Will of Susan Gale, Spinster of Bampton, Devon
Proved 30 November 1857
© Crown Copyright
Source: The National Archives. PROB 11/2260 152
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury: 17 Quire numbers: 801-850
(Transcribed by Russ Davies. Checked by Tom McManamon and Barbara Keene of Tiverton.)
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Susan Gale, Spinster, late of Sutton in the County of Surrey but now residing at Bampton in the County of Devon. I hereby give and bequeath to all my brothers and sisters the residue of my property vested in the Bank of England Long Annuities after deducting all money that may be owing by me or on my account the same to be equally divided among them. I hereby constitute and appoint my Brother George Gale the sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty seventh day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty. Susan Gale.
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
George Marley John Endicott
In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury for the Goods of Susan Gale, Spinster, deceased.
Appeared Personally John Endicott of Bampton in the County of Devon, Sawyer and made oath that he is one of the attesting witnesses to the Last Will and Testament of Susan Gale formerly of Upper Grosvenor Street in the County of Middlesex, afterwards of Sutton in the County of Surrey and late of Bampton in the County of Devon, Spinster, deceased, and having particularly viewed and inspected the said Will now hereunto annexed bearing date the twenty seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty further made oath that the said deceased duly executed the said Will on the said twenty seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty by subscribing her name at the foot or end thereof in manner as now appears in the presence of George Marley (since deceased) and this deponent who were both present at the same time and the said George Marley and this deponent thereupon duly attested and subscribed the said Will in manner as now appears in the presence of the said deceased and also of each other and this deponent having particularly observed the word "all" nearly illegible appearing partly erased in the fifth line of the said Will further made oath that this deponent is wholly unable to recollect whether the said erasure appeared in the said Will at the time of the execution thereof this deponent not having to the best of his recollection observed the same. John Endicott.
On the twenty third day of November 1857 the said John Endicott was duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit by virtue of the annexed Commission. Before me, Edward Rendell, Commissioner
Proved at London 30th of Novr. 1857 Before the Judge by the oath of a George Gale the Brother the sole Executor to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer.