


Customs Port Books 1590-1591

Port of: Barnstaple (and Ilfracombe included)

Books for: Overseas and Coastal trade

Type of book: Customer and Controller, Collector of Customs

Language: Latin

Taken from Port Books in National Archives ref: E 190/935/14 and 15

Spelling transcribed verbatim. Anything in square brackets added by transcriber.

Transcribed by David Carter 2023

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Surname index:

Mechere, Messhere 
Norwood, Norwoode 
Smithe, Smythe 

Import or ExportDateFrom / ToVesselTonsBelongingMasterMerchantGoods
E 190/936/15        
Export15 Jan 1590/1BristollMathewe15FremingtonWilliam LeggJohn Higgans of Bristol39 cwt elephants teeth, 75 cwt graynes [cochineal]
Export16 Jan 1590/1BristollMarie12NorthamWalter ColmanJames Wescombe of Barnstaple30 bags Spanish wool, 150 cwt[?] hatwoolle, 80 double serges
Import16 Jan 1590/1CaernarvonMighell12BidefordChristopher RoweJohn Shurte of Bideford80 cwt cheese, 4 cwt & 20 gallons butter, 1 cwt wax, 220 virgas huswives cloth, 100 balletts wool, 1 butt sack wine
Export16 Jan 1590/1BristollPrudence12BidefordJohn ToppeWilliam Hunte hatmaker of Bristol22 bags Spanish wool
Export16 Jan 1590/1BristollPrudence12BidefordJohn ToppeRichard Powell of Bristol2,000 new world fish
Export16 Jan 1590/1BristollPrudence12BidefordJohn ToppeJohn Barton merchant of Bristol1 'pane lat [linen cloth?] de bin'
Import01 Dec 1580GloucesterMarie14BidefordJohn SmitheJohn Bruester of Gloucester8 weys malted barley, 30 barrels beare, 200 bushels apples
Export14 Feb 1590/1BristollMarie14GloucesterJohn SmytheRoger Cade of Barnstaple5 tons green woad, 5 tons salt, 200 lbs graynes, 400 garres [jars] oil
Import27 Feb 1590/1CaernarvonMighell12BidefordChristopher RoweJohn Shurte of Bideford100 stones wool, 12 barrels butter, 100 virgas huswives cloth
Export22 Nov 1590BristollJesus20St IvesRichard AspleyeJohn Aldworthe of Bristol29 bags ginger containing 66 kintalls, 229 hides, 9 chests sugar containing 90 kintalls, 3 pieces tanned leather
Export22 Nov 1590BristollJesus20St IvesRichard AspleyeThomas Holcum of Bristol1 pipe & 5 hogsheads vinegar
Export24 Nov 1590BristollJohn7NorthamJohn BerrieRobert Puddie merchant of Bristol29 bags ginger, 57 hides
Export31 Dec 1580TenbigheGyfte14IlfracombeJohn RoweDaniell Mechere of Coignac in France7 tons Gascony wine
Import20 Jan 1590/1ExwaterTrinyte8IlfracombePeter GenkinsThomas Baker of Bridgwater2 hogsheads sack wine, 2 pieces brass ordynance
Export03 Feb 1590/1BristollTrinitie8IlfracombeRichard SterrieThomas Richardson of Exeter11 cwt jars quartiles containing 275 roves olei de Civell [Seville oil]
Import08 Feb 1590/1BridgwaterTrinyte8IlfracombeRichard SterrieThomas Baker of Bridgwater2 hogsheads sack wine, 1 hogshead honey, 2 pieces brass ordinance 9 cwt
Import09 Feb 1590/1MylfordeMarie8BarnstapleJohn LockierRichard Harper of Barry[?]6 bushels wheat[?] [faded]
Export09 Feb 1590/1BristollDorothie40LymeThomas SherifNicholas Strangwidge of Bristol4 cwt quartiles containing 100 roves olei de Civelle [Seville oil]
Export09 Mar 1590/1BristollMarie12FremingtonJohn DowneJames Wescombe of Barnstaple14 jars quartiles cont IIIC LXI [361?] roves olei de Civellia [Seville oil]
Export09 Mar 1590/1BristollJames8NorthamWalter ColmanJames Wescombe of Barnstaple17 cwt quartiles olei de Civell [Seville oil], 1 chest white sugar containing 3 cwt, 3 chests unrefined brown sugar containing 9 cwt
E 190/935/14        
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellPellican36BarnstapleStephen LymeryeWilliam Gaye of Barnstaple1 ton iron, he paid 4s inwardes late before this
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellPellican36BarnstapleStephen LymeryeRobert Prowse of Barnstaple1 ballott containing 200 and half of canvas, 1 ballott containing 5 half clothes which make two clothes & half, 1 ballott containing 6 half clothes which make three clothes, 1 ballott containing 7 half clothes which make 3 clothes and half, 1 ballott containing 12 Devon kersies which make 3 clothes
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellPellican36BarnstapleStephen LymeryeNicholas Downe of Barnstaple3 ballotts containing 30 pieces baise
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellPellican36BarnstapleStephen LymeryeJames Beaple of Barnstaple1 ton iron, 1 pipe of pitch, 3 bales of cappe [copy] paper
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellPellican36BarnstapleStephen LymeryeJohn Colliber of Barnstaple2 packets containing 13 pieces of baise
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellPellican36BarnstapleStephen LymeryeRobert Marten of Barnstaple3 chests and 2 ballotts containing 80 pieces Devon kersies which make 20 clothes, 2 ballotts containing 20 pieces of baise, 4 firkins containing 500 of pewter, 1 pack containing 200 of tawed leather
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellPellican36BarnstapleStephen LymeryeRichard Dodridge of Barnstaple3 ballots containing 30 pieces of baise, 1 ballott containing 14 pieces of cottons, 1 packet containing 6 Devon kersies which make 1 clothe and half, 30 remlets containing 300 of flannynges
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellGeorge50PrestonJohn Beverage (foreign)Robert Prowse of Barnstaple1 ballott containing 20 moltons which make two clothes, 1 ballott containing 5 half clothes which make 2 clothes and half, 1 ballott containing 6 half clothes which make 3 clothes, 1 ballott containing 4 half clothes which make 2 clothes, 1 ballott containing 4 half clothes, 1 ballott containing 6 half clothes which yeldeth 3 clothes
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellGeorge50PrestonJohn Beverage (foreign)Roger Cade of Barnstaple1 ton iron
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellGeorge50PrestonJohn Beverage (foreign)John Delbridge of Barnstaple30 pieces Buffynes at 8d per piece, 30 pieces Hasborough cloth brown containing 200 ells, 5 pieces of sayes
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellGeorge50PrestonJohn Beverage (foreign)James Sparrowe of Barnstaple1 ballott containing 2 remlets of Broadcloth containing 30 yards which makes 1 cloth and a quarter of a cloth, 4 pieces of baise, 30 lbs flax
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellGeorge50PrestonJohn Beverage (foreign)John Harris of Barnstaple4 pieces friezes
Export08 Jan 1590/1RochellJesus16LondonJohn Hyckman from CorkeRichard Droman of Torrington6 dicar salt hides, 16 cados at 3d per piece, 16 stones of wool
Import08 Jan 1590/1From the seaEl Spiritu Sancto70Late of LusboneWilliam StreyteRichard Dodridge, James Downe and Nicholas Downe of BarnstapleBy reprisal. Brought into Barnstaple by the Prudence of Barnstaple burden of 100 tons whereof William Batten was captain. 220 lbs weight in gold taken up for her majesty the 20th parte which is £11 delivered unto the generall receiver Mr Thomas Mydleton at SSP[?]
Import08 Jan 1590/1From the seaEl Spiritu Sancto70Late of LusboneWilliam StreyteRichard Dodridge, James Downe and Nicholas Downe of Barnstaple59 cwt elephants teeth at 3s.4d per kintall, 104 kintalls grains [cochineal] at 3s.4d, 300 ounces cyvet
Import08 Jan 1590/1From the seaEl Spiritu Sancto70Late of LusboneWilliam StreyteJohn Higgans gent of Bristol39 kintalls elephants teeth at 3s.4d per kintal, 79 kintals of grains [cochineal] at 3s.4d per kintal
Import08 Jan 1590/1From the seaEl Spiritu Sancto70Late of LusboneWilliam StreyteMy Lord Admirals tenthElephants teeth 11 kintalls, grains [cochineal] 22 kintalls
Export13 Jan 1590/1Cane[?]Jonas26BidefordRaymond AnthonyEdward Amye of Tyverton9,000 newland fish
Export13 Jan 1590/1Cane[?]Frances40BarnstapleJames MoltonGeorge Predye of Tyverton10,000 newland fish of the mydle sort, 60 barbarie hides.
Export13 Jan 1590/1RochellHandmaide50BidefordHugh SowthcottEdward Amye of Tyverton5 balletts containing 72 kersies
Export13 Jan 1590/1RochellHandmaide50BidefordHugh SowthcottGeorge Averie of Barnstaple1 packet containing 8 pieces of Devon kersies
Export13 Jan 1590/1RochellHandmaide50BidefordHugh SowthcottRichard Wadlande of Bideford1 packet containing 6 pieces of Devon kersies
Export13 Jan 1590/1RochellPhenix30Northam[blank] DodecottRichard Dodridge of Barnstaple3 ballotts containing 30 pieces baise, 2 ballotts containing 40 Devon kersies which make 10 clothes
Import28 Jan 1590/1RochellSalomon26NorthamWilliam WatkinsRichard Frenche merchant of Northam13 weys of bay salt, 1 last of pitch and tar, 10 cwt stone pitch at 2d per cwt
Import28 Jan 1590/1RochellRoger Bonaventure80TorringtonJames EliotRoger Ley merchant of Torrington40 weys bay salt
Import28 Jan 1590/1RochellRoger Bonaventure80TorringtonJames EliotRoger Babacombe of Barnstaple4 cwt packing canvas
Import28 Jan 1590/1RochellRoger Bonaventure80TorringtonJames EliotWilliam Colliber of Barnstaple1 ballott vitrye canvas containing one hundred and half, 2 poledavies
Import20 Jan 1590/1By ReprisalGifte of God42VermeweJohn WilsonJohn Lee of London, esq, and William Morcomb of Barnstaple39 tons of iron at 4s per ton, 225 kintalls shumack at 8d per kintall, 3 chests sugar at 10s per chest, 21 harquebus of crocke, 33 dozen small hatchets, 2,000 hassell [hazel?] hoopes
Import21 Jan 1590/1RochellLion60RochellDanyell MesshereDanyell Messhere5 tons salt
Export21 Jan 1590/1RochellLion60RochellDanyell MesshereDanyell Messhere7 chalders coals, 3 pieces of baise, half a piece of broadcloth, 4 yards of cotton, 2 cwt sugar
Import30 Jan 1590/1By ReprisalGrace20Late of LusboneJohn GarrisThomas Norwood and his company, Nicholas Strangwidge, Thomas Densley & John ParratTaken by Captain Norwoode and his companie by l'res[?] of reprisal and brought into Ilfracombe by the Dorothy of Lyme. 6,800 jars quartiles containing 1,700 roves of Civell oyles [Seville oil] at 4 score 8 roves to the ton amounts to 19 tons 1 hogshead
Import30 Jan 1590/1By ReprisalGyfte of God40Late of Vermew in BiskayJohn WilsonThomas Norwood and Nicholas Strangwidge453 bundles pipe staves containing 6,354 staves at 3 pound the thousand, 7 chests of poudred sugar, 2 chests of panelles sugar, 2 tierses of iron hooks mattocks and old iron, 39 bundles of hasell [hazel?] hoops
Import21 Jan 1590/1RochellLyon40RochellDanyell Allyen[?]Danyell Allyen[?]21 tuns Gascon wine


Transcriber’s notes:

Port Books for the combined ports of Appledore, Bideford and Barnstaple are housed in the National Archives from 1565 to 1745. There are some gaps due to non-survival of records, and other gaps due to damaged documents.

Typically these books record: 
•    Date of entry 
•    Name of ship 
•    Tonnage of vessel 
•    Port where vessel is registered 
•    Port where vessel is going to, or coming from 
•    Name of the Captain or Master of the vessel 
•    Name of the merchant responsible for the goods 
•    Whether the merchant is English or foreign 
•    Description of the cargo, including the method of storage (barrels, casks, bags), the weight (hundredweights, pounds) and the value for the purposes of assessing tax to be paid.

The following officials were responsible for checking the cargoes and recording the tax due: 
•    Collector or ‘Customer’ – made a return of all goods exported or imported and all moneys received, for which he issued a cocket (receipt). 
•    Controller – made a similar return but did not receive the payments. 
•    Searcher – appointed to prevent fraud, who had to make examine the goods and return a warrant to show he had done so. 
•    Surveyor – appointed to check the work of the Searcher.

The books for 1590/91 contain about 10 pages, some Latin, some English. 
For some reason 935/15 also includes entries for Ilfracombe.

Some commodities and measurements are unknown but have been transcribed as closely as possible. Others may not be so well-known to us today, so here are some definitions: 
•    Baise (Baize) - Coarse woollen cloth, often made in Barnstaple. 
•    Bay salt - Salt derived by evaporating seawater in the sun. 
•    Dicker / Dicars - A quantity or package of 10 hides. 
•    Harquebus (Arquebus) - 16th century firearm, a long gun used by an infantryman. 
•    Kersey    Coarse narrow woollen cloth with a smooth back, made of long staple wool, derived from the village of Kersey in Suffolk. 
•    Kintall (Quintal) - Another term for hundredweight. 100 lbs, also 112 lbs. 
•    Poledavy - Course canvas sailcloth originally manufactured in the town of Pouldavid in Brittany. 
•    Roves - A unit of weight in Spain for wine and oil, about 25 lbs. 
•    Shumacke (Sumac) - The dried berries of the Sumac plant, used in dying and tanning. 
•    Virga / Virgas - An obsolete unit of length, about 2.0m. 
•    Vittery canvas - A light sail-cloth canvas, originally from Vitre in Brittany.


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