeland st
Cochet Admiral __, Mill st
Coffin Rev. John Thos. Pine, Portledge
Colmer Mr. George, Meddon st
Cooke Mrs. Elizabeth, Strand
Cooke Mrs. Mary, East the Water
Crowe Col. __, Northdown Cottage
De la Vasmes Count, Buckish House
Ellison Miss Georgiana, Marine gardens
Fernandez Mrs. __, Instow
Fortescue Dowager Countess, Wear Gifford
Fray Miss Lucretia, Strand
Garrett Hnry. Esq. Orchard hill House
Glynn Admiral Henry Richard, East the Water
Glynn Mrs. Susan, Bridgeland st
Goddard Edw. Esq. Highfield Cottage
Gould James, Esq. Knapp House
Grant the Misses, Bridge Cottage
Gray Rev. William, Strand
Greening Mrs Ann, Queen st
Greening Lieut. Richd. R.N. Instow
Harding Rev. John L. Monkleigh
Harris Mr. George, Worlington
Hatherley Col. __, Instow
Hayman Mrs. Ann, Meddon St.
Heath Mrs. __, High st
Heywood Mrs. Elizabeth, Quay
Kapel Hon. Capt. __, R.N. Instow
Keats Captain __, R. N. Port hill
Lang Captain __, Instow
Lang Rev. Dashwood, Westleigh
Lee Rev. John, Alscott
Ley Mrs. Elizabeth, Meddon st
Ley Thomas Smith, Esq. Durrant
Little George, Esq. Instow
Lloyd Rev. Arthur Forbes, Instow
Lodan __, Esq. Rose hill
McArthur Lieut. James, Willett st
Manning Mr. Thomas, Bridge st
Mayne Mrs. Frances, High st
Mills Rev. T.H. V. Northam Vicarage
Morrison Miss __, York place
Morrison Mrs. __, Yeo vale
Mules Mrs. Mary, tower st
Partridge John, Esq. Woodtown
Patey Mr. John, Quay
Pearson Mrs. Sarah, But Garden st
Pidsley __, Esq. Ridgway villa
Plimley Mrs. __, Meadow villa
Pollock Mr. Robert, Bridgeland st
Prest Bartholomew, Esq. Wolsery
Pridham Mrs. Elizabeth, High st
Probyn Captain __, R.N. Instow
Probyn Lieut. __, R.N. Instow
Pyke Capt. __, R.N. Staddern House
Raddon Mr. William, East the Water
Rawle Lieut. Richd. R.N. Bridgeland st
Reynolds Edward, Esq. Fordlands
Reynolds James, Esq. Winsford
Rogers Mrs. Ann, Instow
Rooker Mrs. Sarah, Bridgeland st
Ross Lieut. Robert, R. N. Tower st
Saltren Miss Mary Ann, Bridgeland st
Saunders Mr. William, East the Water
Scott Mrs. Mary, Marine gardens
Shopland Misses Jane and Mary Ann, Bridge st
Smedley Mrs. __, Rock Mount Cottage
Staveley Mrs. Ann, Meddon st
Tardrew William, Esq. Annery House
Taylor Mr. John, Instow
Teyth Wm. Short, Esq. Pilthead House
Thorold Frederic, Esq. Clevelands
Torr Mrs. __, Eastleigh House
Trender F. S. Esq. Torridge Lodge
Videl Edwd. Urch, Esq. Cornborough
Walter Misses Ann & Mary, Bridgeland street
Walter Rev. Richard William K. Parkham
Walter Rev. William, Parsonage
Willett Augustus Saltren, Esq. Tapeley
Williams Sir James Hamlyn, Bart. Clovelly Court
Wren Major __, Linwood
Wren Mr. Robert, Strand

Not otherwise described are Day Schools.
Blight, William, High st
BRITISH SCHOOL, Upper Gunstone - William Taylor, master; Susannah Wanstall, mistress
Cleudinnen Charlotte (boarding and day), Allhalland st
COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Bridge st - Charles Blackwell, master
Croscombe Harriet, Bridgeland st
GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Allhalland st - Rev. Henry Alford, master
Lang George, East the Water
NATIONAL SCHOOL, Old town - Christopher T. Pellow, master; Jane Inch, mistress
Pinckney and Forbes (boarding), Bridgeland st
Williams Margaret (preparatory), Chingswell st

Brayley George, High st
Burnard Wm. Henry English, Queen st
Carter Charles (and notary and town clerk), Willett st
Hamlyn Robert (and proctor), But Garden st
Harvie Harry Arthur (and superintendent registrar, clerk to the board of guardians and to the county magistrates and vestry clerk), Church yard
Jennings Richard Francis, But Garden st
Ley Arthur, Bridge st
Rooker James, Grenville st
Smale Charles, High st

Heard Richard, High st
Husband Thomas, High st
Lendon James, Mill st
White Edward Martin, Strand

Barnecott Charles, Mill st
Bonnes John, Allhalland st
Bridgman George, Mill st
Burnard John, High st
Haddon Alfred, Mill st
Jenkins John, Honestone lane
Martin Elizabeth, Bull hill
Pickard John, Mill st
Pow Mary, Chingswell st

NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND, Quay - (draws on the London and Westminster Bank) - Henry Oliver Ley, manager
SAVINGS' BANK, Quay - (open on Tuesday and Saturday) - George Richards, agent

Baker William, Bull hill
Berry Joseph, Mill st
Berry William, Bridge st

Chalk John, Old town
Jenkins William, High st