The life and times of Martin Blake, B.D. (1593-1673)
John Frederick Chanter
London, John Lane Bodley Head (1910), xiii, 180 pp.
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Life of Martin Blake B.D. is perhaps similar to that of many a divine of his period who played a prominent part on one side or the other in the great conflict between Catholicism and Puritanism that raged during the whole of the 17th century. Biographies of this sort have been written mostly by strong partisans of one view or the other, who perceived only the rights of their own side. Martin Blake's biography, while perhaps specially interesting to Devonshire readers, as a link that binds together the two principal maritime towns of North and South Devon (Barnstaple and Plymouth), has a wider interest as typical of one of the moderate Churchmen of the time, of whom it would be difficult to say to which party they belonged. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the Princeton University Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Contents, pp. ix-xi
Illustrations listed, p. xiii
General Index at p. 173
Page | |
A | |
Abbot, Archbishop George | 32, 35, 37 |
Abbot, John | 13 |
Acland, John | 78 |
Alsop, Timothy | 102, 117 |
Apsley, Sir Allen | 94 |
Arundell, Sir John | 15 |
Ayer, John | 23 |
Ayer, Martha | 23, 53 |
Ayer, Mary | 23 |
B | |
Baker, Anthony | 38, 43 |
Baker, George Sr | 37 |
Bampfield, Sir C | 149 |
Bampfield, Sir John | 96, 102-3, 109, 111, 120 |
Barbor, Dr William | 165 |
Bartlett family | 58 |
Bartlett, William | 27, 99-100 |
Barton, John | 102 |
Batteshill, Mr William | 14 |
Baxter | vii, 133, 153, 156 |
Bayley, Richard | 33 |
Beaple, Mr Richard | 62 |
Beare, John | 102 |
Berkeley, John | 78 |
Berry, John | 58 |
Bisselend, Bartholomew | 153 |
Boase | vii |
Blackmore, Major | 144-7 |
Blague, Mr Martyn | 150 |
Blake, Admiral | 7, 104 |
Blake, Agnes | 41, 163, 168 |
Blake, Elizabeth | 21, 30, 163, 168 |
Blake family of Comb | 6 |
Blake family of Plymouth | 1, 6 |
Blake, Jane | 7-8 |
Blake, Joan | 5-6, 125, 132, 135, 163 |
Blake, Joan jr | 163 |
Blake, John | 7, 132, 135, 141, 161, 163 |
Blake, Martin BD | throughout |
Blake, Martin jr | 163 |
Blake, Mary | 30, 53, 132, 163, 168 |
Blake, Mrs | 1, 3, 7, 20, 24, 53, 143, 163 |
Blake, Nicholas | 5, 7-8, 11-2, 19, 30, 53, 132, 162, 166-7 |
Blake, Nicholas jr | 53, 138 |
Blake, Richard | 163 |
Blake, Thomas | 166 |
Blake, William | 7, 9-11, 16, 168 |
Bodley, Lawrence | 15, 19 |
Bodley, Sir Thomas | 15 |
Bonivant, Joseph | 122, 127, 137 |
Bradshaw, John | 116-7 |
Brayley, James | 162 |
Browne, Thomas | 15 |
Browning, Rev George | 5, 154 |
Browning, Mrs | 5 |
Brownrigg, Bishop | 74 |
Bradshaw | 96 |
Bryan, Rev Conan | 33 |
Budd, Agnes | 163 |
Budd Arthur | 164 |
Budd, Martin | 164 |
Burton, Mr Henry | 54 |
Bury, John | 15 |
C | |
Calamy | vii, 63 |
Can, John | 46-7 |
Carew, John | 136 |
Carlton, Sir Dudley | 72 |
Cary | 15, 125 |
Cary, Daniel | 142-4 |
Champernowne | 15 |
Chanter, J Frederick | v |
Charles I | 117, 131 |
Charles II | 153 |
Charles, Prince | 25, 94 |
Chaucer, Geoffrey | 34 |
Chichester, Elizabeth | 23 |
Chichester, John Esq | 23 |
Chillingworth | 14 |
Clapham, Raleigh | 61 |
Claris, Sir John | 33 |
Clerke, Colonel John | 152 |
Clyde, Katherine | 22 |
Clyde, William | 22, 58 |
Cole, John | 52-3 |
Collabeare, Mrs | 134 |
Cooke, John | 113-5, 118-9, 127, 130-1, 136-7, 153 |
Cooke, Nicholas | 153 |
Copplestone, Sir John | 125, 140-3, 148-9 |
Cotton, Bishop | 29, 35 |
Cotton, R W | vii, 3-4, 88-9 |
Courtenay, Sir William | 149 |
Cox, Benjamin | 27, 32, 38-9, 62, 73-4, 94, 129 |
Cox, Thomas | 137 |
Crompton, Mr William | 32, 39, 42-3, 46-8, 50-2, 61-3, 70 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 125, 131, 135-6, 138-9, 149, 156 |
Cromwell, Lord Richard | 149 |
D | |
Delbridge, Agnes | 22-3 |
Delbridge, Miss Elizabeth | 19-21, 23 |
Delbridge family | 21, 71 |
Delbridge, Mr John | 20-3, 37, 39-40, 53-4, 71, 73-4, 162 |
Delbridge, John jr | 22 |
Delbridge, Joseph | 137 |
Delbridge, Mary | 23 |
Delbridge, Martha | 23 |
Delbridge, Richard | 22-3 |
Dennis, Nicholas | 87, 152-3 |
Dennis, Mr Thomas | 79, 87, 127, 132 |
Digby, Colonel | 70, 88, 90-1 |
Dodderidge, Ann | 24 |
Doddridge family | 71 |
Doddridge, Mr Pentecost | 62 |
Down, Sybil | 24, 58 |
Downe, Anthony | 22, 99-100 |
Downe, Cecily | 22 |
Downe, Elizabeth | 165 |
Downe family | 21-2, 24, 27, 58, 71 |
Downe, Henry | 21-2, 24, 165 |
Downe. Joan | 21 |
Downe, John | 21, 24, 102 |
Downe, Rev John BD | 1, 24-7, 39, 58, 87, 111, 127, 137 |
Downe, Katherine | 22 |
Downe, Mark | 22, 99-100 |
Downe, Mary | 163 |
Downe, Nicholas | 37 |
Downe, Rev Richard DD | 163 |
Downe, Susana | 22 |
Downe, Thomas | 22, 99-100 |
Downe, Thomas jr | 22 |
Drake, Ann | 165 |
Drake, John | 165-6 |
Duppa, Bishop Brian | 94 |
Dyer, Edward | 99 |
E | |
Eliot, John | 15 |
Elizabeth I | 26, 32 |
Evans, Richard | 102 |
F | |
Ferris family | 71 |
Ferris, John | 134 |
Ferris, Richard | 74, 108-9, 111, 113, 125, 127-9, 131, 134, 143 |
ffairfax, Sir Thomas | 104 |
Francis, Philip | 70, 92, 102, 117-8 |
G | |
Gale, Hannah | 19 |
Gale, Josias | 19 |
Gale, Theophilus | 19 |
Gauden, Bishop John | 154, 157 |
Goddard family | 6 |
Goddard, Joan | 6-7 |
Goldston, Germanus | 30 |
Goring, General | 94 |
Gregory, Ann | 164-5 |
Gregory, Captain Charles RN | 165 |
Gregory, Dorothy | 165 |
Gregory, Elizabeth | 164-5 |
Gregory, Federetta | 164-5 |
Gregory, Rev George | 164-6 |
Gregory, George jr | 164 |
Gregory, Joan | 164-5 |
Gregory, John | 164-5 |
Gregory, Lewis | 164-6 |
Gregory, Martin Blake | 164-5 |
Gregory, Mary | 164-5 |
Gregory, Mary Lee | 164-6 |
Gregory, Samuel | 165 |
Gregory, Thomazine | 164-5 |
Grenville, Sir Bevil | 15 |
Griffiths, Ann | 165 |
Griffiths, John | 165 |
H | |
Hakewill, George, DD | 1, 16, 23-portrait 24, 26-7, 32, 39, 64, 125, 134 |
Hakewill, George jr | 23, 134 |
Hakewill, John | 23, 25, 134 |
Hakewill, Mary | 23 |
Hakewill, Thomasin | 25 |
Hall, Bishop Joseph | 32, 39-40, 54, 59, 62, 72-4 |
Hamilton, Duke of | 15 |
Handcock, William | 38 |
Hankin, Joseph | 102 |
Hanmer, John | 24, 37, 58 |
Hanmer, Rev Jonathan MA | 3, 24, 32, 37, 58-60, 104, 120, 125, 129-31, 134, 136-8, 151, 156-9 |
Hanmer, Katherine | 159 |
Hanmer, Sybil | 24, 58 |
Harding | 105 |
Harris, Mary | 132 |
Harris, Richard gent | 122, 127, 132, 137 |
Harris, Richard, merchant | 122-3 |
Hatch, Lawrence | 58 |
Hawkins, Benjamin | 99 |
Hawkins family | 58 |
Hawkins, John | 27, 99-100 |
Heale, John | 78 |
Helyar, Archdeacon William | 48, 50, 58 |
Hingeston-Randolph | vii |
Hooper, Nicholas | 137 |
Hooper, Richard | 137 |
Horwood, Alexander | 53-5, 57, 123, 125, 127, 134, 139 |
Horwood, John | 127, 137 |
Horwood, Thomas | 127, 134 |
Howson, Bishop John | 18 |
Hughes, Mr | 104 |
Hurlston, Mrs | 140, 142 |
Hyde | 15 |
J | |
Jewell, Bishop | 21 |
Jewell, Cecily | 21-2 |
Jewell, Joan | 21 |
Johns, Mary Lee | 165 |
Johns, Lieutenant Samuel RN | 165 |
Johnson, Dr Samuel | 25 |
K | |
Kempe, William MA | 9 |
L | |
Lacy, Bishop | 9 |
Lake, John | 119 |
Lane, Mr Robert | 62, 127, 135 |
Langdon, Robert | 34, 38 |
Langford, Thomas | 54-6, 92, 117 |
Lansdowne | vii |
Laud, Archbishop | 14, 64, 73 |
Lee, John gent | 164 |
Lee, Mary | 164 |
Liverland, Robert | 63 |
Lovet, Mary | 163 |
Lovet, Sir Robert | 163 |
Luck, Joan | 164 |
Luck, Mary | 164-5 |
Luck, Rev Robert | 164 |
Lutterel, Colonel John | 94 |
Luxmoore, Rev H | 41 |
M | |
Marshall, Charles | 165 |
Marshall, Dorothy | 165 |
Marshall, John | 102 |
Mary, Queen | 155 |
Mather, Nathaniel | 136, 140, 145, 151-2 |
Matthews, George | 166 |
Matthews, Martha | 23, 134 |
Matthews, Mr Thomas | 23, 53, 70, 74, 79, 87-9, 132, 166 |
Matthews, Thomas Blake | 166 |
Maurice, Prince | 4, 70, 75, 88, 93 |
Maynard, John | 15 |
Mayne family | 19 |
Mayne, Hannah | 19 |
Mayne, Mr Samuel | 18-9 |
Medford, Mr Richard | 62, 125, 137 |
Milton, John | 25 |
Monk, General | 153 |
Montague, General | 152 |
Moore, Mr Anthonie | 9, 119 |
Moore, Mary | 165 |
Moore, Nathaniel | 165 |
Murray, Oswyn Esq | v |
Musgrave, George | 132 |
Musgrave, George jr | 132 |
Musgrave, Hanna | 132 |
Musgrave, John | 132, 142 |
Musgrave, Mary | 132 |
Musgrave, Richard gent | 132, 162 |
Musgrave, Dr Richard | 132 |
Musgrave, Thomas | 132 |
Musgrave, Dr William | 132 |
N | |
Northcote, Sir John | 64, 96, 102-3, 120, 123, 126, 140, 149, 152 |
Nottle, William (also Nottell) | 89, 113-5, 118-9, 131 |
Noye, William | 15 |
O | |
Oxford, Bishop of | 18 |
P | |
Palmer. Anthony | 58 |
Palmer, John | 137 |
Palmer, Lewis | 87 |
Palmer, William | 89, 127, 134 |
Palmer, William jr | 37 |
Payne, Nicholas | 22 |
Payne, Susana | 22 |
Peard, Charles | 89, 93, 99, 100, 102, 112-9, 127 |
Peard, George | 70-1, 74, 78-9, 87-9, 93, 96, 104 |
Peard, John | 71 |
Pepys, Fermor | 158 |
Peryam, John | 25 |
Peryam, Thomasin | 25 |
Petifare, Robert | 15 |
Phelps, Mr | 138-9 |
Pointz, Edward | 87 |
Pollard, Ludovic Esq | 29 |
Polwhele, Digory | 15 |
Prideaux, Dr John | 14 |
Prince, Rev John | vii, 24 |
Prince, Leonard | 58 |
Pugsley, John | 138 |
R | |
Rawlinson, Mr | 37 |
Reynolds, Thomazine | 164 |
Reynolds, William MD | 164 |
Richards, John | 112, 115, 118-9 |
Robins, John gent | 165 |
Robins, Thomazine | 165 |
Rolle, John | 152 |
Rosier, John | 127, 135 |
Rowe, Nicholas | 101, 103-4, 123-4, 139 |
Roweston, William | 15 |
Rudyard, Sir Benjamin | 80 |
S | |
Scobell | 139 |
Seagar, John | 127 |
Seymour, Edward | 78 |
Shaw | vii |
Smith, Federetta | 165 |
Smith, Francis Esq | 165 |
Smith, James | 30, 154 |
Smith, Richard | 32, 34-5 |
Smith, Thomas | 54-7 |
Smyth, John | 146 |
Specott, Elizabeth | 23 |
Specott, Humphrey Esq | 23 |
Spottiswoode, Sir Richard | 15 |
Squire, Edmond | 29 |
Stafford, John | 15 |
Standard, Anthony | 15 |
Stapledon, Bishop | 33, 40, 73 |
St John, Sir Alexander | 71 |
Strange, Mr John | 159 |
Strange, Katherine | 159 |
Strode, William | 15 |
Sutcliffe, Anne | 7 |
Sutcliffe, Matthew | 7 |
Sweet, John | 127 |
T | |
Tanner | vii, 27 |
Temple, Sir Richard | 149 |
Tickel, Rev J | 159-60 |
Tooker, John | 96, 99-102, 104, 112-4, 116-9, 125, 127, 135-6 |
Trender, John | 34, 38-40, 43-4, 47, 62 |
Tucker, Walter | 127, 134 |
U | |
Usher, Archbishop | 16 |
V | |
Vaughan, Mr Charles | 121 |
Venner, Humphrey | 99 |
Vivian | 7 |
W | |
Walker, Dr | vii, 3-5, 99, 128, 170 |
Waller, Sir Hardress | 104 |
Wallis, Rev Henry | 12 |
Walters, William | 122 |
Ward, Bishop Seth | 151, 157, 159 |
Welsh, James Esq | 63 |
Wescombe, William | 137 |
Westcombe, Justinian | 111, 127, 134 |
Wood, Anthony | 14 |
Wood, Christopher | 164 |
Wood, Mary | 164 |
Wood, Richard | 143 |
Wood, William | 127 |
Worth, Rev John | 9, 53 |
Wright, John Esq | 23 |
Wright, Martha | 23 |