Newspaper Extracts related to Bampton, 1818-1945
Transcribed by
Russ Davies
The news reports have been transcribed from the “Western Times”; “Exeter and Plymouth Gazette”; Exeter Flying Post”; “ North Devon Journal”; “Tiverton Gazette” and other newspapers of the time. Please be aware that the reports are in chronological order with respect to months and years only. Reports contained within any month are presented in random order.
Year: 1818
April 1818
Married: Yesterday morning (29 April), at St. Mary's, Lambeth, in the county of Surrey, Mr. H. Norris, of Lant Street, Southwark, to Anna, the youngest daughter of Mr. William Yeandell, of Bampton, and sister-in-law of William Tucker, Esq. Searcher of His Majesty's Customs, in the Port of London.
Year: 1824
July 1824
Died: (5 July) At Bampton, Mr. Isaac Badcock, late of this city, grocer.
Year: 1827
March 1827
John Downey pleaded guilty to a charge of felony, Bampton: the prisoner had been convicted of a felony before and was sentenced to 7 years transportation.
Year: 1828
July 1828
Imprisonment and Hard Labour: John Holmes, stealing at Bampton. 3 months.
August 1828
It is reported that there will shortly be a pair-horse mail coach, from Exeter to Tiverton, Bampton, and Dulverton which will be a great accommodation to the inhabitants of those towns, as they will then get the Western Letters three hours earlier than at present. The Mail from London to Bampton, at half-past 5, will open a communication with this city, morning and evening, which is much wanted.
September 1828
Great praise is due to the owners, occupiers of land, and inhabitants of Bampton, who, to forward the views of the post-office, and in expectation of a mail through Tiverton to that village, have subscribed handsomely to erect a bridge, of Bampton stone, over the Batherum. Among the subscribers, we notice the Right Hon. Lord Rolle, Rev. Dr. Troyte, Danl. Badcock Esq., and many others.
Year: 1830
December 1830
Bampton: On Monday last, H. Milner, and Hole Esqrs., swore in upwards of 130 special constables for this place, and a similar number for the neighbouring parishes.
Year: 1831
March 1831
Seduction. Capron v Balmont. The plaintiff in this action kept a small inn, called the Tiverton Inn, at Bampton. He was the father of five children. The defendant was an attorney, residing in the same town. The action had been brought to recover the loss of his daughter's services in consequence of her having been seduced by the defendant. The Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff, damages £250.
November 1831
Bampton Fair on Thursday, 27th October, exhibited a tolerably large supply of bullocks and sheep, which sold remarkably well, the former obtaining from 1s to 9s per score, and the latter from 5½d to 6½d per lb.
Year: 1832
March 1832
Mary Capron, indicted for having stolen on the 27th October last, at Bampton, one Bill of Exchange or Bank Note for the payment of £10, and two other Bills of Exchange or Bank Notes for the payment of £5 each, the property of James Rice, a respectable farmer, of Newton St. Cyres. The prisoner is the wife of the landlord of the Tiverton Hotel at Bampton. The Jury, after the examination of several witnesses returned a verdict of Not Guilty, and the Judge ordered Mrs. Capron to be at once discharged.
August 1832
Died: At Bampton, Janetta, eldest daughter of the late Charles Cooke, Esq., formerly of Bath.
Year: 1833
October 1833
Sir, Your correspondent Curiosus, in his article on Bampton Church (p. 115,6 of Ecclesiastical Antiquities) mentions his surprise and perplexity, at finding the sides of its chancel lined with fragments of bold and graceful sculpture, bearing the cognizance of Bourchier, and that on enquiry, he ascertained from the Vicar, that these were portions of two ancient monuments which had been removed about 30 years before. Curiosus asks “May they not have covered the remains of some Bourchiers, who for a time were lords of Bampton, and patrons of the Church?” - 'Spectator'.
An inquest was held by R.H. Aberdein, Esq., on the 10th instant at Bampton, on the body of Isaac Kingdon, yeoman, aged 27 years. On the 14th ult., the deceased and his brother had been all day in the barn, threshing, until about 3 o'clock, after they had finished they stood looking out over the door, the deceased became faint, and his brother helped him into the house, when the deceased drank some water, he then sat down by the fire, and complained that his heart beat cruelly; in the evening he was taken vomiting, and went to bed, and a surgeon was sent for, but before he arrived deceased was dead. Verdict: Died by the visitation of God.
The Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors: William Balmont, formerly of Bampton, and late of Tiverton, both in the county of Devon. Attorney-at-Law.
Year: 1834
January 1834
John Whitefield was indicted for assaulting William Jutson in the Parish of Bampton, on the 26th July last. Robert Escott: “I am a shoemaker, living at Bampton. On the day in question I saw John Whitfield jump out of the chamber window of his own house – it adjoins the Angel Inn. I then saw the constable, William Jutson, come forth and require peace. No sooner had he required peace than defendant struck him two or three times in the breast. The constable then laid hold of him and pulled out his staff. He did not strike defendant. Samuel Gibbins, a butcher: “I was stood in the street. I saw the prisoner come out of the chamber window, and laid hold of him. He went quietly along with the prosecutor.” Anthony Bowden, a tailor, gave a similar statement. The Chairman said it was a question of credibility of evidence. The jury acquitted the defendant, who was discharged on payment of fees, £2 6s 4.
July 1834
Marriage: July 8, at Sandford, near Crediton, Mr. Richard Hodge, of Venman's Farm, Bampton to Elizabeth, only daughter of the late Mr. John Daw, of Sandford.
Year: 1835
March 1835
A farmer named Crutch, residing in the parish of Bampton, who had been subject of fits, walked into his fields to see his lamb, and not returning when expected, some persons of his family went to seek after him, and he was found dead in a pit, into which he had fallen.
Year: 1836
July 1836
William Venn, 26, convicted at the last Assizes of having stolen fifteen letters from out of the post-bag from Bampton to Dulverton; and a bugle and pair of gloves the property of John Reed, the driver of the mail-cart between those towns, but as to whom judgment was respited, was sentenced to be transported 7 years.
Year: 1837
February 1837
An inquest on the body of William French, of Bampton, who died in the Devon and Exeter Hospital, in consequence of injury he received last week from the falling of a quantity of earth and stone, while he was at work in a limestone quarry. Verdict: “Accidental Death.”
Year: 1838
July 1838
John Croscombe was charged with having, on the 5th June last, first wounded and killed a mare, the property of Mr. Robert Winter of Bampton. Acquitted.
Year: 1839
August 1839
William Williams and John Wear were charged with breaking into a farm belonging to Mr. Hill at Bampton, and stealing cheese from a dairy. Both guilty. Twelve months imprisonment and hard labour.
On Friday evening last, a man named James Dibble, currier, left Bampton on his way to Martock, on a visit to his sister. He arrived at Taunton on Saturday morning, at four o'clock, in a cart; from thence he proceeded on foot the distance of twenty miles, and he arrived at his sister's house at two o'clock the same day, very much fatigued. On Sunday morning, about eight o'clock, his nephew, who slept with him, found him dead by his side. An inquest has since been held, when a verdict was returned of “Died by the visitation of God.”
Year: 1840
January 1840
Trial of Prisoners: John Webber, for stealing half a sovereign from William Bell, of Bampton. 14 days.
February 1840
A fire occurred at Bampton on Tuesday week last, on a farm called Luttrell Farm, the property of William Maunder jun. The fire happened at half-past ten at night; it destroyed a barn, two linhays, and four bullocks – a fifth is very much injured. No account can be given of the cause of the fire, which is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. The property had been insured about a fortnight.
March 1840
Marianne Fisher, for entering the dwelling-house of James Burge, at Bampton, with intent to commit a felony. Imprisonment and kept to hard labour 6 weeks.
August 1840
Davey v Oxenham: An action of ejectment to recover a piece of land in possession of the defendant, in the parish of Bampton. A verdict was taken for the plaintiff, with leave to enter a non-suit, upon a point raised that the defendant having held quiet possession above 20 years, he could not legally be disturbed.
Year: 1841
March 1841
John Fisher, 31, and John Gibbings, 31, were convicted of stealing from a cave at Bampton, a quantity of potatoes, the property of James Greenway. Fisher 6 months, and Gibbings 3 months to hard labour.
Benjamin Collard, 21, guilty of stealing a quantity of potatoes from a cave at Bampton, the property of William Cottrell, 2 months, hard labour.
Agnes Alford, 42, was charged with having on 26th February last, at Bampton, stolen from the shop of William Jutson, a piece of butter, value 4d. Mary Ann Dibble, a deaf woman, swore to seeing the woman take the butter from the counter. Three weeks imprisonment, hard labour.
May 1841
On Monday a fire broke out in a house in High Street, Bampton, the property of Thomas Burge, thatcher. In the room on the ground floor Burge had placed a quantity of browse, and on the day of the accident had lit a fire and hung his jacket before it to dry. A woman called Richards, who lived next door, was the first person who observed the fire. At that time the room below stairs was in a complete blaze, and the flames were rapidly ascending. Two houses are completely destroyed and three others considerably damaged.
On Friday last an action of debt was tried in which Mr. Pearse, a lime burner, of Bampton, was plaintiff, and Mr. Maunder, of the same parish, complainant. The suit was brought for a balance of a lime account, amounting to £3 8s 4d. The Jury gave a verdict for the amount claimed.
June 1841
On Monday last a man named George Leigh, while working in a quarry pit near Bampton, met with a severe accident from the explosion of the gunpowder used in blasting the rock, which shattered his hand and wrist most dreadfully. Mr. Hopgood, surgeon, promptly attended, and found amputation of the arm just below the elbow necessary, which he immediately performed.
July 1841
Died: On the 17th instant, at the Vicarage House, at Bampton, the Rev. Bartholomew Davey, in his 82nd year.
September 1841
The Rev. Edward Rendell, B.A., has been instituted to the vicarage of Bampton, vacant by the death of Bartholomew Davey, on the presentation of Thomas Leigh Teale Rendell, of Tiverton, gentleman.
Year: 1842
April 1842
Relief of Insolvent Debtors: William Jutson of Bampton, grocer, was discharged conditionally on paying £22 into court.
October 1842
We have a statement from Bampton of a clerical gentleman, dwelling not one hundred miles from that town, who in order to admonish the singers for coming late had them locked out of the gallery, and that too in a way not calculated to sustain the dignity which he is desirous to maintain. This rev. gentleman has also increased the fees for certain portions of his duties.
December 1842
Gracious Bailey, late of Bampton, stone-mason and quarryman was declared to be entitled under the benefit of the insolvency act, and ordered to be discharged forthwith.
Year: 1843
January 1843
A Shooting Match came off at Bampton on Wednesday last for £1 3s., firing 10 shots each. The competitors were Mr. James Fewings, Mr. Edward Hawkins, and Mr. John Hookway, all of Bampton. Mr. Fewings killed 9 birds, Mr. Hawkins 9, and Mr. Hookway 10. The above gentlemen will take any others in the same parish for £3.
February 1843
On Thursday last the choir of this parish held their annual feast at the Red Lion Inn, where an excellent dinner was supplied, which reflected the greatest credit on the worthy landlord, Mr. S. Bray.
A gentleman of Bampton, used last year 1½ cwt. of Nitrate of Soda upon 1½ acres of wheat, which produced 65 bushels; the same land had never before yielded above 35 bushels.
April 1843
William Davey, 16, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a purse containing one sovereign and a half, from the dwelling-house of Nicholas Vickery, of Bampton, on the 29th March. Imprisoned 3 months and to be once privately but severely whipped.
There was an action of ejectment brought by the plaintiff, William Sampson, to obtain possession of a house situated in Duck Paddle Street, Bampton, which it was alleged that the defendant Jane Salisbury, held illegal possession of, the plaintiff being entitled to it as heir at law to his grandfather, Benoni Sampson, whose property it had been. Verdict for plaintiff, subject to certain points of law.
On Saturday, about one o'clock in the afternoon, a fire broke out in High Street, which destroyed eleven houses and damaged two. The West of England engine, of Bampton, and the subscription engine were soon on the spot, but the fire having got beyond their control, they sent for the Tiverton West of England engine, which, after a few hours succeeded in getting the fire under. The cause of the fire is unknown.
November 1843
Died: November 22, at his residence, Beaufy Terrace, Maida Hill, Mr. Robert Branscombe, late of Old Fish Street, and formerly of Bampton.
December 1843
Their Worships found a true bill against Harriet Henson for stealing a bit of butter from Mr. Henry Oaten, of Bampton. The poor little girl was placed at the dock, and the learned judge and all the court appeared relieved with the prospect of something to do. But they were doomed to be disappointed, Harriet, wiping the tears from her eyes, and hiding herself behind the dock, which from her smallness she was well able to do, pleaded Guilty. Six months imprisonment.
Year: 1844
February 1844
The Lord Bishop of Exeter has appointed the Rev. G.C. Hawkins to the vacant portion of Bampton vicarage (the third portion), vacant by the death of the Rev. D. Winstanley.
March 1844
Benjamin Collard, who made his escape in January with Easterbrook, was taken on the 12th inst at Bampton. Easterbrook is still at large.
May 1844
In the bankruptcy case of Edward Poore, a druggist, of Bampton, a final dividend was declared of 4½d upon the proofs previously admitted, and 9s 11d upon proofs admitted at the audit held on the previous day.
Year: 1845
March 1845
John Ware, aged 19, was charged with having stolen a bundle of straw, worth sixpence, the property of Mr. J.T. Periam of Bampton on 31st December. Guilty: one month imprisonment and hard labour.
Richard Hawkins was charged with stealing two pieces of timber, the property of Rev. E. Rendell, of Bampton. Six months imprisonment.
John Gibbons was found guilty of an assault on the Bampton constable, Robert May, in the execution of his duty. The prisoner, having differed with his wife on a point of parental discipline, began to beat her; “murder” was cried, and the constable came. The prisoner bore him a grudge for having apprehended him four years ago, and instantly knocked out six of his teeth, cut his lip, and attempted to throw him into the river. Fortunately a carpenter, named Gale, came to the rescue. Six months imprisonment.
October 1845
On Friday night, the 26th September, there was stolen from Mr. Philip Hodge, auctioneer, of Bowbierhill, Bampton, 15 full-grown ducks, several bags of apples and turnips: within a few nights of the same time, from Mr. Henry Ellis, of Duvale Barton, Bampton, more than a dozen bags of apples; from Mr. William Hodge, of Gumbland Farm, Bampton, on the 14th inst., the thieves killed a fine ewe sheep, and took away one of the legs, part of the loin, and a shoulder. It is the opinion of many that the sheep was not really dead when those parts were taken from it. The remainder of the carcase was horrible to look at, from the evident brutality of the thieves. Our correspondent thinks it high time for the parishioners to take some active means to detect such desperate villains.
Year: 1846
January 1846
James Taylor; for stealing potatoes from Richard Trapnell, at Bampton, six weeks solitary.
August 1846
Richard Hawkins, 28, and Elizabeth Yeandell, 30, were charged with burglariously breaking open the house of Miss Davy, of Bampton, and stealing a silver coffee pot, milk jug, spoons, and various other articles of plate, on the night of the 3rd or the morning of the 4th of November last. The case was rather a peculiar one, as a man named Lewis had been tried and transported for life as being the actual burglar. The case against the prisoners mainly rested on certain conversations which had taken place between various prisoners at the jail, whose evidence must be viewed with great suspicion. The Learned Judge summed up with great care and minuteness, and most commendable impartiality. The jury, after a few minutes deliberation, acquitted both the prisoners.
October 1846
The first annual ploughing match of the Bampton Farmers' Club took place on Friday the 16th instant, in a field belonging to Mr. Philip Hodge, on Luttrell Farm in the parish of Bampton. The ploughmen, ten in number, commenced their trial of skill at 9 o'clock. The ploughing was excellent, and performed with spirit. The successful competitors in the first class were;
William Stradling, ploughman to Mr. William Chave, Zeal, 1st. Prize, £1
John Salisbury, ploughman to Mr. S.T. Periam, 2nd Prize, 15s
William Sanders, ploughman to Mr. Mr. W. Hill, Burrough 3rd Prize, 10s
In the second class the successful competitors were;
James Brewer, ploughboy to Mr. Richard Bowen, 1st Prize 15s
John Trapnell, ploughboy to Mr. Richard Trapnell 2nd Prize 10s.
A reward of 5s was, on the recommendation of the Judges, given to Thomas Webber, ploughman to Mr. William Hill, of Holcombe farm, for having done his work well, and driven his own horses, which none of the other ploughmen had done.
Year: 1847
January 1847
Died: January 7th at Bampton, Mr. Thomas Heathfield, formerly of Woodbury, in the 85th year of his age, after many years of severe suffering.
May 1847
Early on Tuesday morning some malicious persons threw an explosive and dangerous missile into the house of Mr. John Periam, and also against the windows of Mr. Edwards. A reward of £50 has been offered by the authorities for the discovery of the offenders. A letter from the neighbourhood received this day (Friday), informs us that yesterday, part of the cavalry in Tiverton was sent into this town for the preservation of the peace. This would imply that further disturbances had taken place.
July 1847
William Jewell, stealing at Bampton a watch, from William Watts. Four months imprisonment.
September 1847
A wrestling match took place at Bampton, last week, for a purse of ten pounds, when the prizes were well contended for, by some of the prime men of North Devon. The first prize was awarded to Hosegood who played Miller for twenty minutes in fine style, when he threw him an exceedingly good fall. The second to Miller; the third to Bond; and the fourth to Buckingham.
On Saturday a novel run came off in this neighbourhood, the object of it being to catch a fine southern sheep, the gift of Mr. Edward Stone, of this place, cattle-dealer, which was to be the prize of the first man who caught it by the tail. The animal bolted, followed by fifteen stout fellows on foot and fifty gentlemen on horseback, among whom were Messrs, Stone, Trapnell, Chave, Brook, Davey, Morris, Oaten, Ellis jun., and Page. Eventually the animal was lost in a fir plantation near Langridge. The extent of the run was not less than 18 miles, which was performed in two hours and a quarter, the animal clearing not less than 200 gates and fences.
Died: September 21st at Bampton, deeply regretted, Thomas Farrant, tanner, aged 65.
November 1847
The late vicar of Bampton died. His daughter's husband wrote to his successor for a copy of the register, and received a very polite reply by way of informing him that the Church trusts no man. The letter which the vicar of Bampton wrote to the son-in-law of his predecessor was to this effect: “I never send a certificate without a fee of half-a-crown, prepaid, and twopence postage. Pay two and eightpence to my brother, the lawyer, in Tiverton, and he will give you the certificate.” Special incivility like this is worthy of a gentleman, whether in orders or not”
Year: 1848
July 1848
Mr. Philip Blundell Hill, of Bampton, insolvent came up for his first examination. The debts amounted to £180, out of which were tavern bills exceeding £50. The judge dismissed the petition, on the ground of its containing numerous extravagant items, contracted without prospect of payment.
December 1848
William Lazarus, 31, and George Butson, 22, charged with stealing five bushels of wheat from Mr. Henry Ellis, of Bampton, 29th August. Acquitted.
Year: 1849
January 1849
Last week a fire occurred at Lang's Farm in Bampton, in the occupation of Mr. Richard Cleeve, by which a large portion of the dwelling-house and stable was consumed.
Watson v Bennett – These parties are brothers-in-law and excise officers, the former living at Bampton, and the other at Morchard Bishop. The claim was for £20, for the maintenance and clothing of the defendant's children, but it appeared that the whole debt amounted to £54, and it was reduced to £20, to bring it within the jurisdiction of the Court. Judgment was given for the £20, and ordered to be paid in £1 a month.
July 1849
John Roberts v Benjamin Oxenham – This was a claim of £2 12s 6d for rent of apartments in Magdalen Street, up to Lady Day last. Defendant, who lives at Bampton, denied having ever occupied the premises; it appeared his mother, a widow nearly 85 years old, had lived there fourteen years till within the last two years, when she was obliged to come on the parish for maintenance. His Honour adjourned the decision till next day, and then gave judgment for the plaintiff.
Samuel Thomas was summoned by Maria Williams, of Bampton, for damaging the glass of her windows, to the amount of 2s 6d, on the 28th June. On the night in question he received “combustibles” on his person, thrown from the complainant's bedroom window, which greatly aggravated him and in return he smashed the complainant's glass. This, the Bench told him, he should not have done, but have applied for a summons. He was convicted in the damages and expenses, which he refused to pay, and was ordered to be committed to prison for 21 days.
August 1849
On Monday morning, a little before one o'clock, two houses situate in Brook Street, and belonging to Mr. Francis Hodge, were discovered to be on fire. The fire broke out in the thatch over the passage, proving pretty clearly that this fire, like some of the others that have preceded it, was not accidental. Every effort was made to subdue the flames, but although they were prevented from extending, and the outbuildings were preserved, the two houses were destroyed.
Year: 1850
September 1850
Died: Sept 14th., at Bampton, after a lingering illness, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry Oaten, aged 34.
Died: Sept 18th., at Bampton, after a long illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Escott, of Barnhay Cottage, aged 63.
October 1850
At the Bampton District Farmers' Club, prizes were given to long-serving agricultural labourers and servants:
Largest Family - £2, to William Davy jun., of Bampton (12 children).
Longest Farm Labour - £1 10s., to Robert Vickary, of Bampton, 24½ years with Mr. Francis Merson and his father on Waterhouse Farm.
- £1 to William Brook, of Bampton, 23¼ years, on Combehead Farm, with Henry Badcock, Esq., and his father.
Longest Servitude - £1, to Christiana Oxenham, 23¼ years with Mrs. S.W.Davey of Bampton.
10s, to Elizabeth Webber, 7 years with Mr. Edward Brook of Bampton.
October 1850
George Butson was sentenced to three months hard labour for stealing wheat from Edward Salisbury, at Bampton.
November 1850
Monday last, being the day appointed by the good Protestants of the neighbourhood of Bampton for expressing their indignation at the proceedings of “Pio Nono,” they set to work in right good earnest, by making an example of Cardinal Wiseman. Just as the church clock tolled the hour of seven, a man bearing on his shoulders the effigy of his Eminence, in full robes of office, preceded by six boys bearing torches and ringing bells, made his appearance at the top of Castle Street, followed by a great concourse of the inhabitants. Thus they perambulated the streets until 9 o'clock, when the Cardinal was bound to the stake, and a pile of faggots and tar barrels that had previously been prepared for the consummation, were lit – the flames shot up, and his Eminence was very soon a-blaze amidst the deafening shouts of hundreds of spectators. The scene was ever and anon enlivened by the display of fireworks; the evening passed off with great eclat, presenting an idea of the manner in which every Papal aggressor would be treated by the loyal Bamptonians.
Died: October 26,, at Bampton, of scarlatina, aged 12 years, Julia Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. Brook.
December 1850
Died: December 10, at Tiverton, Jane, relict of the late Rev. Bartholomew Davey, vicar of Bampton, and rector of Calverleigh, aged 79.
Year: 1851
March 1851
James Hart was acquitted on a charge of stealing 10lbs of cheese from James Clarke, of Bampton, the Judge remarking that he ought not to have been brought there.
April 1851
The first surgical prize at St. Bartholomew's Hospital was awarded last year to John Langdon, Esq., second son of T. Langdon, Esq., of Bampton. The first medical prize has now just been awarded to the same gentleman, together with a scholarship of £50.
May 1851
Mr. Richard Trapnell, of Bampton, the celebrated cattle dealer, has recently received the appointment of purchaser of North Devon cattle for his Royal Highness Prince Albert. In compliance therewith he purchased two extraordinary bulls at Northmolton Fair on Wednesday last, which were immediately forwarded to his Royal Highness's farm at the Home Park, Windsor.
September 1851
A fire broke out in the Bampton churchyard yesterday morning, which entirely consumed five dwelling-houses and outbuildings. The West of England and town engines were soon on the spot, but so dry was the state of the thatch, that it was impossible to get the fire under until the complete demolition of the property.
October 1851
A cart-mare belonging to Mr. Philip Hodge, auctioneer, on the night of the 13th inst., maliciously shot through the head. Mr. Hodge has offered a reward of fifty guineas on the conviction of the offender.
On Tuesday morning the cash-box of the White Horse Friendly Society at Bampton was discovered in a field about half-a-mile from the town, broken open, and the cash which it contained, upwards of £20, gone. In the course of the day, Mr. Brook, druggist, found the money in a culvert, covered over with a large stone. The box, which was kept in the bedroom of the landlord of the White Horse Inn, is supposed to have been stolen by one or more persons well acquainted with the premises.
November 1851
Died: November 7, at Bampton, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Sarah Waller Davey, deeply regretted.
Year: 1852
January 1852
Thomas Yeo, for stealing gin from Mr. Oaten, of Bampton, was sentenced to three weeks.
May 1852
John Brewer, shoemaker, of Bampton, sued defendant, William Gibbings, labourer of the same place, for 13s 6d for goods. Defendant did not appear, and judgment was given for the amount claimed, to be paid in 5s a month.
June 1852
Death: In October, at O'Brien's, Van Dieman's Land, Mr. Thomas Branscombe, formerly of Bampton.
September 1852
On Tuesday last as Mr. Branscombe, maltster, of Bampton was returning in a gig with his wife and child, the horse took fright and ran away. The occupants were thrown out into a ditch by the side of the road, but fortunately they did no sustain any material injury. They caught the horse. They very foolishly obtained another gig, and attached the same horse to it. The consequence was that the horse ran away a second time, overturning the gig, and precipitating the whole of the party into the road. Mr. Branscombe received some serious cuts to the head, and his wife sustained a bruise on the leg, the child escaped without injury.
Mary Ann Fisher was charged with stealing at Bampton, on the 14th August, eight phial bottles of the value of one penny each, of the goods and chattels of John Edwards. Guilty – 12 months imprisonment.
November 1852
A special meeting of the Board of Guardians was held at the Union Workhouse on Tuesday for the purpose of investigating the accounts of Mr. Edwin Druller. Relieving Officer of the Bampton District, who had been suspended from his duties, and has since resigned.
December 1852
Elizabeth Milton, for stealing a cotton dress at Bampton, was sentenced to seven years transportation.
Year: 1853
February 1853
Mr. John H.M. Sanger of Bampton, who recently served his articles of clerkship with Mr. Robert Wrelord of this city, passed his examination and was duly admitted an Attorney this last term.
March 1853
Died: March 7, at Bampton, Henry Griffin, for 16 years the faithful and attached servant of T.R. Densham, Esq., solicitor of that place.
June 1853
Philip Kelland, a miller, of Bampton, sought to recover from the defendant, Robert Dinham, a baker, of the same place, £5 3s 7d for flour supplied to him, to which the defendant pleaded a set off of £1 15s for the loss he had sustained in consequence of the inferior quality of the flour. His Honour, ultimately, allowed the defendant's set off, with the exception of the charge for the cask which had been returned, and gave judgment for the balance £3 7s 7d.
December 1853
Mr. Richard Trapnell, yeoman, of Bampton, was summoned by Mr. Julias Arlington, professor of languages, for willful misbehaviour in driving against the complainant's carriage in the Bampton New Road, on the 26th ultimo. After hearing the evidence the magistrates dismissed the case.
Year: 1854
January 1854
William Wensley was sentenced to two months imprisonment for stealing a faggot of wood, value twopence, from Richard Bowden, at Bampton, on the 29th December.
Thomas Phillips v Richard Branscombe – A dispute arose between the plaintiff, a retired lime merchant of Bampton, and the defendant of the same place over the balance due for horses and goods, rent of a quarry, meadow and orchard work done &c. The case ended in a verdict for the plaintiff for £16 3s 6d, with costs, on the reduced scale.
March 1854
William Wensley, 40, was charged with feloniously killing a sheep, the property of Richard Clarke, at Bampton, with intent to steal the carcase. Found guilty and sentenced to 12 months with hard labour.
June 1854
Mary Ann Lyell applied to affiliate her female illegitimate child on John Elsworthy of Bampton. The defendant denied being the father of the interesting stranger. Evidence in support of the case having been adduced, the Bench made an order for 1s 6d per week from the birth of the child.
July 1854
John Manley sentenced to one week's imprisonment for obtaining, by a false pretence, two locks at Bampton.
November 1854
George Tarr was charged by his wife, Mary Tarr, with assaulting her at Bampton, on the 28th October. The complainant, who appeared with a blackened eye, swore that on the night in question, the defendant jumped at her and kicked her severely several times in the thigh. On her return home he again struck her in the face and on the breast. She was obliged to remain in bed the next day and to send for Mr. Coward, the surgeon. Her husband was almost constantly assaulting her, and on one occasion he knocked her down “like a bullock” with a large club. The Bench sentenced the defendant to six months imprisonment with hard labour, at the expiration of that period to be bound over to keep the peace a further term of six months, or to suffer an additional six months imprisonment.
Died: November 12, at Bampton, Thomas Langdon, Esq., surgeon, aged 69.
December 1854
William Crudge, an ironmonger of Bampton, claimed from James Greedy, the defendant, a mason of the same place, £1 12s 3d for goods supplied to him. The defendant asserted that he had paid ten shillings on account of this sum, which the plaintiff denied having received. His Honour held that the burden of proving payment rested with the defendant, who produced no receipt to confirm his statement. Judgment given for £1 10s - 2s 3d being allowed the defendant for work done by him.
Year: 1855
January 1855
An inquest was held at Bampton on Monday last, before R.R. Crosse Esq., coroner, on the body of Harriet Hancock, a child 2 years old, who was burnt to death. Sarah Butson stated that on the 5th inst., between 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, she was passing near the house of deceased's mother, and heard a moaning noise, when on going in she discovered the poor child who had nothing but her stockings and shoes on. All her clothes appeared to have been burnt from her body. A surgeon was sent for, but the deceased who was so dreadfully burnt, that she died in three hours. The jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.
James Carpenter (33), was found guilty of stealing, at Bampton, on the 16th of October, an iron vice, the property of William Chave, and was sentenced to two months' imprisonment.
March 1855
At Bampton, John Gillard pleaded guilty to an assault on a boy named Charles Hill, but sentence was deferred till complainant could attend.
Charlotte Hodge of Bampton procured an order of affiliation against William How of the same parish. 1s 6d a week.
The Overseers of Tiverton applied for orders for the removal of Ann Bennett from Tiverton to Bampton.
May 1855
At the weekly meeting of the Board of Guardians, Mr. J.T. Periam of Bampton moved that Messrs. Edwards and Langdon be re-elected medical officers of the Northern and Southern districts of that parish, at salaries amounting in the aggregate to £81 per annum.
James Webber and John Webber, of Bampton, were charged by Mr. J.C. Knowlman, of Marwood's Farm, under the following circumstances. On the previous Saturday evening, about nine o'clock, the complainant heard a disturbance in his courtlage, and he found the defendants, one of whom asked him for some cider. He refused to give him any, and on using force to expel him from his premises, James Webber abused him and John Webber drew a knife and threatened to stab him with it. Both of them waited outside the gate for some time afterwards, and declared they would stab the first man who attempted to fetch a constable. They were fined £1 each for the assault, and 3s 6d each for using obscene language.
July 1855
A girl, named Hodge, was charged by the Rev. E. Rendell, of Bampton, to whom she was apprenticed, with misconducting herself whilst in his service. The Bench granted an order for her discharge from the complainant's employ.
William Hart (22) and John Cottrell (18) were found guilty of breaking into a cellar at Bampton on 8th June last, and stealing therefrom three quarts of cider, the property of Mr. Thomas Elsworthy, and were each sentenced to one month's imprisonment.
August 1855
John Norrish Greenslade, farmer, Bampton: The bankrupt came up for his certificate, and was opposed by Mr. Pitt on behalf of the assignees, on the ground of fraud and concealment of property. The judgment was that the certificate be refused.
November 1855
Maria Hosegood and Charlotte Collard were convicted of stealing potatoes at Bampton, and sentenced to six weeks imprisonment.
Thomas Manley, lately a farmer, resident at Bampton, was charged by James Beedell with setting a wire for the purpose of capturing game. The offence was committed in January 1854, and on the 10th of that month a summons was issued against the defendant, who absconded, and succeeded in eluding the vigilance of the police until this morning, when he was apprehended while in bed in a public-house in Stoodleigh. The Bench convicted, and fined him £2.
December 1855
Thomas Arnold and Francis Bowden, both of Bampton, were charged by William Atwood with assaulting him on the 21st ult. The complainant is the Toll Collector at the Castle Gate, and on the last mentioned day an altercation took place between him and Arnold respecting payment of the toll for a horse and cart, when the complainant struck him. A struggle ensued and complainant fetched a staff, which he used most freely about Arnold's head. Bowden seeing his companion was getting the worst of it, remonstrated with the complainant, who served him in a similar manner. The Bench, considering provocation had been given by Arnold, fined the defendants £2 each and costs, which were paid. The complainant in the last case was then charged by Bowden with an assault arising out of the circumstances in the last case, but the magistrates dismissed the complaint.
Year: 1856
January 1856
George Lugg, of Bampton, for stealing a faggot of wood from a rick belonging to Mr. J. Besley, of the same place, has been sent to prison for a week.
February 1856
Sarah Burnett of Bampton, a girl seventeen years of age, was charged by Mr. Joseph Collard, the Governor of the Tiverton Union Workhouse, with willfully destroying, on that morning, a portion of her clothing. She was committed to the county gaol for 14 days with hard labour.
March 1856
John Liscombe v James Hart: The plaintiff is a shoemaker of Dulverton, and the defendant a labourer residing near Bampton. The claim was 8s 9½d for work done for the defendant by the plaintiff's father. His Honour gave judgment for the amount claimed.
April 1856
Several of the inhabitants of the town of Bampton complained against the Tiverton Turnpike Trustees, in reference to two gates in the town of Bampton, which the complainants now applied to the court to remove. One gate was situated on the road between Huntsham and Tiverton, and the other on the Tiverton and Dulverton road. The complainants contended that the gates were in the midst of a congregation of houses, which was the definition of a town. The trustees argued that the gates were not within the town, and that the houses lying outside the gates could not be considered to constitute a part of the town. The court held that the gates were within the town, and ordered their removal.
May 1856
Escott v Endacott: The plaintiff is a baker, and the defendant a dressmaker, both of Bampton. The claim was for 13s 8½d for goods supplied. The defendant contended that she never received five of the loaves for which she had been charged, and that she had tendered the plaintiff 10s 8½d which was all she owed. After looking at the books and accounts put in, his Honour gave judgment for 11s 7½d.
Jul 1856
Mr. Samuel Capron, of Bampton, applied under the Small Tenement Act for a warrant to eject William Nott from a cottage on his farm. It appeared, however, that Mr. Nott was entitled to a quarter's notice prior to leaving; and as Mr. Capon had given him a week's notice only, the case fell to the ground.
September 1856
During the past week a new organ has been erected in the parish church of Bampton. The organ was built by Mr. Walker of London. On Saturday, the erection being completed, a selection of music was performed on it, by Mr. W. Sargeant, of Exeter, which proved the instrument to be first-rate tone and quality.
December 1856
No bill was found against Elizabeth Dorman, stealing at Bampton, on the 11th November, certain wood-work belonging to a building, the property of William Thorn.
Year: 1857
March 1857
William Melhuish, a tailor, of Skilgate, sought to recover from Charles Burnell, a sawyer, of Bampton, 17s 10d for clothes. The defendant admitted owing 4s 4d, which he paid into court, and with regard to the balance, pleaded the statute of limitations. His Honour declined to examine an account of such long standing. Judgment was accordingly entered for the defendant.
April 1857
Thomas Davys, a miller and baker, of Raddington, Somerset, summoned Robert Perrot, a drainer, of Bampton, for £4 4s 1d for bread. Judgment was given for the sum sought to be recovered.
May 1857
Richard Sampson, and John Brewer were charged with driving carts through Bampton, without reins, on the 21st May. They pleaded guilty, and were fined ls each and expenses, which they paid.
June 1857
June 18, Mr. Arthur Henry Dyke Troyte, of Huntsham Court, Bampton, died Bridehead, Dorsetshire, the seat of his brother-in-law, Mr. R. Williams, on Friday morning. He was the second son of Sir T.D. Acland, Bart.
August 1857
Sergeant Rowsen, of the Devon County Constabulary, preferred a charge against Constable Slee for neglect of duty, in being in the White Horse Inn at Bampton, drunk. The Bench adjourned the case to the next meeting, in order to give the complainant an opportunity of having the charge corroborated by another witness.
Died: July 29, at Teignmouth, Grace, the wife of Mr. Ellis, of Duvale, Bampton, aged 62
December 1857
Francis Davis, of Bampton, was charged by P.C. Heard, with selling a sheep skin out of the new market place on Tuesday morning. He admitted the charge, and was fined 1s and costs.
Year: 1858
January 1858
An order was granted for the removal of Harriet Hodge from Tiverton to Bampton.
Died: January 12, at South View Cottage, Bampton, Mr. John Radford, formerly of Tiverton aged 80.
Died: January 11, at Bampton, Robert North Esq., aged 59.
February 1858
On the application of the overseers of Bampton, an order was granted for the removal of Sarah Parish from that place to St. John's, Bristol.
May 1858
Robert Wheddon Gooding, of Bampton, gentleman. This insolvent appeared to undergo his first examination. His debts were stated to be £133 9s 8½d, and his assets amounted to 12s 10½d. Mr. Surridge, a creditor, said he “exposed” him because he gave away bread and butter, and bread and meat to dogs and cats, and because after dining off a joint of veal he had sent a bullock's heart to the bakehouse, forgetting that he had been to dinner at all. He was fond of buying luxuries as soon as they were in season. His income was £80 a year, and he had lived at the rate of £100 or £150. His Honour directed him to pay £20 into court by the 17th June next, and fixed that day for the consideration of his final order.
July 1858
In the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. J.W. Buller presented a petition from the inhabitants of Bampton and Morebath praying that schools in Ireland, where the Bible is read, may not be precluded from the grant for education.
October 1858
Eliza Heard, of Bampton, servant, was charged by William Veysey, farmer, Rackenford, with stealing a flannel petticoat and a shawl from his house, when leaving his service on the 29th September. Elizabeth Howe, housekeeper to Mr. Veysey stated, that on the prisoner leaving she missed the articles, which she valued at 4s 6d. C.C. Harris apprehended the prisoner at Cadley, found the petticoat on her, and the shawl at her lodging. The Bench convicted her, and sentenced her to a month's imprisonment with hard labour.
November 1858
John Stone, a labourer, pleaded guilty to stealing, from his brother Thomas Stone, two waistcoats, twp pairs of trousers, one coat and a hat, At Bampton, on the 18th inst. He was sentenced to two months imprisonment with hard labour.
Year: 1859
January 1859
James Wensley was charged by Mr. Richard Trout, tailor of Bampton, with leaving his employ without permission. The complainant admitted that the day on which defendant absented himself was observed as a general holiday in Bampton by the tradespeople. The Bench dismissed the case.
February 1859
At Bampton small-pox has broken out, although one death only has taken place. The prejudice against vaccination still exists, some parents refusing to have their children vaccinated. The mortality is not above the average.
April 1859
William Hodge, a labourer of Bampton, sued William Chapple, a yeoman of Tiverton, for 12s 6d, for wages. Mr. Turner appeared for the plaintiff, a lad about 12 or 14 years old, who said that a short time ago he was in the employ of the defendant, who, after accusing him of negligence, beat and kicked him severely, told him to go about his business, and refused to let him have his clothes or pay his wages. The defendant did not appear, and His Honour found for the plaintiff for the amount sought to be recovered.
June 1859
Joseph Groves, collector of tolls at the Castle Gate, on the Bampton New Road, was summoned by Alfred Bowden, of Bampton, for illegally demanding a toll. On the 14th May defendant passed through the gate with a wagon drawn by two horses, and laden with wheat, on his way to Westexe where the wheat was consigned. On his return, with a load of culm, the defendant requested payment of 3d paying toll. Witness claimed exemption on the ground that the wagon contained culm and empty bags only. The Bench inflicted a penalty of 1s and expenses.
August 1859
Mr. Francis Merson, of Water House Farm, celebrated the completion of his hay harvest by treating the labourers in his employ, with their wives and families, about seventy in number, to a substantial supper. At the conclusion of the repast dancing, to the strains of the Bampton quadrille band, ably led by Mr. Staddon, was heartily engaged in.
October 1859
On Monday last, as a man called William Hancock, in the employment of Mr. Branscombe of Bampton, was driving a wagon, on the road between Tiverton and Bolham, he fell from the shafts, and the wagon passed over him, breaking his collar bone and ribs, and inflicting such injuries as are likely to prove fatal.
An inquest was held into the death of William Hancock, reported as having been run over by a wagon on the Bampton Road. The poor fellow lingered until Sunday, at 4 o'clock. The jury, after hearing the evidence, returned a verdict of “Accidental Death”.
December 1859
At a meeting held at Bampton, which was attended by the gentlemen and yeomen of the neighbourhood, it was resolved to form a rifle corps. T. Daniel, Esq., presided.
Died: December 23, at Bampton, Jane, relict of William Radford, in her 86th year.
Year: 1860
January 1860
On Friday last a poor girl was taken into custody at Bampton, by an over-officious member of the county police force, for selling oranges and some other valuable goods without a license. The constable marched his prisoner to Tiverton and lodged her in the borough jail, where she remained until Saturday morning. On hearing the facts, the magistrate immediately discharged her.
February 1860
Died: January 30, at Zeal, near Bampton, Elizabeth, the wife of the late Francis Merson, aged 81.
A large and influential meeting of the Bampton and North Exe Rifle Corps was held at Bampton on Saturday to decide on the uniform and appoint their committee. The rifle green tunic was selected, subject to the approval of the Lord Lieutenant. After the meeting about 40 effectives attended drill, and it was afterwards decided that Messrs. Edwards, Ellis, Snell, and Davey should be appointed sergeants. Corporal Porter to be colour sergeant. Messrs. Dobson, Beedell, Kemp, Elston and four others were appointed corporals. Captain Grylls has been drilling the men at Bampton, Stoodleigh and Huntsham, with the assistance of Corporal Porter.
March 1860
On Wednesday last, Emma Fisher and Mary Ann Fisher were indicted, the former for having stolen 8s. 6d., the moneys of her master, Mr, Trickey Bray, innkeeper, of Bampton, on the 10th February last, and the latter for having received the same knowing it to have been stolen. Mary Ann Fisher was sentenced to four years penal servitude, and Emma Fisher was ordered to be imprisoned for a fortnight, and at the expiration of that period to be sent to a Reformatory for five years.
Edward Burnett, glazier, of Bampton, was charged by Charlotte H. Howe of the same place, with being the father of her illegitimate child. A material witness for the complainant refusing to attend, the case was adjourned for a week.
July 1860
Captain Glynn Grylls and Mr. John Dobson, of Bampton, officer of inland revenue, were summoned by Joseph Grove, collector of tolls at the Castle Gate, for non-payment of turnpike and paving tolls. The Bench considered that the defendants were liable to the paving toll, and fined them 6d each and expenses.
August 1860
Samuel Cull was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the town of Bampton on the 4th inst. The delinquent pleaded guilty, and as he had been in the lock-up some time, the Bench fined him 1s.
Thomas Webber appeared to answer a charge of stealing a ¼lb of tobacco from a half-witted youth, called Thomas Baxter, living in the same town. It appeared that on the 11th instant Baxter had purchased the tobacco at Mr. Farrant's shop in Bampton, and on his way home the prisoner overtook him near High Cross, and a lad, named Thorne, saw prisoner take a parcel from Baxter's basket. The Chairman sentenced him to 14 days imprisonment with hard labour.
November 1860
The Tiverton Turnpike Trustees applied to the Bench for orders against the surveyors of the highways for several parishes for contribution towards the cost of maintaining in good order the turnpike roads. The surveyors of Bampton did not appear, and an order for payment of their proportion of the estimated expense was made by the magistrates.
December 1860
William Davey, a lime burner of Bampton, was summoned by Ellen Fisher of the same place, to show cause why he should not contribute to the support of her illegitimate child. After hearing the evidence the magistrates made an order of 1s 6d weekly, and the usual expenses.
John Hoyle, labourer, Bampton, was charged by P.C. Nickels, with assaulting him at Bampton on the 17th instant, whilst in the execution of his duty. He was convicted of common assault only and fined Is. and costs.
James Beamer, a ragged little urchin of Bampton, was charged with stealing a 4lb loaf, of the value 7d, the property of Mr. George Hallett, baker of the same place. Prisoner pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 16 days imprisonment. An effort will be made to get him into a Reformatory for two years.
Mr. Henry Oaten, landlord of the White Horse Inn, Bampton, was summoned for permitting disorderly conduct in his house on the 28th November. There had been a great deal of quarrelling and fighting in defendant's house, and when Sergeant Coles was called in he saw defendant fighting with his son. The son had incurred his father's displeasure in consequence of prohibiting gambling in the house. The magistrate advised defendant to apologise for his conduct, and then the summons might be withdrawn. Defendant acted upon this advice, and gladly paid the costs.
Year: 1861
January 1861
A meeting was held at the White Horse Inn, Bampton, on the 3rd inst., to consider the propriety of adopting measures for opposing the renewal of the Tiverton Turnpike Act, or for procuring a reduction of the tolls, and of the interest payable on the deeds poll.
February 1861
Samuel Bryant, butcher, Brook Street, Bampton, filed his petition under the Insolvent Act, and was granted an interim order of protection.
Mr. Walter Edwards, son of John Edwards, Esq., surgeon, Bampton, passed his examination in the science and practice of medicine, and received a certificate to practise on the 31st ult.
March 1861
Died: February 28, at Bampton, Mr. James Greenway, aged 77.
April 1861
The population of the Bampton parish is much smaller than it was ten years ago, the decrease being no fewer than 133. The decrease is partly attributable to the circumstances that many persons have left Bampton for the colonies.
An order was made for the removal of Ann Beck and her three children from Bampton to Tiverton.
Died: On the 19th inst., at Zeal Farm, Bampton, Mr. William Chave, aged 46.
May 1861
Mr. John Gibbons, farmer, of Oakford, was adjudged to be the father of the illegitimate child of Ann Bennett, of Bampton, and was ordered to pay 1s 3d per week and certain expenses.
Mary Ponsford, single woman, of Bampton, applied for an order of affiliation against William Hill, dairyman, of the same place. The case was dismissed.
An order was made for the removal of John Callaway and Jane, his wife, from the parish of Bampton to that of Clatworthy, Somerset.
June 1861
On Saturday night, about ten o'clock, the chimney of Mr. Parkhouse, mason, of Bampton, was discovered to be on fire. The West of England fire engine was quickly on the spot, and, with plentiful supply of water, the flames were soon extinguished.
Mr. William Hayward, farmer, of Bampton, was summoned by Sergeant Coles, for drunkenness and riotous conduct in the streets of Bampton on the 13th inst. Defendant said he had “been in the sun” a little that day, and he might have been “rather warm”. He was fined 7s, and 8s costs.
We are pleased to record our opinion of the services rendered by Sergeant Coles, who has been for some time stationed at Bampton, but is now removed to Torquay. He has been most successful in the pursuit of guilty parties and preserving the general order of the locality.
July 1861
William Hawkins of Bampton pleaded guilty to a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the streets of Bampton on the 1st inst. Fine 5s and costs.
James Webber and James Mortimore, labourers of Bampton, were summoned at the instance of Edward Hawkins, for illegally angling in a stream on the property of T. Daniel, Esq., of Stoodleigh. The defendants pleaded guilty, and were fined 7s 3d each.
August 1861
William Milton, of Bampton, labourer, was charged with stealing turnips, value 3d., from a field in the occupation of Mr. R. Trapnell. He was fined £1.
Richard Thorne and James Howe, labourers, Bampton, were charged with maliciously throwing down five gates, belonging to Mr. ' John Hancock, tanner, Morebath. Fined £1 each.
September 1861
Elizabeth Marsh, late of Bampton, was charged with stealing a pair of ear-rings, the property of Charlotte Calway, of Stoodleigh. The case was clearly proved, and prisoner was sentenced to fourteen days' hard labour.
William Gould, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned for stealing a quantity of potatoes, the property of Mr. John Reynolds, farmer, of the same place. The bench advised defendant to pay complainant 15s, the value of the potatoes, which he agreed to do in a fortnight. The case was therefore adjourned.
October 1861
We announced last week that an accident occurred to Sir Stafford Northcote while riding through Bampton on Friday the 4th inst. We find that the paragraph was a silly hoax, perpetrated by an individual signing himself “Wm. Crudge, Bampton.”
November 1861
On Saturday evening, a man named James Burrows, in the employ of Captain Ledger, of Berry Farm, was accidentally killed. He was found dead in the highway. One of the wheels of the wagon had passed over his body, and he had evidently been dragged along the road for some distance.
Charlotte Hancock, of Bampton, was summoned by Ann Davey of that place, for threatening to do her grievous bodily harm on the 4th October. The case was proved, and the defendant's husband was bound over in £5, for the purpose of inducing his wife to keep the peace for three months. He was also ordered to pay the expenses incurred at the expiration of six weeks.
Year: 1862
January 1862
John Fisher, labourer, of Bampton, a most notorious character, was charged with unlawfully assaulting Matilda Fisher, his daughter, on the 25th December last. The defendant's conduct was so cruel towards his children that he was actually driving them from home to commit depredations so that he might not be burdened with the expense of keeping them. The girl appeared against her father in consequence of a severe beating he gave her on the 25th of December. On that day he sent her out to steal some turnips, and threatened to cut her throat unless she did as he requested her. The sentence of the Court was, that defendant be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for six months, and at the expiration of that time to find a surety in £10 to keep the peace towards his daughter for six months, and failing to do so to be further imprisoned for six months.
Henry Twose, labourer, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to setting, on the 26th ult., a quantity of snares for the purpose of taking game, on land in the occupation of Mr. Charles Hill, of Bampton, and was fined £3. In default of payment, he was sent to prison for one month with hard labour.
February 1862
John Perry, of Bampton, was charged with stealing a faggot , the property of his master, Mr. R. Branscombe, of Bowbery Hill, Bampton. The prisoner, in defence, admitted taking the wood, but said he did not know that he was doing wrong. Sentenced to 14 days with hard labour.
Mary Ann Parr, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to a charge of being drunk and disorderly, and using obscene language. This not being her first offence of a similar character, the Bench sentenced her to seven days, with hard labour.
March 1862
Thomas Escott, blacksmith, of Bampton, was summoned to answer a charge of uttering a willful and malicious libel on Rebecca and Eliza Stanbury, of Bampton, milliners. The front of a house, said to be number 5 in Brook Street, was on the morning of the 8th instant found to be disfigured at places with offensive matter, and defendant on the Monday following had it cried by the common crier through the streets of Bampton that the complainants had commenced house decorating, and referred to the house number 5 as a specimen. Previous to the case being called, the Chairman asked if it could not be arranged out of court. After some discussion it was ultimately arranged that the defendant should give a written apology to the plaintiffs, and pay the costs, £1 17s 6d, on which the summons was dismissed.
Thomas Dunn, of Witheridge, labourer, was summoned by Mary Ann Hill, of Bampton, to show cause why he should not contribute to the support of his illegitimate child. An order was made for 1s 6d per week, and costs.
April 1862
Few parishes now possess the power of punishment by the stocks, for the simple reason that those ancient relics have ceased to exist. Bampton, however, seems behind the age, for the stocks still remain, and on Saturday last were put into operation, the unfortunate victim being a man named William Copp, belonging to the town, who was placed in them by Sergeant Crabb, of the constabulary. The crime for which the punishment was inflicted was that of drunkeness. The poor wretch remained in them for six hours, during which time he was visited by nearly all the inhabitants of the town, it being many years since they were delighted by such a moral and enlightened scene.
May 1862
John Strong, collector of tolls at the Bampton turnpike gate, was summoned for illegally demanding excessive toll from Mr. F. Bowden. The question arose whether an additional half toll could be levied on carts whose wheels were less than 4½ inches in width. The Bench decided that the collector was right in demanding the additional toll, and dismissed the summons.
June 1862
William Copp was summoned for being drunk and riotous, but did not appear. The police constable gave him a bad character, and stated that a short time since, he was placed in the stocks at Bampton, but that did not cure him of his drinking propensities. This time the bench sentenced him to seven days imprisonment.
Robert Thomas, an elderly, respectable-looking gentleman, was charged with being drunk and riotous, at Bampton, on the 1st of June. The defendant pleaded guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of 5s and 8s costs.
July 1862
Henry Hosegood, about 17 years old, a labourer, of Bampton, was charged with damage to an apple tree, the property of Mr. James Clark, the extent of which was valued at 2s 6d. Fined 2s 6d, and 8s 3d costs. Defendant said he could not pay now, as he had bad luck, and had just lost one finger. The Chairman said but for his good character the sentence would be heavier; if the fine was not paid he must be imprisoned for seven days.
August 1862
The Bible Christians have been enjoying “high days” at Bampton in connection with the opening of their new chapel in the centre of the town. The services commenced on Friday the 15th when sermons were preached by Mr. Hockin of Bodmin. The congregations were large, and we understand that on Monday evening there were nearly 70 applications for pews and sittings.
The picnic in connection with the Mechanics Institute was held on the 24th inst in a field near the town kindly lent by Mr. Hill of Westbrook for the occasion. The Bampton band, which attended by engagement, was afterwards joined by the Huntsham band, and to their united strains dancing was kept up with great spirit until the close of the day.
September 1862
A cricket match was played on the 10th inst., between the Bampton and Sampford Peverell Clubs, on the ground of the former, when the Sampfordians were victorious by eight wickets.
Richard Takel, labourer, Bampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly on the 18th ult. Fined 10s.
John Ward, of Bampton, was charged with causing an obstruction on High Street, Bampton. From the evidence of Sergeant Crabb and Miss Mary Ann Escott, the prisoner was sitting on the steps of the Baptist Chapel, with his legs across the road. Defendant pretended that he was unlacing his boots, but had previously been cautioned for a similar offence and had used indecent language. Fined 10s. The money not being forthcoming, he was sent to Exeter gaol for seven days.
October 1862
James Webber, of Bampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly on the 27th of September. Fined 5s and costs, 8s 3d, which he paid.
November 1862
Sarah Tucker v William Tucker: The parties stood in the relation of mother and son, and both were from Bampton. The dispute arose about a clock, which belonged to her late husband; and the old lady's tongue must have been wound up like the clock before she left home; for she began relating her grievances outside the court before his honour arrived; and was not tired now, although this was nearly the last case. As she had not administered to her late husband's effects, and being at present in receipt of parish relief, not likely to do so, the case was struck out.
December 1862
Ann Beaver, a wretched looking woman, with an infant at her breast, was charged with stealing five turnips, value one halfpenny, the property of Daniel Legg, of Bluebell Farm, near Bampton. The position of the woman was a curious one. She had been married, and had four children by her husband,. After his death she took up with another man, by whom she has two children, and on the birth of the first, the relief she had been receiving from the parish for the other four was stopped. The man she is now living with, broke his leg a few weeks ago in a drunken squabble at Bampton; so that had she been convicted, he would have been left helpless with six children. After a long enquiry, the difficulty was solved by Mr. Legg withdrawing the charge; and after receiving a sever reprimand from the Bench the prisoner was discharged.
Died: On the 5th inst., at Bampton, Jane, the beloved daughter of Mr. Robert Godfrey, officer of Inland Revenue, aged 17.
Year: 1863
January 1863
Henry Salisbury and Henry Ascott, labourers of Bampton, were charged with poaching on the grounds of John Collins, Esq. Mr. Collins retired from the bench during the hearing of the case. Mr. Collins said he regretted bringing the defendants before the bench, but he found it necessary to protect his lands from being run over. Defendants pleaded guilty and were fined 20s each.
John Brewer v James Poole: This was a claim of 15s for boots, by plaintiff, a shoemaker of Bampton, and caused some little amusement in court. The defendant admitted the debt, and offered to pay 6d a week. To this the plaintiff demurred, stating that Poole had received £227 from Mr. Densham lately, and had plenty of money in the bank. On hearing this His Honour ordered defendant to be sworn, when he feigned deafness, and the usher, Selby, handing him the Testament, told him to take hold of it. Poole asked what he was to do with it; when the judge requested Mr. Densham to examine him. On hearing this, defendant refused to kiss the book. His Honour ordered payment at 10s a month, and allowed plaintiff 5s for expenses; at the same time telling Mr. Poole the order would have been only 5s if he had not attempted to impose upon the court.
February 1863
On Wednesday last, William Lightfoot, a labourer, in the employ of Mr. Crudge, when driving a wagon through Bampton, was by some unknown means run over, and his legs broken. He was immediately conveyed to the Tiverton Union.
John Howe was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the streets of Bampton the night of the 31st ult. The prisoner pleaded guilty, but the magistrates deferred sentence until they had heard another case, arising from the same proceedings – Edwin Escott was charged with a similar offence, and pleading not guilty the evidence was heard. P.C. Bragg stated that he heard a row near the Red Lion, and when he got there he saw the defendant with his coat off, and wanting to fight. He was drunk at the time. William Copp, a labourer, said defendant wanted to fight him. Witness declined the challenge, saying he had been locked up once before, and did not wish to be again. The defendant, in answer to the charge, said Copp wanted to pitch into Howe, and he went out to prevent it. The Chairman said there was hardly a meeting but somebody was brought before the Bench for drunkeness from Bampton. Sergeant Crabb replied these broils were constant on a Saturday night. The Bench fined Howe 1s, and 8s costs, while Escott was fined 2s 6d and 11s costs, with an intimation that if they came there again they would be sent to prison.
On Monday last George Thorne, gardener, of Bampton, died suddenly. On Wednesday an inquest was held, the verdict being “Died from the want of the common necessaries of life, from his own causes.”
March 1863
The loyal town of Bampton celebrated the happy occasion with its wonted spirit and liberality. Tables were laid in the street, the sun shining, and nearly one thousand people (the poor and labouring classes), men, women, and children were provided with a hot generous dinner. Later in the day the volunteers and tradesmen held their celebration dinners, when the toasts of the day were drunk. A public ball concluded the Royal Wedding festivities.
Died: March 21. after a lingering illness, Mr. William Crudge, ironmonger, Bampton, in the 68th year of his age.
April 1863
The poor of Bampton, who have been brought in contact with Mr. Hodge, the relieving officer, in the performance of his official duties, have presented that gentleman, on his retirement from the office, with an inkstand, as a mark of their gratitude at the kindness received from him.
John Collins, of Bampton, labourer, was charged with unlawfully taking game in a field belonging to Mr. Heard, of Bampton. The evidence being conclusive the defendant was fined 40s.
May 1863
Thomas Shapcott, William Shapcott, and William Jones, three young men of the labouring class, belonging to Bampton, were charged with drunken and riotous conduct on the 9th May. P.C. Nicholas saw the defendants at ten o'clock on the night in question come out of a beer house, at Bampton, and all three of them were drunk. They proceeded a short distance down the road tolerably quiet, till they met a woman riding on horseback. They broke out in shouts of indecent language addressed to the woman. The Bench sent all three defendants to the County gaol for seven days. The defendants who evidently came expecting that 5s each would cover the damages, looked as though they didn't like it at all.
John Oaten, son of the landlord of the White Horse, and Thomas Gibbings were charged with violently assaulting Edward Hawkins on the 1st of May. All the parties reside at Bampton. The magistrates fined the defendants £1 each: the defendant Gibbings had to pay 4s 6d in addition as he had been taken into custody, and released on giving bail.
July 1863
Died: July 14, Mr. John Hill, yeoman, Bampton, aged 61.
August 1863
Edward Salisbury v John Trapnell: This was an action to recover £1 13 3 d, the value of 19 ducks, in the possession of the defendant, and which the plaintiff claimed. The evidence was very conflicting. The plaintiff's witnesses were Mrs. Salisbury, Mr. Salisbury junr., Mr. William Oxenham, George Cornwall, William Davey, William Cottrell, William Spray, Hannah Spray, and John Kerslake. In June, the plaintiff had 46 ducks on his farm, and on the 3rd of that month he missed 27 of them. A stream flows through his yard, and the plaintiff concluded that the truants had swam away. A boy (Cornwall) whom he sent to look for them brought back eight. The witnesses for the defence were Mrs. Trapnell, Mrs. Ann Bamfield, Mrs. Harriet Taylor, Mary Burton, Thomas Hawkins, Mrs. Trickey, William and Samuel Fisher and P.C. Bird. At the conclusion of the case the learned Judge said that the evidence was so conflicting that he must say that the plaintiff had not made out his case, and the verdict must be for the defendant, but without costs.
September 1863
Charlotte Greenslade, a single woman, residing at Bampton, and apparently about 30, summoned Richard Perrot, a blacksmith, living at Waterloo, near Walton, to show cause why he should not contribute towards the support of her illegitimate child, born on the 3rd October 1862. The Bench made an order of 1s 3d a week.
November 1863
Robert Hosegood, of Bampton, labourer, was summoned by John Collins, Esq., for setting a snare, for the purpose of killing game on his land. The offence was admitted and the defendant fined 2s 3d and cost 12s 9d.
Year: 1864
January 1864
James Webber, of Bampton, was charged with being drunk on the 7th of January, and assaulting P.C. Ward. He had also been before the Bench on a former occasion, and as he had now been guilty of assault, they inflicted a fine of 5s, which together with costs, amounted to 13s 3d.
James Mortimore was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the 7th of January. The Bench considered the case was not serious, as no assault had been made on anyone, and dismissed the prisoner on payment of costs 8s 3d.
Samuel Cull and John Estcott, of Bampton, were charged with being on the night of the 20th and the morning of the 21st December in Westbrook coppice with guns, in pursuit of game. The defendants did not appear, and only sufficient evidence was taken to convict. The Bench said it was a clear case, and sentenced them to three months imprisonment with hard labour and at the end of that time to find two sureties for their behaviour for 12 months of £10 each. They also issued a warrant for their apprehension.
February 1864
Robert How, of Bampton, was charged, at the instance of P.C. Smith, with being drunk and disorderly. Fined 1s and costs.
William Lazarus and George Greenslade, both of Bampton, pleaded guilty to charges of using defective weights. Fined 1s each.
March 1864
John Trickey, of Bampton, wheelwright, was summoned by Elizabeth Nott, of Bampton, who applied for an order to compel him to support her illegitimate child, of which she said he was the father. The Bench made an order of 5s a week for the first two months and 1s 6d a week afterwards, with full costs.
Farrant and Williams, shopkeepers of Bampton v Thomas Salisbury, labourer, Bampton. Claim 13s 8d for drapery goods. 3S per month ordered.
Farrant and Williams, shopkeepers of Bampton v Joseph Salisbury, labourer, Bampton. Debt admitted. Defendant offered 2s per month, which was accepted.
April 1864
James Land was fined 5s including costs, for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton.
The following were appointed constables for the Bampton parish for the ensuing year: Thomas Miles, James Dart, William Needs, John Trickey, and Robert Williams.
Thomas Beer, labourer, of Bampton, was charged with unlawfully using gins to take game, on the night of the 18th ult. The defendant pleaded guilty, and was convicted in the sum of £2 and costs, which he paid.
Two summonses obtained by Mr. Richard Selman, of Bampton, against John Wright for stealing some ash poles, and against John Parminter for leaving complainant's service, were called on, and dismissed by reason of the non-attendance of the complainant; but at the conclusion of the business, Mr. Selman put in an appearance, and expressed much surprise that the magistrates had not waited for him, as he had been detained in the market looking at some bullocks.
May 1864
An accident, which resulted in death, took place at Bolham, on Friday night, under the following circumstances. It appears that Mr. John Hancock, farmer, of Bampton, attended his uncle's annual sheep shearing at Bolham. About midnight he took his departure, riding a small Exmoor pony. Friends found him lying on his back in the road in a state of insensibility. Mr. Beedell, surgeon, of Tiverton, attended the unfortunate man as quickly as possible, and remained with him all night. He gradually sank, and died on Saturday about midnight.
June 1864
On May 30th the Friendly Society of Bampton held their annual meeting at the Angel Inn. The members assembled 'about 11 o’clock and marched in procession through the streets headed by the Bampton Brass Band, under the leadership of Mr. Wm. Nott, after which they returned to their club room, where an excellent dinner was provided by the worthy host and hostess.
James Land, labourer, of Bampton was charged with being drunk and riotous at that place. Defendant admitted the offence. Mr. Superintendent Collins said he had been convicted of the same offence on the 19th of April last. Drunken and riotous conduct had increased to such extent in Bampton, that he wished the defendant to be made an example of, in order to put a stop to it. The Bench said that as a fine seemed to have had no effect, they should send him to prison for seven days with hard labour.
Defendant: “Thank'ee, Sir.”
Died: June 16th, in Brook Street, Bampton, Mr. Ellis, senior, aged 76.
July 1864
Some excitement was caused in Bampton on Friday morning, by a report that a young man named Jacob Stone, aged 28, the son of parents in a humble sphere of life, had been found dead in his bed, at about half past 10 o'clock that morning. The inquest was held at the Tiverton Hotel, Bampton, on Saturday last. The jury was composed as follows: Messrs. Francis Hodge, John Crudge, William Crudge, James Dart, William Escott, Walter Escott, Samuel Gibbons, Thomas Gibbons, William Hodge, John Short, and William Thorne. The jury viewed the body, which was lying at Ivy Cottage, the residence of the deceased's parents. Henry John Edwards, surgeon, residing in Bampton, considered that he died a natural death, which might have been accelerated by heart disease. The Coroner said the jury could have no hesitation whatever in arriving at their verdict, and they accordingly returned a verdict of “Death from Natural Causes.”
Edwin Crudge, of Bampton, ironmonger, was declared a bankrupt on Tuesday last.
September 1864
Samuel Strong, described as a shoemaker, a young man of Bampton, was charged with assaulting Sergt. Lamacraft on the 12th of August. It appears that on that day the sergeant of police was called in by John Strong, the father of the defendant, to protect him against the violence of his son, who was beating him and willfully destroying his goods. Upon the sergeant entering the passage leading to the house, the defendant seized hold of him by the collar and swung him violently in the passage. The prisoner pleaded guilty, and the Bench took a lenient view of it, fining him 5s and costs.
October 1864
Samuel Strong, was charged with having, on the 1st of October at Bampton, assaulted P.C. Saunders in the execution of his duty. P.C. Saunders said that he was called to the Angel Inn, Bampton, to the prisoner, who was very violent, and who seized him by the collar, and nearly choked him. Superintendent Collins said he was very sorry to see the prisoner here; it was his second offence within a month. Fined £1 including costs. The fine was paid by defendant's father.
Lavinia Strong was charged with assaulting P.C. Lamacraft at the same time and place. P.C. Lamacraft said he assisted Saunders, the constable, in taking Strong into custody, when the prisoner, who was his wife, interfered and struck him, when he took her also in charge. She was discharged on payment of costs.
November 1864
Alfred Bray, an apprentice to Mr. James Davey, of Bampton, tailor, was summoned by his master for misconduct. On the 8th inst., defendant was requested to do a certain quantity of work during his master's absence, and he entirely neglected it. When gently remonstrated with by his mistress he was very impertinent. Case dismissed.
Bampton Extension Railway: It must be very gratifying to all who have any interest in the future welfare of Tiverton, Bampton, and Dulverton, to learn that the promoters of this line of railway are actively pushing forward the preliminary arrangements for its construction. It is intended to lay down one line of rails only at first, but to construct a way of sufficient breadth to lay down a double line, when the traffic should require it.
December 1864
Richard Tackle was charged by P.C. Saunders with being drunk and riotous in the streets of Bampton, on the 30th ultimo. The prisoner pleaded guilty. Superintendent Collins proved several convictions against the prisoner. The Bench said that he had been convicted before, and for the protection of society such men must be restrained. Fined 10s. Another summons against him for assaulting his father was withdrawn, as the complainant did not appear.
A very remarkable case of self-destruction was committed in one of the public streets of Bampton, on the night of Wednesday or early on Thursday morning last. Mr Richard Selman an old and eccentric farmer renting Dipford Farm, Shillingford, well-known in the neighbourhood for his litigious and quarrelsome disposition, had been suffering for some months from a deranged state of mind, said to arise from an action at law pending between himself and a neighbouring farmer. In Little Silver Street he appears to have lifted a small grating, just large enough to admit his body, and descend into a shallow stream called the “Shuttern” only 11 inches deep, and drowned himself directly under the grating, apparently that his body might be discovered by some passer-by at daylight.
On Sunday evening a young man, named Webber, shockingly misconducted himself in the street. He left Bampton that afternoon and came to Tiverton for a “spree.” and when the people were coming out of church he assailed Superintendent Crabb in a most unbecoming manner. The next day he cut a very different figure before the magistrates, who fined him 20s. He had similarly transgressed on a previous occasion.
Year: 1865
January 1865
Mary Williams, wife of Robert Williams, labourer of Bampton, preferred a complaint against James Butson for an assault. There was a cross-summons against Mary Williams for assaulting Butson's wife. The parties are neighbours, and a good deal of ill-feeling has existed between them for some time, and on the 18th inst. a quarrel took place between them in consequence of Butson having beaten his child with a strap. The Bench considered the best course would be to bind over each party to keep the peace towards the other, and each to pay their own costs.
William Wensley, of Bampton, was brought up in custody with attempting to commit suicide at Bampton. The defendant appears to have been in a low state of mind for some time and reduced in circumstances. He was lodging with a woman named Lock, and on Tuesday a lodger heard a moan proceeding from defendant's bedroom. She entered and found the accused laying on the bed with his head out over and his throat badly cut, a pocket knife lying by his side. Mr. Edwards, the medical officer, was called in and dressed the wounds which have since healed. The accused's son now attended and said if the magistrates discharged his father, he would take care of him for the future. At the recommendation of Mr. Edwards, the defendant was discharged with a caution not to attempt the foolish act again.
February 1865
At Dulverton Special Sessions Mary Jane Tidball, a native of Bampton, but who has been a servant to James Patterson, farmer, of Brushford, was brought up in custody, charged with stealing a pillow case and two pair of sleeves, the property of Mrs. Patterson. Sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour.
March 1865
An inquest was held on Monday, on the body of a newly-born infant which was picked up in a gutter near the police-station. Mr. Edwards, medical officer, examined the body, and gave it as his opinion that it had been born about 24 hours. An open verdict was returned.
Samuel Strong, of Bampton, shoemaker (who did not appear), was charged by P.C. Davis with assaulting him whilst in the execution of his duty. Strong's conduct was very violent, and he was taken into custody. Whilst on the road to the lock-up Strong kicked Davis in the legs and tore his coat. He also endeavoured to bite. The Bench inflicted a fine of £1, and issued a warrant of distress for its recovery.
James Burge, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to the charge of stealing a clothes line, belonging to Mary Ann Brock, of the same place, and was committed for seven days with hard labour.
Mary Toze, 43, on bail, was indicted for setting fire to a dwelling house, the property of Ann Pearce, at Bampton, on the 28th December. The prisoner denied having anything to do with the affair. Mr. Clarke addressed the jury in defence, and called Mr. Phillips who said he never knew any harm by her; she conducted herself as most working people do – respectably. The jury found the prisoner not guilty, and his Lordship ordered her to be discharged.
April 1865
William Hawkins, labourer, of Bampton, was charged with being drunk and riotous, and damaging the property of Mr. Hodge landlord of the “Great House”, Bampton, and also with assaulting P.C. Davis and Sergeant Lamacraft. Prisoner had nothing to say in his defence, only that he was very sorry for what he had done. Fined £5 and expenses, or two months hard labour. Committed in default.
The Bampton Soup Kitchen was closed for the season on the 29th March last. The quantity of soup sold at the reduced price of a penny a quart has been about 4,000 quarts, for which the purchasers have invariably expressed much thankfulness. The kitchen will re-open next season with excellent prospects. It has been most cordially supported and thoroughly appreciated by all classes, and has proved to be the means of much comfort and help to the poor during the inclement weather, of an unusually long and severe winter.
May 1865
Re John Nott, of High Street, Bampton, glazier. This bankrupt came up for the last examination. No opposition was offered, and he received his discharge. Mr. Densham appeared for the bankrupt.
June 1865
John Atkins and William Webber, both of Bampton, for whom Mr. Densham appeared, pleaded guilty to a charge of having, on the 29th May, cut down part of an oak tree on Mr. Rowcliff's land, at Bampton. Fined 9d., value 1s., and the costs.
Mr. William Trickey, the landlord of the Tiverton Hotel, Bampton, was charged with keeping his house open on the morning of Sunday 21st May, for the sale of beer. Fined 10s inclusive of costs.
July 1865
Mr. Francis Bowden of the Castle Inn, Bampton, was charged by Sergeant Lamacraff with keeping open his house for the sale of beer after eleven o'clock on the night of Sunday the 9th inst. Mr. Densham, who appeared for the defence, stated that he would shew by the oath of two of the men present at the time that no sale of beer took place after eleven o'clock. He then called Thomas Thorn and William Bray, who deposed to that fact, and the Bench dismissed the summons.
August 1865
Lynch law, that element so foreign to English jurisprudence, seems in a fair way to gain and unchecked, and not wholly unjustifiable, ascendancy at Bampton. The police force, those members thereof stationed at Bampton, seem to have drawn down upon themselves the odium of the entire population of the place. This feeling of dislike and dissatisfaction has long been smouldering, receiving augmentation from time to time by various acts of indiscretion, officiousness, or unnecessary severity on the part of the police officers, at the head and front of which Sergeant Lamacraft has figured, until the 25th of last month, when it came to an open and unequivocal demonstration. The occasion was, as our readers are aware, the dismissal of the summons against Mr. Bowden, of the Castle Inn, for keeping his house open after hours, taken out bu the police. Something very much resembling a riot then took place, several of the windows of the Police Station being broken.
September 1865
Charlotte Howe, described as a single woman, of Bampton, of questionable reputation, was charged with being drunk and riotous in that town. P.C. Davis deposed that on Sunday morning last he saw defendant in the street slapping a man in the face. Defendant pleaded that she was obliged to be disorderly because two men insulted and annoyed her. Fined 7s., including costs.
Mr. R. Yendell, a retired surgeon of Bampton, appeared in the box, and said that as an inhabitant of that parish, he appealed to the Bench to put a stop to the dirty, filthy language used there on Sundays, particularly as parties returned from church.
Mr. Densham (a Bamptonian): “I suppose he has been annoyed by something that took place on Sunday.”
Applicant: “I have to complain of the regular Sunday transactions. I do not care about taking out a two pence ha'penny summons. A child, on Sunday, was using dirty, filthy language.
Mr. Justice Hole: “My dear sir, the Court is at present engaged with other business. I assure you Mr. Floud has been waiting for a long time, and we have promised to hear his case next.”
Applicant (excited): “”Gentlemen of the Bench.....”
Clerk: “Sit down!”
Applicant sat down with evident dissatisfaction.
Mr. H. Hancock, of Bampton, shopkeeper, was charged by Superintendent Collins with having in his possession a beam and scales which were unjust and incorrect, Fined 11s 7d including costs.
November 1865
Two complaints preferred by P.C. Davis, of Bampton, against James Webber and Thomas Brewer for alleged drunkenness and riotous conduct were dismissed.
Charles Tucker, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing apples from the orchard of Mr. Robert Elsworthy, of that place, and was fined 9s, inclusive of costs.
December 1865
The old established Bampton market was held on Wednesday last the 29th ult., when the show of stock was rather below the usual average, although a fair supply. The powers-that-be tried to stop the market, but not taking steps before, they could not give the fourteen days notice. Good two to two and a half year old steers sold from £8 to £11. Cows and calves were scarce and very dear. Yolk wool sold at 1s 4d., and washed at 1s 9d per lb., but not much business was done.
Year: 1866
January 1866
An amateur concert for the benefit of the Church Choir will be given at the Infant School Room, Bampton on Wednesday the 31st January inst. To prevent confusion the tickets for the Reserved Seats will bear numbers corresponding with those on chairs.
Five Guineas Reward! Whereas some evil disposed person or persons have of late maliciously trespassed on the farm of Higher Bowbierhill, Bampton, and on one occasion destroying a wagon by running it over a precipice, on another breaking the windows of a windmill, and on Saturday evening breaking open the poultry house and stealing certain ducks, the above reward will be given to any persons who shall afford such information as may lead to the apprehension of the offenders, by Mr. Richard Branscombe, occupier of the said farm.
March 1866
Thomas Miles, beer-house keeper, Bampton, appeared in answer to a summons charging him with removing cattle for the distance of a mile and a half at Bampton without a certificate. Defendant admitted the charge. Bench would deal leniently with him, and fined him 1s and costs, 12s.
Defendant on leaving the box became quite insulting, and told the Bench “that was the way they picked his pocket,” but the Chairman humorously passed it off, remarking that if he could get better men he should put them in their place to do their duty.
An amateur concert under the management of Mr. Staddon, jun., of which the proceeds will be appropriated to some charitable purpose not yet quite decided on, will shortly be announced in this town.
April 1866
Jane Cappell, married woman of Bampton, was charged by Edmund Hancock, with assaulting him. Complainant deposed that on Tuesday last he went to the husband of defendant for a wheelbarrow which defendant borrowed from him. While he was wheeling the barrow out of the yard defendant took up a bind and beat him about the head; he took it away from her, and she got a broomstick and beat that about his head. He took it away from her, she then got a horsewhip, then a walking stick, and then another broom, with all of which she beat him about the head, and her husband looked on and cried the while - “Let the b---- have it! Let him have it, Jane, about the head or anywhere!” (laughter) They got the barrow away from him and kept it. Fined 10s including costs, and gave her a month to pay it. The Worships advised her to give up the barrow quietly, as complainant could legally claim it.
June 1866
Henry Oaten, butcher, of Bampton, was summoned by Supt. Collings for having an unjust weight in his possession. Defendant said the weight was an old one he used for keeping open the door. Mr. Collings said he found the weight in question on a butcher's block in the shop with others. He turned around and suddenly missed the weight from the board. No person had left the room, and afterwards he discovered it placed in the window under a basin. Defendant said he never sold an ounce by it in his life, it being one that was left in the house before occupied by him. Fined 20s including costs.
July 1866
On Saturday week last, John Catford, aged 39, a saddler, of Bampton, in the employ of Biddlecombe, harness-maker of Bridport, was taken into custody and lodged in the lock-up for robbing his master. On the Monday morning following he was seen in his cell, but on visiting him again at six o'clock he was found quite dead, having hanged himself with his handkerchief at the bar of the window of his cell.
The Sunday School Treat was kindly given by the Rev. E.E.P. Legge, curate of Bampton church, to the children, to the number of sixty, yesterday 21st. The Rev. E. Rendell, Miss Rendell and others, with the teachers, attended to them. There was a good supply of tea and cake, after which there was running and jumping for small sums of money until eight o'clock, when all left highly delighted with the afternoon's amusement.
August 1866
The Court Huntsham held their annual dinner at the Tiverton hotel on Friday last. About fifty sat down to a bountiful spread provided with Host Trickey's usual ability. J.A.W. Troyte, Esq presided, the vice-chair being filled by the respected Secretary (Mr. H.J. Snell); there were also present H. Edwards, Esq., R. Densham Esq., J.T. Periam Esq., R. Branscombe, R.G. Oxenham, P.C.R., Mr. Periam, jun., Trapnell (3), Bowden (3), W. Hill, W. Escott, C.R., W. Crudge, E. Hobbs, S. Burrow, S.C.R., W. Trickey, Curtis P.C.R., H. Langdon P.C.R., Davey, J. Cottrell, E. Hancock, Jordan, Thorne, W. Morrish (Oakford), Salisbury, T. Parkhouse, Wm. Warren, D. Cruwys, T. Cox, G. Burton, H. Clarke (Tiverton), Bryant, Fox, Luxton, and c.
September 1866
William Webber, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk and riotous in the town, on Sunday the 26th ultimo. Sergeant Stone stated that he was in Fore Street about half past twelve on Sunday morning, the 26th., and saw the defendant coming up the street rambling drunk, and using most disgraceful language. After he had seen him home, he went out again in the same drunken state.
Fined 9s 6d including costs.
October 1866
William Copp, a queer looking fellow, half sailor, half clown, was brought up for being drunk and riotous at Bampton on Saturday night last, pleading guilty. He was sent to prison for seven days with hard labour.
November 1866
To Silly Sally, Bampton: - I can easily remove the blotches from your face if you will consent to follow my directions. I strongly suspect your disease is caused by errors in diet and high living. Is it possible that you consider “hot gin-and-water” an indispensable nightly beverage for a young lady?
Year: 1867
January 1867
On Friday last a pigeon match was held in a field near the town, when the following competed for sweepstakes: - J.H. Snell, J. Pearse, R. Bowden, T. Trapnell, H. Bickley, and J. Farrier. The first sweepstake was won by Mr. Pearse, killing every bird. The second won by Mr. Trapnell. The third and last was a spirited contest between Snell, Pearse, and Trapnell, each killing all their birds. The stakes were divided between them.
March 1867
Death comes to us poor mortals in many dreadful ways – to be alone, helpless, no eye to pity,
nor hand to help, no ear to catch the groan of distress, is one of them. Mr. Robert Hawkins, who died on Saturday, was a bachelor; he lived alone for years – why? Cannot here be said; some woman no doubt, dead or alive, could answer it. His neighbours having missed him for two whole days, this bitter weather, began to get concerned about him, and at last forced the door of his cottage to see what had become of him. There they found the helpless man, death-struck – all pity and help coming too late. Dr. Edwards was sent for, and proper attendance given the dying man, but all was insufficient to relax the grasp of the cold hand which had seized him in his solitude, and a few hours left him a corpse.
April 1867
George Hawkins and George Cornwall, of Bampton, were charged by William Warren with trespassing on the preserves of John Collins, Esq., in search of conies. Both defendants pleaded guilty and the former was fined £1, and the latter 10s., inclusive of costs.
May 1867
George Greenslade, baker, of Bampton, was summoned for selling bread there on May 2nd, otherwise than by weight. P.C. Mogford said he went to defendant's shop, and asked for a loaf of bread. Defendant's wife asked what loaf, and he said a 4lb one. She let him have one, but did not weigh it, or offer to do so. She said she had not got a 4lb batch loaf, but let him have the round one now produced. He paid7½d for it, and found it nearly half a pound short. The Chairman addressing the defendant said there was no doubt as to the bread being short weight, but the bench were disposed to deal leniently with him, as it was the first case brought before them. He was therefore fined £1, including costs, or fourteen days in prison. Defendant for some time tried to get out of paying; but being still more reluctant to go to prison, he paid the cash through a friend.
July 1867
James Webber was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Fore Street, Bampton, on July 14th. Constable Mogford proved the case, and the defendant was fined 5s including costs.
August 1867
At a meeting of the ratepayers of the Bampton district, held at the parish rooms on Friday, it was unanimously resolved to adopt the Local Government Act, 1858, in the district, the limits of which have been defined by a Government Inspector. It was stated that the rateable value of the district was £1500.
Year: 1868
January 1868
On the 28th ult., a well dressed man strolled into the Black Horse at Bampton, and intimated his attention of remaining there for a day or two. He had with him a carpet bag which, we are told, was very respectable in appearance. The stranger remained there until the Wednesday following, and during his stay did not forget to order the best that the house of mine host would afford. The gentlemanly looking man departed on peace from Bampton on Wednesday, leaving at the inn his carpet-bag, which, on being opened, was found to contain two knobs of coal! Was he a Fenian?
February 1868
Thomas Wensleigh, shoemaker, Bampton, who did not appear, was summoned by Mary Escott. She said she was a single woman living at Bampton; on January 22nd she was delivered of a female child; Thomas Wensleigh was the father; he kept company with her for three years. Dinah Jutson, wife of Joseph Jutson, knew the parties. In June last the defendant came to her and asked if she thought it was true that Mary Escott was in the family way. She said it was so, and advised him to marry her. He said he knew it was his child. Order for all expenses and 2s a week.
March 1868
At Bampton, a temperance meeting was held on Friday in the Bible Christian Chapel, Rev. J. Bendle resident minister, in the chair. After singing and prayer several signed the pledge. Mr. H. Philips, in a very efficient manner, presided at the harmonium. The temperance cause is flourishing in the town, during the last three months more than one hundred have signed the pledge.
May 1868
On Thursday a youth in the employ of Mrs. Chave, Zeal Farm, was working in the copse assisting in drawing trees, when one of them fell on him and broke his leg. Mr. Edwards promptly attended and set the bone. The poor fellow is progressing satisfactorily. Last year the same youth was caught in a machine and broke the other leg, from which he has scarcely recovered.
On Wednesday our much respected sergeant of police, Mr. Stone, was seized with a fit. Mr. Edwards promptly attended, and had him removed to bed. He was for some time in a very precarious state, but hopes are now entertained of his recovery. The loss of his wife has been a great trouble to him, as he was left with three children, the youngest but a few months old.
June 1868
Jane Cottrell was summoned for beating and assaulting Mary Parish at Bampton on June 12th. Both are married women and neighbours. According to the complainant's story the skirmish commenced by defendant assaulting and calling complainant's daughter foul names. She told the defendant she ought to know better, and then she took up a pint cup and threw at her, which knocked her in the head and stunned her. Defendant then threw a stone at her and knocked her in the leg, and broke a large basin which her daughter had in her hand. Charlotte Tidball, daughter of the last witness, corroborated her mother's statement. After a long story on both sides, and the calling each other liars, which the chairman had great trouble to stop, the defendant was fined 13s, including costs.
July 1868
The great Market in lieu of the fair was held on Wednesday, and was miserably attended. This is to be attributed to the great drought. There were about 300 sheep penned, and the fat sheep sold well, but the sale of the others was very dull. There were not a score of bullocks in the place, and the buyers were just as scarce. Bampton used at one time to boast one of the greatest fairs in the county, and steps are being taken to return again to the old fair days.
August 1868
The subject of granting a superannuation of £15 a year to Mr. Robert May, who was 83 years of age on his resigning the office of assistant overseer and collector of rates for the parish of Bampton, was again discussed. Mr. Edwards moved that the same be granted, which was seconded by Mr. Collins. Mr. Potbury moved an amendment that the same be not granted as he considered it would establish a precedent. This was seconded by Mr. Austen and carried.
October 1868
The two Tory candidates for the Northern Division visited Bampton last week, but did not meet with a very warm reception on the whole. Their addresses were short, dull and void of interest, nothing in them worth hearing. Mr. Acland, Gladstone and Bright have many more sympathisers in this neighbourhood than was at first expected. A visit from Mr. Acland would do the Liberal cause no harm.
November 1868
The overseers of Bampton have received from Robert Escott £3 5s, towards the maintenance of his father to Michaelmas 1867, and £4 17s 6d since. These sums should be paid by the overseers of Bampton to the treasurer of the common fund of the Union.
Mr. John White, Bampton; Mr. Henry Were, Washfield, were ordered to pay the court fees in consequence of their pigs being found out for a walk on the Queen's highway.
Richard Takle Ward, of Bampton, was summoned by Frederick Miles for an assault. The defendant pleaded guilty, and was committed for one month in default of paying £1 0s 6d., the amount of the fine and costs.
December 1868
Friday afternoon last will long be remembered in this neighbourhood. About 4 o'clock p.m. a storm of tremendous violence passed over this district – thunder such has been seldom heard, and lightning such as many of the oldest inhabitants said they they had never seen the like. Many were knocked down.
Mr. H. Finch picked from his bed in his allotment a beautiful ripe garden strawberry, on Monday, the shortest day of the year.
Richard Cottrell was summoned for leaving his horse and cart on the highway at Bampton on December 4th, without having any one in charge of the horse. He refused to move the obstruction when cautioned by the constable. Charles Cottrell, brother of the former defendant, a young labourer, was summoned for assaulting P.C. Haywood at Bampton on Dec. 4th. He admitted the charge. Fined 9s including costs. The assault rose out of the last case.
Year: 1869
January 1869
Mr. G. Cording, of Birch Down, having invited and kindly entertained Mr. Fisher of Culmstock, with his pack of harriers, the Bamptonians got a great treat of two days' splendid sport. On the fist day they “found” in Mr. S. Farrant's meadow, which gave an hour and half's unchecked run, and was then killed near Hore. The foot people had a fine sight of the whole run, which was one of the best ever known, says an old sportsman. Another hare was soon found, which was so hotly pursued that it ran into town for protection, taking shelter under a shrub by the door of Mr. T. Densham, solicitor, where the poor thing was taken alive.
February 1869
On Thursday last a grand pigeon match came off here, got up by Mr. H. Oaten, White Horse, when there plenty of birds but few sportsmen. It had been intended to shoot for a silver cup, but those present not being able to bring themselves up to the mark they put up with some extemporised sweepstakes. There was some good shooting, and afterwards they had a dinner at the above inn.
March 1869
The Teetotal Society of Bampton has been favoured with a visit of Mr. R. Coad, the noted temperance orator who has delivered a series of lectures in the Bible Christian Chapel. The fame of the lecturer drew together large crowds of people. Messrs, Jenkins, Melhuish, Watts, Nott, Slocombe, Secretary Crudge, and President Bendle took part in the meetings. Miss H. Endicott at the harmonium, with the choir, did good service. A large number of pledges were taken. There are now nearly four hundred total abstainers in the place. The need of a temperance refreshment house is felt.
May 1869
Alfred Bowden, farmer's son, of Bampton, was summoned by Eliza Talbot, a very sturdy person of the same place to show cause, &c. The complainant said that up to September last she had been servant in defendant's father's house. She went there in 1867. Defendant had been intimate with her. The boy was born Nov. 23rd 1868. Cross-examined: - Had never been intimate with others. She admitted she had several times stayed out all night. Complainant several times was insolent, and refused to answer the questions of the advocate. Defendant was put into the box and positively denied ever having an improper intimacy with the complainant. The Bench entertained a different opinion, and made an order of 2s a week.
There was a similar charge preferred against Charles Trapnell by Ellen Atkins. Her baby was born on May 3rd 1867. Evidence was given which did not speak in favour of complainant's moral character, and the Bench declined to make an order.
July 1869
On Sunday at Buckhays Farm, the property of Mr. Wensley, a fine hay rick was set on fire, it is supposed maliciously, but by whom is not known. The Bampton Fire Brigade, with the West of England engine, were sent for and soon arrived. But the fire had obtained a strong hold, and the brigade could only save a few tons of the hay from destruction.
Two cases of sun stroke are reported. On Saturday, a boy called Parmenter, aged 9, was sent by his mother to Duels Farm. He went into the hay-field for an hour or two, left about six for home. He was found by two men about half-past ten by the road-side insensible; on Monday he died. On Monday a lad called Carter was brought home from Gumbland Farm on a ladder. He is deaf, dumb, and blind. There is no hope whatever of his recovery. It is reported that this case is partly attributed to the want of necessary food during the past winter and spring, his family at times having been in a very destitute state.
August 1869
William Vicary and William Cottrell were summoned for evading toll at Shillingford Gate, Bampton, on June 9th. Case dismissed.
September 1869
On Sunday week this little town was aroused out of its usual quiet and even ways, the occasion being the church parade of the 11th. D.R.V., under the command of Captain Troyte, previous to their going to camp. The men fell in at half past two and marched to church headed by their band, where a most excellent and appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. W. Benson to a crowded congregation. They then marched back to the Armoury, where, after getting themselves into heavy marching order, they proceeded to the camp, which was most delightfully situated in a field kindly lent by Mr. J. T. Periam.
December 1869
William Hawkins and George Lugg, Bampton, labourers, were charged by Constable Lempriere with riotous and drunken conduct in the streets of Bampton on the night of Dec 8th. The constable called them to order, whereupon they threatened to knock him down, and on the arrival of the police sergeant they expressed a wish to compel him to swallow his teeth. The first named defendant was sent to prison for seven days, and the latter was fined 7s 6d including costs, or in default, a week's imprisonment.
Year: 1870
January 1870
Eliza Talbot of Bampton was charged with stealing from Hannah Beer, a pocket containing two half-sovereigns, five shillings, and five pence halfpenny, a stud, and several bunches of keys on 22nd of December. Prosecutrix said she was a monthly nurse, and was at Mrs. Jonas Hancock's on the 21st December. On the following day she discovered her pocket was gone, and ultimately gave information to the police. Esther Trickey, fourteen years of age, deposed to living with Mr. Hancock as nurse, where accused lived in December last as housemaid. She told witness she had found nurse's pocket, and if she would say nothing about it she would give her part of the money, and gave her 3d then and a shilling after. She also gave her the bunches of keys and house key, now produced. Told her master and mistress after, and gave the keys up to them. Accused pleaded guilty. She was sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour.
March 1870
John Lazarus, Thomas Taylor, and James Harris, all of Bampton, were charged with trespassing in search of game on lands belonging to T. Daniel Esq., at Bampton, on the 16th February, and after a lengthened hearing the complaint was dismissed.
April 1870
William Webber, Junior, mason, was summoned for assaulting on April 8th. at Bampton, P.C. Yole and John Short, the parish constable. Mr. Densham for the complainant; Mr. Loosemore for defendant, who did not appear.
Defendant’s advocate took a lengthy legal objection to the summons to the effect that the defendant could not be charged in one summons with assaulting both a police constable and a parish constable. The offence was committed under two different Acts of Parliament, and therefore the proceedings against the defendant should have been taken separately, and two distinct summonses ought to have been issued.
The complainant's advocate argued on the opposite side, but the acting magistrates' clerk (Mr. Partridge) said his opinion was that the defendant could not be charged in one summons with assaulting the two complainants, but the magistrates had the power of amending the summons which they did accordingly, and proceeded to hear the charge of the assault by Webber on P.C. Yole.
At the request of defendant's advocate, the witnesses, who numbered more than a dozen, were ordered out of Court.
From the evidence it appeared that the defendant went to the Angel Inn on the 8th. instant, and was, in consequence of his rough conduct, refused any liquor. He became very quarrelsome, refused to leave the house, and P.C. Yole was sent for to eject him. Defendant resisted the efforts of the constable to expel him, and struck and kicked him very much. The constable called Mr. Short, the parish constable, to assist him, when they attempted to handcuff the defendant, but in consequence of the resistance of defendant and his companion, Hawkin, and others they were unable to fix the bracelets. Defendant wrenched the staff from Yole, and his mother caught hold of Yole's whiskers and struck him in the interest of her William.
It was attempted to put defendant into a cart to take him to the police station, but in consequence of his violent kicking both Yole and Short released their hold of him and he escaped with the handcuffs on him, and afterwards broke them off. Mr. Short was previously struck down by the defendant's brother and went to get a rope to tie defendant's legs, but was obstructed by the mother and other friends of the captive. There were over two hundred people in the street, some of whom seized the rope and pulled it away from Short, who heard a cheering when defendant got away from P.C. Yole. In consequence of the injuries received P.C. Yole had been unable to do any work since, and Short had been confined to his bed for three days.
William Cottrill, the landlord of the Angel Inn, Bampton, gave evidence as to the noisy character of the defendant and his companions when they were refused liquor at his house, and also stated that they dragged his son into the street. Alfred Cottrill corroborated his father's evidence.
Mr. Attwater, surgeon of Bampton, described the serious injuries received by P.C. Yole, who had 13 bruises on his legs, besides several other severe wounds over the other parts of his body. Defendant's advocate contended that the attempt to take Webber into custody was altogether illegal, for at that time no breach of the peace had occurred, and then what right had the landlord of the Angel to refuse to serve the defendant, for he had caused no disturbances at that time, and the constable had no right to go into the inn and eject him, which was the cause of all this disturbance. Several cases from the law books were cited in support of the argument.
William Salisbury, called by the defence, said he was a sawyer living at Bampton, and on the evening in question he saw a crowd of people opposite the Angel and heard Webber's father ask the constable what he had taken his son into custody for, and he replied "For being drunk and disorderly." He never interfered in any way. This was all he heard.
Thomas Howe said when he saw the crowd he was returning from work and saw no disturbance caused by the defendant.
Wm. Webber said when he came up to the crowd P.C. Yole had his son on the ground hand bolted, and was beating him with his staff. He did not interfere or resist the constable, but asked him what he had taken him up for, and P.C. Yole replied, "For being drunk and disorderly." He then asked the constable not to use his son bad, or beat him with his staff. He (the witness) was not drunk, for ha had not drunk anything for more than two years and a half.
John Salisbury said when P.C. Yole struck the defendant he said, "Sergeant, that is rather barbarous to strike the man with the staff when he has the hand bolts on." Several others who stood there also said the same.
The Bench thought that a most brutal assault had been committed on the constable and therefore fined defendant 5 pounds including costs, or two months imprisonment, the sentence to commence at the expiration of a month given in a previous case. A case was granted, on the application of the defendant's advocate, on the ground that the original arrest was not justified, and that the constable used unnecessary violence.
May 1870
William Hawkings, Jane Webber and Emily Webber were charged with assaulting Police Sergeant Yole in the execution of his duty. Mr. Densham for the complainant, and Mr. Loosemore for defendant.
These summonses arose out of the row which took place at Bampton on the 8th of April; when the Sergeant and Mr. J. Short, the latter the parochial constable, experienced some rough usage at the hands of William Webber. A portion of the facts has already appeared. Complainant stated that at the time of the row Hawkings was the man he put out of the Angel Inn, and who also took hold of Webber and tried to get him away. Jane Webber caught complainant by the whiskers and beat him over the face with her fists. Emily Webber came up and pushed complainant off Webber who was on his back. Cross examined – Several persons took away Webber and tried to get him up the street. Webber returned and said he was going to see that ****** Alf Cottrell. Complainant took Webber into custody, they both fell together and he tried to handcuff him: he called Short to his assistance: complainant struck Webber with his staff across his wrist. Hawkings came up, complainant did not strike him until Hawkings had struck him twice with his fists. There was something trickling down Hawkings' forehead, but complainant could not say whether it was blood or not, believed it was blood. Jane Webber interfered and caught complainant by the whiskers and slapped him in the face. Before Emily Webber came they had tried three times to put Webber into a cart. The latter had hold of complainant's clothes which he ripped open; Yole struck him to make him leave go his hold, and it was through Emily Webber that the prisoner escaped. Mr. Constable Short gave corroborative evidence.
The Bench thought they were bound to protect the police sergeant, and fined Hawkings one pound or a month's imprisonment, and Jane and Emily Webber 10 shillings each and costs or 14 days.
James Webber was charged with assaulting Mr. J. Short, the parochial constable. Mr. Loosemore contended that there was no summary jurisdiction and objected to the case being heard. The justices accordingly directed a warrant for the apprehension of the prisoner (who did not appear), in order that the case may be investigated and sent for trial at the sessions. Subsequently, however, Mr. Loosemore applied to compromise the case, and the complaint was withdrawn upon payment of expenses.
William Webber, Samuel Strong and William Salisbury were charged with obstructing and resisting the constable in the execution of his duty. The complainant, Sergeant Yole, said a great deal of resistance was made by Webber junior, and he escaped. He saw the defendant Webber seated near the cart (referred to in a previous case). He also observed him throw himself on Short, seize the rope and say, "No! No! You ain't going to tie him up. You want to hang him I suppose."
Mr. J. Short said he assisted Yole in trying to put Webber junior into the cart. When witness came up with the rope Webber senior came out and said "he wasn't going to tie him up like a calf." The defendant was very violent.
Cross examined – Webber prevented him from taking the rope to the sergeant. Strong took hold of the wheel of the cart and thus prevented Webber from being put into it – they would have got him into the cart but for this. Salisbury took hold of the cart and pulled it away.
Webber and Salisbury were fined 10 shillings each including costs, or seven days. The money was paid. Strong was fined 15 shillings including costs, or 14 days. The latter did not appear, and a commitment was issued against him.
August 1870
We are sorry in having to report a serious accident which occurred on Saturday to Mr. R.G. Oxenham, the respected yeoman of Luttrell Farm. It seems that he was superintending the working of some agricultural machinery, when his left hand became entangled in the wheels, and was so severely crushed that it was deemed necessary to amputate the limb. Mr. Oxenham was for some time a member of the Board of Guardians.
September 1870
Matthew Stevens, of Bampton, labourer, was summoned for assaulting William Courtney, one of the bailiffs of the County Court. Complainant stated that on the 1st inst. he went to defendant's house with an execution against his goods. Defendant was in his garden, and on being told the cause of the bailiff's visit he refused to pay, and ordered him from the house. Complainant refused to leave, and defendant went into an outhouse and returned with a large stick, with which he struck Courtney, and then caught him by the whiskers (pulling out a bunch of the hair), threw him to the ground, and knelt upon him. The Bench inflicted a fine of £3, or 14 days imprisonment.
William Webber of Bampton, ironmonger, was charged by Supt. Collins with having a beam and scales in his shop nearly a quarter of an ounce unjust against the purchaser. Fined £1 including costs.
November 1870
Sir – In the Tiverton Gazette in July last, it was rather loudly announced that our little town of Bampton was to have a free Dispensary. About the same week we had ocular demonstration that such was the case by the placing of a large signboard over the door of the house now used as “The Curate's Reading Room.” The aforesaid signboard showed us that the Dispensary was “open on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from 10 to 11.30 a.m.” Now as the Dispensary has been “open” (according to signboard) about three months, and as we know, there is not a jar or bottle of medicine of any kind yet in the place, and as we have been assured that contributions of money have been made by some worthy men towards defraying the expenses of a free Dispensary, may I ask, through the medium of your valuable journal, for the benefit of some few enquiring minds – Into whose hands have the contributions been placed, and what has been done with the money? I am, your obedient servant, Inquirer.
December 1870
John Lazarus of Bampton, was charged with stealing a ferret, belonging to Mr. R.D. Branscombe. It appeared that the prosecutor lost the ferret on the 7th inst, having had it attended to several days previously by a neighbour. On the day named, the ferret was missed, and found on the 16th at defendant's house. - The defence was that Lazarus found the ferret in the churchyard at Bampton, which adjoins Mr. Branscombe's house. This was corroborated by a witness, and the Bench dismissed the case. - The same defendant, and also a man named Thomas Gibbings, pleaded guilty to a charge of trespassing in search of rabbits on the property of John Collins, Esq, and were fined £1 each, inclusive of costs.
Year: 1871
January 1871
Charles Trapnell, son of a respectable farmer living at Bampton, was summoned by Elizabeth Lane, who was formerly in the defendant's father's employ, to shew cause why he should not contribute towards the maintenance of her female child, he being the father. The defendant utterly denied having any connection with complainant. The Bench made an order of 2s per week and the usual expenses. Notice of appeal was given.
William Hosegood, of Bampton, was charged with leaving the workhouse on the 2nd inst., and taking away a suit of clothes belonging to the Guardians. Prisoner pleaded guilty, and was committed to prison for 14 days with hard labour.
February 1871
William Tarr was charged with being drunk and riotous at Bampton on the 14th ult. P.C. Haywood proved the charge. Fined 30s to include costs or 21 days.
March 1871
Hannah Presscot, of Bampton, was charged with stealing on the 12th March, from the porch of Stoodleigh Church, an umbrella the property of Mr. James Beedell. The prosecutor attended the afternoon service on the day named, placing the umbrella in the porch, and on the conclusion of the service he found that it had been taken away. In the interval the prisoner was seen to pass through the Churchyard with an umbrella of the description of the one lost, saying she had picked it up on the road. The bench sentenced the prisoner to 7 days imprisonment with hard labour.
April 1871
The Clerk of the Highway Board read a letter from the Superintendent of Police of the Cullompton district, directing the attention of the Board to the dangerous state of a quarry near Bampton, the property of Mr. Troyte. The Surveyor said it had nothing to do with the Board; the quarry was worked by its owner; it was very dangerous to the public travelling on the road. It was resolved to write to Mr. Troyte's steward on the subject.
May 1871
Rev. J.P. Sydenham drew attention to a matter of great importance – the breaking out of the small-pox in the parish of Bampton, where he understood a large proportion of the children remained unvaccinated. He recommended that steps should be taken to induce the people to comply at once with the requirements of the Vaccination Act, and if they refused, to compel them to do so by law.
June 1871
John Fisher, 61, not in the calendar, was charged with carnally knowing and abusing Ann Maria Collard, a little girl eleven and a half years old, and also with indecently assaulting her on the 10th June at Bampton. The jury found the prisoner guilty of the indecent assault, and he was sentenced to twelve months in gaol with hard labour.
July 1871
'The Architect” gives a double-page engraving of the handsome new residence of C.A.W. Troyte, Esq., Huntsham Court, Bampton, and says of it:- “The style adopted is a free treatment of that which prevailed in the early part of the sixteenth century. The materials employed are Hamden Hill stone for dressings, and the local rich-coloured stone for the walls; and the roof is covered with Bridgewater tiles. The internal fittings are partly of oak from the estate. The hall is lined with some curious Jacobean panelling, removed from the old house adjacent, now pulled down. The building which is not yet entirely completed, has cost about £13,000. The works have been executed by Messrs. Dove Brothers, of London, from the designs of Mr. Ferrey, F.S.A.”
August 1871
This pretty little town is seven and a half miles from Tiverton, prettily situated in a picturesque valley threaded by the River Exe, and bounded by bold hills. A visitor on entering the town on Wednesday would have been struck with its holiday appearance; every available window was hung with flags, and the streets planted with living shrubs. In front of the White Horse were shows, shooting galleries, &c, which attracted a large number of the townsfolk. Nigh at hand, on an eminence, the street was spanned by a large triumphal arch bearing the words “Welcome” and “Success to Horticulture.” Proceeding still further the visitor would find himself at the show, which was held in “Luke's Park,” lofty ground overlooking the valley and the town, and at the entrance of which were two more arches with the legends: “Success to the Bampton Horticultural Society” and “The Profit of the Earth is all.”
September 1871
At the Divisional Petty Sessions yesterday John Pook, of Bampton, was fined in the mitigated penalty of £5, with a recommendation for a further reduction, for using an unlicensed trap to take his daughter's children to be vaccinated. The magistrates thought it was a hard case, but they had no alternative but to inflict a fine..
October 1871
Bampton Fair, Oct 26th. - A larger attendance of dealers and others appeared at our fair, and much larger number of cattle and sheep exhibited for sale than on former occasions. Fat cattle realized 13s per score; sheep, 8½d to 9d per lb.; Exmoor ponies from £10 to £18 each. A large amount of business done.
Jane Cottrell, of Bampton, was summoned by Mary Prescott of the same place, for assaulting her on the 7th inst. The parties are neighbours, and appear to have lived on disagreeable terms for some time past. Fined 10s, including costs.
November 1871
James Gibbons, 16, and George Lake, 15, of Bampton, were charged with assaulting Sarah Ann Jutson on the 23rd October. Fined 10s, including costs.
Year: 1872
January 1872
Robert Andrews, Bampton, navvy, was charged with assaulting, on Dec. 26th last, Thomas Thorne, of the same place. Complainant said he was gardener to Major Vialls, and on Dec 26th was going from Bampton to Wiveliscombe, and when about 2 miles on his journey he was assaulted by defendant, who pulled him off his horse and commenced kicking and beating him with his fists, using very bad language. He called out, and ultimately two men came, friends of the defendant, who persuaded him to desist, when complainant pursued his journey. He afterward gave information to the police. Superintendent Collins said the “Navvies” at Bampton were a remarkably well-behaved body of men. The Bench thought that defendant was mistaken in the person, but said there were mitigating causes in his favour; they would therefore only inflict one-half the usual fine, 30s, or in default of payment, fourteen days imprisonment.
March 1872
Yesterday at the Board of Guardians a tender was received from Bampton and accepted for pauper funerals. The contract was to supply coffins, bearers, and dig the grave for the sum of six shillings.
April 1872
Francis Bowden, landlord of the Castle Inn, Bampton, and Frederick Miles, parish constable and dairyman of the same town, surrendered in discharge of bail and were indicted for having on the 10th of January stolen ten faggots of wood, the property of William Slee, Tiverton. The jury found the prisoners guilty. The advocate for the prosecution asked for as lenient a sentence as possible. The Recorder said they had been convicted by evidence satisfactory to the jury as well as himself. It was an exceedingly painful thing for him to pass sentence upon men of their position of life. He could always feel a commiseration for some men who were driven by abject poverty to steal food for the purpose of sustaining life, but the most severe punishment to them would be the loss of their good character, and henceforward to be looked upon as thieves. He, however, always held that the sentence (and this being their first offence) should be lenient in order to give the men a chance of retrieving their character. Prisoners were then sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour.
June 1872
The Bampton Band of Hope had their annual treat on the 29th ultimo. In the morning the town was enlivened by the splendid Brass Band from Bridge Town. In the afternoon, the younger members partook of tea in the Bible Christian Chapel, the grown persons in a field kindly lent by Mr. Phillips for the occasion. All joined in merry games with little interruptions by the weather.
October 1872
Mr. William Crudge, owner and occupier of the Castle Inn, Bampton, applied for a renewal of the licence of this house, the late occupier having quitted it without renewing it on the last licensing day.
November 1872
There was a large attendance at Bampton Fair and average supply of all kinds of stock and sheep and Exmoor ponies. Three-year old steers from £17 to £28; two-year old £14 to £18; barreners 9s per score, with dull sale; two-tooth wethers, 50s to 65 s; ewes, 50s to70s; lambs 40s to 54s; Exmoor ponies very dear; suckers from £5 to £10; and ponies from £14 to £20 each.
William Tooze and William Hawkins, young men of Bampton, were summoned for trespassing in pursuit of conies on Birchdown Farm, the property of Mr. Clarke, on October 27th. The defendants admitted the trespass, but denied being in pursuit of conies. The game keeper, however, swore that he saw them kill several rabbits, and they were fined 25s each including cots.
December 1872
Samuel Snooks, a navvy of Bampton, was charged with being drunk at Bampton and with assaulting the police. Sergeant John Gill Yole said on Saturday night there was a disturbance outside the Castle Inn, Bampton. He advised the parties to go home, when defendant elbowed his way through the crowd, came to where he was standing, pushed him, addressed him in insulting language, and struck him a violent blow on the right breast. When taken into custody he struggled greatly to get away, and two others came and endeavoured to rescue him, which probably would have been done but for the assistance of two other policemen. Fined £5, or two months hard labour.
Year: 1873
January 1873
James Gibbons and John Stamper, two youths, were charged with misbehaviour and disorderly conduct in the parish church, Bampton, on Sunday, January 12th. The sexton (James Webber) said at the afternoon service the two defendants, who were sitting under the gallery, were very disorderly and noisy. The pews were very high, and he could not exactly see what they were about, but he saw the smoke as if matches were being lit. He asked them what they meant by their conduct, and he gave them each a rap with a stick he had. The defendants said they were doing nothing when he spoke to them, but they had caused previous interruptions. The Rev. Edward Rendell, vicar of the parish, said a day or two after the summonses were issued, Gibbons came to him and asked to be forgiven, but he told him as he had caused such repeated interruptions he must make an example of him. The Chairman, after admonishing the defendants, fined Gibbons, the elder of the two, 1s and 11s 6d costs. Stamper was discharged with a caution.
Thomas How, Samuel Escott, and John Lazarus were charged with stealing a goose at Bampton, the property of Mr. R. Burrough. The evidence being insufficient the Bench dismissed the case.
February 1873
Charlotte Hancock pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly at Bampton, and was fined 15s including costs or fourteen days. As she had not cash enough by two o'clock she was sent to gaol.
April 1873
At the Bible Christian Chapel, Bampton, worship on Good Friday was conducted in the afternoon by the Rev. W. Datson; the tea which followed was attended by a respectable company. In the evening a service of sacred song was given, with readings from the Pilgrim's Progress by the Rev. W. Datson, Mr. Nye of Bampton, and Mr. T. Melhuish of Spurway Mill.
May 1873
Mr. Thoms, the author of a book on “Human Longevity” mentions some curious circumstances with so-called centenarianism. Anne Elling, the so-called Wiltshire centenarian, turns out upon investigation to have been nothing more remarkable than a shrewd old woman of eighty-seven years of age. It is a curious thing that upwards of a hundred thousand copies of the history of this woman have been circulated, and no pains taken to ascertain that the narrative rested upon a sure foundation. Anne Elling stated that she was born at Bampton, in Devonshire, in 1770, his investigation has shown that she was not born until fifteen years later. The Bampton registers have contradicted the wonderful stories of Anne Elling, and destroyed the prestige that was attached to the address she delivered in Westbury Chapel on the day of her supposed centenary. Had the Rev. Mr. Jeffrey applied to Bampton for information he would have been spared the trouble of writing the history of the Devonshire heroine, whose desire for notoriety induced her to despise arithmetical calculations.
July 1873
John Darby, farmer, was summoned for assaulting and beating William Hill, labourer, at Bampton on June 21st. The complainant said he went to the defendant's house and asked to see the defendant. He saw him, and before he could say anything to him the defendant struck him and kicked him, and made his nose bleed. The defendant denied striking the complainant, who, he said, came to his house and annoyed him because he could not trust him to drive his cattle, and he (defendant) pushed him out of doors. Fined £1, including costs.
September 1873
At the Annual Licensing Sessions, Mr. Supt. Collins said the only complaint he had to bring before the Bench was against Mr. Crudge, the landlord of the Castle Inn, Bampton, who had been convicted for permitting drunkenness in his house. The license had not been endorsed. Mr. Collins thought that a word of caution from the Bench was necessary. At the same sessions Mr. Densham applied on behalf of Mr. Farrant, grocer, Bampton, for a license to sell sweets. The application was granted.
December 1873
James Vicary, apprehended in Wales a few days since, was charged with game trespass on lands belonging to the Earl of Carnarvon, at Bampton, on 17th Nov., 1872. Defendant admitted the offence, and was sent six weeks to gaol with hard labour.
Year: 1874
March 1874
George Tarr and William Tarr, two brothers of Bampton, were charged by Sergeant Stone with being drunk at Bampton on February 26th. The defendant George Tarr was represented by his wife, and William did not appear. This was the twelfth time the defendant George had been summoned for a like offence, and his wife appealed to the Bench to be as lenient as they could for the sake of her four children. Fined 15s each, including costs.
April 1874
William Brown was charged by Superintendent Collings with obstructing the highway at Bampton with a number of caravans. - The defendant was in charge of Day's menagerie – The caravans appeared to have been placed in Brook Street, let to the defendant for the purpose by Mr. Gibbons, lessee of the market tolls, but contrary to the directions of the local police and Local Board Authorities. The Bench inflicted a fine of 1s and costs.
May 1874
William Brewer, who did not appear, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on May 5th. Sergeant Yole proved the case, and the defendant was fined £1, including costs, or fourteen days. One of the Justices (Mr. Wald) said there was scarcely ever a session but there was a case from Bampton for drunken and disorderly conduct. It was always Bampton! Bampton! Drunk! Drunk! Mr. Supt. Collins said he had averaged six years before the Licensing Act came into operation in his division of Cullompton, and compared it with the first year of the operation of the new Act, and he found that, under the new Act, drunkenness was double the average of any one of the last previous years. He thought, however, that the Licensing Act was working exceptionally well, and that the streets were much quieter than they used to be, and those who used to disturb the peace were prevented from doing so.
July 1874
Thomas Brewer and William Vickery pleaded guilty to being in pursuit of rabbits on lands in the occupation of Mr. John Trude of Bampton. Defendants were fined £1 including costs.
November 1874
Joseph Fisher, Bampton, a “navvy”, was charged with vagrancy and begging at Cullompton. From the evidence it was proved defendant was seen at different places begging, and was at the time worse for liquor. Defendant admitted the offence, and was sentenced to one week imprisonment with hard labour.
Year: 1875
January 1875
William Vickery, George Cull, George Milton, and Joseph Yeo, boys of Bampton, were summoned for having on Sunday week caused damage to the extent of £2 at the lime quarry of Mr. Perriam, by breaking the winding drum. A lad named John Fisher who was present and joined in the fun gave evidence against his companions. The prosecutor said he did not wish to press the case as it would fall hard on the parents, but he was compelled as a lot of damage was done to his property, to make an example of someone. The defendants were fined 10s 6d each including costs, and the prosecutor said he should return the amount of the damage which was included in the fine, to the defendants' parents. The boys were then cautioned and dismissed. They were told they ought to thank the prosecutor for his leniency.
April 1875
James Hemborough, tin-smith, was charged with refusing to quit the Castle Inn, Bampton, on the 24th March, when requested so to do. Sergeant Yole having proved the case, defendant was fined 10s including costs or seven days imprisonment, the Chairman remarking that they always had something from Bampton.
October 1875
Not for at least 40 years has this quiet town been the scene of such disaster as happened on the evening of Tuesday last. Soon after six p.m. the rain fell in torrents, and the rivers Shuttern and Batherm were soon overflown. The former rushed with great velocity down Brook Street carrying everything with it. The overflow of the Batherm, meeting this already large body of water, made matters critical. So sudden was the occurrence that persons had very little time to remove their goods to higher quarters. Mr. Jordan, baker, was obliged to suspend business for a day or two, the water having filled his oven. Mr. Crudge, ironmonger and grocer, had goods damaged to at least £30 value, and Mr. Miles, who lives alongside the National School, suffered a great loss in the shape of several hogsheads of cider, and several bushels of corn. At one place the water covered the back of a horse, until it was rescued. Empty barrels, pieces of timber, and articles of furniture floated about the streets. In some cases, people who had taken shelter in their bedrooms had to be rescued out of the window. Pigs and fowl just escaped a watery grave by the diligence of their owners, in many instances taking them to their bedrooms, and on the next morning several articles of furniture were found by the banks of the Exe more than a mile distant.
William Gare (on bail) was indicted for stealing 20lbs of composite candles, a tin of Australian meat, and other articles, the property of Samuel Robert and Maria Farrant, at Bampton, on the 22nd May.
Prisoner was an old servant, and the evidence showed that he supplied himself with goods without paying for them. The jury found the prisoner guilty, but recommended him to mercy on account of his former good character. The Chairman sentenced him to six months hard labour.
December 1875
William Cottrell and John Gibbings, labourers' sons, and Frederick Attwater, son of Dr. Attwater, of Bampton, were summoned for trespassing in pursuit of game on December 8th on lands belonging to Mr. J.T. Perriam. Mr. Perriam did not wish to press the charge against Cottrell and Gibbings, as he considered they were led away by the other defendant. The Bench fined Attwater £1 and 5s costs, and the others 5s each to cover costs.
During the past week the Vicar of Bampton, assisted by some of the gentlemen of the Local Board, has distributed the £100 so generously given by the Mansion House Inundation Relief Committee for the sufferers by the recent floods in the town.
Dr. Troyte's Beef Charity – The poor and the labouring classes of this parish have the name of this generous benefactor fresh in their memories at least once a year. On Friday nearly 600lbs of good beef were given away, so that the very poorest could make themselves happy by knowing that they could sit down to a good substantial dinner on Christmas Day.
Year: 1876
February 1876
John Lazarus, tailor, William Tarr, carpenter, Samuel Escott, mason, and Robert Howe, labourer, of Bampton were charged with trespassing in pursuit of game on land in the occupation of Mr. Trude, of Westbrook, Bampton, on the 10th inst. There was no evidence to prove the defendants were after game, but they were after rabbits. The Bench dismissed the case.
Henry Babb, of Morebath, a ganger on the railway, was summoned by Ann Escott, of Bampton, to shew cause &c, and the magistrates made an order of 1s 6d per week and the usual expenses.
March 1876
Samuel Escott was charged with stealing four fowls on the 8th from Charles Rockett, of Fitzhayne Farm, Bampton, value 7s. John Gibbings, a lad, swore to being in company with defendant on the night in question, and seeing him take the fowls away. Defendant afterwards killed and picked them, and sold them to a dealer at Bampton. Prisoner acknowledged his guilt, and was sent six weeks to gaol with hard labour.
May 1876
George Tarr, a labourer, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk at that place on the 4th instant, and it being his thirteenth conviction since 1859, he was fined £1, including costs. John Williams, another Bamptonian, was also fined £1, inclusive of costs, for a like offence.
To the Editor, “The Daily Western Times” - Sir, In these days of missions, no place seems to require something of the kind more than the small town of Bampton, Devon. There are nine public-houses in it, and drunkenness and vice abound. The respectable inhabitants are continually annoyed by drunken rows, and when those who commit them are taken up by the police the Tiverton magistrates let them off with a small fine, which they get paid at once, though their wives and children complain of being nearly starved, beaten &c. Last week a notorious character who had been 13 times convicted was only fined £1, and these men defy the police as they do not care for a fine. Surely the magistrates can scarcely desire to encourage drunkenness, poaching, &c., and yet, owing to their lenience, such things go on unchecked, and it is a disgrace to civilized society, calling itself Christian, that it should be so.
I am yours, &c., Justice
June 1876
A first meeting of creditors to fix a day for public examination, &c., in re Thomas Seward, grocer, of Bampton, was held at the Castle of Exeter on Tuesday morning. The bankrupt did not answer to his name, and one of the bailiffs of the Court stated that it was supposed he had absconded and had gone to the Cape of Good Hope. He went away from Bampton the Tuesday before the petition was filed. His liabilities were estimated at £297. The business stock had been disposed of by auction, and realized a little over £100 10s. Book debts were estimated at about £50.
July 1876
Elizabeth Tarr, a married woman, of Bampton, was summoned for assaulting James Carter, an old man, of the same place. On the 20th June complainant was going to a well for a bucket of water, when defendant coming behind, struck him a blow in the shoulders, causing him to fall to the ground and sustain several bruises in the face. Defendant said she merely pushed the old man when he was in the stooping position, and he fell down. Fined 6s and £1 5s 6d costs. Time was allowed for payment.
August 1876
Henry Stevens, a draper, of Bampton, who did not appear, was charged with being drunk at that place on the 4th of August, and the offence having been proved by P.C. Eveleigh he was fined £1 including costs.
September 1876
In the course of an excellent sermon, preached on Sunday morning last, at the Bampton parish church on the subject of “Naaman the Syrian Warrior.” the vicar (Rev. E. Rendell) referred to the horrible and unhappy war now raging in Turkey. He spoke of the great distress existing among the Christians in the Danubian provinces.
October 1876
Bampton is certainly in some respects becoming a rising town. During the last two or three years the inhabitants have subscribed nearly four hundred pounds in enlarging the old National Endowed School, and thus affording accommodation for at least 150 children, so that the school is now examined by Her Majesty's Inspector, and has all the benefits of the Elementary Education Act. Another sign of progress was shown on Monday evening, October 2nd which dates the opening of the “Town Library.” This library was bequeathed to the town by the will of the late Rev. E. Langdon, who died at Cape Colony, and who was formerly a resident in the parish.
Robert Knight, of Bampton, was charged with, on the 17th September, stealing 20 turnips, value 5d, the property of Samuel Besley, of the same place. Defendant pleaded guilty. Sergeant Yole said defendant was never, to his knowledge, brought before the Bench, and as Mr. Besley did not wish to press the charge, defendant was fined 6d and the costs.
November 1876
At the Bampton Baptist Chapel we had an exceptional evening on Monday last, when the Rev. J. Burnham, of Fivehead, Somerset, gave us an “Evening of Sacred Song.” This gentleman accompanies himself on his portable American organ. With a beautifully clear, distinct, and sweet voice, he sings the solos, and then the congregation, led by the choir, take up the choruses.
Year: 1877
April 1877
William Brewer, labourer, Bampton, was summoned by Edward Hawkins, river keeper, for an assault. Complainant stated that on the 9th inst., the defendant came to his house, and after calling him out said -
“You ____, it's my turn now,” and he struck a blow but complainant warded it off. A second blow was attempted, and defendant then caught hold of him by the neckerchief. George Land stated that he saw Brewer and Hawkins in a scuffle together, and the wife of the former came out and asked witness to try and get him into his house. Defendant, who alleged that Hawkins insulted his wife, was fined 2s 6d, and 21s 6d costs.
June 1877
Richard Trapnell, Bampton, farmer, for being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and cart on the 12th inst., was fined £1 including costs.
Harry Huxtable Attwater, a young man, respectably connected, pleaded guilty to a charge of drunken and riotous conduct at Bampton on the 22nd ultimo. It appeared that on Whit-Tuesday, being a festive occasion, he got into conflict with a gypsy at a public house (Mr. Bray's) and at length Police Constable Wonnacott was compelled to get the assistance of two other men, and defendant was taken to the lock up. Defendant was fined 1s and £1 13 s 6d costs.
Abraham Arthurs was charged with having on June 11th last, at Cove, Tiverton, assaulted and beat James Phillips, blacksmith, of Bampton. Complainant proved the offence, which was corroborated by his wife, Rebecca Phillips. Defendant was fined 10s and costs, or 14 days hard labour.
August 1877
Charles Hornsey, described as a clock and watch maker of Cullompton, was charged with manslaughter. Hornsey visited Bampton, and the deceased, Rhoda Burge, wife of a labourer in the employ of Mr. J.T. Periam, placed herself under his care, she having suffered for some years from bad legs, and had been told that defendant was in the habit of treating similar cases, and could effect a cure. Mrs. Burge died on the 18th August, and on Monday an adjourned inquest was held at the White Horse, Bampton. A post mortem examination had been made by Mr. Attwater, and Dr. Blythe, the county analyst, deposed that on an examination of the lotion used by the deceased, he found that it contained corrosive sublimate and sulphate of potash. From his analysis he considered deceased died from the effects of mercury. On the application of Sergt. Yole, the defendant was remanded until Friday, but liberated on bail.
George Tarr and William Tarr, labourers, of Bampton, were charged with being drunk and refusing to quit the Castle Inn when requested. Neither of the defendants appeared. The Chairman said George Tarr had been before the Bench fifteen times. His wife, who appeared, said it was all through the drink, not for any theft. The Chairman reminded her that he had been brought there for trespassing. Mrs. Tarr did not see why the poor should not have rabbits as well as the rich. Her husband had been fined a pound nearly every month. George Tarr was fined 25s including costs, and the Chairman added that as William Tarr had only been before the Bench seven times he would be fined £1 including costs or 14 days.
October 1877
Henry Hancock, of Bampton, labourer, was charged with trespassing in pursuit of game, on the 12th inst., at Duvale Wood. Defendant was seen to take up a trap by a gamekeeper. As defendant was at work in the wood at the time mentioned in the charge, he was let off on payment of 12s 6d expenses.
November 1877
William Lazarus, carrier, and Thomas Brewer, pensioner, both of Bampton, were charged with being on the highway near Bampton, on the 27th, and having in their possession certain nets and engines used for taking game. The Chairman observed that Brewer had been summoned before for a similar offence. Defendants would now be fined 40s including costs or one month, and the nets, &c., would be forfeited.
December 1877
Mr. John T. Periam, Bampton, was summoned for allowing his dog to be at large on the 28th Nov., contrary to the regulations recently issued by the justices. Defendant did not appear. The dog was said to be a vicious brute, with very long legs, and in fact was a very dangerous animal. Defendant was fined 20s and costs.
William Needs, Bampton, was summoned for a similar offence, but his dog being a “harmless dog”, the summons was dismissed on the payment of the costs, 9s.
William Lazarus, Bampton, was ordered to pay 9s expenses for allowing his dog to be at large.
Year: 1878
February 1878
Samuel Escott, William Cottrell, and William Endicott, all of Bampton, were charged with stealing two bundles of straw, value 2s, belonging to Mr. Samuel Besley. Prosecutor stated that on the 15th inst., he missed from his farm at Bampton, a quantity of straw, which he traced to the Castle Inn, Bampton. Jane Beamer, landlady of the Castle Inn, said prisoner William Endicott offered to sell her husband some straw. Witness, by her husband's directions, paid prisoners 9d for the straw and gave them a quart of cider. Prisoners stated that they had been working at Shillingford, and the straw had been given them by their master. Prisoners pleaded guilty. Superintendent Collins stated that the prisoner Escott had been previously convicted of several offences. Escott was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment with hard labour, Cottrell to four weeks, and Endicott to two weeks.
May 1878
John Hookway, mason, and Alfred Bowden, farmer, were summoned by the Inland Revenue for keeping each an unlicensed dog. Neither appeared, but the sergeant of police at Bampton stated they had each sent him 25s being the mitigated penalty. The Bench accepted the amount.
June 1878
Frederick Miles, Bampton, was summoned for not sending his boy to school. There was great difficulty experienced in getting some parents to send their children to school, and they seemed to set the School Board Authority at defiance. The boy was eleven years old, and had attended school only 61 times out of 194. Defendant pleaded guilty to the offence, but in mitigation said that he was compelled to keep the boy home a fortnight to help him during the bark harvest. Had a wife and seven children, and shouldn't be surprised if there was another one by the time he reached home (laughter). Fined 2s 6d.
July 1878
Davey and Hooper, wheelwrights, of Bampton, claimed of Charles Williams, who did not appear, £10 5s 2d. Defendant had paid £9 into court, and promised remainder. Plaintiffs accepted.
August 1878
George Tarr and Samuel Strong, both labourers, of Bampton, were summoned for being drunk on the highway at Bampton on the 20th inst. Defendants, who did not appear, were each fined 15s or seven days.
Thomas Davey, farmer, Bampton, and John Dyer, one of his labourers, were summoned for ill-treating a horse by working him in an unfit condition. The Bench inflicted a fine of 40s including costs, or 14 days.
September 1878
James Vicary, Bampton, was summoned for having two unjust beams and scales. One of the scales was two ounces in favour of the purchaser, and the other a quarter of an ounce against. The Bench did not believe there was any intention on the part of the defendant to act unjustly, and dismissed the case on payment of 14s costs.
October 1878
Davey and Hooper v. Henry Stone. Claim £4 9s 3d. Plaintiffs are wheelwrights of Bampton, and defendant a marine store dealer of the same place. The debt was admitted with the exception of 8s 3d, and his Honour gave judgment for £4 1s.
John Brice, William Collard, William Hill, and Henry Perry, all of Bampton, were summoned for not sending their children to school. There was great difficulty in getting many parents to send their children to school, but the parties summoned were the most irregular. Brice's child had made 86 attendances out of 203, Collard 89 out of 203, Hill 97 out of 203, and Perry 109 out of 203. Defendants were fined 2s 6d each including costs.
November 1878
James Hancock, labourer, was summoned for assaulting James Greenwood (pensioner). The parties belong to Bampton. About 11 o'clock on the night of 9th November defendant attempted to pick a quarrel with complainant, but the latter refused to hold any conversation with him, and as he was about to enter his lodgings defendant struck him with a blow, and he fell down insensible. Louisa Thomas and Elizabeth Dormer were witnesses to the assault. Defendant was fined 50s including costs or a month's imprisonment.
December 1878
James Stevens, labourer, an elderly man, was summoned for trespassing in pursuit of game on land in the occupation of Mr. James Legg, Duvale Farm, Bampton. John Perry, gamekeeper to Mr. T.C. Daniel (who owns Duvale Farm and the adjoining property) deposed to seeing defendant on 17th November, with a snare on the land in question. Defendant, who is an old offender, was fined £1 including costs.
Year: 1879
January 1879
On Wednesday an unpleasant and reprehensible joke was perpetrated in this town. Mr. T. Miles was walking from his farm to his house with a bundle of straw on his back. Some person or persons lighted the straw, and he carried it partly through the town on fire. The inhabitants, however, thought it a joke, but if so, it was carried a little too far.
We have pleasure in recording that on St. Thomas' Day, the Rev. Robert Capron B.A., B. Sc., of the London University (who is a parishioner of Bampton) was ordained by the Bishop of Lichfield to the curacy of Wordsley, Stourbridge. Mr. Capron, we may note, was first educated at Mr. Suell's school, Bampton, and has since been assistant-master in some first-class schools elsewhere. His parents reside at Shillingford.
February 1879
William Restarick, formerly in business at Bampton as a linen-draper, was charged on a warrant with forging a certain acceptance for a bill of exchange for £25, thereby defrauding William Crudge of this amount. Mr. Supt. Collins said prisoner was apprehended on Wednesday in London by the Criminal Investigation Department. Prisoner, on the advice of his solicitor pleaded “not guilty,” and was committed to take his trial at the next Assizes at Exeter, being told he would be admitted to bail in two sureties of £250 each, and himself in £500. He was remanded in custody.
March 1879
Great excitement prevailed at Bampton on Saturday evening, it having been rumoured that a young man named John Fisher had cut his throat. Fisher is engaged as stableman at the White Horse hotel, and had gone to fetch some potatoes from one of the store rooms. As he was absent on his errand an unusually long time two boys went in search of him and found him lying on his face and blood flowing from his neck. A penknife was in his hands and he seemed to be “working” at his throat. He was taken to the residence of his aunt, his parents being dead, and Dr. Nason has attended him.
April 1879
William Restarick,49, draper, pleaded guilty to forging an acceptance of a bill of exchange for £25 with intent to defraud William Crudge of Bampton. The prisoner maintained that he intended to meet the bill; and also asked his Lordship to consider his previous good character, and that he had a sick wife and family. His Lordship remarked that whilst ready to give every consideration he could not but see that the offence was a very serious one. Within recollection some persons had been executed, and others had been sentenced to long terms of penal servitude: he could not pass a less sentence than 12 months hard labour.
May 1879
Wallace McKinnon, Cardiff, stated to be an assistant gardener to the Marquis of Bute, was summoned by Ann Tarr, domestic servant, Bampton, to shew cause &c. Defendant, who did not appear, was ordered to pay 2s 6d a week and the usual expenses.
July 1879
The Vicar announced on Sunday last that whilst the interior of the church was undergoing repairs the service would be held at the National Schoolroom. The Rev. Robert Capron, B.A., B. Sc., preached the sermon. Mr. Capron, being a native of this parish, was listened to with marked attention.
The anniversary services of the Baptist Chapel took place on Sunday, 13th., inst. Sermons were preached in the morning and evening by the Rev. E. Scott. An address was given in the afternoon by Mr. Down. The musical part of the services was conducted by Mrs. Gare.
James Wensley, Bampton, was fined 14s including costs for being drunk at Bampton on the 8th inst.
William Webber, Bampton, for being drunk and disorderly was fined 19s including costs. Defendant denied that he was drunk, and added, “I was no more drunk than I am now, and not so much.”
August 1879
Through the kindness of Mr. Trude, the children of the National day and Sunday schools, together with the scholars of the Board infant school had their annual treat at Kiln Close on Friday afternoon. An excellent tea was provided on the grounds by Mr. W. Escott, confectioner.
Robert How, junr., Bampton, pleaded guilty to being at the Castle Inn in that town after 11 p.m. on the 4th inst. The offence was proved by Mrs. Beamer, the landlady, who stated that defendant refused to quit the premises when requested. Fined 2s and expenses, together 11s.
September 1879
Thomas Chilcott How, Bampton, was charged by P.C. Sergt. Chapple with refusing to quit the Castle Inn when so requested on the 23rd inst. Mr. Beamer, the landlord, said defendant came into the house drunk, but was not supplied there with more liquor. Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 30 s and costs.
A correspondent writing from Fore Street, Bampton, sends us a series of complaints in verse, addressed to “the gentlemen of the Local Board,” to whom he wishes to say a word:
“About the earth and the mortar
By the Swan, near the water.”
Having urged that this mortar should be taken away, he refers to the rule that all manure to be carted must be done before 8 a.m.; but some, he says, do as they please:
“They put about earth and heaps of lime
And let it stay any length of time.”
He thinks it ought not to be allowed to remain there all day Sunday, a disgrace to the house of prayer. Our correspondent ends with a reference to “that rubbish under the wall,” which he terms “a disgrace.”
October 1879
Mr. Densham made application on behalf of Mr. J. Periam, Bampton, for a license to sell wines and spirits not to be consumed on the premises. - Application granted.
William Collard the elder, and William Collard the younger, labourers, of Bampton, were charged with being drunk and disorderly in the highway at Bampton on the 23rd September. Sergt. Chapple stated that he was on duty near the Angel Inn, in Bampton, and saw the two defendants, very drunk. The elder Collard evidently wished to pick a quarrel with the younger, and both of them swore very much, and otherwise misbehaved themselves. Four previous convictions for drunkenness were shown against the elder defendant, and he was fined 10s including costs. The younger defendant did not appear and he was fined 12s 6d including costs.
“A friend of order” writes: - “In reference to the intemperance prevailing at Bampton, it does seem a wonder and a pity that those who have authority in the place should not have taken steps long since to get up some counter influence, either a coffee room, or a branch of the Church of England Temperance Society. The disgraceful scenes so often witnessed might cease, and the poverty and beggary caused by drinking be remedied.”
December 1879
John Gibbons, Jesse Fisher, and Samuel Escott, young men of Bampton, were charged with trespassing in search of game on land in the occupation of Capt. Leir on the 8th inst. George Ridd, coachman to prosecutor, stated that he went to a field on his master's estate, and found the defendants ferreting. He took a rabbit from Escott, who asked him to return it as “we are poor fellows.” Fisher ran away with the ferret. The magistrates were satisfied that the case had been proved. Escott had been before them no less than 6 times, and he was fined 40s or 21 days. Fisher had also been previously before them, and would now be fined 10s or 7 days. Gibbons was also not unknown to them, and he would be fined 10s or 7 days.
Year: 1880
January 1880
Henry Hancock, Charles Hancock, and John Gibbons, labourers, were charged with trespassing in pursuit of game, on land belonging to Mr. J. Trude. Fined: Henry Hancock and Gibbons, 40s each; and Charles Hancock 10s.
A fatal accident happened on the Devon and Somerset Railway on Wednesday afternoon. A young man, aged about 24, son of Mr. William Hill, of Hayne Farm, near Shillingford, left his father's house about three o'clock, and subsequently he was found in a dying state on the railway. He was conveyed to his home and medical assistance obtained from Bampton. He lingered until half past ten o'clock, when he expired.
February 1880
William Hart, a lad, was fined 20s for stealing three-quarters of a pound of raisins from the shop of Mr. Sydney Wood, of Bampton.
March 1880
Application had been made to Parliament in the Great Western Company's Bill for powers enabling this company to acquire further lands at Bampton and Morebath, which will permit of more convenient stations being provided at those places.
July 1880
Railway contractors have to remove, as a matter of course, diverse obstructions in the construction of a line, and there was a striking proof of this on Friday on the works of the Tiverton and North Devon Railway near the Exeter Inn. It seems a solicitor of Tiverton is the owner of certain land through which the line will pass. He was present on Friday with some labourers, and these were engaged in replacing the earth &c., which was being removed in the course of the work by the navvies of the contractors. The men on both sides were evidently amused at keeping the game alive, and it lasted some hours. The cause of the interruption is said to arise owing to a dispute as to the compensation fro the land.
At a sitting of the Divisional Magistrates on Tuesday, James Glover, of Liverpool, contractor, James Hart and John Tucker, navigators; and Robert Bushell, of Bampton, were summoned at the instance of Mr. Loosemore for that they, on the 9th day of July, at the parish of Bampton, “unlawfully and with force and arms and with strong hand did enter a certain field or close of land there situate, and the possession thereof unlawfully and forcibly did hold and detain, and still do hold and detain from the said Robert Francis Loosemore.” William Cosway gave evidence as to seeing the railway men forcibly enter Mr. Loosemore' meadow. The Magistrates retired, and after 15 minutes absence, the Chairman announced that they considered the defendants' objection to be fatal to Mr. Loosemore's case; and that also the fact of the proceedings being taken under an obsolete Act was sufficient justification of their being barred by a legal objection.
August 1880
Francis Hill, of Clayhanger, was charged by Geo. Slocombe, of Bampton, with assaulting him in a railway carriage on the Devon and Somerset Railway between Milverton and Wiveliscombe, by putting his fist in complainant's face and threatening him. Fined £1.
September 1880
Frederick Stone, railway labourer, Bampton, was summoned by Loveday Jane Land, 17, to show cause, &c. The Bench made an order of 2s a week.
A match took place at the Holmingham Range, Cove, on Wednesday between 8 members of the No. 2 Company of the Tiverton Corps, and 8 men of the Bampton Corps, when the former were the winners by 46 points. The Bampton team generously provided refreshments, which were duly appreciated by the competitors. The members of the Bampton team: Corpl. J. Lazarus; Colour-Sergt. Payne; Sergt. Knight; Quartermaster-Sergt. Hobbs; Pr. Oxenham; Pr. Richards; Sergt, Staddon; and Sergt. Trickey.
November 1880
Emma Fewings, of Bampton, was summoned by Inspector Osborne, R.S.P.C.A., for cruelly ill-treating a horse by causing the animal to be worked while in an unfit state at Bampton on the 19th October. Defendant pleaded not guilty, but the case was considered proved, and she was fined £1.
It having been reported to the Board that Mr. Besley, the relieving officer for the Bampton district, had met with an accident and broken his leg, it was resolved on the motion of Mr. Lake, seconded by Mr. White, that Mr. Francis Gibbons, butcher, of Bampton, be appointed his deputy.
Henry Attwater, John Hill, and William Oaten, of Bampton, were brought up in custody charged with stealing a number of ducks and fowls, and a turkey, the property of Mr. Edwin Salter and Mr. Thomas Irish, farmers, of Bampton, on the 17th inst. The evidence did not prove the case, and the prisoners were discharged.
December 1880
Lewis Beamer, landlord of the Castle Inn, Bampton, was charged with being drunk on his own licensed premises on Friday night, the 17th inst. Sergt. Chapple said that in consequence of information, he went to the Castle Inn and saw Mr. Beamer in the kitchen drunk, and apparently in a passion. He ordered witness out of the house, but afterwards apologised. Fined 20s, the license not to be endorsed.
Year: 1881
January 1881
Mr. A.J. Down, eldest son of Mr. R. Down, veterinary surgeon, is admitted a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
February 1881
Robert Howe and Samuel Escott, Bampton, were each fined for trespassing on the lands of Mr. John Trude, Bampton. Howe admitted the offence. Escott did not appear. The former had previously been convicted seven times, and the latter eight. Howe was fined 20s or 14 days, and Escott 40s.
Thomas Hill was fined 20s for being drunk in the streets of Bampton on 3rd February.
William Yandle, landlord of the White Horse Inn, Bampton, was summoned by the police for keeping his house open after hours on the 6th February. It was shewn that the clock by which the opening and closing were regulated was not always “Greenwich Time” and defendant was let off by paying the expenses, 13s.
March 1881
George Hawkins, carpenter, Bampton, was fined 40s for game trespass on Mr. R.F. Loosemore's land.
Charles Jones and John Kirk, of Bampton, were summoned for being on licensed premises at Bampton, on Sunday 6th February during prohibited hours, and were fined the costs, 9s each.
July 1881
Robert Davey and George Ross, labourers, of Bampton were summoned for assaulting Thomas Creech. There was also a cross-summons against Creech for assault. The Magistrates, thinking both parties were to blame, dismissed the cases, each to pay his own costs.
August 1881
William Yandle and Charles Trapnell, Bampton, were summoned by Capt. Leir for riding furiously on the 2nd inst., so as to “endanger the lives and limbs of passengers.” Complainant stated that he was in a field adjoining the highway between Bampton and Dulverton. He heard horses galloping, and next heard screams, and thinking that an accident had happened he went to a field gate and saw Charles Hooper driving a pony and gig. Yandle and Trapnell were following at full gallop, and the horses were not under their control. William Vicary, servant in the employ of Capt. Leir gave corroborative evidence. Defendants were each fined £1.
A letter was read from Mr. Besley, Relieving Officer for the Bampton district, resigning his office, his reason for so doing being that the late accident had left him partially disabled, consequently he was unable to discharge the duties of so large an area. He asked to be allowed to retain the office of Vaccination officer.
October 1881
Henry Langdon, chemist, Bampton, sued George Lock for £2 15s 6d. Defendant, who did not appear, was ordered to pay 4s a month.
November 1881
On Friday evening last at the National Schoolroom, Mr. R.H. Dart, formerly of Exeter, gave an entertainment to a large and appreciative audience, the programme being composed of recitations, for the most part humorous, varied by a medley song. The proceeds are to be given to a local charity.
Louis Beamer, landlord of the Castle Inn, Bampton, was summoned for permitting drunkenness and disorderly conduct on his premises on the 4th October. A fight had taken place in the skittle-alley of the inn, the combatants being in drink. This being the third time the defendant had been before the bench, he was fined £2, and his license endorsed.
December 1881
John Coran, shopkeeper, Bampton, was fined 1s and costs for using unjust scales on the 12th December.
James Webber, Bampton, was likewise fined for a similar offence.
John Oaten, labourer, Bampton, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly and refusing to quit licensed premises, on the 15th inst.; but did not appear. Superintendent Collins proved four previous convictions, and defendant was committed for fourteen days hard labour, a warrant being issued for his arrest.
Henry Huxtable Attwater, of Bampton, was charged with furiously driving a horse on the 29th of last month. Defendant was riding very fast along the road between Tiverton and Bampton and came into collision with a baker's horse and cart. He was fined £2.
Year: 1882
February 1882
Henry Salisbury, William Hookway, and William Howe, of Bampton, were summoned for gambling on the 22nd ult. Salisbury did not appear; the others pleaded guilty. P.C. Holloway said great complaints had been made of boys gambling on the Sabbath at Bampton, and on the afternoon in question he found the three defendants tossing up pence on the Southmolton Road. A fine of £1 was divided between them.
William Veysey was charged with being drunk and incapable at Bampton, on February 12th. Defendant admitted the offence. He had a previous conviction recorded against him, and was fined 10s.
William White pleaded guilty to a like offence at Bampton on the 15th instant. P.S. Chapple was informed that the defendant was using disgusting language to the wife of Major Vialls, and on going to Castle Street he heard defendant express himself in most disgusting epithets. Sentenced to fourteen days hard labour, in lieu of paying 15s fine and costs.
William Vicary, farm bailiff, of Bampton, was summoned for firing a gun within fifty yards of the highway. Defendant admitted the offence, and having apologised, the summons was withdrawn on the payment of costs.
March 1882
Samuel Escott and George Milton, of Bampton, labourers, were charged with trespassing in search of game on land in the occupation of Mr. Trude. Both defendants pleaded guilty. Escott was fined £2, as there were several previous convictions against him, and the other £1. The nets were forfeited.
A ewe belonging to Mr. W. Crudge, yeoman, gave birth to a lamb with eight legs, four ears, and two breasts. It died immediately.
May 1882
Anthony Tucker, of Bampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on April19th. The offence was admitted, and as this was the first time defendant had appeared before the Bench, he was fined 10s.
George Tarr, junior, was charged with assaulting Jacob Kingdon, at Bampton, on April 15th. Prosecutor, a labourer of Bampton, said prisoner accosted him and taking him by the collar shook him severely, at the same time threatening that “if he did not give his wife a good hiding he would give him one.” In cross-examination prosecutor admitted that the defendant had complained that his little boy had been very much frightened by Mrs. Kingdon. The magistrates found the defendant guilty of an assault. He ought not to have touched complainant whatever provocation he might have received, and he would have to pay a fine of 2s 6d and 15s costs.
July 1882
The members of the County Police held a picnic at Willand on Friday. During the afternoon a rather serious accident happened to P.C. Murch of Bampton. He was struck by a skittle-ball and had his leg broken. He was at once taken to the Tiverton Infirmary and is now progressing favourably.
August 1882
The Directors of the Tiverton and North Devon Railway Company reported that tenders for the construction of passenger and goods stations at Bampton, and level-crossing cottages at Cove, Lower Lodfin, and Morebath had been received, and the work will be put in hand forthwith.
September 1882
Mary Needs, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk at that place on the 5th inst. P.S. Chapple said the defendant was in a very drunken condition. She had been begging. Fined 5s, or 14 days hard labour.
November 1882
The following persons were fined for neglecting to send their children to school: John Williams, of Bampton, 1s.; Henry Perry, James Milton, James Toze, all of Bampton 2s 6d each.
Mary Toze, wife of a labourer, of Bampton, was charged with drunkenness on the 28th inst. Fined 10s.
George Tarr, labourer, of Bampton, was charged with a similar offence on the 25th inst. Defendant, who had been before the court on eighteen previous occasions, was committed to prison for 14 days with hard labour.
December 1882
Frederick Strange, a navvy, was charged with stealing a piece of pork, part of a loaf of bread, six bottles of ginger ale, a piece of cheese, and a piece of cake, value 5s., the property of John Richards, landlord of the Great House Inn, Bampton, on 1st December. Prisoner pleaded guilty and fined 30s or 21 days with hard labour.
Year: 1883
January 1883
John Oaten, of Bampton, was charged with assaulting P.C. Murch at Bampton in the execution of his duty on the night of 3rd May last. Supt. Collins said after the assault the prisoner absconded, and nothing was heard of him until recently, when information was received that he was living at Cardiff. He was arrested upon a warrant, and brought to Cullompton by P.S. Yole. In reply to the Chairman, the prisoner said he would take his dying oath he never struck the constable. Prisoner, against whom a long list of previous convictions was proved, was committed to gaol for two months with hard labour.
February 1883
The Tiverton and North Devon Railway Company reported that a difficulty had arisen with Mr. R.F. Loosemore, the owner of some land near Bampton through which the railway runs, that may delay the opening of the line.
April 1883
David Burnett, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the 12th inst., and was fined 10s.
May 1883
Maria Vickery, Bampton, claimed of John Cottrell, of the same place, £18 16 2d for goods supplied. At the last Court the case was referred to the arbitration of Mr. H. Ellis, auctioneer. He awarded the plaintiff 14s 6d., each party to pay their own costs of reference, the arbitrator's fee and expenses in equal moieties, the defendant to return the silver watch and chain, donkey carriage, and the heap of hay and rushes.
July 1883
The little village of Georgeham, about nine miles north-west of Barnstaple, was on Saturday night very much alarmed by an occurrence which has ended in the death of the village policeman, P.C. Creech, of the Devon Constabulary, who was murdered by an old man named George Green. The victim of the old man's violence is a young and unofficious member of the police force, who has seen only five years' duty. He is about 30 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child. Creech is a native of Bampton, where, it is believed, his father resides, and he has a brother in the Devon Constabulary.
August 1883
An application was made for the payment of contributions by a man named Yeo, of Bampton, towards the support of an illegitimate child, at present chargeable to the Union. The mother died in the Workhouse after the birth of the child, and it was wished that an order should be made on Yeo to pay the contributions to the Relieving Officer. - Granted.
September 1883
A working men's club has been opened in Bampton under very promising auspices. The scheme originated with Messrs. G. Rudall, J. Seldon, and J.R. Sampson, who collected subscriptions and furnished commodious rooms in Newton Square, where every attraction is provided for the working man in the shape of bagatelle, draughts, chess, and other games; while part of the premises is fitted up for a reading room, where local and daily papers are supplied, at the charge of one penny per week. There is also a refreshment bar, where non-intoxicating beverages can be had at moderate charges.
The club opened with fifty two members.
November 1883
A fine of 5s was imposed upon Thomas How, labourer, of Bampton, for neglecting to send his children to school.
The report of the inspection at the infant Board School is as follows: “The present teacher has in a few months effected sound and praiseworthy improvement. Reading is very good, arithmetic and writing still need attention. The general style of instruction is skillful, zealous, and intelligent. Music is taught by note with remarkable success.” The Government grant of 15s per head includes a merit grant of 4s and 1s each for needlework and singing by note, Miss Annie Wyness (Mistress of the School) may well be gratified at this report.
Year: 1884
January 1884
Thomas Chilcott Howe, labourer, of Bampton, was charged with deserting his three children and leaving them chargeable to the common fund of the Tiverton Union. Defendant, on promising to take the children into the Workhouse was discharged.
February 1884
Thomas Howard, labourer, Bampton, summoned for being drunk and disorderly on the 3rd inst., was fined 10s 6d.
Alfred Bowden, farmer, was summoned by Mr. J. Trude, farmer, of Bampton, for trespassing on his land in search of game or conies on the 14th ultimo. Richard Wright, labourer, proved seeing the defendant on the land with a gun and two dogs. Mr. Payne, for the defence, contended that the defendant had the complainant's consent to his crossing the land in order to reach his own land by a short route. There being a doubt, the case was dismissed.
John Cottrell, labourer, was charged on remand with stealing a four-pronged dung fork, the property of Samuel Yeo of Bampton, between the 14th and 17th of July last. The prisoner asserted that he had bought the fork but added in reply to the charge that he might as well plead guilty. A list of five previous convictions against him was put in, and he was fined 30s inclusive, or 21 days hard labour.
March 1884
On Wednesday £5 worth of bread was distributed amongst the poor of the parish by the Vicar and Churchwardens. The bread was supplied by Messrs. Escotts, Sampson, and Wood.
Fixed to the front of a black marble clock, relieved with grey marble, and striking the hours and half-hours on a deep-toned gong, is a silver plate engraved with the following inscription: “Presented with a purse of 50 guineas to the Rev. E. Rendell, B.A., on his leaving Bampton, Devon, after being 42 years Vicar, by 124 subscribers. 28 March 1884.”
June 1884
A case of much interest to parents was decided by the Tiverton County Justices yesterday. William Collard and Frederick Miles, both of Bampton, were summoned a months since for not sending their children regularly to a school. Mr. Densham, Clerk to the Bampton School Board, informed the Bench that the children had been taken from the School under the Board's control and sent to a Dame School kept by a Mrs. Gale. One of the magistrates made an inspection of the school and presented a report:-
“I visited Mrs. Gale's School on June 6th, and found eight children present. The children were sitting in different parts of the room, the girls doing needlework and knitting. Reading was imperfectly taught, two children – Albert Stuckey and Annie Baker, both over six years of age – not being able to read such simple words as this, sits, day tree without first spelling them. The only books used are a few spelling and story books, and the Bible, the latter being used because the children know the others by heart. Arithmetic is attempted by three children only. I tested them in rotation and found their knowledge very vague. Writing – The boy Stuckey, six years old, could scarcely manage the capital and small letters without help, and the three most advanced pupils could not write a few simple words without many mistakes. I found that no register of attendance is kept, and the apparatus is simply nil.”
The Bench considered that the school was not efficient within the meaning of the Act, and made an order for the children to attend the Board School.
July 1884
On Tuesday, William White, labourer, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Bampton, on the previous evening. P.S. Yole was informed by a lady that defendant had used insulting language to her, and finding that he was in a state of intoxication he was advised to go home. Defendant declined to do so and was accommodated with quarters at the lock-up. Fined £1.
A juvenile belonging to the family of Sergeant Yole of this town, observed some birds making free with his father's strawberries, and whilst in the act of picking up a stone to facilitate the departure of the depredators, a thrush flew at the boy and picked him severely under the eye.
The formal opening of the Tiverton and North Devon Railway line was celebrated with great rejoicing at Bampton on Thursday. The streets were made gay with bunting. At mid-day a public luncheon was held in a marquee in Fair Park, the Vicar (the Rev. O.C. Wright) presiding. Mr. T.R. Densham said that when the Act of Parliament was passed giving power to construct the line it was thought that it would never be carried into effect; but now it was completed it was for the tradespeople of Bampton to make it a benefit to the town.
August 1884
The sad news of the demise of the Rev. E. Rendell was made known on Thursday when the following telegram was received by the sexton, Mr. James Webber, from Miss E.M. Rendell:- “Will you toll the minute bell for our beloved father, who was called to his rest peacefully early this Thursday morning.”
October 1884
The new managers of the churchyard have commenced active operations in that place. Improvement was very much needed, but whether the present way of commencing is the best is doubted in some quarters.
November 1884
The ratepayers ought to be well satisfied with the position occupied by the Infant School, under the care of Miss Anne Wyness, who has proved herself a most efficient mistress. The Inspector's report is as follows:- “This school continues to be taught and conducted with much care and diligence, and the results are, on the whole, very satisfactory. While the children are very well advanced, in the elementary subjects, a suitable variety of occupation has also been provided for them.”
The fair is admitted on all hands to have been one of the most successful of late years. Visitors from long distances arrived by every train to witness the sale of Exmoor ponies. One amusing incident has given rise to much merriment. A certain publican labouring under the impression that he had some money taken from his pocket during the afternoon, walked into the room where the ordinary was being served and espied three individuals attired in the garb of ministers of the Church of England. His suspicions were aroused and he inquired their names and addresses, but much to his discomfort he found that one of the individuals was a bona-fide Archdeacon, and the others recognised ministers of the Established Church.
December 1884
Mr. Nason of Bampton wrote resigning his appointment as Medical Officer for the Bampton East and West districts, and asking the Board to to elect his successor, Mr. T.A. Guinness, who also wrote soliciting the post.
Year: 1885
January 1885
At the Bible Christian Chapel, Rev. E. Scott in the chair, Mr. J. Jasper of Crumlin, South Wales, delivered a lecture” “The men who wore the fustian jackets, and what they became by giving up drink.” There was a good attendance, and the lecture which was of an amusing character, seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.
James Greenwood, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in Brook Street on the 27th ult. Fined 15s, this being Greenwood's third appearance.
Mr. Samuel Besley, farmer, missed six young lambs from a field close to the town on Monday. From the first it was evident that dogs were the perpetrators of the crime. Dogs were heard by the cottagers near the field, and at eight o'clock two were observed leaving the field.
The Soup Kitchen was reopened yesterday. This comes at a useful time, and ought to be most highly appreciated by the poor, whom it is intended to benefit.
February 1885
At the fortnightly meeting of the Debating Society of the Working-Men's Club held at the Rooms last night, a paper was read by Mr. J. Seldon on “The Present Industrial Depression.” An animated and interesting discussion followed.
March 1885
The bells of the Parish Church on Friday night sent forth merry peals in honour of the return of Mr. T.A. Guinness and his amiable wife from their honeymoon to take up the permanent position now vacated by Dr. E. Nason, who has left the town.
April 1885
On Thursday evening the Marsden Variety Company paid a visit to the town, and amused a large audience with their singing, dancing and comicalities.
May 1885
Oak Apple Day was celebrated here yesterday as usual. The members of each club marched to church, each carrying a well-trimmed May-pole. The present celebration of the 29th of May marks a most decided improvement on the manner in which the day used to be kept, the rough element of bygone days being nowhere visible now.
Mr. J. E. Coren has been appointed Postmaster in the room of Miss H. Catford, who has resigned through ill health. The management of the Post Office has been for more than half a century in the hands of Miss Catford and her late father.
William Thomas John Howard, labourer of Bampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly on the 1st May. Defendant did not answer to the summons. Howard's wife appeared and stated that her husband had commissioned her to plead guilty to the charge. He was quite ready “to pay what the magistrates were inclined to charge” (laughter). A previous offence having been proved, defendant was fined 10s 6d.
James Hancock, Charles Hancock, William Thomas Cottrell, and William Howe, labouring men, were charged with playing at pitch and toss at Bampton on Sunday the 10th inst. Howe and Charles Hancock (against whom a previous conviction was on record) were each fined 2s 6d; and Cottrell and James Hancock were each fined 1s. Frederick Thomas Miles, a packer, was charged with aiding and abetting the previous defendants. Fined 12s.
July 1885
Jessie Moore, 20, domestic servant, was indicted for obtaining from Richard Henry Dart, at Bampton, 20th April, 1885, two jackets and other articles, his property, with intent to defraud him of the same. The prisoner pleaded guilty. The Chairman reminded prisoner that she had rendered herself liable to be sent into penal servitude for five years, but the Court took a lenient view, and she would be sent to prison for six weeks with hard labour.
August 1885
The untoward occurrence of Wednesday, resulting in completely spoiling the annual Cottage Garden Show, is the subject of general conversation. Some are blaming the committee for holding the show on a hill when the weather remained so unsettled. No marquee, with canvas however strong, could have withstood the violent wind that blew when the structure came to grief.
William Thomas John Howard, sawyer, of Bampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and with assaulting P.S. Yole at Bampton on the 14th inst. Witness was obliged to call on men named Nott, Atkins, Milton, and Hooper to assist in getting defendant to the lock-up. Whilst conveying Howard to the prison, witness sustained two severe kicks on the leg and a similar blow in the groin. Mr. Henry Nott corroborated. The prisoner had only been liberated from gaol a few days, having served a term of 14 days for being drunk and disorderly. Howard was now sent to gaol for six weeks with hard labour.
September 1885
About 11 o'clock on Wednesday night the inhabitants of Bampton were aroused by loud cries of “Fire!” in the streets. The scene of the conflagration, in High Street, was the house of Mr. Richard Pearce, a small grocer and provision dealer. Neighbours were just in time to save Miss Pearce, who was hanging from an upstairs window in the attempt to lower herself to the ground. Mrs. Pearce was next taken from the same window. After several attempts the door was broken through to the dwelling house, and Mr. Pearce was discovered in the stairs in an almost unconscious condition.
An inquest was held yesterday at the Swan Inn, Bampton, touching the death of Richard Pearse, aged 66, who died from injuries sustained in the recent fire. The jury returned a verdict of “accidental death.”
William Milton, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned for neglecting to send to school his child, aged ten years, who had made 71 attendances out of a possible 250. Fined 2s 6d., not to be enforced if the boy attended school regularly.
October 1885
Alfred Greenslade, of Bampton, wheelwright, was fined the costs, 12s 6d, for drunkenness while in charge of a horse at Holcombe Rogus on September 11th.
William Hill, an agricultural labourer, aged 77, died at Bampton on Wednesday night after an illness brought on – according to his own statement – by taking rat poison or phosphorus paste on Friday last. Hill, who leaves a widow and several grown-up children, had worked for upwards of thirty years on Kersdon Farm, occupied by Mr. Trapnell.
November 1885
William Tarr, labourer, of Bampton, was charged with assaulting George Slocombe, at Bampton, on the 17th inst. After hearing the evidence of the complainant, Mr. Joseph Bridie (Shillingford), and Elizabeth Tarr (mother of defendant), the Bench dismissed the case.
Harry Attwater, having no regular occupation, and said to be the son of a medical man, was summoned for furiously riding in the public street at Bampton, on October 29th – the day of the Fair. He did not appear, and the evidence showed that he actually knocked down a man with his horse, and that another man narrowly escaped. On P.C. Eveleigh making a remonstrance prisoner threatened to knock his head off with his stick, and said if Eveleigh did not get out of the way he would ride over him. The Bench ordered a fine of £4, or one month's imprisonment, and mentioned that defendant had previously been fined £2 for a like offence, and that there was a long record of offences against him at different times.
December 1885
About six hundred pounds of Christmas beef was distributed to the poorer parishioners of this parish on Thursday. The Rev. O.C. Wright (Vicar), Mr. J.C. Rockett (church warden), and Dr. T.A. Guinness attended at the Market House distributing the tickets, and Mr. Richard Vicary supplied the beef in his usual satisfactory manner.
At a vestry meeting specially held on Saturday, Mr. Samuel Marsh was unanimously elected a trustee of the Bampton National School, in the place of the late Mr. J. Trude. The Vicar (the Rev. O.C. Wright) was in the chair, and Major Leir, the Rev. E. Scott, Messrs. T.R. Denham, R. Densham, T.J. Periam, R. Dart, T. Row, T. Capron, W. Escott, C. Davy, W. Weston, R. Brewer, J. Barnes, H. Nott, J. Webber, and J. Coren were among those who were present.
Samuel Tarr, a powerful-looking labourer, aged 19, pleaded guilty to assaulting William Thomas Cottrell and Robert Alderman at Bampton on December 15th. The Bench fined defendant 16s in each case, with the alternative of 14 days imprisonment with hard labour. Defendant said he would “do the fortnight.” William Tarr, the youngest brother of the last defendant, was summoned by Charles Alderman for assaulting him on the same day. Fined 10s. The money was paid.
John Shopland Greenslade, of Bampton, carpenter, was summoned for placing a piece of timber on the roadway at Coppacombe to the danger, injury, or interruption of passengers on Nov 20th. Fined 10s.
The members and friends of C. Company, 3rd Volunteer Battalion, Devonshire Regiment, numbering over 70, assembled on Wednesday at Trickey's Swan Hotel, where a splendid supper was provided by Mr. and Mrs. Trickey.
Year: 1886
January 1886
The annual Christmas treat was given to the Band of Hope connected with the Church of England Temperance Society by friends in the neighbourhood. The tea was provided by Mr. James Webber, of the Bampton Coffee Tavern, who had also decorated the room. The Band of Hope now numbers 22.
The announcement of the death of the Rev. Arthur Churchill, Independent minister, of Bampton, was the source of much regret to a large number of friends, to whom the deceased gentleman was well known throughout North Devon and Somerset. The Rev. gentleman (who was only thirty years of age) some years ago was the resident Bible Christian minister at Bampton.
February 1886
William Thomas John Howard, labourer, of Bampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and with assaulting P.C. Leaworthy in the execution of his duty. Leaworthy stated that at about 8.30 p.m. on January 22nd he went to the Castle Inn, Bampton, where he saw defendant sitting in the kitchen. Defendant had with him a fox. The animal's mouth was tightly tied with a piece of cord. Witness told him it was cruel, and requested him to unfasten the cord. Defendant retorted that it was no business of witness's. Witness charged him with being drunk and disorderly. A struggle ensued and witness and defendant fell together, and on their getting up again prisoner tried to escape. Richard Lugg, a packer on the Exe Valley Railway, and Anne Howard, wife of defendant, also gave evidence in support of the contention that the policeman was unusually officious and had no ground for taking defendant into custody. The Chairman announced that the Bench had decided to dismiss the case, being of opinion that there might have been a misunderstanding on the part of the policeman.
March 1886
At a meeting of the Bampton School Board it was agreed to accept the resignation at short notice of Miss Annie Wyness, mistress of the Infants' school, and Miss Agnes D. Shaw, of Dumfries, was appointed to the vacant post.
On returning on Friday morning from the scene of the fire in Dulverton several members of the Bampton fire brigade met with a serious accident. About 2 o'clock, on rounding the point at High Cross, the whole of the men were by some means thrown off the engine, and many of them received several bruises and cuts. Mr. John Salisbury had a severe fracture of the ribs, and no doubt will be laid up a long time.
April 1886
William Milton, labourer, of Bampton, who did not appear, was summoned for not providing sufficient elementary education for his child, Francis. The case was a bad one, and the authority of the School Board had been repeatedly defied. The Bench made an attendance order.
Mr. John E. Coren, who for about twelve months past has held the office of Postmaster at Bampton, was found on Tuesday morning lying on the Wiveliscombe road, between Bampton and Shillingford, in an unconscious condition. He had ridden out on his Exmoor pony a short time previously, and it appeared that he had been thrown off, and had fallen on his head. The pony had returned to Bampton.
At the Public Examination of William Yandle, hotel-keeper, Bampton, the debtor said he commenced business as a farmer with his brother in 1868 at Dulverton, and continued there until 1880, when he went into the White Horse Hotel at Bampton. He was indebted then, but not as much as now. The money was mainly owing to his mother, sister and brothers, and he never anticipated any pressure from them. The debtor was allowed to pass.
May 1886
William Thomas John Howard, labourer, of Bampton, (who did not appear) was sentenced to seven days imprisonment with hard labour, for being drunk and disorderly in Brook Street, Bampton, on the 24th April. Superintendent Collins, in mentioning that this was the third time prisoner had been convicted, said he was a perfect pest to Bampton.
At their meeting on Saturday, the Trustees of the Bampton National School reappointed the present master Mr. F. Townsend, to the mastership, and elected Miss Harriett Ellen Townsend to the position of mistress.
Only the ingenious writer of melodrama could do justice to the outraged feelings of a sexton who heard the bells of the church tolling after he had left its interior minus of every inhabitant. Unknown to him however, three ladies had wandered into the church, and at the moment when he was putting the church-door key into his pocket, they were absorbed in admiring the exquisite carving of the old oak screens. The three lovely prisoners, failing every other expedient, climbed into the belfry, and like a modern Jane Conquest, tolled one of the large bells. Thus, after an hour's imprisonment, the captives were set free.
June 1886
Jessie Moore, a young woman of respectable appearance, of Bampton, was brought up on remand on Thursday charged with stealing a silver watch and several articles of wearing apparel, the property of Mr. T.W. Cork. The prisoner elected to be dealt with summarily and pleaded guilty. Superintendent Crabb stated that the prisoner had been twice convicted for theft, and in June 1885 was sentenced to six weeks hard labour. The Mayor said that the decision of the Bench was that the prisoner should be imprisoned for three months with hard labour.
The principal attraction at Bampton was a bazaar organised for the purpose of liquidating the debt on the Bible Christian Chapel, which was held in a large room in Castle Street. The sale was considered a great success.
July 1886
William Tarr, sawyer, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton, on the 12th inst. Defendant did not appear. Tarr's wife appeared with a black eye, caused, as she said, by a blow from her husband at the time he was intoxicated. Tarr was ordered to be imprisoned for one week with hard labour.
The 23rd Anniversary of “Court Huntsham” was celebrated on Thursday. The members sat down to a capital dinner at Bro. Bray's Tiverton Hotel. Colonel Troyte, Huntsham Court, presided, and was supported by the Rev. O.C. Wright, Dr. T.A.Guinness (Medical Officer of the Society), Messrs. W. Irish, S.R. Densham, W. Escott sen. (Treasurer), and H.F. Snell, former Secretary of the Court.
August 1886
At the Tiverton County Petty Sessions two men named Milton (father and son) and George Lugg were sentenced to two months imprisonment each for stealing fowls from Hukely Farm, near Bampton. The men were captured red-handed by P.C. Partridge, and the Bench commended the constable's pluck and energy in arresting them.
September 1886
Sidney Wood, 35, of Bampton, grocer, was summoned for cruelty to a horse, at Morebath, on August 28th. There were wounds of considerable size on each side of the back, on each shoulder, and one on the throat. He pleaded guilty. Fined 30s.
October 1886
At a special meeting held on Friday, 23 applications were received for the post of mistress of the Board's Infant School. Miss Hogg, of Laurencekirk, near Aberdeen, was unanimously elected, and has accepted the appointment.
Mr. Periam gave notice that the resolution passed agreeing to pay the vicar one shilling a time for the use of the room known as the Market House room be rescinded, and that the School Board make arrangements to hold their meetings at the White Horse Hotel. Mr. Periam asserted that all through the controversy there had been attempts to force the supremacy of the Church and the Lord of the Manor over the Local Board.
November 1886
Thomas Chilcott, labourer, of Bampton, was brought up in custody charged with neglecting to pay arrears in respect of the affiliation order obtained by a young woman named Tarr. Prisoner was committed to gaol for one month in default.
At the first annual Grand Exhibition of the London Ornithological Society held at the Royal Aquarium, Westminster, for canaries, mules, British and foreign birds, open to the world, and in which the entries numbered 987, Miss S.A. Ruddall of Bampton was successful in taking the third prize with her well-known starling, “King Charley,” and highly commended with her crested Norwich, “Primrose.”
December 1886
Through the exertions of Mr. J. R. Hollond, of Wonham House, Bampton's Working-men's Club has been affiliated with the Working-Men's Club and Institute Union, London. The club's new premises in Castle Street is progressing satisfactorily. The reading room is especially attractive. There is a large daily supply of London and local papers, and during the past week 30 volumes have been added to the library.
The employees at the Bampton Post Office were provided with a substantial breakfast on Christmas Day at the Postmaster's house. Mrs. Macalister, of Hamslade House, was the kind donor.
On Thursday evening Mrs. Vialls, of Castle Grove, gave her annual Christmas treat to the members of Miss Vialls' and Miss Lillie's Bible Classes in the National Schoolroom. About 40 girls and boys participated in the excellent tea and supper provided for them.
Year: 1887
January 1887
William Collard, labourer, summoned for drunkenness at Bampton on December 28th, was discharged with a caution.
February 1887
Samuel Escott, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned under the Poaching Prevention Act, for being found in possession of nets and other poaching appliances. Defendant pleaded guilty. The Chairman said this was the eleventh time defendant had appeared before the Bench, and he would now be fined 40s. The nets were ordered to be destroyed.
Emanuel Hawkins, of Dascombe Farm, Bampton, was summoned for allowing a ferocious dog to be at large without proper control. Hawkins wished to say that he had done what he could to keep the dog under control. Fined 21s.
March 1887
On Friday an entertainment was given in the Infants' Schoolroom, the object being to raise funds to carry out the much needed improvement in the Baptist Schoolroom. The entertainment was given by teachers of the school, assisted by several other friends. Miss Carey presided at the piano. Among others who took part were the Misses Melliar, Leckie (Tiverton), Carey, Scott, and Carter: Messrs. Coren, Bale, Dart, Kerslake, a dn F. and S. Gibbings.
April 1887
A large number of the inhabitants of Bampton on Thursday responded to the invitation, conveyed to them through the crier, to attend a meeting in reference to the mode of celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. Mr. S. Periam was voted to the chair, and among those present were the Rev. E. Scott, Messrs. J. Coren, J. Melliar, W. Marsh. W. Weston, J. Burge, H. Nott, W. Webber, Walter Escott, J. Blamey, R.E. Burnett, J. Strong, E. Hobbs, J. Davy, J. Seldon, S. Gibbings &c. Mr. Strong proposed a resolution affirming that extending and perfecting the water supply of the town was the most suitable means of celebrating her majesty's Jubilee. The meeting eventually resolved itself into a Committee to further the object.
May 1887
Mr. Thomas Burnett has been entrusted with the delivery of letters in the new postal circuit, and commenced his duties yesterday, starting from Bampton at 7.45 a.m., and going through Shillingford to a point near Pilton Chapel, and clearing two boxes on his return, reaching Bampton in time for despatch by the 11.35 a.m. mail.
June 1887
Yesterday the little boy Henry Tom Mantle, who was accidentally drowned in the leat last Friday, was interred in the parish churchyard. Previous to assembling in the yard a short service was held in the Bible Christian Chapel, Rev. J. Bendle (Bible Christian), assisted by Rev E. Scott (Baptist) officiating. This is the first Nonconformist funeral that has taken place in the parish churchyard since the new Burials Act was passed.
July 1887
The public should notice that the 11.35 a.m. mail now leaves ten minutes earlier, and that letters are despatched direct to London by this mail, arriving at Paddington at 6 p.m., and most probably delivered the same evening.
As Mrs. Coleman, wife of a labourer, residing at Sunderleigh, was washing some linen yesterday, a pin penetrated one of her fingers and broke. In great agony the woman walked to the surgery of Dr. Guinness, and that gentleman succeeded in extracting the remaining portion, about half-inch in length.
August 1887
Bampton Church, which has been closed for some time during the execution of internal alterations and repairs, was reopened yesterday. There were fairly large congregations.
Some surprise was occasioned at Bampton yesterday by the Town Crier announcing that a parishioner would no longer be responsible for any debts contracted by his wife. It appears that the husband, who is a farm labourer, accompanied by his wife and family, attended the Flower Show at Bampton on Thursday. The man preceded his wife on the homeward journey, taking the children with him. Finding she did not put in an appearance, he went in search of her and found her in the company of an unmarried man. Some altercation took place later on, and subsequently the wife left the house with her youngest child, an infant 10 months old, and has not been since heard of in the neighbourhood. Almost simultaneously the man in whose company she was found left Bampton, and it is assumed that6 they have eloped.
William Thomas John Howard was fined 5s for being drunk and disorderly at the Angel Inn, Bampton, on July 10th.
September 1887
William Thomas John Howard, labourer, of Bampton, who did not appear, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the 17th September. The chairman said there were twelve previous convictions, and defendant would now be sent to gaol for 14 days.
October 1887
David Yeo, labourer, of Bampton, was charged with stealing on Oct 18th a bundle of straw, value 7d belonging to Mr. T.F. Wensley, of Birchdown Farm, Bampton. Prisoner, who pleaded guilty, had no excuse to offer. P.S. Yole said prisoner was a worthless fellow and a perfect pest to the neighbourhood. Prisoner was sent to gaol for 14 days with hard labour.
George Hookway, a lad of Bampton, son of a mason, was charged with stealing apples from an orchard in the occupation of Mr. Charles Hancock, farmer, of Morebath. The apples seized in evidence numbered 180, valued at 1s 3d. John Pearce Hookway, the father, was also charged with receiving the apples knowing them to have been stolen. The boy was fined 10s and the elder defendant £1.
November 1887
Thomas Ponsford, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to removing two pigs without having the license necessary under the order of the Local Authority. Defendant had rendered himself liable to a fine of £5 per pig, but was let off with a fine of 7s, payable in a fortnight.
December 1887
A very pleasant evening was spent at the Swan Inn on Wednesday, the occasion being a supper given by Major Leir, lord of the manor, to a number of employees at the West of England Chemical Works. For some time past the works have provided labour for a considerable number of people at Bampton and neighbourhood, who doubtless would otherwise have been out of employment. This incurs a walk of over four miles daily, and the orderly conduct of the labourers while going to and from has been noticed by Major Leir, whose residence at Coombe Head adjoins the traversed path.
At the monthly meeting of the Bampton School Board the Clerk was directed to write to Miss Hogg informing her that the Board decided to accept her resignation of the post of mistress of the Infants' School, and to notify her that the Board was very much satisfied with the way she had discharged her duties. Mr. Periam denied that the Board wanted to get rid of her. On the contrary Miss Hogg herself had expressed her sense of the satisfactory way in which she had been treated. From among 17 applicants the Board selected Miss Alice Roberts, of St. Mary's Training College, and formerly of Clifton, to succeed Miss Hogg.
Mr. Herbert Richard Trude, of Bampton Parish, farmer, who did not appear, was fined £1 for keeping a dog without a license. Mrs. Anne Bowden, of Bampton, was fined 8s 6d costs for a similar offence. Her plea was that the dog had been ill, and was not expected to live. Subsequently the matter was forgotten.
William John Thomas Howard, who did not appear, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on Nov 5th. Superintendent Collins said he was a perfect nuisance to the neighbourhood. Sentenced to ten days imprisonment.
Year: 1888
February 1888
In the Infant Schoolroom on Friday, an interesting magic lantern entertainment was given by Rev. E.Scott; the lantern having been purchased for the benefit and amusement of the Baptist Sunday School children. As they left the room each of the children was presented with an orange and a bun.
John Mills Lock, farmer residing near Bampton, was charged with being drunk at Bampton, whilst in charge of a horse on the 18th inst. Defendant admitted the offence, but attributed the state he was in more to a severe blow in the forehead which he received by a fall from his horse in journeying to Bampton, than from the amount of drink he had taken. Fined 10s.
April 1888
A Bampton correspondent says: I understand that Messrs. Davy and Hooper have signed the contract with the steward of John Hollond, Esq., of Wonham House, for alteration of the premises at Ford Mill for a butter factory, which will be carried on by and under the management of Mr. W. Irish, of Wonham.
October 1888
A large number of the inhabitants of Bampton turned out on Thursday, the event being the meet of the Otter hounds with that veteran sportsman Mr. Collier. Proceeding to the Bath stream which runs through the town and not finding, they quickly adjourned to the Exe, and two fine otters were soon put up at Cove Weir. After showing two or three hours good sport one was killed weighing 24 pounds. Old sportsmen consider it the best day's sport for many years.
December 1888
As proof of the extreme mildness of the season, ripe wild strawberries were picked at Mr. Venner's farm, on Saturday last, and primroses have been picked in several places in the parish.
William Thomas John Howard, labourer, was summoned for being disorderly at the Castle Inn, Bampton, and refusing to quit on November 21st. Defendant did not appear. Superintendent Collins said that defendant was very violent, and when the landlord tried to eject him he kicked him and broke two bones of his leg. Mrs. Harriett Burge, wife of Wm. John Burge, gave evidence in support of the charge, and stated that her husband was not well enough yet to attend. Defendant was fined 30s.
Thomas Howard, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned by the police for being drunk, violent, quarrelsome and refusing to quit the Exeter Inn, Bampton, on December 5th.The only witness for the prosecution was Mrs. Burge, landlady of the house. In cross-examination witness admitted that she had had a dispute with the defendant relative to the payment for looking after a sick horse. Mr. Watkins, for the defence, commented on the fact that there was no corroborative evidence, and that the so-called disorderly conduct was merely a few words with the landlady as to the amount he had received for looking after the horse. The Bench dismissed the case.
Year: 1889
January 1889
At a special meeting of the School Board on Wednesday, Miss Annie Upton, of Menzies Street, Liverpool, was elected mistress of the Bampton Infant Board School in the place of Miss Alice Maude Roberts, resigned.
William Thomas Cottrell, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned by Rose Rowe, a single woman of 21 years, belonging to Bampton, to show cause &c. It was alleged that upon a promise of marriage defendant induced applicant to live with him at Bristol, and they afterwards returned to Bampton. He afterwards ill treated her, and she could not live with him. Defendant admitted the paternity, and an order was made upon him for 2s per week.
February 1889
Dr. Guinness reported a suspicious case at Bampton, which had developed into typhoid fever. There was nothing amiss with the house or the drains, and the premises and occupants were isolated. The Chairman thought the outbreak should be traced if possible. The subject then dropped.
March 1889
Our Bampton correspondent writes: a disastrous flood took place here today. Houses are flooded all through Brook Street from two to four feet. Business is entirely suspended, and traffic through the streets at a standstill.
May 1889
At Bampton yesterday the annual observance familiarly known as “club walking”, which is customary on “May-pole day,” was celebrated by the two local benefit societies. The town was gaily decorated with flowers and evergreens. The members of the clubs mustered in the morning and paraded the streets prior to divine service. Each Club was headed by a band – the “Swan” Club by the Dulverton band, and the “Angel” Club by the Bampton band.
June 1889
Polly Howe, the eleven year old daughter of Thomas Howe, labourer, of Windwhistle, Bampton, was brought up in custody charged with stealing six eggs and a glass of jelly, value 11d, the property of Caroline Dore, of the Wheelwright Arms, Bampton. P.S. Yole said the case was a very sad one. The poor little girl, the youngest of a family of five, lost her mother in infancy. She had since been allowed by her father to drift until her condition, physical and moral, had become pitiable. She was a poor little waif almost astray in the world, and it would be a mercy were the magistrates to make an order for her confinement in a reformatory. The prisoner pleaded guilty to the charge. The Bench adjourned the case for a fortnight to see whether the child could be got into the Reformatory.
A single woman, named Jessie Moore, alias Jessie Stevens, aged 26, a native of Bampton, was brought up in custody charged with breaking into the house of Mr. Thomas Cork of Yearlstone, Tiverton, on the previous Sunday night, and stealing therefrom a writing case containing a purse, a sovereign, and a couple of bills, the whole of the value of £2. Prisoner pleaded not guilty: and she elected to be dealt with summarily. In answer to the Clerk she added that she had no home and wished to be sent somewhere. After a brief consultation amongst the Magistrates, the Mayor addressing the prisoner said:
The Magistrates have decided to give you three months with hard labour, to give you another chance. The prisoner, unmoved by the decision, was then escorted to the cells.
July 1889
Sergt. W. Yole, of the 1st Rifle Brigade (son of P.S. Yole) has in recognition of his particularly gallant conduct during the Burma War has been awarded the medal for distinguished conduct in the field.
The dwelling-house of Mr. S. Wood, of Bampton, shopkeeper, has been destroyed by fire, together with a stable belonging to the Angel Inn. The fire began in the stable, and was first noticed by Henry Atkins who at once told Mr. Wood as he was sitting with his family in his kitchen after supper. At first, Mr. Wood thought the man was joking, but he went to see, and at that moment the flames burst with a roar out of an old chimney in the adjoining premises. The origin of the fire is not known. The stable had been frequented by customers at the inn, and one theory is that someone might have thoughtlessly thrown down a lighted match or fuzee, but nothing has been ascertained to prove such was the fact.
The Medical Officer of Health (Mr. Guinness) reported an outbreak of typhoid fever. There were six cases at present: four at West-in-the-Way, one at the Angel Inn, and one in Brook Street. Four of Mr. Henry Oxenham's children were affected, one of Mr. T. Bowden's, and one of Mrs. Mogford's.
William John Thomas Howard, labourer of Castle Street, and late of Bampton, was summoned for using indecent and obscene language on June 24th. Defendant said he had been at work mowing, and on the evening in question was excited by drink and an affair with his wife. He asked “their lordships” to be lenient, saying that he would never touch a drop of drink or utter an oath again. He had had a sunstroke, and when he drank a little liquor it affected him. Fined 40s.
August 1889
Mr. Robert Down, well-known for the past 30 years as a veterinary surgeon of Bampton, was so badly kicked by a colt in the parish of Kingsbrompton, on Saturday, as to have both bones of one leg broken just below the knee. The sufferer was taken home, and is being attended by Dr. Arthur Down.
September 1889
Few travellers over the Exe Valley line can have failed to notice the beautiful display and tasteful arrangements of flowers at the Bampton railway station. The respected station-master, Mr. J. Dodd, and his assistants spend a great deal of their spare time in cultivating them.
October 1889
Sergeant Yole reported that Thomas Howard, the scavenger employed by the Board, had been disturbing people in the neighbourhood of his house by drunken and disorderly conduct, and requested that the Board should caution him. The Board decided to do this.
The Surveyor reminded the Board that Bampton Fair should be held before the next meeting, and inquired what should be done with the sweepings from the streets. Last year they were sold for £5.
November 1889
A Musical Society has been formed at Bampton with Mr. J.E. Coren as conductor and Miss Chard as accompanist. The society consists of between thirty and forty members and meets weekly at the National Schoolroom.
Robert Kerslake, shoemaker, of Bampton, was summoned for the non-attendance at school of his child Florence, aged 12 years, who had made 27 attendances out of a possible 49. The defendant, who did not appear, was fined 2s 6d.
December 1889
Charles Gibbings, agricultural implement maker, of Bampton, was summoned for using threats towards Francis Bird, gardener of the same place, who prayed that defendant might be bound over to keep the peace. Defendant denied having threatened “to do” for the complainant, but admitted having said he would make him fly. In answer to the Bench he said he had no objection to being bound over, although he did not want to be bound. He was thereupon bound over in his own recognizance of £10 to keep the peace for six months. Mr. Burrow explained that the surety would require him to be of good behaviour for six months. Defendant: “I can be of good behaviour for ever. I can show my shoes to such a lot as that.”
Year: 1890
January 1890
The annual tradesmens' ball was held at Bray's Tiverton Hotel on Friday. There were 80 present, and dancing was kept up with much spirit until four o'clock next morning. The catering of Host Bray gave general satisfaction.
A correspondent writes: Will the trustees of the late Working Men's Club kindly inform the working men of Bampton where the furniture belonging to the club is lodged, as some of the subscribers have heard it is lodged in a loft.
February 1890
William Tarr, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned for the non-attendance of his daughter, Edith, aged nine years, who had made 27 attendances out of a possible 60. Defendant had previously been fined in respect of the same child. Fined 3s.
Jacob Cottrell, also of Bampton, labourer, was similarly summoned relative to his son John, aged eight years, who had made 33 attendances out of a possible 60. Defendant had also been previously fined. Defendant, who did not appear, was fined 2s 6d.
March 1890
The triennial election of a School Board for the parish took place on Thursday. There were eight candidates for five seats. The result was declared as follows: Davey (workmens' candidate) 299; Henson 271; Densham 244; Rockett 189; Scott 130; Escott 88; Guinness 44; Trude 31. It was evident from the first that Mr. C. Davey was the favourite, and the working men determined to put him at the head of the poll. Bampton Band afterwards paraded the streets and Mr. Davey was driven through the town in a trap by willing hands.
April 1890
Bampton was shocked on Thursday morning upon learning that an old and respected tradesman had violently taken his life. Mr. John Short, aged 68, saddler, Fore Street, had suffered from ill-health for some time. An attack of influenza had left him weak and depressed in mind. He rallied a little, but paralysis set in, which mainly affected his legs. It developed, however, into general paralysis, which almost immediately leads to death.
May 1890
From the train the other day I saw, between Tiverton and Bampton, a lady plying the “gentle craft” in a crystal stream which takes its rise in the Exmoor country. Some of the passengers seemed a little bit surprised at the sight; but why should not ladies follow a pastime long reputed to be congenial to soft, gentle and peace-loving characters?
The new Fife and Drum Band, under the conductor-ship of Mr. S. Gibbings, made its first appearance on Friday evening and played several pieces in capital style.
An exciting incident occurred during the visit of Wombwell's Menagerie to Bampton on Thursday. As one of the trainers was leaving a lion's cage after putting the animal through various performances, the lion struck him on the thigh with one of its paws, inflicting a wound which bled freely. In the evening the crowd outside the show had a little diversion. A young brown bear escaped and scattered the spectators in all directions. After a chase the bear was caught in a nearby field.
June 1890
Miss Trude, of Westbrook Farm, left home on Saturday to drive her brother to the station, when her horse stumbled and fell over some pigs lying in the road. Miss Trude was precipitated with great violence over the horse's head and sustained a severe shock and a large gash across her forehead.
Thomas Burnett, labourer, of Bampton, was fined 10s 6d for being drunk and disorderly in Fore Street, Bampton, on May 30th. Defendant said he was aggravated by some men.
July 1890
Swine fever is reported from Lang's Farm, Bampton. One pig died, and six have been slaughtered.
James Rose was charged with stealing a cigarette case belonging to Mr. H.R. Trude, Westbrook Farm, Bampton on June 22nd. Prosecutor was on Blundell's School Cricket Ground to play in a match, and left his coat and waistcoat in the dressing-room there. A fancy Indian cigarette case, which he valued at 5s, was afterwards missed from one of his pockets. The boy was sent to gaol for a month's hard labour.
August 1890
During clearing and repair work to Bampton parish church a handsome rood doorway was discovered beneath several coats of plaster. The staircase and entrance have since been opened up. All well preserved. This was probably the position of the beautifully carved oak screen which is now placed eighteen feet nearer the chancel.
September 1890
Bampton Local Board is not a model of representative local government. Not even a threatened epidemic of typhoid seems to rouse the Board from its chronic torpidity and indifference. The Board meets once a month, and generally indulges in small talk instead of despatching practical business.
At Tiverton Board of Guardians yesterday Mr. Dester referred to the Huntsham typhoid fever cases alleged to have originated at Bampton. He had been informed that the case had not received the care in the earlier stages that it should have done. He also drew attention to an alleged filthy cess pit at Bampton, and said it had been in the condition described for 16 years.
At yesterday's meeting of the Bampton Board the Clerk (Mr. T. Row) reported he had written as directed to the Tiverton and Devonport Brewery Company respecting the utter absence of drainage at the Tiverton Hotel. The liquid sewage matter from the yard flowed into the open roadway in front and at the side of the house.
October 1890
At the Local Board meeting yesterday, the Clerk reported that Mr. Rowe, of Tiverton, had deposited with him copy of plans for drainage at the Tiverton Hotel, and the work was now in progress. Dr. Guinness produced the plan of a proposed extension of the culvert in Briton Street. The whole of the Board were formed a committee to frame bye-laws for the district. The Medical Officer of Health was added to the committee.
A well-known character named David Yeo, a native of Bampton, was arrested by P.S. Yole and P.C. Sampson, being found on Holwell Farm for an unlawful purpose. He was brought before Colonel Leir and sentenced to seven days hard labour.
November 1890
The Exe Valley train which leaves Bampton for Tiverton at 5 p.m. yesterday sustained a violent jerk at the signal-post near Duval point, about a mile below the station, and an examination of the line showed that a stone weighing over 22lbs had been willfully placed on the metals. No clue has been obtained, but the police are making every inquiry.
A boy named Packer, aged about eight years, was found on the Bampton Railway platform on Tuesday, probably having arrived by an up train from Exeter. Mr. Dodd, the station-master communicated with the Relieving-officer, who made arrangements for his removal to the Tiverton Workhouse.
December 1890
John Chilcott, rural postman, travelling between Bampton and Clayhanger, has had fame thrust upon him. He was through inadvertence on the part of the head of his department appointed to his post without the grant of a Civil Service certificate, in contravention of an Act of Parliament passed in 1884. The subject is made the occasion for a Treasury Minute which will be presented to the House of Commons by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury.
Year: 1891
January 1891
David Yeo, an old offender, was charged with vagrancy. The prisoner was found sleeping in a straw rick on Gumbland Farm, Bampton. The prisoner was in a filthy condition, and had matches in his pockets. He was once a respectable man, but for years past had had no regular abode. Sent to gaol for 10 days hard labour.
February 1891
The necessary money having been guaranteed, Bampton people have lost no time in being to the front of the matter of technical education. The notices are being issued of lectures on “Mechanics as applied to Agricultural Life and Work.” The lectures will take place as soon as possible at Mr. Periam's public rooms in Castle Street.
On Friday, while at work at Waterhouse Farm, a young man named Sharland made a savage attack on his father with a hook. The assault would have ended seriously had it not been for the prompt action taken by the father, who wrenched the weapon away from him. The man was brought before Colonel Troyte on Saturday, and an order was made for his removal to the County Asylum.
March 1891
A boot and shoe-making business has, by father and then by son, been carried on in Brook Street, on the same spot, for the past hundred years. It is now “up a gum tree.” The shutters are up, and the erstwhile occupier has gone to the great metropolis, there, at three-score years of age, to begin business afresh. After bringing up a family in Bampton, he found of late years difficulty in earning a decent living by the sweat of his brow. One result of the departure of this Bampton tradesman is the closing of the Reading Room in that town. So, Mr. J.T. Periam, to whose generosity in letting the room rent free the members gave been greatly indebted, has written up “Finis,” and the room will be closed when March comes to an end.
April 1891
Mr. Samuel Besley (Registrar of Bampton and District) has selected, and had approval of, the following persons to act as Census enumerators: Town of Bampton, Messrs. F. Townsend and H. Nott; Petton and Shillingford, J. Bridie; Eastern District and Ford Mills, W.H. Burnett; Western District, F. Gibbings; Clayhanger, R. Pring; Huntsham, W. Dinnicombe; and Hockworthy, Louis Darby.
Recently a very large stone was placed on the rails between Tiverton and Bampton, and the offender was not caught. Last Sunday however, the four young men now implicated were actually observed by a packer employed on the railway, to deliberately place the component parts of a trolley on the rails in such position as would possibly have wrecked the first down-train in the morning.
May 1891
Police Sergeant J.G. Yole, of Bampton, has completed 34 years' service in the Devon Constabulary. Under the new Act the Sergeant has been granted a well-earned pension, and shortly will retire from the force. Possessed of great tact and good temper he has prevented much confusion and disquiet in the parish of Bampton in days gone by.
June 1891
Yesterday a hayrick, the property of Mr. William Bryant, butcher, of Brook Street, Bampton, was discovered to be on fire. The town engine was of no service as there was no water near at hand. The loss to the owner was estimated at £18 as there was five tons of last year's hay in the rick. The rick appears to have been set on fire by an incendiary.
July 1891
A Bampton young man named Albert Nott, a baker, was seriously hurt in a hay-field on Monday through a wagon laden with hay running over his body.
Sarah Coggins, wife of a Bampton carter, was charged with stealing, on June 27th, one pair of boots, value 5s 6d, the property of Messrs. James Webber and William Blamey, at Bampton. Fined 10s.
August 1891
The Vicar of Bampton has received a very interesting letter from a former resident of Bampton, who has several relatives in the parish and at Skilgate, but who now resides in the Orange Free State. The letter is dated Harrismith, July 3rd, 1891, and the writer is Mr. A. Oxenham.
September 1891
Yesterday a bazaar was opened at Bampton by Mrs. Troyte in aid of a mother's meeting and children's library. The bazaar was patronised by the Misses Daniel, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Jervoise, Mrs. Macalister, Mrs. Northrow, Misses Spurway, Mrs. Troyte and Mrs. Vialls. The attractions included a promenade concert, an art gallery, a museum, and a performing bear.
October 1891
Some of the wooden lamp-posts in the town being in a bad state, the Bampton Local Board yesterday resolved to put iron ones in their places.
Last night the Unionists and Conservatives of Bampton and the district gave a complimentary dinner to their highly-esteemed representative in Parliament, Sir William Walrond, Bart., at the White Horse Hotel. The gathering, which numbered 160, was very enthusiastic.
November 1891
William Blamey, general dealer, Bampton, was summoned for drunkenness while in charge of a horse and cart at Bampton, on October 23rd. John E. Coren, postmaster, Bampton, said “He was under the influence of drink; he was not sober.” Louis Curtis, an assistant to Mr. Dart, draper, Bampton, considered that defendant was under the influence of drink, and ex-Police_Sergeant Yole said Mr. Blamey was drunk. William Henry Atkins, labourer, Bampton; Frank Jones, farmer, Skilgate; Charles Packer, Mark Greenslade, and William Bennett, blacksmith, Exebridge, contended that the defendant was perfectly sober. The Chairman (Colonel Troyte) said the Bench would dismiss the case, the evidence being so very conflicting.
December 1891
George Milton, labourer, Bampton, was summoned for trespassing in pursuit on land belonging to Mr. Frost, at Bampton. P.C. Doidge saw the defendant ferreting in the daytime. Fined £1
P.C. Doidge has been removed from Bampton to Bickleigh, and is succeeded by P.C. Trigger, from headquarters at Exeter.
The Savings Bank opened on the 9th of November last at the National School has been very successful. Fifty two children have become depositors. Colonel Leir and Major Vialls attended the school on Tuesday and added a bonus of 2d to each deposit as an encouragement to the children in habits of providence and thrift.
Year: 1892
January 1892
Mr. J. Dodd, station-master at Bampton, has been awarded a special prize, given by the Great Western Railway authorities, for his floral display and the general neatness of the railway station. Mr. Dodd has for several years succeeded in winning the prize.
Charles Endicott, carter, of Bampton, was fined 6d and 9s 6d expenses for being drunk on the highway at Trickey Mill on January 19th.
February 1892
Charles Ridd, mason's labourer and Albert Williams, rope-maker's apprentice, both of Bampton, pleaded guilty to a charge of ill-treating a cat on January 20th. P.S. Charley saw the defendants hidden behind a yew tree in Bampton Churchyard, and throwing stones at a cat. The animal was stunned, and blood oozed from its nose, but it rallied again. Fined 10s each, inclusive.
William Milton, labourer, of Bampton, was fined 6d and 9s 6d costs yesterday for drunkenness in Luke Street, Bampton on February 6th. P.C. Trigger proved the case.
March 1892
We record with much regret the death of Major H.T. Vialls, of Castlegrove, Bampton. He was a retired officer of the 45th Regiment, and was a Justice of the Peace for the county of Somerset. Major Vialls was the first Chairman of the Bampton Local Board, and of late years has been trustee of the National School, in which he was interested and frequently visited, and also of Webber's Charity. He was Chairman of the local Conservative Association, and presided over the last meeting of the Primrose League. The deceased was 69 years of age, and leaves a widow, two sons, and five daughters.
April 1892
A sum of money was recently collected to purchase a testimonial for presentation to the Vicar (Rev. O.C. Wright) on his leaving Bampton for Warwickshire as Rector of Barcheston-on-Stour. The Easter offering is a handsome silver salver, bearing in the centre, richly embellished, a suitable inscription. The children of the National School gave a rams horn inkstand of new design mounted with silver. The successor to the present Vicar is the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes, of Stratford-on-Avon, who with his wife and family will take up their residence at the Vicarage next week.
May 1892
Charles Hookway, mason, Bampton was summoned by the Guardians to contribute towards the support of his father, who receives 4 6d per week parish pay. Ordered to contribute 1s per week.
John Capel, Bampton, was fined 1s under the Education Act.
At Bampton Local Board on Thursday Mr. Periam deprecated a proposal to repair the footpaths with pitching, and said if the Board were going back to the system of fifty years ago the sooner they ceased to exist the better.
June 1892
Alfred Darch, in the employ of Mr. Sydney Wood, baker, Bampton, was summoned for embezzlement, but did not appear, and a warrant was issued.
Rev. O.C. Wright, late Vicar of Bampton, was summoned by the Inland Revenue for keeping a dog without a license. Supt. Collins said the defendant had paid a compromise penalty. The case was therefore not proceeded with.
July 1892
Sir John Phear met with a splendid reception at Bampton last night./ When the train by which he travelled arrived he was greeted with cheers from hundreds of assembled working men, and the carriage into which he stepped was drawn through the town by a number of enthusiastic voters.
September 1892
P.C. Trigger has been removed from Bampton to Cadeleigh, Bickleigh. He is succeeded at Bampton by P.C. Fishley, from Exeter.
Thomas Chilcott Howe, labourer, Bampton, was summoned for failing to comply with a bastardy order of 1s, the arrears being £2 12s, complainant, Emma Tarr. Defendant promised £1 down and another £1 at the end of a month, and the case was adjourned.
October 1892
Miss Upton, who is relinquishing the Mistress-ship of the Bampton Infants' School, has received a dressing bag and needle case from her scholars as a mark of appreciation.
This ancient and widely-known fair took place yesterday. Judging by observations made during the last three years, Bampton Fair is distinctly on the down grade. Every year sees a smaller attendance of public and dealers, and inferior quality of the Exmoor pony.
November 1892
Mr. Henry Gibbons, blacksmith, of Bampton, has lost the sight of his left eye through a piece of hot iron penetrating the lid. An operation was performed at Tiverton Infirmary.
Recent gifts to Bampton Church include a lamp and Bible desk for the pulpit from Colonel and Mrs. Leir; a brass ewer for the font from Mrs. Hollond, and a hymn board from Mrs. Chard. Miss Holland raised, among personal friends, money sufficient for a large pair of candlesticks, and completed the ornamentation of the reredos by the gift of a cross.
December 1892
Thomas Stevens, of Bampton, and Samuel Stevens were summoned, the former for working a horse while in an unfit state, and the latter for permitting it to be worked. Thomas Stevens was fined 10s., and Samuel 20s.
James Gage and Thomas Brice, hauliers, of Bampton, were fined 8s each for damaging the road at Edbrook Hill, Dulverton, by dragging a tree along it.
Miss Helena L. Cosway, of Lower Rill, Bampton, was appointed Assistant-Mistress in the Infants' School, at a salary of £28 per annum.
Year: 1893
January 1893
Mr. Julius Parry, who has been for many years the station-master at the Great Western Railway station, Southmolton, is retiring on a pension, and is to be succeeded by Mr. John Dodd, for many years station-master at Bampton.
Thomas Sully, sawyer, Bampton,pleaded guilty to being drunk at Bampton on December 27th, and was fined 8s 6d. P.C. Fishleigh said defendant had to be helped home.
February 1893
The new station-master at Bampton will be Mr. G. Stock, at present inspector at East Anstey station (Devon and Somerset Railway).
March 1893
A poll took place here yesterday for the election of a School Board. There were seven candidates for five seats, namely, Mrs. Prudence Dart, Castle Street, draper's wife; Charles Davey, Silver Street, machinist; Mrs. Elizabeth Periam, Briton Street, bank-agent's wife; George Slocombe, North Hague, farmer; J.C. Rockett, Pipshayne Farm, yeoman; R. Densham, Luke Street, gentleman; Rev. E. Scott, Prospect Villa, Baptist Minister. The result was not declared when the last train left last evening.
May 1893
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hollond and family have arrived at Wonham, their summer residence, from their villa at Pegomas in the Riviera.
Police Constable F. Fishleigh has been removed from Bampton to Okehampton, and is succeeded by P.C. F. Chambers from Exeter.
June 1893
William Bennett, blacksmith v Robert Brewer of the Bampton Fire Brigade. Claim for 10s for services rendered at a fire at the Exe Bridge Chemical Works. Plaintiff said his services were rendered by the request of the defendant, who promised to see him paid. The defence was that the plaintiff was not employed and that he was not a member of the Fire Brigade. Judgment for the plaintiff with costs.
August 1893
Mark Greenslade, farm labourer, was summoned for wounding John Thomas, farmer, Bampton, but at a request the summons was amended to one of common assault. After Bampton Flower Show, last Thursday, defendant met prosecutor when going home and assaulted him, cutting his hand with a knife. The defendant pleaded guilty. Fined 25s or 14 days.
September 1893
William Cann, 18; Charles Ridd, 16; Henry Kerslake, 16; and Alexander Appen, 18; all labourers of Bampton. Were summoned for stealing, on the 25th August, a quantity of apples, the property of Mr. F.R. Henson of Morebath. All the defendants pleaded guilty. Mr. Henson said the robbery of apples had been going on for some time, and he asked the police to look out for the thieves. He did not wish to press the charge, it was only meant as a warning to others. Defendants were fined 4s each.
November 1893
Robert Trickey, innkeeper, Bampton, was summoned by the R.S.P.C.A. for cruelty to a horse by over-driving. Sidney Wood, dealer, Bampton, said on 14th September defendant hired a horse and a dog-trap. The horse was then in good condition. He next saw the horse about 9.30 p.m., and it was then in a very bad condition. Considering the animal was ill he took it to Mr. R. Down, veterinary surgeon. After three days the horse had to be “swung”, and in the course of sixteen or eighteen days it died. Without hearing the defence the magistrates dismissed the case. Inspector street said the defendant had that morning paid the complainant £33 for the horse.
December 1893
Elias Hobbs was fined 1s 6d, and Mark Moore, 3s, for not sending their children to school. James Greenwood, labourer, also of Bampton, was fined 10s for drunkenness, and Supt. Collins was asked by the magistrate to find out where the defendant obtained the drink.
Year: 1894
January 1894
Thomas Bowden, landlord of the Angel Inn, Bampton, was summoned for permitting drunkenness on his licensed premises on December16th. At a previous Court a man named Greenwood was convicted of being drunk in the inn on the date named. Mr. Martin, who defended, said Mr. Bowden being ill in bed left the business in charge of his wife. Superintendent Collins said the defendant was responsible for the acts of his wife, but he had no fault with him until the present occasion. If their Worships could see their way to mark the case by ordering the defendant to pay the costs (9s 6d) he would be satisfied. By the leave of the Magistrates the case was withdrawn upon that condition.
The Bampton National School has, under medical orders, had its holidays prolonged a fortnight in consequence of scarlet fever.
February 1894
Sergeant John Charley, of Bampton, has served his allotted time in the force, and the Committee resolved to accept his resignation, to date from 31st March 1894. He is entitled to a pension of £48 1s 9d per annum.
March 1894
In his annual report to the Bampton Local Board Dr. Guinness, Medical Officer, said there were twenty births and eight deaths in 1893. Ten cases of scarlet fever were notified towards the end of the year, and one fatal case of English Cholera occurred in June during the great heat. He suggested the use of a cottage for isolation purposes.
April 1894
P.C. Glanfield, who for some time has been stationed at Loddiswell, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant and will remove to Bampton, North Devon.
May 1894
An imbecile, whose name and home are unknown, has been found by police wandering near Bampton, and taken to Tiverton Workhouse. He is about 16 years of age, 5ft. 1in, of slight build, with dark hair and eyes. He wears a dark brown suit and low shoes.
June 1894
The ratepayers have in public meeting expressed themselves as opposed to any division of the parish, and as in favour of the whole parish being united so as to from one area for the election of an Urban District Council. The Local Board has concurred in this resolution.
At the Local Board meeting a report was read fro Dr. Blyth (County Analyst) stating that the water supply of Bampton is absolutely free from sewage or animal contamination, and that, taking it as a whole, it is a valuable and suitable water supply.
George Milton, labourer, against whom there were previous convictions, was sentenced to three weeks' imprisonment for stealing a bundle of kidney bean sticks, value 8d, the property of William Tucker, porter at Bampton railway-station. Prisoner said there were “two others besides himself in this mess.”
Francis Gibbings, butcher, Bampton, was ordered to pay the costs 8s 6d for having in his possession an unstamped beam and scales. Defendant pleaded guilty, but said he only used the scales for weighing rough fat, and the Inspector said they were against himself.
John Burge, publican and wood seller, Bampton, was fined 10s for having two 4lb weights, one of which was 6drs light, and the other 1oz 1 dr light. He was fined another 10s for having an unstamped beam and scales.
Mr. J.C. Rockett, of Pipshayne Farm, Bampton, lost a horse on Monday, value £40, by falling into a quarry which bounded the field through which it was being driven to the farm.
July 1894
A daring burglary was perpetrated at Bampton Railway Station in the early hours of Sunday morning. Mr. Stock, the station-master, was the first to discover it. A piece of glass had been cut out of the waiting-room window. All the drawers had been ransacked. The matter has been placed in the hands of the police, who are doing their best to trace the offender.
August 1894
The Bridport police have in custody two men, one of whom, named Emmett or Hammett, is believed to be the perpetrator of the recent robbery at Bampton Railway Station.
An inquest was held at the institution of the N.S.P.C.C. at Exeter last evening, relative to the death of Rose Anna Beamer, a child who was removed from Bampton. Mary Beamer, wife of James Beamer, after being cautioned by the coroner, said the child was 16 months old, and had been ill since its birth. She had been married 15 years, and had had 14 children, but only four were living. The child died on Wednesday night. In reply to the jury, witness said she buried a child three weeks old about six weeks ago. P.S. Stanfield, stationed at Bampton, said he had visited Beamer's house several times. (On July 6th he went to see the mother about the death of another child, the doctor having refused to give a certificate. He asked where the body was, and the mother said “There,” pointing to an old dirty box in the centre of the kitchen. The other children were playing around it. No inquest was held in that case, but the parents were cautioned.) The jury found that death was due to natural causes, but was accelerated by great neglect. The parents were severely censured by the Coroner.
September 1894
Great sympathy is felt by the parishioners of Bampton for the Vicar and Mrs. Holmes at the sad news from Hong Kong of the death of their son, Mr. Charles W.F. Holmes, from an attack of typhoid.
Thomas Brewer, labourer, Bampton, was charged with stealing, in May last, two pairs of women's boots and one pair of women's shoes, jointly valued at 18s 6d from the shop of Mr. Sidney Wood, at Bampton. The defendant, who pleaded guilty, was fined 50s, or a month's imprisonment with hard labour. Brewer, who is old and grey, said he would go to prison; he was past much hard labour.
Mr. T.A. Guinness has resigned the post of Poor-law Medical-officer for this district, he having been again ordered a voyage for the benefit of his health.
October 1894
William Land, labourer, who wore the blue ribbon that is considered to be a token of sobriety, was fined 10s for drunkenness and disorderly conduct at Bampton where he lives.
The Grand Jury threw out the indictment against James Beamer, Bampton, for neglecting his daughter, but found a true bill against his wife, Mary Beamer, who was charged with neglecting her daughter Rose Anne, aged 16 months, at Bampton on the 15th August and other dates. The prisoner was placed in the witness-box. She said the child was very weak when born. Witness took it to a doctor on several occasions, but she was never told that she was neglecting the child. Sir John Phear having summed up, the jury returned a verdict of “Not guilty,” and the prisoner was discharged.
November 1894
An unpleasant incident is said to have happened at a meeting of the Bampton Local Board yesterday. It appears that Mr. Guinness pressed the candidature of Dr. Belson, his professional partner for the office of Medical-officer. Mr. J.T. Periam, a member of the Board, is understood to have objected. Mr. Periam proposed that Mr. Guinness should be asked to retire from the meeting. In the end, it is alleged, there was a scene, in which other members deemed it wise to interfere. Finally Mr. Guinness withdrew, and the scene ended. Dr. Belson was elected by four votes to three.
The newly-appointed Postmaster of Bampton, Mr. R.H. Dart, gave a dinner on Thursday evening at his residence, Castle Street, to all the postmen connected with the Bampton Post Office.
Football Association: On the Exeter Club's ground on Saturday. Result: Exeter 9 goals; Bampton 0
A telegram from Bampton states that the football Association match between Exeter “B” and Bampton arranged to take place at that town has been postponed.
December 1894
On behalf of the Bampton Football Club, an entertainment was given at the National School on Thursday evening. Mrs. Row and Miss Dart opened with a pianoforte duet, and songs were well rendered by Messrs. R.H. Dart, H. Trude, S. Gibbings, Williams, J. Jerritt, and T. Staddon. Mr. Harry Nott gave a flute solo with much skill. Great interest was evinced in the hypnotic experiments by Mr. J. Jerritt, M.I.E.E.
Elizabeth Toze, domestic servant in the employ of Mr. Coram, Halberton, was on Tuesday evening trimming a benzolene lamp. The wick was actually alight at the time, and she poured out the spirit from the jug. The natural result was combustion. The flames were extinguished, but not before the girl had been badly injured about the hands, arms, and chest. The girl Toze, who belongs to Bampton, was taken to Tiverton Infirmary, where she remains an in-patient.
Exeter v. Bampton: These teams met under Association rules at Bampton. Much amusement was caused by the splendid tricky play of Exeter. At half-time Exeter led by two to nil. In the second half play went all in favour of Exeter, the home team seldom crossing the half-way line. The result was Exeter 7, Bampton 0
Year: 1895
January 1895
The Bampton Urban District Council, which embraces the whole parish of Bampton instead of only the town portion governed by the late Local Board, had its first meeting yesterday. All the members were present. Mr. Hollond was appointed Chairman of the Council, and Mr. Vicary, Vice-Chairman.
February 1895
Mr. Hollond presided at the second meeting of Bampton U.D.C. held yesterday; also present Messrs. Periam, Burrow, Wensley, Rockett, Vicary, Burnett, Yandle, and Bowden.
John Smith, labourer, of Cudmoor Farm, Bampton, was fined 10s for assaulting William Henry Hoyle, carter, on the same farm on January 28th.
March 1895
Mrs. Sarah Wood, wife of Mr. Sydney Wood, proprietor of the General Supply Stores, Bampton, was missed from her bed early on Saturday morning, and upon the River Batherm being searched the body was found in the stream. The body was only clothed in a nightdress. Deceased was 36 years old, and was always of a bright disposition. She has left four young children, the youngest only nine days old, and much sympathy is felt with Mr. Wood in his distress.
The inquest was held on Monday on the body. Thomas Brewer said he had heard deceased was missing and went to the river and found the body as stated, and then sent for the police. Dr. Down said he saw deceased on the 15th. She was then in a very satisfactory condition, but complained of headache. He saw the body immediately after being found; it had all the symptoms of death by drowning. The jury at once agreed that deceased not being of sound mind did kill herself by drowning.
April 1895
The members of the Bampton Fire Brigade had their annual practice on Monday, and subsequently dined together at Bowden's Angel Inn. Mr. Robert Brewer is the captain.
May 1895
Charles Davey, builder, was summoned for obstructing the highway at Bampton on May8th. P.C. Adams said two timer wagons laden with bark were standing in Frog Street from 7.30 p.m. to 12.30 a.m.. Defendant did not remove them upon being requested to do so, but became abusive, saying that the constable was not going to turn Bampton upside down after having been in the town only 25 minutes. (Laughter.) A fine of 20s was imposed.
July 1895
Francis Gibbings, Brook Street, Bampton, was summoned by John Capron, assistant overseer, Bampton, for 16s arrears of rates. Ordered to pay at once.
At Bampton on Monday a Dairy School was opened. Mr. C.D. Harrod, J.P., of Morebath House, has been the principal mover in the matter. Eleven students have entered, under the tuition of the Misses Angus and Smart.
August 1895
The Bampton manorial estate, lately in the possession of Colonel William Leir, J.P., was sold recently. Lot 1, a plot of ground let as garden allotments, 1a. 0r. 36p., was sold to Mr. F.G. Darby, Bampton, at £160. Lot 2, a close of meadow, 1a. 0r. 36p., sold to Mr. F.G. Darby at £120. Lot 3, a splendid close of pasture land, 6a. 1r. 3p., fell to Mr. Samuel Marsh, South View Villa, Bampton, at the sum of £520. Lot 4, a close of pasture land, 1a. 1r. 25p., was sold to Mr. J.R. Hollond, Wonham, at £145. Lot 5, a close of allotment land, 1a. 3r. 22p., was bought by Mr. William Rowcliffe, at £135. Lot 6, Combehead House, manor and estate, 404a. 3r. 36p., was, after a long competition, sold to Mr. W.H. White of Ashbrittle, for £10,400. Lot 7, a close of pasture land, 5a. 3r. 23p., fell to Mr. S. Marsh for £320.
September 1895
John Burge, landlord of the Castle Inn, Bampton, was summoned for being drunk on his own licensed premises on September 18th. P.C. Glandfield gave evidence, and defendant, who denied the charge, was fined 10s.
October 1895
Mr. J. T. Periam has now on view at the Public Rooms a remarkably fine collection of apples, consisting of no less than thirty named varieties. All the fruit was grown by Mr. Periam and is of very good quality.
John Govier, labourer, Bampton, was fined 10s inclusive for being drunk and disorderly.
November 1895
An application was made on behalf of Mr. J. Munday, chemist, Tiverton, for leave to issue a commitment summons against Col. Leir, formerly Lord of the Manor at Bampton, in respect of £2 6s., debt and costs. Reference was made to a press report of the sale of some of Col. Leir's effects at Bristol, in which was included the ancient market bell of Bampton. His Honour granted the summons.
Charles Miles, postman of Bampton, was summoned for stealing a rabbit, of the value of 9d, the property of Martin Hill. Mr. Pengelley, acting Postmaster at Tiverton, said the sub-postmaster at Bampton gave defendant a good character. The Bench said the case was one of suspicion, but they had decided to dismiss it.
December 1895
Sergeant Glandfield, stationed at Bampton for about two years, has been appointed to succeed Sergeant Pope, of Paignton, and Sergeant King, of Southmolton, will be transferred to Bampton Police Station.
Year: 1896
January 1896
A deputation of Bampton residents waited on the local U.D.C. and asked the authority to take steps to prevent certain parts of the town being flooded in times of heavy rain. As a preliminary step the removal of sand and stones, where these objects obstructed waterways, was promised, and the Chairman said the channel of the Shattern should also be examined from beginning to end.
February 1896
Ethel Beamer, aged 9, was summoned for stealing wood from a rick belonging to Mr. J.T. Periam, Bampton. The prosecutor said he had lost a lot of wood, and took this action to protect his property. The girl's mother denied all knowledge of the theft, but P.C. Pidgeon proved; and the girl and her mother were reprimanded by the Bench.
March 1896
Harry Huxtable Attwater, Bampton, whose wife appeared for him, was fined 10s or seven days for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton.
Henry Charles Saunders, landlord of the White Horse Hotel, Bampton, was summoned for keeping open his licensed premises during prohibited hours. The Bench dismissed the case.
The Bible Christians of Bampton have purchased one of Mason and Hamlin's American cabinet organs, said to be the finest of the kind in the district. The trustees were fortunate to purchase it for £90.
April 1896
We regret to have to announce the death of Colonel Troyte, D.L., J.P., of Huntsham Court, Bampton, and Colonel of the Royal First Devon Yeoman Cavalry, which took place on Saturday at Meadfoot Rock, Torquay, where the deceased officer was staying.
June 1896
The work of clearing the channel of the stream Shuttern (which runs under Brook Street, Bampton) in order to mitigate floods, has just begun under the sanction of the Urban Council.
July 1896
P.C. Pidgeon, who has been stationed at Bampton about twelve months, has been transferred to Cockington, near Torquay.
August 1896
Bampton annual flower show took place on Thursday in delightful weather. After the judges had completed their work, luncheon was provided in a marquee. They were sorry to have lost the services of Mr. Periam as Secretary, but would have an able successor in Mr. Burnell.
September 1896
Sir Robert Ball, the distinguished author and astronomer, visited Bampton a few days ago, being anxious to trace in the church register the name of an ancestor who was born in Bampton. Unfortunately the register did not date back far enough by two years.
Mr. John R. Hollond, of Wonham, Bampton, and his eldest son, Mr. R.E. Hollond, sailed from Southampton on Saturday afternoon in Sir Donald Currie's new liner the “Dunvegan Castle”, on a trip to South Africa. Mr. Hollond expects to return about the end of the year. His son will probably take a more extended tour.
October 1896
John Gibbings, miller, Bampton, was summoned by George Bucknell, labourer, Duvale Kiln, Bampton, for assault on October 22nd. There was a cross-summons taken out by Gibbings and served on Bucknell in the Court. Complainant said defendant got into his trap, and with the butt end of his whip struck complainant on the head, and also on the left side of the face. Sergt. King said the complainant came to the police-station at Bampton, and complained of being assaulted by the defendant. Witness examined his head, and found a cut one and a half inches long over the right temple, and large bruise on the left cheek, which was much swollen. The defence was that Gibbings was first tackled by Bucknell and struck the latter with his whip in self-defence, Bucknell being a much bigger man. The summons against Bucknell was dismissed, and Gibbings was fined £1 and 7s 6d costs.
November 1896
Samuel Strong, shoemaker, Bampton, for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on October 29th was fined 10s.
John Cappell, labourer, Bampton, was summoned for being drunk at Bampton on November 10th, but was let off with a warning. Thomas Sulley, sawyer, Bampton, was summoned for using obscene language. P.C. Mills said he was asking the last defendant (Cappell) his name, and Sulley, who was seeing him home, then used the language complained of. Fined 10s 6d.
December 1896
An earthquake which appears to have been general all over England was experienced about 5.30 yesterday morning. Bampton sends corroboration of the above time of the occurrence, for it was unceremoniously shaken up at that hour, by vibrations that lasted about 25 seconds.
Year: 1897
January 1897
A successful New Year's Dance was held in the Infants' Schoolroom, Bampton, on Monday evening. Between 60 and 70 were present. The room was tastefully decorated by Mrs. Todd and Miss Langdon. The music was supplied by Mrs. Stadddon, Miss Periam, and Miss Holmes, pianoforte, and Masters F. Staddon and F. Knight violins.
April 1897
Messrs. John Bryant and Son, of Barnstaple have signed the contract for the restoration of Bampton Church, the work to be commenced on the 17th inst. An interesting coincidence is that the oak vestry chest at Bampton bears the inscription, “John Bryant, Churchwarden, 1684.”
May 1897
An excellent portrait of the late Colonel Troyte has been hung in the Lodge-room of “Court Huntsham” at Bampton, as a souvenir of a gentleman who, as an honorary member, assisted to establish this now flourishing Club.
June 1897
William Surridge Bryant, of Brook Street, Bampton, was summoned for furious driving at Bampton on May 22nd. Evidence was given by P.S. King, who was on duty at Newton Square and saw defendant driving at the rate of ten or twelve miles an hour. The case was dismissed.
July 1897
The new organ at the Baptist Chapel was dedicated on Thursday evening. It has been built by Hardy and Son, Stockport, at a cost of about £200, and consists of a great, swell, and pedal organ, with 13 stops.
September 1897
Henry Crudge, ironmonger, of Bampton, admitted allowing his dog to stray on the highway at Bampton unmuzzled on the 17th August. On the suggestion of the Superintendent the case was dismissed, the defendant paying the costs, 6s.
October 1897
Mark Stevens, Bampton, was fined 5s at Tiverton on Tuesday for a breach of the muzzling order.
Charles Miles, labourer, Bampton, was charged with using profane and obscene language at Bampton on October 12th. Defendant said that P.C. Mills exceeded his duty, and that made him excited. Fined 12s 6d.
November 1897
Harry Huxtable Attwater, employed at the Exebridge Ironworks, was charged with feloniously stealing a hurdle, value 1s, the property of John T. Periam, of Bampton. Defendant pleaded guilty. Fined 10s.
Mark Greenslade, labourer, Bampton, who did not appear, was fined 10s for behaving in a disorderly manner, and refusing to quit the Barleycorn Inn, Shillingford.
John Milton, labourer, Bampton, was fined £1 for using bad language near the Tiverton Inn, Bampton; and Thomas Sulley, sawyer, of Bampton, was similarly fined for a like offence.
December 1897
George Scut and William Knight, both of Bampton, were each fined 5s for breaches of the Muzzling Order.
Year: 1898
January 1898
Charles Cottrell, 17, labourer, Bampton, was charged with exposure on Monday 10th inst. Mrs. Ayres, 51, of Ford Mill Cottage, and her daughter Ada, a dressmaker, alleged that the defendant willfully committed the offence. Ada said the defendant had annoyed her before. The mother complained to Sergt. King. The Bench thought the case proved and fined defendant 20s inclusive or 14 days.
Seven Bampton youths named James Lazarus, James Howe, Charles Cottrell, Ernest Kerslake, James Milton James, Stephen Gibbs, and Charles Hemborough were summoned for using foul language and disorderly behaviour in the streets. All defendants pleaded guilty. Supt. Collins said the “young bloods” were getting a little ascendancy, and their conduct was too bad. As they had pleaded guilty he would withdraw the prosecution if the boys would promise better behaviour in future. The Chairman said the magistrates did not willingly allow the summons to be withdrawn. If ever the lads came there again this matter would be remembered against them.
April 1898
Bampton was en fete yesterday in celebration of the re-opening of lime and stone quarries, which has been brought about through the instrumentality of Mr. E.H. Dunning, J.P., C.C. Children joined in a procession of juveniles from the town to a green plateau immediately under the quarries. There in a large marquee they were regaled with tea, and afterwards with sweetmeats, nuts &c. In the evening a procession of adults was formed in the town, and headed by the Town Band wended its way to the same tent, where dinner was provided, a hundredweight of beef, a hundredweight of ham, and bread and biscuits in proportion being consumed. Everything was free. At intervals cannon was discharged from the highest point of the rocks, and at night fireworks by Brock were let off. Huge bonfires were lighted on elevated positions. During the evening the following telegram was read from Mr. Dunning, who is in London: “Tell the people of Bampton how sorry I am I cannot be with them in their rejoicing today. They must continue to work with me to make the prosperity of their own town sure and lasting.”
May 1898
A sad accident occurred at Gumbland Farm, about a mile from Bampton, yesterday. Mr. Robert Richards, a well-known and respected mason of the parish, was attending to some repairs on a roof when by some means he fell and was killed almost instantaneously. Deceased was at the time about twenty-two feet from the ground. Deceased had not long recovered from a serious illness. He leaves a widow, a son, and daughter.
June 1898
The ceremony of re-opening the parish church of St. Michael and All Angels took place yesterday, and was marked by unqualified success, the various functions – festival services, public luncheon, and tea – all being largely attended by parishioners, as well as friends from the neighbouring parishes. The work done includes the reseating of the nave and aisle; concreting the floors and laying of wooden blocks, renewal of plaster and pointing of walls; and the setting up of the arcade. A new high-pressure heating apparatus has also been provided. The oak roofs have been restored, while the screen has been replaced in its original position by the rood loft, and lengthened with temporary extensions.
July 1898
Thomas Perkins, farmer, of Bampton, was summoned for allowing two cows to stray on the highway at Bampton on the 2nd inst., and, pleading guilty, was fined 10s. P.C. Mills said the defendant had been cautioned on two previous occasions.
August 1898
A valuable hayrick, belonging to Mr. T. Bowden of the Angel Inn, Bampton, was destroyed by fire on Monday. Two little boys who were seen nearby are supposed to have set the rick on fire with some matches.
John Howe, labourer, of Stoodleigh, and George Brewer, labourer, of Bampton, both admitted using bad language outside the Exeter Inn, Bampton, on the night of the 9th inst. Fined 5s each.
Thomas Howard, labourer, of Duke Street, Bampton, was charged with stealing, on the 26th August a quantity of oats, valued at 1s 3d, the property of William Stone, corn merchant of Bampton. After a brief consultation, the Bench decided there was insufficient evidence. Accused was therefore discharged.
September 1898
Edward Philip Thorne, aged 79, glazier and painter, of Frog Street, Bampton was charged with maliciously setting fire to his cottage with intent to injure J.B. Staddon, the owner, on the 23rd September. The outbreak happened in a row of three cottages in Frog Street. The owner was called about 5 o'clock and saw smoke pouring out from the roof, particularly from the central cottage, occupied by the accused. Mr. Staddon, the owner of the cottages, gave evidence that he saw a large quantity of hay on fire in one of the bedrooms. In the workshop at the rear of the cottages he discovered a number of old umbrellas on fire. From the latter a trail of paper saturated with oil was laid leading to a ladder, the steps of which were strewn with paper. In all he saw five distinct fires. Elizabeth Beer, Florence Catherine Vickery, Thomas F. Wemsley, of Burchdown Farm, Elias Hobbs, Alfred How, postman, and others gave evidence of seeing the fire. The prisoner was not at home when the fire broke out. After a short deliberation the Bench decided to send the accused for trial at the next assizes.
October 1898
John Ponsford, carpenter and builder, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly in Briton Street, Bampton on 24th September. Defendant denied the charge. P.S. King said he found the defendant shouting, swearing and causing a commotion. Witness advised him to go home, but subsequently found him outside the Tiverton Hotel. Defendant here became abusive. P.C. Bowden corroborated. The Chairman: “Are you a master builder?” Defendant: “I am.” Chairman: “How many hands do you employ?” Defendant: “I employ 2,000.” (Laughter). Defendant sent to prison for 7 days.
William Ponsford, a jobbing carpenter, who was kicked by a horse at Bampton Fair on Thursday, succumbed to his injuries at the Tiverton Infirmary on Friday afternoon. Deceased, who was about 41 years of age, was well known at Bampton especially among the farming community, by whom he was principally employed.
November 1898
Edward Philip Thorne, 78, builder, indicted for setting fire to a dwelling house in his own possession with intent to injure Joseph Bazeley Staddon, at Bampton, on the 23rd September, was sentenced to nine months imprisonment with hard labour. His lordship said there was no question that prisoner had made an elaborate attempt to destroy his house.
Rarely does one hear in these days of travelling by rail of anyone who has never ridden in a train, but such a person resided here until recently – a poor, old lady over 70 years of age. Mr. Stock, the station-master has many times offered to pay her fare to any place to which she would like to go and provide her with refreshments, but without success. On Thursday last the old lady arrived at the railway-station and informed him tearfully that she was obliged to enter a train at last. She was on her way to the Tiverton Workhouse, accompanied by the Relieving Officer. She reminded Mr. Stock of his oft-repeated offer to pay her fare. He intends forwarding it to her present quarters.
James Burgess, labourer, of Bampton, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the previous evening, and was fined 5s.
December 1898
A successful entertainment was given by the Bampton “Excelsior Christy Troupe” on Monday evening at the National Schoolroom, Bampton, before a large audience. The performers were Messrs. E.H. Yates (Tambo), T. Staddon (Bones), J. Davey (Johnson), F. Staddon (violin), F. Knight (violin), J. Staddon ('cello), H. Nott (flute), W. Blamey, and P.H. Yates (pianoforte). The choruses “Kingdom Coming” and “Kiss Me And I'll Go To Sleep” were especially well rendered.
Bampton Football (Rugby) Team selected to play against Exeter “B” on 26th December -
Lazarus, back; Tates, Garland, Day and Besley, three-quarter backs; Miles, and Marsh, half-backs; Brice, Stadddon, Hobbs, Burston, Nott, Gill, Gibbings, and Phillot, forwards.
Year: 1899
January 1899
Thomas Griffin, a young man, who has lost one leg, and hobbled into Court on a crutch, was charged with stealing four rabbit skins, value 6d, the property of Sidney Wood, Bampton. P.S. King said when served with the summons defendant said: “Nobody saw me take them.” Defendant pleaded guilty and said he took the skins “for a bit of fun.” Supt. Collins said defendant had a very bad record. He was a Hemyock lad, 19 years of age, and had several times been convicted of theft. He had a bad parental training. He left Hemyock for Burlescombe, and then went to Bampton. P.S. King said defendant was a nuisance to Bampton. Sent to prison for seven days hard labour.
Mrs. and the Misses Hollond (Wonham) have defrayed the cost of re-glazing three windows in the south side of the choir of Bampton Church.
March 1899
Mr. J. Yates, manager of the Bampton quarries, applied for a license to store explosives for use in quarries. The license was granted on Mr. Yates giving an undertaking that a lightning conductor should be fixed.
On Saturday evening Mr. E.H. Dunning, J.P., C.C., addressed his constituents at the Assembly Room, Bampton. He said he was afraid the present proceedings would necessarily be tame compared with those of a year ago when he was seeking their suffrages, for it was difficult to dress up figures in anything like interesting clothes. Mr. Dunning said that he had endeavoured to carry out his promises. It had been said: “This man made a great deal of noise when trying to get into the Council, but we hear nothing now.” Whenever he could with any effect protect the interests of his constituents, in a general or special way, he had done so – (cheers)
April 1899
William Hoyle, quarryman, Bampton, was summoned by his wife for failing to comply with an order of maintenance, 5s per week. Fanny Hoyle said she received 6s that morning and there was 9s due. It was true that she offered to go back to live with him if he provided a good home. Defendant said he would be glad to welcome his wife back to a decent home. Chairman (to defendant): You must pay this money within a fortnight.
Thomas Stone, of Westbrook Farm, Bampton, was fined 6s and costs, for allowing six yearlings to stray.
May 1899
At a thinly attended public meeting held at Bampton on Friday, in connection with the United Devon Association, the Chairman (Mr. C.D. Harrod) commented on the defective railway arrangements, and Messrs J.T. Periam, F. Townsend, and S. Gibbings on the lack of hotel accommodation in Bampton. The Chairman said one of the great objects of the Association must be to attract residents and not tourists. Mr. C.R. Rowe (Secretary of the Association), who attended as a deputation, said they must let the fame of Bampton be known beyond its borders.
June 1899
John Milton, sawyer, and Frank Milton, quarryman, both of Bampton, for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton, were each fined 12s.
A meeting of the C.E.T.S. took place at the Bampton National School on Tuesday. There was a large attendance. The Chairman said the meeting that evening was an important one as they were distributing medals to those who had been faithful to their pledge for the past six months. Some had broken their pledge, but others were more determined to advance the cause and make the Bampton Society one of the most influential in the diocese of Exeter.
July 1899
William Stevens, labourer, who did not appear, was fined 15s for being drunk at the Angel Inn, Bampton. P.S. King and Frank Burnett proved. The police stated that the house was not conducted properly and that was why this case was reported. The Bench told Sgt. King to warn the landlord of the Angel Inn against permitting drunkenness on his premises.
At Bampton on Monday Mr. Thomas Bowden aged about 60, who has kept the Angel Inn there for about 16 years attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a knife in his bedroom. He was found directly afterwards by his wife, and Dr. Paine was sent for. Last evening he was progressing favourably. Mr. Bowden, who is highly respected, has a family, most of whom are grown up.
August 1899
A young man named Thomas Griffin, aged 18, who has only one leg, and who is a labourer, of Bampton, was brought up in custody charged with stealing £1 15s from a box, a coat, and a handkerchief on August 9th the property of Charles Penny, with whom he lodged. It was stated that prisoner spent every penny of the money in pleasure-seeking. Superintendent Collins said there were three previous convictions against prisoner. The Bench sentenced Griffin to 14 days hard labour.
At a special sitting of the Tiverton Divisional Magistrates on Tuesday, Thomas Bowden, inn-keeper, Bampton, was charged with attempted suicide on July 24th by cutting his throat. Superintendent Collins said the prisoner was arrested on a warrant signed by Mr. Thorne, but he had no wish to press the case. The prisoner had conducted the Angel Inn at Bampton 17 or 18 years without a complaint having been made until recently. During the past few months the prisoner had taken to drink, and the fact that a man was recently convicted for being drunk on his licensed premises brought matters to a climax, and proved to be the “last straw.” The medical evidence would show that the prisoner was now fit to be discharged in the care of friends, and there was a brother who was prepared to take him to South Wales.
Mr. John Bowden, prisoner's brother, said he was prepared to take charge of his brother, and to sign an undertaking to that effect. He proposed to send him to a sister in South Wales. The Chairman: On these conditions the prisoner is discharged, costs to be paid by the prisoner.
William Wilkinson, labourer, Great House Court Yard, Bampton, was ordered to pay 2s 6d for allowing his chimney to catch fire.
September 1899
Charles Stevens, labourer, of Bampton, was summoned by his wife Selina Stevens for using threats of violence towards her. Defendant, who did not appear, was bound over to keep the peace towards his wife for six months.
The Bench granted a temporary transfer of the license of the Angel Inn, Bampton, from Thomas Bowden to Wm Loosemore, late of the Exeter Inn.
October 1899
A series of very pleasant gatherings has been held at Huntsham recently in celebration of the homecoming after their wedding tour of Mr. and Mrs. Acland Troyte, who were the recipients of several presentations at the hands of their employees, tenantry, and the members of the Bampton Branch of the C.E.T.S.
November 1899
F. Beer, 16, labourer, Mill Head, Bampton, was charged with stealing apples, value 3d, the property of Mr. T. Row, solicitor, Bampton, on the 3rd November. Mr. Row said his son saw defendant enter the orchard and fill his pockets with apples. Defendant pleaded guilty and said he was sorry. Mr. Row said he was willing to withdraw the charge on payment of costs. The Chairman said if any other Bampton boys came there on a similar charge they would stand a good chance of being whipped.
December 1899
Albert Cottrell, mason, Bampton, was summoned under the new County Council Bye-law 11, for at Oakford, 25th November, to the annoyance of inmates of dwelling houses, and creating a disturbance after being requested to desist. At about 12.30 in the morning of Saturday defendant and another man named Nott knocked at the door of the Red Lion Inn and threw gravel at the window, breaking a pane of glass. They were asked to desist and Nott did so, but Cottrell would not. The Chairman said the magistrates could fine up to £5, but as this was the first case under the new bye-law, the defendant would have to pay 25s.
Year: 1900
January 1900
Miss E.K. Periam, of Bampton, has been successful in passing as certificated pianiste at the higher examinations in music held this week at Trinity College, London.
February 1900
The news of the relief of Kimberley was received in Bampton early on Thursday morning by Mr. S. Besley, from his son-in-law (Mr. Russell) at Cardiff. Mr. Besley at once posted the telegram in his window, and the news quickly spread to the neighbouring villages.
March 1900
James Payne, of Brook Street, Bampton was summoned for leaving a horse and cart in the highway without its being under his control. Defendant admitted the offence. P.C. Summers said the cart was left for fifteen minutes in the road while defendant was in his house.
Alfred Hutter, quarryman, of Bampton, who did not appear was fined 10s., including costs, for using obscene language in Brook Street, Bampton, on 24th. February.
John Richard Slater, of Bampton, was summoned for a similar offence at the same time and place. P.C. Summers proved the case and handed in a written statement with the language complained of. The Magistrates' Clerk to defendant: “You had better see the sort of language you used, it does not read very well, it does not look pretty, does it?” - (laughter). Fined 10s., including costs, a week being allowed for payment.
June 1900
At Weston Hotel, near Bath, yesterday afternoon, an inquest was held by Mr. Craddock, coroner for North Somerset, on the body of Robert Channin, a farmer, of Tiverton, Devon, who took a room there last Friday night. Deceased, it was stated, came to Bath for the waters. He went to Bath quite sober on Friday night. Deceased was found in bed next morning with his head leaning against the bed rail. The window and the register of the grate were closed and the door fitted very closely with the mat against it. There was a smell of gas, and the tap was half on. Ellen Dunn, wife of Francis Dunn, Zeal Farm, Bampton, Devon, a daughter of the deceased, said her father had never been accustomed to gas. She thought he tried to blow it out. Dr. Bloxam said death was due to poisoning from coal gas mixed with carburetted water gas, and the jury's verdict was in accordance with this evidence. Mr. C.S. Ellery, manager to the Bath Gas Company, said in answer to some questions, that if simply coal gas had been used that night the result would have been the same. The coroner agreed. It was only a question of degree. There was no doubt water gas was more poisonous, but the ultimate effect would have been the same.
August 1900
Alfred Gillard (14), Edwin Bradley (15), and Charles Collard (16), all of Bampton, were charged with stealing apples, value 4d., the property of Mr. Thomas Row, Bampton. Prosecutor stated that constant pilfering went on from his orchard and he was determined to put a stop to it. Sergeant Parnell proved the case. On the 29th. ult. witness saw the three defendants enter the orchard belonging to complainant. They shook the branches, and pocketed the fallen fruit. The Chairman cautioned the lads, remarking that the Bench were disposed to let them off that time, as Mr. Row did not wish to press the case. Costs remitted.
October 1900
Lieutenant Spencer E. Holland, who has been suffering from enteric fever in South Africa, has now been taken off the “dangerously ill” list.
A letter was read from Mr. T. Row (Clerk to the Bampton Urban District Council) with respect to the recent cases of diphtheria at that place. He could not see that the Bampton Council were to blame at all in the matter, as they had done all that lay in their power to prevent the spread of the disease by disinfecting, isolating the cases, and closing the schools. A systematic inspection of the town was now being made by the Medical Officer, and the Bampton Council would take any further steps necessary in the matter.
November 1900
John Richard Slater, labourer, Bampton, pleaded guilty to having used profane language at Bampton on October 25. P.C. Dymond said defendant's wife came to him and another constable and complained that Slater had turned her out of doors. They went up and defendant then used the language complained of, and also threatened to knock them down with a poker. Defendant, on oath, denied the constable's statement, but admitted having used one bad word. There was a previous conviction for a similar offence, and a fine of 11s. 6d. inclusive was imposed.
December 1900
An interesting presentation took place at Bampton on Thursday evening to Private Albert Williams of the Royal Marines, to whom Mr. F. Townsend, on behalf of the subscribers, handed a handsome solid silver spoon upon his return from South Africa.
Lieut. Spencer E. Holland, who had served under General Buller in Natal, returned home to Bampton on Tuesday and received a public welcome. He was chaired from the station to his carriage.
Mr. Goddard, relieving officer, reported the case of a Bampton woman who, ten years ago, was placed in an asylum and was still chargeable to the union. It had recently come to his knowledge that two boxes belonging to the woman were in the custody of a Bampton resident. The contents of the boxes were not known, and he wished to know whether he could have them opened with a view to selling anything valuable, to recoup the Guardians. The Clerk suggested that the boxes be opened by the relieving officer in the presence of the custodian and an inventory of the contents made. The Board could then decide as to any further action.
Year: 1901
April 1901
Yesterday an inquest was held at the Swan Inn, Bampton, touching the death of William Denscombe, six years of age. Reuben Gratton, carter, said on the previous Wednesday he was hauling stones at Bampton, and while turning his cart in the road heard someone scream. He looked around and saw deceased fall behind the cart, which had squeezed him against a wall. Albert Cottrell, mason, who picked deceased up, said he saw him on the ground between the back of the cart and the wall. He was bleeding freely. Harriet Denscombe, married, said the deceased told her when brought home that he had been “squat” by a cart. He died on Saturday. Mr. Down, surgeon, said the boy's skull was fractured and there was no chance of recovery. - “Accidental Death”.
May 1901
Francis Milton was summoned by Elizabeth Ellen Hawkins, of Bampton, for arrears due under a paternity order. The order was made in April last, under which the defendant was to pay 3s. a week. He had paid nothing, nor had he offered to, and in addition he was called upon to pay £2 16s. costs; or a total of £3 11s. Defendant said he had no money and no goods. He was committed to prison for one month.
A Committee meeting of the Bampton Cottage Garden and Horticultural Society was held in the National Schoolroom, Bampton. There were present Messrs. Davey, Frost, Blamey, Goddard, Seward, Staddon and Townsend, and the Hon. Secretary (Dr. Payne). The Secretary reported that Mr. Row had again agreed to let the Moat to the Committee. The Committee resolved to get up some sports in the Moat during the afternoon of the flower show. Mr. Denham, a large exhibitor, resigned his seat on the Committee.
June 1901
There is at present residing in the neighbourhood of Bampton a “gentleman in khaki” who was a despatch rider under General Buller in his operations for the relief of Ladysmith. The gentleman in question is a Colonial, who from Australia joined the South African Light Horse in the early stages of the war, and he afterwards became a bearer of Despatches under the Devonshire hero. He seems to have possessed a charmed life, his horse being shot under him on different occasions, on one occasion twice in one day. Bullets were constantly whizzing about his ears, yet he beat the Mauser. He failed, however, to evade the enteric scourge, and is now enjoying rest on the invalided list.
At a vestry meeting on Monday, the Vicar presiding, Mr. H. Paine was elected Vicar's warden and Mr. J.C. Rockett was re-elected parish warden. Messrs. John Burnell, John Escott and William H. Burnell were reappointed sidesmen, and Mr. R. Chanin was appointed by the Vicar to fill a vacancy.
July 1901
Fifty-one of “C” Company (Bampton and Dulverton) proceeded to Aldershot on Saturday for their annual training. The men were under the command of Captain Troyte, and other officers were Lieut. Barrow and Sergt.-Major Todd.
William Venn, landlord of the Wheelwrights' Arms, Bampton, was summoned for unlawfully supplying liquor to P.C. Edward John Craze whilst on duty, without the authority of his superior officer. Defendant did not appear, but was represented by his wife. There was a similar summons against George Loosemore, landlord of the Angel Inn, Bampton. The facts occurred on the same day and in respect of the same constable. William Turner, landlord of the Castle Inn, Bampton, was likewise charged, the facts being the same.
August 1901
Letter to the Editor of the “Western Times” - Sir, Touching your remarks in your issue of today, re the supply of cod-liver oil to the sick poor in the Tiverton Union, the special resolution of the Guardians taking on themselves the cost of this and quinine, was passed to provide against the possibility of stint in any case where their use would be beneficial. Seeing that the preparation of malt and oil now in question, for which the Guardians are charged by Dr. Duncan 2s 6d per bottle, can be bought retail at shops in Exeter and elsewhere at 1s 8d, the question seems to suggest itself, whether the profit of 10d on each bottle would not be more useful to the invalid paupers than the doctor? - Yours faithfully, J.T. Periam. Bampton 8th August.
September 1901
In continuation of the harvest festival and the 25th anniversary of the settlement of the Rev. E. Scott as pastor, a public tea took place in the Baptist Chapel on Thursday, when a goodly number sat down. A public meeting was afterwards held in the chapel, presided over by the pastor.
October 1901
Tiverton divisional magistrates yesterday fined Elizabeth Cottrell, Bampton 5s., and William Stevens, labourer, Bampton, 4s. for not sending their children regularly to school.
To the Board of Guardians the Clerk of the Parish Council of Bampton notified that Mr. H. Irish had been appointed assistant overseer. Mr. Irish wrote applying for the vacant post of collector of the rates for Bampton parish, at the announced salary of £11 per annum. Mr. Harrod failed to see why Mr. Irish should not be paid the same salary as his predecessor, Mr. Capron, who received £17 per annum. Mr. Troyte failed to see why they should increase the salary by £6 without an increase having been asked for. Mr. Harrod proposed that Mr. Irish be paid £17. Rev. J. Fowler seconded. Mr. Elstone moved an amendment that the salary be £14. Mr. Rowell seconded. The amendment was adopted.
November 1901
At Tiverton School Board meeting, the Rev. Forrester Holmes of Bampton wrote asking whether the Board employed an instructor in military drill for the school children. The Clerk said he had replied stating they they had no regular instructor. The Clerk was instructed to make enquiries as to the engagement of an instructor and report at the next Board meeting.
Sir Redvers Buller has requested the Clerk of the Urban Council (Mr. T. Row) to convey on his and Lady Audrey Buller's behalf, their warm thanks to Bamptonians for their recent enthusiastic reception.
Capt. Humphrey Weston Spurway, who, as recently recorded, was among the victims of the gun explosion on the “Royal Sovereign,” was associated with a Devonshire family which can trace its residence, near Bampton, back to the 13th Century. Capt. Spurway was nephew to Major-General John Spurway, of Oakford Manor, and was the youngest son of Mr. Charles Spurway, for many years a medical practitioner of considerable note in Rome. The deceased was only 27 years of age, and married last year.
Henry Attwater, of Bampton, was represented by his wife for using obscene language in Briton Street, Bampton. The wife said her husband had “a word or two” with his brother-in-law. Sergt. Parnell said defendant had been drinking. The wife: “He has not drunk anything for four years, except ginger-brandy.” 6s. Inclusive.
December 1901
On Friday the second boat constructed for use on the canal was taken by traction engine from Bampton to Sampford Peverell. Built entirely of steel, under the superintendence of Mr. James Yates, the manager of the works, the boat will be utilised to convey stone from the Whipcott quarries to Tiverton, by way of Sampford Peverell and Halberton.
Bampton's ancient church has just been enriched by the addition of two stained-glass windows descriptive of New and Old Testament subjects, contributed respectively by the Vicar and Mrs. Forrester-Holmes, and Mrs. Hollond of Wonham House. The window at the South of the chancel represents Our Lord stilling the tempest, and the dedicatory inscription runs as follows: “To the Glory of God, and in loving memory of Charles William Forrester-Holmes, who died September 4, 1894, aged 22. This window is erected by his parents.” Mrs. Hollond's window commemorates the recovery of her son, Captain Hollond, from enteric fever, contracted in South Africa. This is inserted in the wall-space above the chancel arch, and contains the kingly figure of David and the patriarchal form of Jacob. The inscription runs: “To the Glory of God, the window in the chancel arch of this church was erected as a thank offering by Nina E. Hollond, of Wonham, in this parish, October 1900.”
Year: 1902
January 1902
Yesterday at Tiverton Sessions, James Cull and Samuel Cottrell, labourers, of Bampton did not appear to a summons for poaching. Mr. T. Row, as lessee of the sporting rights of Birchdown Estate, prosecuted. P.C. Wardon said on January 6th he saw the defendants ferreting in Logdon Copse. He afterwards took a rabbit from Cull. Mr. Row said he had no desire to unduly press the charge. - Fined 5s. each and costs.
February 1902
The balance, after deducting expenses entailed by the dance on Thursday last, amounted to £4 1s 2d. Of this sum £2 has been given towards new churchyard gates, and £2 1s 2d devoted to the Tiverton Infirmary.
The scholars of Bampton National School have had a New Year's tea and entertainment. The rooms were prettily decorated by the mistresses, and the party, including teachers, numbered nearly 150. Recitations and songs were given by the children. Mr. Yates gave selections on the gramophone, and Messrs. T. and F. Staddon contributed a laughable nigger sketch. Prizes were distributed to 37 children for attendance, conduct, and efficiency. Mrs. Forrester Holmes discharged this pleasing part of the proceedings. Hearty cheers were given for the Master (Mr. Townsend), the subscribers, and those who had assisted in making the affair a success.
March 1902
Following have been nominated for Bampton School Board: Walter Bowden, 3 Fore Street, Bampton, tailor; John Capron, Shillingford, gentleman; Charles Davey, Silver Street, builder and agricultural implement maker; Arthur Reed Down; Thomas Howe, Waterhouse Farm, farmer; John Charles Rockett, Pipshayne Farm, farmer; Edward Scott, 41 Brook Street, Baptist Minister; and James Yates, 16 Brook Street, manager Stone and Lime Co., Bampton. Mr. A. G. Slocombe was nominated but withdrew.
April 1902
Before Mr. H. Acland Troyte (Chairman) and the Mayor yesterday, a married woman of Bampton, named Jessie Cottrell, was brought up in custody at Tiverton Town Hall charged with drunken and disorderly conduct. Sergt. Parnell deposed to seeing the defendant rambling about intoxicated and shouting. She refused to go quietly home, and he took her in custody. Defendant, who was respectably dressed, expressed regret at the offence, and offered to sign the pledge. There were previous convictions for similar conduct. - Fined £2 inclusive, which defendant's husband paid.
A meeting was held at the National School, Bampton, yesterday to consider the best way of celebrating Coronation Day. Mr. J. R. Hollond J.P., chairman of the Urban District Council, was voted to the chair, and among those present were the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes (vicar), Major and Mrs. Parry, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. White, Miss Vialls, Mr. T. Row, Messrs. J. Yates, W.H. Burnett, G. Slocombe, S. Gibbings, J. Burnell, F. Dunn, W. Knight, R. Vicary, F. Townsend, F.T. Seward, A.R. Down. The following resolution was passed unanimously: That this meeting of the inhabitants of Bampton determine to celebrate the Coronation of their Majesties Edward VII, and Queen Alexandra by some permanent memorial.
A fire broke out at North Hayne Farm, Bampton, occupied by Mr. Farmer. The house being an old one, was burnt down before the engine got there. At another fire, some cottages belonging to Birch Down Farm, Bampton, were also destroyed.
June 1902
The Oakford, Bampton and Morebath Ploughing Match Association has ceased to exist, through lack of interest in its competitions. The secretary (Mr. W. Gibbons) states: “We cannot get men and lads, lads especially, to compete for the prizes offered. During 1901 we offered 13 prizes that no one competed for, which to my mind shows that working people of the three parishes do not appreciate the endeavours of the Committee.”
Bampton folk rejoiced heartily over the conclusion of the war. An impromptu meeting was held in front of the White Horse Hotel, and addresses were delivered by Mr. J.R. Hollond, Mr. W.H. White, the Vicar, and the Revs. H. Coles and E.Scott. The town band played the National Anthem, firearms were discharged, and athletic sports took place. Subsequently there was a service in the church. A pleasing feature during the afternoon was the assembling of the children in Newton Square, where they sang heartily “God Save The King” and “God Bless The Prince Of Wales.” Dancing was indulged in during the evening at various places. The town was illuminated. The town band, under Mr. C. Brice and Mr. Staddon's string band played patriotic airs, and the ringers at intervals gave merry peals. The Royal Standard floated from the church tower, and flags were hung out from nearly every dwelling.
July 1902
Letter to “Exeter and Plymouth Gazette”: Dear Sir, Thank you very much for the pencil case I received won by me in the puzzle competition. Your truly, A. Prout, Westbrook, Bampton.
The anniversary of the Baptist Sunday School was celebrated, when three services were conducted by Mr. H. J. Clatworthy. In the afternoon there was a flower service for young people. Suitable hymns were sung by the scholars and a large choir. Solos were given in splendid style and with great effect by Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Portsmouth, the pastor's son and wife. The Misses Paul and Venner were very ably presided at the organ. Collections taken were in advance of those of previous years. The chapel was very prettily decorated by the pastor's wife, Miss Carey and others.
August 1902
A labourer named William Hagley, residing at Mill Head, swallowed some poison accidentally on Tuesday by mistaking a bottle containing liniment, largely composed of ammonia, for a bottle of medicine. Neither the man nor his wife could read. Dr. Paine was fetched, and Hagley is making favourable progress.
Coronation Day at Bampton will be long remembered. The church bells announced the gladsome day with a merry peal. Later, headed by the band, a procession of Friendly Societies and local bodies marched from Brook Street through the town to the parish church. At 4 p.m. the scholars of the National School and other elder children had a capital tea. The aged poor had an excellent meat tea at the White Horse Assembly Room. Athletic sports took place on that part of the Hills which overlook Brook Street. The town was gay with flags and charmingly illuminated during the evening. Dancing took place on the Hill Green until dusk, and afterwards in the streets. Everything passed off orderly and happily.
October 1902
William Cottrell of Bampton did not appear at Tiverton County Sessions, to a summons for using obscene language. P.C. Bromell said the offence occurred on a recent Sunday. The language, most disgraceful, was used towards defendant's 12 year-old daughter in the passage of his house. Defendant's wife complained that her husband was acting like a madman. He had struck his child on the chin with a carving knife. There were previous convictions, and only a month since defendant was ordered to pay 27s 6d for a like offence. - Ordered to pay 30s inclusive. In default of payment 14 days imprisonment.
Miss Louise Dart of Bampton has been appointed postmistress of Dulverton. Sergt.-Major Todd, retired, has been appointed postmaster of Bampton, in succession to Mr. W.H. Dart who has been postmaster for the last eight years. The Post Office after the 11th of November will be removed to the centre of Brook Street.
November 1902
There was a walking match recently between two Bamptonians. The course was two miles, and the stakes 2s 6d. The conditions being weight for weight, the lighter of the competitors carried on his back 90 pounds of maize. His opponent turned the scale at 14 stone. At the end of the first mile the man with the maize led well, but later it proved such a burden that he cast it aside. He finished first, but having broken the conditions, of course he lost the stakes.
December 1902
A man who gave the name James Yeates, and Brook Street, Bampton, as his address, travelled to St. David's yesterday morning by the Great Western Railway, and, intending to go to Crediton, entered the Plymouth express (L. and S.W.R.) about half-past ten instead of the stopping train, which follows immediately afterwards. When he found the express did not stop at Crediton he pulled the communication cord near Yeoford and stopped the train. He was compelled however to proceed to Okehampton, and he subsequently returned to Crediton.
Year: 1903
January 1903
It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Hollond and family of Wonham House, propose to spend a considerable time on the Continent in the hope that Mrs. Hollond's health, which is far from satisfactory, may be strengthened.
The sad news has reached Bampton of the death of the Rev. Octavius Camillus Wright, formerly Vicar of Bampton. On leaving Bampton, about 11 years ago, the Rev. gentleman occupied the Rectory of Barcheston, Shipston-on-Stour, a parish in Warwickshire, and in the diocese of Worcester. He subsequently resigned this and went to Canada. At Brightlinsea, Essex, he had a severe attack of influenza, which affected his heart and caused death. The deceased held the living of Bampton eight years, and was succeeded by the present Vicar (the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) who was informed of his predecessor's death by receiving a letter from a friend of Mr. Wright's. As a token of respect the church bell was tolled and the flag hoisted half-mast at the Vicarage. Deceased was a kind-hearted and generous man and did not hesitate top put his skill and talents to use whenever he visited a sick parishioner. On leaving Bampton at Easter 1892 he was presented with a handsome silver salver by the parishioners and with a rams-horn inkstand mounted with silver by the children of the National School.
February 1903
Rev. Forrester Holmes, Vicar of Bampton, on behalf of his parishioners at Bampton, presented the Bench with an original petition against the excessive number of public houses in Bampton. They hoped something might be done to reduce the number of public houses without respect to anybody in particular.
Arising out of a suggestion made at the smoking concert held last week, a meeting was held at Mr. Blamey's, Bampton, on Monday evening, for the purpose of taking steps to establish a Liberal Club in the town. There was a large attendance. Rules were drawn up, and officers were appointed, their election to be submitted, for confirmation, to a general meeting to be held at the Red Lion on Monday evening next.
March 1903
Bampton's two Guardians – Messrs. J.T. Periam and W.H. White – have decided not to seek re-election. Mr. Periam has served Bampton as a Guardian for nearly thirty years, and has been a most regular attendant.
A horse and trap on Wednesday collided with a stone post. The horse was so frightened that it bolted and threw out the driver, Mr. H. Saunders, son of the landlord of the White Horse, Bampton. One of the shafts was broken off in Fore Street, and the trap was wrecked in Brook Street, where the horse was stopped by Mr. H. Escott. The driver was not seriously injured.
At the Tiverton County Court on Saturday, before his Honour Judge Beresford, a case was heard in which Elizabeth Bowden, widow, of Bampton, sued the Bampton Urban District Council for £15, personal damages alleged to have been sustained through the negligence of defendants. It was alleged that, in consequence of the defective state of pavement near the Post Office, plaintiff had a heavy fall, and was picked up bleeding from the mouth and nose. She was in bed for three weeks as a result. His Honour held that the defendants were not liable according to the decision of the House of Lords in the case of Cowley v. the Newmarket Board.
April 1903
Dalled eef I ant 'ad anuther ledder thees wik an thics vrim Maister Peter Gurney ta Bampton. I 'ad a ledder vrim en back zum time agone, eet yu mine, tullin' me 'bout Bampton Vair, bet thees time tees a gurt lung wan, I can zhore 'e, an' tees aul 'bout tha kwarees an 'bout 'ow they tride ta geet a Town 'All up thur an' zo vorth. I veels turrabul much oblijed tu en, tu, vur ritin' ta me, cuz I've zed skaurs o' times I be uny tu plaized to yur vrim enybudy, bet I be veer'd tidden much gude vur me ta zen en awn cuz I daun speck Maister Editor wid ave rume vur en, speshly ez tees a shaurt wik like, daun 'e see, cus o' koose Vriday's paper cums out pin tha Thursday thees wik, yu knaw. - KOWNZELER WEEL BREWER, an' I be dalled eef tidden a gude name tu, idden et?
A public meeting was held in the National Schoolroom on Monday night to decide the future of the Reading Room. There was a fairly good attendance. Mr. Escott proposed that a room for games be opened, as he thought the Reading Room by itself was too tame for young men. He further suggested that a bagatelle board would prove a great attraction. Mr. J. Hoare seconded the proposition which was carried.
May 1903
At the Tiverton Town Hall yesterday, before Messrs. W.C.L. Unwin, T. Fetherstonhaugh, W. Dester, C. Carew, and W.H. White, County Justices, an application was made by Frances Agnes Wood, married woman, of Bampton, for a judicial separation from her husband, Sidney Wood, marine and store dealer, of Bampton, on the grounds of persistent cruelty towards her. Mr. W.T. Watkins appeared for the applicant, and the defendant was represented by Mr. Crompton (Exeter).
Mrs. Frances Agnes Wood, the applicant, said she was married in a Registry Office in the Strand, London, in 1897. She and her husband stopped at Buckingham Palace Hotel at the time. After the marriage she returned with her husband, who was carrying on business at Bampton as grocer, marine dealer, farmer, and had a small posting business. Not long after the marriage the defendant hit her with a closed fist, with a truss, and he used to take hold of the bedstead and try to turn it over. The truss was a leather belt, with a brass button. Applicant had often complained of the treatment she received from her husband to Miss Ethel Saunders, Dr. Paine, Mrs. Staddon, Mrs. Tout, Mrs. Knight, Miss Wilkins, and Sergt. Parnell. She visited Dr. Paine in March 1901. She was then suffering from a kick on her leg. She was sitting in the dining-room reading a book, and the defendant came in, mad drunk, and deliberately kicked her. Later, defendant begged her to say that a horse kicked her. She showed the kick to Mrs. Staddon and her son, Arthur. Dr. Paine attended her, and she had her leg in a cradle for weeks. Last May she was also attended by Dr. Paine for injuries, which arose from a quarrel when she found out she had been secretly insured. The defendant threw a dinner-plate at her, which caught her in the left cheek, the whole of which was nearly black from the blow, and her eye was also blackened. She was ill in bed for several days as a consequence. Dr. Paine called the defendant a brute for his treatment, and dared him to do it again.
The ill-treatment continued up to the time she went to the Tiverton Infirmary in December, 1902. She consulted Dr. Paine in 1901 and 1902, and he said she was suffering from an irritant poison.
Mr. Crompton objected to this statement, but the Magistrates’ Clerk said he should advise the Bench in accordance with the doctor’s statement. Continuing, applicant said on the second occasion she visited Dr. Paine, the latter again said she was suffering from an irritant poison. On December 30th she went to the Tiverton Infirmary. The doctors in the infirmary could not account for her condition. On the Saturday, 17th. January, 1903, she returned to Bampton, and she advised her husband of her return. A row ensued on her return on her finding out that her husband had had a woman in the house during the whole of the time she was an inpatient of the Tiverton Infirmary. Applicant came home in a cab, about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The woman who had been staying at the house left Bampton by the 3 o’clock train. Defendant beat her across the arms and shoulders with a truss, and hit her with his hand. An eiderdown quilt was on the bed, and this the defendant literally tore in pieces. He was mad drunk, and laid down on the floor until six o’clock next morning. She could not go downstairs; she was too ill. She could get no sustenance of any kind, as her husband would not allow anyone to take her food. Eventually she sent Arthur (the third son of the defendant), for Mrs. Tout, a charwoman. When the latter came, defendant dared her to go upstairs, but subsequently she was allowed to go up. Defendant followed, took up a portmanteau, and attempted to throw it at witness. Mrs. Tout said she (witness) was too ill to have such things as that done to her. Defendant’s brutality and misbehaviour continued up to six weeks ago, when he knocked her down at the bottom of the stairs, and she complained to0 Miss Wilkins, an assistant on the premises. Applicant went to reside with Mrs. Burge in consequence of the defendant’s cruel treatment, but he came to Mrs. Burge’s door one evening and burst the door open.
Cross-examined: The Registrar refused to marry the applicant in 1895. She was a divorced woman at the time. The Registrar’s reason for not marrying then was no because she had not the paper making the decree nisi the decree absolute. She did not appear in the proceedings, but she was represented. The co-respondent’s name was Cove. The defendant took the necessary paper to the Registrar and they were married in 1897. The decree nisi was announced in all the papers. Within twelve months after she went to Bampton, her husband had a letter from the co-respondent Cove. Her husband always opened all the letters. She did not see this particular letter. She never said to her husband that Cove was still very fond of her. She did not go to Bedford (where Cove lived at that time), shortly after the receipt of Cove’s letter. Her husband did not say he should go to Bedford if she went; nor did not give her any money when she eventually went to Bedford in the following summer. She wrote her sister asking for £5 to pay her expenses. She did not see Cove. She was never away from her husband without his knowledge. It was directly before and after the marriage that defendant ill-treated her.
Mr. Crompton: “Before the marriage did he ill-treat you?”
Applicant: “Yes. I married him to cover up the other. He stunned me one evening, and I lay in the court-yard all the night. This was before I married him.”
Mr. Crompton: “Haven’t you been fined for an assault?”
Applicant: “Yes. Many years ago.”
Mr. Crompton: “Was your life with your first husband a repetition of that of your second?”
Applicant: “Are you dealing with my first husband’s case, or my present?”
Mr. Watkins objected to these questions. The applicant had paid the penalty for her sins.
Eliza Wilkins, shop assistant, in the employ of defendant, said she had seen Mrs. Wood with a black eye. Mrs. Wood had always treated her husband’s children properly.
Eliza Tout, of Bampton, said when she went to Mrs. Wood’s bedroom, it was covered with down, and pieces of eider quilt were scattered all over the room.
Evidence was also given by P.C. Parnell, Mrs. Staddon, Mrs. Burge, Dr. Paine, and Mr. Staddon.
Evidence for the defence was given by the defendant, who absolutely denied the ill-treatment alleged, and said he had done everything in his power to make the home happy and comfortable. William Wood (son of the defendant), Mrs. Atkins (daughter of the defendant), William Henry Atkins, Nurse Pennell, Percy Stocker, Joseph Yeo, and John Pope, who spoke as to the applicant’s excitable character, and the manner in which she treated the defendant’s children.
The Bench found the defendant guilty of persistent cruelty, and granted the separation, the defendant to pay 10 shillings per week towards his wife’s maintenance. Defendant was also ordered to pay the costs of the Court and three guineas towards the applicant’s costs.
June 1903
Sidney Wood, grocer, was fined 50s and costs at the Tiverton Petty Sessions on Tuesday for having had in his possession an unjust 2lb. weight.
Particulars came to hand yesterday of a somewhat alarming occurrence at Bampton. About 1.30 p.m. on Sunday there was a loud report resembling an explosion, and at the same time there were cries of “Fire!” The majority of the inhabitants turned out and found that Mr. S. Wood’s general shop and stores in Back Street were on fire. The street in which the conflagration occurred is somewhat narrow, and when the Bampton Fire Brigade, under Capt. Davey, arrived with their manual engine, the work before them appeared full of difficulty. The Brigade, however, operated with a will. There was a plentiful supply of water from the main, but, despite this fact, the flames assumed such threatening dimensions at about 2 p.m. that the urban authorities deemed it advisable that the Tiverton Fire Brigade should be summoned to render assistance. A young man named Wright rode to Tiverton on his bicycle, a distance of about seven miles, and the Tiverton Brigade, under Capt. Mercer, arrived upon the scene at about 3.30.
To save the shop and stores was an impossibility, and efforts were made to prevent the conflagration spreading to the adjoining properties. In these efforts the Brigades were to a great extent successful, but a coach-house, belonging to the Tiverton Brewery Company, and in the occupation of Mr. John Loosemore, the landlord of the Angel Hotel, was demolished, and the house of Mr. Podbery ignited.
It appears that Mr. Wood, the owner of the shop and stores, was away on business in Bristol at the time of the fire, having left Bampton on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Henry Pope, assistant in the employ of Mr. Wood, states that he was awakened by the cries of fire. He went to his bedroom window and saw smoke issuing from the shop. He went downstairs and opened the back door. An explosion immediately occurred and he was knocked down. With difficulty he regained his feet, and went back into the house to rescue Mr. Wood’s children, whom he took into the garden.
P.S. Parnell, of Bampton, upon his arrival got over a wall near the Angel Hotel stables and entered the house in search of the children. Finding the beds unoccupied he retraced his footsteps out of the house, which is situated at the rear of the demolished shop. In doing so he heard a voice, and upon proceeding to the spot (Mr. Podbury’s yard) from where the sound came he found Mr. Pope and the three children, the former suffering from burns and cuts. The sergeant took care of the children, and subsequently handed them over to Mrs. Atkins, daughter of Mr. Wood. Mr. Pope was attended by Dr. Paine, who later advised removal to the Tiverton Infirmary, whither he was taken.
The cause of the fire or explosion is unknown.
It appears that Mr. Wood left his daughter, Mrs. Atkins, in charge of the shop. Mrs. Atkins resides in High Street, and during the day she journeyed to and from the premises. On Saturday night it is reported she told the assistant in the drapery department, Miss Wilkins, to lower the lamp, which was described as dangerous, as she would want to go to the shop to fetch a cap for her little boy. Acting upon instructions, Miss Wilkins left the lamp burning low. Mrs. Atkins went into the shop at about 10.30 p.m., but she can not remember turning out the light when she left, although she states that everything then appeared all right.
Mr. Denham, of Bampton, was the first on the scene of the fire, and was quickly followed by Mr. Weston junior. Mr. Denham at once proceeded to rouse Mr. and Mrs. Podbury. He then, with the assistance of Mr. Weston, got the manual engine out ready for the Brigade.
The report of the explosion was heard at a distance of two and a half miles. It scattered stones, glass, timber, etc., in all directions. A stone of considerable weight was carried over the house of Mr. Down, veterinary surgeon; the windows and passage door of the Angel Hotel were smashed, the latter having been burst open, while the windows of Mr. J. Burnett’s house, situated some 100 yards distant from the scene of the fire, were damaged.
Yesterday Back Street presented a sorry spectacle. But for the good supply of water, absence of a strong wind, and the promptitude of the Brigades, it is more than likely that the whole street would have been demolished, or the greater part of the town destroyed.
Mr. Podbury’s property has been severely damaged. The roof and ceilings have been partially destroyed, while the window frames had to be removed in order to clear the rooms of the furniture, it being feared that all would be burnt. The heat from the fire was so intense as to blister the sign-board of the Angel Hotel on the opposite side of the street.
The mass of ruins, which were still smouldering yesterday, and on which at intervals water was poured, was visited by large numbers of persons.
The property is insured.
Mr. Wood was wired for from Bristol, and arrived at Bampton on Sunday night.
July 1903
A very severe thunderstorm passed over Bampton yesterday, commencing about four o'clock and lasting until night, the lightning being exceptionally vivid, and the thunder very loud and prolonged. The rain poured down in torrents fairly flooding the streets.
At Tiverton Sessions yesterday, Charles Land (15), Charles Penny (15), Cecil Greenslade (15), and Jack Yole (12), were all charged with using obscene language at Bampton on a recent Sunday afternoon. Sergt. Parnell said whilst in his garden he saw the defendants on the quarry embankment, and heard one of them use obscene language. Witness went into the road and saw the witness playing at war, England v. Boers. The language in question was used in the conflict. There had been great complaint from neighbourhood residents as to the bad language used on the embankment. It was becoming a perfect nuisance, and the Manager of the Quarry had asked witness to look round there on Sundays because of the bad behaviour. - Land, who did not appear, was fined 7s 6d., the other defendants were fined 5s each.
August 1903
“If you don't at first succeed, try, try again.” This motto was evidently in the mind of the Bampton farmer (Francis Wensley) who for the third time applied yesterday to Tiverton Justices for a vaccination exemption certificate. Like many other Benches, Tiverton Bench very reluctantly accede to the wishes of anti-vaccinators. This applicant had been twice refused, once because he had no certificate of medical unfitness, and on the last occasion because the certificate produced stated that his child was “at present” only unfit for vaccination. Yesterday he came up smiling, and presented what the Magistrates could not ignore, a medical certificate that the child was suffering from skin disease, and would never be a fit subject for vaccination. Applicant got his certificate.
In their report on Tuesday the Tiverton County Magistrates, whilst not wishing to prejudge anything likely to take place next February, made it clear that they considered there were too many licensed houses in Bampton, that they were too near each other, and that some did not contain adequate public accommodation or facilities for police supervision. Further, they invited “the very serious attention of the persons interested in these houses” to this condition of things. This is surely a note of warning to the brewers, and an invitation to them to meet the wishes of the Justices by surrender.
September 1903
A very severe storm raged around Bampton on Thursday night, doing a considerable amount of damage to houses and crops, and uprooting trees in large numbers. The latter fell across roads making them impassable. Many of the orchards in the vicinity are almost stripped of the few apples, which comprised the original crop, and the country for miles around is strewn with the wreckage of the storm. There was also a considerable amount of damage done to house property, some dwellings being stripped of their roofs.
October 1903
Early yesterday morning the main street of Bampton was completely covered by water, and most of the houses were inundated, through the recent heavy rains. Shortly after 4 a.m. some of the lighter furniture in many of the houses was afloat, and some considerable damage was done at several of the shops.
About half-past nine yesterday morning an accident of a rather alarming nature occurred at Bampton. Messrs. Hawkins and Son's traction engine was proceeding slowly up High Street with two trucks of stone when the hinder truck became detached, and began to run down the hill. It gained speed as it went, until about half-way down it caught against the kerb stone which swerved the truck right across the street and into the shop window opposite Mr. J. Yeo, provision dealer. The truck, which was laden with about ten ton of stone, completely obliterated all traces of the window, as well as the provisions which it had contained. The counter was also smashed, and stones were sent rolling for a considerable distance. Mrs. Yeo and her little boy had a narrow escape, being both in the shop at the time, but fortunately escaped with a few slight bruises, as also did a party of school children who had just turned the corner as the truck crashed into the premises not more than 12 feet off.
A correspondent writes - “A slight commotion was caused on Sunday last at Bampton Parish Church by the introduction of the cross carried before the choir. The feeling of the congregation ran very high, against what is generally thought to be another step towards Romanising. One of the congregation has gone so far as to leave the Church in consequence, and his procedure is only an indication of what will follow if this thing continues.”
December 1903
John Court, labourer, Exebridge, was summoned before Tiverton Magistrates yesterday to show cause why he should not contribute towards the maintenance of his father, John Court, in receipt of parish relief at Bampton. Mr. G. Goddard, relieving officer, asked that an order be made for 1s a week, and the Bench decided on this course.
The inhabitants of Bampton were again visited by floods on Sunday. The first alarm was given just as people were going to church and chapel, and many of those who had already left their homes returned and made hasty preparations to keep as much water out of their houses as possible. By one o'clock nearly the whole of the houses in Brook Street were flooded. The Batherum rose at a tremendous pace and soon overflowed its banks, the fields in the valley each side of the town as far as eye could reach, being covered. The flood, the third of the winter, was the largest known for nearly thirty years.
Year: 1904
January 1904
At the Tiverton Sessions, Gertrude Ellen Cottrell, aged 16 years, of Bampton, applied for an order against Sydney Wood, formerly a general dealer, of Bampton, to recover incidental expenses in connection with the birth and funeral of her child, of which she alleged Wood was the father. Mr. W.T. Watkins, of Tiverton, who submitted the application, said that the intimacy between Wood, who was a married man with children, and the girl commenced when the latter was 14 years of age. In the spring of last year Wood’s wife instituted proceedings for a separation. The girl Cottrell was summoned as a witness, but did not appear, as she had been sent to Exeter, Taunton, Bristol, Reading, and other places. The child born on the 18th. of December died three days later. Wood was not in Court, it being understood he is out of the country, and in the absence of objection the Bench made the order, with costs.
February 1904
At Tiverton County Sessions, Jacob Beer, labourer; Elizabeth Cottrell (single woman) of Britton Street; and Thomas Hutchings, carter, all of Bampton, were ordered to pay fines in respect of non-attendance of children at school.
Mr. Penhall, on Saturday evening, gave an able and interesting paper to the members and friends of the Bampton Liberal Club. Referring to the war, the speaker said that for every drop of blood spilt, the responsibility would rest on the shoulders of the English Government. Mr. Penhall also dealt with the question of Free Trade v. Protection. A discussion followed.
March 1904
Yesterday a special meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held, all the members being present. Mr. W.H. White presided. The Chairman said he was sorry to say that the Council at present was at a dead-lock for the want of a Clerk. It was their business to make some arrangement to provide one until the present Council went out of office on April 15th. He (the Chairman) proposed that Mr. Edgar P.Row be elected Clerk until the incoming Council appointed a permanent officer. This was carried unanimously. Referring to the withdrawal of the Chairman from the new Council, Mr. S. Gibbings said his action at this juncture was a disappointment and calamity. The Chairman's resignation becoming known, had doubtless influenced other Councillors in withdrawing from their candidature. The Chairman thanked Mr. Gibbings for his kind expressions but thought his action might have given satisfaction to some people. This concluded the business.
The mystery surrounding the discovery of a hat and jacket belonging to Mrs. Frances Agnes Wood, wife of Mr. Sydney Wood, formerly a general dealer, of Bampton, on the bank of the River Ouse, Bedford, has been cleared up by the finding of the deceased’s body.
At the inquest the jury returned a verdict of “Suicide while temporarily insane”.
It was at first thought that the deceased had gone with her husband to Canada. There were previously some domestic troubles, and the parties separated. Mr. Wood being ordered to pay his wife 10 shillings a week.
John Milton, a Bampton lawyer, was summoned at Tiverton County Sessions Tuesday for using obscene language. Defendant was represented by his wife, and a fine of 10s was imposed. There were no previous convictions against Milton. P.C. Holloway proved the present case.
April 1904
Rev. H. Forrester-Holmes, Vicar of Bampton, has, as an Easter gift, had a new oak door erected at the entrance to the church vestry. The door, which corresponds with the outer doors of the church, placed at the restoration, was erected by Mr. J. Staddon of Bampton.
June 1904
Mr. John R. Hollond, J.P., has been paying a short visit to his residence at Wonham House, Bampton. Mr. and Mrs. Hollond and family are not likely to reside at Wonham for some considerable time, as the health of Mrs. Hollond and her youngest daughter, Miss Monica Hollond, will necessitate their spending another winter on the Continent.
August 1904
William Stevens, engine driver, of Bampton, did not appear this morning to answer a summons charging him with using a steam saw bench within 25 yards of the highway without a screen or a signalman. P.C. Uglow said when he called defendant's attention to the matter he replied that he did not think it would matter as there were no policemen about. Fined 15s including costs.
September 1904
The Tiverton Sessions yesterday lasted for more than five hours. In one case it transpired that a man 21 years of age, from Bampton, could neither read nor write. The young fellow seemed intelligent. Although he escaped instruction in his younger days, one would have thought he would have managed to learn how to read and write his name before he grew to manhood.
October 1904
It was Bampton Fair yesterday, and visitors poured into the town from all parts. Bamptonians are very proud of their Fair, which has been in existence since the days of King John, and, from all appearances, the trading community did very well this year. It has been a good year for ponies, and, as a result, they sold well yesterday. Messrs. Blackford and Son, of South Molton and Barnstaple, had 300 on offer, including many bred by Viscount Ebrington, and some valuable brood mares from the Goodameary Polo and Riding Pony Stud. Sir Thomas Acland was among those who consigned ponies for Mr. D. Evans to sell. Horses were not in so much demand as in some years. Cattle cleared out speedily, but the prices were not so good as obtained five or six weeks ago. Sheep, on the other hand, were a better trade, young lambs being especially in demand. The pleasure part of the Fair was located in some fields near the station. Gipsies attended in large numbers.
November 1904
A somewhat serious fire occurred Thursday at the stables occupied by Mr. John Lazarus Jnr., timber-carrier, Back Street, Bampton. There were two valuable horses in the stables, and after his day's work, Mr. Lazarus personally attended to these, and went into his house to make a bran mash. During his absence a lighted lamp, which he had left in the stables, by some means or other ignited something, and when he returned the place was full of smoke and flames. Mr. Lazarus made desperate efforts to get the horses out of the stable, and was severely burnt about the arms in the attempt, but, notwithstanding all that was done, the poor animals could not be rescued, and were literally roasted alive. The Fire Brigade was summoned, and the members were soon engaged in protecting the adjoining property. They did useful service under Captain G. Davey.
Yesterday, at the Occasional Court House, Bampton, before Major Parry and Mr. W.H. White, Henry Manders was charged with begging at Bampton on Thursday at the Carnival. The prisoner, who is evidently a foreigner, was curiously dressed as an Eskimo. He pleaded not guilty. P.C. Lynn said he found the accused at the Great House Inn passing his hat around for alms and giving those present the impression that the money was for the Japanese cause. P.C. Uglow corroborated, and stated that earlier in the evening he saw the accused with a box, soliciting alms for the Tiverton Infirmary, and as he he was in fancy dress he thought he was a bona-fide collector. Mr. F.T. Seward (hon. secretary of the Carnival Committee) said he saw Manders outside the Tiverton Hotel begging for the Tiverton Infirmary. He said he had come from London for that purpose. P.S. Parnell stated that the prisoner had a bank-book showing deposits made at Portsea, Weymouth, and Exemouth. The Magistrates sentenced the prisoner to seven days' imprisonment, and thought that an inquiry should be made as to the state of his mind, as he frequently interrupted with rambling and incoherent remarks, affirming that he was a poet, and desired to shake hands all round. Among a miscellaneous collection of articles taken from the prisoner was a large unsheathed sword.
December 1904
John Charles Rockett, a well-known farmer and member of the Bampton U.D.C., pleaded not guilty to shooting game without a license. Mr. Phillips (Excise Officer) stated that defendant was one of a party of five sportsmen, whom P.C. Uglow saw working a turnip field, and shooting at partridges. They also went over a mangold field, and, as a covey rose, shot and killed several birds. P.C. Uglow stated that the defendant held an ordinary gun license only. Defendant, on oath, denied that he shot any game; he never pointed his gun at a partridge all the day. And simply shot at rabbits, killing one. Albert George Slocombe bore out the defendant's statement, remarking that three partridges were killed, but Mr. Rockett did not fire at any birds. Thomas Howe, Robert Early, and Frederick Thomas Seaward, other members of the shooting party, also gave evidence to a similar effect. The Bench entered a conviction against Mr. Rockett, inflicting a fine of 10s.
Year: 1905
January 1905
Mr. William Wood, of Bampton, was on Sunday night returning home on horseback, when his steed fell. Mr. Wood was thrown with great violence, and sustained concussion of the brain and a severe injury to one foot. Mr. John Burnett rendered assistance, and the sufferer was removed to the residence of Mr. H. Atkins, where Dr. H. Paine attended him..
February 1905
Robert Yard, of Bampton, denied being drunk and disorderly at Petton Cross. P.C. Uglow said the defendant was singing and was very drunk. He said, when warned by witness, “I am a Somerset man, I am drunk, but not off my legs.” A fine of 6s was inflicted.
March 1905
At Monday's meeting of the Bampton Urban Council, a letter was read from the Vicar (Rev. G. Forrester) upon the question of the unsanitary condition and overcrowding the churchyard. In the letter the Vicar denied that while the sexton was digging a grave another one fell in, and revealed a decomposed corpse. It was also untrue that a grave fell in, exposing another coffin, which burst. It was true that a grave fell in last September, but that might happen anywhere. The middle of the churchyard was overcrowded, but there was other consecrated ground available. The letter concluded by saying that the churchyard, as a whole, was not overcrowded, or in an unsanitary condition. The Council accepted the letter as satisfactory, but agreed to recommend the vestry to legally appoint the grave-digger as sexton. Mr. Dunn, who first introduced the matter, said he did so at the request of Major Troyte, and was sorry he did so without making inquiries first, but Major Troyte threatened to go to the Local Government Board unless he did so at the last meeting.
Members of the Bampton Cricket Club held their annual meeting at the White Horse Hotel on Monday. The report of the hon. secretary (Mr. G. Goddard) was of a very satisfactory nature, and stated that of the ten matches played last year, seven were won, two lost, and one drawn. The hon. Treasurer (Mr. L.J. Frost) announced a credit balance amounting to a guinea. Mr. G. Goddard and Mr. L.G. Frost were re-elected hon. secretary and hon. treasurer respectively. Mr. E.P. Row was elected captain, and Mr. Goddard as sub-captain.
May 1905
Lively scenes marked the monthly meeting of the Bampton U.D.C. on Wednesday evening. The Sanitary Inspector (Mr. Ellis) having recommended the purchase of a new six-feet length, in view of the defective state of a section of the suction pipe of the fire engine, Mr. J. Yates protested against the continued expenditure for fire brigade pumps. Before the present committee came into office £44 was spent on the engine, and from all appearances, it was not worth twopence. After a great deal of discussion the recommendation was agreed to. The Council were considering a communication from the Local Government Board with reference to the sewage scheme, when Mr. S. Gibbings objected that there was more talk than work.
Mr. Yates: “Especially from that (Mr. Gibbings') corner of the table.”
A heated wrangle followed an observation by Mr. Yates, who contended that the Council should have the administration of the parochial charities. The Clerk, however, differed, and Mr. W. Williams suggested that the meeting proceed to the next business.
Mr. Gibbings: “Yes. Who is going to provide us with supper?” (laughter).
Mr. Blamey: “Don't be too fast. Wait a minute”.
Mr. Gibbing: “It is you who are fast.”
Mr. Blamey: “It appears to me that the Council ought to have asked the Local Government Board for power to administer the charities.”
Mr. Gibbings said the matter seemed to him like straining at a gnat to swallow a camel.
Mr. Yates: “Well, we will deal with the gnat if you swallow the camel.”
Mr. Yates alleged that the Clerk was trying to evade the question, having been induced to do so by the other side. The Clerk denied this, and said he was trying to give the Council all the information he could.
Mr. Yates: “And you will have to demand the documents from the Vicar.”
It was decided to adjourn the meeting for a special meeting of the Council, whereupon Mr. Gibbings submitted that it would be better to let the matter drop altogether, remarking that the charities were at present in good hands.
Mr. Yates retorted: “One would think that the parson had engaged you.”
Mr. Gibbings: “He has not. I wish to be fair with everybody.”
The question then dropped.
Mr. T. Heale, one of the road contractors, applied for an increase of £5 on his contract in No.2 district, on account of extra work. Mr. Yates suggested that the contractor wait until the work was completed.
Mr. Heale: “I want to know what I'm going to get.”
Mr. Yates: “I move that the man (Mr. Heale) be asked to leave the room.
A member alleged that two councillors had prompted the contractor to do what he was doing, an accusation which Messrs. Thomas and Williams hotly denied.
Mr. Yates said it looked very much like a great public scandal when men of a public body suddenly advocated the claims of a certain contractor.
Mr. Thomas said Mr. Yates attended the Council to represent a quarry company.
Mr. Yates: “I don't .“ (“order, order”)
Mr. Heale remarked that he would give up his contracts and send his bill to the Council for work done since Lady-day.
Mr. Blamey (to Mr. Heale): “He is actually our Clerk.”
Mr. Heale: “Well, if I am your Clerk you are like a registrar.”
After demands for “order” and “next business” the discussion closed.
June 1905
A new stained-glass window in Bampton Church has this week been dedicated by the Vicar, the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes, to the memory of his father and mother. The subject of the window, which is in the south wall of the chancel, is that of the presentation in the Temple. At the base is the memorial inscription. The window is from the studios of Messrs. L. Drake and Sons, of Exeter.
July 1905
Wm. Bryant, butcher, of Bampton, pleaded not guilty at Tiverton County Sessions to being drunk in charge of a horse and trap near Bampton. Mr. Ingram, County Surveyor, said he saw a horse and trap approaching, apparently unattended. Later he saw defendant lying in the bottom of the cart in a drunken condition. All he could get out of defendant was: “What's your number?”. Corroborative evidence was given by Mr. Ridler, Surveyor to Bampton Urban Council, and defendant was fined 22s 6d, including costs.
August 1905
At the Tiverton Town Hall, Alfred Hutter, quarryman, of Bampton, was summoned for doing wilful damage (estimated at 10s) to a locomotive, the property of Sir Edwin Dunning. Defendant did not appear. P.S. Parnell stated that he saw the defendant, on Sunday last, looking out of an opening in the engine-house. Volumes of smoke were coming out of the funnel of the engine, and witness heard steam blowing off. Later, defendant admitted that he had been to the engine-house. Evidence given by the driver (Burston) showed that the water in the gauge glass was down to danger point, and that there was a leakage in the boiler. A lad, named Gillard, proved seeing the defendant near the engine-house on Sunday. A fine of 40s, or 14 days' hard labour was imposed.
October 1905
Mr. W.H. White occupied the chair at the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban Council. It was reported that the route of the proposed sewers in connection with the sewerage scheme prepared by the Inspector (Mr. Ellis) had been considered, and it was recommended that a consulting engineer be engaged to go into the matter. Mr. Gibbons proposed that the recommendation be adopted, and Mr. Williams seconded. Mr. Yates failed to agree with the route proposed by Mr. Ellis, and said that he did not think Mr. Ellis should have any connection whatever with the matter. Mr. Ellis said what he had done was by the instruction of the Committee. A heated discussion ensued, and it was eventually decided to advertise for a consulting engineer, the terms of the advertisement to be drawn up by the Clerk (Mr. Row Jnr.) and Mr. Yates. It was understood that the engineer will be required to suggest a scheme as if nothing had, up to the present, been done.
December 1905
There was a large gathering at the Swan Inn, Bampton, on the occasion of Mr. Charles Davey's manure audit. Mr. W.H. White J.P. (lord of the manor), presided at the dinner. During the evening capital songs were rendered by members of the company.
An alarming fire occurred at Bampton in the early hours of Saturday, whereby the Co-operative Stores were completely destroyed. The loss sustained is all the greater in that the shop was heavily stocked for the Christmas trade. Mr. William Atkins, the occupant of adjacent premises, discovered the fire and called the Fire Brigade, who were, however, powerless to put out the flames. There were several narrow escapes from injury from the falling masonry.
At the Tiverton Divisional Sessions, Ernest Kerslake, carter, of Bampton, was fined 7s 6d for riding on a waggon without having any reins attached to the leading horse. Thomas Yeo, labourer, Bampton, (who was represented by his wife), was ordered to pay 10s for using obscene language on the 1st. inst. Mrs. Yeo said her husband got a little excited over Bampton carnival.
It is authoritatively announced that the title of the Right Hon. Sir William Walrond, on his elevation to the House of Lords, will be “Lord Waleran de Bradfelle of Uffculme, in the County of Devon.” This is the Walrond name of the 11th century. Sir William has gone to Knolton Hall, Ellesmere, Shropshire, for the Christmas. The family has at different times been known as “de Waleran”, “Wallerende”, “Walleronde”, and “Walrond” and was seated at Bradfelle in the time of Henry II. The original deed of transfer of Bradfelle from Fulke Paynel, Lord of Bampton, to Walerande, in the time of King John, is still in possession of the family.
Year: 1906
January 1906
Mr. Lionel Walrond, after speaking at Oakford and Morebath, where he was received most kindly and listened to with every attention, had a very different reception at Bampton. The meeting was held in the Drill Hall, which was packed to overflowing, and the exhibition of Radical rowdyism was the most pronounced with which he had met with on his tour through the constituency.
Miss Bessie Greedy, of Bampton, is suffering from severe injuries caused by being knocked down by a motor car. On hearing the hoot of an approaching car she went to her horse's head, and was knocked down. She was picked up bleeding and unconscious, and conveyed to Dr. Paine's surgery. The occupants of the motor evinced the greatest concern at what had happened, and later in the day sent a medical man from Wiveliscombe to confer with Dr. Paine. In addition to other injuries, Miss Greedy has a broken leg. On Sunday she was reported to be getting on satisfactorily.
February 1906
George Howard, labourer, aged about 23 years, of Shillingford, near Bampton, who as recorded in yesterday's “Gazette”, met with shocking injuries while engaged in threshing operations at Holwill Farm, died in Tiverton Infirmary yesterday morning. Howard was cutting binds, when by some means he fell into the machinery. His right arm was torn off midway between the elbow and the shoulder. He also sustained about half a dozen cuts on the back of his head, and one in front of the right ear. From the time of his admission to the infirmary to the time of his death the unfortunate fellow did not regain consciousness.
March 1906
At Tiverton County Court on Saturday before his Honour Judge Beresford, Thomas Howard, labourer, of Holwell Cottage, Bampton, claimed under the Workmen' Compensation Act, £150 from Alfred Venner, farmer, of Holwell Farm, Bampton. Mr. W.H. Tarbet, of Exeter, appeared for the defendant, and Mr. F.E. Weatherly, for the applicant. Mr. Weatherly, in opening the case, said the applicant's son was employed by defendant, when he met with his death through a thrashing machine accident. The applicant was partially dependent on his son's earnings. In the year 1895, applicant's wife died, and his son had been living with him ever since. Deceased was his sole companion, and he earned on an average 17s a week. Mr. Weatherly contended it was only a question as to the amount. He considered the applicant lost, by his son's death, 8s a week clear. He was at present obtaining 2s 6d from the parish. Mr. Tarbet said applicant was able to work at hedging, etc. Judgment was give for £65 damages.
April 1906
Francis Milton, a labourer, of South Molton Road, Bampton, was summoned at Tiverton Divisional Petty Sessions for assaulting P.C. Gordon, of Bampton, while in the execution of his duty on the 14th inst. P.C. Gordon said defendant struck him several blows on the face and chest, and damaged his tunic with his teeth. Thomas Denscombe, of Bampton, said that when he went to assist the constable, Milton kicked him, and he had to obtain medical attendance. David Hiscocks, engine driver, Bampton, also assisted the constable. He received a black eye. Defendant, who admitted that that he had too much to drink, expressed the hope the Magistrates would deal leniently with him. His wife was very ill. If let off lightly he would see such a thing did not occur again. Defendant fined £1, or, in default, 14 days' hard labour. Milton asked time to pay, but this was refused.
Mr. H. Cross, jeweller, of Bampton, was serving a lady customer in his shop when a bullock entered. The lady ran behind the counter, and the animal turned round and walked out without doing any damage to the goods.
May 1906
Mr. Francis Whitfield, of Newport (Mon.), who recently celebrated his 101st birthday, and is still hale and hearty, is a native of Bampton. He is said to take his daily walks around the riverside without the aid of a stick. Mr. Whitfield has three children living out of nine. He has 27 grand-children and 16 great-grandchildren. His father lived to be 101.
July 1906
Under a bond dated October 10th 1808, Elizabeth Lucas directed that £2 4s annually should be distributed among poor people in Bampton. Mr. George G. Phillimore, barrister-at-law, by direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, inquired at the National Schoolroom, Bampton, into the charities of the parish. The Vicar (the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) said that since he had been in charge of the parish, namely, from 1892, he had not received a penny from this particular charity. A few days ago, when looking over some old papers, he found a letter addressed to Messrs. Bere and Sons, Milverton, Somerset, respecting the charity. Mr. Phillimore said the bond was shown to the Commissioners in 1864.
Mr. E.P. Row, the present Clerk to the Urban Council, said that Messrs. Bere and Sons wrote in 1897 to Mr. T. Row, formerly clerk to the Council, that no record could be found of the charity. The inquiry into the charities had been looked forward to in the town with some interest, and there was a good attendance of parishioners.
The Vicar and churchwardens, it transpired, had to do with several charities. One was the distribution of twelve loaves of bread every Sunday morning after service at the parish church. Sir John Acland instructed in 1619 that this should be done for ever. In 1628 John Tristram left 40s yearly to be paid out to the poor, while Robert Mogridge made a similar provision to the extent of £5 per annum. The latter benefactor compensated the churchwardens for carrying out his wishes by allowing them £1 for their pains in fetching and distributing the charity.
A question arose whether it was the duty of the churchwardens to furnish the Urban Council with information respecting the various amounts given, as well as with a list of the names of the recipients. There appeared to be 32 recipients under Mogridge's Charity at present, as compared with 96 twenty years ago, and it was stipulated they must be honest and religious. It did not matter to what denomination they belonged. The Commissioner said he did not think the Urban Council could claim the right to be furnished with a list of the accounts.
In 1821 a free school on Dr. Bell's system was erected and endowed by Elizabeth Penton for the purpose of educating 100 poor children. The sum of £2,200 was vested in certain Trustees. The benefactor, however, provided that from the interest derived from this sum £5 should be expended yearly by the Vicar and the churchwardens on bread for the poor. The Rev. H. Forrester Holmes said that according to the directions of the benefactor, the bread was distributed in February. The recipients at present numbered 240. The population of Bampton was about 1,660.
Information was asked respecting a number of books now cased in the Reading Rooms, and which were left by a Mr. Langdon, a clergyman, a number of years ago. Mr. Langdon died in South Africa. He left his library to Bampton. Mr. Frost said the books were returned from South Africa to Bampton some 34 years ago. The cost was defrayed by public subscriptions. The Vicar said the books were under the control of a Committee by whom Mr. Burnell was appointed librarian. Mr. S. Gibbings expressed the hope that steps would be taken to open the library. He did not consider it wise to keep such a gift locked up.
Other charities inquired into included the late Dr. Troyte's, by which £50 was left to be spent annually for the education of poor children in the principles of the Church of England, and £40 a year, bequeathed to be extended on beef to be distributed among poor people in Bampton and other places.
August 1906
Police-Sergeant Parnell, stationed at Bampton, was on Saturday afternoon last cycling down Custom Wood Hill, Cove, when, in trying to avoid a stone, he swerved on one side, had a side slip, and was thrown violently to the ground. There he remained unconscious for about half an hour, until he was picked up by Mr. Ponsford, postman, of Cove, who conveyed him to Bampton. Dr. Down examined him, and found that he was suffering from severe bruises, a fractured skull, and a blow on the side, and the head. It is feared that his right arm is broken as well.
September 1906
Two Bampton youths, named Edwin Harper and Arthur Burge, while cycling from Bampton towards Tiverton came across some fowls in the road, about a mile from Bampton. Arthur Burge ran over a fowl, and he was thrown on to the road, sustaining rather serious injuries, for which he is being treated by Dr. Paine. At the same time a motor car was approaching and ran clean over the bicycle, completely wrecking it. Burge, who was lying on the ground, managed to crawl out of the way as the car was almost upon him, having a most miraculous escape from death.
The illuminated address from inhabitants of Bampton to Sir Edwin Dunning, congratulating him upon being knighted, and which there was no opportunity of delivering to him before he left for South Africa in 1904, will be presented shortly at Stoodleigh Court. All the subscribers will be the guests of Sir Edwin at the ceremony.
December 1906
In aid of the Tiverton Infirmary, a venison dinner took place at the Drill Hall, Bampton. Mr. W.H. White, J.P., presided, and was supported by the Vicar, Messrs. G.F. Whittaker, T. Row, S. Gibbings, J. Escott, N. Marsh, F. Townsend, R. Vicary, E.P. Row, T. Staddon, F. Staddon and others. Songs were sung, and a laughable farce was performed by Messrs. T. Staddon, F. Staddon, A. Scott, V. Burrow and W. Blamey. About 150 sat down to a capital dinner.
At Winchester Cathedral on St. Thomas' Day the Rev. Lionel Radcliffe Holmes, son of the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes, Vicar of Bampton, was ordained a priest.
Year: 1907
January 1907
Much amusement was created by William Holloway, a Bampton labourer, who was charged with using obscene language at Bampton on the 26th. December. P.S. Parnell said that about 6.15 p.m. the defendant wanted to fight with a man named Milton. Witness told him to stop the language, but he would not do so. He was under the influence of drink, and used a lot of threats. In defence, Holloway said it being Christmas time he had a little drop of “lunatic broth”- (laughter). The Assistant Clerk: “Very good name for it, too.” (more laughter). Defendant said he was very sorry. Sergt. Parnell said defendant was a very quiet man when sober, but when in drink he was like a mad-man. Fined 10s inclusive.
Thomas Sully, sawyer, of Bampton, was summoned for disorderly conduct and refusing to quit the Red Lion Inn, Bampton. Defendant admitted the offence, and the landlord (Mr. R. Grant) said he wanted to fight a man called Benson. P.C. Mortimer finally ejected him. Sully said he had a little drop and got excited, but would not repeat the offence. There being a long list of previous convictions against defendant, he was fined £1 inclusive.
February 1907
At the annual Licensing Sessions of the Tiverton Division the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes, Vicar, presented a petition to the magistrates from the inhabitants of Bampton, drawing attention to the superabundance of public-houses in that parish. There were seven fully-licensed houses and two beer houses in the town. They hoped the Bench would see their way clear to accede to the request, that the number might be considerably reduced. The petitioner pointed out that there were roughly speaking, 300 adult males in Bampton, giving one public to every 33 men. The Chairman said they had considered the application for renewals, which would all be granted with the exception of four houses in Bampton, which would be reserved for further consideration. These were the Red Lion, Angel Inn, Wheelwright's Arms, and the Great House Inn.
March 1907
A meeting of the subscribers of the Bampton and District Nursing Association was held in the Parish Room for the purpose of electing a committee and officers. The Committee members elected for Bampton were Mrs. Beedle, Mr. Vicary, Mr. W. White and Mr. Dinham. It was decided to formulate rules at a Committee meeting to be held on the 27th inst.
At Tiverton Sessions, William Bryant, butcher of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk. P.C. Mortimore stated that he found defendant lying on the pavement in Fore Street, Bampton, and he was being assisted by another man to rise. He afterwards went away quietly. Defendant said he stunned himself when falling. Fined 10s inclusive.
April 1907
Emily Wyatt, a servant girl in the employ of Mr. W. Stone, chemist, Bampton, swooned in the Bampton Bible Christian Chapel on Sunday and did not regain consciousness until 2 o'clock on Monday afternoon.
At the Tiverton Divisional Petty Sessions, William Williams, farmer, and a member of the Bampton Urban Council living at Wonham Barton, Bampton, was summoned for assaulting Albert Denscombe, farm labourer, recently in his employ on April 2nd. The complainant's case was to the effect that the defendant, who was said to be a man of violent temper when in drink, called Denscombe a fool. Whereupon Denscombe replied that he was no more a fool than his employer. Williams then rushed at Denscombe, kicked hum severely on the knee, seized him by the throat, and pushed him against a manger in a stable. Williams also seized a curry-comb and struck Denscombe on the back of the head, causing a wound. Since the assault Denscombe had been unable to work, and also unable to walk without the aid of a stick.
Dr. A.R. Down, of Bampton, who examined Denscombe the day after the assault, said he found two bruises the size of a shilling on the right knee, a little larger bruise on the thigh, several superficial scratches on the neck, and a slight cut on the back of the head.
Defendant denied the assault. He and Denscombe had a tussle, because the latter held up a curry-comb in a threatening manner. They closed, and fell to the ground.
The Bench fined defendant £1, and allowed advocate's and doctor's fees of a guinea each. Total £3 2.s
June 1907
Samuel Morrell, engine driver, of Bampton, was summoned for allowing a locomotive to remain stationary so that the wheels were on a culvert. Defendant did not appear, but wrote a letter admitting the offence. P.C. Bradford stated that on 1st June about 4.30p.m. he saw the defendant stop a large engine, called the “Dreadnought”, and weighing 11 tons 15 cwt, on the culvert. Fined 15s inclusive.
July 1907
The annual outing of the Bampton Baptist Sunday School took place in glorious weather. The party, numbering nearly 200 scholars, teachers, choir, with other friends, left Bampton by the first train for Dawlish and Teignmouth. Mr. S. Gibbings, the energetic school superintendent made all the arrangements, and was largely instrumental in collecting the necessary funds. The Pastor (Rev. E. Scott) also rendered valuable assistance. Tea was held in the Congregational Schoolroom, Dawlish, through the kindness of Mr. S. Serle (school superintendent) who is a native of Bampton. Boating and other amusements were indulged in during the afternoon. The party arrived home by the last train.
August 1907
There is a fortune awaiting the man who can devise means for successfully laying road dust. In these days of motor cars dust is often spoken harshly of, and not without cause. In most of our towns as much as possible is done to prevent the nuisance. Water-carts are used. But at Bampton, the quaint little town noted for its Fair, there is not such a cart in use. The Urban Council have not yet taken any definite steps with regard to dust. Sometime ago the streets were saturated with water from a hose. But the experiment was not successful. There was more wash than sprinkle. The main road from Taunton to Barnstaple runs through the town, and as many as 40 or 50 motor cars have been known to pas through in a day. Tradesmen and private residents have had to suffer. They cannot keep their house fronts clean. They are plastered with dust. Further, it is said that several tradesmen have had the stock in their shops damaged. Dusting entails work, and extra work in this direction causes annoyance. Those who complain should have a chat with one or two members of the Council. The matter would then, no doubt, be discussed by the whole of the Council, and perhaps steps would be taken to secure a water-cart.
The Bampton, Devon, Fire Brigade have been called out several times recently because the fire bell at the captain's house was rung by callers who thought it was the house-bell.
September 1907
Whilst driving to Dulverton Mr. F.T. Seward, of Bampton, and a young man in his employ, named Henry Hancock, met with a nasty accident. Descending Grant's Hill the horse bolted, and the two occupants of the trap were thrown out, Mr. Seward receiving injuries to his head, and Hancock to his foot.
October 1907
Before the Tiverton County Magistrates, Mary Gibbons, wife of John Gibbons, of Tucking Mill Farm, Bampton, was summoned for assaulting her mother, Sarah Hagley, wife of George Hagley, labourer, of Bampton, on the 26th ult. The evidence for the complainant was that Mrs. Gibbons knocked her mother down, and made her nose bleed. Complainant said her daughter threatened “to do for her.” The blow she received from her was in the mouth. She pitched on her head when she fell to the ground. She did nothing to warrant the assault. Her apron and two handkerchiefs were covered with blood. She had not been drinking. Charles Hancock, insurance agent of Bampton, and John Summers, of Bampton, said they saw Mrs. Gibbons strike her mother. They were standing about 70 yards away.
The defence was that the complainant ran after the defendant's children, and that when Mrs. Gibbons told her mother she had better leave her children alone complainant attempted to strike her, and tore her apron. Mrs. Gibbons said all she did was to push her mother away from her. She fell and knocked her head on the ground. Her mother had been drinking, and was excited. Leonard Gwynn, labourer, of Bampton, said he saw complainant at the Exeter Inn. He could not say what she was drinking, but she was holding a glass with a spoon in it. (laughter). John Gibbons, husband of the defendant, said he also saw complainant at the inn. She was drinking brandy.
The Bench dismissed the case, and ordered the parties to pay their own costs.
Mr. Frank Staddon, of Bampton, conducted his maiden auction on Thursday last at the White Horse Assembly Rooms, and successfully disposed of a large stock of drapery goods and antique and modern furniture. There was a large attendance of buyers and others. At the close, Mr. Staddon was congratulated upon the able manner in which his first auction was conducted.
December 1907
Alfred Hutter, labourer, of Bampton, who was summoned for using obscene language at Bampton a month ago, and whose case was adjourned to see how he behaved himself in the meanwhile, was now dismissed. Superintendent Chammings remarking that defendant had signed the pledge.
Mr G. Goddard, relieving-officer in the northern district, Bampton, for ten years, applied for an increase in salary, but the Board could not grant it. The Clerk said that Mr. Goddard's salary as relieving-officer was £88 per year, and brought up by other fees to about £130. Mr. Goddard said that during the time he had been in the district pauperism had decreased. He had the worst district to travel over and was the worst paid. He had to keep a pony and trap. The Board recognised that Mr. Goddard did good work, but pointed out that £88 a year was as much as had ever been paid for the office of relieving-officer in the northern district.
Year: 1908
January 1908
John Kitts, in the employ of Mr. James Thorne, of Westbrook Farm, Bampton, was proceeding from Gumbland to Westbrook with a load of swedes, when a steam roller was met. The horse passed it without mishap, but afterwards bolted, and Kitts was thrown to the ground. The wheels passed over the body of the unfortunate man, breaking his ribs, and causing serious internal injuries. Kitts is 37 years of age, married, and resides at Westbrook Cottage, on the South Molton Road.
February 1908
The stores of Mr. Seward, in Briton Street, Bampton, and three adjoining cottages, were destroyed by fire at an early hour on Friday morning. The outbreak was discovered by Postman Harry Kerslake, who resides at the head of the street, and who was aroused from his sleep by crackling noises and the loud barking of a dog. He went to his bedroom window and saw that the stores of Mr. Seward, which were on the opposite side of the street, were enveloped in flames.
Dressing as quickly as possible he ran through the town, blowing his whistle and shouting “Fire!” Then he rang the fire bell and called up the captain of the fire brigade and other of its members. The second man to arrive on the scene was the proprietor of the Tiverton Hotel, Mr. Fred Mills.
Despite the efforts of all concerned, the stores and their contents were soon gutted. Seeing that this was inevitable, the firemen directed their efforts to saving the cottages, which were covered with felting and galvanised iron. The fire had gained a hold beneath the roof, which was almost red hot. Notwithstanding this, the brigade courageously got upon it and removed a portion in order that they might have a better opportunity of reaching the flames.
The occupants of the cottage next to the shed, Mr. and Mrs. J. Staddon, were awakened by a stifling sensation to find that their bedroom was full of smoke. Hastily donning some clothing they quickly left the house, from which the furniture was removed by friendly hands. That in the other cottages, or the greater part of it, was also saved. In the stores, which were burnt to the ground, were manure, phosphate, and seed, with two carts, one of which was new. The origin of the outbreak is not known. Except the cottagers' furniture, everything was insured.
In the Bampton United Methodist Chapel a magic lantern lecture, entitled “The Man who Spoiled the Music” was given by Mr. Hayne Pillar (of Plymouth). There was a large audience. A collection was taken for the Band of Hope Funds. Rev. W. Cocks thanked Mr. Pillar for the evening's entertainment.
March 1908
Mary Ann Burnett, a married woman, of High Street, Bampton, did not appear to answer a summons for using obscene language on February 29th. P.C. Friendship said defendant sat on a chair inside the front door of her house and indulged in foul talk for over half an hour. There were two previous convictions against the woman, who was fined 20s, or, in default, a fortnight's imprisonment.
The Bampton Urban Council have decided to purchase a water cart. The decision will be appreciated by all who have any experience of Bampton's dusty streets when the March winds are blowing.
April 1908
At Tiverton an inquest was held on Alfred John Harper, foreman of Bampton Quarries, who died in Tiverton Infirmary as the result of the premature explosion of a gelignite cartridge at Bampton on April 15th. He had remained behind the other men to get things forward for the morrow, and the only man anywhere near was a quarryman named Berry, who did all that was possible, and assisted in getting Harper out of the quarry.
At Tiverton Petty Sessions Wm. James Tooze, landlord of the Great House Inn, and licensee of the Wheelwright's Arms, Bampton, was summoned for being on the premises of the Red Lion Inn, Bampton, on Sunday, the 22nd ult. The evidence showed that defendant was sitting in the kitchen at 4 p.m. with the landlord, and left the inn at 6 p.m. under the influence of drink, but the police would not say he was drunk. Defendant stated that on the date mentioned, Mr. Drew, the landlord of the Exeter Inn, asked him to kill a pig on Monday morning. He agreed to do so, and in the afternoon went to borrow a knife from Mr. Grant. He remained there two hours, and had “two glasses of drink” and tea, but he did not pay for anything. The Bench dismissed the case on payment of costs.
The National Schoolroom, Bampton, was crowded with men on Wednesday, when the Bishop of Zululand gave an address describing the habits and customs of the Zulus and giving an account of the missionary work in that country. The meeting was purely an informal gathering, the men being invited by the Vicar, who presided, to light their pipes. During the brief stay of the Bishop at Bampton he is the guest of Miss Vialls, Castle Grove.
May 1908
Mary Ann Burnett, married, Bampton, was summoned for using obscene language in High Street, Bampton on April 27th. The facts were stated by P.C. Friendship, who said that the defendant used the language complained of in the presence of her husband and two children. After going home she annoyed the neighbours in the same manner.
The defendant's husband said that she suffered from fits, and at times was not responsible for her actions. He had absolutely no control over her, and the whole thing was a mystery to him. The defendant expressed sorrow for her offence, and said she could not help it.
The Chairman said the Magistrates believed that the state of things was due to drink, and suggested that the defendant should undergo the drink cure, which would cost £3. Defendant expressed her willingness to undergo the treatment, and the Magistrates thereupon adjourned the case for a month.
Thanks to Messrs. W. Blamey and R.S. Webber, who were instrumental in getting a late train on Thursday last through to Bampton, many Bamptonians were enabled to visit the Exeter Theatre and see Miss Zena Dare in “The Gay Gordons”.
July 1908
Yesterday, when the Vicar of Bampton went to unlock the boxes at the parish church of St. Michael, he discovered that they had been forced open and the contents stolen. One box was devoted to the Lay Readers' Fund, and the other to alms. The last time the boxes were inspected was about five weeks ago, and the contents of one of them – 5s – the Vicar did not then take out. It is supposed that the robbery must have taken place quite a fortnight since. So neatly had the boxes been opened and shut that no one noticed they had been tampered with. Since the sacrilege occurred 1s 6d had been put into the box, which was found there. P.S. Hunt was at once sent for, and the police have the matter in hand.
August 1908
Visitors to Bampton on Bank Holiday had, as an added attraction, a real live stag hunt. Hotly pursued by the Devon and Somerset Hounds, a stag entered the town shortly before 2 o'clock, causing much excitement among the townsfolk. Members of the Huntsham Court of Foresters, who were dining together at the Tiverton Hotel, became as keen as anyone in the incident, and many left the room to take part in the chase. The field had by this time come up, and the greatest excitement prevailed. The hunted stag, hardly knowing which way to turn, jumped into the yard at the rear of Magnolia Villa (Mr. Weatherhead's). The hounds were close upon him, and the final scenes were soon enacted, in the presence of a large crowd.
At Bampton, Devon, the officials evidently forgetting a delayed goods train, closed the gates at a level crossing. Shortly afterwards the train crashed into the gates, smashing them to matchwood.
John Gibbings and his wife, Mary Gibbings, of Tucking Mill, Bampton, were jointly summoned for assaulting and beating Mary Ann Hutchings, who had up to the 27th July lived in a house owned by the defendant. Complainant said Gibbings and his wife entered her cottage and struck her, because there had been some dispute about the payment of her husband's wages. Mrs Gibbings also tore in shreds a pair of curtains belonging to complainant. John Gibbings said a dispute arose because he (witness) had kept back Hutchings' week's wages (14s), inasmuch as he was owing him £2 or £3, money lent. The magistrates told Gibbings and his wife that they had no right to enter complainant's cottage, and ordered them to pay the costs of the court.
September 1908
Francis Milton, of Bampton, was fined 10s for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the 5th inst.
Mr. W. Kingdom, of the Castle Inn, Bampton, took up from his garden, from one stalk, eight potatoes, weighing 7 lbs. One of the tubers was prodigious, being nine inches long, and having a girth of twelve and a half inches, and weighing two and three-quarter pounds.
October 1908
At the Tiverton County Court, John Gibbings, farmer, Bampton, sued Thomas Hutchings, labourer, Bampton, for 10s 3d, balance due for goods sold and money lent.- Judgment for the plaintiff.
At the Tiverton Divisional Petty Sessions, Henry James of the White Horse Hotel, Bampton, applied for a license to hold dancing classes on his premises on two evenings a week, two hours each evening, during the winter months. The Chairman said the Bench considered the application, and decided that no good end would be served by granting the license, They therefore refused the application.
Through a pony bolting and upsetting a trap in which he was riding with his wife and child, Mr. A. Scott, manager of Bampton Quarries, had his shoulder dislocated, and was also badly cut and bruised. Mrs. Scott was unconscious for some time, but the child was uninjured.
Now the winter is coming upon us the congregations at the Bampton Parish Church are much larger on Sunday evenings than they were during the summer months. But the arrangements for seating remain unaltered, notwithstanding the complaint made at the last Easter Vestry meeting. There seems to be a dread about putting visitors into seats that bare supposed to belong to different families, members of which often do not attend. Hence the top part of the church is, as a rule, comparatively empty, and all the free seats crowded. Then there would be no necessity for visitors to walk away, as was the case last Sunday.
November 1908
“It is all because I have trouble with my boy of 18, who will not get up in the morning, and his father will not chastise him.” This was the plea of Mary Ann Burnett, a married woman of Bampton, who was summoned at Tiverton Sessions yesterday for using obscene language. P.C. Copping proved the case, and the Chairman, in fining the woman 40s, in default a fortnight's imprisonment, reminded her that she had been before the Court some months ago, and expressed a hope that the husband would not pay the fine.
Year: 1909
January 1909
The New Year's supper, which the Vicar of Bampton generously gives to the ringers of the parish church and public officials, took place at the Swan Inn, Bampton, where an excellent supper was served by Mrs. W. Venn. The Rev. H. Forrester Holmes, in giving the toast of the evening, “Health and prosperity to the Ringers of Bampton Parish Church”, said he did so with sincerity. They all pulled together with unanimity and concord, and during the sixteen years he had been Vicar he always found them working with goodwill and fellowship.
February 1909
At yesterday's meeting of the Tiverton Education Sub-Committee, several cases of irregular attendance were reported from Bampton, and the usual notices were ordered to be sent. Mr. Jameson, the attendance officer, remarked that Bampton seemed the only parish that gave him trouble.
March 1909
Mary Ann Burnett, married woman, of Bampton, at the Tiverton County Sessions, denied using obscene language on the27th February. P.S. Hunt said he was in High Street, Bampton, when he heard defendant using profane language, and in consequence of her behaviour, a young lady fainted, and had to be medically attended. In company with P.C. Coppin, he went into the house and found defendant lying on her back on the floor upstairs, holding her husband by the legs. She had to be forcibly removed downstairs. She had been drinking, but was not drunk. Witness had frequently cautioned defendant, who was a terror to the neighbourhood.
After a consultation, the Chairman, addressing defendant, said her case was a hopeless one. She had been convicted five times before. One of the Bench (Mr. Troyte) had interested himself in the matter, but a treatment for drunkenness had not had the desired effect. She would be fined £2, or a month's imprisonment. Defendant: “I will have to go to prison.” A subsequent application for time to pay was refused.
It was reported to Tiverton Guardians that a Bampton woman, who for the past six years had been in receipt of out-relief, had recently the good fortune to come into a sum of money, about £80. It was pointed out that the Guardians were thus legally entitled to recover the relief granted to the woman in question. This however amounted in all to £96 1s 3d. Mr. Morrish, relieving officer, said the woman asked him whether the Guardians would accept £20 in settlement of the Board's claim. Some of the members thought this offer should be accepted, and thus allow the woman to obtain an old-age pension in 1910. On a division, it was decided by a large majority to accept the woman's offer of £20.
April 1909
The contest for the two seats on the Tiverton Board of Guardians proved one of the most interesting and liveliest which has taken place in Bampton. What no doubt tended to stir up greater enthusiasm was the candidature of Miss Helen S. Vialls. In prominent positions were posters asking for votes for Miss Vialls, “the friend of the poor, and just to ratepayers.” The other candidates, who were retiring members, were Messrs. Richard Vicary (butcher) and W. Williams (farmer of Wonham Farm). The result was declared shortly after 9 o'clock as follows:
At the Tiverton County Session a letter was read from John Burnett, a mason, of Bampton, in which a request was made that an application for a separation against his wife should be adjourned for three months, as his wife had promised to reform. In granting the request, the Bench hoped the reform would be a permanent one.
May 1909
A largely attended public meeting was held at the National Schoolroom, Bampton, to consider the advisability of re-starting a brass band for the town. Mr. S.W. Moore presided. After some discussion it was unanimously decided that a band should be formed, and be known as the “Bampton Town Band.” The following committee was elected to make all necessary arrangements: Messrs. W. Dinham, J. Escott, F.T. Seward, A. Scott, Ross, Butler, R.S. Webber, W. Blamey and S.W. Moore.
June 1909
The inhabitants of Frog Street, Bampton, were alarmed last evening at seeing smoke and flames issuing from the windows and doors of Mr. John Lazarus's residence. Mr. Lazarus, who is water bailiff, left Bampton, Wednesday morning, and took train for Hemyock, leaving his daughter (Miss Beatrice Lazarus) in charge of the house. Early in the afternoon she had locked the door, and gone out. When she returned about half an hour later, she found the house on fire. Previous to that, Mr. James Fisher, who first saw the flames, pluckily burst open the front door, and, although nearly blinded with smoke, put a lot of the goods out into the street. By this time a crowd had collected, who also rendered assistance in removing the furniture. Amongst many willing helpers were Mr. Alfred Cottrell and Mr. Frank Gibbings, and prior to the arrival of the Fire Brigade, numerous buckets were requisitioned, water taken from the River Shettern running close by, and passed from hand to hand, and poured upon the fire. When the Brigade arrived a few minutes later a window was burst open, and a large volume of water poured into the interior of the building. The fire was got under control before it reached the bedrooms, although the staircase was burnt away.
July 1909
The adjourned case against Mary Ann Burnett, of Bampton, in respect of a summons issued by her husband with a view to obtaining a separation order, was, at the latter's request, withdrawn.
August 1909
The Tiverton Board of Guardians have accepted with regret, the resignation (through illness) of Miss Vialls as Guardian for the parish of Bampton.
Mary Ann Burnett, labourer's wife, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton. P.C. Pearce said defendant was dancing and shouting in the street. Defendant said some friends were staying with her, and they sent out for three quarts of beer. One of the neighbours threatened to tell her husband she had sent for beer, and this made her angry. When the constable spoke to her she was in a state of great excitement. P.S. Hunt said defendant was a terror to the neighbourhood. The Chairman said the Magistrates hardly knew how to deal with the defendant, as she had been up before them so many times previously. Every possible chance had been given her to reform her ways, but she did not do so. They fined her £2, or a month's imprisonment.
October 1909
At the Tiverton County Sessions the charge against Francis Milton, engine driver, of Bampton, came to an abrupt but happy termination. On entering the Court in charge of a warder from Exeter, defendant kissed his wife and sister.
The evidence which witness gave at the last hearing on Saturday last was read over to her, and she said: “What I said is true. I have spoken to my husband, who says he is very sorry indeed.” Mr. Loosemore, barrister, appearing for the defendant, said the wife seemed to have now altered her mind, and she assured him she would be perfectly happy to continue her married life. In her evidence she said her husband only threatened her when he was drunk.
Chairman to defendant: Are you prepared to sign the pledge? - Yes, sir.
The Chairman announced that the Bench were prepared to accept his (defendant's) personal undertaking that he would sign the pledge, and they would grant the wife's request.
A serious accident befell Mr. James, proprietor of the White Horse Hotel, Bampton. He was engaged in carrying, from the hotel to the Assembly Rooms adjoining, for a Court Leet dinner, a number of soda-water bottles, when suddenly one of them exploded, and a piece of glass cut open the wrist of his right hand, severing a vein. Dr. Down was sent for, and was quickly on the scene, but, the case being very serious, Mr. James was taken to the Tiverton Infirmary, where he was detained.
November 1909
About 3 o'clock on Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Kingdom of the Castle Inn, Bampton, were awakened by the sound of breaking glass. Mr. Kingdom hastily dressed and went downstairs. Opening the bar door he found the match-boarding around the fire-place in flames, and glass from the picture frames hung around the walls cracking with the heat. Mr. Kingdom soon got a quantity of water, and threw over the burning mass. His wife and some members of his household, who came down soon afterwards, also assisted him, and brought buckets of water. After the flames had been got under a bit, Mr. Kingdom called up Mr. George Davey (captain of the Fire Brigade) and one or two firemen. They found the cause of the outbreak was an oak beam over the fire-place that had caught alight, and ignited the match-boarding with which the room is lined. They quickly removed the beam and tore down the burning match-boarding, and thus prevented the fire from spreading any further.
Frederick William, aged twelve months, son of William Gratton, of Mill Head, Bampton, labourer, was choked to death on Saturday by a piece of pork which, it is alleged, the mother had given the child. Dr. Paine was sent for by the mother when she found the child in difficulties, but the youngster was dead before he arrived.
December 1909
About 5 o'clock on Monday morning the Bampton Fire Brigade was called, a serious fire being reported at the stables of Tucking Mills Farm, the residence of Mr. John Gibbings. Upon arrival it was seen that the stable was doomed, and the efforts of the Brigade were directed to saving the adjoining buildings. The stable contained a quantity of straw, which burnt so rapidly that it prevented the two horses inside from being rescued. The origin of the fire is unknown.
Whilst she was attending to a fire, a celluloid comb which Miss Florence Todd, daughter of the Bampton Postmaster, was wearing, caught alight, and a large quantity of her hair was burnt. Fortunately no serious injury was inflicted.
Year: 1910
February 1910
It is difficult to say how old the two yew trees in the Bampton Churchyard, near the tower entrance to the church, are. About 19 years ago, Mr. Worth, an authority on ancient architecture, visited Bampton and pronounced the tower of the church to be that of early English date. As the trees are supposed to have been in the yard before the tower was built, some idea of the age of the trees can be gained. Unfortunately, during the recent gales, a large branch of one of the trees was blown to the ground, much to the regret of all.
Yesterday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, the walls of the new Constitutional Club gave way, and three workmen were injured. James Davey, son of the contractor, and Frank Lazarus, a mason, who were standing on the scaffolding quite 24 feet from the ground, were thrown violently on to the stones beneath. The former had his legs badly bruised, while the latter, who was taken to his home in Brook Street on a stretcher, sustained a broken rib, with injuries to his arm and left side. William Howe, a labourer, had his leg badly wounded by a stone falling against it.
March 1910
Mary Ann Burnett, a married woman, of Bampton, was summoned for using obscene language on the 14th March. P.C. Warren deposed to hearing defendant using bad language in her bedroom. Defendant wanted to kiss him, but he would not allow her to do so. P.S. Rowland corroborated, and defendant, who is no stranger to the court, was fined 40s or a month. She took the alternative.
April 1910
The result of polling in the council elections at Bampton was declared as follows:
Scott 187
Stone 165
Rockett 163
Blamey 162
Marsh 151
Moore 130
Williams 127
Penwarden 123
Hawkins 111
White 107
T.A. Shattock 96
Vicary 88
Yendell 70
Thomas 67
F. Gibbings 66
D. Irish 62
Troyte 51
S. Gibbings 39
H.J. Shattock 39
The first nine were elected.
At the annual meeting of the Tiverton Sub-Education Committee, Mr. Hayes, Superintendent Attendance Officer, said he was glad to say there was an improvement at Bampton. In fact, the mixed school attendance had gone up to 92.3%, and infants to 86.6%, although there were several cases of sickness in the school.
May 1910
The day of the late King Edward's burial was duly observed at Bampton on Friday. Many of the shops were not opened for the whole day. Others were closed at midday, when all business was suspended. Blinds were drawn in all private houses, and almost everybody wore the deepest mourning. At 1 o'clock, the Town Band played the Dead March in “Saul” in different parts of the town. At 2 p.m. a largely attended memorial service was held at the United Methodist Church. The Parish Church was filled to overflowing at 3 p.m. when the memorial service was held there. Muffled peals were rung upon the bells at intervals throughout the afternoon.
June 1910
A terrific thunderstorm broke over Bampton on Thursday night about 11 p.m., which converted the streets into veritable water-ways. Previous to the storm, the air was very close and oppressive. During the night the lightning was very vivid. Mr. W. Stone, seed merchant, of Bampton, had the misfortune to have a valuable horse killed by lightning in a field on Birchdown Farm.
It is much to be regretted that owing to the damage done to the plant from time to time, probably by “hobbledehoys” upon the Quarry Works, Bampton, the manager (Mr. A. Scott) has found it necessary quite lately to put up notices: “Trespassers will be prosecuted.” For many years past the public have had free access to the beautiful hills, commanding extensive views of the town and surrounding district, and it was invariably the first place that Bamptonians would take any visitors.
July 1910
At the Tiverton Divisional Sessions, John James of Sunderleigh Farm, Bampton, was summoned for keeping a dog without a license, and fined 15 s, including costs.
Henry Bowditch, of Higher Boobier Hill Farm, Bampton, admitted carrying a gun without a license on June 10th. P.S. Rowland stated the facts. In extenuation, defendant said it was the first time, but Supt. De Schmidt pointed out that they had been watching the man for some time.
Mrs. Ann Burnett, 47, wife of a mason, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton, and sent to prison for a month.
September 1910
Some trucks containing cattle, which were put on the main line at Bampton during shunting operations, were put in motion, it is supposed, by the swaying of the bullocks, and started to run in the direction of Tiverton. Nearly all the seven miles intervening are on a down gradient, and the trucks soon gathered speed. The Bampton stationmaster, knowing that a train would be approaching from Bampton to Tiverton, telephoned to the signalman at Cove siding to stop the train. Then ensued a race back towards Tiverton between the train and the trucks. The train came back to Tiverton, and the trucks fortunately came to a standstill between the two places.
A great blaze near Higher Bowbier Hill Farm on Friday evening gave rise to great excitement in Bampton, as it was thought that the farmhouse, occupied by Mr. Francis Tarr, was being destroyed by fire. It seems that a large corn rick, the produce of many acres, had caught alight. The Bampton Fire Brigade were soon prepared to take out their engine, but a message was received that their services were unnecessary, as there was no water around the farm.
At Tiverton County Police Court yesterday, Mary Ann Burnett, married, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at that place on Tuesday last. P.S. Rowland said the defendant was mad drunk when he saw her in High Street, and she made use of disgusting language towards her husband, who was a most industrious and hard-working man. In fact, said the sergeant, he will sit still and hear her abusing him and will not give her a back answer. Witness had cautioned the licensees in Bampton as to supplying the defendant with drink. Defendant expressed sorrow for the offence, and said some whisky was given her by a country woman. “If only my husband would take me for a walk sometimes, or go to church with me, I would be quite different towards him.”
The Magistrates' Clerk: Give up the drink first; then he will do so. Sentenced to one month's imprisonment.
October 1910
On Sunday the services at the Baptist Chapel, Bampton, had a double interest – viz. harvest festival and the commencement of the Ministry of the Rev. R. Fairbrass, late of South Molton. On entering the Chapel one's attention was arrested first by the good display of fruits, vegetables and flowers, and general decorations. At the back of the platform a large ornamental card was affixed to the wall, upon which was inscribed: “Welcome to our Pastor.”
Great excitement prevailed at Bampton, when it became known that a stag which had been hunted by Sir John Amory's Staghounds was seen quietly walking down Morebath Hill into the town. It then turned up Shillingford Road, across Barton and Luttrell Farms, and thence down into the Exe Valley. Soon there was a hue and cry, and crowds of people turned out and gave chase, some on foot and others mounted on horses and cycles. The stag was eventually brought low near Chain Bridge.
November 1910
A complaint that is often made in country places is the lack of amusements. Attracted by the glitter of town life, young people leave small country towns and flock into large places, where ofttimes they only go to swell the ranks of the great army of unemployed. This certainly cannot apply to Bampton. On one evening last week there was a choice of three places of amusement: theatricals at the Drill Hall, a dance at the Infants' School, and an excellent show situated in the Market Ground. This overlapping is rather to be deplored.
December 1910
On two or three evenings each week, quite lately, the Drill Hall has been used as a rink, and, judging by the increasing numbers that attend, roller skating will soon become extremely popular in Bampton. It is hoped that, as time goes on, the Town Band will be engaged to discourse selections of music on the evenings when skating is in progress.
Extremely wet weather prevailed at Bampton on Christmas Eve, but on Christmas Day the sun shone brilliantly, making the holiday very enjoyable for the large number of visitors staying in the neighbourhood. The Town Band on Christmas Eve visited the surrounding villages and the residences of the local gentry, and rendered appropriate Christmas music. A carol party was also out.
Christmas morning was ushered in by merry peals of bells from the tower belfry. The services at the various places of worship in the town were well attended.
Year: 1911
January 1911
Mr. W. Curtis, the occupier of a small holding called “Ganders”, about four miles from Bampton, has met his death in a rather remarkable manner. On Monday he was present with a neighbour, named Norman, of Bulcombe Farm, who was cutting chaff in a loft, when he staggered, and, in falling, his head came in contact with a wall, resulting in a broken neck and instant death. Curtis was between 40 and 50 years of age, and had a wife and several children. It is said he was subject to fits.
March 1911
Sidney Down, dairyman, of Bampton, was summoned for selling milk adulterated with 3.76% of added water. Mr. W. H. Martin appeared on behalf of the defendant, and admitted the correctness of the analysis.
P.S. Rowlands said that on February 16th he visited the defendant's dairy and asked for two pints of milk – one of new, and the other of scalded milk. Mrs. Down supplied him, and he paid 3d. He divided the milk into three parts, left one part with Mrs. Down, sent another to the Public Analyst, and retained the third. Mr. Martin said defendant was in the habit of buying other people's milk and mixing it with his own. Defendant said neither he nor his wife added any water. The Chairman said the magistrates were of the opinion that defendant did not willfully offend. There would be no conviction, but defendant would have to pay the costs, 6s.
Year: 1912
January 1912
The perjury charge at Tiverton in connection with what was known as “the Bampton turkey case” fizzled out on Wednesday, but the proceedings at the Borough Police Court were enlivened by some sparks of oratory struck by the solicitors for the prosecution and the defence in the course of an argument as to the “good faith” in which the proceedings were taken. This question had to be decided in order to settle the matter of the payment of costs. After a twenty minutes' private consultation the Bench came to the conclusion that the proceedings had not been taken in good faith, and made an order for the payment of the defendant's costs, such order to be limited to £10, of which the prosecutor was to contribute £5.
The summons, which was against Sidney Stevens, a labourer, of Tiverton Road, Bampton, was issued at the instance of John Gibbings, of Tucking Mill Farm, Bampton, the allegation being willful and corrupt perjury in his testimony upon oath in the hearing of an information for larceny preferred by William Blake Cosway against John Gibbings on December 6th last. Gibbings, it will be remembered, was at Devon Quarter Sessions sentenced to nine months' imprisonment for the theft of nine turkeys.
March 1912
On Monday, Mr. William Moore, newsagent, of Bampton, met with an accident outside the Tiverton Railway Station. He slipped down proceeding to catch the 7.40 p.m. train to Bampton, and sustained a broken leg. The young fellow was conveyed to the hospital. Moore, who has been a cripple for many years, is very much liked at Bampton, and his friends wish him a speedy recovery.
The fishing prospects in Bampton are particularly good. An ardent local angler (Mr. W. Blamey) has already, since the season commenced on the first of the month, caught 36 trout in the River Batherum. Yesterday he caught a basket of 13, weighing nearly a pound each.
Castle Street is being linked up with the new sewerage scheme. Brook Street and Silver Street have already been connected. The work is being done to prevent pollution of the Exe.
April 1912
It is pleasing to know that the Bampton Cricket Club is likely to have a successful season. For many years cricket has been under a cloud in this parish, little or no interest being manifested in this ancient pastime. Toward the end of last season, mainly through the efforts of Drs. Bovey and Fisher and Mr. G. Goddard, the club was resuscitated. Practices are to be held on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Several matches have been arranged. It was resolved to accept Mr. F. Miles' kind offer of the use of his field “Station Close”.
Bampton Women's Total Abstinence Union's monthly meeting was held in the Baptist Schoolroom on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Fairbrass presided. Miss Story of Huntsham gave an interesting address, and Miss Nott contributed a solo. There was a good attendance.
At Tiverton County Sessions yesterday, Mary Ann Burnett, of High Street, Bampton, was summoned for using bad language there on April 6th. P.C. Cotton said defendant was using disgusting language towards her husband for an hour and a half after eleven o'clock at night. A crowd collected, and neighbours complained. Defendant stated that the row ensued because her husband upheld her son when the latter refused to give her some money. John Burnett, the husband, came forward and said that not only he, but the police had done all they could to try and get his wife to give up the drink. The more they tried the worse it got. He had no peace except when he was at work.
There was a further charge of being drunk and disorderly on April20th. P.S. Rowland told the Bench that he had to requisition a trolley from the railway station to convey the defendant to the Police Station, as she refused to walk. She used most disgraceful language, and made efforts to bite him. The Chairman asked witness if he knew how defendant got her drink, and the sergeant replied that she got hold of anyone - a gypsy or a tramp – to fetch it for her. The Chairman told the defendant she was a notorious character. The Bench hardly knew what to do with her.. She would be fined 20s, or 14 days, for using obscene language, and would go to a month's imprisonment for being drunk and disorderly.
May 1912
The children attending the Bampton National School collected the sum of £5 1s 3d for the “Titanic” Relief Fund. The following boys and girls acted as collectors: Cecil Toze, Ivey Atkins, Lily Baker, Gertrude Gibbons, Beatrice Yeo, Kate Bryant, Irene Frost, James Yeo, Fred Nott, Hilda Vickery, and Francis Curtis. Mr. F. Townsend (the head master) has sent the money along to the proper quarter, and it has been duly acknowledged. Mr. Townsend is to be much commended for interesting the children in such good work, but he is always to the front in furthering charitable movements in the parish of Bampton.
The Whit-Monday Druids' Fete at Bampton was a great success. Although these annual gatherings have been held for many years past, the novelty does not seem to wear off, and this is due to a great extent to the personal interest taken by the Secretary (Mr. S. Gibbings), who always tries to introduce some novelties.
June 1912
At last evening's meeting of the Bampton U.D.C. the Surveyor (Mr. W.F. Siddalls) suggested in his report, regarding the new rocket for calling the Fire Brigade, that a trial discharge should be made. He explained that the old rocket did not produce a sufficiently loud report.
Dr. Bovey: “You'll have to be careful not to cause any damage in the shape of creating deafness to inhabitants of houses in the vicinity of the discharge, because, I think, you will be held responsible.”
Mr. Blamey: “I think there had better be a trial.”
The Chairman: “Run the risk?”
Dr. Bovey: “Suppose you break some glass?”
Mr. Blamey: “Charge the Council.”
It was eventually resolved to try the experiment.
Mr. J.E. Coren, of Bampton, who for 17 years was the organist of St. Paul's Church, Tiverton, has been the recipient of a purse of gold and an illuminated address, subscribed to by members of the congregation. Mr. Coren is now the organist of the Tiverton Wesleyan Church. During his residence in Bampton Mr. Coren rendered yeoman service in promoting concerts and musical societies, besides being the hon. secretary and conductor of the Bampton Town Band.
July 1912
The Bampton Guild of Ladies' first sale of work and fete proved a great success. Organised only eight months ago by the energy of Mrs. Bovey, the efforts of the members are directed towards the support of local Athletic Clubs.
The list of names of successful candidates for free scholarships includes that of Winifred Turner, age 12, of the National School, Bampton, who was second in the girls' list with 155 marks.
At the Tiverton Divisional Petty Sessions yesterday, Mary Ann Burnett, married, Bampton, an old offender, was summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the 18th inst. Defendant denied the offence, and protested that the “row” arose because her husband had not paid two bills while she was serving a term of imprisonment at Exeter. The Chairman: When did you come out of prison?
Defendant: Two months ago today. Fined 10s inclusive, or 14 days.
August 1912
We understand that the horse van which for many years has conveyed his Majesty's mails between Tiverton and Dulverton is to be superseded by a motor mail service. The mail cart, with its bright vermilion painted body, bearing the Royal letters “G.R.” is a familiar object. It is stated that Mr. M. Spencer, of Bampton, has secured the contract. This is very gratifying to Bamptonians. The latest time for posting letters at Bampton at present is 7.10 p.m. This is a great inconvenience to business people, and it is hoped that with the introduction of the motor service a later time for posting will be arranged.
The wedding has taken place at Vancouver, B.C., of Miss Bessie Leigh Trickey, formerly of Bampton, Devon, and Mr. Edgar M. Pacoe, formerly of Truro.
September 1912
Mr. W. Venner, a native of Bampton, youngest son of the late Mr. H. Venner, has won seven gold medals for unpaced road racing. He won the Bath 50-Mile Handicap (an important cycle road racing event in that district) in 2 hours 26 mins. 46 sec., about one and a half minutes over the record for the course.
October 1912
Bampton Urban Council's monthly meeting was held on Wednesday, Mr. J.C. Rockett presiding. The Pastor of the Bampton Baptist Church (Rev. R. Fairbrass) attended, and was asked his business by the Chairman, whereupon Mr. Fairbrass replied that as a ratepayer he claimed a right to be present.
The Chairman: “We do not allow ratepayers to be present at our meetings.” The Vice-Chairman (Mr. Penwarden) asked if there was a law prohibiting a ratepayer from attending.
The Clerk (Mr. E.P. Row): “A ratepayer cannot be present unless the Council give their sanction.”
Mr. Fairbrass asked the Clerk to give him his authority for that statement. The Chairman said they would never get through their business if ratepayers were allowed to be present at the meetings.
Mr. Fairbrass complained of the report of Dr. Bovey, the M.O.H., upon some Baptist Trust property, and said he was present to listen to the discussion of the subject. Eventually Mr. Williams proposed and Mr. Scott seconded that the Rev. Fairbrass be asked to leave the room, and this was carried unanimously. Rev. Fairbrass then left under protest.
The funeral of the late Mr. John Robert Hollond took place at Stanmore, Middlesex. The body was conveyed by a motor hearse from Princes Gate, London, and the principal mourners went by a special saloon carriage from London. The Rector of Stanmore conducted the solemn service in the church, and the Vicar of Bampton (the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) performed the committal part of the service. The body was deposited in the family vault, containing the remains of the uncle and aunt of deceased. Mr. W. Williams took a large wreath from the tenantry of Mr. Hollond's estate at Bampton, and Mr. J.T. Periam, an old Bamptonian, together with Mr. Keyser, an old family friend, attended the funeral. The ringers at Bampton Church rang a muffled knell at the time of the funeral.
December 1912
The Bampton U.D.C. have been plodding along very well under their genial chairman, Mr. J.C. Rockett, and much useful work has been done and improvements effected. Some new concrete pavements have been laid down, but more work in this direction remains yet to be done, especially in Briton Street. The first section of the new sewage scheme has been nearly completed, and all Bamptonians will be more than pleased when this costly work has been finished, for at the present time the rates are tremendously high in Bampton. The housing question is still very acute. It certainly is disastrous to the welfare of the town that no new houses have been built upon new ground for upwards of thirty years. The town will never enlarge its boundaries nor its rateable value increase at this rate. Young couples are leaving the district because there are no houses for them to live in. This question should certainly be discussed by the candidates for the U.D.C. at the election to be held in March next.
Year: 1913
January 1913
On New Year's Eve the Bampton Band, under Bandsmaster W.Bowden, discoursed some appropriate music in different parts of the town. Early on New Year's morning and at intervals during the day the Parish Church bells rang out merrily. At the United Methodist Chapel, Miss Jones delivered an address on Total Abstinence, which was most interesting and impressive. There was a large number of ladies present, who listened to the address most intently.
Mr. John Robert Hollond, M.A., aged 63, of Wonham, Bampton, formerly Liberal M.P. for Brighton, one of his Majesty's Lieutenants for the City of London, barrister-at-law, who died recently, left estate valued at £37,331.
At Tiverton Divisional Petty Sessions, Mary Ann Burnett, of Bampton, was summoned for using obscene language, on December 27th. P.C. Evans having given evidence, defendant made a long statement to the effect that the disturbance arose over money matters. She did not recollect making use of the obscene language, and when a “sample” was handed her for perusal said she could not see it owing to defective vision.
The Magistrates' Clerk (Mr. G.E. Cockram): “All right: we don't want to hear any more.”
Defendant: “Please listen to me.”
The Magistrates' Clerk: “But we don't want to listen to you. If she goes on like this – well, Bampton must be a rather lively place.” Defendant was fined 10s 6d, or 14 days' imprisonment.
February 1913
A lady on Wednesday afternoon was cycling towards Bampton, when she observed a neatly tied-up parcel in the road. Dismounting she picked up the package, and curiosity prompted her to see what it contained. She had no sooner untied it than, to her horror, out sprang a live snake, measuring nearly three feet long. She gave a frightened scream, but pluckily tried to crush the wriggling reptile with the front wheel of her machine. The persons who played this senseless joke were concealed behind some trees in a wood nearby, from which position they were able to witness the whole performance.
March 1913
Mrs. Beresford Moutray-Read, of Castlegrove, Bampton, is Warden of the Juvenile Branch of the Primrose League lately started at Bampton, and Mrs. E.P. Row is the Sub-Warden. An illustrated address by lantern slides has been given to the “Buds” and adult friends at the Infant's School. The slides included photographs of the Hon. Lionel Walrond, M.P., and Mrs. Walrond, and were loudly cheered.
April 1913
Several Bamptonians are going to try their luck in Canada, “the golden land of opportunity.” Some who went out a few years ago returned home about Christmas-time, and were eloquent about the chances of “getting on” there. They are now returning, and several tradesmen of the town are accompanying them, including Messrs. W.C. Nott, W.S. Bryant, T. Lazarus and F. Staddon (Bank).
The result of polling in the urban district council election at Bampton was declared as follows:
John Penwarden* 258
F. Webber 210
John Charles Rockett* 207
William Blamey* 191
Thomas Alfred Shattock 156
Samuel Webber Moore* 153
William Thomas Stone* 149
Richard Vicary 138
Frank Stoneman 136
William Williams* 130
John Candler 125
Michael John Riddler 52.
The first nine were elected. An asterisk denotes a previous member.
May 1913
The annual meeting of the Bampton Association Football Club was held on Saturday night at the Castle Inn – the Club's headquarters. There was a large attendance of members presided over by Mr. S. J. Hoare, who has for many years past taken a great interest in football in the town. The hon. Secretary and hon. Treasurer Messrs. H.R. Earle and G. Nott, presented their reports which showed that the club was in a flourishing state.
July 1913
At the Parish Church of St. Michael's and All Angels, the new organ was dedicated by the Venerable Archdeacon of Exeter, who gave an excellent address to a crowded congregation. Dr. Wood (organist of Exeter Cathedral) gave an organ recital. After the dedication service, tea was provided at the National School. The organ is placed in the east end of the north aisle, the organist being in close touch with the choir. The action to manuals, pedals, and draw stops is entirely pneumatic, is instantaneous, and the repetition is perfect. The great organ diapasons are particularly fine, the larger producing a massive quality and dignity of tone, while the smaller is very mellow, and most useful in accompanying the choir. Both the salicional and dulciana are wonderfully quiet, but retain their beautiful character throughout. The builders are Messrs. Hele and Co., of Plymouth and Exeter.
Devon's honey harvest will be much better than was expected. A Bampton beekeeper has stated that he expects to get half a ton of honey from his ten hives.
The Rev. R. Fairbrass, on leaving Bampton for his new charge at the Arlington Baptist Chapel, Bibury, Gloucester, has been presented with a travelling bag, Mrs. Fairbrass with a diamond brooch, and Miss Fairbrass with a silver-plated cake stand.
The “Bethnal Green News” gives the death of Dr. Thomas Archibald Guinness, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.M., of Bethnal Green. The deceased, aged 54, was born in Dublin, and was the second son of the late Arthur Hart Guinness, M.A., of Bealings, Suffolk. Shortly after his marriage in 1885 Dr. Guinness took up practice at Bampton, and was a great friend of the then Vicar, the Rev. O.C. Wright, since deceased. On leaving Bampton Dr. Guinness acted as surgeon on several of the Union Castle liners between England and South Africa.
At Tiverton yesterday, Mary Ann Burnett, married, of High Street, Bampton, was sentenced to a month's imprisonment on a charge of being drunk and disorderly, at Bampton, on Saturday evening. This was stated to be accused's 18th appearance since 1905.
August 1913
At a meeting of the Bampton U.D.C., Mr. J. Penwarden in the chair, allegations concerning the Surveyor were made, and a good deal of discussion ensued. It was stated that the Surveyor had taken three days holiday without permission. The Surveyor said he had not the opportunity to ask the Council as a body, but he asked individual members. The Chairman pointed out individual Councillors had no power. It was decided to defer the question of the “Surveyor's duties” until Friday, when a Committee of the council will meet.
October 1913
Bampton U.D.C. Chairman (Mr. J. Penwarden) was, at last evening's meeting of the Council, faced with the unpleasant task of informing the Surveyor and Sanitary Officer (Mr. W.F. Siddalls) that his services would no longer be required.
November 1913
A meeting of the Bampton U.D.C. was held last evening. The Surveyor (Mr. W.F. Siddalls) opined that the cause of the impurities in the water supply was that a rubble heap (a part of a quarry) situated just above the reservoir was being worked, and whenever it rained, dirty water percolated from here into the supply. The Surveyor sent in his notice of resignation dating for three months from October 31st, and it was decided to take steps at the next meeting in the matter of advertising for a fresh official.
Bampton, from whence not a few have emigrated to Canada, was visited on Friday by Mr. John Cardale, a lecturer commissioned by the Canadian Government. A fairly large number attended the Drill Hall for his lantern lecture. It was no use, said Mr. Cardale, for farmers to emigrate to Canada and pursue their English methods. Particularly interesting were the photos of the lecturer's little farm, and of the labour-saving implements, rarely seen in England, but always employed in Canada. Women were badly wanted to work on the farms, as also were labourers, both classes of servants being guaranteed employment.
At the National Schoolroom on Monday a carnival meeting was held, Mr. F.G. Hodgson (Timewell) presiding over a crowded attendance. The general secretary of the Carnival, Major Moutray Read (Castle Grove), reported that the gross total realized was £86 17s 5d., and the expenses were £22 15s 8d., and it was decided to allocate the money as follows:- £22 10s to the Bampton and District Nursing Association, £17 10s to the Tiverton Hospital, £12 10s to West of England Eye Infirmary, £7 10s to the Devon and Exeter Hospital. The balance will be kept in hand for another year.
Mary Ann Burnett, married, of Bampton, against whom nineteen previous convictions were recorded, was Tuesday fined 40s by the Tiverton Bench for using obscene language. Being unable to pay the fine, she was sent to prison for a month with hard labour.
December 1913
Wm. Gratton, 67, labourer, of New Buildings, Bampton, was summoned for being drunk and incapable on December 6th. Supt. Joslin said he did not want to press the case, as defendant was a feeble old man. Sergt. Rowland said he saw the defendant next day and he remarked that he had had two pints at the Great House Inn, and drank them rather too quickly. Defendant was a respectable man, and was in receipt of parish pay. A fine of 6s inclusive was imposed.
Two Bampton brothers – Henry Hancock, 37, of New Buildings, and Thomas Hancock, 30, labourer, of Frog Lane – were summoned for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the 6th. Both pleaded guilty to being disorderly, but said that they were not drunk. Sergt. Rowland deposed to going into the Great House Inn and finding defendants drunk. Henry had his coat off, and the two were trying to fight, being obstructed by their sister. Henry also threatened to fight witness. P.C. Board corroborated, and said the row lasted about 15 minutes. Thomas said his brother, Henry, owed him for a couple of days' work. His brother started the row by knocking him down in the inn. Thomas informed the Bench, amid laughter, that when his brother hit him he hit his best friend on earth. Henry was the baby of the family and had not cut his wisdom teeth (loud laughter). Defendants were fined 10s each inclusive.
For about two hours at Tiverton Divisional Petty Sessions yesterday, the Magistrates were engaged in hearing the case of Jas. Tooze, licensee of the Great House Inn, Bampton, who was summoned for permitting drunkenness on his premises. Considerable interest was taken in the proceedings, several Bampton licensed victuallers being among those present. Defendant pleaded “not guilty.”
The prosecution stated, in opening, that on December 6th two Bampton brothers, named Thomas and Henry Hancock, had a dispute in the Great House Inn, and a fight took place. One would have expected that the licensee would have done his best to stop such a thing, but someone said “Let me fight him!” and the defendant replied “All right, let 'em fight; they won't hurt each other.” Then the people in the house stood round in a ring to give more room, and then the brothers set to. Thomas Hancock seemed to have left shortly afterwards, and while he was away a constable who happened to be standing outside saw a man named Gratton leave in a drunken condition.
Sergt. Rowland deposed that he went to the inn between 8 and 9, and told the landlord that he had been informed by P.C. Board that a man named Gratton had left in a drunken condition. While he was talking to the defendant he heard a disturbance in the bar, and said to Tooze, “What's on now: have you got both Hancocks back again?” Defendant laughed and said “That is nothing, they are only quarrelling.”
P.C. Board and Thomas Hancock gave evidence. The latter stated that the ring was not big enough for him to fight in, so he asked his brother to go outside, but he would not follow him.
Mr. W.H. Martin (Tiverton) addressed the magistrates on behalf of the defendant, and admitted that defendant had been indiscreet, but he was a man with a family, and if he was convicted he would lose his license. Defendant's wife and two sons deposed that the two Hancocks were not drunk, and that reasonable steps were taken to prevent the two from fighting. The Bench imposed a fine of £2 inclusive and endorsed the license.
The first of a series of social entertainments during the winter for the Territorial and Army Reserves of the Bampton Company, took place at the Drill Hall. The arrangements were carried out under Colour-Sergeants H. Jones and T. Vickery (hon. Treasurer), and Messrs. A.J. Nethercott, R. Davey, H. Lazarus, J. Burnett, W.H. Hancock, and A.J. Davey. The whist drive occupied fourteen tables, and Mr. F. Townsend acted as M.C. A dance followed, with Mr. Victor Burrow as M.C., and the music was supplied by Messrs. J. Venn (clarionet), W. Bowden (cornet), and A. Paul (violin). Mrs. Jones attended to the refreshments, and was assisted by Miss C. Cottrell and Miss S. Hagley.
Year: 1914
January 1914
The Bampton “turkey case”, heard about two years ago, was recalled yesterday when a remarkable assault case was heard at Tiverton Divisional Petty Sessions. Yesterday, John Gibbings, his two sons, John and James, and a young labourer, named Thomas Escott, were summoned by Stevens for assaulting him. Mr. Watkins, in outlining the case for the defence, said on the night of the 27th December the elder son saw Stevens in the vicinity of the farm, and, resenting his presence, he had a “rough and tumble” with him, and Stevens had the worst of it. It was their belief that Stevens was there for the specific purpose of poisoning. The other defendants came on the scene afterwards.
Escott and John Gibbings Senior gave evidence, the latter saying that he had no animus against Stevens, who was forbidden to come on the farm because of his intemperate habits. Witness, who, it was stated, was now an old infirm man, wept when recounting his loss of stock through poisoning. They had to keep a close watch, and suspected Stevens. Mrs. Gibbings swore that her husband did not take part in the affray. James Gibbings said he came out in the road when the fight was over. John Gibbings Junior said Stevens was drunk, and as helpless as a baby. He knocked him over quite easily in self-defence. Stevens started to abuse.
The magistrates dismissed John Gibbings Senior, fined John Gibbings Junior £1, and the other two defendants 10s each.
“One wonders how long Bampton has been in the possession of an Urban Council. For the Council seems to have a rather illogical idea of procedure and of the courtesies which are usually extended towards the Press. Without the slightest warning and less reason, on many occasions, a Councillor will turn to the Press table and demand that such and such remark of his be not reported. On the other hand, another will request that his speech be reported verbatim, as though what he said would affect the destiny of the Empire or defer the crack of doom. But one of the sublimest instances was afforded at a recent meeting. A letter was read from the Local Government Board, enclosing a letter of complaint from a Bampton resident. Both the communications were read in the open Council meeting, and, as is frequently done, the Press representatives requested that they should be allowed to verify their notes by reading the letter. The courtesy was refused, on the ground that it was not necessary to make a song about the affair. But why should the Council wish to hush up a matter concerning which the members claim to have a full and satisfactory reply?” - ONLOOKER
February 1914
It is pleasing to note the improvement that is being effected upon the main roads within the Bampton Urban Council district, and within the next few weeks they will be in good condition again. The new Surveyor (Mr. Rogers), since his appointment, has had to spend a lot of time supervising the work that is being carried out. A tremendous quantity of metal is being used, and direct labour is being employed as well as contract labour.
Much excitement was occasioned at Bampton on Saturday afternoon, when a hind was seen in Back Street. It quickly ran into someone's back yard, and ran along the railway bank, making for the River Batherum. “Tally Ho!” was shouted, and soon practically all the inhabitants were in hot pursuit, some on horseback, and others on cycles, but the majority on foot. A football match was just coming to an end, between St. Luke's College (Exeter) and Bampton, when it became known that a wild red deer was in the vicinity. The crowd watching the game quickly left the field, and members of the Club in their football gear joined in the chase. Workmen dropped their tools, and ran, not stopping to remove their aprons.
March 1914
The spring is advancing, and soon the outdoor drill season for our local Territorials will commence. Something should be done to stimulate recruiting at Bampton. Perhaps an influential meeting could be called, which might induce some of the young men to join, so as to be quite ready with their drill and get in some shooting at the Drill Hall range before the spring much further advances.
At the Tiverton Police Court on Tuesday, Mary Ann Burnett, of High Street, Bampton, summoned for using bad language, said she knew nothing whatever about the matter. Nineteen previous convictions were proved against her, the last being in November 1913. The Bench now fined her 40s and costs, but the money was not forthcoming, and she will undergo the alternative – a month's imprisonment.
April 1914
Mr. S. F. Gibbings has been unanimously elected as Steward of the Constitutional Club. Mr. E.P. Row has been re-elected by the County Council as a Manager of the National School. Mr. Richard Vicary has been elected by the U.D.C. as a Manager of Bampton Church of England School.
Sergeant-Major J. Todd, the postmaster at Bampton has been chosen by the Vicar as his warden to fill a long-standing vacancy. The six sidesmen elected at the Vestry are Messrs. F. Townsend, F. Frost, F.C. Escott, J. Escott, S.J. Hoare and T. Vickery.
May 1914
“Every member of this Council desires to see the electric light installed in this town before the coming winter.” So spoke Mr. W. Stone at Tuesday's meeting of the Bampton U.D.C. It was stated that the Council were awaiting a report from the Engineer concerned in the scheme, and as soon as it was received a special meeting would be convened.
June 1914
The Druids of Bampton had their annual fete in a large field commanding a fine view near the town, kindly lent by Mr. T. Wensley. The glorious weather brought many visitors, and the gate money is expected to prove the largest for some years. Mr. T.C. Daniel J.P., is the President, and for many years Mr. S. Gibbings has been the energetic Secretary. There was no public dinner, but a procession was made through the town, headed by the town band under Mr. W. Bowden, bandmaster.
August 1914
On Sunday evening (Aug. 2nd) at the Bampton Parish Church, the Vicar (Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) made an allusion to the grave crisis in Europe, and the hymns “God moves in a mysterious way.” O God of love. O King of peace,” and “God our help in ages past” and “God that madest Earth and Heaven” were feelingly sung - the latter as a Vesper, the congregation
An affecting scene was witnessed on the Bampton Railway Station when a number of Reservists left by the first train to rejoin their regiments. Their sweethearts, wives and children were present to see them off, also a large number of townspeople, amongst whom were Councillor T.W. Stone, ex-Sergt-Major Todd (Postmaster), Rev. T. Rodgers, and Mr. S. Gibbings. Loud cheers were raised as the train steamed out of the station.
Much complaint has been made at the price of bread at Bampton, on Thursday (Aug 6th). Seven-pence per 4 lb. loaf was charged. Mr. Fred Miles, of the Tiverton Hotel, Bampton, interested himself in the matter, and on Friday morning he called upon all the bakers of Bampton. He pointed out to them the unfairness of this charge, and the hardships it would inflict upon poor people. As a result, bread has dropped to 6d per 4 lb. loaf.
Great enthusiasm prevailed at the Drill Hall, Bampton, on the occasion of a public meeting held to consider the appeal from the Lord-Lieutenant of the County towards the Patriotic Fund. Mr. John Penwarden (Chairman of the Bampton Council) presided, and among those present were the Vicar of Bampton and Mrs. Holmes, Miss H. Holmes, Mr. G.F. Heyworth, Mr. W.H. White, the Rev. J. Watts and Mrs. Watts, Miss Heyworth, Miss Alice Heyworth, Mrs. Moutray-Read (Castlegrove), Mrs. Beedle, Mrs. Bingham, Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vicary, Mr. F. Townsend, and members of the Council. The Chairman read the Lord-Lieutenant’s letter, and the following Committee was appointed:- Messrs. J. Penwarden, W.H. White, W.T. Stone, R. Vicary, F. Townsend, W. Blamey, and A. Scott, Miss Holmes, Miss Heyworth, Mrs. Moutray-Read, Mrs. Vicary, Mrs. Todd, Mrs. W.T. Stone, and Mrs. J. Watts.
The Tiverton Staghounds met at Bury on Saturday (Aug. 15th), and after a very fine run, killed near Luttrell Farm. The chase proceeded through the outskirts of Bampton, and this fact caused much excitement.
The drill of the National Reserve, in a field near the railway station, Bampton, the day before yesterday (Aug. 27th), was witnessed by a large number of spectators. Ex-Colour-Sergeant H. Jones put the men through various evolutions, and then at the gate, three cheers were given for the King.
September 1914
A crowded meeting was held at the Drill Hall, Bampton, on Thursday evening (Sept. 3rd), with a view to stimulating recruiting for Lord Kitchener’s Army, and was characterised by a spirit of whole-hearted patriotism. During the meeting 14 volunteered, and it is fully expected that by the week there will be over 30.
As the result of a meeting held at Bampton a few days ago, 28 men offered their services to their country. There was a large crowd at Bampton Railway Station on Monday morning (Sept. 7th) to witness their departure by the 9.10 Exe Valley train. The Bampton brass band played patriotic music through the streets, and it is gratifying to learn that 20 have successfully passed the doctor.
At the Tiverton County Police Court yesterday (Sept. 8th), John Gibbings of Tucking Mills, Bampton, was fined 2s 6d for allowing four pigs to stray on the highway.
The monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held on Tuesday (Sept 8th), Mr. J. Penwarden presiding. Other members present were Messrs. W.T. Stone, S.W. Moore, J.C. Rockett, W. Blamey, A.T. Shattock, F.G. Webber, F. Stoneman, R. Vicary, E. Rogers (Surveyor), and E.P. Row (Clerk). It was decided to turn off the water at the lower end of the town to benefit the higher parts, from two o’clock until four. A long and heated discussion arose re the water charges, and it was announced that 58 persons had not paid, and Mr. Moore proposed, and Mr. Webber seconded, that the collector should inform those who had not complied that if they do not pay the supply would be cut off. On a show of hands seven voted in favour of the proposal
which was carried.
It was reported that all Quarry employees would be charged 4d per yard, and all outsiders 6d per yard for the allotments. This arrangement was considered most satisfactory.
Mr. John Drewe of Bampton was surprised by a visitor a few days ago in the form of a fine hawk. His door was open, and this bird of prey must have mistaken its course. The bird was captured, but not before it had proved it had sharp, defensive talons, and could draw blood.
Harvest thanksgiving services were held on Sunday (Sept. 27th) at the United Methodist Church. The preacher at all the services was the Rev. T.L. Rogers. The church was tastefully decorated with fruit, flowers and vegetable by many willing helpers. Mrs. Watts and Mr. J. Greenwood were responsible for the rostrum and the organ. The windows were adorned by the Misses Maunder, Wills, Hancock, Mrs. T.L. Rogers, and Mrs. W. Gratten. Mrs. S.W. Moore and Mrs. J. Candler decorated the table. Miss Muriel Down sang solos with effect, and Mrs. Watts ably presided at the organ.
The dedication and harvest festival was held at the Parish Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Bampton, on Tuesday (Sept. 29th). The Rev. M.H. Hayman, of Woodbury, conducted all the services. The church was decorated with flowers, fruit, vegetables, and sheaves of corn. The windows were adorned by the Misses M. Davey, and M. Chaplin, Miss Nunns, Mrs. S.J. Hoare, Misses E. and T. Wensley and M. Wilkins. The altar was decorated by Mrs. F.T. Seward, and the font by Mrs. E.P. Row and Mr. W.H. Stacey. The bells rang merrily, under Captain C. Broomfield.
October 1914
Pte. John Gage, a Reservist of the 1st Devons, who was wounded by shrapnel in his thigh in the Battle of the Rivers in France, returned to Bampton from Cambridge Hospital, on Monday (Oct 5th), by the 9 p.m. train. His parents had only a short notice of his homecoming, but the news soon spread, and young Gage was shouldered by many friends to his home in Castle Street, accompanied by the Town Band.
Mary Ann Burnett, married, of High Street, Bampton, was ordered to pay 40s, or go to prison for a month, at Tiverton Divisional Police Court yesterday (Oct 6th), for using bad language in her house. There were 21 previous convictions against her.
Harvest thanksgiving services were held at the Baptist Chapel, Bampton, on Sunday (Oct 11th), Rev. J. Watts (pastor) conducted all the services. The sacred building was decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables by Mrs. J. Watts, Mrs. E. Venner, the Misses Turner, Mrs. Apted and Mrs. R. Turner. Miss M. Turner ably presided at the organ.
During the last few days strawberries have been picked in the hedgerows near Bampton. The weight of the vegetable marrow in Mr. Ernest King’s possession was 23lbs. 15 ozs., and the number of seed was 411. Messrs. W. Williams, V. Burrow and F. Staddon were the nearest in guessing the former, and Mr. A. Ross Butler made the nearest hit for the latter. The pence collected for the competition will be sent to the Belgian Refugees’ Fund.
The famous Bampton Fair was held yesterday (Oct 29th), with its almost inseparable characteristics of drizzling rain, muddy roads, hordes of wild and half-savage ponies, and herds of cattle, and flocks of sheep, as indisputable as ever. The last dry day of Bampton Fair is almost as mythical as the Fair’s origin. To enjoy to the full its atmosphere and all the tumultuous life that it produces one has to be a Spartan in regard to exposure to the elements and a Stoic among the mud. Nor must it matter how many narrow escapes one gets from an upset in the mud by reason of the mad career of terrified Exmoor ponies, in their first contact with the narrow defiles and streets which, for them, represent civilisation and Bampton. To have maintained one’s balance the whole day long is an achievement; it will not be for lack of ponies. Again, Bampton Fair is always the day of hullabaloo. The loudest shouter is the most important man; if you haven’t a pony to sell you shout, and if you are helping to sell one you shout. And, what with the intermingling of the gipsy vernacular and the broad Devonshire dialect, the gabble of the “Cheap Jack” and the outlandish accents of many a “foreigner,” Bampton is a modern Tower of Babel.
November 1914
At last night’s meeting (Nov. 10th) of the Bampton Urban District Council the Chairman announced that the collection throughout Bampton in aid of the Devon Patriotic Fund had resulted in the sum of £200 1s 10d being raised. He said he was more than delighted with the noble manner in which the parish had responded.
The Medical Officer (Dr. T.W. Bovey) reported that from January 1st to October 31st., 23 births and 10 deaths were registered. Two of the deaths were over 88, two over 73, two over 60, and only one infant. A large number of children had been kept from school on account of a mild outbreak of chicken pox and mumps, but there had been no case of scarlet fever or other infectious disease notified.
A house has been taken by the Belgian Refugees Committee in Brook Street, and thanks to the kindness of Bampton residents, and also of Morebath, the house is now furnished. The Belgians are expected to arrive at the end of the week.
Mr. John Davey, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Davey, of Brook Street, Bampton, visited his parents last week. Young Davey belongs to the 7th Battalion Canadian Contingent, 1st. British Columbian Regiment, which recently landed at Plymouth. He left his home at Bampton for the Dominion on March 28th. 1911, and speaks well of his Colonial experiences.
December 1914
Mr. A. Wide of Hemyock kindly brought the Belgian refugee family to their temporary home at Bampton, in a motor car. The family consisted of Madame Hermann and her six children, her sister, Madame Smitz, and her nephew Joseph Soudan. Monsieur Hermann, who can speak French, is expected shortly. They were received by Miss Gertrude Holmes (Hon. Secretary) and Mrs. T.W. Bovey. A hot dinner awaited their arrival, and the guests are delighted with the home.
The children were pleased with the toys which had been obtained for them, and the clothing will prove most useful.
At the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council the Surveyor reported that the town sewage tank had been fenced, and that Mr. R. Cottrell had offered to put the road from the railway boundary to the top of Quartley Hill in good condition for £16. This was accepted. He complained that several residents turned water on and off from stop-cocks, contrary to regulations, and mentioned an offender. The Clerk was requested to write to the offender.
The Chairman said that out of a population of 1,572, ninety eight men had responded to the call for recruits., which he thought was satisfactory. It had been estimated there were still 69 able-bodied men available between the ages of 19 and 38; viz., 38 single men and 31 married. The Devon Recruiting Committee asked for their names and addresses. It was finally agreed to leave this in the hands of the Chairman, with the assistance of Mr. F. Townsend.
The Parish Church at Bampton was beautifully decorated with holly, evergreens and choice chrysanthemums by many willing helpers. Rev. J.L. Hunt conducted all the services. Miss G. Vicary presided at the organ. The collections were given to the sick and needy.
Year: 1915
January 1915
A successful social was held at the United Methodist Schoolroom, Bampton, on Saturday evening, commencing with a tea, presided over by Mrs. S.W. Moore (Forde), Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. J. Greenwood, Mrs. H. Sampson, Mrs. F. Webber, and the Misses L. Turner and E. Coren. A capital series of pictures, showing incidents of the King's life followed, the lantern slides being manipulated by Mr. R. Turner, junior. Miss Carter sang "Fall in!" and Mr. Edgar Nott rendered that popular song "It's a long way to Tipperary." Misses F. Greenwood and K. Davey gave well-executed pianoforte solos. Mrs. Watts accompanied the solos. Afterwards, a number of games were indulged in, under the superintendence of Mr. Badcock and Mrs. Rogers. The Rev. T.L. Rogers was the Chairman. There was a large attendance, and the evening was greatly enjoyed. The proceeds will be devoted to the Chapel Funds.
The staff at Bampton Railway Station, under the superintendence of Mr. J. Penwarden, stationmaster, are to be congratulated on having been again awarded the special prize for flower gardens. The Bampton gardens were most picturesque, and the large number of beds of very choice begonias, fuchsias, and various other flowers are greatly admired by the travelling public.
The monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held at the Manor Room. Mr. J. Penwarden presided, and there were present Messrs. W. Blamey, S.W. Moore, W.T. Stone, R. Vicary, F.G. Webber, F. Stoneman and C.J. Rockett, Dr. T.W.W. Bovey (medical officer of health), Messrs. E. Rogers (surveyor) and E.P. Row (clerk). There was considerable discussion about the paving of Silver Street, the cost of which it is estimated would be about £15. The application of the employees of the Council to be supplied with oilskins for wet weather was acceded to, and six were ordered to be bought at about 11s. 3d. each. The Clerk was requested to write to Mr. W. Robinson, the county surveyor, pointing out that since the Bampton Council had agreed to the proposed modification in the improvements to be carried out in Briton Street an old sewer had been discovered, and they wanted to know what to do under the circumstances. The Surveyor said that under the Housing and Town Planning Act (1909) 160 notices had been sent out to owners of property, 120 of whom had not effected any improvement.
The jury returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes" at an inquest held at Bampton on William Webber, aged 66 years, a farm labourer who was employed at Lower Boobier Hill Farm, Bampton. Deceased, who hailed from Thorverton, went hedging on Tuesday (Jan. 12th.), and as he did not return in the evening a search was made, and his body was found by Chas. Maunder, his master. It was lying beside the hedge upon which deceased had been engaged. Dr. T.W.W. Bovey deposed to making a post-mortem examination. There were no marks of violence, but the body presented signs of heart trouble. The sudden death was due to syncope.
While Clifford Nott, the twelve-year-old son of Mr. William Nott, of Mill Head, Bampton, was exercising a horse belonging to Mr. Goddard, relieving officer, near Duvale about two miles from Bampton, on Saturday (Jan. 16th.), the animal shied and threw the boy, who had his left arm broken. In spite of his injury, Nott walked to Duvale, and Mr. Yandle sent one of his men to take him back to Bampton, where he was attended by the district nurse. Later in the day Mrs. Nott took her son to the Tiverton Hospital, where he was detained as an in-patient.
February 1915
At a meeting of the Tiverton Guardians yesterday (Feb. 2nd.) a letter was read from the Registrar General stating that he was not disposed to take the necessary steps to transfer the parishes of Cruwys Morchard, Templeton, Washfield and Loxbeare from Bampton sub-district to Silverton sub-district, which for the next twelve months were to be the subject of an experimental change in Poor-Law administration.
We regret to record the death of Mr. Chas. Penney, which occurred on Thursday of last week (Jan. 28th.). Mr. Penney and his sons have carried out a large amount of work for the Bampton District Council, and others as road contractors. For some considerable time however, Mr. Penney through illness has had to relinquish many engagements. He passed away at the comparatively early age of 52. He was proud of the fact that four of his sons were serving their King and country. Their names are: Alfred (7th Devons), William (4th Devons), Frank (4th Devons), and Charles (New Army). He leaves a widow and family of six sons and four daughters, to whom much sympathy is extended.
Though not so famous as the Jackdaw of Rheims, our local jackdaw, whose photo appeared some time ago in a certain journal, has been a great local attraction. This knowing bird was very fond of children, and daily, during the hours of recreation, visited the playgrounds to see the children at their games. Jack performed his daily ablutions at a dip in the channelling in Brook Street. He had his favourite rendezvous, where he received an abundant supply of food, day by day. Sad to relate, poor Jack's life has come to a sudden end. Last week he was crushed to death under the wheels of a cart.
The monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held on Tuesday (Feb. 9th.) at the Manor Room. The resolution relative to improvements in Silver Street, passed on December 8th. was rescinded. To erect an oak gate and posts as a protection in Frog Street, where the River Shattern enters the town, the following tenders were received: Mr. W.H. Davey, £1 8s 6d; Mr. W.F. Knight, £1 6s; Mr. W. Nott, £1 3s 6d; and Mr. G. Davey, £1 2s 6d. The lowest tender was accepted. The Medical Officer of Health said influenza was prevalent in the parish.
We regret to record the death of Mr. James Davey, of Brook Street, Bampton, which occurred yesterday morning (Feb. 8th.). For many years deceased had carried on the business of builder and contractor, and very recently took his youngest son (Mr. Harry Davey) into partnership with him. Mr. Davey built the New Buildings, the Constitutional Club, and carried out the contract for the new sewerage scheme. Being a native of Bampton, deceased was deeply interested in its welfare, and was strongly opposed to the new water scheme. Deceased was aged 52 years. He leaves three sons - Mr. James Davey, jnr. (Alberta, Canada), Mr. Jack Davey (Canadian contingent), and his partner (Mr. Harry Davey) - and one daughter.
At the monthly meeting of "Court Huntsham", Ancient Order of Foresters, Brother Harry Davey was elected Secretary, in succession to his father, who had held that office for sixteen years.
The funeral of the late Mr. George Stock, stationmaster at Venn Cross, and formerly of Bampton, has taken place at the Bampton Churchyard. The chief mourners were the widow, Mr. R.E. Stock (son), Mrs. and Mr. C. Smith (daughter and son-in-law), Mrs. A. Taylor (daughter), Mr. W. Shattock, Miss May Shattock (Norton Fitzwarren), Mr. and Mrs. Spiller (Milverton), and Mr. G. Treeby (Taunton).The coffin bore the inscription: "George Stock, died 21st February, 1915. Aged 57 years."
At Tiverton County Court yesterday (Feb. 24th.) Mary Ann Buckingham, a widow, of Longham, Cove, claimed £3 2s. from John Gibbings, of Tucking Mill Farm, Bampton, the balance due for work done etc. Defendant had paid £1 6s. into court and filed a set-off for the balance, £1 16s. for the loan of harness to plaintiff. Defendant, who was represented by his wife, alleged that the harness was lent to plaintiff for nine months on the understanding that the loan of it was to be paid for. Plaintiff said that the harness was not lent on that condition, but was lent in a "neighbourly sort of way." She had lent defendant things. Judgment was given for plaintiff, with costs. The counter-claim was dismissed with costs.
March 1915
The annual election of officers and Committee for the Conservative and Unionist Association took place at the Constitutional Club. Mr. W.H. White of Combehead (Chairman of the Bampton Conservative Committee) presided, and was supported by Messrs. J.C. Rockett (Pipshayne), Robert Staddon, John Escott, John Thomas (Pipshayne), S.J. Hoare, and F. Townsend (hon. secretary). All the officers were re-elected.
At the monthly meeting of the Bampton branch of the C.E.T.S. Mr. J.E. Scammell (organising secretary) gave an address on "Drink and the War." The room was crowded. Mr. A.H. Baker presided, and among those present were the Revs. R.D.G. Clunn (curate) and John Watts (Baptist). A motor-car brought all the workmen on the Wonham Estate. The lecturer read pregnant extracts from statements by Lord Kitchener, Lord Roberts, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Russia had given up vodka, and France had nationally abandoned absinthe. England, said the speaker, should follow their example.
At Tiverton County Sessions yesterday (Mar. 23rd) John Thomas, of Sparkhayne Farm, Bampton, was summoned for allowing the carcass of a lamb to remain unburied in a place to which dogs could gain access. P.C. Popham said he saw the carcass on a sheep rack in a field. Defendant said the sheep rack was so high that it was impossible for dogs to get at the carcass. The bench thought that the police were quite right in bringing the matter before them. It was the duty of farmers to see these things did not happen. Defendant was ordered to pay the costs, amounting to 6s., no conviction being recorded.
Mrs. Jessie Cottrell, of Bampton, was summoned for being drunk at Bampton on the 14th. inst. She pleaded guilty, and P.C. Popham said on Sunday, the 14 inst., the Rev. Cumm (curate of Bampton) called at the Police Station, and complained that Mrs. Cottrell was in his room. The constable proceeded to the house. He found defendant being helped along by two residents. She was helplessly drunk. Defendant expressed her sorrow to the Bench, and she promised that she would give up the drink. She was fined 10s.
At last night's meeting (March 30th) of the Bampton Urban District Council, Dr. T.W.W. Bovey presented his annual report. Commenting on the number of deaths registered in the district during the year, he said there had only been 12, and the number gave a death-rate of 8.86 per 1,000 of the population. The average rate for the last five years was 15.19 per 1,000. There was only one case of tuberculosis, and this proved that their district was very free from the disease. It was quite possible that the place should become a health resort, and a record like they had in regard to health, he thought, should be remembered.
Touching the sanitary circumstances of the district, he said, in regard to the water supply, that nothing as yet had been done to augment the supply of drinking water to the town by substantially increasing the storage from the spring. The Chairman said he hardly thought that the report concerning the special meetings and that nothing had been done reflected any credit on the Council.
Dr. Bovey: I can say anything in regard to the sanitary condition of the district. This is not only a report to the Council, but to everybody.
The Chairman: I took the remark as sarcasm.
Dr. Bovey: Oh, no, that is not sarcastic.
The Chairman: There is no credit given the Council for the time and trouble they have taken to do something for the water supply.
Dr. Bovey: You can't say the result has been very satisfactory, can you?
The Chairman: I don't think we have had so many complaints this year as in other years.
Dr. Bovey said if they could get water on a higher level they would be all satisfied - the Council as well as the householders.
The Chairman: That has been our aim.
On the housing problem of the district, the doctor said not a single cottage had been built for the last thirteen years. Consequently there were not enough suitable houses for the requirements of the place. So great was the demand when a decent habitable house was likely to become vacant at a future date that it was taken weeks in advance.
The Chairman said the report seemed a very good one, and that he thought they could congratulate themselves on the healthiness of the district. He was sure all the members of the Council would like to see a better water supply, and before they went into the question of building, the water supply would have to be dealt with.
April 1915
At the United Methodist Schoolroom on Good Friday, the annual tea was held, and largely attended. After tea a service of song, entitled "Easter Bells" was effectively rendered by the choir, a good company being present. The soprano solos were beautifully sung by Misses E. Coren and L. Candler. A duet was rendered, with much effect, by the Misses E. Hancock and L. Carter, and the tenor solo by Mr. H. Sampson. The gold and silver tree, to which envelopes were attached, containing the amount of £10 1s 3d was afterwards stripped. This sum was devoted to the Trust Funds. The Rev. T.L. Rogers read the connective readings of the service of song, and Mrs. Watts ably presided at the organ.
Court "Huntsham" A.O. Foresters, has lost another old and respected member in the person of Mr. Richard Lugg, of Westgate Street, Bampton, after a short illness. The funeral took place on Good Friday at the Bampton churchyard. The mourners were the widow, the Misses Elsie and Dorothy Lugg (daughters), Mr. Richard Lugg (son), Mr. L. Herniman (Dulverton, brother-in-law), Mrs. Denscombe, Miss V. Denscombe, Mr. Francis Herniman, Mrs. J. Gifford, and Mrs. J. Howe. The coffin bore the inscription: "Richard Lugg, died 26th. March, 1915, aged 55 years."
On Easter Sunday (Apr. 4th.), at the Parish Church, Bampton, good congregations attended the services, which were of a bright and hearty character. The music was especially bright. The processional hymn, "Christ the Lord is risen today," and recessional hymn, "Alleluia! Alleluia! hearts to heaven and voices raise," were heartily sung by the congregation. Mr. Gilbert Todd, a chorister, was the cross-bearer. The officiating clergymen were the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes (vicar), Rev. D. Clunn (curate), and Rev. A.Fuller of Torquay. The church was beautifully decorated. The decorators were Chancel, Mrs. F.T. Seward and Mr. W.H. Stacey; pulpit, Miss L. Davey; font, Mrs. E.P. Row; windows Misses G. Holmes, M. Wensley and F. Wensley, M. Chaplin, and G. Brock, and Mrs. S.J. Hoare. Miss G. Vicary ably presided at the organ, and played appropriate music. The bells rang out merrily in the early morn, under the direction of Captain C. Broomfield.
Mr. J. Penwarden has sent off 960 (80 doz.) eggs for our sick and wounded soldiers and sailors. The total number contributed by the scholars of the Bampton National School is 174. The farmers have done splendidly.
The Belgians at Bampton remembered their King yesterday (Apr 8th.) on his 40th. birthday. A picture of Albert I. was displayed on the exterior of their home in Brook Street, with the words: "Heureuse anniversaire de Albert. 1875-1915. Roi des Belges." This was also given in English. The Belgian flag was exhibited, and the windows were prettily festooned.
Mr. George Oxenham, formerly of Bampton, was principal tenor in Audran's grand opera "La Macotte" which was performed last week at Wells and Street, Somerset, by the Riviere Operatic Society (one of the finest in the West of England) in aid of the British Red Cross Society.
At the annual meeting of the Bampton Tennis Club, the following officers were elected for 1916: President, Mrs. W.H. White; captain Mr. E.P. Row; committee, Mrs. J. Scott, Miss L. Davey, Mrs. E.P. Row, and Miss M. Weston; secretary, Miss G. Vicary. The secretary reported a balance in hand, and said the club had now been in existence for ten years. A vote of thanks to the officers terminated the meeting.
Amid manifestations of sympathy and respect the funeral of Mr. William Bowers took place at Bampton on Thursday last (Apr 22nd.). The chief mourners were Mr. Frank Bowers, of Cardiff, Mr Albert Bowers of Saltash, and Mr. Harry Bowers of Birmingham (sons); Mrs. Mears (Tiverton), Mrs. Frank Lazarus, Bampton (daughters); Misses Edith and Dorothy Lazarus (grandchildren); Mr. Mears, Tiverton (son in law); Mrs. Albert Bowers (daughter in law), and Mrs. John Lazarus (Bampton). The widow of the deceased, Mrs. Bowers, was unable to attend the funeral through illness, and Mr. Frank Lazarus (son in law) was also unable to attend the funeral as he is serving in the Territorials (4th Devons) in India.
The annual meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held at the Manor Room. Mr. J. Penwarden was re-elected Chairman for the third time. Mr. Stone was re-elected Vice-Chairman, and the Committees were re-elected en bloc. A letter from the Rev. T. L. Rogers was read stating that by the help of the Vicar (the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) and the Rev. John Watts (Baptist) a petition had been largely signed by the parishioners for the purpose of closing the public-houses at 10 p.m. instead of at 11 p.m.
May 1915
Mr. John Lazarus, water-bailiff, residing at New Buildings, Bampton, was extremely pleased on Saturday morning last (May 8th.) to receive a letter from the King. Mr. Lazarus is himself an old volunteer, and on retiring as sergeant from the old "C" Company, 3rd. V.B.D.R. obtained the medal for Long Service. The royal letter was placed in the window of Mr. S.J. Hoare of Brook Street, during Saturday, and attracted many readers, who soon congratulated Mr. Lazarus. The letter was as follows: "Privy Purse Office, Buckingham Palace, S.W. 7th May 1915. Sir, - I am commanded by the King to convey to you an expression of his Majesty's appreciation of the patriotic spirit which has prompted your six sons and son-in-law to give their services at the present time to the Army. The King was much gratified to hear of the manner in which they have so readily responded to the call of their Sovereign and their Country, and I am to express to you and to them his Majesty's congratulations on having contributed in so full a measure to the great cause for which all the people of the British Empire are so bravely fighting. Thos. Ponsonby, Keeper of the Privy Purse."
Mr. John Burnett, of High Street, Bampton, has five sons serving their King and country, viz., William John Burnett, National Reservist; Ernest George Burnett; Thomas Nathaniel Burnett 4th. Devons; Archibald Victor Burnett, 2nd. Somersets; and Herbert Lawrence Burnett 4th. Devons. Mr. Burnett has recently lost his brother, who was killed at the Front. It should be added that Mr. Burnett is a National Reservist.
A visitor to Bampton would, if he were a careful observer, notice in the windows of many of the houses a little card, on which is painted a silver medal, with accompanying ribbon, while underneath is written a name or names. The card indicates that from the house exhibiting it there has gone forth to serve his country one or more members of the household. There are many such houses.
Amid many signs of sympathy and respect the funeral of Mrs. G.F. Heyworth, of Wonham, took place at Bampton yesterday (May 20th.). The chief mourners were: Mr. G.F. Heyworth (husband); Miss Heyworth and Miss Alice Heyworth (daughters); Col. G.F. Heyworth-Savage (son); Lieut. R. Heyworth-Savage (grandson); Mr. Walter Grimshaw (cousin); Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Miles, Clifton; Mr. Jerry Osborne, Clifton; Col. R.M. Clerk. The oak coffin was beautifully brass-mounted, and the breastplate bore the transcription: “Juliana Charlotte Heyworth, died May 15th 1915.”
At the Baptist Chapel, Bampton, on Sunday (May 30th.) the annual Sunday School anniversary services were conducted by Rev. W. Palmer, of Uffculme. There were large congregations at both services. At the afternoon service recitations, duets and solos were effectively given by the Misses B. Yeo, V. Denscombe and D. Lugg. Miss Turner was at the organ. At the evening service part of the programme rendered in the afternoon was repeated, with the addition of a capital quartette entitled "When I survey the wondrous Cross," by the Misses Turner, Mr. C. Turner and Mr. J. Paul. Miss Joyce Vicary was at the organ. The collections for the day were on behalf of the Sunday School funds.
June 1915
At Tiverton County Sessions yesterday (Jun 3rd.), Thomas Hewett Drew, licensee of the Exeter Inn, Bampton, was summoned for allowing a pony to stray on the highway. Defendant did not appear. P.C. Broad said he found the pony on the road grazing from the hedges. A chain with a 28lbs. weight was attached to the animal's neck. a fine of 5s was imposed.
Mr. J. Penwarden presided at the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council held at the Parish Room. Mr. W.T. Stone proposed that the necessary notice should be given the Surveyor to resign, as he had failed to comply with the wish of the Council to reside at Bampton. Mr. Rogers, in reply, said if he did not succeed in getting a part of Well House in Brook Street he was willing to lodge at Bampton, and simply go to his home on Saturday evenings. Mr. Moore did not think any blame could be attached to the Surveyor because no house was available for him. An amendment was carried that Mr. Rogers should arrange to reside in the parish from Midsummer next.
The water question was referred to the Committee, but the Clerk read correspondence to Mr. Moore which said: "The scheme most favoured by the Council was to construct a concrete tank 30ft. x 14ft. x 6ft. internal measurement between the Council's present tanks in Lower Luke's Park, and also to raise the overflow pipe about 3 ft, and enclose the Council's springs with a concrete wall, and cover the same with an iron cover.
Mrs. James Davey, of Brook Street, has received a letter from her son saying that he is a prisoner of war in Germany. Pte. John Davey belongs to the Canadian Contingent, and was wounded in the knee.
The Vicar (the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) asks the parishioners to extend a hearty welcome to the Rev. Ernest Victor Cox, who is coming to Bampton as assistant curate, owing to the Vicar's continued indisposition.
A badge taken from the helmet of a German soldier has been exhibited at Bampton. It was sent by Pte. S. Parsons to his mother, who resides at Shillingford, Bampton. Mrs. Parsons, who is a widow, has three sons on active service.
The report of the head Diocesan Inspector who examined the scholars of the National School on June 7th. has been received. The school has attained its silver record, this being the 25th. consecutive time the mark "Excellent" has been obtained. The following received honourable mention - Boys: Clifford Frost, George Vickery, Stanley Cottrell, Harry Harper, Gilbert Thomas, Frank Toze, Victor Burrow, Nelson Miles, Bert Candler, and George Seldon. Girls: Lilian Dinham, Lena Vickery, Florence M. Griffiths, Bertha Miles, Doris Staddon, Winifred Greenslade, Madge Miles, Vera Davey, Florence Hagley, Beatrice Hagley, Edith Lazarus, and Annie Atkins. The Managers present book prizes to those who win the certificates.
The Tiverton County Justices yesterday (Jun 29th.) refused an application made by Mr. E.P. Row, solicitor, of Bampton, to recover possession of a cottage occupied by Mrs. Gould, a widow of Mill Head, Bampton, who said she had several children under fourteen years of age, the mainstay of of the family being her eldest son, aged 18, who had been in the trenches for the past five months. The owner was Mrs. Mary Turner, of Bampton, who said she wanted the cottage for another tenant. There was no question of arrears of rent.
July 1915
Mr. Arthur Yeo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Yeo of Fore Street, Bampton, arrived at Bampton on Sunday (Jul. 18th.) from Shorncliffe on a short visit to his parents. There being no train service he was fetched from Tiverton Junction by his father, and on arriving in his native town, was warmly greeted by Mr. Townsend (Headmaster of the National school). In the month of March 1913, young Yeo emigrated to Canada, and when the war broke out he volunteered for active service, and arrived with the second contingent from the Dominion. Mr. Jack Davey, another Bamptonian, from Canada, is a prisoner of war in Germany.
Messrs. Knowlman and Sons held their great ewe market at Bampton, when 2,000 ewes were easily disposed of at prices exceeding those made at Wiveliscombe, on the 20th. inst., by 6s 6d per head. The highest price made per head was 84s 6d. The attendance was the largest on record, and so great was the demand that another thousand sheep could have found purchasers. Rams made from 6gns. to 8gns. A cow and calf fetched £19; best steers ran up to £30 10s. The old depository grounds being too limited, the large field in which the auction was held was lent by Mr. F. Miles of the Tiverton Hotel.
Luckily the rain cleared off for the 5 miles march of the detachment of the 3rd. Battalion Devon Regiment to Bampton on Wednesday (Jul. 14th.) They were met by the members of the Reception Committee. The town was gaily decorated, and "Welcome to Bampton" appeared freely in the principal streets. High tea was partaken of in the Drill Hall, where, after an address of welcome by Mr. J. Penwarden, Captain Milne thanked the town for its hospitality. An evening meeting was held in Newton Square, and the splendid band of the 3rd. Battalion Regiment played delightful music in the square, which greatly pleased the large crowd assembled. The Chairman said that he wanted the meeting to realise that it was a meeting of great importance as far as our country was concerned, and it was our duty to respond to the call of Lord Kitchener.
The Surveyor reported at the Urban Council meeting he had inspected 43 houses, 18 of which were in a satisfactory state, and 25 required repairs. The report of the Water Supply Committee re Mr. Moore's terms for allowing the proposed new works to be carried out at Lower Luke's Park was the principal subject at the Council meeting. The council spent more than an hour in Committee previous to open meeting, and it was announced that as a Council they were unable to come to any settlement. Mr. Stone asked the Chairman if he might hear Mr. Moore's terms, as unfortunately he had not been present when they were stated. Mr. J. Penwarden read them, and, as no resolution was proposed, the settlement of the water question still stands adjourned.
August 1915
The local Recruiting Committee has handed over £4 3s 6d, the balance in hand of subscriptions received for the military recruiting tour, to the Sandbag Committee. The Chairman (Mr. J. Penwarden) and the Hon. Secretary (Mr. F. Townsend) received special congratulations from Plymouth on the success of the reception of the 3rd. Battalion Devonshire Regiment.
Among those who passed the first M.B. Lond. at the July examination is the name of A.H.G. Down, son of Dr. A. Down, and a student at University College.
The monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held yesterday (Aug. 10th.) It was decided to affix a direction post at Shillingford, near the blacksmith's shop, showing the road to Bampton from Wiveliscombe.
The Clerk said four contracts had been received for supplying the town lamps with oil, globes and wick. It was considered that the clearest description of terms and conditions were given by Mr. Hoare, and his contract was accepted.
The waterworks question at Lower Luke's Park was again discussed in connection with a letter from Messrs. Partridge and Cockram, solicitors, Tiverton, but the discussion was curtly stopped by a proposition, moved by Mr. F. G. Webber, not to accept the terms offered by Mr. Moore. Mr. F. Stoneman seconded, and this was carried.
The tender for steam-rolling involved some discussion. Mr. Rockett proposed that Messrs. Edison's tender should be accepted. Mr. Vicary seconded. An amendment was made by Messrs. Webber and Stoneman that the contract of Mr. T. Hawkins be accepted. Four members voted for the resolution and only the proposer and seconder for the amendment.
At the Tiverton County Sessions yesterday (Aug. 10th.), John Bowden, farmer of Bampton, was fined 2s 6d for riding on the shaft of a wagon without reins on the horses drawing the vehicle.
Mr. John Davey, son of Mrs. James Davey, of Brook Street, Bampton, now in a German internment camp, has sent a post card to let his friends know how he is progressing since the amputation of his leg. He says: " I received Harry's parcel yesterday, and the bread you sent was lovely. Please do not send any more cocoa, as we can not get hot water. I am still improving, but in bed."
September 1915
At the Tiverton County Sessions yesterday (Sept. 7th.) a Bampton farmer named John Thomas, of Sparkhayne Farm, did not appear to answer a summons for allowing a dog to stray on the highway without having a collar with the name of the owner thereon. P.C. Popham proved the case, and just as the Bench had fined the defendant 2s 6d he strolled into Court, smiled, and was about to go into the dock when the Chairman reminded him that the Court was punctual in its sittings. Defendant smiled and apologised for being late.
Mrs. Isaac Thorne, of Bampton Down, Bampton, has received, by cable from India, the sad news of the death of her husband, who was stationed with the 4th. Devons at Fort St. George, Madras. No particulars have been received yet of the cause of his death. Pte. Thorne was an old Volunteer, and belonged to the Bampton Company. He offered his services when the war broke out and joined the 4th. Devons. His two sons (the only children) are in the same regiment, and stationed at St. George. It was from one of them that news of the father's death was received.
Mr. J. Penwarden presided at the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council held last night (Sept. 14th.). Dr. T.W.W. Bovey reported that during the month there had been no deaths, but three births, and no cases of infectious disease had been notified.
Mr. Blamey reported on the fire hose, and recommended that the Council order the 60ft. of new hose complete, and that leather suction hose which had not been repaired since the remodelling of the engine should be replaced and the valves overhauled.
The Clerk produced a statement of the receipts of the water rents, which showed they had received £10 more than had been expended.
Amid many manifestations of sympathy and respect, the funeral of Mr. Thomas Knight took place at the Bampton Churchyard. The mourners were: Mrs. Knight (widow), Miss B. Knight (daughter), Mrs. F. Knight (daughter-in-law), Mrs. Newman and Mr. Newman, of Teignmouth (sister and brother-in-law), and Mr. J. Milton. The inscription on the coffin was: "Sergt. T. Knight, late 3rd. V.B.D.R., died 19th. September, 1915, aged 79 years."
October 1915
The Bampton Belgian Relief Committee has received a letter of thanks from a family who resided at Bampton for nine months, and recently removed to Tiverton. The following is a translation: "I have the honour of addressing this letter to you to thank you all for all the kindness you have shown me and my family during our time at Bampton. We thank you, ladies and gentlemen, with all our heart, and please accept our greetings - The family of Albert Soudan."
The monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held on Tuesday (Oct. 12th.) The Chairman voiced the sympathy of the Council with the relatives of Private H. Earl, recently killed in the fighting in Flanders. He was in the 9th. Devons, and enlisted last year after a recruiting meeting at Bampton.
The Surveyor stated he had written to the Edison Steam Rolling Company with regard to the supply of a steam-roller to the district as per contract, and they were sending the roller to start work about the 18th. of this month.
A well attended meeting was held at the Council Room, Bampton, on Friday (Oct 15th.) to consider what could be done in the way of assisting the Mayoress of Exeter's fund for providing our soldiers with refreshments as they pass through Exeter. Mr. Webber moved the following resolution: "That this meeting heartily approves the proposal to hold a Bampton and District Forget-me-Not Day in aid of the fund for the hospitality of soldiers on troop trains at the Exeter stations." Mr. H. Tucker seconded the resolution which was carried.
Court "Huntsham" A.O.F. held a special meeting to elect a Secretary as successor to Mr. Harry Davey, who has resigned after holding the office for eight months, as he is leaving Bampton shortly for London. Mr. Harry Sampson, who has been an adult member for 16 years and has passed the chair, was elected by a large majority of votes.
There has been a large and happy gathering of church bell ringers here at the invitation of the Rev. E.V. Cox (Curate), who is much interested in campanology, and often helps in ringing the bells of the parish church. The 69 ringers present came from the parishes of Bampton, Huntsham, Oakford, Morebath, Holcombe Rogus, Tiverton, Washfield, Brushford, Chipstable, Dulverton, Bickleigh, Minehead, and Milverton. The ringing comprised Grandsire and Stedman Doubles, and three courses of Plain Bob minor, as well as several sets of call changes. No such gathering had previously taken place at Bampton, and the attendance exceeded the expectations of the promoters.
Bampton Fair was held yesterday (Oct. 28th). Of this historic event one can not pretend to say anything new. It boasts great antiquity. Bampton Fair has no rival. The principal attraction is the sale of ponies which are usually turned in from Exmoor some days previous. The ponies are sturdy little animals, remarkable for their stamina and agility. It is, however a rather sad reflection that many of them are destined to work in the mines, but all are not by any means so destined. Large numbers are entrained for the Midlands, and some, it is said, even shipped for Ireland and parts of Europe. One would scarcely have thought a great European was waging, judging by the crowds which paraded the streets, although an aged resident said the attendance was not quite up to record. The intensity of the bustle lasted till late in the day, owing to droves of the ponies being driven through the town to the station for entrainment.
November 1915
A successful auction sale of rabbits, fowls, potatoes etc., was held in the Square, Bampton, on Saturday evening (Nov. 6th.) in aid of the Mayoress of Exeter's Fund. There was a large crowd, many coming from the villages surrounding. Biddings were fairly brisk throughout, and many items were offered several times, a fact which greatly augmented the sale. The total realised was about £20.
Sir Ian Heathcote Amory presided at a meeting held last evening (Nov. 8th.) at Bampton Drill Hall, in connection with Lord Derby's recruiting scheme. A committee for the appointment of canvassers was formed.
The monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council was held in the Council Room on Tuesday (Nov. 9th.) The Chairman voiced the feelings of the Council on the death of the Hon. Lionel Walrond. The Medical Officer reported that during the month of October there were no deaths, but one birth, and there were no infectious diseases of any kind. The Surveyor reported that the steam roller was working satisfactorily. It was also reported that 66 highway notices had been served on the owners of land adjoining the highways to trim their hedges etc.
A highly successful dramatic entertainment was held at the Drill Hall, Bampton, on Friday evening (Nov. 26th). The entertainment was arranged by Mrs. W.H. White (Combehead) who deserves great praise for the perfect arrangements made. Part 1 commenced with a well executed pianoforte duet by Misses G. Vicary and A. Langdon. A play entitled "Rendezvous" was splendidly performed. During the interval some good songs were capitally rendered by Miss Shepherd of Huntsham, and Mr. Penwarden of Bampton. Part 2 consisted of a play entitled "Dandy and the Booby." The proceeds will be given to the Bampton Working party providing comforts for our soldiers and sailors.
At the Tiverton Town Hall on Tuesday (Nov. 30th.) William Williams, farmer, of Bampton, was summoned for driving a horse and cart without a light at 12.50 a.m. on November 24th. The case was proved by Special Constable Goff, and defendant was fined 7s 6d.
December 1915
At the United Methodist Church, Bampton, on Sunday afternoon (Dec. 5th), a special patriotic service was held, when "The Souls of the Brave", by E.W. Walters, was impressively given by the Rev. T.L. Rogers. There was a good congregation. The following who contributed pleasing solos and trios were Mrs. T.L. Rogers, the Misses E. Carter, M. Hancock, and Messrs. H. Sampson junr., and J. Blight, and three schoolchildren. The roll of honour was read of the members of the United Methodist Church Sunday School and congregation who are now serving their King and Country. The collection was on behalf of the Bampton and District Nursing Association.
Sergeant James Perry, and Army pensioner of the 10th. Lincoln Regiment, has passed away at his residence in High Street, at the age of 76. He leaves a widow and three sons, one of whom is in His Majesty's Navy.
The death has occurred of Mrs. Emma Maria Knight, widow of Mr. William Knight. Deceased had been laid up with paralysis for the past eight years. Her younger son, Mr. Jack Knight, is in the Royal Flying Corps in Egypt.
The total result of the agricultural jumble sale held at Bampton on behalf of the British Farmers' Red Cross Fund is about £195. The honorary secretary (Mr. H. Tucker) and his energetic committee deserve great credit for bringing about this highly successful result, and great thanks are due to all the kind donors.
Mrs. A. Crystall, of High Street, Bampton, has devoted all her spare time to knitting socks and scarves for our soldiers at the Front. Appreciation of the gifts from her is shown by the following letter from one of her recipients, Lance-Corpl. W. Gailick, 15526, British Expeditionary Force, France: "Dear Madam - Just a line to thank you very much for the scarf which I have received. All such presents are well appreciated by the boys out here, for it is very cold and wet; but we keep doing our little bit smiling. I am one of Kitchener's Army, and I think that the old country will have nothing to grumble about when we have finished with the Germans. It is quite laughable trying to make some of the French people understand what you want. My regiment was formed fifteen months ago. I have found some fine fellows in it."
The usual services were held at the Parish Church of St. Michael's and All Angels, Bampton, on Christmas Day. The early morn was ushered in by a peal rung on the bells, which also rang out during the day, under Capt. C. Broomfield. The church was beautifully decorated with holly, evergreens, etc., by many willing helpers. Rev. H. Forrester Holmes (vicar) and Rev. E.V. Cox officiated at the services, which were well attended. The singing of the carols at the afternoon service was heartily indulged in by the congregation.
Year: 1916
January 1916
At the Cullompton Police Court yesterday (Jan. 3rd.), an important case was heard respecting an infringement of the Quarries Act, 1894. The defendants, The Bampton and Whipcott Quarry Company, were summoned for not keeping certain explosives, until used, in secure packages, so made and closed as to prevent any accidental escape of the explosives from sparks.
Mr. Justice MacLeod Carey, of Bath, Inspector of Mines, representing the Home Office, said on 21st. October last Mr. King, an inspector of quarries, went to the Whipcott Quarries at Holcombe Rogus, and found a cardboard box containing 20 cartridges of gelignite close to a stove in which a fire was burning; also a box, without a lid, containing 20 detonators, which were highly dangerous as they contained fulminate of mercury. The Home Office had not brought forward the case in any vindictive spirit. What they wanted was to impress on similarly careless persons the great danger which such carelessness involved. He was afraid there was a certain amount of carelessness with the use of explosives in quarries situated in the outlying districts, and he hoped the Bench would inflict such a penalty as would deter others from acting in that manner.
Mr. Archibald Scott, manager, pleaded guilty on behalf of the Company. He pointed out, however, that the men had been duly warned to comply strictly with special rules under the Quarries Act, and proper utensils were provided for the use of the explosives.
The Bench imposed a penalty of £5, including costs.
“When he is in drink, he is like a madman: out of it, he is quite all right.” This was Police Sergeant Seldon’s opinion of Mark Stevens, a labourer of Ford Mills, Bampton, who was summoned at the Tiverton County Sessions yesterday for being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the evening of Saturday, January 8th. P.S. Seldon said when he saw the defendant in Brook Street he was flourishing a sharp hook, and threatening to “give the ********s something.”
The Chairman (Mr. T. Lake, CC): “Give up the drink; your head won’t carry it.
Defendant (meekly): “I will, sir.” - Fined 7s 6d inclusive.
Sir John French, in his list of recommendations for “gallant and distinguished service in the field,” includes Bombardier T.W. Vickery of the North Midland Brigade, eldest son of Regimental-Sergeant-Major T. Vickery of Prospect House, Bampton.
Mr. J. Penwarden presided over the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban Council yesterday (Jan. 11th.) At Mr. Blamey’s suggestion, the Clerk (Mr. E.P. Row) was requested to write to the County Council asking if it could advance such a reasonable sum as would enable the Council to ease the rate for the coming year. It was resolved that a small committee be appointed to revise the rules of the Fire Brigade, particularly with respect to the payment of retaining fees. Mr. Stone complained of the absence of light outside the Drill Hall after meetings held there. It was agreed to make the police acquainted with this, so an exception could be made after 10 p.m. Sympathetic reference was made to the illness of Dr. T. W.W. Bovey.
February 1916
Trooper Jack Blamey, younger son of Mr. Blamey, and nephew of Mr. R.S. Webber, of Bampton, who is attached to the Mounted Brigade of the 1st. Devon Yeomanry with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, writes Mr. Webber: - Of course you have heard and read all about the retirement from the Gallipoli Peninsula. We left the night before the retirement, being the advanced guard. We got off without a shot being fired on either side. It is a night I shall always remember. I could quite see myself that it was no use trying to advance. The Turks’ positions were splendid and well fortified. It would be like trying to advance on those fields of Mr. W. Weston, on the Barton Road, (Bampton). Our position was down by the mill stream, and the hills were nearly upright. The enemy could nearly look into our first line of trenches, especially on the right of Chocolate Hill. Trench fighting is all right so long as the weather is not wet, but nice and cool. All the Bampton boys are all right, and wish to be remembered to you. Give Mr. F. Townsend my compliments. Tell him we are all going strong. Than you for the papers you have sent. They have given me a little idea of what is going on at home and abroad. I am in the pink of health and feeling happy.
Captain Anketell Moutray Reed, V.C., 1st. Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment, of Castlegrove, Bampton, who won the army and Navy heavyweight championship at Aldershot and Portsmouth three times, and was killed in France on September 22nd. left property of the value of £498 19s 4d.
The Public Health and Housing Committee of the County Council wrote drawing attention to a report issued by the Medical Officer of Health with regard to the need of increased storage for water and a better system for its distribution. Mr. Webber proposed, Mr. Stoneman seconded, and it was resolved, that, as there had been no complaints during the past year, nothing should be done until after the war.
At Tiverton County Petty Sessions, Frank Thomas, farmer’s son, of Bampton, was summoned for driving two horses attached to a wagon without reins in the parish of Morebath on January 29th. P.C. Conbear proved the case, and said that when he first saw defendant he was sitting on the shaft of the wagon. Superintendent Joslin said it was a common practice for farmers to send out teams with nothing but a short rein fastened to the harness of the leading horse, which gave them no power of guidance or control. The Bench were of opinion that it was a dangerous proceeding, and hoped the case would act as a warning. Defendant was fined 5 shillings.
March 1916
Mr. J. C. Rockett (warden) and Miss G. Holmes distributed bread of the value of £5 at the Manor Room, Bampton, on Friday, to the families entitled to receive Webber’s Charity.
Miss Ivy Heale, of 11, Frog Street, Bampton, received a letter acknowledging the gift of a scarf. Miss Kitty Gibbons of Brook Street received thanks for a similar gift; and Mrs. H. Atkins of Castle Street received acknowledgments for the gift of a pair of socks.
A well-attended whist drive, organised by the Rev. E. Vyvian Cox (curate) was held at the Infants’ Schoolroom, Bampton, in aid of the Red Cross Society and the Band of Hope Fund.
Prize winners: - Ladies: 1. Miss E. Vicary (Brushford); 2. Miss L. Davey (Bampton); consolation prize, Mrs. S. Durman (Bampton). Gentlemen: 1. Mr. W. Vickery (Bampton), 2. Mr. Hardwicke (Bampton), consolation prize, Mr. Stuart Marsh (Exebridge). The Misses L. Davey, Donovan, and Mrs. J. Scott arranged the drive, prepared the tables, and sold tickets. Mrs. T. Staddon (Bank) and Mrs. A. Davey, assisted by the Misses G. Brock, M. Chaplin, and A. Lee were responsible for the refreshments. Mrs. Nunns (Castle House) kindly gave the prizes.
A Committee meeting has been held at the Manor Room, Bampton, to settle accounts in connection with the Belgian refugees who were provided with a home and maintenance for about twelve months at Bampton. There were present: Mr. and Mrs. W.H. White (Coombehead), Mrs. T.W. Bovey (Castle House), Mrs. S.W. Moore (Forde), and Miss G. Holmes and Mrs. E.P. Row (hon. Treasurers and secretaries). The total income was £214 9s 2d and the expenditure £205 15s 9d. It was agreed that the balance should be handed to a Belgian family who are now in London.
Trooper J. Follett, who left Bampton about three years ago for Canada, and has joined the Canadian 10th Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery, has paid Bampton a flying visit. Young Follett carried on dairy and farming work for Mr. S. Besley, and continued agricultural pursuits when he arrived at Manitoba. His many friends admire his patriotism and wish him a safe return after the war is over.
April 1916
At Baptist Chapel, Bampton, a tea was given to the Sunday School and Band of Hope children. In the evening a sacred concert on behalf of the Sunday School was given by Mesdames H. Hensley, C. Turner, Misses H. Nott, E. Drewe, M. and S. Turner, B. Cleave and E. Brewer, Rev. J. Watts (pastor), Messrs. J. Paul, C. Turner and others. A capital march was played by a party of instrumentalists - Messrs. Frost and Sully (violins), Michelmore and Samuel Gibbings (’cello), and Hensley (organ). Mrs. Watts gave a recitation. There was a large attendance.
For the year ending 16th. March 1,235 dozen eggs were collected from the parishes of Bampton, Oakford and Morebath, and dispatched from the Bampton railway station, as a depot, by Mr. J. Penwarden.
At Tiverton Police Court, Philip Sloman, of 41, Brook Street, Bampton, was fined 10 shillings for removing swine from Somerset into Devon contrary to the Swine Fever Orders. - Supt. Joslin mentioned the question of earlier closing of public-houses at Bampton. Most of the licensees were in favour of closing at 10 p.m. instead of 11 p.m., and the matter could be arranged by an agreement drawn up and signed by them, and handed to the Bench for their approval.
At the annual meeting of Bampton Urban Council on Tuesday (April 18th), there were present Messrs. J. Penwarden, W.T. Stone, S.W. Moore, J. C. Rockett, F.G. Webber, W. Blamey, and F. Stoneman, with the Medical Officer of Health (Dr. T.W.W. Bovey), Messrs. E.P. Row (Clerk), and E. Rogers (Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector) - Mr. Penwarden was re-elected Chairman, and Mr. Webber was chosen as Vice-Chairman. An application was made by the Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector for an increase in salary, and after a long discussion, it was decided to grant an increase of £2 10s per annum.
The adventures of Pte. Jack Davey, 7th Canadian Battalion, a son of Mr. James Davey, of Bampton, have been published at length by “The Daily Colonist”, a newspaper published at Victoria, British Columbia. Pte. Davey was captured at the battle of Langemarck. After being in hospital for two months he had to have his leg amputated. He was exchanged, and arrived in London on the 25th August 1915. Of the journey home, he writes: “We left camp at 5 a.m. ; travelled one and a half miles to the station, and were the put on a train for Cologne, arriving there at midnight. We left Cologne for Aachen, where we were inspected. We stayed there for two days and were treated well. Then we left for Flushing, and arrived at the Tilbury Docks at 5 p.m. We had a fine trip on the boat, the Dutch nurses being very kind to us.” In other letters, Pte. Davey states that the sinking of the “Lusitania” was celebrated at Ohrdug by the playing of the brass bands, etc. He was so thin in Germany that one day a doctor hung his hat on his hip bone and laughed. This young soldier has now safely arrived at Victoria. He writes very cheerfully of life in a London hospital, where he slept on a veranda, and was able to see a Zeppelin during an air raid. He will have to undergo another operation. He has already undergone four - three in Germany, where, he says, they use no chloroform. The many friends of young Davey, who was educated at the Bampton National School, will be pleased to know that after so many exciting adventures, the Victorians gave him a good reception.
Mr. Nelson Miles, son of Mr. Charles Miles, fishmonger and newsagent, of Bampton, was driving a horse and trap in Brook Street, when the horse shied and collided with a lamp-post. A traction engine was coming in the opposite direction. The shafts of the trap were broken, and Mr. Miles was thrown out of the trap, but escaped with only a shaking and some bruises.
In addition to the usual services at Bampton Parish Church on Good Friday (April 21st), an evening lantern service was conducted by the Rev. E.V. Cox (curate). At Petton, near Bampton, the Rev. E.V. Cox (curate) officiated at the Communion Service, and held a Catechism on Easter Day. There were 30 communicants and 119 at Bampton Parish Church.
May 1916
Amid many signs of sympathy and respect, the funeral of Private G.C. Nott, Devon Regiment, took place at Bampton parish churchyard. The military authorities had granted the wishes of his parents that Private Nott should be buried at Bampton, his native place. The coffin, accompanied by Pte. Nott’s father reached Bampton on Saturday morning, and was met at the station by Mr. F. Townsend (master of the National School) who placed upon it a cross of flowers. Deceased was a member of Court Huntsham. The coffin bore the inscription: “Gilbert Charles Nott, died May 3rd. 1916, aged 20 years.
At a meeting of Bampton Urban Council a complaint about a grip which caries water across Wick Road to irrigate the adjoining fields in the occupation of Mr. J. Thomas, and a letter from Messrs. Ellis, Son and Bowden, agents for the Wonham Estate, with reference to the broken culvert in Ford Mill Road were referred to the Surveyor. Mr. Rogers remarked that the total cost of lighting the street lamps last season was £34 15s., or £1 10s 3d. per lamp.
At Tiverton Divisional Sessions, Frank Knight, Brook Street, Bampton, was summoned for riding a bicycle without a light, at 9.10 p.m. on the 28th April. P.C. Conbeer proved the case, and said that when spoken to, the defendant replied he might have had his wife’s lamps put on his bicycle, but he thought witness would have been on duty elsewhere. Supt. Joslin said that the defendant, being a special constable, should have reported himself.
June 1916
At Tiverton Police Court, William Williams, farmer, of Wonham, Bampton, was summoned for being drunk while in charge of a horse and trap in Newport Street on the previous evening. P.S. Denning said the defendant, who was accompanied by his wife, drove up Bampton Street at a furious rate. At the top of Bampton Street defendant’s hat blew off, and was picked up by a passer-by. Defendant asked why the sergeant did not pick up the hat, adding that “he helped to keep a uniform on his back.” Defendant denied that he was drunk. He had driven the horse around the streets in order to show it a bit of the town. Fined £2.
At a meeting of the Bampton Urban Council, Mr. J. Penwarden sympathetically referred to the death of Lord Kitchener, whom he described as the greatest military man who ever lived. The Medical Officer of Health reported that Bampton had escaped the epidemic of measles that had swept through the neighbourhood. He attributed this to the excellent sanitary conditions of the town. Mr. J. Salisbury was reappointed lieutenant of the Fire Brigade. A petition was received from the residents of Luke Street asking that the street be tar-sprayed in the interests of health. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Council considered it undesirable to tar-spray owing to the steepness of the road.
The marriage was solemnised at Bampton Parish Church on Tuesday (June 20th) of Miss Gertrude Emily Mary Holmes, second daughter of the Vicar of Bampton, Rev. H. Forrester Holmes and Mrs. Holmes, and the Rev. Ernest V. Cox, assistant curate of Bampton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. Bingham, of London (uncle of the bride) and Rev. A.V. Cox (Vicar of Stockland, father of the bride-groom). The only bridesmaid was Miss Ada Cox, sister of the bride-groom. The “best man” was Rev. C. Cox (Bridport).
July 1916
Great sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sparkes, of Thetford St. Mary (formerly of Venman’s Farm, Bampton) who have received news of the death of their son, Trooper Lewis Sparkes, at the Wynberg Hospital, South Africa, from appendicitis.
At this week’s meeting of the Bampton Urban Council, damage to the extent of 25 shillings was reported to have been done to the sewerage bank, the property of the Council, by two boys, who, it appeared, amused themselves by knocking off a row of bricks and letting them fall into the tank. The Council agreed to take a lenient view of the case, but this was on condition that each lad paid half of the damage.
The following Bampton men are reported as having been wounded in the recent fighting in France: - Corpl. Sydney Parsons, Pte. E. Hagley, Pte. R. Chown (Shillingford), Sapper Frank Wesley, and Pte. Charles Penney. Mr S.D. Besley, eldest son of Mrs. Besley of Brook Street, writes from Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand, that his two sons - Alexander and Samuel - were about to take their place in the defence of the Empire. The elder son (Mr. A.R. Besley) is attached to C Company (Infantry) 15th Reinforcements, and was expected to leave New Zealand on 8th July. The younger son (Mr. S.V. Besley) sailed from Auckland on February 4th and is now probably at the Front in France.
August 1916
Pte. Herbert L. Burnett, Devons, has died at Basra, in Mesopotamia. From the effects of the great heat. He was the son of Mr. L. Burnett, of High Street.
At the monthly meeting of the Urban Council the Surveyor reported that the steam roller had completed its work for the season. He had received tenders for oil etc., for the coming season. The contract of Mr. S.J. Hoare to supply Royal Daylight at ten and three-quarter pence per gallon was accepted. Mr. T. H. Hawkins, for traction engine work, quoted 25s per day or 1s 6d per cubic yard. Mr. Elworthy’s offer was £1 9s per day. Mr. Vicary proposed, and Mr. Rockett seconded, that Mr. Edison’s offer to provide everything, including coal, for 28s 5d per day be accepted. This was carried.
Sapper William Lazarus, son of Mr. John Lazarus, Bampton, has been home on a short visit. Pte. Dennis Oxenham Yeo, of the Canadian Seaforths, has been home at Bampton, after an absence of seven years. His first visit was paid to his former schoolmaster (Mr. Frederick Townsend).
At Tiverton District Sessions yesterday (Aug. 22nd), F. Miles, licensee of the Tiverton Hotel, Bampton, was summoned for selling Irish whisky adulterated to the extent of 30.8 percent, under proof, contrary to the Food and Drugs Act 1907. P.C. Conibeer gave evidence of taking the sample. Supt. Joslin submitted the report of the public analyst. The standard selling strength was 25 percent under proof. Defendant explained that there was very little demand for Irish whisky, and it had evaporated through being kept in stock. Defendant was ordered to pay the costs, and no conviction was recorded.
September 1916
A remarkable specimen of fungi was noticed by Mr. R.S. Webber, of Bampton, at Huckley Head, near Morebath Station. Its girth was 50 inches.
The Rev. E.V. Cox, who has been assistant curate in connection with St. Michael’s Parish Church, Bampton, for a little over twelve months, has accepted the curacy of Highweek, Newton Abbot. Mr. Cox has been a most earnest and energetic worker, and has greatly revived the church life at the hamlets known as Shillingford and Petton.
At the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council the seat of Mr. T. Shattock was declared vacant. Mr. Obed Hawkins of Rill Farm, and Mr. W. Hawkins, of Bury Farm, were nominated. Mr. O. Hawkins was elected. The Surveyor, having applied the smoke test to the drains of certain houses near Drill Hall, said the drains had proved defective and unsanitary.
Mr. W. Smith of 50, Brook Street, wrote a letter complaining of a bad smell coming from the street into his house. The Surveyor said the smell probably arose from pig sties when they were cleaned out.
Harvest thanksgiving services were held at the United Methodist Church, Bampton. Rev. James Bendle, formerly the superintendent minister of the Bible Christian Churches in the Tiverton Circuit, preached to large congregations. There was a special musical service in the afternoon. Mr. Edgar Nott sang a solo in the evening.
A valuable cob, the property of Mr. Francis Gibbings, butcher, of Castle Street was killed by the lightning on Tuesday night. Sympathy is felt for the owner, as the animal was so helpful in his business.
October 1916
Frederick Miles, innkeeper, Bampton, was fined 6s for driving a horse and cart without a lighted lamp attached on September 18th at 11.05 p.m.
Private Arthur Yeo, of the Canadians, is now in Ward 8 of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, having been severely wounded in the battle on the Somme. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Yeo of Fore Street.
The following scholars of Bampton National School have received hon. Mention at the recent Diocesan Inspection: Group 1: Harry Lazarus, Gilbert Yeo, Edgar Attwater, Cyril Butler, Ernest Hutter, Percy Lazarus, Ella Lee, Helen Symes, Ruby Hagley, Ivy Lazarus, and Madge Miles. Group 2: George Vicary, Victor Burrow, Stanley Cottrell. Group 3: Doris Staddon, Annie Atkins, Florence May Griffiths, Lilian Atkins, Lilian Dinham, Flossie Greenwood, George Seldon, Nelson Miles, Harry Harper, Bert Candler, and Frank Toze.
All roads led to Bampton yesterday (Oct. 26th) for the historic fair. Bampton Fair may be truly said to have no rival. Dealers and others commenced to arrive on Wednesday evening, and yesterday the streets were thronged presenting such a scene of bustle and animation that would do the heart of a Londoner good. It is astounding the amount of business which is transacted. Thousands of pounds are stated to change hands on Fair Day. By far the greatest cause of all the bustle and excitement was the presence of hundreds of ponies from Exmoor. A large crowd watched the pony sales. Mr. J. Blackford kept a crowded ring intensely interested throughout the day. Mr. John Blackford himself has presided over the ring for over a quarter of a century, and his father before him for another 25 years.
November 1916
The gross takings on “Forget-me-not” Day in aid of the Mayoress of Exeter’s Hospitality Fund for Troops amounted to £70 13s 3d.
Corporal Cecil Greenslade, who recently returned to France after having been wounded, is now at the Fazekerley Hospital, Liverpool, and been obliged to have one of his legs amputated. He was the first recruit for the New Army at the memorable Drill Hall meeting.
Privates Charles Budd, Arthur Yeo, and William Cottrell, all natives of Bampton, and now attached to the Canadian Contingent, have been wounded, and are in hospital in England.
Private Alfred Penney, son of Mrs. Penney, Tiverton Road, has been wounded, and is in hospital at Newport, Monmouthshire.
Many old friends at Bampton were glad to welcome home Signaller Arthur Wood, of the 4th. Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, on Saturday last (Nov. 13th), for a weekend visit from Shorncliffe. He had been absent from his native town for nearly 13 years. He gave up a lucrative post in Saskatchewan to serve the Empire in the great struggle.
At the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban Council a letter was read from Mr. Edwin Hellard, of Taunton, complaining of the state of the roads in Bampton parish at Quartley Farm and thence to Skilgate. The Medical Officer of Health said four cases of measles had occurred, and found to have been imported fro Tiverton.
The funeral of Mr. John Thomas of Sparkhayne Farm, Bampton, took place in Bampton parish churchyard on Tuesday Nov. 28th.). The coffin bore the inscription: "John Thomas, died 24th. November 1916, aged 48 years."
December 1916
Sapper Frank Wensley, Royal Engineers, who was wounded at the Somme, has been visiting his home at Bampton for a few days.
Corporal Sydney Parsons, of the Devons, who was also wounded in France, has been spending a weekend at his home in Shillingford, Bampton. He is the third son of the late Mr. John Parsons and of Mrs. Parsons, and has tow older and one younger brother on active service.
At a meeting of the Bampton Urban Council the Council expressed a desire to co-operate with the County Council in regard to a maternity and child welfare scheme.
Sergt. Tom W. Vickery, eldest son of Sergt.-Major S. Vickery of Prospect House, Bampton, has been on a brief visit home. He has been recommended for the Military Medal for valour in the field. Such an honour ought to be recognised by the inhabitants by giving him at the proper time a public welcome.
Private V.S. Besley of B Section, No. 3 New Zealand Field Ambulance, received a hearty welcome at Bampton last week. He is one of two soldier sons of an old Bamptonian, of Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand, and grandson of Mrs. Besley and the late Mr. Samuel Besley, of Bampton. After being wounded in France he has been a patient in hospital at Oxford. His brother, Pte. A.R. Besley, is in France. Young Besley, in company with Sergt. T. Vickery, left Bampton on Friday.
Beautiful weather has prevailed at Bampton over the Christmas holidays. Several lads in khaki are home on leave. A carol service was well attended at the United Methodist Church on Sunday evening, when the Pastor (Rev. S. L. Rogers) gave an appropriate address. There were two celebrations of the Holy Communion at the Parish Church. The Vicar (Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) officiated, assisted by Rev. Baker of Budleigh Salterton.
Year: 1917
January 1917
A highly successful entertainment was given at the Drill Hall, Bampton on Tuesday (Jan 9th), on behalf of the Bampton and District Nursing Association and Working Party for soldiers’ comforts. The programme consisted of vocal and instrumental music, fancy dances and sketches. Contributors included Miss G. Vicary, Lance-Corpl. Brazier, Corpl. Cheatle, Sergt.-Major Gilbert, Misses Kathleen Crawford, Kate Gay, J. Vicary, F. Wensley, G. Brock, D. Vicary, Mrs. B. Taverner and Miss Weston and Miss Baddeley. Mr. R. S. Webber rendered valuable assistance, and all the promoters deserve great praise for arranging such an enjoyable entertainment.
At the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban Council Dr. T.W. Widger Bovey reported that during the twelve months ended 31st December there had been 25 births and 10 deaths. No infants or children had died in the district during the past twelve months. The youngest person who died was 34 years of age.
Messrs. J. Miles and W. Howe were appointed firemen in place of Messrs. P. Davey and T. Denscombe.
The Chairman said he and the Vice-Chairman had come to terms with Mrs. Besley for allowing them to construct two sewers 15ft. long on her land. They had offered Mrs. Besley £3 2s 6d which sum had been accepted.
On Saturday (Jan. 27th) a serious accident befell Mr. Sydney Down, veterinary surgeon, of Newton Square, Bampton, who was pitched from his horse near Cudmore Farm, between Bampton and Huntsham. Unfortunately help was not immediately forthcoming, but the sufferer was ultimately brought home, and received the attention of Dr. Bovey and Dr. Sydenham.
February 1917
A native of Bampton, Mr. Lewis Trew, has died at Swansea, at the age of 69. The father of deceased was many years ago an Excise man at Bampton, and Lewis Trew, in his boyhood, went to reside with an uncle in Wales. He did not, however, forget his old home, which he frequently visited.
Sergeant William Budd, having been in hospital for fourteen weeks, has been home to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Budd of Three Corners, Bampton. He has twice been wounded, and has brought honour to himself and the parish by winning the Military Medal. After serving the Colours for seven years, Mr. Budd went to Canada, where, in conjunction with two of his brothers, Sergt. George Budd and Pte. Charles Budd, he returned for the war.
Messrs. Robert Staddon and Son, of Dulverton and Bampton, held an auction of house property at the White Horse Hotel, Bampton, on February 15th. Five cottages with good gardens in High Street, were sold to Mr. J. Miles for £330. Five dwelling-houses or cottages in Brook Street, with good gardens, large yard, stables, workshops, and outbuildings, were purchased by Mr. John Cottrell, Bampton, for £700. There were spirited biddings for the residence known as “Well House”, now in the occupation of Mr. E. Rogers (surveyor). The biddings started with £300, and finally closed at £455, when Miss Eva Burnett, of Luttrell, Bampton, became the purchaser.
Thomas Hutchings, labourer, of Bampton, was fined 5s for driving a horse and wagon without front lights at Bampton on January 22, at 6 p.m.
March 1917
Before the magistrates at Tiverton County Police Court on March 6th the question with regard to early closing of public houses in the Bampton area was brought forward. The matter had been deferred for a month to allow the licensees to agree amongst themselves for an earlier hour of closing. They now wished to close at 10 o’clock until the Summer Time Act came into operation, when they wished to keep open until 11. They also desired to keep open until 11 during Bampton Fair week.
The parishioners greatly regret to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. H. Forrester Holmes, wife of the Vicar of Bampton. Rev. E.V. Cox, of Wolborough, formerly curate at Bampton, conducted the services at the Bampton Parish Church and at Petton Church on Sunday last (March 18th).
Lance-Corpl. William Candler, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Candler, of Castle Street, Bampton, has been home from hospital to visit his parents. He is attached to the Royal Fusiliers, and has twice been wounded.
The members of the United Methodist Church, Bampton, made a big effort at their quarterly meeting to pay off the chapel debt. The luncheon was well attended. In the afternoon thee was a public meeting at which Revs. E.E. Lark (Taunton), T.L. Rogers (Bampton), J. Watts (pastor of the Baptist Church, Bampton) and W. F. Lamplugh (Clayhanger) were present. About £60 was raised during the day.
Ten prisoners of war have arrived at Bampton to work in the Bampton Stone Quarries.
April 1917
At Tiverton County Police Court yesterday (April 3rd), Thomas Heale, beer house keeper, Great House, Bampton, was summoned for driving a horse and cart without lights at Bampton at 7.15 p.m. on March 16th.
William Williams, farmer, of Wonham Barton, Bampton, was summoned for allowing 14 ewes and 17 lambs to stray on the highway on March 18tth - Supt. Joslin said there had been previous complaints, and one since the summons had been served. - Fined 10s.
Just before 6 a.m. on Good Friday (April 6th) Mrs. Edith Deborah Holmes, wife of the Vicar of Bampton, peacefully passed away, and the news was received by the parishioners with the greatest regret, and with many signs of sympathy for the Vicar and the members of his family. The deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. Edmund Ford Radcliffe, of the Bengal Civil Service, and came to Bampton Vicarage just 25 years ago. Deceased had been ailing in health for some considerable time, but her illness had only assumed a more serious aspect during the past five weeks, culminating in her death, at the age of 72. Mrs. Holmes leaves a husband, one son (Mr. Clement Holmes of Nottingham), and three daughters (Miss Lilian Holmes, Mrs. Francis Thelwall, and Mrs. E.V. Cox, wife of the Rev. E.V. Cox of Wolborough) to whom the heartfelt sympathy of the parishioners is respectfully extended.
Bampton Tribunal passed a resolution of sympathy with the family of the late W. Blamey, who was a member, and welcomed Mr. J.C. Rockett as his successor on the tribunal.
May 1917
Mr. and Mrs. W. Kingdom of Brook Street, Bampton, received news that their second son, Pte. Horace Donald Kingdom, has died in hospital in France. In the Vimy Ridge fight he sustained an abdominal wound.
Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Wensley of Birchdown Farm have been officially informed that their second son, Victor J. Wensley, sustained a gunshot wound in the left thigh on the 17th April at Vimy Ridge. He has since been removed to Aldershot.
Sergt.-Major T. Vickery and Mrs. Vickery of Prospect House, Bampton, have received a letter saying that their son, Sergt. T. W. Vickery, has died of a shrapnel wound in the stomach in a hospital in France on 25th April. He had won the Military Medal, and visited his home in December last.
Pte. Robert Henson, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. R. Henson, formerly of Hukeley Farm, Bampton, is reported killed.
Sergt. Sydney Parsons, son of Mrs. Parsons of Shillingford, is reported missing.
Pte. Fred Lazarus, formerly of the Devons, a son of Mr. John Lazarus of Brook Street, Bampton, is officially reported missing. Young Lazarus at the commencement of the war was wounded at La Bassee, but the bullet lodged in a packet of cigarettes which was taken from his breast pocket after he had been conveyed to the base hospital. On again going to the Front, he was transferred to the Dorsets.
Mrs. W. Toze of High Street, Bampton, received information that her son, Fred Land, of the Devonshire Regiment, was wounded in action at Salonica about the 25th of April.
At the monthly meeting of Bampton Urban Council it was resolved that the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. W. Blamey be filled by Mr. F.C. Davey, of Fore Street. Letters were received fro the Vicar of Bampton and Mrs. W. Blamey thanking the Council for sympathy in their respective bereavements.
At Tiverton, Charles Miles (16), Bampton, was fined 5s for riding a bicycle at 11.05 p.m. on April 14th, at Bampton, without a front light. Defendant did not appear.
Mrs. J. Fisher, of Ivy Cottage, Bampton, has a duck born with four legs. The duck is still living.
June 1917
L-Cpl. George Budd, Canadians, second son of Mr. and Mrs. James Budd, of Three Corners, Bampton, has been wounded, and is home for a few days from hospital. He has three brothers serving with the Colours.
Pte. Frank Tooze, machine gun section (S.L.I.), son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tooze, of Petton, Bampton, has now arrived home from Sheffield hospital. He was badly wounded in both feet and one leg, but is progressing favourably. He has one brother invalided from the Army, and one in the Royal Engineers.
At Tiverton County Police Court, Alfred Crystall, carpenter, Bampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Bampton on the 29th May. Mr. Escott, baker, Bampton, said that as he was driving his cart past Ford Mill the defendant caught hold of the horse’s head and refused to let go. The result was that the trap overturned. He (Mr. Escott) managed to jump clear, but two children in the trap were thrown out. Defendant said he had been keeping up the Bank Holiday, and had had some whiskey, which he was not used to. Fined £2.
On Sunday last (June 10th) the Vicar of Bampton (Rev. H. Forrester Holmes) announced to the wardens and sidemen of the Parish Church that the Bishop had accepted his resignation as Vicar of the parish. The living of Bampton will be vacant after the 30th of June. This applies also to Petton Chapel.
At the monthly meeting of Bampton Council, Mr. Webber questioned the Surveyor on the state of Blackmore’s Road (Petton) and Quartley (Shillingford), which he said were in a shocking state and quite impassable. Mr. Stone said that the parish roads appeared to be quite neglected, and only the main roads were studied. The Surveyor promised to give these places immediate attention.
July 1917
At Tiverton District sessions yesterday, Geo. Ware, labourer, Bampton, was fined £1 for bad language.
At the monthly meeting of Bampton Urban Council the Surveyor said he and Mr. Stone had attended the conference on the question of damage to the roads by timber hauling.
The Government having taken control of all the quarries from the 15th inst., the Clerk was requested to get all the roads scheduled so that materials may be supplied when required.
Mr. John Lazarus, of Bampton, has received the news that his son Lance-Corpl. Fred Lazarus, of the Dorset Regiment, who was transferred from the 2nd. Devons, is a prisoner of war in Turkey at Ras-el-ain. He was taken prisoner in Mesopotamia during the fighting on the Tigris. Young Lazarus came from Egypt on the outbreak of war, and has been wounded twice and gassed in France, and subsequently reported as “missing.” Mr. John Lazarus received a post card direct from his son, who writes thus: “Just a line to say I am all right. I was taken prisoner on the 25th March. Do not write until you hear from me again.” Mr. Lazarus has six sons still serving in the Army, of which he is naturally very proud. Mr. Lazarus is an old volunteer, was a good shot, and is the possessor of the Long Service Medal.
Mr. John Trowey Periam, uncle of Mr. E.P. Row, of Bampton and who himself resided in that town until about fourteen years ago, has just died in London. Mr. Periam was for nearly 30 years one of the Guardians for Bampton, and for several years a member of the old Local Board, and a Manager of the National School. Deceased was the originator of the scheme for the distribution of water through the town in place of the old plan of fetching supplies from the springs in pitchers and buckets.
August 1917
A presentation has been made to the Rev. H. Forrester Holmes, who has just resigned the living of Bampton, which he had held for 25 years. A cheque was accompanied by an address recognising his valuable labours and the legacy he left in the form of a restored church, a new organ, and other improvements. The address was signed by J. Todd, J.C. Rockett (wardens); F. Townsend, S.J. Hoare, F. Frost, T. Vicary, W.F. Knight (sidesmen) and 72 subscribers.
A successful jumble sale, to raise funds for the Bampton Blanket Society, has been held, and realised over £4. Mrs. E.P. Row the Hon. Secretary, was greatly encouraged for her zealous efforts.
In some places around Bampton the corn has been beaten down by wind and rain, but in the sheltered vales of this favoured district they are only waiting for fine weather for the ripe golden corn to be safely garnered.
The footpath leading from the Town Mills, Bampton, to Barton, requires attention by the Urban Council. Brambles and other rank growth obstructs the path, in addition to a quantity of soil slipped out from the bank against the allotments.
It is with regret we record the death of Miss Mabel Wensley, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wensley, of Birchdown Farm, Bampton, at the early age of 21 years, which took place on Friday (Aug. 17th) as a result of heart failure following an attack of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Wensley lost a son and daughter in America a few years ago, both being just over 21 years of age.
September 1917
Lance-Corpl. Frank Tooze, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Tooze, Petton, Bampton, has paid a brief visit home. He is attached to the Lewis Gun Section, Somerset L.I., and was wounded at Arras.
Pte. Jack Knight, of the Royal Flying Corps (after an absence in Egypt and Palestine for two years), is visiting his home at Bampton.
The Rev. Ernest Vivian Cox, B.A., was last evening (Sept. 19th) inducted and instituted to the living of Bampton in the presence of a large congregation. The Rev. gentleman has resided in the parish for some years, and Mrs. Cox is the daughter of the former Vicar. The choral service was conducted by the Rev. Stuart Hall, Miss G. Vicary presiding at the organ. After the sermon the Lord Bishop of Exeter proceeded to the ceremony of institution. The oaths having been taken and the declarations made by the new Vicar, the Bishop uttered the appointed prayers, and after reading the letters of institution, pronounced the Benediction. The ceremony of induction by the Archdeacon followed, and the service concluded with the Blessing, pronounced by the Bishop.
Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Sewell on Tuesday (Sept. 26th) asked the Tiverton Guardians to change their official title from “foster parents” to “matron and superintendent” of the Children’s Home at Bampton. The Chairman (Mr. New) said the legal status of their officers was that of foster parents, and they wanted the children to feel they were in a home, and not in a workhouse, and that while they were there the officers were their legal parents. By a majority, however, the Board acceded to the request.
October 1917
At the Tiverton County Police Court yesterday (Oct. 2nd) an application from the licensees of the public-houses of Bampton for an extension of hours during the Bampton Fair week was refused, the Mayor adding that now was the time to economise in coal, gas, and manpower.
Private Victor J. Wensley, attached to the Devons, who was home on a visit during the first week in September, has for the second time been wounded on his return to Ypres. He is a son of Nr. And Mrs. T.F. Wensley of Birchdown Farm, Bampton.
At the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council the Teign Valley Granite Company wrote that under restrictions the 1,200 tons of stone ordered could not at present be supplied. It was decided to write to London for a special permit in order that more stones might be obtained for the main roads. The Sanitary Inspector reported he had received a complaint that the domestic water supply from a well at Wonham Cottages did not seem to be fit for drinking. On analysis it was found to be polluted with organic matter. Mr. Gordon, the owner, stated that the water had not been used since it was known to be wrong. He added: “I should be glad if you could give me the name and address of a suitable man to attend to it, as I have failed to find one in this district.”
Bampton Fair, an annual and historic Devon event of almost national interest, was held yesterday (Oct. 25th), and although the attendance was not so large as in pre-war times, and indeed less than last year, many thousands journeyed to the quaint little town in connection with the sale or purchase of Exmoor ponies, and generally take part in the “fun of the fair”. Business was brisk. There were about 400 ponies offered, 450 sheep, and 35 beasts. With regard to the ponies, suckers fetched from £2 to £7, yearlings (not many), up to £21, old mares £8 to £16; entire ponies, £15 to £21. With regard to sheep, lambs were 44s to 73s, and ewes 75s to 90s.
November 1917
A framed picture of the “Madonna Granduca” has recently been placed on the south wall of Bampton church. It has been presented by some of the parishioners in memory of the late Mrs. Holmes.
Including a subscription of £1 from Mr. C. Carew, M.P., the takings at the Bampton Fair collection in aid of the Mayoress of Exeter’s Fund was £28 14s 5d. The proceeds of refreshments at the Constitutional Club and from a dance during the evening realised £6 4s 1d, making a total of £34 18s 6d. Mr. R.S Webber’s efforts were very successful.
To provide a parcel of comforts for each Bamptonian serving his country on land or sea, a collection made at Bampton Fair realised £8 16s 2d. Through the strenuous efforts of the hon. Secretary, Mr. E. Rogers (Surveyor), the total fund is now £67 9s 11d which will probably allow for some little gift to be made to the men on home service as well as abroad.
The Committee of the Urban Council selected to determine the price of coal has decided upon £2 6s per ton fetched from the depots in the urban area, and £2 2s 6d per ton at the depots at Shillingford and Petton, carriage extra.
Mrs. W.H. Burnett, of Hayne Barton, Shillingford, Bampton, has received information that her husband, Pte. William Hy. Burnett, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Burnett of Luttrell farm, has been wounded in action in Palestine. The latest news indicates that he is progressing favourably.
December 1917
Gladys Paul, a little girl aged 8, a scholar of Bampton National School, sent a letter to General Byng congratulating him on his great victory. To her great joy, she received the following gracious reply: -
“Headquarters, Third Army, B.E.F., 3/12/17
My dear little Gladys, General Byng has asked me to write and thank you very much indeed for your letter. It pleases him greatly to hear from a little girl like you, and to see how you appreciate what the soldiers are doing out here. I am sending as a souvenir a German bullet. It is quite safe. I will now stop, as we are all very busy. Wishing you the best of luck always. Yours sincerely, Basil Brooke, Captain.”
Miss Winifred Nellie Hancock has received from the hands of Her Majesty the Queen a certificate qualifying her as a medical and surgical nurse. The distribution took place at the West Ham Infirmary, Whipps Cross, London. Miss Hancock is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hancock, of Newton Square, Bampton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tooze of Petton Dairy, Bampton, have received official information that their son, Private Frank Tooze, Somerset Light Infantry, was so severely wounded in action that he succumbed to his injuries on November 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Tooze have one son invalided fro service, and their eldest son is attached to the Royal Engineers. Pte. Tooze, who returned from a visit home on Aug. 28th was of fine physique and generally popular.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hancock of Newton Square, Bampton, have received official information that their son, Pte. Thomas E. Hancock, has been wounded in Palestine.
Year: 1918
January 1918
A successful whist drive and dance were held at the Drill Hall, Bampton, in aid of the Tiverton Hospital. There were about 175 present. The winning ladies were Mrs. Bovey, Miss L. Roberts, and Miss V. Yeo. Gentlemen: Mr. F. Kelpenski, Mr. Clarke and Mr. B. Davey. Mr. E.V. Cox acted as M.C. for the whist drive, and Mr. A. Scott for the dance. Guessing competitions were won by Mr. Penwarden and Master W. Land.
Bampton Parcels Committee have sent 128 despatches to soldiers and sailors from the parish engaged in active service. The parcels included those for twelve men wounded in hospital at home, but who are still eligible for service.
At the Tiverton County Police Court yesterday (Jan. 22nd) Frank Gould, engine driver, of Bampton, was summoned for being in charge of a traction engine without lights near the Exeter Inn at 6.15 p.m. on January 10th. Fined 7s 6d.
February 1918
To raise a parochial fund, the Vicar and Mrs. Cox organised at the Drill Hall, Bampton, a sale of work, followed by a tea and entertainment. The net proceeds of the sale of work and refreshments were £7 7s 5d, and of the entertainment £6 3s 4d.
The relatives and friends of the following visitors have welcomed them during the past week with the hearty greetings they deserve: Lance-Corpl. T. Gibbings, Royal Fusiliers, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Gibbings, Castle Street, Bampton; Lance-Corpl. W. Hagley, R.E., who joined up at the start of the war, and has so far escaped any hurt. He is a son of Mrs. Hagley, Mill Head, Bampton. Pte. H. Chamberlain, of the Royal Berks, was wounded, and has been some time in hospital in Sussex; Pte. G. Wood of the Canadian Battalion, was wounded at Hill 70. His brother Pte. A. Wood is attached to the Canadian Field Artillery.
The annual Brewster Sessions for the Petty Sessional Division of Tiverton were held on Tuesday (Feb. 5th.). The Chairman suggested that Bampton public-houses should close at 10 o’clock all the year round. Supt. Joslin said it was argued that men working at long distances, when they came home, liked a drink for supper, and that was generally after 10 o’clock. He promised to approach the people concerned.
At Tiverton Town Hall, on Saturday (Feb. 16th) a smartly-dressed girl, 18 years of age, the daughter of highly respectable residents of Bampton, was brought up in custody charged with stealing from the residence of a Bampton tradesman a gun-metal wristlet watch (valued at 8s 6d) and a rolled gold necklace, the property of domestic servants living on the premises. Defendant promised never to do such a thing again, and the Magistrates released her on probation for three months.
March 1918
Regimental Sergeant-Major T. Vickery and Mrs. Vickery, of Prospect House, Bampton, have received the Military Medal, won by their son, Sergeant T.W. Vickery, who was killed in action.
Elizabeth Dunn, an elderly widow, residing on the Tiverton Road, fell and broke both legs while trying to remove a saucepan. The unfortunate woman, who had been bed-ridden for several years, resided with an afflicted son. Dr. Bovey of Bampton ordered her removal to the Tiverton Hospital, where she is progressing as well as can be expected. She is 80 years of age.
Mr. F.W. Hunter (London) has given a bread-making-with-potatoes demonstration at the Conservative Room. Loaves were made containing 33% of potatoes. Mrs. A.V. Stone is the Hon. Secretary of the Local Food Economy Committee.
The oldest male inhabitant of Bampton has passed away in the person of Mr. Charles Hill at the advanced age of 88. Deceased was a retired thatcher, and never cared to be absent from his native town. His sight was so good he read the daily lessons and the newspapers without the use of glasses. He resided with his daughter and son-in-law (Mr. Charles Burrow, of the Town Mills).
Mr. John Lazarus, of Brook Street, Bampton, has at last received a short letter from his son, Lance-Corporal Lazarus, a prisoner of war in Turkey. Young Lazarus, who was attached to the Dorset Regiment, says: “I am glad to say I am going on all right. I shall be glad to hear from you, as I have not had any letters since I have been a prisoner.” The letter is dated January 21st 1918.
Driver Ernest Gillard, of the Canadian Field Artillery, has won the Military Medal for valour in the field. He is the son of Mrs. Gillard, of West Street, Bampton.
April 1918
Defiance Orchard, a young gipsy, was charged at Tiverton on Friday (April 5th) with obtaining money by false pretences from Mr. F.G. Webber, farmer of Dipford Farm, Bampton. Mr. Webber, who is a special constable, said defendant called at his farm on Thursday afternoon, and asked him to buy some pictures, which she said she was selling on behalf of the wounded soldiers. P.C. Conibear said defendant also asked him to buy some pictures on behalf of the wounded soldiers. He did not believe her story, and took her to Bampton Police Station. Defendant said the constable’s evidence was correct. She was fined £2.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of Castle Street, Bampton, were pleased to offer their congratulations to them when it became known that they were celebrating their golden wedding day. They were married at St. Mary’s Church, Swansea, on April 13th 1868, and afterwards resided at Oakford. In 1902 Mr. Turner took over a business at Bampton, in which he is assisted by two of his sons and a daughter.
At the annual meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council Messrs. J. Penwarden and F.G. Webber were re-elected as chairman and vice-chairman respectively. The general district rate was fixed at 3s in the £ for the coming year.
Pte. G. Todd, only son of Sergeant-Major Todd, of the Post Office, Bampton, has been wounded in the foot. He is now in hospital in London.
Pte. Harry Falconer Attwater, Canadians, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Attwater of Brook Street, Bampton, was killed in action on Sunday (April 21st).
May 1918
A mass meeting was held at the White Horse Rooms, Bampton, on Thursday evening (May 2nd). The speaker was Mr. Dan Hillman, District Secretary for Devon and Cornwall to the General Workers’ Section of the Dockers’ Union. The meeting was organised by Mr. R. Webber, and the large room was crowded. It was decided to form a branch of the Union, and to elect a chairman, committee, and other officers at another meting to be held at an early date. Mr. Webber being unanimously elected as branch secretary.
Mr. S.E. Burrow, of London, has addressed a meeting held at the Drill Hall, Bampton, in aid of the Y.M.C.A. Hut Week. The Rev. E.V. Cox (Vicar) presided. The Rev. J. Watts proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker, which was seconded by Major Moutray-Read. The collection amounted to £2 16s.
June 1918
At the Tiverton Petty Sessions on Tuesday (June 12th), the case against Reginald Williams, of Bampton, for stealing leather straps from a bicycle was dismissed, as the defendant had joined the army. - Nelson Mills, of Bampton, aged 15, for riding a bicycle without lights at Bampton, at 11 p.m. on June 1st was fined 5s. - A coloured man, named George Davis, employed at Bampton Quarries, was fined 5s for riding a bicycle without lights at 10.45 p.m.
At the meeting of the Bampton Urban Council, the Vice-Chairman (Mr. F.G. Webber) carried his proposition to have the Local Food Control Committee augmented. It was agreed to have the bed of the River Batherum cleared at once, particularly at the bend adjoining Mr. Moore’s property.
Mrs. Jefford, of the White Horse Tap, Bampton, has received the following letter from Captain R.W.W. Boles of the Berkshires, dated June 8th 1918: “It is with great sorrow I have to tell you of the death of your son, Pte. Richard George Lugg. He was killed in action yesterday. A shell burst in the trench, killing him instantly. This happened about 8.30 a.m. He was one of the best men in my Company, and had proved himself a brave and good soldier. I shall miss him very much. May it lessen your sorrow a little to know he died such a brave and noble death for his King and country.” The Rev. W.L. Arrowsmith, C.F. also wrote a very kind letter to the bereaved mother.
The General Workers’ Section of the Dockers’ Union held an open-air meeting at Bampton on Saturday (June 22nd). Rev. T.L. Rogers, who presided, urged them to maintain high and noble ideals, and always let a sense of justice control their deliberations. Speeches were also delivered by Messrs. D. Hillman and Webber. An indoor meeting followed, held at the White Horse. Several new members were enrolled, and the committee and officers elected. Mr. Webber (the secretary) was nominated for a seat on the local Food Control Committee.
July 1918
Mr. F.G. Webber (vice-chairman) presided over the monthly meeting of the Bampton Urban District Council. After the payment of bills passed there is a balance of £590 5s 5d. Without asking permission, some men in the employ of Mr. Gordon, of Wonham House, have planted a portion of the margin by the side of the main road near Oakford Bridge with potatoes. The Surveyor reported that very few residents had taken the opportunity of having their potatoes sprayed this season. Under the Household Fuel and Lighting Order, Mr. E. Rogers was appointed Overseer, and Messrs. S.W. Moore, F.G. Webber, R. Vicary (Council), and Mr. J. Seward and Mrs. J. Bowden were elected as local Fuel and Lighting Committee.
Cases of epizootic abortion are reported by the Devon Constabulary at Bampton.
At a meeting of the Bampton Tribunal on Monday (July 29th), Mr. Tucker intimated that he could no longer serve on the Tribunal, as their work seemed to be completely nullified by other agencies. He instanced cases where both the local and Appeal Tribunals had ordered men to serve on certain dates, but these men were still in civil life, with either vouchers or protection certificate. He could no longer be a party to such proceedings. Other members of the Tribunal endorsed these views, and it was decided to tender their resignations forthwith.
August 1918
Mr. F. Townsend of Bampton has received a photographic group of three Devon officers now prisoners of war in Germany, one of whom is Lieut. W. Candler of Castle Street, Bampton.
For the purpose of reconstructing the Parish Agricultural Committees, a meeting was held at the Drill Hall, Bampton, with a good attendance. A discussion took place on how best to carry out the work in connection with corn production. For a committee of seven there were sixteen nominations and the following were elected: F.G. Webber, 23 votes; W.H. Hill, 21; W.H. Greenslade, 19; W. Weston, 18; F. Heal, G. Wensley, 17; W. Thomas, 16. Messrs. F. G. Webber and W. Weston were elected to attend the District Committee.
September 1918
Major and Mrs. Moutray Read of Castle Grove, Bampton, very kindly arranged an open-air fete in their charming grounds, but owing to the state of the unsettled weather it was held in the Drill Hall instead. Donations and collections brought in amounted to £68 17s 11d, which will be augmented to £70 by an anonymous friend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Penwarden, Bampton, have received official notice that their only son, Pte. William Penwarden, of the Dike of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, was wounded on August 22nd last.
The death has occurred of Mr. Francis Ernest Hanson, a well-known retired farmer. Deceased was 65, and leaves a widow and one son.
The Vicar is directing the attention of parishioners to the desirability of abolishing pew rents.
At a meeting of the East Devon War Agricultural Committee held at the Castle of Exeter yesterday (Sept. 27th), the Secretary stated that all threshing machine proprietors carrying on business within the Division had been communicated with as to the possibility of securing small gangs of prisoners of war to assist in threshing operations, but he regretted that up to the present only one firm, from Bampton, had applied for a gang. Several had written saying that farmers would not care for prisoners of war to be engaged in the work, or that by farmers assisting each other sufficient labour was already available.
October 1918
At the Drill Hall, Bampton, a sale of work in aid of the Parochial Fund was held under the management of Mrs. E.V. Cox. A mystery stall attracted great attention.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Candler, of Castle Street, Bampton, have received a letter informing them that their son, Lce.-Cpl. F. J. Candler, has been killed in action. His officer writes: “He was killed instantly, and did not suffer at all. His body was recovered and buried by his comrades, who erected a cross to his memory. His death was a personal loss to me, as he was a good N.C.O. and a keen soldier.”
A whist drive and dance were held at the Drill Hall, Bampton, on Thursday (Oct. 10th) in connection with Bampton and District Forget-me-not Day. A large number attended. The winners were:- Ladies: 1, Mrs. Gerringer; 2, Miss Laura Davey; 3, Miss James. Gentlemen: 1, Mr. j. Burnett junr.; 2, Victor Greenslade; 3, Mr. Gooding. The dance was very much enjoyed. Dr. Bovey was at the piano during the first part, and Miss Langdon for the second half. Mrs. F. Staddon, Mrs. A. Davey, and Mrs. R. Webber superintended the refreshments.
At Tiverton Petty Sessions yesterday (Oct. 29th), Charles Scott, engine driver, of Bampton, for driving a traction engine without sufficient lights was fined 5s.
The scene in the Tiverton Hotel Orchard, notwithstanding restricted railway travelling, was as animated as in previous years. Mr J. Blackford who conducted the sale throughout, was supported on his stand by a crowd of ladies and well-known people. The business throughout being sharp and crisp, resulted in a general clearance of the 250 animals offered, the prices obtained proving most satisfactory to the vendors.
November 1918
Mrs. Chapman, of Coombe, Dulverton, has returned, free of cost, to the custody of the Churchwardens of Bampton Parish Church the old stocks, which had been lost since 1896. They, with the stones on which the delinquents sat, were included in a “lot” at a sale. Much satisfaction has been occasioned by their restoration, the kindness of Mrs. Chapman being greatly appreciated.
There was great rejoicing at Bampton when news of the signing of the Armistice was heard. Flags were flying and waving in all directions. The day was made a general holiday. A number of children gathered together and collected some old rifles and a drum, and paraded through the streets singing and cheering. In the evening fireworks were displayed in the Square, and a number of boys dragged about a lighted tar barrel. A thanksgiving service was held at the Parish Church, and the bells rang merrily.
Year: 1919
January 1919
Lieut. W. Candler of the 2nd. Batt. Devon Regiment is now on a visit to his father, Mr. John Candler of Castle Street, Bampton, arriving home a few days ago. His many friends in Bampton are most pleased to see him after being a prisoner in the hands of the Germans since May last. Lieut. Candler was captured on May 27th 1918 near Rheims, while serving with the 2nd. Batt. Devon Regmt. After long and fatiguing marches, they entrained for a camp in Germany, and soon afterwards they were transferred to Karlsruhe. Their stay at this place was of short duration also, and they were hurried off to a prisoners' camp on an island in the Baltic. The chief thing complained of by Lieut. Candler, besides the monotony of prison life behind barbed wire, was the shortage of food. The parcels of food from England were hailed with delight, and somewhat mitigated their sufferings and kept off starvation.
Some of the English prisoners were very musical, real good artists, and concerts were carried through with much success. On December 18th they received the welcome order to pack up for “Blighty”, and this was received with tremendous cheering. They entrained at Shalsund for Warnamunde, where they embarked on the S.S. Malmo en route for Copenhagen, arriving there at noon on Dec. 19th. The Danish people gave the British lads a great reception on their arrival, and Lieut. Candler says it could not be surpassed even in England itself. On Sunday, December 22nd, they embarked on the S.S. Porto for England. They had their Christmas dinner on board while crossing the North Sea, and at noon on Christmas Day they landed in Scotland. Soon afterwards they departed for their respective homes.
For six months the dead body of George Emmanuel Jacobson, 23, a native of Copenhagen, has been hanging from a tree near Bampton, Devon. Jacobson, who was employed on a government timber contract, was missed last July, and his remains have only just been discovered.
February 1919
Lance-Corpl. F. Lazarus, 2nd Dorsets, who is a returned prisoner of war from Turkey and a native of Bampton, has been on a short visit to his friends in Treherbert, South Wales, and whilst there he was presented with a silver cigarette case by the Committee of Repatriated Prisoners of War.
March 1919
Sergt.- Major T. Vickery of Prospect House, Bampton, has been awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in recognition of services in connection with the war.
May 1919
John Seward of Bampton was summoned for selling condensed milk, sultanas, canned beef and marmalade at prices in excess of the maximum. Defendant said his wife looked after the shop while he was going his rounds or baking his bread. Her health was not good, and sometimes she suffered from headaches. The Bench imposed a fine of £1 5s 0d in respect of each of the four summonses and ordered him to pay £7 costs, £12 in all.
George Hammett, of Upton, Somerset, summoned Frank Hagley, landlord of the Castle Inn, Bampton, for assault. Hammett's version was that when he entered the inn on the 21st inst., defendant said: “No beer for you, you b-------” and knocked him down and kicked him. Defendant deposed that Hammett was the worse for drink when he entered the inn. That is why he refused him beer. In duty bound, he put Hammett outside. The Chairman said Hagley was justified in refusing to serve Hammett, but unnecessary violence seemed to have been used. A fine of 10s was imposed.
July 1919
Mrs. Gage of Castle Street, Bampton, has received a communication from the War Office expressing the fear that her son Cpl. J. Gage, attached to the 1st Wilts, formerly of the 1st Devons, who was reported missing on April 12th 1918 is dead, as no trace can be found of him whatever. Doubtless it will be remembered that young Gage was one of the first from Bampton district who was wounded in France, early in the commencement of the war.
August 1919
The Bampton railway station just now is a pleasing picture. All the beds are covered with choice and beautiful flowers. Roses, azaleas, phlox, geraniums and asters attract the eye of the passengers. The display reflects the greatest credit on Mr. J. Penwarden (stationmaster).
September 1919
The Rev. Henry Forrester Holmes, late Vicar of Bampton, died at his residence, Beechwood, St. David’s, Exeter, about 11 o’clock on Monday evening. Deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Holmes of Eaton Bishop, Hereford, and before accepting the living of Bampton was curate of Snitterfield, Warwickshire, under the late Rev. John Radcliffe, and had held various curacies in Canada. Mr. Holmes was Vicar of Bampton from 1892 to 30th June, 1917, when, owing to ill-health, he resigned in favour of his son-in-law, the Rev. E.V. Cox. He was also perpetual curate of Petton Chapel. His chief work at Bampton was the restoration of the parish church of St. Michael, at a cost of more than 2,000 pounds. The reopening of the restored church took place with great ceremony on June 23rd 1893, when the present Bishop of Crediton said in the course of a sermon that “the work was the outcome of courage and devotion.” The deceased was also the means, with the assistance of a Carnegie grant, of obtaining a new organ (built by Messrs. Hele and Co., of Exeter) which was dedicated on July 28th 1913, when an organ recital was given by the late Dr. D.J. Wood of Exeter Cathedral. Mr. Holmes was Rural Dean for the Tiverton Deanery from 1911 to 1913. He was Chairman and corresponding trustee of the Bampton National School. He took the deepest interest in all parochial matters, and annually gave a dinner to the ringers and invited friends, and presided in his well-known genial style. Mrs. Holmes predeceased her husband on April 6, 1917. Deceased leaves one son, and three daughters, to whom the sympathy of the parish and neighbourhood is extended.
December 1919
Erected at a cost of £230, defrayed by subscription, a two-dial clock (with chimes) facing east and west, in Bampton Church tower has been dedicated.
The Blanket Club, managed by Mrs. E.P. Row, has been much appreciated by the poor. A dance in aid of its funds was, unfortunately, not attended by the success usually accorded.
Year: 1920
January 1920
In the case of William Hutchings, of Bampton, charged in respect of an unlighted bicycle, the defendant, the Mayor remarked had decided his own fine, and sent on 5 shillings. As it was cash-in-hand the Bench would accept it.
A terrific storm raged at Bampton on Saturday evening, with the result that the river Batherum overflowed its banks, and the streets were flooded. Many of the inhabitants had the water in their houses on Sunday morning, which caused some considerable inconvenience.
March 1920
Herbert Aubrey Butler., Bampton, was summoned for riding a bicycle without a front light. P.C. Huxtable stated that when he stopped defendant he said “A drink will square this, I suppose?” Supt. Joslin pointed out that the constable was young, and such a remark was very offensive. Fined 10s.
April 1920
The Rev. E.V. Cox (Vicar) has unveiled in Bampton Parish Church a tablet erected by Major Moutray Read in memory of his brother, Capt. Anketell Moutray Read. The tablet is of polished alabaster , surmounted by the crest of the family, and bears the following inscription: “Sacred to the memory of Capt. Anketell Moutray Read, V.C., Northamptonshire Regt., and Royal Flying Corps, whose mortal remains lie at Le Rouboire, near Loos, where he gave his life for his country in the battle of the 25th September 1915. His gallantry, when partly gassed, in rallying men under a withering fire gained him the highest military honour. Born October 27th 1884. 'Faithful unto death.' ”
Mr. F. Townsend, of Bampton, while walking away from the parish church, where he had been to inspect a tablet erected in memory of the late Capt. Anketell Moutray Read, tripped on the pavement and, falling, dislocated his right shoulder. Dr. Bovey immediately attended to the case, and Mr. Townsend is now making satisfactory progress.
At the annual meeting of Bampton Council, Mr. Penwarden retired from the position of Chairman, and was thanked for his services. Mr. Webber was elected to the office.
June 1920
A special meeting of Ottery Council was held the evening before last for the purpose of interviewing selected candidates for the post of Surveyor and Inspector of Nuisances. It was decided that Mr. Ernest Rogers, of Bampton, be appointed to the joint office at an inclusive salary of £250.
August 1920
At the Bampton National School a solid silver inkstand was presented the evening before last to to the late parish warden, Mr. J.C. Rockett. The inscription was : “Presented to Mr. J. C. Rockett, by the parishioners of Bampton, in appreciation of his services as people's warden 1880-1920”
October 1920
Bampton Comrades of the Great War held a dance in Bampton Drill Hall on Thursday to provide funds for their club. The music was supplied by the Comrades' Quadrille Band. Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. F. Staddon (Bank) supplied the refreshments. Comrade H. Chamberlain is the hon. Secretary of the club, and Comrade J. Salisbury the hon. Treasurer.
November 1920
At Tiverton Police Court yesterday, Robert Turner, grocer of Bampton for selling raisins and salmon at an excessive price, and for exposing salmon at an excessive price, was fined £1 19s 10d inclusive on each of the three charges.
December 1920
At the National Schoolroom, Mr. F.M. Drake, of Exeter, gave a lantern lecture on “The 15th century glass of the Bampton parish church in the different stages of its restoration.” The Rev. E.V. Cox (Vicar) presided, and assisted by manipulating the slides. The old window, containing glass of almost priceless value, is to be removed to the south wall of the church, and, when restored, so that the various characters can be recognised, it is to be inscribed with the names of those parishioners who fell in the Great War, thus becoming a memorial window.
Year: 1921
February 1921
At Tiverton Borough Sessions yesterday, Mrs. Kennard of Wonham House, Bampton, was fined £1 for causing obstruction by leaving a car unattended in Gold Street, Tiverton, on the 14th February. P.C. Beer stated the car was left unattended for 70 minutes outside Messrs. Wm. Thorne's Ltd.
April 1921
A dance has taken place at the Drill Hall to augment the funds of the Bampton Flower Show: 102 persons attended, and the net proceeds amounted to £10 10s. Miss Langdon presided at the piano, and Mrs. E.V. Cox, Mrs. F. Yendell, Mrs. W.T. Stone and Miss Young (South View) took charge of the refreshments.
June 1921
At the United Methodist Church, Bampton, anniversary services were conducted by Rev. H.G. Lane, and there were large congregations. In the afternoon the Sunday-school children gave an illustrated exercise entitled “The message of the flag.” The services were all of a bright and hearty character. Mr. J. Candler is the superintendent of the Sunday-school.
August 1921
At Tiverton County Sessions yesterday, Edward Gooding, Brook Street, Bampton, and Frederick George Frost, Frog Street, Bampton, were summoned for milk adulteration. After a lengthy hearing a fine of 10s was inflicted in each case.
Mr. J.R. Shenton of the Henstridge (Somerset) Church School has been appointed headmaster of the Bampton National School as successor to Mr. G. B. Hulland, who held this office for two years as successor to Mr. F. Townsend.
September 1921
Described as the Lord of the Manor of Clayhanger, near Bampton, William Williams, a farmer, was fined 10s at Taunton Police Court for being drunk in Bridge Street on the 10th inst. Defendant's explanation was that he had bought some strong tobacco and cigars, which he had been unaccustomed to smoke, and that this affected his nerves. He denied being drunk, and was certainly not incapable.
October 1921
Mr. W.C. Carnell, who was blinded in the war, on Sunday afternoon unveiled the Bampton War Memorial. The cross is of Dartmoor granite, and is erected at the junction of High Street and the Southmolton Road. It records the names of 41 Bampton men who fell in the war. The names were read out by Mr. J. Penwarden J.P., and the vicar (Rev. E.V. Cox) dedicated the memorial. Rev. F.W. Hurford (Baptist) read the Scriptures and offered prayer, and Rev. J.F. Luke (United Methodist) delivered an impressive address. Wreathes laid at the foot of the memorial included those form Bampton Legion, officers and men of the 4th Devons, and the Urban Council. A muffled peal was rung on the church bells.
December 1921
Mr. Vickery presided at a meeting at Bampton Drill Hall for the purpose of deciding whether a branch of the British Legion should be formed at Bampton. There were a goodly number of ex-Servicemen present, and it was decided to carry on. Ex-Sergt.-Major Jones was elected hon. Secretary and Mr. H. James hon. Treasurer.
Year: 1922
January 1922
At Tiverton District Sessions yesterday, Francis Land, engine-driver of Coles Cottage, Bampton, was fined £2 and costs for permitting a locomotive, of which he was the driver, to be on the highway with fire alight and sufficient motive power to move it, without any person being in attendance, on the 23rd December. P.C. Salter said the steam roller was standing on the highway at Shillingford. It was blowing off steam in a considerable quantity. The indicator registered 115 lb. Pressure. Witness went to see defendant, who said the pressure was 50 lb when he left the engine. He admitted that 40 lb pressure was sufficient to move the locomotive, and added that being wet he was in a hurry to get home. Defendant said that when he left the engine he thought the fire would go out, but the wind rekindled it.
March 1922
A Bluejacket named Wm. Nelson Miles, who had obtained a free discharge from the Navy, and was on his way to Bampton, his home, to take up civilian employment., yesterday broke his journey at Exeter and with a few pals celebrated the event. Still attired in sailor's uniform, which he had not had time to change for civilian dress, he appeared at the Exeter Police Court yesterday to answer a charge of having been drunk and disorderly in High Street last night. Defendant told the Bench that with his pals he had a few tots of rum and also some whisky. The mixture did not agree with him. “Was the Exeter beer too strong for you?” asked Mr. Campion, chairman of the Bench. “No, it was the whisky, sir,” replied the defendant. The Chairman: Pay a fine of 2s 6d and don't make a fool of yourself again.
April 1922
The body of Elizabeth Chorley, 31, of Bampton, who had been employed a domestic servant at Ventor, Isle of Wight, was found on the beach there last Friday, having been in the water apparently for two or three hours. At the inquest the coroner entered a verdict of “Found drowned.”
June 1922
Much to his disappointment, Mr. F. Townsend of Bampton has been prevented from attending the Diocesan Conference at Plymouth by an unfortunate event. In cycling home on the Morebath road he was thrown off his machine in endeavouring to avoid collision with a number of approaching cows when he was turning an awkward corner at the foot of the hill. Dr. T.A. Fisher has daily attended to the injuries, and progress is being made.
July 1922
Bampton Parish Church, Baptist, and United Methodist Sunday School-children had an outing to Teignmouth, being conveyed there in a special train. A large number of the children's parents accompanied the party, as also did Rev. E.V. Cox (Vicar), Rev. W.F. Hurford (Baptist), Rev. J.F. Lake (U.M. minister), Mr. S. Gibbings and Mr. J. Candler, the Superintendents of the Baptist and U.M. Sunday Schools, and the teachers.
August 1922
Mr. F. Miles senior., having ceased to supply horses for the fire brigade, the tender of Mr. J. Gibbings was accepted, together with a retaining fee of £3 per annum. In order to reach him with news as soon as possible, in case of emergency, it was arranged to engage a cyclist from the town. The great importance of being ready with their engine in case of fire was wisely and opportunely set forth in remarks made by Mr. F.T. Seward.
September 1922
At Southmolton, Mr. Attree Powell, Clerk to the Guardians, applied for a maintenance order against Arthur Henry Down, of Bampton, in respect of his wife. An order for 9s a week with 9s 6d costs was made.
December 1922
A recent demonstration by Bampton fire brigade at Shillingford revealed certain defects in the equipment, and the matter was reported to the Urban Council.
Rev. E.V. Cox drew attention of the Bampton Council to the appalling state of the road at Quartley Hill, and the Chairman admitted that riders of horses had had to get off and lead horses down. The surveyor was requested to give estimates of the costs to put the road in good condition for traffic.
Bampton Council will give a preference to ex-Service men when considering tenders for lighting the public lamps.
Year: 1923
February 1923
In the district the lambing season is at its height. Farmers are having varying experiences. Mr. T. F. Wensley of Birchdown Farm, has lost ten ewes and 19 lambs, while a neighbour has had 13 doubles from 16 ewes.
April 1923
At Tiverton, Frederick Miles, of the Tiverton Hotel, Bampton, pleaded guilty to using obscene language on March 31st, and was fined £2, the police stating that his record was not a good one.
Master Arthur Watts, of Brook Street, Bampton, in the junior violin contest at Tiverton Eisteddfod held at Tiverton Congregational Church was awarded second prize.
May 1923
The new Vicar of Littleham-cum-Exmouth will be the Rev. Ernest Vyvyan Cox, who since 1917 has been Vicar of Bampton. Mr. Cox is a member of the Parish Council at Bampton, and hon. Secretary and treasurer of the North-East Branch of the Guild of Devonshire Ringers, being a practical campanologist. He has shown considerable ability in organising matters at Bampton, and has succeeded in getting the bells of the parish church restored. He is a keen motor cyclist. He is the son of the former Vicar of Stockland, the Rev. A.V. Cox, who was Rural Dean of Honiton.
June 1923
In the course of his whirlwind campaign in the Tiverton Division, Mr. F.D. Acland, the Liberal candidate, addressed an open-air meeting at Bampton, where he was cheered by women electors.
Mr. Thomas Nott, builder and contractor, of Bampton, whilst plastering the end wall of Mrs. Gibbings' house in Castle Street Wednesday, fell to the street, and was picked up in an unconscious condition. He was removed to his home and attended to by Dr. T.A. Fisher.
July 1923
Master L. Staddon, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Staddon (Bank), passed the recent examination at the Bristol University, securing the degree of B.Sc. He was educated at Bampton National School, where he won a Tiverton Middle School scholarship. From there be passed to Bristol University.
August 1923
The living of Bampton, vacant by the cession of the Rev. E. V. Cox, now Vicar of Littleham-cum-Exmouth, has been offered by the Diocesan Board Patronage to the Rev. Howard Edmund Frayling, who for over ten years has been one of the clergy of the parish of Littleham-cum-Exmouth.
October 1923
G.W.R. are offering cheap trips, by certain trains, to Bampton for the Bampton Fair, Thursday October 25th. From Paignton 6/2, Torquay 5/11, Moretonhampstead 5/10, Bovey 5/-, Newton Abbot 5/2, Teignmouth 4/6, Dawlish 4/2, Silverton 2/5, Cullompton 1/9, Exeter St. David's 2/8, Tiverton 11d, Wellington 2/8, Taunton 2/8 etc.
November 1923
At Tiverton Police Court yesterday Wm. Williams, Nutcombe Manor (lord of the manor of Clayhanger and patron of the living), pleaded guilty to being “drunk and disorderly" on Bampton Fair Day, and his solicitor pleaded the meeting of friends on that day, and that a general licence was allowed. The Chairman (Mr. Penwarden): If that view was accepted no decent person could attend Bampton Fair. The maximum fine of £2 was imposed.
Year: 1924
January 1924
At the Bampton Parish Church on Sunday the services were well attended, the Rev. H.E. Frayling (Vicar) officiating. Miss Vickery was at the organ.
An enjoyable sacred concert was given on Tuesday at United Methodist Church, Bampton. Mrs. T.L. Rogers, Miss Hilda Nott (Mill Head), Mrs. Aggett, and Mrs. Jenkins well rendered some sacred solos. Mrs. Mantle, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Tucker, Miss Wakley (Brushford) and Master Percy Candler gave recitations in excellent style; while Mrs. Watts ably presided at the organ. Messrs. H. Sampson, W. Sampson, and Arthur Watts contributed much appreciated instrumental items.
February 1924
Messrs. Crosscolls Ltd., were granted permission to operate a daily motor 'bus service between Bampton and Tiverton.
April 1924
The taking over of the Crosscoll 'buses has naturally meant an extension of the operations in the Tiverton District, and Devon General 'buses are now running to Bampton.
May 1924
An application on behalf of Mr. Gilbert Buchanan Todd, chemist, of Fore Street, Bampton for confirmation of an off wine licence was refused.
June 1924
A memorial tablet has been fixed in Bampton Church by the 1/4th., Battalion Devon Regiment to the memory of Lieut.-Colonel Hugh Acland-Troyte, who was killed in France on April 17th 1918.
September 1924
Wonham House, near Bampton, was broken into last Friday night. The servants made the discovery at 6 o'clock next morning. The house is temporarily occupied by Mr. Buchanan, of London, while the owner, Capt. Kennard, and family are in Norway. Although the sequel proves that the burglar was in the house four hours, lit a fire, and had a good meal, rummaged through cupboards, and incidentally lifted a dog out of his way, none of the sleepers were aroused. The alleged burglar proved to be Fredk. Flack, of London, aged 21, motor engineer, and he was caught in this way: Two Bampton quarrymen named Collard and Hutchings saw a young man in the wood above their quarry carrying a heavy bundle, and having heard of the burglary, they approached him and practically charged hum with having broken into Wonham House during the night. Flack at once owned up, and the quarrymen took him to Sergt. Easterbrook. Later Flack was charged by Supt. Carey with this and other burglaries at Minehead and Dunster, and to these he also pleaded guilty. Flack spoke freely of a very good time at Wonham House. He stumbled against the dog while searching cupboards for clothes, and gently lifted the animal out of his way. It gave no alarm. Before rigging himself out with suits and underclothes he fed on duck, chicken, cakes etc., washed down by champagne cider. Before he found these more substantial viands he had lit a fire and boiled himself some eggs.
Year: 1925
February 1925
Walter John Heal, of Wonham Barton, Bampton, was fined £5 and veterinary's fee for not having taken proper precautions to sheep scab on his farm. The chairman (Mr. Mackenzie) said the magistrates did not think defendant wilfully acted but he did not dip sheep which had come from South Molton, a district notoriously full of scab.
March 1925
The following are standing for the nine seats on Bampton Urban District Council – William Blamey, Thomas John Cogan, Frederick George Frost, William Henry Greenslade, William Henry Hill, Malcolm Alfred Kennard, Samuel Webber Moore, Tom Norman. Charles Nott, Beresford Moutray Read, Thomas Frederick Seward, John Seward, Frank Stoneman, Henry Tate, George Frederick Webber, William Weston. Seventeen candidates withdrew.
April 1925
To the Editor of the Daily Gazette.
Sir, As a temporary resident of Bampton, I should like to protest against the attack made on the town by “D.M.K.” in your issue of March 25th. To a Londoner (and a jaded, weary one like myself) Bampton, in its delightful antiquity and quiet restfulness, strikes a comforting and soothing note. Its slumberous attitude is (to the outsider at any rate) its chief attraction, for it affords him blissful oblivion of the world and all things dreadful. If Bampton wishes to secure popularity as a resort, let it retain its simplicity and old-fashioned atmosphere. Personally, I cannot support the “rus in urbe” type of place with its cinemas, omnibuses, dance-halls, cafes, and the various other trappings of so-called progress. I believe many outsiders would endorse this opinion. As for the alleged need for a park, a man-made park, hideous in its stereotyped orthodoxy! Well, why not take coals to Newcastle! With such exquisite natural beauty surrounding Bamptonians they must be painfully lacking in aesthetic sense if they fail to find therein rest and contentment at the end of their daily toil. Yours truly, Sybil Toft, 1 High Street, Bampton.
May 1925
Mr. F. S. Webber presided at a meeting of Bampton Urban Council on Tuesday, when it was decided to support a scheme for electric lighting the town.
August 1925
Bampton people are anticipating with much gratification the possession of electric lighting facilities. It is understood that a private company has been floated for the purpose, and that the plant will be installed by October. The Urban Council is going to adopt electricity in place of oil for public lighting, while all the business establishments of the town and many private residents are having the light, so there is substantial cause for hoping that the venture will prove a success.
November 1925
The advisability of taking proceedings against Mr. A. R. Butler, garage proprietor, of Fore Street, Bampton, for alleged encroaching on the highway with a petrol pump was discussed at the meeting of Bampton Urban Council on Tuesday. It was stated that in erecting petrol pumps Mr. Butler had taken in land four inches beyond a line drawn across a recess belonging to him. On the proposition of Mr. Weston, it was decided to send a deputation to discuss the matter with Mr. Butler.
Year: 1926
January 1926
At Tiverton, Tuesday, Bertie H. Channing, of West Brook Farm, Bampton, was fined 10s for leaving a carcase of a sheep unburied on the 2nd inst. Defendant said that as his man was ill he had to do all the work, but the carcase had not been in the field more than two days.
At Tiverton Hospital last evening an inquest was held on Robert Francis Nicholson, 56, retired commercial traveller, Bampton, who died in the institution Saturday evening following an operation for a fractured femur that would not unite. The widow said that on November last deceased slipped on some steps leading from a pathway to the road in Frog Street, Bampton, and broke his left leg. Dr. Nicholson said the bone would not unite, and Dr. Dryball (Exeter) performed the operation to put in a plate. Deceased was under the anaesthetic over two hours and he died afterwards from shock and heart failure. The operation was necessary if deceased was not to have been a cripple. P.S. Goodland described the steps as dangerous, and the Coroner (Mr. Clutsum) in returning a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence said he would write the Bampton Council on the subject.
February 1926
When William Thomas Chidgey, gardener, of Castle Hill, Bampton, was fined 15s by the Tiverton County Bench yesterday for using obscene language in public, defendant's excuse was: "We are very bad neighbours up our way, and they are always annoying me. That is how it occurred. I am very sorry.” P.S. Tonkin proved the case.
April 1926
The defendant, Mr. Frederick George Webber, Chairman of Bampton Urban Council and himself a county magistrate, was summoned for obstructing the passage of Fore Street, Tiverton, with his motor car on the 23rd inst. Defendant was fined 15s.
July 1926
At Tiverton district sessions on Tuesday, Walter Fred Winzer, the Castle Inn, Bampton, was fined 15s. for driving a car to the danger of the public at 10 p.m. on July 3. Constable Long said defendant came round the corner at 15 to 17 miles per hour, without warning. He swerved to the left to avoid P.S. Tonkin, who was with witness, and then to the right to avoid another man. He drove faster afterwards in the direction of Tiverton.
September 1926
Wm. Hy. Phillips Bovey, retired baker, aged 86 of Tiverton, who died in Tiverton Hospital as the result of being knocked down by a motor cycle driven in Church Street, Tiverton, by Mr. Albert Nott, builder, Bampton, in a statement the hospital said " It was a pure accident." Deceased's injuries were a broken ankle and left arm. At the inquest on Friday the Coroner (Mr. F.R.D. Clutsom) returned a verdict of “accidental death”. No blame whatever was attached to Mr. Nott. Dr. A.K. Hamilton said death was due to heart failure caused by the shock of the injuries.
October 1926
George Burrow and Victor Burrow, trading as Burrow Brothers, Town Mills and Castle Street, Bampton, were fined £2 by the Tiverton County Bench, on Tuesday, for selling barley meal not being of the description demanded. The invoice was wrongly made out for barley meal by Mr. George Burrow's younger son.
Year: 1927
January 1927
“Death from natural causes " was the verdict returned at an inquest at Bampton on Saturday, on Clifford Wm. Hill, aged 17, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill, Waterhouse Farm, Bampton, who died suddenly on Thursday night. Mr. H.W. Gould conducted the inquiry without a jury.
March 1927
Bampton Urban Council yesterday received 18 applications for their six new houses in Frog Lane. The applications were considered in committee but Mr. F.T. Seward asked that the representatives of the Press might be informed of the number of applications, as he had been criticized for favouring a bigger scheme. The Chairman (Mr. F. G. Webber) said all the applicants were from people who already had houses. Mr. Seward said many people outside the town had been told that it was useless for them to apply, as the number of applications from townspeople would be so great. In view of the chairman's remark, however, he thought there would be many in the surrounding district who would be glad of the opportunity of acquiring a Council house.
April 1927
The public of Bampton on Saturday evening presented a coloured oak sideboard, inset to which was a silver plate bearing the inscription: "Presented to J. Penwarden, J.P., by his friends at Bampton as a token of esteem for kindness and public service, 1908-1927.” To Mrs. Penwarden was presented a gold wristlet watch. Mr. Penwarden has been stationmaster at Bampton for 19 years, and has now gone to Churston.
Ex-Sergt.-Major J. Todd has relinquished the post of postmaster of Bampton, which he had held for nearly 25 years, and his daughter, Mrs. Coles, has been appointed postmistress.
May 1927
Before Tiverton Divisional Bench yesterday Frank Osmond, postman, of Bampton, pleaded “not guilty” to taking possession of a stray dog and failing to notify the police forthwith. The case was dismissed. The evidence showed that that the dog originally belonged to the defendant, and then passed into the ownership of a Mr. Wright, who changed it for a brace of rabbits with a Mr. Rawle. Defendant said the dog repeatedly returned to his place, and he always fed it and turned it out. He intended to do the same thing on the occasion in question. He did not inform Rawle he had the dog because he was not friendly with him, but he told Wright.
September 1927
At Tiverton County Sessions on Tuesday Mrs. Rose Nash, of Tucking mill Cottage, Bampton, summoned for assault Mrs. Stradling, also of Bampton. Complainant said when she went to defendant to ask her to stop interfering with her business, Stradling “slashed” her several times with a whip. The defence was that the whip was used in self-defence, as prosecutrix came up “furious and like a lion.” The Bench dismissed the case.
October 1927
Thomas Henry Winzer and Frederick George Tayler, both age 16, labourers of Bampton, were summoned at Tiverton for discharging fireworks in Frog Street, Bampton, on October 8th. Sergt. Tonkin said he saw a flash quite close to a petrol pump, and immediately after, defendants ran towards him. He was in plain clothes. Defendants were ordered to pay 2s 6d costs each, and the case was dismissed.
November 1927
“That she incited a dog to attack and worry her” was the charge brought by Annie Rooks, of Tucking mill Cottages, near Bampton, against Rose Nash, neighbour, at Tiverton, yesterday. Complainant said Mrs. Nash set her little black dog at her twice, and the second time it bit both her legs. Defendant alleged that Mrs. Rooks teased the dog by throwing a black cat at it. It had never bitten anyone before. She had had the dog destroyed. The case was dismissed, defendant being ordered to pay the costs.
December 1927
Mr. J. Penwarden, formerly of Bampton, and now Great Western Railway stationmaster at Churston, has appointed by the Devon County Education Committee to fill the vacancy on Brixham Education Committee caused by the death of Mr. Martin Davis.
Year: 1928
February 1928
At the meeting of the Bampton Urban Council Mr. F.T. Seward drew attention to the fact that rats were again getting numerous in the district, and it was decided to employ a rat catcher.
May 1928
An enjoyable dance organised by W. Carnell's Novelty Dance Orchestra was held in the Drill Hall, Bampton, there being over 130 present. The winners of the “lucky number” competition, organised by Messrs. W. Challes and W. Hancock, were Miss P. Napper and Mr. C. Moore, and of the “Envelope Dance”, Miss K. Escott and Mr. D. Aldridge. The prizes were presented by by Mrs. Shenton. Refreshments were served by Mesdames W. Davey, F. Staddon, and H. Sampson. Mr. F. Gibbins (Castle Street) acted as door steward, and Mr. A. Lazarus carried out the duties of M.C.
Miss May Brownridge, A.T.C.L., Yeovil (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brownridge, of Bampton), has passed the licentiate examination of the Royal Academy of Music (L.R.A.M) in singing.
June 1928
Mr. Wood of the Druggist Arms Hotel wrote to Bampton Council complaining of the nuisance caused by cattle passing through the streets.
August 1928
In the Revision Court for the Tiverton rural area yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Powell, of Bampton, renewed an application to be placed on the register, previously refused as proof of the man's nationality was not forthcoming. It was known that he came to England from America in 1893, and it is understood that he was interned during the war. He came to work at the Bampton quarries and remained there. One version was that his father was a Pole, and died when Powell was two years old; another was that his mother, who died when he was eight, told him his father was an Englishman. A third story was that he was born at sea. The case was adjourned for inquiry at Thornaby-on-Tees where Powell was working when war broke out.
Charged at Tiverton District Sessions, Tuesday, with using bad language, Rose Nash, Tucking Mill, Bampton. said there were other guilty people at Bampton. but they were not found out.
October 1928
Bampton Fair maintained its reputation for mud yesterday, though beyond a few small showers, the weather remained bright. Compared with previous years, the Fair was quite a tame affair, though there was plenty of excitement for those near the sales ring, which was in a field adjoining the Tiverton Hotel. There were fewer sightseers, but the streets were, as usual, lined with side-shows and stalls. The number of animals for sale was slightly above last year, there being about 350 ponies, 500 sheep and 300 cattle. The ponies sold better than last year, though demand was poor. For sheep there was an exceptionally good clearance. Cattle also sold briskly.
November 1928
The G.W.R Station at Bampton has been awarded a first class prize in connection with the Company's flower garden competition. Mr. Saunders (stationmaster) and Mr. W. Jefferies deserve hearty congratulations on their success.
December 1928
At the recent examination of the Associated Board, Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, Miss Glenice Escott was successful in pianoforte playing, Primary Division.
Year: 1929
March 1929
Tiverton County Magistrates yesterday dismissed with costs the case in which Annie Hoare, stationer, of Bampton, was summoned for assaulting Rita Heido. aged nine, of Luke Street, Bampton. Defendant admitted having smacked the girl under provocation caused by her having pushed down a newspaper contents board outside the shop. The girl denied this, and alleged that defendant pulled her inside the shop, locked the door, struck her, and afterwards pushed her out. The Bench ordered defendant to pay the costs, 8s, and she was warned not to take the law into her hands again. Mrs. Heido was also told to keep her children under control and to see that they did not annoy anyone in future.
May 1929
Judgment for three guineas was given at Tiverton County Court yesterday for Leonard Hughes, hawker, of Cove, against Thomas John Winzer, of Bampton, as damages for a broken shaft. Plaintiff said that on a night in April, 1928, he heard a crash, and, on getting out of bed, saw a car turning in a private road, where his trap stood. Next morning he found a shaft broken, and estimated the damage and loss of time at £4 5s 6d. Defendant's son admitted turning the car in the road, but did not hear anything break. Defendant said he had offered £1, not because he considered he was liable, but for peace. His Honour (Judge Lindley) said the car was technically trespassing.
June 1929
Mr. V. Tuckfield's tender for varnishing and painting seats and direction signs for £4 10s has been accepted by the Urban Council.
July 1929
The hope that Devon Education Committee would soon proceed with the erection of a new school for the town was expressed at Bampton Urban District Council meeting on Tuesday. It was stated that the committee was sending representatives to Bampton to consider the position.
September 1929
William Parkhouse, of Oakford Bridge, Bampton, had his left leg amputated yesterday following injuries received through being caught between a telegraph pole and a lorry belonging to Messrs. Scott, of Bampton.
November 1929
Bampton's new Church Hall was opened yesterday by Lady Amory. The building which has a seating capacity for more than 200, has cost over £560, of which £25 remains to be cleared off. The Vicar (Rev. H.E. Frayling) presided at the opening ceremony, and was supported, in addition to Lady Amory, by Mrs. Acland Troyte, Major Moutray Read (Vicar's warden), Mr. E. P. Row (people's warden), the Rev. H.P. Hatchard (Rural Dean), the Rev. E.P. Groom (Baptist minister), the Rev. R.E. Collings (United Methodist), and the Rev. E.M. Kelly (Rector of Oakford).
December 1929
Judge Lindley in Tiverton County Court yesterday gave judgment for T. J. Winzer and Co., Bampton, who claimed £9 16s. for car hire from W. E. Knight, formerly landlord of the Druggists' Arms. Bampton. There was counter-claim for £12 19s 8d for goods supplied, but the judge held that that had not been proved.
Year: 1930
April 1930
A silver Communion plate has been given to Bampton United Methodist Church by Mr. W. Weston, who has been a member over 50 years, and two Communion cloths have been given by Mrs. S. Moore.
May 1930
Bampton was en-fete on Saturday night. Bunting and flags decorated the streets, and there was a gathering at the station to welcome the local football team on its triumphant return from Tiverton, where it had won the Fox Cup. At a Conservative social Col. Acland Troyte, Member for the Tiverton Division, congratulated the Football Club, and said it was a red letter day for Bampton. The Club always played a good, sporting game. Amid applause the Colonel said he always regarded Bampton as his home town. The cup was filled, and after drinking from it, Col. Troyte called for cheers for the Bampton Football Club, which were heartily given.
July 1930
To Bampton Urban Council Mr. C. Hancock wrote complaining that a fried fish shop constituted "an unbearable nuisance" and requesting order for its abatement. Only a passage divided his rooms from the shop, and the whole house was “reeking with stench.” The M.O.H. (Dr. Fisher) and the Surveyor (Mr. Dean) said they had inspected the premises and found nothing to constitute a nuisance under the Public Health Act. The smell was objected to by many people, but nowhere had it been proved that fried fish shops were detrimental to the public health. Mr. F. Seward said one generally found these places by one's nose, and there times when the smell was very appetising (laughter). The Council decided that it was a matter for private settlement.
September 1930
The Conservative touring cinema van visited the town and there was a crowded attendance to hear the talkies, which were highly interesting, and included Mr. Baldwin's speech. Pictures were also shown of some of our Dominions beyond the seas. Mr. F. Staddon (Conservative Agent for the Bampton Areas) was present.
Year: 1931
April 1931
Bampton's most pressing need is more houses," declared Mr. F. G. Webber after his re-election as Chapman of the Urban District Council on Tuesday night. Whenever the Council had a house to let many applications had to to be turned down. He hoped the church authorities would see their way to let the Council have the necessary ground.
June 1931
Mr. A. Nott, of Hill Croft, Bampton, caught two trout in the River Batherum, one of which weighed 21b. loz. and the other llb. 6oz.
July 1931
Samuel Herniman, Bampton, was fined 10/-; and was fined a further 10/- for not fitting a spark arrester. The defence was that best steam coal was being used.
August 1931
How a tradesman was alleged to have stated he thought the condemned star on a pair of scales meant they were correct was related in the course of the hearing, before Barnstaple County Bench yesterday, of case in which Wm. Emmanuel Davey, fruiterer, of Bampton, was summoned for having in his possession for use for trade a false balance at Brendon, and also a weighing instrument that was unstamped. To the former he pleaded “guilty,” but said he did not know the scales were unstamped. Defendant, who said the scales must have been condemned before they came into his possession, was fined 20s for being in possession of the false scales and 10s for their being unstamped, while the Court ordered the scales to be confiscated.
October 1931
At Tiverton County Sessions, on Tuesday, Reginald Milton, aged 23, and Percival Milton, 21. labourers of Bampton, pleaded not guilty to a charge of trespassing in pursuit of game at Bampton on October 16th. A plea of not guilty was put in, defendants stating that they had written permission to go on land belonging to Mr. Chanin, a local farmer.
December 1931
A minor, but amusing, incident occurred during the early stages of the County Council inquiry at Bampton into the question of that little town losing or retaining its urban powers. The speeches were punctuated by the occasional staccato barking of a dog near the building. At last the Chairman (Earl Fortescue) was moved to action. “Will someone go and either bring him in or take him away?” he appealed, amid laughter. One of those present went out, and returned minus the canine parishioner, whose voice, however, was heard no more.
Year: 1932
February 1932
At Tiverton County Court yesterday, before his Honour Judge the Hon. W. B. Lindley, Frank Ivor Gibbings, butcher, of 5, Castle Street, Bampton, sought possession of rooms at that address and rent totalling £3 16s 8d (paid into Court) from John and Frank Yendell, cattle dealers, who are father and son. It was stated that previously the accommodation had been let as furnished rooms. Judgment for possession within 21 days was given against John Yendell, with costs, and plaintiff was ordered to pay the costs of Frank Yendell.
March 1932
Important alterations of boundaries of non-county boroughs, urban and rural areas, and the deurbanization of two urban districts—Bampton and Ivybridge—are recommended by the Special Committee appointed by the Devon County council to review the county districts. Bampton, it is proposed, should be included in Tiverton rural district.
April 1932
A charge of driving a motor-car without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road was preferred at Exmouth Petty Sessions against William Thomas Stone, of Luke Street, Bampton, who was alleged to have knocked down five pedestrians while descending Lympstone Hill, near Exmouth, on the night of Easter Monday. The police later found the car lights defective. There were no bulbs in the head lamps, and the side lights were very weak indeed. Defendant, who told the Bench he was formerly a Justice of the Peace for nine years, said he was stopping right up because he was dazzled by the lights of an on-coming car. His side lights gave a good light. The Bench imposed a fine of £2, with 6s costs, and defendant's driving license was endorsed.
May 1932
The Bampton Urban Council appointed Mrs. F.G. Webber to serve as manager of the Bampton Infant and Shillingford Council Schools.
July 1932
At Exeter County Court William Thomas Stone, of Luke Street, Bampton, was granted his discharge from bankruptcy by his Honour Judge the Hon. W. B. Lindley subject to six months suspension. Mr. Stone said his wife had died recently, and he had been managing a business for her. He now wanted to carry on the business himself. Mr. T.J.W. Templeman, for the applicant, said Mr. Stone was 65, and had been in business for many years prior to the bankruptcy. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace, but had had to resign because of the bankruptcy. The trouble was due to the failure of a company in London.
September 1932
When Reginald Tonkin, Bampton's late police-sergeant, applied at Tiverton Petty Sessions on Tuesday for the transfer of the licence of the Tiverton Inn, Bampton from Mrs. Edith Gertrude Harris, to himself, Supt. Gill of Cullompton, his late district chief, handed to the Magistrates a personal reference from the Chief Constable of Devon. The application was granted. Mr. Tonkin caused amusement when, on going into the witness-box to prove service of a summons in the next case, he went through the old formula of giving his name, but instead of saying “police-sergeant stationed at Bampton,” said “licensed victualler.”
November 1932
Mr. William Kingdom, who has retired from the postal staff at Bampton, has been presented with a walking stick by the Bampton and Huntsham postal officials. Mr. Kingdom was a courteous official and held in the highest respect. The presentation was made by Mrs. Coles, postmistress at Bampton Post-Office, who paid a warm tribute to Mr. Kingdom's services.
December 1932
A decision of considerable interest was given by the Wellington (Somerset) magistrates yesterday, arising out of a prosecution brought against William T. Stone, corn merchants' manager, of Luke Street, Bampton, who was alleged to have driven a motor-car without due care at Kittisford on December 8. Mr. J. McGahey, of Exeter, for defendant, submitted that the proceedings were out of order, as the Road Traffic Act provided that where a person was prosecuted for an offence under any of the provisions of the Act, he should not be convicted unless a summons was served on him within 14 days of the alleged offence. The alleged offence, said Mr. McGahey, occurred on December 8, and the summons was not served until Christmas Eve. The Chairman (Mr. F. Hugh Fox) after the magistrates had retired to consider the point, said the law had to be interpreted strictly, and the case would be dismissed on the ground that definite notice of a prosecution was not given within the specified fourteen days.
Year: 1933
February 1933
Great Britain won the world's non-stop long-distance air record yesterday when two officers the Royal Air Force—Squadron- Leader 0. R. Gayford and Flight-Lieut. G. E. Nicholetts, who is a native of Bampton, near Tiverton—landed at Walvis Bay, South Africa, at 4.40 p.m. The giant Royal Air Force Fairey-Napier long-range monoplane, which left Cranwell Aerodrome, Lincolnshire, at 7.12 a.m. on Monday, had been in the air for 57 hours 25 minutes. Its average speed was 99.3 miles an hour. Walvis Bay is 5,340 miles from Cranwell, on the great circle course.
March 1933
Bampton is justly proud of Mr. John Staddon, of Castle Street, who on Wednesday celebrated his 100th birthday. Mr. Staddon, who was born at Cullompton, was taken to Bampton when he was 12 months old. When he was sixteen he went to London, and for a time assisted his uncle (Mr. Robert Staddon), who was a builder in a large way of business. Later he worked as a wood turner at Woolwich Arsenal. Subsequently he returned to Bampton where his father had a flourishing wood-carving business. Mr. John Staddon was entrusted with the making of the oak doors for Bampton Church. His work is to be found in America, Holland and many other parts of the world.
April 1933
At the annual meeting of Bampton Urban Council Mr. Weston said that they had built 14 houses during the past year, and expressed the hope they would build half-a-dozen more before they were de-urbanised. Mr. Seward said he was afraid they would not get much consideration after their de-urbanisation, and strongly urged the houses being erected as soon as possible.
May 1933
The Drill Hall at Bampton was crowded when the local Amateur Dramatic Society performed "Lord Richard in the Pantry." It was voted one of the best amateur performances ever given on the Bampton boards, and reflected the highest praise upon Mrs. J.R. Shenton, the producer. The orchestra played pleasing selections during the evening under Mr. J. Shenton (piano), Messrs. Edward Northcote (first violin), H. Sampson (second violin), J. Venn (clarionette), O. Richards (cornet), and L. Burnett (euphonium). The characters in the farce were taken in spirited fashion by Mr. Harry Harper (in the title role), Mr. Billee Butler (Arthur Thompson), Mr. Wilfred Jefferies (Captain “Tubby” Bannister), Mr. Allan Burrow (Carter), Mr. Ernest Alderman (Det.-inspector Brown), Miss Kathleen Escott (Evelyn Lovejoy) Miss Marjorie Venn (Lady Violet Elliott), Miss Joan Scott, Miss Greta Scott, Miss Kathleen Shenton, and Miss Glenice Escott. Misses Edith Staddon and Dulcie Seringer were busy selling programmes. The stewards were Messrs. J. Tucker, F. Gibbings, senr., F. Gibbings junr., A. Gibbings, J. Seward, E. Seringer, H. Jones, P. May and M. Jones. The proceeds are for Bampton Nursing Association.
July 1933
We regret to announce the death of Dr. Arthur Reed Down, which occurred suddenly on Tuesday at his residence, 14, Sylvan Avenue, Exeter. A native of Bampton, Dr. Down received his medical training at St. Bartholomew's, and he returned to Devonshire to commence practice in his native town.
September 1933
At the monthly meeting of Bampton Council a lengthy discussion arose over a white line in Castle Street in front of Mr. F. Gibbings' premises. Mr. Hill said the line was useless and should be removed. Major Read suggested it could be shortened. The Surveyor said he gave instructions for the line to be painted there for public safety. After further discussion Mr. White proposed that the line be removed and the words “Dead Slow” be painted at the same place. Mr. Hill seconded. Major Read moved an amendment that the line be shortened, which Mr. Venner seconded. On a show of hands the proposition was carried.
October 1933
For the purpose of trying to get 20 recruits for the 4th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment in the Bampton area, a meeting was held at the Drill Hall. Capt. Bullock, Adjutant of the Battalion, gave a lucid address on the opportunities and many advantages of joining the Territorial Army. In Brook Street the Drums of the 4th Battalion, Devon Regt., beat the “Retreat.” The streets were lined with spectators. A dance was held after the meeting, the dance band of the 4th Battalion provided the music.
November 1933
Frederick George Webber, of Dipford, Bampton, farmer; Chairman of Bampton Urban District Council has been appointed a Justice of the Peace.
Year: 1934
February 1934
Bampton and District Horticultural Show is to be revived. At the meeting at which this decision was made the Vicar, Rev. H. E. Frayling, who presided, favoured the proposal remarking that “Bampton was far too dull, and something should be done to stop the rot.”
March 1934
A competitor in the Devon Professional Golfers' Alliance meeting at Tiverton only last Thursday, Capt. Malcolm A. Kennard R.N., died at Wonham House, his beautiful Bampton residence, on Monday. He was 59. Capt. Kennard was a well-known sportsman, engaging in hunting, shooting and fishing. He had fished salmon in Norway and Iceland. He was a big public figure locally, he being a valuable member of Bampton Urban Council.
April 1934
Percival John Davey, of Newton Square, Bampton, described in Bristol Police Court yesterday how he caught a pickpocket red handed. Charles Cowan, 54, of Brady Street, London, was charged with stealing Davey's wallet containing £4 10s. When at a football match at Bristol on Good Friday, Davey said he felt a hand in his hip pocket. Turning round, his clothes tightened and caught Cowan's hand. Witness gripped accused's arm and coat lapel. Cowan said “You have got the wrong man,” and squared up, so he (Davey) hit him in the face, and held him until a policeman arrived. Cowan was fined £10. He was stated to have 32 previous convictions.
May 1934
Tiverton County Magistrates on Tuesday fined John Hulland, haulier, of Bampton, £1 and costs for having used a motor vehicle without a Road Fund licence, and £1 and costs for having made a false declaration to obtain such licence.
July 1934
William Thomas Stone, dealer, of Luke Street, Bampton, was fined £1 and ordered to pay costs, at Tiverton Sessions on Tuesday for driving a motor car without rear or front lights at Morebath on June 18th. Defendant wrote pleading guilty. Supt. Gill mentioned a previous fine for driving a car without due care and attention, and defendant's licence was endorsed.
August 1934
The G.W.R. station at Bampton, which has been a blaze of colour this summer, has been viewed by many horticulturists and been the admiration of the travelling public. The numerous flower beds are particularly well laid out, and the green slopes on each side of the platforms make the station look very picturesque.
October 1934
Not having paid anything under a paternity order made in July and still refusing to pay, Percy Hutter, lorry driver, of Bampton, was at Tiverton on Tuesday sent to prison for two months.
Year: 1935
January 1935
During evensong at Bampton Parish Church on the last Sunday in the Old Year the hand-bells were rung by youths of the local band. These hand-bells were presented to the town by the Lord of the Manor 25 years ago, but have very rarely been rung, and it is hoped that now greater use will be made of them.
March 1935
William Thomas Stone, of Luke Street, Bampton, was fined £1 and costs at South Molton Borough Petty Sessions Monday to using motor car at South Molton on January 22nd with a policy of insurance that had expired January 1st.
May 1935
Mr. John Staddon, Bampton's centenarian, who planted a tree in the Recreation Field at Bampton on Jubilee Day, received a letter from the King and Queen as follows:— “Buckingham Palace, 17th May, 1935. Dear Sir, —The King and Queen are glad to learn that you were able to join in the Jubilee Festivities at Bampton last week, and consider that this was a remarkable achievement at the age of 102. Their Majesties trust that you were not over-tired by your activities, and send you best wishes for continued good health. Yours truly, D.H. Mitchell”
July 1935
In the show ground at South Molton Road the Bampton National Schools Athletic Association held their second annual house championship sports and physical training display.
September 1935
Repairs at the “Old Shammells” in Newton Square, Bampton, have brought to light an old, oval-shaped stone, dark in colour, and engraved as follows -
“Hon. Fellowes. L.D of Ye Hundreds. John Pearse and H. Spurway (builders). John Foxford (Steward) 1798.”
The discovery aroused keen interest. Mr. John Staddon visited the building, and after inspecting it recalled that in front of the building, where are arches (now walled up), there were two butchers Mr. Gibbings and Mr. Sayer, who sold meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays, which were the market days at Bampton. The premises have always been known as the Market House of Bampton. A room, which is now used as a library, was built in after years, and a chimney was added.
December 1935
A report, supplementary to Part 1, issued in 1933, has been issued by H.M. Stationery Office, supplying census statistics for the new and altered areas in Devon resulting from the extensive changes in boundaries made since the 1931 census. The urban districts Bampton and Ivybridge have been abolished and their constituent civil parishes transferred to rural areas.
Year: 1936
January 1936
Mr. F. T. Seward presided at the monthly meeting of Bampton Parish Council. The Chairman referred to the great loss the country had sustained by the death of the King. The members stood in silence.
February 1936
Mr F. T. Seward presided at the monthly meeting of the Bampton Parish Council on Wednesday. Attention was drawn by Mr. John Seward to a fire brigade practice held in the town after 11 o'clock at night and contended that this should not be allowed.
March 1936
Maj. Beresford Moutray Read, who has died at Castle Grove, Bampton, aged 61, had seen much war service in various campaigns, and was several times wounded. He served on a number of public bodies, including the old Urban Council at Bampton, and was a great sportsman.
June 1936
Bampton Town Band gave one of their weekly outdoor performances in the town on Saturday evening. There were many listeners and they greatly enjoyed the varied programme. The new numbers were particularly good, and showed the careful training they had received from their Bandmaster, Mr. Walter Stamp, to whom great credit is due in producing such excellent results.
August 1936
The death took place on Friday last, at Silver Terrace. Exeter, of Miss Edith Lilian Holmes (eldest daughter of the late Rev. H Forrester Holmes and the late Mrs. Holmes, of Bampton, Devon). Miss Holmes was, in her early days at Bampton, a great worker for the church, especially in connection with the Sunday Schools and the Band of Hope.
November 1936
The wedding took place at the Methodist Church, Bampton, Monday, of Miss Dorothy Lilian Webber, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Webber, of Dipford Farm, Shillingford, Bampton, and Mr. Arnold John Seward, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Seward, of Newton Square, Bampton.
Year: 1937
February 1937
At Tiverton and District Brewster Sessions yesterday Supt. Barnacott opposed the renewal of the licence of the Great House Inn, Bampton, on the ground that it was redundant. In the course of his report the superintendent said there were sixteen licensed houses in the district and two beer houses, giving one licensed house to 393 inhabitants.
July 1937
John Staddon, Bampton's grand old man, whose 104 years of life were packed with incident, was laid to rest on Tuesday. He was the oldest man in the West Country. Through the oaken doors he himself carved over half a century ago, his body was carried into Bampton Church Tuesday afternoon.
August 1937
In aid of funds to raise the remainder of the amount required to provide a projector, etc., for cinema educational films in the new Bampton Senior School, Bampton's Women's Institute, the local branch of the Mothers' Union and the Parents' Association held a combined effort. Mr. J.V.E. Rundle (headmaster) raised a further substantial sum by a personal appeal.
September 1937
To the Editor of the “Western Times”
Sir, - I read in your paper last week that Mr. New said Devon County Council road men only paid 4s 3d or 4s 6d a week house rent. How many road men are there who have a Council house to live in? I pay 6s a week, with no garden, whilst there are others who have to pay 7s and 7s 6d a week. With the price of bread 10d a loaf, and milk will soon be 6½d a quart, and coal 2s 6d a cwt, what is the outlook?
“A Roadman's Wife” Bampton, 10th September 1937.
Year: 1938
January 1938
A farewell drink to a lodger resulted in the appearance of Jesse Brooks, 65. licensee of the Castle Hotel, Bampton, at Tiverton County Petty Sessions on Monday, summoned for supplying intoxicating liquor on December 17 during unpermitted hours. He was fined £3, and warned to be careful in the conduct of his house. Henry Norman, 36, insurance agent, and Walter Frank Down, 35, traveller, both of Bampton, were fined 10s each for consuming liquor on the premises during unpermitted hours.
March 1938
Some of the many attractions of life in the West country are illustrated by means of excellent photographs in an exhibition being held at the Royal Institute of British Architects. The importance of preserving the beauty and tranquility of West country villages is illustrated by prints of the Horse Fair at Bampton, which give an impression of happy, healthy country life.
The fear that people turned out of public houses in the afternoon on Bampton Fair Day might become quarrelsome, was expressed by Mr. J. R. Sedgewick, applying on behalf of Bampton licensees, Tiverton Adjourned Licensing Sessions for reconsideration of the Bench's decision to impose a condition in granting market day extension on the fair day. The condition was that public houses should be closed from 2 to 4 p.m. Mr. Sedgewick said there would be considerable difficulty in carrying out this order.
July 1938
Tiverton District Magistrates on Tuesday suspended for 12 months the driving licence of Francis John Holland, 38, Bampton postman, for riding a motor cycle not covered by insurance on June 8th. He was also fined 10s.
Year: 1939
February 1939
Mr. Rogers had criticised the fact that Bampton had come into the Tiverton District and had said that Bampton had not the service expected. The rates of Bampton were considerably lower that when it had an Urban Council and he also thought that the people there were better served than before. With regard to the rating of Bampton, the Committee had paid several visits to the town and the Committee were satisfied with it. He believed many assessments were reduced slightly. As to the suggestion that the Council was old fashioned, he claimed that the Council was moving with the times in appointing a Rating Officer.
April 1939
A meeting, presided over by the Local Organiser (Mrs. W. H. White) was held at the Church Institute, Bampton, on Wednesday, in support of the movement for National Service for Women (Home Defence). Mrs. Cruwys (Organiser for the area) was present, and addressed the meeting outlining the scheme. A Committee was appointed to co-operate with Mrs. White in the necessary work.
September 1939
Civilian respirators have not yet been issued at Bampton but the distribution of the receipt cards is taking place.
Because of lighting restrictions, the Sunday evening service at Bampton Parish church has been cancelled and instead a service is being held on Sunday afternoons at three o'clock.
At a meeting of shopkeepers called to discuss closing times in the Bampton area due to present lighting restrictions, Mr. A. Ross Butler was elected Chairman. There were also present Mrs. Watts, Mrs. W. Blamey and Mrs. J. Blamey, Mr. Cottrell, Mr. Brock, Mr. Gardner, Mr. W. Blamey, Mr. Greedy, Mr. A. Seward, Mr. Chudley, Mr. Escott, Mr. Waye, Mr. Shore, Mr. James, Mr. Pursey, Mr. Burrow. After discussion it was decided to fix closing times at 6 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 1 p.m. Thursday, and 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday. It was the feeling of the meeting in view of the necessity completely to black-out that all shops should come into line, and that in event of default compulsory powers be sought to enforce.
November 1939
When Sidney Chidgey, a Bampton postman, pleaded not guilty at Tiverton County Sessions on Tuesday to failing to conceal lights in his dwelling house at Bampton, on November 4th, it was stated that the case was the first of its kind to be heard at the Court.
December 1939
Poultry are splendid and fairly plentiful, and reasonable in price at Bampton. The shops are prettily decorated with tempting items to attract the pocket. Many of the Bampton soldiers and sailors have arrived home to spend Christmas, and also relatives of Bamptonians. The Bampton Town Band will be again rendering their familiar Christmas carols, commencing this evening their customary tour of Bampton and the surrounding district.
The weather at Christmas was beautifully fine and sunny with a crisp “nip” in the air. Visitors were numerous. On Saturday the town band under Mr. O. Richards rendered Christmas music in the town. On Sunday at the parish church carols were nicely rendered and Mr. Smoldon sang “Nazareth.” Rev. H.E. Frayling (Vicar) conducted the services, which were well attended. Holly, evergreens and choice chrysanthemums tastefully adorned the church. On Christmas Day the usual services were held and well attended. The bells rang out merrily. In glorious weather Boxing Day many indulged in a stag hunt. In the evening Mr. Guy Norrish, of the Swan Hotel, Bampton, invited the town band and friends and were hospitably entertained. Mr. Frank Staddon paid tribute to Mr. Norrish's hospitality. Songs were sung by Messrs. F. Staddon, W. Gregory, A., Gillard and P. Hutter, and amusing stories presented by Mr. Bliss, Mr. Norrish and members of the band.
Year: 1940
January 1940
Mr. F. Moore, for several years auxiliary postman at Bow, was on Saturday presented with an inscribed oak hall-stand on his departure for Bampton, where he has been appointed established postman.
The annual Mothers' Union party, held in the Bampton Church Institute, was organised by the committee of the Mothers' Union. The children were also invited. A sumptuous tea was provided. Afterwards there were all kinds of games and dancing. Miss Vicary presided at the piano. Mr. W. Yendell also provided music with his radiogram.
February 1940
Bampton British Legion's children's annual tea at the Drill Hall, Bampton, proved most successful, about 80 adults and children being present, presided over by the Rev. H.E. Frayling. Others present included Misses M. Macalister, Moutray Read, F. Besley, and L. Palfrey; Messrs. D.J. Vicary, S.J. Yeo, W.V. Hancock, and A.F. Luxon. The ladies' tea committee (in charge of Mrs. A.F. Luxon) were Mesdames H. Jones, J. Seringer, D.J. Vicary, F. Tarr, S.J. Yeo, L.R. Burnett. E. Attwater and W. Westcott. Oranges and chocolate were given to the children before leaving by Mrs. D.J. Vicary and Miss Moutray Read.
April 1940
A Devonian, believed to be Mr. G. Gordon of Tiverton Road, Bampton, was fatally injured at Bristol yesterday, when he was knocked down by a train at Temple Meads Station. He was taken to Bristol General Hospital, but died shortly after admission..
The Magistrates dismissed a summons against Humphrey Frederick Weston, Bampton, for allowing a heifer to stray on the highway on March 28th.
August 1940
Mr. W. Rackwood Cocks, district coroner, opened an inquest yesterday at Bampton on Violet Adlie Hursey, aged 12, a London evacuee billeted at 17, Fore Street, Bampton, who died the previous day after coming in contact with a motor coach while playing with other children in Fore Street. The girl's mother, Mrs. Maude Hursey, of 294 Kilburn Lane, London, whose husband is serving with the Forces, gave evidence of identification and said her daughter had been very happy at Bampton.
November 1940
Albert Chudleigh. greengrocer, of Bampton, was fined 10s at Tiverton County Sessions on Tuesday for failing to immobilise his car on October 11th. Lilian Mildred Harrison, a housemaid, also of Bampton, was fined 7s 6d for riding a bicycle without a rear light.
December 1940
Lady Mollie Warmington, of Wonham, Bampton, was fined £1 at Tiverton County Sessions Tuesday for permitting a light to be displayed from her house. Evidence was given that a light from a window in the nursery could be seen half a mile away. Olive May Heywood, the nurse responsible, was fined 10s.
Year: 1941
March 1941
An enjoyable social was held at Bampton Senior Schoolroom under the auspices of Bampton Women's Institute, there being a good attendance. Games were indulged in, also dancing to music supplied by Bampton Town Band. Mrs. Gooding was the organiser of the event and Mesdames Bowden and W.H. Sampson superintended the refreshments.
April 1941
There was a crowded attendance dance at the senior schoolroom, Bampton, the proceeds being in aid of the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund. Mr. E. W. Alderman was the hon. Secretary.
May 1941
The collection of the half-yearly savings returns from the groups in the Tiverton borough and rural district local committee areas is nearly completed. The Blamey Brothers savings group, Bampton, during the half-year ending March 31st last took no less than £3,151 10s., the best figures in the whole area.
June 1941
The Sunday School anniversary services held at Bampton Methodist Church on Sunday were well attended, the preacher being Rev. Roy Delbridge. The scholars in the afternoon gave recitations and dialogues and sang in a praiseworthy manner. The collections were for Sunday School funds.
September 1941
Harvest festival services at the United Methodist Church on Sunday were attended by good congregations. The preacher was Rev. T.J. Smith, newly-appointed minister. On Monday a meeting, at which Mr. W.R. Upham presided, was held. The speakers were the Revs. A.H. Hicks and T.J. Smith.
October 1941
Though the celebrated annual Bampton Fair on Thursday of last week was shorn of much popular interest through war-time conditions, attendance of buyers was above the average, and good business was done, the immediately pre-war prices being maintained, and the general supply being only slightly down.
When Robert Lionel Burnett, 43, lorry driver, Bampton, was fined 10s at Tiverton County Petty Sessions on Tuesday for a blackout offence, Supt. Johnson said defendant was a most efficient warden, and he felt sure that this must have been an oversight. Defendant's explanation was that a switch must have been left on when his wife fetched her hymn-book before going to church.
December 1941
Christmastide at Bampton this year was of a quiet character. There were many family reunions. The usual services at the Parish Church were attended by large congregations, and were conducted by the Rev. H.E. Frayling (Vicar).
Year: 1942
January 1942
Ordinary Seaman W.R. Mogridge, is one of the survivors of H.M.S. Prince of Wales. His wife, who is at present living with her parents at 9, Castle Street, Bampton, has received a cablegram to that effect. Previous to joining the Navy, Seaman Mogridge was employed at the Devon County Council offices at Tiverton.
February 1942
A Ministry of Information film has been made with the co-operation of the staff and pupils of Bampton Senior School to give a vivid picture of the excellent methods of teaching in a rural Devon school and of the reception at this school of evacuees. The film may be borrowed free of charge from the Central Film Library in London.
April 1942
The Bluebirds Concert Party of Bampton gave an enjoyable variety concert at the Senior School, consisting of vocal and instrumental music. All the items were well rendered, and much applauded by the audience. The proceeds were in aid of the Wireless for the Blind Fund.
John Arthur Riddle, motor engineer, Bampton, was at Tiverton County Sessions yesterday fined on each of two summonses for having used petrol coupons for other than the class of vehicle for which they were issued. He pleaded “Guilty.” He was trying to establish at Bampton a branch of his business at Redhill, and thought he was entitled to use the petrol in connection with trade plates.
May 1942
The annual show and sale of sheep in connection with Bampton Young Farmers' Club attracted a good entry The awards of the judges. Mr. E. Venner and Mr. I. Summers were – 1, Joyce Kelland; 2, Gerald Vicary; 3, John Wensley; 4, Derick Sulley. The show was opened by the Club Leader (Mr. C. Gamlin), and Mrs. White presented the prizes.
June 1942
A dance was held at Bampton senior school, organised by the local Home Guard. Staff-Sergt. Bastett, the band leader, was M.C.. and Lt. Collacott thanked all who had helped. The proceeds, £51, were sent to Exeter's air raid distress fund.
At the Bampton Senior School on Monday a whist drive was organised by the Bampton Women's Institute in aid of Exeter's air raid distress fund. The prize winners were Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. R. Davey, Mrs. O. Davey, Mrs. Alderman, Mr. Lyons, Mrs. Coger, Mrs. Bowden, Mrs. L. Gooding, Mrs. Attwater, and Mrs. E Gilland. Mr. W. Cottrell was the M.C., and Mrs. Rundle gave away the prizes. Mr. Rundle thanked all who attended or helped.
July 1942
There have lately been 15 outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease on farms in North and East Devon. These include 12 in the Morebath and Bampton district.
A flag day has been held at Bampton for the Waifs' and Strays' Society. The collectors were: Mesdames J. Yeo, J. Waite, and B. Hurford, and the Misses B. and E. Evans. The event was organised by Mrs. E.M. Mogridge, and £4 was realised.
For a black-out offence at her home, on July 11th., Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth Morgan, of Winslade House, Bampton. was fined 10s. at Tiverton County Sessions.
August 1942
At the annual sheep auction at Bampton on Tuesday Messrs. Knowlman and Sons, Auctioneers, of Culmstock had on offer 1.700 breeding ewes and 700 lambs. A good clearance was effected, especially with the Bampton Devon ewes.
October 1942
A certificate from the Royal Humane Society has been presented to Corpl. - Derrick Hagley, R.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hagley, of Bridge Terrace, Bampton. The presentation was made at an R.A.F. training centre in Canada, before a large parade. On February 27th. 1942. in his last week in England, Hagley, when near the River Taw at Barnstaple, heard the cries of children and saw a child's body floating in the river, which was about 50 yards wide at that point. He jumped in and rescued the child which was dead. The extreme cold and tide added to his difficulties.
November 1942
For the first time in living memory, Bampton Pony Fair was held amid different surroundings this year. It took place at Molland Auction, owing to foot-and-mouth disease restrictions at Bampton. Dartmoor ponies made up to 14gns., Exmoor suckers and ponies from 5gns to 10gns., and the bigger horses up to £26 5s.
December 1942
Devon farmers have decided to invite Mr. F. G. Webber, of Bampton. to be chairman of the county branch for next year. Mr. Webber is a well-known Devon farmer, having been chairman of the Bampton Rural District Council for 24 years.
Year: 1943
January 1943
Mr. F. G. Webber (Bampton), Chairman of the County Branch, urged the growing of more barley, as it was now to be used in the making of bread. They did not want to see bread rationed, and if they produced every possible ounce of food from their land the people would not go short.
The Mothers' Union held a tea, followed by games, at the old Infants' Schoolroom. Mrs. F. Yendell, of South View (president) and her committee deserve praise for the arrangements. Prizes were given, and Mrs. Yendell wished the members a Happy New Year.
February 1943
John Henry Baker, 25, a timber contractor of Winsford, was fined £5 at Cullompton Sessions for causing a wire to be placed across the Tiverton Junction-Willand Road in a manner likely to cause danger. Supt. Johnson explained that the wire was operated from a tractor in the road by defendant, and was used for drawing timber. On January 20, Percy Hutter of Bampton was proceeding in a lorry towards Uffculme when he drove into the wire, which dented the radiator of his vehicle.
March 1943
A social and dance at the Senior School on Friday last raised £34 10s. for the Merchant Navy Comforts Fund. The event, organised by Mrs. D. M. Haste, was in every way a success. The refreshments were splendidly managed by Mrs. F. Toze.
April 1943
Organised by Bampton's Women's Institute, an enjoyable social was held at the Senior School. Mrs. Haste played the piano-accordion. Refreshments were managed by Mrs. W. Bowden, Mrs. W. H. Sampson, Mrs. F. Staddon (Bank) and other willing helpers. The event was in aid of the Merchant Navy Comforts Fund.
May 1943
A social and dance held in the Senior School to provide funds for Tiverton Hospital was much enjoyed. Games and competitions were followed by dancing. Mr. Cottrill was M.C. Mrs. Toze and Mrs Haste organised the event in a praiseworthy manner.
June 1943
The talented Tiverton Amateur Dramatic Society gave a performance at the Senior School to a crowded and appreciative audience to provide funds for Bampton Nursing Association. Mrs. B. Taverner and Miss Coles rendered valued help in connection with the event.
The Bampton Home Guard organised a successful dance in the Senior School, in aid of the Army Welfare Fund. A service band provided the music.
To provide funds for the Red Cross a jumble sale was held at the Tiverton Hotel Garage. There were white elephant and produce stalls. The stall-holders were Mesdames H. Goodland, F. Staddon (Castle Street), E.M. Mogridge (Castle Street), L. Burnett, J. Scott, A. Scott, F. Staddon (Bank), J. Densombe, F. Gooding, Miss A.Gooding, Miss James and others. The refreshments were supervised by Mrs. Sampson and Mrs. W. Bowden. A competition run by Miss Gooding was won by Janet Richards. The event was organised by Mrs. Goodland and Miss Gooding in connection with the Women's Institute. Mrs. E. Gillard was ta the door.
July 1943
Thomas Lonsdale Avery, lorry driver, of High Street, Bampton, was fined £2 with costs at Tiverton yesterday for driving a motor lorry without due care and attention. He pleaded Guilty.
An accident at Holcombe Rogus on June 30, had a sequel at Cullompton Petty Sessions when John Roderick Smith, 45, of High Street, Bampton, was fined £2 for driving a motor lorry without reasonable consideration for other road users.
The Home Guard dance at the Senior School for the Army Welfare, raised £45 9s 9d and this has been handed to the Welfare Officer (Col. Saunders). A highly enjoyable time was spent. The Star Dusters Band provided excellent dance music.
September 1943
A fine of 5s was imposed by Tiverton County Magistrates on Walter James Alderman, 45, motor engineer, of Bampton, for wasting electricity. Police evidence was given that an electric fire was found burning at 10.10 p.m. on August 14 in a showroom in Fore Street. Bampton, where defendant was employed.
Mrs. W. R. Mogridge. living at 9. Castle Street, Bampton, has just received a post-card from her husband, Ordinary Seaman W. R. Mogridge. R.N.. saying that he is uninjured and a prisoner of war in Japanese hands. He was reported missing at Singapore. Prior to this he was reported a survivor of H.M.S. Prince of Wales.
October 1943
The Rev. H. E. Frayling (Vicar of Bampton) was the preacher at the parish church, Huntsham last week for the harvest festival.
Year: 1944
February 1944
An enjoyable whist drive at the Senior School, was organised by the Women's Institute and St. John Ambulance Cadets. Over £10 was raised for Red Cross funds. Mrs. C. Coles presented the prizes.
May 1944
A very successful jumble sale was held at Old Infants' Schoolroom on Saturday for the Red Cross garden show. Stall-holders were Mesdames E.M. Mogridge, F. Staddon (Castle Street), L. Burnett, C. Callard, O. Richards, A. Manley, D. Toze, T. Denscombe, J. Wood and M. Gooding, and Misses Oxenham, Gooding and James. Mrs. F. Napper organised the event, and Mrs. E. Gillard was at the door.
June 1944
The Vicar of Bampton, Rev. H E. Frayling, has also been appointed Rural Dean of Tiverton.
August 1944
Messrs. W. H. Ayre. Ltd.. of Integrity House, Tiverton, pleaded “Guilty” to seven summonses for offering utility garments at their Bampton premises in excess of the permitted price. They were fined £2 on each summons, and ordered to pay 5gns. advocate's fee and 18s costs. It was alleged that the overcharges varied in the seven garments from 8d to 21s 3d. Defendants said they had no intention of overcharging but the manageress had misunderstood the Orders. If an offence had been committed, it had been committed unwittingly.
October 1944
Many of the ponies at Bampton's historic fair yesterday were bought by parents as Christmas presents for their children. Others were purchased for drawing bakers' vans and milk floats in London and the larger centres, and a large number for export to Ireland. The total entry of ponies was 400, about 100 more than at last year's fair. Prices were from 10s to £2 lower for suckers, but older ponies were dearer, largely because of the increasing popularity of riding.
Year: 1945
March 1945
Mr. P.J. Davey was appointed to succeed the late Mr. J. Seward as the Council's representative for Bampton.
Edward Somerset, Wonham Barton Farm, Bampton, was fined £1 at Tiverton County Magistrates' Court, on Tuesday, for permitting the carcase of a sheep to remain unburied. Defendant, who pleaded not guilty, said he gave instructions to his man to bury the sheep, and as he did not do so, he did not think defendant was responsible.
May 1945
A suggestion that a bump from behind the vehicle might have sprung the ratchet and released the handbrake was made by Edward Somerset, 44, farmer, of Bampton, when fined £1 at Tiverton Magistrates' Court yesterday for quitting a motor car without having set the brake so effectively as to prevent two at least of the wheels revolving. Pleading guilty, he said he had set the brake before he left the car and it must have slipped.
August 1945
The death took place in Tiverton Hospital on Sunday evening of Mr. Robert Woodman, aged 54. Higher Boobier, Bampton, working bailiff for Mr. Albert Yandle, of Fitzhead„ near Wiveliscombe. It appears that Mr. Woodman, who had been engaged in harvesting was riding on a binding machine and a gun he was carrying went off.
December 1945
Exmoor ponies, which for many years have been a feature of the sales at Bampton Fair, are soon to be exhibits at the London Zoo. The hardy little breed has existed for several centuries. At Bampton Fair recently Miss Mary Etherington, who has been living on Exmoor for about twenty years, purchased some of the animals, and she is lending them to the Zoo for a short term.