


The St. Catherine's Marriage Index - Missing Material


                                   PUBLISHED FICHE

        The following material consists of entries in the St Cath's
        marriage index for 1856, 1858 & 1861 that are missing from
        the published fiche/film.  For 1856 the missing section is
        from John Walters to Mary Watson, but the material goes a little
        further at each end. The three annual segments are laid out
        separately in this file.

        The material has been supplied by Philip E Jones of 40 Regina
        Crescent, Nottingham, a genealogical researcher who was given
        the missing data by OPCS after buying the whole 1837/1907 fiche
        as the basis for a research service.

        This file has been created by Mike Foster of Wellington, NZ, by
        arrangement with Philip Jones, and will be circulated worldwide.
        Data entry has been carefully rechecked but occasional items are
        very hard to make out with complete certainty.

        Would anyone using this file and locating any missing names in
        this material PLEASE ADVISE Mike Foster either via Fidonet
        (NZ Gene or I&UK echoes) or mail (19 Khouri Ave, Wellington).
        This could give us a valuable indicator of the level of usage
        of this known sample of the St Cath's index.

        This file also shows the data sorted into district sequence.

        Mike Foster, Wellington, New Zealand      November 1994
        St Catherine's Marriage Index Dec Quarter 1856

        Walsh         Harriet                 Basford           7 b  155
        Walsh         James                   Haslingden        8 e  117
        Walsh         Jane                    Sunderland       10 a  504
        Walsh         Jane                    Blackburn         8 e  385
        Walsh         John                    Rochdale          8 e   96
        Walsh         John                    St Saviour        1 d   10
        Walsh         John                    W Derby           8 b  617
        Walsh         Joseph                  Sculcoates        9 d  331
        Walsh         Margaret                Blackburn         8 e  335
        Walsh         Mary                    St Saviour        1 d   10
        Walsh         Mary                    Stockport         8 a   54
        Walsh         Mary                    Liverpool         8 b   52
        Walsh         Mary Ann                Ashton            8 d  812
        Walsh         Maurice                 Medway            2 a  568
        Walsh         Michael                 Wandsworth        1 d  628
        Walsh         Michael                 Leeds             9 b  517
        Walsh         Patrick                 Newport Sh        6 a 1431
        Walsh         Richard                 Blackburn         8 e  454
        Walsh         Richard                 Stockport         8 a  146
        Walsh         Samuel                  Liverpool         8 b  353
        Walsh         Sarah                   Dudley            6 c   16
        Walsh         Thomas                  Bolton            8 c  297
        Walsh         Thomas                  Swansea          11 a  877
        Walsh         Thomas                  Leeds             9 b  318
        Walsh         William                 St Pancras        1 b   59
        Walsh         Winifred                Marylebone        1 a  843
        Walsh         Zaccheus                Stockport         8 a    8
        Walsham       Susanna                 Wisbeach          3 b 1428
        Walshaw       Grace                   Dewsbury          9 b  564
        Walshe        Hugh Crawford           St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  412
        Walstow       Edwin                   Lincoln           7 a  979
        Walter        Ann                     Newark            7 b  521
        Walter        Ann                     Westbury          5 a  307
        Walter        Charles                 Clifton           6 a  214
        Walter        Charles Edward          Shoreditch        1 c  351
        Walter        Christian               Sevenoaks         2 a  625
        Walter        Ellen                   Evesham           6 c  521
        Walter        Ellen                   Tavistock         5 b  638
        Walter        Emma                    Marylebone        1 a  777
        Walter        Esther                  Carmarthen       11 a 1075
        Walter        Henry                   Medway            2 a  546
        Walter        Horace                  Liverpool         8 b  145
        Walter        Julia Elizabeth         Marylebone        1 a  830
        Walter        Louisa                  Bath              5 c 1215
        Walter        Louise Adolphina Bertha Hull              9 d  383
        Walter        Louise Adolphine Bertha Hull              9 d  383
        Walter        Margaret                Bideford          5 b  889
        Walter        Sarah                   Gloucester        6 a  481
        Walter        Sarah Ward              Wakefield         9 c   25
        Walter        Stephen                 Ringwood          2 b  985
        Walter        Thomas                  Holborn           1 b  616
        Walter        William                 St Pancras        1 b   45
        Walter        William                 Gloucester        6 a  447
        Walter        William                 Lambeth           1 d  536
        Walters       Abraham                 Chesterfield      7 b  974
        Walters       Amos                    Saffron Walden    4 a  745
        Walters       Ann                     Bermondsey        1 d  114
        Walters       Anthony Bowden          Stoke Damerel     5 b  587
        Walters       David                   Neath            11 a  792
        Walters       David                   Crickhowell      11 b  273
        Walters       Dorothy                 Darlington       10 a   10
        Walters       Elizabeth               Chepstow         11 a   14
        Walters       Elizabeth               Tavistock         5 b  660
        Walters       Elizabeth               Aberystwith      11 b  127
        Walters       Elizabeth               Truro             5 c  276
        Walters       Ellen                   Abergavenny      11 a  144
        Walters       Esther                  Basford           7 b  257
        Walters       Evan                    Neath            11 a  745
        Walters       Frederick               Bermondsey        1 d  118
        Walters       George                  Wolverhampton     6 b  781
        Walters       Hannah                  Carmarthen       11 a 1040
        Walters       Hannah                  Stourbridge       6 c  237
        Walters       Hugh                    Neath            11 a  789
        Walters       Isaiah                  Bakewell          7 b  995
        Walters       James                   Ashton            8 d  682
        Walters       Jane                    Carmarthen       11 a 1061
        Walters       Jane                    St Pancras        1 b  107
        Walters       Jane                    S Shields        10 a  599
        Walters       Joel                    Chesterfield      7 b  976
        Walters       John                    Haverfordwest    11 a 1227
        Walters       John                    Wolverhampton     6 b  696
        Walters       John                    Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  635
        Walters       John                    Llandilofawr     11 a 1001
        Walters       Lewis                   Neath            11 a  809
        Walters       Margaret                Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  640
        Walters       Mary                    Pembroke         11 a 1159
        Walters       Mary                    Aberayron        11 b   97
        Walters       Mary Anne               Chepstow         11 a   13
        Walters       Samuel                  Dudley            6 c  199
        Walters       Sarah                   Pembroke         11 a 1160
        Walters       Sarah                   Dudley            6 c  204
        Walters       Sarah                   Lambeth           1 d  386
        Walters       Thomas                  Pembroke         11 a 1161
        Walters       Thomas                  Llandilofawr     11 a  988
        Walters       Thomas                  Chesterfield      7 b  967
        Walters       Thomas                  Brecknock        11 b  199
        Walters       William                 Wolverhampton     6 b  685
        Walters       William                 Newport M        11 a  318
        Walters       William                 Basford           7 b  150
        Walters       William                 Basford           7 b  207
        Walters       William                 Martley           6 c  397
        Walton        Ann                     Rotherham         9 c  568
        Walton        Ann Abigail             Ludlow            6 a 1039
        Walton        Ann Booth               Altrincham        8 a  253
        Walton        Ann Elizabeth           Wolverhampton     6 b  723
        Walton        Anne Angus              Durham           10 a  323
        Walton        Annie Angus             Durham           10 a  323
        Walton        Catherine               W Derby           8 b  710
        Walton        Charlotte               Banbury           3 a 1203
        Walton        Charlotte               Headington        3 a  888
        Walton        Cornelius               Whitechapel       1 c  766
        Walton        Eliza                   Marylebone        1 a  833
        Walton        Eliza Davis             Lambeth           1 d  490
        Walton        Elizabeth               Chipping Norton   3 a 1123
        Walton        Elizabeth               Birmingham        6 d  111
        Walton        Elizabeth               Dewsbury          9 b  591
        Walton        Elizabeth               Halifax           9 a  521
        Walton        Elizabeth               Burnley           8 e  291
        Walton        Elizabeth               Teesdale         10 a  251
        Walton        Elizabeth               Auckland         10 a  187
        Walton        Elizabeth               Bradford Yk       9 b  145
        Walton        Ellen                   Lichfield         6 b  538
        Walton        Emma                    Hackney           1 b  452
        Walton        Emma                    Yarmouth          4 b   30
        Walton        Frances                 Alston           10 b  437
        Walton        Frances                 Manchester        8 d  388
        Walton        George                  Newton Abbott     5 b  208
        Walton        George                  Bradford Yk       9 b  185
        Walton        George                  Aston             6 d  351
        Walton        Guy                     Auckland         10 a  189
        Walton        Henry                   Bradford Yk       9 b  147
        Walton        Henry                   Wycombe           3 a  585
        Walton        James                   Oldham            8 d  857
        Walton        Jane                    Alston           10 b  441
        Walton        Jane                    W Ward           10 b  709
        Walton        Job                     Sheffield         9 c  365
        Walton        John                    Stone             6 b  80a
        Walton        John                    Wolstanton        6 b  182
        Walton        John                    Stockton         10 a   79
        Walton        John                    Lincoln           7 a 1010
        Walton        John                    S Shields        10 a  631
        Walton        John                    Tynemouth        10 b  292
        Walton        John                    Warwick           6 d  757
        Walton        John                    Todmorden         9 a  267
        Walton        Joseph                  Manchester        8 d   78
        Walton        Joseph                  Wakefield         9 c   16
        Walton        Joseph                  Birmingham        6 d  216
        Walton        Lydia                   Blackburn         8 e  421
        Walton        Margaret                Teesdale         10 a  253
        Walton        Mary                    Sculcoates        9 d  299
        Walton        Mary                    Bradford Yk       9 b  122
        Walton        Mary                    Warwick           6 d  759
        Walton        Mary                    Stratford on A    6 d  837
        Walton        Mary Ann                Cheltenham        6 a  763
        Walton        Mary Ann                Blackburn         8 e  388
        Walton        Mary Ann                Sculcoates        9 d  324
        Walton        Montague                Bicester          3 a  973
        Walton        Moses                   Stockton         10 a  159
        Walton        Nancy                   Bradford Yk       9 b  188
        Walton        Rebecca                 Leeds             9 b  372
        Walton        Richard                 St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  361
        Walton        Robert                  Newcastle Tyne   10 b   62
        Walton        Samuel                  Islington         1 b  249
        Walton        Sarah                   Mkt Bosworth      7 a  197
        Walton        Sarah                   Birmingham        6 d  283
        Walton        Sarah Elwick            Thorne            9 c  725
        Walton        Sarah Ward              Wakefield         9 c   25
        Walton        Susan                   Hackney           1 b  436
        Walton        Susanah                 Meriden           6 d  473
        Walton        Susannah                Meriden           6 d  473
        Walton        Thomas                  Durham           10 a  358
        Walton        Thomas                  Weardale         10 a  281
        Walton        Thomas                  Stourbridge       6 c  288
        Walton        William                 St Pancras        1 b   18
        Walton        William                 N Witchford       3 b 1346
        Walton        William                 Skipton           9 a   55
        Walton        William                 Birmingham        6 d   14
        Walton        William                 Doncaster         9 c  695
        Walton        William Henry           Wolverhampton     6 b  746
        Walton        William Merrill         Congleton         8 a  381
        Walwork       John                    Manchester        8 d  590
        Walwyn        Charles Hutchinson      Isle of Wight     2 b  908
        Wand          William                 Howden            9 d  188
        Wandby        William                 Howden            9 d  192
        Wandless      Mary Ann                Tynemouth        10 b  273
        Wane          Andrew                  Chorley           8 e  497
        Wanery        Ann                     Grantham          7 a  929
        Wanford       William                 Mutford           4 a 1681
        Wanless       George                  Houghton le S    10 a  430
        Wanless       Henry                   Chester le S     10 a  439
        Wanless       Joseph                  S Shields        10 a  613
        Wannacott     John                    Marylebone        1 a  657
        Wannell       William                 Marylebone        1 a  634
        Wanstall      Richard                 Eastry            2 a 1236
        Want          John Henry              Yarmouth          4 b   32
        Want          Joseph                  Pewsey            5 a  369
        Want          Margaret Susan          Henstead          4 b  451
        Waples        Elizabeth               Bethnal Gn        1 c  668
        Waples        John                    Wellingbro        3 b  343
        Waples        Lucy                    Birmingham        6 d  194
        Waples        Selina                  Wellingbro        3 b  342
        Waplington    Elizabeth               Chesterfield      7 b  911
        Warbick       William                 Fylde             8 e  728
        Warbis        Elizabeth Susanna       W London          1 c  111
        Warboys       Elless                  N Witchford       3 b 1334
        Warboys       Emma                    Biggleswade       3 b  872
        Warboys       James                   Biggleswade       3 b  875
        Warbrick      George                  Ashton            8 d  808
        Warbrick      William                 Fylde             8 e  728
        Warbrick      William                 Liverpool         8 b  587
        Warburton     Alice                   Bury              8 c  508
        Warburton     Ann                     Bury              8 c  457
        Warburton     Ann                     Manchester        8 d  244
        Warburton     Anne                    Northwich         8 a  309
        Warburton     Annie                   W Derby           8 b  630
        Warburton     Eliza                   Chorlton          8 c  579
        Warburton     Eliza                   Altrincham        8 a  250
        Warburton     Elizabeth               Liverpool         8 b  332
        Warburton     Elizabeth               W Derby           8 b  766
        Warburton     Ellen                   Leigh             8 c  205
        Warburton     Henry Edwin             Barton            8 c  553
        Warburton     James                   Haslingden        8 e  131
        Warburton     Jane                    Altrincham        8 a  255
        Warburton     John                    Liverpool         8 b  437
        Warburton     John Edward             Bradford Yk       9 b   17
        Warburton     Joseph                  Leigh             8 c  201
        Warburton     Mary                    Altrincham        8 a  238
        Warburton     Mary                    Blackburn         8 e  393
        Warburton     Mostyn                  W Derby           8 b  641
        Warburton     Ralph                   Macclesfield      8 a  210
        Warburton     Robert                  Sheffield         9 c  458
        Warburton     Sarah                   Preston           8 e  538
        Warburton     William                 Langport          5 c  843
        Warburton     William                 Haslingden        8 e  191
        Warburton     William Henry           Chorlton          8 c  589
        Warby         Elizabeth Eliza         N Aylesford       2 a  471
        Warby         William                 Shoreditch        1 c  507
        Warcup        Thomas                  Patrington        9 d  449
        Ward          Abraham                 Downham           4 b 1001
        Ward          Adam                    Ashton            8 d  728
        Ward          Alfred                  Dewsbury          9 b  586
        Ward          Alice                   Liverpool         8 b  388
        Ward          Ann                     Blackburn         8 e  342
        Ward          Ann                     Henley            3 a  805
        Ward          Ann                     Chorlton          8 c  619
        Ward          Ann                     N Witchford       3 b 1320
        Ward          Ann                     Manchester        8 d  343
        Ward          Ann                     Wellington Sh     6 a 1389
        Ward          Ann                     Stoke on T        6 b  317
        Ward          Ann                     New Forest        2 b 1013
        Ward          Ann                     Woburn            3 b  947
        Ward          Ann                     Lancaster         8 e  812
        Ward          Anne                    Henley            3 a  805
        Ward          Betty                   Preston           8 e  566
        Ward          Betty                   Blackburn         8 e  346
        Ward          Bridget                 Leeds             9 b  518
        Ward          Caroline                Manchester        8 d  341
        Ward          Caroline                W Bromwich        6 b  877
        Ward          Caroline                Stoke Damerel     5 b  542
        Ward          Caroline                Spilsby           7 a 1127
        Ward          Catharine               Witney            3 a 1071
        Ward          Catherine               Liverpool         8 b  522
        Ward          Charles                 Pewsey            5 a  361
        Ward          Charles                 Mutford           4 a 1696
        Ward          Charlotte               St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  347
        Ward          Charlotte               New Forest        2 b 1003
        Ward          Charlotte Elizabeth     Lambeth           1 d  425
        Ward          Christopher             Driffield         9 d  539
        Ward          David                   Melton Mowbray    7 a  537
        Ward          Dinah                   Blackburn         8 e  388
        Ward          Donor Susan             Maldon            4 a  327
        Ward          Edward                  Lambeth           1 d  552
        Ward          Edward                  Stepney           1 c  995
        Ward          Edward                  Blofield          4 b  493
        Ward          Eliza                   Winslow           3 a  648
        Ward          Eliza                   Braintree         4 a  664
        Ward          Eliza                   Risbridge         4 a  781
        Ward          Eliza                   Thetford          4 b 1086
        Ward          Eliza                   Uppingham         7 a  579
        Ward          Elizabeth               Congleton         8 a  377
        Ward          Elizabeth               Peterbro          3 b  552
        Ward          Elizabeth               Wycombe           3 a  579
        Ward          Elizabeth               Goole             9 c  769
        Ward          Elizabeth               Fylde             8 e  723
        Ward          Elizabeth               Liverpool         8 b  453
        Ward          Elizabeth               Bromley           2 a  362
        Ward          Elizabeth               Bury              8 c  503
        Ward          Elizabeth               Preston           8 e  570
        Ward          Elizabeth               Plomesgate        4 a 1475
        Ward          Elizabeth               Walsingham        4 b  825
        Ward          Elizabeth               Nottingham        7 b 401b
        Ward          Elizabeth               Durham           10 a  299
        Ward          Elizabeth               Torrington        5 b  882
        Ward          Elizabeth               Leicester         7 a  414
        Ward          Elizabeth Mary          Islington         1 b  369
        Ward          Ellen                   Warwick           6 d  722
        Ward          Ellen                   Newington         1 d  209
        Ward          Ellen                   Stoke Damerel     5 b  578
        Ward          Ellen                   Liverpool         8 b  175
        Ward          Ellis                   Rotherham         9 c  587
        Ward          Emma                    Aston             6 d  375
        Ward          Emma                    Wolverhampton     6 b  654
        Ward          Esther                  Shoreditch        1 c  421
        Ward          Fanny                   Warwick           6 d  722
        Ward          Fanny                   Peterbro          3 b  497
        Ward          Frederick Wallace       St Luke           1 b  738
        Ward          George                  Nottingham        7 b  435
        Ward          George                  Durham           10 a  335
        Ward          George                  Rotherham         9 c  585
        Ward          George                  Leeds             9 b  351
        Ward          George                  E London          1 c   40
        Ward          Hannah                  Bakewell          7 b  987
        Ward          Hannah                  Dudley            6 c  171
        Ward          Hannah                  Blaby             7 a  132
        Ward          Hannah Maria            Nuneaton          6 d  528
        Ward          Harriet                 Basford           7 b  153
        Ward          Harriet                 Newington         1 d  215
        Ward          Harriet Sophia          Shoreditch        1 c  519
        Ward          Harriett                Hollingbourn      2 a  791
        Ward          Henry                   St Pancras        1 b   33
        Ward          Henry                   Birmingham        6 d  114
        Ward          Henry                   Birmingham        6 d  223
        Ward          Henry                   Stokesley         9 d  877
        Ward          Henry                   Forehoe           4 b  433
        Ward          Henry William           Epping            4 a   58
        Ward          Hugh                    Liverpool         8 b  535
        Ward          Jacob                   Honiton           5 b   55
        Ward          James                   Windsor           2 c  878
        Ward          James                   Royston           3 a  293
        Ward          James                   Southampton       2 c   50
        Ward          James                   Sheffield         9 c  373
        Ward          James                   Birmingham        6 d  239
        Ward          James                   Madeley           6 a 1167
        Ward          James                   Plomesgate        4 a 1488
        Ward          James                   St Pancras        1 b  185
        Ward          James                   Stafford          6 b   27
        Ward          James                   Portsea           2 b  729
        Ward          James William           Islington         1 b  239
        Ward          Jane                    Basingstoke       2 c  365
        Ward          Jane                    Newport Pagnell   3 a  667
        Ward          Jane                    Fylde             8 e  741
        Ward          Jane                    Downham           4 b  980
        Ward          Jane                    Chesterfield      7 b  910
        Ward          Jane                    Marylebone        1 a  817
        Ward          Jesse                   Dudley            6 c   47
        Ward          Joannah                 Neath            11 a  790
        Ward          John                    Shrewsbury        6 a 1240
        Ward          John                    Redruth           5 c  443
        Ward          John                    Rugby             6 d  674
        Ward          John                    Basford           7 b  252
        Ward          John                    W Derby           8 b  658
        Ward          John                    W Derby           8 b  635
        Ward          John                    Dudley            6 c   92
        Ward          John                    Warrington        8 c  183
        Ward          John                    Wantage           2 c  706
        Ward          John                    Manchester        8 d  453
        Ward          John                    Manchester        8 d  225
        Ward          John                    Tamworth          6 b  497
        Ward          John                    Leeds             9 b  417
        Ward          John                    Lutterworth       7 a   19
        Ward          John                    St Neots          3 b  671
        Ward          John                    Northallerton     9 d  917
        Ward          John                    W Ham             4 a   47
        Ward          John Boulter            Hull              9 d  396
        Ward          Joseph                  St Giles          1 b  545
        Ward          Joseph                  Bradford Yk       9 b   62
        Ward          Joseph                  Bedford           3 b  763
        Ward          Joseph                  Rotherham         9 c  616
        Ward          Joseph                  Pickering         9 d  789
        Ward          Joseph Barker           Sunderland       10 a  544
        Ward          Joseph Clapham          Dewsbury          9 b  550
        Ward          Laura                   Plomesgate        4 a 1473
        Ward          Lucy                    Bolton            8 c  261
        Ward          Margaret                Rochdale          8 e   96
        Ward          Margaret                Leigh             8 c  215
        Ward          Margaret                Northallerton     9 d  917
        Ward          Margaret                Rotherham         9 c  629
        Ward          Margaret Jane           York              9 d  111
        Ward          Maria                   Mansfield         7 b   90
        Ward          Maria                   W Bromwich        6 b  953
        Ward          Mark                    Chesterfield      7 b  965
        Ward          Martha                  Kings Lynn        4 b  950
        Ward          Martha Emma             Bakewell          7 b 1006
        Ward          Mary                    Southwell         7 b  477
        Ward          Mary                    Blackburn         8 e  372
        Ward          Mary                    Kendal           10 b  777
        Ward          Mary                    Blackburn         8 e  439
        Ward          Mary                    Whitechapel       1 c  771
        Ward          Mary                    Whitechapel       1 c  816
        Ward          Mary                    Leicester         7 a  384
        Ward          Mary                    Worksop           7 b   67
        Ward          Mary                    Ashby de la Zouch 7 a  278
        Ward          Mary                    Wisbeach          3 b 1438
        Ward          Mary Ann                Northampton       3 b  205
        Ward          Mary Ann                Ampthill          3 b  881
        Ward          Mary Ann                Glanford Brigg    7 a 1332
        Ward          Mary Ann                Leicester         7 a  467
        Ward          Mary Ann                Wolverhampton     6 b  615
        Ward          Mary Ann                Peterbro          3 b  563
        Ward          Mary Ann                Norwich           4 b  325
        Ward          Mary Ann                St Geo East       1 c  874
        Ward          Mary Ann                Birmingham        6 d  299
        Ward          Mary Anne               Sudbury           4 a  901
        Ward          Mary Rebecca            Richmond S        2 a  355
        Ward          Matthew                 Louth             7 a 1205
        Ward          Michael                 Wirral            8 a  622
        Ward          Nancy                   St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  298
        Ward          Nancy                   Pontefract        9 c  116
        Ward          Nancy                   Leigh             8 c  221
        Ward          Nancy                   Hayfield          7 b 1067
        Ward          Naomi                   Mitford           4 b  726
        Ward          Nathaniel Mortimer      Bermondsey        1 d   96
        Ward          OHiwell?                Reeth             9 d  961
        Ward          Oliver                  Hinckley          7 a  181
        Ward          Peter                   Basford           7 b  242
        Ward          Rachel                  Forehoe           4 b  427
        Ward          Rebecca                 Mitford           4 b  757
        Ward          Richard                 Pontefract        9 c  115
        Ward          Robert                  Aylesbury         3 a  605
        Ward          Robert                  Birmingham        6 d   74
        Ward          Robert                  Plomesgate        4 a 1528
        Ward          Robert                  Loddon            4 b  555
        Ward          Robert                  Yarmouth          4 b    8
        Ward          Robert                  Walsingham        4 b  819
        Ward          Robert                  St Neots          3 b  703
        Ward          Samuel                  Maldon            4 a  327
        Ward          Samuel                  Leeds             9 b  405
        Ward          Samuel Ogden            Manchester        8 d  574
        Ward          Sarah                   Tunstead          4 b   71
        Ward          Sarah                   Mansfield         7 b  120
        Ward          Sarah                   Southwell         7 b  477
        Ward          Sarah                   Tadcaster         9 c  811
        Ward          Sarah                   Sheffield         9 c  297
        Ward          Sarah                   Shipston S        6 d  899
        Ward          Sarah                   Northallerton     9 d  897
        Ward          Sarah                   Bolton            8 c  305
        Ward          Sarah                   Horncastle        7 a 1059
        Ward          Sarah                   Weardale         10 a  277
        Ward          Sarah                   Leeds             9 b  318
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Caxton            3 b 1057
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Sheffield         9 c  449
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Wisbeach          3 b 1437
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Stratford on A    6 d  817
        Ward          Sarah Eliza             St Pancras        1 b   14
        Ward          Sarah Jane              Sheffield         9 c  306
        Ward          Sarah Maria             Shoreditch        1 c  396
        Ward          Sophia                  Lambeth           1 d  559
        Ward          Susan                   Downham           4 b 1008
        Ward          Susan                   Walsingham        4 b  821
        Ward          Susannah                Cosford           4 a  929
        Ward          Susannah                Bethnal Gn        1 c  741
        Ward          Thomas                  Coventry          6 d  631
        Ward          Thomas                  Clerkenwell       1 b  664
        Ward          Thomas                  Pontefract        9 c  117
        Ward          Thomas                  Sheffield         9 c  358
        Ward          Thomas                  Sheffield         9 c  380
        Ward          Thomas                  Banbury           3 a 1213
        Ward          Thomas                  Preston           8 e  627
        Ward          Thomas                  Beverley          9 d  233
        Ward          Thomas                  Wolverhampton     6 b  777
        Ward          Thomas                  Uttoxeter         6 b  427
        Ward          Thomas                  Mkt Harboro       7 a   61
        Ward          Thomas                  York              9 d   80
        Ward          William                 Bradford Yk       9 b   52
        Ward          William                 Aston             6 d  376
        Ward          William                 Lewisham          1 d  928
        Ward          William                 Manchester        8 d  664
        Ward          William                 Chelmsford        4 a  242
        Ward          William                 Woburn            3 b  941
        Ward          William                 Blackburn         8 e 386b
        Ward          William                 Pocklington       9 d  143
        Ward          William                 Dudley            6 c   97
        Ward          William                 Lichfield         6 b  544
        Ward          William                 Leicester         7 a  446
        Ward          William                 Brackley          3 b   45
        Ward          William                 Chesterton        3 b 1083
        Ward          William                 Northallerton     9 d  899
        Ward          William Allan           Sleaford          7 a  838
        Ward          William Webb            Stoke on T        6 b  288
        Ward          Zachariah               Manchester        8 d  467
        Wardall       William                 Caistor           7 a 1227
        Wardel        Jane                    Howden            9 d  209
        Wardell       Ann                     Kings Norton      6 c  662
        Wardell       Christopher Charles     Driffield         9 d  529
        Wardell       Eliza                   Birmingham        6 d  235
        Wardell       Hannah                  Malton            9 d  636
        Wardell       Hannah                  Aston             6 d  445
        Wardell       Jane                    Skirlaugh         9 d  471
        Warden        Alice                   Preston           8 e  560
        Warden        Charlotte               Stepney           1 c  933
        Warden        Eliza                   Birmingham        6 d   60
        Warden        Fanny                   Hinckley          7 a  155
        Warden        Fanny                   Barnet            3 a  133
        Warden        George                  St Luke           1 b  743
        Warden        Joseph                  Lutterworth       7 a   33
        Warden        Lydia                   Foleshill         6 d  548
        Warden        Sarah Scott             Lewisham          1 d  864
        Warder        Ann Maria               Portsea           2 b  663
        Warder        Leslie                  Isle of Wight     2 b  927
        Warder        Martha                  Dunmow            4 a  697
        Wardhaugh     Elizabeth               Newcastle Tyne   10 b   31
        Wardle        Ann                     York              9 d  112
        Wardle        Ann                     Belper            7 b  806
        Wardle        Eliza                   Ashby de la Zouch 7 a  240
        Wardle        Elizabeth               Congleton         8 a  359
        Wardle        Elizabeth               Newcastle Tyne   10 b   82
        Wardle        George                  Durham           10 a  344
        Wardle        Hannah                  Stockton         10 a  108
        Wardle        Jane                    Ashbourne         7 b 900a
        Wardle        John                    Basford           7 b  155
        Wardle        Mary                    Durham           10 a  367
        Wardle        Mary Ann                Bethnal Gn        1 c  614
        Wardle        Robert                  Derby             7 b  779
        Wardle        Sarah                   Bolton            8 c  342
        Wardle        Thomas                  Leeds             9 b  338
        Wardle        William                 Manchester        8 d  313
        Wardle        William                 Bakewell          7 b 1005
        Wardle        William                 Burton on T       6 b  478
        Wardle        William Watson          Stockton         10 a  151
        Wardleworth   John                    Haslingden        8 e  189
        Wardley       Charles                 Plomesgate        4 a 1475
        Wardley       Mary                    Rotherham         9 c  578
        Wardman       Abraham                 Pateley Bridge    9 a   75
        Wardman       Arthur                  Montgomery       11 b  454
        Wardman       Isabella                Bradford Yk       9 b   13
        Wardman       Martha                  Bradford Yk       9 b   97
        Wardman       William                 Keighley          9 a  241
        Wardrop       Hew Dalrymple Hamilton  St James          1 a  593
        Ware          Clementina              Forehoe           4 b  431
        Ware          Edward                  Kensington        1 a   56
        Ware          Edward                  Kensington        1 a  132
        Ware          Eliza                   Exeter            5 b  167
        Ware          Emma                    Brentford         3 a  102
        Ware          George                  Greenwich         1 d  788
        Ware          Harriet                 St Thomas         5 b  120
        Ware          Harriett                St Thomas         5 b  120
        Ware          Henry                   Hambledon         2 a  167
        Ware          James                   Ticehurst         2 b  143
        Ware          Jane                    Eton              3 a  508
        Ware          Maria                   Buckingham        3 a  747
        Ware          Mariann                 Midhurst          2 b  598
        Ware          Mary Ann                St Pancras        1 b  209
        Ware          Stephen                 Tunbridge         2 a  646
        Ware          Stephen Else            Hollingbourn      2 a  789
        Ware          Thomas Pannitt          Thirsk            9 d  716
        Ware          Thomas William          St Thomas         5 b  131
        Ware          William                 Chelsea           1 a  250
        Ware          William                 Clifton           6 a  259
        Wareham       Eliza                   Birmingham        6 d  264
        Wareham       Richard                 Alverstoke        2 b  798
        Wareing       Ann                     Ormskirk          8 b  897
        Wareing       Catharine               Preston           8 e  669
        Wareing       Eleanor                 Preston           8 e  582
        Wareing       Hugh                    Ormskirk          8 b  895
        Wareing       James                   Preston           8 e  596
        Wareing       Joseph                  Solihull          6 d  717
        Wareing       Laurence                Ormskirk          8 b  895
        Wareing       Maria                   Preston           8 e  637
        Wareing       Maria                   Preston           8 e  644
        Wareing       Mary                    Preston           8 e  644
        Wareing       Thomas                  Ormskirk          8 b  896
        Warff         Maria                   Swaffham          4 b 1047
        Wargent       Dennis Hignell          Kensington        1 a   70
        Warhurst      Edwin                   Stockport         8 a  114
        Warhurst      John                    Hayfield          7 b 1066
        Warhurst      Mary Ann                Manchester        8 d  200
        Warhurst      William                 Mansfield         7 b  115
        Waring        Ann                     Chorley           8 e  512
        Waring        Ann                     Leicester         7 a  408
        Waring        Eliza                   Uttoxeter         6 b  427
        Waring        James                   Southam           6 d  969
        Waring        James                   Newark            7 b  549
        Waring        John                    Bicester          3 a  985
        Waring        Joseph                  Doncaster         9 c  662
        Waring        Mary                    Derby             7 b  710
        Waring        Mary Maria              Barnsley          9 c  183
        Waring        Mathilda (sic)          Bromley           2 a  371
        Waring        Rachel                  Barnsley          9 c  185
        Waring        Robert                  Fylde             8 e  734
        Waring        William                 Hereford          6 a  917
        Waring        William                 Barnsley          9 c  157
        Warington     Henry                   Warwick           6 d  807
        Warkup        Thomas                  Patrington        9 d  449
        Warland       Harriet Eliza           Oxford            3 a  915
        Warland       Louisa                  Ringwood          2 b  977
        Warley        Thomas                  Newcastle Tyne   10 b  174
        Warlock       Ann                     Crickhowell      11 b  257
        Warlock       Emma                    Hemel Hempstead   3 a  432
        Warlomont     Leopold Hubert Francois Marylebone        1 a  739
        Warman        Edmund                  Norwich           4 b  341
        Warman        Elizabeth               Witney            3 a 1101
        Warman        Elizabeth               Highworth         5 a    7
        Warman        Emma                    Bp Stortford      3 a  217
        Warman        Jane                    Abingdon          2 c  646
        Warman        Josiah                  Bradfield         2 c  795
        Warman        Mary Ann                Cricklade         5 a   47
        Warman        Sarah                   Bradfield         2 c  755
        Warmingham    Joseph                  W Bromwich        6 b  931
        Warmsby       Robert                  Chesterfield      7 b  966
        Warn          John                    Lymington         2 b  957
        Warn          John                    Sheppey           2 a 1135
        Warn          Joseph                  Christchurch      2 b  965
        Warn          Mary                    Colchester        4 a  494
        Warn          Sarah Jane              Doncaster         9 c  711
        Warne         Charity                 Stoke Damerel     5 b  629
        Warne         Ellen Betts             W London          1 c  147
        Warne         Joseph                  St Austell        5 c  256
        Warne         Philip                  St Austell        5 c  259
        Warne         Rebecca                 Cardiff          11 a  462
        Warne         Susan                   St Austell        5 c  259
        Warne         William                 Farnham           2 a  122
        Warner        Alfred                  Kingston          2 a  307
        Warner        Alfred                  Nottingham        7 b  377
        Warner        Anne                    Guildford         2 a   78
        Warner        David                   Aylesbury         3 a  615
        Warner        David                   Islington         1 b  266
        Warner        Edward                  Aston             6 d  410
        Warner        Edwin                   Nuneaton          6 d  527
        Warner        Eliza                   Stoke on T        6 b  314
        Warner        Elizabeth               Kettering         3 b  406
        Warner        Elizabeth               Ely               3 b 1303
        Warner        Emma                    Bicester          3 a  966
        Warner        George                  Blean             2 a 1032
        Warner        George                  Buckingham        3 a  758
        Warner        Hannah                  Sheffield         9 c  469
        Warner        Harriet                 E London          1 c   19
        Warner        Henry                   St Geo Sthk       1 d  203
        Warner        Henry                   Leicester         7 a  455
        Warner        Henry                   Brighton          2 b  373
        Warner        James                   Wayland           4 b  664
        Warner        John                    Westhampnett      2 b  557
        Warner        John                    Bethnal Gn        1 c  697
        Warner        John                    Ipswich           4 a 1393
        Warner        Joseph                  Aston             6 d  372
        Warner        Joseph                  Ampthill          3 b  913
        Warner        Luke                    Boston            7 a  767
        Warner        Mary                    Bridgwater        5 c  787
        Warner        Mary                    Salisbury         5 a  450
        Warner        Mary Ann                Luton             3 b  997
        Warner        Mary Ann                Woodbridge        4 a1426a
        Warner        Mary Ann Bonner         Leicester         7 a  440
        Warner        Mary Anne               Woodbridge        4 a1426a
        Warner        Matthew                 Thame             3 a  830
        Warner        Moses                   Guildford         2 a   65
        Warner        Phoebe                  Colchester        4 a  482
        Warner        Robert                  Bridgwater        5 c  790
        Warner        Robert                  Rochford          4 a  273
        Warner        Robert                  Plomesgate        4 a 1515
        Warner        Sarah Ann               Ely               3 b 1300
        Warner        Sarah Ellen             Liverpool         8 b   58
        Warner        Sophia Ann              Newbury           2 c  497
        Warner        Stephen                 S Stoneham        2 c   85
        Warner        Susannah Elizabeth      Samford           4 a 1293
        Warner        William                 Lexden            4 a  505
        Warner        William                 Boston            7 a  763
        Warner        William                 Buckingham        3 a  758
        Warner        William                 Farnham           2 a  122
        Warner        William                 Foleshill         6 d  531
        Warner        William Perkins         Marylebone        1 a  701
        Warnes        Charles William         Wangford          4 a 1655
        Warnes        Harriet                 E London          1 c   10
        Warnes        Samuel                  Loddon            4 b  532
        Warnes        William                 Henstead          4 b  460
        Warnett       William                 Wisbeach          3 b 1395
        Warper        George                  Dewsbury          9 b  569
        Warr          Alfred Joseph           Islington         1 b  324
        Warr          Anne Amelia             Sturminster       5 a  569
        Warr          Charlotte               Gloucester        6 a  475
        Warr          Frances                 Birmingham        6 d  178
        Warr          George                  Banbury           3 a 1167
        Warr          John                    Brackley          3 b    6
        Warr          Julia Lavinia           Holborn           1 b  623
        Warr          Maria                   Buckingham        3 a  747
        Warrall       Jane                    Hinckley          7 a  177
        Warrel        James                   Aberystwith      11 b  129
        Warrem        William James           Penzance          5 c  503
        Warren        Ann                     Derby             7 b  755
        Warren        Ann                     Lambeth           1 d  360
        Warren        Anne                    Brentford         3 a   85
        Warren        Anne                    Risbridge         4 a  781
        Warren        Charles                 Alverstoke        2 b  789
        Warren        Daniel                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  696
        Warren        Edward                  W London          1 c   96
        Warren        Eliza                   Newport M        11 a  330
        Warren        Eliza                   London City       1 c 202a
        Warren        Elizabeth               Penzance          5 c  571
        Warren        Elizabeth               Thrapston         3 b  411
        Warren        Elizabeth               Wellingbro        3 b  292
        Warren        Elizabeth               Lambeth           1 d  520
        Warren        Ellen                   Loddon            4 b  541
        Warren        Emily Ann               Norwich           4 b  277
        Warren        Emma                    Islington         1 b  392
        Warren        Fanny                   Reading           2 c  808
        Warren        George                  S Molton          5 b  791
        Warren        George                  Hoxne             4 a 1193
        Warren        George                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  729
        Warren        George                  Newton Abbott     5 b  222
        Warren        James                   Bedford           3 b  733
        Warren        James                   Derby             7 b  748
        Warren        James Robert            Strand            1 b  589
        Warren        Jane                    Sunderland       10 a  479
        Warren        Jane                    Caxton            3 b 1073
        Warren        Jane                    St Pancras        1 b   61
        Warren        Jane                    Marylebone        1 a  799
        Warren        Joanna                  Penzance          5 c  501
        Warren        John                    Ecclesall Brlw    9 c  269
        Warren        John                    Stow              4 a 1096
        Warren        John                    St Geo East       1 c  877
        Warren        John                    St Pancras        1 b  130
        Warren        John                    Devizes           5 a  199
        Warren        Jonathan                St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  353
        Warren        Leonard                 Newport Pagnell   3 a  721
        Warren        Lucy                    Biggleswade       3 b  869
        Warren        Lucy                    Biggleswade       3 b  871
        Warren        Margratta Emma Vickers  Exeter            5 b  157
        Warren        Martha                  Aylesbury         3 a  601
        Warren        Mary                    Tiverton          5 b  763
        Warren        Mary Ann                Nottingham        7 b  407
        Warren        Mary Ann                Saffron Walden    4 a  743
        Warren        Mary Ann                Kings Lynn        4 b  945
        Warren        Mary Ann                Sudbury           4 a  851
        Warren        Mary Ann                Lewisham          1 a  924
        Warren        Mary Simpson            Sudbury           4 a  859
        Warren        Matilda                 Southampton       2 c   59
        Warren        Matthew                 Exeter            5 b  175
        Warren        Moses                   Wokingham         2 c  841
        Warren        Robert                  Chesterton        3 b 1137
        Warren        Rose Ellen              Biggleswade       3 b  877
        Warren        Samuel                  Samford           4 a 1327
        Warren        Samuel Henery           Newton Abbott     5 b  243
        Warren        Sarah                   Royston           3 a  288
        Warren        Sarah                   Southam           6 d  973
        Warren        Sarah                   Northampton       3 b  201
        Warren        Sarah                   Shaftesbury       5 a  559
        Warren        Sarah Alice             Mildenhall        4 a 1071
        Warren        Sarah Ann               Medway            2 a  547
        Warren        Sarah Ann               Shoreditch        1 c  451
        Warren        Thomas                  Penzance          5 c  540
        Warren        Thomas                  Marylebone        1 a  652
        Warren        William                 Macclesfield      8 a  198
        Warren        William                 Colchester        4 a  478
        Warren        William                 Bethnal Gn        1 c  679
        Warren        William                 Brighton          2 b  328
        Warren        William James           Penzance          5 c  503
        Warren        William Oliver          Maldon            4 a  325
        Warrender     Sarah                   Islington         1 b  256
        Warrick       John Ellis              St Austell        5 c  213
        Warrick       William                 Stepney           1 c  945
        Warrillow     Emily Mary              Kings Norton      6 c  656
        Warrillow     Emma                    Stone             6 b   85
        Warrillow     John                    Stone             6 b   72
        Warrilow      Ann                     Stoke on T        6 b  243
        Warrin        Elizabeth Jane          Totnes            5 b  307
        Warriner      Harriet                 Gainsbro          7 a 1374
        Warriner      James                   Swansea          11 a  874
        Warriner      Mary Anne               Ulverstone        8 e  831
        Warriner      Miles                   Liverpool         8 b  405
        Warriner      Sarah                   Gainsbro          7 a 1381
        Warriner      Thomas                  Pocklington       9 d  169
        Warrington    Catherine               Leicester         7 a  441
        Warrington    Henry                   Sheffield         9 c  328
        Warrington    James                   Stockport         8 a   50
        Warrington    Mary Martha             Whitechapel       1 c  793
        Warrington    William                 Barnsley          9 c  168
        Warrington    William                 Huddersfield      9 a  334
        Warris        Annis                   Barnsley          9 c  163
        Warris        John                    Sheffield         9 c  484
        Warsop        Eliza                   Newark            7 b  570
        Warsop        Frederick               Nottingham        7 b  345
        Warsop        Sarah Ann               Newark            7 b  569
        Warters       William                 Cosford ?931      4 a  931
        Warton        Mary Ann                W Bromwich        6 b  946
        Warton        Robert                  Rochford          4 a  275
        Warton        William                 Huddersfield      9 a  331
        Warwick       Eliza                   Bp Stortford      3 a  232
        Warwick       George                  Warwick           6 d  784
        Warwick       Hesther                 Andover           2 c  417
        Warwick       James                   Bp Stortford      3 a  238
        Warwick       James                   Bp Stortford      3 a  232
        Warwick       Jane                    Birmingham        6 d  114
        Warwick       John                    Penrith          10 b  471
        Warwick       John                    Daventry          3 b  235
        Warwick       John                    Gloucester        6 a  445
        Warwick       Joseph                  Penrith          10 b  447
        Warwick       Joseph                  W Derby           8 b  686
        Warwick       Josiah                  S Stoneham        2 c   94
        Warwick       Margaret                Penrith          10 b  451
        Warwick       Mary Ann                Warwick           6 d  763
        Warwick       Rebecca                 Bedford           3 b  824
        Warwick       Richard                 Solihull [9 d]    6 d  703
        Warwick       Richard                 Bp Stortford      3 a  222
        Warwick       Ruth                    Daventry          3 b  235
        Warwick       Sarah                   Abingdon          2 c  639
        Warwick       Thomas                  W Bromwich        6 b  856
        Warwick       Thomas                  Marylebone        1 a  686
        Warwick       Thomas                  Birmingham        6 d   84
        Warwick       William                 Shoreditch        1 c  523
        Wase          William                 Stoke on T        6 b  211
        Wash          Harriet                 Braintree         4 a  661
        Washbourn     William George          Whitechapel       1 c  767
        Washbrook     Emma                    Watford           3 a  421
        Washbrook     Sarah                   Wolverhampton     6 b  698
        Washington    Caroline                Leek              6 b  369
        Washington    Eliza                   Westminster       1 a  440
        Washington    George                  Aylesbury         3 a  631
        Washington    Mary                    Woburn            3 b  926
        Washington    Michael                 Halifax           9 a  441
        Washington    William                 Wolstanton        6 b  187
        Washington    William                 Biggleswade       3 b  859
        Waskett       Emma                    Ongar             4 a  113
        Wasley        Emanuel                 Dudley            6 c   61
        Wasley        Matthew                 Truro             5 c  289
        Wasley        Thomas                  Winchcomb         6 a  745
        Waslowsk      Louis                   Newport M        11 a  326
        Waslowski     Louis                   Newport M        11 a  326
        Wasp          George                  Edmonton          3 a  157
        Waspe         Jane                    Bosmere           4 a 1232
        Wass          Edward                  Sleaford          7 a  865
        Wass          Elizabeth               Kings Norton      6 c  659
        Wass          George                  Pickering         9 d  772
        Wass          James                   Colchester        4 a  481
        Wass          John                    York              9 d   58
        Wass          John                    Mansfield         7 b  124
        Wass          Mary                    Chesterfield      7 b  957
        Wass          Mary                    Sudbury           4 a  897
        Wass          Mary Jane               Portsea           2 b  647
        Wass          Susanna                 Stamford          7 a  605
        Wass          Thomas                  Mansfield         7 b  112
        Wassell       Joseph                  Stourbridge       6 c  278
        Wassell       Martha Jane             Alverstoke        2 b  802
        Wassner       Bernhard                Marylebone        1 a  767
        Wastell       Mary Ann                Bethnal Gn        1 c  677
        Watcher       Joseph                  Cranbrook         2 a  825
        Watchorn      Jane                    Grantham          7 a  904
        Watchorn      John                    Bingham           7 b  597
        Watchorn      Susan Homan             Shoreditch        1 c  471
        Wate          Ann                     Ripon             9 a   85
        Waterer       Richard Starke          Stepney           1 c 1042
        Waterer       Ruth                    Wolverhampton     6 b  731
        Waterfall     John Henry              Dolgelly         11 b  761
        Waterfall     Wilson                  Ecclesall Brlw    9 c  289
        Waterfield    Elizabeth               Leicester         7 a  403
        Waterfield    Selena                  Dudley            6 c  183
        Waterfield    William John Weatherall Stoke Damerel     5 b  582
        Waterhouse    Alfred                  Ticehurst         2 b  140
        Waterhouse    Elijah                  Huddersfield      9 a  312
        Waterhouse    Frederick               Birmingham        6 d  181
        Waterhouse    James                   Dewsbury          9 b  564
        Waterhouse    James Henry             Kensington        1 a  157
        Waterhouse    John Hodgson            Sheffield         9 c  408
        Waterhouse    Lucy                    Westminster       1 a  499
        Waterhouse    Martha                  Bradford Yk       9 b  169
        Waterhouse    Nancy                   Bradford Yk       9 b  105
        Waterhouse    Richard                 Preston           8 e  672
        Waterhouse    Ruth                    Ashton            8 d  804
        Waterhouse    Samuel                  Southampton       2 c   16
        Waterhouse    Sarah Ann               Dudley            6 c  217
        Wateridge     Henry                   Winchester        2 c  181
        Watering      Susannah                Norwich           4 b  299
        Waterman      Charles                 Stockbridge       2 c  142
        Waterman      Charles                 Dunmow            4 a 696a
        Waterman      Henry                   Samford           4 a 1305
        Waterman      John                    Taunton           5 c  746
        Waterman      Martha Ann              Nottingham        7 b  423
        Waterman      Mary                    Tiverton          5 b  733
        Waterman      Thomas                  Newcastle Tyne   10 b   26
        Waterman      William                 Kensington        1 a  181
        Waterman      William Walter          E Stonehouse      5 b  517
        Waters        Alexander               Abergavenny      11 a  141
        Waters        Ann                     Pontypool        11 a  231
        Waters        Ann                     Newport M        11 a  367
        Waters        Celia                   Truro             5 c  288
        Waters        Charles                 Birmingham        6 d  265
        Waters        Edward                  Crickhowell      11 b  255
        Waters        Edward                  Stepney           1 c  971
        Waters        Edward                  E London          1 c   19
        Waters        Eleanor Jane            Sunderland       10 a  573
        Waters        Elizabeth               Battle            2 b   92
        Waters        Elizabeth               Mansfield         7 b   89
        Waters        Emily Curtis            Westminster       1 a  451
        Waters        Esther                  Pershore          6 c  551
        Waters        Fanny Eliza             W Ashford         2 a  887
        Waters        Frances                 Bethnal Gn        1 c  591
        Waters        George                  Pateley Bridge    9 a   76
        Waters        George                  Stepney           1 c 1027
        Waters        Hannah                  Merthyr Tydfil   11 a ?536
        Waters        Henry                   Bristol           6 a  113
        Waters        Henry                   Penzance          5 c  502
        Waters        Jane                    Bristol           6 a   24
        Waters        Jane                    Maidstone         2 a  744
        Waters        Jane                    Weymouth          5 a  727
        Waters        Joseph                  Bath              5 c 1288
        Waters        Joseph                  St Pancras        1 b   35
        Waters        Lettice                 Haverfordwest    11 a 1285
        Waters        Martha                  St Pancras        1 b  160
        Waters        Mary                    Prescot           8 b  873
        Waters        Mary                    Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  648
        Waters        Mary                    St Ives           3 b 650a
        Waters        Mary Anne               Cranbrook         2 a  831
        Waters        Rachel                  Newport M        11 a  271
        Waters        Samuel                  W London          1 c  127
        Waters        Samuel                  Newington         1 d  273
        Waters        Teresa                  Barton            8 c  554
        Waters        William                 Stepney           1 c  957
        Waters        William                 Braintree         4 a  683
        Waters        William                 St Faiths         4 b  239
        Waterson      Jane Eleanor            Liverpool         8 b  246
        Waterson      Sarah                   Wirral            8 a  605
        Waterson      William                 Canterbury        2 a  979
        Waterworth    James                   Skipton           9 a   37
        Waterworth    John                    Lancaster         8 e  814
        Waterworth    Mary                    Wigan             8 c    2
        Waterworth    Mary                    Pickering         9 d  784
        Waterworth    Mary                    Burnley           8 e  241
        Waterworth    Mary Govin              Scarbro           9 d  626
        Waterworth    William                 Manchester        8 d  143
        Waterworth    William                 Prescot           8 b  839
        Watford       George                  Kensington        1 a    2
        Watford       Samuel                  Holbeach          7 a  754
        Watford       Thomas                  Bedford           3 b  727
        Wathen        Eliza Ann               Wheatenhurst      6 a  517
        Wather        Elizabeth               Northleach        6 a  695
        Watkin        Jenkin                  Bridgend         11 a  732
        Watkin        John                    Bridgend         11 a  697
        Watkin        Jonathan                Patrington        9 d  463
        Watkin        Louisa                  Cheadle           6 b  379
        Watkin        Mary                    Leeds             9 b  399
        Watkin        William                 Manchester        8 d  174
        Watkin        William                 Stamford          7 a  641
        Watkins       Ann                     Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  551
        Watkins       Ann                     Newport M        11 a  327
        Watkins       Ann                     Birmingham        6 d  106
        Watkins       Anne                    Banbury           3 a 1155
        Watkins       Benjamin                Abergavenny      11 a   93
        Watkins       Caroline                Henley            3 a  789
        Watkins       David                   Newcastle Emlyn  11 b   56
        Watkins       Edward                  Builth           11 b  187
        Watkins       Edward                  Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  605
        Watkins       Eleanor                 Newport M        11 a  323
        Watkins       Eliza                   Ross              6 a  893
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  510
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Hereford          6 a 952a
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Gloucester        6 a  466
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Manchester        8 d  525
        Watkins       Emma                    Kingston          2 a  312
        Watkins       Emma Susannah           Poplar            1 c 1140
        Watkins       Eugene John             Blackburn         8 e  406
        Watkins       Frances Harriette       Newport M        11 a  307
        Watkins       George                  Kensington        1 a   15
        Watkins       George                  Richmond S        2 a  350
        Watkins       George                  Watford           3 a  410
        Watkins       George William          Richmond S        2 a  350
        Watkins       Hannah                  Newport M        11 a  289
        Watkins       Hannah                  Pontypool        11 a  252
        Watkins       Hannah                  Newport M        11 a  290
        Watkins       Harrot                  E London          1 c   80
        Watkins       Henry Thomas            Axbridge          5 c 1143
        Watkins       Isaiah                  Dudley            6 c   87
        Watkins       James                   Abergavenny      11 a  140
        Watkins       James                   Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  612
        Watkins       James                   Abergavenny      11 a  125
        Watkins       James                   Cardigan         11 b   10
        Watkins       James                   Gloucester        6 a  483
        Watkins       Jane                    Cardiff          11 a  370
        Watkins       Jane Ann                Medway            2 a  567
        Watkins       John                    Pontypool        11 a  232
        Watkins       John                    Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  546
        Watkins       John                    Newport M        11 a  323
        Watkins       John                    Abergavenny      11 a  101
        Watkins       John Eames              Newport M        11 a  312
        Watkins       Joseph                  Upton on Severn   6 c  459
        Watkins       Margaret                Abergavenny      11 a  125
        Watkins       Margaret                Crickhowell      11 b  276
        Watkins       Margaret                Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  646
        Watkins       Margaret F              Pontypool        11 a  237
        Watkins       Margaret T              Pontypool        11 a  237
        Watkins       Martha                  Lewes             2 b  261
        Watkins       Martha                  Hereford          6 a  935
        Watkins       Mary                    Oswestry          6 a 1299
        Watkins       Mary                    Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  535
        Watkins       Mary                    Crickhowell      11 b  256
        Watkins       Mary                    Cardigan         11 b   10
        Watkins       Mary Ann                Aylesbury         3 a  605
        Watkins       Mary Ann                London City       1 c  171
        Watkins       Mary Ann                Bromley           2 a  359
        Watkins       Rachel                  Brecknock        11 b  227
        Watkins       Rosa                    Hereford          6 a  930
        Watkins       Sarah                   Portsea           2 b  638
        Watkins       Sarah                   Newport M        11 a  348
        Watkins       Stephen                 Daventry          3 b  223
        Watkins       Thomas                  Crickhowell      11 b  297
        Watkins       Thomas                  St Geo East       1 c  888
        Watkins       Thomas                  Neath            11 a  739
        Watkins       Thomas                  W Derby           8 b  766
        Watkins       Thomasine               Plymouth          5 b  489
        Watkins       Walter                  Hereford          6 a  955
        Watkins       Walter                  Bridgend         11 a  711
        Watkins       Walter Clissold         Bury              8 c  442
        Watkins       Watkin                  Brecknock        11 b  227
        Watkins       William                 Highworth         5 a   41
        Watkins       William                 Hereford          6 a  899
        Watkins       William                 Cardiff          11 a  425
        Watkinson     Anne                    Derby             7 b  738
        Watkinson     Betsy                   N Witchford       3 b 1334
        Watkinson     Eliza                   Halstead          4 a  639
        Watkinson     Elizabeth Jane          Southampton       2 c   39
        Watkinson     Ellen                   Derby             7 b  691
        Watkinson     James                   Halstead          4 a  641
        Watkinson     Joseph                  Shardlow          7 b  674
        Watkinson     Joseph                  Otley             9 a  193
        Watkinson     Josiah Allen            Sudbury           4 a  863
        Watkinson     Lucy                    Strand            1 b  602
        Watkinson     Maria                   Preston           8 e  638
        Watkinson     Martha                  Bradford Yks      9 b  171
        Watkinson     Mary                    Sudbury           4 a  864
        Watkinson     Mary Ann                Rotherham         9 c  591
        Watkinson     Peter                   Chorley           8 e  529
        Watkinson     William                 Leeds             9 b  363
        Watkiss       Anne                    Wolverhampton     6 b  781
        Watkiss       Lucy                    Stourbridge       6 c  293
        Watkiss       Sarah Ann               Wolverhampton     6 b  706
        Watkiss       William                 Dudley            6 c  185
        Watlen        Benjamin                Winchester        2 c  183
        Watlen        Maria                   Woodbridge        4 a 1457
        Watley        Isaac                   Liverpool         8 b  466
        Watley        Mark                    Coventry          6 d  605
        Watling       Ann                     N Witchford       3 b 1331
        Watling       Charles                 Wayland           4 b  677
        Watling       Edmund                  Aylsham           4 b  222
        Watling       Maria                   Woodbridge        4 a 1457
        Watling       Mary                    Mitford           4 b  736
        Watling       Robert James            Portsea           2 b  753
        Watling       William                 Hull              9 d  383
        Watling       William                 Depwade           4 b  629
        Watmough      Sarah                   St Pancras        1 b  171
        Watmough      William Charles         Newington         1 d  224
        Watridge      William Henry           Hambledon         2 a  179
        Watsling      Ellen                   York              9 d   52
        Watson        Agnes                   Teesdale         10 a  252
        Watson        Alexander               Tynemouth        10 b  219
        Watson        Alexander               Salford           8 d   54
        Watson        Alfred                  Meriden           6 d  463
        Watson        Alfred                  Shoreditch        1 c  534
        Watson        Amelia                  Yarmouth          4 b    9
        Watson        Amelia                  St Giles          1 b  532
        Watson        Amelia                  Hackney           1 b  498
        Watson        Ann                     Pontefract        9 c   96
        Watson        Ann                     Bicester          3 a  991
        Watson        Ann                     Peterbro          3 b  561
        Watson        Ann                     Otley             9 a  174
        Watson        Ann                     Bradford Yks      9 b  142
        Watson        Ann                     Conway           11 b  967
        Watson        Ann                     Newcastle Tyne   10 b  193
        Watson        Benjamin                Maidstone         2 a  759
        Watson        Benjamin                Hull              9 d  418
        Watson        Betty                   Stokesley         9 d  877
        Watson        Caroline                Totnes            5 b  294
        Watson        Caroline                Houghton le Sp   10 a  427
        Watson        Charles                 Doncaster         9 c  669
        Watson        Charles                 Liverpool         8 b  186
        Watson        Charles                 Hull              9 d  411
        Watson        Charles                 Darlington       10 a   20
        Watson        Charles                 Islington         1 b  316
        Watson        Charles Hay             Manchester        8 d  170
        Watson        Christopher             Wigton           10 b  540
        Watson        Daniel                  Wangford          4 a 1646
        Watson        Edward                  Sleaford          7 a  825
        Watson        Edward                  Battle            2 b   75
        Watson        Edward                  Spilsby           7 a 1091
        Watson        Edward Thomas           Whitechapel       1 c  828
        Watson        Eliza                   Calne             5 a  158
        Watson        Eliza                   Boston            7 a  779
        Watson        Elizabeth               Burnley           8 e  235
        Watson        Elizabeth               Portsea           2 b  750
        Watson        Elizabeth               Ripon             9 a   89
        Watson        Elizabeth               Lincoln           7 a  971
        Watson        Elizabeth               St Pancras        1 b  114
        Watson        Elizabeth               Braintree         4 a  647
        Watson        Elizabeth               N Witchford       3 b 1322
        Watson        Elizabeth               Dewsbury          9 b  589
        Watson        Elizabeth               Beverley          9 d  249
        Watson        Elizabeth               Mitford           4 b  739
        Watson        Elizabeth               Erpingham         4 b  147
        Watson        Elizabeth               Radford           7 b  294
        Watson        Ellen                   Preston           8 e  637
        Watson        Ellen                   Ticehurst         2 b  152
        Watson        Ellen                   Newcastle Tyne   10 b    5
        Watson        Ellen                   Dewsbury          9 b  619
        Watson        Emily                   Whitechapel       1 c  844
        Watson        Esther Amelia           Scarbro           9 d  595
        Watson        Frances Jane            Guisbro           9 d  839
        Watson        George                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  697
        Watson        George                  Wigan             8 c   45
        Watson        George                  Easington        10 a  389
        Watson        George                  Tynemouth        10 b  233
        Watson        George                  Dewsbury          9 b  603
        Watson        George                  Norwich           4 b  399
        Watson        George                  Belper            7 b  846
        Watson        George Goldsborough     Darlington       10 a   50
        Watson        Hannah                  Burnley           8 e  297
        Watson        Hannah                  W Ward           10 b  707
        Watson        Hannah                  Bradford Yk       9 b  157
        Watson        Hannah                  Hexham           10 b  321
        Watson        Hannah                  Hastings          2 b   60
        Watson        Hannah                  Hull              9 d  355
        Watson        Hannah                  Chesterton        3 b 1107
        Watson        Hannah                  Nantwich          8 a  459
        Watson        Harriet                 Dewsbury          9 b  645
        Watson        Harriet Anne            Sunderland       10 a  558
        Watson        Hartley                 Burnley           8 e  281
        Watson        Henry                   Royston           3 a  269
        Watson        Henry                   Bootle           10 b  677
        Watson        Henry                   Shoreditch        1 c  308
        Watson        Henry William           Cambridge         3 b 1155
        Watson        Isaac                   Foleshill         6 d  533
        Watson        Isabella                Goole             9 c  780
        Watson        James                   Fylde             8 e  719
        Watson        James                   Lancaster         8 e  805
        Watson        James                   Blackburn         8 e  466
        Watson        James                   Bolton            8 c  341
        Watson        Jane                    Chesterfield      7 b  930
        Watson        Jane                    Auckland         10 a  224
        Watson        Jane                    Stockton         10 a  157
        Watson        John                    St Albans         3 a  377
        Watson        John                    Bp Stortford      3 a  213
        Watson        John                    Hatfield          3 a  367
        Watson        John                    Bradford Yks      9 b  136
        Watson        John                    Preston           8 e  580
        Watson        John                    Keighley          9 a  229
        Watson        John                    Keighley          9 a  211
        Watson        John                    Hitchin           3 a  303
        Watson        John                    Wisbeach          3 b 1401
        Watson        John                    Medway            2 a  509
        Watson        John                    Bethnal Gn        1 c  693
        Watson        John                    Hull              9 d  370
        Watson        John                    Stockton         10 a  167
        Watson        John                    Weardale         10 a  284
        Watson        John                    Sunderland       10 a  539
        Watson        John                    Newcastle Tyne   10 b   70
        Watson        John                    Wisbeach          3 b 1401
        Watson        John                    Clifton           6 a  197
        Watson        John Cornish            Newton Abbott     5 b  255
        Watson        Joseph                  Stoke on T        6 b  280
        Watson        Joseph                  Lambeth           1 d  562
        Watson        Joseph                  Sheffield         9 c  318
        Watson        Joseph                  Mkt Harbro        7 a   60
        Watson        Joseph                  Hull              9 d  355
        Watson        Joseph                  Worksop           7 b   66
        Watson        Joseph                  Basford           7 b  215
        Watson        Laura                   Tendring          4 a  407
        Watson        Laurence                Liverpool         8 b   36
        Watson        Lot                     Hoxne             4 a 1200
        Watson        Lucy                    Keighley          9 a  241
        Watson        Lydia                   Southampton       2 c   11
        Watson        Maria                   Stepney           1 c 1000
        Watson        Martha                  Keighley          9 a  215
        Watson        Martha Ann              Patrington        9 d  456
        Watson        Mary                    W Derby           8 b  756
        Watson        Mary                    W Derby           8 b  739
        Watson        Mary                    Otley             9 a  199
        Watson        Mary                    Wortley           9 c  214
        Watson        Mary                    Hull              9 d  372
        Watson        Mary                    Dorking           2 a  197
        Watson        Mary                    Penrith          10 b  470
        Watson        Mary                    Leeds             9 b  363
        Watson        Mary                    Kensington        1 a  116
        Watson        Mary                    Wisbeach          3 b 1381
        Watson        Mary                    Stockport         8 a    3
        Watson        Mary Ann                Whitechapel       1 c  831
        Watson        Mary Ann                Amersham          3 a  486
        Watson        Mary Ann                Mkt Harbro        7 a   42
        Watson        Mary Ann                Wolverhampton     6 b  614
        Watson        Mary Ann                Hull              9 d  361
        Watson        Mary Ann                Rochford          4 a  277
        Watson        Mary Ann                Malling           2 a  582
        Watson        Mary Ann                Sheffield         9 c  398
        Watson        Michael                 Ongar             4 a   90
        Watson        Nanny                   Burnley           8 e  245
        Watson        Richard                 Hull              9 d  365
        Watson        Richard                 Gt Boughton       8 a  499
        Watson        Robert                  Wangford          4 a 1637
        Watson        Ruth                    Bradford Yks      9 b   31
        Watson        Samuel                  Tadcaster         9 c  826
        Watson        Sarah                   Tunstead          4 b  101
        Watson        Sarah                   Bicester          3 a  989
        Watson        Sarah                   Calne             5 a  155
        Watson        Sarah                   Stockton         10 a   60
        Watson        Sarah                   Newcastle Tyne   10 b  149
        Watson        Sarah                   Doncaster         9 c  637
        Watson        Sarah                   Ely               3 b 1291
        Watson        Sarah Ann               Leeds             9 b  384
        Watson        Sarah Elizabeth         Flegg             4 b   55
        Watson        Sarah Jane              Gateshead        10 a  654
        Watson        Sarah Jane              Manchester        8 d  175
        Watson        Sarah Louisa            Kings Norton      6 c  655
        Watson        Susan                   Plomesgate        4 a 1479
        Watson        Susanna                 Whitehaven       10 b  660
        Watson        Susannah                York              9 d   61
        Watson        Susannah                Whitehaven       10 b  660
        Watson        Susannah Wheeler        Wisbeach          3 b 1409
        Watson        Thomas                  Ware              3 a  191
        Watson        Thomas                  Otley             9 a  189
        Watson        Thomas                  Ellesmere         6 a 1311
        Watson        Thomas                  Mitford           4 b  717
        Watson        Thomas                  Bradford Yks      9 b   27
        Watson        Thomas                  Guisbro           9 d  849
        Watson        Thomas                  Rugby             6 d  669
        Watson        Thomas John             Stepney           1 c 1024
        Watson        Thomas Rouse            E Retford         7 b   31
        Watson        Thomas William          Newcastle Tyne   10 b   17
        Watson        William                 Thanet            2 a 1180
        Watson        William                 Wakefield         9 c   75
        Watson        William                 Thorne            9 c  726
        Watson        William                 Preston           8 e  698
        Watson        William                 Liverpool         8 b   99
        Watson        William                 Liverpool         8 b   13
        Watson        William                 Preston           8 e  661
        Watson        William                 Whitechapel       1 c  834
        Watson        William                 St Pancras        1 b   91
        Watson        William Bryce           St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  372
        Watt          David                   Fylde             8 e  744
        Watt          Isabella                London City       1 c  243
        Watt          John                    Haverfordwest    11 a 1231
        Watt          John Rippon             Stockton         10 a  107
        Watt          Joseph                  W Derby           8 b  639
        Watt          Mary                    St Pancras        1 b   39
        Watt          William                 Liverpool         8 b  356
        Watt          William                 Liverpool         8 b  276
        Watt          William                 Eccleshall Brlw   9 c  264
        Watters       Edward Henry            Helston           5 c  374
        Watters       Jane                    Liskeard          5 c  114
        Watters       John                    Helston           5 c  401
        Watters       Richard                 Helston           5 c  377
        Watters       Thomas                  Stockton         10 a  160
        Watters       William                 Martley           6 c  397
        Watthall      Harriet                 Derby             7 b  721
        Wattis        Fanny                   Worcester         6 c  440
        Wattleworth   William                 Liverpool         8 b  330
        Watton        Elizabeth               Sunderland       10 a  516
        Watton        George                  Newton Abbott     5 b  208
        Watton        Harriet                 Warwick           6 d  782
        Watton        Job                     Sheffield         9 c  365
        Watton        Sarah                   Birmingham        6 d  234
        Watton        Thomas                  W Bromwich        6 b  853
        Wattren       Miriam                  Clifton           6 a  226
        Watts         Adelaide                Warwick           6 d  779
        Watts         Alice                   Andover           2 c  413
        Watts         Amelia                  Colchester        4 a  499
        Watts         Amey                    Newbury           2 c  481
        Watts         Andrew                  Stoke Damerel     5 b  613
        Watts         Ann                     St Neots          3 b  715
        Watts         Ann                     Bristol           6 a  114
        Watts         Ann                     Hereford          6 a  941
        Watts         Ann                     Brackley          3 b   24
        Watts         Benjamin                Bristol           6 a   16
        Watts         Betsy                   Bury St E         4 a 1062
        Watts         Caroline                Radford           7 b  261
        Watts         Cecelia                 Whitechapel       1 c  834
        Watts         Cecilia                 Whitechapel       1 c  834
        Watts         Charles                 Narberth         11 a 1117
        Watts         Charles                 Newport Pagnell   3 a  707
        Watts         David                   Whitchurch        2 c  379
        Watts         Edward                  Whitechapel       1 c  805
        Watts         Eliza                   Taunton           5 c  719
        Watts         Eliza                   Newmarket         3 b 1217
        Watts         Elizabeth               Southampton       2 c   46
        Watts         Elizabeth               St Neots          3 b  715
        Watts         Elizabeth               Exeter            5 b  163
        Watts         Elizabeth               Wellingbro        3 b  325
        Watts         Elizabeth               Tunstead          4 b   84
        Watts         Elizabeth Ann           Bath              5 c 1262
        Watts         Elizabeth Sarah         Newington         1 d  247
        Watts         Emily                   Portsea           2 b  660
        Watts         Emily                   Sheffield         9 c  547
        Watts         Emily                   Leeds             9 b  376
        Watts         Emma Louisa             Bristol           6 a  171
        Watts         Fanny Small             Greenwich         1 d  839
        Watts         Freeman                 Wycombe           3 a  574
        Watts         George                  Sheffield         9 c  293
        Watts         George                  Woodbridge        4 a 1464
        Watts         George                  St Geo East       1 c  884
        Watts         Hannah                  Chippenham        5 a  111
        Watts         Hannah                  Lambeth           1 d  523

        There are two clear errors in this section of the St Cath's

        There are three entries for Lewisham.  Sarah Scott Warden and
        William Ward are shown clearly as volume 1d.  Mary Ann Warren
        is equally clearly shown as volume 1a.  The correct volume must
        be 1d and Mary Ann Warren must be a wrong reference.

        There are two entries for Solihull.  Joseph Wareing is given
        as 6d 717, but Richard Warwick is shown as 9d 703.  Both entries
        are sharp and clear.  Volume 6d appears correct and Richard Warwick
        must have a wrong reference.  I have used 6d instead.

        These errors show up because there are two or more entries for those
        districts.  But there are over 150 entries that are the only entries
        for a particular district.  There must be a high chance of an error
        or errors amongst those.

        On top of these there were quite a lot of volume numbers where an
        "e" looked exactly like a "c".  When the entries are sorted by their
        volume reference or by district such problems show up very readily
        and can be corrected.  Often the distinction can only be confirmed
        by peering at the entry very closely.  Many "e" and "c" references
        must be virtually indistinguishable on fiche or film.  When indexes
        have been retyped the scope for errors would have been enormous.  It
        is only a computerised entry that allows data to be sorted and this
        can throw up errors of this sort. Such errors would sit undiscovered
        in the RGO's indexes.

        St Catherine's Marriage Index Dec Quarter 1856 sorted into district

        Watford       George                  Kensington        1 a    2
        Watkins       George                  Kensington        1 a   15
        Ware          Edward                  Kensington        1 a   56
        Wargent       Dennis Hignell          Kensington        1 a   70
        Watson        Mary                    Kensington        1 a  116
        Ware          Edward                  Kensington        1 a  132
        Waterhouse    James Henry             Kensington        1 a  157
        Waterman      William                 Kensington        1 a  181
        Ware          William                 Chelsea           1 a  250
        Ward          Nancy                   St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  298
        Ward          Charlotte               St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  347
        Warren        Jonathan                St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  353
        Walton        Richard                 St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  361
        Watson        William Bryce           St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  372
        Walshe        Hugh Crawford           St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  412
        Washington    Eliza                   Westminster       1 a  440
        Waters        Emily Curtis            Westminster       1 a  451
        Waterhouse    Lucy                    Westminster       1 a  499
        Wardrop       Hew Dalrymple Hamilton  St James          1 a  593
        Wannell       William                 Marylebone        1 a  634
        Warren        Thomas                  Marylebone        1 a  652
        Wannacott     John                    Marylebone        1 a  657
        Warwick       Thomas                  Marylebone        1 a  686
        Warner        William Perkins         Marylebone        1 a  701
        Warlomont     Leopold Hubert Francois Marylebone        1 a  739
        Wassner       Bernhard                Marylebone        1 a  767
        Walter        Emma                    Marylebone        1 a  777
        Warren        Jane                    Marylebone        1 a  799
        Ward          Jane                    Marylebone        1 a  817
        Walter        Julia Elizabeth         Marylebone        1 a  830
        Walton        Eliza                   Marylebone        1 a  833
        Walsh         Winifred                Marylebone        1 a  843
        Warren        Mary Ann                Lewisham          1 a  924
        Ward          Sarah Eliza             St Pancras        1 b   14
        Walton        William                 St Pancras        1 b   18
        Ward          Henry                   St Pancras        1 b   33
        Waters        Joseph                  St Pancras        1 b   35
        Watt          Mary                    St Pancras        1 b   39
        Walter        William                 St Pancras        1 b   45
        Walsh         William                 St Pancras        1 b   59
        Warren        Jane                    St Pancras        1 b   61
        Watson        William                 St Pancras        1 b   91
        Walters       Jane                    St Pancras        1 b  107
        Watson        Elizabeth               St Pancras        1 b  114
        Warren        John                    St Pancras        1 b  130
        Waters        Martha                  St Pancras        1 b  160
        Watmough      Sarah                   St Pancras        1 b  171
        Ward          James                   St Pancras        1 b  185
        Ware          Mary Ann                St Pancras        1 b  209
        Ward          James William           Islington         1 b  239
        Walton        Samuel                  Islington         1 b  249
        Warrender     Sarah                   Islington         1 b  256
        Warner        David                   Islington         1 b  266
        Watson        Charles                 Islington         1 b  316
        Warr          Alfred Joseph           Islington         1 b  324
        Ward          Elizabeth Mary          Islington         1 b  369
        Warren        Emma                    Islington         1 b  392
        Walton        Susan                   Hackney           1 b  436
        Walton        Emma                    Hackney           1 b  452
        Watson        Amelia                  Hackney           1 b  498
        Watson        Amelia                  St Giles          1 b  532
        Ward          Joseph                  St Giles          1 b  545
        Warren        James Robert            Strand            1 b  589
        Watkinson     Lucy                    Strand            1 b  602
        Walter        Thomas                  Holborn           1 b  616
        Warr          Julia Lavinia           Holborn           1 b  623
        Ward          Thomas                  Clerkenwell       1 b  664
        Ward          Frederick Wallace       St Luke           1 b  738
        Warden        George                  St Luke           1 b  743
        Warren        Eliza                   London City       1 c 202a
        Warnes        Harriet                 E London          1 c   10
        Waters        Edward                  E London          1 c   19
        Warner        Harriet                 E London          1 c   19
        Ward          George                  E London          1 c   40
        Watkins       Harrot                  E London          1 c   80
        Warren        Edward                  W London          1 c   96
        Warbis        Elizabeth Susanna       W London          1 c  111
        Waters        Samuel                  W London          1 c  127
        Warne         Ellen Betts             W London          1 c  147
        Watkins       Mary Ann                London City       1 c  171
        Watt          Isabella                London City       1 c  243
        Watson        Henry                   Shoreditch        1 c  308
        Walter        Charles Edward          Shoreditch        1 c  351
        Ward          Sarah Maria             Shoreditch        1 c  396
        Ward          Esther                  Shoreditch        1 c  421
        Warren        Sarah Ann               Shoreditch        1 c  451
        Watchorn      Susan Homan             Shoreditch        1 c  471
        Warby         William                 Shoreditch        1 c  507
        Ward          Harriet Sophia          Shoreditch        1 c  519
        Warwick       William                 Shoreditch        1 c  523
        Watson        Alfred                  Shoreditch        1 c  534
        Waters        Frances                 Bethnal Gn        1 c  591
        Wardle        Mary Ann                Bethnal Gn        1 c  614
        Waples        Elizabeth               Bethnal Gn        1 c  668
        Wastell       Mary Ann                Bethnal Gn        1 c  677
        Warren        William                 Bethnal Gn        1 c  679
        Watson        John                    Bethnal Gn        1 c  693
        Warren        Daniel                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  696
        Warner        John                    Bethnal Gn        1 c  697
        Watson        George                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  697
        Warren        George                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  729
        Ward          Susannah                Bethnal Gn        1 c  741
        Walton        Cornelius               Whitechapel       1 c  766
        Washbourn     William George          Whitechapel       1 c  767
        Ward          Mary                    Whitechapel       1 c  771
        Warrington    Mary Martha             Whitechapel       1 c  793
        Watts         Edward                  Whitechapel       1 c  805
        Ward          Mary                    Whitechapel       1 c  816
        Watson        Edward Thomas           Whitechapel       1 c  828
        Watson        Mary Ann                Whitechapel       1 c  831
        Watts         Cecilia                 Whitechapel       1 c  834
        Watson        William                 Whitechapel       1 c  834
        Watts         Cecelia                 Whitechapel       1 c  834
        Watson        Emily                   Whitechapel       1 c  844
        Ward          Mary Ann                St Geo East       1 c  874
        Warren        John                    St Geo East       1 c  877
        Watts         George                  St Geo East       1 c  884
        Watkins       Thomas                  St Geo East       1 c  888
        Warden        Charlotte               Stepney           1 c  933
        Warrick       William                 Stepney           1 c  945
        Waters        William                 Stepney           1 c  957
        Waters        Edward                  Stepney           1 c  971
        Ward          Edward                  Stepney           1 c  995
        Watson        Maria                   Stepney           1 c 1000
        Watson        Thomas John             Stepney           1 c 1024
        Waters        George                  Stepney           1 c 1027
        Waterer       Richard Starke          Stepney           1 c 1042
        Watkins       Emma Susannah           Poplar            1 c 1140
        Walsh         John                    St Saviour        1 d   10
        Walsh         Mary                    St Saviour        1 d   10
        Ward          Nathaniel Mortimer      Bermondsey        1 d   96
        Walters       Ann                     Bermondsey        1 d  114
        Walters       Frederick               Bermondsey        1 d  118
        Warner        Henry                   St Geo Sthk       1 d  203
        Ward          Ellen                   Newington         1 d  209
        Ward          Harriet                 Newington         1 d  215
        Watmough      William Charles         Newington         1 d  224
        Watts         Elizabeth Sarah         Newington         1 d  247
        Waters        Samuel                  Newington         1 d  273
        Warren        Ann                     Lambeth           1 d  360
        Walters       Sarah                   Lambeth           1 d  386
        Ward          Charlotte Elizabeth     Lambeth           1 d  425
        Walton        Eliza Davis             Lambeth           1 d  490
        Warren        Elizabeth               Lambeth           1 d  520
        Watts         Hannah                  Lambeth           1 d  523
        Walter        William                 Lambeth           1 d  536
        Ward          Edward                  Lambeth           1 d  552
        Ward          Sophia                  Lambeth           1 d  559
        Watson        Joseph                  Lambeth           1 d  562
        Walsh         Michael                 Wandsworth        1 d  628
        Ware          George                  Greenwich         1 d  788
        Watts         Fanny Small             Greenwich         1 d  839
        Warden        Sarah Scott             Lewisham          1 d  864
        Ward          William                 Lewisham          1 d  928
        Warner        Moses                   Guildford         2 a   65
        Warner        Anne                    Guildford         2 a   78
        Warner        William                 Farnham           2 a  122
        Warne         William                 Farnham           2 a  122
        Ware          Henry                   Hambledon         2 a  167
        Watridge      William Henry           Hambledon         2 a  179
        Watson        Mary                    Dorking           2 a  197
        Warner        Alfred                  Kingston          2 a  307
        Watkins       Emma                    Kingston          2 a  312
        Watkins       George                  Richmond S        2 a  350
        Watkins       George William          Richmond S        2 a  350
        Ward          Mary Rebecca            Richmond S        2 a  355
        Watkins       Mary Ann                Bromley           2 a  359
        Ward          Elizabeth               Bromley           2 a  362
        Waring        Mathilda (sic)          Bromley           2 a  371
        Warby         Elizabeth Eliza         N Aylesford       2 a  471
        Watson        John                    Medway            2 a  509
        Walter        Henry                   Medway            2 a  546
        Warren        Sarah Ann               Medway            2 a  547
        Watkins       Jane Ann                Medway            2 a  567
        Walsh         Maurice                 Medway            2 a  568
        Watson        Mary Ann                Malling           2 a  582
        Walter        Christian               Sevenoaks         2 a  625
        Ware          Stephen                 Tunbridge         2 a  646
        Waters        Jane                    Maidstone         2 a  744
        Watson        Benjamin                Maidstone         2 a  759
        Ware          Stephen Else            Hollingbourn      2 a  789
        Ward          Harriett                Hollingbourn      2 a  791
        Watcher       Joseph                  Cranbrook         2 a  825
        Waters        Mary Anne               Cranbrook         2 a  831
        Waters        Fanny Eliza             W Ashford         2 a  887
        Waterson      William                 Canterbury        2 a  979
        Warner        George                  Blean             2 a 1032
        Warn          John                    Sheppey           2 a 1135
        Watson        William                 Thanet            2 a 1180
        Wanstall      Richard                 Eastry            2 a 1236
        Watson        Hannah                  Hastings          2 b   60
        Watson        Edward                  Battle            2 b   75
        Waters        Elizabeth               Battle            2 b   92
        Waterhouse    Alfred                  Ticehurst         2 b  140
        Ware          James                   Ticehurst         2 b  143
        Watson        Ellen                   Ticehurst         2 b  152
        Watkins       Martha                  Lewes             2 b  261
        Warren        William                 Brighton          2 b  328
        Warner        Henry                   Brighton          2 b  373
        Warner        John                    Westhampnett      2 b  557
        Ware          Mariann                 Midhurst          2 b  598
        Watkins       Sarah                   Portsea           2 b  638
        Wass          Mary Jane               Portsea           2 b  647
        Watts         Emily                   Portsea           2 b  660
        Warder        Ann Maria               Portsea           2 b  663
        Ward          James                   Portsea           2 b  729
        Watson        Elizabeth               Portsea           2 b  750
        Watling       Robert James            Portsea           2 b  753
        Warren        Charles                 Alverstoke        2 b  789
        Wareham       Richard                 Alverstoke        2 b  798
        Wassell       Martha Jane             Alverstoke        2 b  802
        Walwyn        Charles Hutchinson      Isle of Wight     2 b  908
        Warder        Leslie                  Isle of Wight     2 b  927
        Warn          John                    Lymington         2 b  957
        Warn          Joseph                  Christchurch      2 b  965
        Warland       Louisa                  Ringwood          2 b  977
        Walter        Stephen                 Ringwood          2 b  985
        Ward          Charlotte               New Forest        2 b 1003
        Ward          Ann                     New Forest        2 b 1013
        Watson        Lydia                   Southampton       2 c   11
        Waterhouse    Samuel                  Southampton       2 c   16
        Watkinson     Elizabeth Jane          Southampton       2 c   39
        Watts         Elizabeth               Southampton       2 c   46
        Ward          James                   Southampton       2 c   50
        Warren        Matilda                 Southampton       2 c   59
        Warner        Stephen                 S Stoneham        2 c   85
        Warwick       Josiah                  S Stoneham        2 c   94
        Waterman      Charles                 Stockbridge       2 c  142
        Wateridge     Henry                   Winchester        2 c  181
        Watlen        Benjamin                Winchester        2 c  183
        Ward          Jane                    Basingstoke       2 c  365
        Watts         David                   Whitchurch        2 c  379
        Watts         Alice                   Andover           2 c  413
        Warwick       Hesther                 Andover           2 c  417
        Watts         Amey                    Newbury           2 c  481
        Warner        Sophia Ann              Newbury           2 c  497
        Warwick       Sarah                   Abingdon          2 c  639
        Warman        Jane                    Abingdon          2 c  646
        Ward          John                    Wantage           2 c  706
        Warman        Sarah                   Bradfield         2 c  755
        Warman        Josiah                  Bradfield         2 c  795
        Warren        Fanny                   Reading           2 c  808
        Warren        Moses                   Wokingham         2 c  841
        Ward          James                   Windsor           2 c  878
        Warren        Anne                    Brentford         3 a   85
        Ware          Emma                    Brentford         3 a  102
        Warden        Fanny                   Barnet            3 a  133
        Wasp          George                  Edmonton          3 a  157
        Watson        Thomas                  Ware              3 a  191
        Watson        John                    Bp Stortford      3 a  213
        Warman        Emma                    Bp Stortford      3 a  217
        Warwick       Richard                 Bp Stortford      3 a  222
        Warwick       James                   Bp Stortford      3 a  232
        Warwick       Eliza                   Bp Stortford      3 a  232
        Warwick       James                   Bp Stortford      3 a  238
        Watson        Henry                   Royston           3 a  269
        Warren        Sarah                   Royston           3 a  288
        Ward          James                   Royston           3 a  293
        Watson        John                    Hitchin           3 a  303
        Watson        John                    Hatfield          3 a  367
        Watson        John                    St Albans         3 a  377
        Watkins       George                  Watford           3 a  410
        Washbrook     Emma                    Watford           3 a  421
        Warlock       Emma                    Hemel Hempstead   3 a  432
        Watson        Mary Ann                Amersham          3 a  486
        Ware          Jane                    Eton              3 a  508
        Watts         Freeman                 Wycombe           3 a  574
        Ward          Elizabeth               Wycombe           3 a  579
        Walton        Henry                   Wycombe           3 a  585
        Warren        Martha                  Aylesbury         3 a  601
        Ward          Robert                  Aylesbury         3 a  605
        Watkins       Mary Ann                Aylesbury         3 a  605
        Warner        David                   Aylesbury         3 a  615
        Washington    George                  Aylesbury         3 a  631
        Ward          Eliza                   Winslow           3 a  648
        Ward          Jane                    Newport Pagnell   3 a  667
        Watts         Charles                 Newport Pagnell   3 a  707
        Warren        Leonard                 Newport Pagnell   3 a  721
        Warr          Maria                   Buckingham        3 a  747
        Ware          Maria                   Buckingham        3 a  747
        Warner        William                 Buckingham        3 a  758
        Warner        George                  Buckingham        3 a  758
        Watkins       Caroline                Henley            3 a  789
        Ward          Anne                    Henley            3 a  805
        Ward          Ann                     Henley            3 a  805
        Warner        Matthew                 Thame             3 a  830
        Walton        Charlotte               Headington        3 a  888
        Warland       Harriet Eliza           Oxford            3 a  915
        Warner        Emma                    Bicester          3 a  966
        Walton        Montague                Bicester          3 a  973
        Waring        John                    Bicester          3 a  985
        Watson        Sarah                   Bicester          3 a  989
        Watson        Ann                     Bicester          3 a  991
        Ward          Catharine               Witney            3 a 1071
        Warman        Elizabeth               Witney            3 a 1101
        Walton        Elizabeth               Chipping Norton   3 a 1123
        Watkins       Anne                    Banbury           3 a 1155
        Warr          George                  Banbury           3 a 1167
        Walton        Charlotte               Banbury           3 a 1203
        Ward          Thomas                  Banbury           3 a 1213
        Waters        Mary                    St Ives           3 b 650a
        Warr          John                    Brackley          3 b    6
        Watts         Ann                     Brackley          3 b   24
        Ward          William                 Brackley          3 b   45
        Warren        Sarah                   Northampton       3 b  201
        Ward          Mary Ann                Northampton       3 b  205
        Watkins       Stephen                 Daventry          3 b  223
        Warwick       Ruth                    Daventry          3 b  235
        Warwick       John                    Daventry          3 b  235
        Warren        Elizabeth               Wellingbro        3 b  292
        Watts         Elizabeth               Wellingbro        3 b  325
        Waples        Selina                  Wellingbro        3 b  342
        Waples        John                    Wellingbro        3 b  343
        Warner        Elizabeth               Kettering         3 b  406
        Warren        Elizabeth               Thrapston         3 b  411
        Ward          Fanny                   Peterbro          3 b  497
        Ward          Elizabeth               Peterbro          3 b  552
        Watson        Ann                     Peterbro          3 b  561
        Ward          Mary Ann                Peterbro          3 b  563
        Ward          John                    St Neots          3 b  671
        Ward          Robert                  St Neots          3 b  703
        Watts         Ann                     St Neots          3 b  715
        Watts         Elizabeth               St Neots          3 b  715
        Watford       Thomas                  Bedford           3 b  727
        Warren        James                   Bedford           3 b  733
        Ward          Joseph                  Bedford           3 b  763
        Warwick       Rebecca                 Bedford           3 b  824
        Washington    William                 Biggleswade       3 b  859
        Warren        Lucy                    Biggleswade       3 b  869
        Warren        Lucy                    Biggleswade       3 b  871
        Warboys       Emma                    Biggleswade       3 b  872
        Warboys       James                   Biggleswade       3 b  875
        Warren        Rose Ellen              Biggleswade       3 b  877
        Ward          Mary Ann                Ampthill          3 b  881
        Warner        Joseph                  Ampthill          3 b  913
        Washington    Mary                    Woburn            3 b  926
        Ward          William                 Woburn            3 b  941
        Ward          Ann                     Woburn            3 b  947
        Warner        Mary Ann                Luton             3 b  997
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Caxton            3 b 1057
        Warren        Jane                    Caxton            3 b 1073
        Ward          William                 Chesterton        3 b 1083
        Watson        Hannah                  Chesterton        3 b 1107
        Warren        Robert                  Chesterton        3 b 1137
        Watson        Henry William           Cambridge         3 b 1155
        Watts         Eliza                   Newmarket         3 b 1217
        Watson        Sarah                   Ely               3 b 1291
        Warner        Sarah Ann               Ely               3 b 1300
        Warner        Elizabeth               Ely               3 b 1303
        Ward          Ann                     N Witchford       3 b 1320
        Watson        Elizabeth               N Witchford       3 b 1322
        Watling       Ann                     N Witchford       3 b 1331
        Watkinson     Betsy                   N Witchford       3 b 1334
        Warboys       Elless                  N Witchford       3 b 1334
        Walton        William                 N Witchford       3 b 1346
        Watson        Mary                    Wisbeach          3 b 1381
        Warnett       William                 Wisbeach          3 b 1395
        Watson        John                    Wisbeach          3 b 1401
        Watson        John                    Wisbeach          3 b 1401
        Watson        Susannah Wheeler        Wisbeach          3 b 1409
        Walsham       Susanna                 Wisbeach          3 b 1428
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Wisbeach          3 b 1437
        Ward          Mary                    Wisbeach          3 b 1438
        Warner        Mary Anne               Woodbridge        4 a1426a
        Warner        Mary Ann                Woodbridge        4 a1426a
        Waterman      Charles                 Dunmow            4 a 696a
        Ward          John                    W Ham             4 a   47
        Ward          Henry William           Epping            4 a   58
        Watson        Michael                 Ongar             4 a   90
        Waskett       Emma                    Ongar             4 a  113
        Ward          William                 Chelmsford        4 a  242
        Warner        Robert                  Rochford          4 a  273
        Warton        Robert                  Rochford          4 a  275
        Watson        Mary Ann                Rochford          4 a  277
        Warren        William Oliver          Maldon            4 a  325
        Ward          Samuel                  Maldon            4 a  327
        Ward          Donor Susan             Maldon            4 a  327
        Watson        Laura                   Tendring          4 a  407
        Warren        William                 Colchester        4 a  478
        Wass          James                   Colchester        4 a  481
        Warner        Phoebe                  Colchester        4 a  482
        Warn          Mary                    Colchester        4 a  494
        Watts         Amelia                  Colchester        4 a  499
        Warner        William                 Lexden            4 a  505
        Watkinson     Eliza                   Halstead          4 a  639
        Watkinson     James                   Halstead          4 a  641
        Watson        Elizabeth               Braintree         4 a  647
        Wash          Harriet                 Braintree         4 a  661
        Ward          Eliza                   Braintree         4 a  664
        Waters        William                 Braintree         4 a  683
        Warder        Martha                  Dunmow            4 a  697
        Warren        Mary Ann                Saffron Walden    4 a  743
        Walters       Amos                    Saffron Walden    4 a  745
        Warren        Anne                    Risbridge         4 a  781
        Ward          Eliza                   Risbridge         4 a  781
        Warren        Mary Ann                Sudbury           4 a  851
        Warren        Mary Simpson            Sudbury           4 a  859
        Watkinson     Josiah Allen            Sudbury           4 a  863
        Watkinson     Mary                    Sudbury           4 a  864
        Wass          Mary                    Sudbury           4 a  897
        Ward          Mary Anne               Sudbury           4 a  901
        Ward          Susannah                Cosford           4 a  929
        Warters       William                 Cosford ?931      4 a  931
        Watts         Betsy                   Bury St E         4 a 1062
        Warren        Sarah Alice             Mildenhall        4 a 1071
        Warren        John                    Stow              4 a 1096
        Warren        George                  Hoxne             4 a 1193
        Watson        Lot                     Hoxne             4 a 1200
        Waspe         Jane                    Bosmere           4 a 1232
        Warner        Susannah Elizabeth      Samford           4 a 1293
        Waterman      Henry                   Samford           4 a 1305
        Warren        Samuel                  Samford           4 a 1327
        Warner        John                    Ipswich           4 a 1393
        Watlen        Maria                   Woodbridge        4 a 1457
        Watling       Maria                   Woodbridge        4 a 1457
        Watts         George                  Woodbridge        4 a 1464
        Ward          Laura                   Plomesgate        4 a 1473
        Ward          Elizabeth               Plomesgate        4 a 1475
        Wardley       Charles                 Plomesgate        4 a 1475
        Watson        Susan                   Plomesgate        4 a 1479
        Ward          James                   Plomesgate        4 a 1488
        Warner        Robert                  Plomesgate        4 a 1515
        Ward          Robert                  Plomesgate        4 a 1528
        Watson        Robert                  Wangford          4 a 1637
        Watson        Daniel                  Wangford          4 a 1646
        Warnes        Charles William         Wangford          4 a 1655
        Wanford       William                 Mutford           4 a 1681
        Ward          Charles                 Mutford           4 a 1696
        Ward          Robert                  Yarmouth          4 b    8
        Watson        Amelia                  Yarmouth          4 b    9
        Walton        Emma                    Yarmouth          4 b   30
        Want          John Henry              Yarmouth          4 b   32
        Watson        Sarah Elizabeth         Flegg             4 b   55
        Ward          Sarah                   Tunstead          4 b   71
        Watts         Elizabeth               Tunstead          4 b   84
        Watson        Sarah                   Tunstead          4 b  101
        Watson        Elizabeth               Erpingham         4 b  147
        Watling       Edmund                  Aylsham           4 b  222
        Waters        William                 St Faiths         4 b  239
        Warren        Emily Ann               Norwich           4 b  277
        Watering      Susannah                Norwich           4 b  299
        Ward          Mary Ann                Norwich           4 b  325
        Warman        Edmund                  Norwich           4 b  341
        Watson        George                  Norwich           4 b  399
        Ward          Rachel                  Forehoe           4 b  427
        Ware          Clementina              Forehoe           4 b  431
        Ward          Henry                   Forehoe           4 b  433
        Want          Margaret Susan          Henstead          4 b  451
        Warnes        William                 Henstead          4 b  460
        Ward          Edward                  Blofield          4 b  493
        Warnes        Samuel                  Loddon            4 b  532
        Warren        Ellen                   Loddon            4 b  541
        Ward          Robert                  Loddon            4 b  555
        Watling       William                 Depwade           4 b  629
        Warner        James                   Wayland           4 b  664
        Watling       Charles                 Wayland           4 b  677
        Watson        Thomas                  Mitford           4 b  717
        Ward          Naomi                   Mitford           4 b  726
        Watling       Mary                    Mitford           4 b  736
        Watson        Elizabeth               Mitford           4 b  739
        Ward          Rebecca                 Mitford           4 b  757
        Ward          Robert                  Walsingham        4 b  819
        Ward          Susan                   Walsingham        4 b  821
        Ward          Elizabeth               Walsingham        4 b  825
        Warren        Mary Ann                Kings Lynn        4 b  945
        Ward          Martha                  Kings Lynn        4 b  950
        Ward          Jane                    Downham           4 b  980
        Ward          Abraham                 Downham           4 b 1001
        Ward          Susan                   Downham           4 b 1008
        Warff         Maria                   Swaffham          4 b 1047
        Ward          Eliza                   Thetford          4 b 1086
        Warman        Elizabeth               Highworth         5 a    7
        Watkins       William                 Highworth         5 a   41
        Warman        Mary Ann                Cricklade         5 a   47
        Watts         Hannah                  Chippenham        5 a  111
        Watson        Sarah                   Calne             5 a  155
        Watson        Eliza                   Calne             5 a  158
        Warren        John                    Devizes           5 a  199
        Walter        Ann                     Westbury          5 a  307
        Ward          Charles                 Pewsey            5 a  361
        Want          Joseph                  Pewsey            5 a  369
        Warner        Mary                    Salisbury         5 a  450
        Warren        Sarah                   Shaftesbury       5 a  559
        Warr          Anne Amelia             Sturminster       5 a  569
        Waters        Jane                    Weymouth          5 a  727
        Ward          Jacob                   Honiton           5 b   55
        Ware          Harriett                St Thomas         5 b  120
        Ware          Harriet                 St Thomas         5 b  120
        Ware          Thomas William          St Thomas         5 b  131
        Warren        Margratta Emma Vickers  Exeter            5 b  157
        Watts         Elizabeth               Exeter            5 b  163
        Ware          Eliza                   Exeter            5 b  167
        Warren        Matthew                 Exeter            5 b  175
        Watton        George                  Newton Abbott     5 b  208
        Walton        George                  Newton Abbott     5 b  208
        Warren        George                  Newton Abbott     5 b  222
        Warren        Samuel Henery           Newton Abbott     5 b  243
        Watson        John Cornish            Newton Abbott     5 b  255
        Watson        Caroline                Totnes            5 b  294
        Warrin        Elizabeth Jane          Totnes            5 b  307
        Watkins       Thomasine               Plymouth          5 b  489
        Waterman      William Walter          E Stonehouse      5 b  517
        Ward          Caroline                Stoke Damerel     5 b  542
        Ward          Ellen                   Stoke Damerel     5 b  578
        Waterfield    William John Weatherall Stoke Damerel     5 b  582
        Walters       Anthony Bowden          Stoke Damerel     5 b  587
        Watts         Andrew                  Stoke Damerel     5 b  613
        Warne         Charity                 Stoke Damerel     5 b  629
        Walter        Ellen                   Tavistock         5 b  638
        Walters       Elizabeth               Tavistock         5 b  660
        Waterman      Mary                    Tiverton          5 b  733
        Warren        Mary                    Tiverton          5 b  763
        Warren        George                  S Molton          5 b  791
        Ward          Elizabeth               Torrington        5 b  882
        Walter        Margaret                Bideford          5 b  889
        Watters       Jane                    Liskeard          5 c  114
        Warrick       John Ellis              St Austell        5 c  213
        Warne         Joseph                  St Austell        5 c  256
        Warne         Philip                  St Austell        5 c  259
        Warne         Susan                   St Austell        5 c  259
        Walters       Elizabeth               Truro             5 c  276
        Waters        Celia                   Truro             5 c  288
        Wasley        Matthew                 Truro             5 c  289
        Watters       Edward Henry            Helston           5 c  374
        Watters       Richard                 Helston           5 c  377
        Watters       John                    Helston           5 c  401
        Ward          John                    Redruth           5 c  443
        Warren        Joanna                  Penzance          5 c  501
        Waters        Henry                   Penzance          5 c  502
        Warrem        William James           Penzance          5 c  503
        Warren        William James           Penzance          5 c  503
        Warren        Thomas                  Penzance          5 c  540
        Warren        Elizabeth               Penzance          5 c  571
        Watts         Eliza                   Taunton           5 c  719
        Waterman      John                    Taunton           5 c  746
        Warner        Mary                    Bridgwater        5 c  787
        Warner        Robert                  Bridgwater        5 c  790
        Warburton     William                 Langport          5 c  843
        Watkins       Henry Thomas            Axbridge          5 c 1143
        Walter        Louisa                  Bath              5 c 1215
        Watts         Elizabeth Ann           Bath              5 c 1262
        Waters        Joseph                  Bath              5 c 1288
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Hereford          6 a 952a
        Watts         Benjamin                Bristol           6 a   16
        Waters        Jane                    Bristol           6 a   24
        Waters        Henry                   Bristol           6 a  113
        Watts         Ann                     Bristol           6 a  114
        Watts         Emma Louisa             Bristol           6 a  171
        Watson        John                    Clifton           6 a  197
        Walter        Charles                 Clifton           6 a  214
        Wattren       Miriam                  Clifton           6 a  226
        Ware          William                 Clifton           6 a  259
        Warwick       John                    Gloucester        6 a  445
        Walter        William                 Gloucester        6 a  447
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Gloucester        6 a  466
        Warr          Charlotte               Gloucester        6 a  475
        Walter        Sarah                   Gloucester        6 a  481
        Watkins       James                   Gloucester        6 a  483
        Wathen        Eliza Ann               Wheatenhurst      6 a  517
        Wather        Elizabeth               Northleach        6 a  695
        Wasley        Thomas                  Winchcomb         6 a  745
        Walton        Mary Ann                Cheltenham        6 a  763
        Watkins       Eliza                   Ross              6 a  893
        Watkins       William                 Hereford          6 a  899
        Waring        William                 Hereford          6 a  917
        Watkins       Rosa                    Hereford          6 a  930
        Watkins       Martha                  Hereford          6 a  935
        Watts         Ann                     Hereford          6 a  941
        Watkins       Walter                  Hereford          6 a  955
        Walton        Ann Abigail             Ludlow            6 a 1039
        Ward          James                   Madeley           6 a 1167
        Ward          John                    Shrewsbury        6 a 1240
        Watkins       Mary                    Oswestry          6 a 1299
        Watson        Thomas                  Ellesmere         6 a 1311
        Ward          Ann                     Wellington Sh     6 a 1389
        Walsh         Patrick                 Newport Sh        6 a 1431
        Walton        John                    Stone             6 b  80a
        Ward          James                   Stafford          6 b   27
        Warrillow     John                    Stone             6 b   72
        Warrillow     Emma                    Stone             6 b   85
        Walton        John                    Wolstanton        6 b  182
        Washington    William                 Wolstanton        6 b  187
        Wase          William                 Stoke on T        6 b  211
        Warrilow      Ann                     Stoke on T        6 b  243
        Watson        Joseph                  Stoke on T        6 b  280
        Ward          William Webb            Stoke on T        6 b  288
        Warner        Eliza                   Stoke on T        6 b  314
        Ward          Ann                     Stoke on T        6 b  317
        Washington    Caroline                Leek              6 b  369
        Watkin        Louisa                  Cheadle           6 b  379
        Waring        Eliza                   Uttoxeter         6 b  427
        Ward          Thomas                  Uttoxeter         6 b  427
        Wardle        William                 Burton on T       6 b  478
        Ward          John                    Tamworth          6 b  497
        Walton        Ellen                   Lichfield         6 b  538
        Ward          William                 Lichfield         6 b  544
        Watson        Mary Ann                Wolverhampton     6 b  614
        Ward          Mary Ann                Wolverhampton     6 b  615
        Ward          Emma                    Wolverhampton     6 b  654
        Walters       William                 Wolverhampton     6 b  685
        Walters       John                    Wolverhampton     6 b  696
        Washbrook     Sarah                   Wolverhampton     6 b  698
        Watkiss       Sarah Ann               Wolverhampton     6 b  706
        Walton        Ann Elizabeth           Wolverhampton     6 b  723
        Waterer       Ruth                    Wolverhampton     6 b  731
        Walton        William Henry           Wolverhampton     6 b  746
        Ward          Thomas                  Wolverhampton     6 b  777
        Watkiss       Anne                    Wolverhampton     6 b  781
        Walters       George                  Wolverhampton     6 b  781
        Watton        Thomas                  W Bromwich        6 b  853
        Warwick       Thomas                  W Bromwich        6 b  856
        Ward          Caroline                W Bromwich        6 b  877
        Warmingham    Joseph                  W Bromwich        6 b  931
        Warton        Mary Ann                W Bromwich        6 b  946
        Ward          Maria                   W Bromwich        6 b  953
        Walsh         Sarah                   Dudley            6 c   16
        Ward          Jesse                   Dudley            6 c   47
        Wasley        Emanuel                 Dudley            6 c   61
        Watkins       Isaiah                  Dudley            6 c   87
        Ward          John                    Dudley            6 c   92
        Ward          William                 Dudley            6 c   97
        Ward          Hannah                  Dudley            6 c  171
        Waterfield    Selena                  Dudley            6 c  183
        Watkiss       William                 Dudley            6 c  185
        Walters       Samuel                  Dudley            6 c  199
        Walters       Sarah                   Dudley            6 c  204
        Waterhouse    Sarah Ann               Dudley            6 c  217
        Walters       Hannah                  Stourbridge       6 c  237
        Wassell       Joseph                  Stourbridge       6 c  278
        Walton        Thomas                  Stourbridge       6 c  288
        Watkiss       Lucy                    Stourbridge       6 c  293
        Walters       William                 Martley           6 c  397
        Watters       William                 Martley           6 c  397
        Wattis        Fanny                   Worcester         6 c  440
        Watkins       Joseph                  Upton on Severn   6 c  459
        Walter        Ellen                   Evesham           6 c  521
        Waters        Esther                  Pershore          6 c  551
        Watson        Sarah Louisa            Kings Norton      6 c  655
        Warrillow     Emily Mary              Kings Norton      6 c  656
        Wass          Elizabeth               Kings Norton      6 c  659
        Wardell       Ann                     Kings Norton      6 c  662
        Walton        William                 Birmingham        6 d   14
        Warden        Eliza                   Birmingham        6 d   60
        Ward          Robert                  Birmingham        6 d   74
        Warwick       Thomas                  Birmingham        6 d   84
        Watkins       Ann                     Birmingham        6 d  106
        Walton        Elizabeth               Birmingham        6 d  111
        Warwick       Jane                    Birmingham        6 d  114
        Ward          Henry                   Birmingham        6 d  114
        Warr          Frances                 Birmingham        6 d  178
        Waterhouse    Frederick               Birmingham        6 d  181
        Waples        Lucy                    Birmingham        6 d  194
        Walton        Joseph                  Birmingham        6 d  216
        Ward          Henry                   Birmingham        6 d  223
        Watton        Sarah                   Birmingham        6 d  234
        Wardell       Eliza                   Birmingham        6 d  235
        Ward          James                   Birmingham        6 d  239
        Wareham       Eliza                   Birmingham        6 d  264
        Waters        Charles                 Birmingham        6 d  265
        Walton        Sarah                   Birmingham        6 d  283
        Ward          Mary Ann                Birmingham        6 d  299
        Walton        George                  Aston             6 d  351
        Warner        Joseph                  Aston             6 d  372
        Ward          Emma                    Aston             6 d  375
        Ward          William                 Aston             6 d  376
        Warner        Edward                  Aston             6 d  410
        Wardell       Hannah                  Aston             6 d  445
        Watson        Alfred                  Meriden           6 d  463
        Walton        Susannah                Meriden           6 d  473
        Walton        Susanah                 Meriden           6 d  473
        Warner        Edwin                   Nuneaton          6 d  527
        Ward          Hannah Maria            Nuneaton          6 d  528
        Warner        William                 Foleshill         6 d  531
        Watson        Isaac                   Foleshill         6 d  533
        Warden        Lydia                   Foleshill         6 d  548
        Watley        Mark                    Coventry          6 d  605
        Ward          Thomas                  Coventry          6 d  631
        Watson        Thomas                  Rugby             6 d  669
        Ward          John                    Rugby             6 d  674
        Wrwick        Richard                 Solihull [9 d]    6 d  703
        Wareing       Joseph                  Solihull          6 d  717
        Ward          Fanny                   Warwick           6 d  722
        Ward          Ellen                   Warwick           6 d  722
        Walton        John                    Warwick           6 d  757
        Walton        Mary                    Warwick           6 d  759
        Warwick       Mary Ann                Warwick           6 d  763
        Watts         Adelaide                Warwick           6 d  779
        Watton        Harriet                 Warwick           6 d  782
        Warwick       George                  Warwick           6 d  784
        Warington     Henry                   Warwick           6 d  807
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Stratford on A    6 d  817
        Walton        Mary                    Stratford on A    6 d  837
        Ward          Sarah                   Shipston S        6 d  899
        Waring        James                   Southam           6 d  969
        Warren        Sarah                   Southam           6 d  973
        Ward          John                    Lutterworth       7 a   19
        Warden        Joseph                  Lutterworth       7 a   33
        Watson        Mary Ann                Mkt Harbro        7 a   42
        Watson        Joseph                  Mkt Harbro        7 a   60
        Ward          Thomas                  Mkt Harboro       7 a   61
        Ward          Hannah                  Blaby             7 a  132
        Warden        Fanny                   Hinckley          7 a  155
        Warrall       Jane                    Hinckley          7 a  177
        Ward          Oliver                  Hinckley          7 a  181
        Walton        Sarah                   Mkt Bosworth      7 a  197
        Wardle        Eliza                   Ashby de la Zouch 7 a  240
        Ward          Mary                    Ashby de la Zouch 7 a  278
        Ward          Mary                    Leicester         7 a  384
        Waterfield    Elizabeth               Leicester         7 a  403
        Waring        Ann                     Leicester         7 a  408
        Ward          Elizabeth               Leicester         7 a  414
        Warner        Mary Ann Bonner         Leicester         7 a  440
        Warrington    Catherine               Leicester         7 a  441
        Ward          William                 Leicester         7 a  446
        Warner        Henry                   Leicester         7 a  455
        Ward          Mary Ann                Leicester         7 a  467
        Ward          David                   Melton Mowbray    7 a  537
        Ward          Eliza                   Uppingham         7 a  579
        Wass          Susanna                 Stamford          7 a  605
        Watkin        William                 Stamford          7 a  641
        Watford       Samuel                  Holbeach          7 a  754
        Warner        William                 Boston            7 a  763
        Warner        Luke                    Boston            7 a  767
        Watson        Eliza                   Boston            7 a  779
        Watson        Edward                  Sleaford          7 a  825
        Ward          William Allan           Sleaford          7 a  838
        Wass          Edward                  Sleaford          7 a  865
        Watchorn      Jane                    Grantham          7 a  904
        Wanery        Ann                     Grantham          7 a  929
        Watson        Elizabeth               Lincoln           7 a  971
        Walstow       Edwin                   Lincoln           7 a  979
        Walton        John                    Lincoln           7 a 1010
        Ward          Sarah                   Horncastle        7 a 1059
        Watson        Edward                  Spilsby           7 a 1091
        Ward          Caroline                Spilsby           7 a 1127
        Ward          Matthew                 Louth             7 a 1205
        Wardall       William                 Caistor           7 a 1227
        Ward          Mary Ann                Glanford Brigg    7 a 1332
        Warriner      Harriet                 Gainsbro          7 a 1374
        Warriner      Sarah                   Gainsbro          7 a 1381
        Ward          Elizabeth               Nottingham        7 b 401b
        Wardle        Jane                    Ashbourne         7 b 900a
        Watson        Thomas Rouse            E Retford         7 b   31
        Watson        Joseph                  Worksop           7 b   66
        Ward          Mary                    Worksop           7 b   67
        Waters        Elizabeth               Mansfield         7 b   89
        Ward          Maria                   Mansfield         7 b   90
        Wass          Thomas                  Mansfield         7 b  112
        Warhurst      William                 Mansfield         7 b  115
        Ward          Sarah                   Mansfield         7 b  120
        Wass          John                    Mansfield         7 b  124
        Walters       William                 Basford           7 b  150
        Ward          Harriet                 Basford           7 b  153
        Wardle        John                    Basford           7 b  155
        Walsh         Harriet                 Basford           7 b  155
        Walters       William                 Basford           7 b  207
        Watson        Joseph                  Basford           7 b  215
        Ward          Peter                   Basford           7 b  242
        Ward          John                    Basford           7 b  252
        Walters       Esther                  Basford           7 b  257
        Watts         Caroline                Radford           7 b  261
        Watson        Elizabeth               Radford           7 b  294
        Warsop        Frederick               Nottingham        7 b  345
        Warner        Alfred                  Nottingham        7 b  377
        Warren        Mary Ann                Nottingham        7 b  407
        Waterman      Martha Ann              Nottingham        7 b  423
        Ward          George                  Nottingham        7 b  435
        Ward          Mary                    Southwell         7 b  477
        Ward          Sarah                   Southwell         7 b  477
        Walter        Ann                     Newark            7 b  521
        Waring        James                   Newark            7 b  549
        Warsop        Sarah Ann               Newark            7 b  569
        Warsop        Eliza                   Newark            7 b  570
        Watchorn      John                    Bingham           7 b  597
        Watkinson     Joseph                  Shardlow          7 b  674
        Watkinson     Ellen                   Derby             7 b  691
        Waring        Mary                    Derby             7 b  710
        Watthall      Harriet                 Derby             7 b  721
        Watkinson     Anne                    Derby             7 b  738
        Warren        James                   Derby             7 b  748
        Warren        Ann                     Derby             7 b  755
        Wardle        Robert                  Derby             7 b  779
        Wardle        Ann                     Belper            7 b  806
        Watson        George                  Belper            7 b  846
        Ward          Jane                    Chesterfield      7 b  910
        Waplington    Elizabeth               Chesterfield      7 b  911
        Watson        Jane                    Chesterfield      7 b  930
        Wass          Mary                    Chesterfield      7 b  957
        Ward          Mark                    Chesterfield      7 b  965
        Warmsby       Robert                  Chesterfield      7 b  966
        Walters       Thomas                  Chesterfield      7 b  967
        Walters       Abraham                 Chesterfield      7 b  974
        Walters       Joel                    Chesterfield      7 b  976
        Ward          Hannah                  Bakewell          7 b  987
        Walters       Isaiah                  Bakewell          7 b  995
        Wardle        William                 Bakewell          7 b 1005
        Ward          Martha Emma             Bakewell          7 b 1006
        Warhurst      John                    Hayfield          7 b 1066
        Ward          Nancy                   Hayfield          7 b 1067
        Watson        Mary                    Stockport         8 a    3
        Walsh         Zaccheus                Stockport         8 a    8
        Warrington    James                   Stockport         8 a   50
        Walsh         Mary                    Stockport         8 a   54
        Warhurst      Edwin                   Stockport         8 a  114
        Walsh         Richard                 Stockport         8 a  146
        Warren        William                 Macclesfield      8 a  198
        Warburton     Ralph                   Macclesfield      8 a  210
        Warburton     Mary                    Altrincham        8 a  238
        Warburton     Eliza                   Altrincham        8 a  250
        Walton        Ann Booth               Altrincham        8 a  253
        Warburton     Jane                    Altrincham        8 a  255
        Warburton     Anne                    Northwich         8 a  309
        Wardle        Elizabeth               Congleton         8 a  359
        Ward          Elizabeth               Congleton         8 a  377
        Walton        William Merrill         Congleton         8 a  381
        Watson        Hannah                  Nantwich          8 a  459
        Watson        Richard                 Gt Boughton       8 a  499
        Waterson      Sarah                   Wirral            8 a  605
        Ward          Michael                 Wirral            8 a  622
        Watson        William                 Liverpool         8 b   13
        Watson        Laurence                Liverpool         8 b   36
        Walsh         Mary                    Liverpool         8 b   52
        Warner        Sarah Ellen             Liverpool         8 b   58
        Watson        William                 Liverpool         8 b   99
        Walter        Horace                  Liverpool         8 b  145
        Ward          Ellen                   Liverpool         8 b  175
        Watson        Charles                 Liverpool         8 b  186
        Waterson      Jane Eleanor            Liverpool         8 b  246
        Watt          William                 Liverpool         8 b  276
        Wattleworth   William                 Liverpool         8 b  330
        Warburton     Elizabeth               Liverpool         8 b  332
        Walsh         Samuel                  Liverpool         8 b  353
        Watt          William                 Liverpool         8 b  356
        Ward          Alice                   Liverpool         8 b  388
        Warriner      Miles                   Liverpool         8 b  405
        Warburton     John                    Liverpool         8 b  437
        Ward          Elizabeth               Liverpool         8 b  453
        Watley        Isaac                   Liverpool         8 b  466
        Ward          Catherine               Liverpool         8 b  522
        Ward          Hugh                    Liverpool         8 b  535
        Warbrick      William                 Liverpool         8 b  587
        Walsh         John                    W Derby           8 b  617
        Warburton     Annie                   W Derby           8 b  630
        Ward          John                    W Derby           8 b  635
        Watt          Joseph                  W Derby           8 b  639
        Warburton     Mostyn                  W Derby           8 b  641
        Ward          John                    W Derby           8 b  658
        Warwick       Joseph                  W Derby           8 b  686
        Walton        Catherine               W Derby           8 b  710
        Watson        Mary                    W Derby           8 b  739
        Watson        Mary                    W Derby           8 b  756
        Warburton     Elizabeth               W Derby           8 b  766
        Watkins       Thomas                  W Derby           8 b  766
        Waterworth    William                 Prescot           8 b  839
        Waters        Mary                    Prescot           8 b  873
        Wareing       Laurence                Ormskirk          8 b  895
        Wareing       Hugh                    Ormskirk          8 b  895
        Wareing       Thomas                  Ormskirk          8 b  896
        Wareing       Ann                     Ormskirk          8 b  897
        Waterworth    Mary                    Wigan             8 c    2
        Watson        George                  Wigan             8 c   45
        Ward          John                    Warrington        8 c  183
        Warburton     Joseph                  Leigh             8 c  201
        Warburton     Ellen                   Leigh             8 c  205
        Ward          Margaret                Leigh             8 c  215
        Ward          Nancy                   Leigh             8 c  221
        Ward          Lucy                    Bolton            8 c  261
        Walsh         Thomas                  Bolton            8 c  297
        Ward          Sarah                   Bolton            8 c  305
        Watson        James                   Bolton            8 c  341
        Wardle        Sarah                   Bolton            8 c  342
        Watkins       Walter Clissold         Bury              8 c  442
        Warburton     Ann                     Bury              8 c  457
        Ward          Elizabeth               Bury              8 c  503
        Warburton     Alice                   Bury              8 c  508
        Warburton     Henry Edwin             Barton            8 c  553
        Waters        Teresa                  Barton            8 c  554
        Warburton     Eliza                   Chorlton          8 c  579
        Warburton     William Henry           Chorlton          8 c  589
        Ward          Ann                     Chorlton          8 c  619
        Watson        Alexander               Salford           8 d   54
        Walton        Joseph                  Manchester        8 d   78
        Waterworth    William                 Manchester        8 d  143
        Watson        Charles Hay             Manchester        8 d  170
        Watkin        William                 Manchester        8 d  174
        Watson        Sarah Jane              Manchester        8 d  175
        Warhurst      Mary Ann                Manchester        8 d  200
        Ward          John                    Manchester        8 d  225
        Warburton     Ann                     Manchester        8 d  244
        Wardle        William                 Manchester        8 d  313
        Ward          Caroline                Manchester        8 d  341
        Ward          Ann                     Manchester        8 d  343
        Walton        Frances                 Manchester        8 d  388
        Ward          John                    Manchester        8 d  453
        Ward          Zachariah               Manchester        8 d  467
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Manchester        8 d  525
        Ward          Samuel Ogden            Manchester        8 d  574
        Walwork       John                    Manchester        8 d  590
        Ward          William                 Manchester        8 d  664
        Walters       James                   Ashton            8 d  682
        Ward          Adam                    Ashton            8 d  728
        Waterhouse    Ruth                    Ashton            8 d  804
        Warbrick      George                  Ashton            8 d  808
        Walsh         Mary Ann                Ashton            8 d  812
        Walton        James                   Oldham            8 d  857
        Ward          William                 Blackburn         8 e 386b
        Walsh         John                    Rochdale          8 e   96
        Ward          Margaret                Rochdale          8 e   96
        Walsh         James                   Haslingden        8 e  117
        Warburton     James                   Haslingden        8 e  131
        Wardleworth   John                    Haslingden        8 e  189
        Warburton     William                 Haslingden        8 e  191
        Watson        Elizabeth               Burnley           8 e  235
        Waterworth    Mary                    Burnley           8 e  241
        Watson        Nanny                   Burnley           8 e  245
        Watson        Hartley                 Burnley           8 e  281
        Walton        Elizabeth               Burnley           8 e  291
        Watson        Hannah                  Burnley           8 e  297
        Walsh         Margaret                Blackburn         8 e  335
        Ward          Ann                     Blackburn         8 e  342
        Ward          Betty                   Blackburn         8 e  346
        Ward          Mary                    Blackburn         8 e  372
        Walsh         Jane                    Blackburn         8 e  385
        Ward          Dinah                   Blackburn         8 e  388
        Walton        Mary Ann                Blackburn         8 e  388
        Warburton     Mary                    Blackburn         8 e  393
        Watkins       Eugene John             Blackburn         8 e  406
        Walton        Lydia                   Blackburn         8 e  421
        Ward          Mary                    Blackburn         8 e  439
        Walsh         Richard                 Blackburn         8 e  454
        Watson        James                   Blackburn         8 e  466
        Wane          Andrew                  Chorley           8 e  497
        Waring        Ann                     Chorley           8 e  512
        Watkinson     Peter                   Chorley           8 e  529
        Warburton     Sarah                   Preston           8 e  538
        Warden        Alice                   Preston           8 e  560
        Ward          Betty                   Preston           8 e  566
        Ward          Elizabeth               Preston           8 e  570
        Watson        John                    Preston           8 e  580
        Wareing       Eleanor                 Preston           8 e  582
        Wareing       James                   Preston           8 e  596
        Ward          Thomas                  Preston           8 e  627
        Watson        Ellen                   Preston           8 e  637
        Wareing       Maria                   Preston           8 e  637
        Watkinson     Maria                   Preston           8 e  638
        Wareing       Maria                   Preston           8 e  644
        Wareing       Mary                    Preston           8 e  644
        Watson        William                 Preston           8 e  661
        Wareing       Catharine               Preston           8 e  669
        Waterhouse    Richard                 Preston           8 e  672
        Watson        William                 Preston           8 e  698
        Watson        James                   Fylde             8 e  719
        Ward          Elizabeth               Fylde             8 e  723
        Warbick       William                 Fylde             8 e  728
        Warbrick      William                 Fylde             8 e  728
        Waring        Robert                  Fylde             8 e  734
        Ward          Jane                    Fylde             8 e  741
        Watt          David                   Fylde             8 e  744
        Watson        James                   Lancaster         8 e  805
        Ward          Ann                     Lancaster         8 e  812
        Waterworth    John                    Lancaster         8 e  814
        Warriner      Mary Anne               Ulverstone        8 e  831
        Waterworth    James                   Skipton           9 a   37
        Walton        William                 Skipton           9 a   55
        Wardman       Abraham                 Pateley Bridge    9 a   75
        Waters        George                  Pateley Bridge    9 a   76
        Wate          Ann                     Ripon             9 a   85
        Watson        Elizabeth               Ripon             9 a   89
        Watson        Ann                     Otley             9 a  174
        Watson        Thomas                  Otley             9 a  189
        Watkinson     Joseph                  Otley             9 a  193
        Watson        Mary                    Otley             9 a  199
        Watson        John                    Keighley          9 a  211
        Watson        Martha                  Keighley          9 a  215
        Watson        John                    Keighley          9 a  229
        Wardman       William                 Keighley          9 a  241
        Watson        Lucy                    Keighley          9 a  241
        Walton        John                    Todmorden         9 a  267
        Waterhouse    Elijah                  Huddersfield      9 a  312
        Warton        William                 Huddersfield      9 a  331
        Warrington    William                 Huddersfield      9 a  334
        Washington    Michael                 Halifax           9 a  441
        Walton        Elizabeth               Halifax           9 a  521
        Wardman       Isabella                Bradford Yk       9 b   13
        Warburton     John Edward             Bradford Yk       9 b   17
        Watson        Thomas                  Bradford Yks      9 b   27
        Watson        Ruth                    Bradford Yks      9 b   31
        Ward          William                 Bradford Yk       9 b   52
        Ward          Joseph                  Bradford Yk       9 b   62
        Wardman       Martha                  Bradford Yk       9 b   97
        Waterhouse    Nancy                   Bradford Yk       9 b  105
        Walton        Mary                    Bradford Yk       9 b  122
        Watson        John                    Bradford Yks      9 b  136
        Watson        Ann                     Bradford Yks      9 b  142
        Walton        Elizabeth               Bradford Yk       9 b  145
        Walton        Henry                   Bradford Yk       9 b  147
        Watson        Hannah                  Bradford Yk       9 b  157
        Waterhouse    Martha                  Bradford Yk       9 b  169
        Watkinson     Martha                  Bradford Yks      9 b  171
        Walton        George                  Bradford Yk       9 b  185
        Walton        Nancy                   Bradford Yk       9 b  188
        Walsh         Thomas                  Leeds             9 b  318
        Ward          Sarah                   Leeds             9 b  318
        Wardle        Thomas                  Leeds             9 b  338
        Ward          George                  Leeds             9 b  351
        Watkinson     William                 Leeds             9 b  363
        Watson        Mary                    Leeds             9 b  363
        Walton        Rebecca                 Leeds             9 b  372
        Watts         Emily                   Leeds             9 b  376
        Watson        Sarah Ann               Leeds             9 b  384
        Watkin        Mary                    Leeds             9 b  399
        Ward          Samuel                  Leeds             9 b  405
        Ward          John                    Leeds             9 b  417
        Walsh         Michael                 Leeds             9 b  517
        Ward          Bridget                 Leeds             9 b  518
        Ward          Joseph Clapham          Dewsbury          9 b  550
        Waterhouse    James                   Dewsbury          9 b  564
        Walshaw       Grace                   Dewsbury          9 b  564
        Warper        George                  Dewsbury          9 b  569
        Ward          Alfred                  Dewsbury          9 b  586
        Watson        Elizabeth               Dewsbury          9 b  589
        Walton        Elizabeth               Dewsbury          9 b  591
        Watson        George                  Dewsbury          9 b  603
        Watson        Ellen                   Dewsbury          9 b  619
        Watson        Harriet                 Dewsbury          9 b  645
        Walton        Joseph                  Wakefield         9 c   16
        Walter        Sarah Ward              Wakefield         9 c   25
        Walton        Sarah Ward              Wakefield         9 c   25
        Watson        William                 Wakefield         9 c   75
        Watson        Ann                     Pontefract        9 c   96
        Ward          Richard                 Pontefract        9 c  115
        Ward          Nancy                   Pontefract        9 c  116
        Ward          Thomas                  Pontefract        9 c  117
        Waring        William                 Barnsley          9 c  157
        Warris        Annis                   Barnsley          9 c  163
        Warrington    William                 Barnsley          9 c  168
        Waring        Mary Maria              Barnsley          9 c  183
        Waring        Rachel                  Barnsley          9 c  185
        Watson        Mary                    Wortley           9 c  214
        Watt          William                 Eccleshall Brlw   9 c  264
        Warren        John                    Ecclesall Brlw    9 c  269
        Waterfall     Wilson                  Ecclesall Brlw    9 c  289
        Watts         George                  Sheffield         9 c  293
        Ward          Sarah                   Sheffield         9 c  297
        Ward          Sarah Jane              Sheffield         9 c  306
        Watson        Joseph                  Sheffield         9 c  318
        Warrington    Henry                   Sheffield         9 c  328
        Ward          Thomas                  Sheffield         9 c  358
        Walton        Job                     Sheffield         9 c  365
        Watton        Job                     Sheffield         9 c  365
        Ward          James                   Sheffield         9 c  373
        Ward          Thomas                  Sheffield         9 c  380
        Watson        Mary Ann                Sheffield         9 c  398
        Waterhouse    John Hodgson            Sheffield         9 c  408
        Ward          Sarah Ann               Sheffield         9 c  449
        Warburton     Robert                  Sheffield         9 c  458
        Warner        Hannah                  Sheffield         9 c  469
        Warris        John                    Sheffield         9 c  484
        Watts         Emily                   Sheffield         9 c  547
        Walton        Ann                     Rotherham         9 c  568
        Wardley       Mary                    Rotherham         9 c  578
        Ward          George                  Rotherham         9 c  585
        Ward          Ellis                   Rotherham         9 c  587
        Watkinson     Mary Ann                Rotherham         9 c  591
        Ward          Joseph                  Rotherham         9 c  616
        Ward          Margaret                Rotherham         9 c  629
        Watson        Sarah                   Doncaster         9 c  637
        Waring        Joseph                  Doncaster         9 c  662
        Watson        Charles                 Doncaster         9 c  669
        Walton        William                 Doncaster         9 c  695
        Warn          Sarah Jane              Doncaster         9 c  711
        Walton        Sarah Elwick            Thorne            9 c  725
        Watson        William                 Thorne            9 c  726
        Ward          Elizabeth               Goole             9 c  769
        Watson        Isabella                Goole             9 c  780
        Ward          Sarah                   Tadcaster         9 c  811
        Watson        Samuel                  Tadcaster         9 c  826
        Watsling      Ellen                   York              9 d   52
        Wass          John                    York              9 d   58
        Watson        Susannah                York              9 d   61
        Ward          Thomas                  York              9 d   80
        Ward          Margaret Jane           York              9 d  111
        Wardle        Ann                     York              9 d  112
        Ward          William                 Pocklington       9 d  143
        Warriner      Thomas                  Pocklington       9 d  169
        Wand          William                 Howden            9 d  188
        Wandby        William                 Howden            9 d  192
        Wardel        Jane                    Howden            9 d  209
        Ward          Thomas                  Beverley          9 d  233
        Watson        Elizabeth               Beverley          9 d  249
        Walton        Mary                    Sculcoates        9 d  299
        Walton        Mary Ann                Sculcoates        9 d  324
        Walsh         Joseph                  Sculcoates        9 d  331
        Watson        Hannah                  Hull              9 d  355
        Watson        Joseph                  Hull              9 d  355
        Watson        Mary Ann                Hull              9 d  361
        Watson        Richard                 Hull              9 d  365
        Watson        John                    Hull              9 d  370
        Watson        Mary                    Hull              9 d  372
        Watling       William                 Hull              9 d  383
        Walter        Louise Adolphina Bertha Hull              9 d  383
        Walter        Louise Adolphine Bertha Hull              9 d  383
        Ward          John Boulter            Hull              9 d  396
        Watson        Charles                 Hull              9 d  411
        Watson        Benjamin                Hull              9 d  418
        Warkup        Thomas                  Patrington        9 d  449
        Warcup        Thomas                  Patrington        9 d  449
        Watson        Martha Ann              Patrington        9 d  456
        Watkin        Jonathan                Patrington        9 d  463
        Wardell       Jane                    Skirlaugh         9 d  471
        Wardell       Christopher Charles     Driffield         9 d  529
        Ward          Christopher             Driffield         9 d  539
        Watson        Esther Amelia           Scarbro           9 d  595
        Waterworth    Mary Govin              Scarbro           9 d  626
        Wardell       Hannah                  Malton            9 d  636
        Ware          Thomas Pannitt          Thirsk            9 d  716
        Wass          George                  Pickering         9 d  772
        Waterworth    Mary                    Pickering         9 d  784
        Ward          Joseph                  Pickering         9 d  789
        Watson        Frances Jane            Guisbro           9 d  839
        Watson        Thomas                  Guisbro           9 d  849
        Watson        Betty                   Stokesley         9 d  877
        Ward          Henry                   Stokesley         9 d  877
        Ward          Sarah                   Northallerton     9 d  897
        Ward          William                 Northallerton     9 d  899
        Ward          Margaret                Northallerton     9 d  917
        Ward          John                    Northallerton     9 d  917
        Ward          OHiwell?                Reeth             9 d  961
        Walters       Dorothy                 Darlington       10 a   10
        Watson        Charles                 Darlington       10 a   20
        Watson        George Goldsborough     Darlington       10 a   50
        Watson        Sarah                   Stockton         10 a   60
        Walton        John                    Stockton         10 a   79
        Watt          John Rippon             Stockton         10 a  107
        Wardle        Hannah                  Stockton         10 a  108
        Wardle        William Watson          Stockton         10 a  151
        Watson        Jane                    Stockton         10 a  157
        Walton        Moses                   Stockton         10 a  159
        Watters       Thomas                  Stockton         10 a  160
        Watson        John                    Stockton         10 a  167
        Walton        Elizabeth               Auckland         10 a  187
        Walton        Guy                     Auckland         10 a  189
        Watson        Jane                    Auckland         10 a  224
        Walton        Elizabeth               Teesdale         10 a  251
        Watson        Agnes                   Teesdale         10 a  252
        Walton        Margaret                Teesdale         10 a  253
        Ward          Sarah                   Weardale         10 a  277
        Walton        Thomas                  Weardale         10 a  281
        Watson        John                    Weardale         10 a  284
        Ward          Elizabeth               Durham           10 a  299
        Walton        Anne Angus              Durham           10 a  323
        Walton        Annie Angus             Durham           10 a  323
        Ward          George                  Durham           10 a  335
        Wardle        George                  Durham           10 a  344
        Walton        Thomas                  Durham           10 a  358
        Wardle        Mary                    Durham           10 a  367
        Watson        George                  Easington        10 a  389
        Watson        Caroline                Houghton le Sp   10 a  427
        Wanless       George                  Houghton le S    10 a  430
        Wanless       Henry                   Chester le S     10 a  439
        Warren        Jane                    Sunderland       10 a  479
        Walsh         Jane                    Sunderland       10 a  504
        Watton        Elizabeth               Sunderland       10 a  516
        Watson        John                    Sunderland       10 a  539
        Ward          Joseph Barker           Sunderland       10 a  544
        Watson        Harriet Anne            Sunderland       10 a  558
        Waters        Eleanor Jane            Sunderland       10 a  573
        Walters       Jane                    S Shields        10 a  599
        Wanless       Joseph                  S Shields        10 a  613
        Walton        John                    S Shields        10 a  631
        Watson        Sarah Jane              Gateshead        10 a  654
        Watson        Ellen                   Newcastle Tyne   10 b    5
        Watson        Thomas William          Newcastle Tyne   10 b   17
        Waterman      Thomas                  Newcastle Tyne   10 b   26
        Wardhaugh     Elizabeth               Newcastle Tyne   10 b   31
        Walton        Robert                  Newcastle Tyne   10 b   62
        Watson        John                    Newcastle Tyne   10 b   70
        Wardle        Elizabeth               Newcastle Tyne   10 b   82
        Watson        Sarah                   Newcastle Tyne   10 b  149
        Warley        Thomas                  Newcastle Tyne   10 b  174
        Watson        Ann                     Newcastle Tyne   10 b  193
        Watson        Alexander               Tynemouth        10 b  219
        Watson        George                  Tynemouth        10 b  233
        Wandless      Mary Ann                Tynemouth        10 b  273
        Walton        John                    Tynemouth        10 b  292
        Watson        Hannah                  Hexham           10 b  321
        Walton        Frances                 Alston           10 b  437
        Walton        Jane                    Alston           10 b  441
        Warwick       Joseph                  Penrith          10 b  447
        Warwick       Margaret                Penrith          10 b  451
        Watson        Mary                    Penrith          10 b  470
        Warwick       John                    Penrith          10 b  471
        Watson        Christopher             Wigton           10 b  540
        Watson        Susannah                Whitehaven       10 b  660
        Watson        Susanna                 Whitehaven       10 b  660
        Watson        Henry                   Bootle           10 b  677
        Watson        Hannah                  W Ward           10 b  707
        Walton        Jane                    W Ward           10 b  709
        Ward          Mary                    Kendal           10 b  777
        Waters        Hannah                  Merthyr Tydfil   11 a ?536
        Walters       Mary Anne               Chepstow         11 a   13
        Walters       Elizabeth               Chepstow         11 a   14
        Watkins       Benjamin                Abergavenny      11 a   93
        Watkins       John                    Abergavenny      11 a  101
        Watkins       Margaret                Abergavenny      11 a  125
        Watkins       James                   Abergavenny      11 a  125
        Watkins       James                   Abergavenny      11 a  140
        Waters        Alexander               Abergavenny      11 a  141
        Walters       Ellen                   Abergavenny      11 a  144
        Waters        Ann                     Pontypool        11 a  231
        Watkins       John                    Pontypool        11 a  232
        Watkins       Margaret F              Pontypool        11 a  237
        Watkins       Margaret T              Pontypool        11 a  237
        Watkins       Hannah                  Pontypool        11 a  252
        Waters        Rachel                  Newport M        11 a  271
        Watkins       Hannah                  Newport M        11 a  289
        Watkins       Hannah                  Newport M        11 a  290
        Watkins       Frances Harriette       Newport M        11 a  307
        Watkins       John Eames              Newport M        11 a  312
        Walters       William                 Newport M        11 a  318
        Watkins       Eleanor                 Newport M        11 a  323
        Watkins       John                    Newport M        11 a  323
        Waslowski     Louis                   Newport M        11 a  326
        Waslowsk      Louis                   Newport M        11 a  326
        Watkins       Ann                     Newport M        11 a  327
        Warren        Eliza                   Newport M        11 a  330
        Watkins       Sarah                   Newport M        11 a  348
        Waters        Ann                     Newport M        11 a  367
        Watkins       Jane                    Cardiff          11 a  370
        Watkins       William                 Cardiff          11 a  425
        Warne         Rebecca                 Cardiff          11 a  462
        Watkins       Elizabeth               Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  510
        Watkins       Mary                    Merthry Tydfil   11 a  535
        Watkins       John                    Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  546
        Watkins       Ann                     Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  551
        Watkins       Edward                  Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  605
        Watkins       James                   Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  612
        Walters       John                    Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  635
        Walters       Margaret                Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  640
        Watkins       Margaret                Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  646
        Waters        Mary                    Merthyr Tydfil   11 a  648
        Watkin        John                    Bridgend         11 a  697
        Watkins       Walter                  Bridgend         11 a  711
        Watkin        Jenkin                  Bridgend         11 a  732
        Watkins       Thomas                  Neath            11 a  739
        Walters       Evan                    Neath            11 a  745
        Walters       Hugh                    Neath            11 a  789
        Ward          Joannah                 Neath            11 a  790
        Walters       David                   Neath            11 a  792
        Walters       Lewis                   Neath            11 a  809
        Warriner      James                   Swansea          11 a  874
        Walsh         Thomas                  Swansea          11 a  877
        Walters       Thomas                  Llandilofawr     11 a  988
        Walters       John                    Llandilofawr     11 a 1001
        Walters       Hannah                  Carmarthen       11 a 1040
        Walters       Jane                    Carmarthen       11 a 1061
        Walter        Esther                  Carmarthen       11 a 1075
        Watts         Charles                 Narberth         11 a 1117
        Walters       Mary                    Pembroke         11 a 1159
        Walters       Sarah                   Pembroke         11 a 1160
        Walters       Thomas                  Pembroke         11 a 1161
        Walters       John                    Haverfordwest    11 a 1227
        Watt          John                    Haverfordwest    11 a 1231
        Waters        Lettice                 Haverfordwest    11 a 1285
        Watkins       James                   Cardigan         11 b   10
        Watkins       Mary                    Cardigan         11 b   10
        Watkins       David                   Newcastle Emlyn  11 b   56
        Walters       Mary                    Aberayron        11 b   97
        Walters       Elizabeth               Aberystwith      11 b  127
        Warrel        James                   Aberystwith      11 b  129
        Watkins       Edward                  Builth           11 b  187
        Walters       Thomas                  Brecknock        11 b  199
        Watkins       Rachel                  Brecknock        11 b  227
        Watkins       Watkin                  Brecknock        11 b  227
        Waters        Edward                  Crickhowell      11 b  255
        Watkins       Mary                    Crickhowell      11 b  256
        Warlock       Ann                     Crickhowell      11 b  257
        Walters       David                   Crickhowell      11 b  273
        Watkins       Margaret                Crickhowell      11 b  276
        Watkins       Thomas                  Crickhowell      11 b  297
        Wardman       Arthur                  Montgomery       11 b  454
        Waterfall     John Henry              Dolgelly         11 b  761
        Watson        Ann                     Conway           11 b  967

        St Catherine's Marriage Index Dec Quarter 1858

        Woods         William John            W London          1 c   78
        Woodsford     Elizabeth               Dorchester        5 a  741
        Woodshaw      Thomas                  Tamworth          6 b  529
        Woodstock     Ann                     Watford           3 a  435
        Woodthorpe    Henry                   Redruth           5 c  446
        Woodvine      James                   Stoke on T        6 b  277
        Woodvine      Sarah                   Wem               6 a 1373
        Woodward      Aaron                   Warrington        8 c  135
        Woodward      Alfred                  Barnsley          9 c  171
        Woodward      Ann                     Leigh             8 c  199
        Woodward      Ann                     Pershore          6 c  575
        Woodward      Ann                     Mansfield         7 b  106
        Woodward      Benjamin                Newport Pagnell   3 a  729
        Woodward      Caroline                St Luke           1 b  793
        Woodward      Caroline                Birmingham        6 d   50
        Woodward      Caroline                Gloucester        6 a  475
        Woodward      Charlotte               Chelsea           1 a  263
        Woodward      Eli                     Bethnal Gn        1 c  632
        Woodward      Emma                    Greenwich         1 d  842
        Woodward      Emma                    Stratford         6 d  815
        Woodward      Euclid                  Salford           8 d   25
        Woodward      Eunice                  Oakham            7 a  547
        Woodward      George                  Kensington        1 a   20
        Woodward      George                  Thornbury         6 a  351
        Woodward      George                  Nottingham        7 b  370
        Woodward      George                  Congleton         8 a  420
        Woodward      George                  Hull              9 d  405
        Woodward      Hannah                  Basford           7 b  273
        Woodward      Harriet                 Shoreditch        1 c  544
        Woodward      Henry John              Leighton B        3 b  923
        Woodward      Honor                   Evesham           6 c  533
        Woodward      James                   Stroud            6 a  569
        Woodward      James                   Leigh             8 c  221
        Woodward      James                   Bury              8 c  478
        Woodward      James Joseph            N Aylesford       2 a  462
        Woodward      John                    Maldon            4 a  383
        Woodward      John                    Cricklade         5 a   56
        Woodward      John                    Blaby             7 a  140
        Woodward      John                    Manchester        8 d  246
        Woodward      Joseph                  Leeds             9 b  337
        Woodward      Josephus                Leeds             9 b  337
        Woodward      Leonard                 Eastry            2 a 1205
        Woodward      Louisa                  E London          1 c    4
        Woodward      Luke                    Nottingham        7 b  440
        Woodward      Martha                  Rotherham         9 c  585
        Woodward      Martha                  W Derby           8 b  644
        Woodward      Mary                    Northallerton     9 d  906
        Woodward      Mary                    Prescot           8 b  767
        Woodward      Mary Ann                Wolverhampton     6 b  742
        Woodward      Mary Anne               Hinckley          7 a  171
        Woodward      Mary Jane               Salisbury         5 a  401
        Woodward      Oswald                  Kings Norton      6 c  711
        Woodward      Samuel                  Nottingham        7 b  373
        Woodward      Samuel                  Lutterworth       7 a   27
        Woodward      Sarah                   Sheffield         9 c  348
        Woodward      Sarah Ann               Shoreditch        1 c  444
        Woodward      Sarah Hannah            Foleshill         6 d  583
        Woodward      Susanah                 Bristol           6 a  185
        Woodward      Susannah                Bristol           6 a  185
        Woodward      Thomas                  Malmsbury         5 a   69
        Woodward      Thomas                  Tewkesbury        6 a  860
        Woodward      Thomas                  Stratford         6 d  845
        Woodward      William                 E Retford         7 b   49
        Woodward      William                 Henley            3 a  839
        Woodward      William                 Witney            3 a 1089
        Woodward      William                 St Pancras        1 b  139
        Woodwards     Charles                 Maldon            4 a  349
        Woodwards     Mary Ann                Wokingham         2 c  807
        Woodwards     Susanna                 Cricklade         5 a   43
        Woodworth     James                   Brentford         3 a   72
        Woof          Ellen                   Newbury           2 c  469
        Woof          Thomas                  Brampton         10 b  542
        Wooffenden    David                   Liverpool         8 b  219
        Woofinden     Annie Lucy              Rotherham         9 c  596
        Woohman       John                    Dursley           6 a  389
        Wookey        Henry                   Bedminster        5 c 1328
        Wookey        John                    Bristol           6 a  180
        Wookman       John                    Dursley           6 a  383
        Wool          James                   Yeovil            5 c 870a
        Wool          James                   Yeovil            5 c  874

        St Cath's marriages Dec Qtr 1858 sorted by district

        Woodward      George                  Kensington        1 a   20
        Woodward      Charlotte               Chelsea           1 a  263
        Woodward      William                 St Pancras        1 b  139
        Woodward      Caroline                St Luke           1 b  793
        Woodward      Louisa                  E London          1 c    4
        Woods         William John            W London          1 c   78
        Woodward      Sarah Ann               Shoreditch        1 c  444
        Woodward      Harriet                 Shoreditch        1 c  544
        Woodward      Eli                     Bethnal Gn        1 c  632
        Woodward      Emma                    Greenwich         1 d  842
        Woodward      James Joseph            N Aylesford       2 a  462
        Woodward      Leonard                 Eastry            2 a 1205
        Woof          Ellen                   Newbury           2 c  469
        Woodwards     Mary Ann                Wokingham         2 c  807
        Woodworth     James                   Brentford         3 a   72
        Woodstock     Ann                     Watford           3 a  435
        Woodward      Benjamin                Newport Pagnell   3 a  729
        Woodward      William                 Henley            3 a  839
        Woodward      William                 Witney            3 a 1089
        Woodward      Henry John              Leighton B        3 b  923
        Woodwards     Charles                 Maldon            4 a  349
        Woodward      John                    Maldon            4 a  383
        Woodwards     Susanna                 Cricklade         5 a   43
        Woodward      John                    Cricklade         5 a   56
        Woodward      Thomas                  Malmsbury         5 a   69
        Woodward      Mary Jane               Salisbury         5 a  401
        Woodsford     Elizabeth               Dorchester        5 a  741
        Wool          James                   Yeovil            5 c 870a
        Woodthorpe    Henry                   Redruth           5 c  446
        Wool          James                   Yeovil            5 c  874
        Wookey        Henry                   Bedminster        5 c 1328
        Wookey        John                    Bristol           6 a  180
        Woodward      Susannah                Bristol           6 a  185
        Woodward      Susanah                 Bristol           6 a  185
        Woodward      George                  Thornbury         6 a  351
        Wookman       John                    Dursley           6 a  383
        Woohman       John                    Dursley           6 a  389
        Woodward      Caroline                Gloucester        6 a  475
        Woodward      James                   Stroud            6 a  569
        Woodward      Thomas                  Tewkesbury        6 a  860
        Woodvine      Sarah                   Wem               6 a 1373
        Woodvine      James                   Stoke on T        6 b  277
        Woodshaw      Thomas                  Tamworth          6 b  529
        Woodward      Mary Ann                Wolverhampton     6 b  742
        Woodward      Honor                   Evesham           6 c  533
        Woodward      Ann                     Pershore          6 c  575
        Woodward      Oswald                  Kings Norton      6 c  711
        Woodward      Caroline                Birmingham        6 d   50
        Woodward      Sarah Hannah            Foleshill         6 d  583
        Woodward      Emma                    Stratford         6 d  815
        Woodward      Thomas                  Stratford         6 d  845
        Woodward      Samuel                  Lutterworth       7 a   27
        Woodward      John                    Blaby             7 a  140
        Woodward      Mary Anne               Hinckley          7 a  171
        Woodward      Eunice                  Oakham            7 a  547
        Woodward      William                 E Retford         7 b   49
        Woodward      Ann                     Mansfield         7 b  106
        Woodward      Hannah                  Basford           7 b  273
        Woodward      George                  Nottingham        7 b  370
        Woodward      Samuel                  Nottingham        7 b  373
        Woodward      Luke                    Nottingham        7 b  440
        Woodward      George                  Congleton         8 a  420
        Wooffenden    David                   Liverpool         8 b  219
        Woodward      Martha                  W Derby           8 b  644
        Woodward      Mary                    Prescot           8 b  767
        Woodward      Aaron                   Warrington        8 c  135
        Woodward      Ann                     Leigh             8 c  199
        Woodward      James                   Leigh             8 c  221
        Woodward      James                   Bury              8 c  478
        Woodward      Euclid                  Salford           8 d   25
        Woodward      John                    Manchester        8 d  246
        Woodward      Joseph                  Leeds             9 b  337
        Woodward      Josephus                Leeds             9 b  337
        Woodward      Alfred                  Barnsley          9 c  171
        Woodward      Sarah                   Sheffield         9 c  348
        Woodward      Martha                  Rotherham         9 c  585
        Woofinden     Annie Lucy              Rotherham         9 c  596
        Woodward      George                  Hull              9 d  405
        Woodward      Mary                    Northallerton     9 d  906
        Woof          Thomas                  Brampton         10 b  542

        St Cath's marriage index June Qtr 1861

        Alcock        Martha                  Mkt Drayton       6 a 1335
        Alcock        Mary Jane               W Derby           8 b  630
        Alcock        Oliva                   Northwich         8 a  324
        Alcock        Robert                  W Derby           8 b  769
        Alcock        Ruth                    Bradford Yks      9 b   68
        Alcock        Samuel                  Cheadle           6 b 300a
        Alcock        William                 Newark            7 b  457
        Alcock        William                 Forehoe           4 b  277
        Alcock        William                 Southwell         7 b  411
        Alcott        Elizabeth               Pershore          6 c  445
        Aldcroft      James Henry             Salford           8 d   76
        Aldelahoy     John                    Bradford Yks      9 b   23
        Alder         Edward Cox              Lambeth           1 d  345
        Alder         Eliza                   Henley            3 a  673
        Alder         Elizabeth               Tynemouth        10 b  293
        Alder         James                   Thame             3 a  697
        Alder         Jemima                  St Pancras        1 b   97
        Alder         Maria                   Winchester        2 c  145
        Alder         Thomas                  Wallingford       2 c  531
        Alder         Thomas                  Witney            3 a  861
        Alder         William                 Clerkenwell       1 b  780
        Alderman      Elizabeth               Alderbury         5 a  341
        Alderman      George                  W Ham             4 a   47
        Alderman      Jeames                  Buckingham        3 a  623
        Alderman      Levi                    Winslow           3 a  581
        Alderman      Sophia                  Winslow           3 a  581
        Aldersley     Martha                  Haslingden        8 e  201
        Alderson      Alice                   Darlington       10 a    2
        Alderson      Elizabeth               Westminster       1 a  507
        Alderson      Elizabeth               Durham           10 a  363
        Alderson      Esther                  Richmond Yks      9 d  791
        Alderson      Frederick Cecil         St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  355
        Alderson      George                  Auckland         10 a  205
        Alderson      George                  Teesdale         10 a  304
        Alderson      George Douglas          Kensington        1 a  210
        Alderson      Hannah                  Hunslet           9 b  321
        Alderson      Jane                    Teesdale         10 a  314
        Alderson      Mary                    Halifax           9 a  560
        Alderson      Mary Ann                Askrigg           9 d  762
        Alderson      Mary Ann                Manchester        8 d  123
        Alderson      Richard Robinson        Marylebone        1 a  678
        Alderson      Robert                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  529
        Alderton      Amelia Maria            Richmond S        2 a  369
        Alderton      Amelia Maria            Kingston          2 a  333
        Alderton      Elizabeth               Forehoe           4 b  287
        Alderton      Harriet                 Guiltcross        4 b  409
        Alderton      Julia Ann               Bury St E         4 a  670
        Alderton      Robert                  Cosford           4 a  633
        Alderton      William                 Thingoe           4 a  640
        Alderton      William                 Billericay        4 a  142
        Alderwood     Henry                   Aston             6 d  362
        Aldington     Charles                 Evesham           6 c  419
        Aldington     Eliza                   Evesham           6 c  412
        Aldington     Harriot Felton          Birmingham        6 d  240
        Aldis         Anna                    Belford          10 b  465
        Aldous        Daniel                  Newington         1 d  275
        Aldous        Rosina Ann              Kensington        1 a  233
        Aldous        William                 Wangford          4 a 1027
        Aldred        Benjamin                Bolton            8 c  289
        Aldred        Harriet                 Lambeth           1 d  488
        Aldred        Harriet                 Hackney           1 b  437
        Aldred        James                   Altrincham        8 a  211
        Aldred        Jane                    Portsea           2 b  682
        Aldred        John                    Blackburn         8 e  455
        Aldred        Mary                    Leigh             8 c  202
        Aldred        Matilda                 Nottingham        7 b  354
        Aldred        William                 Leigh ?248        8 c  218
        Aldridge      Abraham                 Hereford          6 a  809
        Aldridge      Ann                     St Albans         3 a  343
        Aldridge      Anne                    Hitchin           3 a  287
        Aldridge      Caroline                W London          1 c   96
        Aldridge      Charles                 Bethnal Gn        1 c  657
        Aldridge      Elizabeth Ellen         Liverpool         8 b  100
        Aldridge      George                  Reading           2 c  601
        Aldridge      George                  Shoreditch        1 c  305
        Aldridge      Harriet                 Windsor           2 c  690
        Aldridge      James                   W Derby           8 b  669
        Aldridge      John                    W Derby           8 b  655
        Aldridge      Lucy Ann                Brentford         3 a   51
        Aldridge      William                 Shoreditch        1 c  380
        Aldrige       Catherine               Dartford          2 a  415

        St Cath's marriage index June Qtr 1861, in district order

        Alderson      George Douglas          Kensington        1 a  210
        Aldous        Rosina Ann              Kensington        1 a  233
        Alderson      Frederick Cecil         St Geo Hanover Sq 1 a  355
        Alderson      Elizabeth               Westminster       1 a  507
        Alderson      Richard Robinson        Marylebone        1 a  678
        Alder         Jemima                  St Pancras        1 b   97
        Aldred        Harriet                 Hackney           1 b  437
        Alder         William                 Clerkenwell       1 b  780
        Aldridge      Caroline                W London          1 c   96
        Aldridge      George                  Shoreditch        1 c  305
        Aldridge      William                 Shoreditch        1 c  380
        Alderson      Robert                  Bethnal Gn        1 c  529
        Aldridge      Charles                 Bethnal Gn        1 c  657
        Aldous        Daniel                  Newington         1 d  275
        Alder         Edward Cox              Lambeth           1 d  345
        Aldred        Harriet                 Lambeth           1 d  488
        Alderton      Amelia Maria            Kingston          2 a  333
        Alderton      Amelia Maria            Richmond S        2 a  369
        Aldrige       Catherine               Dartford          2 a  415
        Aldred        Jane                    Portsea           2 b  682
        Alder         Maria                   Winchester        2 c  145
        Alder         Thomas                  Wallingford       2 c  531
        Aldridge      George                  Reading           2 c  601
        Aldridge      Harriet                 Windsor           2 c  690
        Aldridge      Lucy Ann                Brentford         3 a   51
        Aldridge      Anne                    Hitchin           3 a  287
        Aldridge      Ann                     St Albans         3 a  343
        Alderman      Sophia                  Winslow           3 a  581
        Alderman      Levi                    Winslow           3 a  581
        Alderman      Jeames                  Buckingham        3 a  623
        Alder         Eliza                   Henley            3 a  673
        Alder         James                   Thame             3 a  697
        Alder         Thomas                  Witney            3 a  861
        Alderman      George                  W Ham             4 a   47
        Alderton      William                 Billericay        4 a  142
        Alderton      Robert                  Cosford           4 a  633
        Alderton      William                 Thingoe           4 a  640
        Alderton      Julia Ann               Bury St E         4 a  670
        Aldous        William                 Wangford          4 a 1027
        Alcock        William                 Forehoe           4 b  277
        Alderton      Elizabeth               Forehoe           4 b  287
        Alderton      Harriet                 Guiltcross        4 b  409
        Alderman      Elizabeth               Alderbury         5 a  341
        Aldridge      Abraham                 Hereford          6 a  809
        Alcock        Martha                  Mkt Drayton       6 a 1335
        Alcock        Samuel                  Cheadle           6 b 300a
        Aldington     Eliza                   Evesham           6 c  412
        Aldington     Charles                 Evesham           6 c  419
        Alcott        Elizabeth               Pershore          6 c  445
        Aldington     Harriot Felton          Birmingham        6 d  240
        Alderwood     Henry                   Aston             6 d  362
        Aldred        Matilda                 Nottingham        7 b  354
        Alcock        William                 Southwell         7 b  411
        Alcock        William                 Newark            7 b  457
        Aldred        James                   Altrincham        8 a  211
        Alcock        Oliva                   Northwich         8 a  324
        Aldridge      Elizabeth Ellen         Liverpool         8 b  100
        Alcock        Mary Jane               W Derby           8 b  630
        Aldridge      John                    W Derby           8 b  655
        Aldridge      James                   W Derby           8 b  669
        Alcock        Robert                  W Derby           8 b  769
        Aldred        Mary                    Leigh             8 c  202
        Aldred        William                 Leigh ?248        8 c  218
        Aldred        Benjamin                Bolton            8 c  289
        Aldcroft      James Henry             Salford           8 d   76
        Alderson      Mary Ann                Manchester        8 d  123
        Aldersley     Martha                  Haslingden        8 e  201
        Aldred        John                    Blackburn         8 e  455
        Alderson      Mary                    Halifax           9 a  560
        Aldelahoy     John                    Bradford Yks      9 b   23
        Alcock        Ruth                    Bradford Yks      9 b   68
        Alderson      Hannah                  Hunslet           9 b  321
        Alderson      Mary Ann                Askrigg           9 d  762
        Alderson      Esther                  Richmond Yks      9 d  791
        Alderson      Alice                   Darlington       10 a    2
        Alderson      George                  Auckland         10 a  205
        Alderson      George                  Teesdale         10 a  304
        Alderson      Jane                    Teesdale         10 a  314
        Alderson      Elizabeth               Durham           10 a  363
        Alder         Elizabeth               Tynemouth        10 b  293
        Aldis         Anna                    Belford          10 b  465
