



COPY OF BANK RETURNS made pursuant to 7 & 8 Vic., c. 32, from various Devon newspapers, 1845-1880.

Provided by Lindsey Withers


Macartney, Catherine ColquetTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Macartney, James NixonTorrington, DevonMajor, North Devon Mounted RiflesNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Macartney, James NixonTorrington, North DevonMajorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Macey, JohnSouth Molton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Macey, WilliamMotton, DevonJoinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Macey, WilliamSouth Molton, DevonJoinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Macey, WilliamSouth Molton, DevonJoinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mackenzie, CharlesTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Mackenzie, FrederickTivertonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Mackenzie, FrederickTiverton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Mackenzie, FrederickTiverton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Mackenzie, FrederickTiverton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Mackenzie, FrederickTiverton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Mackenzie, FrederickTiverton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mackenzie, LewisTiverton, DevonF.R.C.S.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mackintosh, Charles H.TorquayM.D.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Mackintosh, Chas. H.TorquayM.D.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Mackintosh, DavidExeterArchitectWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Mackintosh, David (deceased)ExeterArchitectWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
MacLean, John Hope, jun.DartmouthEsquireNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Maconchy, Elizabeth EmilyCorrinagh, TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Maconchy, Elizabeth EmilyCorrinagh, TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Maconchy, Louisa GeorginaCorrinagh, TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Maconchy, Louisa GeorginaCorrinagh, TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Maconchy, Lucy FlorenceCorrinagh, TorquayMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Madge, GeorgeExeterSpirit MerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Madge, William HenryGoodleigh, DevonMillerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Madge, William HenryGoodleigh, DevonMillerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Madram, CharlesBarnstaple, DevonWool MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Maeer, Elijah ThomasSidbury, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Maggs, AmeliaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Maggs, AmeliaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Maggs, AmeliaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Maggs, AmeliaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Maggs, AmeliaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Maggs, AmeliaBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Magrath, Joseph AdolphusTeignmouthM.D.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Magrath, Joseph AdolphusTeignmouth, DevonM.D.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Magrath, Joseph AdolphusTeignmouth, DevonM.D.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Maguire, SusannahSidmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Maine, FrancesBideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Maine, Sarah MariaBideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Maldram, CharlesBarnstaple, DevonWool MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Maldram, CharlesBarnstaple, DevonWool MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mallet, Henry LavertonTorrington, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Mallet, Henry LevertonTorrington, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Mallett, Ellen AmeliaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mallett, Ellen AmeliaExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mallett, Henry LevertonTorrington, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Mallett, Henry LevertonTorrington, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Mallett, Henry LevertonTorrington, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mallett, Wililam RiceExwick, near ExeterMillerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mallett, William L.Exwick, DevonMillerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Mallett, William R.ExwickMillerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Mallett, William RiceExwick, near ExeterMillerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Manley, CharlesExeterButcherWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Manley, CharlesExeterButcherWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Manley, CharlesExeterButcherWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Manley, GeorgeExeterBakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Manley, Henry WilliamExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Manley, James,ExeterVerger of St. Peter's CathedralWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Manley, Jas (dec.)ExeterA Verger of St. Peter's CathedralWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Manley, MaryExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Manley, Mary AnneOttery St Mary, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Manley, Mary AnneOttery St. Mary, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Manley, RobertExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mann, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Manning, DavidFore-st., TotnesButcherThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Marchant, E. S. W.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Marchant, E. S. W.Exeter, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Marchant, Elizabeth Square WayGoldsmith-st., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Marchant, Elizabeth Squire WayGoldsmith-st., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Marchant, Louisa MariaExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Marchant, Mary D.DevonportGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Marchant, WilliamCrediton, DevonBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Marder, Nicholasthe Cottage, Countess Wear, near ExeterCaptainNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Marder, NicholasThe Cottage, Countess-weir, near ExeterCaptainNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mare, Horatio9 Eaton-place, ExeterStationerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Marker, JohnExeterTailorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Marker, JohnExeterDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Marker, SarahExeterWife of DraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Marquiss, ElizabethCrediton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Marsack, MaryBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Marse, James (deceased)Alphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Marsh, JamesAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Marsh, JamesAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Marsh, JamesAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Marsh, JamesAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Marsh, JamesAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Marsh, JamesAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Marshal, AnnBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Marshall, AnnBarnstaple, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Marshall, AnthonyPlymouthColonelThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Marshall, Bouchier MervynMount Sandford, BarnstapleBankerMarshalls and GribbleNorth Devon Journal1021870
Marshall, JohnBarnstapleBanker onlyDrake, Gribble and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Marshall, JohnBarnstapleBankerMarshall, Drake, Gribble and CoNorth Devon Journal1421850
Marshall, JohnBarnstapleBankerMarshall, Drake, Gribble and Co.North Devon Journal2221855
Marshall, JohnBarnstapleBankerMarshall, Gribble, Marshall, & Co.North Devon Journal2321860
Marshall, JohnBarnstaple, DevonBankerDrake, Marshall, Drake, Gribble & Co.North Devon Journal1121847
Marshall, JohnBarnstaple, DevonBankerMarshall, Gribble, Marshall, and Co.North Devon Journal1621865
Marshall, John Philip SydenhamBarnstapleBankerMarshalls and GribbleNorth Devon Journal1021870
Marshall, John Philip SydenhamBarnstapleBankerMarshall, Gribble, Marshall, & Co.North Devon Journal2321860
Marshall, John Philip SydenhamBarnstaple, DevonBankerMarshall, Gribble, Marshall, and Co.North Devon Journal1621865
Marshall, MathewTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Marshall, MatthewTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Martin, AymesTavistockSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Martin, Edwin47 Victoria-rd., St James's, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Martin, EdwinWaterstane Farm, Bradninch, DewvonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Martin, Eleanor SusannaHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Martin, Eleanor SusannaHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Martin, Eliza A.DevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Martin, Eliza A.DevonportExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Martin, ElizabethIlfracombeMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Martin, EmmaCullompton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Martin, EmmaCullompton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Martin, Isabella Elizabeth WitcherHeavitree, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Martin, Isabella Elizabeth WitcherHeavitree, near ExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Martin, JamesLangtree, DevonBootmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Martin, JaneExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Martin, JaneExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Martin, Jane (deceased)ExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Martin, JohnStokeR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Martin, JohnStokeR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Martin, Laura FrancesExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Martin, Laura FrancesHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Martin, W. L.TavistockGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Martin, WilliamTiverton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Martin, WilliamTiverton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Martin, William L.TavistockGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Martyn, AgnesTavistockGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Martyn, RichardSaltashMaltsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Martyn, RichardSaltashMaltsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Martyn, Thomas and210 Whitechapel-road, LondonDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Martyn, Thos,210 Whitechapel Road, LondonDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Marwood, MarthaCrediton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Marwood, MarthaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Marwood, SarahCrediton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mascall, Henry11 St James's-place, Old Tiverton-rd., ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mason, Mary A.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Mason, Mary A.Exeter, DevonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Mason, W. G.ExeterDentistDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Mason, W. G. Hy. KingExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Mason, William G.StonehouseR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Mason, William G.StonehouseR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Mason, William GeorgeExeterDentistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Massy, Henrietta JaneRegia House, TeignmouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Massy, Mary Selina Constance EvelynRegia House, TeignmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Massy, Mary Selina Constance EvelynRegia House, Teignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mather, John S.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Mathew, Jonah PinsentTalaton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Matthews, Charles HenmanExeterWine MerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Matthews, Ellen West1 Lower Summerlands, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Matthews, John Henry DudleyBradninch, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Matthews, Lucy ElizabethEarlsland, Bradninch, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Matthews, MaryHuxham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Matthews, MaryStarcrossGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Matthews, MaryStarcross, DevonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Matthews, MaryTeignmouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Matthews, Matilda Ann1 Lower Summerlands, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Maunder, AnnMorchard Bishop, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Maunder, AnnMorchard Bishop, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Maunder, EdwardExeterCornet, 3rd Dragoon GuardsWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Maunder, ElizabethStarcross, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Maunder, SameulExeterBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Maunder, SamuelExeterBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Maunder, SamuelHeavitree, DevonGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Maunder, SamuelHeavitree, DevonGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Maunder, SamuelHeavitree, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Maunder, SamuelHeavitree, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Maunder, SamuelHeavitree, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Maunder, Samuel (representatives of)late of Heavitree, DevonDeceasedNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Maunders, Charles FrederickExeterSurgeonWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Maxwell, John GoodmanCoham House, near BarnstapleGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Maxwell, MaryBideford, DevonWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Maxwell, MaryCoham House, near BarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Maxwell, MaryCoham-house, near BarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Maxwell, MaryCoham-house, near BarnstapleWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Maxwill, MaryCoham House, near BarnstapleWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
May, ElizabethMorebath, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
May, ElizabetrhRoseash, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
May, FrancesExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
May, FrancesExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
May, John R.StokeGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
May, John R.StokeGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
May, JosephDevonportSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
May, JosephDevonportSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
May, Joseph MignanExeterEsquireWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
May, Mary AnnBuckland Brewer, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
May, MirriamExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
May, MirriamExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
May, MirriamExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
May, NannyBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
May, NannyNewport, Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
May, Richard, Rev.Rose Hill Villa, Barnstaple National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
May, ThomasExeterBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
May, ThomasExeterBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
May, ThomasFremington, DevonDistrict SurveyorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
May, ThomasFremington, DevonSurveyor & FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
May, Thomas RobbinsEast Putford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mayher, TrencourtExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Mayhew, IrenaeusCourtlands, near Newton Abbot, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Mayhew, IrenaeusExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Mayhew, IrenaeusExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Mayhew, IrenaeusPark-hill, Highweek, near Newton Bushell, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Mayhew, Irenaeus (deceased)Courtlands, Newton Abbot, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mayhew, Irenaeus (deceased)Courtlands, Newton Abbot, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mayhew, Joanna ColeDawlish, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mayhew, Joanna ColeDawlish, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Maynard, JohnAbbots Marsh, Burrington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Maynard, JohnAbbots Marsh, Burrington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Maynard, JohnAbbots Marsh, Burrington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mayo, Joseph WiliamN.P. Bank, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mayo, Joseph WilliamN.P. Bank, DevonportGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
McCallum, DavidPlymouthOutfitterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
McChlery, GraceEnfield Villa, Torquay, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
McKeivie, AlexanderStevenstone, TorringtonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
McKelvie, AlexStevenstone, near Torrington, DevonGardenerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
McKelvie, AlexanderGreat Torrington, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
McKelvie, AlexanderStevenstone, TorringtonGardenerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
McKelvie, AlexanderTorrington, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
McKelvie, AlexanderTorrington, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
McKelvie, AlexandereStevenstone, TorringtonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
McKelvie,AlexanderTorrington, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
McKno, JohnHoniton, DevonLinen DraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
McKno, JohnHoniton, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
McKno, JohnHoniton, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
McLean, E.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Mclean, ElizabethPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Mclean, JanePlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
McLean, JanePlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
McLean, JanePlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
McLean, John Hope, jun.DartmouthEsq.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
McLennan, Malcolm (executors of)PlymouthGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
McPherson, Philipcare of N.P. Bank, ExeterMajorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
McWilliam, Fanny ElizabethTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
McWilliam, HughTiverton, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
McWilliam, HughTiverton, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
McWilliam, HughTiverton, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mead and TriscottPlymouthMerchantsDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Mead, Joseph H.PlymouthMerchantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Mead, MaryKnightshayes Lodge, TivertonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Medland, SophiaSt. AustellSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Medland, William CockTorrington, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Melhuish, CatherineWashfield, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Melhuish, CatherineWashfield, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Melhuish, EmanuelCheriton Fitzpaine, DevonFarmerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Melhuish, JohnWashfield, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Melhuish, JohnWhiddon, ExeterButcherWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Melhuish, John WhiddonExeterButcherWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Melhuish, John WiddonExeterButcherWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Melhuish, RichardCadleigh, near TivertonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mello, ElizaBroad Park, Ilfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Merifield, JamesEast Down, near BarnstapleFarmerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Merson, ElizabethTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Messiter, George Terry MoultonPayhembury, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Messiter, George Terry MoultonPayhembury, near Ottery St Mary, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Michell, SampsonMary TavyGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Michell, SampsonTavistockGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Middleton, Caroline Frances MarshallHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Miflin, AnnDawlish, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Miles, ElizabethLansdown-place, DawlishMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Miles, ElizabethStanborough House, Halwell, TotnesMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Miles, ElizabethTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Miles, ElizabethTotnes, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Miles, Erasmus MadoxHeavitree, DevonM.D.West of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Miles, FrederickHeavitree, DevonEsquireWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Miles, JohnStanborough House, Halwell, near Totnes, DevnGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Miles, JohnStanborough House, Halwell, near Totnes, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Miles, JohnStanborough, Halwell, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Miles, JohnStanborough, Halwell, near Totnes, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Miles, JohnStanborough, Halwell, near Totnes, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Miles, JohnTotnesGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Miles, JohnTotnesExecutors ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Miles, Mary A.TotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Miles, Mary A.TotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Miles, Mary AnnStanborough House, Halwell, near Totnes, DevnMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Miles, Mary AnnStanborough House, Halwell, near Totnes, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Miles, Mary AnnTotnesSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Miles, Susan ElizabethCarlane, Slapton, Kingsbridge, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Miles, Susan ElizabethCornworthy Court, TotnesMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Miles, ThomasStanborough House, Halwell, near Totnes, DevnGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Miles, ThomasStanborough House, Halwell, near Totnes, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Miles, Thomas, junr.Stanborough House, Halwell, near Totnes, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Milford, AlfredCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Milford, AlfredHolmbush, Ide, DevonBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1821860
Milford, AlfredHolmbush, Ide, DevonBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1421865
Milford, FrederickCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, & Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Milford, FrederickCoaver, nr ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Milford, FrederickExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times2421855
Milford, FrederickLittle Madford, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and CompanyWestern Times1621850
Milford, FrederickMatford House, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1421865
Milford, FrederickMatford House, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Milford, FrederickMatford House, St. Leonards, DevonBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1821860
Milford, Fredk.Coaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt & Co.Western Times1321847
Milford, JohnCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, & Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Milford, JohnCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt & Co.Western Times1321847
Milford, JohnCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and CompanyWestern Times1621850
Milford, JohnCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times2421855
Milford, JohnCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1821860
Milford, JohnCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow and Co.Western Times1421865
Milford, JohnCoaver, near ExeterBankerMilford, Snow & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Milford, JohnCoaver, nr. ExeterBankerMilford, Snow, Collins-Splatt, and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Mill, ElizabethHolsworthyGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Mill, ElizabethHolsworthyGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Mill, ElizabethHolsworthy, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Millar, Anna MariaMildmay-terrace, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Miller, Anne GeorginaIlfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Miller, Jno. Robt.Woolwich Common, KentGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Miller, John RobertChargrove-house, Shurdington, near CheltenhamGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Miller, John Robt.Woolwich Common, KentGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Miller, Thomas WilliamH.M. Dockyard, Keyham, DevonportChief EngineerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Millman, HarrietStonehouseGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Millman, HarrietStonehouseGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Mills, Maria DorcasExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mills, Maria DorcasExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Milne, Anthony DuncanExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Milne, Anthony DuncanExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Milne, Anthony DuncanPinhoe, near ExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Milne, James DudasPlymouth, DevonCommander, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Milne, James MartinTeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Milne, James MartinTeignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Milne, James MartinTeignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Milroy, JohnBarnstaple, DevonTea DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Milton, ThomasIde, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Milton, ThomasIde, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Minter, John MoolenburghStonehouse, DevonM.D.,m Inspector General of Hospitals and FleetsNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Minter, John MoolenburghThe Priory, Plympton, DevonM.D.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mitchell, LucyExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mitchell, Thomas SmaleWitheridge, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Mitchell, Thomas SmaleWitheridge, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mock, EdwardBraunton, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Mock, EdwardBraunton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mock, EdwardBraunton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mock, EdwardBraunton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Mockler, CatherineTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mogg, WiliamStafford Hill, DevonportPawnbrokerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mogg, WilliamDevonportPawnbrokerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Mogg, WilliamStafford-hill, DevonportPawnbrokerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Moggs, AmeliaBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Mogridge, CharlotteExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mogridge, RobertGoodleigh, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moir, RobertYannon, Teignmouth Watts & Co.Western Times1821860
Moir, RobertYannon, TeignmouthBankerWatts and Co.Western Times1421865
Monday, JohnPlymouthCapt. R.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Monkley, AnnBideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moon, Hannah MariaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Moon, J. E.Plymouth, DevonMusic SellerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Moon, JohnExeterGrocerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Moon, JohnExeterGrocerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Moon, JohnExeter, DevonGrocerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Moon, JohnHigh-st., ExeterTea DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Moon, JohnHigh-st., ExeterGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Moon, JohnHigh-street, ExeterTea DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Moon, JohnMount Radford, ExeterGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moon, RichardTiverton, DevonTea DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Moore, AnnPilton, near BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Moore, AnnPilton, near BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Moore, AnnPilton, near BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Moore, AnnPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moore, CatherineExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Moore, CatherineShiphay, near TorquaySpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Moore, CatherineShiphay, near TorquaySpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Moore, CatherineShiphay, near TorquaySpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Moore, CatherineTorquaySpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Moore, JamesPlymouthGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Moore, JamesPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Moore, JohnBuckland Ter., PlymouthEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Moore, JohnBuckland-ter., PlymouthEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Moore, JohnBuckland-terrace, PlymouthEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Moore, JohnBuckland-terrace, PlymouthEsquireNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Moore, JohnBuckland-terrace, PlymouthEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Moore, JohnPlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Moore, JohnPlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Moore, Mary18 Church-st., StokeGentlewomanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Moore, Robert EdwardCourtenay-st., PlymouthSolicitorThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Moore, W. A.Seaton, DevonCaptain, R.N.Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Moore, W. H.AxminsterR.N.Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Moore, WilliamExeterBuilderWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Moore, WilliamExeterBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Moore, WilliamExeterBuilderWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Moore, WilliamExeterBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Moore, WilliamFore-street-hill, ExeterSurveyorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Moore, WilliamHigh Bullen, Chittlehamholt, South Molton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moore, William HenrySeatonCaptain, R.N.Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Moorman, RichardCrawford Villa, Exmouth, DevonVice-AdmiralNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Morgan, Ann13 Alfred-place, PlymouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Morgan, Charles RobertBarnstapleSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Morgan, Charles RobertBouport-street, BarnstapleSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Morgan, EmmaMontpelier-rd., Ilfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Morgan, EmmaNewport, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Morgan, EmmaNewport, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Morgan, EmmaNewport, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Morgan, FannyNewport, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Morgan, JamesExeterCarrierWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Morgan, JosephHoniton, DevonAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Morgan, Rees JohnFairlawn, Torquay, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Morgan, ThomasEast AllingtonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Morgan, ThomasEast AllingtonYeomanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Morgan, ThomasEast AllingtonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Morgan, ThomasEast AllingtonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Morgan, ThomasEast Allington, DevonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Morgan, ThomasInstowe, East AllingtonYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Morris, GeorginaPlymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Morris, RichardBudleigh Salterton, DevonToll-gate FarmerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Morris, RichardBudleigh Salterton, DevonToll Gate FarmerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Morris, RichardBudleigh Salterton, DevonTollgate FarmerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Morris, RichardBudleigh Salterton, DevonTollgate RenterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Morris, RichardBudleigh Salterton, DevonTollgate RenterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Morris, RichardExeterToll Gate RenterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Morris, RichardExeterTollgate FarmerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Morrish, E.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Morrish, Emily BlancheExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Morrish, F.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Morrish, Frances ElizabethExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Morrish, FrancisExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Morrish, O.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Morrish, O.Exeter, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Morshead, ReginaldTavistock, DevonBankerGill, Morshead & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Mortimer, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Mortimer, EmilyExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Mortimer, FannyExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mortimer, FannyExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Mortimer, FannyExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Mortimer, Robert (deceased)Newport, near Barnstaple,EsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mortimer, WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Mortimer, WilliamExeterShorebrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mortimer, WilliamExeterStock and Share BrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mortimer, WilliamExeterStockbrokerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Mortimer, WilliamExeterSharebrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mortimer, WilliamExeterSharebrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mortimer, WilliamExeterStockbrokerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Mortimer, WilliamExeterStockbrokerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Mortimer, WilliamExeterStockbrokerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mortimer, WilliamExeterSharebrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mortimore, Sarah29 Summerland-st., ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mortimore, SarahSt David's-hill, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Morton, Ann AliceExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Morton, FrancesExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Morton, JohnExeterCabinet MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Moss, HarrySouth-st., ExeterTailorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Moss, HenrySouth-st., ExeterTailorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moule, Rebecca Mary120 Fore-st., DevonportGentlewomanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Mountjoy, Mary DyerSouth Molton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moxan, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Moxon, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Moxon, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Moxon, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Moxon, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Moxon, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Moxon, JohnExeterInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Moyse, JohnAdelaide-st., StonehouseSawyerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Moyson, Eleanor AnnTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Moyson, Eleanor AnnTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Moyson, Elizabeth JaneTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Mudge, Joses EllisExeterPlumberWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Mudge, Joses EllisExeterPlumberWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mudge, Joses EllisExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Mudge, Richard ZachariahBeechwood, Devon Harris, Mudge and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Mudge, Richard ZachariahBuckwoodNo OccupationHarris, Harris, and Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Mumford, A. M.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Munday, JohnPlymouthR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Munk, WilliamExeterMerchantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Murch, EdwinHoniton, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Murch, EdwinHoniton, DevonSilversmithNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Murch, EdwinHoniton, DevonSilversmithNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Murch, JohnHoniton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Murch, JohnHoniton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Murch, JohnHoniton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Murch, JohnHoniton, DevonRetired IronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Murch, JohnPlymouthGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Murch, JohnPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Murch, Josh.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Murch, SarahExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Murch, SarahHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Murch, SarahHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Murch, SarahHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Musgrave, A. S.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Musgrave, Anne SophiaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Musgrove, Ann SophiaExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Narracott, Alfred (executrix of)Caroline-place, StonehouseWine & Spirit MerchantThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Nation, ElizaTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Neale, RichardSt. AustellGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Neale, WilliamSt. AustellMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Nesbitt, Pearce R.HonitonM.D.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Nesbitt, Pearce RogersHoniton, DevonDr of MedicineNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Newberry, Benjamin EdwardPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Newberry, GeorgeExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Newberry, Walter MayExeterLinen-draperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Newberry, Walter MayExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Newberry, Walter MayExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Newberry, Walter MayExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Newberry, Walter MayExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Newberry, William KenwardHoniton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Newbery, George4 Devonshire-place, St James's, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Newbery, GeorgeHills Court, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newbery, ThomasColyton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newbery, ThomasHoniton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Newbery, Walter MayExeterLinen DraperWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Newbury, NancyColyton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Newbury, Walter M.ExeterLinen DraperWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Newcombe, EmanuelOkehamptonDruggist and GrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Newcombe, EmanuelOkehamptonDruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Newcombe, EmanuelOkehamptonDruggist & GrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newcombe, EmanuelOkehampton, DevonDruggist & GrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Newcombe, John LeggeOkehamptonDraper & GrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Newcombe, John LeggeOkehamptonDraper & GrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newman, SarahHayne Cottage, HonitonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newton, AnnHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Newton, AnnHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newton, AnnHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Newton, AnnaPlymouthWidowThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Newton, AnnaPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Newton, ElizabethHoniton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newton, ElizabethSidmouth, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Newton, HerminaHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newton, PeterFilleigh, near South Molton, DevonGamekeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Newton, PeterFilleigh, near South Molton, DfevonGamekeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Newton, WilliamDevonportUpholstererThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Newton, WilliamDevonportUpholstererThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Nicholls, IsabellaChurch-st., Modbury, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Nicholls, IsabellaChurch-st., Modbury, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Nicholls, IsabellaModburyWidowThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Nicholls, IsabellaModburyGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Nicholls, JamesExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Nichols, GraceLustleigh, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Nichols, JamesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Nichols, JamesExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Nichols, JamesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Nichols, JamesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Nichols, John, jun.Honiton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Nichols, M.Exeter, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Nichols, MariaExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Nichols, WilliamSt. KeyneGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Nichols, WilliamSt. KeyneExecutors ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Nicholson, CarolineDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Nicholson, ElizabethDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Nicholson, HannahPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Nicholson, HuntlyStonehouse, PlymouthCaptain, 1st Foot GuardsWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Nicholson, JohnKingsbridgeBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Nicholson, JohnKingsbridgeBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Nicholson, T.Plymouth, DevonMerchantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Nicholson, ThomasPlymouthMerchantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Nicholson, ThomasPlymouthMerchantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Nickels, JamesDrewsteigntonMillerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Nicklin, FrederickBarnstaple, DevonPianoforte TunerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Nicklin, FrederickBarnstaple, DevonPianoforte TunerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Nicks, James DaneTopsham, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Nicoll, RobertH.M. Dockyard Keyham, Devonport National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Nicoll, RobertH.M. Dockyard, Keyham, DevonportInspectorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Nicoll, RobertH.M. Dockyard, Keyham, DevonportInspectorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Niner, Arthur BrowseTotnes, DevonHatterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Niner, Arthur BrowseTotnes, DevonHatterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Niner, Arthur BrowseTotnes, DevonHatterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Niner, SarahExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Noon, AnnaTiverton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Noon, JohnTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Norcombe, Edmund SquireExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Norman, AnneTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norman, AnneTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norman, ChristopherGoodleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norman, ChristopherSt Giles-in-the-Wood, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norman, ChristopherWinscott Barton, Great TorringtonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norman, ChristopherWinscott Barton, Great TorringtonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norman, GeorgeDennington, Swimbridge, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norman, George DenningtonSwimbridge, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norman, JohnDevonportBankerHodge and NormanExeter and Plymouth Gazette1921845
Norman, JohnFrithelstock, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norman, JohnHorwood Barton, Frithelstock, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norman, JohnBideford, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Norman, John HerwoodBarton, Frithelstock, near Torrington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Norman, RebeccaFrithelstock, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Norman, RebeccaHorwood Barton, Frithelstock, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norman, Thomas HerwoodBarton, Frithelstock, near Torrington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Norrington, JohnBarnstapleChemist and DruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Norrington, JohnBarnstaple, DevonChemistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Norrington, JohnBarnstaple, DevonChemist and DruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Norris, JoeSpratshayes, Littleham, ExmouthYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norris, JohnHuxham, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Norris, JohnHuxham, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Norris, Mary TrumpHuxham, DevonWife of YeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Norrish, AnnHele, West Sandford, CreditonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norrish, Eliza ThirzaExeter, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norrish, EmilyCheriton Fitzpaine, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norrish, Grace HerringHele, West Sandford, CreditonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norrish, Grace HerringHele, West Sandford, Crediton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norrish, MaryHele, West Sandford, CreditonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norsworthy, JamesSidbury, DevonPlumberNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norsworthy, TryphenaTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Norsworthy, TryphenaTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
North, Frederick CharlesGittisham, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
North, HenryGittisham, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
North, William HenryGittisham, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Northcote, Charles EdwardBarnstaple, DevonLand AgentNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Northcote, Mary JaneExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Northcott, EmilyExmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Northcott, T.Prince RockYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Northcott, ThomasPlymouthYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Northcott, ThomasPrince RockYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Northey, JaneTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Northey, NicholasHoniton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Northey, NicholasHoniton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Norton, AnnieDevonport, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Nosworthy, JaneTeignmouth, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Nosworthy, S.Tavistock, DevonBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Nott, AnnChittlehampton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Nott, AnnChittlehampton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Nott, AnnChittlehampton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Nott, AnnChittlehampton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Nott, Susan PugsleyChittlehampton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Nott, Susan PugsleyChittlehampton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Nunn, JohnWashfield, near Tiverton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Nunn, JohnWashfield, TivertonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Nunn, JohnWashfield, TivertonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Nutt, WilliamSouth Molton, DevonBoot and Shoe MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865