


District 17 - Staffordshire



    This file is one of 27 files covering the 27 volumes
    of the St Catherine's Marriage Index for the March
    quarter of 1849.

    Errors in the St Cath's index are generally shown by
    giving the St Cath's data in square brackets.  For
    example this may indicate that St Cath's gives a wrong
    volume no. or district name.

    Where I am uncertain about a page number, I repeat the
    page no. with a question mark.  Where I am uncertain of
    one digit in a page no. I query that digit.

    All names are sorted into page sequence.  Some pages are
    found to have an uneven no. of entries.  This may reflect
    unclear fiche, or a page-no. error in the index, or may
    in many cases indicate an alias or variant spellings in
    the original record, or simply a double entry of the same
    name.  Or it may be an indexing/copying error at St Cath's.
    Or it may be my error.  If a user of these files is able
    to correct an error, please let me know.  In some cases
    I have been able to clarify the page no. because of the
    number of names in the different pages.

    In many cases I have abbreviated district names but I hope
    they are sufficiently obvious.  Personal names are given in
    full, but where St Cath's shows an abbreviation (eg Elizth
    or Thos) I have shown it highlighted.

    Marriage partners identified through the UK Marriage Witness
    system are indicated.

    Mike Foster
    19 Khouri Avenue
    Wellington, New Zealand      June 1995

    1849/Q1 - District 17 - Staffs                        Vol Page
    Hordern        Maria               Burton T            17    1
    Ironmonger     Henry               Burton T            17    1
    Kidney         Jumey?              Burton T            17    1
    Mifflin        William             Burton T            17    1
    Wetton         Mary Ann            Burton T            17    1
    White          Elizabeth           Burton T            17    1
    Clements       William             Burton T            17    3
    Evans          Thomas              Burton T            17    3
    Hoult          Ann                 Burton T            17    3
    Jackson        Elizabeth           Burton T            17    3
    Merrey         Jane                Burton T            17    3
    Picking        William             Burton T            17    3
    Tunley         Dorothy             Burton T            17    3
    Valentine      Thomas              Burton T            17    3
    Bacon          George              Burton T            17    4
    Bladon         James               Burton T            17    4
    Milligan       Ann                 Burton T            17    4
    Milward        Caroline            Burton T            17    4
    Oliver         Hannah              Burton T            17    4
    Sanders        Mary                Burton T            17    4
    Smith          John                Burton T            17    4
    Baldwin        George              Burton T ?3         17    5
    Bates          William             Burton T            17    5
    Fellows        Hannah              Burton T            17    5
    Gretton        Mary                Burton T            17    5
    Lovatt         William             Burton T            17    5
    Morgan         Sarah               Burton T            17    5
    Owen           Edward              Burton T            17    5
    Twigg          Mary Ann            Burton T            17    5
    Nelson         Andrew              Burton T            17    6
    Shorthose      William             Burton T            17    6
    Slater         Hannah              Burton T            17    6
    Smith          Henry               Burton T            17    6
    Tinsley        Rebecca             Burton T            17    6
    Whitehead      Henry Eggington     Burton T ?6         17    6
    Winfield       Eliza               Burton T            17    6
    Brown          Edwin               Burton T            17    7
    Tabberer       Jane                Burton T            17    7
    Allen          Charles             Burton T            17    9
    Frances        Sarah               Burton T            17    9
    Gadsby         William             Burton T            17    9
    Harrison       Elizabeth           Burton T            17    9
    Cotton         Emma                Burton T            17   11
    Cotton         William             Burton T            17   11
    Abbott         Elizabeth           Burton T            17   13
    Botham         Thomas              Burton T            17   13
    Lomas          Mary                Burton T            17   13
    Read           Anne                Burton T            17   13
    Redfern        Thomas              Burton T            17   13
    Richardson     Elizabeth           Burton T ?3         17   13
    Roneham        William             Burton T            17   13
    Smith          Elijah              Burton T            17   13
    Swift          Harriet             Burton T            17   13
    Marshall       Jane                Burton T            17   14
    Marshall       Sarah               Burton T            17   14
    Sutton         Mark                Burton T            17   14
    Ash            Hannah              Burton T            17   15
    Brown          Ellen               Burton T            17   15
    Charlesworth   Robert              Burton T            17   15
    Hall           Mary Forester       Burton T            17   15
    Harrison       John                Burton T            17   15
    Twigg          William             Burton T            17   15
    Withnall       Henry               Burton T            17   15
    Bagnall        Sarah               Burton T            17   16
    Ginders        William             Burton T            17   16
    Holbrook       William             Burton T            17   16
    Johnson        Emily               Burton T            17   16
    Moore          Thomas              Burton T            17   16
    Slater         Catharine           Burton T            17   16
    Wheeldon       James               Burton T            17   16
    Whitehead      Hannah              Burton T            17   16
    Coates         Hannah              Burton T            17   17
    Crossley       William             Burton T            17   17
    Archer         Marianne            Burton T            17   19
    Brooks         Louisa              Burton T            17   19
    Dawson         Barnabas            Burton T            17   19
    Harrison       Frederick           Burton T            17   19
    Middleton      Harriet             Burton T            17   19
    Pegg           Elizabeth           Burton T            17   19
    Taylor         James               Burton T            17   19
    Whetton        Henry               Burton T            17   19
    Watson         Samuel              Burton T            17   21
    Wragg          Elizabeth           Burton T            17   21
    Baldwin        Samuel              Burton T            17   23
    North          Ann                 Burton T            17   23
    Bull           Richard             Burton T            17   25
    Henwood        William             Burton T            17   25
    Thorpe         Jane                Burton T            17   25
    Wood           Sarah               Burton T            17   25
    Faulkner       Naomi               Burton T            17   27
    Hammod         William             Burton T            17   27
    Hammond        William             Burton T            17   27
    Holden         Catharine           Burton T            17   29
    Scattergood    James               Burton T            17   29
    Bill           William             Burton T            17   31
    Harrison       Ann                 Burton T            17   31
    Gadsby         Hannah              Burton T            17   33
    Parker         Joseph              Burton T            17   33
    Dum            Edwin               Burton T            17   35
    Gadsby         Harriet             Burton T            17   35
    Gadsby         William             Burton T            17   35
    Penny          William             Burton T            17   35
    Simnet         Harriet             Burton T            17   35
    Tunnicliff     Anne                Burton T            17   35
    Wodson         Mary Ann            Burton T            17   35
    Woodson        Mary Ann            Burton T            17   35
    Woolley        William             Burton T            17   35
    Adshead        Elizabeth           Burton T            17   37
    Barker         Enoch               Burton T            17   37
    Coates         Catherine           Burton T            17   37
    Dodsworth      Charles             Burton T            17   37
    Fearn          Ann                 Burton T            17   37
    Fearn          Samuel              Burton T            17   37
    Evans          David               Burton T            17   39
    Norton         Ann                 Burton T            17   39
    Ordish         Mary Ann            Burton T            17   39
    Orgill         Thomas              Burton T            17   39
    Sutherns       Thomas              Burton T            17   39
    Ward           Hannah              Burton T            17   39
    Bowler         Harriet             Cheadle             17   41
    Holland        William             Cheadle             17   41
    Robotham       Ann                 Cheadle             17   41
    Salt           Maria               Cheadle             17   41
    Shaw           Emily               Cheadle             17   41
    Thompson       William             Cheadle             17   41
    Tideswell      James               Cheadle             17   41
    Weston         Charles             Cheadle             17   41
    Bradbury       Daniel              Cheadle             17   42
    Ratcliffe      Jane                Cheadle             17   42
    Bould          Hannah              Cheadle             17   43
    Keates         William             Cheadle             17   43
    Keats          William             Cheadle             17   43
    Bromley        John                Cheadle             17   45
    Harris         Emma                Cheadle             17   45
    Hulme          Thomas              Cheadle             17   45
    Shaw           Hannah              Cheadle             17   45
    Stokes         Julia               Cheadle             17   45
    Tipper         Ralph               Cheadle             17   45
    Utting         Sarah               Cheadle             17   45
    Watson         James               Cheadle             17   45
    Bentley        John                Cheadle             17   47
    Bloor          Emily               Cheadle             17   47
    Eaton          Jane                Cheadle             17   47
    Flint          Ellen               Cheadle             17   47
    Hurst          Edward              Cheadle             17   47
    Salt           Isaac               Cheadle             17   47
    Salt           Mary Ellen          Cheadle             17   47
    Ward           Arthur              Cheadle             17   47
    Allsop         Charles             Cheadle             17   48
    Dutton         Ellen               Cheadle             17   48
    Hickinbotham   Samuel              Cheadle             17   48
    Hurst          Eliza               Cheadle             17   48
    Smith          Maria               Cheadle             17   49
    Smith          Samuel              Cheadle             17   49
    Beardmore      John                Cheadle             17   51
    Hyde           Mary                Cheadle             17   51
    Clowes         George              Cheadle             17   53
    Cornwall       William             Cheadle             17   53
    Heath          Elijah              Cheadle             17   53
    Pointon        Sarah               Cheadle             17   53
    Preator        Henry               Cheadle             17   53
    Sheldon        Ann                 Cheadle             17   53
    Sheldon        Sarah               Cheadle             17   53
    Bould          Elizabeth           Cheadle             17   55
    Bullock        William             Cheadle             17   55
    Chell          Edward              Cheadle             17   55
    Lownds         Ann                 Cheadle             17   55
    Malkin         Ann                 Cheadle             17   55
    Shaw           Emma                Cheadle             17   55
    Thorley        Mary                Cheadle             17   55
    Thorley        Rupert              Cheadle             17   55
    Weston         John                Cheadle             17   55
    Beardmore      Emma                Cheadle             17   56
    Cornwell       Thomas              Cheadle             17   56
    Harvey         Samuel              Cheadle             17   56
    Huiett         Harriett            Cheadle             17   56
    Salt           George              Cheadle             17   56
    Salt           John                Cheadle             17   56
    Shenton        Mary Ann            Cheadle             17   56
    Slater         Ann                 Cheadle             17   56
    Backs          Louisa              Cheadle             17   57
    Barks          Louisa              Cheadle             17   57
    Birch          Rupert              Cheadle             17   57
    Falkner        Samuel              Cheadle             17   57
    Jackson        Samuel              Cheadle             17   57
    Johnson        Hannah              Cheadle             17   57
    Beardmore      Solomon             Cheadle             17   59
    Carr           Benjamin            Cheadle             17   59
    Harrison       Eliza               Cheadle             17   59
    Whitehurst     Lydia               Cheadle             17   59
    Bailey         Stephen             Cheadle             17   61
    Beardmore      Henry               Cheadle             17   61
    Levitt         Elizabeth           Cheadle             17   61
    Weston         Elizabeth           Cheadle             17   61
    Doogin         Timis               Cheadle             17   63
    Faulkner       Sarah               Cheadle             17   63
    Faulknow       Sarah               Cheadle             17   63
    Keates         Mary                Cheadle             17   63
    Liveney        James               Cheadle             17   63
    Long           Briget (sic)        Cheadle             17   63
    Mahone         Catharine           Cheadle             17   63
    Robinson       William             Cheadle             17   63
    Salt           William             Cheadle             17   63
    Hawley         Ann                 Cheadle             17   64
    Howe           George              Cheadle             17   64
    Milward        Isabella            Cheadle             17   65
    Parkinson      Henry               Cheadle             17   65
    Allcock        Robert              Leek                17   67
    Burnett        Mary                Leek                17   67
    Chadwick       William             Leek                17   67
    Gould          Mary                Leek                17   67
    Allen          Joseph              Leek                17   69
    Brassington    Hannah              Leek                17   69
    Broster        Benjamin            Leek                17   69
    Knight         Prudence            Leek                17   69
    Abbott         Andrew              Leek                17   71
    Alcock         Mary                Leek                17   71
    Fernihough     Charlotte           Leek                17   71
    Holmes         Francis             Leek                17   71
    Keen           William             Leek                17   71
    Malkin         Thomas              Leek                17   71
    Towers         Maria               Leek                17   71
    Walker         Jane                Leek                17   71
    Bourne         Eli                 Leek                17   72
    Critchlow      Hannah              Leek                17   72
    Mills          Sarah Ann           Leek                17   72
    Prime          Thomas              Leek                17   72
    Trafford       Mary                Leek                17   72
    Ward           Matthew             Leek                17   72
    Webster        Ralph               Leek                17   72
    Wheeldon       Alice               Leek                17   72
    Belfield       Alice Fox           Leek                17   73
    Cook           Ann                 Leek                17   73
    Coulson        William             Leek                17   73
    Holmes         Mary                Leek                17   73
    Hulme          William             Leek                17   73
    Mountfort      Ralph               Leek                17   73
    Plant          Ann                 Leek                17   73
    Spalton        John                Leek                17   73
    Bates          Mary                Leek                17   75
    Blades         Christopher         Leek                17   75
    Brunt          Sarah               Leek                17   75
    Buxton         Harriet             Leek                17   75
    Fisher         George              Leek                17   75
    Gilman         Harriet             Leek                17   75
    Heatt          Richard             Leek                17   75
    Simpson        Henry               Leek                17   75
    Wood           Mary                Leek                17   75
    Bayley         Ben                 Leek                17   76
    Dickman        Frances             Leek                17   76
    Gregory        James               Leek                17   76
    Hollinshead    Jane                Leek                17   76
    Tomkinson      Isaac               Leek                17   76
    Bowyer         George              Leek                17   77
    Sweetmore      Ann                 Leek                17   77
    Brindley       Millicent           Leek                17   79
    Dawson         Samuel              Leek                17   79
    Gretton        Alice               Leek                17   79
    Rowley         James               Leek                17   79
    Turner         Samuel              Leek                17   79
    Woodward       Mary Ann            Leek                17   79
    Cheshire       Ellen               Leek                17   81
    Ford           William Barnett     Leek                17   81
    Meakin         Adam                Leek                17   81
    Moss           William             Leek                17   81
    Shenton        Hannah              Leek                17   81
    Titterton      Ellen               Leek                17   81
    Finney         Ann                 Leek                17   83
    Fynney         Ann                 Leek                17   83
    Johnson        Thomas              Leek                17   83
    Barton         Ann                 Leek                17   85
    Bott           Arthur              Leek                17   85
    Bowdin         Elizabth            Leek                17   85
    Burton         Henry               Leek                17   85
    Nayler         Mary                Leek                17   85
    Percival       Isaac               Leek                17   85
    Thompson       Jeremiah            Leek                17   85
    Twigg          Ann                 Leek                17   85
    Robinson       Ruth                Leek                17   87
    Sutliffe       William             Leek                17   87
    Tatton         Ralph               Leek                17   87
    Abraham        Ann                 Lichfield           17   89
    Beach          Sarah               Lichfield           17   89
    Betts          Lydia               Lichfield           17   89
    Dagley         William             Lichfield           17   89
    Haywood        George              Lichfield           17   89
    Owen           Henry               Lichfield           17   89
    Woodward       Elizabeth           Lichfield           17   89
    Capewell       Alfred              Lichfield           17   91
    Clarke         Sarah               Lichfield           17   91
    Downing        Joseph              Lichfield           17   91
    Moorcroft      Ann                 Lichfield           17   91
    Morecroft      Ann                 Lichfield           17   91
    Broadhurst     Hannah              Lichfield           17   93
    Mills          John                Lichfield           17   93
    Fearneyhough   Mary                Lichfield           17   95
    Tomlinson      Thomas              Lichfield           17   95
    Radford        Sarah               Lichfield           17   97
    Yates          William             Lichfield           17   97
    Beck           James               Lichfield           17   99
    James          Mary Ann            Lichfield           17   99
    Allen          Elizabeth           Lichfield           17  101
    Dean           George Port         Lichfield           17  101
    Lindsey        Thomas              Lichfield           17  103
    Pugh           Sarah               Lichfield           17  103
    Scoffham       Jethro              Lichfield           17  103
    Cork           Thomas              Lichfield           17  105
    Harden         Elizabeth           Lichfield           17  105
    Orgill         Frances             Lichfield           17  105
    Swaine         James               Lichfield           17  105
    White          Ann                 Lichfield           17  105
    Bircher        Louisa              Lichfield           17  107
    Monk           Thomas              Lichfield           17  107
    Ellis          David               Lichfield           17  109
    Fairbanks      Thomas              Lichfield           17  109
    Filkin         Mary Ann            Lichfield           17  109
    Gee            Sarah               Lichfield           17  109
    Knight         William             Lichfield           17  109
    Riley          Thomas              Lichfield           17  109
    Robinson       Louisa              Lichfield           17  109
    Woodhouse      Sarah               Lichfield           17  109
    Causer         William             Lichfield           17  111
    Fairbrother    Henry               Lichfield           17  111
    Hollins        Harriett            Lichfield           17  111
    King           John                Lichfield           17  111
    Taylor         Ann                 Lichfield           17  111
    Thomason       Martha Matilda      Lichfield           17  111
    Thorneloo      Mary                Lichfield ?111      17  111
    Tooth          John                Lichfield           17  111
    Craddock       Noah                Lichfield           17  112
    Hulse          Frances             Lichfield ?112      17  112
    Humphries      Mary Ann            Lichfield           17  112
    Millitt        Eliza               Lichfield           17  112
    Rowley         Walter              Lichfield           17  112
    Yates          Henry               Lichfield           17  112
    Bacon          Fanny               Lichfield           17  113
    Ninham         William             Lichfield           17  113
    Nonham         William             Lichfield           17  113
    Preston        Thomas              Lichfield           17  113
    Russell        Eliza               Lichfield           17  113
    Slater         Perry               Lichfield           17  113
    Smith          Ann                 Lichfield           17  113
    Bateman        Joseph              Lichfield           17  115
    Hall           Mary                Lichfield           17  115
    Lloyd          Mary                Lichfield           17  117
    Miles          Henry John          Lichfield           17  117
    Allsopp        Thomas              Lichfield           17  119
    Deakin         Robert              Lichfield           17  119
    Johnson        Hannah              Lichfield           17  119
    Jones          Ann                 Lichfield           17  119
    Birch          John                Lichfield           17  121
    Thompson       Caroline            Lichfield           17  121
    Blayney        Robert              Lichfield           17  123
    Coleman        Michael             Lichfield           17  123
    Dunlevay       Charles             Lichfield           17  123
    Dunn           Hannah              Lichfield           17  123
    Jones          Agnes               Lichfield           17  123
    Lane           William             Lichfield           17  123
    Moore          Elizabeth           Lichfield           17  123
    Tooth          Elizabeth           Lichfield           17  123
    Brindley       Hannah              Ncastle L           17  125
    Ellis          James               Ncastle L           17  125
    Johnson        Amy                 Ncastle L           17  125
    Johnson        Elizabeth           Ncastle L           17  125
    Procter        Samuel              Ncastle L           17  125
    Salmon         Edward              Ncastle L           17  125
    Taylor         Daniel              Ncastle L           17  125
    Wakefield      Martha              Ncastle L           17  125
    Burgess        Lucy                Ncastle L           17  126
    Wrench         Samuel              Ncastle L           17  126
    Norcutt?       Jane                Ncastle L           17  127
    Wildigg        William             Ncastle L           17  127
    Ankers         Joseph              Ncastle L           17  129
    Buckley        Lydia               Ncastle L           17  129
    McLuckie       John                Ncastle L           17  129
    Merrill        Julia               Ncastle L ?139      17  129
    Stanier        Eliza               Ncastle L           17  129
    Steverson      Eliza               Ncastle L           17  129
    Barratt        David               Ncastle L UKMW      17  131
    Cartwright     John                Ncastle L           17  131
    Clay           Anne                Ncastle L           17  131
    Delves         Thomas              Ncastle L           17  131
    Dunn           Ann                 Ncastle L           17  131
    Fearnyhough    Maria               Ncastle L UKMW      17  131
    Fernyhough     Maria               Ncastle L UKMW      17  131
    Rollins        William             Ncastle L           17  131
    Woodcock       Alice               Ncastle L           17  131
    Micklewright   Mary                Ncastle L           17  133
    Salt           John                Ncastle L           17  133
    Brayford       William             Ncastle L           17  135
    Davies         Samuel              Ncastle L           17  135
    France         Robert              Ncastle L           17  135
    Hale           Jane                Ncastle L           17  135
    Jones          Mary                Ncastle L           17  135
    Mantle         George              Ncastle L           17  135
    Paling         Emma                Ncastle L           17  135
    Riley          Isaac               Ncastle L           17  135
    Wolfe          Mary                Ncastle L           17  135
    Beardmore      Elizabeth           Ncastle L           17  136
    Cockersole     William             Ncastle L           17  136
    Foster         Joseph              Ncastle L           17  136
    Mountford      John                Ncastle L           17  136
    Smith          Ann                 Ncastle L           17  136
    Steel          Mary Ann            Ncastle L           17  136
    Bowers         Henry               Ncastle L           17  137
    Brough         William             Ncastle L           17  137
    Brown          Harriet             Ncastle L           17  137
    Corden         Sarah               Ncastle L           17  137
    Corn           Sarah               Ncastle L           17  137
    Lawrence       Nathaniel           Ncastle L           17  137
    Mason          Thomas              Ncastle L           17  137
    Pearson        Ann                 Ncastle L           17  137
    Boulton        Sarah Bourne        Ncastle L           17  138
    Bryan          William Hill        Ncastle L           17  138
    Challinor      Samuel              Ncastle L           17  138
    Field          Maria               Ncastle [T]         17  138
    Radford        William             Ncastle L           17  138
    Rhead          Elizabeth           Ncastle L           17  138
    Stafford       Elizabeth           Ncastle L           17  138
    Atkinson       Hannah              Ncastle L           17  139
    Bagguley       Thomas              Ncastle L           17  139
    Boulton        Ann                 Ncastle L           17  139
    Jennings       Thomas              Ncastle L           17  139
    Madeley        William             Ncastle L           17  139
    Regan          Mary                Ncastle L           17  139
    Wood           John                Ncastle L           17  139
    Cockersole     James               Ncastle L           17  141
    Duffy          Martin              Ncastle L           17  141
    Tittensor      Sophia              Ncastle L           17  141
    Woods          Mary                Ncastle L           17  141
    Evans          Margaret            Penkridge           17  143
    Foster         Thomas              Penkridge           17  143
    Marshall       Ellen               Penkridge           17  143
    Meeson         Benjamin            Penkridge           17  143
    Southern       William             Penkridge           17  143
    Stockley       Eliza               Penkridge           17  143
    Burton         George              Penkridge           17  145
    Collins        Sarah               Penkridge           17  145
    Parker         Sarah               Penkridge           17  145
    Rotchell       Ellen               Penkridge           17  145
    Smallwood      John Merrick        Penkridge           17  145
    Smallwood      Samuel Merrick      Penkridge           17  145
    Turner         Emma                Penkridge           17  145
    Westwood       John                Penkridge           17  145
    Whittingham    Joseph              Penkridge           17  145
    Bannister      Sarah               Penkridge           17  147
    Bradburn       Maria               Penkridge           17  147
    Jones          Thomas              Penkridge           17  147
    Leek           William             Penkridge           17  147
    Marson         Walter              Penkridge           17  147
    Nicholls       Thomas              Penkridge           17  147
    Smith          Mary                Penkridge           17  147
    Wynn           Mary                Penkridge           17  147
    Higginson      William             Penkridge           17  148
    Juxon          Adelaide            Penkridge           17  148
    Orgill         Charles             Penkridge           17  148
    Tuft           Mary Ann            Penkridge           17  148
    Bott           Thomas              Penkridge           17  149
    Wollaston      Mary Ann            Penkridge           17  149
    Adams          David               Penkridge           17  151
    Brough         Margaret            Penkridge           17  151
    Brown          George              Penkridge           17  151
    Cooke          Mary                Penkridge           17  151
    Hall           Thomas              Penkridge           17  151
    Hughes         Jane                Penkridge           17  151
    Pearson        Samuel              Penkridge           17  151
    Woolley        Sarah               Penkridge           17  151
    Baker          George Williams     Penkridge           17  152
    Bright         Anne                Penkridge           17  152
    Bright         Catherine           Penkridge           17  152
    Brown          Joseph              Penkridge           17  152
    Lewis          William             Penkridge           17  152
    Walker         Jane                Penkridge           17  152
    Ault           Caroline            Penkridge           17  153
    Gillingham     Charles             Penkridge           17  153
    Astbury        Mary                Stafford            17  155
    Handley        William             Stafford            17  155
    Johnson        James               Stafford            17  155
    Seagrave       Elizabeth           Stafford            17  155
    Hodson         Elizabeth           Stafford            17  157
    Wright         David               Stafford            17  157
    Bowers         Edith               Stafford            17  159
    Cockram        Eliza               Stafford            17  159
    Furber         William             Stafford            17  159
    Harper         William             Stafford            17  159
    Lees           Hannah              Stafford            17  159
    Silvester      William             Stafford            17  159
    Merrill        Thomas              Stafford            17  161
    Nutt           Elizabeth           Stafford            17  161
    Cope           Edmund              Stafford            17  163
    Cope           Edward              Stafford            17  163
    Hodson         Ellen               Stafford            17  163
    Hudson         Mary Ann            Stafford            17  163
    Shingler       Thomas Heath        Stafford            17  163
    Johnson        Mary                Stafford            17  165
    Shreehorne     Michael             Srafford ?5         17  165
    Williams       Ellen               Stafford            17  167
    Addison        Eliza               Stafford            17  169
    Burrow         Edward              Stafford            17  169
    Holt           Henry               Stafford            17  169
    Adams          Mary                Stafford            17  171
    Boote          Daniel              Stafford            17  171
    Clark          James Knight        Stafford            17  173
    Weaver         Mary                Stafford            17  173
    Brown          William             Stafford            17  175
    Dix            James               Stafford            17  175
    Gilbert        Sophia              Stafford            17  175
    Godwin         Mary Ann            Stafford            17  175
    Mills          Sarah               Stafford            17  175
    Morris         Benjamin            Stafford            17  175
    Riley          Maria               Stafford ?1         17  175
    Vernom         John                Stafford            17  175
    Cartwright     Sarah               Stafford            17  176
    Clewlow        Joseph              Stafford            17  176
    Dainty         James               Stafford            17  176
    Danford        Martha              Stafford            17  176
    Bull           Mary                Stafford            17  177
    Collett        Margaret            Stafford            17  177
    Collier        Lucy                Stafford            17  177
    Cope           Sarah Ann           Stafford            17  177
    Leadbetter     Robert              Stafford            17  177
    Mitchell       Edward              Stafford            17  177
    Shipley        John                Stafford            17  177
    Ward           Richard             Stafford            17  177
    Cadman         George              Stafford            17  179
    Gannon         Catharine           Stafford            17  179
    Goodman        Bridget             Stafford            17  179
    Goodman        John                Stafford            17  179
    Heath          Elizabeth           Stafford            17  179
    McGovern       Ann                 Stafford            17  179
    Murry          Christopher         Stafford            17  179
    Styles         James               Stafford            17  179
    Barker         Mary                Stoke T             17  181
    Bier           Louisa              Stoke T             17  181
    Day            James               Stoke T ?181        17  181
    Derbyshire     Reuben              Stoke T             17  181
    Hill           Sarah               Stoke T             17  181
    Owen           Sarah               Stoke T             17  181
    Robinson       James               Stoke T             17  181
    Shaw           John                Stoke T             17  181
    Nicolls        Edward              Stoke T             17  182
    Toft           Hannah              Stoke T             17  182
    Brindley       George              Stoke T             17  183
    Burton         Mary                Stoke T             17  183
    Chorlton       William             Stoke T             17  183
    Lawton         Herbert             Stoke T             17  183
    Plant          Esther              Stoke T             17  183
    Simpson        Edward              Stoke T ?8          17  183
    Steel          Dinah               Stoke T             17  183
    Tew            Sarah Elizabeth     Stoke T             17  183
    Allcock        Emma                Stoke T             17  184
    Brookes        John                Stoke T             17  184
    Broom          Ann                 Stoke T             17  184
    Fenton         Margaret            Stoke T             17  184
    Morrey         William             Stoke T             17  184
    Tipton         Sarah               Stoke T             17  184
    Tunnicliffe    Joseph              Stoke T             17  184
    Williams       John                Stoke T             17  184
    Goodwin        Caroline            Stoke T             17  185
    Kinnersly      Thomas              Stoke T             17  185
    Layland        James               Stoke T             17  185
    Nicklin        Eliza Ford          Stoke T             17  185
    Richards       John                Stoke T ?185        17  185
    Rushton        Ellen               Stoke T             17  185
    Cotterill      Harriet             Stoke T             17  187
    Hollins        James               Stoke T             17  187
    James          Emma                Stoke T             17  187
    Lockett        Thomas              Stoke T             17  187
    Pitchford      James               Stoke T             17  187
    Potter         Mary                Stoke T             17  187
    Aston          George              Stoke T             17  189
    Baker          Sarah               Stoke T             17  189
    Brockhouse     Matilda             Stoke T             17  189
    Mayer          James               Stoke T             17  189
    Poulson        Joseph              Stoke T             17  189
    Yardley        Hannah              Stoke T             17  189
    Hope           Hannah              Stoke T ?190        17  190
    Arrowsmith     Rosannah            Stoke T             17  191
    Clews          Joseph              Stoke T             17  191
    Ashwell        Emily               Stoke T             17  193
    Baddley        Fanny               Stoke T             17  193
    Badkin         Sarah               Stoke T             17  193
    Barker         Hamlet              Stoke T             17  193
    Barratt        Elizabeth           Stoke T             17  193
    Cartwright     Samuel              Stoke T             17  193
    Hayes          Thomas              Stoke T             17  193
    Mellor         James               Stoke T             17  193
    Wright         Charlotte           Stoke T             17  193
    Barnes         Prudence            Stoke T             17  194
    Bond           Eliza               Stoke T             17  194
    Bridgwood      Martha              Stoke T             17  194
    Bridgwood      Martha              Stoke T             17  194
    Chell          John                Stoke T             17  194
    Field          Thomas              Stoke T             17  194
    Goodwin        Samuel              Stoke T             17  194
    Napier         George Webster      Stoke T             17  194
    Rowley         Eliza               Stoke T             17  194
    Clarke         Edwin               Stoke T             17  195
    Adams          Mary                Stoke T             17  197
    Astbury        William             Stoke T             17  197
    Dodd           William             Stoke T             17  197
    Hill           Sarah               Stoke T             17  197
    Middleton      John                Stoke T             17  197
    Miller         Mary                Stoke T             17  197
    Reeves         Thomas              Stoke T             17  197
    Rogers         Pemelia (sic)       Stoke T             17  197
    Eardley        Hannah              Stoke T             17  198
    Goodfellow     Harriet             Stoke T             17  198
    Hartshorn      George              Stoke T             17  198
    Herbert        William             Stoke T             17  198
    Hudson         Thomas              Stoke T             17  198
    Rowland        Thomas              Stoke T             17  198
    Whittaker      Catharine           Stoke T             17  198
    Allcock        Daniel              Stoke T             17  199
    Dale           Catharine           Stoke T             17  199
    Finney         George              Stoke T             17  199
    Jackson        James               Stoke T             17  199
    Lovatt         Ann                 Stoke T             17  199
    Smith          Mary Ann            Stoke T             17  199
    Warrilow       Joseph              Stoke T             17  199
    Williamson     Sarah               Stoke T             17  199
    Bryan          Saints              Stoke T             17  200
    Devereux       George              Stoke T             17  200
    Dunn           Ann                 Stoke T             17  200
    Hales          William             Stoke T             17  200
    Haton          Sarah               Stoke T             17  200
    Heaton         Sarah               Stoke T             17  200
    Park           William             Stoke T             17  200
    Parks          William             Stoke T             17  200
    Simpson        Mary                Stoke T             17  200
    Allen          Frederick           Stoke T             17  201
    Beardmore      Elizabeth           Stoke T             17  201
    Cooper         Ann                 Stoke T             17  201
    Ellerton       William             Stoke T             17  201
    Lawton         John                Stoke T             17  201
    Leighton       William             Stoke T             17  201
    Plant          Jane Bettaney       Stoke T             17  201
    Smith          Ann                 Stoke T             17  201
    Grocott        William             Stoke T             17  202
    Johnson        Maria               Stoke T             17  202
    Kirby          Frances             Stoke T             17  202
    Lawton         Sarah               Stoke T             17  202
    Shaw           David               Stoke T             17  202
    Shufflebotham  William             Stoke T             17  202
    Steele         Hugh                Stoke T             17  202
    Williams       Ann                 Stoke T             17  202
    Bettany        Ellen               Stoke T             17  203
    Booth          Mary                Stoke T             17  203
    Bourne         Samuel              Stoke T             17  203
    Dyke           Mary                Stoke T             17  203
    Dykes          Mary                Stoke T             17  203
    Forrester      Sarah               Stoke T             17  203
    Morris         William             Stoke T             17  203
    Pope           Henry               Stoke T             17  203
    Tunstall       Spencer             Stoke T             17  203
    Appleby        Joseph              Stoke T             17  204
    Bloor          William             Stoke T             17  204
    Brough         Julia               Stoke T             17  204
    Carter         Sarah               Stoke T             17  204
    Coomer         Ann                 Stoke T             17  204
    Lightfoot      Samuel              Stoke T             17  204
    Rhodes         Mary                Stoke T             17  204
    Roberts        George              Stoke T             17  204
    Butler         Ellen               Stoke T             17  205
    Cooper         Thomas              Stoke T             17  205
    Croxton        Walter              Stoke T             17  205
    Dale           Thomas              Stoke T             17  205
    Deaville       John                Stoke T             17  205
    Emmons         Elizabeth           Stoke T             17  205
    Hodgkinson     Eliza               Stoke T             17  205
    Brooks         Margaret            Stoke T             17  206
    Colley         Sophia              Stoke T             17  206
    Dutton         William             Stoke T             17  206
    Hand           Hannah              Stoke T             17  206
    Parks          Samuel              Stoke T             17  206
    Smith          William             Stoke T             17  206
    Turner         Hannah              Stoke T             17  206
    Walker         Ralph               Stoke T             17  206
    Flower         John                Stoke T             17  207
    Genders        George              Stoke T             17  207
    Hammersley     Robert              Stoke T             17  207
    Hill           Harriet             Stoke T             17  207
    Keeling        Ann                 Stoke T             17  207
    Kidmow         Henry               Stoke T             17  207
    Reade          Ellen Hickman       Stoke T             17  207
    Robinson       Hannah              Stoke T             17  207
    Bedson         Edward              Stoke T             17  208
    Bloor          Watkin              Stoke T             17  208
    Coates         Sina                Stoke T             17  208
    James          Martha              Stoke T             17  208
    Martin         Mary                Stoke T             17  208
    Mellor         Joanna              Stoke T             17  208
    Mellor         Joseph              Stoke T             17  208
    Palin          John                Stoke T             17  208
    Goodfellow     William             Stoke T             17  209
    Hancock        Charles             Stoke T             17  209
    Levitt         John                Stoke T             17  209
    Morce          Jane                Stoke T             17  209
    Peake          John                Stoke T             17  209
    Plant          John                Stoke T             17  209
    Robinson       Jane                Stoke T             17  209
    Wakelin        Charlotte           Stoke T             17  209
    Williams       Eliza               Stoke T             17  209
    Baddeley       William Brooks      Stoke T             17  210
    Boulton        Ellen               Stoke T             17  210
    Chawner        Sarah Sophia        Stoke T             17  210
    Cresswell      Richard             Stoke T             17  210
    Davis          Eliza               Stoke T  ?210       17  210
    Ridge          William             Stoke T             17  210
    Whiston        Mary                Stoke T             17  210
    Burgess        Thomas              Stoke T             17  211
    Higginson      Lydia               Stoke T             17  211
    Bosting        Janet               Stoke T             17  213
    Durose         Ann                 Stoke T             17  213
    Green          Maria               Stoke T             17  213
    Harvey         Mary                Stoke T             17  213
    Hewbinger      Henry               Stoke T             17  213
    Powell         John                Stoke T             17  213
    Rushton        Samuel              Stoke T             17  213
    Thorley        George              Stoke T             17  213
    Abberley       Rupert              Stoke T             17  214
    Cotton         George              Stoke T             17  214
    Dale           John                Stoke T             17  214
    Davall         Mary Elizabeth      Stoke T             17  214
    Hollingshead   Ellen               Stoke T             17  214
    Taylor         Margaret            Stoke T             17  214
    Tomkinson      Joseph              Stoke T             17  214
    Williams       Prudence            Stoke T             17  214
    Boulton        Kate                Stoke T             17  215
    Brooks         Eliza               Stoke T             17  215
    Brown          Zechariah           Stoke T             17  215
    Davenport      Ann                 Stoke T             17  215
    Gee            Julia               Stoke T             17  215
    Poole          George              Stoke T             17  215
    Scarratt       Emma                Stoke T             17  215
    Till           Joseph              Stoke T             17  215
    Wood           John                Stoke T             17  215
    Bourn          Laveina             Stoke T             17  216
    Brunt          Sarah               Stoke T             17  216
    Colclough      John                Stoke T             17  216
    Davis          Ann                 Stoke T             17  216
    Hall           William             Stoke T ?216        17  216
    Phillips       Samuel Abnor        Stoke T             17  216
    Shew           Ann                 Stoke T             17  216
    Shingler       John                Stoke T             17  216
    Wallbank       John                Stoke T             17  216
    Horne          Thomas              Stoke T             17  217
    Mason          Sarah               Stoke T             17  217
    Stanway        Mary                Stoke T             17  217
    Turner         John                Stoke T             17  217
    Dale           Catherine           Stoke T             17  219
    Forester       Alice               Stoke T             17  219
    Pickstock      John                Stoke T             17  219
    Warrilow       Joseph              Stoke T             17  219
    Wetton         Harriet             Stoke T             17  219
    Wilkinson      James               Stoke T             17  219
    Randall        Thomas Martin       Stoke T             17  221
    Shipley        Louisa              Stoke T             17  221
    Bennett        Elisabeth           Stone               17  223
    Tansley        James               Stone               17  223
    Barnett        John                Stone               17  225
    Holmes         Sarah               Stone               17  225
    Tansley        Mary                Stone               17  225
    Turner         Thomas              Stone               17  225
    Boughey        Matthew             Stone               17  227
    Brough         Thomas              Stone               17  227
    Shirley        Ann                 Stone               17  227
    Worsdale       Priscilla           Stone               17  227
    Bowers         Ann                 Stone               17  229
    Sawyer         Thomas              Stone               17  229
    Ansell         Thomas              Stone               17  231
    Garnar         Elizabeth           Stone               17  231
    Dumbell        Mary                Stone               17  233
    Eardley        Mary                Stone               17  233
    Farmer         Sarah               Stone               17  233
    Lowe           Abraham             Stone               17  233
    Rushton        John                Stone               17  233
    Simkin         Richard             Stone               17  233
    Bailey         Thomas              Stone               17  235
    Bishop         John                Stone               17  235
    Ecclestone     Thomas              Stone               17  235
    Lewis          Frances             Stone               17  235
    Wallers        Jane                Stone               17  235
    Williams       Thomas              Stone               17  235
    Wright         Elizabeth           Stone               17  235
    Wright         Lydia               Stone               17  235
    Bayley         Jane                Stone               17  236
    Breeze         Ralph               Stone               17  236
    Green          William             Stone               17  236
    Hubbart        Sarah               Stone               17  236
    Lindop         Mary                Stone               17  236
    Wheaver        William             Stone               17  236
    Amison         Jane                Stone               17  237
    Berrisford     John                Stone               17  237
    Cyples         James               Stone               17  237
    Hassall        Sarah               Stone               17  237
    Jones          David               Stone               17  237
    Martin         Ann                 Stone               17  237
    Cotton         William             Stone               17  239
    Johnson        Caroline            Stone               17  239
    Adderley       Joseph              Stone               17  241
    Gretton        John                Stone               17  241
    Nichols        Sarah               Stone               17  241
    Shemilt        Julia               Stone               17  241
    Chell          Joseph              Stone               17  243
    Deuxberry      Peter               Stone               17  243
    Fowell         Hannah              Stone               17  243
    Jones          Eleanor Lovatt      Stone               17  243
    Bowers         Thomas              Stone               17  245
    Brunt          Abraham             Stone               17  245
    Hains          William             Stone               17  245
    Hurst          Mary                Stone               17  245
    Morris         Elizabeth           Stone               17  245
    Stanley        Eliza               Stone               17  245
    Walters        Ellen               Stone               17  245
    Willcox        Michael             Stone               17  245
    Addisson       Thomas              Stone               17  246
    Darall         Maria               Stone               17  246
    Davall         Maria               Stone               17  246
    Fairbanks      Mary                Stone               17  246
    Griffiths      John                Stone               17  246
    Macpherson     Alexander           Stone               17  246
    Middleton      Elizabeth           Stone               17  246
    Morreys        Francis             Stone               17  246
    Picken         Mary                Stone               17  246
    Lightfoot      Henry               Stone               17  247
    Picton         John Owen           Stone               17  247
    Smith          Anne                Stone               17  247
    Wright         Ann                 Stone               17  247
    Hodson         Sarah               Stone               17  249
    Timmis         Joseph              Stone               17  249
    Broad          Thomas              Stone               17  251
    Buckley        Margaret            Stone               17  251
    Burchell       Mary                Stone               17  251
    Carty          Martin              Stone               17  251
    Daniel         Elizabeth           Stone               17  251
    Elliott        Thomas              Stone               17  251
    Finney         Benjamin            Stone               17  251
    Warrilow       Eliza               Stone               17  251
    Degge          Ann                 Uttoxeter           17  253
    Gilman         Daniel              Uttoxeter           17  253
    Blake          Ann                 Uttoxeter           17  255
    Cope           John                Uttoxeter           17  255
    Durose         Sarah               Uttoxeter           17  255
    Heath          John                Uttoxeter           17  255
    Heath          John Baptist        Uttoxeter           17  255
    Millward       Maria               Uttoxeter           17  257
    Udall          Thomas              Uttoxeter           17  257
    Bailey         Cicely              Uttoxeter           17  259
    Burton         John                Uttoxeter           17  259
    Stevenson      John                Uttoxeter           17  259
    Turner         Sarah               Uttoxeter           17  259
    Woolley        Frances             Uttoxeter           17  259
    Hardy          Elizabeth           Uttoxeter           17  261
    Malbourn       Catharine           Uttoxeter           17  261
    Malbourne      Catharine           Uttoxeter           17  261
    Pegg           William             Uttoxeter           17  261
    Townsend       John                Uttoxeter           17  261
    Brown          Harriet             Uttoxeter           17  263
    Harrison       Robert              Uttoxeter           17  263
    Leason         Francis             Uttoxeter           17  265
    Orpe           John                Uttoxeter           17  265
    Wood           Mary                Uttoxeter           17  265
    Yeomans        Mary                Uttoxeter           17  265
    Davis          Alfred              Uttoxeter           17  267
    Gerrard        Henry               Uttoxeter           17  267
    Harrison       Elizabeth Burton    Uttoxeter           17  267
    Keeling        Maria               Uttoxeter           17  267
    Smith          Maria               Uttoxeter           17  267
    Tortoishell    John                Uttoxeter           17  267
    Cooper         Thomas              Uttoxeter           17  269
    Faulkner       Joseph              Uttoxeter           17  269
    Povey          Elizabeth           Uttoxeter           17  269
    Campion        Hannah              Uttoxeter           17  271
    Edwards        Joseph              Uttoxeter           17  271
    Harrison       Sarah               Uttoxeter           17  271
    Oakley         Peter               Uttoxeter           17  271
    Wall           William             Uttoxeter           17  271
    Wareham        Charlotte           Uttoxeter           17  271
    Charles        Henry               Uttoxeter           17  273
    Hammersley     Eliza Ann           Uttoxeter           17  273
    Hudson         Mary Ann            Uttoxeter           17  273
    ODonnell       Domnick             Uttoxeter           17  273
    Slater         William             Uttoxeter           17  273
    Upton          Eliza               Uttoxeter           17  273
    Allen          Matthew Henry       Walsall             17  275
    Allsop         Harriet             Walsall             17  275
    Glover         Henry               Walsall             17  275
    Wright         Ann                 Walsall             17  275
    Arrowsmith     William             Walsall             17  277
    Beech          Joseph              Walsall             17  277
    Boulton        Fanny               Walsall             17  277
    Powell         Mary                Walsall             17  277
    Somerfield     William             Walsall             17  277
    Stokes         Charles             Walsall             17  277
    Taylor         Harriet             Walsall             17  277
    Worley         Hannah              Walsall             17  277
    Abbotts        Thomas              Walsall             17  279
    Brindley       Harriott            Walsall             17  279
    Butler         Mary                Walsall             17  279
    Page           Jephthah            Walsall             17  279
    Pesley         Francis             Walsall             17  279
    Radnall        Francis Harper      Walsall             17  279
    Small          Eliza               Walsall             17  279
    Challenor      William             Walsall             17  281
    Goodwin        Caroline            Walsall             17  281
    Hawkins        Emma                Walsall             17  281
    Parker         Robert              Walsall             17  281
    Penn           William             Walsall             17  281
    Prosser        Mary                Walsall             17  281
    Thawley        Thomas              Walsall             17  281
    Bickley        Ann                 Walsall             17  282
    Bickley        William             Walsall             17  282
    Gardner        Mary                Walsall             17  282
    Gibbs          George              Walsall             17  282
    Goodwin        Thomas              Walsall             17  282
    Gough          Mary                Walsall             17  282
    Roberts        Henry               Walsall             17  282
    Watson         Henry               Walsall             17  282
    Widdowson      Elizabeth           Walsall             17  282
    Davis          Maria               Walsall             17  283
    Davis          Pamella             Walsall             17  283
    Glover         Mary Ann            Walsall             17  283
    Lane           Maria               Walsall             17  283
    Wood           Abraham             Walsall             17  283
    Wren           Isaac               Walsall             17  283
    Yates          William             Walsall             17  283
    Benton         Joseph              Walsall             17  284
    Dunklur        Harriet             Walsall             17  284
    Edwards        Mary Ann            Walsall             17  284
    Endsworth      George              Walsall             17  284
    Harrison       Samuel              Walsall             17  284
    Hinton         Fanny               Walsall             17  284
    Lawton         Elizabeth           Walsall             17  284
    Lewis          Thomas              Walsall             17  284
    Hampson        Ann                 Walsall             17  285
    Harrison       John Orlando        Walsall             17  285
    Hockland       George              Walsall             17  285
    Holland        Elizabeth           Walsall             17  285
    Johns          Thomas              Walsall             17  285
    Rhoden         Eliza               Walsall             17  285
    Totty          Mary Ann            Walsall             17  285
    Whitehouse     William             Walsall             17  285
    Goodwin        Ann                 Walsall             17  286
    Hopkins        Jane                Walsall             17  286
    Iles           Martha              Walsall             17  286
    Litten         William             Walsall             17  286
    Oaton          Ann                 Walsall             17  286
    Shaw           Joseph              Walsall             17  286
    Shaw           Joseph              Walsall             17  286
    Williams       Thomas              Walsall             17  286
    Green          Ann                 Walsall             17  287
    Kesterton      Mary                Walsall             17  287
    Oakley         John                Walsall             17  287
    Sheldon        William             Walsall             17  287
    Cooper         William             Walsall             17  289
    Glover         Elizabeth           Walsall             17  289
    Leek           Mary                Walsall             17  289
    Mason          Charles             Walsall             17  289
    Bennett        Catherine Ann       Walsall             17  291
    Halfpenny      Thomas              Walsall             17  291
    Hemans         Clara               Walsall             17  291
    Kerr           David               Walsall             17  291
    Lingard        Martha              Walsall             17  291
    Osborne        Harriett            Walsall             17  291
    Slater         Isaac               Walsall             17  291
    Whittaker      Charles Griffiths   Walsall             17  291
    Arnold         Henry               Walsall             17  292
    Harrison       Henrietta           Walsall             17  292
    Tisdall        Hannah              Walsall             17  292
    Vallance       John                Walsall             17  292
    Acton          John                Walsall             17  293
    Bates          William             Walsall             17  293
    Brady          Charles             Walsall             17  293
    Brihaney       Patrick             Walsall             17  293
    Brown          Hannah              Walsall             17  293
    Gateley        John                Walsall             17  293
    Keogh          Mary                Walsall             17  293
    Malarney       Margaret            Walsall             17  293
    Sarsfield      Margaret            Walsall             17  293
    Causer         George              Walsall             17  294
    Evans          John                Walsall             17  294
    Harrison       Mary                Walsall             17  294
    McGinnis       Mary                Walsall             17  294
    Nock           William             Walsall             17  294
    Woodward       Lucy                Walsall             17  294
    Barnes         Anthony             Walsall             17  295
    Henry          Jane                Walsall             17  295
    Somerfield     Louisa              Walsall             17  295
    Baggeley       Henry               Wolstanton          17  297
    Davenport      Martha              Wolstanton          17  297
    Fry            George              Wolstanton          17  297
    Hall           Thomas              Wolstanton          17  297
    Hallam         Ralph               Wolstanton          17  297
    Lent           Mary                Wolstanton          17  297
    Nixon          Mary                Wolstanton          17  297
    Taylor         Mary                Wolstanton          17  297
    Blaize         Jane                Wolstanton          17  298
    Findler        William             Wolstanton          17  298
    Mansell        Mary                Wolstanton          17  298
    Parks          Mary                Wolstanton          17  298
    Rider          James               Wolstanton          17  298
    Rock           William             Wolstanton          17  298
    Walker         John                Wolstanton          17  298
    Walley         Martha              Wolstanton          17  298
    Abberley       Ellen               Walsall [299]       17  299
    Baskey         Ann                 Wolstanton          17  299
    Bowers         Jane                Wolstanton          17  299
    Durbar         Elizabeth           Wolstanton          17  299
    Kelsall        Caroline            Wolstanton          17  299
    Maybury        Thomas              Wolstanton          17  299
    Newark         Edward              Wolstanton          17  299
    Simpson        Daniel              Wolstanton          17  299
    Wood           John                Wolstanton          17  299
    Bailey         Joseph              Wolstanton          17  300
    Morris         Maria               Wolstanton          17  300
    Naggings       James               Wolstanton          17  300
    Pointon        Mary                Wolstanton          17  300
    Blagg          Martha              Wolstanton          17  301
    Booth          Mary Anne           Wolstanton          17  301
    Jackson        Thomas              Wolstanton          17  301
    Lewis          Ann                 Wolstanton          17  301
    Longshaw       Thomas              Wolstanton          17  301
    Rushton        Trecea (sic)        Wolstanton          17  301
    Salmon         George              Wolstanton          17  301
    Scarratt       John                Wolstanton          17  301
    Edwards        Jesse               Wolstanton          17  302
    Fitzgerald     Richard             Wolstanton          17  302
    Fox            Hannah              Wolstanton          17  302
    How            Prudence            Wolstanton          17  302
    Till           Samuel              Wolstanton          17  302
    Wilkins        Elizth (sic)        Wolstanton          17  302
    Cornwall       William             Wolstanton          17  303
    Deeming        Catherine           Wolstanton          17  303
    Espley         Enock               Wolstanton          17  303
    Gresty         Mary Ann            Wolstanton          17  303
    Pilkington     Julian              Wolstanton          17  303
    Reana          Sarah               Wolstanton          17  303
    Williams       Ellis               Wolstanton          17  303
    Caton          Caroline            Wolstanton          17  305
    Cooke          Joseph              Wolstanton          17  305
    Cumberbatch    William             Wolstanton          17  305
    Dunbill        Mary                Wolstanton          17  305
    Evans          George              Wolstanton          17  305
    Hancock        Mary                Wolstanton          17  305
    Saunders       Mary Ann            Wolstanton          17  305
    Wootton        William             Wolstanton          17  305
    Ebrill         Charles             Wolstanton          17  306
    Hales          Robert              Wolstanton          17  306
    Hawthorn       Jane                Wolstanton          17  306
    Hough          Sarah               Wolstanton          17  306
    Hughes         John                Wolstanton          17  306
    Nixon          Mary Ann            Wolstanton          17  306
    Rhead          Mary                Wolstanton          17  306
    Weatherby      William             Wolstanton          17  306
    Bostock        John                Wolstanton          17  307
    Colclough      Catharine           Wolstanton          17  307
    Dale           Daniel              Wolstanton          17  307
    Howard         Emanuel             Wolstanton          17  307
    Johnson        Anne                Wolstanton          17  307
    Machin         Sarah               Wolstanton          17  307
    Rathbone       Charles             Wolstanton          17  307
    Rigby          Mary                Wolstanton          17  307
    Chadwick       Thomas Stevenson    Wolstanton          17  308
    Farrington     Ellen Ellison       Wolstanton          17  308
    Goodwin        James               Wolstanton          17  308
    Mellor         Sarah               Wolstanton          17  308
    Rogers         Ann                 Wolstanton          17  308
    Rowley         Charles             Wolstanton          17  308
    Rowley         George              Wolstanton          17  308
    Rushton        Mary                Wolstanton          17  308
    Booth          Louisa              Wolstanton          17  309
    Casey          Sarah               Wolstanton          17  309
    Johnson        Sarah               Wolstanton          17  309
    Jones          Martin Luther       Wolstanton          17  309
    Lees           Christopher         Wolstanton          17  309
    Rhoden         William             Wolstanton          17  309
    Broom          Thomas              Wolstanton          17  311
    Brown          Elizabeth           Wolstanton          17  311
    Hambleton      George              Wolstanton          17  311
    Newton         Ann                 Wolstanton          17  311
    Pointon        Ann                 Wolstanton          17  311
    Rowley         Thomas              Wolstanton          17  311
    Seal           William             Wolstanton ?3       17  311
    Trever         Martha              Wolstanton          17  311
    Booth          Alice               Wolstanton          17  312
    Clews          Elizabeth           Wolstanton          17  312
    Cotton         John                Wolstanton          17  312
    Jackson        Harriet             Wolstanton          17  312
    Manning        Joseph              Wolstanton          17  312
    Morris         Thomas              Wolstanton          17  312
    Pointon        Eliza               Wolstanton          17  312
    Smith          James               Wolstanton          17  312
    Yates          John                Wolstanton ?312     17  312
    Green          Richard             Wolstanton          17  313
    Hankey         Sarah               Wolstanton          17  313
    Lowe           Thomas              Wolstanton          17  313
    Massey         Harriet             Wolstanton          17  313
    Mountford      Ann                 Wolstanton          17  313
    Platt          Samuel              Wolstanton          17  313
    Taylor         Elizabeth           Wolstanton          17  313
    Bowers         William             Wolstanton          17  314
    Dean           George              Wolstanton          17  314
    Hambleton      Harriet             Wolstanton          17  314
    Lander         Thomas              Wolstanton          17  314
    Sherratt       Henry               Wolstanton          17  314
    Stonier        Eliza               Wolstanton          17  314
    Stonier        Sarah Ann           Wolstanton          17  314
    Worthington    Ann                 Wolstanton          17  314
    Bebbington     William             Wolstanton          17  315
    Forbes         Emma                Wolstanton          17  315
    Hall           George              Wolstanton          17  315
    Hammond        Elizabeth           Wolstanton          17  315
    Johnson        Benjamin            Wolstanton          17  315
    Maxfield       James               Wolstanton          17  315
    Mayer          Emily               Wolstanton          17  315
    Minshall       Hannah              Wolstanton          17  315
    Steele         Ann                 Wolstanton          17  315
    Bagnall        Sarah               Wolstanton          17  316
    Bewley         John                Wolstanton          17  316
    Caton          Elizabeth           Wolstanton          17  316
    Dean           Elizabeth           Wolstanton          17  316
    Stonier        Thomas              Wolstanton          17  316
    Thompson       John                Wolstanton          17  316
    Tryner         Sarah               Wolstanton          17  316
    Weaver         Ralph               Wolstanton          17  316
    Billington     James               Wolstanton          17  317
    Burrows        Hannah              Wolstanton          17  317
    Cork           William             Wolstanton          17  317
    Elsemere       Mary                Wolstanton          17  317
    Emberton       Eliza               Wolstanton          17  317
    Lockett        Richard             Wolstanton          17  317
    Scott          John                Wolstanton          17  317
    Shufflebotham  Eliza               Wolstanton          17  317
    Beckett        William             Wolstanton          17  318
    Lovatt         William             Wolstanton          17  318
    Mellor         Mary                Wolstanton          17  318
    Stanier        Mary Ann            Wolstanton          17  318
    Stonier        Mary Ann            Wolstanton          17  318
    Calligham      Esther              Wolstanton          17  319
    Copeland       Sarah               Wolstanton          17  319
    Copeland       Sarah               Wolstanton          17  319
    Dwine          William             Wolstanton          17  319
    Morgan         Peter               Wolstanton          17  319
    Tatler         Nathaniel           Wolstanton          17  319
    Turner         Mary Ann            Wolstanton          17  319
    Whitmore       John                Wolstanton          17  319
    Bate           Thomas              Wolstanton          17  320
    Brown          Mary Ann            Wolstanton          17  320
    Hancock        Ann                 Wolstanton          17  320
    Lockett        Thomas              Wolstanton          17  320
    Machin         Ann                 Wolstanton          17  320
    Oiley          Ann                 Wolstanton          17  320
    Skellam        James               Wolstanton          17  320
    Turner         John                Wolstanton          17  320
    Baggaley       Sarah               Wolstanton          17  321
    Johnson        John                Wolstanton          17  321
    Poole          Mary                Wolstanton          17  321
    Warburton      James               Wolstanton          17  321
    Burke          Bridget             Whampton            17  323
    Forrester      Jane                Whampton            17  323
    Galbraith      John                Whampton            17  323
    Heanan         Elizabeth           Whampton            17  323
    Rogers         William             Whampton            17  323
    Taylor         Mary                Whampton            17  323
    Thomas         Thomas              Whampton            17  323
    Tottey         Joseph              Whampton            17  323
    Arthur         Joseph              Whampton            17  324
    Cox            John                Whampton            17  324
    Davis          Caroline            Whampton            17  324
    Groom          George              Whampton            17  324
    Harrison       William             Whampton            17  324
    Humphries      Laetitia            Whampton            17  324
    Leakin         Mary                Whampton ?324       17  324
    Price          Mary                Whampton            17  324
    Cope           Thomas              Whampton            17  325
    Sedgley        Martha              Whampton            17  325
    Aston          John                Whampton            17  327
    Butler         Joseph              Whampton            17  327
    Dimmack        Jane Thomings       Whampton            17  327
    Holloway       Henry               Whampton            17  327
    Lowe           Priscilla           Whampton            17  327
    Price          Mary                Whampton            17  327
    Shelton        Charles             Whampton            17  327
    White          Jane                Whampton            17  327
    Grosvenor      Thomas              Whampton            17  328
    Hill           Mary                Whampton            17  328
    Hughes         David               Whampton            17  328
    Lewis          Jane                Whampton            17  328
    Maddock        Edward              Whampton            17  328
    Simms          George              Whampton            17  328
    Stanley        Elizabeth           Whampton            17  328
    Turton         Elizabeth           Whampton            17  328
    Beddard        Ellen               Whampton            17  329
    Webster        James Londen        Whampton            17  329
    Burgess        Martha              Whampton            17  331
    Dorees         Ann Maria Lane      Whampton            17  331
    Hill           Ann                 Whampton            17  331
    Hughes         Samuel              Whampton            17  331
    Hurman         Ferdinand           Whampton            17  331
    Jasper         William             Whampton            17  331
    Lucas          Joseph              Whampton            17  331
    Watkins        Elizabeth           Whampton            17  331
    Knowles        James               Whampton            17  332
    Poyner         Abigail             Whampton            17  332
    Glaze          John                Whampton            17  333
    Pilsbury       Mary                Whampton            17  333
    Williams       Joseph              Whampton            17  333
    Bentley        Sarah               Whampton            17  335
    Guy            William             Whampton            17  335
    Biggs          Mary                Whampton            17  337
    Dunn           Joseph              Whampton            17  337
    Evans          Ann                 Whampton            17  337
    Hickson        Elizabeth           Whampton            17  337
    Kirby          William             Whampton            17  337
    Lee            James               Whampton            17  337
    Lowe           John                Whampton            17  337
    Phillips       Caroline            Whampton            17  337
    Braidley       Mary                Whampton            17  338
    Richards       David               WHampton            17  338
    Baggott        William             Whampton            17  339
    Bynnion        Ann                 Whampton            17  339
    Collins        Joseph              Whampton            17  339
    Hurlstone      Mary Anne           Whampton            17  339
    Poney          Charles             Whampton            17  339
    Poultney       Sarah               Whampton            17  339
    Purslow        John                Whampton            17  339
    Winsper        Ellen               Whampton            17  339
    Browning       John                Whampton            17  340
    Cotton         Betsy Dorothy       Whampton            17  340
    Donotho        Margaret            Whampton            17  340
    Gething        Thomas              Whampton            17  340
    Johnson        John                Whampton            17  340
    Jukes          William             Whampton            17  340
    Terry          Anne                Whampton            17  340
    Winsper        Elizabeth           Whampton            17  340
    Batty          Sophia Biddle       Whampton            17  341
    Brewster       Frederick           Whampton            17  341
    Gate           John                Whampton            17  341
    Hodgkins       Frances             Whampton            17  341
    Maund          Ellen               Whampton            17  341
    Millwood       Alice               Whampton            17  341
    Pooler         Mary                Whampton            17  341
    Smith          Alphonso            Whampton            17  341
    White          Thomas              Whampton            17  341
    Chidlay        Sarah               Whampton            17  342
    Cotterill      Abraham Price       Whampton            17  342
    Howell         James               Whampton            17  342
    Morris         Mary                Whampton            17  342
    Titley         William             Whampton            17  342
    Turner         James               Whampton            17  342
    Whatmore       Mary                Whampton            17  342
    Wilkes         Hannah              Whampton            17  342
    Belcher        George              Whampton            17  343
    Bibb           Mary                Whampton            17  343
    Carter         Harriet             Whampton            17  343
    Darrall        Henry               Whampton            17  343
    Firber         Mary                Whampton            17  343
    Grice          Jane                Whampton            17  343
    Hughes         Joseph              Whampton            17  343
    Johnson        Sarah               Whampton ?345       17  343
    Peatman        Harriet             Whampton ?345       17  343
    Sanders        Richard             Whampton            17  343
    Baker          Mary                Whampton            17  344
    Billing        Emma                Whampton            17  344
    Darricot       Edward              Whampton            17  344
    Hinsley        Catherine           Whampton            17  344
    Lee            Thomas              Whampton            17  344
    Roberts        Elizabeth Phoebe    Whampton            17  344
    Shaw           James               Whampton            17  344
    Wilbraham      John                Whampton            17  344
    Appleby        Isaac               Whampton            17  345
    Boot           George              Whampton            17  345
    Chester        Thomas              Whampton ?343       17  345
    Fenehouse      Elizabeth           Whampton            17  345
    Hart           James George        Whampton            17  345
    Morris         Emma                Whampton            17  345
    Poulston       Samuel              Whampton            17  345
    Abbotts        Richard             Whampton            17  346
    Beddows        Mary Ann            Whampton            17  346
    Coyne          Mary                Whampton            17  346
    Doeman         George              Whampton            17  346
    Foster         Thomas              Whampton            17  346
    Sands          Joseph              Whampton            17  346
    Squire         Lucy                Whampton            17  346
    Blackham       Jane                Whampton            17  347
    Bromley        Charles             Whampton            17  347
    Doran          Stephen             Whampton            17  347
    Hargrove       Jane                Whampton            17  347
    Johnson        Phoebe              Whampton            17  347
    Lewsky         Charles             Whampton            17  347
    Small          Joseph              Whampton            17  347
    Southall       Ann                 Whampton            17  347
    Dyke           Elizabeth           Whampton            17  348
    Feakes         Thomas              Whampton            17  348
    Jones          Sarah               Whampton            17  348
    Merrett        Hannah              Whampton            17  348
    Merricks       William             Whampton            17  348
    Tunnicliff     William             Whampton            17  348
    Washbrook      Mary Anne           Whampton            17  348
    Caldicott      Sarah               Whampton            17  349
    Deakin         Harriet             Whampton            17  349
    Jones          James               Whampton            17  349
    Plimmer        William             Whampton            17  349
    Tomlinson      Eliza               Whampton            17  349
    Upton          James               Whampton            17  349
    Wellings       Harriman            Whampton            17  349
    Whitaker       Mary                Whampton            17  349
    Baker          Sarah               Whampton            17  350
    Chisholm       Hannah Sarah        Whampton            17  350
    Harris         Elizabeth           Whampton            17  350
    Horn           Hannah              Whampton            17  350
    Manns          Isaac               Whampton            17  350
    Onions         David               Whampton            17  350
    Pearce         Thomas              Whampton            17  350
    Tate           James               Whampton            17  350
    Davis          Elizabeth           Whampton            17  351
    Howells        Samuel              Whampton            17  351
    Howells        William             Whampton            17  351
    Lewis          Elizabeth           Whampton            17  351
    Lloyd          Martha              Whampton            17  351
    Powell         William             Whampton            17  351
    Skitt          Francis             Whampton            17  351
    Woolley        Elizabeth           Whampton            17  351
    Aston          Hannah              Whampton            17  352
    Butler         William             Whampton            17  352
    Cooper         Edward              Whampton            17  352
    Evans          Elizabeth           Whampton            17  352
    Lomas          Martha              Whampton            17  352
    Lowndes        Ann                 Whampton            17  352
    Turner         Edward              Whampton            17  352
    Walters        Richard             Whampton            17  352
    Clarke         Mary                Whampton            17  353
    Harris         Henry               Whampton            17  353
    Hickman        Emma                Whampton            17  353
    Holmes         Thurza              Whampton            17  353
    Miller         Michael             Whampton            17  353
    Pearce         John                Whampton            17  353
    Rogers         Ann                 Whampton            17  353
    Rogers         Roger               Whampton            17  353
    Jones          Mary Anne           Whampton            17  354
    Mason          Emma                Whampton            17  354
    Parry          Elizabeth           Whampton            17  354
    Ricketts       Thomas              Whampton            17  354
    Sherriff       Mary Anne           Whampton            17  354
    Wadcock        John                Whampton            17  354
    Weston         George              Whampton            17  354
    Worrall        William             Whampton            17  354
    Bullivant      William             Whampton            17  355
    Case           Joseph              Whampton            17  355
    Clarke         Harriet             Whampton            17  355
    Doughty        Elizabeth           Whampton            17  355
    Holland        Eliza               Whampton            17  355
    Holland        Mary                Whampton            17  355
    Starkey        John                Whampton            17  355
    Starkey        John                Whampton            17  355
    Sutton         George              Whampton            17  355
    Ash            Charlotte           Whampton            17  356
    Bagley         Jane                Whampton            17  356
    Blower         William             Whampton            17  356
    Cooper         Thomas              Whampton            17  356
    Davies         Richard             Whampton            17  356
    James          Louisa              Whampton            17  356
    Moore          Thomas              Whampton            17  356
    Patterson      Isabel              Whampton            17  356
    Broome         Anne                Whampton            17  357
    Cartwright     James               Whampton            17  357
    Hobley         Isaac               Whampton            17  357
    Johnson        William             Whampton            17  357
    Jones          Winefread           Whampton            17  357
    Lowe           Sarah               Whampton            17  357
    Price          John                Whampton            17  357
    Rea            Maria               Whampton            17  357
    Taylor         Susannah            Whampton            17  357
    Beason         Thomas              Whampton            17  358
    Brindley       Martha              Whampton            17  358
    Cooper         Thomas              Whampton            17  358
    Davies         Rachel              Whampton            17  358
    Hill           Harriet             Whampton            17  358
    Hughes         David               Whampton            17  358
    Simcox         John                Whampton            17  358
    Bailey         George              Whampton            17  359
    Baker          Mary                Whampton            17  359
    Baldwin        Enoch               Whampton            17  359
    Coley          Rinlea?             Whampton            17  359
    Evans          Sarah               Whampton            17  359
    Hill           Samuel              Whampton            17  359
    Pumford        William             Whampton            17  359
    Tildesley      Elizabeth Langford  Whampton            17  359
    Barton         Selina              Whampton            17  360
    Butler         John                Whampton            17  360
    Evans          John                Whampton            17  360
    Garbett        Maria               Whampton            17  360
    Hyland         Catherine           Whampton ?360       17  360
    Kelly          James               Whampton            17  360
    Mills          Thomas              Whampton            17  360
    Paredine       Ann                 Whampton            17  360
    Smirthwaite    Elizabeth           Whampton            17  360
    Asprey         Mary                Whampton            17  361
    Cole           Mary Ann            Whampton            17  361
    Deakin         Edward              Whampton            17  361
    Evans          Lydia               Whampton            17  361
    Goode          William             Whampton            17  361
    Hackett        William             Whampton            17  361
    Lawley         John                Whampton            17  361
    Partridge      Sarah Elizabeth     Whampton            17  361
    Biddle         George              Whampton            17  362
    Bowater        Rosanna             Whampton            17  362
    Brookes        Matthew             Whampton            17  362
    North          Mary Ann            Whampton            17  362
    Roberts        Samuel              Whampton            17  362
    Smith          John                Whampton            17  362
    Tonks          Catherine           Whampton            17  362
    Walford        Rosanna             Whampton            17  362
    Burrows        Ann                 Whampton            17  363
    Davies         John                Whampton            17  363
    Hadley         Hannah              Whampton            17  363
    Ponter         Thomas              Whampton            17  363
    Scott          Sarah               Whampton            17  363
    Spruce         William             Whampton            17  363
    Swatman        Sarah               Whampton            17  363
    Taylor         Thomas              Whampton            17  363
    Dudlick        Elizabeth           Whampton            17  364
    Grassing       Thomas              Whampton            17  364
    Hughes         Jane                Whampton            17  364
    Johnson        David               Whampton            17  364
    Lamsdale       Samuel              Whampton            17  364
    Meyrick        John                Whampton            17  364
    Pugh           Mary                Whampton            17  364
    Tildesley      Matilda             Whampton            17  364
    Amos           Mary                Whampton            17  365
    Butler         Sarah               Whampton            17  365
    Cadwallader    Elizabeth           Whampton            17  365
    Edwards        William             Whampton            17  365
    Green          Emily               Whampton            17  365
    Owen           John                Whampton            17  365
    Richards       Owen                Whampton            17  365
    Smalman        Thomas              Whampton            17  365
    Croft          William             Whampton            17  366
    Edwards        Edward              Whampton            17  366
    Mallin         Eliza               Whampton            17  366
    Meek           Thomas              Whampton            17  366
    Richards       Joseph              Whampton            17  366
    Walley         Matilda             Whampton            17  366
    Whittingham    Mary Ann            Whampton            17  366
    Willits        Mary Ann            Whampton            17  366
    Argile         George              Whampton            17  367
    Batts          Henry               Whampton            17  367
    Bennett        Ann                 Whampton            17  367
    Birch          Mary Ann            Whampton            17  367
    Jones          Mary                Whampton            17  367
    Morgan         Mary Ann            Whampton            17  367
    Walker         Charles             Whampton            17  367
    Weaver         Samuel              Whampton            17  367
    Caddick        Sarah               Whampton            17  368
    Chilton        Benjamin            Whampton            17  368
    Hughes         Ann                 Whampton            17  368
    Parry          Edward              Whampton            17  368
    Powis          Sarah Anne          Whampton            17  368
    Round          David               Whampton            17  368
    Wilkinson      Hannah              Whampton            17  368
    Wyatt          William             Whampton            17  368
    Evans          Thomas              Whampton            17  369
    George         Thomas              Whampton            17  369
    Gilligan       Hannah              Whampton            17  369
    Hartill        Ann                 Whampton            17  369
    Nickles        Thomas              Whampton            17  369
    Wardley        Jane                Whampton            17  369
    Felton         William             Whampton            17  371
    Lees           Robert              Whampton            17  371
    Mills          Martha              Whampton            17  371
    Smith          Samuel              Whampton            17  371
    Steventon      Ann                 Whampton            17  371
    Turner         Ann                 Whampton            17  371
    Turner         William             Whampton            17  371
    Caddick        William             Whampton            17  373
    Carrier        Henry               Whampton            17  373
    Corns          Rosanna             Whampton            17  373
    Holt           Catherine           Whampton            17  373
    Jones          Ann                 Whampton            17  373
    Jones          Mary                Whampton            17  373
    Marsh          James               Whampton            17  373
    Oakley         John                Whampton            17  373
    Cartwright     Sarah               Whampton            17  374
    Langley        Jane                Whampton            17  374
    Mattocks       Edward              Whampton            17  374
    Raynes         Jabez               Whampton            17  374
    Smith          Joseph              Whampton            17  374
    Teece          Frances             Whampton            17  374
    Thompson       Marianne            Whampton            17  374
    Bennet         Maria               Whampton            17  375
    Everitt        George Allen        Whampton            17  375
    Brady          Henry               Whampton            17  377
    Callaghan      Patrick             Whampton            17  377
    Devanny        Bridget             Whampton            17  377
    Lamb           Catherine           Whampton            17  377
    Lamb           James               Whampton            17  377
    Quinhorn       Bridget             Whampton            17  377
    Carney         Patrick             Whampton            17  379
    Divanny        Ellen               Whampton            17  379
    Fenn           James               Whampton            17  379
    Flemming       Peter               Whampton            17  379
    Horan          Mary                Whampton            17  379
    McCale         Mary                Whampton            17  379
    Miley          James               Whampton            17  379
    Toole          Mary                Whampton            17  379
    Connelly       Michael             Whampton            17  380
    Evans          Robert              Whampton            17  380
    Horan          Margaret            Whampton            17  380
    ODonnell       John                Whampton            17  380
    Sharky         Bridget             Whampton            17  380
    Teenney        Bridget             Whampton            17  380
    Ward           Thomas              Whampton            17  380
    Bowkley        Sarah               Whampton            17  381
    Davlin         Henry               Whampton            17  381
    Esther         Ann                 Whampton            17  381
    Gower          William             Whampton            17  381
    Grogan         Patrick             Whampton            17  381
    Morris         Richard             Whampton            17  381
    Neblick        Letitia             Whampton            17  381
    Slynn          Ann Maria           Whampton            17  381
    Mahon          Thomas              Whampton            17  382
    Maxwell        Sarah               Whampton            17  382
    Page           Mary                Whampton            17  383
    Rollason       William             Whampton            17  383
    Sherry         Ann                 Whampton            17  383