Customs Port Books 1570
Port of: Barnstaple
Books for: Overseas and Coastal trade
Type of books: Customer, Searcher and Controller
Language: Latin
Taken from Port Books in National Archives ref: E 190/927/14, 15, 20, 21 and 23.
Transcribed by David Carter 2023
= = = = = = = =
Surname index:
Abiven, Abyven
Androw, Androwe, Androwes
Barret, Barrett
Bayden, Baydon
Benet, Benett
Bickenie?, Byckene
Birken, Birkin, Bocken
Bonar, Boner, Bonnar, Bonner
Borowe, Borrowe
Bowre, Bowrey
Colliber, Collyber
Collins, Collyns, Collynge
Collman, Collmann, Colman
Cornish, Cornishe
Dart, Darte
Davie, Davies, Davis, Davye, Davyes
De Byscon
Dodd, Dodde
Dodridg, Dodridge
Dompar, Domper
Eliot, Eliott
Ferris, Ferrys
Fleming, Fleminge, Flemyng, Flemynge
Gaie, Gay
Gifte, Gyft, Gyfte
Gold, Goolde, Gould
Gosling, Goslinge, Gosslinge
Griffith, Griffethe, Gryffeth
Halleswill, Halliswill
Hoge, Hogge, Hogs
How, Howe
Julian, Jullian
Knell, Knoll
Lacke, Locke, Loocke
Le Banger, Le Banier
Leach, Leache
Leigh, Leighe
Leiton, Leitonn
Narbard, Narbarde
Nichell, Nicholls, Nicoll, Nicolls
Norris, Norrys
Page, Paget
Pearse, Perse
Picard, Picarde
Richardes, Richards, Richardes
Shebber, Shibber
Shurt, Shurte
Smith, Smithe, Smyth, Smythe
Snow, Snowe
Southcot, Southcott
Sparowe, Sparrow, Sparrowe
Swanley, Swanly
Upcot, Upcott
Vallet, Vallett
Waldron, Waldronne
Whit, White, Whitt
Willet, Willett
Wogan, Wogann
Wollengs, Wolleige
Wolley, Wolleye
Zealy, Zealye
Import or Export | Date | From / To | Vessel | Tons | Belonging | Master | Merchant | Goods |
E 190/927/15 | ||||||||
A blanke book conteyning twoe leaves for the Custom[er]s entries wythin the Towne of Barnestable a creeke of the same porte for all goods coming in & going out of the same by waye of m[er]chandize from the feaste of St Michaell Th'Archangell in the XIIth yere of the reigne of oure sov[er]aigne ladie quene Elizabeth untill the feaste of Easter then nexte following [i.e. 29th Sept 1570 to 15th April 1571]. | ||||||||
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Ley of Torrington | 2 ballots containing 30 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | 10 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | 2 fardels containing 10 pieces frieze |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Stephen Swete of Barnstaple | 2 packets containing 20 Devon kersies, 5 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Waldron of Tiverton | 1 ballot containing 24 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John West | 1 ballot containing 24 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Androwe of Bideford | 6 ballots containing 18 cloths not weighed |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westleigh | John Waldron senior of Tiverton | 7 ballots containing 21 cloths not weighed |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westleigh | John Waldron of Tiverton | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westleigh | John Prowse of Tiverton | 2 ballots containing 6 cloths not weighed |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westleigh | Paul Worthe of Barnstaple | 1 pack containing 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westleigh | William Androwe of Bideford | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 2 ballots containing 6 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | Devon kersies and cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Roger Colman of Tiverton | 10 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | John Lange of Tiverton | 2 ballots containing 6 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | James Pearse of Tiverton | 4 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | John Waldron of Tiverton | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Waldron of Tiverton | 12 ballots containing 36 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John West of Tiverton | 4 ballots containing 12 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Waldron junior of Tiverton | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Saunder of Barnstaple | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | 10 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | Simon Sherman | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Berret of Barnstaple | 2 ballots containing 6 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | James Pearse of Tiverton | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | Thomas Hartnoll of Tiverton | 1 ballot containing 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 23 Jan 1570/1 | Lusbone | Lisarte | 18 | Barnstaple | William Benet | George Downe of Barnstaple | 10 pieces frieze, 10 northern kersies containing 2 cloths not weighed, 6 Devon kersies containing 1 cloth not weighed, 4 pieces Bridgwaters containing 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 23 Jan 1570/1 | Lusbone | Lisarte | 18 | Barnstaple | William Benet | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | 8 Devon kersies containing 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 23 Jan 1570/1 | Lusbone | Lisarte | 18 | Barnstaple | William Benet | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 8 Devon kersies containing 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 26 Feb 1570/1 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 20 | Conquet | Alien Fonnten | Oliver Pearde of Barnstaple | 2 packets containing 4 cloths not weighed |
Export | 26 Feb 1570/1 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 20 | Conquet | Alien Fonnten | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 1 packet containing 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 06 Mar 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jullian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | 2 packets containing 4 cloths not weighed |
Export | 06 Mar 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jullian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | 2 packets containing 5 cloths not weighed, 1 cwt cottons |
Export | 29 Mar 1571 | Rochell | Peter | 30 | Bideford | Leonard Sherman | Leonard Sherman | 5 weys coals, 4 Devon kersies and 1 cloth not weighed |
Export | 29 Mar 1571 | Rochell | Peter | 30 | Bideford | Leonard Sherman | Aldred Stockombe | 1 fardel containing 5 pieces friezes |
Export | 09 Apr 1571 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | William Collyber of Barnstaple | 6 Devon kersies & 1 piece cloth not weighed |
Export | 09 Apr 1571 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | Simon Sherman of Fremington | 6 Devon kersies & 1 piece cloth not weighed |
Import | 27 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | 15 tons iron |
Import | 16 Jan 1570/1 | Rochell & Burdeus | Peter | 15 | Southampton | Thomas Griffith | John Androwe of Torrington | 4 tons iron, 2 tons pitch, 2 tons vinegar |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | 4 tons traine oil, 4 tons iron. |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | 3 tons iron |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Androwe of Bideford | 2 tons iron |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Ley of Torrington | 2 tons iron |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale | John Waldron of Tiverton | 2 tons iron, 5 tons traine oil |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale | William Androw of Bideford | 2 tons iron |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 35 | Northam | Hugh Southcot | William French of Northam | 18 weys bay salt |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Barnstaple | John Whit | John Whit | 15 weys bay salt |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Rochell | Mighell | 30 | Northam | William Willet | William Willet | 15 weys bay salt |
Import | 01 Mar 1570/1 | Rochell | Rob[er]te | 20 | Bideford | Richard Cornish | John Flemyng of Bideford | 6 weys bay salt |
E 190/927/14 | ||||||||
A blanke book conteyning twoe leaves for the Custom[er]s & Controllers entryes wythin the Towne of Barnestable a creeke of the same porte for all goods carryed betwixte porte & porte And for certificathes from the feaste of Easter in the twelveth yere of the reigne of oure sov[er]aigne ladye quene Elizabeth untill the feaste of St Michaell Th'Archangell then nexte following [i.e. 26th March 1570 to 28th Sept 1570]. | ||||||||
Export | 31 Mar 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 15 | Bideford | Robert Snow | Thomas Shurte of Bideford | 100 bushels bay salt, 2 barrels annirci[?] [anniseed?] |
Export | 01 Apr 1570 | Cardygan | Henrie | 6 | John Zealy | John Zealy | John Zealy | 1 hogshead iron, 1 cwt white soap, 3 barrels wine [sweet?], 3 tons bay salt |
Export | 03 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 5 | Instow | John Symons | John Bonar of Bristol | 1 tun pipe traine oil |
Export | 08 Apr 1570 | Cardygan | Lucae | 10 | Portenon | John Knight | John Trive[?] of Carn'den | 2 hogsheads traine oil, 2 hogsheads vinegar, 1 tun salt, 1 pipe iron, 1 hogshead prunes, 1 cwt alum, 1 pack 12 & 3 aons[?] |
Export | 05 May 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 6 | Instow | George Jule [Jewell] | John Bonar of Bristol | 4 tons iron, 1 tun traine oil, 5 bags alum containing m lb |
Export | 06 May 1570 | Bristoll | John | 10 | Longenie | Thomas Bowre | John Bonar of Bristol | 4 tons iron, 1 ton traine oil, 1 barrel white soap |
Export | 08 May 1570 | Glou[cester] | Clement | 10 | Elmore | Robert Goslinge | Richard[?] Merit | ~?~ prunes, 1 barrel white soap |
Export | 10 May 1570 | Mylford | Elizabethe | 10 | Mylford | Thomas Pollard | Henry Batman of Milford | 1 ton iron, 1 ton traine oil, 8 tons bay salt, 2 pieces sack cloth, 1 cwt white soap, 1 loaf sugar, 2 cwt pitch |
Export | 20 May 1570 | Bristoll | Trenitie | 5 | Northam | Thomas Beryman | William Latymer of Northam | 5 tons traine oil |
Export | 05 Jun 1570 | Padstowe | Jh[es]us | 7 | Botescastell | Francis Cleare | Robert Cade | 3 tuns sack, 1 pp prunes, 1 cwt white soap, 40 lbs aniseed |
Export | 06 Jun 1570 | Padstowe | Trenitie | 6 | Instow | John Symons | Philip Ferrys of Barnstaple | 12 butts sack, 7 hogsheads traine oil, 2 hogsheads civill [Seville] oil, 8 pieces tin |
Export | 11 July 1570 | Bristoll | Kat[r]ine | 6 | Northam | Thomas Westlade | John Bonar of Bristol | 5 tons iron |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 6 | Fremington | Oliver Dinard | Philip Mules of Barnstaple | 18 ballots of canvas |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | John | 10 | Ilfercombe | John White | Richard Peard of Barnstaple | 9 tons iron |
Export | 21 July 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 16 | Fremington | William More | James Sparowe of Barnstaple | 2 tuns pipe gascony wine |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 7 | Ilfercombe | John Hartnoll | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 6 butts sack, 1 bale licorice, 1 bag aniseed, 2 cwt hatwool, 40 pieces calico cloth, 100 dozen sheep felles, 10 goat skins, 1 packet cloth |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | Peter | 10 | Instow | John Symons | Nicholas Witchalse of Barnstaple | 6 tons iron, 4 ?? 4 barrels prunes, 3 ballots carta, 2 fardels sheep skyns, 2 packes skripe[?], 3 packs & 2 ballots Devon kersies |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 5 | Barnstaple | John Songes[?] | James Beaple of Barnstaple | 1 pack & 3 ballots Devon kersies, 3 tons iron |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | Anthonye | 6 | Instow | Symon Sherman | Symon Sherman | 2 tons iron, 1 ballot containing 12 kersies |
Export | 11 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Peter | 6 | Barnstaple | Richard Walkey | John Norrys of Barnstaple | 6 tons pastells from Surris |
Import | 31 Mar 1570 | Bristoll | John | 6 | Fremington | Richard Birkin | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | 2 packs containing 42 pieces baise, 1 pipe & 1 barrel containing 6 cwt wax |
Import | 07 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | Kat[r]ine | 7 | Barkely | John Lorne[?] | John Lorne[?] | 1 wey wheat, 1 wey malted barley, 1 wey beans |
Import | 07 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | Trenitie | 5 | Comb | Richard Dompar | Richard Davies of Longenye, Glos | 5 weys malted barley, 3 weys barley and peas |
Import | 12 Apr 1570 | Carn[ar]von | Mayflowre | 7 | Northam | William Willet | William Willet | 10 dicar hides not tanned, 1 hoeskine |
Import | 17 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | Cherubin | 6 | Tewxburie | John Knell | John Davye of maltmaker Tewkesbury | 5 weys wheat |
Import | 17 Apr 1570 | Bridgwater | Jh[es]us | 6 | Ilfercombe | John Hartnoll | Walter Worthe of Ilfracombe, Somerset | 3 weys wheat, 1 way barley |
Import | 17 Apr 1570 | [blank] | Mayflowre | 5 | Northam | William Willet | William Willet | 5 dicar salted tanned hides, 1 hide horse skin |
Import | 17 Apr 1570 | Bridgwater | Trenitie | 6 | Instow | John Symons | John Darte of Barnstaple | 6 tons lead |
Import | 21 Apr 1570 | Mylford | Kat[r]ine | 5 | Tenby | Thomas King | Thomas Wiriot gent of Carewe in Pembroke | 160 bushels wheat, 7 packs linen cloth for frieze |
Import | 25 Apr 1570 | Milford | Lucas | 6 | Portenon | John Knight | Thomas Vevan tanner of Bickenton, Devon | 20 dicar salted tanned hides, 3 sacks lead |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Mylford | Elizabethe | 10 | Milford | Thomas Pollard | Henry Batman of Laneston | 100 bushels wheat, 40 bushels barley, 20 bushels rye |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | Clement | 10 | Elmore | Robert Gosling | Henry Howe maltmaker of Glos | 7 tons malted barley, 3 weys barley, 1 wey wheat |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | Michell | 10 | Westburye | Thomas Whitched | Roger Bear of Barnstaple | 7 weys wheat |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | Angell | 13 | Henton | Henry Smith | Robert Davies maltmaker of Tewkesbury | 8 weys wheat, 3 weys malted barley |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Bridgwater | Anne Abbote | 6 | Barnstaple | Digory Hogge | John Stalinch merchant of Welles in Somerset | ~?~ weys wheat, 2 weys beans |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | John | 10 | Longenye | Thomas Bowrey | John Lewes of Longeny, marin[er] | 1 wey wheat, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Bridgwater | Marlion | 6 | Bideford | Peter Wolley | William Collocot of Bideford | 3 weys beans, 30 bushels wheat |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Bridgwater | Trenitie | 4 | Bideford | Robert Benet | John Bodon of Hunspill Somerset | 2 weys wheat, 2 weys beans |
Import | 06 May 1570 | Bridgwater | Peter | 4 | Bideford | Edward Dier | Thomas Shurte of Barnstaple | 1 wey wheat, 2 of pust[?] |
Import | 20 May 1570 | Bristoll | George | 6 | Gatcombe | John Horne | John Leighe of Tewkesbury | 3 weys wheat, 4 weys malted barley |
Import | 20 May 1570 | Bristoll | Mathewe | 5 | Framylone | Thomas Swanley | Richard Davye of Longiny | 4 weys beans, 1 wey barley, 1 wey peas |
Import | 20 May 1570 | Bristoll | Trenitie | 5 | Instow | John Symons | John Symons | 5 fardels containing 7 pieces widmolles & flannels, 1 cloth curk Somerset fine grane, 1 drifat glass, 2 cwt pitch, 4 dozen woolcards, 10 cwt iron ware, 5 packets old sails |
Import | 20 May 1570 | Bristoll | Cherubin | 6 | Tewxbury | John Knell | John Davye maltmaker of Tewkesbury | 3 weys wheat, 3 weys beans and peas |
Import | 31 May 1570 | Bridgwater | Mandelyn | 7 | Braunton | Peter Wolleye | Peter Wolleye | 2 weys barley, 2 weys beans |
Import | 31 May 1570 | Bridgwater | Trenitie | 6 | Botescastell | Philip Picford | Thomas Holcombe of Bridgwater | 1 wey beans |
Import | 31 May 1570 | Bridgwater | Trenitie | 5 | Bideford | Henry Shebb[er] | Henry Shebb[er] | 2 weys beans |
Import | 02 Jun 1570 | Bridgwater | John | 8 | Barnstaple | John Benett | Thomas Gifte of Limsan' | 2 weys wheat, 2 weys beans |
Import | 11 Jun 1570 | Carm[ar]den | Margarete | 7 | Carm[ar]den | Thomas Fissher | Richard Hopken of Carmarthen | 3 fardels frieze & cottons, 1 bag feathers |
Import | 14 Jun 1570 | Tewesbery | Mayflowre | 6 | Tewesbery | John Bisshoppe | Robert Davye of Tewkesbury | 3 weys wheat, 2 weys pulses |
Import | 14 Jun 1570 | Bridgwater | Madelin | 7 | Braunton | Peter Wollengs | Peter Wollengs | 4 weys beans |
Import | 18 Jun 1570 | Newhaven | George | 8 | Newhaven | Thomas Shebber | William Marham of Barkelye | 6 weys malted barley, 2 weys wheat, 2 weys rye |
Import | 18 Jun 1570 | Bridgwater | Magdalein | 6 | Braunton | Peter Wolleige | Robert Tuxwell of Bridgwater | 2 tun gascony wine, 2 weys wheat |
Import | 20 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | John | 6 | Gatcombe | John Horne | Henry Horne of maltmaker Gloucester | 5 weys montuorne[?] |
Import | 20 Jun 1570 | [blank] | Clement | 12 | Elmore | Robert Gosslinge | Henry Horne of maltmaker Gloucester | 9 weys moriorne[?] |
Import | 20 Jun 1570 | Bridgwater | Saviour | 10 | Bideford | Richard Willis | Hugh Laneman of Com'age, marin[er] | 5 weys wheat |
Import | 20 Jun 1570 | Glou[cester] | Christian | 8 | Tewsbury | John Bisshoppe | Thomas Downbell of Tewxbery | 5 weys wheat, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 20 Jun 1570 | Glou[cester] | Cherubin | 8 | Tewesbury | John Knoll | John Davye of Tewkesbury | 4 weys wheat, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 20 July 1570 | Glou[cester] | Nich[ol]as | 10 | Tewesbury | Thomas Wilshira[?] | Roger Turnbell maltmaker of Tewxberie | 5 weys wheat, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 28 July 1570 | Bridgwater | James | 8 | Northam | John Willett | William Snell of Barnstaple | 8 cwt biskie[?], 50 bushels beans |
Import | 04 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Peter | 10 | Instow | John Symons | John Symons | 7 coffers 3 drifats 6 barrels 2 hamp[er]s different merchandise, 3 fardels frieze, 3 packs widnolls, 8 bars black soap, 8 cwt hops, 2 barrels pitch, 6 pan' lats[?] [cloth hats?], 14 northern kersies, 2 cwt wax, 6 barrels wheat |
Import | 04 Aug 1570 | Mylford | Trenitie | 7 | Konway | Thomas Philpe | Thomas Will[ia]ms of Bunvills | 45 frumenti[?] |
Import | 05 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Anthonie | 5 | Instow | Simon Sherman | Laurence Holliday of Glos | 3 packs kersies, 9 barrels ~?~, 5 kintalls black soap, 10 chests different merchandise, 1 sack hops, 30 barrels wheat |
Import | 05 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | James | 5 | Northam | John Willet | John Willet | 2 drifsta 5 kintalls & 2 packs different merchandise, 1 hogshead French wine, 1 ~?~ gad~~? |
Import | 05 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 7 | Ilfercombe | John Hartnoll | Philip Ferris of Barnstaple | 2 butts sack, 30 lbs cloves, 20 lbs nutmeg, 20 lbs cinnamon, 1 mantell, 2 pieces mocado, 200 ulnas wedmolls, 150 yards frieze, 2 snag vini sturtorum[?], 2 barrels 5 kintalls black soap, 1 pack mercery, 2 cwt hops, 1 coffer traishe, 2 pieces Bridgewat[er], 2 packs kersies, 1 barrel different merchandise |
Import | 05 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 8 | Fremington | Richard Gould | John Lange of Barnstaple | 60 dozen calf skins, 1 ton lead, 2 lasts shivie[?], 6 cwt biskye, 6 barrels black soap, 3 bags floxe, 1 pipe wine |
Import | 05 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Larke | 6 | Bideford | Richard Hoskins | Augustin Howe merchant of Bideford | 1 bale madder, 1 cwt alum, 1 cwt currants, 4 cwt hops, 2 cwt white soap, 14 bars white soap, 6 packs 4 chests different merchandise, 12 Devon kersies, 4 hogsheads cups and glasses |
E 190/927/21 | ||||||||
Export | 31 Mar 1570 | St John de Luce | Henrie | 26 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | William Ley of Torrington | 2 ballots containing 24 Devon kersies, 5 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Skinner | William Palmer of Barnstaple | 2 packets containing 20 Devon kersies, 4 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Skinner | Andrew Bery of Barnstaple | 1 packet containing 8 Devon kersies, 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Skinner | John Waldron of Tiverton | 6 ballots containing 70 Devon kersies, 16 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Skinner | John Waldron junr of Tiverton | 2 ballots containing 20 Devon kersies, 5 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Skinner | John West of Tiverton | 2 ballots containing 25 Devon kersies, 6 cloths not weighed |
Export | 07 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | Thomas Skinner | John Pearse of Tiverton | 1 ballot containing 6 Devon kersies, 4 cloths not weighed |
Export | 27 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | Nicholas Beckett | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | 2 fardels containing 12 pieces frieze, 1 packet containing 4 Devon kersies, 1 cloth not weighed |
Export | 27 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | Nicholas Beckett | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | 1 packet containing 8 Devon kersies, 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 05 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | 15 cloths not weighed |
Export | 05 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Drewe of Barnstaple | 1 packet containing 8 Devon kersies, 2 cloths not weighed |
Export | 05 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Waldron of Tiverton | 4 ballots containing 48 Devon kersies, 6 fardels cloth not weighed |
Export | 05 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Ley of Torrington | 1 ballot containing 10 Devon kersies, 3 cloths not weighed |
Export | 05 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | 1 fardel containing 6 pieces friezes |
Export | 01 Jun 1570 | St John de Luce | Mayflowre | 5 | Northam | William Willett | Richard Dodridge of South Molton | 2 ballots containing 24 Devon kersies, 5 cloths not weighed |
Import | 15 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | David Johns | Richard Dodridge of South Molton | 7 tons iron |
Import | 15 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | David Johns | John Waldron of Tiverton | 2 tons iron |
Import | 15 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | David Johns | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | 2 tons iron |
Import | 15 Apr 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Basset | 28 | Barnstaple | David Johns | Thomas Hartnoll of Tiverton | 3 tons iron |
Import | 08 May 1570 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 30 | Northam | Thomas French | Thomas French | 14 weys bay salt |
Import | 08 May 1570 | Rochell | Rob[er]t | 20 | Bideford | William Etman | William Etman | 7 weys bay salt |
Import | 08 May 1570 | Rochell | Peter | 30 | Bideford | Leonard Sherman | Leonard Sherman | 12 weys bay salt |
Import | 29 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Margareta | 26 | Conquett | Barndg Scothewe, foreign | Barndg Scothewe, foreign | 3 weys oil |
Import | 05 Jun 1570 | St John de Luce | Henrie | 26 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | William Ley of Torrington | 10 tons pitch, 6 tons iron, 4 tons canes |
Import | 01 July 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Conquett | John Hamon, foreign | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 14 tons iron, 4 tons pitch |
Import | 01 July 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Conquett | John Hamon, foreign | Oliver Peard of Barnstaple | 14 tons iron, 4 tons pitch |
Import | 01 July 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Conquett | John Hamon, foreign | John Dart of Barnstaple | 14 tons iron, 4 tons pitch |
Import | 01 July 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Conquett | John Hamon, foreign | William Colliber of Barnstaple | 14 tons iron, 4 tons pitch |
Import | 04 July 1570 | Wessant | Marie | 15 | Wessant | John Gaston, foreign | John Gaston, foreign | 5 weys bay salt |
Import | 04 July 1570 | Abrytewe | Barba | 10 | Abrytewe | Yevan Geryia[?] | Yevan Geryia[?] | 5 weys bay salt |
Import | 26 July 1570 | Insulas Surris | Nich[ol]as | 26 | Brast [Brest?] | Nowell Lelowden, foreign | John Norrys of Barnstaple | 4 kintalls pastalls from Surris |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Burnetse | Henrie | 26 | Torrington | Thomas Upcott | William Ley of Torrington | 12 weys bay salt |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Burnetse | Angell | 24 | Bideford | Raymond Anthony | Raymond Anthony | 10 weys bay salt |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Burnetse | Saviour | 40 | Northam | Mark Dodecot | William Leigh of Northam | 18 weys bay salt |
E 190/927/23 | ||||||||
A blanke book conteyning sixe leaves for the Searchers entries wythin the Towne of Barnestable a creeke of the same porte of the names of all shippes and other things to hym belonging from the feaste of St Michaell Th'Archangell in the twelveth yere of the reigne of oure sov[er]aigne ladye quene Elizabeth untyll the feaste of St Michaell Th'Archangell then next following That is to saye by the space of one whole yere. [i.e. 29th Sept 1570 to 28th Sept 1571]. | ||||||||
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Ley of Torrington | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Stephen Swete of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Waldronne of Tiverton, senr & junr | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John West | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Androwe of Bideford | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Bassett | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westley | John Waldronne senior of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Bassett | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westley | John Waldronne junior of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Bassett | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westley | John Prowse of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Bassett | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westley | Paul Worthe of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Nov 1570 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Bassett | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale of Westley | William Androwes of Bideford | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Richard Dodridg of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Roger Collmann of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | John Lande of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | James Pearse of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Dec 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | John Waldronne of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Waldron of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John West of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Waldron junior of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Saunder of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | Richard Dodridge of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | Simon Sherman | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | John Barrett of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | James Pearse of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 13 Jan 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | David Beaple | Thomas Hartnoll of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 23 Jan 1570/1 | Lusbone | Lisarte | 18 | Barnstaple | William Benet | George Downe of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 23 Jan 1570/1 | Lusbone | Lisarte | 18 | Barnstaple | William Benet | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 23 Jan 1570/1 | Lusbone | Lisarte | 18 | Barnstaple | William Benet | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 26 Feb 1570/1 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 20 | Conquett | Alien Fonnten | Oliver Pearde of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 26 Feb 1570/1 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 20 | Conquett | Alien Fonnten | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Mar 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jullian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Mar 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jullian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 29 Mar 1571 | Rochell | Peter | 30 | Bideford | Leonard Sherman | Leonard Sherman | Merchandise |
Import | 27 Oct 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicolls | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 16 Jan 1570/1 | Rochell & Burdeus | Peter | 15 | Southampton | Thomas Gryffeth | John Androwes of Little Torrington | Merchandise |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Androwe of Bideford | Merchandise |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | William Ley of Torrington | Merchandise |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Bassett | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale | John Waldron of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | St John de Luce | Jacobb Bassett | 28 | Barnstaple | John Smale | William Androwe of Bideford | Merchandise |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 35 | Northam | Hugh Southcott | William French of Northam | Merchandise |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Barnstaple | John White | John White of Bideford | Merchandise |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Rochell | Mighell | 30 | Northam | William Willet | William Willet of Northam | Merchandise |
Import | 06 Oct 1570 | St Eves [Ives] | Leonde | 4 | St Ives | John Brayley | William Richardes of St Ives | 19 burdens[?] drye[?] containing ~?~, 3 burdens corre fish, 1 barrell fish, 1 ton ~?~, 2 hogsheads hops, 2 hogsheads bay salt |
Import | 31 Oct 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 15 | Ilfercombe | John Hartnoll | John Norrys of Barnstaple | 72 pieces northern kersires, 6 pieces Bridgwaters, 1 northern dozen, 1 piece molten mat~~[?], red penistons, 9 bags flox, 5 firkins black soap, 1 bar[rel?] points, 1 barrel aquavita, 1 firkin orchall, 3 very red frieze adows[?], 1 jar ole beris |
Import | 07 Dec 1570 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 5 | Barnstaple | Edmond Smithe | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 1 pipe containing 6 bushels malted barley, 1 pipe containing 200 bysskye, 1 hogshead aquavita, 2 barrels black soap, 3 barrels wolcardes, 1 coffer various merchandise, 5 barrels gunpowder, 2 cwt raisins currants, 1 pack frieze, 3 dozen pieces browne blewes, 2 cwt alards[?], 2 cloths curk somdc[?] |
Import | 15 Dec 1570 | Bridgwater | Antonie | 12 | Cardyffe | Hugh Richardes | Thomas Gyfte of Linisan, Somerset | 10 weys beans and pulses |
Import | 20 Dec 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 8 | Northam | Robert Benet | Robert Benet of Northam | 3 weys wheat, 1 wey malted barley |
Import | 20 Jan 1570/1 | Bristoll | Elizabethe | 5 | Newton | Griffen Abiven | John Norrys of Barnstaple | 2 tons lead ware, 2 hogsheads byffe[?], 14 barrels she'vice[?], 8 cwt byskye, 1 barrel lnnirii[?] 1 cable containing 3 cwt, 1 firkin black soap, 200 magnarum unarum passarum |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 5 | Barnstaple | John Smithe | Roger Beaple of Barnstaple | 2 tons gascony wine, 3 barrels white herrings, 1 barrel Linnrii[?], 2 barrels black soap, 8 barrels various merchandise, 20 cwt tallow, 1 chest various merchandise, 5 bags flox, 8 cwt crock brasse, 3 firkins black soap |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Trenite | 5 | Instow | James Paye | James Paye | 5 coffers various merchandise, 8 barrels black soap, 6 hogsheads vinegar, 2 barrels tar, 1 barrel pitch, 5 barrels mell, 1 cwt white soap, 3 cwt wax, 3 bags hops, 3 barrels various merchandise, 2 dri vates, 12 Bridgwaters red. |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Christopher | 12 | Bridgwater | William Androwes | John Halliswill gent | 7 weys beans |
Import | 04 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Jh[es]us | 8 | Ilfercombe | John Hartnoll | Walter Worth of Barnstaple | 4 weys wheat, 2 weys barley |
Import | 04 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | John | 9 | Bideford | Augustine Hewe | Augustine Hewe | 5 weys beans |
Import | 18 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Marye George | 12 | Bideford | John Heale | Robert Davye maltmaker of Tewkesbury | 4 weys wheat, 3 weys peas |
Import | 18 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Anne Abbote | 5 | Glos | Oven Jones | John Borrowe | 4 weys beans |
Import | 19 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | John | 9 | Bideford | Geoffrey Gifte | John Baydon of Hunspill | 4 weys beans |
Import | 20 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Anthonie | 5 | Bideford | Richard Birken | Nicholas Perse of Chelton, Somerset | 3 weys beans |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Barre | Grana | 14 | Comedge | Walter Smith | John Dodd of Barre | 9 weys pulses |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 6 | Barnstaple | Richard Collman | Richard Collman | 3 pieces cottons, 2 dry psats, 1 barrel various merchandise, 1 fagot of steel, 6 pieces frieze, 2 bags flox, 3 fodders lead containing 16 pieces, 1 hogshead Sungmate black[?], 8 bundles matts |
Import | 23 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Peter | 8 | Instow | John Simons of Gatcome | John Simons of Gatcome | 4 weys wheat |
Import | 23 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | George | 14 | Ilfercombe | Richard Swanly | Richard Swanly | 4 weys wheat, 3 weys barley, 1 wey peas, 3 weys malted barley |
Import | 23 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Peter | 6 | Heawnton | William French | John Bonar of Bristol | 8 cwt byskye, 2 tuns beare, 40 northern kersies, 6 dozen wollcards |
Import | 28 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Mathew | 10 | Framilonde | Egidus [Giles] Bowre | Henrie Horne of Glos | 5 weys malted barley, 4 weys peas |
Import | 09 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | Clement | 12 | Elmore | Robert Goslinge | William Leiton of Elmore | 6 weys peas, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 11 Mar 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Trenite | 6 | Instow | John Symons | John Darte of Barnstaple | 6 tons lead, 1 ton lead ore |
Import | 11 Mar 1570/1 | Carm[ar]then | Jh[es]us | 6 | Barnstaple | Robert Parker | Philip Walt[er?] gent of Carmarthen | 3 packs friezes |
Import | 11 Mar 1570/1 | Milforde | Elizabethe | 18 | Milford | Thomas Pollet | Thomas Hoge of Babarstone in Rasse in Pembroke | 300 bushels grain, 2 packs & 6 cwt white leather |
Import | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Southampton | Mayflower | 6 | Barnstaple | Richard Willet | William Vallet of Barnstaple | 40 quarters wheat and barley, 20 quarters malt |
Import | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | Patricke | 6 | Bideford | John Leach | 'Olmo' of Barnstaple | 5 chests sugar, 29 Bridgwaters, 30 northern kersies, 20 northern dozens cloth, 2 parcels 12 remnants, 96 wedmols, 1 Bridgwater, 3 island chests |
Import | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Antonye | 4 | Bideford | Richard Bocken | Nicholas Perse of Chelton, Somerset | 3 weys beans |
Import | 13 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | Julian | 6 | Westbery | John Julian | John Julian | 3 weys peas, 2 weys beans, 1 wey wheat |
Import | 13 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | Robarte | 20 | Bideford | John Glover | John Fleming of Bideford | 12 weys beans |
Import | 24 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | George | 10 | Ilfercombe | Richard Davey[?] | Richard Davyes of Longney | 5 weys beans and peas, 3 weys wheat |
Import | 26 Mar 1571 | Bridgwater | Henry | 5 | Bideford | John Baydon | John Baydon | 4 weys beans |
Export | 10 Oct 1570 | Mynhed | Jh[es]us | 7 | Ilfercombe | John Hartnoll | John Norrys of Barnstaple | 3 tons pastells from surris, 3 tons iron |
Export | 31 Oct 1570 | Bristoll | Marks | 20 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Philip Ferris of Barnstaple | 24 cwt prunes |
Export | 29 Dec 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 6 | Instow | James Page | John Bonar of Bristol | 1 ton pastells de Surrys, 5 cwt prunes |
Export | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 5 | Barnstaple | John Smithe | John Brasier of Barnstaple | 5 tons traine oil |
Export | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Peter | 6 | Disford[?] | William Balles~~~[?] | John Witchalse of Barnstaple | 5 tons pipe traine oil |
Export | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Dovye | John | 7 | Abbotsham | John Zealy | John Zealy | 2 tons bay salt, 1 hogshead traine oil, 2 hogsheads gascony wine, 1 cwt white soap, 6 packs figs & raisins, 1 pipe iron, 4 pieces calico cloth |
Export | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Antonye | 5 | Bideford | Richard Birkin | Nicholas Perse of Cheltnam | 200 bushels bay salt |
Export | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Carm[ar]then | John | 6 | Fremington | Robert Parker | Michall Pepwall of Bristol | 14 hogsheads traine oil |
Export | 28 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Savior | 10 | Bideford | John Lacke | William Flete of Bideford | 160 bushels bay salt |
Export | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Milforde | Elizabethe | 18 | [blank] | David Narbarde | Thomas Wogann of Harfordwest | 4 fardels various merchandise, 2 tons iron, 7 weys bay salt, 1 butt sack |
Export | 02 May 1571 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Oliver Pearde of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 02 May 1571 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Richard Dodridge of South Molton | Merchandise |
Export | 02 May 1571 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | John Androwes of Little Torrington | Merchandise |
Export | 02 May 1571 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 02 May 1571 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Phillip Sparrow of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Jun 1571 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Waldron of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Jun 1571 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John West of Tiverton | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Jun 1571 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Jun 1571 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Jun 1571 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Paul Worthe of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 06 Jun 1571 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Richard Dodridge of South Molton | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Jun 1571 | Lusbone | Lizarte | 20 | Barnstaple | David Johns | John Norrys of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 07 Jun 1571 | Lusbone | Lizarte | 20 | Barnstaple | David Johns | George Downe of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 30 Jun 1571 | Rochell | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicoll | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 02 July 1571 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 30 | Northam | Thomas French | Thomas French of Northam | Merchandise |
Export | 02 July 1571 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 80 | Northam | Richard Picard | William Leigh of Northam | Merchandise |
Export | 02 July 1571 | Rochell | Trinite | 26 | Northam | John Upcott | William Leigh of Northam | Merchandise |
Export | 02 July 1571 | Rochell | Petre | 30 | Bideford | Leonard Sherman | Leonard Sherman | Merchandise |
Export | 02 July 1571 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Bideford | Edward Whit | Edward Whit | Merchandise |
Export | 02 July 1571 | Rochell | Nich[ol]as | 40 | Northam | James Eliott | William Vallett of Northam | Merchandise |
Export | 07 July 1571 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | John Smale | William Colliber of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 07 July 1571 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | John Smale | Simon Sherman of Fremington | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Sep 1571 | Conquett | John | 26 | Conquett | Haman Le Banger | John Earle of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Sep 1571 | Conquett | John | 26 | Conquett | Haman Le Banger | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Sep 1571 | Conquett | John | 26 | Conquett | Haman Le Banger | William Collyber of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Sep 1571 | Conquett | John | 26 | Conquett | Haman Le Banger | Phillippe Sparrow of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 03 Sep 1571 | Conquett | John | 26 | Conquett | Haman Le Banger | John Witchalse of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 17 Sep 1571 | Insulas Surris | John | 20 | Barnstaple | Antony Robyns | Oliver Pearde of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 17 Sep 1571 | Insulas Surris | John | 20 | Barnstaple | Antony Robyns | John Norris of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 17 Sep 1571 | Insulas Surris | John | 20 | Barnstaple | Antony Robyns | Roger Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 17 Sep 1571 | Insulas Surris | John | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 17 Sep 1571 | Insulas Surris | John | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | John Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 17 Sep 1571 | Insulas Surris | John | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | John Norrys of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 17 Sep 1571 | Insulas Surris | John | 30 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Phillippe Sparrowe of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 20 Sep 1571 | Bristoll | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | John Smale | William Colliber of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Export | 20 Sep 1571 | Bristoll | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | John Smale | Symone Sherman of Fremington | Merchandise |
Import | 17 Apr 1570 | Rochell | Trenite | 30 | Northam | John Upcot | William Leigh of Northam | Merchandise |
Import | 18 Apr 1570 | Lusbone | Lizarte | 18 | Barnstaple | William Benett | George Downe of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 18 Apr 1570 | Lusbone | Jenet | 20 | Conquett | Haman Le Banier | Haman Le Banier | Merchandise |
Import | 18 Apr 1570 | Lusbone | Jenet | 20 | Conquett | Haman Le Banier | David Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 20 Apr 1570 | Insulas Surris | John | 20 | Barnstaple | Antony Robyns | John Norrys of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 30 Apr 1570 | Rochell | Angell | 25 | Bideford | Raymond Anthony | Raymond Anthony | Merchandise |
Import | 04 May 1570 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 35 | Northam | Hugh Southcott | William French of Northam | Merchandise |
Import | 04 May 1570 | Rochell | Petre | 30 | Bideford | Leonard Sherman | Leonard Sherman | Merchandise |
Import | 06 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Salomon | 20 | Northam | John Smale | William Ley of Torrington | Merchandise |
Import | 06 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 06 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 06 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicoll | John Nichell of Tawnton | Merchandise |
Import | 06 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicoll | William Ley of Torrington | Merchandise |
Import | 06 May 1570 | St John de Luce | Christopher | 20 | Barnstaple | William Nicoll | Thomas Beaple of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 11 July 1570 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine Whit | 30 | Bideford | Edward Whitt | Edward Whitt | Merchandise |
Import | 11 July 1570 | Rochell | Marie John | 30 | Bideford | John Edwards | John Edwards of Northam | Merchandise |
Import | 11 July 1570 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | Thomas Upcott | William Collyber of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 04 July 1570 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 26 | Conquett | John de Byscon | Edmond Smithe of Bristol | Merchandise |
Import | 04 July 1570 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 26 | Conquett | John de Byscon | John Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 04 July 1570 | Insulas Surris | Marie | 26 | Conquett | John de Byscon | Oliver Pearde of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 05 Jun 1570 | Rochell | Michell | 30 | Northam | William Willet | William Willet | Merchandise |
Import | 20 July 1570 | Rochell | Ladie | 16 | Bideford | John Flemynge | John Flemynge | Merchandise |
Import | 31 July 1570 | Henibon | Jh[es]us | 13 | Fremington | Richard Goolde | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 31 July 1570 | Blowyat | Margaret | 30 | Blowyat | John Caleryck | David Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 15 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Nich[ol]as | 40 | Northam | James Eliot | William Vallett of Northam | Merchandise |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Marie John | 35 | Northam | John Edwards | John Edwards | Merchandise |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Bideford | Edward Whit | John Whitt of Bideford | Merchandise |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 40 | Northam | Thomas French | Thomas French | Merchandise |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Kat[r]ine | 30 | Fremington | John Smale | William Collyber of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 22 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Petre | 30 | Bideford | Leonard Sherman | Leonard Sherman | Merchandise |
Import | 23 Aug 1570 | St John de Luce | John | 20 | Conquet | Haman le Banier | John Darte of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 23 Aug 1570 | St John de Luce | John | 20 | Conquet | Haman le Banier | John Witchalse of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 23 Aug 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | John Darte of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 23 Aug 1570 | St John de Luce | Julian | 20 | Barnstaple | George Hernaman | Hugh Brasier of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 24 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Roberte | 16 | Bideford | Thomas Cornishe | John Flemynge of Bideford | Merchandise |
Import | 24 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Jh[es]us | 80 | Northam | Richard Picarde | William Leigh | Merchandise |
Import | 24 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Trenite | 30 | Northam | John Upcott | William Leigh of Northam | Merchandise |
Import | 24 Aug 1570 | Rochell | Angell | 25 | Bideford | Raymond Anthony | Raymond Anthony | Merchandise |
Import | 03 Sep 1570 | Lusbone | John | 20 | Barnstaple | Antony Robyns | John Norris of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 07 Sep 1570 | Roane | Markes | 20 | Barnstaple | John Wylson | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 10 Sep 1570 | Rochell | Margaret | 25 | Conquett | Barnard Siohewe | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | Merchandise |
Import | 24 Apr 1570 | Carm[ar]den | John | 8 | Ilfercomb | Genkynge Clement | William Phillips armiger | 40 bushels wheat, 30 bushels malted barley, 10 bushels rye |
Import | 07 May 1570 | Bristoll | John | 7 | Tewkesberie | John Collyns | John Collyns | 3 weys wheat |
Import | 07 May 1570 | Bristoll | Julian | 7 | Westburye | John Julian | John Julian | 2 weys barley, 2 weys malt, 2 weys beans |
Import | 21 May 1570 | Bristoll | Barneckes | 5 | Branton | John Loocke | John Bonner of Bristol | 4 cloths curk Somerset fine grane, 3 pieces Bricknocke, 2 pieces frieze, 1 barrels wine sack, 3 tons lead, 6 dozen sheep skin ware, 2 barrels black soap, 2 barrels sovci[?], 6 cwt brisket |
Import | 21 May 1570 | Bristoll | George | 20 | Glos | Thomas Paget | Thomas Francom of Gloucester | 12 weys malted barley, 3 weys wheat, 1 wey beans |
Import | 26 May 1570 | Mylford | Elizabethe | 12 | Mylford | David Norbothe | John Weryott gent of Oryelton, Pembroke | 12 bushels wheat, 40 bushels rye |
Import | 26 May 1570 | Bristoll | Angell | 12 | Henton | Henry Smith | Thomas Hassarde of Gloucester | 6 weys wheat, 3 weys barley, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 04 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | Helen | 12 | Mynsterwoode | Thomas Hollestre | Lucas Germace of Gloucester | 6 weys wheat, 2 weys peas, 1 wey rye |
Import | 08 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | Ladie | 16 | Bideford | John Flemynge | John Flemynge | 8 weys wheat, 4 weys malted barley, 4 weys peas |
Import | 11 Jun 1570 | Bridgewater | John | 6 | Ilfercomb | John Hartnoll | Richard Pearde of Barnstaple | 6 weys wheat |
Import | 15 Jun 1570 | Carm[ar]then | Savior | 8 | Bideford | John Shebber | Thomas Shurte of Bideford | 40 stones wool, 3 dozen dicar tanned hides, 2 dicar salted hides |
Import | 20 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | George | 9 | Ilfercomb | John Whitt | John Crofte blacksmith of Belbranghton Cornwall | 100 dom sithes |
Import | 20 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | John | 7 | Tewkesberie | John Collynge | John Collynge | 4 weys wheat, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 21 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | Michal | 6 | Barnstaple | Thomas Collmer | George Snowe draper of Bristol | 1 barrel black soap, 1 cotton kedwelly, 1 red brecknoke, 3 cloth remnant work containing 45 virgas |
Import | 22 Jun 1570 | Mylforde | Trenite | 5 | Dale | Peter Follande | David Erno of St Iysmels in Pembroke | 140 bushels malted barley and oats, 4 bushels wheat |
Import | 29 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 15 | Northam | Richard Lycarde | William Leigh of Northam | 18 weys smith coles [coal for blacksmiths?] |
Import | 29 Jun 1570 | Mylforde | Mathewe | 5 | Teinbigh | William Griffethe | William Gaie of Barnstaple | 3 pieces cottons, 40 bushels barley, 20 bushels wheat |
Import | 04 July 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 4 | Tewkesberie | John Davis | Robert Davies of Tewkesbury | 2 weys wheat, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 06 July 1570 | Bristoll | Angell | 12 | Henton | Henry Smithe | Edward Bastore of Tewkesbury | 9 weys wheat, 1 wey malted barley |
Import | 12 July 1570 | Bristoll | John | 7 | Tewkesberie | John Collins | John Collins | 4 weys wheat, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 10 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | George | 14 | Ilfercomb | Richard Swanly | Richard Swanly | 30 manchest[er] cottons, 42 northern kersies, 10 Brecknocks, 20 Devon kersies, 4 cloth lats[?], 1 fardel canvas, 2 bm 7 kintalls black soap, 7 barrels various merchandise, 1 hogshead vinegar, v cwt pitch, 6 coffers various merchandise, 1 pack frieze, 11 bags flox |
Import | 10 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | John | 8 | Aishforde | William Buidde[?] | William Buidde[?] | 4 hogsheads french wine, 5 barrels swarffe, 1 barrel black soap, 1 bar redinge, 4 barrels various merchandise, 3 firkins traine oil, 4 firkins black soap, 9 bags flox, 1 pack frieze, 2 fardels linen cloth, 4 chests various merchandise, 1 cable |
Import | 10 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Peter | 10 | Instow | John Symons | John Symons | 12 barrels 10 coffers & 2 fats various merchandise, 1 hogshead alum, 4 bars steel, 3 packs wedmolles, 3 packs linen cloth, 1 cwt madder, 1 cwt copas, 1 pipe vinegar, 1 ton black soap, 7 pieces cloth lats, 1 ton ledmore, 1 cwt currants, 4 dozen frying pans, 2 cwt hops, 1 pack frieze, 1 coffer calico cloth containing 50 pieces, 4 lbs cinnamon, 1 hogshead containing 1 cwt clowes {cloves?], 30 lbs ginger, 2 pieces sack cloth |
Import | 10 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 6 | Instow | William Legge | John Symons of Instow | 3 chests 10 barrels 1 fate various merchandise, 1 pipe soap, 2 hogsheads vinegar, 2 packs widmolles, 2 packs friezes, 1 fardel canvas, 2 cwt white soap, 4 bags flox |
Import | 10 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 6 | Ilfercomb | Jenkine Clement | Michael Batman of Kendale, Westmorland | 100 northern kersies, 30 northern dozens, 6 northern broad cloths |
Import | 10 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 6 | Ilfercomb | Jenkine Clement | John Lange of Barnstaple | 30 dozen calf skins |
Import | 10 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 6 | Ilfercomb | Jenkine Clement | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 4 barrels butter, 10 pieces welsh cottons, 8 pieces frieze, 3 barrels & coffers various merchandise, 1 fardel Irish rugs, 5 barrels black soap, 4 bags hops, 6 cloth lats, 7 Bridgwaters, 17 redinge kersies, 1 pipe barley, 8 bags flox |
Import | 17 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Marie George | 12 | Bideford | John Heale | John Heale of Bideford | 1 ton iron, 1 ton ledwore, 8 packs & 2 chests 1 dryefate, 1 hogshead 7 barrels various merchandise, 4 cwt hops, 14 dozen calf skins |
Import | 18 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | John | 8 | Tewkesberie | John Collyns | John Collyns | 6 weys wheat |
Import | 18 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Clement | 10 | Elmore | John Bullocke | Henry Horne of Gloucester | 6 weys wheat, 1 wey malted barley |
Import | 18 Aug 1570 | Bristoll | Clement | 10 | Elmore | Robert Grosselynes | William Leiton of Elmore, Glos | 10 weys malted barley |
Export | 28 Apr 1570 | Mylforde | George | 10 | Bideford | Augustine How | William Lerym[an] of Northam | 2 bushels bay salt |
Export | 25 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | John | 20 | Barnstaple | Anthony Robyns | Thomas Rowland of Bristol | 4 kintalls pastells de Surrys, 30 pieces calico cloth |
Export | 25 Apr 1570 | Bristoll | John | 10 | Instow | Richard Byckene | William Gay of Barnstaple | 100 bushels white salt |
Export | 30 Apr 1570 | Pontselly | Savior | 12 | Bideford | John Shebber | Thomas Shurt of Bideford | 3 bushels bay salt, 40 bushels malted barley, 1 cwt white soap, 20 pieces calico cloth, 1 ton iron, 1 piece resens[?], 24 lbs almonds |
Export | 05 May 1570 | Bristoll | Barnicke | 5 | Branton | John Locke | Roger Cade of Barnstaple | 70 pieces calico cloth, 25 pieces magnarum unarum passarum, 5 cwt white soap |
Export | 07 Jun 1570 | Dartmouthe | Jh[es]us | 13 | Fremington | Richard Gold | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 40 Devon kersies, 12 pieces frieze, malton white, 8 yards flanning, 4 weys coal |
Export | 08 Jun 1570 | Bridgewater | Grace | 6 | Northam | John Abyven | John Michell of Taunton | 4 tons traine oil, 1 ton atanes[?] |
Export | 11 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 5 | Instow | John Symons | John Cowther of Bristol | 50 pieces magnarum unarum passarum, 1 pipe containing 9 cwt unarum de sole, 6 pieces unarum passarum, 1 seron white soap, 13 lbs nutmeg |
Export | 15 Jun 1570 | Bristoll | Clement | 30 | Mombels | Thomas Clement | William Colliber of Barnstaple | 145 bushels bay salt |
Export | 06 July 1570 | Bristoll | Peter | 10 | Instow | John Burgis | John Bonnar of Bristol | 10 tons pastells de Surrys |
Export | 13 July 1570 | Bristoll | John | 6 | Bristol | Richard Bickenie[?] | John Cade of Barnstaple | 6 tons pastells de Surrys |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | Peter | 10 | Instow | John Symons | Richard Downe of Barnstaple | 1 pack & 4 packets Devon kersies, 5 packs frieze, 1 butt & 2 hogsheads Brasell, 5 hogsheads prunes, 2 dozen hatts |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | Peter | 10 | Instow | John Symons | William Colliber of Barnstaple | 157 pieces calico cloth, 285 lbs pepper, 1 pack linen cloth, 1 ton pipe pastell, cwt clowes [cloves?], 30 lbs ginger |
Export | 20 July 1570 | Bristoll | John | 8 | Ilfercomb | Jenken Clement | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 1 butt sun-dried raisins, 2 barrels various merchandise, 1 pack linen cloth & canvas, 1 cwt prunes, 1 cwt alum, 1 chest various merchandise, 1 fardell pap[er], 6 pots oyleberries, 4 pieces frieze, 1 pack Devon kersies, 5 tons pastells de Surrys |
Export | 03 Sep 1570 | Bridgewater | John | 6 | Ilfercomb | Jenken Clement | Robert Cade of Barnstaple | 5 tons pastells de Surrys, 3 serons white soap, 1 ton pipe oil, 1 ton basterde, 4 barrels A~~~~[?], 1 terce aqua vita |
Export | 17 Sep 1570 | Gloucester | Mathew | 14 | Gatcomb | William Hop | Thomas Francklyn of Glos | 1 pipe oil, 300 bushels bay salt |
E 190/927/20 | ||||||||
A blanke book conteyning tooe leaves for the Custom[er]s & ~[torn]~ entries wythin the Towne of Barnestable a creeke of the same porte for all ~[torn]~ betwixte porte & porte And for certificaches from the feaste of St Michaell Th'Archangell in the twelveth yere of the reigne of oure sov[er]aigne ladie quene Elizabeth untyll the feaste of Easter then nexte following [i.e. 29th Sept 1570 to 15th April 1571]. | ||||||||
Import | 07 Oct 1570 | St Eves | Leon | 4 | St Ives | John Bart~[torn] | William Richards of St Ethes [Ives] | 19 burdens[?] dry comcer[?] mill [torn] corr fish, 1 barrel fish, 1 ton pipe traine oil, 3 hogsheads hops, 2 hogheads [torn] |
Import | 31 Oct 1570 | Bristoll | Jh[es]us | 15 | Ilfercomb | John Hartnoll | John Norris of Barnstaple | 72 pieces northern kersies, [torn] Bridgwaters, 1 northern dozen, 1 piece motley, 4 ede[?] penistones, [torn] bags flox, 5 firkins black soap, 1 barrel pom'tes, 1 barrel aqua vite, [torn] orchall, 3 virgas red frizadowe, 1 jar ole berie |
Import | 07 Dec 1570 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 5 | Barnstaple | Edmond Smithe | Richard Brasier of Barnstaple | 1 pipe containing 16 bushels malted barley, 1 pipe containing 200 biisske, 1 hogsheads aqua vite, 2 barrels black soap, 3 barrels woolcards, 1 coffer various merchandise, 5 barrels gunpowder, 2 cwt raisins & currants, 1 pack friezes, 3 dozen pieces brown blues, 2 cwt sera, 2 cloth curk Somerset |
Import | 15 Dec 1570 | Bridgewater | Antonie | 12 | Cardiff | Hugh Richardes | Thomas Gyft of Lymsan, Somerset | 10 weys beans & pulse |
Import | 30 Dec 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 8 | Northam | Robert Benet | Robert Benet of Northam | 3 weys wheat, 1 wey malted barley |
Import | 20 Jan 1570/1 | Bristoll | Elizabethe | 5 | Neuton | Gryffen Ab[evan?] | John Norris of Barnstaple | 2 tons lead ware, 2 hogsheads bris~[torn], 12 barrels shevice, 8 cwt byskye, 1 barrel annuci[?], 1 cable containing 3 cwt, 5 firkins black soap, 200 magnarum unarum passarum |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 5 | Barnstaple | John Smythe | Roger Beaple of Barnstaple | 2 tons gascony wine, 3 barrels white hateris[?], 1 barrel annuci[?], 2 barrels black soap, 8 barrels various merchandise, 20 cwt tallow, 5 bags flox, 1 ~?~ worke brass, 3 firkins black soap |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Trenite | 5 | Instow | James Page | James Page | 5 coffers various merchandise, 1 cwt white soap, 3 cwt [torn], 3 barrels various merchandise, 2 dry vats, 7 Bridgwater redds |
Import | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgewater | Christopher | 7 | Bridgewater | William Androwes | John Halleswill, gent | 7 weys beans |
Import | 05 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgewater | Jh[es]us | 8 | Ilfercomb | John Hartnoll | Walter Worthe of Barnstaple | 4 weys wheat, 2 weys barley |
Import | 05 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgewater | John | 9 | Bideford | Augustine How | Augustine How | 5 weys beans |
Import | 05 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgewater | Anne | 5 | Glos | Owen Jones | John Borowe | 4 weys beans |
Import | 18 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Mary George | 12 | Bideford | John Heale | Robert Davie maltmaker of Tewkesbury | 4 weys wheat, 3 weys peas |
Import | 19 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgewater | John | 9 | Bideford | Geoffrey Gifte | John Baydon of Hunspill | 4 weys beans |
Import | 20 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgewater | Antonie | 5 | Bideford | Richard Bicken' | Nicholas Pearse of Cheltenn, Somerset | 3 weys beans |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Barre | Grace | 14 | Comedge | Walter Simet | John Dodde of Barre | 9 weys pulse |
Import | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 6 | Barnstaple | Richard Collman | Richard Collman | 3 pieces cottons, 2 dry fats, 1 barrel various merchandise, 1 fagot steel, 6 pieces frieze, 2 bags flox, 3 fodders lead containing 16 pieces, 1 hogshead black Sungmate[?], 18 barrels [hidden in margin] |
Import | 23 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Peter | 8 | Instow | John Simons of Gatcombe Vell | John Simons of Gatcombe Vell | 4 weys wheat |
Import | 23 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | George | 14 | Ilfercomb | Richard Swanley | Richard Swanley | 4 weys wheat, 2 weys barley, 1 wey peas, 3 weys malted barley |
Import | 23 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Peter | 6 | Heawnton | William French | [torn] of Bristol | 8 cwt byskye, 2 tuns beare, 40 northern kersies, 6 dozen ~?~ |
Import | [torn] Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Mathew | 12 | Frannlond | Giles Bown | Henry Horne of Gloucester | 5 weys malted barley, 4 weys peas |
Import | [torn] Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Clement | 12 | Elmore | Robert Gosslinge | William Leitonn of Elmore | 6 weys peas, 2 weys malted barley |
Import | 09 Mar 1570/1 | Bridgewater | Trenite | 6 | Instow | John Simons | John Darte of Barnstaple | 6 tons lead, 1 ton lead ore |
Import | 09 Mar 1570/1 | Carm[ar]then | Jh[es]us | 6 | Barnstaple | Robert Parker | Philip Walter gent of Carmarthen | 3 packs frieze |
Import | 09 Mar 1570/1 | Milforde | Elizabethe | 18 | Milforde | Thomas Pollet of Milford | Thomas Hogs of Babarstone in Rasse, Pembroke | 300 bushels grain, 2 packs [torn] |
Import | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Southampton | Mayflowre | 15 | Barnstaple | Richard Willet | William Vallet of Barnstaple | 40 quarters wheat & barley, 20 quarters malt |
Import | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | Patricke | 6 | Bideford | John Leache | Oliver Pearde of Barnstaple | 5 chests fanarum, 29 Bridgwaters, 30 northern kersies, 20 northern dozens, cloths, 7 remnants, 95 ulnas wedmolls, 1 Bridgwater, 3 [torn] |
Import | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Bridgewater | Antonie | 4 | Bideford | Richard Birkin | Nicholas Perse of Cheltonn, Somerset | 3 weys beans |
Import | 13 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | Julian | 7 | Westberye | John Jullian | John Jullian | 3 weys peas, 2 weys beans, 1 wey wheat |
Import | 13 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | Robarte | 20 | Bideford | John Glover | John Fleminge of Bideford | 7 weys beans |
Import | 24 Mar 1570/1 | Bristoll | George | 10 | Ilfercomb | Richard Domper[?] | Richard Davies of Longney | 5 weys beans & peas, 3 weys wheat |
Import | 26 Mar 1571 | Bridgewater | Henrie | 5 | Bideford | John Bayden | John Bayden | 4 weys beans |
Import | 06 Apr 1571 | Bristoll | Peter | 5 | Instow | John Symons | John Symons | 2 weys barley, 2 weys wheat |
Import | 01 Apr 1571 | Bridgewater | Savior | 10 | Bideford | John Shibber | John Downe | 5 weys beans |
Import | 11 Apr 1571 | Bristoll | M[ar]ks | 20 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Thomas Perse of Molton | 52 pieces calico cloth, 12 pieces welsh friezes, 2 northern kersies |
Import | 11 Apr 1571 | Bristoll | Trenite | 5 | Bristol | John Hawkyns | John Boner merchant of Bristol | 8 bushels wheat, 1 bushel barley |
Import | 11 Apr 1571 | Bridgewater | Savyer | 10 | Bideford | William Flete | Henry Pounde of Martocke, Somerset | 12 bushels beans, [torn] |
Import | 11 Apr 1571 | [torn] | Stynbnye[?] | 5 | St David | Thomas Johns | [illeg] Barret gent of Mannerbier, Pembroke | 120 bushels wheat, 120 bushels barley |
Import | 11 Apr 1571 | Bristol | Anthonie | 6 | Instow | Richard Bignar | [torn] merchant of Barnstaple | 1 pipe, 1 hogshead, 1 barrel & 2 firkins various merchandise, [torn] tons white plats, 2 bales hops containing 300 quarters, cwt madder, 1 dozen [illeg], 3 fagotts steel, 5 barrels tar, 1 firkin sack, 1000 biskytt, 1 joyned table & 10 stools, 2 hogsheads traine oil, 2 barrels beans, 9 barrels white herrings, 1 firkin currants |
Import | 14 Apr 1571 | Bristol | Grace | 6 | Northam | Thomas Westlade | Robert Ketchinge of Bristol | 6 tuns Mathera wine |
Export | 10 Oct 1570 | Mynhed | Jh[es]us | 7 | Ilfercomb | John L~~~[illeg] | John Norrys of Barnstaple | 3 tons pastells de Surris, 3 tons [torn] |
Export | 30 Oct 1570 | Bristoll | Marks | 20 | Barnstaple | Baldwin[?] Neale | Philip Ferris of Barnstaple | 4 pipes containing 24 cwt prunes |
Export | 29 Dec 1570 | Bristoll | Trenite | 6 | Instow | James Page | John Bonar of Instow | 1 ton pastells de Surris, 5 cwt prunes |
Export | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Nich[ol]as | 5 | Barnstaple | Johes Smyth | John Brasier of Barnstaple | 5 tons traine oil |
Export | 03 Feb 1570/1 | Bristoll | Peter | 6 | Aysford | William Byllyswithn | John Witchalse of Barnstaple | 5 tons pipe traine oil |
Export | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Dovye | John | 7 | Abotesham | John Zealye | John Zealye | 2 tons bay salt, 1 hogshead traine oil, 2 hogsheads gascony wine, 1 cwt soap, 6 packs figs and raisins, 1 pipe of iron, 4 packs calico cloth |
Export | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgewater | Antonie | 5 | Bideford | Richard Birkin | Nicholas Perse of Cheltenam | 100 bushels bay salt |
Export | 21 Feb 1570/1 | Carm[ar]then | Jh[es]us | 6 | Fremington | Robert Parker | Michall Pepwall of Bristol | 14 hogsheads traine oil |
Export | 28 Feb 1570/1 | Bridgwater | Savyer | 10 | Bideford | John Lacke | William Flete of Bideford | 40 bushels bay salt |
Export | 12 Mar 1570/1 | Milforde | Elizabethe | 18 | [blank] | David Narbard | Thomas Wogan of Harfordwest | 4 fardels various merchandise, 2 tons iron, 5 weys bay salt |
Transcriber’s notes:
Port Books for the combined ports of Appledore, Bideford and Barnstaple are housed in the National Archives from 1565 to 1745. There are some gaps due to non-survival of records, and other gaps due to damaged documents.
Typically these books record:
• Date of entry
• Name of ship
• Tonnage of vessel
• Port where vessel is registered
• Port where vessel is going to, or coming from
• Name of the Captain or Master of the vessel
• Name of the merchant responsible for the goods
• Whether the merchant is English or foreign
• Description of the cargo, including the method of storage (barrels, casks, bags), the weight (hundredweights, pounds) and the value for the purposes of assessing tax to be paid.
Only taxable goods were recorded. Untaxed goods (e.g. fish) were not taxed and therefore not generally recorded.
The following officials were responsible for checking the cargoes and recording the tax due:
• Collector or ‘Customer’ – made a return of all goods exported or imported and all moneys received, for which he issued a cocket (receipt).
• Controller – made a similar return but did not receive the payments.
• Searcher – appointed to prevent fraud, who had to make examine the goods and return a warrant to show he had done so.
• Surveyor - appointed to check the work of the Searcher.
The five books for 1570 contain about 36 pages in total, all written in Latin.
Details of the cargoes have been transcribed as fully as possible.
Some commodities are unknown but have been transcribed as closely as possible. Others may not be so well-known to us today, so here are some definitions:
• Acquavita - Distilled wine, eg: Brandy.
• Baise – A coarse woollen cloth, often made in Barnstaple.
• Bay salt - Salt derived by evaporating seawater in the sun.
• Bridgwaters - Presumably a cloth from Bridgwater, or in the Bridgwater style.
• Dicker / Dicars - A quantity or package of 10 hides.
• Fardels - A single piece, pack or bundle.
• Firkin - 18 gallons, a quarter of a barrel.
• Frieze - A coarse woollen, plain weave cloth with a nap on one side.
• Hatwool - a type of wool, maybe Spanish?
• Kersey - Coarse narrow woollen cloth with a smooth back, made of long staple wool, derived from the village of Kersey in Suffolk.
• Kintall - Another term for hundredweight. 100 lbs, also 112 lbs.
• Magnarum unarum passarum - Unknown, probably a type of broadcloth.
• Pastells from Surris - Woad (from islands of Surris - Azores).
• Peniston - A coarse woollen cloth formerly used to make clothes.
• Pipe - 126 gallons (4 barrels). A cask for wine and other goods.
• Sack - Fortified wine imported from mainland Spain or the Canary Islands.
• Traine oil – Drained fish oil, usually from cod.
• Wey - Unit of weight for dry goods. Size depends on commodity, but could be around 175 lbs. Can also be a unit of volume about 320 gallons.
Similarly, some ports may not be spelt or understood as we expect today:
• Abrytewe = Abertawe (Swansea)
• Henibon = Hennebont, France
• Insulas Surris = Azores
• Lusbone = Lisbon
• Rochell = La Rochelle, France
• St John de Luice = Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France
• Surreis = probably meant to be Terreras?
• Terreras = unclear, might be Terciera, Azores
• Wessant = Ushant?
= = = = = = = =