


Surname Index


An Essay Towards a History of Bideford in the County of Devon


John Watkins

Exeter: Printed by E. Grigg (1792) xii + 276p.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The author, John Watkins was a Devon clergyman and writer. His concept of "History" does not limit itself to what we would currently consider history, but provides detailed descriptions of Bideford at the time of writing, for example, listing the different kinds of fish caught in the River Torridge and the prices at which they were sold. Even contemporary reviewers thought the book eccentric, since it had been padded with much that was originally an aside in a more general guide for historians of Devon: A description of Bideford, the state of its markets, births, marriages, and burials, the names of its rectors, the history of parish quarrels, of the bickering of various parsons with the established priests are the meat of this unusually entertaining publication. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy in the Bodleian Library collection and can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Abraham, Johannis91
Ackland, Humphry247
Ackland, John34
Acland, Humphrey50
Adington, Christopher91
Alford, William143
Amidas, Captain Philip56
Amory, Mr Henry196
Amory, Sallathiell127
Andrew, Mr John102, 175, 186, 189, 191-3, 195
Andrew, Katerne (Katherine)175, 186
Andrew, William187-8, 191-2
Andrews, Mr196
Angeloni, Battista230
Anne, Queen62, 65, 68, 214, 219
Anthony, Raimond22, 149, 168
Anthony, Thomas34
Arnold, John102
Arundell, Alexander, gent149, 157-8, 165-6, 168
Arundell, Anthony, gent149, 157-8, 165, 167-8, 171, 173, 196
Arscott, Tristram157, 166
Atwell, Mr195
Austria, Don John209
Babacombe, John157, 159, 167, 176-7
Babacombe, Walter167
Badcock, Mr133, 136-7
Bampfield, Sir Amias, Knt157
Barnes, Grace234, 252, 254-61
Barnes, John251-2, 254-5, 258-61
Baron, Mr George198
Bartlet, Mr John126, 128, 131-2, 134, 137
Bartlett, Mr William (Bartlet)39, 50, 69, 105, 107-11, 113, 123-6, 128-35
Basset family274
Bassett, Arthur45
Bath, Earl of94-5, 127, 152, 222-3
Bayley, Mr133
Beare, Dr George234-6
Beardmore, Mr231
Beaumont family208
Beavil, John207
Beavil, Matild207
Beavil, Sir William207
Bedford, Christopher, AM116
Beale, Philip191
Beele, Mr Robert (Beale) (Boole)127-8, 180, 197
Bennet, Colonel40
Berkley, Sir John39-40
Berkrells, Roger de203
Berreman, Andrew38
Berry, Dorothy86
Berry, Rev Mr Daniel, BD15
Berry family275
Berry, John Esq (gent)86, 191
Berry, Sir John15
Berry, Thomas Esq15, 275
Berryman, Mr John187, 195
Bishop, George68
Blake, George59
Bohun, Elizabeth208
Bohun family208
Bohun, Humphry de208, 274
Bonvill, Phelip206
Bonvill, William Lord206
Bootelar, Edwardus165
Boteler family (Butler)274
Bowden, Mr John132-3, 137
Bray, Mr137
Brayley, Henry198
Brayley, Mr138
Bremincom, Thomas234-7
Brooke, John50
Browne, Edward187
Brownrigg, Bishop122
Bry, de212
Bryant, Humphry59
Buck family66
Buck, Mr George63, 65, 87, 88, 120, 226, 229, 269
Buck, Grace88
Buck, Mr John64, 88
Buck, Judith88
Buck, Lewis Esq88, 179
Buck, Sarah87, 226
Bulworthie, Reginald de103
Burgen, Thomas153
Burghurst, Sir John206
Burghurst, Margaret206
Burgin, Jeofferie91
Burgin, Richard gent (Burgen)22, 101
Burgoyne, Elizabeth87
Burgoyne, Thomas gent87
Burlow, Captain Arthur56
Burman, Lydia247, 251
Bury, Osbert of15
Buse, John59
Bysset, Margaret274
Cade, Philip59
Cadwell, Hugh43
Cairns, Sir Alexander63
Calamy, Dr105, 107-14, 124, 132
Camden, Mr2, 18, 143-4, 148
Carew, Bishop122
Carteret, John Lord223
Carteret, Lord116
Carteret, Sir George218, 223
Carteret, Lady Grace218, 223
Chaldon, William Esq34, 102
Chapple, Thomas60
Charles I37-8, 67, 122, 181, 188, 191-2, 212, 218
Charles II45-6, 108, 112, 115, 214, 218-9
Chichester, Sir John45
Chinge, Thomas92
Cholwell, Mr Richard198
Chudleigh, Major General James39
Clarendon, Lord41, 213
Cleveland, John Esq178, 223-4, 274-5
Clifton, Mr John197
Clotworthie, William89
Cobham, John Lord206
Cobham, Margaret206
Cobleache, Richard89, 91
Cock, Mr Nathaniel138
Cockhill, Richard103, 199
Cockinton, James de15
Coffin family15, 208
Coffin, Sir Richard14
Coke, Lord16
Cole, Richard Esq198
Cole, Sir Thomas207-8
Cole, Thomazin207-8
Coleman, Anthony59
Coleman, Dorcas235-7, 255, 261
Coleman, John233, 235-6, 255, 261
Collacott, William191
Colley, Rev Thomas114
Cooper, Mr134
Coplestone, Christopher31
Coplestone, Coriolanus135
Coplestone, Mr John68, 134
Cornish, George59
Cornish, Miss229
Cornish, Mr Philip134
Cotton, Bishop William157
Cranbury, Johan89, 91
Cromwell, Oliver44, 226
Cromwell, Richard45, 215
Courtenay, Sir Hugh206
Courtenay, Margaret206
Cutcliffe, ___, Esq275
Cutcliffe, Glubb, Ley, Willcock & Co270
Dacus, Gellenus15
Dake, Wellan15
Dallyn, Jane246, 251
Dallyn, Symon246, 251
Darracott, John103, 180, 200
Darver, John59
Davie, John Esq15, 102-3, 127, 191, 234, 241, 245, 261
Davie, Thomas Esq198
Davie, William22, 34, 101, 149, 152, 157-8, 166-70, 191
Davy, Anthonye (Davie)38, 163, 166, 172
Davy, John Esq46, 103, 127
Davy, Mr Justice62
Dennard, Joseph59
Dennis, Anthony(e) (Dennys, Dennes)34-5, 38, 163, 166, 191, 193-5
Dennis family (Daneis)15
Dennis, Mr Robert86, 196
Dennis, Sarah86
Dentatus, Hamon202-3
Devonshire, John de89
Digby, Colonel John40
Docton, Thomas gent34, 157, 166
Dogg, William89
Donne, Mr Benjamin137, 140, 201
Donne, Mr George140
Drake, Sir Francis57
Drake, John180
Dugdale11, 202-3
Dunning, John254-5
Eare, Nicholas166
Eare, William (Gulielmus Estus)102, 165-6
East, William99, 104
Eastchurch, Elizabeth239, 245
Eastchurch, Thomas, gent239, 241-5, 247
Eaton, Mr Nathaniel114
Edward the Confessor96
Edward I14-6, 146, 206, 208
Edward II14-5, 206
Edward III15, 146, 148, 206, 271
Edwards, Susannah46, 234-7, 252-9, 262, 265
Edwards, William253
Elizabeth18, 27-8, 35, 56, 82, 99, 104, 157, 167, 208
Ellesmere, Lord166
Ellis, Mr William195
Esdaile, Watson & Co270
Esterling, William le (alias Stradling)203
Eyre, Nicholas (Eire)34, 163
Eyre, William34
Fancourt, Mr138
Fellow, Anne245-6, 251
Fellow, Edward, gent245-6, 251
FitzBernard family14
FitzBernard Speke14
FitzHamon, Robert203
Flavel, Mr132
Fortescue family275
Fortescue, John Esq197
Frobisher, Sir Martin210
Frost, Mr John127, 180, 197
Gage family208
Gallard, John195
Gay, Anthony59
Gearing, Abraham103
Gearing, John103
Gearing, Thomas103, 127, 180
George I220, 223, 228
George II223
Gibbons, Laurence195
Giffard, Sir Bartholomew15
Giffard, Mrs195
Gifford, Arthur, BD (Giffard)104-14, 123-5
Gifford family275
Gifford, John (Colonel John)45, 114
Gilbard, Isabell207
Gilbard, Otho207
Giles, Richard102-3
Gist, Thomas Esq46, 102-3, 233, 241, 245, 261
Glamorgan, Jestin, Lord of203
Glasscock, Mr190
Glynn, Nicholas15
Godolphin family222
Gorges, Elizabeth207
Gorges, Sir Theobald207
Gornard, Richard de (Gurney)104, 144, 146
Gower, John, Earl119, 223-4
Gower, Glanville Levison224
Gower, Lady Jane218, 223
Gower, Sir Thomas218
Gower, William Esq218
Gower, Sir William223
Grandison, Bishop146-7
Granger, Mr212
Granville, Bernard218-20
Granville, Sir Bevil (Grenville)104, 207, 212-4, 218-20, 222
Granville, Lady Catherine218
Granville, Charles218-9
Granville, Dennis218
Granville, Digory207
Granville, Elizabeth207
Granville family (Grenville) (Greneville)12, 202, 204-5, 208, 222, 225, 273
Granville, Mr George (later Baron)64-5, 214, 220, 223
Granville, Lady Grace218, 223-4
Granville, Lady Jane218, 223
Granville, John207, 214, 218
Granville, Sir John (later Lord)46, 104, 206, 212, 215-9, 223
Granville, Mary207
Granville, Matild207
Granville, Phillippa207
Granville, Richard de (Grenville), Knt11-3, 15-6, 203, 206, 208
Granville, Richard Esq (Grenvile)18, 22-7, 207, 214
Granville, Sir Richard (Grenville)27, 56-7, 82, 202-3, 207-8, 210-2
Granville, Sir Roger207-8
Granville, Sir Theobald143-6, 148, 206
Granville, Sir Thomas (Grauntvild)(Genvyle)82, 89, 207
Granville, Thomazin207-8
Granville, William Henry (Earl)219-20, 223
Grenville, Mr231
Grenvill, Sir Bartholomew206-7
Grenvill, Sir Bernard207, 212
Grenvill, Henry206
Grenvill, Isabell207
Grenvill, Jane218
Grenvill, John207
Grenvill, Margaret206
Grenvill, Phellip206
Grenvill, Thomazin206
Grenvill, William206
Greening, Samuel196
Grenvile, Lady Mary82
Grey, Archbishop101
Gurney family (Gornard)144
Hacker, William59
Halfberry, Peter15
Halfberry, Walter de15
Hall, Bishop122
Hammott, Honner199
Hammott, Mr Thomas199
Handford, George60
Harris, John59
Harris, Philip Esq108
Harvey, Mr James (Hervey)116-7
Haukeridge, Simon163, 166
Hawkeridge, Hugh38
Hawkins, Sir John208
Heard, John38, 167, 169-70, 174, 177
Heard, William34, 38, 163
Heiman, Mr Abraham86, 127, 180
Heiman, Mrs Dorothy86
Heiman family86
Heiman, Mrs Sarah86
Henry I14, 271
Henry II14-5, 208
Henry III14, 103, 206, 274
Henry VIII89-91, 212
Herbert, William244, 246-7, 250-1
Hickey, B134
Hill, John261
Hill, Mr127
Hille family207
Honey, Anthony (Honye)22, 101
Hooper, Honor240-1, 245
Hooper, John59
Hopkins, Andrew86
Hopkins, Mr Bartholomew63
Howard, George92
Howard, Lord Thomas210, 212
Humfraville, Gilbert de203
Huxham, Johannis91
Hyll, Honner199
Hyll, John gent199
Izaack, Philip, MA104, 123, 191
Jackman, Mr John196
James I34-5, 58, 122, 148-9, 158, 166, 168
James II48, 219
Jefferies, Judge48
Jewell, Mr John201
Jillard, Mr Peter134-5
John, King16, 206
Johnes, William188, 191-2
Johns, Samuel59
Johnson, Mr101
Johnson, Dr111, 200, 231, 275
Jones, Anthony254, 257
Jones, Joanne254
Jones, William34, 187
King, Mrs Dorothy196
Kokematon, Richard of15
Lake, John102, 149, 168
Lake, Thomas59
Lane, Mr Ralph57
Laurence, William149, 157-8, 165, 168
Lavington, Mr Samuel137-9
Leach, Richard34, 169-70
Leach, Thomas22, 163, 166, 172-4, 176
Leache, John38
Le Fleming, John203
Leigh, Phillippa207
Leigh, Thomas Esq99, 187
Leigh, William Esq187-8, 191-3, 207
Lendon, John34, 163, 166, 170, 173-4, 176, 187
Leopold II, Emperor219
Liskum, Mr John196
Lloyd, Temperance46, 237-41, 244-5, 247-51, 262-7
Londres, William de203
Lovering, John59, 103
Luterill, Mr264
Luxon, Peter199
Maddon, William59
Marks, Mr John63, 103, 229
Marlborough, Duke of66, 219, 228
Marsh, Robert (Mersh)127, 180, 191
Marshall, Mr200
Martin, John101
Martin, Richard59
Master, Kay185
Mather, Cotton114
Maurice, Prince39
Meager, Thomas22
Melhuish, Grace88
Melhuish, Roger88
Middleton, George38, 127, 180
Middleton, Sir Thomas, Knt195
Mills, William195
Mohun, Thomas34
Monk, General George215-6, 218, 275
Monmouth, James Duke of48
Moore, John92
Moriscoe, William274
Morrice, Mr William215
Mowne, John92
Mudge, Mr Zachary AM200, 229
Mungey, Richard166
Munke, Anthony Esq152
Mullet, Mr Joseph138
Nichols, Mr George, BD116, 118
Nichols, Mr John204
Norman, Mr John138
Odun, Earl272-3
Ogilby, Mr Michael79, 102-3, 115, 246-7
Oketenets family144
Oliver, Stephen198
Orchard, Paul Esq117
Palmer, J134
Paris, Matthew274
Parson, Richard163
Parson, Walter102, 163
Parson, William102
Pawley, Judith88
Pawley, Mr William88, 199
Philip, Elizabeth207
Phillips, Sir John231
Philips, Mary196
Phillips, Thomas59
Pierce, Mr138
Pincombe, Philip102
Pincombe, Richard163
Plantagenet, Elizabeth208
Pole, Sir William11, 14, 147, 202, 206
Poole, William, Knt157
Pope, Mr120
Popham, Sir John27
Powse, Richard92
Prater, John (Johannes)154, 165
Prideaux, Lady Mary196
Prince14-5, 104-5, 107-9, 111-3, 124, 143, 147-8, 202, 208, 213
Prust, Hugh207
Prust, Phillippa207
Prust, Thomas59
Pryne, Richard91
Pyke, Mr275
Pym, Mrs Mary197
Pyne, William102
Quick, John59
Quivil, Bishop146
Ravening, Christopher43, 88
Ravening, Henry43, 88
Ravening, John43, 88
Rawleigh (Indian) (Raleigh)27, 57
Rawleigh, Sir Walter (Raleigh)27, 56
Ray, Mr275
Reeve, John102
Reeve, William127, 180
Rew, Walter163, 166
Richard II206
Risdon, Philip Esq157, 166
Risdon, Tristram8, 14-5, 103, 144, 147-8, 202, 204, 274
Rivington, Messrs116
Rolle, Dennis Esq213-4
Rollo, Duke203
Saltern(e), John gent22, 38, 194
Saltern, Roger92
Salterne, Thomas163
Sanders, James163, 166
Sant Liger, Sir John (St Leger)207, 212
Sant Liger, Mary (St Leger)207, 212
Sayard, John195
Score, Richard103
Sedgely, Mr135-7
Shebbeare, Elizabeth229
Shebbeare, Dr John228-9, 231
Shebbeare, Matthew59
Shebbeare, Richard229
Shebber, Johan50
Sherman, Mr John38, 163, 173-4, 176, 196
Sherman, Richard38
Short, John, the younger and elder22, 34, 38, 92
Short, Mr Samuel137
Short, Thomas102
Shurt, John102
Shurt(e), John the Younger163, 166, 169-76, 187
Shurt, William89
Siward, Richard203
Small, Mr Edmund197
Small, John59
Smith, Mr John185
Smith, Mr Thomas58
Smith, William, AM120
Smythe, Sir George207
Snellard, Richard15
Soore, Peter de203
Speccott, Nicholas14
Spekcot family (Speccott)14
Spekcot, Richard of14
Speke, le, family14
Stafford, George gent22
Stapledon family274
St John, John de203
St Leger family274
St Leger, John, Knt82
Stokcombe, Aldred22, 102, 149, 152-3, 157-8, 166-70
St Quentin,Robert203
Strange, Edith85
Strange, George199
Strange, John Esq38, 44, 58, 60, 83-5, 195, 225
Strange, Katherine85
Strange, Philip85
Stribling, Christopher102
Stucley, Dennis226
Stucley family226
Stucley, Hartwell87
Stucley, John87
Stucley, Mr Lewis gent39, 62-5, 87, 132, 224, 226, 229
Stucley, Sarah87, 226
Stucley, Mrs Susannah87, 200
Stucley, Thomas226-8
Sully, Reginald de203
Suzan, Christopher102
Suzan(s), John gent22, 34, 102, 149, 152, 157-8, 166-70, 173
Sydney, Sir Henry209
Talbot, Mr189
Taylor, Symon (Tayler)149, 157-8, 165, 167-8, 170-1
Tetherly, William103
Theodore, Rees ap203
Thomas, Grace237-45, 247-51, 263-4, 266
Thomas, John, gent38, 50, 194
Tons family207
Tooker, Baptist34
Towgood, Mr Micajah138
Tracy, Christopher149, 157-8, 163, 165-6, 168
Trelawney family222
Trembles, Mary46, 252-5, 257, 260-3, 266
Turberville, Pain203
Verulam, Francis Lord167
Vicary, George103
Viell, William207
Wadland, John85
Wadland, Jonas85
Wadland, Philip163, 166, 191
Wadland, Richard59
Wadland, Mr Thomas35, 38, 85
Wadland, William198
Wakely, Anne240, 242, 244-5, 248-9
Wakely, William240, 242
Walker, Dr105, 107, 109, 112, 124
Walter, Rev William AM200
Walthoe, J6
Walton, Richard Esq157
Ward, John34
Warren, Sir John Borlase273
Webber, Alice89, 91
Weekes, Simon Esq167
Welch, Thomas, Esq34
White, Mr200
Whitefield, Agnes252-3
Whitefield, John59, 252-3
Whitfield, Mr George136
Whitfield, Mr John, AM118, 120
Whitley, Margaret207
Whitley, Richard207
Wiche, Jane218
Wiche, Sir Peter218
Will, Roger89
Will, Thomas92
Willet, A S Esq270, 274
Willet, Richard167
William I (Conqueror)11, 204, 271
William II, Rufus11
William III & Mary27, 143, 219
Williams, William197
Willington, Sir Ralph274
Willott, Richard gent22
Wiot, Hugh, Esq157
Wood, Mr James132-3, 137
Wren, Mr Robert185
Wyott, Arthur50
Yeo, Hugh163