



COPY OF BANK RETURNS made pursuant to 7 & 8 Vic., c. 32, from various Devon newspapers, 1845-1880.

Provided by Lindsey Withers


Haggard, ChristopherFilleigh Rectory, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hain, HermanTipton, Ottery St Mary, DevonLicensed VictuallerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hake, FrancesExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Haggard, ChristopherFilleigh Rectory, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hain, HermanTipton, Ottery St Mary, DevonLicensed VictuallerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hake, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hake, FrancesExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hake, FrancesExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Haley, Mary B.KingsbridgeGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Haley, W. C.KingsbridgeExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Haley, William C.KingsbridgeSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Haley, William C.KingsbridgeSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hall, CharlesExeterCaptain, R.N.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hall, ElizabethDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hall, ElizabethDevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hall, ElizabethDevonport, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hall, ElizabethStoke, DevonportWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hall, Elizabeth, jun.DevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hall, Elizabeth, junr.Stoke, DevonportSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hall, Elizabeth, sen.DevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hall, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hall, Mary JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hall, RobertChudleigh, DevonMillerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hall, WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hall, WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hallet, S.PlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hallett, SusannaPlymouthPoultererThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hallett, SusannahPlymouthPoultererThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Halliburton, J. B.Sidmouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Halloran, A. B. G.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Halloran, Arthur B. G.HeavitreeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Halloran, Arthur Boutcher GillHeavitree, DevonSchoolmasterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Halloran, Arthur Butcher GillHeavitree, near ExeterSchoolmasterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Halloran, E. J. P.NorthlewClerkDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Halloran, Edward James PearcePlymouthSchoolmasterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Halloran, Edward James Pearce, Rev.PlymouthClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Halloran, F. H.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Halloran, F. H.PaigntonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Halloran, J. J.PlymouthWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Halloran, M. J. K.Plymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Halls, Mary Anne LeonoraExeterWife of GrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Halls, William LangdonExeterGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Halse, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Halse, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Halse, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Halse, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Halse, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Halse, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Halse, Richard ClarenceExeterLaw StudentWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Halsey, AnnBudleigh Salterton, DevonWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Halsey, AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Halsey, PitmanExeterDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Halsey, PitmanExeterDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Halsey, PitmanExeterDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ham, HermanTipton, Ottery St. Mary, DevonLicensed VictuallerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Ham, JohnFoweyGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Ham, JosephBradninchFarmerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Ham, WilliamTipton, Ottery St. Mary, DevonDraper's AssistantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hambley, EdmundWadebridgeSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hambley, RobertNewnham-part, Plympton, DevonButlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hambly, EdmundWadebridgeSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hamlin, Frances ElizabethExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hamlin, Frances ElizabethExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hamlin, William MannExeterLinen DraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hamlyn, Samuel NormanBuckland Brewer, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hamlyn, Samuel NormanBuckland Brewer, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hamlyn, WilliamPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hammond, RichardBishopsteignton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hammond, RichardBishopsteignton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hammond, RichardBishopsteignton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hammond, ThomasAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hammond, ThomasAlphington, near ExeterEsquireWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hammond, ThomasAlphington, nr ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hammond, Thos.Alphington, nr ExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hammond, WilliamFranklin Cottage, Braunton, DevonMarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hammond, WilliamFranklin Cottage, Braunton, DevonMarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hammond, WilliamFranklin Cottage, Braunton, DevonMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hammond, WilliamN.P. Bank, BarnstapleMarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hancock, AnnBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hancock, AnnBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hancock, AnnBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hancock, AnnBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hancock, Charles RennelsBarnstaple, DevonArchitectNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hancock, FrancisExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hancock, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hancock, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hancock, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hancock, LouisaBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hancock, RichardRose Cottage, Dolton, DevonWaiterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hancorn, Grace72 Emma-place, StonehouseGentlewomanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Handford, EdwinTorrington, DevonChemist & DruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Handford, EdwinTorrington, DevonChemist and DruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Handford, EdwinTorrington, DevonChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Handford, EdwinTorrington, DevonChemist & DruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Handford, EdwinTorrington, DevonChemist & DruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hanns, George LillingtonMarlstone, Lifton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hanns, George LillingtonMartstone, Lifton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hanns, George LillingtonMartstone, Lifton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harden, JohnBideford, DevonBrewerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Harden, ThomasOttery St Mary, DevonWheelwrightNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harden, ThomasOttery St. Mary, DevonWheelwrightNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harding, AnnaHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harding, AnnaHoniton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harding, James NottBarnstaple, DevonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harding, James NottBarnstaple, DevonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harding, James NottBarnstaple, DevonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harding, Thomas GoldieBristolGentlemanHarding and Co.Western Times1421865
Harding, Thomas GoldieHalls Annery, NorthamGentlemanBraginton, Harding and Co.Western Times1621850
Harding, Thomas GoldieHallsannery, NorthamBankerHarding & Co.Western Times2521860
Harding, Thomas GoldieMonkleighGentlemanBraginton, Harding and Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Harding, Thomas GoldieNorthamGentlemanBraginton and HardingWestern Times1621850
Harding, Thomas GoldieNortham, DevonGentlemanBraginton, Harding & Co.Western Times1821860
Harding, Thos. GoldieHallsannery, Northam, near BidefordGentlemanBraginton, Harding and Co.Western Times2421855
Harding, Thos. GoldieMonkleighGentlemanHarding, Braginton, and Co., At Bideford, Braginton, Harding and Co., At TorringtonExeter Flying Post1221846
Harding, Thos. GoldieMonkleigh, DevonGentHarding, Braginton & Co., At Bideford; Braginton, Harding & Co., At Bideford.Western Times1321847
Harding, Thos. GoldieNorthamBankerHarding, Braginton, and Co.Western Times2421855
Hardy, GeorgeExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hare, Ann C.StonehouseGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hare, Anne C.StonehouseGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hare, JohnStonehouseBrewerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hare, JohnStonehouseBrewerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hare, JohnStonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hare, JohnStonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hare, William CvampbellOsborne-villas, TavistockGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harley, GeorgePlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Harn, JosephFoweyGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Harness, T. B.TavistockM.D.Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Harper, Charlotte1 Gibbon-st., PlymouthSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harper, ElizabethGreat Torrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harper, George (executors of)Park-st., PlymouthGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harper, ThomasGibbon-st., PlymouthSurgeonThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harpur, Mary Janeat R. R. Tighe's, Esq., Merton Lodge, TorquayMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Harpur, Mary Janeat R. R. Tighes, Esq., Marton Lodge, TorquayMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harris, Arthur BaileyDartmouth, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Harris, Arthur BaileyDartmouth, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Harris, C. R.Plymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Harris, CharlesIlfracombe, DevonAuctioneerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harris, CharlesIlfracombe, DevonAuctioneerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, CharlesIlfracombe, DevonAuctioneerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, ChristopherPlymouthBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Harris, ChristopherPlymouthBankerThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Harris, ChristopherPlymouthBankerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Harris, ChristopherThorncot, Devon Harris, Mudge and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Harris, ChristopherThorncottNo OccupationHarris, Harris, and Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Harris, Edward1 Walton Terrce, St Sidwells, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, Edward1 Walton-terrace, St Sidwell's, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, Elizabeth Bridget StalvertBraunton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, Harry BulteelRadford, DevonNo OccupationHarris, Harris, and Co.Exeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Harris, Harry BulteelRadford, Devon Harris, Mudge and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Harris, HenryExeterBookbinderWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Harris, J. W.Modbury, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Harris, JamesBarnstaple, DevonSeed MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Harris, JamesBarnstaple, DevonMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Harris, JamesJoy-st., BarnstapleSeed MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, JamesJoy-st., Barnstaple, DevonSeed MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harris, JamesJoy-st., Barnstaple, DevonIce MerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, JamesJoy-street, BarnstapleGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Harris, JeremiahIddesleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, JohnBideford, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, JohnHawthorn Cottage, TorquayRetired StationerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, John N.ModburyExecutors ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Harris, John V.ModburyExecutors ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Harris, John W.Fleet-st., TorquayBooksellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, John W.ModburyGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Harris, John W.ModburyGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Harris, John WilliamExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Harris, Joseph BastablePayhembury, near HonitonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Harris, Joseph BastablePayhembury, near HonitonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harris, Joseph BastablePayhembury, near Honiton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, LetitiaBrampton, BarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Harris, LetitiaBraunton, BarnstapleSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Harris, LetitiaBraunton, BarnstapleSpinsterThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Harris, LetitiaBraunton, Barnstaple, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Harris, MaryBraunton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harris, Morton John ArundellCross House, Bishopsteignton National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, Susan169 Queen-st., Newton Abbot, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, SusanBovey Tracey, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, ThomasTeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Harris, ThomasThe Den, TeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Harris, ThomasThe Den, TeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harris, ThomasThe Den, TeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, ThomasThe Den, Teignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, WilliamBrampton, BarnstapleGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Harris, WilliamBraunton, BarnstapleGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Harris, WilliamBraunton, BarnstapleGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Harris, WilliamBraunton, Barnstaple, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Harris, WilliamBraunton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harris, WilliamBraunton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, WilliamBraunton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, William BartlettTeignmouthSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harris, William BartlettTeignmouth, DevonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harris, William PooleBraunton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harrison, Alicia14 St George's-terrace, Stonehouse, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harrison, Henry NewellH.M. Dockyard, DevonportGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harrison, Marie Louise14 St George's-terrace, Stonehouse, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Harry, JohnChudleigh, DevonM.D.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Harry, JohnCulver House, Chudleigh, DevonM.D.West of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Harry, JohnCulver House, Chudleigh, DevonM.D.West of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hart, JohnCullompton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hartley, Francis2 Victoria-terrace, St Leonard's, near ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hartley, FrancisMont-le-Grand, Heavitree, near ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hartley, FrancisSt Leonard's Villa, Mt. Radford, ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hartnell, JamesChurchinford, Churchstanton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hartnold, Francis EdwardExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hartnoll, Francis EdwardExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hartnoll, George PerrymanBraunton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hartnoll, JohnBarnstaple, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hartnoll, JohnBarnstaple, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hartnoll, Martha BosherBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hartnoll, Martha BosherBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hartnoll, MiriamPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hartnoll, MiriamPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hartnoll, MiriamPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hartnoll, MiriamPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Harttree, ElizabethBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Harttree, ElizabethBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Harttree, ElizabethBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Harttree, HarrietBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Harttree, HarrietBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Harvey, Caroline19 Church-st., StokeSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, Charles19 Church-st., StokeBakerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, ElizaStaverton, near TotnesMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Harvey, Elizabeth C.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Harvey, Elizabeth C.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Harvey, Elizabeth C.Plymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Harvey, George Francis19 Church-st., StokeBakerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, Henry RosdewChurch-st., StokeBakerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, JacobTorquayEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Harvey, JacobTorquayEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Harvey, James70 Emma-place, StonehouseStaff-Surgeon, R.N.Three Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, JamesPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Harvey, JamesPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Harvey, JamesPlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Harvey, Jane Maria19 Church-st., StokeSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, John19 Church-st., StokeBakerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, JohnStonehouseDairymanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Harvey, JohnStonehouseDairymanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Harvey, John ReedJames-st., DevonportGrocerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, Louisa19 Church-st., StokeSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, WilliamHaddington-st., StokeCurrierThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Harvey, WilliamTorquayEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Harvey, William YeoHaddington-st., StokeShipwrightThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Haskings, Mary AnnRackenford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Haskins, Mary AnnRackenford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Haswell, H.Totnes, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Haswell, HesterTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Haswell, HesterTotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Haswell, John D.PlymouthR.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Haswell, John D.PlymouthLieut. R.N.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hatch, Elizabeth AnneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hatch, Elizabeth AnneNewton Abbot, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hatch, Elizabeth AnneNewton Abbot, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hatch, Sarah FrancesExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hatch, Sarah FrancesNewton Abbot, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hatch, Sarah FrancesNewton Abbot, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hatch, Sophia KingslandNewton Abbot, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hatch, ThomasNewton Abbot, DevonIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hatch, ThomasNewton Abbot, DevonIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hatch, ThomasNewton Abbot, DevonIronmongerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hatch, ThomasNewton Abbot, DevonIronmongerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hatch, ThomasNewton Abbot, DevonIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hattin, CharlesCheriton Fitzpaine, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hattin, WilliamCheriton Fitzpaine, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Haverfield, Isabella ElizabethTorrington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Haverfield, William ArthurTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hawke, Frances E.TivertonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Hawke, Frances Eliz.BidefordSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hawke, Frances Eliz.BidefordSpinsterThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hawke, GraceSt. Thomas, near ExeterSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hawke, GraceSt. Thomas, near ExeterSpinsterThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hawke, GraceSt. Thomas, near ExeterSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Hawke, GraceSt. Thomas, nr ExeterSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Hawke, MaryExeterSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Hawke, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hawke, MaryExeter, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Hawke, MaryExeter, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Hawke, MaryExeter, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Hawke, William TeerTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Hawke, William TeerTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Hawke, William TeerTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Hawke, William TeerTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hawke, Wm. TeerTivertonGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hawke, Wm. TeerTivertonGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hawke, Wm. TeerTivertonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Hawker, Pauline Anne8 Mutley-plain, PlymouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hawker, RichardExeterTannerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hawker, RichardExeterTannerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hawkes, GraceTiverton, DevonWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hawkes, HenryOkehamptonSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hawkes, ThomasTiverton, DevonMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hawkins, CharlotteNorthleigh, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hawkins, CharlotteNorthleigh, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hawkins, Edward RogersCullompton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hawkins, Edward RogersCullompton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hawkins, Edward RogersKentisbeare, near Cullompton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hawkins, JaneTeignmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hawkins, JaneTucker's-gardens, TeignmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hawkins, JohnNorthleigh, near Honiton, DevonMaltsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hawkins, Richard CarterBroadstone, Tavistock, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hawkins, Richard CaterBradstone, Tavistock, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hawkins, RobertNorth Tawton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hawkins, RobertNorth Tawton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hawkins, RobertNorth Tawton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hawkins, Thomas HughesQueen-st., ExeterChina DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hawkins, Thomas HughesQueen-st., ExeterChina DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hay, Eliza S. B.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Haydon, HenryChettiscombe, Tiverton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Haydon, HenryChittiscombe, Tiverton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Haydon, Robert CatfordTiverton, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hayman, Ellen ManningExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hayman, FrankExeterCoach BuilderWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hayman, GeorgeExeterCoach-builderWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hayman, George MullingsExeterCoach BuilderWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hayman, George MullinsExeterCoach BuilderWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hayman, GraceBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hayman, Lucy AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hayman, Sarah AnnEbford, near Topsham, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Head, Robert T.ExeterSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Head, Robert T.ExeterSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Head, SarahDevonportWidowThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Head, SarahDevonportGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Head, Suzan1 Peamore-terrace, St David's, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Heal, RichardFremington, DevonMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Heal, RichardFremington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Heal, RichardFremington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Heal, RichardFremington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Heale, JaneExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Heale, MaryPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Heale, MaryPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Heale, MaryPlymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Heard, CarolineDolton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Heard, CarolineDolton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Heard, CharlesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Heard, CharlesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Heard, CharlesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Heard, CharlesExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Heard, Charles (deceased)ExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Heard, DorothyExminster, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Heard, GeorgeBideford, DevonMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Heard, Henry EllisDolton, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Heard, Henry EllisDolton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Heard, Henry EllisDolton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Heard, Richard3 Barrack-st., DevonportButcherThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Heard, Robert RossExeterAccountantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Heard, Robert RossExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Heard, Robert RossExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hearle, George Wills112 Fore-st., DevonportBooksellerThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Hearle, Stephen Doble (deceased)Holsworthy, DevonSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hearle, Stephen Doble (deceased)Holsworthy, DevonSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hearn, Jas. E.Dawlish, DevonSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hearn, JohnDawlishDraperDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hearn, JohnDawlish, DevonDraperDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Heathcote, Alfred Hoath16 Salutary-place, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hebditch, ElizabethCullompton, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Heddon, GeorgeIlfracombe, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hedgeland, CharlesExeterArchitectWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hedgeland, CharlesExeterArchitectWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hedgeland, CharlesExeterArchitectWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hedgeland, CharlesExeterArchitectWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hedgeland, CharlesExeterArchitectWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hedgeland, CharlesExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hedgeland, CharlesExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hedgeland, CharlotteExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hedgeland, CharlotteExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hedgeland, CharlotteExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hedgeland, CharlotteExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hedgeland, CharlotteExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hedgeland, CharlotteExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hedgeland, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hedgeland, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hedgeland, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hedgeland, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hedgeland, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hedgeland, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hedgeland, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hellens, GeorgeBlackawton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hellier, FaithClyst St. George, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hellier, JohnClist St George, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hellier, LouisaClyst St. George, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hellier, RobertHoniton, DevonCheese DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hellier, William M.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hellings, MargarettaTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hellings, MargarettaTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hellings, Nicholas, Rev.ExeterMinister of the GospelWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Helmore, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Helmore, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Helmore, ElizabethExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Helmore, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Helson, Chas,Teignmouth, DevonMerchant and BankerWatts and Co.Western Times1321847
Henley, Thomasine LeamanAbbotskerswell, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Henry Buckland LottTracey House, AwliscombeBankerFlood and LottExeter Flying Post1221846
Henry DunsfordTivertonGentlemanDunsford and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Henry Dunsford, jun.TivertonGentlemanDunsford and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Henry, JamesThe Vicarage, Shebbear, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hensley, CharlotteBarbican-terrace, BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hensley, William CharlesFore-street, ExmouthWheelwrightNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Henson, JamesMorebath, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Henson, JamesMorebath, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Henson, JamesMorebath, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Herbert, Mary A.Budleigh SaltertonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Herbert, Mary A.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Herbert, Mary AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Herbert, S. J.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Herbert, Sarah JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Herring, CharlotteCrediton, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Herron, Frederick4 East-st., PlymouthChemistThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Herron, Jessie4 East-st., PlymouthSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Herron, Lucy4 East-st., PlymouthSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Herron, Mary Grace4 East-st., PlymouthSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Hertzell, MaryBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Heslop, MargaretBishop's Tawton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Heslop, MargaretBishop's Tawton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hettish, SimonExeterWatch MakerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hewett, ElizabethTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hewett, ElizabethTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hewett, JarvisStokenhamYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hewett, JohnTiverton, DevonMaltsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hewett, JohnTiverton, DevonMaltsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hewett, JohnTiverton, DevonMaltsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hewett, JohnTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hewett, JohnTiverton, DevonMaltsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hewett, JohnTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hewett, StephenTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hewett, StephenTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hewett, StephenTiverton, DevonShoemakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hewitt, ElizabethTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hewitt, JarvisTokenhamYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hewitt, JohnTiverton, DevonMaltsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hews, Bessie SophiaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hext, RichardMarldon, DevonFarmerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hexter, Abraham SoperExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hexter, Abraham SoperExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hexter, HarrietHeavitree, near ExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Heywood, William9 Mount-pleasant, St David's, ExeterShip OwnerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hibberd, JohnExeterChemist and DruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hicks, James Henley7 Brunswick-terrace, PlymouthSurgeonThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Higgins, Anncare of N.P. Bank, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Higgins, AnnHeavitree, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Higgins, AnnHeavitree, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Higgins, AnnHeavitree, near ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Higgins, AnnHeavitree, near ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Higgins, AnnTorquayGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Higgins, Johncare of N.P. Bank, ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Higgins, John WilliamExeterProvision DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Higgins, John WilliamExeterProvision DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Higgins, John WilliamHeavitree, near ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Higgins, Tom ThorogoodSouth Molton, Devonmate, Australian R.S. NavyNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Higginson, Arabella MontaguExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Higgs, JamesHolsworthyGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Higgs, JamesHolsworthy, DevonGrocerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Higgs, JamesHolsworthy, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Higgs, Jas.HolsworthyGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Higgs, Jno. SymonsExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Higgs, John SeymourExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Higgs, John SymonsExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Higgs, John SymonsExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Higgs, John SymonsExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hill, Agnes SarahTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hill, ChristopherExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hill, ChristopherExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hill, ChristopherExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hill, Christopher (deceased)ExeterEsquireWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hill, James OliverMonkton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hill, James OliverMonkton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hill, JohnSwan Inn, Tiverton, DevonLicensed VictuallerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hill, JohnSwan Inn, Tiverton, DevonLicensed VictuallerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hill, JohnTiverton, DevonLicensed VictuallerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hill, M. A. SnellExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hill, MaryHigh-st., Cullompton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hill, Mary Ann SnellExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hill, Mary Ann SnellExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hill, Mary Ann SnellExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hill, Mary Ann SnellExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hill, Mary Ann SnellExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hill, Mary Ann SnellExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hill, RichardBuckerell, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hill, RichardBuckerell, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hill, RichardRailway Hotel, TotnesInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hill, RichardStevenstone, DevonStud GroomNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hill, SamuelBarnstaple, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hill, SamuelBarnstaple, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hill, Thomas PendleSalcombeDraperKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Hill, Thomas RandleSalcombeDraperKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hill, Thomas RandleSalcombe, DevonMercerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Hill, Thos. RandleSalcombeDraperKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Hill, WilliamBarnstaple, DevonInnkeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hillcock, Robert L.ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Hillcock, Robert LewisUffculme, near Cullompton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hillcock, Robert LewishamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hillcock, Robert LewishamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hillcock, Robert LewishamWilland, near Cullompton, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hillcock, William PepysExeterSurveyorWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Hillcock, William PepysExeterCivil EngineerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hillier, Jno.ExeterYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hillier, W. M.Exeter, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hillock, R. LewishamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hinchley, SarahFarway, near HonitonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hinchley, SarahFarway, near Honiton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hine, MaryPlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hine, MaryPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hingston, AlfredPlymouthBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hingston, AlfredPlymouthBankerThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hingston, AlfredPlymouthBankerWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2021847
Hingston, AlfredPlymouthBankerThe Wilts & Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2321850
Hingston, AlfredPlymouthBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hingston, AlfredPlymouth, DevonBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hingston, C. A.Plymouth, DevonM.D.Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hingston, Catherine P.PlymouthWidowThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hingston, CharlesPlymouthM.D.The Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hingston, CharlesPlymouthM.D.Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hingston, CharlesPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hingston, Elizab eth GeorginaDartmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hingston, F. C.Plymouth, DevonBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hingston, Frederick C.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hingston, Frederick C.PlymouthBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hingston, JohnDartmouthMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hingston, JohnDartmouthMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hingston, JohnDartmouthMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hingston, JohnDartmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hingston, JosephKingsbridgeMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hingston, Ketura JonesDartmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hingston, Ketura JonesDartmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hingston, Ketura JonesDartmouth, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hingston, Mary J.Kingsbridge, DevonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hingston, RichardLiskeardSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hingston. A.PlymouthBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hinton, Amy AnnPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hinton, Anny A.PlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hinton, Elizabeth J.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hinton, Elizabeth J.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hinton, JohnPlymouthGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hinton, JohnPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hirtzel, ElizabethIlfracombeMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hirtzel, Elizabeth CatherineIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hirtzel, Elizabeth CatherineIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hirtzel, Elizabeth CatherineIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hirtzel, GeorgeCathedral-yard, ExeterSolicitorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hirtzell, George JohnIlfracombeCaptain in the R.N.National Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Hitt, A.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hitt, HenryExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hitt, HenryExeter, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hitt, HenryHeavitree, ExeterHouse AgentNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hitt, HenryHeavitree, ExeterHouse AgentNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hoare, Mary AnneTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hoare, Mary AnneTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hobbs, H.ExeterMerchantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hocker, Frances CarolineMount Radford, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hocker, Frances CarolineSt John's, Coombe-vale, Teignmouth, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hocker, WilliamBuckerell, near Honiton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hodge, Charles L.CullomptonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hodge, WilliamDevonportBankerHodge and NormanExeter and Plymouth Gazette1921845
Hodges, Charles L.Cullompton, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hodges, ElizaCullompton, DevonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hodges, ThomasBideford, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hodges, ThomasBideford, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hodgson, Mary6 Mansard-terrace, DartmouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hodgson, Samuel ButlerExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Holditch, Susan J.PlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Holditch, Susan J.PlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hole, Lewis SouthcombeAlwington, DevonEsq.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Hole, MariaBishopstawtonWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hole, ThomasGeorgeham, near Barnstaple, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Holland, JamesCompton Castle, Marldon, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Holloran, J. J.Plymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Holman, Elizabeth Fordcare of Mr F. F. Holman, Torpoint, DevonportMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Holman, Elizabeth FordPeters Marland, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Holman, EmmaExeterWife of AccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Holman, JohnExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Holman, JohnPlymouthDruggistThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Holman, JohnPlymouthDruggistThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Holman, MaryTopsham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Holman, ThomasPlymouthDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Holman, ThomasPlymouthDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Holman, ThomasPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Holman, ThomasPlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Holroyd, G. ChaplinExeterGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Holroyd, G. ChaplinExeterGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Holroyd, George C.ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Holroyd, George ChaplinExeterEsq.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Holroyd, George ChaplinExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Holroyd, George ChaplinN.P. Bank, ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Holroyd, George ChaplinN.P. Bank, ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Holroyd, Virginie JaneExeterSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Holroyd,George ChaplinExeterEsq.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Hols, JamesDawlish, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Holwill, FrederickTorrington, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Holwill, FrederickTorrington, DevonMerchantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Holyroyd, George ChaplinExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Honey, Fanny (executors of)Shutcombe, Beer Ferris, RoboroughSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Honey, HarrietShutcombe, Beer Ferris, RoboroughSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Honey, John2 Gloucester-st., Morice TownGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Honey, WilliamTavistockGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hood, GeorgeMamhead, DevonGardenerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hook, HenryHoniton, DevonButcherNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hook, William TuckerHoniton, DevonButcherNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hooker, MaryHighweek-rd., Newton Abbot, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hooker, Mary EllisNewton Abbot, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hooker, SaraphinNewton Abbot, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hooker, SeraphinExeterDruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hooker, SeraphinExeter, DevonDruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hooker, SeraphinHigh-st., Crediton, DevonDruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hooker, SusanHighweek-rd., Newton Abbot, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hookway, WalterPaul-st., ExeterBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hookway, WalterPaul-st., ExeterBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hoopell, RobertBigbury, DevonGentlemanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Hoopell, WilliamBigburyYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Hoopell, WilliamBigburyYeomanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Hooper, JohnIddesleigh, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hooper, JohnIddesleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hooper, JohnKingsbridgeCoal MerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hooper, JohnKingsbridgeCoal MerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Hooper, JohnKingsbridgeMaltsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hooper, JohnKingsbridgeMaltsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hooper, JohnKingsbridge, DevonMaltsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hooper, JosephHartland, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hooper, Mary ElizabethBideford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hooper, Mary ElizabethBideford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hooper, RowlandBeaford, near Great Torrington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hooper, RowlandBedford, near Great Torrington, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hooper, SamuelHatherleighBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hooper, SamuelHatherleigh, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hooper, SamuelHatherleigh, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hooper, SamuelHatherleigh, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hooper, SamuelHatherleigh, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hooper, William DavieAlbert-place, IlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hooper, William DavieAlbert-place, IlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hooper, William DavieAlbert-place, IlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hooper, William DavieIlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Hooper, William DavieIlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Hooper, William DavieIlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Hooper, William DavieIlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Hooper, William JamesHoniton, DevonDruggistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hooper, Wm. DavieIlfracombeMaster MarinerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hooper, Wm. DavieIlfracombeMaster MarinerThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hooper, Wm. DavieIlfracombeMaster MarinerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Hooppele, RobertBigsburyGentKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hooppell, RobertBigburyGentlemanKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hooppell, RobertBigburyGentlemanKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Hopgood, JosephExeterSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hopkins, C. L.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hopkins, C. L.Plymouth, DevonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hopkins, Catherine L.PlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Horncastle, E.Plymouth, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Horner, RobertBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Horner, RobertBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Horner, RobertBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Horner, RobertBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Horner, RobertMonmouth-st., Topsham, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Horner, RobertgBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Horsford, CharlotteBuckerell, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Horsford, GeorgeBuckerell, near HonitonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Horsford, GeorgeBuckerell, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Horsford, GeorgeBuckerell, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Horsford, JohnOttery St Mary, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Horsford, WilliamFeniton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Horsford, WilliamFeniton, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Horsford, WilliamFeniton, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Horsford, WilliamFeniton, near Honiton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Horwill, ElizaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hotten, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Hotten, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hotten, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Houle, AnnSwimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Houle, ElizabethSwimbridge, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Houle, ElizabethSwimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Houle, ElizabethSwimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Houle, ElizabethSwimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Houle, ElizabethSwimbridge, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
How, JaneTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
How, Julia3 Southernhay, ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Howard, JohnChittlehampton, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Howard, JohnChittlehampton, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Howard, JohnChittlehampton, DevonGrocerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Howe, AmeliaExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Howe, John ReedTiverton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Howe, John ReedTiverton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Howe, John ReedTiverton, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Howe, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Howell, Thomas WoodwayTeignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Howy, WilliamTavistockGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hubbard, AlexanderPlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hubbard, GeorgeFord Park, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hubbard, GeorgeFord Park, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hubbard, GeorgePlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Hubbard, GeorgePlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hubbard, GeorgePlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Hubbard, GeorgePlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hubbard, GeorgeStonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hucklebridge, Elizabeth AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hucklebridge, Elizabeth AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hudson, Nathan WoolcoxTeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huet, Emma JaneBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Huet, Emma JaneBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hughes, Caroline CourtneyWoodhays, Whimple, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hughes, ElizabethHazle Brae, Kingskerswell, Newton AbbotMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hughes, HenryExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hughes, HenryExeterIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hughes, Henry CooperExeterIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hughes, Henry CooperExeterIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hughes, William TemplerStrete Raleigh, Whimple, ExeterMajor-GeneralNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Hugo, Arund. PhilipCreditonGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hugo, Arund. PhilipCreditonGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Hugo, ArundelCrediton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Hugo, Rev. John PhilipExminster, DevonClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hugo, William HenryCreditonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Hulton, Jane PenelopeBarnstaple, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Hunt, HenryRew, near Exeter, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hunt, JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Hurford, GilesShute, near Axminster, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Hurrell, RobertKingsbridgeSolicitorKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Hurrell, RobertKingsbridgeSolicitorKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Hurrell, RobertKingsbridge, DevonSolicitorKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Hurrell, RobertSalcombeMerchantKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hurrell, RobertSalcombe, MarlboroughMerchantKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hurrell, Robert,KingsbridgeSolicitorKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hurrell, Robert,KingsbridgeSolicitorKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hurrell, Robt.KingsbridgeSolicitorKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Hussey, ThomasPlymtree, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Husson, John8 Elm-grove-road, ExeterEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hutch, ThomasNewton Abbot, DevonIronmongerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Hutchings, J. H.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Hutchings, SamuelDevonport, DevonAccountantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Hutton, the Rev. Rufus and Hutton,Ringmore, DevonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Huxham, HenryCheriton Fitzpaine, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxham, JaneKingsbridgeGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Huxham, JaneKingsbridgeGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Huxham, JaneKingsbridge, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Huxham, JohnExeterAccountantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Huxham, JohnExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Huxham, JohnExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Huxham, SamuelSwannaton, Dartmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxham, ThomasSouthern House, Bideford, DevonPurveyorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxtable, AnnBridge Cottage, IlfracombeMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Huxtable, AnnBridge Cottage, IlfracombeMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxtable, AnnBridge Cottage, Ilfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxtable, AnnBridge-cottage, IlfracombeMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Huxtable, ElizabethIlfracombeSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Huxtable, ElizabethIlfracombeSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Huxtable, George HenryGeorgenympton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxtable, George HenryGeorgenympton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxtable, JamesBraunton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Huxtable, JamesBraunton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Huxtable, JamesNorth Buckland, Georgeham, DevonRetired YeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxtable, JamesNorth Buckland, Georgeham, DevonRetired YeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxtable, JamesSaunton, Braunton, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Huxtable, JohnGeorgenympton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Huxtable, JohnGeorgenympton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxtable, JohnGeorgenympton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxtable, MaryBridge Cottage, IlfracombeMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Huxtable, MaryBridge Cottage, IlfracombeMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxtable, MaryBridge Cottage, Ilfracombe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxtable, MaryBridge-cottage, IlfracombeMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Huxtable, MaryIlfracombeSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Huxtable, WilliamSwincombe Farm, Challacombe, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxtable, WilliamSwincombe Farm, Challacombe, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Huxtable, William RandleSouth Molton, DevonWatch MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Huxtable, William RendleSouth Molton, DevonWatchmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Huxtable, William RendleSouth Molton, DevonWatchmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Hyne, JohnJerseyMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Hyne, JohnJerseyMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Irwin, GeorgeIlfracombe, DevonRetired FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Irwin, GeorgeIlfracombe, DevonRetired FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Irwin, GeorgeIlfracombe, DevonRetired FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Isaac, Arscot, JohnBlack Torrington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Isaac, Sarah Maria9 Hyde Park-terrace, PlymouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Isaac, Serena Maria9 Hyde Park-terrace, PlymouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Isaac, Thomas9 Hyde Park-terrace, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Isaac, ThomasBidefordGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Isaac, ThomasCollings Park, Higher Compton, PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Isaac, ThomasMill-street, BidefordGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Isaac, WilliamBlack Torrington, DevonButcherNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Isaac, William SpearBlack Torrington, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Isabell, Harriett14 Mont-le-Grand, Heavitree, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Isbell, JamesPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Isbell, JamesPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Izod, ThomasHoniton, DevonRev., ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Izod, ThomasHoniton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Izod, Thomas, Rev.Honiton, Devon National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Jackman, WilliamStokeGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jackman, WilliamStokeGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Jackson, Anne JaneAlbert-terrace, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jackson, ClementEast LooeSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jackson, ClementEast LooeSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Jackson, GeorgePlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jackson, GeorgePlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Jackson, GeorgePlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Jackson, GeorgePlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Jackson, GeorgePlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Jackson, James J.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Jackson, JohnTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jackson, JohnTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jackson, John, jun.Torrington, DevonGloverNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jackson, John, jun.Torrington, DevonGlove ManufacturerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jackson, Joseph (dec.)Heavitree, nr ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jackson, Joseph,Heavitree, near ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Jackson, Joseph,Heavitree, nr ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Jackson, MaryHeavitree, nr ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jackson, MaryHeavitree, nr ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Jackson, SarahTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jackson, ThomasTorringtonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Jackson, ThomasTorrington, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Jackson, ThomasTorrington, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Jackson, ThomasTorrington, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jackson, ThomasTorrington, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jackson, ThomasTorrington, DevonSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jackson, William EdwardAlbert-terrace, ExeterRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jago, Henry Couchcare of W. Jago, Scrasden, Fort Antony, DevonportGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jago, Henry Couchcare of W. Jago, Screasden, Forth Anthony, DevonportEngineerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Jago, Henry CouchHoe Gardens, PlymouthClerk of Works, R.E. DepartmentNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jago, RobartesCullompton, DevonAccountantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Jago, WilliamRoyal Engineer's Office, Devonport National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jago, WilliamScreasden, Fort Anthony, DevonportEngineerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Jago, William ScreasdenScreasden, Fort Antony, DevonportRoyal EngineersNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
James, WilliamGittesham, near HonitonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
James, WilliamGittisham, near Honiton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
James, WilliamOttery St Mary, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
James, WilliamOttery St. Mary, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jane, WarrenNewton Abbot, DevonSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Japp, Frank WoodBrook Hill, TeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Japp, Frank WoodBrook-hill, TeignmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jarvis, E. H.Kingsbridge, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Jarvis, EdwardKingsbridgeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Jarvis, EdwardKingsbridgeExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Jarvis, MaryExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Jeffery, CharlesTorpointGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jeffery, CharlesTorpointGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Jeffery, E. C.Devonport, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Jeffery, Elizabeth C.DevonportGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Jeffery, Moses W.DevonportChemistThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jeffery, Moses W.DevonportDruggistThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Jefferys, JohnSt. BudeauxGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Jefford, JaneWhimple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jefford, JaneWhimple, near ExeterMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jellard, John HodgeExeterJoinerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Jenkins, James14 Lower Durnford-st., StonehouseSurgeonThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Jennings, RichardMarket-st., Crediton, DevonPlumberNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jennings, RichardSampford Peverell, DevonPlumberNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jerman, JamesExeterSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Jerred, Samuel5 Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jerred, SamuelExeterYeomanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Jerred, WilliamExeterLodging House KeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Jerwood, JamesExeterBarrister-at-lawWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jerwood, JamesExeterBarrister-at-LawWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Jerwood, JamesExeterBarrister-at-LawWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Joce, ElizaTawstock, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Joce, Jane HarrietBideford, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Joce, PeterTavistock, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Joce, PeterTawstock, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Joce, ThomasBarnstaple, DevonAle and Porter MerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Joce, WilliamCullompton, DevonHotel KeeperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Joce, WilliamTawstock, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jocelyn, Georgethe Maritime Inn, BrixhamGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
John BarneTivertonGentlemanDunsford and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Johns, FrederickDevonportMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Johns, FrederickPlymouthMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Johns, JohnBuckland Hall, PlymouthGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Johns, RichardTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Johns, RichardTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Johns, RichardTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Johns, ThomasTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Johns, ThomasTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Johns, ThomasTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Johns, WilliamTavistock, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Johnson, C. W. (representatives of)late of Torrington, DevonDeceasedNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Johnson, Charles WilliamTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Johnson, Charles WilliamTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Johnson, Chas. Wm.TorringtonGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Johnson, Chas. Wm.TorringtonGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Johnson, Chas. Wm.TorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Johnson, Edward WalesN.P. Bank, South Molton, DevonBank ManagerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Johnson, Edward WalesSouth Molton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Johnson, John WilliamN.P. Bank, DevonportAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Johnson, Sarah ElizabethTorrington, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Johnson, Sarah ElizabethTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Johnson, Sarah ElizabethTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jonas, John George, Rev.DevonportClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Jones, AmeliaWillow Park, Thorverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Jones, AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Jones, AnnExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Jones, AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Jones, AnnExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Jones, Charles TrickeyCastle House, TorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jones, Charles TrickeyTorrington, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, ClaraBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, EdwardPlymouthMajor in the ArmyWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jones, EdwardPlymouthMajor in the ArmyWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Jones, EdwardPlymouthMajor In ArmyWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Jones, EdwardPlymouthMajor in the ArmyWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Jones, EdwardTor, Torquay, DevonMajor in the ArmyWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Jones, EdwardTorquayMajor in the ArmyWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Jones, Edward PengellyLandkey, DevonYeoman FarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, ElizabethBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, Elizabeth DayBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Jones, Elizabeth IsabellaIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jones, Elizabeth IsabellaIlfracombe, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, EmilyBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, Esther E.Plympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Jones, Esther ElizabethPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jones, Esther ElizabethPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Jones, Esther ElizabethPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Jones, Esther ElizabethPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Jones, Esther ElizabethPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Jones, Esther Elizabeth (deceased)Plympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Jones, George HenryCroyde, Georgeham, North DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Jones, George HenryCroyde, Georgeham, North DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jones, George HenryEast Down, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Jones, Henry StawellTavistock, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jones, JessieBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, JohnBarnstaple, DevonNewspaper ProprietorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jones, JohnBarnstaple, DevonNewspaper ProprietorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jones, JohnHigh-street, IlfracombeSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Jones, JohnIlfracombeSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Jones, JohnLiskeardAppraiserThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Jones, JohnLiskeardAppraiserThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Jones, Lucy BeatriceCastle House, Torrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, MariaPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Jones, MariaPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Jones, MariaPlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Jones, Mary ElizabethBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Jones, Mary ElizabethTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jones, PhilipLynton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Jones, PhilipLynton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Jones, SarahExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Jones, Wiliam MorrisTiverton, DevonBanker's ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Joseph, AbrahamPlymouthGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Joseph, AbrahamPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Joseph, RosaPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Joslin, JohnBear Charter, Braunton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Joslin, JohnBear Charter, Braunton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Joslin, John ParsonsExeterWarehousemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Joslin, John ParsonsExeterWarehousemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Julian, T. A.Plymouth, DevonCaptainDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880