


Kelly's Directory of Barnstaple and Neighbourhood (1893)


Transcribed, with the publisher's permission, by

Jonathan Frayne

For the name of any person engaged in any trade or profession see the "Commercial Directory".

[Suffixes to names, e.g. M.B., Bart., J.P., etc., are ignored; prefix titles are retained, e.g. Maj., Rev. etc. Many women only gave their title, e.g. Miss, Mrs, and not a forename. A few women also gave their husband's forename, e.g. Mrs John Smith. These entries are indexed as though the title was a forename. No abbreviations other than those in Kelly's have been added, some have been expanded. N.B. All addresses are transcribed as given. However, some addresses, particularly 'terraces', are sometimes given in Kelly's as street names and in some cases as terraces in another street name, e.g. Ebberly terrace given in Bear street sometimes and sometimes not.

All data are 'comma separated' in order to facilitate transposition into spreadsheet or database format. The fields are: Surname, Forename(s), House Identifier, Street Name, Area Name]


Adams, Saml. Norrish, Rose bank, Rumsam,
Adcock, Albert, , Summerland street,
Allen, Arscott, , Fort street,
Angwin, Rev. Charles [1],
Arthur, Rev. Thos. Freke, Hawley ho.,
Arthur, John, , Fort terrace,
Ashton, Harry, , Newport road,
Ashton, Richard, , The Square,
Atcherley, Miss, 22, Hill's view,
Atherton, Rev. Ernest Chas. [2], Vicarage, Barbacan,
Avery, William, , Boutport street,
Ayre, Richard, , Fort street,
Ayre, Robert, , Fort street,
Baker, Frederick, Ebberly terrace, Bear street,
Baker, Mrs., , Summerland street,
Baker, Miss, 51, High street,
Bale, William Henry, , Newport road,
Bale, Mrs., 15, Newport terrace,
Ballinger, Mrs., , , Newport,
Balsdon, Mrs., 6 Grosvenor terrace, Bear street,
Baron, William Leonard, , Ashleigh road,
Barrow, James, , Chester terrace,
Batey, Mrs., , Ashley road,
Bath, Charles John, , Ashleigh road
Batt, Mark, , Orchard terrace, Newport,
Beer, Mrs., , Alexandra road,
Beer, William, , Fort street,
Bencraft, Mrs., Highfield ho.,
Bencraft, Richard Incleden, The Cottage, Sunnybank,
Bennett, Mrs., 3, Clarence place,
Bent, Miss, , Fort street,
Bernays, Sidney A., , Fort street,
Berry, Miss., , Cross street,
Berry, Samuel, Beach hill, Fort street,
Berryman, William, , Fort street
Besly, John, , South street, Newport,
Bickley, William, , Fort street,
Bird, John Samuel, 38, Boutport street,
Blackwell, Frederick, 7, Newport terrace,
Blight, William, , Summerland terrace,
Bonter, Regnld. William, , Rock avenue, Newport,
Bosson, James, , Victoria road,
Bosworth, Sergt.-Major Geo., , Landkey road,
Bowden, Frederick, , Victoria street,
Bowden, Mrs., , Bear street,
Boyle, William, 7, Hill's view,
Brady, James, 4, Barbacan terrace,
Brady, John, , The Square,
Brailey, Thomas, , Rock avenue, Newport,
Brailey, William, , Chester terrace,
Branton, Mrs., , Summerland place,
Braund, James, , Chester terrace,
Brewer, John, 3, Union terrace,
Brewer, Mrs., 2, Albert place,
Britton, Miss, 9, Orchard terrace, Newport,
Britton, Mrs. C. M., 3, Orchard terrace, Newport,
Britton, Mrs., , Taw Vale parade,
Brokenshire, Albert, , Sunflower street,
Brokenshire, Fred, , Sunflower street,
Bromham, James Fraser, 5, Park villas,
Brown, Edward, , Boutport street,
Bryant, John, , Fort street,
Buckingham, John, , Fort street,
Budd, Richard, , Boutport street,
Burnell, William, , Fort street,
Bushen, Mrs., , Castle street,
Carder, William Marshall, 19, Hill's view,
Carslake, Miss, Orchard cott., Rumsam,
Carter, John Alfred, , Ashleigh road,
Chamberlin, Mrs., 1, Park villas,
Channon, Mrs., , Fort street,
Chanter, Charles Edward Roberts,
Chanter, John Roberts, , Fort hill,
Chapman, Rev. Robert C. [3], 6, New buildings,
Charbonnier, Theodore, , Barbacan terrace,
Ching, Mrs., , Alexandra road,
Clarke., Mrs., 6, Newport terrace,
Clements, William, , Rock avenue, Newport,
Cock, John, , Alexandra road,
Coles, Miss, , Summerland place,
Collander, Mrs., 4, Newport terrace,
Cooke, Chas. Michael, , Taw Vale parade,
Cooke, James Wood, , The Square,
Cooper, Walter, , The Square,
Connebear, Rev. Albert J. [4], , Fort street,
Cowie, William, , Ashleigh road,
Cox, Christopher Charles, , Castle street,
Crang, George, , Goodleigh road,
Crang, George, 2, Newport terrace,
Crang, Miss, 3, Trafalgar lawn,
Crang, Miss, 12, Boutport street,
Cridge, John Richard, , Newport road,
Critchley, Mark, , Newport road,
Croot, Mrs., , Ashleigh road,
Cure, Mrs., , Fort terrace,
Curtis, William, , Lichdon terrace
Cutcliffe, Miss, 5, Taw Vale parade,
Dalling, William, 58, High street,
Darch, Edwin, , Strand,
Davey, Samuel, , Chester terrace,
Davey, William, , Alexandra road,
Davie, James Headon, , Sunnyside, Newport,
Davis, Mrs., , Fort terrace,
Davis, Mrs., , Summerland street,
Davis, William, 20, Hill's view,
Davy, Mrs., 2, Clarence place,
Daw, Samuel, Elmsleigh, Victoria road,
Deane, Norton, , Litchdon street,
Dendle, George, , New road,
Dennis, Edward, , Litchdon street,
Dennis, Miss, , Rock avenue, Newport,
Densham, Mrs., , Fort street,
Deubler, William, , Ashleigh road,
Dimbleby, Walter M., 6, Orchard place, Newport,
Dockings, William, , Ashleigh road,
Done, Rev. William [5], , Rock Park villas,
Dovell, Mrs. William, , Ebberly terrace,
Down, Mrs., , Commercial road,
Down, William, , Fort street,
Downey, John, , Alma terrace,
Drake-Cutliffe, Mrs., Nelson terrace, Newport road,
Draper, Edward, , Castle street,
Driver, Mrs., , Summerland street,
Drury, Mrs., 7, Barbacan terrace,
Duke, Stephen [6], , Victoria road,
Dullam, Robert, , Fort street,
Easton, Arthur Reed, Penrose villa, Victoria road,
Eddy, Richard, 43, Sunflower street,
Edis, John, , Fort street,
Edwards, Hy. John, 3, Taw Vale parade,
Edwards, John, 3, Taw Vale parade,
Edwards, William, 5, Rock Park terrace,
England, Mrs., , Ashleigh road,
Fairbank, Miss, 1, Victoria road,
Farleigh, John, 11, Newport terrace, Newport,
Fear, Herbert George, , Ashley road,
Ferriers, Miss, 22, Boutport street,
Field, Thomas, 3, Albert villas,
Finch, John, 12, Ebberly lawn,
Fisher, William B., 5, Clarence place, Newport,
Fishwick, John Henry, , Ashleigh road,
Fletcher, Miss, , Trafalgar lawn,
Fletcher, William, 7, Trafalgar lawn,
Ford, Samuel, , Litchdon street,
Forrester, Mrs. Henry, 46, High street,
Gamble, Charles Hanlen, 6, Union terrace,
Gammon, William, 16, Ebberly lawn,
Gardner, Wm., 4 Richmond terrace, Bear street,
Garrett, John Apsey, , Victoria road,
Gay, Mrs., , Park villas
Gay, Philip, , Fort street,
Gay, Thomas, 3, Hill's view,
Gaydon, George T., 1, Nelson terrace,
Gaydon, John, The Cottage, Newport road,
Gaydon, Mrs., 18, Castle street,
Gillett, Walter, , Grosvenor street,
Glanville, Mrs., , Chester terrace,
Gooding, Henry, , Boutport street,
Gooding, Mrs., , Higher Church street,
Goss, Miss, 17, Hill's view,
Gould, Richard Davie, , Commercial road,
Graham, Miss, 7, Union terrace,
Granger, Richard, , Alexandra road,
Greek, John Leworthy, , Taw Vale parade,
Gregory, Mrs., 4, Union terrace,
Gregory, Robert, 2, Trafalgar lawn, Newport,
Gregory, William, 9, Newport terrace,
Gribble, The Misses, Riverside, Litchdon street,
Griffiths, William, , Summerland place,
Guard, Richard, , Sunflower street,
Gubbins, Capt. John Stainer, , Boutport street,
Guppy, H. C., , Trafalgar lawn,
Guppy, Mrs., , , Newport,
Hadow, Rev. Edward Macgregor [7], , Fort street,
Hake, Miss, 9, New buildings,
Hamling, Jsph. G., 4, Prospect place, Newport,
Hammett, Mrs., , Fort street,
Hancock, Alfred, 1, Rock Park terrace,
Hancock, Mrs., 47, High street,
Harding, John, , Alma terrace,
Harding, Mrs., 1, Ebberly lawn,
Harding, William, , Alma terrace,
Harper, John Robinson, , Bear street,
Harper, Joseph, , Bear street,
Hartnell, John, , Fort street,
Hartnoll, William George, , High street,
Hayman, John Gould, 3, Ebberly lawn,
Heathcote, The Misses, 8, Union terrace,
Heayel, John, , Newport terrace,
Henning, John, , Summerland place,
Henson, Misses, , South street, Newport,
Hewish, Alfred, , Fort terrace,
Hewish, William , , Trinity street,
Hext, Edward S., , Cross street,
Hibbert, Col. Hugh Robert, Broadgate house,
Hiern, William Philip, Castle house,
Higgs, Capt. H. C., , King's close, Newport,
Hill, Rev. John Seymour Granville [8], The Vicarage, Trafalgar lawn,
Hill, John Frederick, , Rock avenue, Newport,
Hill, Mrs., , Fort street,
Hobbs, James Ley, , Newport road,
Hockridge, John, 42, Sunflower street,
Hogg, Thomas Howard Dimond, , Newport terrace,
Hortop, John, Fort terrace, Alexandra road,
Hotton, Mrs., , Salem street,
Hunt, Frederick, , Joy street,
Hunt, William, 6, Taw Vale parade,
Hunter, Mrs., 2, Hill's view,
Hussey, Miss, 4, Nelson terrace,
Hutchings, John, , Bear street,
Huxtable, John, , Fort street,
Huxtable, William, , Summerland terrace,
Huxtable, Mrs. H. C., 8, Newport terrace,
Innes, Samuel, , Rock avenue, Newport,
Jackson, Mark, , Bear street,
Jackson, Mrs., , Union terrace,
James, Beaumont Tice, , Union terrace,
James, Miss, , Tawton road,
Jarvis, Mrs., , Alexandra road,
Jeffery, Mrs., , Alexandra road,
Jervis, Samuel John, , Castle street,
Jewell, Frank, , , Newport,
Jewell, Mrs., , Park villas,
Joce, Peter, 15, Ebberly lawn,
Joce, Thomas, 56, Boutport street,
Johnson, Rev. Cecil [9], , Fort hill,
Joint, William, , Fort street,
Jones, John Owen, 11, Hill's view,
Jones, Moncrieff, , Alexandra road,
Jones, Mrs., , Clarence place,
Jones, Tom Rudd, , Fort street,
Jordan, John, , , Newport,
Joy, Miss, , , Newport,
Kelland, Mrs., New villa, Victoria road,
Kemp, John, Fort terrace, Alexandra road,
Kempe, Frederick Albert, , Fort street,
Kennedy, Joseph, , Chester terrace,
Kiell, John, , Fort street,
Kingdon, Joseph, , Fort street,
Kitcher, Francis Seymour, , Ashleigh road,
Knill, Samuel Inch, Bicton house, Bear street,
Laing-William, Alexander Gordon, , Boutport street,
Lake, Edwin, , , Newport,
Lake, Richard, , Victoria road,
Lake, William Henry, , Fort street,

Lancey, Richard, 4, Park villas,
Land, Miss, , Joy street,
Landon, Rev. Charles Whittingotn, , Victoria road,
Langdon, Mrs., 3 Grosvenor terrace, Bear street,
Lauder, Alexander, , Bridge buildings,
Laurence, Robert, , Castle street,
Lavercombe, William, Clarence cottage, , Newport,
Law, Mrs., Rivervale,
Law, William Edwad, , Ebberly lawn,
Lawrence, Frederick, Lethbridge villas, Fort street,
Leach, Mrs., , Victoria road,
Lee, Thomas, 6, Victoria road,
Lemon, Mrs., , , Newport,
Lethaby, Edward Pyle, 2, Ebberly lawn,
Lewis, Edward, 12, Barbacan terrace,
Ley, William Henry, , South street,
Light, Thomas, , Rock avenue, Newport,
Liverton, William, Richmond terrace, Bear street,
Loarridge, Alfred, , Alma terrace,
Lock, William, , Ashley road,
Loewenstein, Franz, Richmond terrace, Bear street,
Loosemore, William Henry, Ebberly lawn, Bear street,
Lord, Samuel, , Bear street,
Lovell, Maj. Robert Haynes, , Prospect place, Newport,
Lovering, Misses, 4, Ebberly lawn,
Lovering, Mrs., 4, Grosvenor terrace,
Luck, Miss, , Fort street,
Lyle, John, , Summerland street,
McConnel, Henry Wilson, , Lichdon terrace,
Mais, Brody, , Victoria road,
Maldram, Francis James, , Fort street,
Maldram, Mrs., 112, Boutport street,
Mannaton, Robert, , Chester terrace,
Marquiss, Mrs., , Summerland street,
Marsh, John Hartnoll, 1, Newport road,
Marshall, Mrs., 3, Newport road,
Martin, Edward, , Victoria street, Newport,
Martin, Samuel H., Cot villa, Newport road,
Mason, Miss, 18, Hill's view,
Matta, Richard, 4, Clarence place, Newport,
Maunders, Samuel George, , Boutport street,
Mears, John, , Fort street,
Mew, John, Lethbridge villas, Fort street,
Michelmore, Miss, 1 Grosvenor terrace, Bear street,
Miller, Alfred Henry, , Taw Vale parade,
Milton, William, , Chester terrace,
Mitchell, James, 43, Boutport street,
Morris, Edward, , Fort street,
Morrison, Robert Paul, 44, High street,
Mortimer, John, , Burlington villas, Newport,
Mowbray, Mrs., 8, Orchard terrace,
Mugford, Mrs., , Alexandra road,
Newton, Rev. Thomas [10], , Vicarage street,
Nibloe, James, , Commercial road,
Nicholls, Mrs., 13, Newport terrace,
Nicholls, Mrs. Elizabeth, , Newport road,
Nickalls, Albert, 3 Ebberly terrace, Bear street,
Nicklin, O. J., , Taw Vale parade,
Northcote, Charles Edward, , Alexandra road,
Nott, Mrs., 1, Newport terrace,
Nuthall, Major-General Frederick George, 1, Clarence place, Newport,
Oliver, William Clement, , Springfield, Newport,
Pramore, William, , Lichdon terrace,
Paramore, William Smith, , Trafalgar lawn,
Parker, Maj. Robert, , Barbacan terrace,
Parker, Miss, , Lichdon terrace,
Parkings, Charles, , Fort street,
Parminter, John, , Ashleigh road,
Passgate, Mrs., , Summerland street
Payne, Mrs., , Summerland street,
Payne, Thomas, 2, Newport road,
Pearce, Edward, , Fort street,
Pearce, Mrs., Richmond terrace, Ashleigh road,
Pedler, William Henry, , Fort street,
Penny, Francis, North Devon Infirmary,
Perrin, Alfred, , Ashleigh road,
Penry, Capt. John Morgan, , , Newport,
Petter, Edward, Arundel, Victoria road,
Petter, Edwin, , Boutport street,
Petter, Frederick, , Boutport street,
Petter, Stanley N., , Boutport street,
Petter, Miss, , Bear street,
Petter, Miss Martha, , Ebberly lawn,
Petters, Charles, , Fort hill,
Phillips, Charles, , Sunflower street,
Phillips, Frank, , Fort street,
Pick, Miss, 2, Orchard terrace, Newport,
Picker, Mrs., Fort terrace, Alexandra road,
Pictor, Arthur, , Ashleigh road,
Pictor, Vernon, Lethbridge villas, Fort street,
Pitts-Tucker, Charles Heywood, 3, Rock park,
Pitts-Tucker, Tom John, , The Square,
Pitts-Tucker, William Edwin, Hilborough,
Pope, Capt. Joseph, 7, Orchard terrace, Newport,
Powning, Thomas, 6, Orchard terrace, Newport,
Prideaux, Miss, , Fort street,
Prideaux, Richard, , Bear street,
Pugsley, Mrs., , Alexandra road,
Pugsley, Mrs. Sarah, Ebberly terrace, Bear street,
Quartley, William Bowden, , Victoria road,
Radford, Mrs., , Barbacan terrace,
Rafarel, William Claude, Gorwell,
Ratcliffe, James Charles, , Chester terrace,
Raymond, Mrs., , Fort street,
Reed, Mrs., , Victoria road,
Rew, Charles, , Summerland street,
Rew, Charles William, , Summerland street,
Richards, Edwin, , Fort street,
Richards, John, , Ashleigh road,
Richards, John, 5, Newport terrace,
Richards, William, , Chester terrace,
Richards, William Litson, 10, Hill's view,
Richards, William Vellacott, , The Square,
Ridd, Joshua, , Salem street,
Ridd, William, Sobraon, Rumsam,
Ridge, Robert, , Strand,
Ridge, Samuel John, , Fort street,
Rivett, Rev. Alfred William Lovely [11], , Fort hill,
Roberts, William Anwyl, , Bear street,
Robertson, William, 5, Victoria road,
Robertson, William Andrew, 49, Boutport street,
Roth, Fredrick, , Chester terrace,
Rowden, Robert, Fort terrace, Alexandra road,
Rowe, Mrs., , , Newport,
Rowe, William, 35, Boutport street,
Roxburgh, James, , Fort street,
Rude, John, Ebberly terrace, Bear street,
Russell, Rev. Thomas [12], , Victoria road,
Russell, Mrs. Drury, , South street,
Rutty, Rev. John [13], 3, Newport terrace,
Ryder, Miss, , Victoria road,
Sampson, John, , , Newport,
Sanders, Joseph John Huxtable, , The Square,
Sanders, William, 94, High street,
Sanford, Walter, 55, Boutport street,
Satterley, Charles H., , North walk,
Saunders, Robert, , Newport road, Newport,
Saxon, Nathaniel, , Barbacan terrace,
Saxon, Mrs., , Nelson street,
Schšnemann, William Karl, , Fort street,
Seldon, Arthur Frederick, Rawleigh house,
Seldon, Edwin, , Fort street,
Seldon, James, , Fort street,
Seldon, Mrs., 23, Hill's view,
Seldon, William, , Boutport street,
Serle, Henry, 12, Hill's view,
Seyfert, Julius, , Fort street,
Shapland, Mrs., 12, Newport terrace,
Sharland, Miss, 12, Union terrace,
Sheppard, Capt. Richard, , South street,
Short, Thomas, , Ashleigh road,
Sillifant, Henry, , Fort street,
Simmonds, George, , Allenbank street,
Simper, Caleb, , Taw Vale parade,
Skinner, Mrs., , Ashleigh road,
Sleep, Mrs., 5 Grosvenor terrace, Bear street,
Sloley, John, , Victoria road,
Smith, Rev. William Hicks [14], , Fort street,
Smith, James Lancaster, 1, South street, Newport,
Smith, Mrs., , Summerland terrace,
Smith, William Otter, , Well close,
Smolden, Samuel, Rumsam villa,
Smyth, Mrs., 5, Ebberly lawn,
Smyth, William, 19, Bear street,
Smyth-Richards, George Cobley, , Burlington villas, Newport,
Songhurst, George, , Alma terrace,
Spurrier, William, , Alexandra road,
Squire, Michael, , Summerland street,
Stanbury, Mrs., , Fort street,
Stone, Mrs., 5, Hill's view,
Stoneman, Charles, , Alexandra road,
Stribling, Thomas, , The Square,
Stump, Mrs., , Alexandra road,
Stuart, Mrs., , Ashleigh road,
Summers, Miss, 21, Hill's view,
Symonds, Mrs., , Fort street,
Symons, William George, , Allenbank road,
Tamlyn, John, Rose hill, Rumsam,
Tanner, Misses, , Carlton terrace,
Tatham, Mrs., 6, Ebberly lawn,
Taylor, Mrs., , Castle street,
Tepper, William Henry, 3, Barbacan terrace,
Thorne, Arnold, Ashcroft, Rumsam,
Thorne, David, 13, Hill's view,
Thorne, George V., Stanbenzee, , Newport,
Thorne, Henry King, , Park lane,
Tizzard, George, , Ashleigh road,
Toller, William Henry, , Union terrace,
Tossell, Miss, , , Newport,
Tucker, Emanuel, 2, The Square,
Tucker, Henry Coleridge, Wrentham,
Tucker, Mrs., 44, Sunflower street,
Unsworth, Rev. William [15], , Church street,
Vellacott, Miss, 4 Ebberly terrace, Bear street,
Vickery, christopher, Ebberly lawn, Bear street,
Vickery, John, , Fort terrrace,
Viney, George, , Fort street,
Vinton, William, , Fort terrace,
Vosper, Charles Walter, , Ashleigh road,
Wadesdon, Mrs., 16, Hill's view,
Wadham, Thomas, Fort terrace, Alexandra road,
Wainwright, Thomas, 8, Ebberly lawn,
Waldron, Mrs., , Rock avenue, Newport,
Wall, Frederick, , Fort street,
Ware, John, 7 Grosvenor terrace, Bear street,
Ware, John William, Langston, Boutport street,
Watkinson, Thomas Stallwood, , Castle street,
Webber, Charles, 4, Trafalgar lawn,
Webber, John, , Salem street,
Webber, Miss, 8, Barbacan terrace,
Webster, John Henry, , Taw Vale parade,
Wedlake, Mrs., , Rock avenue, Newport,
Weeks, Henry, , Newport road,
Wescombe, Miss, , Bear street,
Westacott, John, , Albert villas,
Westwood, Miss, , Castle street,
Whaley, Charles Henry, , Cross street,
White, John Thomas, , Newport road,
Whitefield, Henry, , Alexandra road,
Whitewell, Mrs., 36, Boutport street,
Wiggins, Mrs., , Newport road,
Willett, Miss, , Meadow view, Newport,
Williams, Mrs., 2, Victoria road,
Wills, Miss, 5, Barbacan terrace,
Willshire, Mrs., 7, Taw Vale parade,
Woodman, Mrs., , The Square,
Wright, John, , Bear street,
Yeo, Miss, 3 Richmond terrace, Bear street,
Young, John Dennis, 12, Taw Vale parade,

1 Weslyan
2 Vicar of Holy Trinity
3 Plymouth Brethren
4 Bible Christian
5 Weslyan
6 Lord of the manors of East Wittering and Selsey in Sussex
7 Curate of St. Mary Magdalene
8 Vicar of Newport
9 Reformed Episcopal
10 Vicar of SS. Peter & Paul
11 Vicar of St. Mary Magdalene
12 Curate of Sherwell
13 Congregational
14 Bible Christian
15 Catholic

Brian Randell, 1 Dec 2002