Estate Duty Office Will of of William Pincombe, Yeoman, of Beaford (1812)
© Crown Copyright
Devon Record Office 1078/IRW/P886
Transcribed by Elizabeth Kipp
1 This is the last Will and Testament of me William Pincombe
2 of Beaford in the County of Devon Yeoman First I Give and Bequeath unto Sarah my wife
3 during the Term of her Natural Life one third Part of the Issues and Profits arising from all
4 that my Messuage and Tenement called or known by the Name of late Alfords situate in the
5 Parish of Saint Giles in the said County I also Give and Bequeath unto my said wife during
6 the Term of her natural Life All that my Leasehold Messuage and Tenement to consist
7 of a House Garden and Orchard commonly known by the Name of the Lower House being that of a Tenement called Wayhouse situate
8 in the parish of Beaford aforesaid Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary
9 one other third Part of the Issues and Profits arising from the above mentioned Tenements
10 during my Right and Interest therein now depending on the Lives of Mary How the
11 wife of Thomas How of Alverdiscott in the said County Yeoman and Sarah my wife And
12 on the Death of my said wife my Will and Desire is and I hereby give and Bequeath unto my
13 said Daughter Mary two third Parts being the Remainder of the Issues and Profits arising
14 from the above named Tenements during the Life of the said Mary How I also Give and
15 Bequeath unto my said Daughter Mary after the Death of her Mother the said Messuage
16 and Tenement called the Lower House during her natural Life if my Interest so long
17 continue therein And after her Decease I Give and Bequeath the same Lower House
18 with the appurtenances unto my Daughter Sarah during all my Right and Interest thereon
19 and she to have receive and enjoy all the Rights Privileges Profits and Incomes from thenceforth
20 as her Sister Mary had before her And in case of Nonpayment by my Executors
21 hereafter named of any or either of the above mentioned Issues and Profits to my said wife
22 and Daughters or either of them on any part thereof That then my said Wife and Daughters
23 or either of them shall and may enter and distrain on the said Tenements and sell the
24 same or any part of the Goods and Chattels therein for so much as shall be due to her
25 or them and the serplus to pay back again to my Executors I Give and Bequeath unto
26 my Daughter Mary One Pound per Annum and unto my Daughter Sarah five Pounds per Annum to be paid out of the Profits arising from
27 Weyhouse with a like Power of Distress and Sale in case of Nonpayment as above specified
28 All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits
29 I give to the Use only of my Sons Richard William and John they paying and discharging
30 all my Debts Legacies and Funeral Expences And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint
31 my said Sons Richard William and John Executors of this my Last Will and Testament
32 hereby revoking and making void all wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare
33 this only to be my last Will and Testament And I hereby appoint John Cox of Roborough
34 Yeoman and Thomas How of Alverdiscott Yeoman Trustees to superintend the education of
35 my younger Sons William and John In Witness whereof I the said William Pincombe
36 the Testator have unto this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this sixth
37 Day of April one thousand eight hundred and eleven
38 W[illia]m Pincombe [signed] [sealed]
39 Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said
40 William Pincombe the Testator as and for his last Will
41 and Testament (the words "and Bequeath" other "Theirs"
42 Being first interlined) in the Presence of us who at his Request in his
43 presence and in the Presence of each other have subscribed our
44 Names as Witnesses thereto
45 Rob[er]t Wilson Jun[ior]
46 Mary Banten [signed]
47 Whereas I William Pincombe of Beaford in the County of Devon Yeoman did on
48 about the sixth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eleven publish my Last Will
49 and Testament in writing Now my will and Desire is and I hereby request and direct that
50 in case my wife should think proper to reside in Way House that she shall have an
51 particle of a sort of the Household Furniture therein at the time of my Decease for her
52 own use without any Molestation whatsoever And I hereby direct that this may be
53 taken as a Codicil to my said Will and to be annexed thereto and a part thereof be
54 Witness whereof I the said William Pincombe have to this my said Codicil to be annexed
55 unto my said last Will and Testament and to be taken as part thereof my hand and
56 Seal this third day of June one thousand eight hundred and eleven
57 W[illia]m Pincombe [signed] [sealed]
58 Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said William Pincombe the Testator
59 as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in our Presence; who in his Presence
60 and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names and Witnesses thereto
61 Rob[er]t Wilson Jun[ior] [signed]
62 Mary Banten [signed]
63 W[illia]m Pincombe wishes to have it mentioned that should Mrs. Pever come to want
64 (which at present there is no probability of) that not only the Laws of Nature but the
65 Laws of England will in such an Event oblige her Son Richard to maintain her.
66 This is inserted in order to give Mrs. Pincombe satisfaction
67 by R Wilson [signed]
68 This and the foregoing sheet of Paper contain a true Copy of the last Will
69 and Testament of the said William Pincombe deceased having been compared thus
70 this 5th day of Apr 1812
71 James Pearse Jun[io]r N[otar]y Public
72 No.
73 For the Stamp Office
74 Copy of the Will of
75 William Pincombe
76 late of Beaford Devon Yeoman
77 Executors
78 Richard Pincombe William Pincombe
79 and John Pincombe of Beaford
80 foresaid sons of the deceased
81 No. 2 REG NR B 12
82 FOL 209 H T
83 Proved in the Archdeaconial Court
84 of Barnstaple, Devon 2 Jan[ua]ry 1812
85 Effects under 300£
86 James Pearse Jun[io]r Reg[iste]r
87 Barnstaple Devon
88 12 Folios at 6 ... 6
[P. 886 in margin]