Index to
Bibliotheca Devoniensis: A Catalogue of the Printed Books relating to the County of Devon
James Davidson
Exeter: William Roberts (1852). pp. v, 221 pp.
Prepared by Michael Steer
This rich and invaluable resource was compiled when its author lived in Axminster. It originated in his compilation of books relating to Devonshire held in a private library, but was expanded in order to be useful to those interested in the topography, history or biography of the county. Including books from a wide variety of highly reputable sources, the author has also included a short list of articles published in periodicals. The book has an extensive index of places (page 213, and an equally impressive index of persons, page 215. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy in the New York Public Library collection and can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
A | |
Abell, Philip | 140 |
Abingdon, Earl of (Bertie) | 149 |
Acher, Shem | 136 |
Ackland, Sir Arthur Kt | 135 |
Acland, Mr | 64 |
Acland, Sir T D Bt, MP | 8-9, 12, 17, 135 |
Addison, Mr | 126-7 |
Addington, Rt Hon Henry | 195 |
Albemarle, Christopher Duke of | 125 |
Albemarle, George Duke of (Monck) | 124-5, 179-81 |
Albert, Prince | 132 |
Alcock, Rev Mr Thomas, MA | 110, 114-5, 135 |
Alison, Archibald FRS | 178 |
Allen, Mrs | 34 |
Allen, William | 170 |
Allom, Thomas | 11 |
Amory, Rev Thomas DD | 195 |
Anderson | 165, 198 |
Anderson, Judge | 121 |
Andrew Dr John | 185-6 |
Andrews | 189 |
Andrews, Charles | 19 |
Anne, Queen | 35, 46, 138, 193-4 |
Anstis, John | 135 |
Anstis, Mary | 135 |
Anton, Ruth | 193 |
Archer, Sir John | 193 |
Arthur & Dwelly, Messrs | 47 |
Arundell, Humfrey | 61 |
Ash, Mr | 64 |
Ashburnham, Colonel | 66 |
Ashburton, Lord | 129 |
Ashley, Sir Jacob | 82 |
Ashley, Master Ralph | 57 |
Ashley, William | 37-8 |
Ashwood, Rev Mr John | 135 |
Asshe, Michael Salter | 135-6 |
Atherley, Rev A | 159 |
Atkins, Rev Mr Samuel | 136 |
Avant, Philip | 125 |
Avery, Elizabeth | 184 |
Avery, Captain John | 136 |
Ayre, Rev John MA | 172 |
Ayscue, Sir George | 87 |
B | |
Babb, Rev J, MA | 101 |
Badely, Edward Esq MA, FRS | 102 |
Bagge, Rev Henry T J | 105 |
Baird, Henry | 13 |
Bailey, John | 140 |
Baker, Dr George | 54, 114-5 |
Ball, Rev Mr John | 136 |
Ball, Robert Esq | 13 |
Baller, Rev Joseph | 163 |
Ballamie, Richard | 95 |
Balle, William Esq | 20 |
Bampfield, Elizabeth | 136 |
Bampfield, Francis | 136-7 |
Bampfield, John Esq | 136 |
Bampfield, Sir John Bt | 164 |
Bampfield, Mr | 89 |
Bampfylde, Sir Copleston Warwick Bt | 25, 137 |
Bampfylde, Sir R W Bt, MP | 114 |
Bancroft, Archbishop | 171 |
Banfill, Samuel | 8 |
Banks, ___ | 49 |
Banks, George, FLS | 48, 118 |
Banks, Sir T C | 150 |
Barker, Robert | 77 |
Barnes, John | 24 |
Barnes, Ralph Esq | 31, 101 |
Baring, Mr Charles | 137 |
Barlow, John | 168, 199 |
Baron, Robert Webb Stone | 42, 44, 46, 131 |
Barrable, T | 203 |
Barret, Roger | 61 |
Barrow, John Esq, FSA | 158 |
Bartholomew, John AM | 137 |
Bartlet, William | 94, 146 |
Bartlett, W H | 11 |
Baskerfield, Sir Thomas | 155 |
Basset, Elizabeth Eustasia | 142 |
Bassett, Joseph Davie Esq | 7 |
Bath, Henry Earl of | 63, 122 |
Bath, Rt Hon John Earl of | 123 |
Batten, Captain | 83 |
Baulet, Sir John | 64 |
Bayford, Dr | 102 |
Beardmore, Nathaniel | 46 |
Bedford, Earl of | 111 |
Bedford, Duke of | 9 |
Bedford, Hannah | 137 |
Bedford, John Duke of | 137 |
Beechey, Henry William | 192 |
Bell, Dr | 116 |
Bellamy, John C | 13, 117, 119 |
Bennet, H | 140 |
Berkley, Sir John | 66, 69, 84-5 |
Bernaldino, Don | 153 |
Berrie, Dorothy | 138 |
Berrie, Henrica | 138 |
Berrie, Henrietta | 138 |
Berrie, Thomas Esq | 138 |
Berry, Mr John | 61, 64, 138 |
Bertie, Lady Anne | 149 |
Besley | 30 |
Bidder, George | 138 |
Bidgood, Mr | 138 |
Bidlake, Dr | 207 |
Bill, John | 77 |
Billingsley, Nicholas | 199 |
Birch, Thomas, MA, FRS | 190 |
Bird, Charles Esq | 33, 42 |
Birkhead, Henry | 123 |
Blackall, Ofspring DD | 90, 138 |
Blake, Colonel | 75 |
Blewitt, Octavian | 57 |
Block, John | 97 |
Blundell, John | 53 |
Blundell, Peter | 55-6 |
Boazio, Baptista | 152 |
Bodley, Rev Mr Laurence BD | 140 |
Bodley, Thomas Kt | 139 |
Bolingbroke, Oliver Earl of | 51 |
Boringdon, Augusta Lady | 140 |
Boringdon, Rt Hon John Lord | 42, 140 |
Bosc, Claude de | 177 |
Bouchet, Monsieur du | 148 |
Bound, Peter | 140 |
Bourne, Captain | 88 |
Bowchier, Joshua | 99 |
Bowdage, Mary | 140 |
Bowdler, H M | 131 |
Boyce, George | 55 |
Bray, Henry | 61 |
Bray, Mrs | 11, 122, 146 |
Brayley, Mr E W | 7, 11, 140 |
Brereton, Sir William | 82 |
Bretland, Rev Joseph | 140, 173, 193 |
Brewer, J N | 29 |
Brice, Andrew | 128 |
Brice, Thomas | 25, 28 |
Bridges, M | 132 |
Bridges, W B | 37 |
Bridgewater, John Earl of | 51 |
Brindley, Robert | 45 |
Bristol, Countess of | 174 |
Britton, John Esq FSA | 7, 11, 30 |
Brougham & Vaux, Lord | 150 |
Brounrig, Dr | 141 |
Browne, Sir John (also Brown) | 66, 72, 77 |
Browne, William | 141 |
Brydges, Sir Egerton, KJ | 190 |
Bryer, Mr Thomas & Co | 41 |
Buchanan, William Tharp Esq | 141 |
Bucke, Charles | 178 |
Buckland, Mrs | 118 |
Buckland, Professor | 118 |
Budgell, Eustace Esq | 141-2 |
Bulkeley, Elizabeth Viscountess | 142 |
Buller, Sir J B Yarde Bt, MP | 20 |
Burd, John Marsh Esq | 38 |
Burnet, Bishop | 125 |
Burns, Robert | 76 |
Burrough, Rev J W | 106 |
Burrow, Rev E L, DD | 31, 142 |
Burt, Major Seymour T | 142 |
Burt, William Esq | 42, 131, 142 |
Burton, Henry | 165 |
Burton, Richard | 156-7 |
Bushell, Thomas Esq | 86-7 |
Butcher, Rev Edmund | 50 |
Butter, John MD, FRS | 116 |
C | |
Cade, Roger | 122 |
Cadogan, William Earl of | 127 |
Calamy, Rev Doctor | 96, 201 |
Callon, William | 57 |
Calmady, Shilston Esq | 127 |
Calverley, Dame Julia | 201 |
Campbell, Diana A G | 105 |
Campbell, Elizabeth Eustasia | 142 |
Campbell, John LLD | 177 |
Campbell, John Hook | 142 |
Campbell, Miss | 206 |
Carew, Bampfylde Moore | 133, 142-4 |
Carew, Sir Gawen | 142 |
Carew, Rev John West | 55 |
Carew, Reginald Pole Esq | 41 |
Carew, Thomas | 142 |
Carey, Robert | 144 |
Carleill, Christopher | 155 |
Carne, Rev Robert Harkness | 100-1 |
Carpenter, Richard | 135 |
Carpinger, George | 40 |
Carrington | 117 |
Carrington, Henry E | 44, 131 |
Carrington, N T | 52, 130-1 |
Carter, John | 28 |
Carteret, John Lord | 204 |
Carwithen, William AM | 25 |
Carey, Colonel (also Carre) | 74 |
Carey, George Esq | 56 |
Carye, Sir Alexander | 161 |
Cavendish, Mr Thomas | 157-8 |
Cary, Elizabeth | 39 |
Cary, Philippa | 40 |
Catel, L | 19 |
Cawse, Mr John | 144 |
Cayley, Arthur jnr Esq | 190 |
Cecill, Lord | 189 |
Ceely, Mr Christofer | 154 |
Chamberlayne, Roger | 204 |
Champernowne, Arthur | 144 |
Champernowne, Henry | 204 |
Chapple, William | 5, 20, 186 |
Charldon, John DD | 142, 162 |
Charles I | 27, 203 |
Charles II | 96-7, 123, 180 |
Charles, Prince | 77, 79-84 |
Chattaway, Joseph | 10 |
Cheatham, Robert Esq | 47 |
Chichester, Sir Arthur Kt | 123 |
Chichester, Sir John | 144 |
Cholmley, Hugh | 165 |
Cholmondeley, Marquis of | 193 |
Cholwich, John Burridge Esq | 7 |
Christie, T W Esq | 106 |
Chudlegh, James | 68 |
Chudleigh, Elizabeth | 173-4 |
Chudleigh, Sir George | 64-7, 72 |
Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough | 127 |
Claringbull, J | 49 |
Clark, Captain Henry | 132 |
Clark, Samuel | 156 |
Clarke, Rev Alured | 26 |
Clarke, Mr Christopher | 66 |
Cleaveland, E, BD | 149 |
Clifford, Arthur Esq | 145 |
Clifford, Charles Lord | 145 |
Clifford family | 145 |
Clifford, Sir Nicholas | 155 |
Clifford, Thomas Esq | 149 |
Clifford, Thomas Lord | 144 |
Clinton, Lord | 193 |
Clinton and Saye, Rt Hon Lord | 145 |
Clotworthy, Colonel | 63 |
Clotworthy, Sir John | 145 |
Coleridge, Rev Edward | 104 |
Coleridge, Henry Nelson | 146 |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Esq | 145-6 |
Coles, G | 55 |
Collacott, William | 133 |
Colles, Rev W M, AB | 104 |
Colleton, Lady Anne | 146 |
Colleton, Sir John | 146 |
Collibear, Mr W | 122 |
Collier, R P | 112, 121 |
Colling, Mary Maria | 146 |
Colton, Rev C, MA | 49-50 |
Conant | 123 |
Congreve, Mr | 126 |
Conybeare, Rev W D | 118 |
Cooke, ___ | 49 |
Cooke, George Alexander | 7, 29 |
Cooke, John | 146 |
Cooley, W D | 153 |
Coolidge, George | 159 |
Copleston, Edward DD | 146 |
Copleston, Rev J G | 131-2 |
Copleston, W J, MA | 146 |
Coppard, Rev W J, MA | 49 |
Cornish, C H | 10 |
Cornish, Mr Philip | 146 |
Cornwall & Albany, Duke of | 77 |
Cosens, Rev W B, MA | 105, 108 |
Cottle, Joseph | 101, 130, 145-6 |
Cotton | 123 |
Cotton, William FSA | 59 |
Cotton, Lord Bishop William | 92-3 |
Courtenay, Lady Anne | 149 |
Courtenay, Lady Elizabeth | 148-9 |
Courtenay, Hon Mrs Elizabeth | 128 |
Courtenay, Captain George W A Esq | 129 |
Courtenay, Henry Reginald Esq | 149 |
Courtenay, Kellond Esq | 128 |
Courtenay, Lady Margaret | 161 |
Courtenay, Lady Mary | 191 |
Courtenay, Messieurs de (Family of) | 147-9 |
Courtenay, William Esq, MP | 8 |
Courtenay, Sir William Bt | 149-50 |
Covel, William DD | 94 |
Coverdale, Bishop Miles | 107, 147 |
Cowley, Mrs | 150 |
Cox | 150 |
Cox, John | 102 |
Coxe, William MA, FRS, FSA | 163, 178 |
Creswel, Rev R | 119 |
Crispin, Thomas | 36 |
Croker, Dr | 17 |
Crompton, William | 150 |
Crooke, Captain Unton | 88 |
Crosse, Alexander | 144 |
Crosse, Henry | 150 |
Crosse, Mrs Mary | 150 |
Cruwys, Henry gent | 159 |
Crymes, Elizeus Esq | 151 |
Crymes, Mary | 151 |
Cullen, W H, MD | 116-7, 119 |
Cullum, R | 8 |
Culme, Rev Mr John | 151 |
Curll, E | 2, 163 |
Curson, F | 133 |
D | |
Daddo, Rev W | 54 |
Dallaway, James MA | 194 |
Damant, Walter | 47 |
Damer, Hon Mrs | 193 |
Dampier | 158 |
Darras, Charles | 205 |
Davenport, R A | 163, 187 |
Davidson, James | 14 |
Davie, John | 15 |
Davie, Sir John Bt | 151 |
Davy, Rev C | 151 |
Davy, John Tanner | 110 |
Davy, Rev W, AB | 151 |
Dawes, Archbishop William | 138-9 |
Dawson, W Esq | 117 |
Deane, Captain | 88 |
Deeble, William | 10 |
De Foe | 202 |
Degen, Catherine | 151 |
Degen, G C | 151 |
Dene, Humphrey | 140 |
Denham, Lieutenant H M, RN | 11 |
Dennis, Rev J | 203 |
Dennis, Rev John AB | 151 |
Dennis, Rev Jonas AB | 101 |
D'Eon, Chevalier | 182 |
Despreux, Mons. Boileau | 126 |
Devenant, Sir William | 124 |
Devon, Earl of | 150, 189 |
Dibble, John Esq | 37 |
Dicke, Lovis | 66 |
Dickenson, R B | 9 |
Digby, Lord George | 65, 77 |
Digby, Sir John | 77, 80 |
Dixon, Miss | 19 |
Dobson, Rev W S, MA | 170 |
Doddridge, Mr | 122 |
Donn, Mr Abraham | 151 |
Don, Benjamin | 152 |
Donne, Dr John | 169 |
Downall, Rev John MA | 37-8 |
Downe, Mr John, BD | 152 |
Downeham, Mr John | 82 |
Drake, Dame A | 158 |
Drake, Elizabeth | 136 |
Drake, Lady Elizabeth | 123 |
Drake family | 159 |
Drake, Sir Francis Kt | 120, 123, 152-8 |
Drake, Sir Francis Bt | 154 |
Drake, Sir Francis Henry Bt | 158 |
Drake, Mr | 64 |
Drake, Mrs | 158 |
Drake, Samuel Gardner | 159 |
Drake, Thomas Esq | 136 |
Drake, Sir William | 158 |
Drew, Mary | 159 |
Drew, Robert gent | 159 |
Drewe, Edward | 159 |
Drue, Sergeant | 122 |
Drumond, W | 124 |
Dryden, Mr | 116 |
Dubois, Edward Esq | 196 |
Duckworth, George | 159 |
Duckworth, Admiral Sir John Thomas | 159 |
Duckworth, Mary | 159 |
Duncombe, William | 36 |
Dundas, Monsieur | 180 |
Dunning, Richard gent | 1, 116 |
Dunsford, Martin | 5, 55 |
Duntze, Sir John Bt | 137 |
Dutems, Abbé H | 178 |
Dyce, Rev Alexander AB | 184 |
Dymond, Ann | 159 |
E | |
Eardley, Sir Culling E, Bt | 105-6, 109, 206 |
Eastcott, Rev Edwin | 159 |
Easton, Thomas AM | 179 |
Ebrington, Lord | 8, 44 |
Edgecombe, Richard Esq | 159 |
Edward the Confessor | 21 |
Edward I | 52 |
Edward III | 111, 179 |
Edward IV | 112 |
Edward VI | 61, 162 |
Edwards, Susanna | 15-6 |
Egremont, Earl of | 160 |
Elford, Sir William | 42 |
Elizabeth I | 21, 58, 111, 120 |
Ellis | 154 |
Elsynge, Henry | 70, 72, 87 |
Elys, Edmund | 124 |
Englefield, Sir Henry Bt | 28 |
Enty, John | 99 |
Erasmus | 171 |
Erisey, Frances | 203 |
Erisey, Mary | 203 |
Erisey, Richard | 203 |
Essex, Earl of | 74 |
Evans, Ann | 39-40 |
Evans, Mr | 201 |
Evans, Rachel | 52 |
Evans, Richard | 174 |
Eveleigh, Josiah | 99, 202 |
Exeter, Anthony Lord Bishop of | 97 |
Exeter, Henry Lord Bishop of (Phillpotts) | 101-6, 108, 185 |
Exeter, John Earl of | 51 |
Exeter, John, Lord Bishop of (Gauden) | 169 |
Exeter, Jonathan, Lord Bishop of (Trelawney) | 53 |
Exeter, Joseph, Lord Bishop of (Hall) | 94 |
Exeter, Ofspring, Lord Bishop of (Blackall) | 98 |
Exeter, Seth, Lord Bishop of (Ward) | 96 |
Exeter, Thomas, Lord Bishop of (Lamplugh) | 97-8 |
Exon, Rt Rev Stephen, Lord Bishop of (Weston) | 54 |
Exmouth, Admiral Viscount | 160 |
Exoniensis, Joannis Episcopi | 95 |
F | |
Fairburn | 197 |
Fairfax, Sir Thomas | 75-86 |
Fane, Charles Lord Viscount | 160 |
Fane, Mary Viscountess | 160 |
Fanshawe, Richard | 77 |
Farington, Joseph RA | 192 |
Farmer, John | 132 |
Farre, Dr | 194 |
Featley | 171 |
Fellows, John | 201 |
Fennelle, John | 205 |
Finney, John DD | 192 |
Fish, T L Esq | 50 |
Fisher, Mr Adam | 57 |
Fitz, Sir John | 160 |
Fitzgeffrey, Charles | 123 |
Flavel, Rev Mr John | 161, 202 |
Fleetwood, Sir M | 168 |
Fletcher, Master Francis | 155-6 |
Fleming, Caleb | 161 |
Flindell, Thomas | 161 |
Flood, Frances | 161 |
Floyd, Mary | 16 |
Floyd, Temperence | 16 |
Forbes, Mrs Mary | 161 |
Ford, John | 161 |
Fortescue | 123 |
Fortescue, Earl | 34, 173 |
Fortescue, Sir Edmund | 66, 86 |
Fortescue, Sir Edward | 65 |
Fortescue, John Esq | 124 |
Fortescue, John Inglett Esq | 20 |
Fortescue, Mr | 64 |
Foster, Dr | 161 |
Foster, Rt Hon Sir Robert Knt | 63 |
Foulston, John | 45 |
Fownes, Thomas Esq | 161 |
Francis, Mr Phillip | 161-2 |
Franklin, Nathaniel | 196 |
Fraser, Robert AM | 110 |
Freeman, Rev G J | 207 |
Frobisher, Martin | 155 |
Frost, Elizabeth | 184 |
Fry, Nicholas | 162 |
Fuge, Mr S | 162 |
Fulford family | 162 |
Fulford, Francis Esq | 162 |
Fulford, Thomas Esq | 162 |
Fuller, Thomas BD | 151, 171 |
Fullford, Anne | 146 |
Furlong, Catherine | 151 |
Fust, Sir H J, Kt | 102 |
G | |
Gale, Theophilus | 123, 193 |
Gandy, Frances | 135 |
Gandy, John | 135 |
Gandy, Justice | 189 |
Gascoigne, George | 163 |
Gaselee, Robert | 40 |
Gauden, Dr John DD | 141, 169 |
Gay, Mr John | 163 |
Geach, Francis FRS | 114-5 |
George I | 55 |
George II | 40, 46, 161, 182 |
George III | 28-9, 34, 42, 44, 46, 52, 145-6, 200 |
George IV | 35, 56, 145 |
Gerrard, John | 128 |
Gifford, Captain | 64 |
Gifford, William Esq | 161, 163 |
Gilbert, Sir Humfrey, Kt | 163-4 |
Gilbert, Sir John | 163 |
Giles, Sir Edward Kt | 194 |
Giles, Francis Esq | 14 |
Giles, Lady Mary | 194 |
Gilling, Isaac, VDM | 136, 182, 191, 201 |
Gillman, James | 146 |
Gist, Thomas | 15 |
Glandyl, Sergeant | 122 |
Glanvile, Francis | 51 |
Glanville | 123 |
Glanville, Judge | 121-2 |
Godbear, Walter | 51 |
Godolphin, Master | 126 |
Gompertz, J Esq | 131 |
Gondamore, Count of | 189 |
Goode, William MA, FSA | 103 |
Goodridge, Charles Medyett | 164 |
Gorham, George Cornelius BD | 102-3, 107 |
Goring, General Lord George | 18, 76, 79-80 |
Goswill, D | 196 |
Gould, Mr Nicholas | 162 |
Gould, Colonel William | 164 |
Grandison, Lord | 65 |
Granville, George | 49 |
Graves, Lord | 8 |
Graves, Louisa Carolina | 164 |
Graves, Rear Admiral Richard | 164 |
Green, J | 30 |
Greenvile (also Grenville) | 18, 123 |
Greenvill, Sir Bevil Kt | 64, 123 |
Greenvill, Sir Richard (also Grenville) | 73-4, 76, 79, 83, 123, 165 |
Grenville, Lord | 135 |
Gribble, Joseph Besly | 15, 122 |
Griffin, Rev John | 165 |
Griffin, Rev John jnr | 165 |
Grove, Hugh gent | 89 |
Grosse, Alexander | 183, 195 |
Grundy, Mary | 159 |
Guizot, Monsieur | 181 |
Gumble, Thomas DD | 180 |
Gurney, Mr R | 173, 202 |
Gwatkin, Mrs | 11 |
Gwyn, Francis Esq | 165 |
H | |
Hacche, Agnes | 165 |
Hacche, Robert Esq | 165 |
Hakewill, George DD | 152 |
Hakluyt | 188 |
Hales, John MA | 139 |
Hall, Captain | 86 |
Hall, Rt Rev Joseph DD | 165-7 |
Hall, Rev P | 166 |
Halle, Dr Fraser | 17 |
Hallet, John | 201 |
Hallett, J H Esq | 14 |
Hallett, Joseph | 99 |
Halloran, Lawrence Hynes DD | 129 |
Hamilton, ___ | 166 |
Hamond, Colonel | 85 |
Hanbury, Benjamin | 169 |
Hannaford, Samuel jnr | 119, 206 |
Harding, Lieut. Col. FGS | 56 |
Harding, Thomas | 171 |
Hardy, James MD | 115 |
Harington, Rev R | 144 |
Harley, Rt Hon Robert Esq | 126-7 |
Harris, Lieutenant Christopher Arthur | 170 |
Harris, Gilbert | 122 |
Harris, John | 205 |
Harris, Major General | 80 |
Harris, Philip Esq | 167 |
Harris, T, CE | 47 |
Harrison, R | 35 |
Harrys, Sergeant | 122 |
Harvey, James AM | 151 |
Harvey, Mrs | 173-4 |
Hausoullier, Lewis John Marie Esq | 167 |
Hawker, Rev John BA | 168 |
Hawker, Rev Robert, DD | 146, 167-8, 200 |
Hawkins, A Esq | 35 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 155 |
Hawley, J Esq | 168 |
Haydon, Gideon Esq | 168 |
Hazlitt, William | 183 |
Heale, Mr | 122 |
Hearder | 45 |
Hearne, T | 139 |
Heath, Dr Benjamin | 109 |
Heathcote, Mary | 205 |
Heineken, Rev N S | 116 |
Hele, Elize | 17 |
Hele, Philippe | 168 |
Hele, Walter gent | 168 |
Henley, Thomas MD | 113 |
Hennah, Rev Richard | 117 |
Henley, Mr | 177 |
Henry III | 124 |
Henry VI | 36 |
Henry VIII | 1, 38, 111-2, 147, 190, 199 |
Henwood, Oliver | 14 |
Heraud, Abraham John | 145 |
Herbert, Mr George | 169 |
Herbert, Commander George F, RN | 11 |
Herne, Frederick Esq | 20 |
Herne, Nathaniel | 20 |
Hewett, J W | 33 |
Hewgoe, Walter | 194 |
Heydon, H H | 117 |
Heydon, John | 81-2 |
Hicks, John | 96 |
Hieron, Master Samuel | 168, 196 |
Hill, Rev Charles MA | 129 |
Hine & Co | 168 |
Hingeston, Henry | 35 |
Hingston, Mr | 168 |
Hixon | 154 |
Hoadley, Benjamin DD | 98 |
Hobbs, Mr John | 133 |
Hockin, W L | 168 |
Hodge, Dr John | 97 |
Hogg, Nathan | 13 |
Holdsworth, A H Esq MP | 8, 20 |
Hole, Rev Richard LLB | 168 |
Hole, William MA | 59 |
Holland, Mr Edward Christopher | 117 |
Holmes, William | 28 |
Hone, R B | 167 |
Hooker, Richard MA | 169-70 |
Hooper, Henry Esq | 116 |
Hooper, Mary | 135 |
Hooper, William | 135 |
Hopton, Sir Ralph (also Lord) | 63-8, 70-1, 74, 81-2, 87 |
Hopton, Sir Richard (also Lord) | 66, 80 |
Hore, William | 51 |
Hort, Captain | 170 |
Howard, Lord Henry | 189 |
Howard, Nathaniel | 129 |
Howarth, Edward Esq | 170 |
Howarth, Mrs | 170 |
Huddy, Matthew | 99 |
Hughes, George MA | 94, 150 |
Hughson, D, LLD | 197 |
Huish, Mistress Deborah | 170 |
Huish, James Esq | 170 |
Humfrey, Laurence | 171 |
Hutchinson, Peter Orlando | 118 |
Hutton, Thomas BD | 92-4 |
Huxham, Dr John MD, FRS | 113-5 |
Huyshe, Rev Francis | 100 |
Hyett, W | 7 |
I | |
Ignotus, Clericus | 33 |
Inchequin, Lord | 73 |
Incledon, Benjamin | 55 |
Ingle, Rev John, BA | 33, 107-8 |
Ingleby, Mr | 64 |
Inglis, Sir Robert Bt, MP | 185 |
Isaac, Sebastian Esq | 172 |
Isaacson, Rev Stephen BA | 172 |
Izacke, Richard Esq | 22, 25 |
Izacke, Samuel Esq | 22, 25 |
J | |
Jacob, Rev J, LLD | 119 |
Jago, Rev John DD | 36 |
James II | 202 |
James, Dr | 139 |
Jeffrys, Mary | 171 |
Jemmat, Mrs Catherine | 171 |
Jenings, Abraham | 193 |
Jenkins, Alexander | 29 |
Jervis, Rev Thomas | 170, 183 |
Jewell, Bishop John | 171-2 |
Jewitt, Llewellyn | 33 |
Johns, H J | 6 |
Johns, Henry Incledon, MA | 172 |
Johns, Mr & Mrs | 129 |
Johnson, Dr | 163 |
Johnson, Madam E | 122 |
Jones, C | 128 |
Jones, Rev John | 166 |
Jones, Rev J P | 9-10, 13, 36, 118, 172 |
Jones, Pitman Esq | 1, 11, 33 |
Jones, Rev William AB | 4 |
Judd, Robert | 174 |
Jurdain, Mr Ignatius | 172 |
K | |
Keble, Rev John MA | 170 |
Kekewich, Mr Peter | 162 |
Kempe, Alfred John | 51 |
Kendall, John | 32 |
Kennaway, Rev Charles Edward | 173 |
Kennaway, Miss F | 173 |
Kennaway, Sir John Bt | 173 |
Kennicott, B | 128 |
Kemp, James | 130 |
Kerr, Colonel | 77 |
Kiddell, Henry | 128 |
King, Humphrey | 184 |
King, Josiah | 97 |
King, Lord | 173 |
King, Sir Peter Kt | 173 |
Kingston, Elizabeth, Dowager Duchess of | 173-4 |
Kingston, J F | 117-8 |
Kirkpatrick, J, MD | 113 |
Kite, Francis | 135-6 |
Knollis, Francis | 155 |
L | |
Lampen, Robert MA | 42 |
Land, D N, Esq | 168 |
Lane, John Esq | 170 |
Lane Mrs | 170 |
Lang, William | 174 |
Larkham, Thomas | 51 |
Lavington, Rev Mr John | 174 |
Lavington, John jnr | 183 |
Lavington, Rev Samuel | 174 |
Lawrence, General | 174 |
Lear, Sir John Bt | 174 |
Le Bas, C W, MA | 172 |
Lediard, Thomas gent | 177 |
Lee, Agnes | 175 |
Lee, Henry | 61, 163 |
Lee, Nathaniel V Esq | 11 |
Lee, Richard | 175 |
Leigh, John Esq | 175 |
Lempriere, J, DD | 29-30 |
Lenthall, Hon Mr William Esq | 70, 77-82, 85, 89 |
L'Estrange, Roger | 23 |
Lewes, Thomas | 204 |
Lewis, F C | 8-9 |
Ley, Rev Thomas | 18 |
Lindsay, Lord | 103 |
Lipscombe, Mr George | 5 |
Lisburne, Rt Hon Wilmot, Earl of | 115 |
Lloyd, Rev A F | 35 |
Lloyd, Rev David | 179 |
Lloyd, Temperence | 15-6 |
Lott, Yeoman | 175 |
Louis XIV, King | 178 |
Louis XVI, King | 147 |
Louvencour, F de | 154-5 |
Lovell, Mr Baron | 1 |
Luscomb, Richard Esq | 175 |
Lyde, Robert | 56 |
Lye, Edward MA | 175 |
Lyne | 175 |
Lysons, Rev Daniel | 9 |
Lysons, Samuel Esq | 9 |
Lyte, Henry Francis MA | 175 |
Lyttelton, Bishop | 28 |
M | |
Macdonald, Lieut. Col John FRS, MRAS | 175 |
Malone, Edmond Esq | 191-2 |
Mann, A | 131 |
Manning, James | 201 |
Manning, Rev Owen | 175 |
Mare, Samuel | 136 |
Marlborough, John Duke of (Churchill) | 126-7, 162, 175-8 |
Marlborough, Sarah Duchess of | 177 |
Marshall, Bourchier | 16 |
Marshall, Elizabeth | 16 |
Marshall, Mr | 110 |
Martin, Lieut Col | 73 |
Martyn, Sir Nicholas | 64-7, 135, 178 |
Martyne, Mayor | 122 |
Mary, Queen | 112 |
Maskell, Rev W | 106 |
Massie, Major General | 18 |
Mathias, P | 197 |
Maurice, Prince | 69, 72-4 |
Maynard, Mr | 178 |
Maynarde, Thomas | 153 |
Melford, John Esq | 179 |
Melhuish, Elizabeth | 204 |
Mennis, Sir John | 196 |
Meyrick, Ann Elizabeth | 179 |
Midhope, Stephen MA | 164 |
Miege, Guy | 180 |
Mills, Mr Thomas | 185 |
Mogridge, Theodore H, Esq, MD | 50, 184 |
Mohone, Lord (also Mohune) | 65, 70 |
Monck, General George | 88-90, 124, 179-81 |
Monmouth, Earl of | 144 |
Moor, John | 181 |
Moore, E, MD, FLS | 119 |
Moore, F Edmund, Esq MA | 103 |
Moore, Francis | 161 |
Moore, George | 181 |
Moore, John | 99 |
Moore, Peter | 138 |
Moore, Mrs Rebekah | 181 |
Moore, Rev Thomas | 10 |
Morden, Robert | 3 |
Moreman, Thomasin | 3 |
Moreman, Wilmot | 3 |
Morgan, Colonel | 82 |
Morgan, Rev Samuel | 182 |
Morley, Earl of | 49 |
Morrice, Sir William Bt | 59, 171, 182 |
Morton, Bishop | 171 |
Mosse, Rev S Tenison | 182 |
Mount Edgcumbe, George Earl of | 41, 110 |
Moyle, Samuel | 48 |
Mudge, Zachary | 100 |
Mullett, Mr Joseph | 140 |
Mullins, Rev Samuel | 182 |
Musgrave, Dr | 182 |
N | |
Nation, Kello Esq | 182-3 |
Nation, Mrs | 182 |
Nation, W Esq | 183 |
Needham, Rev R W | 107 |
Newte, John MA | 53 |
Nicolas, Sir Harris | 150 |
Nichols, Master Philip | 113, 156 |
Nicols, Matthias BD | 183, 195 |
Nicolls, Ferdinand | 172 |
Noble, Mr Henry | 183 |
Norris, Sir John Kt | 120, 153 |
Northcote, James Esq, RA | 183, 191 |
Northcote, Sir John Bt | 64, 66-7 |
Northleigh, Henry Esq | 183 |
Northmore, Thomas Esq | 29, 206 |
O | |
Odgers, Rev W J | 46-7 |
Oldys, William | 189-90 |
Oliver, Rev George DD | 1, 8, 10, 12-3, 30, 33, 145 |
Oliver, Joseph gent | 183 |
Orange, William Prince of | 90-2 |
Osler, Edward Esq | 160 |
Ottolenghi, Joseph Solomon | 183-4 |
Overal | 171 |
Overbury, Sir Thomas | 189 |
Oxenham, Mr James gent | 184 |
Oxenham, James the younger, gent | 184 |
Oxenham, Rebecka | 184 |
Oxenham, Tomasin | 184 |
P | |
Page, Master | 120-2 |
Page, Mrs Ulalia | 121-2 |
Paget, Sir Arthur | 140 |
Palk, Lawrence Esq | 108 |
Palk, Sir L V | 5, 56 |
Palmer | 96 |
Palmer, J F | 11 |
Palmer, Mrs | 11 |
Palmer, Thomas | 75 |
Palmer, Rev W, DD | 10 |
ParadÈs, Robert Compte de | 40-1 |
Parker (society) | 204 |
Parker, George | 54, 204 |
Parker, J Esq, MP | 114 |
Parr, Bartholomew | 168 |
Parr, Susannah | 95 |
Parrott, Jasper Esq, MP | 110 |
Partridge, John | 136 |
Paulet, Captain | 66 |
Peach, Mr Michael MA | 99 |
Pearce, Philip | 97 |
Pearce, Thomas gent | 112 |
Peard, Charles | 15 |
Pearson, Rev George | 147 |
Peeke, Richard MA | 140 |
Peele, George MA | 120, 184 |
Peirce, Rev Mr James | 99, 185 |
Peirce, Major | 86 |
Pellew, Eliza Harriet | 185 |
Pellew, Hen George DD | 195 |
Pellew, Pownoll Bastard Esq | 185 |
Pendarves, Mr | 44 |
Penneck, Rev John | 135 |
Penruddock, Colonel John | 88 |
Penson, Henry Esq | 185 |
Perceval, Hon Spencer | 56 |
Peters, Mr Hugh | 78-9 |
Petre | 123 |
Philips, Mr | 126 |
Phillipps, Rev John | 11 |
Philpotts, Bishop Henry | 185 |
Pierce, Samuel Eyles | 185 |
Pindar, Peter Esq | 129, 204 |
Pitfield, Mr William | 185-6 |
Ploughshare, John | 129 |
Pole family | 50 |
Pole, Sir John William de la, Bt | 186 |
Pole, Sir William Kt | 134 |
Pole, Sir W T, Bt | 132 |
Pollard, Sir Hugh | 186 |
Pollard, Mr | 64 |
Polwhele | 123 |
Polwhele, Digory | 51 |
Polwhele, Rev Richard | 5, 28, 167-8 |
Pope, Mr | 177, 202 |
Pope, Dr Walter FRS | 203 |
Porter, Henry Esq | 137 |
Potter, Barnaby | 194 |
Prance, Courtenay C | 46 |
Pratt, Josiah BD, FRS | 166 |
Preston, John | 138, 191, 202 |
Price, John | 180 |
Price, Joseph | 186 |
Price, Mrs Lucy | 142, 200 |
Price, Thomas | 143 |
Prichard, Mr | 99 |
Prideaux | 123 |
Prideaux, Hon Edmund Esq | 77-8, 187 |
Prideaux, Bishop John | 187 |
Prince, Rev John MA | 58, 121, 134 |
Prior, Mr | 127 |
Prynne, Captain Thomas | 97 |
Pulman, G P R | 14 |
Putt, Raymundo Esq | 187 |
Putt, Sir Thomas Bt | 187 |
Pyke, Richard | 187 |
Pyke, William MA | 203 |
Pym, Captain Alexander | 65-6, 71 |
Pyne, Colonel | 75 |
Q | |
Quicke, John | 39, 167 |
R | |
Radclyffe, Walter Esq | 187 |
Radnor, Letitia Isabella, Countess of | 167 |
Ralegh, Sir Walter | 111, 123, 165, 187-90 |
Ramshay, Edward | 136 |
Rattenbury, John | 190 |
Rawlings, Mr | 191 |
Raynton, Sir Robert | 64 |
Read, Mr Benjamin | 99 |
Redding, Cyrus | 130 |
Reece, Richard MD | 198 |
Reefe, Roger | 134 |
Rees, Mr | 3, 135 |
Reeve, Rev Joseph | 128 |
Rennie, Sir John FRS | 48-9 |
Reynel, Sir Carew Kt | 191 |
Reynel, Sir George Kt | 191 |
Reynel, Josaiah Esq | 191 |
Reynel, Richard Esq | 191 |
Reynel, Sir Thomas Kt | 191 |
Reynell, Edward Esq | 191 |
Reynell, Mrs Joanna | 124 |
Reynell, John Esq | 191 |
Reynell, Lady Lucie | 191 |
Reynell, Mrs Mary | 140 |
Reynell, Richard Esq | 13 |
Reynell, Mrs Susannah | 191 |
Reynolds, Mrs Jane | 124 |
Reynolds, Sir Joshua Kt, LLD, FRS, FSA | 10, 130, 191-2 |
Reynolds, Thomas | 135 |
Roberts, Henry Esq DD | 192 |
Richard II | 52 |
Richards, John | 196 |
Riollay, Francis | 115 |
Risdon, Tristram gent | 2-3, 5 |
Roberts, George | 118, 205 |
Roberts, Michael, STP | 125 |
Robinson, Arthur gent | 56 |
Rochester, Earl of | 88 |
Rodd, Richard | 45 |
Rogers, George Blaxland | 9 |
Rogers, Richard | 193 |
Rogers, Richard C | 104 |
Rolle, Denys Esq | 5, 27 |
Rolle, John Esq | 27 |
Rolle, Sir John KB | 193 |
Rolle, Lord | 7 |
Rolle, Mr | 89-90 |
Rolle, Hon Colonel Robert Esq | 193 |
Rolle, Sir Samuel Kt (also Mr) | 64, 66-7, 193 |
Romans, Richard King of the | 179 |
Rooker, Alfred | 46 |
Rooker, William | 174 |
Rouse, Anthony | 66 |
Row, Nicholas Esq | 193 |
Rowe, Mrs Elizabeth | 193 |
Rowe, Mr John | 193 |
Rowe, Joseph | 151, 181 |
Rowe, S, BA | 19 |
Rowe, Samuel AM | 19, 42, 48 |
Rundle, Thomas LLD | 194 |
Rupert, Prince | 63, 76, 83 |
Ruthen, Colonel William (Ruthyen) | 65-6 |
Rutter, Rev Mr John | 194 |
S | |
Sainthill, Edward Esq | 194 |
Sainthill, Fanny | 204 |
Sainthill, Richard | 12 |
Salisbury, Lord | 189 |
Salter, Anne | 135-6 |
Salter, Mary | 135-6 |
Sanderson, Dr Robert | 169 |
Sandford, Francis gent | 179-80 |
Sandys, Mrs Barbara | 194 |
Sanford, Ezekiel Esq | 141-2, 163, 166, 190, 198, 205 |
Sanford, John | 44-5 |
Sarum, Seth, Lord Bishop of | 179 |
Sauile, Henrie Esq | 154 |
Saunders, Dr John Cunningham | 115, 194 |
Savoie, Prince Eugene de | 176 |
Sawyer, W Esq | 132 |
Say & Seal, Viscount Lord | 87 |
Schomburgk, Sir Robert H | 188 |
Scipio, Seignior | 172 |
Scoble, Andrew R | 181 |
Score, Mr John | 194 |
Scrub, Timothy Esq | 141 |
Seaton, Lord | 194 |
Seley, Mr Jacob | 24 |
Sellon, Commander RN | 206 |
Sellon, Miss | 104-5, 206 |
Semor, Mr | 82 |
Seygar, Willyam | 61 |
Seymore, Sir Edward | 65, 194 |
Shakespeare, William | 191 |
Shapcote, Philip Esq | 151 |
Shapcott, Colonel | 194 |
Shapleigh, Counsellor | 185 |
Shapter, Thomas Esq, MD | 33, 116-7 |
Shebbeare, DR | 194 |
Shee, Martin Arthur, RA | 130 |
Shepherd, William Esq | 129, 141 |
Sherwill, Thomas | 195 |
Sherwin, Mrs | 181 |
Shirley, Benjamin | 189 |
Shore, Rev J, MA | 105 |
Short, J Esq | 4 |
Short, Samuel | 140 |
Shortt, W T P | 12, 32 |
Shower, Sir B | 24 |
Shower, Rev Mr John | 195 |
Sidmouth, Viscount | 195 |
Sidney, Rev Edwin AM | 202 |
Skinner, Antony | 97 |
Skinner, Thomas MD | 181 |
Skippon, Major General | 75 |
Slater, Mrs Mary | 195 |
Slater, Rev Mr Samuel | 195 |
Sleech, Archdeacon John | 186 |
Sloane, Sir Hans | 114 |
Sloeman, Jhon | 61 |
Smale, Thomas | 205 |
Smeaton, John FRS | 48 |
Smith, ___ | 20 |
Smith, Edmund AM | 139 |
Smith, Humphry | 95 |
Smith, Dr James | 196 |
Smith, Rev J B | 132 |
Smith, Samuel MA | 54 |
Smith, Rev W G Parks | 102 |
Smith, Philip | 196 |
Smith, William | 196 |
Snell, Alderman | 25 |
Soltau, G W, Esq | 119 |
Somers, Nicholas | 196 |
Sommaster, Henry Esq | 196 |
Southcomb, Lewis | 151 |
Southcott, Joanna | 196-8 |
Southey, Robert Esq | 11, 146 |
Spark, T, DD | 94 |
Spencer, Lord | 164 |
Spicer family | 2 |
Sprat, Thomas DD | 198 |
Spratt, Lieutenant T A B, RN | 52 |
Spreat, W | 12 |
Spurrell, Rev James AM | 104-5, 206 |
Squire, Miss M C | 42 |
Stafford, Hugh Esq | 109, 198 |
Stafford, Roger Esq | 198 |
Stamford, Rt Hon the Earl of | 67-9 |
St Aubyn, Sir John Bt | 119 |
Stavely, Master George | 133 |
Steed, Mrs Frances | 198 |
Steed, Mrs Mary | 198 |
Stephens, Rev Lewis DD | 184, 199 |
Stephens, Mary | 184 |
Stirling, Rev D McNee | 11, 37, 50 |
St Loo, Captain George | 40 |
Stogdon, Rev Mr Hubert | 99, 199 |
Stokes, Henry Sewell | 131 |
Storer, J & HN | 29 |
Strangwidge, George | 120-2 |
Stanhope, Sir John | 189 |
Strode, Lady | 199 |
Strode, Richard | 40, 199 |
Strode, William Esq | 40 |
Strode, Sir William | 196, 199 |
Strype | 169 |
Stucley, Sir Lewis Kt | 95, 188 |
Stukeley, Thomas | 120 |
Suffolk, Earl of | 189 |
Sweetland, John Esq | 199 |
Swete, Rev James | 3, 135 |
T | |
Tanner, Rev Henry | 199 |
Tanner, John Esq | 199 |
Taperell, N | 44 |
Tate, Mr | 126 |
Taunton, Henrietta | 200 |
Taunton, William Doidge | 200 |
Taylor, Ann | 200 |
Taylor, Catherine Birchall | 200 |
Taylor, George gent | 200 |
Taylor, Mr John | 3, 62 |
Templer, Rev John | 200 |
Terrell, James | 31 |
Theobald, Mr | 189 |
Thomas, ___ | 45 |
Thomas, Rev C | 37 |
Thomas, Hannah | 16 |
Thompson, George | 66 |
Thompson, Jhon | 61 |
Thomson, Mrs A T | 190 |
Tindal, Dr Matthew LLD | 142, 200 |
Tindal, Mr Nicholas | 142 |
Tomlinson, F H | 34 |
Tong, Mr W | 195, 201 |
Tonkin, W H jnr, Esq | 130 |
Tooker, Joane | 184 |
Topham | 189 |
Toplady, Rev Mr Augustus Montague, AB | 128-9, 200-1 |
Toulmin, Joshua DD | 41, 178, 182 |
Towgood, Rev Micaiah | 18, 201 |
Toye, Joseph T, MA | 33 |
Tozer, Rev W, MJS | 197 |
Tracy family (and arms) | 149 |
Tracy, John | 149 |
Tracy, Viscount | 149 |
Tregagle, John Esq | 201 |
Trelawney, Sir Harry Bt | 135 |
Tremayne, Arthur Esq | 201 |
Trembles, Mary | 15-6 |
Tremlett, Mr Richard | 185-6 |
Trevelyan, Sir George Bt | 201 |
Trevelyan, Dame Julia | 201 |
Treves, Gabriel | 183-4 |
Trevethick, William MA | 193 |
Trewman | 28 |
Tripe, Mr | 113 |
Tripp, George | 160 |
Trist, Miss E Ayshford | 167 |
Trist, Tryphena | 167 |
Trosse, Rev George | 127, 201-2 |
Truscott, Joshua | 46 |
Tucker, A G C | 119, 193 |
Tucker, Miss Mary Ann | 202 |
Tucker, W Esq | 199 |
Tucker, Rev William John | 130 |
Tuckfield, Joan | 31 |
Tuckfield, Roger Esq | 13 |
Turnbull, Joseph BA | 198 |
Turner, John | 194 |
Turton, W, MD | 117 |
Tutchin, John | 202 |
Tyrwhitt, Sir Thomas | 42 |
Tytler, P F Esq, FRS, FSA | 190 |
U | |
Underhyll, Thomas | 61 |
Upton, Mr Arthur | 202 |
Upton, Mistress Dorothy | 202 |
Upton, Mr John Esq | 202 |
V | |
Vancouver, Charles | 110 |
Vaughan, Charles | 161-2 |
Vaughan, Evan | 187 |
Vaughan, Captain Joseph | 70 |
Venner, Sir John | 64 |
Vernon, Thomas Esq | 20 |
Viccary, John | 202 |
Victoria, Queen | 32, 34, 45, 59, 132 |
Vivian | 123 |
Vivyan, Charles | 203 |
Vivyan, Mary | 203 |
Vowel, John alias Hooker gent (also Hoker) | 20-2, 25-6 |
Vowles, Rev William | 200 |
Vryer, Abraham de | 177 |
W | |
Wade, Sir William | 189 |
Wagstaffe, Sir Joseph | 88 |
Wales, HRH George Prince of | 164 |
Walker, Rev G | 125 |
Walker, Samuel BA | 202 |
Waller, Sir Hardress | 87 |
Waller, Lady Lucie | 191 |
Waller, Sir William | 191 |
Walrond, John | 99, 136 |
Walsh, John | 92 |
Walton, Isaac | 169-70 |
Warburton, Justice | 189 |
Ward, Bishop Seth | 203 |
Wardlaw, R DD | 166 |
Warren, Mistress Joan | 203 |
Warren, William | 70 |
Warwick, Robert Earl of | 69, 73-4 |
Watkins, John LLD | 16, 201 |
Watts, Nicholas | 51 |
Webb, Major General | 83 |
Webster, William MA | 181 |
Welche, Mr | 122 |
Welden, Colonel Ralph | 83, 86 |
Wells, Captain Fortescue | 182 |
Wentworth, Lord | 80 |
Wesley, Samuel MA | 126 |
West, Frances | 203 |
West, Mary | 203 |
Westcote, Thomas gent | 1 |
Westcott, John | 203 |
Weston, Robert Harcourt Esq | 48 |
Weston, Bishop Stephen | 25 |
Wharton, Lady Lucy | 182 |
Whear Degory | 172 |
Wheeler, Jonathan | 174 |
Whichcote, Sir Paul | 201 |
Whidbey, Mr Joseph | 48 |
Whinnel, T | 198 |
Whitaker, William | 171 |
Whitby, Daniel DD | 203 |
White, Andrew | 113 |
White, Captain | 82 |
White, M | 13 |
White, Mr | 203 |
Whitefoote, John MA | 165 |
Wichalse, Mary | 204 |
Wightwick, George | 45, 133 |
Wilberforce, Archdeacon | 103 |
Willcocks, Mary, alias Baker | 142 |
William III & Mary | 125 |
William IV | 31 |
Williams, Elizabeth | 204 |
Williams, Rev Sir Erasmus, Bt | 107 |
Williams, John gent | 204 |
Williams, Rev John DD | 167 |
Williams, T H | 6 |
Wilmot, Fanny | 204 |
Wilmot, Mr John Esq | 3, 65, 204-5 |
Wilson | 206 |
Winkle | 32 |
Winterbotham, W | 204 |
Wolcombe, Robert | 148 |
Wolcot, Dr | 129, 204 |
Wollocombe, Roger Esq | 198 |
Wolston, Agnes | 175 |
Wolton, Bishop | 22 |
Woodley, Rev G | 130 |
Woodley, Robert | 184 |
Woolcot, William | 130 |
Woollcombe, Dr | 3, 135 |
Woollcombe, Henry Esq | 42, 135 |
Woollcombe, Mr T | 44 |
Woolmer, Joseph | 204 |
Woolmer, Mr S | 28, 199 |
Woolton, John DD | 204 |
Wordsworth, Dr | 172 |
Worth, John Esq | 204 |
Worth, Simon Esq | 113 |
Wortley, Hon J Stuart | 181 |
Wotton, Hampden | 134 |
Wotton, Sir Henry | 169 |
Wotton, Lord | 189 |
Wray, Sir Charles | 64 |
Wreford, Mr Robert | 191 |
Wrey, Sir Bourchier Bt | 204-5 |
Writtle, Jo Petrei, Baronis de | 123 |
Wyatt, J | 117 |
Wyatt, Mary | 119 |
Y | |
Yalden, Thomas DD | 205 |
Yard, Edward Esq | 194 |
Yeo, Admiral | 171 |
Yonge, Mary | 205 |
Yonge, Rev J | 110 |
Yonge, Sir Walter, MP | 35, 205 |
Yonge, William Esq | 205 |
York, Archbishop William of (Dawes) | 138-9 |
Z | |
Zouch, Thomas MA | 170 |