


Index to

Rent Roll of the Corporation of Barnstaple 1652/3

Transcribed by Jonathan Frayne

Mr. Gay for a house over Northgate 50
Mr. Gay for a moytie of a tenement in High street, sometime Richard Marier 146
Squire for the other moytie of the same tenement 146
Richard Ferris for a tenement in Fishambles wherein William Bellew dwells 96
Mr. William Wood for the tavern on the Kay 140
Wood for the Customs House 40
Peard for a tenement in the Kay, sometime mr. Darracotts 100
Peard for setting out the said tenement further than it was before 10
John Eales for his tenement upon the Strand 100
John Eales for his pole before his window  2
John Boller for a little shop under the Guildhall100
Richard Harris for the moytie of a tenement in Crock Street 120
Thomas Horwood for the other moytie of the said tenement 120
Mr. Challinar for a tenement in High street, sometime Roger Beare's 190
Margaret Hackett for a tenement in Bowtport 100
Joseph Delbridge for his tenement in High Street wherein he dwells 134
Joseph Delbridge for a tenement in High Street, Lewes Groves dwells 126
Dorothy Hill for a tenement and two gardens at Litchdon, sometime Agnes Quicks 50
John Gread for a garden at Litchdon, sometime Nath. Quick's 10
Palmer for his marsh called Goose Leaze 60
Lawrence Gay for his two tenements and gardens, sometime Rottenburies 134
Richard Budd for his tenement in Southgate 134
John Gill for two tenements in Boutport, sometime Nicholas Lang's 120
Geffery Webber for a tenement next unto the Church stile, sometime William Yeo's 40
James Oliver for a tenement in Anchor Lane 50
Mr. Nicholas Dennys for Portmarsh 134
Mr. John Downe for his little piece of ground in Barbican Lane 20
Thomasyn Harris for a piece of ground upon the Kay 10
Richard Blackmore for two tenements upon the Kay in the tenure of george Britton  4
Walter Lawnd for his tenement in Crock Street 134
Hugh Badcock, of South Molton, for his tenement in South Molton 20
Nicholas Cooke for a tenement in Crock Street, sometime Grace Gay's 170
William Johnson for Castle Hayes268
Richard Stanbury for a courtlage erected by Mr. Norris  4
Richard Oliver for a wellhouse upon the Kay 10
Mr. Norris for fixing timber upon Lewes Downe house  1
Mr. John Doddridge for his courtlage upon the Kay  5
Susan Collibear, widow, for fixing timber upon the Kay Hall  4
John Witheridge for his new building and tenement near the Castle Hayes 20
The widow Penrose for her tenement in Balhaye 14
The Corporation of Barnstaple for a tenement in Balhay now the Bridewell 14
Peter Rowe for his tavern upon the Kay100
William Collibeare for fixing timber upon the Bridgland in Boutport  4
The Corporation of Barnstaple for a tenement in Balhaye, sometime Mr. George Peard's 10
John Hawke for a tenement and garden in Castle Lane 20
Mr. Richard Harris for a tenement in Balhaye, sometime Mr. Justinian Westcombe's 14
George Plyme for a tenement at Litchdon which was Thomas Salterne's 100
Mark Blackmore for a little shop under the Guildhall 28
Katheryne Cleland for her tenement and new building in Mayden Street1110
Arthur Smale for a tenement at Litchdon, sometime Kingdomes100
William Lee for his howse and courtilage at the Stoope 10
Mary Brand, widow, for a tenement in High Street, sometime Thomas Litchton's 100
Mrs. Sara Paige for fixing timbers upon the Guildhall  4
Dr. Henry Downe and Roger Jeffery for a wall in Paternoster Row  2
Mr. Nicholas Delbridge and Doctor Henry Downe for a wall  1
Thomas Mathewe for his howse upon the Strand, which was Mr. Ayre's  4
Thomas Mathewe for a plot of ground taken out of the Strand behind his howse  4
Peter Terry for a tenement adjoining to the churchyard 14
Mr. Adam Lugg for a tenement in High Street 40
The Receiver of Barnstaple for a high rente 20
Mr. William Nottell for the house upon the Strand that was Mr. Crosse's 44
Mr. William Nottell for a piece of land taken out of the Strand behind the said house  6
Mr. Hugh Horsham for a house upon the Kay wherein Cliverden sometimes dwelt 40
Mile Chalden for a tenement in Bare street 100
Lewes Mudd for a tenement and cellar at Southgate 10
Joseph Bonifast for a shop under the Guildhall 100
Mr. Bassett for the new work upon the Kay 40
Mr. Bassett for a stable near the Easter slip 40
Alexander Whiller for an Incrochin to a tenement in Boutport, sometime Nicholas Lang's  2
Mrs. Norris for a little shopp upon the Kay which was Quick's, with a gutter or throng adjoining 30
Symon Amory for a tenement upopn the Strand next unto the Horsemill 20
William Bragg for a tenement upon the Kay, adjoining to Sir John Acland's land  6
Anthony Palmer for a plot of ground taken out of the Strand behind Mr. Collibeare's cellar  6
Mrs. Susan Collibeare for the same howse wherein Mr. Richard Cox did dwell  4
John Paller for his sellars upon the Kay  4
Thomas Cox for erecting the front of his howse upon the town land at Southgate 10
Mr. John Horwood for erecting part of his new building upon the town land at Grible's Corner  4
Mr. Arthur Peard 100
Mrs. Wood for two tenements, a garden, and courtlage, which was in the tenure of Philip Ferris 60
William Bragg for the widow Johnson's tenement near Hugh Punchard's 50
Mr. Ricahrd Harris, merchant, for the house upon the Strand which was Mr. Westlake's  4
The same for a piece of ground taken out of the Strand behind the said howse  6
John Mynard for a house, garden and plot of ground taken in from the Strand1100
Mr. John Palmer for a courtlage for his warrhowses on the Kay  6
Mr. Thomas Coxe for putting of timber on the town land  4
Nathaniel Merrick for  4
The summe is£3861
As the items do not amount to this sum, it is probable that a balance was handed over from the previous year which does not appear in this account.
The rent of the shopps in the fishambles:
Richard Plymm for a shop there 50
Humphrey Barmes 160
William Wood 120
William Walters100
Robert Jetson 40
Richard Sleeper 50
The shopp rent is£320

Indexed by the North Devon Record Office as a Muster Roll, but seemingly more like a 'Armoury Roll'.