


PIGOT & Co.'s






Transcribed by Lindsey Withers

Is a small market town, in the parish and hundred of its name; about 167 miles from London, 21 N. of Exeter, and about 7 N. of Tiverton; situated on the road between the latter town and Dulverton, in Somerset, and near to the borders of that county. The houses are chiefly built of stone, and irregularly disposed in a bottom, near the little river Batherm, which flows into the Exe, at the distance of a mile. The municipal officers are a portrieve and bailiff, elected at the court leet of the lord of the manor; and the magistrates meet here in petty sessions about every six weeks. This neighbourhood abounds with lime, and several other sorts of stone, which are continually worked; and upon the rivers Batherm and Exe are corn mills.
   The parish church of Saint Mary is a spacious and ancient structure. The living is a stipendiary vicarage. The other places of worship are a chapel under the establishment, at Patton, on the eastern side of the parish, and a meeting house for dissenters. There is a very fine chalybeate spring nearly in the centre of the town, of valuable properties; and it is to be regretted that it is not brought more into notice. The most memorable incident occurring in this neighbourhood, was the defeat of the Saxons by the Britons, in 614 when above 20,000 of the former were slain. The vicinity of Bampton is remarkably pleasant; the land is in a fine agricultural state, rather hilly, but exceedingly productive; the sheep fed in the neighbourhood are remarkable for their size, and large numbers are sold at the Bampton fairs; these are held on the Tuesday in Whitsun week, and the last Thursday in October; there are also two great markets annually, the Wednesday before Lady-day, and the last Wednesday in November; the weekly markets are on Wednesday and Saturday. The parish contained, in 1831, 1,691 inhabitants; and in 1841, 2,049.

POST OFFICE, John Catford, Post Master. - Letters from all parts arrive (by mail cart from TIVERTON) every morning at nine, and are despatched thereto every evening at six.

Benham Mr. Thomas, Bampton
Bere John, Esq. Tymal House
Bere Rev. Richard, Morebash
Bradford Mr. George, Bampton
Chichester Henry Wm. Esq. Bampton
Coles Mr. John Sweetland, Bampton
Davey Mrs. Elizabeth, Bampton
Davey Miss Maria, Bampton
Davey Mrs. Sarah, Bampton
Escott Mr. John, Bampton
Heathfield Mr. Thomas, Bampton
Hellings Mr. William, Bampton
Hodgson __, Esq. Coombhead
Lock Mr. John, Bampton
North Mr. Robert, Bampton
Parkin Rev. James, Oakford
Parkin Mrs. Mary, Bampton
Rendell Rev. Edward, Vicarage
Seymour Capt. Francis Edward, R.N. Castle grove
Trickery Mr. William, Bampton

Baker William, land surveyor
Farrant Mrs. __, boarding academy
Densham Thomas Row, attorney and agent to the West of England Assurance Company
Edwardes John, surgeon and registrar of births marriages & deaths
Hunt Mary, schoolmistress
Langdon Thomas, surgeon
Marley Sarah, schoolmistress
Singleton Samuel, surgeon
Thomas Thos. boarding & day academy

Angel, William Cotterill
Castle, William Escott
Exeter Inn, James Knight
Red Lion, Samuel Bray
Swan, John Trickey
Tiverton Hotel, Thomas Delve
White Horse Inn (commercial and posting), Henry Oaten

Bowden Richard, cooper
Branscombe Richard, Maltster
Brook Edmund, chymist & druggist
Bryant John, saddler
Burge John, baker
Burrough Robert, currier
Capron Richard, blacksmith
Catford John, saddler
Cherry Charles, draper
Crudge Elizabeth, shopkeeper
Crudge William, plumber and glazier
Darch Wm. tallow chandler & grocer
Escott John, shoe maker
Escott Robert, shoe maker
Farrant Thomas, tanner
Gale Richard, carpenter
German Lewis, tailor
Gibbings John, butcher
Gibbings William, tailor
Gibbons John, butcher
Gill George, carpenter
Gill Richard, joiner
Gooding John, lime merchant
Hellings Thomas, maltster, grocer and draper
Hobbs Elias, watch and clock maker
Jutson John, baker
Jutson William, shopkeeper
Marley Eliza, milliner
Nott Thomas, painter
Oxenham Thomas, hair dresser
Page George, veterinary surgeon
Pearse & Surridge, saddlers
Pearse John, beer retailer
Periam & Co. general shopkeepers
Phillips John, wheelwright
Prout Ann, baker
Prout Thomas, tailor
Prout William, tailor
Radford Jane, confectioner
Searle John wheelwright & beer retailer
Short Thomas, butcher
Spurway Henry, painter, &c.
Surridge William, butcher
Trowey & Catford, milliners
Webber William, cooper
Whitefield Hugh, shoe maker
Winter Robert, beer retailer

To BARNSTAPLE, ___ Winter, every Thursday.
To EXETER, Edward Fewings, every Thursday.
To SOUTH MOLTON, ___ winter, every Thursday.
To TAUNTON, John Oxenham and ___ Winter, every Saturday.
To TIVERTON, John Oxenham, every Tuesday and Saturday, and __ Winter, every Tuesday.