Customs Port Books 1611
(combined from two books)
Port of: Barnstaple
Book for: Coastal trade
Type of book: Customer (i.e. Customs Officer) and Controller
Taken from Port Books in National Archives ref: E 190/940/7
Port of: Barnstaple
Book for: Overseas trade
Type of book: Controller
Taken from Port Books in National Archives ref: E 190/1329/17
Transcribed by David Carter 2019
Surname Index:
Aires, Ayres
Aldworth, Aldworthe
Ap Robert
Babccock, Badcoke, Bagsto[?]
Berry, Bery
Bewes, Bues
Bilserie, Bilsorie, Bilsworthie
Burdeas, Burges
Capple, Chappell, Chapple
Coleman, Collman
Coles, Colls
Dodderidge, Doddridge, Dodridge
Ferris, Ferrys
Gay, Gaye
Gutter, Gutture
Harris, Harrys
Heard, Hearde
Horsam, Horssam
Hyet, Hyett
Jenking, Jenkyn
Kynson, Kynsson
Lyle, Lylle
Martin, Martyn
Medford, Medforde
Mules, Mulys
Padge, Page, Paige
Peard, Pearde, Peird, Piers
Riche, Roche
Salisberie, Sallisburie
Shebbeare, Shebbere
Sheppeard, Shepperd
Short, Shourt, Shurt, Shurte
Sloley, Slolie, Slowley
Smith, Smyth, Smythe
Stafford, Stafforde
Steephens, Steven
Strange, Strannge
Sutter, Sutton
Swanson, Swaynson
Tardie, Tarle
Tucke, Tucker
Vellacott, Vellecott
Viney, Vyney
Whitson, Whyston, Witson
Import or Export | Date | From / To | Vessel | Tons | Belonging to | Master | Merchant | Goods | Paperwork |
Import | ?? Feb 1610/11 | Mylforde | Godsaver | 10 | Mylforde | Rowland Horrell | Rowland Howell | Bushells of wheat. | Landed by warrant dated 12 Jan. |
Import | 07 Feb 1610/11 | Bristoll | Elizabeth | 20 | Barnstaple | Arthur Bilsorie | Richard Pearde of Barnstaple | Dry wares, soap, blockwoode, woode, allum, dry wares, etc. | Landed by warrant dated 01 Feb. |
Import | 25 Jan 1610/11 | Bristoll | Elizabeth | 20 | Barnstaple | Arthur Bilsorie | Nicholas Lange, shoemaker of Barnstaple | Tanned leather, calf skins. | Landed by warrant dated 25 Jan. |
Import | 25 Jan 1610/11 | Bristoll | Hope | 18 | Barnstaple | John Bilsworthie | William Hodge of Barnstaple | Spanish wine, shumack, calf skins, iron, lead, cade, mather [madder?], soap, frieze wool, hops, baise, fernandobucke, dry wares, brass, sugar. | Landed by warrant dated 01 Feb. |
Import | 09 Feb 1610/11 | Bristoll | Mayflowre | 15 | Northam | Patricke Coles | John Heard, merchant of Bideford | Iron, lead, lead ore, soap, cases of glass, pairs of milstones. | Landed by warrant dated 01 Feb. |
Import | 09 Feb 1610/11 | Swansey | Godsgyfte | 30 | Barnstaple | [creased] Sanders | Symon Amerie, merchant | Coal. | Landed by warrant dated 28 [creased]. |
Import | 16 Feb 1610/11 | Swansey | Katherine | [?] | Barnstaple | John Gytten | John Gytten | Coal. | Landed by warrant dated 07 [creased]. |
Import | ?? Feb 1610/11 | Newton | Speedw[ell] | 12 | Watchett | Lyson Howell | Lyson Howell, merchant | Butter, wool. | Landed by warrant dated ?? Feb. |
Import | ?? Feb 1610/11 | South (sic) | Christopher | 18 | Northam | Christopher Collman | Christopher Collman | Barley, tar, beer. | Landed by cocket, dated [torn] Jan. |
Import | ?? Mar 1610/11 | Glocest[er] | [torn]~ell | 40 | Tewxberie | Thomas Hale | William Johnsons, merchant of Barnstaple | Malt, wheat, grey peas. | Landed by warrant dated 16 Feb. |
Import | 05 Mar 1610/11 | Bristoll | Pellican | 12 | Northam | Leonard Shebbere | Thomas Cox, merchant of Barnstaple | Lead, iron, lead ore, bag of mathes, hops, salt, soap, sugar, chandlerie & grocerie wares, brimstone, barrel of copporns, French wine. | Landed by warrant dated 23 Feb. |
Import | 05 Mar 1610/11 | Mylforde | James | 15 | Northam | John Shebbere | Frances Ap Robert, merchant | Cheese, butter, wheat. | Landed by warrant dated 25 Feb. |
Import | ?? Mar 1610/11 | Tynbie | Margaret | 14 | Tynbie | Thomas Waterson | Hugh Horsam, merchant of [creased]. | Oats, barley, wool, flitches of bacon. | Landed by warrant dated 02 Mar. |
Import | 16 Mar 1610/11 | Mylfourd | Anthonyye | [?] | Mylfourd | Griffith Renolde | Henrie Mericke the [yo]unger. | Oats. | Landed by warrant dated 01 Mar. |
Import | 02 Apr 1611 | Bristoll | Pellican | 12 | Barnstaple | John [creased] | John Babccock, merchant of [South] Molton | Lead ore, soap, cade, allum, shumack, [creased], hops. | Landed by cocket, 02 M~[creased] |
Import | 10 Apr 1611 | Bristoll | Samuell | 18 | Northam | Peter Colls | Justin Wescombe, merchant of Barnstaple | Lead ore, woad, soap. | Landed by warrant dated [creased]. |
Import | 10 Apr 1611 | Neath | Margarett | 20 | Braunton | Walter Bustyn | Walter Bustyn | Coal, wool. | Landed by warrant dated 05 Apr. |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Swanzey | Katherine | 40 | Barnstaple | John Kynson | John Kynsson | Coal. | Landed by cocket, 08 Apr. |
Import | 22 Apr 1611 | Bristoll | Pellican | 12 | Northam | Leonard Shebbere | John Aires, merchant of Barnstaple | Lead, iron, lead ore, hops, steele, dry wares, madder, soap. | Landed by cocket, 17 Apr. |
Import | 22 Apr 1611 | Neath | Dolphyn | 25 | Barnstaple | James Gill | William Keyson, tanner of Neath | Tanned leather. | Landed by cocket, 18 Apr. |
Import | 26 Apr 1611 | Abristothe | John | 12 | Barnstaple | Phillippe Kinge | Richard Viney, merchant of Barnstaple | Lead ore. | Landed by cocket, dated at Abristothe 18 Apr. |
Import | 03 May 1611 | Mylforde | Howner | 12 | Northam | John Ellis | John Ellis, merchant of Northam | Oats, barley, wheat, wool, flitches of bacon. | Landed by cocket, 29 Apr. |
Import | 08 May 1611 | Swanzey | John | 8 | Northam | Edward Burges | Roger Jenking, merchant | Leather, gibbe~~[creased]. | Landed by cocket, 03 May. |
Import | 15 May 1611 | London | Bonaventure | 18 | [creased] | William Hodge | William Hamond, merchant | Allum, poldavies, madder, hops, chalke, 1 cabinet, 1 saddle, hemp, currants, pots & glasses, soap, red ocre, household wares. | [creased] |
Import | 27 May 1611 | Bristoll | Pellican | 10 | Northam | Leonard Shebbere | Thomas Cox, merchant of Barnstaple | Lead, cases of glass, lead ore, 1 dozen sitches, iron, hops, blockwood, soap. | Landed by warrant dated 18 May. |
Import | 01 Jun 1611 | Tynbie | [hole] | 7 | Ilfarcombe | John Cornishe | John Kinge, merchant of Barnstaple | Welsh wool. | Landed by warrant dated 25 May. |
Import | 03 Jun 1611 | Mylfourd | Peter | 12 | Northam | John Bewes | Phillipp Prower, merchant | Wool, flitches of bacon. | Landed by warrant dated 28 May. |
Import | 04 Jun 1611 | Neathe | John | 26 | Northam | John Shebbere | John Shebbere | Coal. | Landed by warrant dated 01 Jun. |
Import | 10 Jun 1611 | Swanzey | Richard | 8 | Barnstaple | Edward Burges | Phillipp [creased], merchant | Wheat, barley, oats. | Landed by warrant dated 09 Jun. |
Import | 10 Jun 1611 | Mylfourd | Marie | 16 | Biddeford | Anthony Dennys | Anthony Dennys, merchant | Wool. | Landed by warrant dated 01 Jun. |
Import | 12 Jun 1611 | Tynbie | Peter | 9 | Barnstaple | [creased] Pinter | Hugh Horssam, merchant of Combe. | Welsh wool, wheat, oats. | Landed by cocket, ?? May. |
Import | 12 Jun 1611 | Mylfourd | Marie | 10 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Christopher Cade | Barley, wheat. | Landed by warrant dated 07 May. |
Import | 13 Jun 1611 | Mylfourd | John | 12 | Northam | John Paintere(?) | Henrie Grannt, merchant of Torr[ington] | Wheat, barley, wool. | Landed by warrant dated 10 Jun. |
Import | 13 Jun 1611 | Mylfourd | John | 8 | Combe | Thomas Periman | William Lawellen of Barnstaple | Barley, wheat, Welsh wool. | Landed by warrant dated 08 Jun. |
Import | 29 Jun 1611 | Neath | Dolphyn | 25 | Barnstaple | James Gill | James Gill | Coal. | Landed by cocket, 18 Apr. |
Import | 01 Jul 1611 | Neathe | James | 18 | Westlie | Thomas Padge | Roger Beare, merchant of Barnstaple | Wool, coal. | Landed by cocket, 29 Jun. |
Import | 01 Jul 1611 | Neath | Richard | 7 | Northam | Peter Steven | Roger Beare, merchant of Barnstaple | Wool, wheat, oats, barley. | Landed by cocket, 30 Jun. |
Import | 01 Jul 1611 | Neath | Trinitie | 25 | Comych | Hugh Frynde | Hugh Frynde | Coal. | Landed by cocket, 04 Jun. |
Import | 03 Jul 1611 | Mylfourd | Fraunces | 8 | Mylfourd | David Pickard | George Mayne, merchant | Oats, barley, rye. | Landed by cocket, 24 Jun. |
Import | 12 Jul 1611 | Aberthawe | Mayflowre | 16 | Aberthawe | William Most | Lewes Edmonde of Landoffe, Glamorgan | Butter. | Landed by cocket, 09 July. |
Import | 15 Jul 1611 | Neath | [torn] | 20 | [torn]~ewater | William Hyett | William Hyett | Coal, malt. | Landed by cocket, 12 July. |
Import | 16 Jul 1611 | Bristoll | Ralinge | 6 | Fremington | Walter L~~[creased] | Sannder Hyll, mariner of Northam | Lead. | Landed by warrant dated 12 July. |
Import | 16 Jul 1611 | Swanzey | Elizabeth | 20 | Barnstaple | Jeffrey Burnard | Jeffrey Burnard, merchant | Coal, wool, canvas, frieze, butter. | Landed by warrant dated 13 July. |
Import | 22 Jul 1611 | Burrie | [torn] | 15 | Barnstaple | Thomas Page | Thomas Page | Coal. | Landed by cocket, dated at Burrie 19 July. |
Import | 26 Jul 1611 | Tynbie | Pellican | 8 | Barnstaple | Leonard Shebbere | Hugh Horssam, merchant | Barley, oats, Welsh wool. | Landed by warrant dated 20 July. |
Import | 26 Jul 1611 | Burrie South syde | Katherine | 30 | Barnstaple | John Kingsland | John Kingsland | Coal. | Landed by warrant dated 10 July. |
Import | 27 Jul 1611 | Carnarvande | Vantage | 16 | Bedyfourd | John Aishe | John Heard, merchant of Bedyfourd | Wool, butter, blockwood. | Landed by warrant dated at Carnaevane 12 July. |
Import | 02 Aug 1611 | Burrie | Desire | ~~ | Mynheade | Arthure Estcott | Arthure Estcott | Coal. | Landed by warrant dated 23 July. |
Import | 05 Aug 1611 | Bristoll | Prosperous | 12 | Northam | John Segar | John Shourt, merchant of Bideford | Iron, black soap, cloth, broad cloth, trunks of dry wares, lead, loaves of sugar, oil. | Landed by warrant dated 27 July. |
Import | 06 Aug 1611 | Bristoll | Hope | 16 | Barnstaple | John Bilsworthie | Nicholas Sloley, merchant of Barnstaple | Lead, Gascon wine, currants, cloth, soap, fernandobucke, flax, wool, aquavita, dry wares. | Landed by cocket, dated at Bristoll 29 July. |
Import | 12 Aug 1611 | Bristoll | Samuell | 12 | Northam | Thomas Steephens | Roger Delbridge, merchant of Barnstaple | Lead, iron, shumack, wool, soap, aquavita, tar, dry wares, flocks. | Landed by warrant dated 30 July. |
Import | 15 Aug 1611 | Neath | Margarett | 18 | Westlie | Thomas Page | Thomas Harris of Barnstaple | Wool, coal. | Landed by cocket, 10 Aug. |
Import | 15 Aug 1611 | Swanzey | Elizabethe | 20 | Barnstaple | Jeffrey Burnard | Roger Jenkyn, merchant | Leather. | Landed by warrant dated 08 Aug. |
Import | 15 Aug 1611 | Aberthawe | Pellican | 12 | Northam | Leonard Shepperd | Leonard Shepperd | Wool. | Landed by warrant dated at Cairdife 07 Aug. |
Import | 31 Aug 1611 | Burrie | Katherine | 30 | Barnstaple | John Kyngsland | John Kyngsland | Coal. | Landed by cocket, 23 Aug. |
Import | 18 Sep 1611 | Bristoll | James | 8 | Northam | George Berry | John Chappell, merchant of Bristol | Lead ore, lead, soap, wire, muscadell, frieze, broad cloth, baise. | |
Import | 04 Oct 1611 | Mylforde | Peter | 12 | Northam | John Legge | John Legge, merchant | Wheat, oats, wool, 6 Welsh hogs. | Landed by cocket, 24 Sep. |
Import | 14 Oct 1611 | Bristoll | John | 10 | Northam | John Sutter | John Hearde, merchant of Byddeforde | Iron, clothes, madder, allum, soap, sugar. | Landed by cocket, 12 Oct. |
Import | 26 Oct 1611 | Mylforde | James | 12 | Northam | John Shebbeare | John Burdeas, merchant | Wheat, [torn]. | Landed by cocket, 22 Oct. |
Import | 14 Nov 1611 | Bridgewater | [torn] | 20 | Barnstaple | William Wright | [torn]~~~hony, merchant of Bridgewater | [torn]~~styns. | Landed by cocket, dated at Bridgewater 06 Nov. |
Import | 14 Nov 1611 | Bridgewater | [torn] | 20 | Barnstaple | William Wright | William Leyson, tanner of Neath | Tanned leather, butter, calf skins. | Landed by warrant dated at Neath 11 Nov. |
Import | 15 Nov 1611 | Tenby | Lysan | 14 | Bourty(?) | George Harrys | Hugh Horsam, merchant | Welsh wool, wheat. | Landed by warrant dated at Tenby 09 Nov. |
Import | 02 Dec 1611 | Mylford | Peter | 12 | Northam | John Legge | John Legge and John Phillips, merchants | Wheat, barley, oats. | Landed by cocket, 20 Nov. |
Import | 02 Dec 1611 | Bristoll | Sa~~(?) | 12 | Northam | Samuell Striblyn | John Capple, chandler of Bristol | Lead, soap, wine, kersies, hops. | Landed by cocket, 28 Nov. |
Import | 03 Dec 1611 | Mylford | [faded] | 20 | Northam | John Tombles | John Tombles | Wheat, barley. | Landed by [torn], 23 Nov. |
Import | 03 Dec 1611 | Mylford | Jam[es] | 12 | [torn] | John Shebbeare | John Burges, marryner of Northam | Wheat. | Landed by cocket, 28 Nov. |
Import | 10 Dec 1611 | Bristoll | John | 10 | Northam | John Gutture | John Chapple, merchant of Bristol | Calf skins, barrels of beer, packs of cardeboard. | Landed by cocket, 05 Dec. |
Import | 18 Dec 1611 | Chester | Godsaver | 18 | Northam | John Kingsland | Gilbert Harrys, merchant of Barnstaple | Marchester frieze, canvas, threed poyntz. | Landed by cocket, 26 Oct. |
Signed: John Trengole(?) custo: - Exon & Dartmouth | |||||||||
Export | 10 Jan 1610/11 | Bristoll | Hope Bonaventure | 20 | [blank] | John Bilsworthie | Pentecost Dodridge | Felt wool, Canary wine, sack, fernando bucke, tallow, corre fish, baise, sugar, single baise. | |
Export | 16 Jan 1610/11 | Bristoll | Elizabeth | 18 | Barnstaple | Arthur Bilsworthie | Nicholas Slowley, merchant | Felt wool, prunes, conserves, pilchards, baise. | |
Export | 16 Jan 1610/11 | Bridgewater | Samuell | 12 | Northam | William Steven | Thomas Baker of Bridgewater | Spanish wine, French wine, vinegar, salt, iron, dry fishe, 1 French chest. | |
Export | 18 Jan 1610/11 | Bristoll | Peter | 15 | Northam | Humfrie Beare | John Wytheridge of Barnstaple | Train [oil], corre fish, white sugar, baise. | |
Export | 11 Feb 1610/11 | Ryver of Wyre | Vantaige | 18 | Northam | Reymond Anthony | Gilbert Harris of Barnstaple | Sack, Canary wine, French wine, traine oil, vinegar, whie sugar, English iron, lead, marmalade & succade, little chest of maps, chest of earthen dishes, prunes. | |
Export | 12 Feb 1610/11 | Bristoll | Pellican | 10 | Northam | Leonard Shebbere | Edward Eastman | Gascon wines, [torn]~~liggs. | |
Export | 23 Feb 1610/11 | London | Bonaventure | 20 | Barnstaple | John Bilserie | Pentecost Dodridge | Canary wine, blockwood, white brasile [Brazil] sugar. | |
Export | 05 Mar 1610/11 | Plymouth | William | 12 | Northam | William Jeffrie | Gilbert Page, merchant of Barnstaple | Sack, Canary wine, vinegar. | |
Export | 23 Mar 1610/11 | Bristoll | [torn]~~ell | 12 | Northam | Patrick Colls | Pentecost Dodridge | Canary wine, licoras, felt wool, ouldrons. | |
Export | 08 Apr 1611 | [blank] | George | 18 | [blank] | John Norres | John Norres | Iron, black resin. | |
Export | 09 Apr 1611 | Bristoll | Pellican | 8 | Northam | Leonard Shebbere | John Wall | Muscavado sugar, Barnstaple baise, felt wool, oranges. | |
Export | 15 May 1611 | Tynbie | John | 7 | Ilfarcombe | John Cornishe | John Kinge of Barnstaple | Earthen vessels, treagar, canvas, soap, annyseede. | |
Export | 18 May 1611 | Watchett | James | 12 | Northam | Thomas Combe | Richard Peard | Wood, Canary wine, Gascon wine, earthen vessels, drinking glasses, shumack. | |
Export | 18 May 1611 | Bristoll | Samuell | 12 | Northam | Patrick Colls | Mathewe Tucker of Barnstaple | S[ingle] baise, Devon doz[ens]. | |
Export | 08 Jun 1611 | Westchester | Mayflower | 16 | Northam | Raymond Anthony | John Shurt of Bedyford | Green woad, Canary wine, French wine, Spanish iron, white powder sugar, succade, copparad, Devon doz[ens], traine [oil], Shumack, black resin. | |
Export | 11 Jun 1611 | Westchester | Vantage | 16 | Bedyfourd | John Aishe | John Aishe, merchant | Iron, s[ingle] baise, Canary wine, French wine, black resin, sugar, tar, resin, block wood. | |
Export | 22 Jun 1611 | Swanzey | John | 8 | Ilfarcombe | John Cornishe | John Kinge, merchant | Canvas, tregar, earth[en] vessels, Castle [Castille] soap. | |
Export | 16 Jul 1611 | Bristoll | Hope Bonaventure | 20 | Barnstaple | John Bilsorie | Nicholas Slolie, merchant of Barnstaple | Oil, hops, prunes, madder, sugar, vinegar, baise, dry wares, wool, sinamon, lycoras. | |
Export | 20 Sep 1611 | Westchester | Godsaver | 18 | Northam | John Kyngsland | Gilbert Harrys, merchant | Traine oil, corr fish, dry fishe, Spanish iron. | |
Export | 17 Oct 1611 | Bridgewater | Blessinge | 20 | Barnstaple | William Wright | Justin Wescombe, merchant of Barnstaple | Iron, felt wool, bay salt, traine [oil], newland fish. | |
Export | 17 Oct 1611 | Bristoll | James | 8 | Northam | George Bery | Justin Wescombe, merchant of Barnstaple | Felt wool, island woad. | |
Export | 31 Oct 1611 | Bristoll | Cherubyn | 9 | Northam | George Courteys | Thomas Cox of Barnstaple | Traine [oil], corr fishe, newland fishe, lemons. | |
Export | 29 Oct 1611 | Bristoll | John | 10 | Northam | John Gutter | John Aires, merchant of Barnstaple, for Robert Aldworthe of Bristol | Wool, white sugar, Canary wine, traine oil. | |
Export | 15 Nov 1611 | Bristoll | [torn] | 12 | Northam | Samuell Striblyn | Robert Aldworthe, merchant of Bristol | Muscavado sugar, pannell sugar, traine oil, green woad, newland fish. | |
Export | 27 Nov 1611 | Bristoll | John | 12 | Northam | John Gutter | Thomas Holmes, salter of Brystoll | Oil, reysons [raisins]. | |
Export | [faded] | [faded] | Prosperous | 14 | Northam | [faded] | John Wytheridge | [faded], vinegar, fish from New world. | |
Export | [faded] | [faded] | Jesus | 40 | Northam | Peter Bennett | William Palmer | [faded], single baise, calf skins, leather. | |
Export | [faded] | [faded] | Jesus | 40 | Northam | Peter Bennett | Pentecost Dodridge | [faded], single baise, English serges, lead ore, lead, calf skins. | |
Export | 30 Dec 1610 | St Sebastins | Angell | 20 | Braunton | Edward Clarke | Nicholas Downe | S[ingle] baise, calf skins, Devon dozens, sheep skins. | |
Export | 30 Dec 1610 | Fyall | Faulcon | ?? | [creased] | William Hitchcocke | John Shurte | [creased], Clothes, pennystons unfrised, Devon dozens, Irish ruggs, perpetuans, baise, iron. | |
Export | 30 Dec 1610 | Fyall | Faulcon | ?? | [creased] | William Hitchcocke | [creased] Clarke | S[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 30 Dec 1610 | Fyall | Faulcon | ?? | [creased] | William Hitchcocke | John Mules | S[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 30 Dec 1610 | Fyall | Faulcon | ?? | [creased] | William Hitchcocke | Edward Eastman | [creased], s[ingle] baise, perpetuans, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 30 Dec 1610 | Fyall | Faulcon | ?? | [creased] | William Hitchcocke | Nicholas Downe | Devon dozens, single serges, [creased]. | |
Export | 30 Dec 1610 | Fyall | Faulcon | ?? | [creased] | William Hitchcocke | George Gaye | S[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 29 Jan 1610/11 | Rochell | Asse~[creased]~on | 25 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | [creased] Baker | Devon dozens, [illeg]. | |
Export | 29 Jan 1610/11 | Rochell | Asse~[creased]~on | 25 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | [creased] Palm[er] | Devon dozens, [illeg]. | |
Export | 29 Jan 1610/11 | Rochell | Asse~[creased]~on | 25 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | John [illeg] | Single baise. | |
Export | 29 Jan 1610/11 | Rochell | Asse~[creased]~on | 25 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | William G~[creased] | Devon dozens, [illeg]. | |
Export | 29 Jan 1610/11 | Rochell | Asse~[creased]~on | 25 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | William Shapley | Devon dozens, [illeg]. | |
Export | 29 Jan 1610/11 | Rochell | Asse~[creased]~on | 25 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | Nicholas Downe | S[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 01 Feb 1610/11 | Kynsale | Trinitie | 10 | Kynsale | [creased]~rdan Roche(?) | William Gowlde | Beer. | |
Export | 01 Feb 1610/11 | Kynsale | Trinitie | 10 | Kynsale | [creased]~rdan Roche(?) | Edward Eastman | Single baise, single serges, Devon dozens, [illeg]. | |
Export | 01 Feb 1610/11 | Kynsale | Trinitie | 10 | Kynsale | [creased]~rdan Roche(?) | [illeg] Dodridge | [illeg] | |
Export | 01 Feb 1610/11 | Kynsale | Trinitie | 10 | Kynsale | [creased]~rdan Roche(?) | [illeg] | [illeg] | |
Export | 01 Feb 1610/11 | Kynsale | Trinitie | 10 | Kynsale | [creased]~rdan Roche(?) | James Beaple | [illeg] | |
Export | 01 Feb 1610/11 | Kynsale | Trinitie | 10 | Kynsale | [creased]~rdan Roche(?) | John Pearde | [illeg] | |
Export | 14 Feb 1610/11 | Maderas | Maieflower | 24 | [faded] | John Pollar~[faded] | Nicholas Downe | [illeg], northern playnes, Devon dozens, perpetuans. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | Lishborne | Blessinge | 24 | Barnstaple | Robert Westcott | Anthonye Gaye | S[ingle] baise, Devon dozens, perpetuanes. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | Lishborne | Blessinge | 24 | Barnstaple | Robert Westcott | Lodo [Lewis?] Do~[creased] | [creased], s[ingle] baise, coal. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | Lishborne | Blessinge | 24 | Barnstaple | Robert Westcott | Gilbert Paige | S[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | Rochell | Marie | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Pentecost Dodridge | Devon dozens, [creased]. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | Rochell | Marie | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | John Badcoke | Devon dozens, [creased]. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | St Sebastins | Angell | 25 | Braunton | John Tooker | William Shapley | S[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | St Sebastins | Angell | 25 | Braunton | John Tooker | Nicholas Downe | Baise, northern playnes, English serges. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | St Sebastins | Angell | 25 | Braunton | John Tooker | Edward Eastman | Devon dozens, single friezes, [illeg]. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | St Sebastins | Angell | 25 | Braunton | John Tooker | William Palmer | Devon dozens, [illeg]. | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | St Sebastins | Angell | 25 | Braunton | John Tooker | John [faded] | [faded] | |
Export | 20 Feb 1610/11 | St Sebastins | Angell | 25 | Braunton | John Tooker | Richard Beaple | [faded] | |
Export | ?? ??? 1611 | [faded] | Vantage | 18 | Northam | Reymond Anthony | Reymond Anthony | [faded] | |
Export | ?? ??? 1611 | [faded] | Prudence | ?? | Instow | [faded] | John Hyet(?) | [faded] | |
Export | ?? ??? 1611 | [faded] | Speedwell | 20 | Northam | John [faded] | Pentecost Dodridge | [faded], baise, Devon dozens, English serges, Irish pipe staves. | |
Export | ?? ??? 1611 | [faded] | Speedwell | 20 | Northam | John [faded] | William Thomas | Barnstaple baise, northern playnes. | |
Export | 10 May 1611 | Bilboa | Maieflower | 24 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Pentecost Dodridge | Barnstaple baise, s[ingle] baise, English serges, Devon dozens, calf skins, lead, lead ore. | |
Export | 10 May 1611 | Bilboa | Maieflower | 24 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | William Palmer | Barnstaple s[ingle] baise, s[ingle] serges, sheep skins, calf skins. | |
Export | 10 May 1611 | Bilboa | Maieflower | 24 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Nicholas Downe | English serges, calf skins, lead, [faded]. | |
Export | 10 May 1611 | Bilboa | Maieflower | 24 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Edward Eastman | Barnstaple baise, sheep skins, calf skins. | |
Export | 10 May 1611 | Bilboa | Maieflower | 24 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Richard Beaple | Single baise. | |
Export | 18 May 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Mathew Tooker | Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 18 May 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Richard Peard | S[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 18 May 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Thomas Harris | S[ingle] baise, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 22 May 1611 | Dublyn | U~[creased] | 14 | Northam | George Harris | Elizabeth Smith, widow | Lead, hops, marmalade, Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise, vinegar, wool. | |
Export | 24 May 1611 | Waterford | John | 14 | Northam | John Blackmore | Thomas Whitehead | Small wares, [illeg]. | |
Export | 30 May 1611 | Rochell | Pleasure | 50 | Northam | William Lyle | John Pearde | Devon dozens. | |
Export | 30 May 1611 | Rochell | Pleasure | 50 | Northam | William Lyle | Mathew Tooker | Devon dozens, English serges. | |
Export | 30 May 1611 | Rochell | Pleasure | 50 | Northam | William Lyle | John Sallisburie | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 03 Jun 1611 | Dublyn | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | William Dumppyn(?) | John Mussell | Earthen vessels, vinegar, black resin. | |
Export | 11 Jun 1611 | Kinsale | Hopewell | 16 | Byddeford | [torn] | Phillipe(?) Walter | [illeg] | |
Export | 24 Jun 1611 | Rochell | Margarett | 20 | Northam | [illeg] Morcombe | William Palmer | Devon dozens, Barnstaple s[ingle] baise. | |
Export | 28 Jun 1611 | Mornack(?) | Magdalen | 25 | Northam | John Mulyet(?) | Samuel Cade | Coal. | |
Export | 28 Jun 1611 | Waterford | Fortune | 18 | Barnstaple | John Beaple | Jenedo(?) Sutton | Earthen vessels, calf skins, drinking glasses, [illeg], hops, wolcards, [creased]. | |
Export | 10 Jul 1611 | Rochell | Mary | ?? | Northam | [creased] Whitson | William [creased] | Barnstaple baise, [illeg], northern playnes, Devon dozens. | |
Export | ?? Jul 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 90 | Anstowe [Instow] | John Swaynson | Richard Beaple of Barnstaple | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | ?? Jul 1611 | Kinsale(?) | Speedwell | 14 | Northam | George Beaple | George Beaple | Coal, earthen vessels, beer, vinegar, hops, barley. | |
Export | 20 Jul 1611 | Fyall(?) | Blessinge | 24 | Barnstaple | Robert Westcott | William Palmer | Baise, perpetuanes, Devon dozens, northern playnes. | |
Export | 07 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tooker | William Palmer | Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 07 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tooker | Nicholas Downe | Baise, perpetuanes, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 07 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tooker | John Darracott | Barnstaple baise, perpetuanes. | |
Export | 07 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tooker | William Shapley | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 07 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tooker | Pentecost Dodridge | Barnstaple baise, perpetuanes. | |
Export | 09 Aug 1611 | Bilboa | Faulcon | 20 | Northam | Thomas Bues | Pentecost Dodridge | Northern playnes, broad cloth, Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens, perpetuanes, calf skins, lead ore, English sayes. | |
Export | 09 Aug 1611 | Bilboa | Faulcon | 20 | Northam | Thomas Bues | William Palmer | Barnstaple baise, perpetuanes, [illeg]. | |
Export | ?? Aug 1611 | [faded] | Richard | 40 | Northam | W~ [faded] ~~~hcock | John Short | [faded], northern playnes, Devon dozens, perpetuanes, Barnstaple baise, English sayes, iron, [illeg], nayles. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Nicholas Downe | Barnstaple baise, perpetuans, Devon dozens, northern playnes. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | John Dorracott | Devon dozens, perpetuans. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | George Gay and Edward Eastman | Barnstaple baise, perpetuans. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Nathaniel Downe | Barnstaple baise, perpetuans. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | William Palmer | Barnstaple baise, perpetuans, Devon dozens, lead. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | John Muddeforde, Exon | Barnstaple baise, perpetuans, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Nicholas Martyn, Exon | Perpetuans, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 22 Aug 1611 | St Sebastins | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | Richard Peard | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise, calf skins. | |
Export | 02 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Samaritan | 20 | Northam | [illeg] Morcombe | James Beaple | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise, [creased]. | |
Export | 02 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Samaritan | 20 | Northam | [illeg] Morcombe | William Gay | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise, [creased]. | |
Export | 02 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Samaritan | 20 | Northam | [illeg] Morcombe | James Beaple of Barnstaple | Northern playnes, Barnstaple baise, [creased]. | |
Export | 14 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 100 | [creased] | John Swanson | George Baker | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 14 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 100 | [creased] | John Swanson | James Beaple | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise, white glue. | |
Export | 14 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 100 | [creased] | John Swanson | [creased] Medford | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 14 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 100 | [creased] | John Swanson | Richard Beaple | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 14 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 100 | [creased] | John Swanson | James Beaple | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 14 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 100 | [creased] | John Swanson | William Gay | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 14 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Neptune | 100 | [creased] | John Swanson | Mathew Tooker | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | ?? Sep 1611 | [blank] | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | William Weare(?) | Arthur Browne | Malt, barley. | |
Export | ?? Sep 1611 | [blank] | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | William Weare(?) | Thomas Cox | Soap, starch. | |
Export | 19 Sep 1611 | Dublyn | Roger | 18 | Northam | [illeg] Prust(?) | John Smith(?) | Barnstape baise, [illeg], steel, [illeg], black [illeg], marmalade, succate, bay salt, earthen vessels. | |
Export | 19 Sep 1611 | Dublyn | Roger | 18 | Northam | [illeg] Prust(?) | Edward Eastman | Spanish iron. | |
Export | 21 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Johane | 25 | Barnstaple | Marcus Peird(?) | John West | Devon dozens. | |
Export | 22 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Concorde | 38 | Barnstaple | Peter Coles | John West | [illeg] | |
Export | 22 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Concorde | 38 | Barnstaple | Peter Coles | George Baker | Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 22 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Concorde | 38 | Barnstaple | Peter Coles | Johanna Barratts(?) | Devon dozens. | |
Export | 23 Sep 1611 | Lishborne | Endevor | 28 | Barnstaple | John Sherman | William Palmer | Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens. | |
Export | 23 Sep 1611 | Lishborne | Endevor | 28 | Barnstaple | John Sherman | Gilbert Harrys | Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Nave (?) | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John Ferris | Barnstaple baise, earthenware. | |
Export | ?? Sep 1611 | [blank] | Joseph | 35 | Barnstaple | William Cocke | John Ayres | Devon dozens, perpetuans, pipe staves, fish(?), broad cloth, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 24 Jun 1611 | Rochell | Margarett | 20 | Northam | [illeg] Morcombe | John Ayres | Broad cloth, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 30 Sep 1611 | Averoe | Phenix | 40 | Northam | Thomas Toppe | William Leigh | Wet fish, dry newland fish. | |
Export | 01 Oct 1611 | ~~groyncin~[illeg] | Hoape Bonavinture | 20 | Barnstaple | Christopher Da~[illeg] | Nicholas Sloley | Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens, [illeg]. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Concorde | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Tucke | White leather, Devon dozens, single baise. | |
Export | 08 Nov 1611 | St Sebastins | John | 40 | Braunton | John Tooker | Richard Beaple and John Marshall of Exon | Perpetuans. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Concorde | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Palmer | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Concorde | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Medforde | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Concorde | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | James Beaple | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Concorde | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Tucke | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise, nothern playnes. | |
Export | 07 Oct 1611 | Treceras | Markes | 35 | Barnstaple | Arthur Fishley | Richard Beaple | Barnstaple baise, Spanish iron, virgat cottons. | |
Export | 25 Oct 1611 | Averoe | Eagle | 45 | Northam | John Cocke | Richard Frenche | Corr fishe, dry newland fish. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Concorde | 38 | [as before] | [as before] | Lewis Smyth | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [blank] | [blank] | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | William [blank] | Hugh Pyccombe | 35lbs leaf tobacco, 35lb pudding tobacco, earthenvessels. | |
Export | 07 Nov 1611 | Lishborne | Phillippe | 50 | Northam | Edward Beaple | Phillip Strannge | Lugg fishe, dry newland fish, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 08 Nov 1611 | Lishborne | Affection | 38 | Northam | Edward Hoop[er] | William Gay | Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens. | |
Export | [torn] | Bilboa | Faulcon | 20 | Northam | George Mulys | Nicholas Downe | Barnstaple baise, nothern playnes, calf skins. | |
Export | 08 Nov 1611 | [illeg] | John | 40 | Braunton | John Tooker | John Darracott | Barnstaple baise, calf skins. | |
Export | 08 Nov 1611 | [illeg] | John | 40 | Braunton | John Tooker | Henry Horwood | [illeg], Barnstaple baise, [illeg], Devon dozens. | |
Export | 08 Nov 1611 | [illeg] | John | 40 | Braunton | John Tooker | William Shapley | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Faulcon | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Dodderidge | Barnstaple single baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | John | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Pentecost Doddridge | Barnstaple single baise, [illeg]. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Faulcon | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Pentecost Doddridge | Perpetuans, Barnstaple baise, Devon dozens, calf skins. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | John | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Martyn, Exon | [illeg], single baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Faulcon | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | E'enr(?) Ellacott, Exon | Perpetuans. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | John | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Edward Eastman | Calf skins. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Affection | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Thomas M[ar]tyn, Exon | Devon dozens. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Phillippe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | James Beaple | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Phillippe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Palmer | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Phillippe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Gay | Devon dozens, Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Phillippe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John West | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Phillippe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Medford | [creased] | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Phillippe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Philiip Strange | Newland fish, white herrings. | |
Export | [as before] | [as before] | Phillippe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Tucke | Devon dozens. | |
Export | 11 Dec 1611 | Rochell | Suzan | 28 | Northam | William Morcombe | George Baker | Barnstaple baise. | |
Export | 11 Dec 1611 | Rochell | Suzan | 28 | Northam | William Morcombe | William Gay | [creased], Barnstaple baise. | |
Import | [illeg] | [illeg] | Eagle | 50 | Northam | Peter [illeg] | Richard Frenche | Bay salt. | |
Import | [illeg] | [illeg] | Eagle | 50 | Northam | Peter [illeg] | Lewis Downe | [illeg] | |
Import | [illeg] | [illeg] | Eagle | 50 | Northam | Peter [illeg] | Phillip Smythe | Vittery canvas? | |
Import | [illeg] | [illeg] | Roger | 20 | Northam | [illeg] | Richard Frenche | Figs. | |
Import | [illeg] | Cales | John | 40 | Braunton | John T~[illeg] | George Gay | [illeg], figs, anniseed. | |
Import | [illeg] | Cales | John | 40 | Braunton | John T~[illeg] | John Tooker | Raisins, anniseed. | |
Import | [faded] | [faded] | Frances | 40 | Northam | John Mylles | John Mylles | White salt. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | John | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Vyney | Figs. | |
Import | 04 Jan 1611 | [faded] | Prudence | 80 | Northam | Marcus Cocke | William Leigh | White salt. | |
Import | 04 Jan 1611 | [faded] | Prudence | 80 | Northam | Marcus Cocke | Henry Horwood | White sugar. | |
Import | 04 Jan 1611 | [faded] | Prudence | 80 | Northam | Marcus Cocke | Thomas Martin | Fernando buck. | |
Import | 04 Jan 1611 | [faded] | Prudence | 80 | Northam | Marcus Cocke | Richard Ferris | Muscavado sugar, white sugar. | |
Import | 04 Jan 1611 | [faded] | Prudence | 80 | Northam | Marcus Cocke | Robert Coockes | 6 accipitres [hawks], falcons. | |
Import | 06 Jan 1611 | Exterr Nova & St Lucas | Edward Bonaventure | 40 | Barnstaple | Robert Prust | John Harris | Bay salt, wine and sack. | |
Import | 06 Jan 1611 | Exterr Nova & St Lucas | Edward Bonaventure | 40 | Barnstaple | Robert Prust | Thomas Mogridge | Sack. | |
Import | 07 Jan 1611 | Canaries | James | 30 | Northam | John Cocke | John Wescombe | Canary wine. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Prudence | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John Ayres | White sugar. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Prudence | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Gay | White sugar. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Prudence | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | [creased] | White sugar. | |
Import | 11 Jan 1611 | Canaries | [creased]~flowre | 28 | Barnstaple | John Vellacott | [creased] Westlake | Canary wine. | |
Import | 11 Jan 1611 | Kynsale | Trinitie(?) | 10 | [creased] | Jordan Foche(?) | William [creased] | Spanish wool, flock, tallow. | |
Import | 19 Jan 1611 | Burdeaux | Markes | 30 | [illeg] | John Marks | William Palmer | Vinegar. | |
Import | 19 Jan 1611 | Canaries | Content | 30 | Northam | Peter Darracott | Pentecost Dodridge | Canary wine. | |
Import | 19 Jan 1611 | Rochell | Advantage | 18 | Northam | Etheldred Beaple | Richard Medforde | French wine, bay salt, [illeg], vinegar. | |
Import | 24 Jan 1611 | Rochell | Ro~[creased] | 20 | Northam | John Wyse | William Leigh | Bay salt, tar. | |
Import | 04 Feb 1611 | Kynsale | Prosperous | 14 | Northam | Richard Donnynge | John Wytheridge | Spanish cow skins, Spanish wool. | |
Import | 16 Feb 1611 | Wexford | Margarett | 7 | Wexford | Nicholas Welshe | Philip Morgan(?) | Pipe staves, hogshead staves. | |
Import | 22 Feb 1611 | [creased]~shford | Swanne | 15 | Isle of Wighte | William Johns | William [creased] | Pipe staves. | |
Import | 22 Feb 1611 | Rochell | Phillip | 40 | Northam | William Lylle | William Lylle | Bay salt, vinegar. | |
Import | 22 Feb 1611 | Rochell | Phillip | 40 | Northam | William Lylle | Henry Horwood | Black resin(?). | |
Import | 22 Feb 1611 | Rochell | Phillip | 40 | Northam | William Lylle | John Salisberie | Ouldrons. | |
Import | 22 Feb 1611 | Rochell | Phillip | 40 | Northam | William Lylle | Etheldred Beaple | French wine. | |
Import | 27 Feb 1611 | Rochell | Lion | 18 | Northam | John Sherman | John Sherman | Bay salt. | |
Import | 28 Feb 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | [faded] | [torn] C~~[torn] | [faded] | [faded] | |
Import | 28 Feb 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | [faded] | [torn] C~~[torn] | Richard [faded] | [faded] | |
Import | 28 Feb 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | [faded] | [torn] C~~[torn] | William [faded] | [faded] | |
Import | 02 Mar 1611 | Lishbourne | Speedwell | ?? | [faded] | [faded] | [faded] | [faded] | |
Import | 02 Mar 1611 | Lishbourne | Speedwell | ?? | [faded] | [faded] | [faded] | Muscavadoes sugar, succate. | |
Import | 04 Mar 1611 | Rochell | Joseph | 30 | Barnstaple | George Nicholls | Nicholas Delbridge | Bay salt, vinegar. | |
Import | 04 Mar 1611 | Rochell | Joseph | 30 | Barnstaple | George Nicholls | James Beaple | Ouldrons, Vandelowe canvas, treagar, prunes, Spanish wool, figs, vinegar, French wine. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Speedwell | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Frenche | Pep[per?]. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Speedwell | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Leigh | Pep[per?]. | |
Import | 05 Mar 1611 | Kynsale | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | William [creased]~en | William Pryddie | Spanish wool. | |
Import | 06 Mar 1611 | [as before] | Joseph | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Edward Eastman | Ouldrons. | |
Import | 06 Mar 1611 | [as before] | Joseph | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Downe | Ouldrons. | |
Import | 06 Mar 1611 | [as before] | Joseph | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Tarle | Ouldrons, Vandelowe canvas. | |
Import | 11 Mar 1611 | Vigo | Swan | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Bewes | Simon Sherman | Oranges. | |
Import | 12 Mar 1611 | Lishbourne | Prudence | 25 | Instow | Edward Symons | Edward Symons | Bay salt. | |
Import | 12 Mar 1611 | Bilboa | Jesus | 38 | Northam | John Bennett | Richard Frenche | Black resin. | |
Import | 12 Mar 1611 | Mornacke | Jane | 12 | Mornacke in France | Joseph Tardie | Joseph Tardie | Bay salt. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Jesus | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Downe | Spanish wool, iron. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Jesus | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Shapley | Spanish wool. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Jesus | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Pentecost Dodridge | Spanish wool, iron. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Jesus | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Palmer | Spanish iron. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Jesus | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Gaye | Spanish wool, iron. | |
Import | 26 Mar 1611 | Croswick | Michael | 26 | Northam | William Clowe | William Clowe | Bay salt, French wine, Vinegar, aquavita. | |
Import | 26 Mar 1611 | Rochell | Assention | 28 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | Gabriel Lake | Bay salt, vinegar, prunes, cordache [cordage?]. | |
Import | 26 Mar 1611 | Rochell | Assention | 28 | Northam | Gabriel Lake | John Tooker | Wold~~ey(?). | |
Import | 28 Mar 1611 | Washeforde | Markes | 8 | Washeforde | John Synnett | William Norman | Pipe staves. | |
Import | 30 Mar 1611 | Fyall | Dolphyn | 18 | Barnstaple | [illeg] Gill | George Ferris | Island woad. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Jane | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | James Beaple | [illeg]. | |
Import | 01 Apr 1611 | [as before] | Dolphyn | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Phillip Smythe | Island woad. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Maderas | Unitie | 20 | Northam | Roger Tracey | Edward Eastman | Powder sugar, shumack. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Maderas | Unitie | 20 | Northam | Roger Tracey | Roger Beare | Powder sugar, shumack, marmalade. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Maderas | Unitie | 20 | Northam | Roger Tracey | Gilbert Paige | Muscavados sugar, shumack. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Maderas | Unitie | 20 | Northam | Roger Tracey | William Palmer | Powder sugar, shumack. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Maderas | Unitie | 20 | Northam | Roger Tracey | Roger Tracey | Shumack, canes. | |
Import | 18 Apr 1611 | Mornacke | Magdelyn | 18 | Mornacke | John Mollyer(?) | John Mollyer(?) | Bay salt, French wine. | |
Import | 18 Apr 1611 | Mornacke | Magdelyn | 18 | Mornacke | John Mollyer(?) | Roger Tracey | Sugar, sucatte, green ginger. | |
Import | 18 Apr 1611 | Mornacke | Magdelyn | 18 | Mornacke | John Mollyer(?) | James Beaple | Shumack. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | [faded] | Faulcon | 23 | Northam | William Hitchcocke | John Shurte | Island woad. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Kinsale | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | John Mussell | Andrew Tucker | Irish wool. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Waterford | Fortune | 18 | Northam | John Beaple | Milles Pytt | Ruggs, lamb skins, Irish flocks. | |
Import | ?? Apr 1611 | Waterford | Fortune | 18 | Northam | John Beaple | William Riche | Irish wool, moore skins and kid skins. | |
Import | 08 May 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Lewis Downe | Vinegar, bay salt. | |
Import | 08 May 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Thomas Harris | Vinegar. | |
Import | 08 May 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | George Baker | Poldavies. | |
Import | 08 May 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Christopher Cade | Richard Beaple | Woldrans(?), [creased]. | |
Import | 08 May 1611 | [as before] | Fortune | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Matthew Cory(?) | Irish ruggs. | |
Import | 08 May 1611 | [as before] | Fortune | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | James Beaple | Canvas. | |
Import | 18 May 1611 | Lishbourne | Blessing | 24 | Barnstaple | Robert Westcott | Lewis Downe | Portugal salt, [creased]. | |
Import | 18 May 1611 | Lishbourne | Blessing | 24 | Barnstaple | Robert Westcott | [illeg] Downe | Sugar, [illeg]. | |
Import | 20 May 1611 | Boneheath(?) | Vantage | ?? | Northam | Reymond Anthony | [creased] | Bay salt. | |
Import | 24 May 1611 | Mornacke | Jane | 24 | [creased] | Pering Derridoe(?) | Pering Derridoe(?) | Bay salt, [creased]. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Blessing | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Toodland(?) | Succatt, callico. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Mary | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard [illeg] | Narrow Normandy canvas, vandelowe canvas, Britt~~~ cloth, woldrens. | |
Import | 24 May 1611 | Mornacke | Jane | ?? | [creased] | [creased] | [creased] | Bay salt. | |
Import | 27 May 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tucker | Justin Wescombe | Spanish iron. | |
Import | 27 May 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tucker | John Darracott | Iron. | |
Import | 27 May 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tucker | William Palmer | Spanish iron. | |
Import | 27 May 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tucker | Nicholas Downe | Spanish iron, Spanish wool. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Blessing | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | [creased] Beaple | Fernando buck. | |
Import | 27 May 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tucker | Richard Beaple | Spanish iron. | |
Import | 27 May 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tucker | John [creased] | Spanish iron. | |
Import | 27 May 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | 20 | Braunton | John Tucker | Richard [creased] | Spanish iron. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Blessing | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Thomas [creased] | Cinnamon. | |
Import | 13 Jun 1611 | Mornacke | Magdalyn | 18 | Mornacke | John Mollyer | John Mollyer | Bay salt. | |
Import | 15 Jun 1611 | Tollavert | Mary | 18 | Tollavert | John Teffeare | John Teffeare | Bay salt. | |
Import | 25 Jun 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Hugh Whytson | Hugh Whytson | Bay salt, black resin, tar, vinegar. | |
Import | 25 Jun 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Hugh Whytson | John Mathew | Vinegar. | |
Import | 25 Jun 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | Hugh Whytson | [illeg] | [illeg] | |
Import | 25 Jun 1611 | Matheras(?) | Prosperous | ~~ | Northam | [illeg] | John Wytheridge | [illeg] | |
Import | 25 Jun 1611 | ~~~shford | So~~(?) | ~~ | [illeg] | [illeg] | [illeg] | [illeg] | |
Import | ?? Jun 1611 | Rochell | Pleasure | 50 | Northam | William Lyle | William Lyle | [illeg] | |
Import | 29 Jun 1611 | Rochell | Blessing | 24 | Barnstaple | [illeg] | William Wright | Bay salt. | |
Import | 01 July 1611 | Rochell | Faulcon | 24 | Northam | [illeg] | [illeg] | Bay salt. | |
Import | 01 July 1611 | Amesterdame | Lambe | 30 | Tergor(?) | Job [creased]~son | Gilbert Peage(?) | [creased], hemp, [illeg], tar, pylihe(?), cordaige, [illeg], feathers, gross of puppets for children, wooden stan~(?), [illeg], small hanging tockes(?), sandboyes timber, hogshead of sande(?), 8 small pictures, pair of small globes, m~lting pots, gally pots, dreeping pans. | |
Import | 01 July 1611 | Auslowe | Neptune | 90 | Auslowe, Norway | John Swanson | John Swanson | M~[creased]~beo dealles. | |
Import | 02 July 1611 | [as before] | Lambe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Franncisco Dyrrecke(?), alien | Barrel of tracle [treacle?], earthen pots. | |
Import | 02 July 1611 | [as before] | Lambe | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Matthew Peage | Cordage, starch. | |
Import | 05 July 1611 | Wexforde | Katherine | 10 | Wexforde | William Laye | Thomas Hay | Hogshead staves, barrel staves, Irish wool, flax. | |
Import | 08 July 1611 | Kynsale | Hopewill | 16 | Byddeforde | John Weymouth | John Bagsto(?) | Irish wool. | |
Import | 08 July 1611 | Kynsale | Hopewill | 16 | Byddeforde | John Weymouth | Robert Venn | Irish wool. | |
Import | 15 July 1611 | Burneath | Advanntage | 20 | Northam | John Verneham | John Verneham | Bay salt. | |
Import | 15 July 1611 | Rochell | Vyrgen | 15 | Northam | Richard Juell | William Hodge | [illeg], resin, vinegar. | |
Import | 16 July 1611 | St Sebastians | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellecott | Nicholas Downe | Iron, Spanish wool. | |
Import | 17 July 1611 | St Sebastians | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellecott | William Palmer | Iron, Spanish wool. | |
Import | 17 July 1611 | St Sebastians | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellecott | Pentecost Dodridge | Iron, lycoras. | |
Import | 17 July 1611 | St Sebastians | Mayflower | 25 | Barnstaple | John Vellecott | Edward Eastman | Iron, Spanish wool. | |
Import | 19 July 1611 | Washeford | Mary | 8 | Washford | Thomas Forsy | Thomas Forsy | Irish wool, flax, barrel staves, cloeboards. | |
Import | ?? July 1611 | [torn] | Margarett | 18 | Northam | William Morcombe | William Morcombe | Bay salt, vinegar. | |
Import | 29 July 1611 | Amsterdam | Makepeace | 80 | London | Thomas Astyn(?) | Gabriel Quycke(?) | Meaborodeales, small balls, tar large band, tar small band, hemp, faggots of steel, battery, friengpannes [frangipane?]. | |
Import | ?? Aug 1611 | [illeg] | Vyolett | 14 | Northam | George Harris | Richard Brasier | Muscavado sugar, pannell sugar. | |
Import | ?? Aug 1611 | [illeg] | Sonday | 8 | Washford | Phillip Whyttey | Phillip Whyttey | Hogshead staves, barrel staves. | |
Import | ?? Aug 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | William Whyston | William Whyston | Bay salt, black resin, vinegar. | |
Import | 12 Aug 1611 | Rochell | Mary | 50 | Northam | William Whyston | William Palmer | Vittery canvas. | |
Import | 14 Aug 1611 | Washeford | Katherine | 5 | Washeford | Patrick Welshe | Phillip Morgan | Barrel staves, hogshead staves. | |
Import | 19 Aug 1611 | Washford | Sonday | 6 | Washford | Francis Stafforde | Francis Stafforde | Cloeboards, hogshead staves. | |
Import | 22 Aug 1611 | Kensale | Speedwell | 15 | Northam | George Beaple | Pascaco Combe | Irish bullocks, cow hides, Irish wool, Irish cotton. | |
Import | 23 Aug 1611 | Rochell | Concord | 18 | Northam | [creased] | [creased] | French salt. | |
Import | 23 Aug 1611 | Rochell | [creased] | ~~ | [creased] | Christopher Coleman | [creased] Leigh, gen. | French salt, vinegar. | |
Import | 23 Aug 1611 | Rochell | Roger | 18 | Northam | Robert Prust | Henry Horwood | Bay salt, vinegar. | |
Import | 27 Aug 1611 | Rochell | [creased] | ~~ | [creased] | John Swaynson | Richard Medforde | Vinegar. | |
Import | 27 Aug 1611 | Rochell | [creased] | ~~ | [creased] | John Swaynson | Roger Beare | Bay salt. | |
Import | 02 Sep 1611 | Terra Nova | Pellycan | 20 | Barnstaple | John Burges | [creased] Delbridge | New world fish. | |
Import | 02 Sep 1611 | Terra Nova | Jo~~[creased] | 40 | Braunton | Richard Clarke | Richard Clarke | Herrings, newland fish. | |
Import | 02 Sep 1611 | Terra Nova | Moses | 20 | Barnstaple | William Croscoobe | John Heyward | Trayne [oil], newland fish. | |
Import | 05 Sep 1611 | Terra Nova | Johane | ?? | Barnstaple | [creased] Pearce(?) | [creased] | Trayne [oil], newland fish. | |
Import | 11 Sep 1611 | Rochell | Joseph | 35 | Barnstaple | Christopher Brownynge | Nicholas Delbridge | French salt. | |
Import | 11 Sep 1611 | Terra Nova | Ph~~[creased] | 25 | Northam | John Cocke | Richard Frenche | Trayne [oil]. | |
Import | 12 Sep 1611 | Terra Nova | Marke(?) | 40 | Northam | Thomas Toppe | [creased] Leigh | Trayne [oil], fish. | |
Import | 23 Sep 1611 | Fyall | Blessing | 20 | [creased] | Robert Westcott | William [creased]~nis | Green woad. | |
Import | 24 Sep 1611 | Newfoundland | Eagle | ?? | Northam | George Mulys | Richard Frenche | Trayne [oil], newland fish. | |
Import | 04 Oct 1611 | Terra Nova | Affection | 30 | Northam | Edward How | Phillip Strannge | Salt, [illeg], resin. | |
Import | 04 Oct 1611 | St Sebastians | Angell | ?? | [torn] | [torn] | [illeg] | [illeg] | |
Import | 07 Oct 1611 | Bilboa | Unytie | ?? | [illeg] | [illeg] | [illeg] | [illeg] | |
Import | 08 Oct 1611 | Rochell | Truelove | ?? | [illeg] | [illeg] | [illeg] | [illeg] | |
Import | 08 Oct 1611 | Fyall | Speedwell | 20 | Northam | [creased] Deyman | William Thomas | Island woad, aquavita, shumack, pudding tobacco. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Truelove | ?? | [as before] | [as before] | Edward Burges | French salt. | |
Import | 09 Oct 1611 | Terra Nova and Rochell | Frannces | 50 | Northam | John Yeo | John Yeo | French salt, trayne [oil]. | |
Import | 10 Oct 1611 | Terra Nova | Phillippe | 35 | Northam | John Witson(?) | [illeg] Harris | Trayne oil, fish from New World. | |
Import | 11 Oct 1611 | Bilboa | Faulcon | 24 | Northam | Thomas Bues | John Yeo | Prunes. | |
Import | 11 Oct 1611 | Bilboa | Jonas | 17 | Northam | John Sherman | Roger Beare | Spanish iron. | |
Import | 11 Oct 1611 | Bilboa | Jonas | 17 | Northam | John Sherman | John Mulys | Resin. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Faulcon | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Gamyn | Spanish wool, Spanish iron. | |
Import | 22 Oct 1611 | [as before] | Speedwell | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Downe | Felt wool. | |
Import | 22 Oct 1611 | [as before] | Speedwell | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Henry Horwood | Spanish iron. | |
Import | 22 Oct 1611 | [as before] | Speedwell | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John Wytheridge | Tar big band. | |
Import | 23 Oct 1611 | Lishbourne | Desire | 28 | Northam | Digery Cholwill | Digery Cholwill | Salt. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Gift | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Digery Cholwill | White sugar. | |
Import | 23 Oct 1611 | Lishbourne | Desire | 28 | Northam | Digery Cholwill | Robert Aldworth | White sugar. | |
Import | 23 Oct 1611 | Lishbourne | Desire | 28 | Northam | Digery Cholwill | John Ayres | White sugar. | |
Import | 23 Oct 1611 | Lishbourne | Desire | 28 | Northam | Digery Cholwill | Lewis Downe | Marmalade. | |
Import | 23 Oct 1611 | Kinsale | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | John Mussell | John Mussell | Irish wool. | |
Import | 25 Oct 1611 | Pontefedro | Flowerdeluce | 30 | Northam | Mathew Puggettey | Mathew Puggettey | Leymonds [lemons?]. | |
Import | 25 Oct 1611 | Fyall | Richard | 45 | Northam | William Hytchcocke | George Baker | Green woad. | |
Import | 25 Oct 1611 | Fyall | Richard | 45 | Northam | William Hytchcocke | George Shurt | [illeg]. | |
Import | 25 Oct 1611 | Fyall | Richard | 45 | Northam | William Hytchcocke | Arthur Baker | Green woad. | |
Import | 29 Oct 1611 | [as before] | Desire | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Holworthy | Indico, 6 cwt leaf tobacco. | |
Import | 31 Oct 1611 | Island of Ireland | Samuell | 12 | Northam | Samuell Striblyn | Robert Chapple | Trayne [oil]. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Richard | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Frenche | Green woad. | |
Import | 13 Nov 1611 | Morlega(?) | Anne | 50 | Fremyngton | Hugh Hawkeridge | Hugh Hawkeridge | Mallega wine, Spanish oil, raisins solis, great raisins, canes(?). | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Truelove | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Medforde | West India ginger. | |
Import | [torn] 1611 | Rochell(?) | Joane | 30 | Barnstaple | John Saggard(?) | John Wytheridge | Salt, resin. | |
Import | [faded] 1611 | [faded] | Endevor | 25 | Barnstaple | John Sherman | James Beaple | [faded] | |
Import | [faded] 1611 | [faded] | Prudence | 80 | Northam | Marcus Cocke | Marcus Cocke | French salt. | |
Import | ?? Nov 1611 | [as before] | Mayflower | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Nicholas Downe | Felt wool, Spanish iron. | |
Import | ?? Nov 1611 | [as before] | Mayflower | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Edward Eastman | Felt wool, Spanish iron. | |
Import | ?? Nov 1611 | [as before] | Mayflower | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Palmer | Felt wool, Spanish iron. | |
Import | ?? Nov 1611 | [as before] | Mayflower | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John Darracott | Felt wool, Spanish iron. | |
Import | 26 Nov 1611 | [as before] | Endevor | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John Ferrys | [illeg], white sugar, marmalade, pepper, lambs wool, brassille, anneeld [aniseed?]. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Mayflower | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John Edm~(?) | Nete(?), Spanish iron. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Joane | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Edward Sheppeard | French wine, vinegar. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Joane | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Woade | French wine. | |
Import | ?? Dec 1611 | Burdeaux | Advantage | 24 | Northam | William Morcombe | John Ayres | Gasconie wine, vinegar, prunes, great raisins. | |
Import | ?? Dec 1611 | Burdeaux | Advantage | 24 | Northam | William Morcombe | Hugh Hawkeridge | Portugal salt. | |
Import | ?? Dec 1611 | Rochell | Concorde | 38 | Barnstaple | Mark Piers | Mark Piers | French salt, vinegar. | |
Import | ?? Dec 1611 | Rochell | Concorde | 38 | Barnstaple | Mark Piers | Richard [creased] | Vandeloe canvas, vinegar. | |
Import | ?? Dec 1611 | Rochell | Concorde | 38 | Barnstaple | Mark Piers | Thomas Cox | Vinegar, [creased] wine. | |
Import | 14 Dec 1611 | Rochell | Pleasure | 50 | Barnstaple | John Wytheridge | [creased] | French salt, vinegar, shumack, tallow, pilchards, salmon(?). | |
Import | 14 Dec 1611 | Kinsale | Elizabeth | 16 | Northam | John Mussell | John Mussell | [creased], hides, beef, salt Irish hides. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | [illeg] | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | William Shapley | Navare felt wool. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | [illeg] | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | Richard Beaple | Woaldrons. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | [illeg] | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | James Beaple | Vandeloe canvas, Irish wool, pilchards. | |
Import | ?? Dec 1611 | Knackvergo(?) | Roger | 20 | Northam | Robert Prust | Elizabeth Smyth, widow | Beef, Irish salt hides, tallow, [illeg], pipe staves. | |
Import | [as before] | [as before] | Pleasure | ~~ | [as before] | [as before] | John Badco~[creased] | [creased]. | |
Import | ?? Dec 1611 | [creased] | Margarett | 8 | Wexforde | William Stafford | William Stafford | Pipe staves, [creased] timber. |
Transcriber’s notes:
Port Books for the combined ports of Appledore, Bideford and Barnstaple are housed in the National Archives from 1565 to 1745.
There are some gaps due to non-survival of records, and other gaps due to damaged documents.
Typically these books record:
• Date of entry
• Name of ship
• Tonnage of vessel
• Port where vessel is registered
• Port where vessel is going to, or coming from
• Name of the Captain or Master of the vessel
• Name of the merchant responsible for the goods
• Whether the merchant is English or foreign
• Description of the cargo, including the method of storage (barrels, casks, bags), the weight (hundredweights, pounds) and the value for the purposes of assessing tax to be paid.
The following officials were responsible for checking the cargoes and recording the tax due:
• Collector or ‘Customer’ – made a return of all goods exported or imported and all moneys received, for which he issued a cocket (receipt).
• Controller – made a similar return but did not receive the payments.
• Searcher – appointed to prevent fraud, who had to make examine the goods and return a warrant to show he had done so.
• Surveyor - appointed to check the work of the Searcher.
The two books for 1611 (one for coastal, one for overseas) contain 11 pages and 14 pages respectively, written in a mixture of English and Latin. The overseas book is badly damaged due to creasing and fading.
Details of the cargoes have been transcribed as fully as possible.
Further information on quantity and value are available from the original document 190/1329/17, but not in 190/940/7 which has no values listed.
For example, in 190/940/7, an entry reads:
Le Advanntage de North[am] onis XX dolli [20 tons] Jo[hn]: Verneham m[agiste]r (Master of the vessel), inter ex Burneath (coming from Burneath) XV julii (15th July).
D[ic]to M[agiste]r ind[iginous] (The aforesaid Master is the Merchant, British) X wayes Salis de Bay (Bay salt) val[ue] Xl (£10). Subs[idy] Xs [10 shillings].
Some commodities may not be obvious, so here are some definitions:
• Allum – Potassium alum, used in dying and tanning.
• Acquavita – Distilled wine, eg: Brandy
• Annyseede - Aniseed.
• Baise – A coarse woollen cloth.
• Bay salt - Salt derived by evaporating seawater in the sun.
• Blockwood - see Fernandobucke.
• Brasil - see Fernandobucke.
• Brimstone – Sulphur.
• Cade – unknown.
• Calico – A plain-woven textile made from unbleached cotton.
• Cloeboard - unclear.
• Cocket - A document issued by Customs officials certifying payment of duties.
• Cordage – Any type of ropes, especially for ships rigging.
• Devon dozens – A coarse lightweight cloth usually 12 yards long - hence the name ‘dozens’.
• Fernandobucke – (Farnando buckewood): a reddish brown dye, also called brasil, block wood or logwood; from a corruption of
• Flock – Wool refuse or shearings.
• Frieze – A coarse woollen, plain weave cloth with a nap on one side.
• Kersey - Coarse woollen cloth with a smooth back, derived from the village of Kersey in Suffolk.
• Licoras/Lycoras - Licorice.
• Mathes – unclear, possibly madder?
• Muscavadoes - Unrefined brown sugar.
• Navare felt wool - wool from Navarre in Spain.
• Newland fish - Fish from Newfoundland.
• Northern plaines - unclear, but some type of plain fabric.
• Ouldrons - unclear, probably a cloth or canvas from Oleron in France.
• Pannell sugar - Panela sugar (unrefined whole cane sugar).
• Penistone - A coarse woollen cloth formerly used to make clothes.
• Perpetua - A strong woollen fabric.
• Pernambuco, Brazil.
• Pipe staves - staves for constructing a pipe (a barrel containing about 126 gallons).
• Poledavy - Course canvas sailcloth originally manufactured in the town of Pouldavid in Brittany.
• Pudding tobacco - Tobacco for chewing, made up in rolls like puddings.
• Raisins solis – Sun dried grapes (raisins).
• Rugg – A coarse frieze, a frieze cloak or mantle.
• Sack – Fortified wine imported from mainland Spain or the Canary Islands.
• Sayes - Cloth of fine texture resembling serge, sometimes partly of silk.
• Serge – A type of twill fabric with diagonal ridges on both sides. French serge was softer and finer than English serge.
• Shumack – Dried berries of the Sumac plant, used in dying and tanning.
• Sinamon - Cinnamon.
• Staves - Shaped wood used for constructing barrels and hogsheads.
• Sucadd or Succatt – Fruit preserved in sugar; sweatmeats.
• Threed poyntz - unclear, might be needles.
• Traine [oil] – Drained fish oil, usually from cod.
• Tregar – A linen fabric from Treguier in Brittany.
• Vandelowe canvas – unclear, possibly another name for Vittery canvas.
• Vittery canvas – A light sail-cloth canvas, originally from Vitré in Brittany.
• Woad – A plant used to produce a blue dye.
• Woldrans - see Ouldrons.
• Wool card - A wooden head fitted to a stock or support, with bristles or teazle heads to tease out the threads of wool.
Similarly, some ports may not be spelt as we expect today:
• Aberthawe = Abertawe (Swansea)
• Abristothe = unclear, probably South Wales
• Auslowe - Oslo, Norway
• Averoe = Aveiro, Portugal
• Bilboa = Bilbao, Spain
• Burdeaux = Bordeaux
• Burneath = unclear, probably in France
• Burrie = Burry Port, South Wales
• Cales = Cadiz, Spain
• Carnarvande = Caernarvon, Wales
• Comych = Combwich, Somerset
• Croswick = Le Croisic, France
• Exterr Nova = Outer World (New World)
• Fyall = Faial, Azores
• Lishborne = Lisbon(?)
• Knackvergo = unclear, somewhere in Ireland
• Maderas = Madeira
• Milford/Mylforde = Milford Haven, Wales
• Morlega = Málaga, Spain
• Mornacke = In France, but unclear where
• Pontefedro = unclear
• Rochell = La Rochelle, France
• Ryver of Wyre = River Wyre, Lancashire
• San Sebastian = On north coast of Spain
• Terra Nova = New World (Newfoundland)
• Tollavert = unclear, probably in France
• Treceras = probably Terciera, Azores
• Tynbie = Tenby, Wales
• Vigo = in northern Spain
• Washeforde = unclear, probably in Ireland (Wexford?)
• Westchester = Chester
• Westley = Westleigh, Devon
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