



COPY OF BANK RETURNS made pursuant to 7 & 8 Vic., c. 32, from various Devon newspapers, 1845-1880.

Provided by Lindsey Withers


Sage, CharlesLuppitt, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sage, CharlesLuppitt, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sage, JohnLuppitt, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sage, WilliamLuppitt, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Salmon, SarahTopsham, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Salmon, SarahTopsham, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Salmon, SarahTopsham, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Salter, Abraham ElliottTipton, Ottery St. Mary, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Salter, AnnaExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Salter, AnnaExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Salter, Eleanor AnneExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Salter, George B.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Salter, George B.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Salter, George BranscombeExeterBakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Salter, George BranscombeExeterBakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Salter, HarrietExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Salter, HarrietExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Salter, MarkHoop Farm, Clysthydon, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Salter, Mary AnneHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Salter, Mary PalmerHoniton, DevonWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Salter, Mary PalmereHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sanders, AnnaBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Sanders, AnnaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sanders, AnnaHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, BetsyExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, CharlotteHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sanders, CharlotteHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, Ed. AndrewExeterBankerSanders and CompanyWestern Times1621850
Sanders, Edward AndrewStoke House, Heavitree, DevonBankerSanders & Co.Western Times1821860
Sanders, Edward And.ExeterBankerSanders & Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Sanders, Edward AndrewStoke House, ExeterBankerSanders & Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sanders, Edward AndrewStoke House, ExeterBankerSanders and CoWestern Times1421865
Sanders, Edward AndrewStoke House, ExeterBankerSanders & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Sanders, Edward AndrewStoke House, Heavitree, DevonBankerSanders and Co.Western Times2421855
Sanders, Edwd. A.Stoke House, Heavitree, DevonBankerSanders and Co.Western Times1321847
Sanders, Grace ElizabethHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sanders, Grace ElizabethHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, JohnBarnstapleTannerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sanders, John (deceased)Bideford, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, Jos BarnesExeterBankerSanders & Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Sanders, Joseph BarnesColleton-crescent, ExeterBankerSanders & Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sanders, LloydWhimple, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sanders, MaryBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sanders, MaryBarnstaple, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, MaryBarnstaple, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, MaryBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sanders, MaryBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sanders, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sanders, RalphColleton CrescentBankerSanders and Co.Western Times2421855
Sanders, RalphColleton Crescent, ExeterBankerWTSanders and Co.Western Times1321847
Sanders, RalphColleton Crescent, ExeterBankerSanders & Co.Western Times1821860
Sanders, RalphColleton Crescent, ExeterBankerSanders and CoWestern Times1421865
Sanders, RalphColleton-crescent, ExeterBankerSanders & Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sanders, RalphExeterBankerSanders & Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Sanders, RalphExeterBankerSanders and CompanyWestern Times1621850
Sanders, RalphPort View, HeavitreeBankerSanders & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Sanders, RobertExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sanders, RobertHill's-court, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Sanders, SarahHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sanders, SarahHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sanders, ThomasSouth Molton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sanders, ThomasSouth Molton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sanders, WilliamHeavitree, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sandford, ChristianTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sandford, ElizabethTorringtonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Sandford, ElizabethTorrington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Sandford, ElizabethTorrington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Sandford, ElizabethTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sandford, HenryExeterStock and Share BrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sandford, HenryTorrington, DevonCommercial ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sandford, Lydia LuckeyTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sandford, Mary SleeTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sandford, WilliamTorrington, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sanford, ElizabethTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sanford, HenryTorrington, DevonCommercial ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sanford, HenryTorrington, DevonCommercial ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sanford, HenryTorrington, DevonCommercial ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sanford, ThomasExeterShare BrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sanford, ThomasExeterSharebrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Sansom, JamesTidefordMillerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sansom, JamesTidefordMillerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Sansom, Lewis33 Hill Park-crescent, PlymouthGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Sansom, LewisPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Sansom, LewisPlymouthExecutors ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Sansom, Mary33 Hill Park-crescent, PlymouthWidowThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Sansom, Sarah33 Hill Park-crescent, PlymouthSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Saul, AmaziahSaint James', ExeterGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Saunders, Elizabeth Emmaat W. P. Sanders, Esq., BidefordMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Saunders, Elizabeth EmmaBidefordWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Saunders, Emma JoanSouth Molton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Saunders, George Matthews CharltonClyst Hydon, DevonM.D.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Saunders, JohnBidefordGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Saunders, JohnBideford, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Saunders, JohnPlymouthAccountantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Saunders, JohnPlymouthAccountantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Saunders, JohnPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Saunders, JohnPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Saunders, JohnPlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Saunders, John (deceased)Bideford, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Saunders, M. A. K.Plymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Saunders, William Philip7 Seaton-terrace, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Saunders, William PhilipVictoria-terrace, Instow, North DevnGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Savile, Robert BourchierBarnstaple, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Sawdy, Edward Charles28 Tavistock-st., DevonportBoot & Shoe MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sawdye, William HenrySandford Orleigh, near Newton AbbotYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sawle, Eleanor Hosken GravesAshfield, Honiton, DevonDowager LadyNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Scammell, James12 Scarborough-terrace,TorquayFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Scammell, James3 Welbeck-ter., Torre, TorquayFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Scammell, James3 Welbeck-terrace, Torre, TorquayFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Scamp, RobertBarnstaple, DevonTailorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Scanes, JohnExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Scanes, JohnExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Scanes, JohnExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Scanes, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Scanes, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Scardon, ThomasMillbrookGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Schon, Jane D.PlymouthWidowThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Schow, Jane D.PlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Sclater, CharlesExeterNurserymanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sclater, JamesHeavitree, DevonNurseryman and SeedsmanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sclater, JamesHeavitree, DevonNurseryman and SeedsmanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Scongall, ElizabethIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Scott, FrancesChudleigh, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Scott, HenryThorverton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Scott, John (deceased)Heavitree, near ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Scott, Mary WillsHeavitree, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Scott, Mary WillsHeavitree, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Scott, Mary WillsHeavitree, near ExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Scott, ThomasBood, near BarnstapleGentlemanThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Scott, ThomasBood, near BarnstapleGentlemanThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Scott, ThomasBraunton, BarnstapleGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Scott, ThomasBraunton, BarnstapleGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Scott, ThomasBraunton, BarnstapleGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Scott, ThomasBraunton, Barnstaple, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Scott, ThomasBraunton, Barnstaple, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Scott, ThomasExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Scott, ThomasExeterBakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Scott, William BowerChudleigh, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Scougall, ElizabethIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Scown, Elizabethcare of N.P. Bank, DevonportMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Scown, Elizabethcare of N.P. Bank, DevonportMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Seaford, ThomasSt. Mary Church, TorquayContractorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Seal, HenryJames-st., DevonportHaberdasherNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Seaman, CharlotteBroadclyst, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Seaman, CharlotteExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Searle, EdwinPaignton, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Searle, EdwinPaignton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Searle, GeorgeExmouth, DevonDealer in Honiton LaceWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Searle, HenryStoke Gabriel, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Searle, JohnWaddeton, in Stoke Gabriel, Devon National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Searle, JohnWaddeton, Stoke Gabriel, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Searle, John DownesCrediton, DevonFarmerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Searle, M. A.Plymouth, DevonSilversmithDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Searle, MaryTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Searle, MaryTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Searle, MaryTotnes, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Searle, Mary A.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Searle, T. Y.Exeter, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Searle, Thomas Y.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Searle, Thomas Y.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Searle, Thomas YardLympstone, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Searle,George E.Plymouth, DevonSilversmithDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Secker, Elizabeth BarbaraTiverton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Secker, RobertExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sellek, Samuel TaylorSidmouth, DevonPainter & GlazierNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sellek, Samuel TaylorSidmouth, DevonPainter & GlazierNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sellek, Samuel TaylorSidmouth, DevonPainter & GlazierNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Selley, HughSouth Molton, DevonRetired CarpenterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Selley, HughSouth Molton, DevonRetired CarpenterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Selley, WilliamSouth Molton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sercombe, Jane6 Hampden-place, St Thomas, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sercombe, JohnExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sercombe, JohnExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sercombe, ThomasSouth-st., ExeterTailor & DraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sercombe, ThomasSouth-st., ExeterTailorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sercombe, ThomasSouth-street, ExeterTailor and DraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Seymour, Fanny WoodSwimbridge, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Seymour, George28 Pound-rd., St Davids, ExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Seymour, GeorgeExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Seymour, GeorgeHigher Bartholomew-yard, ExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Seymour, James73 Union-st., PlymouthDraperThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Seymour, JuliaSt Leonard's-terrace, Mount Radford, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Shairp, Steph. FrancisTotnesGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Shairp, Steph. FrancisTotnesGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Shairp, Stephen Fran.TotnesGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Shanks, Jos. G.StonehouseR.N.Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Shanks, ThomasStokeR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Shanks, ThomasStokeR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Shapland, Louisa MaryNewport, near BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Shapland, Louisa MaryNewport, near Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Shapland, SarahBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Shapland, SarahNewport, Barnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Shapleigh, HenryHolbertonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Shapleigh, MaryHalberton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Shapleigh, MaryHalberton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Shapleigh, MaryTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Shapleigh, MaryTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sharland, ElizaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sharland, HarrietExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sharland, RichardBarnstapleSchoolmasterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sharland, RichardBarnstaple, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sharland, Thomas Melhuish CominsCheriton Fitzpaine, near Crediton, DevonTannerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Shaw, HenryExeterSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Shaw, WilliamTorquayGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Shellabear, SamuelSidney Lodge, TorquayButlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Shepheard, J.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Shepheard, J. (deceased)IvybridgeExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Shepheard, JabezPlymouthJewellerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Shepheard, JabezPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Shepheard, JabezStokeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Shepheard, JohnPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Shepheard, JohnPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Shepheard, JohnPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Shepherd, Sarah AnnRingmore, near Teignmouth, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sheppard, JohnDevonportGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Sheppard, Thomas B.PlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sheppard, Thos. B.PlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Sheriff, RichardThurlestoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Sherriff, RichardBuckland ThurlstoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Sherriff, RichardBuckland, ThurlestoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sherriff, RichardThurleston, DevonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Sherriff, RichardThurlestoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Sherriff, RichardThurlestoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Sherwood, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Shiles, JohnBuckerell, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Shiles, JohnTruston, near Honiton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Shingleton, JaneWashfield, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Shipcott, GeorgeExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Shipcott, GeorgeExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Shore, GeorgeAxminsterGentlemanThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Shore, GeorgeAxminsterGentlemanThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Shore, GeorgeAxminsterGentlemanWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2021847
Shore, GeorgeAxminsterGentlemanThe Wilts & Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2321850
Shore, George KingAxminsterGentlemanWilts and Dorset Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Shore, George KingAxminster, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Short, Mary,Torrington The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Short, Mary,Torrington National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Short, Mary, now Mrs Mary SussexTorrington The National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Shorto, Anna HarrisExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Shorto, Edward HenryExeterSchoolmasterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Shute, JamesBristolR.M.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Shute, JamesBristolCapt. R.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Shutter, ThomasLondonM.D.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Shutter, ThomasMiddlesexM.D.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Sidman, William Bartlett5 Tavistock-st., Stoke, DevonportSmithNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Sillifant, Charles WilliamWear Gifford, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Silman, JanePlymouthSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Silver, JamesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Silver, JosephOkehamptonGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Silver, JosephOkehamptonGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Silver, JosephOkehamptonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Silver, JosephOkehamptonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Silver, JosephOkehamptonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Silver, JosephPlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Simmons, ElizabethOkehampton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Simmons, Mary AnnOkehampton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Simmons, William112 Union-st., StonehouseSpirit MerchantThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Simpson, WilliamDartmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Simpson, WilliamFord Hill, Townstal, DartmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Singleton, CharlesExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Singleton, John, Rev.TivertonDissenting MinisterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Singleton, John, Rev.Tiverton, DevonDissenting MinisterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Singleton, Rev. JohnTiverton, DevonDissenting MinisterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Sinkins, Eli35 Portland-square, PlymouthPainterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Skardon, ThomasDevonportExecutrix ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Skardon, ThomasMillbrookGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Skinner, ElizaTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Skinner, HenryTiverton, DevonCabinet MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Skinner, HenryTiverton, DevonCabinet MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Skinner, JaneBroadclyst, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Skinner, JohnMorchard BishopFarmerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Skinner, JohnTavistockMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Skinner, JohnTavistockMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Skinner, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Skinner, Mary AnnButts Cottage, Combe-in-Teign-HeadMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Skinner, Mary Anncare of Rev. R. Fayle, Torquay, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Skinner, Mary Anncare of Rev. R. Fayle, Torquay, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Skinner, Mary JaneInstow, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Skinner, SarahCharles, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Slade, GeorgeBarnstapleSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Slade, GeorgeBarnstapleSurveyorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Slade, GeorgeBarnstapleSurveyorNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Slade, Henry11 Union-terrace, PlymouthSurgeonThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Sleep, ElizabethBarnstapleWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Sleep, ElizabethBear-st., BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sleep, ElizabethBear-st., BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sleep, ElizabethBear-st., Barnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sleep, ElizabethBear-street, BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Slocombe, ThomasWest Down, near BarnstapleYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sloley, JohnGreat TorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Sloley, JohnGreat Torrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Sloley, JohnGreat Torrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Sloley, JohnGreat Torrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Sloley, JohnTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Sloly, JohnTorrington, DevonGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Sloly, JohnTorrington, DevonGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Sloman, Eliz. CExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Sloman, Elizabeth CarneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Sloman, Elizabeth Carne &ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Sloman, Elizabeth Carne,ExeterSpinstersWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sloman, Louisa M.ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Sloman, Louisa MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Sloman, Louisa MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Sloman, Samuel G.ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Sloman, Samuel GeorgeExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Slym,an, Roger Henwood8 Belle-vue-place, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Slyman, DanielTivertonLieut. R.N.National Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Slyman, DanielTiverton, DevonLieutenant R.N.West of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Slyman, DanielTiverton, DevonLieutenant, R.N.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Slyman, JaneHill Park-crescent, PlymouthSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Slyman, JaneHill Park-crescent, PlymouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Slyman, JaneHill Park-crescent, PlymouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Slyman, JanePlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Slyman, JanePlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Slyman, Mary JaneTiverton, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Slyman, Mary JaneTiverton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Slyman, Roger HenwoodPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Slyman, Roger HenwoodPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Slyman, Roger HenwoodPlymouth, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Slyman, William DanielTiverton, DevonSurgeonWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Slyman, William DanielTiverton, DevonSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Smale, Ann (deceased)Topsham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Smale, ElizabethExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Smale, JaneMoreton Hampstead, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Smale, JaneMoretonhampsteadWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Smale, JaneMoretonhampstead, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Smale, JaneMoretonhampstead, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Smale, MaryMoreton Hampstead, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Smale, MaryMoretonhampsteadSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Smale, MaryMoretonhampstead, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Smale, MaryMoretonhampstead, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Smale, MaryMoretonhampstead, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Smale, WilliamTorrington, DevonLawyer's ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Smale, WilliamTorrington, DevonLawyer's ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Smale, WilliamTorrington, DevonLawyer's ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Smale, WilliamTorrington, DevonLawyer's ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith Philip Howell90 James-st., DevonportDyerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Smith, AlbertDevonportSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Smith, Alexander Bentley9 Valletort-terrace, Stoke, DevonportEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, Ann & ElizabethExeterSpinstersWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Smith, Anna MariaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Smith, Anna MariaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Smith, AnneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Smith, Anne and ElizaExeterSpinstersWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Smith, Anne and ElizaExeterSpinstersWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Smith, Anne and ElizaExeterSpinstersWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Smith, Charles Gilescare of Messrs. Passmore & Savery, High-st., ExeterCommercial TravellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Smith, ElizaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Smith, Elizabeth SnowMarwood, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, Frederick AbrahamEscott-cottage, Ottery St. MaryCommander, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Smith, Frederick AbrahamOttery St Mary, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Smith, GeorgeOttery St Mary, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Smith, GeorgeOttery St. Mary, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, Harriet CuffBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Smith, Harriet CuffBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Smith, J.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Smith, JamesDevonportGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Smith, JohnNorth Tawton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Smith, Lilias GardenerHeavitree, ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Smith, Lilias GardinerHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Smith, M.Devonport, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Smith, MariaDevonportSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Smith, MariaDevonportGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Smith, MariaDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Smith, MariaDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Smith, MariaSea View House, Braunton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, R.Plymouth, DevonPiano MakerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Smith, RichardExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Smith, RichardExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Smith, RobertPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Smith, RobertPlymouthArtistDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Smith, Thomas MackenzieBidefordSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Smith, WilliamBickington, Newton Abbot, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, WilliamBickington, Newton AbbottRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Smith, WilliamExeterButcherWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Smith, WilliamExeterButcherWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Smith, WilliamSlade, IlfracombeGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Smith, WilliamSlade, Ilfracombe, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Smith, WilliamSlade, Ilfracombe, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, WilliamTotnes, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, William OtterBarnstaple, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smith, William SladeIlfracombe, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Smyth, Elizabeth AlmaSouth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smyth, Elizabeth AnneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Smyth, Elizabeth AnneLympstone, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Smyth, Mary LouisaSouth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Smyth, William GouldSouth Molton, DevonJ.P.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snell, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Snell, AnnExmouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Snell, AnnExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Snell, AnnExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Snell, AnneDrewsteignton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Snell, AnneDrewsteignton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Snell, GeorgeCheriton Bishop, near Chagford, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Snell, Grace AnnHeanton Punchardon, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Snell, Henry JohnBampton, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snell, Henry JohnBampton, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Snell, JaneCheriton Bishop, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Snell, JaneCheriton Bishop, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Snell, John CarpenterHorridge Farm, Romansleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Snell, Mary AnnSidbury, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Snell, Mary AnnIlfracombe, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Snell, MichaelBarnstaple, DevonWine & Spirit MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Snell, MichaelBarnstaple, DevonWine & Spirit MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snell, RichardBudleigh SaltertonYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Snell, RichardBudleigh SaltertonYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Snell, SamuelDrewsteignton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Snell, SamuelDrewsteignton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Snell, Thomas GeorgeExeterDraperWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Snell, William WestredPlymouthMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Snell, William WestrenPlymouth, DevonMerchantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Snell, William WestrenStonehouse, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Snell, William WestrenStonehouse, DevonEsquireWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Snell, Wm. WestrenStonehouse, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Snow, CharlesTiverton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snow, CharlesTiverton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Snow, ElizabethTorringtonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Snow, ElizabethTorrington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Snow, J.Plympton, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Snow, JohnPlymptonGardenerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Snow, KittyBraunton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snow, KittyBraunton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Snow, Robert GeorgeSouth Molton, DevonJewellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snow, Robert GeorgeSouth Molton, DevonJewellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Snow, Robert, junr.N.P. Bank, South MoltonCashierNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snow, Robert, junr.N.P. Bank, South Molton, DevonCashierNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Snow, SarahExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Snow, SarahExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Snow, ThomasFranklyn, near ExeterBanker and Wine and Spirit MerchantMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, & Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Snow, ThomasFranklyn, near ExeterBanker and Wine MerchantMilford, Snow and CompanyWestern Times1621850
Snow, ThomasFranklyn, near ExeterBanker & Wine MerchantMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times2421855
Snow, ThomasFranklyn, near ExeterWine MerchantMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1821860
Snow, ThomasFranklyn, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1421865
Snow, ThomasFranklyn, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Snow, ThomasFranklyn, nr. ExeterBanker & Wine MerchantMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Snow, Thomas MaitlandCleave House, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Snow, Thomas MaitlandFranklyn, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and CompanyWestern Times1621850
Snow, Thomas MaitlandFranklyn, nr ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Snow, Thomas MaitlandWeir Cliff, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times2421855
Snow, Thomas MaitlandWeir Cliff, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1421865
Snow, Thomas MaitlandWeir Clift, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1821860
Snow, Thomas MartlandFranklyn, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, & Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Snow, Thos.Franklyn, near ExeterBanker & Wine MerchantMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt & Co.Western Times1321847
Snow, Thos. MaitlandFranklyn, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt & Co.Western Times1321847
Snow, WilliamMorthoe, near IlfracombeFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Snow, WilliamMorthoe, near IlfracombeFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Snow, WilliamMorthoe, near Ilfracombe, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Soper, CarolineDartmouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Soper, CarolineDartmouth, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Soper, JamesBishopsteignton, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Soper, Samuel S.Hennock, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Soper, Samuel SercombeHennock, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Soper, WilliamJacobstowe, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Soper, WilliamJacobstowe, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Southern, William28 Penrose-st., PlymouthGrocerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Southey, A.Exeter, DevonAccountantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Southey, AugustineExeterAccountantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Southey, Samuel HopeWilland, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Southey, Samuel HopeWilland, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Southwood, EmmaDawlish, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Southwood, KateDawlish, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Southwood, RichardExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Sowerby, AliceStaverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sparke, IsaacDevonportDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sparke, IsaacDevonportDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Sparkes, PerryExeterBarristerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sparkes, Weston JosephCrediton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sparkes, Weston JosephCrediton, DevonSolicitorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Spear, ChristopherYork-st., PlymouthDraperThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Spear, Mary53 Cobourg-st., PlymouthSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Spear, MaryTeignmouth, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Spear, MaryWest Teignmouth, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Spear, WilliamAdelaide-st., StonehouseDraperThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Spearman, WilliamPlymouthDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Spearman, WilliamPlymouthDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Spearman, WilliamPlymouthExecutrix ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Spearman, William (deceased)PlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Spencely, Sarah (executors of)Portland-place, PlymouthWidowThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Spettigue, Elizabeth AnnCaroline-place, North Stonehouse, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Spicer, CharlesExeterStationerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Spicer, CharlesExeterStationerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Spicer, HenryExeterTailorWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Spiller, JohnMonklow, near HonitonGamekeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Spiller, JohnN.P. Bank, HonitonGamekeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Spiller, JohnN.P. Bank, Honiton, DevonGamekeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Spiller, WilliamDevonportH.M. YardThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Spillon, WilliamDevonportH.M. YardThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Splatt, Ellencare of Rev. R. Fayle, Torquay, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Splatt, Ellencare of Rev. R. Fayle, Torquay, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Splatt, Henry CollinsBrixton, DevonBankerMilford, Snow and CompanyWestern Times1621850
Sprague, MaryBudleigh Salterton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Sprague, MaryBudleigh Salterton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Spry, RichardTor Point, PlymouthGunnerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Spry, Susanna DerryStonehouseSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Squance, ElizaExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Squance, Eliza FerrettExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Square, John HenryKingsbridgeSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Squire, AgnesMrs Beer's National School, Newport, Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Squire, AnnOkehamptonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Squire, AnnOkehampton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Squire, JaneClovelly, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Squire, JaneClovelly, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Squire, John26 Cherry Garden-st., DevonportCarver & GilderThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Squire, JohnBideford, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Squire, JohnBideford, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Squire, JohnLynton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Squire, JohnLynton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Squire, ThomasFrithelstock, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Squire, ThomasFrithelstock, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
St. Dawe, CharlesTavistockDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Stainton, RobertPoltimore, DevonButlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stamp, ThomasExeterTimber MerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stanbury, H.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Stanbury, HenryStonehouseBakerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stanbury, HenryStonehouseBakerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Stanbury, HenryStonehouseBakerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Stanbury, HenryStonehouseBakerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Stanton, AnneEbberley-place, BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Stanton, AnneEbberley-place, BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stanton, JohnEbberley-place, BarnstapleGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Stapledon, JosiahBarnstaple, DevonAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stapledon, JosiahIlfracombe, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stapledon, JosiahIlfracombe, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stapledon, MaryStone Farm, BidefordMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Stapledon, MaryStone Farm, BidefordMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stapledon, William HenryAppledore, DevonMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Staples, JohnExmouthBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Staples, JohnExmouth, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Starkey, ElizabethIlfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stawell, Joseph GeorgeCastle House, TorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Stawell, Joseph GeorgeCastle House, TorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Steel, DavidExeter, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Steele, MaryTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Steer, BartholomewExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stephen, GeorgeLondonCommercial TravellerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stephen, GeorgeLondonCommercial TravellerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Stephens, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Stephens, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Stephens, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stephens, Anne WilliamsExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stephens, M. A. T.,Stoke, Devonport National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Stephens, Mary Ann Jones,Stoke, near Devonport The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Stephens, Mary Ann Jones, now Mrs StedmanStoke, near Devonport The National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Stephens, Mary Ann Thomas (now Mrs Sedman)Stoke, Devonport National Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Stephens, Mary Ann Toms, now Mrs SedmanStoke, Devonport National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Stephens, Mary Anne Toms,Stoke, Devonport National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Stephens, NathanielBodminGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stephens, NathanielBodminGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Stevens, Anne SusanTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stevens, JohnHeavitree, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stevens, R. W.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Stevens, WilliamBroadclyst, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stevens, WilliamBroadclyst, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stevens, WilliamTavistockInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stewart, DavidBarnstaple, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stewart, JohnBarnstaple, DevonTea DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stewart, JohnBarnstaple, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stewart, JohnBarnstaple, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stewart, Sarah Francesat R. R.Tithe's, Esq., Merton-lodge, TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Stewart, WilliamBarnstaple, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stewart, WilliamBarnstaple, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stocker, EdwardSt. AustellIronmongerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stocker, EdwardSt. AustellIronmongerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Stocker, PeterOttery St. Mary, DevonCarpenterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stockman, CarolineBrixham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stogdon, AnneSouthland, Heavitree, near ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Stogdon, AnneSouthlands, Heavitree, near ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Stogdon, John ColeExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stogdon, JuliaExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stogdon, Katherine EdithExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stokes, HuddlestoneTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stone, Anna B. R.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Stone, Anna M.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Stone, Anna W.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Stone, Edward RogersBickleigh, DevonCattle DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Stone, Edward RogersBickleigh, DevonCattle DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stone, Edward RogersBickleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Stone, Edward RogersBickleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stone, Ellen HebdenBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Stone, Jno. PaineSherfordSurgeonKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Stone, Jno. PaineSherford, DevonSurgeonKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Stone, JohnExeterSilversmithWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Stone, JohnExeterSilversmithWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Stone, JohnExeterSilversmithWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Stone, JohnExeterSilversmithWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stone, John PaineAddicombe, SherfordSurgeonKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stone, John PaineOddicombe, SherfordSurgeonKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Stone, John PaineSherfordSurgeonKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Stone, MariaNewport, Barnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stone, Rev. GeorgeBondleigh, OkehamptonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Stone, RobertExeterStationerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Stone, RobertExeterStationerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Stone, RobertExeterStationerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Stone, RobertExeterStationerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stone, SophiaStoke Canon, near ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stoneham, PhilipIlfracombeSurgeonNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Stoneham, PhilipIlfracombeSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Stoneham, PhilipPortland-st., IlfracombeSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Stoneham, PhilipPortland-st., IlfracombeSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stoneham, PhilipPortland-street, IlfracombeSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Stonehouse, EdwardSalham-place, PlymouthAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stoneman, Cath. S.ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Stoneman, Catherine S.ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Stoneman, Catherine SophiaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stoneman, Catherine SophiaExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Stoneman, Catherine SophiaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Stoneman, Catherine SophiaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stoneman, HenryExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Stoneman, HenryExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Stooke, Ellen NoraTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Stooke, Ellen NoraTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Stout, HelenBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Stowell, Joseph GeorgeTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Strang, JohnHatherleigh, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Strapp, J. A.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Street, DorothyHeavitree, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Street, John C.MadrasClerkThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Street, John C.StonehouseClerkThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Street, John Challice, Rev.PlymouthClerk, M.A.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Street, John Challice, Rev.PlymouthClerk, M.A.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stringer, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stringer, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Stringer, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Stripp, John Austin41 Clifton-place, PlymouthCommercial TravellerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Strong, Harriette6 East-gate, High-st., ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stroud, Elizabeth VictoriaHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Strowbridge, Emily Martha Jane (deceased)ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Strowbridge, WilliamExeterGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Stuart, WilliamPlymouthH. M. BreakwaterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Stuart, WilliamPlymouthH.M. BreakwaterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Stuckey, MaryBarbican, Barnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Stumbles, AnnPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Stumbles, AnnPlymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Stumbles, AnnePlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Stupart, Agnes HamiltonN.P. Bank, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Stupart, Agnes HamiltonN.P. Bank, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sumpter, NicholasN.P. Bank, TotnesCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Sumpter, NicholasN.P. Bank, TotnesCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sumpter, NicholasPlymouthLieut., R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sumpter, NicholasPlymouthCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Surcombe, Thomas (executors of)18 South-st., DevonportLicensed VictuallerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Sutton, Thomas GeorgeHoniton, DevonHigh BailiffNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sweeting, WilliamNewton Abbot, DevonLieutenant, R.N.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Sweetland, AnnExeterSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sweetland, AnnExeterGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Sweetland, AnneDartmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sweetland, MargaretExeterSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sweetland, MargaretExeterGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Sweetland, SarahExeterSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Sweetland, SarahExeterGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Swindale, HannahAppledore, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Swindale, JohnAppledore, DevonShipownerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sydenham, JohnHoniton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Sydenham, JohnHoniton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Sydenham, JohnHoniton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Symonds, JohnPlymouthBuilderThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Symons, JohnHoniton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Symons, JohnPlymouthBuilderThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Symons, M. M.Newton Abbot, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Symons, Mary Ann Elizabeth7 Gerston-terrace, Paignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Symons, SarahKnightsayes, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Syms, JohnPayhembury, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Sztoneham, PhilipPortland-st., Ilfracombe, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tagert, JohnBideford, DevonRev., ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Tagert, JohnBideford, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tamlyn, Elizabeth GracePilton, Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tancock, Samuel (executors of)10 Hobart-st., StonehouseCaptain, R.N.Three Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Tanner, AlbertExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tanner, AlbertExeterLieut. 72nd HighlandersWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tanner, Anna MariaSeaton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Tanner, Frances SarahBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tanner, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tanner, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Tanner, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Tanner, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tanner, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tanner, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tanner, ThomasExeterCapt. H.E.I.C. NavyWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tanner, ThomasExeterCpt. H.E.I.C. NavyWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Tanner, ThomasExeterCapt. H.E.I. NavyWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Tapley, JohnTorrington, DevonInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tapp, JohnTwitchen, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tapp, Sarah DrewTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tapp, William JonesSouth Molton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Tapscott, HenryExeterGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tardrew, HenryBidefordIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tardrew, HenryBideford, DevonIronfounderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tatham, Frances JaneBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tatham, Frances JaneBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tatham, John WalkingameBarnstapleChemist & DruggistWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tatham, John WalkingameBarnstapleChemist and DruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tattershall, JohnCrediton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tattershall, SarahExbourne, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Tattershall, SarahExbourne, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tattershall, SarahExbourne, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Tattershall, SarahExbourne, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tatteshall, SarahExbourne, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tavender, William5 Regent's-terrace, Polsloe-rd., ExeterYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Taverner, GeorgeChudleigh, DevonCoal MerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Taverner, WilliamDunsford, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tayler, Charlotte1 Upper Southerhay, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Tayler, Charlotte1 Upper Southernhay, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Taylor H., and Coaker W.TotnesGentlemenDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Taylor, E.Exeter, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Taylor, ElizabethExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Taylor, ElizabethExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Taylor, ElizabethPortland House, Mount Radford, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Taylor, ElizabethPortland House, Mount Radford, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Taylor, ElizabethPortland House, Mount Radford, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Taylor, ElizabethTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Taylor, ElizabethTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Taylor, Frances PierceWesthill, TeignmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Taylor, HermanHarbertonFarmerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Taylor, JohnExeterCommercial TravellerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Taylor, JohnMount Radford, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Taylor, JohnPortland House, Mount Radford, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Taylor, John W.PlymptonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Taylor, John W.PlymptonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Taylor, JudithExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Taylor, JudithExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Taylor, JudithExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Taylor, KatherineExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Taylor, MaryExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Taylor, MelleneyLower Bowden, near Totnes, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Taylor, MelleneyTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Taylor, MellennyTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Taylor, RobertBroadclyst, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Taylor, Robert HenryTivertonBankerDunsford, Dunsford & TaylorExeter Flying Post1721875
Taylor, Robert HenryTiverton, DevonBankerDunsford, Dunsford and TaylorWestern Times1421865
Taylor, Robert HenryTiverton, DevonBankerMessrs. Dunsford & Co.Western Times1821860
Taylor, T.Torquay, DevonIronmongerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Taylor, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Taylor, ThomasTorquayIronmongerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Taylor, ThomasTorquayIronmongerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Taylor, WilliamBickington, Fremington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Telfair, Williamina1 Castle-terrace, TorquayMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Temple, FrederickExeterRight Rev., Lord Bishop of ExeterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Temple, FrederickExeterRev., Lord Bishop of ExeterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Temple, GeorgePlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Templeton, JamesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Templeton, JamesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tepper, ElizabethSouth Molton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tepper, George HenryBideford, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tepper, William HenryBarnstaple, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tetley, William Marshall, Rev.East Budleigh, DevonIndependent MinisterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tetley, William Marshall, Rev.East Budleigh, DevonIndependent MinisterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tetley, William Marshall, Rev.East Budleigh, DevonIndependent MinisterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thomas James LangdonNew Hayes-st., St Thomas, ExeterMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Thomas, AnnPilton, Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Thomas, Charles Ascanius Nevill, Rev.Chudleigh, DevonClerkWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Thomas, Charles Ascanius Nevill, Rev.Chudleigh, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Thomas, Charles Ascanius Nevill, Rev.Chudleigh, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thomas, Charles Ascanius Neville, RevDawlish, DevonClerkWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Thomas, ElizabethBarnstapleWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Thomas, ElizabethBarnstapleWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Thomas, ElizabethBarnstapleWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Thomas, ElizabethBarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Thomas, ElizabethBarnstaple, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thomas, ElizabethBear-street, BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Thomas, Elizabeth GoodingExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thomas, Francis Radford10 North Hill-terrace, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Thomas, J. L.Exeter, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Thomas, James L.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Thomas, James L.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Thomas, James LangdonExeterMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Thomas, James LangdonNew Hayes, St. Thomas, ExeterMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Thomas, James Langdon, jun.Fore-st., Exeter, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Thomas, Jno.DodbrookeRope MakerKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Thomas, Jno.Dodbrooke, DevonRope MakerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Thomas, JohnDodbrookeRope manufacturerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Thomas, JohnDodbrookeRope ManufacturerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Thomas, JohnDodsbrookeRopemakerKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Thomas, John, jnr.DodbrookeRopemakerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Thomas, NielSwimbridge, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thomas, Rev. C. A. N.Dawlish, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Thomas, SamuelNewton Abbot, DevonBaker and ConfectionerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thomas, SarahBroadclist, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Thomas, SarahSilverton, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Thomas, SarahSilverton, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Thomas, SarahSilverton, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Thomas, William Taylor FluxtonOttery St. Mary, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Thompson, CatherineHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thompson, Maria LouisaHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thorn, Felix JohnPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Thorn, John (deceased)PlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Thorn, John H.PlymouthInnkeeperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Thorn, John H.PlymouthExecutor ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Thorn, Mary AnnBideford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Thorn, SarahPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Thorne, ElizabethBishop's Tawton, near BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Thorne, HenryWitheridge, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Thorne, HenryWitheridge, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Thorne, JeremiahShebbear, North DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Thorne, Sarahcare of H. Leworthy, Newport, BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Thorne, Sarahcare of H. Leworthy, Newport, BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Thorne, SarahNewport, near BarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Thorne, SarahPilton, near BarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Thorne, WilliamSwimbridge, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Thorne, WilliamSwimbridge, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Thorne, WilliamSwimbridge, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Thorne, William HenryBarnstaple, DevonCommercial TravellerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Thorpe, HenryTopsham, DevonClerkThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Thorpe, HenryTopsham, DevonClerkThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Thorpe, HenryTopsham, DevonClerkWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2021847
Thorpe, HenryTopsham, DevonClerkThe Wilts & Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2321850
Threader, MaryHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Threader, MaryHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tickle, SamuelAbbotsham, near Bideford, DevonGenNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tidboald, JohnCruwys Morchard, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tighe, Henry WynaeExeterChemistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tighe, Isabella MariaSidmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tighe, Robert RichardMerton Lodge, TorquayGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Tighe, Robert RichardMerton Lodge, TorquayGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Tighe, Robert RichardMerton Lodge, TorquayGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Tilke, HermoneyHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tilke, HermoneyHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tilke, WilliamColaton Raleigh, DevonAgriculturistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Timewell, SarahHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tincombe, GeorgePlymouthR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tincombe, GeorgePlymouthCaptain R.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Tinney, Fanny WilliamsonExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tinney, John MartinOttery St Mary, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tinson, MariaBarnstaple, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Titherley, CharlesExeterHatterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tobin, JohnExeterRetired ColonelWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Toby, ThomasExeterSpirit MerchantWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Toby, ThomasExeterSpirit MerchantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Toby, ThomasExeterSpirit MerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Toby, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Todd, John JamesNorth Walk, Barnstaple, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Toller, Frances BateBarnstapleWife of SolicitorWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Toller, Frances BateBarnstapleWife of SolicitorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Toller, John HenryBarbican-terrace, BarnstapleEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Toller, John HenryBarnstapleSolicitorWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Toller, John HenryBarnstapleSolicitorWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Toller, John HenryBarnstapleSolicitorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tombs, Harriet ElizabethExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tombs, WilliamExeterBankerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tompson, Maria LouisaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tompson, NeilSwimbridge, near Barnstaple, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Toms, FrancisHeanton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Toms, FrancisKentisbury, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Toms, George S.BrixhamGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Toms, George S.Brixham, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Toms, Robert8 Mutley-plain, PlymouthGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Tonar, JohnExeterExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Tonar, John (deceased)PlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Tonar, MatildaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tonkyn, L.Plymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Tonkyn, LaviniaPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Toogood, Eliza EllenDawlish, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Toogood, Eliza EllenThe Bell Cottage, Shaldon, near Teignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Toogood, GeorgeFeniton, near Honiton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Toogood, GeorgeFeniton, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Toogood, HenryCheriden, Payhembury, DevonRetired FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Toogood, HenryFeniton, near HonitonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Toogood, HenryFeniton, near Honiton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Toogood, Mary WinifredDawlish, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Toogood, Mary WinifredThe Bell Cottage, Shaldon, near Teignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Toogood, RichardDawlish, DevonTailorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Toogood, WilliamFeniton, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Toogood, WilliamFeniton, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Torr, George BerryWestleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Torr, James BerryWestleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Torr, James BerryWestleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Torr, Thomas BerryBarnstapleSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Toser, CatherineStoke, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Tosswell, James Hen.Pitt, near Chudleigh, DevonGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Tosswell, James Hen.Pitt, near Chudleigh, DevonGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Tosswill, James Hen.Pitt, near Chudleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Tosswill, James HenryPitt, near Chudleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Toswell, James HenryPitt, near Chudleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Tovey, Albert EdwardHoniton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Towell, WilliamPaigntonSurveyorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Towndrow, Mary Ann Georgiana CoomsTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Towndrow, Mary Ann Georgina CoomsTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Townsend, Jane ConnettExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Townshend, JohnDevonportInnkeeperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Townshend, JohnDevonportInnkeeperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Toye, Laura JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tozer, Catherine Pricecare of N.P. Bank, DevonportMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tozer, Catherine PriceN.P. Bank, DevonportMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Tozer, Catherine PriceStoke, DevonWidowNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Tozer, Catherine PriceStoke, DevonportWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Traies, William Hugh DownmanExeterAccountantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Traies, William Hugh DownmanExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Trant, P.KingsbridgeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Trant, PhilipKingsbridge, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Trant, Samuel PhilipKingsbridgeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Trebble, WilliamDevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Trebble, WilliamGold-st., TivertonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Trebble, WilliamPalmer's Village, near TivertonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Trebble, WilliamPalmer's Village, near TivertonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Treble, WilliamBorough ChivelstoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Treble, WilliamBurough, ChivelstoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Treble, WilliamChivelstoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Treble, WilliamSlapton, DevonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Treeby, GeorgianaPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Treeby, GeorginaPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Treeby, GeorginaPlymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Treeby, MaryPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Treeby, MaryPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Treeby, MaryPlymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Treeby, SamuelPlymouthMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Treffry, HenryExeterTea-dealerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Treffry, HenryExeterTea DealerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Treffry, JosephPlymouthMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Treffry, JosephPlymouthMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Treffry, Joseph,PlymouthMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Treffry, Joseph,PlymouthMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Treffry, JoshuaPlymouthTea-dealerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Treffry, JoshuaPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Tregalles, S. A.Plymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Trege, John,PlymouthAccountantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tregelles, S. P.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Trego, J.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Trego, JohnPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Trego, JohnPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Trego, JohnPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Trego, JohnPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Trego, John,PlymouthAccountantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Trehane, PriscillaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Trehane, PriscillaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Trehane, PriscillaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Trehane, PriscillaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Trehane, Priscilla Hannah MoyseBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Treleaven, Mary HannahPlymouthWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tremear, EmmaBideford, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tremeer, John JosephBarnstaple, DevonChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tremewen, Dionysius WilliamsExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tremills, Nicholas Edwin24 Clarendon-place, Citadel-rd., PlymouthAccountantThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Tremlett, Anne VallanceExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tremlett, Charlotte ElizabethTiverton, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Tremlett, Edward NorrishAlphington, near ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tremlett, Edward NorrishAlphington, near ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tremlett, Mary DyerTiverton, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Trend, SamuelDevonportStationerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Trevilian, Maur. CelyExeterGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Trevilian, Maur. CelyExeterGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Trewin, ThomasBideford, Devon National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Trewin, ThomasBideford, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Trewin, ThomasBideford, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Trewin, ThomasBideford, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Trick, JohnHoniton, DevonRetired YeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Trick, JohnHoniton, DevonRetired FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Trickett, GeorgePlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Trickey, Ann ElizaTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Trickey, JohnTiverton, DevonRetired From BusinessNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Trickey, JohnTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Trimble, HenryExeter, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Trimble, JohnExeter, DevonPawnbrokerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Trimble, John ThomasExeterPawnbrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Trimble, RichardExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Trimble, RichardExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Trine, CorneliusDevonportSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tripe, CorneliusDevonportSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Tripe, John JarvesChulmleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tripe, John JarvisChulmleigh, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Troake, ElizabethCadbury, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Troake, ElizabethTivertonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Troake, William HenryKingsbridge, DevonChemist and DruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Trobridge, James TownsendExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Trobridge, James TownsendExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Trobridge, James TownsendExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Trobridge, James TownsendSt David's, ExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Trobridge, James TownsendSt David's, ExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Trott, RobertUffculme, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Trout, ElizaPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Trowt, ElizaPlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Trowt, ElizaPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Trowt, ElizaPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Trowt, ElizaPlymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Trute, WilliamSwimbridge, DevonFarmer's AssistantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tuck, JamesSaxe-st., TeignmouthGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tuck, JamesSaxe-st., Teignmouth, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tuck, JaneExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tuck, JaneExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tucker, Ann NormanSouth-st., Braunton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tucker, ElizaAlphingtonSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tucker, ElizaAlphingtonGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Tucker, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tucker, JohnExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tucker, John BreenWilland, near Cullompton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tucker, MaryExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tucker, R. P.KingsbridgeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Tucker, R. P.SlaptonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Tucker, R. P.Slapton, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Tucker, RichardHoniton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Tucker, RichardHoniton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tucker, RichardHoniton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tucker, Richard GrantTiverton, DevonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Tucker, Richard GrantTiverton, DevonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Tucker, RobertWeston Buckerel, DevonMachine MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Tucker, SamuelPlymouthBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tucker, Sarah AnnTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tucker, Sarah AnnTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tucker, Walter J. K.ExeterWatchmakerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Tucker, Walter James KellandExeterWatchmakerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tucker, Walter James KellandExeterWatch MakerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Tucker, Walter James KellandExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tucker, Walter Jas. K.ExeterWatchmakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Tucker, WilliamLittle Marland, Petrockstow, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tucker, WilliamPlymouthGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tucker, WilliamPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Tucker, WilliamUpper Brixham, DevonM.D.West of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Tucker, WilliamUpper Brixham, DevonM.D.West of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Tucker, WilliamUpper Brixham, DevonM.D.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Tucker, WilliamUpper Brixham, DevonM.D.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Tuckett, John D.PlymouthGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tuckett, John D.PlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Tuckett, SarahLooeExecutors ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Tuckett, SarahPlymouthExecutor ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Tupman, SarahExmouth, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Turner, Charles ColwillBideford, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Turner, Charles ColwillBideford, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Turner, Charles H.ExeterSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Turner, Charles H.ExeterSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Turner, ElizabethBideford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Turner, FrancesBeaford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Turner, GraceAbbotsham, near BidefordMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Turner, GraceAbbotsham, near Bideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Turner, GraceAbbotsham, near Bideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Turner, James WilliamGittisham, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Turner, James WilliamGittisham, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Turner, James WilliamGittisham, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Turner, JohnExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Turner, John CohamBarnstaple, DevonDispenserNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Turner, John CohamBarnstaple, DevonDispenserNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Turner, John CohamBarnstaple, DevonDispenserNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Turner, John Coham,Barnstaple, DevonDispenserNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Turner, Mary4 Durham-place, North-rd., PlymouthSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Turner, Sophia AnneIlfracombeSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Turner, ThomasCullompton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Turner, ThomasExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Turner, Thomas PriceExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Turner, Thomas PriceExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Turner, WilliamThe Bart5on, BidefordFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Tuttiett, John HenryN.P. Bank, Honiton, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Tyeth, Thos. BrownPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Tyeth, Thos. BrownPlymouthGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Tyner, WilhelminaMerton Lodge, TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Underhay, Samuel SydneyPlymstockGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Underhill, ElizabethAshburton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Underhill, ElizabethExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Underhill, RichardAshburton, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Upcott, PrudenceShortlands, Cullompton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Valentine, WilmetIlfracombeMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Vallack, AlfredTorquayM.D.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Vallack, Alfred H.TorquayM.D.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Vallack, C. S.Devonport, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Vallack, Charles S.DevonportGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Vallock, Charles S.DevonportGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Varder, Rev. John (dec.)Ottery St. MaryClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Varder, Rev. John,Ottery St Mary, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Varwell, Hawkins BlakeSt Thomas, ExeterMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Varwell, PeterExeterShip OwnerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Varwell, PeterExeterCoal MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Varwell, PeterExeterCoal MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Varwell, PeterPennsylvania, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Varwell, PeterSt Thomas, ExeterCoal MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Varwell, William NorvilleBrixham, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Varwell, William, senr.Brixham, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Vaughan, EmilyTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Vaughan, JosiahTorrington, DevonGlove ManufacturerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Veal, HenryKingsbridgePainterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Veal, SamuelBarnstapleTea DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Veale & EddyKingsbridgePaintersDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Veale, Andrew H.St AustellMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Veale, Andrew H.St. AustellMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Veale, Maria Victoria4 Regent's-terrace, Polsloe-rd., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Veale, Maria Victoria4 Regent's-terrace, Polsloe-rd., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Veale, MaryPolsloe-rd., ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Veale, MaryTeignmouth, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Veale, MaryTeignmouth, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Veale, Mary JaneTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Veale, Mary JaneTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Veale, RichardSt. AustellGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Veale, SamuelBarnstapleTea DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Veale, SamuelBarnstapleTea-dealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Veale, SamuelBarnstapleTea DealerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Veale, SamuelBarnstapleTea DealerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Veale, WilliamSt. AustellMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Vellacott, AgnesPlymouthSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Vellacott, EllenPenhill, Fremington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Vellacott, EllenPenhill, Fremington, N. DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Vellacott, EllenPenhill, Fremington, North DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Vellacott, EllenPlymouthSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Venn, Clement HenryExeterSolicitorWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Venn, Clement HenryExeterSolicitorWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Venn, HenryWhimple, near ExeterChemistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Venn, HenryWhimple, near ExeterChemistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Venn, Henry KnottHoniton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Venn, Henry KnottHoniton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Venn, Henry KnottHoniton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Venn, JohnFilleigh, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Venn, SusanHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Venner, HarriettTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Verney, Jamesnear BarnstapleGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Veysey, Triphena PartridgeOkehampton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vian, JosephDevonportDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Vian, RoxanaDevonportWife of DraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Vicary, Margaret JaneBideford, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Vicary, Thomas HenrySouth Molton, DevonSeedsmanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Vicary, Thomas M.PlymouthDruggistThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Vickers, WilliamBlackboy-rd., ExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Vickers, WilliamExeterPrinterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Vickers, WilliamExeterPrinterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Vickers, WilliamFore-st., Topsham, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vickery, RichardArlington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Vickery, RichardArlington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vickery, WilliamArlington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Vickery, WilliamArlington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vincent, CharlesDartmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Vincent, CharlesDartmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Vincent, Eliza AnnePaignton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vincent, JohnHoniton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Vincent, JohnHoniton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vincent. CharlesDartmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Vitterey, EdwardBrixhamShip Owner &c.Green and VittereyWestern Times1621850
Vittery, EdwardBrixhamShip Owner &c.Green and VitteryExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Vittery, EdwardFore Street, BrixhamShip Owner & BankerGreen and VitteryWestern Times2421855
Vittery, EdwardFore-street, BrixhamBanker & Ship OwnerGreen & VitteryExeter Flying Post1721875
Vittery, EdwardFore-street, Brixham, DevonBanker and Ship OwnerGreen and VitteryWestern Times1821860
Vittery, EdwardFore-street, Brixham, DevonBanker and ShipownerGreen and VitteryWestern Times1421865
Vittery, Edwd.BrixhamShipowner &c.Green & VitteryWestern Times1321847
Vivian, EdmundTorquayBankerVivian and KitsonWestern Times1621850
Vivian, EdwardTorquayBankerVivian and Co.Western Times1821860
Vivian, EdwardTorquayBankerVivian and Co.Western Times1421865
Vivian, EdwardWoodfield, TorquayBankerMessrs. Vivian and KitsonExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Vivian, EdwardWoodfield, TorquayBankerVivian, Kitson & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Vivian, Edwd.Woodfield, TorquayEsq., MagistrateVivian & Co.Western Times1321847
Vodden, LaurenceSt Giles-in-the-Wood,TorringtonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Vodden, LawrenceSt Giles-in-the-Wood, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vodden, Richard11 Melbourne-st., ExeterRetired ButlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Vodden, Richard11 Melbourne-st., ExeterRetired BakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vodden, RobertLangtree, DevonInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vooght, Elias LutonChudleigh, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Vooght, JohnHayes Farm, Chudleigh, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Vooght, Joseph LutonChudleigh, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Vosper, PeterStonehouseWine-merchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Vosper, PeterStonehouseWine MerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Vosper, ThomasPlymouthYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Vosper, William P.Plympton, DevonFarmerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Vowles, Mary AnnDolton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Voysey, CharlesNorth Molton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Voysey, ElizabethNorth Molton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Voysey, JohnOld Town-st., DawlishGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Voysey, John DoddRegent-st., DawlishGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Voysey, John DoddRegent-st., Dawlish, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Voysey, SarahDawlish, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Voysey, Sophia AnneNorth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wadling, Thomas (executrix of)7 Princess-st., DevonportOutfitterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Wadling, William John2 Beyrout-place, StokeShipwrightThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Waggett, Jas. Geo.ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Wakefield, ElizabethWidworthy, near Honiton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wakefield, ElizabethWidworthy, near Honiton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wakefield, ElizabethWidworthy, near Honiton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Waldron, Mary AnnSwimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Walkem, NicholasEmma-place, StonehouseGrocerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Walker, ElizabethTorrington, DevonWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Walker, ElizabethTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Walkie, JohnDevonportR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Walkie, JohnDevonportCapt. R.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Wall, CharlotteShaldon, near Teignmouth, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wallace, Caroline73 Union-st., PlymouthWidowThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Waller, George HenryPuddington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Waller, George HenryPuddington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Walling James, junr.Kingskerswell, DevonTailorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Walling, James, juniorKingskerswell, DevonTailorWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Walling, James, junr.KingskerswellTailorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Walling, James, senr.KingskerswellTailorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Walling, James, senr.Kingskerswell, DevonTailorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Walling, JohnWoodbury Salterton, DevonSchoolmasterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Walling, JohnWoodbury Salterton, DevonSchoolmasterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Walling, JohnWoodbury Salterton, DevonSchoolmasterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Walling, WilliamKingskerswell, DevonButlerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Walter, MichaelTeignmouth, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Walters, GeorgeTavistock, near BarnstapleGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Walters, John ThomasIde Parsonage, near Exeter,Rev., ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Walters, John ThomasN.P. Bank, ExeterRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Walters, JosephBlackland SlaptonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Walters, JosephBuckland, SlaptonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Walters, JosephSlaptonYeomanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Walters, JosephSlaptonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Walters, JosephSlapton, DevonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Walters, Josh.SlaptonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Walters, PeggyPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Walters, PeggyPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Ward, Bernard EdwardTorquayMajor 60th RiflesNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Ward, ElizabethHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Ward, FannyExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ward, HarriettMerton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Ward, HarriettMerton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ward, Isabella FrancesSpringfield, TorquayWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Ward, Isabella FrancesSpringfield, TorquayMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Ward, Isabella FrancesSpringfield, TorquayMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Ward, James HamiltonSydney Lodge, TorquayCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Ward, JohnExeterCabinet MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Ward, JohnExeterCabinet MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ward, M. A.Exeter, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Ward, RobertTorquayEsquireNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Ward, RobertTorquayEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Ward, Sophia MordauntTorquaySpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Ward, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ward, Thomas HunteSpringfield, TorquayCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Ward, Thomas Le HunteTorquayLieutenant, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Wardrobe, Harriet LouisaExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Wardrobe, Harriett LouisaWonford, near Heavitree, DevonWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Ware, CarolineExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ware, GilbertRewe, near ExeterYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ware, Robert CrockeyDawlish, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ware, RogerTavistockGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Ware, SamuelRew, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Warner, Jane MariaSidmouthSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Warren, Charles3 Princes-terrace, Heavitree, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Warren, CharlesChurch-st., Heavitree, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Warren, GwenPayhembury, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Warren, GwenPayhembury, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Warren, GwenPayhembury, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Warren, Mary AnnButts Cottage, Ottery St Mary,. DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Warren, Mary AnnButts Cottage, Ottery St. Mary, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Warren, Mary AnnChurch-st., Heavitree, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Warren, Mary AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Warren, Mary AnnOttery St. Mary, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Warren, Sarah GraceButts Cottage, Ottery St Mary,. DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Warren, Sarah GraceButts Cottage, Ottery St. Mary, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Warren, Sarah GraceOttery St Mary, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Warren, Sarah GraceOttery St. Mary, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Warren, WilliamPayhembury, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Waters, Charles16 Salutary-place, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Waters, CharlesExeterAccountantWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Waters, CharlesExeterAccountantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Waters, CharlesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Waters, CharlesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Waters, CharlesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Watson, Mary AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Watson, Mary AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Watson, SusannaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Watson, SusannaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Watson, Susanna (deceased)ExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Watson, WilliamExeterPainterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Watts, AnnDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Watts, AnnPlymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Watts, CarderChittlehampton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Watts, CarderChittlehampton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Watts, Catherine AmeliaPolitmore, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Watts, Catherine AmeliaPoltimore, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Watts, Catherine AmeliaPoltimore, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Watts, Catherine AmeliaPoltimore, DevonSpinserWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Watts, Catherine AmeliaPoltimore, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Watts, Catherine AmeliaPoltimore, near ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Watts, Catherine AmeliaPoltimore, near Exeter, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Watts, EmmaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Watts, James HookePlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Watts, James HookePlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Watts, James HookePlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Watts, MatthiasStokeMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Watts, MatthiasStokeMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Watts, William JnoOrchard House, TeignmouthMerchantWatts and Co.Western Times1621850
Watts, William JohnFord House, Newton AbbotBankerWatts, Whidborne & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Watts, William JohnNewton AbbotMerchantWatts and Co.Western Times1421865
Watts, William JohnTeignmouthSolicitor and BankerWatts and Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Watts, William JohnTeignmouth, DevonMerchant and BankerWatts and Co.Western Times1321847
Watts, William JohnYarner, Bovey TraceyMerchantWatts and Co.Western Times2421855
Watts, William John WattsNewton AbbotMerchantWatts & Co.Western Times1821860
Watts, Wm. JohnTeignmouthMerchantWatts and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Watts. MatthiasDevonportMerchantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Way, Ellen52 Union-st., StonehouseSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Way, Emma52 Union-st., StonehouseSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Way, GeorgeExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Way, GeorgeExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Way, JohnExeterPlate and Watch DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Way, JohnExeterPlate and Watch DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Way, John, junr.ExeterPlate and Watch DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Way, John, junr.ExeterPlate and Watch DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Way, Maria JaneUnion-st., StonehouseSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Wearing, William Henry16 Queen's-terrace, St David's, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wearing, William HenryAnstwiss-terrace, St. Thomas, Exeter National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Webb, CarolineLeadnar House, near TeignmouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Webb, Elizabeth PhoebeBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Webb, JohnKingsandGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Webb, JohnKingsandGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Webb, SarahN.P. Bank, TorringtonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Webb, SarahN.P. Bank, Torrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Webb, SarahTorrington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Webb, SarahTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Webb, SarahTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Webber, Arthur Lewis I.BarnstapleGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Webber, Arthur Lewis IncledonBarnstapleGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Webber, Arthur Lewis IncledonBarnstapleGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Webber, Edward JohnProspect House, Budleigh Salterton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Webber, JamesExeterIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Webber, John CurtisExeterIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Webber, Peter WilcocksInstow, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Webber, William & Hadasah27 Russell-st., PlymouthWood CarverThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Webster, Elizabeth AnnBideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Webster, IveyExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wedlake, MaryCliston Farm, Roborough, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Wedlake, MaryCliston Farm, Roborough, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wedlake, MaryLandkey Newland, near BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wedlake, MaryLandkey Newland, near Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Weekes, Thomas E.PlymouthProfessor of MusicThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Weekes, Thomas E.PlymouthMusic MasterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Weeks, JohnBroadhembury, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Weeks, JohnBroadhembury, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Weeks, PhilipBroadhembury, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Weeks, PhilipBroadhembury, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Weeks, WilliamBroadhembury, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Weeks, WilliamWilleshaw-park, Lamerton, TavistockGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Weeks,WilliamBroadhembury, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wellington, HannahExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wells, BettyBarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Wells, Celina13 Alfred-st., PlymouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wells, Selina13 Alfred-st., PlymouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wells, WilliamPlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Welsford, Harriet HaynesExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Welsford, HenryExeterStationerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Were, AnnaMutley, near PlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Were, AnnaMutley, near PlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wescombe, CharlesBudleigh Salterton, DevonSchoolmasterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Wescombe, CharlesExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wescombe, CharlesExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
West, Rev. Thomas W.DevonportMinister of the GospelWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
West, Rev. Thomas WilliamDevonportMinisterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
West, Rev. Thos. W.DevonportMinisterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
West, Robert JohnExeterPortmanteau-makerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
West, SarahWear Gifford, TorringtonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
West, Thomas Williams, Rev. (deceased)DevonportMinister of the GospelWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Westaway, JamesTavistockDruggistThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Westaway, JamesTavistockDruggistThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Westcott, EdmundH.M.S. "Royal Adelaide", PlymouthShip's StewardNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Westcott, MariaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Westlake, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Westland, Lucy CarolineOkehamptonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Westland, Lucy CarolineOkehampton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Westland, WilliamN.P. Bank, OkehamptonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wetron, ElizabethIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Weymouth, M. J.Kingsbridge, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Whale, Thomas WilliamDalton, North DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Whale, Thomas WilliamDolton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Whale, Thomas WilliamDolton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Whale, Thomas William, Rev.Dalton, North DevonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Whateley, ThomasCopplestone, DevonGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Whatley, ThomasCopplestone, DevonGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wheeler, Thomas George3 Richmond-grove, Heavitree, ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Whidborne, JohnGorway, TeignmouthSolicitorWatts & Co.Western Times1821860
Whidborne, JohnGorway, TeignmouthBankerWatts and Co.Western Times1421865
Whidborne, JohnGorway, TeignmouthBankerWatts, Whidborne & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Whistler, ThomasExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Whistler, ThomasExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Whitaker, Ann Elizabeth6 Mill-st., Bideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Whitaker, Ann ElizabethBideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Whitaker, Ann ElizabethBideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Whitaker, John15 Richmond-terrace, Bideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Whitaker, JohnTorrington, DevonPainterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Whitaker, JohnTorrington, DevonPainterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Whitaker, JohnTorrington, DevonPrinterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Whitaker, JosephBideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Whitaker, JosephBideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Whitaker, JosephBideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Whitaker, JosephBideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
White, A. M.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
White, Anne MaryPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
White, Anne MaryPlymouthSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
White, Anne MaryPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
White, Anne MaryPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
White, EmilySouth MoltonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
White, EmilySouth MoltonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
White, EmilySouth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
White, EmilySouth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
White, EmilySouth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
White, EmilySouth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
White, EstherPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
White, EstherPlymouthSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
White, EstherPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
White, GeorgeChurchstowYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
White, GeorgeHoniton, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
White, GeorgeHoniton, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
White, GeorgeHoniton, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
White, GeorgeThurleston, DevonMaltsterKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
White, GeorgeThurlestoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
White, GeorgeWhitley ThurlstoneYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
White, GeorgeWhitty, ThurlestonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
White, George GrahamLauncestonSolicitorDingley, Pearse and Co.Western Times1421865
White, HenryHoniton, DevonInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
White, HenryHoniton, DevonInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
White, HenryHoniton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
White, JamesPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
White, JamesPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
White, JamesPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
White, JohnCathayes Farm, near Axminster, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
White, JohnDalwood, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
White, JohnDalwood, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
White, JohnSilverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
White, JohnSilverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
White, JohnSilverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
White, JohnSilverton, near ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
White, John JosephKer-st., DevonportGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
White, LawrencePaignton, DevonSurgeonDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
White, MargaretPlymouthWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
White, MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
White, MarthaSilverton, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
White, RobertHoniton, DevonIronfounderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
White, RobertHoniton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
White, RobertHoniton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
White, SusannaMoretonhampsteadWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
White, SusannaMoretonhampstead, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
White, Susanna (deceased)Moretonhampstead, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
White, SusannahMoretonhampstead, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
White, WilliamBideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
White, WilliamBideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
White, William HenryTiverton, DevonPainterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Whitefield, JohnLandkey, near Barnstaple, DevonRetired FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Whitemore, GeorgeStevenstone, TorringtonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Whitemore, GeorgeStevenstone, TorringtonHuntsmanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Whitemore, GeorgeStevenstone, TorringtonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Whitemore, GeorgeStevenstone, Torrington, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Whitemore, GeorgeTorrington, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Whiteway, MaryNewton Abbot, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Whiteway, MaryTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Whiteway, MaryTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Whiteway, SamuelFishwich, near KingsteignmouthMerchantWatts and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Whiteway, SamuelFishwick House, near KingsteigntonMerchant & BankerWatts and Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Whiteway, SamuelKingsteignton, DevonMerchant and BankerWatts and Co.Western Times1321847
Whitford, MaryDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Whitford, MaryDevonportExecutors ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Whiting, FrancisDartmouth, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Whitney, AnnExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Whitney, AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Whitney, AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Whitney, AnneDartmouth, DevonWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Whitney, Codner DanielDartmouth, DevonMerchantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Whitney, FrancisDartmouth, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Whitney, FrancisDartmouth, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Whitney, Francis (deceased)Dartmouth, DevonEsquireWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Whitney, Godfrey John RaceDartmouth, DevonLieutenant R.N.West of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Whitney, Harris Arthur BaileyDartmouth, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Whitter, EmilyBridford, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Whitter, Frances MaryBridford, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Whitton, Mary AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Widger, John AustinUnion-st., PlymouthCabinet MakerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Widgery, John TuckerSouth Molton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Widgery, John TuckerSouth Molton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Widgery, John TuckerSouth Molton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Widlake, Edward EdwinBarnstaple, DevonPrinterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Widlake, PascalBarnstaple, DevonDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wiggins, EdwardElm Bank, St Mary Church, TorquayGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wiggins, EdwardInstow, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wilcock, Francis165 Union-st., PlymouthLessee of TollsNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wilcocks, ElizabethAlphington, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Wilcocks, Francis36 Edgcumbe-st., StonehouseGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wilcocks, FrancisPlymouth, DevonLessee of TollsNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wilcocks, James CarrallExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wilcocks, James CarrallExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Wilcocks, James CarrallExeterEsquireWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Wilcocks, James CarrallExeterEsquireWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Wilcocks, James CarrallExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wilcocks, James CarrallExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wilcocks, Jas. CarrallExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Wilcocks, John M.ExeterGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wilcok, JohnDodbrooke, near Kingsbridge, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wilcox, JohnTeignmouth, DevonGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wilkey, EdwardPlymouthGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Wilkey, JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wilkey, John FryExeterCommission AgentWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wilkinson, Frances PenelopeExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Willcock, ElizabethMilton Abbot, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Willcock, JohnKingsbridgeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Willcocks, HenryExeterBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Willcocks, John M.ExeterGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Willett, Charles Saltern, Rev.Monkleigh, BidefordClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Willett, Charles SaltrenMonkleigh, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Willett, Charles SaltrenMonkleigh, near Torrington, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Willett, Charles Saltren, Rev.Monkleigh, TorringtonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Willett, Chas. SaltrenMonkleigh, near Torrington, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Willett, John S. Junr.Monkleigh, near Torrington, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Willett, John S., jun.Monkleigh, TorringtonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Willett, John SalternPetticombe House, Monkleigh, BidefordEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Willett, John SaltrenPetticombe House, Monkleigh, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Willett, John SaltrenPetticombe House, Monkleigh, TorringtonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
William GreenBrixhamBanker & Ship OwnerGreen and VitteryExeter Flying Post1221846
William Kitson, jun.TorquayBanker & SolicitorVivian and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
William, RachelExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
William, RachelExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Williams, CarolineTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, Charles AllenExeterStarch ManufacturerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Williams, Charles AllenExeterStarch ManufacturerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, ElizaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, ElizaBurwood, TorringtonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, ElizaBurwood, Torrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Williams, ElizaBurwood, Torrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, ElizaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, ElizaPilton, near BarnsktapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Williams, ElizaPilton, near BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Williams, ElizaPilton, near BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, FannyGreat Torrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, FannyTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, HenryExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, Jane HelenHatherleigh, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Williams, JohnChudleigh, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, John BunceHoniton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, JosephBarnstaple, DevonCarpenterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, MariaAppledore, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Williams, MariaAppledore, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, MariaAppledore, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, MariaTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, MariaTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, MaryHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, MaryHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, MaryHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Williams, MaryHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Williams, Mary JaneHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Williams, Mary JaneHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Williams, Mary JaneHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, RachelExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Williams, RichardExe Island, ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Williams, RichardExe Island, ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, Richard,Exe Island, ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Williams, Richard,Exe Island, ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Williams, Richard, jun.Exe Island, ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Williams, Richard, jun.Exe Island, ExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Williams, Richd. jun.Exe Island, ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Williams, SusanBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Williams, WilliamBank-st., TeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, WilliamOakfield, Teignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Williams, WilliamHeavitree, near ExeterSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, William John49 Granby-st., DevonportShipwrightThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Williams, William RogersExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Williams, WilmotGreat Torrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Williams, WilmotTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Willing, George9 Higher Portland-place, StokeInspector of ShipwrightsThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Willisford, Francis Thomas Bedford, Rev.Awliscombe, Honiton, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Willoughby, E. A.Plymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Willoughby, E. M.Plymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Wills, Agnes AllenTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wills, Agnes AllenTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wills, AgnessTorrington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Wills, AnneBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wills, BettyBarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wills, BettyBarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Wills, BettyBarnstapleWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Wills, BettyBarnstapleWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Wills, BettyBarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wills, BettyBarnstaple, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wills, BettyBear-st., BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wills, BettyBear-street, BarnstapleMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Wills, Charles CorbyNorth MoltonEsquireNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Wills, EdwardTorrington, DevonGlove ManufacturerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wills, GeorgeSt Giles, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Wills, GeorgeStevenstone, near Torrington, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wills, GeorgeStevenstone, TorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Wills, J. C.Stonehouse, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Wills, James C.East StonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Wills, James C.StonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Wills, James Cornish26 Edgcumbe-st., StonehouseBakerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Wills, Jane FoaleDartmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wills, JohnExeterBakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wills, JosephNewton Abbot, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Wills, JosephPlymouthGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wills, Margaret RobertsBeer Ferris, DevonGentlewomanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Wills, Susan GoodridgeDartmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wills, ThomasSouth BrentGrocerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wills, ThomasSouth BrentGrocerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Wills, ThomasSouth BrentGrocerKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Wills, ThomasSouth BrentGrocerKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Wills, ThomasSouth BrentGrocerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Wills, ThomasSouth Brent, DevonGrocerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Wilmington, GeorgeBuckerell, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wilson, DavidCastle Hill, Filleigh, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wilson, E.Crediton, DevonBakerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Wilson, EbenezerExeterConfectionerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wilson, EbenezerExeterConfectionerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wilson, Francis W.East IndiaMajor GeneralThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wilson, Francis W.IndiaMajor GeneralThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Wilson, HenryBudleigh SaltertonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Wilson, HenryBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Wilson, HenryBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wilson, HenryEast Budleigh, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wilson, HenryExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Wilson, SarahTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wilson, ThomasExeterUpholstererWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wilson, ThomasExeterUpholstererWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wilson, William55 Albert-rd., Stoke, DevonportChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wilton, Edward Henrythe Cottage, Colyton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wilton, Edward HenryThe Cottage, Colyton, DevonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wimpey, SamuelBratton Clovelly, Lewdown, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Winter, AgnesTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Winter, AgnesTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Winter, AgnessTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Winter, AgnessTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Winter, RebeccaTopsham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Winter, RebeccaTopsham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Winter, RebeccaTopsham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Wintle, JohnKeymdon Barton, near Kingsbridge, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wintle, OliveBrixham, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Wintle, R. A.Brixham, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Wintle, SarahBrixhamGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Wintle, SarahBrixham, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Wippell, Jos.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Wippell, JosephExeterWoollen DraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wippell, JosephExeter West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wippell, JosephExeterWoollen DraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wise, Emma BlancheBrendon, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wise, Emma BlancheBrendon, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wise, John HenryBrendon, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wise, John HenryN.P. Bank, BarnstapleRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wise, John HenryN.P. Bank, Barnstaple, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wise, John Henry, Rev.Brendon, DevonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Wish, Nicholas (deceased)Broadclyst, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wish, SarahBroadclyst, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Witmarsh, Edmund WilliamNewton Abbot, DevonIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Witton, Eliza15 & 16 High-st., ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wivell, AnnieIlfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wivell, Clara MaryIlfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wivell, LauraIlfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wivell, Thomas Dennis, jun.Ilfracombe, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wolfe, GeorgePlymouthMajor R.M.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Wolferstan, James (executors of)PlymouthGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Wolland, Richard KnapmanDrewsteignton, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wolland, WilliamBridford, near ExeterYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wollaston, Thomas VernonTeignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Wolrige, Caroline FrancesSouthernhay, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wolte, GeorgePlymouthMajor R. M.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wood, AmosFarway, near HonitonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Wood, AmosFarway, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wood, AmosFarway, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wood, CharlesBideford, DevonSchoolmasterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wood, ElizabethHeavitree Bridge, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wood, HenryHoniton, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Wood, HenryHoniton, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wood, JosephTiverton, DevonAuctioneerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wood, JosephTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Woodbury, Thos,ExeterPrinterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Woodbury, Thos, WhiteExeterPrinterThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Woodland, CharlotteHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Woodland, CharlotteHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Woods, MaryKenton, DevonWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Woods, MaryKenton, DevonWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Woolacott, ElizabethSouth Molton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Woolland, Richard KnapmanDrewsteignton, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Woolland, WilliamBridford, near ExeterYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Woollcombe, HenryPlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Woollcombe, HenryPlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Woollcombe, Louis, Rev.Petrockstowe, Beaford, North DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Worth, AnnPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Worth, AnnPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Worth, EdwardBigbury, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Worth, Jane H.Modbury, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Worth, LucyPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Worth, LucyPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Worth, LucyPlymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Worth, Parmenus EdwardExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wotton, AnnExeterWife of GentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wotton, JamesCheriton Fitzpaine, DevonBootmakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wotton, WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wreford, AnnOkehamptonWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Wreford, Elizabethcare of N.P. Bank, Tiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wreford, MatthewDevonportDeputy Purveyor to H.M. ForcesThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Wreford, MatthewDevonportDeputy Purveyor to H.M. ForcesThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Wreford, Tryphena PartridgeOkehamptonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Wreford, Tryphena PartridgeOkehamptonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Wreford, Tryphena PartridgeOkehamptonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Wreford,Ann2 Fern cottages, Vansittart-rd., TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wrentmore, WilliamExeterLinen-draperWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wrentmore, WilliamExeterLinen DraperWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Wrentmore, WilliamExeterLinen-draperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Wrentmore, WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Wrentmore, WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Wrentmore, WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Wrentomore, WilliamMount Radford, ExeterEsquireWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2521860
Wreyford, CarolineExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Wreyford, CarolineExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Wright, Agnes ChampionBeaconsfield, Exmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wright, Agnes ChampionFordton, Crediton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wright, Frances ChristianBeaconsfield, Exmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wright, Frances ChristianFordton, Crediton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wright, HarrietExmouth, DevonSpinsterWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2521860
Wright, HarrietExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Wroth, Jane H.ModburyGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Wroth, S.ModburyYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Wroth, SamuelBigburyYeomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wroth, SamuelBigburyYeomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Wyatt, GeorgeBedford St., PlymouthBacon FactorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Wyatt, GeorgeBedford-st., PlymouthBacon FactorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Wyatt, GeorgeBedford-st., PlymouthBacon FactorThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Wyatt, GeorgeBedford-street, PlymouthBacon FactorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Wyatt, GeorgeBedford-street, PlymouthBacon FactorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Wyatt, JosiahBuckland QuarryQuarrymanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wyatt, JosiahBuckland QuarryQuarrymanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Wyatt, JosiahBuckland Tout SaintsQuarrymanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Wyatt, JosiahBuckland Tout SaintsYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Wyatt, JosiahBuckland Tout Saints, DevonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Wyatt, RichardPlymouthAccountantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Wyatt, RichardPlymouthAccountantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Wyld, MargaretPlymouthWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Wylie, George EllettTeignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Wylie, George EllettTeignmouth, DevonBoot & Shoe MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Wylie, GeorgeEllettTeignmouth, DevonBoot & Shoe MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Wyllie, George EllettTeignmouth, DevonBoot and Shoe MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Yabsley, GeorgeHolbetonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Yabsley, GeorgeHolbetonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Yabsley, GeorgeKnighton, East AllertonYeomaKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Yabsley, GeorgeKnighton, East AllingtonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Yabsley, GeorgeNorth HuishYeomanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Yabsley, GeorgeNorth Huish, DevonGentlemanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Yale, Rev. John Carslake DunstanBradford, Holsworthy, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Yates, George Hay SmythNewton Abbot, DevonMajor Madras Establishment (retired)West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Yelland, Robert EastonBidefordBankerHarding, Braginton, and Co.Western Times2421855
Yelland, Robert EastonBidefordMerchantHarding & Co.Western Times2521860
Yelland, Robert EastonBidefordGentlemanHarding and Co.Western Times1421865
Yellard, Robert EastonBidefordGentlemanBraginton, Harding and Co.Western Times1621850
Yeo, Annie CatherineBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Yeo, Annie CatherineBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Yeo, Hannah ShaplandDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Yeo, Hannah ShaplandDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Yeo, Hannah ShaplandDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Yeo, Hannah ShaplandDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Yeo, Hannah SheplandSwimbridge, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Yeo, LouisaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Yeo, LouisaBarnstapleSpinsterWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2521860
Yeo, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Yeo, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Yeo, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Yeo, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Yeo, LouisaBoutport-st., Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Yeo, Mary Ann5 Salem-st., BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Yeo, Mary Ann5 Salem-st., BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Yeo, Mary Ann5 Salem-st., Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Yeo, Mary Ann5 Salem-street, BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Yeo, Mary LouisaTawstock, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Yeo, Mary LouisaTawstock, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Yeo, ThomasDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Yeo, ThomasDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Yeo, ThomasDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Yeo, ThomasDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Yeo, ThomasSwimbridge, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Yeo, WilliamAppledoreMerchantBraginton, Harding and Co.Western Times1621850
Yeo, WilliamAppledoreMerchantHarding, Braginton, and Co.Western Times2421855
Yeo, WilliamAppledoreMerchantHarding & Co.Western Times2521860
Yeo, WilliamAppledore, DevonMerchantHarding and Co.Western Times1421865
Yolland, HenryExeterCommercial TravellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Yolland, J. H. F.Exeter, DevonDraperDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Yong, Rev. Fred. L. M.Late of Torrington, (deceased) National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Yonge, Frederick Langford Wm.,Torringtonthe Reverend, dec.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Yonge, Frederick Langford Wm., representatives of the Reverend, dec.Torrington The National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Young, Barbara Annette RhodesBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Young, Barbara Annette RhodesBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Young, Barbara Annette RhodesBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Young, Frances ElizaBishopsteignton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Young, Frances ElizaBishopsteignton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Young, Frances ElizaBishopsteignton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Young, Frances ElizaBishopsteignton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Young, Francis ElizaBishopsteignton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Young, Henrietta MarthaExeterWidowWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2521860
Young, Henrietta MarthaExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Young, MaryExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Young, MaryExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Yule, John Carslake Duncan, Rev.Bradford Holsworthy, DevonClerkWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Yule, John Carslake Duncan, Rev.Bradford, Holsworthy, DevonClerkWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Yule, John Carslake Duncan, Rev.Bradford, Holsworthy, DevonClerkWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2521860
Yule, Rev. John Carslake DuncanBradford, Holsworthy, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Yule, Rev. John Carslake Duncan.Bradford, Holsworthy, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845