


District 23 - Yorkshire



    This file is one of 27 files covering the 27 volumes
    of the St Catherine's Marriage Index for the March
    quarter of 1849.

    Errors in the St Cath's index are generally shown by
    giving the St Cath's data in square brackets.  For
    example this may indicate that St Cath's gives a wrong
    volume no. or district name.

    Where I am uncertain about a page number, I repeat the
    page no. with a question mark.  Where I am uncertain of
    one digit in a page no. I query that digit.

    All names are sorted into page sequence.  Some pages are
    found to have an uneven no. of entries.  This may reflect
    unclear fiche, or a page-no. error in the index, or may
    in many cases indicate an alias or variant spellings in
    the original record, or simply a double entry of the same
    name.  Or it may be an indexing/copying error at St Cath's.
    Or it may be my error.  If a user of these files is able
    to correct an error, please let me know.  In some cases
    I have been able to clarify the page no. because of the
    number of names in the different pages.

    In many cases I have abbreviated district names but I hope
    they are sufficiently obvious.  Personal names are given in
    full, but where St Cath's shows an abbreviation (eg Elizth
    or Thos) I have shown it highlighted.

    Marriage partners identified through the UK Marriage Witness
    system are indicated.

    Mike Foster
    19 Khouri Avenue
    Wellington, New Zealand      June 1995

    1849/Q1 - District 23 - Yorks          District          Vol Page
    Binnington     Elizabeth               Beverley           23    1
    Jackson        John                    Beverley           23    1
    Loft           Harriet                 Beverley           23    1
    Lundie         Timothy                 Beverley           23    1
    Owen           John                    Beverley           23    1
    Pacey          Sarah                   Beverley           23    1
    Robinson       James                   Beverley           23    1
    Thackeray      Ann                     Beverley           23    1
    Pickard        Charles                 Beverley           23    2
    Swann          Sarah                   Beverley           23    2
    Thirsk         William                 Beverley           23    2
    Webber         Ann                     Beverley           23    2
    Clark          Hannah                  Beverley           23    3
    Grundill       Catharine               Beverley           23    3
    Harper         Mathew (sic)            Beverley           23    3
    Nutchey        Ann                     Beverley           23    3
    Outhwaite      John                    Beverley           23    3
    Sandridge      David                   Beverley           23    3
    Simpson        Charles                 Beverley           23    3
    Sissons        Mary                    Beverley           23    3
    Backhouse      Francis                 Beverley           23    4
    Porter         Elizabeth               Beverley           23    4
    Bentley        Richard                 Beverley           23    5
    Hayton         Hannah                  Beverley           23    5
    Purdon         Jane                    Beverley           23    5
    Wordby         John                    Beverley           23    5
    Horsefield     Thomas                  Beverley           23    7
    Horsfield      Thomas                  Beverley           23    7
    Risam          Harriet                 Beverley           23    7
    Riseham        Harriet                 Beverley           23    7
    Allison        William                 Beverley           23    9
    Leighton       Charles                 Beverley           23    9
    Pearson        Harriet                 Beverley           23    9
    Petfield       George                  Beverley           23    9
    Smith          William                 Beverley           23    9
    Smith          Mary                    Beverley           23    9
    Thornham       Eliza                   Beverley           23    9
    Waudby         Harriet                 Beverley           23    9
    Everingham     John                    Beverley           23   11
    Kellington     Jane                    Beverley           23   11
    Camp           James                   Beverley           23   13
    Dixon          Charlotte               Beverley           23   13
    Sharp          Elizabeth               Beverley           23   13
    Small          Thomas                  Beverley           23   13
    Holt           Hannah                  Beverley           23   15
    Short          Thomas                  Beverley           23   15
    Baker          Susannah                Beverley           23   17
    Sissons        Jane                    Beverley           23   17
    Stainton       Charles                 Beverley           23   17
    Walker         James                   Beverley           23   17
    Lister         Margaret                Beverley           23   19
    Myas           James                   Beverley           23   19
    Northgraves    Charles                 Beverley           23   19
    Simpson        Ann                     Beverley           23   19
    Bell           Robert                  Beverley           23   21
    Cross          Mary                    Beverley           23   21
    Boynton        Martha                  Beverley           23   23
    Wilson         Robert                  Beverley           23   23
    Boss           Charles                 Beverley           23   25
    Howerth        Sarah                   Beverley           23   25
    Hudson         Jane                    Beverley           23   25
    Warvell        George                  Beverley           23   25
    Taylor         Thomas                  Beverley           23   27
    Thompson       Myra Sophia             Beverley           23   27
    Atkinson       Hannah                  Beverley           23   29
    Danby          Arnold Chatterton       Beverley           23   29
    Heldred        Jane                    Beverley           23   29
    Lidster        John                    Beverley           23   29
    Roberts        Thomas                  Beverley           23   29
    Wallis         Fanny                   Beverley           23   29
    Allenby        Francis                 Bridlington        23   31
    Binning        Jane                    Bridlington        23   31
    Bousfield      John                    Bridlington        23   31
    Couldwell      Edward                  Bridlington        23   31
    Gibson         Hannah                  Bridlington        23   31
    Lilley         Robert                  Bridlington        23   31
    Pape           Mary                    Bridlington        23   31
    Staniforth     Hannah                  Bridlington        23   31
    Barnett        Mary Ann                Bridlington        23   32
    Gittings       Thomas                  Bridlington        23   32
    Gray           Margaret                Bridlington        23   32
    Gutherless     Ann                     Bridlington        23   32
    Jackson        Robert                  Bridlington        23   32
    Loadman        Ann                     Bridlington        23   32
    Turner         Joseph                  Bridlington        23   32
    Welborn        David                   Bridlington        23   32
    Foster         Ralph                   Bridlington        23   33
    Glenton        Ann                     Bridlington        23   33
    Knaggs         Matthew                 Bridlington        23   33
    Newlove        Mary                    Bridlington        23   33
    Slater         John Henry              Bridlington        23   35
    Williford      Jane Elizabeth          Bridlington        23   35
    Milner         Ann                     Bridlington        23   37
    Nicholson      Richard                 Bridlington        23   37
    Hobson         Hannah                  Bridlington        23   39
    Smailes        Thomas                  Bridlington        23   39
    Smith          Mary Ann                Bridlington        23   39
    Bailey         John                    Bridlington        23   41
    Hunter         Frances                 Bridlington        23   41
    Brown          Eleanor                 Bridlington        23   43
    Green          Mary                    Bridlington        23   43
    Hagyard        Alexander Charles       Bridlington        23   43
    Pickering      Mary                    Bridlington        23   43
    Raper          Thomasin                Bridlington        23   43
    Stow           Edward                  Bridlington        23   43
    Thompson       George                  Bridlington        23   43
    Coultas        Stephen                 Bridlington        23   45
    Dowson         Martha                  Bridlington        23   45
    Hardy          William                 Bridlington        23   45
    Dowsland       Ann                     Bridlington        23   47
    Vickerman      John                    Bridlington        23   47
    Binnington     Nancy                   Driffield          23   49
    Peck           John                    Driffield          23   49
    Harper         Mary Ann                Driffield          23   51
    Hinds          Shem                    Driffield          23   51
    Lamplugh       Richard                 Driffield          23   51
    Slingsby       Ann Eliza               Driffield          23   51
    Wheldon        Marianne                Driffield ?5       23   51
    Binnington     Elizabeth               Driffield          23   53
    Griffing       Jane                    Driffield          23   53
    Hebton         Henry                   Driffield ?53      23   53
    Spicer         John                    Driffield          23   53
    Richardson     Eliza                   Driffield          23   55
    Sawdon         Matilda                 Driffield          23   55
    Siddall        Thomas                  Driffield          23   55
    Towse          David                   Driffield          23   55
    Woodhead       John                    Driffield          23   55
    Barker         Thomas                  Driffield          23   57
    Robson         Jane                    Driffield          23   57
    Senior         Thomas                  Driffield          23   57
    Spence         Jane                    Driffield          23   57
    Sterriker      Thomas Atkinson         Driffield          23   57
    Tindall        Elizabeth               Driffield          23   57
    Hought         Margaret                Driffield          23   59
    Sollitt        Solomon                 Driffield          23   59
    Tate           Elizabeth               Driffield          23   59
    Ushaw          William                 Driffield          23   59
    West           Richard                 Driffield          23   59
    Wilson         Rachel                  Driffield          23   59
    Dunn           Mary                    Driffield          23   61
    Hakeney        Susannah                Driffield          23   61
    Stephenson     Obed                    Driffield          23   61
    Whiting        George                  Driffield          23   61
    Agars          Ann                     Driffield          23   63
    Hudson         Christopher             Driffield          23   63
    Grice          Hannah                  Driffield          23   65
    Horner         John                    Driffield          23   65
    Bowes          John                    Driffield          23   67
    Bowser         Jane                    Driffield          23   67
    Fletcher       Michael                 Driffield          23   67
    Grasby         Thomas                  Driffield          23   67
    Leeman         Charlotte               Driffield          23   67
    Nicholson      Deborah                 Driffield          23   67
    Spanton        Ann                     Driffield          23   67
    Summers        Francis                 Driffield          23   67
    Armstrong      Edward                  Driffield          23   69
    Berriman       Elizabeth Jane          Driffield          23   69
    Elvidge        Mercy                   Driffield          23   69
    Hichinson      James                   Driffield          23   69
    Jackson        Eliza                   Driffield          23   69
    Watson         William                 Driffield          23   69
    Robson         Eliza                   Driffield          23   71
    Ware           William James           Driffield          23   71
    Cape           Miriam                  Driffield          23   73
    Lacy           Henry                   Driffield          23   73
    Bullock        Orman Wilson            Driffield          23   75
    Garrett        Ann                     Driffield          23   75
    Hotham         Richard                 Driffield          23   75
    Lazenby        Sarah                   Driffield          23   75
    Denny          James                   Driffield          23   77
    Potter         Jemima                  Driffield          23   77
    Augas          William                 Driffield          23   79
    Davies         Margaret                Driffield          23   79
    Moore          Martha                  Driffield          23   79
    Sugget         George                  Driffield          23   79
    Cooper         Jonathan                Driffield          23   81
    Hepton         Henry                   Driffield          23   83
    Winduss        Frances                 Driffield          23   83
    Blanchard      Silas                   Driffield          23   85
    Hawkins        Ann                     Driffield ?85      23   85
    Nicholson      Mary Ann                Driffield          23   85
    Potter         James                   Driffield          23   85
    Pruss          James                   Driffield          23   85
    Robson         William                 Driffield          23   85
    White          Mary                    Driffield          23   85
    Wilson         Jane                    Driffield          23   85
    Day            Elizabeth               Howden             23   87
    Room           James                   Howden             23   87
    Frutherby      George                  Howden             23   89
    Norton         Elizabeth               Howden             23   89
    Backhouse      Richard                 Howden             23   91
    Gott           William                 Howden             23   91
    Graves         Maria                   Howden             23   91
    Watson         Ann                     Howden             23   91
    Dean           Mary                    Howden             23   93
    Rook           John                    Howden             23   93
    Handley        Sarah                   Howden             23   95
    Thompson       George                  Howden             23   95
    Lolley         George                  Howden             23   97
    Renold         Margaret                Howden             23   97
    Spivey         George                  Howden             23   97
    Armitt         Sarah                   Howden             23   99
    Christian      Edward                  Howden             23   99
    Falkingham     Anne                    Howden             23   99
    Johnson        Elizabeth               Howden             23   99
    Macdonald      James                   Howden             23   99
    Andrew         Mary                    Howden             23  101
    Bellamy        Ann                     Howden             23  101
    Best           George                  Howden             23  101
    Chafer         Hannah                  Howden             23  101
    Chaffer        Hannah                  Howden             23  101
    Hunt           Thomas                  Howden             23  101
    Leighton       William                 Howden             23  101
    Shepherd       Sarah Ann               Howden             23  101
    Watson         Richard                 Howden             23  101
    Abbey          Eliza                   Howden             23  102
    Allen          Thomas                  Howden             23  102
    Howden         John                    Howden             23  102
    Ibberson       Elizabeth               Howden             23  102
    Laycock        Eli                     Howden             23  102
    Levitt         Ann                     Howden             23  102
    Bilton         Samuel                  Patrington         23  103
    Soutter        Frances                 Patrington         23  103
    Camplin        Edward                  Patrington         23  105
    Hare           George                  Patrington         23  105
    Tripp          Ann                     Patrington         23  105
    Wright         Ellen Ann               Patrington         23  105
    Cockerline     Anthony Johnson         Patrington         23  107
    Dunn           Martha                  Patrington         23  107
    Collinson      Michael                 Patrington         23  109
    Hoad           Elizabeth               Patrington         23  109
    Newsam         Henry                   Patrington         23  109
    Parrot         Mary                    Patrington         23  109
    Harman         Jane                    Patrington         23  111
    Steels         Robert                  Patrington         23  111
    Beal           Elizabeth               Patrington         23  113
    Marrit         John                    Patrington         23  113
    Moorehouse     George                  Patrington         23  113
    Walker         Elizabeth               Patrington         23  113
    Eshelby        Mary                    Patrington         23  115
    Fawcett        William                 Patrington         23  115
    Calvert        Jane                    Patrington         23  117
    Daley          William                 Patrington         23  117
    Lussey         Ann                     Patrington         23  117
    Ness           David                   Patrington         23  117
    Northgraves    Harriett                Patrington         23  117
    Tewlass        Robert                  Patrington         23  117
    Jackson        Elizabeth               Patrington         23  119
    Tennison       Jonathan Tavender       Patrington         23  119
    Houlden        Elizabeth               Pocklington        23  121
    Thompson       John                    Pocklington        23  121
    Chandler       George                  Pocklington        23  123
    Leckenley      Elizabeth               Pocklington        23  123
    Bayston        Robt                    Pocklington        23  125
    Pluret         Hannah                  Pocklington        23  125
    Botham         Thomas                  Pocklington        23  127
    Hodgson        Sarah                   Pocklington        23  127
    Crain          Catherine               Pocklington        23  129
    Hartzig        William                 Pocklington        23  129
    Beilby         Thomas                  Pocklington        23  131
    Matthews       Kathrine                Pocklington        23  131
    Freer          Matthew                 Pocklington        23  133
    Randerson      Martha                  Pocklington        23  133
    Swales         Isaac                   Pocklington        23  135
    Wincup         Mary                    Pocklington        23  135
    Bailey         George                  Pocklington        23  137
    Gowthorpe      Thomas                  Pocklington        23  137
    Gray           Mary                    Pocklington        23  137
    Houghton       Thomas Giles            Pocklington        23  137
    Martindale     Susannah                Pocklington        23  137
    Moor           Harriot                 Pocklington        23  137
    Skinn          Henry                   Pocklington        23  137
    Yeoman         Susannah                Pocklington        23  137
    Abble          Charlotte               Pocklington        23  138
    Arnott         James                   Pocklington        23  138
    Kirby          Rachel                  Pocklington        23  138
    Siddel         Edward                  Pocklington        23  138
    Siddell        Edward                  Pocklington        23  138
    Stephenson     Mary                    Pocklington        23  138
    Wincop         John                    Pocklington        23  138
    Wincop         Joseph                  Pocklington        23  138
    Hatfield       Charlotte               Pocklington        23  139
    Whitaker       Thomas                  Pocklington        23  139
    Stubbins       John                    Pocklington        23  141
    Walker         Eliza                   Pocklington        23  141
    Christelow     Hannah                  Pocklington        23  143
    Hyde           Sarah                   Pocklington        23  143
    Jackson        Robert                  Pocklington        23  143
    Kelsey         Gideon                  Pocklington        23  143
    Agar           Richard                 Pocklington        23  145
    Harrison       Ellen                   Pocklington        23  145
    Jackson        George                  Pocklington        23  145
    Morris         Diana                   Pocklington        23  145
    Cooper         Ann                     Pocklington        23  147
    Faulkner       William                 Pocklington        23  147
    Hornsey        William                 Pocklington        23  147
    Huffington     William                 Pocklington        23  147
    Lawson         Hannah                  Pocklington        23  147
    Wharton        Mary                    Pocklington        23  147
    Boothroyd      Ann                     Bradford Y         23  149
    Clough         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  149
    Jackson        Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  149
    Willby         Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  149
    Beaver         Rachel                  Bradford Y         23  151
    Denby          Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  151
    Fletcher       Eli                     Bradford Y         23  151
    Hargreaves     Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  151
    Heseltine      Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  151
    Lapish         John                    Bradford Y         23  151
    Newton         Joshua                  Bradford Y         23  151
    Verity         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  151
    Gledhill       Jane                    Bradford Y         23  152
    Hatach         Ellen                   Bradford Y         23  152
    McNaultry      Wincy                   Bradford Y         23  152
    Naughton       Francis                 Bradford Y         23  152
    Parratt        Uriah                   Bradford Y         23  152
    Wells          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  152
    Whitaker       Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  152
    White          Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  152
    Balmforth      William                 Bradford Y         23  153
    Bastow         John                    Bradford Y         23  153
    Fieldhouse     Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  153
    Holgate        Henry                   Bradford Y         23  153
    Noble          Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  153
    Sugden         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  153
    Wademan        Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  153
    Cawthra        Arthur                  Bradford Y         23  154
    Hayre          John Varley             Bradford Y         23  154
    Holgate        Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  154
    Kellett        Jonathan                Bradford Y         23  154
    Patchett       John                    Bradford Y         23  154
    Rawnsley       Isabella                Bradford Y         23  154
    Thornton       Grace                   Bradford Y         23  154
    Winterbottom   Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  154
    Allen          Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  155
    Driver         Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  155
    Fielding       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  155
    Fox            Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  155
    Green          Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  155
    Robinson       Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  155
    Wadsworth      Martha                  Bradford Y         23  155
    Wadsworth      Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  155
    Bentham        Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  156
    Clark          Richard                 Bradford Y         23  156
    Clay           James                   Bradford Y         23  156
    Dyson          Martha Ann              Bradford Y         23  156
    Fieldhouse     Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  156
    Jackson        Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  156
    Murgatroyd     Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  156
    Prince         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  156
    Ackroyd        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  157
    Birch          Robert                  Bradford Y         23  157
    Coates         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  157
    Flinn          Rose                    Bradford Y         23  157
    Kershaw        William                 Bradford Y ?137    23  157
    Labrey         William                 Bradford Y         23  157
    Pearson        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  157
    Stell          Charles Peel            Bradford Y         23  157
    Wilkinson      Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  157
    Bailey         Jane                    Bradford Y         23  158
    Barraclough    Isaac                   Bradford Y         23  158
    Breaks         Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  158
    Brown          Nancy                   Bradford Y         23  158
    Farrar         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  158
    Hacking        John                    Bradford Y         23  158
    Jowett         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  158
    Jowett         William                 Bradford Y         23  158
    Pemperton      Henry                   Bradford Y ?138    23  158
    Ackroyd        Ann                     Bradford Y         23  159
    Frost          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  159
    Hey            Mary                    Bradford Y         23  159
    Holroyd        William                 Bradford Y         23  159
    Hudson         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  159
    Parker         James                   Bradford Y         23  159
    Spencer        James                   Bradford Y         23  159
    Wadington      Matthew                 Bradford Y         23  159
    Bostock        Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  160
    Hainsworth     Ellen                   Bradford Y         23  160
    Hobson         Charles                 Bradford Y         23  160
    Robertshaw     John                    Bradford Y         23  160
    Smith          Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  160
    Wilkinson      James                   Bradford Y         23  160
    Fearnley       Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  161
    Horn           Matthew                 Bradford Y         23  161
    Keighley       Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  161
    Sowden         John                    Bradford Y         23  161
    Sykes          Hannah bella            Bradford Y         23  161
    Warburton      Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  161
    Watson         Henry                   Bradford Y         23  161
    Woodhead       Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  161
    Burnley        James                   Bradford Y         23  162
    Butterfield    Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  162
    Coe            Emma                    Bradford Y         23  162
    Fletcher       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  162
    Priestley      James                   Bradford Y         23  162
    Robinson       William                 Bradford Y         23  162
    Wilman         Betty                   Bradford Y         23  162
    Wright         Michael                 Bradford Y         23  162
    Allison        Mary                    Bradford Y         23  163
    Barker         Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  163
    Dalby          Martha                  Bradford Y         23  163
    Ellis          James                   Bradford Y         23  163
    Fearnley       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  163
    Pollard        Charles                 Bradford Y ?165    23  163
    Raistrick      John                    Bradford Y         23  163
    Stoiles        Ann                     Bradford Y         23  163
    Thornton       William                 Bradford Y         23  163
    Verity         Ellen                   Bradford Y         23  163
    Ayres          John                    Bradford Y         23  164
    Bailey         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  164
    Campbell       Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  164
    Cockram        Mark                    Bradford Y         23  164
    Hardaker       Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  164
    Haspy          William                 Bradford Y         23  164
    Jenkinson      Ann                     Bradford Y         23  164
    Watson         Jane                    Bradford Y         23  164
    Bradley        Aseneth                 Bradford Y         23  165
    Coates         Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  165
    Ellison        Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  165
    Hartley        Henry                   Bradford Y         23  165
    Phillips       John                    Bradford Y         23  165
    Priestley      George                  Bradford Y         23  165
    Sandham        Alice Ann               Bradford Y         23  165
    Stenten        Susannah                Bradford Y         23  165
    Baskervill     Edward                  Bradford Y         23  166
    Carr           Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  166
    Holdsworth     Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  166
    Seed           Martha                  Bradford Y ?166    23  166
    Stansfield     John                    Bradford Y         23  166
    Stevenson      Abraham                 Bradford Y         23  166
    Stocks         Betty                   Bradford Y         23  166
    Waddington     Ann                     Bradford Y         23  166
    Cariodus       Mary                    Bradford Y         23  167
    Charnley       Margaret                Bradford Y         23  167
    Copley         Mercy                   Bradford Y         23  167
    Haworth        David                   Bradford Y         23  167
    Johnson        Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  167
    Kellett        James                   Bradford Y         23  167
    Thorp          John                    Bradford Y         23  167
    Wood           Martha                  Bradford Y         23  167
    Brayshaw       Nancy                   Bradford Y         23  168
    Dalby          John                    Bradford Y         23  168
    Greenwood      Ann                     Bradford Y         23  168
    Greetham       William                 Bradford Y         23  168
    Marshall       John                    Bradford Y         23  168
    Parratt        Jonathan                Bradford Y         23  168
    Tetley         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  168
    Wright         Sarah Ann               Bradford Y         23  168
    Bower          David                   Bradford Y         23  169
    Crookes        John                    Bradford Y         23  169
    Crooks         John                    Bradford Y         23  169
    Drakup         John                    Bradford Y         23  169
    Haggas         William                 Bradford Y         23  169
    Raper          Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  169
    Smith          Selina                  Bradford Y         23  169
    Thornton       Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  169
    Watson         Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  169
    Briggs         Susannah                Bradford Y         23  170
    Ellis          Francis Buckley         Bradford Y         23  170
    Field          Martha                  Bradford Y         23  170
    Petty          David                   Bradford Y         23  170
    Preston        William                 Bradford Y         23  170
    Tempest        Rhoda                   Bradford Y         23  170
    Wade           John                    Bradford Y         23  170
    Wilkinson      Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  170
    Bagnall        Jane                    Bradford Y         23  171
    Benton         Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  171
    Cordingley     John                    Bradford Y         23  171
    Kellett        John                    Bradford Y         23  171
    Mitchell       Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  171
    Reynolds       Frederick Jones         Bradford Y         23  171
    Robinson       Alice                   Bradford Y         23  171
    Woodhead       Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  171
    Barraclough    Margaret                Bradford Y         23  172
    Booth          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  172
    Hardy          James                   Bradford Y         23  172
    Hoyle          Mary                    Bradford Y         23  172
    Moorehouse     John                    Bradford Y         23  172
    Priestley      Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  172
    Stringer       James                   Bradford Y         23  172
    Womersley      William                 Bradford Y         23  172
    Butler         Nancy                   Bradford Y         23  173
    Butterfield    George                  Bradford Y         23  173
    Gledhill       Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  173
    Metcalf        Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  173
    Pool           Ellen                   Bradford Y         23  173
    Riddiough      Mary                    Bradford Y         23  173
    Totty          John                    Bradford Y         23  173
    Waterhouse     Dan (sic)               Bradford Y         23  173
    Balme          Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  174
    Clark          Robert                  Bradford Y         23  174
    Holmes         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  174
    Limbert        Matthew Teinor?         Bradford Y         23  174
    Robinson       Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  174
    Rogers         Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  174
    Rushforth      Jane                    Bradford Y         23  174
    Winder         James                   Bradford Y         23  174
    Cheesebrough   Matthew                 Bradford Y         23  175
    Edson          Betty                   Bradford Y         23  175
    Garthwaite     Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  175
    Gibson         Mansfield               Bradford Y         23  175
    Goldsbrough    Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  175
    Normington     Sarah Ann               Bradford Y         23  175
    Smith          John                    Bradford Y         23  175
    Ashley         Nathaniel               Bradford Y         23  176
    Blackburn      Henry                   Bradford Y         23  176
    Fletcher       Mary                    Bradford Y         23  176
    Ingham         Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  176
    Lewis          James                   Bradford Y         23  176
    Malone         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  176
    Merrill        Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  176
    Wooler         Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  176
    Booth          Isaac                   Bradford Y         23  177
    Frear          Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  177
    Hartley        Robert                  Bradford Y         23  177
    Holroyd        Gideon                  Bradford Y         23  177
    Howson         Jane                    Bradford Y         23  177
    Price          Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  177
    Rodgers        Mary                    Bradford Y         23  177
    Spurr          Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  177
    Bower          John                    Bradford Y         23  178
    Breaks         Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  178
    Dawson         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  178
    Drake          Susey                   Bradford Y         23  178
    Lambert        Joseph Bateson          Bradford Y         23  178
    Robinson       William                 Bradford Y         23  178
    Singleton      James                   Bradford Y         23  178
    Sykes          Margaret                Bradford Y         23  178
    Holdsworth     Jane                    Bradford Y         23  179
    Howson         William                 Bradford Y         23  179
    Meadow         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  179
    Mitchell       Richard                 Bradford Y         23  179
    Nutter         Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  179
    Stockdill      Hannah Mary             Bradford Y         23  179
    Watson         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  179
    Wells          Joshua                  Bradford Y ?179    23  179
    Abbey          Johnson                 Bradford Y         23  180
    Benn           Margaret                Bradford Y         23  180
    Brook          Ann                     Bradford Y         23  180
    Greenwood      William                 Bradford Y         23  180
    Hudson         Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  180
    Kellett        Isaac                   Bradford Y         23  180
    Maloney        Julia                   Bradford Y         23  180
    Armitage       Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  181
    Bleasby        Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  181
    Hillas         Squire                  Bradford Y         23  181
    Mitchell       Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  181
    Popplewell     Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  181
    Taylor         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  181
    Wilkinson      Alice                   Bradford Y         23  181
    Wood           Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  181
    Bollough       Phebe                   Bradford Y         23  182
    Bottomley      Mary                    Bradford Y         23  182
    Carsans        William                 Bradford Y         23  182
    Craven         Robeert                 Bradford Y         23  182
    Greenwood      Nancy Wright            Bradford Y ?182    23  182
    Smith          John                    Bradford Y         23  182
    Webster        James                   Bradford Y         23  182
    Barden         William                 Bradford Y         23  183
    Bolland        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  183
    Dobson         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  183
    Hirst          John                    Bradford Y         23  183
    Shoesmith      John                    Bradford Y         23  183
    Strickland     Mary                    Bradford Y         23  183
    West           Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  183
    Whitworth      Elizabeth Ellen         Bradford Y         23  183
    Chippendale    Ann                     Bradford Y         23  184
    Jones          Enoch                   Bradford Y         23  184
    Lister         John Fawcett            Bradford Y         23  184
    Newell         Sarah Ann               Bradford Y         23  184
    Sutton         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  184
    Taylor         Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  184
    Thomas         Alexander               Bradford Y [18]    23  184
    Waterhouse     Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  184
    Heseltine      Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  185
    Hudson         Jane                    Bradford Y         23  185
    Lambert        Kitty                   Bradford Y ?155    23  185
    Robertshaw     Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  185
    Scholfield     Harriot                 Bradford Y         23  185
    Scofield       Harriot                 Bradford Y         23  185
    Shaw           William                 Bradford Y         23  185
    Triggs         Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  185
    Wolmstown      Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  185
    Butterworth    Mary                    Bradford Y         23  186
    Clark          James                   Bradford Y         23  186
    Hogg           James                   Bradford Y         23  186
    Howroyd        Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  186
    Kaye           John                    Bradford Y ?186    23  186
    Kilner         James Henry             Bradford Y         23  186
    Whitehead      Mary                    Bradford Y         23  186
    Wilkinson      Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  186
    Amos           Mary                    Bradford Y         23  187
    Dennison       John                    Bradford Y         23  187
    Dixon          Mary                    Bradford Y         23  187
    King           Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  187
    Milnes         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  187
    Murgatroyd     Emanuel                 Bradford Y         23  187
    Naylor         William                 Bradford Y         23  187
    Starkey        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  187
    Starkey        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  187
    Tattersall     Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  187
    Bastin         James                   Bradford Y         23  188
    Crowley        Jane                    Bradford Y         23  188
    Denbigh        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  188
    Denby          Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  188
    Dent           Jane                    Bradford Y         23  188
    Harrison       Betty                   Bradford Y         23  188
    Lawson         Henry                   Bradford Y         23  188
    Surridge       George                  Bradford Y         23  188
    Wilson         James                   Bradford Y         23  188
    Blamires       Mary                    Bradford Y         23  189
    Carr           Mary                    Bradford Y         23  189
    Cooper         Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  189
    Dawson         Henry                   Bradford Y         23  189
    Hudson         Henry                   Bradford Y         23  189
    Lowrey         John                    Bradford Y         23  189
    Rothra         Margaret                Bradford Y         23  189
    Rouse          Alfred                  Bradford Y         23  189
    Barraclough    Naomi                   Bradford Y         23  190
    Gibbons        Margaret                Bradford Y         23  190
    Hormanroyd     Squire                  Bradford Y         23  190
    Ruddy          John                    Bradford Y         23  190
    Shoesmith      David                   Bradford Y         23  190
    Smith          Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  190
    Stephenson     John                    Bradford Y         23  190
    Wood           Ann                     Bradford Y         23  190
    Craven         Rebecca                 Bradford Y         23  191
    Haliday        John                    Bradford Y         23  191
    Lodge          Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  191
    Mounton        Francis                 Bradford Y         23  191
    Tillotson      Ezra                    Bradford Y         23  191
    Tindell        James                   Bradford Y         23  191
    Wardle         Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  191
    Wigglesworth   Mary                    Bradford Y         23  191
    Barwick        John                    Bradford Y         23  192
    Fostard        James                   Bradford Y         23  192
    Harrison       James                   Bradford Y         23  192
    Prince         Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  192
    Roberts        Jane                    Bradford Y         23  192
    Scholefield    James                   Bradford Y         23  192
    Thomis         Isabella                Bradford Y         23  192
    Turner         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  192
    Brewster       Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  193
    Butler         Henry                   Bradford Y         23  193
    Groves         Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  193
    Hamilton       Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  193
    Hanson         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  193
    Holdsworth     Jonathan                Bradford Y         23  193
    Hopkinson      Ann                     Bradford Y         23  193
    Moulson        Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  193
    Baines         Miles                   Bradford Y         23  194
    Crabtree       Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  194
    Duckworth      Nancy                   Bradford Y         23  194
    Greenwood      James                   Bradford Y         23  194
    Rushforth      Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  194
    Rushforth      George                  Bradford Y         23  194
    Wood           Sarah Ann               Bradford Y         23  194
    Woodhead       John                    Bradford Y         23  194
    Elsworth       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  195
    Fox            Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  195
    Hellewell      Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  195
    Margerison     Frances                 Bradford Y         23  195
    Rhodes         William                 Bradford Y         23  195
    Rhodes         William                 Bradford Y         23  195
    Robinson       Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  195
    Smith          Michael Kitson          Bradford Y         23  195
    Snowden        Selina                  Bradford Y         23  195
    Walker         Michael Kitson          Bradford Y         23  195
    Crowley        Jeremiah                Bradford Y         23  196
    Dunn           Catharine               Bradford Y         23  196
    Fletcher       William                 Bradford Y         23  196
    Hanson         Daniel                  Bradford Y         23  196
    Hodgson        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  196
    Hustler        Ann                     Bradford Y         23  196
    Parsons        Ann                     Bradford Y         23  196
    Rhodes         James                   Bradford Y         23  196
    Clegg          Jane                    Bradford Y         23  197
    Dracup         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  197
    Illingworth    Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  197
    Myers          Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  197
    Smith          Will (sic)              Bradford Y ?7      23  197
    Sugden         Abraham                 Bradford Y         23  197
    Tiffney        Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  197
    Townend        Hartwell                Bradford Y         23  197
    Annums         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  198
    Craven         Lucy                    Bradford Y         23  198
    Dracup         Ezra                    Bradford Y         23  198
    Greenough      Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  198
    Jennings       Joshua Binns            Bradford Y         23  198
    Smith          Peter                   Bradford Y         23  198
    Wooler         Ephraim                 Bradford Y         23  198
    Coates         John                    Bradford Y         23  199
    Hillas         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  199
    Holdsworth     Emma                    Bradford Y         23  199
    Illingworth    Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  199
    Lodge          Dorothy                 Bradford Y         23  199
    Nettleton      James                   Bradford Y         23  199
    Simpson        William                 Bradford Y         23  199
    Westwood       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  199
    Brooksbank     Abraham                 Bradford Y         23  200
    Conran         Daniel                  Bradford Y         23  200
    Dent           Jack Benson             Bradford Y         23  200
    Gration        Mary                    Bradford Y         23  200
    Hannam         John                    Bradford Y ?200    23  200
    Harrop         Mary Alice              Bradford Y         23  200
    Kaye           Miles Martindale        Bradford Y         23  200
    McCrevey       Margaret                Bradford Y         23  200
    Preston        Catharine               Bradford Y         23  200
    Raye           Miles Martindale        Bradford Y         23  200
    Beanland       David                   Bradford Y         23  201
    Bottom         William                 Bradford Y         23  201
    Duckitt        John Petty              Bradford Y         23  201
    Hey            Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  201
    Jowett         Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  201
    Naylor         Naomi                   Bradford Y         23  201
    Sugden         Ephseba                 Bradford Y         23  201
    Wilman         George                  Bradford Y         23  201
    Wright         John                    Bradford Y         23  201
    Bennett        John William            Bradford Y         23  202
    Brady          Peter                   Bradford Y         23  202
    Ellis          Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  202
    Graham         Agnes                   Bradford Y         23  202
    Kellett        Caroline                Bradford Y         23  202
    Sowden         Shires                  Bradford Y         23  202
    Warton         Margaret                Bradford Y         23  202
    Wood           Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  202
    Beanland       William                 Bradford Y         23  203
    Haywood        Judith                  Bradford Y         23  203
    Hutchinson     Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  203
    Lockwood       James                   Bradford Y         23  203
    Long           John                    Bradford Y         23  203
    Miller         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  203
    Pearson        Amos                    Bradford Y         23  203
    Senior         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  203
    Thorp          John                    Bradford Y         23  203
    Woodhead       Martha                  Bradford Y         23  203
    Birdsall       George                  Bradford Y         23  204
    Blakey         Seth                    Bradford Y         23  204
    Dodsworth      Mary Ann                Bradford Y         23  204
    Greenough      John                    Bradford Y         23  204
    Heaton         David                   Bradford Y         23  204
    Marshall       Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  204
    Swaine         Maria                   Bradford Y         23  204
    Wilkinson      Sarah Ann               Bradford Y         23  204
    Brumfit        Edward                  Bradford Y         23  205
    Clayton        Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  205
    Ellis          Demas                   Bradford Y         23  205
    Gomersall      Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  205
    Griffiths      Edward                  Bradford Y         23  205
    Kitchen        Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  205
    Laycock        Elizabeth               Bradford Y ?205    23  205
    Town           Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  205
    Burnley        Maria                   Bradford Y         23  206
    Gamble         Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  206
    Hall           Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  206
    Howorth        Alice                   Bradford Y         23  206
    Hustler        Ruth                    Bradford Y         23  206
    Hustler        Mary                    Bradford Y         23  206
    Marshall       Robert                  Bradford Y         23  206
    Pyrah          William                 Bradford Y         23  206
    Wood           James Hargreaves        Bradford Y         23  206
    Bateman        Jonas                   Bradford Y         23  207
    Beckton        John                    Bradford Y         23  207
    Braithwaite    Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  207
    Radcliffe      Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  207
    Rayner         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  207
    Shuttleworth   James                   Bradford Y         23  207
    Smith          Christiana              Bradford Y         23  207
    Whiteley       William                 Bradford Y         23  207
    Hudson         William                 Bradford Y         23  208
    Hudson         John                    Bradford Y         23  208
    Moxon          Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  208
    Norton         Charlotte               Bradford Y         23  208
    Pearson        Ann                     Bradford Y         23  208
    Waite          John                    Bradford Y         23  208
    Wilson         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  208
    Bairstow       James                   Bradford Y         23  209
    Barningham     Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  209
    Barrons        Jonathan                Bradford Y         23  209
    Emmerson       Nancy                   Bradford Y         23  209
    Leigh          Joe (sic)               Bradford Y         23  209
    Martin         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  209
    Riley          Dorothy                 Bradford Y         23  209
    Anderson       William                 Bradford Y         23  210
    Coope          Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  210
    Marshall       Selina                  Bradford Y         23  210
    Rhodes         Richard                 Bradford Y         23  210
    Ryley          Isabella                Bradford Y         23  210
    Shky           Eugene                  Bradford Y         23  210
    Sykes          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  210
    Whitaker       Mary                    Bradford Y         23  210
    Bradley        Mary                    Bradford Y         23  211
    Gray           Louisa                  Bradford Y         23  211
    Harrison       Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  211
    Hodges         Peter                   Bradford Y         23  211
    Moore          Frederick               Bradford Y         23  211
    Oldfield       Hudson                  Bradford Y         23  211
    Rhodes         Rachel                  Bradford Y ?211    23  211
    Schutt         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  211
    Bridges        Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  212
    Bryant         Rebecca                 Bradford Y         23  212
    Davison        John                    Bradford Y         23  212
    Dennington     Robert                  Bradford Y         23  212
    Glover         John                    Bradford Y         23  212
    Heaton         Henry                   Bradford Y         23  212
    Johnson        Mary                    Bradford Y         23  212
    Ross           Grace                   Bradford Y         23  212
    Coulton        Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  213
    Hartley        James                   Bradford Y         23  213
    Johnson        Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  213
    Sykes          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  213
    Walbank        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  213
    Coates         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  214
    Eddison        Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  214
    Fowler         Isaac                   Bradford Y         23  214
    Hargreaves     Jane                    Bradford Y         23  214
    Helliwell      John                    Bradford Y         23  214
    Hinchliffe     Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  214
    Lofthouse      Ann                     Bradford Y         23  214
    Newton         James                   Bradford Y         23  214
    Bolton         Reuben                  Bradford Y         23  215
    Collier        Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  215
    Hutton         Judith                  Bradford Y         23  215
    Maud           Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  215
    Popplewell     Jane                    Bradford Y         23  215
    Snow           Mary                    Bradford Y         23  215
    Sutcliffe      Joshua                  Bradford Y         23  215
    Whitfield      George                  Bradford Y         23  215
    Barnes         Betthia                 Bradford Y         23  216
    Dale           Martha                  Bradford Y         23  216
    Hainsworth     Wright                  Bradford Y         23  216
    Padgett        William                 Bradford Y         23  216
    Riley          Jane                    Bradford Y         23  216
    Southwell      Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  216
    Westerby       Richard                 Bradford Y         23  216
    Brooke         Jeremiah                Bradford Y         23  217
    Brown          Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  217
    Gibson         George                  Bradford Y         23  217
    Heap           Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  217
    Holgate        Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  217
    Moss           Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  217
    Smith          John                    Bradford Y         23  217
    Thorp          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  217
    Brewer         Harries                 Bradford Y         23  218
    Haley          Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  218
    Lobley         David                   Bradford Y         23  218
    Marshall       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  218
    Nichols        Ann                     Bradford Y         23  218
    Stainthorp     David                   Bradford Y         23  218
    Townson        Michael                 Bradford Y         23  218
    Wright         Jane                    Bradford Y         23  218
    Roberts        Rebecca                 Bradford Y         23  219
    Sowden         Jeremiah                Bradford Y         23  219
    Bennett        James                   Bradford Y         23  221
    Graham         Jane                    Bradford Y         23  221
    Green          David                   Bradford Y         23  223
    Whittaker      Emma                    Bradford Y         23  223
    Campbell       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  225
    Crossland      Priscilla               Bradford Y         23  225
    Smurthwaite    Robinson                Bradford Y         23  225
    Watson         Solomon                 Bradford Y         23  225
    Scott          Ann                     Bradford Y ?a      23  226
    Barnett        John                    Bradford Y         23  227
    Bell           Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  227
    Dixon          John                    Bradford Y         23  227
    Hanson         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  227
    Harrisson      John                    Bradford Y         23  227
    Heaton         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  227
    Thornton       Israel                  Bradford Y         23  227
    Young          Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  227
    Barron         James                   Bradford Y         23  228
    Bates          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  228
    Bell           Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  228
    Briggs         Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  228
    Holmes         Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  228
    Mortimer       Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  228
    Stead          Walker                  Bradford Y         23  228
    Wilcock        Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  228
    Brewerton      Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  229
    Gledhill       Nancy                   Bradford Y         23  229
    Manfield       Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  229
    Myers          Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  229
    Pullan         James                   Bradford Y         23  229
    Simpson        Robert                  Bradford Y         23  229
    Smith          William                 Bradford Y         23  229
    Stoner         John                    Bradford Y         23  229
    Abbott         Robert                  Bradford Y         23  231
    Ainley         Jane                    Bradford Y         23  231
    Albot          Robert                  Bradford Y         23  231
    Brestland      John                    Bradford Y         23  231
    Bretherick     Harriet                 Bradford Y         23  231
    Hardwick       Newton                  Bradford Y         23  231
    Marshall       Edmund                  Bradford Y         23  231
    Myers          Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  231
    Nichol         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  231
    Clarke         James                   Bradford Y         23  232
    Greenoff       Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  232
    Hartley        Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  232
    Mitchell       Mary                    Bradford Y         23  232
    Simpson        Henry                   Bradford Y         23  232
    Slater         Nancy                   Bradford Y         23  232
    Waddington     William                 Bradford Y         23  232
    Webster        Sarah Mary              Bradford Y         23  232
    Brook          John                    Bradford Y         23  233
    Haley          James                   Bradford Y         23  233
    Haley          Grace                   Bradford Y         23  233
    Hall           Stephen                 Bradford Y         23  233
    Hartley        Mary                    Bradford Y         23  233
    Peel           Caroline                Bradford Y         23  233
    Sutcliffe      Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  233
    Walker         Emanuel                 Bradford Y         23  233
    Asquith        Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  234
    Halliday       Israel                  Bradford Y         23  234
    Hartley        Jane                    Bradford Y         23  234
    Howden         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  234
    Longbottom     Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  234
    Mitchell       Joshua                  Bradford Y         23  234
    Whitehead      Maria                   Bradford Y         23  234
    Yates          John                    Bradford Y ?234    23  234
    Ackroyd        Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  235
    Bertherick     Benjamin                Bradford Y         23  235
    Briggs         Grace                   Bradford Y         23  235
    Clough         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  235
    Murgatroyd     Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  235
    Rinder         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  235
    Turner         Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  235
    Wallis         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  235
    Armitage       George                  Bradford Y         23  236
    Dixon          William                 Bradford Y         23  236
    Goodall        Anne                    Bradford Y         23  236
    Holdfield      Samuel                  Bradford Y         23  236
    Holdfield      Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  236
    Scholefield    Joseph                  Bradford Y         23  236
    Smith          Grace                   Bradford Y         23  236
    Taylor         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  236
    Holdsworth     Susanna                 Bradford Y         23  237
    Metcalf        George                  Bradford Y         23  237
    Handforth      Edward                  Bradford Y         23  238
    Kershaw        John                    Bradford Y         23  239
    Lister         Martha                  Bradford Y         23  239
    Bairstow       Martha                  Bradford Y         23  241
    Bates          George                  Bradford Y         23  241
    Collins        Frances                 Bradford Y         23  241
    Corbutt        Margaret                Bradford Y         23  241
    Lightowlers    John                    Bradford Y         23  241
    Lockwood       Merinda                 Bradford Y         23  241
    Rastrick       William                 Bradford Y         23  241
    Casey          Allice                  Bradford Y         23  243
    Dean           Elizabeth               Bradford Y ?243    23  243
    Gaunt          Sarah                   Bradford Y ?243    23  243
    Hanson         Ellen                   Bradford Y         23  243
    Healey         George                  Bradford Y ?243    23  243
    Lewis          John                    Bradford Y         23  243
    OBrien         James                   Bradford Y         23  243
    Scott          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  243
    Smith          John                    Bradford Y ?3      23  243
    Connor         William                 Bradford Y         23  244
    Hutton         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  244
    McNevin        Edward                  Bradford Y         23  244
    Mooney         Susannah                Bradford Y         23  244
    Rich           Jesse                   Bradford Y         23  244
    Shanon         Elizabeth               Bradford Y         23  244
    Smith          William                 Bradford Y         23  244
    Whitaker       Martha                  Bradford Y         23  244
    Bow            Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  245
    Conroy         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  245
    Cronin         Patrick                 Bradford Y         23  245
    Delany         Patrick                 Bradford Y ?245    23  245
    Hemingway      Jonas                   Bradford Y         23  245
    Hindle         Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  245
    Womersley      Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  245
    Woodcock       Richard                 Bradford Y         23  245
    Bagnett        James                   Bradford Y         23  246
    Barnes         Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  246
    Child          Jane                    Bradford Y         23  246
    Coss           Thomas                  Bradford Y ?246    23  246
    Dunn           Patrick                 Bradford Y         23  246
    Ellis          Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  246
    Kendrick       Ann                     Bradford Y         23  246
    Casey          Alice                   Bradford Y         23  247
    Conroy         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  247
    Conroy         Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  247
    Crowther       Caroline                Bradford Y         23  247
    Dunne          Patrick                 Bradford Y         23  247
    Kavanagh       Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  247
    Sheridan       John                    Bradford Y         23  247
    Stubbs         Francis                 Bradford Y         23  247
    Dewhirst       Eliza                   Bradford Y         23  248
    Foulds         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  248
    Haley          Jeremiah                Bradford Y         23  248
    Mills          James                   Bradford Y         23  248
    Palmer         Honora                  Bradford Y         23  248
    Smith          Dawson                  Bradford Y         23  248
    Tattersall     Jane                    Bradford Y         23  248
    Vanston        James                   Bradford Y         23  248
    Brennan        Thomas                  Bradford Y         23  249
    Brown          Mary                    Bradford Y         23  249
    Burns          Mary                    Bradford Y         23  249
    Carter         Ann                     Bradford Y         23  249
    Kirk           Henry                   Bradford Y         23  249
    Lord           Abraham                 Bradford Y         23  249
    McLaverty      Hannah                  Bradford Y         23  249
    Murphy         John                    Bradford Y         23  249
    Braysham       James Speight           Bradford Y         23  250
    Brown          Sarah                   Bradford Y         23  250
    Hartley        Sabina                  Bradford Y         23  250
    Hodgson        Mercy                   Bradford Y         23  250
    Hyde           William Richard         Bradford Y         23  250
    Marshall       William                 Bradford Y         23  250
    Stanley        William                 Bradford Y         23  250
    Terence        Catherine               Bradford Y         23  250
    Lee            John                    Bradford Y         23  251
    Marshall       Jonathan                Bradford Y         23  251
    McLaurin       Andrew Scott            Bradford Y         23  251
    Milligan       Phoebe                  Bradford Y         23  251
    Smith          Margaret                Bradford Y         23  251
    Thompson       James                   Bradford Y         23  251
    Turner         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  251
    Yeadon         Mary                    Bradford Y         23  251
    Ashton         John                    Goole              23  253
    Cook           Mary                    Goole              23  253
    Scott          John                    Goole              23  253
    West           Hannah                  Goole              23  253
    Brown          William                 Goole              23  255
    Cooper         Martha                  Goole              23  255
    Harper         Sarah                   Goole              23  255
    Loweth         Mary Frances            Goole              23  255
    Mitchel        Joseph                  Goole              23  255
    Wressel        William                 Goole              23  255
    Coy            Martha                  Goole              23  257
    Harrison       James                   Goole              23  257
    Nunns          Thomas                  Goole              23  259
    Tattersall     Martha                  Goole              23  259
    Bayes          Hannah                  Goole              23  261
    Bayes          Hannah                  Goole              23  261
    Clayton        Charlotte               Goole              23  261
    Harrison       Sarah                   Goole              23  261
    Jackson        Duke                    Goole              23  261
    Jenkinson      Eliza                   Goole              23  261
    Oxley          John                    Goole              23  261
    Sprakes        James                   Goole              23  261
    Staniforth     Henry                   Goole              23  261
    Arrand         Betty                   Goole              23  262
    Beavers        Thomas                  Goole              23  262
    Bramby         Maria                   Goole              23  262
    Cleminson      John                    Goole              23  262
    Graves         James                   Goole              23  262
    Smith          Ann                     Goole              23  262
    Stones         Mary                    Goole              23  262
    Taylor         Joseph                  Goole              23  262
    Coggan         Cornelius               Goole              23  263
    Green          Duke                    Goole              23  263
    Holdsworth     William                 Goole              23  263
    Maskill        Hannah                  Goole              23  263
    Mitchell       John Moore              Goole              23  263
    Priestly       Elizabeth               Goole              23  263
    Thompson       Mary Ann Wilson         Goole              23  263
    Langhorn       Richard                 Goole              23  264
    Maskill        Robert                  Goole              23  264
    Sayles         Betsy                   Goole              23  264
    Turton         Mary Ann                Goole              23  264
    Duckles        Hannah                  Goole              23  265
    Mason          George Riggol           Goole              23  265
    England        Robert                  Goole              23  267
    Gravell        William                 Goole              23  267
    Greenfield     Mary                    Goole              23  267
    Laverack       Mary Ann                Goole              23  267
    Haylor         David                   Goole              23  269
    Howdall        Fanny                   Goole              23  269
    Howdall        Famey                   Goole [Brdfd Yks]  23  269
    Sawyer         Mary                    Goole              23  269
    Thorndike      Lydia Ann               Goole              23  269
    Ward           William                 Goole              23  269
    Ward           Thomas                  Goole              23  269
    Dowding        Ann                     Hunslet            23  271
    Whitaker       William                 Hunslet            23  271
    Greaves        Frances                 Hunslet            23  273
    Townend        George                  Hunslet            23  273
    Morris         Hannah                  Hunslet            23  275
    Reynch         John                    Hunslet            23  275
    Dean           Frances                 Hunslet            23  277
    Nicholson      Henry                   Hunslet            23  277
    Birdsell       Sarah                   Hunslet            23  279
    Brownbridge    Eliza                   Hunslet            23  279
    Campbell       Jane                    Hunslet            23  279
    Hinsley        Helen                   Hunslet            23  279
    Russell        Robert                  Hunslet            23  279
    Scholes        George                  Hunslet            23  279
    Shipman        Richard                 Hunslet ?7         23  279
    Wilson         John                    Hunslet            23  279
    English        James                   Hunslet            23  280
    Hudswell       Edwin                   Hunslet            23  280
    Rushton        Jane                    Hunslet            23  280
    Taylor         Mary                    Hunslet            23  280
    Barnes         Jane                    Hunslet            23  281
    Exley          Joseph                  Hunslet            23  281
    Hastings       Catharine               Hunslet            23  281
    Settle         William                 Hunslet            23  281
    Tattersfield   Daniel                  Hunslet            23  281
    Thompson       Esther                  Hunslet            23  281
    Clough         John Sharper            Hunslet            23  283
    Field          Betty                   Hunslet            23  283
    Fox            William                 Hunslet            23  283
    Lake           Edmund Healey           Hunslet            23  283
    Smith          Sarah                   Hunslet            23  283
    Theakstone     Sarah                   Hunslet            23  283
    Walker         Ann                     Hunslet            23  283
    Ward           William                 Hunslet            23  283
    Ward           Isaac                   Hunslet            23  283
    Barker         John                    Hunslet            23  284
    Gibson         Maria                   Hunslet            23  284
    Milner         Thomas                  Hunslet            23  284
    Mountain       Ann                     Hunslet            23  284
    Richardson     Edward                  Hunslet            23  284
    Sedgwick       John                    Hunslet            23  284
    Slingsby       Sarah                   Hunslet            23  284
    Watson         Sarah                   Hunslet            23  284
    Allan          Alice                   Hunslet            23  285
    Ambler         Abraham                 Hunslet            23  285
    Bedford        David                   Hunslet            23  285
    Charlesworth   Mary                    Hunslet            23  285
    Gelder         Martha                  Hunslet            23  285
    Harris         Sarah                   Hunslet            23  285
    Stephenson     Michael                 Hunslet            23  285
    Comins         Cooper                  Hunslet            23  286
    Hale           John                    Hunslet            23  286
    Ingham         Sarah                   Hunslet            23  286
    Jowett         John                    Hunslet            23  286
    Killingbeck    Penelope                Hunslet            23  286
    Metcalfe       Margaret                Hunslet            23  286
    Risby          William                 Hunslet            23  286
    Smith          Hannah                  Hunslet            23  286
    Gouldthorp     Mary                    Hunslet            23  287
    Varley         George                  Hunslet            23  287
    Buckhout?      Mary Ann                Hunslet            23  289
    Thackray       Mary                    Hunslet            23  289
    Wardrobe       Charles                 Hunslet            23  289
    Whanam         Thomas                  Hunslet            23  289
    Oldman         Charlotte Susannah      Hunslet            23  291
    Turner         Joseph                  Hunslet            23  291
    Longthorne     Mary Ann                Hunslet            23  293
    Mathers        William                 Hunslet            23  293
    Shaw           Sarah                   Hunslet            23  295
    Westerman      George                  Hunslet            23  295
    Barker         William                 Hunslet            23  297
    Booth          John                    Hunslet            23  297
    Coates         William Crosby          Hunslet            23  297
    Craven         Mary                    Hunslet            23  297
    Halliday       Rebecca                 Hunslet            23  297
    Mathers        Sarah Ann               Hunslet            23  297
    Mills          Eliza                   Hunslet            23  297
    Stead          Thomas                  Hunslet            23  297
    Arundale       Sarah                   Hunslet            23  298
    Croft          James [?]               Hunslet            23  298
    Holmes         Thomas                  Hunslet            23  298
    Milnes         Sarah                   Hunslet            23  298
    Hyde           Isabella                Hunslet            23  299
    Perkin         Benjamin Bramham        Hunslet            23  299
    Tate           Thomas                  Hunslet            23  299
    White          Jane                    Hunslet            23  299
    Dyson          John                    Hunslet            23  301
    Eeroyd         William                 Hunslet            23  301
    Jackson        Bevers                  Hunslet            23  301
    Linsley        Sarah                   Hunslet            23  301
    Stansfield     Elizabeth               Hunslet            23  301
    Tew            Susanna                 Hunslet            23  301
    Broadley       Robert                  Keighley           23  303
    Edmundson      James                   Keighley           23  303
    Lancaster      Eliza                   Keighley           23  303
    Sidney         Jane                    Keighley           23  303
    Smith          Jennet                  Keighley           23  303
    Sutcliffe      Hannah                  Keighley           23  303
    Wilkinson      Thomas                  Keighley           23  303
    Butterfield    Harriet                 Keighley           23  304
    Butterfield    Sarah                   Keighley           23  304
    Driver         Betty                   Keighley           23  304
    Foulds         Srah                    Keighley           23  304
    Mitchell       Thomas                  Keighley           23  304
    Sugden         Thomas                  Keighley           23  304
    Turner         Abel                    Keighley           23  304
    Wright         John                    Keighley           23  304
    Dickenson      Mary                    Keighley           23  305
    Fortune        John                    Keighley           23  305
    Garrett        Christopher             Keighley           23  305
    Haigh          Thomas                  Keighley           23  305
    Horsfield      Mary                    Keighley           23  305
    Naylor         James                   Keighley           23  305
    White          Margaret                Keighley           23  305
    Wilson         Sarah Ann               Keighley           23  305
    Bailey         John                    Keighley           23  306
    Brigg          Joshua                  Keighley           23  306
    Butler         William                 Keighley           23  306
    Craven         Sarah                   Keighley           23  306
    Midgley        Martha                  Keighley           23  306
    Mitchell       Betty                   Keighley           23  306
    Robertshaw     John                    Keighley           23  306
    Stockton       Eliza                   Keighley           23  306
    Hainsworth     Charles Hartley         Keighley           23  307
    Moore          Ann                     Keighley           23  307
    Allison        William                 Keighley           23  309
    Bancroft       Hartley                 Keighley           23  309
    Booth          Mary                    Keighley           23  309
    Burwin         Priscilla               Keighley           23  309
    Dawson         Joseph                  Keighley           23  309
    Feather        Mary                    Keighley           23  309
    Hey            John                    Keighley           23  309
    Nicholson      Mary                    Keighley           23  309
    Bancroft       Rebecca                 Keighley           23  310
    Wright         Edward                  Keighley           23  310
    Cockroft       Henry                   Keighley           23  311
    Greenwood      William Wright          Keighley           23  311
    Holgate        Sarah                   Keighley           23  311
    Mitchell       John                    Keighley           23  311
    Pickard        Susannah                Keighley           23  311
    Roberts        Ann                     Keighley           23  311
    Slater         John                    Keighley           23  311
    Wilkinson      Elizabeth               Keighley           23  311
    Glover         Mary                    Keighley           23  312
    Haggas         Samuel                  Keighley           23  312
    Hudson         Sarah                   Keighley           23  312
    Northrop       Joseph                  Keighley           23  312
    Pickles        Richard                 Keighley           23  312
    Robinson       Hannah                  Keighley           23  312
    Whitfield      Thomas                  Keighley           23  312
    Wood           Betty                   Keighley           23  312
    Batty          Harriet                 Keighley           23  313
    Clapham        Joseph                  Keighley           23  313
    Crowther       Midgley                 Keighley           23  313
    Empson         Charles                 Keighley           23  313
    Glover         Elizabeth               Keighley           23  313
    Merrall        Sarah                   Keighley           23  313
    Rishworth      Thomas                  Keighley           23  313
    Shackleton     Elizabeth               Keighley           23  313
    Wade           John                    Keighley           23  313
    Atkinson       William                 Keighley           23  314
    Miller         Benjamin                Keighley           23  314
    Oliver         Ann                     Keighley           23  314
    Sharp          William                 Keighley           23  314
    Thornton       Margaret                Keighley           23  314
    Waterhouse     Hannah                  Keighley           23  314
    Clarkson       John                    Keighley           23  315
    Cockshot       Ann                     Keighley           23  315
    Gott           Isaac                   Keighley           23  315
    Longbottom     Elizabeth               Keighley           23  315
    Conolly        Catherine               Keighley           23  317
    Haley          Mary                    Keighley           23  317
    Laycock        Mary                    Keighley           23  317
    Ogden          Mary                    Keighley           23  317
    OHara          Thomas                  Keighley           23  317
    OHarra         Thomas                  Keighley           23  317
    Tempest        John                    Keighley           23  317
    Watson         William                 Keighley           23  317
    Akeroyd        William Sugden          Keighley           23  318
    Binns          William                 Keighley           23  318
    Bowler         Emma                    Keighley           23  318
    Haggas         Charles                 Keighley           23  318
    Mattock        John                    Keighley           23  318
    Smith          Sarah                   Keighley           23  318
    Taylor         Allison                 Keighley           23  318
    Wright         Ann                     Keighley           23  318
    Aykroyd        James                   Keighley           23  319
    Binns          Sarah                   Keighley           23  319
    Dean           Edwin                   Keighley           23  319
    Dugdale        William                 Keighley           23  319
    Hattersley     Jane                    Keighley           23  319
    Phillips       Grace                   Keighley           23  319
    Riley          John                    Keighley           23  319
    Simpson        Elizabeth               Keighley           23  319
    Barrett        Patrick                 Keighley           23  321
    Clayton        Ellen Law               Keighley           23  321
    Craven         John                    Keighley           23  321
    Hollingdrake   Harriett                Keighley           23  321
    Moulding       Ann                     Keighley           23  321
    Rhodes         Benjamin                Keighley           23  321
    Stansfield     James                   Keighley           23  321
    Welsh          Catherine               Keighley           23  321
    Briggs         James                   Keighley           23  322
    Craven         Matilda                 Keighley           23  322
    Graham         Christopher             Knaresbro          23  323
    Newbold        Mary Ann                Knaresbro          23  323
    Barker         Jane                    Knaresbro          23  325
    Ellis          William                 Knaresbro          23  325
    Knowles        Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  325
    Spink          Elizabeth               Knaresbro          23  325
    Boldinson      Sarah                   Knaresbro          23  327
    Dobby          Robert (3437/S)         Knaresbro          23  327
    Holmes         Sarah                   Knaresbro          23  329
    Thorpe         John                    Knaresbro          23  329
    Cawood         Mary                    Knaresbro          23  331
    Wright         Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  331
    Holmes         Charles                 Knaresbro ?323     23  333
    Horner         Eliza                   Knaresbro          23  333
    Renton         Jane                    Knaresbro          23  333
    Willey         Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  333
    Bake           Margaret                Knaresbro ?333     23  335
    Farnhill       Sarah                   Knaresbro          23  335
    Horsman        Juliana                 Knaresbro          23  335
    Johnson        Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  335
    Lupton         William Clark           Knaresbro          23  335
    Ryder          William                 Knaresbro          23  335
    Smith          Ann                     Knaresbro          23  335
    Steel          Amelia                  Knaresbro ?5       23  335
    Tennant        Robert                  Knaresbro          23  335
    Corker         Robert                  Knaresbro          23  336
    Davison        Richard                 Knaresbro          23  336
    Garth          Marianne                Knaresbro          23  336
    Matterson      Emma                    Knaresbro          23  336
    Thompson       Mary Ann                Knaresbro          23  336
    Thompson       Elizabeth               Knaresbro          23  336
    Watson         Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  336
    Wray           Nicholas                Knaresbro          23  336
    Abbey          Richard                 Knaresbro          23  337
    Fairbank       Sarah                   Knaresbro          23  337
    Holmes         Mary Ann                Knaresbro          23  337
    Knowlson       Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  337
    Mangham        Joseph                  Knaresbro          23  337
    Paley          Mary                    Knaresbro          23  337
    Payler         Elizabeth               Knaresbro          23  337
    Waddington     William                 Knaresbro          23  337
    Whipp          Henry                   Knaresbro          23  338
    Anderson       Margaret                Knaresbro          23  339
    Anderson       Mary                    Knaresbro          23  339
    Davis          Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  339
    Foster         Allen                   Knaresbro          23  339
    Burrill        Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  341
    Burrill        Susannah                Knaresbro          23  341
    De Ferrieres   Franciscus H A J DuBois Knaresbro          23  341
    Williamson     Grace                   Knaresbro          23  341
    Cullingworth   Catherine               Knaresbro          23  343
    Precious       George                  Knaresbro          23  343
    Buckhout?      Elizabeth               Knaresbro          23  345
    Daniel         Laurence                Knaresbro          23  345
    Kendal         James                   Knaresbro          23  345
    Styan          Mary Ann                Knaresbro          23  345
    Barrow         Richard                 Knaresbro          23  347
    Brooks         Diana                   Knaresbro          23  347
    Hardisty       Eliza                   Knaresbro          23  349
    Houseman       Mary Ann                Knaresbro          23  349
    King           John                    Knaresbro          23  349
    Lambert        Maria                   Knaresbro          23  349
    Lofthouse      William                 Knaresbro          23  349
    Smith          William                 Knaresbro          23  349
    Swale          Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  349
    Wilks          Mary Ann                Knaresbro          23  349
    Beckwith       Ellen                   Knaresbro          23  350
    Booth          Miles                   Knaresbro          23  350
    Hawkridge      Fanny                   Knaresbro          23  350
    Horner         Mary                    Knaresbro          23  350
    Metcalfe       George                  Knaresbro          23  350
    Sharpe         Matthew                 Knaresbro          23  350
    Smith          Ann                     Knaresbro          23  350
    Wilson         Thomas                  Knaresbro          23  350
    Ewbank         Robert                  Knaresbro          23  351
    Hallaways      Charlotte               Knaresbro          23  351
    Jennings       Jane                    Knaresbro          23  351
    Wheelhouse     Matthew                 Knaresbro          23  351
    Hopwood        Mary                    Leeds              23  353
    Humphrey       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  353
    Tallant        Edward Harvey           Leeds              23  353
    Wright         William                 Leeds              23  353
    Axten          Anne Sophia Elizabeth   Leeds              23  355
    Dent           Anne                    Leeds              23  355
    Fletcher       John Gerard             Leeds              23  355
    Hutchinson     Elizabeth               Leeds              23  355
    Mann           William                 Leeds              23  355
    Pearson        Thomas                  Leeds              23  355
    Smith          Jemima Mary             Leeds              23  355
    Birdsall       Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  356
    Broadley       James                   Leeds              23  356
    Giles          William                 Leeds              23  356
    Grant          Sarah                   Leeds              23  356
    Hanson         Eliza                   Leeds              23  356
    Hinchliff      Benjamin                Leeds              23  356
    Scarth         Sarah                   Leeds              23  356
    Scholes        Thomas                  Leeds              23  356
    Atkinson       Ann                     Leeds              23  357
    Burland        Sarah                   Leeds              23  357
    Caklip         Thomas                  Leeds              23  357
    Demaine        Amos                    Leeds              23  357
    Edmonson       George                  Leeds              23  357
    Nicholson      Priscilla               Leeds              23  357
    Russell        Dorothy                 Leeds              23  357
    Townend        David                   Leeds              23  357
    Crowther       William                 Leeds              23  359
    Dove           Christopher John        Leeds              23  359
    England        Priscilla               Leeds              23  359
    Fox            William                 Leeds              23  359
    Garth          John                    Leeds              23  359
    Green          Louisa                  Leeds              23  359
    Moah           Joseph                  Leeds              23  359
    Owen           Isabella                Leeds              23  359
    Prince         Emma                    Leeds              23  359
    Bolton         Mary                    Leeds              23  360
    Buck           Jane                    Leeds              23  360
    Cout           Frances                 Leeds              23  360
    Dobeson        Nathaniel William       Leeds              23  360
    Smith          William                 Leeds              23  360
    Thomson        Sarah Best              Leeds              23  360
    West           Joseph Ellis            Leeds              23  360
    Holker         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  361
    Walsh          Henry                   Leeds              23  361
    Large          Susannah                Leeds              23  363
    Lister         Hannah                  Leeds              23  363
    Monkman        John                    Leeds              23  363
    Shires         William                 Leeds              23  363
    Taylor         Enoch                   Leeds              23  363
    Turton         Rachel                  Leeds              23  363
    Westmoreland   Samuel                  Leeds              23  363
    Woodhead       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  363
    Chapman        Sarah                   Leeds              23  364
    Fisher         Maria                   Leeds              23  364
    Gaunt          John                    Leeds              23  364
    Gill           Mary                    Leeds              23  364
    Glover         Hannah                  Leeds              23  364
    Hartley        Benjamin                Leeds              23  364
    Jennings       Robert                  Leeds              23  364
    Rhodes         William                 Leeds              23  364
    Barrans        James Lee               Leeds              23  365
    Burnley        Emma                    Leeds              23  365
    Hallewell      Thomas                  Leeds              23  365
    Sharp          Sarah                   Leeds              23  365
    Vallett        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  365
    Wainwright     Mary Ann                Leeds              23  365
    Westerman      Thomas                  Leeds              23  365
    Wilkinson      Thomas Holmes           Leeds              23  365
    Crawshaw       Thomas                  Leeds              23  366
    Gill           Thomas                  Leeds              23  366
    Hargrave       William                 Leeds ?366         23  366
    Holliday       Maria                   Leeds              23  366
    Overend        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  366
    Penny          John                    Leeds              23  366
    Ragg           Harriet                 Leeds              23  366
    Thewlis        Ann                     Leeds              23  366
    Wild           William                 Leeds              23  366
    Armitage       Thomas Sean             Leeds              23  367
    Brook          William Stenfield       Leeds              23  367
    Holdsworth     Mary                    Leeds              23  367
    Martin         Richard                 Leeds              23  367
    Oddy           Mary                    Leeds              23  367
    Palmer         Richard                 Leeds              23  367
    Rider          Mary                    Leeds              23  367
    Sutcliff       Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  367
    Clayton        Leah                    Leeds              23  368
    Foster         Henry                   Leeds              23  368
    Hanson         Hannah                  Leeds              23  368
    Lightfoot      John                    Leeds              23  368
    Lister         John                    Leeds              23  368
    Rogers         Ann                     Leeds              23  368
    Sugden         Robert Allen            Leeds              23  368
    Walker         Mary                    Leeds              23  368
    Anderson       James                   Leeds              23  369
    Ingle          James                   Leeds              23  369
    Pindar         Ellen                   Leeds              23  369
    Proctor        George                  Leeds              23  369
    Samuels        David                   Leeds              23  369
    Smith          Elizabeth               Leeds              23  369
    Webster        Anne                    Leeds              23  369
    Wormald        Betty                   Leeds              23  369
    Anson          William                 Leeds              23  370
    Batt           George                  Leeds              23  370
    Clark          Ellen                   Leeds              23  370
    Crowther       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  370
    Denison        Margaret                Leeds              23  370
    Hardisty       Charles                 Leeds              23  370
    Oneill         John                    Leeds              23  370
    Woodhead       Mary                    Leeds              23  370
    Bailey         Susannah                Leeds              23  371
    Barrett        Maria                   Leeds              23  371
    Dawson         Jesse                   Leeds              23  371
    Hammond        Christopher             Leeds              23  371
    Parker         Charles                 Leeds              23  371
    Richardson     John                    Leeds              23  371
    Sykes          Joan                    Leeds              23  371
    Thornton       Ellen                   Leeds              23  371
    Walker         Martha                  Leeds              23  371
    Andrews        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  372
    Brooks         Thomas                  Leeds              23  372
    Firth          John                    Leeds              23  372
    Jackson        Charlotte               Leeds              23  372
    Lamb           Hannah                  Leeds              23  372
    Rhodes         Moses                   Leeds              23  372
    Rider          Mary                    Leeds              23  372
    Walker         James                   Leeds              23  372
    Astbury        William                 Leeds              23  373
    Chatterton     Elizabeth               Leeds              23  373
    Dawson         Margaret                Leeds              23  373
    Halmshaw       George Charles Quarmby  Leeds              23  373
    Howard         Sarah                   Leeds              23  373
    Mitchell       John                    Leeds              23  373
    Waterston      Jane                    Leeds              23  373
    Whitaker       Thomas                  Leeds              23  373
    Whitehead      Henry                   Leeds              23  373
    Barraclough    Martha                  Leeds              23  374
    Best           John William            Leeds              23  374
    Calvert        George                  Leeds              23  374
    Ewing          Mary                    Leeds              23  374
    Jennings       Ann                     Leeds              23  374
    Read           David                   Leeds              23  374
    Stewart        Emma Smith              Leeds              23  374
    Walker         Thomas                  Leeds              23  374
    Brumfitt       Joseph                  Leeds              23  375
    Coop           Alice                   Leeds              23  375
    Dawson         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  375
    Gardner        Thomas                  Leeds              23  375
    Hartley        Ruth                    Leeds              23  375
    Logg           James                   Leeds              23  375
    Macintosh      Mary                    Leeds              23  375
    Bell           Ellen                   Leeds              23  376
    Burrow         Ann                     Leeds              23  376
    Cairns         William                 Leeds              23  376
    Callagan       Mary                    Leeds              23  376
    Horn           Catherine               Leeds              23  376
    Jennings       Richard                 Leeds              23  376
    Keefe          John                    Leeds              23  376
    Seed           Thomas                  Leeds              23  376
    Bell           William                 Leeds              23  377
    Dixon          Catherine               Leeds              23  377
    Hughes         Harriet                 Leeds              23  377
    Marwood        Mary                    Leeds              23  377
    Moore          Maria                   Leeds              23  377
    Saxton         Charles                 Leeds              23  377
    Wood           William                 Leeds              23  377
    Brook          Sarah                   Leeds              23  378
    Coghlan        Michael                 Leeds              23  378
    Leuty          John Richardson         Leeds              23  378
    Newland        Thomas                  Leeds              23  378
    Parker         Henry                   Leeds              23  378
    Reader         Hannah                  Leeds              23  378
    Senior         Mary Ann                Leeds              23  378
    Tanner         Harriet                 Leeds              23  378
    Illingworth    John                    Leeds              23  379
    Knowles        Emmaline                Leeds              23  379
    Lucas          John                    Leeds              23  379
    Rhodes         Christiana              Leeds              23  379
    Sadler         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  379
    Stephenson     Joseph                  Leeds              23  379
    Sykes          William Henry           Leeds              23  379
    Waterworth     Ann                     Leeds              23  379
    Austin         Martha                  Leeds              23  380
    Booth          Hannah                  Leeds              23  380
    Clay           Henry                   Leeds              23  380
    Crowther       Thomas                  Leeds              23  380
    France         William                 Leeds              23  380
    Lees           Sarah                   Leeds              23  380
    Mitchinson     Sarah Augusta           Leeds              23  380
    Wilson         James                   Leeds              23  380
    Crossley       Richard                 Leeds              23  381
    Dean           Thomas                  Leeds              23  381
    Hebden         James                   Leeds              23  381
    Heglington     Mary                    Leeds              23  381
    Litherland     Thomas                  Leeds              23  381
    Robson         Ann                     Leeds              23  381
    Smith          Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  381
    Threapleton    Elizabeth               Leeds              23  381
    Berwick        William                 Leeds              23  382
    Dixon          Elizabeth Ann           Leeds              23  382
    Eden           William                 Leeds              23  382
    Mosby          Mary Ann                Leeds              23  382
    Pennington     Joseph                  Leeds              23  382
    Saunders       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  382
    Westerman      Ann                     Leeds              23  382
    Wilson         George                  Leeds              23  382
    Arandle        Sarah                   Leeds              23  383
    Collison       Thomas                  Leeds              23  383
    Dean           Frederick               Leeds              23  383
    Dewhirst       Martha                  Leeds              23  383
    Dixon          John                    Leeds              23  383
    Riding         Mary                    Leeds              23  383
    Teale          Joseph                  Leeds              23  383
    Worfolk        Ellen                   Leeds              23  383
    Collinge       Samuel                  Leeds              23  384
    Gilpin         Susannah Thomasin       Leeds              23  384
    Jackson        Edward Almond           Leeds              23  384
    Kendrew        Robert                  Leeds              23  384
    Riley          Mary                    Leeds              23  384
    Swale          Thomas                  Leeds              23  384
    Walker         Frances                 Leeds              23  384
    Walker         Alice                   Leeds              23  384
    Bracewell      Henry                   Leeds              23  385
    Courtney       Mary                    Leeds              23  385
    Foster         Joseph                  Leeds              23  385
    Hawkhead       William                 Leeds              23  385
    Heslop         Ann                     Leeds              23  385
    Lawson         John                    Leeds              23  385
    Shepherd       Mary Ann                Leeds ?385         23  385
    Sowden         Mercy                   Leeds              23  385
    Burgoyne       Richard                 Leeds              23  386
    Eddison        Henry                   Leeds              23  386
    Fothergill     Jane                    Leeds              23  386
    Geldart        John                    Leeds              23  386
    Hall           Eliza                   Leeds              23  386
    Sunderland     Harriet                 Leeds              23  386
    Wainwright     Hephzibah               Leeds              23  386
    Walker         William Joseph          Leeds              23  386
    Brearley       Mary Ann                Leeds              23  387
    Brook          John                    Leeds              23  387
    Brown          William                 Leeds              23  387
    Cawood         Kezia Ann               Leeds              23  387
    Dixon          Joseph                  Leeds              23  387
    Greenwood      Joseph                  Leeds              23  387
    Jackson        Martha                  Leeds              23  387
    Royston        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  387
    Briskill       Mary Ann                Leeds              23  388
    Brook          Sarah                   Leeds              23  388
    Geldart        William                 Leeds              23  388
    Greenwood      Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  388
    Ross           Joshua                  Leeds              23  388
    Syer           Eliza                   Leeds              23  388
    Thompson       John                    Leeds              23  388
    Ward           John                    Leeds              23  388
    Addinall       Mary                    Leeds              23  389
    Duke           Frances                 Leeds              23  389
    Gatehouse      Charles                 Leeds              23  389
    King           Sarah                   Leeds              23  389
    Pratt          James                   Leeds              23  389
    Stewart        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  389
    Whiteley       Jabez                   Leeds              23  389
    Hudson         Michael                 Leeds              23  390
    Iles           Margaret                Leeds              23  390
    Johnson        Hannah                  Leeds              23  390
    Johnson        William                 Leeds              23  390
    Pease          Mary                    Leeds              23  390
    Robinson       Thomas                  Leeds              23  390
    West           Priscilla               Leeds              23  390
    Blackburn      Jane                    Leeds              23  391
    Cass           Mary                    Leeds              23  391
    Lister         William                 Leeds              23  391
    Martin         William                 Leeds              23  391
    Morton         Sarah                   Leeds              23  391
    Wade           Martha                  Leeds              23  391
    Walker         James                   Leeds              23  391
    Wood           George                  Keeds              23  391
    Brownbridge    Jane                    Leeds              23  392
    Duffield       Christopher             Leeds              23  392
    Firth          John                    Leeds              23  392
    Ingleby        Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  392
    Secker         Martha                  Leeds              23  392
    Taylor         Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  392
    White          John                    Leeds              23  392
    Wilson         Enoch                   Leeds              23  392
    Bilton         Edward                  Leeds              23  393
    Child          Sarah                   Leeds              23  393
    Lawson         Jabez Fishburn          Leeds              23  393
    Mann           Benjamin Fairfax        Leeds              23  393
    Naylor         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  393
    Perelli        John                    Leeds              23  393
    Sommerfield    Ellen                   Leeds              23  393
    Woodhouse      Margaret                Leeds              23  393
    Clough         Jeremiah                Leeds              23  394
    Dixon          Sarah                   Leeds              23  394
    Lapish         William                 Leeds              23  394
    Marshall       Mary                    Leeds              23  394
    Rostron        Richard                 Leeds              23  394
    Saville        Jane Ann                Leeds              23  394
    Thompson       Sarah                   Leeds              23  394
    Westwood       Charles                 Leeds              23  394
    Ackroyd        Thomas                  Leeds              23  395
    Chadwick       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  395
    Clark          Mary                    Leeds              23  395
    Gibson         Margaret                Leeds              23  395
    Hanson         Mary                    Leeds              23  395
    Hawthorn       Stephen                 Leeds              23  395
    Hemingway      William                 Leeds              23  395
    Inman          Jeremiah                Leeds              23  395
    Lee            Henry                   Leeds              23  395
    Dean           Ann                     Leeds              23  396
    Dodgson        Mary Ann                Leeds              23  396
    Holroyd        Thomas                  Leeds              23  396
    Mitchell       Jane                    Leeds              23  396
    Murfin         Joseph                  Leeds              23  396
    Ogden          James                   Leeds              23  396
    Sugden         Eliza                   Leeds              23  396
    Wilkinson      William                 Leeds              23  396
    Barber         Ann                     Leeds              23  397
    Bell           Margaret                Leeds              23  397
    Cheesborough   Faith                   Leeds ?397         23  397
    Foster         Alfred                  Leeds              23  397
    Morton         Isabella                Leeds              23  397
    Oates          Stephen                 Leeds              23  397
    Teale          Annis                   Leeds              23  397
    Turner         Joseph                  Leeds              23  397
    Ward           David                   Leeds              23  397
    Broughton      Harriet                 Leeds              23  398
    Hall           Charles                 Leeds              23  398
    Ingham         Bessy Elizabeth         Leeds              23  398
    Pickersgill    Charlotte               Leeds              23  398
    Rhodes         John                    Leeds              23  398
    Smith          Sarah Brown             Leeds              23  398
    Spour          Abraham                 Leeds              23  398
    Wilson         William                 Leeds              23  398
    Batley         Rhoda                   Leeds              23  399
    Brown          Peter                   Leeds              23  399
    Emmott         Mary Ann                Leeds              23  399
    Hartley        William                 Leeds              23  399
    Holt           Edward                  Leeds              23  399
    Smart          Charles                 Leeds              23  399
    Wright         Maria                   Leeds              23  399
    Buckle         Eliza                   Leeds              23  400
    Clark          Hannah                  Leeds              23  400
    Naylor         Ann                     Leeds              23  400
    Peacock        Mary                    Leeds ?400         23  400
    Short          Jesse                   Leeds              23  400
    Thompson       Thomas                  Leeds              23  400
    Willis         Henery (sic)            Leeds ?400         23  400
    Broadbent      Benjamin                Leeds              23  401
    Connell        Peter                   Leeds              23  401
    Green          Hannah Maria            Leeds              23  401
    Hesp           Elizabeth               Leeds              23  401
    Hopton         Amelia                  Leeds              23  401
    Nicholson      John                    Leeds              23  401
    Swaine         Joseph                  Leeds              23  401
    Walker         William                 Leeds              23  401
    Walton         Ellen                   Leeds              23  401
    Beecroft       John Thomas             Leeds              23  402
    Coop           John                    Leeds              23  402
    Cran           Mary Elizabeth Forbes   Leeds              23  402
    Eckels         William                 Leeds              23  402
    Keightley      Maria                   Leeds              23  402
    Manners        Sarah                   Leeds              23  402
    Mitchell       William                 Leeds              23  402
    Moss           Nancy                   Leeds              23  402
    Caygill        James                   Leeds              23  403
    Child          Frederick               Leeds              23  403
    Crowther       John                    Leeds              23  403
    Moore          Beatris                 Leeds              23  403
    Pemberton      Helen                   Leeds              23  403
    Rainsley       Hannah                  Leeds              23  403
    Storey         Sarah                   Leeds              23  403
    Tomlinson      Marmaduke               Leeds              23  403
    Arson          Abraham                 Leeds              23  404
    Begley         Mary                    Leeds              23  404
    Fearnley       John                    Leeds              23  404
    Moor           Thomas                  Leeds              23  404
    Robinson       Mary                    Leeds              23  404
    Salter         Robert                  Leeds              23  404
    Whiley         Jane                    Leeds              23  404
    Wright         Ann                     Leeds              23  404
    Bywater        Jane                    Leeds              23  405
    Lucas          Sophia                  Leeds              23  405
    Myers          Thomas                  Leeds              23  405
    Peacock        Joseph                  Leeds              23  405
    Potter         Samuel                  Leeds              23  405
    Robshaw        Samuel                  Leeds              23  405
    Rogers         Martha                  Leeds ?5           23  405
    Wainwright     Sarah                   Leeds              23  405
    Cattons        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  406
    Goodall        Rachell                 Leeds              23  406
    Manks          Leopold George FrederickLeeds              23  406
    Nichols        Hannah                  Leeds              23  406
    Silcock        Robert                  Leeds              23  406
    Stockdale      Ann                     Leeds              23  406
    Benton         Martha                  Leeds              23  407
    Britton        Samuel                  Leeds              23  407
    Elsworth       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  407
    Johnson        Joseph                  Leeds              23  407
    Liddle         Mary Ann Pullan         Leeds              23  407
    Lupton         William                 Leeds              23  407
    Newsome        Emma                    Leeds              23  407
    Pilkington     John                    Leeds              23  407
    Ball           Ann                     Leeds              23  408
    Boocock        Charles                 Leeds              23  408
    Braithwaite    Sarah                   Leeds              23  408
    Macanara       Nancy                   Leeds              23  408
    Macanara       James                   Leeds              23  408
    Taylor         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  408
    Walton         George                  Leeds              23  408
    Wilkinson      William Potter          Leeds              23  408
    Anderson       John                    Leeds              23  409
    Brooks         Thomas                  Leeds ?409         23  409
    Chambers       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  409
    Cullingworth   William                 Leeds              23  409
    Davis          William                 Leeds ?407         23  409
    Haigh          Mary Ann                Leeds              23  409
    Pollard        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  409
    Sharp          Jane                    Leeds              23  409
    Birch          George                  Leeds              23  410
    Brumfit        John                    Leeds              23  410
    Fleming        Samuel Mozley           Leeds              23  410
    Halliday       Harriet                 Leeds              23  410
    King           Hannah                  Leeds              23  410
    Stringer       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  410
    Varey          William Henry           Leeds              23  410
    Woodhead       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  410
    Clarke         Aqui?e                  Leeds              23  411
    Lawe           James                   Leeds              23  411
    Leathley       Samuel                  Leeds              23  411
    Patrick        Frances                 Leeds              23  411
    Rawlin         Emma                    Leeds              23  411
    Rawlingson     Jane                    Leeds              23  411
    Stead          George                  Leeds              23  411
    Wilson         Isabella                Leeds              23  411
    Booth          Joseph                  Leeds              23  412
    Cotton         Joseph                  Leeds              23  412
    Foster         Joseph                  Leeds              23  412
    Greenoff       Alice                   Leeds              23  412
    Hargrave       William                 Leeds              23  412
    Pilling        Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  412
    Worsnop        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  412
    Hayton         Ann                     Leeds ?417         23  413
    Kelley         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  413
    Milner         Thomas                  Leeds              23  413
    Mitchell       Samuel                  Leeds              23  413
    Oldham         Henry                   Leeds              23  413
    Shaw           Maria                   Leeds              23  413
    Theakston      Henry                   Leeds              23  413
    Walton         Ann                     Leeds              23  413
    Wormald        Hannah                  Leeds              23  413
    Brooke         Charles Bates           Leeds              23  414
    Burne          Sarah                   Leeds              23  414
    Cundall        Jane                    Leeds              23  414
    Howfield       Emanuel                 Leeds              23  414
    Newby          Harriet                 Leeds              23  414
    Pickard        William                 Leeds              23  414
    Renton         Thomas                  Leeds              23  414
    Riley          Ann                     Leeds              23  414
    Batty          Jane                    Leeds              23  415
    Clapham        Mary Ann                Leeds              23  415
    Haley          Ann                     Leeds              23  415
    Haste          Benjamin                Leeds              23  415
    Higgins        Jane                    Leeds ?415         23  415
    Parratt        William                 Leeds ?413         23  415
    Smith          Sarah                   Leeds              23  415
    Stagg          Stephen                 Leeds              23  415
    Sykes          James                   Leeds              23  415
    Auty           George                  Leeds              23  416
    Buckton        John                    Leeds              23  416
    Caygill        Mary                    Leeds              23  416
    Dean           Emma                    Leeds              23  416
    Low            Elizabeth               Leeds              23  416
    Smithson       Isabella                Leeds              23  416
    Teale          James                   Leeds              23  416
    Thorns         Matthew                 Leeds              23  416
    Beecroft       Martha                  Leeds              23  417
    Cromack        James                   Leeds              23  417
    Dawson         Ellen                   Leeds ?417         23  417
    Eastwood       William                 Leeds              23  417
    Rogers         Sarah                   Leeds              23  417
    Smith          Joseph                  Leeds              23  417
    Thornton       Frances Elizabeth       Leeds              23  417
    Ward           George                  Leeds              23  417
    Galloway       George                  Leeds              23  418
    Horn           Sarah                   Leeds              23  418
    Mirfield       William                 Leeds              23  418
    Powell         Samuel                  Leeds              23  418
    Salmon         Margaret                Leeds              23  418
    Ward           Amos                    Leeds              23  418
    Waring         Jane                    Leeds              23  418
    Atkinson       Henry                   Leeds              23  419
    Binns          Sarah                   Leeds              23  419
    Carling        Esther                  Leeds              23  419
    Jepson         William                 Leeds ?419         23  419
    Milsom         Charles                 Leeds              23  419
    Reeves         Fanny Agnes             Leeds              23  419
    Rishworth      Sarah                   Leeds              23  419
    Robertson      Robert                  Leeds              23  419
    Robinson       Mark                    Leeds              23  419
    Bulmer         Edwin                   Leeds              23  420
    Gaunt          Thomas                  Leeds              23  420
    Haigh          Eliza                   Leeds              23  420
    Harrison       Ellen                   Leeds              23  420
    Kelley         William                 Leeds              23  420
    Smith          Bathia (sic)            Leeds              23  420
    Swift          William                 Leeds              23  420
    Weare          Harriet                 Leeds              23  420
    Edwards        Anna Maria              Leeds              23  421
    Hopwood        John                    Leeds              23  421
    Ingle          Ann                     Leeds              23  421
    Priest         Sarah                   Leeds              23  421
    Scriven        Charles                 Leeds              23  421
    Starkey        Edmund                  Leeds              23  421
    Starkey        Edmund                  Leeds              23  421
    Swale          Robert                  Leeds              23  421
    Thewles        Ann                     Leeds              23  421
    Emmerson       John                    Leeds              23  422
    Farrar         Mary Ann                Leeds              23  422
    Roberts        Ann                     Leeds              23  422
    Robinson       George                  Leeds              23  422
    Shires         Frances                 Leeds              23  422
    Wheelwright    Matthew                 Leeds              23  422
    Wilkinson      Mary                    Leeds              23  422
    Wise           Mary                    Leeds              23  422
    Gibson         Richard                 Leeds              23  423
    Hewitt         Richard                 Leeds              23  423
    Holmes         Hannah                  Leeds              23  423
    Horsfield      Martha                  Leeds              23  423
    Mortimer       William                 Leeds              23  423
    Oldfield       Elizabeth               Leeds              23  423
    Rogers         James                   Leeds              23  423
    Wilkinson      Ann                     Leeds              23  423
    Coulson        John                    Leeds              23  424
    Craven         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  424
    Crosland       Hannah                  Leeds              23  424
    Farrar         Helen                   Leeds              23  424
    Hargreaves     Martha Sarah            Leeds              23  424
    Horne          James                   Leeds              23  424
    Marshall       Charles                 Leeds              23  424
    Wade           George                  Leeds              23  424
    Ingledew       Mary                    Leeds              23  425
    Johnson        George                  Leeds              23  425
    Larner         Sibley Garrard          Leeds              23  425
    Ogden          William                 Leeds              23  425
    Pratt          Robert                  Leeds              23  425
    Silliter       Harriet                 Leeds              23  425
    Sutcliffe      Mary Ann                Leeds              23  425
    Beldon         John                    Leeds              23  426
    Dawson         James Ranford           Leeds              23  426
    Fort           Margaret                Leeds              23  426
    Greenwood      George                  Leeds              23  426
    Haigh          Mary                    Leeds              23  426
    Law            Mary                    Leeds              23  426
    Middlebrook    Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  426
    Myers          Joseph                  Leeds              23  426
    Hudson         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  427
    Mitchley       Thomas                  Leeds              23  427
    Sharpe         Thomas                  Leeds              23  427
    Smith          Elizabeth               Leeds              23  427
    Steele         Lawrence                Leeds              23  427
    Storr          Ann                     Leeds              23  427
    Walls          Hannah                  Leeds              23  427
    Wetherall      Joseph                  Leeds              23  427
    Ambler         Isaac                   Leeds ?428         23  428
    Atkinson       Samuel Preston          Leeds              23  428
    Despeard       Ellen                   Leeds              23  428
    Fearnley       Hannah                  Leeds              23  428
    Hewitt         George                  Leeds              23  428
    Jewitt         Maria                   Leeds              23  428
    Shires         Mary Ann                Leeds              23  428
    Spencer        Abraham                 Leeds              23  428
    Backhouse      William                 Leeds              23  429
    Broadbent      Maria Foster            Leeds              23  429
    Burton         Joseph                  Leeds              23  429
    Henrick        William                 Leeds              23  429
    Lofthouse      Mary                    Leeds              23  429
    Murray         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  429
    Parker         George                  Leeds              23  429
    Watson         Julia Ann               Leeds              23  429
    Brown          Olivia                  Leeds              23  430
    Dhoerty        Ann                     Leeds              23  430
    Foster         Jeremiah                Leeds              23  430
    Holmes         John                    Leeds              23  430
    Stanhope       John                    Leeds              23  430
    Stocks         Mary Ann                Leeds              23  430
    Thresh         Charles                 Leeds              23  430
    Wilks          Harriet                 Leeds              23  430
    Abbott         Elizabeth               Leeds              23  431
    Barber         Robert                  Leeds              23  431
    Beanland       Ann                     Leeds              23  431
    Garratt        Thomas                  Leeds              23  431
    Hick           George Curtis           Leeds              23  431
    Leak           Mary                    Leeds              23  431
    Merry          Richard                 Leeds              23  431
    Smithson       Eliza Hannah            Leeds              23  431
    Arrindel       Susannah                Leeds              23  432
    Beetham        Noah Sanderson          Leeds              23  432
    Brooke         John Spedding           Leeds              23  432
    Buck           Walter Mansfield        Leeds              23  432
    Hepworth       Charlotte               Leeds              23  432
    Parker         Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  432
    Pawson         John                    Leeds              23  432
    Stockwell      Marian                  Leeds              23  432
    Catley         James Fowler            Leeds              23  433
    Fox            Esther                  Leeds ?433         23  433
    Hewday         Caroline Elizabeth      Leeds              23  433
    Hindley        Esther                  Leeds              23  433
    Stainsby       John Fowler             Leeds              23  433
    Batty          Emma                    Leeds              23  435
    Brown          James                   Leeds              23  435
    Farrington     Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  435
    Hargreave      Samuel                  Leeds              23  435
    Holroyd        Alfred                  Leeds              23  435
    Marshall       Matthew                 Leeds              23  435
    Perrins        Eliza                   Leeds              23  435
    Rhodes         Thomas                  Leeds              23  435
    Rushforth      Mary Ann                Leeds              23  435
    Brook          Elizabeth               Leeds              23  437
    Brown          Maria                   Leeds              23  437
    Collins        William Burman          Leeds              23  437
    Eastwood       Jane                    Leeds              23  437
    Greenwood      Harriet                 Leeds              23  437
    Pemberton      Scarboro?               Leeds              23  437
    Ripley         John                    Leeds              23  437
    Scott          John Rhodes             Leeds              23  437
    Backhouse      Samuel                  Leeds              23  438
    Beecroft       Mary                    Leeds              23  438
    Dodgson        George Henry            Leeds              23  438
    Forrest        Ellen                   Leeds              23  438
    Hindle         Ann                     Leeds              23  438
    Jennings       William                 Leeds              23  438
    Nussey         Nicholas                Leeds              23  438
    Robinson       Susannah                Leeds              23  438
    Armstead       George                  Leeds              23  439
    Barrett        Mary                    Leeds              23  439
    Hunter         Jane                    Leeds              23  439
    Kellett        James                   Leeds              23  439
    May            William                 Leeds              23  439
    Richardson     Ann                     Leeds              23  439
    Watson         Tryphena                Leeds              23  439
    Wilson         Thomas                  Leeds              23  439
    Atkinson       Sarah Ann               Leeds              23  440
    Baxter         Joseph                  Leeds              23  440
    Dickenson      Elizabeth               Leeds              23  440
    Maris          George Robert           Leeds              23  440
    Matthews       John                    Leeds              23  440
    Rycroft        Eliza                   Leeds              23  440
    Brown          Louisa                  Leeds              23  441
    Chamberlain    Caroline                Leeds              23  441
    Crabtree       Margaret                Leeds              23  441
    Eskrett        Cyrus                   Leeds              23  441
    Maud           William                 Leeds              23  441
    Nicholson      Thomas                  Leeds              23  441
    Ormsby         Duke                    Leeds              23  441
    Rider          Mary                    Leeds              23  441
    Alcorn         William                 Leeds              23  442
    Blakey         Hannah                  Leeds              23  442
    Cariss         James                   Leeds              23  442
    Dutton         Ann                     Leeds ?442         23  442
    Fleming        William                 Leeds              23  442
    Hulland        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  442
    Muldoon        Ann                     Leeds              23  442
    Mullens        Cornelius               Leeds              23  442
    Brady          Ann                     Leeds              23  443
    Burk           Anthony                 Leeds              23  443
    Dunlop         Margaret                Leeds              23  443
    Hauvworth?     Thomas                  Leeds              23  443
    Lockwood       George                  Leeds              23  443
    Lynch          Jane                    Leeds              23  443
    McGuiness      Thomas                  Leeds              23  443
    McHale         Catharine               Leeds              23  443
    Barrett        Ann                     Leeds              23  444
    Beal           Ann                     Leeds              23  444
    Brook          Joseph                  Leeds              23  444
    Child          Joseph                  Leeds              23  444
    Denison        William                 Leeds              23  444
    Gott           Eliza                   Leeds              23  444
    King           John                    Leeds              23  444
    Servant        Ann                     Leeds              23  444
    Casey          Edward                  Leeds              23  445
    Flynn          Ellen                   Leeds              23  445
    Glenton        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  445
    Green          Daniel                  Leeds              23  445
    Harrald        Bridget                 Leeds              23  445
    Heaverside     Mary                    Leeds              23  445
    Manion         Dennis                  Leeds              23  445
    McGrale        Ann                     Leeds              23  445
    Wills          Mary                    Leeds              23  445
    Wilson         Joseph                  Leeds              23  445
    Brown          Bernard                 Leeds              23  446
    Hollway        Thomas Saunders         Leeds              23  446
    Simpson        Martha                  Leeds              23  446
    Sunderland     Joseph                  Leeds              23  446
    Umpleby        Elizabeth               Leeds              23  446
    Ward           Thomas                  Leeds              23  446
    Wright         Mary                    Leeds              23  446
    Gale           Mary                    Leeds              23  447
    Laycock        Mary                    Leeds ?447         23  447
    Liversedge     Richard                 Leeds              23  447
    Haigh          Anna                    Leeds              23  449
    Hart           Elizabeth               Leeds              23  449
    Simpson        Peter                   Leeds              23  449
    Simpson        James Thomas            Leeds              23  449
    Steel          Mary Jane               Leeds              23  449
    Wilson         Henry                   Leeds              23  449
    Wrigley        William                 Leeds              23  449
    Fawley         Mary Ann                Leeds              23  450
    Moss           William Flint           Leeds              23  450
    Musgrave       Mary                    Leeds              23  450
    Spink          William                 Leeds ?0           23  450
    Stephenson     George                  Leeds              23  450
    Watterson      Caroline                Leeds              23  450
    Wildman        Matthias                Leeds              23  450
    Wray           Elizabeth               Leeds              23  450
    Boyne          Ann                     Leeds              23  451
    Bywater        John                    Leeds              23  451
    Geldard        James                   Leeds              23  451
    Howell         Joseph                  Leeds              23  451
    Russell        Jane                    Leeds              23  451
    Warburton      Jane                    Leeds              23  451
    Blashker       Samuel Morris           Leeds              23  453
    Mawson         Thomas                  Otley              23  455
    Slinger        Fanny                   Otley              23  455
    Halliday       Benjamin                Otley              23  457
    Bland          Ruth                    Otley              23  459
    Holmes         Rebecca                 Otley              23  459
    Jewitt         James                   Otley              23  459
    Taylor         Mary Ann                Otley              23  459
    Wilkinson      Christopher             Otley              23  459
    Bell           Hannah                  Otley              23  461
    Hartley        Rachel                  Otley              23  461
    Kitching       Sarah                   Otley              23  461
    Lee            George                  Otley              23  461
    Robinson       John                    Otley              23  461
    Waite          Emma                    Otley              23  461
    Whiteley       Joseph                  Otley              23  461
    Wilkinson      James                   Otley              23  461
    Barrett        Alice                   Otley              23  462
    Cooper         William                 Otley              23  462
    Horn           Sarah                   Otley              23  462
    Hudson         Henry                   Otley              23  462
    Lee            James                   Otley              23  462
    Marshall       Keziah                  Otley              23  462
    Robinson       William                 Otley              23  462
    Wadsworth      Martha                  Otley              23  462
    Ellis          Sarah                   Otley              23  463
    England        Joseph                  Otley              23  463
    Gill           Hannah                  Otley              23  463
    Oddy           John                    Otley              23  463
    Parker         David                   Otley              23  463
    Pickles        Lydia Ann               Otley              23  463
    Rhodes         Sarah                   Otley              23  463
    Sharp          Grace                   Otley              23  463
    Whiteley       John                    Otley              23  463
    Hopper         Martha                  Otley              23  465
    Parker         John                    Otley              23  465
    Stead          Benjamin                Otley              23  465
    Atkinson       Sarah                   Otley              23  467
    Gill           William                 Otley              23  467
    Goldsbrough    John                    Otley              23  467
    Leeming        Mary                    Otley              23  467
    Mortimer       William                 Otley              23  467
    Pain           Ann                     Otley              23  467
    Thompson       Abraham                 Otley              23  467
    Thorp          Mary                    Otley              23  467
    Cartwright     John                    Otley              23  468
    Delves         William                 Otley              23  468
    Kelsall        John                    Otley              23  468
    Lambert        Michael                 Otley              23  468
    Shepherd       Mary                    Otley              23  468
    Short          Jane                    Otley              23  468
    Simpson        Elizabeth               Otley ?468         23  468
    Standish       Sarah                   Otley              23  468
    Bowling        Richard                 Otley              23  469
    Bradley        Mary                    Otley              23  469
    Calvert        Charles                 Otley              23  469
    Collier        Sarah                   Otley              23  469
    Ellis          Mary                    Otley              23  469
    Simpson        William                 Otley              23  469
    Womersley      Elijah                  Otley              23  469
    Wood           Grace                   Otley              23  469
    Clarkson       Susannah                Otley              23  470
    Gilder         Sarah Ann               Otley              23  470
    Hudson         Thomas                  Otley              23  470
    Jackson        Lydia                   Otley              23  470
    Jowett         James                   Otley              23  470
    Stockhill      Mary                    Otley              23  470
    Whitaker       Henry                   Otley              23  470
    Whitaker       John                    Otley              23  470
    Fawcett        Hannah                  Otley              23  471
    Frost          Ann                     Otley              23  471
    Hebden         David                   Otley              23  471
    Hextall        James                   Otley              23  471
    Liversage      William                 Otley              23  471
    Marston        John                    Otley              23  471
    Pawson         Sarah                   Otley              23  471
    Petty          Mary Ann                Otley              23  471
    Brown          Joseph                  Otley              23  473
    Frankland      Ann                     Otley              23  473
    Jackman        James                   Otley              23  473
    Myers          Naomi                   Otley              23  473
    Brown          Eli                     Otley              23  475
    Chaffer        Margaret                Otley              23  475
    Dawson         Ann                     Otley ?475         23  475
    Kitson         Reuben                  Otley              23  475
    Procter        Thomas                  Otley              23  475
    Robinson       Hannah                  Otley              23  475
    Stirk          Michael                 Otley              23  475
    Brown          Anna                    Otley              23  476
    Lupton         Samuel                  Otley              23  476
    Marshall       Joseph                  Otley              23  476
    Moody          Ann                     Otley              23  476
    Myers          William                 Otley              23  476
    Penny          Sarah                   Otley              23  476
    Shepherd       Mary Ann                Otley              23  476
    Wilkinson      Joseph                  Otley              23  476
    Yeadon         Faith                   Otley              23  476
    Kerr           John                    Pateley B          23  477
    Ormrod         Elizabeth               Pateley B          23  477
    Dickenson      Martha                  Pateley B          23  479
    Hobbs          Ann                     Pateley B          23  479
    Holliday       Christopher             Pateley B          23  479
    Holliday       Chittrister             Pateley B          23  479
    Teasdale       Matthew                 Pateley B          23  479
    Darby          John                    Pateley B          23  481
    Fewster        Thomasin                Pateley B          23  481
    Gill           Mary                    Pateley B          23  483
    Milner         Robert Irish            Pateley B          23  483
    Fawcitt        John                    Ripon              23  485
    Jarvis         Elizabeth               Ripon              23  485
    Kirkbright     Thomas                  Ripon              23  487
    Stoney         Hannah                  Ripon              23  487
    Firby          William                 Ripon              23  489
    Mason          Martha                  Ripon              23  489
    Sanderson      Jane                    Ripon              23  489
    Simpkin        William                 Ripon              23  489
    Baxter         William                 Ripon              23  491
    Cockfield      Isabella                Ripon              23  491
    Gregg          Christopher             Ripon              23  491
    Johnson        Judith Rudd             Ripon              23  491
    Marriner       William                 Ripon              23  491
    Spaven         Thomas                  Ripon              23  491
    Swaine         Jane                    Ripon              23  491
    Wood           Mary Ann                Ripon              23  491
    Burn           Joseph                  Ripon              23  492
    Ellis          Ruth                    Ripon              23  492
    Ellis          John                    Ripon              23  492
    Gill           David                   Ripon              23  492
    Hodgson        Susannah                Ripon              23  492
    Leconby        Elizabeth               Ripon              23  492
    Leeming        Ellen                   Ripon              23  492
    Pipes          George                  Ripon              23  492
    Batty          John                    Ripon              23  493
    Bell           Mary Ann                Ripon              23  493
    Carling        Elizabeth               Ripon              23  493
    Cooper         Mary                    Ripon              23  493
    Dobby          Thomas                  Ripon              23  493
    Lambert        Joseph                  Ripon              23  493
    Procter        Margaret                Ripon              23  493
    Sivers         James                   Ripon              23  493
    Barker         Mark                    Ripon              23  494
    Brown          Mary                    Ripon              23  494
    Davidson       William                 Ripon              23  494
    Jackson        Martha                  Ripon              23  494
    Leaf           Ann                     Ripon              23  494
    Oddy           Thomas                  Ripon              23  494
    Parsons        Henry                   Ripon              23  494
    West           Hannah                  Ripon              23  494
    Burnell        Maria Ann               Ripon              23  495
    Parker         Hannah                  Ripon              23  495
    Rhodes         Mary                    Ripon              23  495
    Thompson       George                  Ripon              23  495
    Watson         John                    Ripon              23  495
    West           John                    Ripon              23  495
    Coates         Matthew                 Ripon              23  497
    Gill           Martha                  Ripon              23  497
    Lawson         Sarah                   Ripon              23  497
    Parker         William                 Ripon              23  497
    Cavanagh       Elizabeth               Ripon              23  499
    Dixon          Samuel                  Ripon              23  499
    Fryer          Mary                    Ripon              23  499
    Webster        William                 Ripon              23  499
    Cuttle         Sarah                   Saddleworth        23  501
    George         Catherine               Saddleworth        23  501
    Gibson         Henry                   Saddleworth        23  501
    Harrison       James                   Saddleworth        23  501
    Kenworthy      Frances                 Saddleworth        23  501
    ONiel          Mary                    Saddleworth        23  501
    Ward           James                   Saddleworth        23  501
    Westwood       William                 Saddleworth        23  501
    Armitage       John                    Saddleworth        23  502
    Bradbury       Maria                   Saddleworth        23  502
    Cornett        John                    Saddleworth        23  502
    Downes         Dan (sic)               Saddleworth        23  502
    Grundy         Robert                  Saddleworth        23  502
    Hadfield       Lucy                    Saddleworth        23  502
    Hampson        Sarah Ann               Saddleworth        23  502
    Smith          Elizabeth               Saddleworth        23  502
    Wild           Ann                     Saddleworth        23  502
    Bradbury       John                    Saddleworth ?3     23  503
    Caton          Thomas                  Saddleworth        23  503
    Dawson         Joseph                  Saddleworth        23  503
    Hallam         Adam                    Saddleworth        23  503
    Hill           Mally                   Saddleworth        23  503
    Roebuck        Matilda                 Saddleworth        23  503
    Statham        Martha                  Saddleworth        23  503
    Garthwaite     Mary                    Sedbergh           23  505
    Kendall        Elizabeth               Sedbergh           23  505
    Mason          Edward                  Sedbergh           23  505
    Oversby        Richard                 Sedbergh           23  505
    Harper         Mary                    Sedbergh           23  507
    Haygarth       William                 Sedbergh           23  507
    Howard         Richard                 Sedbergh           23  509
    Pickthall      Isabella                Sedbergh           23  509
    Carlton        Isabella                Sedbergh           23  511
    Teasdale       Thomas                  Sedbergh           23  511
    Churchill      John                    Selby              23  513
    Grace          Elizabeth               Selby              23  513
    Lowish         Martin                  Selby              23  513
    Sykes          Elizabeth               Selby              23  513
    Eccles         Ann                     Selby              23  515
    Naylor         Joseph                  Selby              23  515
    Clarkson       Sarah                   Selby              23  517
    Healas         Joseph                  Selby              23  517
    Langstone      Faith                   Selby              23  517
    Marsden        Jane                    Selby              23  517
    Turner         Ellen                   Selby              23  517
    Wiles          Thomas                  Selby              23  517
    Wright         George                  Selby              23  517
    Wright         Robert                  Selby              23  517
    Gilliott       William                 Selby              23  518
    Heslewood      William                 Selby              23  518
    Hettey         Hannah                  Selby ?515         23  518
    Hirst          Susanna                 Selby              23  518
    Jackson        Sarah                   Selby              23  518
    Mann           Robert Manners          Selby              23  518
    Varey          John                    Selby              23  518
    Walker         Ellen                   Selby              23  518
    Allinson       Joseph                  Selby              23  519
    Bones          Jane                    Selby              23  519
    Breasley       Letitia                 Selby              23  519
    Hadwick        William                 Selby              23  519
    Hibson         George                  Selby              23  519
    Hindell        John                    Selby              23  519
    Pindar         Elizabeth               Selby              23  519
    Rooke          Elizabeth               Selby              23  519
    Baren          Thomas                  Selby              23  521
    Deighton       Jane                    Selby              23  521
    Jackson        Emma Elizabeth          Selby              23  521
    Linfoot        George                  Selby              23  521
    Brown          George                  Selby              23  523
    Flyn           Bridget                 Selby              23  523
    Glynn          William                 Selby              23  523
    Wilkinson      Sarah Ann               Selby              23  523
    Bayne          James                   Settle             23  525
    Davis          James                   Settle             23  525
    Hannat         Agnes                   Settle             23  525
    Leak           Mary Ann                Settle             23  525
    Mitchell       Edmond                  Settle             23  525
    Scott          Joseph                  Settle             23  525
    Blackburn      Mary Ann                Settle             23  527
    Slinger        Ambrose                 Settle             23  527
    Baxter         Mary Ann                Settle             23  529
    Boden          Oswald                  Settle             23  529
    Clark          John                    Settle             23  529
    Durham         Henry                   Settle             23  529
    Newsholme      Mary Ann                Settle             23  529
    Prestion       Mary                    Settle             23  529
    Preston        Mary                    Settle             23  529
    Waugh          Hannah                  Settle             23  529
    Wilkinson      William                 Settle             23  529
    Charnley       Alice                   Settle             23  530
    Chester        Alice                   Settle             23  530
    Hartley        Mary Ann                Settle             23  530
    Hayton         Robert Wilson           Settle ?530        23  530
    Procter        Ellen                   Settle             23  530
    Ratcliffe      Charles                 Settle             23  530
    Wolfenden      Henry                   Settle             23  530
    Wolfenden      James                   Settle             23  530
    Johnson        David                   Settle             23  531
    Marsden        Grace Alice             Settle             23  531
    Taylor         Agnes                   Settle             23  533
    Wallace        Robert                  Settle             23  533
    Earnshaw       Isabella                Settle             23  535
    Preston        Henry                   Settle             23  535
    Wingate        Thomas                  Skipton            23  537
    Winterburn     Isabella                Skipton            23  537
    Hartley        Sarah                   Skipton            23  539
    Peckover       Mary                    Skipton            23  539
    Widdop         Eli                     Skipton ?9         23  539
    Windle         Thomas                  Skipton            23  539
    Dean           William                 Skipton            23  541
    Emmott         Ann                     Skipton            23  541
    Harrison       Isabella                Skipton            23  543
    Twisleton      Robert                  Skipton            23  543
    Holmes         John                    Skipton            23  545
    Inman          Isabella                Skipton            23  545
    Ellison        Job                     Skipton            23  547
    Halliwell      Joseph                  Skipton            23  547
    Maud           Sarah                   Skipton            23  547
    Smith          Ellen                   Skipton            23  547
    Bannister      William                 Skipton            23  549
    Bury           Sarah                   Skipton            23  549
    Smith          Sarah                   Skipton            23  549
    Smith          Hannah                  Skipton            23  549
    Snowden        Joseph                  Skipton            23  549
    Watson         James                   Skipton            23  549
    Berry          Edmund                  Skipton            23  551
    Burrow         Thomas Pattison         Skipton            23  551
    Garnett        Alice                   Skipton            23  551
    Guy            Nancy                   Skipton            23  551
    Lofthouse      Jane                    Skipton            23  551
    Young          James                   Skipton            23  551
    Chapman        Mary                    Skipton            23  553
    Chapman        John                    Skipton            23  553
    Brown          Wilson                  Skipton            23  555
    Coates         Elizabeth               Skipton            23  555
    Hill           Thomas                  Skipton            23  555
    Walker         Jane                    Skipton            23  555
    Bottomley      John                    Skipton ?537       23  557
    Greenwood      Thomas                  Skipton            23  557
    Hardacre       Elizabeth               Skipton            23  557
    Heaton         Martin                  Skipton            23  557
    Hudson         Mary Ann                Skipton            23  557
    Mason          Isaac                   Skipton            23  557
    Steel          Mercy                   Skipton            23  557
    Summerscales   Joshua                  Skipton            23  557
    Whitaker       Mary                    Skipton            23  557
    Dakin          Nancy                   Skipton            23  558
    Ellison        Richard                 Skipton            23  558
    Knipe          Dickson                 Skipton            23  558
    Slater         Mary                    Skipton            23  558
    Smith          Jane                    Skipton            23  558
    Smith          William                 Skipton            23  558
    Bowdin         Henry                   Skipton            23  559
    Brown          Martha                  Skipton            23  559
    Horner         Rhoda                   Skipton            23  559
    Mason          Mary                    Skipton            23  559
    Rothwell       William                 Skipton            23  559
    Smith          William                 Skipton            23  559
    Spencer        Mary                    Skipton            23  559
    Brown          Christopher Smith       Skipton            23  560
    Hudson         Thomas                  Skipton            23  560
    Joy            Elizabeth               Skipton            23  560
    Lucas          Alice Frances           Skipton            23  560
    Storey         Anthony                 Skipton            23  560
    Waddilove      James                   Shipton            23  560
    Wear           Sarah                   Skipton            23  560
    Wear           Margaret                Skipton            23  560
    Harrison       Richard                 Skipton            23  561
    Hopkinson      Mary                    Skipton            23  561
    Lund           Mary Ann                Skipton            23  561
    Shields        Joseph                  Skipton            23  561
    Ellis          Elizabeth               Skipton            23  563
    Hartley        Richard                 Skipton            23  563
    Turner         John                    Skipton            23  563
    Wetherall      Sarah                   Skipton            23  563
    Dugdale        William                 Skipton            23  565
    Dugdale        Ann                     Skipton            23  565
    Broughton      Martha                  Skipton            23  567
    Bullcock       Ann                     Skipton            23  567
    Cowgill        Mary                    Skipton            23  567
    Hartley        Joseph                  Skipton            23  567
    Holdsworth     Abraham                 Skipton            23  567
    Lund           Hartley Wilkinson       Skipton            23  567
    Cullion        Bridget                 Skipton            23  569
    Hird           Sarah                   Skipton            23  569
    Keighley       John                    Skipton            23  569
    Reilly         James                   Skipton            23  569
    Smith          Mary                    Skipton            23  569
    Whitaker       Henry                   Skipton            23  569
    Barker         Hannah                  Tadcaster          23  571
    Dawson         Richard                 Tadcaster          23  571
    Morritt        Thomas                  Tadcaster          23  571
    Richardson     Alice                   Tadcaster          23  571
    Beecroft       William                 Tadcaster          23  573
    Milner         Martha                  Tadcaster          23  573
    Dodsworth      Elizabeth               Tadcaster          23  575
    Mackrell       Thomas                  Tadcaster          23  575
    Wimble         Joseph                  Tadcaster          23  575
    Dalby          Sarah                   Tadcaster          23  577
    Robinson       William Henry           Tadcaster          23  577
    Jagger         Elijah                  Tadcaster          23  579
    Nixon          Ann                     Tadcaster          23  579
    Brown          Mary                    Tadcaster          23  581
    Coates         Thomas                  Tadcaster          23  581
    Smith          James                   Tadcaster          23  583
    Whalmsley      Ann                     Tadcaster          23  583
    Power          Sarah                   Tadcaster          23  585
    Warrington     Edward                  Tadcaster          23  585
    Barker         Mary                    Tadcaster          23  587
    Cuttle         John                    Tadcaster          23  587
    Dawson         Mary Ann                Tadcaster          23  587
    Grunwell       Wade                    Tadcaster          23  587
    Paver          Mary                    Tadcaster          23  587
    Rowe           Elizabeth Ann           Tadcaster ?587     23  587
    Shepherd       James                   Tadcaster          23  587
    Varey          Jeremiah                Tadcaster          23  587
    Vearey         Jeremiah                Tadcaster          23  587
    Wroe           Elizabeth Ann           Tadcaster          23  587
    Blyth          William                 Tadcaster          23  589
    Grocock        Joseph                  Tadcaster          23  589
    Sayer          Jane                    Tadcaster          23  589
    Ward           Hannah                  Tadcaster          23  589
    Massey         John                    Tadcaster          23  591
    Swain          Eliza                   Tadcaster          23  591
    Midgley        Emma                    Tadcaster          23  593
    Thurlwell      Matthew                 Tadcaster          23  593
    Bennett        Ann                     Tadcaster          23  595
    Birdsall       Ruth                    Tadcaster          23  595
    Gibson         James                   Tadcaster          23  595
    Ingleson       George                  Tadcaster          23  595
    Robinson       Ellen                   Tadcaster          23  595
    Thompson       George                  Tadcaster          23  595
    Walker         Mary                    Tadcaster          23  595
    Dobson         William                 Tadcaster          23  596
    Gordon         Mary Ann                Tadcaster          23  596
    Riley          Frances                 Tadcaster          23  596
    Smith          William                 Tadcaster          23  596
    Walker         Sarah                   Tadcaster          23  596
    Ward           Thomas                  Tadcaster          23  596
    Woodcock       Hannah                  Tadcaster          23  596
    Young          George                  Tadcaster          23  596
    Pilsworth      Thomas                  Thorne             23  597
    Watson         Harriet                 Thorne             23  597
    Dannatt        Thomas                  Thorne             23  599
    Giles          Jane                    Thorne             23  599
    Oliver         Mary                    Thorne             23  599
    Robinson       Thomas                  Thorne             23  599
    Slingsby       Edward                  Thorne             23  599
    Theaker        Alice                   Thorne             23  599
    Thursby        John                    Thorne             23  599
    Walter         Mary Jane               Thorne             23  599
    Brammer        Sarah                   Thorne             23  601
    Coultard       Mary                    Thorne             23  601
    Halliday       Robert                  Thorne             23  601
    Hepworth       William                 Thorne             23  601
    Hinds          Hannah                  Thorne             23  601
    Pycott         James                   Thorne             23  601
    Thornton       Samuel Brunyce          Thorne             23  601
    Wilman         Harriet                 Thorne             23  601
    Clayton        Richard                 Thorne             23  602
    Oades          Elizabeth               Thorne             23  602
    Aldam          James                   Thorne             23  603
    Brown          Elizabeth               Thorne             23  603
    Brunyee        George                  Thorne             23  603
    Kelsey         Mary                    Thorne             23  603
    Moat           Hannah                  Thorne             23  603
    Muir           Thomas                  Thorne             23  603
    Wall           Joseph                  Thorne             23  603
    Wray           Ann                     Thorne             23  603
    Brunyee        Rebecca                 Thorne             23  604
    Cauby          Thomas                  Thorne             23  604
    Emerson        William                 Thorne             23  604
    Armitage       William                 Thorne             23  605
    Armstrong      William                 Thorne             23  605
    Booth          James                   Thorne             23  605
    Cook           Sarah                   Thorne             23  605
    Glew           Henry                   Thorne             23  605
    Hunt           Elizabeth               Thorne             23  605
    Leach          Susannah                Thorne             23  605
    Leech          Susannah                Thorne             23  605
    Robinson       John                    Thorne             23  605
    Wardrobe       Sophia                  Thorne             23  605
    Burtwistle     George                  Thorne             23  607
    Hickson        Mary                    Thorne             23  607
    Moody          Alice                   Thorne             23  607
    Parkinson      Thomas                  Thorne             23  607
    Smith          Ann                     Thorne             23  607
    Taylor         Isaac                   Thorne             23  607
    Batty          Elizabeth               Thorne             23  609
    Durham         Emma                    Thorne             23  609
    Foster         John                    Thorne             23  609
    Holgate        Sarah Ann               Thorne             23  609
    Isle           Ann                     Thorne             23  609
    Richardson     Joseph                  Thorne             23  609
    Scholthorpe    Henry                   Thorne             23  609
    Schothorp      Henry                   Thorne             23  609
    Sprakes        Thos (sic)              Thorne             23  609
    Winn           Ann                     Thorne             23  609
    Bell           Sarah                   Thorne             23  610
    Harrison       Abner                   Thorne             23  610
    Moore          George                  Thorne             23  610
    Woffindin      Jane                    Thorne             23  610
    Dobson         Jane                    Thorne             23  611
    Stenton        John                    Thorne             23  611
    Dalton         George                  York               23  613
    Kealey         Elizabeth Helen         York               23  613
    Stockton       Ann                     York               23  613
    Wood           Robert                  York               23  613
    Burnston       Hannah                  York               23  615
    Raney          Henry                   York               23  615
    Blanshard      Richard Raimes          York               23  617
    Brabbs         John                    York               23  617
    Brown          Elizabeth               York               23  617
    Gill           Mary                    York               23  617
    Crane          Eve                     York               23  619
    Ready          Johannah                York               23  619
    White          Ann                     York               23  619
    Wood           Joseph                  York               23  619
    Foster         George                  York               23  621
    Larcumb        Jane                    York               23  621
    Atkinson       Thomas                  York               23  623
    Farrar         Mary                    York               23  623
    Cass           John                    York               23  625
    Humphrey       John                    York               23  625
    Laycock        Sarah Ann               York               23  625
    Harrison       Ann                     York               23  627
    Kirby          Jane                    York               23  627
    Shaw           John                    York               23  627
    Whitehead      Samuel                  York               23  627
    Bradley        Jane                    York               23  629
    Ellerper       Robert                  York               23  629
    Carlton        Sarah                   York               23  631
    Kilburn        Mary                    York               23  631
    Stephenson     Joseph                  York               23  631
    Tennant        Mary Ann                York               23  631
    Thompson       James                   York               23  631
    Wright         John                    York               23  631
    Dudley         Sarah                   York               23  633
    Hopperton      Ellen                   York               23  633
    Lord           Elizabeth               York               23  633
    Owen           Henry                   York               23  633
    Pearson        Joshua                  York               23  633
    Acomb          Mary                    York               23  635
    Bradley        Mary                    York               23  635
    Eckford        John                    York               23  635
    Carter         Henry                   York               23  637
    Coal           Susannah                York               23  637
    Lambert        George                  York               23  637
    Paley          George                  York               23  637
    Robson         Charlotte               York               23  637
    Scott          Mary                    York               23  637
    Thomas         William                 York               23  637
    Wakefield      Matilda                 York               23  637
    Butler         Mary                    York               23  639
    Creaser        John                    York               23  639
    Lonsdale       Francis                 York               23  639
    Moyser         George                  York               23  639
    Newsom         Elizabeth               York               23  639
    Partridge      Elizabeth               York               23  639
    Raby           Thomas                  York               23  639
    Robinson       Ann                     York               23  639
    Bell           Maria                   York               23  640
    Berry          John Andrew             York               23  640
    Booth          William                 York               23  640
    Glass          William                 York               23  640
    Hall           Ann                     York               23  640
    Ledger         Frances                 York               23  640
    Marshall       Sarah                   York               23  640
    Wilson         Edmund                  York               23  640
    Barnett        Martha                  York               23  641
    Barrett        Stuart                  York               23  641
    Edson          William                 York               23  641
    Raper          Ann                     York               23  641
    Smith          William                 York               23  641
    Ascough        Willian                 York               23  643
    Darley         Thomas                  York               23  643
    Foster         Mary                    York               23  643
    Knapton        Mary Ann                York               23  643
    Bland          Jane                    York               23  644
    Abbott         George                  York               23  645
    Burley         Jane                    York               23  645
    Richardson     Christopher             York               23  645
    Tuke           Elizabeth               York               23  645
    Adamson        John                    York               23  647
    Colbert        Ellen                   York               23  647
    Collins        Charles                 York               23  647
    Ingledew       Sarah                   York               23  647
    Jammison       Ann                     York               23  647
    Maltman        Peter                   York               23  647
    Sleightholme   John                    York               23  647
    Youngston      Elizabeth               York               23  647
    Addison        Jane                    York               23  649
    Barnby         Maria                   York               23  649
    Carrigan       Charles Joseph Rowan    York               23  649
    Coates         William                 York               23  649
    Colbert        Sarah                   York               23  649
    Mosley         James                   York               23  649
    Richardson     Thomas                  York               23  649
    Taylor         Eliza                   York               23  649
    Arnett         Elizabeth               York               23  650
    Garbutt        Elizabeth               York               23  650
    Sothran        John                    York               23  650
    Southwood      George                  York               23  650
    Southwood      Ann                     York               23  650
    Steel          John                    York               23  650
    Underwood      John                    York               23  650
    Wrightson      Mary                    York               23  650
    Burnett        Barnabas                York               23  651
    Cotnam         John                    York               23  651
    Walker         Mary Leeman             York               23  651
    Brown          William                 York               23  653
    Buttle         Mary                    York               23  653
    Cartwright     Thomas                  York               23  653
    Clark          Hannah                  York               23  653
    Midgley        Ann                     York ?653          23  653
    Silversides    George                  York               23  653
    Wedgwood       James                   York               23  653
    Inman          George                  York               23  654
    Millett        Ann                     York               23  654
    Morgan         John                    York               23  654
    Morrill        Ann                     York               23  654
    Wilson         Ann                     York               23  654
    Wright         William                 York               23  654
    Hamilton       Ebenezer Murray         York               23  655
    Palmer         Maria Mascia            York               23  655
    Richardson     Amelia                  York               23  655
    Smith          Charles                 York               23  655
    Addy           Mary                    York               23  657
    Baxter         John                    York               23  657
    Brown          Charlotte               York               23  657
    Harrap         Ann                     York               23  657
    Hume           Mary                    York               23  657
    Hunter         Robert                  York               23  657
    Morrell        Samuel                  York               23  657
    Routledge      Elizabeth               York               23  658
    Towse          John                    York               23  658
    Batman         Emma                    York               23  659
    Bowman         William                 York               23  659
    Dickinson      Frank                   York               23  659
    Phillips       Jane Carlton            York               23  659
    Smith          Eliza                   York               23  659
    Steward        Edward                  York               23  659
    Walker         Peter                   York               23  659
    Wilson         Elizabeth               York               23  659
    Fawcet         George                  York               23  661
    Fisher         Sarah                   York               23  661
    Fuesdale       Mary                    York               23  661
    Howland        Ann                     York               23  661
    Ross           Sarah                   York               23  661
    Russell        William                 York               23  661
    Scott          Richard                 York               23  661
    Warriner       Thomas                  York               23  661
    Howett         Robert                  York               23  662
    Watkinson      Martha                  York               23  662
    Atkin          Hannah                  York               23  663
    Bell           George                  York               23  663
    Furnish        William                 York               23  663
    Harland        John                    York               23  663
    Lund           Elizabeth               York               23  663
    Poulter        Thomas                  York               23  663
    Setterington   Mary                    York               23  663
    Whitaker       Susannah                York               23  663
    Blanches       John Baptiste           York               23  665
    Claxton        Ann                     York               23  665
    Dunwell        Jane Ann                York               23  665
    Eshelby        Anne                    York               23  665
    Holmes         Henry Thomas            York ?663          23  665
    Hosgood        Mary                    York               23  665
    Howard         Henry                   York               23  665
    Mercer         Francis                 York               23  665
    Day            John                    York               23  666
    Dickson        John                    York               23  666
    Hewgill        Mary Ann                York               23  666
    Rayner         Frances Elizabeth       York               23  666
    Vinor          Mary Ann                York               23  666
    Ward           William                 Ymth               23  666
    Wrigglesworth  John                    York               23  666
    Barker         Mary                    York               23  667
    Harrison       John                    York               23  667
    Mason          Mary Ann                York               23  667
    Shilletoe      Henry                   York               23  667
    Armieson       Frances                 York               23  669
    Brown          Thomas                  York               23  669
    Massey         William                 York               23  669
    Shepherd       Luke                    York               23  669
    Smith          Daniel                  York ?9            23  669
    Warters        Jane                    York               23  669
    Williamson     Jane Sophia             York               23  669
    Wright         Jane                    York               23  669
    Atkinson       Robert                  York               23  671
    Chippendale    Elizabeth               York               23  671
    French         William                 York               23  671
    Guest          Ann                     York               23  671
    Hacket         Elizabeth Ann           York               23  671
    Lloyd          Thomas William          York               23  671
    Mitchell       Martha                  York               23  671
    Spencer        William                 York               23  671
    Watson         Mary                    York               23  671
    Willoughby     Walter                  York               23  671
    Bradey         Sarah                   York               23  673
    Cooper         William                 York               23  673
    Ellis          John                    York               23  673
    Flint          Eliza                   York               23  673
    Andrew         Robert                  York               23  675
    Cowling        Emily Catherine         York               23  675
    Fountain       Elizabeth               York               23  675
    Haw            Thomas                  York               23  675
    Kay            John                    York               23  675
    Palmer         Henry Vaughan           York               23  675
    Sellers        Ann                     York               23  675
    Smith          Bessy                   York               23  675
    Bean           Jane                    York               23  676
    Berriman       Ann                     York               23  676
    Camidge        Robert                  York               23  676
    Hutson         George                  York               23  676
    Lund           Richard                 York               23  676
    Matthews       Hannah                  York               23  676
    Palliser       William                 York               23  676
    Turner         Elizabeth               York               23  676
    Considine      Susan                   York               23  677
    Dimmey         Sarah                   York               23  677
    Larkin         James                   York               23  677
    Lazenby        John                    York               23  677
    Medcalf        Robert                  York               23  677
    Mitchell       Benjamin                York               23  677
    Sollitt        Maria                   York               23  677
    Taylor         Elizabeth               York               23  677
    Archer         Samuel                  York               23  678
    Fountain       Sarah                   York               23  678
    Jaques         Elizabeth               York               23  678
    Proud          Roger                   York               23  678
    Clark          Mary                    York               23  679
    Craven         William                 York               23  679
    Dickson        William                 York               23  679
    Maw            Martha                  York               23  679
    Smithies       Jane                    York               23  679
    Storr          George                  York               23  679
    Wadkin         Hannah                  York               23  679
    Wilson         John                    York               23  679
    Levy           Louis                   York               23  680
    Malthouse      Thomas                  York ?680          23  680
    Mirley         William Henry           York               23  680
    Nichols        Thomas                  York               23  680
    Parker         Elizabeth Nettleton     York               23  680
    Settle         Mary                    York               23  680
    Stewart        Martha                  York               23  680
    West           Betsey                  York               23  680
    Bowman         William                 York               23  681
    Burnett        Mary Ann                York               23  681
    Parkin         John                    York               23  681
    Shepheard      Ann                     York               23  681
    Simpson        Mary                    York               23  681
    Spearing       George                  York               23  681
    Turner         Mary                    York               23  681
    Vine           John                    York               23  681
    Burden         Ann                     York               23  682
    Day            Hannah                  York               23  682
    Hodgson        Robert                  York               23  682
    Holgate        John                    York               23  682
    Kay            Mary                    York               23  682
    Rowntree       Robert                  York ?8            23  682
    Rymer          George                  York               23  682
    Smailes        Mary                    York               23  682
    Baines         Michael                 York               23  683
    Baines         Thomas                  York               23  683
    Barnes         Jane                    York ?653          23  683
    Clark          Bridget                 York               23  683
    Hill           Elizabeth               York               23  683
    Ratchford      Michael                 York               23  683
    Spencer        Mary                    York               23  683
    Teasdale       James                   York               23  683
    Todd           Henry                   York               23  683
    Askwith        Anne                    York               23  684
    Dixon          Maria                   York               23  684
    Ginn           Thomas                  York               23  684
    Ginn           Thomas                  York               23  684
    Kneeshaw       Matthew Giles           York               23  684
    Mercer         Emma                    York               23  684
    Pulleyn        George                  York               23  684
    Setterington   William                 York               23  684
    Tesseyman      Frances                 York               23  684
    Dale           Ann                     York               23  685
    Darley         Mary                    York 685?          23  685
    Davies         James                   York ?685          23  685
    Fairbourn      Ann                     York               23  685
    Hydes          John                    York               23  685
    Plowman        Mark                    York               23  685
    Read           Elizabeth               York               23  685
    Ripley         Robert Paul             York               23  685
    Cocker         Ellen                   York               23  686
    Creaser        William                 York               23  686