Customs Port Books 1578-1579
Port of: Barnstaple
Book for: Overseas and Coastal trade
Type of book: Customer, Controller and Searcher
Language: Latin
Taken from Port Books in National Archives ref: E 190/931/8 and 12
Transcribed by David Carter 2023
= = = = = = = =
Surname index:
Alderworth, Alworth
Andrew, Androwe, Androwes
Apply, Applye
Bene, Benet, Benett, Bennet, Bennett
Bereman, Berieman, Beriman, Beryman
Biven, Byven [Abiven, Abyven?]
Bradford, Bradforde
Bristow, Brysste
Chapell, Chaple
Clarke, Clerk, Clerke
Coliber, Colliber
Colliscott, Collyskott
Corie, Curye
Davie, Davy
Dennys, Denys
Dier, Dyer
Doderidge, Dodridge, Dotheridge
Edward, Edwardes, Edwards
Eliott, Elliott
Garnest[?], Garnezie
Gibben, Gybon
Hamberi, Hambery
Heard, Hearde
Hodge, Hoge
Leigh, Leighe
Linenge, Lyninge
Lymberis, Lymeris
Marten, Martyn
Mellington, Millyngton
Nicholl, Nicoll
Salisburie, Salisheburie, Salysberie
Shebber, Shebbeare
Shorte, Shurte
Stockomb, Stockcombe, Stockeham
Sweite, Sweitt
Vewer, Vower, Waver
Welkey, Wilkey
Whichehalse, Wichehalse, Witchalse
Wolleigh, Wolley, Wollye
Zealie, Zealle, Zeallie, Zealy, Zealye, Zelle, Zellie
Import or Export | Date | From / To | Vessel | Tons | Belonging | Master | Merchant | Goods |
E 190/931/8 | ||||||||
Import | 2 Oct 1578 | Bridgwater | Peter | 6 | Barnstaple | John Garnest[?] | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 10 tons lead |
Import | 2 Oct 1578 | Bridgwater | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | Thomas Clerk | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 10 tons lead |
Import | 20 Nov 1578 | Bristol | Maieflowre | 14 | Comb | John Togood | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 6 bags wool, 2 fire pans, 9 packs resons, 5 kintkyns 1 firkin soap, 5 cwt hops, 4 tons iron, 1 chest sugar containing 3 cwt, 1 pair andirons, 1 fire pan, 1 pair tongs. |
Import | 30 Nov 1578 | Swansea | Nicholas | 6 | Barnstaple | John Jude | Roger Beaple of Barnstaple [tanner?] | 16 dicar raw hides |
Import | 16 Dec 1578 | Bristol | John | 10 | Barnstaple | William French | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 20 serons white soap containing 42 cwt, 2 hogsheads 2 barrels containing 5 cwt clowes, 1 hogshead pepper containing 1 cwt, 40 lbs maces, 5 chests 2 hogshead containing 13 cwt conserves and marmalade, 3 barrels black soap containing 8 cwt, 1 bag hops, 5 cwt 1 bag pep[per] containing 1 cwt, 1 ton pipe iron. |
Import | 16 Dec 1578 | Milford | John | 10 | Abbotsham | Thomas Sealy | John Collyskott of Barnstaple | 100 stones wool, 60 lbs care[?], 12 dozen calf skins |
Import | 18 Dec 1578 | Bridgwater | George | 12 | Northam | Genkyn Byven | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 8 tons lead |
Import | 2 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Nicholas | 80 | Barnstaple | James Eliott | William Leigh of Northam | 4 tuns Gascony wine, 1 hogshead vinegar, 2 cwt sugar, 7 cwt hops, 2 hogsheads prunes |
Import | 9 Jan 1578/9 | Harfordwest | Margaret | 6 | Barnstaple | Thomas Zealy | Richard Gybon of Harfordewest | 6 dicar tanned hides |
Import | 12 Jan 1578/9 | Cardiff | Falcon | 16 | Brockwear | Edward Smyth | Richard Hambery of Cardiff | 10 tons iron, wallie |
Import | 01 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | John | 10 | Barnstaple | Peter Wolley | Aldread Stockomb merchant of Bideford | 2 cwt iron, 1 firkin vinegar, 20 barrels 2 kintalls soap, 2 cwt iron, 6 barrels pitch & tar, 8 barrels wine, 1 fardel 1 pack 3 fardels dry wares, 2 ballots calico, 1 ton lead ore, 1 faggot & 13 nests steel, 1 coffer various merchandise & clothing, 16 barrels conserves, 2 cwt hops, 3 bags hops, 4 stones of wire, 2 dozen frying pans |
Import | 04 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | Phenix | 12 | Bideford | Degorie Hodge | John Corie of Bideford | 8 barrels black soap, 3 firkins & 2 bags hops, 9 barrels various merchandise, 1 frying pan, 2 pieces Kedwelly, 2 packs kersies, 1 ton lead ore |
Import | 04 Feb 1578/9 | Gloucester | George | 14 | Tewkesbury | John Hucocke | John Butler of Tewkesbury | 6 wey white peas |
Import | 04 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | [illeg] | 10 | Barnstaple | John Chaldon | John Linenge of Barnstaple | 1 pack containing 80 pieces widmolles, 30 pieces calico cloth, 8 stones wire, 1 pack hollande, 6 kintalls soap & 1 gross cardebordes |
Import | 12 Feb 1578/9 | Milford | John | 8 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zealie | Thomas Vower of Harfordewest | 5 dicar tanned leather, 4 cwt brass |
Import | 12 Feb 1578/9 | Gloucester | Anne | 14 | Bideford | Daneill Beare | John Millyngton of Tewkesbury | 3 weys fish |
Import | 12 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | Fortune | 9 | Barnstaple | Walter Benet | John Norris of Barnstaple | 8 barrels 10 kinterkins soap, 1 barrel tar, 2 pieces resons, 3 cwt Brasell, 1 drifate dry wares, 2 bags hops, 20 lbs flox, 2 pipes wine for Basterde |
Import | 27 Feb 1578/9 | Gloucester | Henrie | 12 | Bideford | Henry Shebber | John Bradforde of Tewkesbury | 5 weys fish |
Import | 12 Mar 1578/9 | Caernarvan | Savior | 10 | Abbotsham | Richard Williams | John Shurte of Bideford | 40 stones cheese, 7 barrels butter, 40 virgas cloth lats, 160 virgas cloth for huswyffe cloths, 1 cwt wax, 7 dicar salted leather not tanned |
Import | 20 Mar 1578/9 | Milford | Savior | 10 | Northam | Richard Williams | John Shurte of Bideford | 5 dicar tanned leather, 20 dozen calf skins |
Import | 3 Apr 1579 | Harfordwest | John | 8 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zealye | George Gymn of Harfordwest | 6 dicar tanned leather |
Import | 3 Apr 1579 | Gloucester | Henrie | 7 | Bideford | Henry Shebber | John Bradforde of Tewkesbury | 5 weys peas |
Import | 3 Apr 1579 | Bristol | Hoape | 7 | Bideford | Augustine Howe | John Brysste of Bristol | 2 dicar hides, 2 dozen kyps[?] |
Import | 3 Apr 1579 | Gloucester | Anne | 14 | Bideford | Danyell Beare | Edward Baston of Tewkesbury | 8 weys peas |
Import | 4 Apr 1579 | Caernarvan | Jhns | 12 | Northam | Jenkyn Byvan | John Salysberie of Barnstaple | 8 dicar salted hides, 8 peiles wheat, 120 virgas linen cloth, 40 lbs wax |
Import | 10 Apr 1579 | Bristol | Pellican | 40 | Barnstaple | Stephen Lymeris | John Witchalse | 7 tuns pipes of Canary wine |
Export | 1 Oct 1578 | Bristol | James | ?? | Northam | Richard [illeg] | William Leigh of Northam | 4 tuns traine oil, 10 cwt Brasell plockwood |
Export | 5 Oct 1578 | Bristol | Antonie | 15 | Northam | Thomas Beryman | John Edwardes of Northam | 6 tuns traine oil |
Export | 15 Oct 1578 | Bristol | Marie & John | 14 | Elmore | John Roberts | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 4 tuns traine oil, 40 pieces calico cloth, 30 lbs cinnamon |
Export | 15 Oct 1578 | Bristol | Marie & John | 14 | Elmore | John Roberts | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 3 tuns train oil, 3 chests containing 9 cwt sugar, 1 cwt Brasell, 4 cwt iron, 6 stones cheese, 9 pieces magnarum unarum passarum [broadcloth?] |
Export | 10 Nov 1578 | Bridgwater | Whitt Harte | 30 | Northam | William Nicoll | Thomas Alderworth of Bristol | 160 kintalls of pastells [woad] |
Export | 9 Jan 1578/9 | Harvordewest | John | 8 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zealie | Thomas Vewer & Hugh Huer of Havfordwest | 1 pipe iron, cwt stones of cheese, 4,000 new world fish, 1 pipe traine oil, 1 fardel whitnaie & canvas, 2 sacks figs, 3 packs resons, 1 cwt prunes |
Export | 12 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | John | 6 | Barnstaple | Peter Wolleigh | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 100 packs resons, 160 packs figs, 50 quarters figs, 2 bags containing 16 roves white Spanish wool |
Export | 12 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Swan | 8 | Northam | William Benett | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 160 packs figs, 10 barrels containing 12 cwt figs, 40 pieces calico cloth |
Export | 20 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | John Benet | Johanna Darte of Barnstaple | 7 tons green woad |
Export | 22 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Fortune | 10 | Barnstaple | Edward Dier | Robert Salysberie of Barnstaple | 10 packs resons, 4 bags containing 47 roves Spanish wool, 1 ballot containing 12 Devon kersies |
Export | 7 Feb 1578/9 | Westchester | Trinite | 15 | Instow | John Symons | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 6 tons iron, 2 tuns traine oil, 10 packs raisins, 15 packs figs, 15 fardels figs, 100 lbs pepper, 20 lbs ginger, 100 lbs merchandise & conserves & marmalade, 46 pieces calico cloth |
Export | 7 Feb 1578/9 | Westchester | Gra[tia] Dei | 24 | Bideford | Robert Lov[er]inge | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 12 tons iron, 4 tuns traine oil, 2 hogsheads prunes containing 7 cwt, 112 lbs cinnamon, 7 lbs maces, 10 pieces calico cloth, 10 packs resons |
Export | 25 Mar 1579 | Bristol | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | Peter P[ar]ker | John Brasier of Barnstaple | 3 tuns sack, 2 hogsheads containing 10 cwt prunes, 1 tun traine oil |
Export | 8 Apr 1579 | Harfordewest | John | 10 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zealie | Henry Moore of Harfordwest | 3 tons iron, 1 cwt stones of cheese |
E 190/931/12 | ||||||||
Export | 10 Oct 1578 | Cades | Saviour | 20 | Northam | John Toppe | Robert Martyn of Barnstaple | 1 balk kersies |
Export | 10 Oct 1578 | Rochell | Sparhawke | 25 | Barnstaple | William Yeo | Phillip Sparowe of Barnstaple | 8 balks kersies |
Export | 01 Nov 1578 | Bilbowe | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 5 balks kersies, 1 cwt wax |
Export | 01 Nov 1578 | Bilbowe | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Johanna Darte of Barnstaple | 5 balks kersies, 1 cwt wax |
Export | 01 Nov 1578 | Bilbowe | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Coliber of Barnstaple | 5 balks kersies, 1 cwt wax |
Export | 01 Nov 1578 | Bilboe | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 8 pieces baise, 2 balks kersies |
Export | 01 Nov 1578 | Bilboe | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Maria Wichehalse of Barnstaple | 8 pieces baise, 2 balks kersies |
Export | 01 Nov 1578 | Bilboe | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | John Norris of Barnstaple | 8 pieces baise, 2 balks kersies |
Export | 21 Nov 1578 | Insulas Surries [Azores] | Pellicane | 30 | Barnstaple | Stephen Lymeris | Nicholas Whichehalse of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 2 packs, 2 balks |
Export | 21 Nov 1578 | Insulas Surries [Azores] | Pellicane | 30 | Barnstaple | Stephen Lymeris | Roger Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 2 packs, 2 balks |
Export | 07 Jan 1578/9 | Bilboe | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | Phillip Bene | Maria Wichehalse of Barnstaple | 3 balks kersies, 8 pieces baise |
Export | 07 Jan 1578/9 | Bilboe | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | Phillip Bene | John Brasier of Barnstaple | 3 balks kersies, 8 pieces baise |
Export | 07 Jan 1578/9 | Bilboe | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | Phillip Bene | William Coliber of Barnstaple | 3 balks kersies, 8 pieces baise |
Export | 31 Jan 1578/9 | Lusbone | Anne Gallant | 25 | Northam | William Webber | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 2 packs, 3 balks |
Export | 31 Jan 1578/79 | Cades | Henrie | 30 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | George Dennys of Bideford | 2 balks kersies, 1 balk baise |
Export | 31 Jan 1578/79 | Cades | Henrie | 30 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | William Coliber of Barnstaple | 2 balks kersies, 1 balk baise |
Export | 31 Jan 1578/79 | Dongarvan | Peter | 10 | Barnstaple | John Hearne | Richard Hill of Barnstaple | 1 ton iron |
Export | 25 Mar 1579 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 4 balks, 1 pack |
Export | 25 Mar 1579 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Aldred Stockeham of Bideford | Merchandise, 4 balks, 1 pack |
Export | 25 Mar 1579 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Nicholas Tanner of Fremington | Merchandise, 4 balks, 1 pack |
Export | 25 Mar 1579 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | George Baker of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 4 balks, 1 pack |
Export | 05 Apr 1579 | Bilboe | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Stephen Sweite of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 2 balks, 2 packs |
Export | 05 Apr 1579 | Bilboe | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Richard Downe of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 2 balks, 2 packs |
Export | 05 Apr 1579 | Bilboe | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Lyninge of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 2 balks, 2 packs |
Export | 05 Apr 1579 | Rochell | Ladie | 20 | Northam | David Cade | John Norris of Barnstaple | Merchandise, 2 balks |
Import | 09 Oct 1578 | Bilbo | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Padstow | Phillip Bene or Beue | John Brasier of Barnstaple | 8 tons iron, 3 tuns traine oil |
Import | 09 Oct 1578 | Bilbo | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Padstow | Phillip Bene or Beue | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 8 tons iron, 3 tuns traine oil |
Import | 09 Oct 1578 | Bilbo | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Padstow | Phillip Bene or Beue | John Colliber of Barnstaple | 8 tons iron, 3 tuns traine oil |
Import | 10 Nov 1578 | Insulas Surreis | Whiteharte | 30 | Northam | William Nicholl | William Nicholl | 1 cwt kintalls green woad |
Import | 12 Dec 1578 | Dongarvan | Peter | 10 | Barnstaple | John Hearne | Richard Hill of Barnstaple | 6 cwt flox |
Import | 12 Dec 1578 | Cades | Henrie | 30 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | George Dennys of Bideford | 8 tuns raisins, 4 wey salt, 8 tuns sack wine |
Import | 12 Dec 1578 | Cades | Henrie | 30 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 8 tuns raisins, 4 wey salt, 8 tuns sack wine |
Import | 12 Dec 1578 | Cades | Jesus | 40 | Barnstaple | William Benett | Thomas French of Barnstaple | 19 tuns sack wine, 8 weys salt |
Import | 12 Dec 1578 | Cades | Jesus | 40 | Barnstaple | William Benett | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 19 tuns sack wine, 8 weys salt |
Import | 12 Dec 1578 | Cades | Jesus | 40 | Barnstaple | William Benett | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 19 tuns sack wine, 8 weys salt |
Import | 12 Dec 1578 | Cades | Mynikin | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Chinge | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 1 cwt figs, 7 tuns sack wine |
Import | 27 Dec 1578 | Rochell | Julyan | 18 | Ilfracombe | John Cater | Phillip Sparowe of Barnstaple | 7 weys salt |
Import | 21 Jan 1578/9 | Cades | Katheren | 30 | Barnstaple | John Sherman | William Coliber of Barnstaple | 15 tuns wine, 14 weys salt |
Import | 21 Jan 1578/9 | Cades | Katheren | 30 | Barnstaple | John Sherman | Stephen Sweitt of Barnstaple | 15 tuns wine, 14 weys salt |
Import | 21 Jan 1578/9 | Cades | Katheren | 30 | Barnstaple | John Sherman | George Denys of Barnstaple | 15 tuns wine, 14 weys salt |
Import | 21 Jan 1578/9 | Cades | Katheren | 30 | Barnstaple | John Sherman | John Brasier of Barnstaple | 15 tuns wine, 14 weys salt |
Import | 31 Jan 1578/9 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 13 tons iron |
Import | 31 Jan 1578/9 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Maria Wichehalse of Barnstaple | 13 tons iron |
Import | 31 Jan 1578/9 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | John Norris of Barnstaple | 13 tons iron |
Import | 31 Jan 1578/9 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Nicholas Tanner of Barnstaple | 13 tons iron |
Import | 31 Jan 1578/9 | St Sebastian | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 12 tons merchandise |
Import | 31 Jan 1578/9 | Cades | Saviour | 20 | Northam | John Toppe | Robert Marten of Barnstaple | 9 tuns sack wine, 6 weys salt |
Import | 29 Mar 1579 | St Sebastian | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | George Nicholl | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 13 tuns sack |
Import | 29 Mar 1579 | St Sebastian | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | George Nicholl | Maria Wichehalse of Barnstaple | 13 tuns sack |
Import | 29 Mar 1579 | St Sebastian | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | George Nicholl | William Coliber of Barnstaple | 13 tuns sack |
Import | 29 Mar 1579 | Dongarvan | Peter | 10 | Barnstaple | John Hearne | Richard Hill of Barnstaple | 6 cwt flox, dickers hides, 40 stones wool |
Import | 07 Feb 1579 | Burdeux | Sparhauke | 25 | Barnstaple | William Yeo | Phillip Sparowe of Barnstaple | 18 tuns French wine |
Import | 07 Feb 1579 | Burdeux | Sparhauke | 25 | Barnstaple | William Yeo | Robert Prowse of Barnstaple | 18 tuns French wine |
Import | 01 Mar 1579 | Burdeux | Ladie | 20 | Northam | John Collamore | William Colliber of Barnstaple | 19 tuns French wine |
Import | 01 Mar 1579 | Burdeux | Ladie | 20 | Northam | John Collamore | John Brasier of Barnstaple | 19 tuns French wine |
Import | 10 Mar 1579 | Lourde? | Egle | 20 | Mountesbaye | John Davy | John Andrew of Torrington | 18 tuns French wine |
Export | 1 Oct 1578 | Bristol | James | 6 | Northam | Richard Chapell | William Leigh of Northam | 4 tuns traine oil, 10 cwt plockewood |
Export | 4 Oct 1578 | Bristol | Antonie | 12 | Northam | Thomas Beriman | John Edward of Northam | 6 tuns traine oil |
Export | 15 Oct 1578 | Bristol | Marie & John | 14 | Elinore | John Roberts | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 4 tons traine oil, 40 pieces calico cloth, 30 lbs cinnamon |
Export | 15 Oct 1578 | Bristol | Marie & John | 14 | Elinore | John Roberts | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 3 tuns traine oil, 3 chests containing 10 cwt sugar, 1 center Brasell, 4 cwt iron, 6 stones cheese, 9 pieces reasons |
Export | 14 Nov 1578 | Bridgewater | Whiteharte | 30 | Northam | William Nicholl | Thomas Alworth of Bristol | 160 kintalls green woad |
Export | 9 Jan 1578/9 | Harfordwest | John | 7 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zelle | Thomas Vower & Hugh Hoe of Harfordwest | 1 pipe iron, 1 cwt stones of cheese, 4,000 new world fish, 1 pipe traine oil, 1 fardel whitware & canvas, 2 sorts figs, 3 pieces magnarum unarum passarum, 1 cwt prunes |
Export | 9 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | John | 6 | Barnstaple | Peter Wolleigh | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 100 pieces magnarum unarum passarum, 160 peces figs, 40 quarters figs, 2 bags Spanish wool containing 9 roves |
Export | 9 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Swane | 8 | Northam | William Benett | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 16 peces figs, 120 quarters figs, 10 barrels containing 12 kintalls figs, 50 pieces calico cloth |
Export | 20 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Marie | 8 | Barnstaple | John Benett | Johanna Darte | 7 tons green woad |
Export | 20 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Fortune | 10 | Barnstaple | Edward Dyer | Robert Salisburie of Barnstaple | 10 pieces magnarum unarum passarum [broadcloth?], 4 bags Spanish wool containing 47 roves, 1 ballet containing 12 pieces kersies |
Export | 7 Feb 1578/9 | Westchester | Trinitie | 14 | Instow | John Symons | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 6 tons iron, 2 tuns traine oil, 10 packs raisins, 15 packs figs, 15 quarterns figs, 100 lbs pepper, 20 lbs ginger, 100 lbs marmalade & conserves, 36 pieces calico cloth, 21 lbs cloves |
Export | 7 Feb 1578/9 | Westchester | Gra[tia] Dei | 20 | Bideford | Robert Loveringe | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 12 tons iron, 4 tuns traine oil, 7 cwt prunes, 12 lbs cinnamon, 7 lbs maces, 10 pieces calico, 10 pieces magnarum unarum passarum [broadcloth?] |
Import | 6 Oct 1578 | Bridgewater | Peter | 10 | Barnstaple | John Garnezie | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 10 tons lead |
Import | 6 Oct 1578 | Bridgewater | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | Thomas Clerke | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 10 tons lead |
Import | 20 Nov 1578 | Bristol | Marie Flower | 14 | Combe | John Togood | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 6 bags wool, 2 fier panes, 9 pieces reasons, 5 kinterkins & 1 firkin Saxony wine, 4 cwt dry hops, 4 tons iron, 1 chest sugar containing 3 cwt, paire andirons, 1 fire panne, 1 pair tongs |
Import | 30 Nov 1578 | Swansey | Nicholas | 12 | Barnstaple | John Jude | Roger Cade of Barnstaple | 16 dickers raw hides |
Import | 16 Dec 1578 | Bristol | John | 10 | Barnstaple | William French | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 20 serons white soap containing 42 cwt, 2 fardels 2 barrels containing 5 cwt clowes, 1 fardel pepper containing 1 cwt, 40 lbs mace, 5 chests 2 fardels containing 13 cwt conserves and marmalade, 3 barrels dry black soap, 8 cwt 1 bag hops, 5 cwt 1 bag pepper, 1 pipe iron |
Import | 16 Dec 1578 | Mylford | John | 10 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zealle | John Colliscott of Barnstaple | 1 cwt stones of wool, 40 lbs wax, 12 dozen calf skins |
Import | 18 Dec 1578 | Bridgwater | George | 12 | Northam | Jenken Biven | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 8 tons of lead |
Import | 2 Jan 1578/9 | Bristol | Nicholas | 80 | Barnstaple | James Elliott | William Leighe of Northam | 4 tuns Gascony wine, 1 hogshead vinegar, 2 cwt herrings, 7 cwt hops, 2 fardels prunes |
Import | 9 Jan 1578/9 | Harfordwest | Margarett | 8 | Barnstaple | Thomas Zelle | Richard Gibben of Harfordwest | 6 dicar tanned hides |
Import | 12 Jan 1578/9 | Cardiff | Fawcon | 16 | Bronckwert | Edward Smythe | Richard Hamberi | 10 tons iron |
Import | 1 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | John | 10 | Barnstaple | Peter Wollye | Aldred Stockcombe of Bideford | 2 cwt iron, 1 firkin vinegar, 20 barrels 2 kintalls black soap, 6 barrels pitch & tar, 1 fardel 1 packe 3 firkins dry wares, 2 ballots calico, 1 ton ledworthe [lead work?], 1 faggot 13 nests steel, 1 coffer dry wares & clothing, 16 barrels conserves, 2 cwt hops, 3 bags hops, 4 stones wire, 3 dozen frying pans |
Import | 4 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | Phenix | 12 | Bideford | Degorie Hoge | John Curye of Bideford | 8 barrels soap, 3 firkins & 2 bags hops, 9 barrels dry wares, 1 frying pan, 2 pieces pieces of kedwellie, 2 packs kersies, 1 ton ledworthe [lead work?] |
Import | 4 Feb 1578/9 | Gloucester | George | 14 | Tewkesbury | John Hiscocke | John Butler of Tewkesbury | 6 wey white peas |
Import | 4 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | John Chaldon | John Lyninge of Barnstaple | 1 pack containing 18 pieces Wedmores, 30 pieces calico cloth, 8 stones wire, 1 pack hulland, 6 kintalls soap, 1 ~?~ cardboard |
Import | 12 Feb 1578/9 | Mylford | John | 8 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zelle | Thomas Waver of Harfordwest | 5 dicar tanned leather, 4 cwt 'eris vocat' [you call?] brass |
Import | 12 Feb 1578/9 | Gloucester | Anne | 14 | Bideford | Daniell Beare | John Mellington of Tewkesbury | 3 weys fish |
Import | 12 Feb 1578/9 | Bristol | Fortune | 9 | Barnstaple | Walter Benett | John Norris of Barnstaple | 8 barrels 10 kinkerkines soap, 1 barrel tar, 2 pieces reasons, 3 cwt brasell, 2 dry fat dry wares, 2 bags hops, 20 lbs flax, 2 pipes of wine for Bastard |
Import | 28 Feb 1578/9 | Gloucester | Harrie | 12 | Bideford | Henry Shebbeare | John Bradford of Tewkesbury | 5 weys of fish |
Import | 11 Mar 1578/9 | Caernarvon | Saviour | 10 | Abbotsham | Richard Williams | John Shurte of Bideford | 40 lbs cheese, 7 barrels butter, 40 virgas latis cloth, 160 virgas huswiffes cloth, 2 cwt wax, 7 dicar salted tanned hides |
Import | 20 Mar 1578/9 | Mylford | Saviour | 10 | Northam | Richard Williams | John Shurte of Bideford | 5 dicar tanned hides, 20 dozen calf skins |
Import | 03 Apr 1579 | Harfordwest | John | 12 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zelle | George Synon of Harfordwest | 6 dicar tanned hides |
Import | 03 Apr 1579 | Gloucester | Henrie | 12 | Bideford | Henry Shebbere | John Bradford of Tewkesbury | 5 weys of fish |
Import | 03 Apr 1579 | Bristol | Hope | 12 | Bideford | Augustie Howe | John Bushe tanner of Bristol | 2 dicar of hides, 2 dozen kips |
Import | 03 Apr 1579 | Gloucester | Anne | 14 | Bideford | Daniell Beare | Edward Bristow of Tewkesbury | 8 weys of fish |
Import | 04 Apr 1579 | Carnarvon | Jesus | 12 | Northam | Jenken Biven | John Salisburie of Barnstaple | 8 dicars salt hides, 8 piele of salt butter, 120 yards linen cloth, 40 lbs wax |
Import | 10 Apr 1579 | Bristol | Pellican | 40 | Barnstaple | Stephen Lymberis | John Whichehalse of Barnstaple | 7 tuns Canary wine |
Export | 8 May 1579 | Bilbowe | Saviour | 20 | Northam | John Toppe | Robert Prowse of Barnstaple | 20 quarters of wheat |
Export | 20 May 1579 | Rochell | Jesus | 70 | Northam | Richard Picard | William Leighe of Northam | 1 packet merchandise |
Export | 20 May 1579 | Rochell | Harrye | 30 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | George Dennys of Bideford | 1 balk merchandise |
Export | 20 May 1579 | Dublin | John | 10 | Barnstaple | Oliver Hearde | Richard Hill of Barnstaple | 2 tons merchandise |
Export | 20 May 1579 | Dublin | John | 10 | Barnstaple | Oliver Hearde | John Knyll of Barnstaple | 2 tons merchandise |
Export | 9 July 1579 | Rochell | Harrie | 30 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | George Dennys of Letlam | 1 balk merchandise |
Export | 20 Aug 1579 | Bilbowe | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Richard Downe of Barnstaple | 5 packets & 2 tons merchandise |
Export | 20 Aug 1579 | Bilbowe | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Robert Applye of Barnstaple | 5 packets & 2 tons merchandise |
Export | 20 Aug 1579 | Bilbowe | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Johanna Darte of Barnstaple | 5 packets & 2 tons merchandise |
Export | 20 Aug 1579 | Bilbowe | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | Richard Weslacke | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 4 balks & 1 pack merchandise |
Export | 20 Aug 1579 | Bilbowe | Elizabethe Jonas | 20 | Barnstaple | Richard Weslacke | John Salisheburie of Barnstaple | 4 balks & 1 pack merchandise |
Import | 25 Apr 1579 | Chester | Gra[tia] Dei | 26 | Barnstaple | Robert Loveringe | Thomas Amorie of Barnstaple | 5 fardels containing 4 cwt canvas, 8 ulnas twyld cloth, 4 cwt virgas flaxson, 1 chest containing cwt ulnas canvas, 5 hedds figs, 5 tapnetts figs |
Import | 12 May 1579 | Bristol | Mathew | 20 | Northam | James Borowe | John Bushe of Bristol tanner | 4 dicar raw Barbarie hides, 2 cwt ulnas wedmores, 5 worsted yarne, a barrel black soap, 1 bag Spanish wool, 1 tun traine oil, 2 firkins lead ore, 1 cwt hops |
Import | 15 May 1579 | Bridgwater | Jesus | 12 | Barnstaple | Peter Wollye | John Lyninge of Barnstaple | 6 ton lead, 1 ton lead ore, 1 wey beans |
Import | 15 May 1579 | Bridgwater | Marie | 40 | Northam | John Edwards | John Dotheridge of Barnstaple | 7 tons iron |
Import | 29 May 1579 | Milford | John | 10 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zellie | George Evan of Harfordwest | 12 dicar hides, 100 stones of wool, 40 bushels oats and barley |
Import | 1 Jan 1578/9 | Gloucester | Clement | 12 | Elmore | Robert Gosselen | William Leighton of Elmore, Glos | 14 weys malted barley |
Import | 1 Jan 1578/9 | Milford | John | 10 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zellie | William Warde of Barnstaple | 200 stones of wool |
Import | 23 Jun 1579 | London | Myniken | 25 | Barnstaple | Walter Sherman | Henry Cliterall of London iremonger | 6,000 lbs tarred ropes, 9 lasts pitch and tar, 4 falconetts & minions, iron 'jacti ordinar' |
Import | 23 Jun 1579 | London | Myniken | 26 | Barnstaple | Walter Sherman | Thomas Shorte of Bideford | 6,000 lbs tarred ropes, 4 lasts pitch and tar, 1 sack of hops, 1 roundlett of Renish wines |
Import | 23 Jun 1579 | Carnarvon | Hope | 12 | Bideford | Augustin Howe | John Shorte of Bideford | 200 lbs wool, 20 virge cloth latis, 40 virge linen cloth, 1 dicar of hides |
Import | 4 July 1579 | Minehead | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | Thomas Clarke | Alexander Harrison of Luncombe | 200 bushels barley, 80 bushels wheat, 40 bushels malted barley |
Import | 1 July 1579 | Dartmouth | Angell | 20 | Torre | Richard Cleiffe | George Norris of Dartmouth | 40 quarterens salt |
Import | 14 July 1579 | Milford | John | 8 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zellie | Gilbert Harris of Barnstaple | 1,000 [lbs?] old brass, 1 cwt battren, 1 cwt old brass, 40 stones of wool |
Import | 1 Aug 1579 | Bristol | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | Thomas Clarke | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 1 chest calico cloth containing 80 pieces, 2 canisters cinnamon containing 2 cwt, 3 loaves of sugar containing 30 lbs, 7 cwt alum, 3 cwt & 9 lbs lead, 2 hogsheads gascony wine, 200 coyshers, 3 virgas davins, 2 chests 2 bundles cardboard, 2 bundles wire, 1 crock, 1 kettle, 4 dozen wicke yarn, 1 bag glue, 2 reames broad paper, 1 bag currants, 3 barrels pitch, 3 cwt chalke, 1 bag licorice, 14 cwt black soap, 5 dozen dicars calf skins, 1 butt sack, 4 barrels wine, 6 bundles of hops. |
Import | 1 Aug 1579 | Bristol | Marie | 10 | Barnstaple | Thomas Clarke | Robert Aply of Barnstaple | 69 pieces wedmores containing 9 cwt , 50 ulnas 2 packs & 4 pieces wedmores containing 1 cwt, 9 pieces flanninge containing 24 ulnas, 9 lbs cloves, 1 bed tie, a piece fustian, 1 lasse of cinnamon containing 12 lbs |
Import | 3 Aug 1579 | Bristol | John | 10 | Barnstaple | Oliver Heard | William Welkey of Barnstaple | 1 pack containing 7 pieces suderlings, 5 pieces flannings containing 120 ulnas, 1 piece wedmoles containing 25 ulnas, 4 bed ties, 8 barrels 20 firkins 18 pots black soap, 2 firkins gascony wine, 2 barrels candlesticks, 1 dry fatte, 1 dozen gawes, 2 chests 1 pack various merchandise, 1 kersey, 14 bags flox, 5 cwt lead, 2 cwt hops |
Import | 4 Aug 1579 | Bristol | Jesus | 8 | Barnstaple | William Parker | Richard Averie of Barnstaple | 2 tuns ledwore, 4 cwt lead, a tun black soap, 3 chests 1 hogshead 3 barrels & 2 bags various merchandise, 2 fardels frieze, 3 firkins vinegar, 2 serons white soap, 2 barrels pitch, 4 cwt hops, 2 bags flox, 2 faggots steel, 2 firkins oil |
Import | 27 Aug 1579 | Bridgwater | John | 12 | instow | John Symons | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 20 foders lead |
Import | 10 Sep 1579 | Carnarvon | Marie | 10 | Northam | Jenken Vivere | John Salisheburie of Barnstaple | 40 stones of wool, 100 ulnas linen cloth, 3 barrels butter, 20 lbs wax |
Import | 29 Apr 1579 | Lusbone | Anne Gallant | 28 | Barnstaple | William Webber | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 17 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | Rochell | Marie & John | 40 | Northam | John Edwards | John Edwards | 21 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | Rochell | Culver | 20 | Bideford | Christopher Beriman | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 12 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | Rochell | Culver | 20 | Bideford | Christopher Beriman | Roger Cade of Barnstaple | 12 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | St Sebastian | Henrie | 20 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | William Coliber of Barnstaple | 19 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | St Sebastian | Henrie | 20 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | James Westcombe of Barnstaple | 19 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | St Sebastian | Henrie | 20 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 19 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | St Sebastian | Henrie | 20 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | George Dennys of Barnstaple | 19 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | St Sebastian | Henrie | 20 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | Aldred Stockeham of Bideford | 19 tons merchandise |
Import | 11 May 1579 | St Sebastian | Henrie | 20 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | John Androwe of Bideford | 19 tons merchandise |
Import | 12 May 1579 | Rochell | Egle | 20 | Montisbaye | John Collamore | John Androwe of Torrington | 14 tons merchandise |
Import | 12 May 1579 | Rochell | Ladie | 20 | Northam | James Cade | James Cade | 12 tons salt, 1 tun fish, 2 tuns vinegar, 2 cwt prunes |
Import | 12 May 1579 | Rochell | Ladie | 20 | Northam | James Cade | John Norris of Barnstaple | 12 tons salt, 1 tun fish, 2 tuns vinegar, 2 cwt prunes |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Richard Downe of Barnstaple | 18 tons merchandise |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 18 tons merchandise |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 18 tons merchandise |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Johanna Darte of Barnstaple | 18 tons merchandise |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Stephen Swette of Barnstaple | 18 tons merchandise |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 10 tons merchandise |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | George Baker of Barnstaple | 10 tons merchandise |
Import | 7 Jun 1579 | St Sebastian | John | 20 | Barnstaple | John Upcott | Aldred Stockeham of Bideford | 10 tons merchandise |
Import | 8 Jun 1579 | Rochell | Flyenge Harte | 20 | Rochell | John Pepin | Richard Pearde of Barnstaple | 13 tons merchandise |
Import | 13 Jun 1579 | Wat[er]ford | Peter | 12 | Barnstaple | John Kearne | Richard Hill of Barnstaple | 40 stones of wool, 8 cwt flox |
Import | 13 Jun 1579 | Wat[er]ford | Peter | 12 | Barnstaple | John Kearne | John Knyll of Barnstaple | 40 stones of wool, 8 cwt flox |
Import | 18 July 1579 | Rochell | Gra[tia] Dei | 20 | Bideford | Robert Loveringe | Richard Geste of Bideford | 13 tons merchandise |
Import | 18 July 1579 | Rochell | Phenix | 20 | Northam | Hugh Southecott | William Leigh of Northam | 15 tons merchandise |
Import | 18 July 1579 | Rochell | Tobye | 16 | Northam | Robert Agnes | William Leigh of Northam | 9 tons merchandise |
Import | 18 July 1579 | Rochell | Jesus | 70 | Northam | Richard Picard | William Leigh of Northam | 30 tons merchandise |
Import | 18 July 1579 | Rochell | Culver | 20 | Northam | Christopher Berieman | William French of Northam | 13 tons merchandise |
Import | 18 July 1579 | Rochell | Henrie | 30 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | George Dennys of Bideford | 22 tons merchandise |
Import | 18 July 1579 | Rochell | Ladie | 20 | Northam | James Cade | James Cade | 12 tons merchandise |
Import | 10 July 1579 | St Sebastian | Saviour | 26 | Bideford | John Toppe | John Colliscott of Barnstaple | 15 tons merchandise |
Import | 10 July 1579 | St Sebastian | Saviour | 26 | Bideford | John Toppe | Robert Prowse of Barnstaple | 15 tons merchandise |
Import | 26 Aug 1579 | Rochell | Henrie | 20 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | George Dennys of Bideford | 15 tons merchandise |
Export | 20 May 1579 | Pontessely | Hope | 12 | Bideford | Augustine Howe | John Shurte of Bideford | 2 tons pipe iron, 1 tun fish, 1 tun hogshead gascony wine, 40 bushels bay salt, 30 lbs pepper, 2 cwt soap, 2 cwt woad, 40 bushels wheat, 40 bushels malted barley, 1 hogshead aqua vita |
Export | 26 May 1579 | Pousellie | Michell | 8 | Northam | Michael Bereman | Michael Bereman | 150 bushels bay salt, 1 ton iron, 3 cwt pitch, 1 barrell tar |
Export | 29 May 1579 | Perin | Egle | 20 | Mountisbaye | John Davie | John Androwes of Torrington | 1 tun gascony wine, 1 ton iron |
Export | 23 Jun 1579 | Carnarvan | Marie | 10 | Northam | Jenken Abiven | John Salisheburie of Barnstaple | 6 tons iron, 1 tun pitch, 50 lbs pepper, 10 lbs ginger, 1 hogshead vinegar, 3 barrels tar, 3 barrels pitch |
Export | 28 Jun 1579 | Bristol | Marie | 8 | Bideford | Richard Willett | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 5 cwt pepper, 1 cwt cinnamon |
Export | 25 Jun 1579 | Bristol | Jesus | ~~ | Bideford | Daniel Beare | Thomas Shurte of Bideford | 6,000 tarred ropes, 9 lasts pitch & tar, 4 falconetts, 2 minions of iron jacti ordinanc |
Export | 25 Jun 1579 | Bristol | Marie | 16 | Northam | Richard Chaple | Thomas Shurte of Bideford | 6,000 tarred ropes, 9 lasts pitch & tar, 4 falconetts, 2 minions of iron jacti ordinanc |
Export | 26 Jun 1579 | Bristol | Marie | 12 | Barnstaple | Thomas Clarke | John Norris of Barnstaple | 5 tons iron, 3 tons pitch, 1 bag containing 1 cwt licorice, 1 bag containing 38 lbs clowes |
Export | 19 July 1579 | Bristol | John | 10 | Barnstaple | Oliver Hearde | William Wilkey of Pilton | 10 packs containing 120 pieces of frieze, 1 ballot containing 18 kersies, 1 hogshead traine oil |
Export | 19 July 1579 | Bristol | Jesus | 10 | Barnstaple | John Symons | Richard Doderidge of Barnstaple | 6 serons soap containing 14 cwt, 1 bag containing 200 lbs pepper, 10 pieces reasons, 4 packs containing 40 pieces frieze |
Export | 21 July 1579 | Bristol | Phinex | 13 | Bideford | John Davie | William Ellis of city of Bristol | 6 tons iron |
Export | 28 July 1579 | Milford | John | 8 | Abbotsham | Thomas Zeallie | John Witheridge of Barnstaple | 5 cwt licorice, 5 cwt prunes, 1 cwt currants, 12 lbs cinnamon, 4 cwt pepper, 4 pieces reasons, 3 tons iron, 1 cwt alum, 1 piece leckrans |
Export | 10 Sep 1579 | Abristowe | Henry | 10 | Bideford | Walter Benet | James Beaple | 80 bushels salt, 5 tons iron |
Transcriber’s notes:
Port Books for the combined ports of Appledore, Bideford and Barnstaple are housed in the National Archives from 1565 to 1745. There are some gaps due to non-survival of records, and other gaps due to damaged documents.
Typically these books record:
• Date of entry
• Name of ship
• Tonnage of vessel
• Port where vessel is registered
• Port where vessel is going to, or coming from
• Name of the Captain or Master of the vessel
• Name of the merchant responsible for the goods
• Whether the merchant is English or foreign
• Description of the cargo, including the method of storage (barrels, casks, bags), the weight (hundredweights, pounds) and the value for the purposes of assessing tax to be paid.
The following officials were responsible for checking the cargoes and recording the tax due:
• Collector or ‘Customer’ – made a return of all goods exported or imported and all moneys received, for which he issued a cocket (receipt).
• Controller – made a similar return but did not receive the payments.
• Searcher – appointed to prevent fraud, who had to make examine the goods and return a warrant to show he had done so.
• Surveyor – appointed to check the work of the Searcher.
The books for 1578-1579 contains about 16 pages, mostly written in Latin.
Some commodities and measurements are unknown but have been transcribed as closely as possible. Others may not be so well-known to us today, so here are some definitions:
• Baise (Baize) - Coarse woollen cloth often made in Barnstaple.
• Bay salt - Salt derived by evaporating seawater in the sun.
• Dicker / Dicars - A quantity or package of 10 hides.
• Falconet - A small cannon about 4 feet long.
• Fardel - A single piece, pack or bundle.
• Farnando buckewood - A reddish brown dye, also called brasil, block wood or logwood; from a corruption of Pernambuco, Brazil.
• Kersey - Coarse narrow woollen cloth with a smooth back, made of long staple wool, derived from the village of Kersey in Suffolk.
• Kilderkin - 18 gallons (½ barrel), or a cask for wine, fish, butter, etc, formerly 16 to 18 gallons.
• Kintall (Quintal) - Another term for hundredweight. 100 lbs, also 112 lbs.
• Magnarum unarum passarum - Unknown, but probably a type of broadcloth.
• Minion - A smoothbore cannon, with a bore of about 3 inches, usually fired round shot weighing 5 pounds.
• Pastalls - Woad (from islands of Surris - Azores).
• Roves - A unit of weight in Spain usually for wine and oil, about 25 lbs.
• Sack - Fortified wine imported from mainland Spain or the Canary Islands.
• Serons - Unknown, but seen as packing for soap.
• Trayne oil - Drained fish oil, usually from cod.
• Virga / Virgas - An obsolete unit of length, about 2.0m.
• Wey - Unit of weight for dry goods. Size depends on commodity, but could be around 175 lbs. Can also be a unit of volume about 320 gallons.
• Widmolls - Unknown: a type of cloth.
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