



COPY OF BANK RETURNS made pursuant to 7 & 8 Vic., c. 32, from various Devon newspapers, 1845-1880.

Provided by Lindsey Withers


Eadie, J. R.PlymouthAccountantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Eadie, J. R.Plymouth, DevonBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Eales, Elizabeth B.TotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Eales, Elizabeth B.TotnesGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Eales, Elizabeth B.Totnes, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Eales, WilliamLondonMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Eales, WilliamLondonMerchantThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Earland, John P.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Earland, John P.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Earland, John P.Plymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
East, ElizabethDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
East, ElizabethDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
East, ElizabethDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
East, ElizabethDennington Barton, Swimbridge, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
East, ElizabethSwimbridge, DevonWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Easter, Nathaniel J.PlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Easterbrook, Charles William8 Somerset-place, StokeButcherThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Easterling, ThomasExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Eastmond, ThomasTorrington, DevonInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Easton, Nath. J.PlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Easton, Nathaniel JonasPlymouthGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Ebsworthy, ThomasBarnstaple, Devon National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Ebsworthy, ThomasBarnstaple, DevonCarpenterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Ebsworthy, ThomasBarnstaple, DevonCarpenterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Ebsworthy, ThomasBarnstaple, DevonCarpenterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Eccles, John H.PlymouthExecutors ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Eddy, AnnPlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Eddy, AnnPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Eddy, HenryKingsbridgeBuilderThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Eddy, HenryKingsbridgeBuilderThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Eddy, HenryKingsbridgeUpholstererDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Eddy, JohnKingsbridgeBuilderThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Eddy, JohnKingsbridgeBuilderThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Eddy, JohnKingsbridgeExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Eddy, JohnKingsbridgeExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Eddy, RebeccaPlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Eddy, RebeccaPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Eden, HenryTiverton, DevonCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Eden, HenryTiverton, DevonCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Eden, HenryTiverton, DevonCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Eden, HenryTiverton, DevonCaptain, R.N.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Edgcombe, WilliamThornbury, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Edgecombe, WilliamMorice Town, DevonportAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Edmonds, Robert GardPlymouthSolicitorThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Edsall, CarolineTopsham, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Edsall, CarolineTopsham, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Edsall, Caroline (deceased)Topsham, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Edward VitteryBrixhamBanker & Ship OwnerGreen and VitteryExeter Flying Post1221846
Edward VivianTorquayBankerVivian and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Edwards, Ann32 Mount Dinham cottages, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Edwards, BenedictBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Edwards, BenedictBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Edwards, Elizabeth CatherinePlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Edwards, Elizabeth CatherinePlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Edwards, JohnBampton, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Edwards, ThomasAxminsterEsquireThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Edwards, ThomasAxminsterEsquireWilts and Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2021847
Edwards, ThomasAxminsterGentlemanThe Wilts & Dorset Banking CompanyWestern Times2321850
Edwards, ThomasAxminsterGentlemanWilts and Dorset Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Edwards, ThomasAxminster, DevonEsquireThe Wilts and Dorset Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Edwards, ThomasGeorgeham, near BarnstapleButlerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Edwards, W. S.Devonport, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Edwards, W. S.StonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Egon, Helenecare of N.P. Bank, TeignmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Eliott, JohnLiskeardBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Eliott, MaryLiskeardGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Ellery, EllenAugusta4 Barton-crescent, Dawlish, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Ellery, Henry JamesAxminster, DevonM.D.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Elliot, Jessie46 Magdalen-st., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Elliott, Jno.Kingsbridge, DevonSurgeonDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Elliott, JohnLiskeardBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Elliott, MaryLiskeardWidowThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Elliott, SamuelPlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Ellis, Charles11 St Michael's-terrace, StokeGentlemanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Ellis, CharlesDevonportGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Ellis, CharlesStokeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Ellis, HenryMorebath, DevonAuctioneerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Ellis, HenryMorebath, DevonAuctioneerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Ellis, Henry, junr.Bampton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Ellis, Henry, junr.Bampton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Ellis, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Ellis, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Ellis, MaryExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ellis, MatthewBranscombe, near Sidmouth, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Ellis, MatthewOttery St Mary, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Ellis, MatthewOttery St. Mary, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Ellis, RobertDevonportBakerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Ellis, RobertDevonportBakerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Ellis, RobertDevonportAuctioneerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Ellis, ThomasHigh-st., ExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Elton, Romeo, Rev.ExeterD.D.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Elton, Romeo, Rev.ExeterD.D.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Elworthy, John E.PlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Elworthy, John E.PlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Elworthy, WilliamSouth Molton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Elworthy, WilliamSwimbridge, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Endean, William Robert8 Richmond-terrace, BidefordGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Endscott, EmmaTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
England, George, senr.Crediton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
England, SusannaBank-str., TeignmouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Erredge, ElizaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Erskine, LucyTorrington, DevonWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Eshelby, Douglas WilliamStonehouse, DevonM.D.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Essery, William69 York-st., PlymouthChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Essery, William69 York-st., PlymouthChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Essery, William69 York-st., PlymouthChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Essery, William69 York-street, PlymouthChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Essery, WilliamYork-st., PlymouthDruggistThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Evans, ElizabethBidefordSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Evans, ElizabethBidefordSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Evans, ElizabethBidefordSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Evans, JamesBarnstaple, DevonSaddlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Evans, SusanBarnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Evans, ThomasBidefordMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Evans, ThomasBidefordMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Evans, ThomasBidefordMerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Evans, ThomasBidefordMerchantBraginton, Harding and Co.Western Times1621850
Evans, ThomasBidefordMerchantWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Evans, ThomasBidefordMerchantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Evans, ThomasBristolMerchantHarding and Co.Western Times1421865
Evans, ThomasNorthamMerchantHarding, Braginton, and Co.Western Times2421855
Evans, Uriah2 Southernhay, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Evans, Uriah2 Southernhay, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Evans, Uriah2 Southernhay, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Evans, UriahAlma Cottage, Summerland-st., ExeterInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Evans, UriahExeterInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Evans, UriahSouthernhay, ExeterGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Evans, UriahSouthernhay, ExeterGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Evans, UriahSouthernhay, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Evans, UriahSummerland-st., ExeterInnkeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Eveleigh, GeorgeKnowle, Sidmouth, DevonGardenerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Evens, Eliza Maria4 Saltram Place, PlymouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Evens, Eliza MariaSalham-place, PlymouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Evens, W. H.RidgwayGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Evens, WilliamRidgewayGentThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Evens, WilliamRidgwayGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Evens, William H.StokeBrewerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Evens, William H.TorquayGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Evens, Wm. HoleStokeBrewerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Every, Thomas2 Paradise Place, Stoke, DevonportGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Every, Thomas2 Paradise-place, Stoke, DevonportGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Ewens, ThomasSidwell-st., ExeterBrushmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Eyre, MargaretSt. AustellGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Ezekiel, LionelBuckfastleigh, DevonDraperWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fairweather, AnnClevelands, near Dawlish, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Fairweather, Susan HyneLower Rew, near KingsbridgeSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Faremouth, Ann TristDartmouthMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Faremouth, John TristDartmouthGrocer and Ship OwnerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Farmer, ChristopherLittle Holwell, Tiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Farmer, RobertExeterAccountantNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Farrington, Edward HolmesLandcross, near BidefordRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Farrington, Edward HolmesLandcross, near Bideford, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fay, ThomasTeignmouth, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fayle, AgnesTorquay, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Fayle, RichardTorquay, DevonRev., ClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fayle, Richard, Rev.TorquayClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Fayle, Richard, Rev.Torquay, DevonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Featherstone, JaneExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Featherstone, JanePlymouthWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Featherstone, William CharltonExeterPrinterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Feild, Rev. SamuelHatherleigh, ExeterClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Feild, Rev. SamuelHatherleigh, ExeterClerkNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Feild, Samuel, Rev.Ashwater, DevonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Ferrett, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ferris, PriscillaPlymouthWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fice, SamuelErmingtonMillerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Fice, SamuelErmingtonMillerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Field, Rev. SamuelHatherleigh, DevonClerkThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Field, Rev. SamuelHatherleigh, DevonClerkThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Field, Rev. SamuelHatherleigh, DevonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Field, Samuel, Rev.Hatherleigh, ExeterClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Field, the Rev. Sam.Hatherleigh, DevonClerkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Fisher, Annie MargaretTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fisher, GabrielTorrington, DevonBank ManagerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fisher, JohnBarnstapleWine and Spirit MerchantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Fisher, John ThornhillTorquay, DevonChemistWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Fisher, MaryBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Fisher, MaryBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Fisher, MaryBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fisher, MaryBouport-street, BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Fisher, MaryBoutport-st., BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fisher, MaryBoutport-st., BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fisher, MaryBoutport-st., Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fisher, MaryWashfield, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fisher, StephenTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Fisher, StephenTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Fisher, StephenTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fisher, StephenTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fisher, StephenTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fisher, WilliamPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonFarmer & Cattle DealerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fitton, FrederickCary-crescent, TorquayRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fitze, EllenHigh-st., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fitze, Henry CosentineExeterCommercial TravellerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fitze, Henry CosentineExeterCommercial TravellerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fitze, Sophia BeatriceExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fitzgerald, CroftenSidmouth, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fitzgerald, CroftonSidmouthEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Fleming, Elizabeth18 Magdalen-st., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fleming, Elizabeth18 Magdalen-st., ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fleming, SarahBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Flemming, William (deceased)ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Flood, Christopher SamuelBramble Hill, HonitonBankerFlood and LottExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Flood, Christopher SamuelHonitonBankerFlood & LottWestern Times1321847
Flood, JohnChudleigh, DevonAgentWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Flood, SarahTorre, TorquaySpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Foale, HenryTotnesExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Foale, Henry (deceased)TotnesExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Foale, Sarah SteerLoventor House, Berry Pomeroy, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Foale, W. J. H.PaigntonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Foale, W. J. H.PaigntonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Foale, W. J. H.Paignton, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Foale, William John HeadPaignton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Foale, William John HeadPaignton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Food, ChristopherExeterEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Forbes, George WentworthN.P. Bank, DevonportMajor-GeneralNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Forbes, George WentworthRoyal Marine L.I., PlymouthColonelNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Force, Charles TownsendExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Force, EdwinExeterAttorney at LawWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Force, EdwinExeterAttorney At LawWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Force, EdwinThe Close, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Force, Sarah JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Ford, Charles89 High-st., Barnstaple, DevonJewellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Ford, CharlesBarnstaple, DevonJewellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Ford, SarahTopsham, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Forlong, AndrewBelle-vue House, Magdalen-rd., ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Foster, JohnDevonportDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Foster, JohnDevonportDraperThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Foster, JosephTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Fowler, CeceliaTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Fowler, CeciliaTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fowler, CeciliaTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fowler, CeciliaTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fowler, CharlesVilla Mentone, TorquayProfessor of MusicNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fowler, ElizaTeignmouth, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fowler, HenryHoniton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Fowler, HenryHoniton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fowler, HenryHoniton, DevonBuilderNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fowler, Rachael NewtonEast Budleigh, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Fowler, Rachel NewtonEast Budleigh, DevonSpinWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Fox, Charles James2 Ford-terrace, DartmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Fox, Charles James2 Ford-terrace, DartmouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Fox, Charles JamesPlymouthGentlemanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Fox, Charles JamesPlymouthGentlemanThe National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2221845
Fox, Charles JamesPlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Fox, Charles JamesPlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Fox, Charles JamesPlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Fox, Charles JamesPlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Fox, Charles Jas.PlymouthGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Fox, DorothyPlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Fox, DorothyPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Fox, DorothyPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Fox, DorothyPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Fox, DorothyPlymouthSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Fox, Eliza C.PlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Fox, Eliza C.PlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Fox, Ellen K.PlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Fox, Ellen K.PlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Fox, GeorgeKingsbridgeBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Fox, GeorgeKingsbridgeBankerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Fox, GeorgeKingsbridgeBankerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Fox, GeorgeKingsbridgeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Fox, GeorgeKingsbridgeGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Fox, GeorgeKingsbridge, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Fox, GeorgePlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Fox, GeorgePlymouth, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Fox, Henry C.PlymouthSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Fox, Henry C.Plymouth, DevonSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Fox, LouisaPlymouthSpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Fox, LouisaPlymouthGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Fox, Octavius AnnelseyExeterDentistWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Fox, Rachael P.ExeterGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Fox, Rachael PrideauxExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Fox, Sarah P.KingsbridgeGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Fox, Sarah P.Kingsbridge, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Foxford, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Foxwell, Margaret JaneTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Franklin, Joseph NorrisWestborough, Teignmouth, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Frederick, MaryMelbourne-st., TivertonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Freeman, FrancesFrithelstock, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Freeman, Rd.,Doctor of Medicine West of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Freeman, RichardPlymouthDoctor of MedicineWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Freeman, RichardPlymouthM.D.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
French, John DarbeyExeterCorn DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
French, John DarbyExeterCorn DealerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Frewins, GeorgeSouth Molton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Friendship, CharlesTorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Friendship, CharlesTorrington, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Friendship, HenryTorringtonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Friendship, HenryTorrington, DevonDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Froom, William ThomasHansleigh, near Tiverton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Frost, AnnCullompton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Frost, AnnCullompton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Frost, MaryCullompton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Frost, William CornerOttery St. Mary, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fry, JohnAlverdiscott, near Bideford, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fry, JohnAlverdiscott, near Bideford, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fry, MaryTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fry, MaryTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fry, ThomasWear Gifford, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fry, WalterDolton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Fry, WalterDolton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fry, William TargettDevon-square, Newton AbbotRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Fuge, John HelePlymouthSurgeonWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Furse, AnnBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Furse, AnnBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Furse, AnnBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Furse, ElizabethPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Furse, JohnPilton, near BarnstapleMachinistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Furse, JohnPilton, near Barnstaple, DevonMachinistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Furse, MaryBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Furse, MaryBishopsteignton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Furse, MaryBishopsteignton, DevonDevonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Furse, SamuelBishopsteignton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gains, William BrewerExmouth, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gallagher, John (executors of)Royal Naval Hospital, StonehouseSurgeonThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Galliford, JohnSouth Molton, DevnGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gamble, Charles HanlenBarnstapleToll CollectorWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gamble, Charles HanlenBarnstaple, DevonSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gamble, Mary RebeccaBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gamble, RebeccaBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gandy, AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gandy, JosephExeterGreengrocerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Gandy, JosephExeterGreengrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gard, Edward OramDevonportSolicitorThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Gardner, Frederick JamesTotnes, DevonSaddlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gardner, Frederick JamesTotnes, DevonSaddlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Garland, AnneKillerton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Garland, AnneKillerton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Garland, ElizaSalem-place, St James's, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Garland, Jane10 Lower-terrace, Mount Radford, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Garland, JohnThe Cottage, Killerton, near ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Garland, M. M.Plymouth, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Garland, RichardPlymouthWatchmakerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Garland, RichardPlymouthWatchmakerThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Garland, RichardPlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Garland, RichardPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Garnett, Mary Anncare of Mrs King, Barmport-terrace, TeignmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Garnett, Mary Anncare of Mrs King, Barnpart-terrace, TeignmouthMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Garrett, Mary RachelGrosvenor-place, St Sidwells, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Garrioch, HughinaTiverton, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gatchell, GeorgeCrediton, DevonEsquireWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gates, Edward Wilson34 High-street, ExeterDraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gath, SamuelTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gath, SamuelTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gatter, RobertCombe Raleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gatter, RobertCombe Raleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gatter, RobertComberaleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gatter, RobertComberaleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gaul, MaryExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gaullet, ArthurBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Gaydon, RobertBarnstaple, DevonPaperworkNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gaydon, RobertBarnstaple, DevonPaper MakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gaydon, William SommerwellBarnstaple, DevonPoultererNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gaydon, William SommerwellTeignmouth, DevonEating House KeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gaydon, William SommerwilBarnstaple, DevonEating House KeeperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gaydon, WilliamSommerwillBarnstaple, DevonPoultererNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Geare, John, juniorExeterSolicitorWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Geddes, Isabella3 Geneva-place, BidefordMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gee, William, Rev.ExeterClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Geldard, Richard KellyPlymouthChemist and DruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gemmell, Charles ArchibaldIlfracombe, DevonBank CashierNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gent, JamesPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gent, JamesPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gervis, ElizabethAshburton, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gervis, Elizabeth S.AshburtonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gervis, Elizabeth S.AshburtonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gervis, Elizabeth S.Ashburton, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Gervis, Elizabeth SoperAshburton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gervis, LaviniaAshburtonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gervis, LaviniaAshburtonGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gervis, LaviniaAshburton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gervis, LaviniaAshburton, DevonSpinsterDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Gervis, W. S.AshburtonSurgeonDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gervis, W. S.Ashburton, DevonSurgeonDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Gervis, Walter S.AshburtonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gervis, Walter SoperAshburton, DevonSurgeonWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gibbings, J. W.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gibbings, Jno. W.Exeter, DevonAccountantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Gibbings, John W.ExeterAccountantDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gibbings, John Wiliam22 Longbrook-st., ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gibbings, MariaExminster, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gibbings, RichardClanaborough, Bow, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gibbings, RichardClanaborough, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gibbings, RichardClannaborough, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gibbings, RichardTeignmouthEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gibbings, RichardTeignmouth, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gibbings, RichardTeignmouth, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gibney, Frances Annecare of W. Sparkes, Esq., Crediton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gibson, Herbert M.PlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Gibson, Hubert M.PlymouthSolicitorThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Gieve, Jamescare of Jno. Gieve, Esq., ChulmleighGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gifford, JosephThe Vicarage, Newport, BarnstapleRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gifford, Joseph, Rev.Newport, near Barnstaple,GentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gilbard, James SamuelExeterDispenser of MedicineWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gilbert, FrancesRockfield, Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gilbert, John PomeroyBarnstaple, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Gilbert, RachelTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gilham, RobertIlfracombeGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2021847
Gill, Harold Wrayford CornishBickham, Buckland MonachorumBankerGill, Sons and Co.Western Times2421855
Gill, Harold Wrayford Cornish GillTamar House, BeerferrisBankerGill, Sons and Co.Western Times1821860
Gill, Henry SeptimusTivertonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonEsq.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonIronmongerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gill, Henry SeptimusTiverton, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gill, Jno. HornbrookBickham, Buckland MonachorumBankerGill and RundleWestern Times1621850
Gill, JohnBranscombe, DevonCarpenterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gill, John HornbrookBickham Park, Buckland MonachorumBankerGill, Sons and Co.Western Times1821860
Gill, John HornbrookBickham Park, Buckland MonachorumBankerGill, Sons and Co.Western Times1421865
Gill, John HornbrookBickham, Buckland MonachorumBankerGill, Sons and Co.Western Times2421855
Gill, John HornbrookBickham, in Buckland MonachorumBankerGill & RundleWestern Times1321847
Gill, John HornbrookBickham, parish of Buckland MonachorumBankerGill and RundleExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Gill, John HornbrookBickham, Parish of Buckland MonachorumBankerGill and RundleExeter Flying Post1221846
Gill, Reginald Butler EdgcombeBeaumont House, Stoke DamerelBankerGill, Sons and Co.Western Times1421865
Gill, Reginald Butler EdgcombeBickham, Buckland Monachorum Gill, Sons and Co.Western Times2421855
Gill, Reginald Butler EdgcumbeBickham Park, Buckland MonachorumBankerGill, Sons and Co.Western Times1821860
Gill, Reginald Butler EdgcumbeBickham, Buckland Monachorum & Ward House, Beerferris, DevonBankerGill, Morshead & Co.Exeter Flying Post1721875
Gill, ThomasPlymouthExecutors ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Gill, ThomasPlymouthExecutors ofThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Gill, ThomasPlymouthExecutor ofDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gillard, Jno.CullomptonYeomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gillard, John2 Fore-st., CullomptonYeomanThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Gillard, JohnSt James', ExeterSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gillard, JohnSt James's, ExeterSchoolmasterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gillard, NicholasSt David's, ExeterCommercial TravellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gillard, NicholasSt David's, ExeterCommercial TravellerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gillard, SamuelHalberton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gillard, SamuelHalberton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gillham, RobertIlfracombeGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1921846
Gillham, RobertIlfracombeGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Gillham, RobertIlfracombeGentlemanNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Gillham, RobertIlfracombeGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Gilliland, Edwin JohnElmwood, Colyford, near AxminsterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gilliland, Elizabeth EugenieElmwood, Colyford, near AxminsterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gilliland, Grace LettaElmwood, Colyford, near AxminsterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gilliland, Lucy ElizaElmwood, Colyford, near AxminsterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gilliland, Margaret BlanceElmwood, Colyford, near Axminster National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Glanvill, Francis CustHoniton, DevonSaddlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Glanvill, Francis CustHoniton, DevonSaddlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Glanvill, Francis CustHoniton, DevonSaddlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Glanvill, Francis CustHoniton, DevonSaddlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Glanvill, HenryExeterGrocerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Glasby, Elizabeth14 Scarborough-terrace, Torre, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Glasby, Elizabeth14 Scarborough-terrace, Torre, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Glass, George SmaleHatherleigh, DevonHat ManufacturerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Glass, WilliamNorthlew, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Glendining, EllenTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gliddon, George RobbinsExeterSharebrokerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Glubb, Emily WarrenTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Glubb, Emily WarrenTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Glubb, Margaret ElizabethTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Glubb, Margaret ElizabethTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Glubb, Margaret ElizabethTorrington, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Glyde, ElizabethExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Glyde, Elizabeth,ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Glyde, Elizabeth,ExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Glyde, MelenaExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Godfery, CharlesCastle Hill,South MoltonSteward to Earl FortescueNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Godfery, CharlesSouth Molton, DevonStewardNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Godfery, CharlesSouth Molton, DevonSteward to Earl FortescueNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Godfree, HenryCoombe Raleigh, Honiton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Godfree, HenryCoombe Raleigh, Honiton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Godfree, HenryCoomberaleigh, Honiton, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Godfree, HenryLuppitt, near Honiton, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Godfree, MaryCoombe Raleigh, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Godfree, MaryCoomberaleigh, Honiton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Godfree, ThomasComberaleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Godfree, ThomasCoombe Raleigh, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Godfrey, H.ExeterGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Godfrey, HenryWeir Barton, near Topsham, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Godfrey, HenryWeir Barton, near Topsham, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Godfrey, John RaceDartmouth, DevonLieutenant, R.N.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Godfrey, John RaceDartmouth, DevonLieutenant, R.N.West of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Golesworthy, JosephHoniton, DevonStonemasonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Golesworthy, JosephHoniton, DevonStone MasonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Golesworthy, JosephHoniton, DevonStonemasonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Golsworthy, JamesBranscombe, DevonDairymanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Golsworthy, James (representatives of)late of ExeterDeceasedNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Good, MaryShaldon, DevonWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Good, MaryShaldon, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Goodenough, LouisaEast-st., Newton Abbot, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Goodfellow, AnneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Goodland, Marycare of Mr A. McKelvie, Torrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Goodridge, SallyHeavitree, DevonWife of GentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Goodridge, Sarah Jane NorishHeavitree, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Goodridge, WilliamHeavitree, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Goodyear, RichardDartmouthShip OwnerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Gordon, Charles AlexanderDevonportDr., Inspector of HospitalsNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gordon, PeterCastle Hill, DevonForesterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gordon, PeterCastle Hill, DevonForesterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gordon, PeterCastle-hill, DevonForesterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gormully, C.Stonehouse, DevonWidowDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Gormully, JamesStonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gormully, JamesStonehouseGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gorwill, William13 Raleigh-terrace,Exmouth, DevonLocomotive EngineerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gosling, M. E. H.Plympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Gosling, Mary Eliz. H.Plympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Gosling, Mary Elizabeth HelePlympton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Goss, HonorTorrington, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Goss, JonathanKingsbridgeBootmakerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Goss, JonathanKingsbridgeBootmakerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Goss, JonathanKingsbridgeBootmakerKingsbridge Joint-Stock BankWestern Times1321847
Goss, JonathanKingsbridgeBoot MakerKingsbridge Joint Stock Banking Co.Western Times2421855
Goss, JonathanKingsbridgeBoot MakerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times2521860
Goss, JonathanKingsbridge, DevonBoot MakerKingsbridge Joint Stock BankWestern Times1621850
Goss, Prothesia S.Kingsbridge, ModburySpinsterThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Goss, Prothesia S.ModburyGentlewomanThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Goss, SamuelBarnstaple, DevonChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Goss, ThomasMerton, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Goss, WilliamTorrington, DevonEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould John BlatchfordExeterAccountantWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Gould, Anna MariaExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gould, Anna MariaLivell-place, Heavitree, ExeterMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould, CharlesHeavitree Bridge, near ExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gould, Eliza AnnExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gould, Eliza AnneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gould, ElizabethTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould, ElizabethTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, GeorgeTorrington, DevonBootmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould, GeorgeTorrington, DevonBootmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, Jno. BlachfordExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Gould, JohnBlatchford, ExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Gould, JohnHatherleigh, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gould, JohnHatherleigh, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gould, JohnHatherleigh, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould, JohnHatherleigh, DevonSurgeonNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, JohnLoxhore, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould, JohnLoxhore, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, John BlatchfordBedford-circus, ExeterGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, John BlatchfordExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Gould, John BlatchfordExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Gould, John BlatchfordExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gould, John BlatchfordExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gould, WilliamThe Abbey, Pilton, BarnsktapleGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, WilliamTorrington, DevonBootmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould, WilliamTorrington, DevonBootmakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, William RiddHigh-st., IlfracombeLinen DraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Gould, William RiddHigh-st., IlfracombeLinen DraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gould, William RiddHigh-st., Ilfracombe, DevonRetired DraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gould, William RiddHigh-street, IlfracombeLinen DraperNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gouldsworthy, JohnMamhead, DevonFootmanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Goullet, ArthurBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Goullet, ArthurBudleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Goullet, Arthur,Budleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Goullet, Arthur,Budleigh Salterton, DevonGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Goullet, MariaBudleigh Salterton, DevonHis WifeWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Goullet, MariaBudleigh Salterton, Devonhis WifeWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Govett, Susan PriceTiverton, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Govier, William1 Verney-place, ExeterTailorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Govier, William168 St Sidwell-st., ExeterTailorNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Grabham, JohnHoniton, DevonRetired BrewerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Grainger, WilliamAlexandra-place, BarnstapleInland Revenue OfficerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Granger, Frederick MajorPayhembury, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Granger, Rev. T.,ExeterClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Granger, Rev. T.,ExeterClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Granger, Rev. ThomasExeterClerk, M.A.West of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Granger, Rev. Thomas, M.A.ExeterClerkWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Granger, Thomas, Rev.ExeterClerk, M.A.West of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Granger, Thomas, Rev.ExeterM.A., ClerkWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Grant, Edward119 Fore-street-hill, ExeterChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Grant, EdwardExeterDruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Grant, EdwardExeterChemistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Grant, EdwardExeterDruggistWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Grant, Mary8 Ross-st., Morice TownSpinsterThree Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Gray, France H.KingsandSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Gray, France H.KingsandSurgeonThe Devon and Cornwall Banking CompanyExeter Flying Post1221846
Gray, JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Gray, JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gray, Mary HancockExeterWife of Robert Jno. Gray, gentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Gray, Robert JohnExeterAccountantWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Gray, Robert JohnExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gray, Robert JohnExeterAccountantWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gray, Thomas BrownDurnford-st., StonehouseMajor, R.M.L.I.Three Towns Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1121870
Gray, Thomas WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Gray, Thomas WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Gray, Thomas WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gray, Thomas WilliamExeterGentlemanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Greek, JohnBarnstapleTallow ChandlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Greek, John LeworthyBarnstapleTallow ChandlerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Greek, John LeworthyBarnstapleTallow ChandlerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Greek, John LeworthyBarnstapleTallow ChandlerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Greek, John LeworthyBarnstaple, DevonTallow ChandlerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Greek, John LeworthyHigh-st., BarnstapleTallow ChandlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Greek, John LeworthyHigh-st., Barnstaple, DevonTallow ChandlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Greek, John LeworthyHigh-st., Barnstaple, DevonTallow ChandlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Greek, John LeworthyHigh-street, BarnstapleTallow ChandlerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Greek, Louisa JaneBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Greek, Louisa JaneBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Greek, Mary AnnBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1621850
Greek, Mary AnnBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Greek, Mary AnnBarnstapleSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Greek, Mary AnnBarnstapleSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Greek, Mary AnnBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Greek, Mary AnnBarnstaple, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Greek, Mary AnnHigh-st., BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Greek, Mary AnnHigh-st., Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Greek, Mary AnnHigh-st., Barnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Greek, Mary AnnHigh-street, BarnstapleMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Green, JaneChudleigh, DevonSpinsterWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Green, WilliamBrixhamShip Owner &c.Green and VitteryExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Green, WilliamBrixhamShip Owner &c.Green and VittereyWestern Times1621850
Green, WilliamBurton Street, BrixhamShip Owner & BankerGreen and VitteryWestern Times2421855
Green, WilliamBurton-street, Brixham, DevonShip Owner and BankerGreen and VitteryWestern Times1821860
Green, Wm.BrixhamShipowner &c.Green & VitteryWestern Times1321847
Greene, William32 Torwood-st., TorquayEsquireNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Greenslade, LauraExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Greenway, JohnPlymouthSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Greenway, JohnStonehouse, DevonSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Greep, George E.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Greep, George E.Stonehouse, DevonGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Gregory, ElizabethPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Gregory, ElizabethPlymouthGentlewomanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Gregory, JohnExeterJoinerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter and Plymouth Gazette1521845
Gregory, JohnExeterJoinerWest of England and South Wales District BankExeter Flying Post1221846
Gregory, JohnExeterJoinerWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1321847
Gregory, JohnExeterJoinerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Gregory, JohnExeterJoinerWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Gregory, SarahExeterWidowWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Gregory, SarahExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gregory, SarahExeterWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Gregory, ThomasExeterGentlemanWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Grey, JaneExeterSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gribble, HenryPiltonBankerMarshalls and GribbleNorth Devon Journal1021870
Gribble, Henry IvieBarnstapleBankerMarshall, Drake, Gribble and CoNorth Devon Journal1421850
Gribble, Henry IvieBarnstapleBankerMarshall, Drake, Gribble and Co.North Devon Journal2221855
Gribble, Henry IvieBarnstapleBankerMarshall, Gribble, Marshall, & Co.North Devon Journal2321860
Gribble, Henry IvieBarnstaple, DevonBankerDrake, Marshall, Drake, Gribble & Co.North Devon Journal1121847
Gribble, Henry IviePilton, near BarnstapleBankerMarshall, Gribble, Marshall, and Co.North Devon Journal1621865
Gribble, JohnBarnstapleBanker onlyDrake, Gribble and Co.Exeter Flying Post1221846
Griffin, JamesTalaton, Ottery St Mary, DevonFarmerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Griffin, JohnRewe, near ExeterYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Griffin, JohnRewe, near ExeterYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Griffin, JohnTalaton, Ottery St Mary, DevonButcherNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Griffin, RichardTalaton, Ottery St Mary, DevonBakerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Griffin, ThomasCullompton, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Griffin, WilliamTavistockSolicitorDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Griffin, WilliamTavistockTimber DealerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1521875
Griffin, WilliamTavistock, DevonTimber DealerDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyRoyal Cornwall Gazette2021880
Griffiths, Caroline MaryTrentishoe, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Griffiths, MaryBidefordMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Griffiths, RebeccaBidefordWidowNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Griffiths, RebeccaBidefordMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Griffiths, RebeccaBideford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Griffiths, RebeccaBideford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Griffiths, ThomasBidefordChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Griffiths, ThomasBideford, DevonChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Griffiths, ThomasBideford, DevonRetired ChemistNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Grills, JohnAbbotskerswell, DevonYeomanWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Grose, JaneChudleigh, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Grose, Jane (deceased)Chudleigh, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Grossard, FrancesBideford, DevonMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Groves, EdwinExeterDentistWest of England & South Wales District BankWestern Times2421855
Groves, Eliza1 Quay, IlfracombeMrs.National Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Groves, Eliza1 Quay, IlfracombeMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Groves, JamesBroadclist, DevonCoachmanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Grup, G. E.PlymouthGentlemanDevon and Cornwall Banking CompanyWestern Morning News1221870
Guard, ConstanceN.P. Bank, TorringtonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Guard, FlorenceN.P. Bank, TorringtonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Guard, JuliaN.P. Bank, TorringtonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gundry, John SeagerHoniton, DevonRev.National Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Gunn, WilliamAxminster, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Gunn, WilliamAxminster, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Guppy, Marietta FlorenceBarnstaple, DevonMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Guppy, Thomas William Matthew WilksBarnstaple, DevonBankerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Guppy, Thomas William Matthew WilksBarnstaple, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Guppy, Thomas William Matthew WilksBarnstaple, DevonBank ManagerNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Guppy, Thomas WilliamMatthew WilksBarnstaple, DevonGentlemanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Guscott, JohnExeterJoinerWest of England and South WalesDistrict BankWestern Times2321850
Guscott, MaryCrediton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Guscott, MaryCrediton, DevonSpinsterWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times1721865
Guscott, Mary JaneDevonportSpinsterNational Provincial Bank Of EnglandWestern Times2421855
Guscott, Mary JaneDevonportSpinsterNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times2521860
Guscott, Mary JaneDevonportMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1421865
Guscott, Mary JaneDevonportMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandWestern Times1821870
Guscott, Mary JaneN.P. Bank, DevonportMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter and Plymouth Gazette2021880
Guscott, SusanChristow, DevonWidowWest of England and South Wales District BankWestern Times2521860
Gush, JohnBuckerell, DevonYeomanNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875
Gusscott, Mary JaneN.P. Bank, DevonportMissNational Provincial Bank of EnglandExeter Flying Post1721875