


Name Listings (Appendices 4 - 8)

Provided by the author from:

Roman to 17th Century Bampton

Francis, T.J. Roman to 17th Century Bampton, Devon. Tiverton: Fort Press, (2008)

Appendix 4 - Lay Subsidy Roll; Bampton Parish, 1332

Henry de Carswill'12d        Thomas de Lodefenne12d        Thomas de Sperheng'12d
Walter de Codemor12dThomas Lombard12dWilliam le Tannere2s
William de Codmor2sWilliam Pestour3sSimon le Tauuerner12d
Richard Cogan5sRoger le Pope12dNicholas Weste2s
John de Cruwys12dAdam (?)Porth2sJohn Westeheghes8d
John de Dodyscomb'2sRobert le Sanger16dWalter atte Weye18d
William Faimaid12dWalter atte Sele [Zeal]    12dNicholas le Whita12d
Anastasia de la Heghes    7sWilliam atte Sele3sJohn le Yonge13d
Robert atte Hulle3sWilliam Selyman2sWilliam Yundoure2s
Henry le Knyght2sWilliam Skynnere12d  
John Kyngman12dAdam Sopere2s  

Appendix 5 - Devon Muster Roll, 1539; Bampton Parish

The Presenters of the parish swore that the following inhabitants have their furniture of armour and weapons as follows:
Stephen Dyer-James Trustram-Thomas Huysh-John Milton-Robert Badcok-John Hill

Those people of the parish who owned goods or had an income over a certain value were obliged to provide armour and weapons in quantities commensurate with their worth, each person having a code. Those who were un-coded had to find 1 corselet, 1 pike, 1 harquebut, and 3 murrions.

Glossary of Terms:

CorseletArmoured shirt covering the body.
Almain rivetCheap mass-produced armour covering neck and shoulders
Stele capMetal skull cap worn under a cloth hat
Black billPolearm similar to a pike
HarquebutGun resembling a blunderbuss. Later developed into the musket
MurrionHelmet without faceguard or visor
SalletGlobular shaped helmet

The codes as applied to Bampton are:
G 4. Goods owned to the value of between £200 and £400. These people had to provide 1 corselet, 1 pike, 1 almain rivet, 2 long bows and 2 sheafs of arrows, 2 stele caps
G 6. Goods owned to the value of between £20 and £40. They had to provide 1 almain rivet, 2 long bows and sheafs of arrows, 2 stele caps, 1 bill.
G 7. Goods owned to the value of between £10 and £20. They had to provide 1 long bow and sheaf of arrows, 1 stele cap, 1 bill.

Humphrey CruseG 4 plus 1 bill
Alice Smart1 corselet, 1 pike, 1 bow, 1 sheaf of arrows, 1 stele cap, 1 bill
Richard FugarsG 6 plus 1 harquebus, 1 murrion
Stephen DyerG 6                 William TrusramG 7           
Thomas HuyshG 6Michael HudfordG 6
James TrustramG 6Thomas TymewellG 6
Robert BadcokG 7Thomas VenmanG 7
Thomas DierG 7John WarringG 6
John Milton1 bow 1 sheaf of arrows 1 stele cap 1 bill 1 harquebus 1 murrion

John Bonde, Nicholas Colman, Humphrey Jurdayne, Peter Bowbere, Richard Gard, John Norman, James Bowdon, John Glasse, Thomas Wade, Christopher Bryant, Michael Goodman, Stephen Cole, Christopher Warren

Richard Adam, Thomas Comer, Henry Hill at Seall [Zeal], Edward Osmund, John Badcok, Richard Cox, Henry Hill at Waye, John Putton, Peter Badcok, John Cruse, John Hill [1], John Rose, Robert Badcok, Stephen Dier, John Hill [2], James Tristram, William Badcok, Thomas Dier, John Hill at Rill, John Balle, Christopher Tymewell, John Garnsey, Robert Hill, John Tymewell, John Bidgood, Richard Goodman, Edmund Ingram, Thomas Venman, Robert Biges, Thomas Goodrydg, Richard Ingram, Valentine Ware, John Bowber, Richard Hancock, Edward Milton, John Warman, William Bowbere, Edward Hosegood, John Milton, Lewis Wills, John Brownford, Christopher Hill, Robert Norman, Christopher Yendall

William Apsam, John Hodg, Thomas Thorne, Edward Babb, Thomas Hooper, John Warman, Robert Ball, John Kemp, William Waterman, John Blackmore, John Mogridg, Hugh Weare, James Bristow, Michael Norman, Thomas Wear, Michael Cleaf, John Otwaye, John Webber, Richard Fugars, Humphrey Pole, Michael Yendall, Thomas Goodding, Robert Pole, Robert Yendall, John Greenslad, John Roch junior, John Zelye, George Heyman, John Thomas

Richard Ball, Richard Gard, Richard Mannder, Michael Bowden, John Goodman, James Morse, Richard Bowden, Peter Hawkings, John Pere, Thomas Bowbere, George Hill, Edmund Reynolds, Michael Burston, James Hill, Michael Rowe, Thomas Colman, Robert Hill, John Stevens, Edmund Crosse, John Hobbs, Robert Warryng, William Fisett, Michael Hooper, William Waterman, William Foster, Thomas Hoper, Thomas Weylond

Appendix 6 - Tax Returns, 1524; Bampton Parish

The returns for 1525 are as below but with the following additions:     (W = wage; G = goods; L = land)
Richard Atkyn - W1; Robert Crosse - W1; Haukyn Ducheman, alyn - W1; John Hyll - G2; Thomas Smart - G1; Peter, servant to Thomas Smart - W1; Thomas Warman - W1; Thomas Dee and Joan Christopher - G2 jointly.

John AttkynW1Henry CadmoreG10William ElysW1 
Alice BadcokG2William CapronW1Margaret FosterG5 
John BadcokG4Thomas ChaplaynL5Alice FrenscheL1/2 
Henry BallW11/3            Edward ChapleynG2Alice FrenchG2 
Edward BawberW11/3John CleffeG2Richard FugorG5 
John Bawdyn [1]G2Emot Cleve (taxd 1/-.)    L2Hugh GlomerW1 1/3 
John Bawdyn [2]G3John Corcleff senG8Clement GlosseL1 1/3 
John BowberG8John CorcleffW1James GlosseW1 
Thomas BowbereL2James CowmanG20John HelyarG11 
Thomas Bowbere junG8Nicholas CoyetteW1Margaret HillG3 
William Bowbere [1]    G4John CristoferW1Robert Hill (Hyll)G21 
William Bowbere [2]G4William ChristoferG16Roger Hill (Hyll)[1]    G12 
John BowhayW1Robert CrosseG3Roger Hill (Hyll) [2]G8 
John BremrygG2John DeneG2William Hill senG3 
William BrystonG6Thomas DoddyscumG3William HillG2 
Simon Bylhole alynW1John Dyar [1]G10John HobbysG2 
William ByrdG2John Dyar [2]G6Thomas HoundallerG2 
Thomas CadburyW1Margaret Dyar (Dier)G2William HukleyW1 
William HurleyW1Richard PesterG3John TristyamG7 
John IngramW1Thomas PesterG13 1/3            Thomas TymellW1 
William KeneW1John PyneG6Henry WarmanG20 
Thomas KevynG4John PypsoynW1William WebberG14 
Thomas LangmanL1 1/3John Quycke [1]L2/3William TymellG4 
Richard LawrenceG2John Quycke [2]G1John WarmanG8 
Hugh LongmanG12John Quycke [3]G2John WedmoreG1 
Robert LowdonG4William RodnesseW1 1/3Thomas WadeG2 
Robert LythW1Richard RoperG11William WarrynW1 
Jonathon MannderW1Anna RoweG3William WenemaG3 
John MathuG1John Rowe senG11Roger WareW1 
John MyltonG5John Rowe junW1John Webber [1]G9 
Richard MyltonG3John RoweG31/3John WerryamG3 
William MyltonG20Richard RowW1William WareW1 1/3 
Richard NormanG1Richard RoweG2John Webber [2]G2 
John OtwayeG1Thomas ShatokG2John WhetherW1 
John OxenbayreW1John SladdG4Robert YendallG6 
Roger PerseW1William SmartG40   
James PesterG14Marion TristanG40   

Appendix 7 - Tax Returns, 1543; Bampton Parish

The assessments are based on ownership of goods other than the two shown with an L, who were assessed on income.

John Awrsemond23        Hugh Goodman3           John Rawe2
Augustine Badcock2Richard Gupy0Elizabeth Rawe1
Elizabeth Badcock3Nicholas Helman1John Rombelowe5
Robert Badcock1Robert Herneman1Richard Roper3
William Berd2Robert Hurley2John Rowe [1]5
William Bowber1John Hyll1John Rowe [2]3
Edward Bowber1Richard Hyll20John Rowe [3]4
John Bowber8Roger Hyll6Michael Rowe3
Thomas Bowber senL1Robert Hyll1John Servys1
Thomas Bowber8Thomas Hyll [1]3John Shattocke1
William Bowber [1]1Thomas Hyll [2]1Michael Simon1
William Bowber [2]1William Hyll [1]7John Slade senior10
John Bowdyn8William Hyll [2]1John Slade junior10
Edmund Bragge9Richard Hyllyng2Alice Smyrte28
John Bremelcombe2John Hobbes10Michael Sparkhaine1
John Brounford1Michael Hobbes1Richard Sparkhaine1
John Brystowe2William Hurley1William Stebe2
William Burston20Edward Ingram8Elizabeth Stokeham1
Simon Bylholle alien    1John Ingeram senior    1Richard Toker2
Thomas Bylehole1Robert Kympe2Robert Tollyfote2
Nicholas Bysshopp1Richard Lawrens5John Tolman5
James Calwoodley1Alice Longdon2Joan Tristram al Dyer2
Emota Clyffe3John Longdon7John Tristram sen28
Richard Clyff2Hugh Longman10John Tristram jun24
John Cole4John Lythemore1Thomas Tristram2
Thomas Comer1John Miltun [1]20William Upham2
John CowmanL 1John Miltun [2]1Thomas Wade2
John Creche1Richard Miltun1Roger Ware1
William Crystoffer8Thomas Myltun1William Ware1
Humphrey Cruys30Peter Modforde1John Warryn1
Henry Cudmore7Elizabeth Norman1John Webber [1]1
John Cudmore4John Osemont jun2John Webber [2]2
Thomas Cudmore2John Ottway1John Webber [3]4
John Evyns0John Oxenber1John Webber [4]2
William Evyns0Roger Pers2William Webber18
Joan Fenman0James Pester20Elizabeth Wedmore1
Adam Ferthing1Richard Pester4John Wereman8
John Fugars5John Potter1John Werman2
Adam Gamond1John Pranse3Thomas Wereman13
William Garnsy5John Pyne10John Wynter1
Clement Glose3Thomas Pyne1Christopher Yendall5
Thomas Glose15Joan Quyck1Elizabeth Yendall10
John Goffe1Alice Rawe0John Yendall8

Appendix 8 - Protestation Return for Bampton Parish, 1641

(An oath of allegiance to the king and Church of England against the Church of Rome sworn by the adult men [over the age of 14] of every parish) [Transcribed by Mark Brewer]

Addicote, George Ba; X
Addicott, Michael Ba; X
Addicott, Edward Ba; M
Adicote, John P & S
Adicote, John Ba; A
Adicote, William P & S; X
Adlington, Henrie Ba; X
Agreene, George Ba; X
Alderman, John Ba; J
Ash, William Ba
Axnell, Henrie Ba
Badcock, Robert Ba
Badcock, Robert Ba; X
Badcock, Ambrose Ba; A
Badcocke, Peter Ba; X
Ball, Anthony Ba
Ball, Henry Ba
Ball, John Ba; J
Ball, Omphry P & S; X
Ball, Henry Ba
Ball, Anthony Ba; A
Ball, Robert Ba; X
Balle, William Ba; X
Barber, William Ba; X
Bauden, Alexander Ba; X
Berey, John Ba; JB
Berry, Bartholomew Ba; X
Blackemore, Cristofer Ba; C
Blackmore, John Ba; X
Blackmore, Tristram Ba; X
Blackmore, John Ba
Blue, Edward Ba; ed
Blue, Thomas Ba; X
Boudane, Francess P & S; X
Boudon, Nicholas Ba; X
Bowbeare, John Ba
Bowbeare, Anthony Ba; X
Bowbeare, William Ba; X
Bowden, Andrew P & S; X
Bowden, Joseph Ba
Bowden, John Ba; X
Bowdon, William Ba; W
Bowdon, Andrewe Ba
Bowdon, Richard Ba
Bristowe, James Ba; X
Brock, Antony Ba; B
Brocke, Alexander Ba
Brooke, John Ba; J
Brownsford, Thomas Ba; T
Bryant, William Ba
Bryant, Jacob Ba; X
Bryant, Abraham Ba; AB
Bryant, Franck Ba; X
Bryant, Isack Ba; I
Bryant, John Ba
Brynridge, Robert Ba; R
Bulford, James Ba; X
Buston, John Ba; X
Butler, Humpfry Ba
Cafrane, George P & S; GC
Canworthy, Andrew (??) Ba
Capwell, George Ba; C
Carew, Peter Ba
Carew, Peter junior Ba
Carle, Thomas Ba; X
Catford, Robert Ba; C
Catford, John Ba
Chamberlayne, John Ba
Chamberlin, Bartholomew Ba
Chamberlin, Nicholas Ba
Chamberlin, Robert Ba
Chamberlin, Bartholomew Ba; B
Chapman, Steven Ba; S
Clarke, John Ba; C
Clarke, Stephen Ba; X
Cleeve, John Ba; X
Cleeve, Michaell Ba; X
Cleive, Henry Ba; H
Clements, Thomas Ba; X
Cleve, William Ba
Clieve, Gabriell Ba; C
Colle, John Ba
Collins, Robert Ba; R
Collyns, Jenkin Ba; X
Colman, Michaell Ba
Cooke, William Ba; X
Cookman, Frances Ba; F
Cookman, Thomas Ba; X
Cooll, William Ba; C
Cornelus, Edward Ba
Cottel, Thomas Ba; X
Court, John Ba; X
Court, John Ba; X
Court, Henry Ba; X
Cowling, John Ba; J
Cowling, John junior Ba; J
Cretten, Hinry Ba
Crocker, John Ba; X
Crocker, Christopher Ba; X
Crosse, Thomas Ba; C
Cullme, Alex Ba; AC
Cunnet, Benedict Ba; X
Curtis, Nicholas Ba; X
Dale, John Ba; X
Davye, Henrye Ba; h
Daxye, Henry P & S; X
Dennen, George Ba
Dich, John Ba; J
Dutch, William Ba; W
Dyer, John Ba
Ellis, William Ba; X
Frost, Amos Ba;A
Frost, Richard Ba; R
Fulford, George Ba; GF
Fuswill, Walter Ba; X
Gallosery, John Ba; S
Gamman, John P & S; X
Gammon, William Ba; W
Gammon, Abel Ba; X
Gammone, Anthony P & S
Garnesey, John P & S
Garnse, William P & S; X
Gerreye, John Ba; X
Gill, Roger Ba; R
Glasse, Humfry Ba
Glasse, John Ba
Glasse, Thomas Ba; T
Goare, John Ba; X
Godsland, George Ba; X
Godsland, Phillip Ba; X
Goodding, Andrewe Ba
Gooding, Thomas Ba
Goodman, George Ba; X
Goodman, Christopher Ba; X
Goodman, Thomas Ba; TG
Goodwey, Nicholas P & S
Goudding, Henry P & S
Gouding, James P & S
Gullutt, John Ba; X
Gyffard, Charles Ba
Hagley, William Ba; X
Harant, Andrew Ba; X
Haris, Mathew P & S; X
Haris, John Ba; J
Harmer, David Ba; H
Harres, John Ba; J
Hatswell, John Ba; H
Hatswill, William Ba; X
Hawkinges, Francis Ba; X
Hawkins, Richard Ba; H
Hellens, Peter Ba; X
Hermon, Lewes Ba; X
Hill, Richard Ba
Hill, William Ba
Hill, John Ba
Hill, Robert Ba
Hill, Tristram Ba
Hill, John Ba; J
Hill, Edward Ba; EH
Hill, John junior Ba
Hill, William Ba; H
Hill, Thomas Ba; X
Hill, Henry Ba; H
Hodge, Thomas Ba; H
Hodge, Thomas Ba; T
Holcomb, John Ba; J
Holcombe, William Ba
Holcombe, Nathaniel Ba
Hole, William Ba; MH
Hudey, William Ba; H
Hurly, Thomas Ba; X
Hynds, John Ba; H
Ingram, John Ba; I
Ingram, Robert Ba; R
Ingram, Thomas Ba; X
Ingram, William Ba
Ingram, John Ba
Isaake, Edward Ba; E
Jarmane, Thomas P & S; T
Joanes, Richard Ba; R
Johnes, Lucke Ba; J
Jordan, Edward Ba; E
Jutham, John Ba; X
Kinge, Peter Ba; X
Lagwill, George Ba; X
Land, John Ba; X
Land, John Ba; J
Lang, Edward Ba; E
Lange, John Ba; J
Langwell, John Ba; J
Langwill, Thomas Ba
Langwill, John Ba; X
Lewes, Arnold Ba
Lews, Ewean Ba; X
Liscombe, Nicholas Ba; X
Ludloe, John Ba
Maininge, Robert Ba
Manning, Tobias Ba; X
Meare, Robert Ba; R
Mellton, Christover P & S; M
Melton, Robert Ba
Melton, Nathaniel Ba
Melton, John Ba
Meltone, Robert Ba,
Mildon, John Ba
Milldon, John Ba; X
Millis, Luke Ba; X
Millton, Robert Ba; X
Millton, Edward Ba; M
Milton, John Ba; X
Milton, Richard Ba; X
Mixerye, William Ba; X
Morgan, William Ba; X
Morgan, Richard Ba
Nicholas, Thomas Ba; TN
Nicholas, Saymon Ba; N
Nichole, Moses Ba; X
Nicholes, Richard Ba; X
Norman, Robert Ba
Oxaman, John Ba
Parker, William Ba; X
Peeke, Henery Ba; X
Pengelly, James Ba
Pengelly, William Ba
Perseye, Richard Ba
Petteward, John Ba
Pike, Henry Ba; I
Pike, Rowland Ba; P
Pins, John Ba; J
Pitforde, Jo Ba
Pitt, James Ba; P
Plainys, Richard Ba; R
Proute, William Ba
Proute, Henery Ba
Pulsford, Thomas Ba
Quell, Morgan Ba; X
Quick, John Ba; Q
Quick, Robert Ba; X
Quick, Edward Ba; Edw
Quick, Stephen Ba; S
Quick, Thomas Ba
Quick, Thomas junior Ba; X
Quick, John Ba; Q
Quicke, Mathew Ba; Q
Quicke, Homfrye Ba; X
Quicke, Robert Ba; Q
Quicke, Edward Ba
Quicke, Thomas Ba; T
Reed, Samuel Ba; R
Rexoll, George Ba; X
Rice, William Ba; W
Richards, John Ba; J
Richards, William Ba; X
Robene, Rysse Ba; X
Roch, William Ba; R
Roe, Philip Ba; P
Rowe, Edwarde Ba
Rowe, Raufe Ba; X
Rumbelow, John Ba
Rumbelow, Nicholas Ba; X
Rumbelow, Thomas Ba
Rumbelow, John Ba
Rumbelowe, John Ba; R
Sanders, Mark Ba; X
Senkennes, Edward P & S; E
Sharland, Samuel Ba
Sharland, Thomas Ba; X
Shepheard, Inocent Ba
Shepherd, James Ba; X
Shorland, Robert Ba; S
Shorland, Nicholas Ba; X
Short, John Ba; X
Smallcoome, Henry Ba; S
Smallcoume, John Ba; X
Snow, Abraham Ba
Snow, Charles Ba
Snow, John Ba
Snowe, Ambrose Ba; A
Snowe, William Ba; X
Somers, Thomas Ba
Sommers, George Ba; X
Southwood, Christopher Ba
Southwood, Luke (??) Ba; LS
Sparke, Stephin Ba; S
Sparken, Nathanile(??) Ba; X
Spurway, Humfry Ba
Stibes, Henrye Ba; H
Still, John Ba; S
Stoate, Humphry Ba; H
Stone, James Ba
Stone, Edward Ba
Stronge, Jyles Ba; X
Surrudg, Henery Ba; X
Taillore, Hew P & S; X
Taylor, John Ba; T
Taylor, James Ba; J
Thomas, Richard Ba; X
Thomas, William Ba; X
Thomas, Thomas Ba
Thomas, John Ba
Thomas, Gripphith Ba; X
Toll, John Ba; X
Towille, James Ba; J
Tristram, James Ba
Tristram, Thomas Ba
Tristram, Robert Ba
Tristram, William Ba
Tristram, Robert Ba; T
Tristram, Thomas Ba
Tryckey, John Ba; JT
Tucker, John Ba; X
Tucker, Nicholas Ba; X
Tymwell, Vincent Ba
Unwill, William Ba
Upham, Humfry Ba
Uppome, William Ba; X
Venner, Homfry Ba; X
Vesey, John Ba
Veysey, Peter Ba
Vicerye, Thomas Ba; X
Wallan, John P & S; X
Ward, Robert Ba
Ware, Robert Ba; X
Warmans, Henrye Ba
Warren, John Ba; W
Wastman, John P & S
Waterman, William Ba; W
Watterman, Thomas Ba; X
Webber, Nicholas Ba; N
Webber, Anthony Ba; X
Whitfield, William Ba
Williames, John Ba; J
Williames, Richard Ba; R
Williams, Jenkin Ba; W
Williams, John Ba; R
Willson, John Ba; X
Willson, John Ba; X
Wilson, Richard Ba; X
Wilson, George Ba; G
Windyeatt, Robert Ba; -

The names of those that tooke protestation in the church of Bampton in the presence of us


James Style Curate of BamptonGeorge Southcott Churchwarden
Richard Sainthill ClearkeEdward Hill Churchwarden
Georg Venman ConstableMathew Coleman Overseer
Richard Melton ConstableWilliam Alderman Overseer
Micheall Rowe ConstableOxenham [R] Roger Overseer
Lewes Egbry ConstableRobert Ingram Overseer

NOTES: The letters following each name represent the following:
Ba - Bampton; P&S - Petton & Shillingford. Other letters signify the mark of an illiterate person.