Surname Index
An Essay Towards a History of Bideford in the County of Devon
John Watkins
Exeter: Printed by E. Grigg (1792) xii + 276p.
Prepared by Michael Steer
The author, John Watkins was a Devon clergyman and writer. His concept of "History" does not limit itself to what we would currently consider history, but provides detailed descriptions of Bideford at the time of writing, for example, listing the different kinds of fish caught in the River Torridge and the prices at which they were sold. Even contemporary reviewers thought the book eccentric, since it had been padded with much that was originally an aside in a more general guide for historians of Devon: A description of Bideford, the state of its markets, births, marriages, and burials, the names of its rectors, the history of parish quarrels, of the bickering of various parsons with the established priests are the meat of this unusually entertaining publication. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy in the Bodleian Library collection and can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
Abraham, Johannis | 91 |
Ackland, Humphry | 247 |
Ackland, John | 34 |
Acland, Humphrey | 50 |
Adington, Christopher | 91 |
Alford, William | 143 |
Amidas, Captain Philip | 56 |
Amory, Mr Henry | 196 |
Amory, Sallathiell | 127 |
Andrew, Mr John | 102, 175, 186, 189, 191-3, 195 |
Andrew, Katerne (Katherine) | 175, 186 |
Andrew, William | 187-8, 191-2 |
Andrews, Mr | 196 |
Angeloni, Battista | 230 |
Anne, Queen | 62, 65, 68, 214, 219 |
Anthony, Raimond | 22, 149, 168 |
Anthony, Thomas | 34 |
Arnold, John | 102 |
Arundell, Alexander, gent | 149, 157-8, 165-6, 168 |
Arundell, Anthony, gent | 149, 157-8, 165, 167-8, 171, 173, 196 |
Arscott, Tristram | 157, 166 |
Atwell, Mr | 195 |
Austria, Don John | 209 |
Babacombe, John | 157, 159, 167, 176-7 |
Babacombe, Walter | 167 |
Badcock, Mr | 133, 136-7 |
Bampfield, Sir Amias, Knt | 157 |
Barnes, Grace | 234, 252, 254-61 |
Barnes, John | 251-2, 254-5, 258-61 |
Baron, Mr George | 198 |
Bartlet, Mr John | 126, 128, 131-2, 134, 137 |
Bartlett, Mr William (Bartlet) | 39, 50, 69, 105, 107-11, 113, 123-6, 128-35 |
Basset family | 274 |
Bassett, Arthur | 45 |
Bath, Earl of | 94-5, 127, 152, 222-3 |
Bayley, Mr | 133 |
Beare, Dr George | 234-6 |
Beardmore, Mr | 231 |
Beaumont family | 208 |
Beavil, John | 207 |
Beavil, Matild | 207 |
Beavil, Sir William | 207 |
Bedford, Christopher, AM | 116 |
Beale, Philip | 191 |
Beele, Mr Robert (Beale) (Boole) | 127-8, 180, 197 |
Bennet, Colonel | 40 |
Berkley, Sir John | 39-40 |
Berkrells, Roger de | 203 |
Berreman, Andrew | 38 |
Berry, Dorothy | 86 |
Berry, Rev Mr Daniel, BD | 15 |
Berry family | 275 |
Berry, John Esq (gent) | 86, 191 |
Berry, Sir John | 15 |
Berry, Thomas Esq | 15, 275 |
Berryman, Mr John | 187, 195 |
Bishop, George | 68 |
Blake, George | 59 |
Bohun, Elizabeth | 208 |
Bohun family | 208 |
Bohun, Humphry de | 208, 274 |
Bonvill, Phelip | 206 |
Bonvill, William Lord | 206 |
Bootelar, Edwardus | 165 |
Boteler family (Butler) | 274 |
Bowden, Mr John | 132-3, 137 |
Bray, Mr | 137 |
Brayley, Henry | 198 |
Brayley, Mr | 138 |
Bremincom, Thomas | 234-7 |
Brooke, John | 50 |
Browne, Edward | 187 |
Brownrigg, Bishop | 122 |
Bry, de | 212 |
Bryant, Humphry | 59 |
Buck family | 66 |
Buck, Mr George | 63, 65, 87, 88, 120, 226, 229, 269 |
Buck, Grace | 88 |
Buck, Mr John | 64, 88 |
Buck, Judith | 88 |
Buck, Lewis Esq | 88, 179 |
Buck, Sarah | 87, 226 |
Bulworthie, Reginald de | 103 |
Burgen, Thomas | 153 |
Burghurst, Sir John | 206 |
Burghurst, Margaret | 206 |
Burgin, Jeofferie | 91 |
Burgin, Richard gent (Burgen) | 22, 101 |
Burgoyne, Elizabeth | 87 |
Burgoyne, Thomas gent | 87 |
Burlow, Captain Arthur | 56 |
Burman, Lydia | 247, 251 |
Bury, Osbert of | 15 |
Buse, John | 59 |
Bysset, Margaret | 274 |
Cade, Philip | 59 |
Cadwell, Hugh | 43 |
Cairns, Sir Alexander | 63 |
Calamy, Dr | 105, 107-14, 124, 132 |
Camden, Mr | 2, 18, 143-4, 148 |
Carew, Bishop | 122 |
Carteret, John Lord | 223 |
Carteret, Lord | 116 |
Carteret, Sir George | 218, 223 |
Carteret, Lady Grace | 218, 223 |
Chaldon, William Esq | 34, 102 |
Chapple | 8 |
Chapple, Thomas | 60 |
Charlemagne | 206 |
Charles I | 37-8, 67, 122, 181, 188, 191-2, 212, 218 |
Charles II | 45-6, 108, 112, 115, 214, 218-9 |
Chichester, Sir John | 45 |
Chinge, Thomas | 92 |
Cholwell, Mr Richard | 198 |
Chudleigh, Major General James | 39 |
Clarendon, Lord | 41, 213 |
Cleveland, John Esq | 178, 223-4, 274-5 |
Clifton, Mr John | 197 |
Clotworthie, William | 89 |
Cobham, John Lord | 206 |
Cobham, Margaret | 206 |
Cobleache, Richard | 89, 91 |
Cock, Mr Nathaniel | 138 |
Cockhill, Richard | 103, 199 |
Cockinton, James de | 15 |
Coffin family | 15, 208 |
Coffin, Sir Richard | 14 |
Coke, Lord | 16 |
Cole, Richard Esq | 198 |
Cole, Sir Thomas | 207-8 |
Cole, Thomazin | 207-8 |
Coleman, Anthony | 59 |
Coleman, Dorcas | 235-7, 255, 261 |
Coleman, John | 233, 235-6, 255, 261 |
Collacott, William | 191 |
Colley, Rev Thomas | 114 |
Cooper, Mr | 134 |
Coplestone, Christopher | 31 |
Coplestone, Coriolanus | 135 |
Coplestone, Mr John | 68, 134 |
Cornish, George | 59 |
Cornish, Miss | 229 |
Cornish, Mr Philip | 134 |
Cotton, Bishop William | 157 |
Cranbury | 89 |
Cranbury, Johan | 89, 91 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 44, 226 |
Cromwell, Richard | 45, 215 |
Courtenay, Sir Hugh | 206 |
Courtenay, Margaret | 206 |
Cutcliffe, ___, Esq | 275 |
Cutcliffe, Glubb, Ley, Willcock & Co | 270 |
Dacus, Gellenus | 15 |
Dake, Wellan | 15 |
Dallyn, Jane | 246, 251 |
Dallyn, Symon | 246, 251 |
Darracott, John | 103, 180, 200 |
Darver, John | 59 |
Davie, John Esq | 15, 102-3, 127, 191, 234, 241, 245, 261 |
Davie, Thomas Esq | 198 |
Davie, William | 22, 34, 101, 149, 152, 157-8, 166-70, 191 |
Davy, Anthonye (Davie) | 38, 163, 166, 172 |
Davy, John Esq | 46, 103, 127 |
Davy, Mr Justice | 62 |
Dennard, Joseph | 59 |
Dennis, Anthony(e) (Dennys, Dennes) | 34-5, 38, 163, 166, 191, 193-5 |
Dennis family (Daneis) | 15 |
Dennis, Mr Robert | 86, 196 |
Dennis, Sarah | 86 |
Dentatus, Hamon | 202-3 |
Devonshire, John de | 89 |
Digby, Colonel John | 40 |
Docton, Thomas gent | 34, 157, 166 |
Dogg, William | 89 |
Donne, Mr Benjamin | 137, 140, 201 |
Donne, Mr George | 140 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 57 |
Drake, John | 180 |
Dugdale | 11, 202-3 |
Duncan | 139 |
Dunning | 92 |
Dunning, John | 254-5 |
Eare, Nicholas | 166 |
Eare, William (Gulielmus Estus) | 102, 165-6 |
East, William | 99, 104 |
Eastchurch, Elizabeth | 239, 245 |
Eastchurch, Thomas, gent | 239, 241-5, 247 |
Eaton, Mr Nathaniel | 114 |
Edward the Confessor | 96 |
Edward I | 14-6, 146, 206, 208 |
Edward II | 14-5, 206 |
Edward III | 15, 146, 148, 206, 271 |
Edwards, Susannah | 46, 234-7, 252-9, 262, 265 |
Edwards, William | 253 |
Elizabeth | 18, 27-8, 35, 56, 82, 99, 104, 157, 167, 208 |
Ellesmere, Lord | 166 |
Ellis, Mr William | 195 |
Esdaile, Watson & Co | 270 |
Esterling, William le (alias Stradling) | 203 |
Eyre, Nicholas (Eire) | 34, 163 |
Eyre, William | 34 |
Fancourt, Mr | 138 |
Fellow, Anne | 245-6, 251 |
Fellow, Edward, gent | 245-6, 251 |
FitzBernard family | 14 |
FitzBernard Speke | 14 |
FitzHamon, Robert | 203 |
Flavel, Mr | 132 |
Fortescue family | 275 |
Fortescue, John Esq | 197 |
Frobisher, Sir Martin | 210 |
Frost, Mr John | 127, 180, 197 |
Fuller | 143-4 |
Gage family | 208 |
Gallard, John | 195 |
Gay, Anthony | 59 |
Gearing, Abraham | 103 |
Gearing, John | 103 |
Gearing, Thomas | 103, 127, 180 |
George I | 220, 223, 228 |
George II | 223 |
Gibbons, Laurence | 195 |
Gibson | 275 |
Giffard, Sir Bartholomew | 15 |
Giffard, Mrs | 195 |
Gifford, Arthur, BD (Giffard) | 104-14, 123-5 |
Gifford family | 275 |
Gifford, John (Colonel John) | 45, 114 |
Gilbard, Isabell | 207 |
Gilbard, Otho | 207 |
Giles, Richard | 102-3 |
Gist, Thomas Esq | 46, 102-3, 233, 241, 245, 261 |
Glamorgan, Jestin, Lord of | 203 |
Glasscock, Mr | 190 |
Glynn, Nicholas | 15 |
Godolphin family | 222 |
Gorges, Elizabeth | 207 |
Gorges, Sir Theobald | 207 |
Gornard, Richard de (Gurney) | 104, 144, 146 |
Gower, John, Earl | 119, 223-4 |
Gower, Glanville Levison | 224 |
Gower, Lady Jane | 218, 223 |
Gower, Sir Thomas | 218 |
Gower, William Esq | 218 |
Gower, Sir William | 223 |
Grandison, Bishop | 146-7 |
Granger, Mr | 212 |
Granville, Bernard | 218-20 |
Granville, Sir Bevil (Grenville) | 104, 207, 212-4, 218-20, 222 |
Granville, Lady Catherine | 218 |
Granville, Charles | 218-9 |
Granville, Dennis | 218 |
Granville, Digory | 207 |
Granville, Elizabeth | 207 |
Granville family (Grenville) (Greneville) | 12, 202, 204-5, 208, 222, 225, 273 |
Granville, Mr George (later Baron) | 64-5, 214, 220, 223 |
Granville, Lady Grace | 218, 223-4 |
Granville, Lady Jane | 218, 223 |
Granville, John | 207, 214, 218 |
Granville, Sir John (later Lord) | 46, 104, 206, 212, 215-9, 223 |
Granville, Mary | 207 |
Granville, Matild | 207 |
Granville, Phillippa | 207 |
Granville, Richard de (Grenville), Knt | 11-3, 15-6, 203, 206, 208 |
Granville, Richard Esq (Grenvile) | 18, 22-7, 207, 214 |
Granville, Sir Richard (Grenville) | 27, 56-7, 82, 202-3, 207-8, 210-2 |
Granville, Sir Roger | 207-8 |
Granville, Sir Theobald | 143-6, 148, 206 |
Granville, Sir Thomas (Grauntvild)(Genvyle) | 82, 89, 207 |
Granville, Thomazin | 207-8 |
Granville, William Henry (Earl) | 219-20, 223 |
Grenville, Mr | 231 |
Grenvill, Sir Bartholomew | 206-7 |
Grenvill, Sir Bernard | 207, 212 |
Grenvill, Henry | 206 |
Grenvill, Isabell | 207 |
Grenvill, Jane | 218 |
Grenvill, John | 207 |
Grenvill, Margaret | 206 |
Grenvill, Phellip | 206 |
Grenvill, Thomazin | 206 |
Grenvill, William | 206 |
Greening, Samuel | 196 |
Grenvile, Lady Mary | 82 |
Grey, Archbishop | 101 |
Gurney family (Gornard) | 144 |
Hacker, William | 59 |
Halfberry, Peter | 15 |
Halfberry, Walter de | 15 |
Hall, Bishop | 122 |
Hammott, Honner | 199 |
Hammott, Mr Thomas | 199 |
Handford, George | 60 |
Harris, John | 59 |
Harris, Philip Esq | 108 |
Harvey, Mr James (Hervey) | 116-7 |
Haukeridge, Simon | 163, 166 |
Hawkeridge, Hugh | 38 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 208 |
Heard, John | 38, 167, 169-70, 174, 177 |
Heard, William | 34, 38, 163 |
Heiman, Mr Abraham | 86, 127, 180 |
Heiman, Mrs Dorothy | 86 |
Heiman family | 86 |
Heiman, Mrs Sarah | 86 |
Henry I | 14, 271 |
Henry II | 14-5, 208 |
Henry III | 14, 103, 206, 274 |
Henry VIII | 89-91, 212 |
Herbert, William | 244, 246-7, 250-1 |
Hickey, B | 134 |
Hill, John | 261 |
Hill, Mr | 127 |
Hille family | 207 |
Hogarth | 231 |
Holingshed | 204 |
Honey, Anthony (Honye) | 22, 101 |
Hooper, Honor | 240-1, 245 |
Hooper, John | 59 |
Hopkins, Andrew | 86 |
Hopkins, Mr Bartholomew | 63 |
Howard, George | 92 |
Howard, Lord Thomas | 210, 212 |
Hubba | 272-3 |
Humfraville, Gilbert de | 203 |
Huxham, Johannis | 91 |
Hyll, Honner | 199 |
Hyll, John gent | 199 |
Izaack, Philip, MA | 104, 123, 191 |
Jackman, Mr John | 196 |
James I | 34-5, 58, 122, 148-9, 158, 166, 168 |
James II | 48, 219 |
Jefferies, Judge | 48 |
Jewell, Mr John | 201 |
Jillard, Mr Peter | 134-5 |
John, King | 16, 206 |
Johnes, William | 188, 191-2 |
Johns, Samuel | 59 |
Johnson, Mr | 101 |
Johnson, Dr | 111, 200, 231, 275 |
Jones, Anthony | 254, 257 |
Jones, Joanne | 254 |
Jones, William | 34, 187 |
King, Mrs Dorothy | 196 |
Kokematon, Richard of | 15 |
Lake, John | 102, 149, 168 |
Lake, Thomas | 59 |
Lane, Mr Ralph | 57 |
Laurence, William | 149, 157-8, 165, 168 |
Lavington, Mr Samuel | 137-9 |
Leach, Richard | 34, 169-70 |
Leach, Thomas | 22, 163, 166, 172-4, 176 |
Leache, John | 38 |
Le Fleming, John | 203 |
Leigh, Phillippa | 207 |
Leigh, Thomas Esq | 99, 187 |
Leigh, William Esq | 187-8, 191-3, 207 |
Leland | 18 |
Lendon, John | 34, 163, 166, 170, 173-4, 176, 187 |
Leopold II, Emperor | 219 |
Liskum, Mr John | 196 |
Lloyd, Temperance | 46, 237-41, 244-5, 247-51, 262-7 |
Londres, William de | 203 |
Lovering, John | 59, 103 |
Luterill, Mr | 264 |
Luxon, Peter | 199 |
Maddon, William | 59 |
Marks, Mr John | 63, 103, 229 |
Marlborough, Duke of | 66, 219, 228 |
Marsh, Robert (Mersh) | 127, 180, 191 |
Marshall, Mr | 200 |
Martin | 275 |
Martin, John | 101 |
Martin, Richard | 59 |
Master, Kay | 185 |
Mather, Cotton | 114 |
Maurice, Prince | 39 |
Meager, Thomas | 22 |
Melhuish, Grace | 88 |
Melhuish, Roger | 88 |
Middleton, George | 38, 127, 180 |
Middleton, Sir Thomas, Knt | 195 |
Mills, William | 195 |
Mohun, Thomas | 34 |
Monk, General George | 215-6, 218, 275 |
Monmouth, James Duke of | 48 |
Moore, John | 92 |
Moriscoe, William | 274 |
Morrice, Mr William | 215 |
Mowne, John | 92 |
Mudge, Mr Zachary AM | 200, 229 |
Mungey, Richard | 166 |
Munke, Anthony Esq | 152 |
Mullet, Mr Joseph | 138 |
Nichols, Mr George, BD | 116, 118 |
Nichols, Mr John | 204 |
Norman, Mr John | 138 |
Odun, Earl | 272-3 |
Ogilby, Mr Michael | 79, 102-3, 115, 246-7 |
Oketenets family | 144 |
Oliver, Stephen | 198 |
Orchard, Paul Esq | 117 |
Palmer, J | 134 |
Paris, Matthew | 274 |
Parson, Richard | 163 |
Parson, Walter | 102, 163 |
Parson, William | 102 |
Pawley, Judith | 88 |
Pawley, Mr William | 88, 199 |
Philip, Elizabeth | 207 |
Phillips, Sir John | 231 |
Philips, Mary | 196 |
Phillips, Thomas | 59 |
Pierce, Mr | 138 |
Pincombe, Philip | 102 |
Pincombe, Richard | 163 |
Plantagenet, Elizabeth | 208 |
Pole, Sir William | 11, 14, 147, 202, 206 |
Poole, William, Knt | 157 |
Pope, Mr | 120 |
Popham, Sir John | 27 |
Powse, Richard | 92 |
Prater, John (Johannes) | 154, 165 |
Price | 8 |
Prideaux, Lady Mary | 196 |
Prince | 14-5, 104-5, 107-9, 111-3, 124, 143, 147-8, 202, 208, 213 |
Prust, Hugh | 207 |
Prust, Phillippa | 207 |
Prust, Thomas | 59 |
Pryne, Richard | 91 |
Pyke, Mr | 275 |
Pym, Mrs Mary | 197 |
Pyne, William | 102 |
Quick, John | 59 |
Quivil, Bishop | 146 |
Ravening, Christopher | 43, 88 |
Ravening, Henry | 43, 88 |
Ravening, John | 43, 88 |
Rawleigh (Indian) (Raleigh) | 27, 57 |
Rawleigh, Sir Walter (Raleigh) | 27, 56 |
Ray, Mr | 275 |
Reeve, John | 102 |
Reeve, William | 127, 180 |
Rew, Walter | 163, 166 |
Richard II | 206 |
Risdon, Philip Esq | 157, 166 |
Risdon, Tristram | 8, 14-5, 103, 144, 147-8, 202, 204, 274 |
Rivington, Messrs | 116 |
Rolle, Dennis Esq | 213-4 |
Rollo, Duke | 203 |
Saltern(e), John gent | 22, 38, 194 |
Saltern, Roger | 92 |
Salterne, Thomas | 163 |
Sanders, James | 163, 166 |
Sant Liger, Sir John (St Leger) | 207, 212 |
Sant Liger, Mary (St Leger) | 207, 212 |
Sayard, John | 195 |
Score, Richard | 103 |
Sedgely, Mr | 135-7 |
Shebbeare, Elizabeth | 229 |
Shebbeare, Dr John | 228-9, 231 |
Shebbeare, Matthew | 59 |
Shebbeare, Richard | 229 |
Shebber, Johan | 50 |
Sherman, Mr John | 38, 163, 173-4, 176, 196 |
Sherman, Richard | 38 |
Short, John, the younger and elder | 22, 34, 38, 92 |
Short, Mr Samuel | 137 |
Short, Thomas | 102 |
Shurt, John | 102 |
Shurt(e), John the Younger | 163, 166, 169-76, 187 |
Shurt, William | 89 |
Siward, Richard | 203 |
Small, Mr Edmund | 197 |
Small, John | 59 |
Smith, Mr John | 185 |
Smith, Mr Thomas | 58 |
Smith, William, AM | 120 |
Smythe, Sir George | 207 |
Snellard, Richard | 15 |
Soore, Peter de | 203 |
Speccott, Nicholas | 14 |
Spekcot family (Speccott) | 14 |
Spekcot, Richard of | 14 |
Speke, le, family | 14 |
Stafford, George gent | 22 |
Stapledon family | 274 |
St John, John de | 203 |
St Leger family | 274 |
St Leger, John, Knt | 82 |
Stokcombe, Aldred | 22, 102, 149, 152-3, 157-8, 166-70 |
St Quentin,Robert | 203 |
Strange, Edith | 85 |
Strange, George | 199 |
Strange, John Esq | 38, 44, 58, 60, 83-5, 195, 225 |
Strange, Katherine | 85 |
Strange, Philip | 85 |
Stribling, Christopher | 102 |
Stucley, Dennis | 226 |
Stucley family | 226 |
Stucley, Hartwell | 87 |
Stucley, John | 87 |
Stucley, Mr Lewis gent | 39, 62-5, 87, 132, 224, 226, 229 |
Stucley, Sarah | 87, 226 |
Stucley, Mrs Susannah | 87, 200 |
Stucley, Thomas | 226-8 |
Sully, Reginald de | 203 |
Suzan, Christopher | 102 |
Suzan(s), John gent | 22, 34, 102, 149, 152, 157-8, 166-70, 173 |
Sydney, Sir Henry | 209 |
Talbot, Mr | 189 |
Taylor, Symon (Tayler) | 149, 157-8, 165, 167-8, 170-1 |
Tetherly, William | 103 |
Theodore, Rees ap | 203 |
Thomas, Grace | 237-45, 247-51, 263-4, 266 |
Thomas, John, gent | 38, 50, 194 |
Tons family | 207 |
Tooker, Baptist | 34 |
Towgood, Mr Micajah | 138 |
Tracy, Christopher | 149, 157-8, 163, 165-6, 168 |
Trelawney family | 222 |
Trembles, Mary | 46, 252-5, 257, 260-3, 266 |
Turberville, Pain | 203 |
Verulam, Francis Lord | 167 |
Vicary, George | 103 |
Viell, William | 207 |
Wadland | 153 |
Wadland, John | 85 |
Wadland, Jonas | 85 |
Wadland, Philip | 163, 166, 191 |
Wadland, Richard | 59 |
Wadland, Mr Thomas | 35, 38, 85 |
Wadland, William | 198 |
Wakely, Anne | 240, 242, 244-5, 248-9 |
Wakely, William | 240, 242 |
Walker, Dr | 105, 107, 109, 112, 124 |
Walter, Rev William AM | 200 |
Walthoe, J | 6 |
Walton, Richard Esq | 157 |
Ward, John | 34 |
Warren, Sir John Borlase | 273 |
Webber, Alice | 89, 91 |
Weekes, Simon Esq | 167 |
Welch, Thomas, Esq | 34 |
White, Mr | 200 |
Whitefield, Agnes | 252-3 |
Whitefield, John | 59, 252-3 |
Whitfield, Mr George | 136 |
Whitfield, Mr John, AM | 118, 120 |
Whitley, Margaret | 207 |
Whitley, Richard | 207 |
Wiche, Jane | 218 |
Wiche, Sir Peter | 218 |
Will, Roger | 89 |
Will, Thomas | 92 |
Willet, A S Esq | 270, 274 |
Willet, Richard | 167 |
William I (Conqueror) | 11, 204, 271 |
William II, Rufus | 11 |
William III & Mary | 27, 143, 219 |
Williams, William | 197 |
Willington, Sir Ralph | 274 |
Willott, Richard gent | 22 |
Wiot, Hugh, Esq | 157 |
Wood, Mr James | 132-3, 137 |
Wren, Mr Robert | 185 |
Wyott, Arthur | 50 |
Yeo, Hugh | 163 |