Will of Richard Ford Gibbings, Baker of Westminster, Middlesex
[late of Bampton, Devon]
Proved 14 January 1851
© Crown Copyright
Source: PROB 11/2125, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
1 Quire numbers: 1-50
Transcribed by Diana Ingram, checked by .Barbara Keene
This is the last will and testament of me Richard Ford Gibbings of No. 17 Clare Court, Drury Lane in the City of Westminster, Baker. I give and bequeath unto my wife, Mary Gibbings all my household goods furniture plate linen and china and also all my leasehold dwellinghouse shop and premises situate and being No 17 Clare Court aforesaid together with the goodwill and stock in trade of my business now carried on therein but Subject nevertheless to the rent and restraints Under which I now hold the said dwellinghouse shop and premises I give and bequeath unto John Corks? Of 98 London Wall in the City of London letter writer and decorative painter and William Phillips of No 26 Sherrard Street Golden Square in the City of Westminster cobbler their heirs executors and administrators and assigns my two dwellinghouses situate at Mill head in the Parish of Bampton in the County of Devon and also all the residue and remainder of my dwellinghouses lands tenements hereditaments stocks funds securities for money and other real and personal estate upon trust that the said John Corks and William Phillips and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor (hereinafter called the trustees or trustee) shall as soon as conveniently may be call in and convert into money such part of my said residuary personal estate as shall not consist of houses lands or corporeal hereditaments And shall with the consent in writing of my said wife but not otherwise sell my said houses lands and corporeal hereditaments or any of them and shall out of the money to arise from such calling in conversion and sale and the money of which I shall be possessed at my death pay my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses and shall invest the residue of the said monies in their or his names or name in any of the public stocks or funds of Great Britain or upon Government or real securities in England with power for the said trustees or trustee to vary the said stocks funds and securities at their or his discretion and I hereby do declare that my said trustees shall stand possessed of my said residuary real and personal estate upon trust to pay the rents interest dividends and annual income thereof to or permit the same to be received by my said wife during her life or until she shall marry again or until my children Emma Gibbings and Richard Gibbings shall attain their respective ages of twenty one years and in case my said wife shall die or marry again before my said children shall have attained their respective ages of twenty one years then from and immediately after such death or marriage &upon? trust in their or his discretion to pay the said rent interest dividends and annual income of my said real and personal estate to my said wife or otherwise apply the same to or for the benefit of my said wife and children or the survivors of them until my said children shall attain their respective ages of twenty one years and from and immediately After my said children shall have attained their respective ages of twenty one years whether my said wife shall be then living or dead then as to my said trust estate & upon trust to pay thereout to each of my said children, Emma Gibbings and Richard Gibbings the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds sterling and subject thereto & upon trust for my said wife her heirs executors administrators and assignees respectively and empowering said trustees or trustee if they or he shall think proper at any time or times hereafter during the minority of my said children respectively to raise the whole or any part of the said legacies of one hundred and fifty pounds each hereinbefore given to them respectively and apply the same for his or her advancement or benefit and I thereby declare that if the trustees hereby appointed or either of them or any trustee or trustees to be appointed as hereinafter is provided shall die or is desirous of being discharged or refuse or become incapable to act then and so often the said trustees or trustee (and for this purpose any retiring trustee shall be considered a trustee) may appoint any other person or persons to be a trustee or trustees in the place of the trustees or trustee so dying or desiring to be discharged or refusing or becoming incapable to act and every new trustee shall have the same powers and discretions as if he has been hereby originally appointed a trustee and I hereby declare that the trustees or trustee for the time being shall not be answerable for the other or others of them nor for involuntary costs and that the said trustees or trustee for the time being may reimburse themselves and himself out of my trust estate all expenses to be incurred in or about the execution of the aforesaid trusts and that the receipts in writing of the said trustees or trustee shall be sufficient discharges for all monies and effects which shall be paid or delivered to them or him and I appoint my said wife and the said John Corks and William Phillips Guardians of my said children and Executrix and executors of this my will and lastly I revoke all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of October One thousand eight hundred and fifty - Richard Ford Gibbings
Signed and acknowledged by the said Richard Ford Gibbings as his will in the presence of us present at the same time and who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses: J E Periam - Tho. R Densham.
Proved at London the 14th January 1851 before the worshipful Alg'n Waddilove Doctor of Laws and surrogate? by the oaths of Mary Gibbings, widow, the relict and John Corks two of the executors to whom administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer. Power reserved of making the like? grant to William Phillips the other executor when he shall apply for the same.