


Customs Port Books 1745

Port of: Barnstaple and Bideford

Books for: Overseas trade

Type of books: Searcher

Language: Latin

Taken from Port Books in National Archives ref: E 190/1003/10 and 12


Transcribed by David Carter 2023

Spelling transcribed verbatim. Anything in square brackets added by transcriber.


 = = = = = = = =


Surname index:

Besley, Besly        
Hammatt, Hammet, Hammett        
Handcock, Hankock        
Hartnold, Hartnoll        
Kenney, Kenny        
La Pro, Lepro        
Lee, Lees        

Import or ExportDateFrom / ToVesselTonsBelongingMasterMerchantGoods
E 190/1003/10
An account of all Goods and Merchandize ent[ered] for exportation paid the duties rec[eived] thereon in the Quarter ended at Lady Day 1745
Export02 Feb 1745WaterfordCountry Gally BarnstapleEdward CopnerWilliam Chappell & Co294 bushells of Portugal salt paid all Customs here inwards p'se & Co the 3rd & 14th January 1742, 4,500 parcels British earthenware - free
Export02 Feb 1745WaterfordCountry Gally BarnstapleEdward CopnerGeorge Pollard & Co100 bushels of Portugal salt paid all Customs here inward p'te & Ca: 13th January & 19th February 1742 out of the Union from Lisbon
Export28 Jan 1745WaterfordTommy BarnstapleJames BurdenThomas Benson10 barrels British strong beer, 112 cwt 2 lbs Newfoundland Dry cod fish taken & cured by British at Newfoundland & imported free from there, Two parcels British Earthenware - free
Export11 Feb 1745WaterfordBrothers Gift BarnstapleThomas ManningThomas Benson1200 parcels British Earthenware - free
Export13 Feb 1745CorkeLeviathan BarnstapleEdward JefferyThomas Benson10 hundred Newfoundland cod fish and seven uncertain casks quantity One tun three quarters & seventeen gallons train oil taken & condemned as Legal Prize, the fish in the Piere Andre & the oil in the St William - 1500 parcels British earthenware - free
Export13 Feb 1745WaterfordBrothers Gift BarnstapleThomas ManningThomas Benson41 cwt 2 qtrs 20 lbs Newfoundland wett cod fish, part of the Charles Vincents cargo taken & considered a Legal Prize
Export07 Mar 1745 Recovery Barnstaple James Symons & Co100 bushels of Portugal salt paid all Customs here inward p'te & Ca: 13th January & 19th February 1742 out of the Union from Lisbon
Export07 Mar 1745DublinDiamond BidefordWilliam HartnollMathew Rock20 tons British oak bark value £30 per ton, 900 parcels British earthenware and 30 qtrs British oats
Export15 Mar 1745DublinPillhead BarnstapleThomas HammetThomas BensonA French built vessel made free. 20 barrels strong beer, 600 parcels of British earthenware - free
Export22 Mar 1745DublinCountry Gally BarnstapleEdward CopnerJames Chappell & Co24 barrels of strong beer and 1200 hundred parcels British earthenware - free
An Account of all Goods and Merchandizes Imported & & Ent[ered] and of the dutys paid or secured thereon in Lady Day Quarter 1745
Import01 Jan 1745OportoJohn British builtRobert BrooksThomas Benson4 hogsheads containing one ton Portugal wine unfilled for sale as per oath
Import01 Jan 1745OportoJohn British builtRobert BrooksRobert Brooks4 quarter casks containing 6 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale as per oath
Import29 Jan 1745 Vine BarnstapleRichard VernamThomas BensonForeign built ship taken in the present war from the Subjects of the French King by a Privateer called the Benson Gally, Richard Vernam Commander, Condemned in the High Court of Admiralty as a Lawfull Prize by the name of the Lion Dor, Jacques Sourillon master, as per her Sentence of Condemn't dated 1st Dec last. The said ship tackle apparill & furniture valued on oath by Thomas Benson the owner at £1.8s.6d.
Import11 Feb 1745PlacentiaPierre Andre  Thomas SalmonThomas Benson18 hogsheads 3 barrels & one quart cask containing 3 tons & half Newfoundland Train Oil caught and made by said Benson British ships that victualled & proceeded from hence as per oath - free
Import11 Feb 1745PlacentiaPierre Andre  Thomas SalmonJames Chappell & Co4 barrels quantity half a ton Newfoundland Train oil caught & made by British Planters at Newfoundland as per oath
Import11 Feb 1745     [See below]In the Warehouse secured for the Duty's upwards of six months sold publickly to the best bidder pursuant to law and their Honours order of the 15th November 1744 To Wit:
Import11 Feb 1745     Stucley BayntunTo Mr Stucley Bayntun one half chest quantity 4 gallons of Florence Wine for £0.9s.0d Charges thereon 1s.2d neat produce to be applied £0.7s.10d, applied as filled for private use.
Import11 Feb 1745     Christopher IrwinSold also pursuant to said order to Mr Christopher Irwin the best bidder a parcel of old iron at 1½d per pound quantity 144 lbs £0.18s.0d, charge thereon 6d neat produce applied to old Customs.
Import11 Feb 1745[aforesaid]John  [aforesaid]Thomas BensonShort entered per ultimo Thomas Benson on 4th Nov, Port wine unfilled for sale, 6 gallons ditto wine
Import01 Mar 1745[aforesaid]Lyon Dor  [aforesaid]Thomas Benson570 bushells French salt
Import01 Mar 1745[aforesaid]Charles Vincent  [aforesaid]Thomas Benson702 bushells French salt
Import01 Mar 1745[aforesaid]Pierre Andre  [aforesaid]Thomas Benson196 bushells French salt
Import15 Mar 1745 Pillhead  BarnstapleThomas BensonA Foreign built vessel taken in this present war from the subjects of the French King by a Privateer called the Benson Gally, Richard Vernam Commander, Condemned in the High Court of Admiralty as a Lawful Prize by the name of the St Guillaume as per her sentence of Condem'n dated 23rd Oct: Cash and valued on oath with her tackle, apparell & furniture by Thomas Benson owner at £0.
Import15 Mar 1745 Brittannia   Thomas BensonTaken and Condemned as the above by the name of the Charles Vincent & valued on oath by said Benson at £0
Import15 Mar 1745 Parkham   Thomas BensonTaken and Condemned as [per the Pillhead] by the name of the Pierre Andre as per her sentence dated 3rd Nov 1744 and valued on oath by said Benson at £0.
Here begins Midsummer Qu[arte]rs Exports 1745
Export03 Apr 1745PlacentiaParkham BarnstapleWilliam BrooksThomas Benson720 bushells French salt paid all Customs here inwards per the 12th December, and 1st March 1744 out of the Lyon Dor Prize 596 bushells ditto Salt all Customs paid here inwards per the 21st November & 1st March last out of the Pierre Andre Prize, 500 bushells Portugal Salt paid all Customs here inwards per George Pollard & Co 13th January & 19th February 1742 out of the Union from Lisbon.
Export06 Apr 1745Viana, PortugalVine BarnstapleThomas SalmonThomas BensonA foreign built ship made free, 121 hundred Newfoundland wett cod fish, 10 hogsheads & one barrel quantity 2 tons & 19 gallons Newfoundland Train oil taken & Condemned as Prize, the fish in the Pierre Andre & Charles Vincent transhipt & the Train oil in the St Guillaume, Charles Vincent & Pierre Andre.
Export08 Apr 1745[aforesaid]Parkham [aforesaid][aforesaid]Thomas Benson234 bushells French salt paid all Customs here inwards per the 19th November & 10th December 1744 out of the Saint Guillaume Prize.
Export10 Apr 1745DublinPillhead  Thomas HammattThomas BensonA foreign built ship made free, 52 cwt 2 qtrs wett Newfoundland cod fish six hogsheads quantity one ton & 14 gallons ditto blubber, part of the Charles Vincents cargo taken & condemned as Prize and Transhipt.
Export18 Apr 1745DublinYarmouth sloop BarnstapleThomas KnillWilliam Besly300 quarters of oats & 10 sacks quantity six quarters & two bushells of Girts all British - free
Export01 May 1745[aforesaid]Parkham [aforesaid][aforesaid]Thomas BensonSix hogsheads molasses out of time two barrels English refined sugar, two barrels & ten ha:lar'ls gunpowder came on the Tommy from Bristol per coast cocquet 3rd instant, 30 barrels strong beer, 10 thousand yd & 54 chests quantity 20 suits mens cloaths value £15.12s, one hundred quantity 50 pieces of Barnstaple bays, 10 barrels beef, 10 barrels pork, 10 hundred peas all British - free. 7 cwt lead shot.
Export07 May 1745DublinLittle Blessing BarnstapleThomas LanceyPhineas Walker & Sons254 qtrs barley on account of bounty security taken - 50 qtrs oats, 1200 parcels earthenware & two barrels cyder - free
Export09 May 1745[aforesaid]Parkham [aforesaid][aforesaid]Thomas Benson5 boxes quantity 8cwt.3qtrs.2lbs English hard soap, 2 boxes quantity 1cwt.0qtrs.11lbs ditto tallow candles, 1 hogshead & ten barrels quantity 7qtrs, 6 bushels ground wheat, 5 hogsheads quantity 5 qtrs, 6 bushels 2 packs & 5 pounds oatmeal on account of bounty, one cask quantity 5 dozen shoes containing 23 pounds tanned leather, 4cwt.3qtrs.10ells narrow German linen & 14 ells hessien, 3 cans, the subsidy additional duty new subsidy 1/3 subsidy & import 1690 inwards paid at London by Abraham Handkell & Co, the 28th March, 10th, 18th, 19th & 26th July 1744 as per certificate from Bristol dated 2nd instant.
Export14 May 1745DublinCountry Gally BarnstapleRichard Stott 20 barrels strong beer, 1500 parcels British earthenware, 3 qtrs & 1 bushel of wheat, on account of bounty - all British free
Export25 May 1745DublinRecovery BarnstapleSamuel JonesJames Symons65 qtrs & 5 bushels barley, 40 qtrs of wheat, 58 sacks containing 46 qtrs & 7 bushels of oatmeal on account of bounty, security taken & 100 qtrs oats - free
Export25 May 1745DublinWilliam & Sarah BarnstapleWilliam HartnollWilliam Besly79 qtrs wheat, 114 sacks quantity 71 qtrs six bushels & 18 pounds of oatmeal on account of bounty, 87 qtrs & 4 bushels oats and 600 parcels earthenware - free
Export24 Jun 1745CorkFancy NorthamJohn LimberyJames Symons96 qtrs & six bushels barley on account of bounty, security taken, three barrels strong beer, one barel cyder - all British free
Here begins Midsum[me]r Quarters Imports 1745
Import~~ Apr 1745St Johns, NewfoundlandLa Paia ~~~~~~~~~~Hasden YoungeIn Cellers salved out of the ship La Paia stranded in this port, being a prize taken by the Kingsale man of war condemned at St Johns in Newfoundland as per a certificate of register dated 2nd November last, Hasden Young agent for the Captors, one cask: quantity ~?~, p'ts Indico & one cask quantity 112 pounds cochineal for dyers use - free
Import01 May 1745St Johns, NewfoundlandLa Paia ~~~~~~~~~~Hasden Younge102 uncertain casks quantity 140cwt of Prize coffee the produce of the French Plantations in America
Import07 May 1745St Johns, NewfoundlandLa Paia ~~~~~~~~~~Hasden Younge92 uncertain casks quantity 328cwt E'rt of Prize Musco Sugars of the produce aforesaid
Import07 May 1745PlacentiaCharles Vincent [aforesaid]Thomas HammettThomas Benson218 bushels French salt
Import20 May 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden YoungeIn Cellers salved out of the ship La Paia aforesaid, 8 uncertain casks quantity 45ctw.1qtr.6lbs of Prize Sugars
Import27 May 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden YoungeHis Post to No.2 - 20cwt.2qts. 27lbs of ditto Prize coffee
Import27 May 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden Younge88 casks quantity 280cwt of ditto prize coffee
Import27 May 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden Younge69 casks quantity 238cwt of ditto prize coffee
Import27 May 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden YoungeHis Post to No.3 - 102cwt.3qts.3lbs of ditto Prize sugar
Import27 May 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden YoungeHis Post to No.7 - 17cwt.3qts.19lbs of ditto coffee
Import18 Jun 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden Younge6 casks quantity 28cwt of ditto sugar
Import18 Jun 1745[aforesaid]La Paix [aforesaid][aforesaid]Hasden YoungeHis Post on said 6 casks 3cwt.2qt.19lbs ditto sugar
Here begins Michaelmas Quarters Exports 1745
Export25 Jun 1745DublinProsperous NorthamDavid La ProRobert Pitt4981 ~?~ English oats - free
Export29 Jun 1745DublinResolution NorthamJohn CallGeorge Walker & Co266 qtrs barley & 121 qtrs & two bushels wheat English on account of bounty
Export29 Jun 1745DublinResolution NorthamJohn CallGeorge Walker & Co1200 parcels earthenware 200 bushels English malt & 12 barrels British strong beer - free
Export01 July 1745DublinResolution NorthamJohn CallWilliam Carder108 qtrs 3 bushels of oats and 5 qtrs 2 bushels of girts all English - free
Export24 July 1745LisbonLark BarnstapleJohn CooperThomas Benson4 hogsheads & 1 barrel Newfoundland Cod sounds & tongues [fish] part of the Charles Vincents cargo taken & condemned as Legal Prize transhipt - 2 hogshead 2 trusses & 2 bales quantity 43 pieces Barnstaple bays, 4 ca: quantity 78 Ruggs value £19, 3 tons iron hoops brought from Bristol in the Tommy - free
Export26 July 1745DublinTryal NorthamJames LoughlinThomas Grater20 barrels strong beer & 1200 parcels earthenware British - free
Export26 July 1745DublinWilliam & John NorthamJohn ButtonWilliam Besley190 qtrs & 2 bushels barley, 74 qtrs & 1 bushel wheat, 27 sacks quantity 16 qtrs 7 bushels & 27 pounds oatmeal on account of bounty - 5 quarters of malt all English - free
Export26 July 1745DublinCountry Gally BarnstapleRichard StottWilliam Besley500 parcels earthenware & 10 barrels strong beer - free
Export28 July 1745LisbonLark BarnstapleJohn CooperThomas Benson65 sacks quantity 32 qtrs & 14 bushels wheat, 8 barrels quantity 5 qtrs 2 bushels & 19 pounds ground wheat on account of bounty 11 bales quantity 70 pieces Barnstaple bays, two bales containing 30 pieces Barnstaple stuffs all free
Export02 Aug 1745DublinRecovery BarnstapleSamuel JonesJames Symons143 qtrs & 2 bushels wheat, 48 qtrs & 6 bushels barley, 8 qtrs & 1 bushel ground wheat on account of bounty - security taken, 2 quarters & 4 bushels malt & 2 maunds quantity 5 dozen bottles English ale free
Export02 Aug 1745DublinRecovery BarnstapleSamuel JonesWilliam Horden900 parcels British earthenware - free
Export06 Aug 1745CorkFancey BarnstapleJohn LimberyJohn Limbery1200 parcels British earthenware - free
Export23 Aug 1745DublinExchange BidefordJohn LewisThomas Penny115 quarters & 6 bushels of wheat, & 337 quarters and one bushel of barley on account of bounty - security taken - free
Export13 Sep 1745Newray, IrelandTerra Nova BarnstapleJames BurnThomas Benson85 sacks containing 68 qtrs & five bushels oatmeal on account bounty security taken, 1350 parcels British Earthenware - free
Export13 Sep 1745DublinFrances BarnstapleThomas SalmonThomas Benson195 bushels English white salt brought here Coastways in the Leviathan from Bristol by Coast Cocquet dated 30th December 1743, the excise duty of which secured here by the exporter &c, 1555 bushels French salt paid all Customs here inwards ~?~ the 6th & 24th February, 22nd September & 4th October 1743, 21st November, 12th December, 1st March last - note this vessel was entered for America but being taken at sea by a Spanish privateer & loosing all the ships papers she returned into this Port and then suffered to go for Ireland by Commissioners order
Here begins Michaelmas Quarters Imports 1745
Import05 July 1745DublinWilliam & Sarah BarnstapleWilliam HartnollWilliam Hartnoll5 pieces containing 120 yards of Irish linen cloth per Certificate 27th ult & all plain as per oath - free. 160 kersey skins in the hair valued on oath at £8.
Import31 July 1745DublinExchange BidefordJohn LewisThomas Kenny2 packs quantity 220 pieces containing 4400 yards of ditto linen per certificate 26th & per oath - free
Import09 Aug 1745CorkFancey BarnstapleJohn LimberyJohn LimberyIn the watchhouse at Appledore in this port secured for the duties per our Tide Surveyor, 14th May last out of the Fancey, John Limbery from Cork, 2cwt.1qtr.23lbs or 275 pieces Irish hard soap
Import14 Sep 1745DublinRecovery BarnstapleSamuel JonesJames Symons15 bags containing 8cwt.1qtr.11lbs or 500 great stones of Irish wool per cocquet 26th ult - free. 4 packs quantity 8cwt & 3lbs or 50 great stones of bay yarn per said cocquet - free. One bundle quantity 50 yards of Irish frieze by said cocquet, and 4 bales quantity 240 kersey skins in the hair valued at £18 on oath
Import14 Sep 1745DublinRecovery BarnstapleSamuel JonesWilliam RoweTwo bundles containing 965 yards of Irish linen cloth per certificate 28th ult and all plain as per oath - free
Import17 Sep 1745CorkFancey NorthamJohn LimberyGeorge Hawkes170 cow hides in the hair & 2640 calve skins in the hair
Import20 Sep 1745DublinExchange NorthamJohn LewisThomas KennyTwo packs containing 144 pieces quantity 3836 yards of Irish linen cloth as per certificate of the 10th instant and all plain as per oath - free
Import~~ ~~~ 1745DublinOrange Tree BarnstapleSamuel ChinnWilliam EllisOne bundle quantity 31 pieces containing 822 yards of Irish linen cloth per certificate 9th instant and all plain as per oath - free
Here begins Christmas Quarters Exports 1745
Here begins Christmas Quarters Imports 1745
Import~~ ~?~ 1745CorkFancey [aforesaid]John LimberyGeorge Hawkes110 calve skins in the hair and 9 cow hides in the hair
Here ends this years imports and exports
Jno Greory, H Searls
Sworn at Exeter in the County of Devon the twenty first day of August 1746 before C Clive
E 190/1003/12
Outwards in Lady day Qu[arter] 1745
Export08 Jan 1745Beaurdeux~~~~~~ ~~~~~Simon LampaliesGeorge Strange for David Peloquin29 hogsheads quantity 26,872 lbs tobacco, the subsidy paid & all other duties secured inwards by George Strange 10th & 21st January 1743 Out of the Bohemia from Maryland. 40 hogsheads quantity 36,125 lbs tobacco the subsidy paid & all other duties secured inwards by the said Strange the 5th December the 2nd and 7th January 1743 Out of the Union from Maryland - free
Export10 Jan 1745CorkMarygold  John TrickGeorge Copplestone100 qtrs of British oats - free
Export19 Jan 1745CorkMarygold  John TrickGeorge Copplestone70 qtrs 3 bushels barley 34 qtrs 6 bushels wheat winton measure ship'd per Sufferance dated 10th instant - free
Export04 Feb 1745MarylandBohemia  John HeardingGeorge Strange32cwt.1qt.4 ells narrow garm & linnen, 0cwt.2qt.21 ells Hopsons canvas the subsidy additional duty new: subs: 1/3 subsidy & import was paid inwards at Exon by Anthony Vicary the 24th October 1743, 16 April, 9th August, 20th & 29th October 1744. 0cwt.3wt.3 ells n[arrow] German linnen was paid inwards at Exon by John Duntze 29th October 1744 as per certificate from thence dated 29th January 1744 - free
Export08 Feb 1745MarylandBohemia  John HeardingGeorge StrangeA parcel of saddles bridles shoes & books quantity 600 tanned leather wares on bounty security taken for exportation 60 ruggs 6 blankets 12 dozen worsted hose 6 dozen cotten capps 10 kerseys 4 single 4 double bayze 150 yards flannell 600 serge 8 dozen leather gloves 600 cwt stuffs 15 dozen felt hatts 30 bound books 50cwt wrought iron 20 cwt wrought nails 5 cwt haberdashery 5 cwt pewter 30 brass Mam[?] 2000 parcels earthenware 6 worsted broads 1 cwt loaf sugar 3 cwt cordage 60 groce tobacco pipes 3 dozen hair sieves v[alue] £1.19.0 all British made 800 yards plain Irish linnen - free
Export09 Feb 1745CorkJohn & Grace  Edmond PoultRichard Thomas & Co84 qtrs wheat 60 qtrs barley winton measure - free
Export02 Mar 1745MarylandRavon  William WalterJoshua WilliamsA parcel of saddles bridles shoes & boots quantity 400 tanned leather wares on bounty security taken for exportation 50 ruggs 7 pair blankets 10 dozen worsted stockings 4 dozen worsted capps 2 dozen cotton capps 8 pieces kerseys 4 single 4 double bayze 100 yards flannell 8 pieces Whitney 400 ~?~ serge 6 dozen plain leather gloves 300 cwt stuff 20 dozen felt ~?~ hatts 2 ~?~ 40 wrought silk 30 bound books 40 pieces linnen 30cwt wrought nails 40 cwt ~?~ 6 cwt haberdashery 200 yards of fustian 3 cwt nails 40 cwt brass manufacture 2 suits woollen curtains and value £3. 1,000 parcels earthenware 40 qtrs glass bottles 2 western broads 2 cwt loaf sugar 3 cwt cordage 2 dozen hair sieves value £1.6.0. 2 dozen horse whips value £2.10.0. 4 ord[inar]y pennystones buckram 20 gross tobacco pipes 2 dozen thread stockings value £1.7.6. 3 cape cloths 1 dozen p'rs brashes 6 p'rs womens stayze value £3.12.0. 4 dozen bed ticks 8 gallons linseed oyle 20 painters colours 2 dozen drinking glasses 1000 foot window glass 4 same 4 packs water collers 1/2 cwt w sheets[?] 2 quilts 2 hoops ~?~ all British Manufacture - free
Export02 Mar 1745MarylandRavon  William WalterJoshua Williams2 lbs weight lead shott
Export02 Mar 1745MarylandRavon  William WalterJoshua Williams13cwt.0qt.0 ells pl[ain] Germ[an] linnen 120 ells hossins canvas the subsidy additional duty the subsidy p'd ~?~ & imported ~?~ inward at Exon by Antony Vicary 17th May 1743 16th April 9th August 20th & 29th October 1744 20 paper 4 rheams writing paper 4 p's mustins 50 yards plain ~?~ linnen 1? cinnamon & cloves 1 ditto nutts out of time - free
Export06 Mar 1745DublinBetty  Thomas WalshSamuel Banbury for William Carder350 qtrs British oats - free
Export18 Mar 1745MarylandUnion  Jona[than] StrangeGeorge Strange1 parcel of saddles bridles shoes & boots quantity 350 tanned leather wares 60 ruggs 6 blankets 10 dozen worsted stockings 10 dozen cotton capps 15 kerseys 3 single 4 double bayze 70 yards flannell 4 pieces whitney 400 serge 400 7 dozen plain leather gloves 350 stuff 14 dozen felt hatts 2 thrown 14 wrought silks 30 bound books 20 cwt nails 14 cwt iron 4 cwt haberdashery 150 yards fustian 3 cwt perter 30 brass manufacture 1000 parcels earthenware 3 western broads 1 cwt loaf sugar 2 cwt cordage 400 dry pennystones 3 gross tobacco pipes all British Manufacture - free
Export18 Mar 1745MarylandUnion  Jona[than] StrangeGeorge Strange700:10 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linnen the subsidy additional duty N. Subsidy & import 1690 was paid inwards at Exon by Antony Vicary 16th April 9th August & 20th October 1744 1qt.21 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linnen was paid inwards by John Duntze 19th October 1744 as per certificate from Exon dated 14th March 1744 400 yards plain Irish linnen - free
Inwards in Lady day Qu[arter] 1745
Import13 Mar 1745LisbonAmity  James GoodmanJoshua Williams for John Buck900 bushels Portugal salt 6 chests quantity 3000 oranges and lemons
Import14 Mar 1745LisbonAmity  James GoodwinJoshua Williams for John Buck4 ha: chests quantity 1000 oranges and lemons
Import15 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoRobert Stafford1500 bushels Portugal salt 16 ha: chests quantity 4000 oranges and lemons
Import15 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoGeorge Webber2 ha: chests & loose quantity 1500 oranges and lemons
Import16 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoWilliam Yeo7 ha: chests quantity 1 3/4 oranges and lemons
Wines Inwards in Lady day Qua[rte]r 1745
Import11 Jan 1745MarylandSophia   Isaac Williams for John Buck1 cask Madeira wine unfilled for private use
Import13 Jan 1745LisbonAmity  James GoodwinIsaac Williams for John Buck4 quarter casks quantity 1/4 ton & 37 g[allons] Portugal wine unfilled for private use
Import14 Mar 1745LisbonAmity  James Goodwin 3 quarter casks quantity 75 G. Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import15 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoRobert Stafford11 quarter casks quantity 1.2.37 G. Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import15 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoGeorge Webber4 quarter casks quantity 1/4 ton & 37 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import16 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoGeorge Webber4 quarter casks quantity 1/4 ton & 37 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import19 Mar 1745LisbonAmity    10 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import20 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoGeorge Webber15 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import21 Mar 1745LisbonAmity  James GoodwinIsaac Williams for John Buck16 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for private use
Import21 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William Yeo 16 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import23 Mar 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoRobert Stafford37 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Import25 Mar 1745LisbonNew London    In a cellar secured for the duties Out of the New London admitted to an entry by the Hon Commissioners orders of 21 March 1744 [1744/5] 2 small casks quantity 30 gallons Portugal wine unfilled for sale
Tobacco Inwards in Lady day Qua[rte]r 1745
Import04 Feb 1745MarylandRaven  William WalterIsaac Williams for John Buck261 hogsheads tobacco entered here 1st August last 1 further entry of 153,118 lbs tobacco
Import08 Feb 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MaishIsaac Williams for John Buck1 hogshead quantity 900 lbs tobacco
Import08 Feb 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MaishIsaac Williams for Michael Williams126 lbs tobacco short entered 8th instant
Import08 Feb 1745MarylandPeace  James HopkinsIsaac Williams for John Buck89,356 lbs tobacco a further entry on 7th August 1744
Import12 Feb 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John MartenSamuel Coulscott2 hogsheads quantity 1700 lbs tobacco
Import14 Feb 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MaishRobert Maine15 hogsheads quantity 11,000 [lbs] tobacco
Import14 Feb 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MaishNathaniel Maish3 hogsheads quantity 2,500 lbs tobacco
Import15 Feb 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John MartenSamuel Coulscott528 lbs tobacco
Import19 Feb 1745MarylandPeace  James HopkinsIsaac Williams for John Buck2,213 lbs tobacco
Import18 Feb 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MaishNathaniel Maish687 lbs tobacco
Import20 Feb 1745MarylandSusannah  William KenneyIsaac Williams for Peter Tozin2 hogsheads quantity 1000 lbs tobacco
Import23 Feb 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John MartenIsaac Williams for John Buck79,669 lbs tobacco a further entry 16th Dec 1744
Import01 Mar 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John MartenIsaac Williams for Peter Tozin718 [lbs] tobacco, paid 21st ultimo
Import18 Mar 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John MartenIsaac Williams for Peter Tozin7 hogsheads quantity 6,000 lbs of tobacco
Outwards in Midsummer Quarter 1745
Export27 Mar 1745MarylandPeace  James HopkinsIsaac Williams for John BuckA parcel of saddles bridles shoes and boots quantity 400 lbs tanned leather wares on bounty security taken for exportation 80 ruggs 7 p. blankets 10 dozen worsted stockings 4 dozen cotten capps 8 pieces Horsey 4 single 4 double bayze 100 yards flannell 8 pieces Whitney 400 lbs Serges 6 dozen plain leather gloves 400 lbs stuffs 12 dozen felt and Carolina hatts 2 lbs thrown 40 lbs wrought silk 30 lbs bound books 40 pieces linnen 30 cwt nails 20 cwt iron manufacture 6 cwt haberdashery 200 yards fustian 3 cwt pewter 40 lbs brass manufacture 2 suits woollen curtains & vallains value £3.0.0. 1,000 parcels earthenware 4 gross glass bottles 2 western broads 2 cwt loaf sugar 3 cwt cordage 2 dozen hair sieves value £1.6. 2 dozen horse whips 3 cwt cordage 2 dozen hair seives 4 ordinary pennystones 3 parcels buchram 20 gross tobacco pipes 1 dozen thead stockings value £1.16.0. 3 cape cloths 1 dozen p'r bellows value £18. 2 dozen hair brushes 6 p'r womens stayze value £3.12.0. 20 lattin ware value £1.10.0. 1 dozen chairs value £3.0.0. 4 dozen bed ticks 8 gallons linseed oyl 20c painters colours 2 dozen drinking glasses 100 feet window glass 4 saws 4 welch cottons 1/2 cwt steele 2 quilts 2 hoop peticoats all British manufacture - free
Export27 Mar 1745MarylandPeace  James HopkinsIsaac Williams for John Buck2 cwt lead shotts
Export27 Mar 1745MarylandPeace  James HopkinsIsaac Williams for John Buck1cwt.3qr.21 ells narrow german linnen 4 subs additional duty new subs 1/3 subs & imp[orted] 1,690 was paid inwards at Exon by Antony Vicary 16th April 9th August 1744 3cwt.1qt.17 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linnen was paid inwards by Nicolas Lees 17th November 1742 9cwt.3qt.24 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linnen was paid inwards by John Colsworthy 31st October 1744 as per certificate from Exon dated 11th 23rd March 1744 800 yards plain Irish linnen 4 rheam writing paper 1 cwt cinnamon 1 ditto mace 1 ditto cloves 1 ditto nutts 30 ditto peper out of time - free
Export01 Apr 1745NewfoundlandDove  George WebberRobert Stafford1,100 bushels Portugal salt the subs new subs 1/3 subs 2/3 subs & add[itiona]l imp[ort] 1690 2/3 was paid inwards by him the 15th March 1744 [1744/5] (excise secured this day) - free
Export02 Apr 1745DublinHartland Trader  Joseph LyleRichard Thomas & Co150 qtrs wheat 31 ditto barley Winton Measure shipped by suff[erance] dated 28th ult - feee
Export08 Apr 1745DublinJohn and Grace  Edmond PrustNicolas Wolferstan190 quarters British oats - free
Export10 Apr 1745DublinGood Intent  Joshua HillGeorge Copplestone250 qtrs oats 20 qtrs w. peas 6 hogsheads cyder - free
Export13 Apr 1745DublinThomas  Robert BighamSamuel Moore350 qtrs British oats - free
Export18 Apr 1745MarylandNightingale  William KenneyIsaac Williams for Thomas Henney and John LuxonA parcel of saddles bridles shoes and boots quantity 400 lbs tanned leather wares 80 ruggs 7 p'r blankets 10 dozen worsted stockings 4 dozen worsted capps 2 dozen cotten capps 8 pieces Horsey 4 single 4 double bayze 100 yards flannell 8 pieces Whitney 400 lbs Serges 6 dozen plain leather gloves 300 lbs stuffs 12 dozen felt and Carolina hatts 2 lbs thrown 40 lbs wrought silk 30 lbs bound books 40 pieces linnen 30 cwt nails 20 cwt iron manufacture 6 cwt haberdashery 200 yards fustian 3 cwt pewter 40 lbs brass manufacture 2 suits woollen curtains & vallains value £3. 1,000 parcels earthenware 4 gross glass bottles 2 western broads 2 cwt loaf sugar 3 cwt cordage 2 dozen hair sieves value £1.6.0. 2 dozen horse whips value £2.10. 4 ordinary pennystones 2 parcels buchram 20 gross tobacco pipes 1 dozen thead stockings value £1.16.0. 3 cape cloths 1 dozen p'r bellows value £18. 2 dozen hair brushes 6 p'r womens stayze value £3. 4 ordinary bed ticks 8 gallons linseed oyl 20c painters colours 2 dozen drinking glasses 100 feet window glass 4 saws 4 welch cottons 1/2 cwt steele 2 quilts 2 hoop peticoats all British manufacture - free
Export18 Apr 1745MarylandNightingale  William KenneyIsaac Williams for Thomas Henney and John Luxon1 cwt lead shott
Export18 Apr 1745MarylandNightingale  William KenneyIsaac Williams for Thomas Henney and John Luxon8cwt.0qtr.8 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linnen the subs add[itiona]l duty new subs 1/3 subs & temp 1690 was paid inwards at Exon by John Duntze 9th August 24th October 1744. 13cwt.3qtr.19 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linnen was paid inwards by Nicolas Lee 17th November 1742 30th September 1743 & 6th November 1744 as per certificate from Exon dated 22nd March 1744. 1,000 yards plain Irish linnen 2 pieces Cambrick 1 cwt cinnamon 1 ditto nutts 1 ditto cloves 1 ditto maces 10 ditto pepper 3 reams writing paper out of time - free
Export20 Apr 1745NewfoundlandDove  George WebberRobert Stafford4cwt.2qt. ells n[arrow] G[erman] linen the subs add[itiona]l duty new subs & imp[ort] 1,690 was paid inwards at Exon by William Giffard 31st October 1744 as per certificate from thence dated the 4th April 1745 2 hogshead quantity 2.003 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by Isaac Williams for late John Buck 6th December & 23rd February 1744 [1744/5] & 26th March 1745 out of the Maryland Merchant from Maryland - free
Export24 Apr 1745NewryOak  Vere WestRichard Thomas for Nicolas Wolferstan350 quarters British oats - free
Export24 Apr 1745AmsterdamYoung Cornelia  Class Theunisz VisserThomas Kenney for Messrs Thomas & Adrian Hope on Com.131,533 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by Joshua Williams for late John Buck Esq 1st August 8th 16th February 1744 [1744/5] out of the Peace from Maryland - free
Export27 Apr 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John Buck [sic]Isaac Williams for John BuckA parcel of saddles bridles shoes and boots quantity 150 lbs tanned leather wares on bounty security taken for exportation 80 ruggs 7 p'r blankets 10 dozen worsted stockings 4 dozen worsted capps 2 dozen cotten ditto 8 pieces Horsey 4 single 4 double bayze 100 yards flannell 8 pieces Whitney 400 lbs Serges 6 dozen plain leather gloves 300 lbs stuffs 12 dozen felt and Carolina hatts 2 lbs thrown 40 lbs wrought silk 30 lbs bound books 40 pieces linnen 30 cwt nails 20 cwt iron manufacture 2 suits woollen curtains & vallains value £3. 1,000 parcels earthenware 4 gross glass bottles 2 western broads 2 cwt loaf sugar 3 cwt cordage 2 dozen hair sieves value £1.6.0. 3 cape cloths 1 dozen p'r bellows value £18. 2 dozen hair brushes 6 p'r womens stayze value £3.12.0. 20c Lattin ware value £2.10.0 1 dozen chairs value £3, 4 dozen bed ticks 10 gallons linseed oyl 20c painters colours 2 dozen drink glasses 100 feet window glass 4 saws 4 welch cottons 1/2 cwt steele 2 quilts 2 hoop peticoats all British manufacture - free
Export27 Apr 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John Buck [sic]Isaac Williams for John Buck1 cwt lead shott
Export27 Apr 1745DublinGood Intent  Joshua HillGeorge Copplestone260 qtrs barley 15 4 bushels wheat winch[ester] meas[ure] shipp'd per suff[erance] dated 10th inst[ant] - free
Export27 Apr 1745DublinProsperous  David LeproRobert Pitt300 qtrs British oats - free
Export29 Apr 1745AmsterdamYoung Cornelia  Class Theunisz VisserThomas Kenney for Messrs Thomas & Adrian Hope on Com.87 hogsheads quantity 74,728 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by Isaac Williams for the late John Buck 16th December [1744] 23rd February 1744 [1744/5] & 26th March 1745 out of the Maryland Merchant from Maryland - free
Export29 Apr 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  [aforesaid]Isaac Williams for late John Buck12cwt.1qt.15 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linen the subs add[itiona]l duty new subs 1/3 subs & imp[ort] 1,690 was paid inwards at Exon by William Elliot for the administration of Thomas Hutchings 9th August 1744. 2cwt.0qt.10 ells n[arrow] G[erman] linen was paid inwards by Nicolas Lee 6th November 1744. 1cwt.1qtr n[arrow] G[erman] linen was paid inwards by John Duntze 9th August 1744 as per certificate from Exon dated 10th instant 800 yards plain Irish linnen 1c cinnamon 1 ditto maies 1c cloves 1 ditto nutts 20c pepper 3 rheams writing paper out of time - free
Export30 Apr 1745AmsterdamYoung Cornelia  Class Theunisz VisserThomas Kenney for Messrs Thomas & Adrian Hope on Com.38,548 lbs tobacco paid subs & all other duties secured inwards per Isaac Williams for late John Buck 23rd February 1744 [1744/5] & 26th March 1745 out of the Maryland Merchant a Maryland - free
Export30 Apr 1745BelfastJohn  Hugh FlinRichard Thomas & Co81 qtrs wheat 119 ditto barley 8 qtrs oatmeal Win[chester] Meas[ure] p[er] Suff[erance] dated 23rd inst - free
Export08 May 1745CorkJohn  Robert Follet 1,500 parcels earthenware - free
Export21 May 1745BelfastJane  Robert FolletWilliam Carder15 qtrs peas 2 barrels Eng[lish] beer 1 barrel Eng[lish] cyder 4,000 barrel hoops - free
Export27 May 1745DublinSuccess  William HartnoldSamuel Banbury250 qtrs Brit[ish] oats - free
Export31 May 1745DublinJohn and Grace  Edmond PrustMungo Underwood180 qtrs Brit[ish] oats - free
Export01 Jun 1745DublinSuccess  William HartnollSamuel Banbury15 qtrs wheat 138qt.2lb barley Winton Measure ship'd per suff[erance] dated 27th ult - free
Export01 Jun 1745BelfastJane  Robert HodgeWilliam Carder86qt.2lb wheat 287qt.4lb barley Winton Measure ship'd by suff[erance] on 21st ult - free
Export04 Jun 1745CardiganAnn  William RobertsRichard Thomas & Co150 qtrs British oats - free
Export05 Jun 1745NewryHartland Trader  James LyleRichard Thomas & Co60 qtrs British oats - free
Export07 Jun 1745DublinYarmouth  Thomas KnillRichard Thomas & Co250 qtrs British oats - free
Export07 Jun 1745CorkMyrtle Tree  Thomas EllisThomas Ellis15 tons British oak bark value £18.15.0 - free
Export08 Jun 1745WaterfordJone  Samuel EllisNio's [Nicolas] Wolferston & Co380 qtrs British oats - free
Export11 Jun 1745NewryHartland Trader  James LyleRichard Thomas & Co175 qtrs barley 15 qtrs oatmeal Win[ton] Measure shipt per suff[erance] dated the 5th inst - free
Export15 Jun 1745CorkFancy  Jos[hu]a LimberyJohn Limbery1 ton 1cwt British cheese - free
Export15 Jun 1745WaterfordTruelove  William StavelyRichard Thomas & Co600 qtrs British oats - free
Export19 Jun 1745NewryOak  Vere WestRichard Thomas & Co184 qtrs wheat 14 qtrs oatmeal Winton Measure ship'd per suff[erance] dated 11th inst - free
Export20 Jun 1745DublinWilliam & Mary  Thomas WilliamsWilliam Carder for Henry Miller43 qtrs wheat 26 J 6 B barley W[inton] Measure ship'd per suff[erance] dated 11th inst - free
Export20 Jun 1745DublinWilliam & Mary  Thomas WilliamsH Miller12 qtrs British malt - free
Export21 Jun 1745CorkFanny  John LimberySamuel Banbury26: 6 bushels barley 214 qtrs wheat W[inton] Measure ship'd per suff[erance] dated the 4th instant - free
Inwards in Midsummer Quarter 1745
Export30 Apr 1745LisbonAmity  James GoodwinIsaac Williams for John Buck546 bushels Portugal salt paid on 13th March 1744 [1744/5]
Export30 Apr 1745LisbonNew London  William YeoRobert Stafford750 bushels Portugal salt paid on last quarter
Wines imported in Midsummer Quarter 1745
Tobacco imported in Midsummer Quarter 1745
Import26 Mar 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John MartenIsaac Williams for John Buck38,192 lbs tobacco paid on 23rd past
Import22 Apr 1745MarylandMaryland Merchant  John MartenJohn Marten270 lbs tobacco paid last inst
Import29 Apr 1745MarylandSusanna  William KenneyIsaac Williams for William Kenney10 hogsheads quantity 6,000 lbs tobacco
Import08 May 1745MarylandFalcon  John BiseckIsaac Williams for Arthur Saunders3 hogsheads quantity 2,000 lbs tobacco
Import22 May 1745MarylandFalcon  John BiseckIsaac Williams for Arthur Saunders1,163 lbs tobacco paid on 8th inst
Import01 Jun 1745MarylandSusanna  William KenneyJoshua Williams for William Kenney4,500 lbs tobacco a further entry
Import05 Jun 1745MarylandSusanna  William KenneyJoshua Williams for John BuckIsaac Williams for the executions in trust to late John Buck, 30,000 lbs tobacco a farther entry from 29th November last
Import19 Jun 1745MarylandSusanna  William KenneyJoshua Williams for John Buck131,533 lbs tobacco a further entry from 26th November last
Outwards in Michaelmas Quarter 1745
Export25 Jun 1745DublinProsperous  David LeproWilliam Halls & Co17 qtrs wheat 5 ditto barley shipt per suff[erance] dated 18th inst - free
Export25 Jun 1745DublinProsperous  David LeproWilliam Halls & Co41qt.2lb wheat 31qt.7lb barley 5qt.2lb oatmeal Winch[este]r Measure ship'd per suff[erance] dated 27th April last - free
Export29 Jun 1745DublinOrangetree  Samuel ChinnWilliam Ellis1,200 parcels British earthenware - free
Export01 July 1745DublinOrangetree  Samuel ChinnGeorge Strange345qt.3lb of wheat W[inchester] Mea[sure] shipt per suff[erance] dated 21st past- free
Export05 July 1745WaterfordJohn  Robert FolletRobert Follet1,200 parcels British earthenware - free
Export17 July 1745NewryMorning Starr  Evan MorganJames Chimmo11qt.3lb wheat 46qt.6lb barley Win[chester] Meas[ure] shipt per suff[erance] dated 16th inst - free
Export22 July 1745NewryDove  John GilesSamuel Banbury106qt.6lb wheat 210qt barley Win[chester] Meas[ure] shipt per suff[erance] dated 8th inst - free
Export30 July 1745DublinWilliam & John  John ButtonWilliam Halls & Co18qt: 6 bushels barley 30qt.3lb wheat Win[chester] Meas[ure] shipt per suff[erance] dated 6th inst - free
Export30 July 1745DublinWilliam & John  John ButtonJohn Button150 parcels British earthenware - free
Export31 July 1745WaterfordJohn  Robert FolletRobert Follet1,200 parcels British earthenware - free
Export02 Aug 1745DublinLoyalty  William GliddonNicolas Wolferstan1,540 bushels French salt the subs: new subs: 1/3 subsidy 2/3 subs: & imp'a 1692/3 was paid inwards by said Wolferstan 12th July 1742 & the duty of excise sood the day out of the Mary & Jos[eph]: a Croisic - free
Export02 Aug 1745BelfastJane  Charles DavyCharles Davy for William Carder2 boxes quantity 28 gross & 1/2 tobacco pipes 1 barrel ale 3 sacks quantity 10 bushels peas - free
Export02 Aug 1745DublinBetty  Thomas WelchSamuel Banbury122qt.5b wheat 112qt.4b barley Win[chester] Meas[ure] shipt per suff[erance] dated 31st ult - free
Export03 Aug 1745BelfastJane  Charles DavyWilliam Carder54qt wheat 187:4b barley & 61 qtrs oatmeal Win[chester] Mea[sure] shipt per suff[erance] dated 24th ultimo - free
Export07 Aug 1745DublinLoyalty  William GliddonRichard Thomas & Co3 packets quantity 1 cwt hopps 100qt B[ritish] oats - free
Export27 Aug 1745DublinHartland Trader  James LyleRichard Thomas & Co78qt wheat 42qt barley 78 qt oatmeal 1 qt rye W[inchester] Meas[ure] shipt per suff[erance] dated 22nd inst - free
Export31 Aug 1745WaterfordJohn   John Handcock1,200 parcels earthenware 20 barrels cyder - free
Inwards in Michaelmas Quarter 1745
Import03 July 1745WaterfordJohn  Robert FolletRobert Stafford for Michael Hobbs440 Ox & Cow hides in the hair
Import08 July 1745BelfastJane  Robert HodgeWilliam Carder3 pieces quantity 75 yards Irish linnen as per certificate from thence dated 29th ult - free
Import30 July 1745DublinLoyalty  William GliddonWilliam Gliddon for Jonathan Russell17 pieces laote[?] quantity 540 yards Irish linnen cloth as per certificate from thence dated 16th July 1745 - free
Import16 Aug 1745WaterfordJohn  Robert FolletRobert Stafford for Thomas Knowles370 Ox & Cow hides in the hair
Wines and Foreign Spirits imported in Michaelmas quarter 1745
Import03 Aug 1745CorkFanny  John Limbery In the Naireb[?] secured for the duties out of the Faney: 1 cask quantity 34 gallons of rum admitted to an entry by the Honorable Commisioners Order of 24th ultimo - excised
Import03 Aug 1745CorkFanny  John Limbery 1 cask quantity 34 gallons Rum ditto subs & coynage
Import12 Aug 1745MarylandSophia  John LoveringJoshua Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck esq2 gallons Madeira wine unfilled for private use
Tobacco imported in Michaelmas quarter 1745
Import08 July 1745MarylandSusannah  William KenneyJoshua Williams17,362 lbs tobacco paid on 19th past
Import08 July 1745MarylandSusannah  William KenneyWilliam Kenney812 lbs tobacco paid on 1st June last
Import06 Aug 1745MarylandSophia  John LoveringIsaac Williams for the executors &c [in trust to late John Buck esq]155 hogsheads quantity 50,000 lbs tobacco
Import19 Aug 1745MarylandFaulcon  John BiseckIsaac Williams for the executors &c [in trust to late John Buck esq]100,000 lbs tobacco a further entry on 5th June last
Import20 Aug 1745MarylandFaulcon  John BiseckWilliam Strange3 hogsheads quantity 2,100 lbs tobacco
Import21 Aug 1745MarylandFaulcon  John BiseckIsaac Williams for John Biseck13 hogsheads quantity 8,000 lbs tobacco
Import02 Sep 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MarshRobert Maine4,965 lbs tobacco paid on 14th Feb 1744 [1744/5]
Import02 Sep 1745MarylandFaulcon  John BiseckIsaac Williams for the executors &c [in trust to late John Buck esq]19,374 lbs tobacco paid on 19th past
Import02 Sep 1745MarylandFaulcon  John BiseckJohn Biseck5,639 lbs tobacco paid on 21st past
Import05 Sep 1745MarylandFaulcon  John BiseckWilliam Strange853 lbs tobacco paid on the 20th past
Import23 Sep 1745MarylandSophia  John LoveringAbraham Daw2 hogsheads quantity 800 lbs tobacco
Import23 Sep 1745MarylandSophia  John LoveringAbraham Daw221 lbs tobacco paid as above entry
Outwards in Christmas Quarter 1745
Export05 Oct 1745Morlaix~?~loon  Robert MaineIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck180 hogsheads quantity 165,343 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by said Williams for said Buck 20th November 1744 ?? June 19th August & 2nd September 1745 by ???? on trust to late John Buck out of the ~?~loon from Maryland
Export11 Oct 1745Morlaix~?~loon  Robert MaineIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck55 hogsheads quantity 50,766 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by the said Williams for said Buck the 6th December & 23rd February 1744 [1744/5] & 26th March 1745 out of the Maryland Merchant for Maryland
Export14 Oct 1745Morlaix~?~loon  Robert MaineIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck55 hogsheads quantity 49,478 lbs tobacco the subsidies paid & all other duties secured inwards here by said Williams for said Buck 1st August 4th February 1744 out of the Raven from Maryland
Export15 Oct 1745WaterfordJohn   John Handcock1,200 parcels British earthenware 10 barrels cyder 5 ~?~ barley all British
Export22 Oct 1745Hartre[?] or Gavies[?]Roebuck  John LoveringIsaac Williams for the executors &c [in trust to late John Buck]127 hogsheads quantity 116,765 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by said Williams for the said Buck 1st August 4th February 1744 [1744/5] out of the Raven a Maryland
Export24 Oct 1745Hartre[?] or Gavies[?]Roebuck  John LoveringIsaac Williams for the executors &c [in trust to late John Buck]102 hogsheads quantity 97,222 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by said Williams for the said Buck 26th November 1744 19th June ~?~ July 1745 out of the Susannah a Maryland
Export25 Oct 1745Hartre[?] or Gavies[?]Roebuck  John LoveringIsaac Williams for the executors &c [in trust to late John Buck]91 hogsheads quantity 86,444 lbs tobacco the subs paid & all other duties secured inwards by said Williams for the said Buck 9th November 1744, 15th 22nd inst out of the Roebuck from Maryland
Export06 Nov 1745DublinExchange  John LewisWilliam Halls & Co243 qtrs wheat 185 qtrs barley Winton Measure shipt per suff[erance] dated the 26th ult
Export26 Nov 1745WaterfordJohn   John Handcock1,200 parcels British earthenware 10 barrels cyder 3 qtrs peas all British - free
Export16 Dec 1745MarylandSusannah  William KenneyIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John BuckA parcel of saddles bridles shoes & boots quantity 800 lb tanned leather wares on bounty security taken for exportation 120 ruggs 4 pair blankets 18 dozen worsted stockings 8 dozen worsted capps 4 dozen cotton capps 14 kerseys 4 single 8 double bayzes 300 yards flannell 10 blankettings 15 Whitney 800 serge 14 dozen plain leather gloves 600 stuffs 30 dozen felt & Caroline hatts 40 ~?~ wrought silk 70 pieces linnen 50c w[rough]t nails 45 cwt wrought iron 10 cwt haberdashery 400 yards fustian 5 cwt pewter 60c brass manufacture 2 suits woollen curtains & vall[ai]ns value £5 1,000 parcels earthenware 6 gross empty glass bottles 5 wes[ter]n broads 2 pieces muslin 3 cwt loaf sugar 5 cwt cordage 3 dozen hair sieves value £1.19.0. 3 dozen horse whips value £3.12.0. 7 ord[in]ary pennystones 3 pieces buckram 1/2 ton grinding stones 40 gross tobacco pipes 3 dozen thread stockings value £5.4s. 4 cape cloths 1 dozen p'r bellows value £1.4s. 3 dozen hair brushes 1 dozen p'r womens stayze value £7. 50 yards bone lace 40c Lattin ware value £3. 3 dozen chairs value £5. 6 dozen bed ticks 10 gallons linseed oyle 4 towling p'r 30c painters colours 3 dozen drinking glasses 1000 feet window glass 12 Welch cottons 6 saivs 100c steele 4 harpeticoats 12 womens short cloaks all British manufacture - free
Export16 Dec 1745MarylandSusannah  William KenneyIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck2 lbs weight lead shott
Export16 Dec 1745MarylandSusannah  William KenneyIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck20c.1qt.14 ells narrow German linnen the subsidy additional duty new subs: 1/3 subs & imp[orted] 1,690 was paid inwards at Exon by Antony Vicary 9th August & 20th October 1744, 4th May & 2nd September 1745 as per certificate from Exon dated 12th December 1745. 50c peppers 4 rheams writing paper 1c cinnamon 1c cloves 1c maces 1c nutmeggs 500 yards plain Irish linnen 250 bushells French salt the sub n[ew] subs 1/3 to subs 2/3 subs & additional imp[ort] 169 2/3 were paid 19th 26th January 1743 & the excise s[ecu]red 21st November 1745 out of the Dolphin from Morlaix
Inwards in Christmas quarter 1745
Import12 Oct 1745WaterfordJohn  John HankockRobert Stafford for Thomas Knowles397 dry Ox & Cow hides in the hair 103 calf skins in the hair
Import18 Nov 1745WaterfordYarmouth  Thomas ShaxtonRobert Stafford for Thomas Knowles309 dry Ox & Cow hides in the hair 100 dry calves skins ditto
Import28 Nov 1745MarylandUnion  Jonathan StrangeGeorge Strange10c hogsheads & 10c barrell staves P.G. - free
Wines imported in Christmas quarter 1745
Tobacco imported in Christmas quarter 1745
Import07 Oct 1745MarylandSophia  John LoveringJohn Lovering10 hogsheads quantity 10,000 lbs tobacco
Import15 Oct 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MarshIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck100,000 lbs tobacco a further entry on 19th November 1744
Import22 Oct 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MarshIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck100,000 lbs tobacco a further entry on 19th November 1744
Import04 Nov 1745MarylandRoebuck  Nathaniel MarshIsaac Williams for the executors in trust to late John Buck8,373 lbs tobacco paid on 22nd inst
Import26 Nov 1745MarylandSophia  John LoveringJohn Lovering80,000 lbs tobacco paid on 6th August last
Import28 Nov 1745MarylandUnion  Jonathan StrangeGeorge Strange103 hogsheads quantity 66,170 lbs tobacco
Import29 Nov 1745MarylandSophia  John LoveringJohn Lovering1,141 lbs tobacco paid on 7th October last
Import02 Dec 1745      Isaac Williams paid the executors 1 hogshead & Posts on 31st October 1744 for 3,648 lbs tobacco
Import02 Dec 1745      Isaac Williams paid the executors 24,172 lbs tobacco paid on 26th past
Year ends
Signed: Jonathan Lavington D. Searcher
Sworn at Exeter in the County of Devon the 21st day of August 1746 before C. Clive


Transcriber’s notes:

Port Books for the ports of Appledore, Bideford and Barnstaple are housed in the National Archives from 1565 to 1745. There are some gaps due to non-survival of records, and other gaps due to damaged documents.

Typically these books record:        
•    Date of entry        
•    Name of ship        
•    Tonnage of vessel        
•    Port where vessel is registered        
•    Port where vessel is going to, or coming from        
•    Name of the Captain or Master of the vessel        
•    Name of the merchant responsible for the goods        
•    Whether the merchant is English or foreign        
•    Description of the cargo, including the method of storage (barrels, casks, bags), the weight (hundredweights, pounds) and the value for the purposes of assessing tax to be paid.

The following officials were responsible for checking the cargoes and recording the tax due:        
•    Collector or ‘Customer’ – made a return of all goods exported or imported and all moneys received, for which he issued a cocket (receipt).        
•    Controller – made a similar return but did not receive the payments.        
•    Searcher – appointed to prevent fraud, who had to make examine the goods and return a warrant to show he had done so.        
•    Surveyor - appointed to check the work of the Searcher.

The books for 1745 contain about 28 pages, written in English.

Details of the cargoes have been transcribed as fully as possible.        
Further information on value and taxation are available in the original document.

Some commodities and units of measurement used in these documents may not be obvious, so here are some definitions:        
•    Baies (Baize) - Coarse woollen cloth, often made in Barnstaple.        
•    Buckram - Stiff cotton or linen cloth with a plain, loose weave.        
•    Coquette (Cocket) - A document issued by Customs Officials certifying payment of duties.        
•    Ell - Measure of length of textiles (equivalent to six hand breadths), about 45 inches.        
•    Hides in the hair – Animal skin that has not been tanned or dressed.        
•    Kersey - Coarse woollen cloth with a smooth back, derived from the village of Kersey in Suffolk.        
•    Maund - A large square basket or hamper, sometimes with a hinged lid in two parts.        
•    Musco [Muscavadoes] - Unrefined brown sugar.        
•    Penistone - A coarse woollen cloth formerly used to make clothes.        
•    Rugg – A coarse frieze, a frieze cloak or mantle. Originally imported from Ireland, sometimes called 'Waterford rugg'.        
•    Sufferance - A bonded sufferance warehouse is where goods are temporarily stored awaiting clearance by Customs or were used to defer paying Customs duty.        
•    Train [oil] – Drained fish oil, usually from cod.        
•    Winchester - Denotes the legal standard for bushels and chalders.        
•    Winton - An old name for Winchester.        

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