Hemp and Flax Bounty Papers
Devon Record Office QS43/2
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
The QS43/2 series is a collection of certificates submitted on behalf of Hemp and Flax growers, and which details the quantity of Hemp and/or Flax grown by an individual or individuals. The certificated claims are witnessed by parish officers and submitted to a Justice of the peace for the county in which the claim is made.
QS43/2-1 Awliscombe:
To - One of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Devon. In pursuance of an Act passed in the Twenty First Year of His Majestys Reign for the Encouragement of the growth of Flax. I John Pady of the Parish of Awliscombe in the County of Devon do hereby exhibit before you my Claim to the Bounty Granted by the said Act of four Pence per Stone for 439 Stone of Flax of the Crop of the Year 1782 Grown in 30 Acres and half and in the parishes of Awliscombe and Honiton and Buckril in the parish of Awliscombe Part of the field called Bough Court one Acre and half 18 Stone and part of a field called 5 Acres, 2 Acres and half 17 Stone. In Buckril a plot of ground one Acre 15 Stone and part of a field one Acre and half called Furze Close 19 Stone. In the parish of Honiton 24 Acres 374 Stone vis in a field called 12 Acres 192 Stone, Higher 6 Acres 56 Stone, Lower 6 Acres 124 Stone and by me Broken and properly prepared for Market.
Witness my hand this 8th Day of July, 1726. John Pady.
We whose names are underwritten To of the parish officers of the parish Awliscombe Buckeril an Honiton in the County of Devon do hereby Certify that we believe the several particulars contained in the Above Claim To be Strictly trew.
Witness our Hands this 10 day of July, 1786.
William Turker Churchwarden, John Hawker Overseer of Buckerell.
Awliscombe Henry Banfield Churchwarden, John Pring Overseer.
John Tooze and John Sexton Churchwardens of Honiton.
Exhibited before me one of his Majestys of the Peace of the said County this 12 day of July, 1786, John Baring.
QS43/2-2 Awliscombe:
To - One of His Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Devon. In pursuance of an Act passed in the Twenty First Year of His Majestys Reign for the Encouragement of the growth of Flax. I John Pady of the Parish of Awliscombe in the County of Devon do hereby exhibit before you my Claim to the Bounty Granted by the said Act of four Pence per Stone Grown in the Parish of Awliscombe in a field called Batheys Six Acres 95 Stone, A field called Burrose 3 Acres 34 Stone. A field called Longlands one Acre and half 20 Stone. A fiekd called Poundfield 2 Acres 30 Stone. Part of the said field in Buckeril one Acre 15 Stone. In the Parish of Buckeril half a field called 6 Acres and 3 Acres 51 Stone. In the said Parish a field called Holicks 3 Acres 50 Stone. Total 295 Stone. And by me Broken and properly prepared for Market.
Witness my hand this 8 Day of July 1786. The Groath of 1783 John Pady.
We whose names are under writen To of the Parish officers of the parish of Awliscombe an Buckeril in the County of Devon do hereby certify that we believe the several particulars contained in the Above Claim to be Strictly trew.
Witness our Hands this 10 day of July 1786.
Awliscombe - Edward Peacock Churchwarden, Thomas Banfield Overseer.
Buckerell - Robert Northcote Churchwarden, Robert Northcote Overseer.
Exhibited before me one of his Majestys Justices of the peace of the said County this 12 day of July, 1786. John Baring.
QS43/2-3 Awliscombe:
Know all Men by these Presents, That WE John Pady of Awliscombe Farmer, Philip Wright of Feniton and Joseph Salter of Awliscombe Are held and firmly bound to Redmond Kelly, esq, Clerk of the Peace of the said county of Devon, in the penal Sum of Thirty Seven Pounds to be paid to the said Redmond Kelly or his certain Attorney or Successors, for which Payment well and faithfully to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us by himself, for the Whole, our and each of our heirs, Executors, and Administrators, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals. Dated this 25th Day of June in the 30th Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, now king of Great Britain, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety.
Whereas the above-named Clerk of the Peace hath this day paid unto the above bounden John Pady the Sum of (missing) for the Bounty claimed by him on 770 Stone of Flax, grown on and the Produce of the above named Estate or some Part thereof, in the Year 1787 ans 1788 and allowed by his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the said county of Devon, pursuant to an Act of Parliament passed in the Twenty-sixth Year of the Reign of his present majesty, intituled, 'An Act to continue and render more effectual an Act passed in the Twenty-first Year of his majestys Reign, for the Encouragement of the growth of Hemp and Flax in that part of Great-Britain called England.
Now the Condition of the above written Obligation is such, that in Case the said John Pady is duly intitled to the said Bounty, claimed by and paid to him as aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of the said Act, then the above written Obligation to be void, or else to be and remain in full Force and Virtue.
Sealed and delivered in the Presence of - John Prady - P. Wright - Joshua Bailey Salter.