




The life and times of Martin Blake, B.D. (1593-1673)


John Frederick Chanter

London, John Lane Bodley Head (1910), xiii, 180 pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Life of Martin Blake B.D. is perhaps similar to that of many a divine of his period who played a prominent part on one side or the other in the great conflict between Catholicism and Puritanism that raged during the whole of the 17th century. Biographies of this sort have been written mostly by strong partisans of one view or the other, who perceived only the rights of their own side. Martin Blake's biography, while perhaps specially interesting to Devonshire readers, as a link that binds together the two principal maritime towns of North and South Devon (Barnstaple and Plymouth), has a wider interest as typical of one of the moderate Churchmen of the time, of whom it would be difficult to say to which party they belonged. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the Princeton University Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.



Contents, pp. ix-xi

Illustrations listed, p. xiii

General Index at p. 173

Abbot, Archbishop George32, 35, 37
Abbot, John13
Acland, John78
Alsop, Timothy102, 117
Apsley, Sir Allen94
Arundell, Sir John15
Ayer, John23
Ayer, Martha23, 53
Ayer, Mary23
Baker, Anthony38, 43
Baker, George Sr37
Bampfield, Sir C149
Bampfield, Sir John96, 102-3, 109, 111, 120
Barbor, Dr William165
Bartlett family58
Bartlett, William27, 99-100
Barton, John102
Batteshill, Mr William14
Baxtervii, 133, 153, 156
Bayley, Richard33
Beaple, Mr Richard62
Beare, John102
Berkeley, John78
Berry, John58
Bisselend, Bartholomew153
Blackmore, Major144-7
Blague, Mr Martyn150
Blake, Admiral7, 104
Blake, Agnes41, 163, 168
Blake, Elizabeth21, 30, 163, 168
Blake family of Comb6
Blake family of Plymouth1, 6
Blake, Jane7-8
Blake, Joan5-6, 125, 132, 135, 163
Blake, Joan jr163
Blake, John7, 132, 135, 141, 161, 163
Blake, Martin BDthroughout
Blake, Martin jr163
Blake, Mary30, 53, 132, 163, 168
Blake, Mrs1, 3, 7, 20, 24, 53, 143, 163
Blake, Nicholas5, 7-8, 11-2, 19, 30, 53, 132, 162, 166-7
Blake, Nicholas jr53, 138
Blake, Richard163
Blake, Thomas166
Blake, William7, 9-11, 16, 168
Bodley, Lawrence15, 19
Bodley, Sir Thomas15
Bonivant, Joseph122, 127, 137
Bradshaw, John116-7
Brayley, James162
Browne, Thomas15
Browning, Rev George5, 154
Browning, Mrs5
Brownrigg, Bishop74
Bryan, Rev Conan33
Budd, Agnes163
Budd Arthur164
Budd, Martin164
Burton, Mr Henry54
Bury, John15
Calamyvii, 63
Can, John46-7
Carew, John136
Carlton, Sir Dudley72
Cary15, 125
Cary, Daniel142-4
Chanter, J Frederickv
Charles I117, 131
Charles II153
Charles, Prince25, 94
Chaucer, Geoffrey34
Chichester, Elizabeth23
Chichester, John Esq23
Clapham, Raleigh61
Claris, Sir John33
Clerke, Colonel John152
Clyde, Katherine22
Clyde, William22, 58
Cole, John52-3
Collabeare, Mrs134
Cooke, John113-5, 118-9, 127, 130-1, 136-7, 153
Cooke, Nicholas153
Copplestone, Sir John125, 140-3, 148-9
Cotton, Bishop29, 35
Cotton, R Wvii, 3-4, 88-9
Courtenay, Sir William149
Cox, Benjamin27, 32, 38-9, 62, 73-4, 94, 129
Cox, Thomas137
Crompton, Mr William32, 39, 42-3, 46-8, 50-2, 61-3, 70
Cromwell, Oliver125, 131, 135-6, 138-9, 149, 156
Cromwell, Lord Richard149
Delbridge, Agnes22-3
Delbridge, Miss Elizabeth19-21, 23
Delbridge family21, 71
Delbridge, Mr John20-3, 37, 39-40, 53-4, 71, 73-4, 162
Delbridge, John jr22
Delbridge, Joseph137
Delbridge, Mary23
Delbridge, Martha23
Delbridge, Richard22-3
Dennis, Nicholas87, 152-3
Dennis, Mr Thomas79, 87, 127, 132
Digby, Colonel70, 88, 90-1
Dodderidge, Ann24
Doddridge family71
Doddridge, Mr Pentecost62
Down, Sybil24, 58
Downe, Anthony22, 99-100
Downe, Cecily22
Downe, Elizabeth165
Downe family21-2, 24, 27, 58, 71
Downe, Henry21-2, 24, 165
Downe. Joan21
Downe, John21, 24, 102
Downe, Rev John BD1, 24-7, 39, 58, 87, 111, 127, 137
Downe, Katherine22
Downe, Mark22, 99-100
Downe, Mary163
Downe, Nicholas37
Downe, Rev Richard DD163
Downe, Susana22
Downe, Thomas22, 99-100
Downe, Thomas jr22
Drake, Ann165
Drake, John165-6
Duppa, Bishop Brian94
Dyer, Edward99
Eliot, John15
Elizabeth I26, 32
Evans, Richard102
Ferris family71
Ferris, John134
Ferris, Richard74, 108-9, 111, 113, 125, 127-9, 131, 134, 143
ffairfax, Sir Thomas104
Francis, Philip70, 92, 102, 117-8
Gale, Hannah19
Gale, Josias19
Gale, Theophilus19
Gauden, Bishop John154, 157
Goddard family6
Goddard, Joan6-7
Goldston, Germanus30
Goring, General94
Gregory, Ann164-5
Gregory, Captain Charles RN165
Gregory, Dorothy165
Gregory, Elizabeth164-5
Gregory, Federetta164-5
Gregory, Rev George164-6
Gregory, George jr164
Gregory, Joan164-5
Gregory, John164-5
Gregory, Lewis164-6
Gregory, Martin Blake164-5
Gregory, Mary164-5
Gregory, Mary Lee164-6
Gregory, Samuel165
Gregory, Thomazine164-5
Grenville, Sir Bevil15
Griffiths, Ann165
Griffiths, John165
Hakewill, George, DD1, 16, 23-portrait 24, 26-7, 32, 39, 64, 125, 134
Hakewill, George jr23, 134
Hakewill, John23, 25, 134
Hakewill, Mary23
Hakewill, Thomasin25
Hall, Bishop Joseph32, 39-40, 54, 59, 62, 72-4
Hamilton, Duke of15
Handcock, William38
Hankin, Joseph102
Hanmer, John24, 37, 58
Hanmer, Rev Jonathan MA3, 24, 32, 37, 58-60, 104, 120, 125, 129-31, 134, 136-8, 151, 156-9
Hanmer, Katherine159
Hanmer, Sybil24, 58
Harris, Mary132
Harris, Richard gent122, 127, 132, 137
Harris, Richard, merchant122-3
Hatch, Lawrence58
Hawkins, Benjamin99
Hawkins family58
Hawkins, John27, 99-100
Heale, John78
Helyar, Archdeacon William48, 50, 58
Hooper, Nicholas137
Hooper, Richard137
Horwood, Alexander53-5, 57, 123, 125, 127, 134, 139
Horwood, John127, 137
Horwood, Thomas127, 134
Howson, Bishop John18
Hughes, Mr104
Hurlston, Mrs140, 142
Jewell, Bishop21
Jewell, Cecily21-2
Jewell, Joan21
Johns, Mary Lee165
Johns, Lieutenant Samuel RN165
Johnson, Dr Samuel25
Kempe, William MA9
Lacy, Bishop9
Lake, John119
Lane, Mr Robert62, 127, 135
Langdon, Robert34, 38
Langford, Thomas54-6, 92, 117
Laud, Archbishop14, 64, 73
Lee, John gent164
Lee, Mary164
Liverland, Robert63
Lovet, Mary163
Lovet, Sir Robert163
Luck, Joan164
Luck, Mary164-5
Luck, Rev Robert164
Lutterel, Colonel John94
Luxmoore, Rev H41
Marshall, Charles165
Marshall, Dorothy165
Marshall, John102
Mary, Queen155
Mather, Nathaniel136, 140, 145, 151-2
Matthews, George166
Matthews, Martha23, 134
Matthews, Mr Thomas23, 53, 70, 74, 79, 87-9, 132, 166
Matthews, Thomas Blake166
Maurice, Prince4, 70, 75, 88, 93
Maynard, John15
Mayne family19
Mayne, Hannah19
Mayne, Mr Samuel18-9
Medford, Mr Richard62, 125, 137
Milton, John25
Monk, General153
Montague, General152
Moore, Mr Anthonie9, 119
Moore, Mary165
Moore, Nathaniel165
Murray, Oswyn Esqv
Musgrave, George132
Musgrave, George jr132
Musgrave, Hanna132
Musgrave, John132, 142
Musgrave, Mary132
Musgrave, Richard gent132, 162
Musgrave, Dr Richard132
Musgrave, Thomas132
Musgrave, Dr William132
Northcote, Sir John64, 96, 102-3, 120, 123, 126, 140, 149, 152
Nottle, William (also Nottell)89, 113-5, 118-9, 131
Noye, William15
Oxford, Bishop of18
Palmer. Anthony58
Palmer, John137
Palmer, Lewis87
Palmer, William89, 127, 134
Palmer, William jr37
Payne, Nicholas22
Payne, Susana22
Peard, Charles89, 93, 99, 100, 102, 112-9, 127
Peard, George70-1, 74, 78-9, 87-9, 93, 96, 104
Peard, John71
Pepys, Fermor158
Peryam, John25
Peryam, Thomasin25
Petifare, Robert15
Phelps, Mr138-9
Pointz, Edward87
Pollard, Ludovic Esq29
Polwhele, Digory15
Prideaux, Dr John14
Prince, Rev Johnvii, 24
Prince, Leonard58
Pugsley, John138
Rawlinson, Mr37
Reynolds, Thomazine164
Reynolds, William MD164
Richards, John112, 115, 118-9
Robins, John gent165
Robins, Thomazine165
Rolle, John152
Rosier, John127, 135
Rowe, Nicholas101, 103-4, 123-4, 139
Roweston, William15
Rudyard, Sir Benjamin80
Seagar, John127
Seymour, Edward78
Smith, Federetta165
Smith, Francis Esq165
Smith, James30, 154
Smith, Richard32, 34-5
Smith, Thomas54-7
Smyth, John146
Specott, Elizabeth23
Specott, Humphrey Esq23
Spottiswoode, Sir Richard15
Squire, Edmond29
Stafford, John15
Standard, Anthony15
Stapledon, Bishop33, 40, 73
St John, Sir Alexander71
Strange, Mr John159
Strange, Katherine159
Strode, William15
Sutcliffe, Anne7
Sutcliffe, Matthew7
Sweet, John127
Tannervii, 27
Temple, Sir Richard149
Tickel, Rev J159-60
Tooker, John96, 99-102, 104, 112-4, 116-9, 125, 127, 135-6
Trender, John34, 38-40, 43-4, 47, 62
Tucker, Walter127, 134
Usher, Archbishop16
Vaughan, Mr Charles121
Venner, Humphrey99
Walker, Drvii, 3-5, 99, 128, 170
Waller, Sir Hardress104
Wallis, Rev Henry12
Walters, William122
Ward, Bishop Seth151, 157, 159
Welsh, James Esq63
Wescombe, William137
Westcombe, Justinian111, 127, 134
Wood, Anthony14
Wood, Christopher164
Wood, Mary164
Wood, Richard143
Wood, William127
Worth, Rev John9, 53
Wright, John Esq23
Wright, Martha23