


Name Index.


Index to printed literature relating to North Devon

Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 34 (1902), pp. 345-393.


Maxwell Adams

Prepared by Michael Steer

The index relates to printed literature from the 15 most northerly hundreds of Devon; Braunton, Sherwill, South Molton, Fremington, Shebbear, Hartland, Black Torrington, North Tawton, Crediton, Witheridge, Bampton, Tiverton, Halberton, Hemyock and West Budleigh. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the New York Public Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.

Acland, Sir T D373
Adams, H W345
Albemarle, Duke of376
Alford, Rev Henry, AM392
Allan, Ralph369
Andrew, T392
Anne, Queen350
Ansted, Alexander379
Appleton345, 392
Arscott, John Esq345
Arthur, Prince376
Ashworth, E345-6, 371, 378, 380, 391
Attwood, J S353, 389, 391
Ayre, Rev John MA350
Bacon, Lord369
Baddeley, M J B346, 379, 391
Baker, Prebendary George388
Baller, Joseph349
Ballinger346, 384
Banfield, J346, 372, 377, 379, 390
Baring-Gould, Rev S346, 391
Bartlett, William351
Barton, H386
Bates, Thomas353
Bath, Earl of357
Bazeley, E H365
Beaumont family374
Bellamy, Richard387
Benson, Rev Joseph349
Bernard, Richard366
Berrie, Thomas Esq350
Binney, Rev J E376
Bird, E, BA393
Blackmore, R D352, 375
Blake, Martin, BD349
Blundell, John385
Blundell, Peter373, 383, 387
Botherem, Benjamin, LLD348
Bowell, E W W365
Boyce, George366
Bray, Mrs354, 370
Brayley, Mr G352, 354, 369
Bretland, Joseph363
Britton, John354, 379
Brooking-Rowe, Mr J345
Brushfield, T N355, 365, 368
Bryan, Richard373, 383
Buchanon, William Thorp Esq372
Buller, James Wentworth Esq363
Burough, Steven352
Bushell, Thomas Esq360, 375
Capern, Edward355
Carew, Bampfylde Moore351, 355-6
Carew, Sir Henry384
Carew, Rev Mr356
Carew, Rev John West388
Carne, Rev R H362
Carwithen, W388
Cave, Edward375
Chafe family356
Chafe, Thomas, gent356, 374, 393
Champlin, J Denison356, 373
Chanter, Gratiana357
Chanter, Rev John Mill, MA356-7, 380, 384
Chanter, Mr J R347, 349, 357, 375, 379, 391
Charles I358
Charles II369
Chave, Mr382
Chichester family357, 366
Chichester, R Esq380
Chope, R Pearse357, 365, 370
Clark, Captain Henry352
Clermont, Lord368
Cobleigh family357, 360
Cobley, John362
Cobley, John (2)362
Cobley, Mary362
Cock, J360, 383
Colley family361
Colby family360-1
Colby, Dr Frederick Thomas360-1, 389
Colby, Thomas Esq361
Coles, G384
Collacott, William383
Colton, Rev C, MA382, 388
Compton, Rev William348
Cooper, T H361, 372, 375, 379
Copplestone family361
Coplestone, Rev J G375
Cornish, Mr Philip348, 351, 379
Cornish, T H361
Cotton, R W347, 349, 352, 355, 361-2, 378-9
Courtenay, Rev & Hon C L, MA388
Cowslade, John353
Crediton, Bishop of364
Croly, Richard, MA366
Crooke, Captain Unton360
Crosse, Henry348
Crosse, Mary348
Crump, C C364, 376
Cruwys, Henry gent364
Culme, Rev John364, 376
Dadds, Rev W388
Davidson, J B364, 389, 393
Davie, John352
Davis, Rev E W L364, 389
Davy, Mr A J345
Davy, Rev C393
Davy, Rev W, AB393
Delagarde, P C364
Denham, Lieutenant H M, RN365, 375, 378-9
Dennis, Rev J, BCL392
Doe, George M365, 378, 389
Donn, Mr Abraham351
Doone, Lorna352, 367, 371, 375
Down, Eliza374
Downe, Mr John, BD373
Downeham, Mr John359
Downes, Rev W365, 371, 381, 389
Drake, Mr357-8, 379, 391
Drake, Sir W R365-6, 376
Dredge, Rev J Ingle350, 366, 368, 371, 375, 380-1, 391
Drew, Mary364
Drew, Robert gent364
Dunning, Captain Richard382
Dunsford, Martin366, 385
Dymond, Robert354, 366, 389
Eadgar, King374
Easton family376
Easton, Thomas379
Ebrington, Lord383
Edgcumbe, Sir E R Pearce367
Edwards, A364, 367
Edwards, Susannah352
Edye, Captain L371
Elizabeth I363
Ellis, H S367
Elsing, H360
Elworthy, F T355, 365, 367-8
Essex, Earl of387
Evans, H A367
Evans, Richard351, 392
Eveleigh, Josiah363
Evered, P367, 383
Every, John349
Exeter, Jonathan Lord Bishop of353, 386
Exeter, Stephen, Lord Bishop of388
Fairfax, Sir Thomas358-60
Fellows, John354
Fort, Fran, MA388
Fortescue, Earl368
Fortescue family368, 383
Fortescue, Hon J358, 367-8
Fowler, Rev H368
Fowler, Mr Thomas368, 371, 389
Frizell, Rev Richard, AM368, 373
Ganci, W377
Gardiner, W F349, 369
George I384
George III350
George IV353
Giberne, E368
Gist, Thomas352
Goldsmith, Edmund369
Gorham, G C, BD353
Gosset, Rev I H377
Gould, R D369
Granville, Very Rev Dennis, DD369
Granville family351, 354, 369
Granville, Rev Roger, MA369
Graves, Lord383
Grenvill, Sir Richard (also Grenville)359, 369
Grenville, Sir Beville369, 381
Grenville family369
Grenville, Lady369
Gribble, J B347, 369
Grigg, E391
Grose, Dr345
Grose, Francis, Esq, FSA375
Gwatkin, Mrs365, 370
Hakewill, George, DD373
Hall375, 378, 383
Hall, H Byng370
Hall, H G370
Hall, T M370, 378
Hamilton, A H A369
Harding, Colonel W357, 361, 370, 384
Harper, Joseph347, 370
Harrowby, Earl of384
Hartley, M B354, 371
Havell, D367
Hawker, Rev Treasurer350
Hawkins, Sir Richard369
Haydon, John359
Hayman, J G371, 376
Hayward, Sir John353, 363, 371
Hazlitt, William363
Henry VII376
Herbert, Commander George F, RN378
Hervey, James351
Hiern, W P349
Hill, Alfred Bligh, MA389
Hill, Rev C348
Hill, Jeremiah351
Hillard, Kate371
Hine, Rev T C389
Hingeston-Randolph, Rev Prebendary F C381, 391
Hobbs, Mr John352
Hogg, T348
Hole, Rev Richard, LLB373
Hole, William, MA392
Hopton, Sir R358-9
Howe, Rev John389
Hughes385, 389
Hughes, George, MA348
Hughes, J B371
Hughes, T Cann371
Humfrey, Laurence350
Hutchinson, P O381
Incledon, Benjamin Esq373, 380, 387
Ingleby, Mr358
Isaacson, Rev Stephen BA350
Jefferies, Richard367, 373, 383
Jeffrys, Mary391
Jenvey349, 380
Jewell, Bishop John, DD350, 373
Johns, J363-4
Johnson family361
Johnston, C349, 373
Jones, John387
Jones, Winslow347, 356, 365, 371, 373-4, 376, 383, 389
Judd, Robert353
Jukes, N B374, 378
Karkeek, P Q374, 384
Kiddell, Henry388
King, E J S372, 374
King, R J362, 374
Kingdon, A S361
Kingsley, Rev Charles351, 374, 392
Lach-Szyrma, Rev W S369
Lambe, Mary393
Lammas, Edwin372
Land, John376
Lang, William353
Larkham, Thomas381
Larter, C E353, 375, 378
Lavington, Rev Samuel351
Le Bas, C W, MA350
Lee, Nathaniel V, Esq378
Lega-Weekes, Ethel375, 393
Leigh, Sir Amyas374, 392
Leigh, John Esq371
Lenthal, Hon William Esq358-9
Lethbridge, Sir Roper367, 371
Lewes, G H372
Ley, Thomas, MA362
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van369
Lloyd, Rev A F373
Lloyd, Temperance (also Floyd)352
Lomas, H M367
Longstaff, G B375, 376
Luck, R, MA347, 349, 375
Mackenzie, F376, 389
Macray, John384
Manley, Richard383
March, R348
Markham, Gervase369
Marshall, Bouchier353
Marshall, Elizabeth353
Martin, J354, 376
Massie, Major General362
Melford, John Esq379
Mervyn family366, 376
Mills, James363
Monk, General376
Monk, Nicholas376, 389
Monson, Sir W369
Montague, Rev Augustus389
Moore, John370, 376
Moreton, Thomasin367
Moreton, Wilmot367
Morgan, Rev Samuel364
Morice, Sir William391
Mortimer, Thomas348, 354, 376
Morton, Cardinal376
Mozley, Rev T376, 380
Mulford family383
Mullet, Mr Joseph352
Mundy, Rev Henry389
Murray, Rev J H367, 389
Napier, A S363
Neale, W R373
Nesbit, F, MA372, 376
Newman, Rev Samuel376-7
Newte, John MA386-7, 388
Normandy, Rollo Duke of369
Northcote, John Esq374, 376
Odgers, James349
Oliver, Rev George DD361
Oxenham family362, 379, 393
Oxenham, Mrs James379
Page, J Ll W375, 379
Palmer, Ann382
Palmer, James F380
Palmer, Mrs365, 370, 380, 389
Palmer, Thomas387
Palmer family361
Palmerston, Lord383-4, 386
Parfitt, E380
Parker, Edmund393
Parker, Prebendary George388, 393
Parr, Bartholomew373
Parry, J A352, 380
Paterson, Dr385
Paulet, Captain358
Pearce family367
Pedler, E H364, 380
Pengelly, W346, 380
Perceval, Hon Spencer385
Phear, Sir J B354, 380
Phillipps, Rev John370
Phillpotts, Bishop353
Pollard, Mr358
Price, Miss A E381
Price, Thomas356, 372
Pring, J H, MD366
Pugsley, J & Son372
Punchard, Rev E J, DD381
Pycroft, Rev James349
Pye-Smith, Rev Dr J352
Radford, Mrs G H381, 384, 389
Raleigh, Sir Walter369
Rammell, T W Esq385
Randall, J348
Ravenshaw, Rev T F390
Rawle, E J381
Raynton, Sir Robert358
Reichel, Rev O J370, 381
Reynolds family361
Reynolds, Sir Joshua380
Richards, G P, MA382
Riddell, W L390
Risk, Rev J E381, 384
Robbin, A F369, 381
Roberts, Thomas374
Rock, W F365, 381
Rogers, W H H381, 382
Rolle, Hon Colonel Robert371
Rolle, Mr Samuel371
Rooker, Rev Samuel351
Rooker, Samuel Lavington351-2, 381
Rooker, William351
Rooseboom, C H368
Roskill, Thomas, AB346
Row, John382-3
Rowe364, 382
Rowe, A348
Rowe, Mrs Elizabeth363
Rowe, G377
Rowe, J Brooking, FSA, FLS382
Rowe, Mr John363-4
Rowe, Rev Samuel382
Russell, Parson Jack382
Russell, Rev John364, 382, 389
Sainthill family389
Saunders, Miss Helen383
Sawyer, W Esq375
Scougill, H B377, 390
Scriven, C382
Senior, Mr359
Sharland, J383
Shepheard, Mr James382
Shepherd, William Esq372
Shippon, Major Generall (sic)387
Short, John375
Short, Samuel352
Simcoe, Lieutenant General John Graves366
Simcoe, Miss366
Slade-King, Mrs373, 383
Smith364, 386
Smith, Rev Charles Felton, MA363, 383
Smith, Samuel383
Snell, F J, MA367, 383-4
Southcombe, Lewis376
Staveley, Master George352
Steinman, G Steinman, Esq. FSA, FLS375
Stevens family361
Stevenson, W H363
Stodden, Samuel365
Strong, H W346, 370, 373, 384, 392
Sully, Sir John de, KG373
Syle348, 378
Taprell, Rev Richard347
Taylor, Ann387
Thomas, Hannah352
Thompson, David384
Thompson, Rev S349, 379
Thorne, Rev J348, 379
Thornton, Rev W H384
Toplady, Rev Augustus Montagu, AB354
Toulmin, Joshua DD364
Towgood, Micaiah363
Tozer, Aaron363
Tremayne, Andrew381
Tremayne, Edmund381
Tremayne family389
Tremayne, Nicholas381
Tremayne, Richard381
Trembles, Mary352
Trevethick, William MA371
Tripp, Rev Henry, MA383
Troup, Francis B380, 389
Tugwell, Rev George, MA346, 357, 377, 379, 390
Twiss & Sons373, 390
Venner, Sir John358
Veryard, Ellis389
Vidal, R S374, 390
Vowles, Rev William387
Wade, Z E A372, 391
Wagstaffe, Sir Joseph360
Wainwright, Mr Thomas345, 347, 391
Walters, W372, 390-1
Walrond, Colonel H391
Wansey, Henry Esq, FAS390
Ward, C S346, 367, 379, 391
Ward & Lock377
Warriner, Rev F J391
Watkins, J, LLD351, 354, 391
Watson, H388
Westcott, John392
Whale, Rev T W354, 392
Whear, Degory350
White, Captain359
Whitaker, G350
Whitfeld, Rev John, MA351
Whitley, Nicholas371
Whyte-Melville, G J374, 392
Wichalse, Mary375
William IV353, 389
Williams, Rev Philip390
Williams, T H378-9, 392
Wills, C347, 392
Willshire, Charles384, 392
Wilson, J377
Wilcox, Mary355, 393
Windeatt, E386
Winzer, John376
Wood, Mr Beavis385
Wood, T Winter393
Wooley, H393
Woolmer, Mr S351, 381
Worth, R N367, 377-8, 383, 393
Worthy, C351, 393
Wray, Sir Charles358
Wrey, Florence384, 393
Wreyford, Reginald (Wreford)373, 389, 393
Wyot, Philip357