


District 15 - Leicstershire/Nottinghamshire



    This file is one of 27 files covering the 27 volumes
    of the St Catherine's Marriage Index for the March
    quarter of 1849.

    Errors in the St Cath's index are generally shown by
    giving the St Cath's data in square brackets.  For
    example this may indicate that St Cath's gives a wrong
    volume no. or district name.

    Where I am uncertain about a page number, I repeat the
    page no. with a question mark.  Where I am uncertain of
    one digit in a page no. I query that digit.

    All names are sorted into page sequence.  Some pages are
    found to have an uneven no. of entries.  This may reflect
    unclear fiche, or a page-no. error in the index, or may
    in many cases indicate an alias or variant spellings in
    the original record, or simply a double entry of the same
    name.  Or it may be an indexing/copying error at St Cath's.
    Or it may be my error.  If a user of these files is able
    to correct an error, please let me know.  In some cases
    I have been able to clarify the page no. because of the
    number of names in the different pages.

    In many cases I have abbreviated district names but I hope
    they are sufficiently obvious.  Personal names are given in
    full, but where St Cath's shows an abbreviation (eg Elizth
    or Thos) I have shown it highlighted.

    Marriage partners identified through the UK Marriage Witness
    system are indicated.

    Mike Foster
    19 Khouri Avenue
    Wellington, New Zealand      June 1995

    1849/Q1 - District 15 - Leics/Notts &c                        Vol Page
    Shooter       Lucy                         Basford {?608}      15  60*
    Garratt       Samuel                       Ashby/Z             15    1
    Hines         George                       Ashby/Z             15    1
    Howe          Jane                         Ashby/Z             15    1
    Miller        Ann                          Ashby/Z             15    1
    Neale         Catharine                    Ashby/Z             15    1
    Page          Joseph                       Ashby/Z             15    1
    Park          Samuel                       Ashby/Z             15    1
    Parsons       Mary                         Ashby/Z             15    1
    Bailey        George                       Ashby/Z             15    3
    Broadhurst    Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15    3
    Camp          Elizabeth                    Ashby/Z             15    3
    Cooper        Maria                        Ashby/Z             15    3
    Gresley       John Morwood                 Ashby/Z             15    3
    Smith         Sarah                        Ashby/Z             15    3
    Vavasour      Penelope                     Ashby/Z             15    3
    Adams         James                        Ashby/Z             15    4
    Adams         Mary Ann                     Ashby/Z             15    4
    Dennis        Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15    4
    Evans         Eliza                        Ashby/Z             15    4
    Gee           John                         Ashby/Z             15    4
    Yeoman        Elizabeth                    Ashby/Z             15    4
    Betteridge    Mary                         Ashby/Z             15    5
    Bradley       Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15    5
    Sherratt      Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15    5
    Brookes       John                         Ashby/Z             15    7
    Staley        Edith                        Ashby/Z             15    7
    Cater         Sarah                        Ashby/Z             15    9
    Charnell      Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15    9
    Fairweather   Mary                         Ashby/Z             15    9
    Holt          Edward                       Ashby/Z             15    9
    Jarvis        Charlotte                    Ashby/Z             15   11
    Millwood      James                        Ashby/Z             15   11
    Bate          Frances                      Ashby/Z             15   13
    Smith         William                      Ashby/Z             15   13
    Newbold       William                      Ashby/Z             15   15
    Page          Sidonia Anne                 Ashby/Z             15   15
    Meer          Elin                         Ashby/Z             15   17
    Meere         Ellen                        Ashby/Z             15   17
    Topliss       James                        Ashby/Z             15   17
    Birch         Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15   19
    Blews         John                         Ashby/Z             15   19
    Dimmock       Fanny                        Ashby/Z             15   19
    Dimmocks      Fanny                        Ashby/Z             15   19
    Hyde          George                       Ashby/Z             15   19
    Richdale      Anne                         Ashby/Z             15   19
    Ward          Mary                         Ashby/Z             15   19
    Allgood       Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15   21
    Bamkin        Elizabeth                    Ashby/Z             15   21
    Bostock       William Sheavyn              Ashby/Z             15   23
    Howell        Martha                       Ashby/Z             15   23
    Lees          Martha                       Ashby/Z             15   25
    Shorthouse    William                      Ashby/Z             15   25
    Reed          Joseph                       Ashby/Z             15   27
    Rushton       Sarah                        Ashby/Z             15   27
    Bretnell      Samuel                       Ashby/Z             15   29
    Carr          Rebecca Mark                 Ashby/Z             15   29
    Cliff         Mary                         Ashby/Z             15   29
    Dean          Harriett Sarah               Ashby/Z             15   29
    Harris        William                      Ashby/Z             15   29
    Kinsey        Sarah                        Ashby/Z             15   29
    Orchard       George                       Ashby/Z             15   29
    Orgill        Edward                       Ashby/Z             15   29
    Burton        Ann                          Ashby/Z             15   30
    Fletcher      Rachel                       Ashby/Z             15   30
    Gibson        Ann                          Ashby/Z             15   30
    Harrison      William                      Ashby/Z             15   30
    Hawwood       Sarah                        Ashby/Z             15   30
    Jeffcoat      Enoch                        Ashby/Z             15   30
    Patrick       Coleman                      Ashby/Z             15   30
    Wain          Isaac                        Ashby/Z             15   30
    Cawser        Mary                         Ashby/Z             15   31
    Leamin        Thomas                       Ashby/Z             15   31
    Baum          Elizabeth                    Barrow S            15   33
    Baum          Sarah                        Barrow S            15   33
    Hunt          Thomas                       Barrow S            15   33
    Clark         Esther                       Barrow S            15   35
    Pick          William                      Barrow S            15   35
    Dixon         Elizabeth                    Barrow S            15   37
    Holling       William                      Barrow S            15   37
    Cannor        Robert                       Barrow S            15   39
    Clarke        Elizabeth                    Barrow S            15   39
    Collingbourne Mary Elizabeth               Barrow S            15   39
    Cox           Charles                      Barrow S            15   39
    Davenport     Ann                          Barrow S            15   39
    Norman        William                      Barrow S            15   39
    Bent          Harriet                      Barrow S            15   41
    Morris        Alfred                       Barrow S            15   41
    Chamberlin    Mary Ann                     Barrow S            15   43
    Fox           Robert                       Barrow S            15   43
    Baum          Ann                          Barrow S            15   45
    Chapman       George                       Barrow S            15   45
    Odam          Thomas                       Barrow S            15   45
    Odams         Thomas                       Barrow S            15   45
    Peters        Ann                          Barrow S            15   45
    Priestley     Mary                         Barrow S            15   45
    Tebbutt       Samuel                       Barrow S            15   45
    Draycott      Elizabeth                    Barrow S UKMW       15   47
    Hewardine     Elizabeth                    Barrow S            15   47
    Johnson       William                      Barrow S            15   47
    Orton         William                      Barrow S UKMW       15   47
    Barsby        George                       Barrow S            15   49
    Berrington    Hannah                       Barrow S            15   49
    Dakin         Samuel                       Barrow S            15   49
    Green         William                      Barrow S            15   49
    Hall          Rachel                       Barrow S            15   49
    Lewin         John                         Barrow S            15   49
    Roe           Martha                       Barrow S            15   49
    Wilkinson     Mary                         Barrow S            15   49
    Bordrick      John                         Barrow S            15   51
    Sarson        Elizabeth                    Barrow S            15   51
    Carter        William                      Barrow S            15   53
    Angrave       Ann                          Barrow S            15   55
    Clark         John                         Barrow S            15   55
    Reed          Maria                        Barrow S [20]       15   55
    Smith         Reuben                       Barrow S            15   55
    Pagett        William                      Barrow S            15   57
    Smith         Sophy                        Barrow S            15   57
    Smith         Sophia                       Barrow S            15   57
    Everard       Richard                      Barrow S            15   59
    King          Matilda                      Barrow S            15   59
    Porter        Ann                          Billesdon           15   61
    Worth         William                      Billesdon           15   61
    Carver        Henry Purvor                 Billesdon           15   63
    Sturgess      Hannah                       Billesdon           15   63
    Bird          Ann                          Billesdon           15   65
    Burchnal      Samuel                       Billesdon           15   65
    Buckley       Mary                         Billesdon           15   67
    Sturgess      John                         Billesdon           15   67
    Jarvis        Elizabeth                    Billesdon           15   69
    Palmer        John                         Billesdon           15   69
    Bilsdon       Benjamin                     Billesdon           15   71
    Lowe          Mary                         Billesdon           15   71
    Good          Mary Ann                     Billesden           15   73
    Wilford       John                         Billesdon           15   73
    Bass          Maria                        Blaby               15   75
    Wright        Samuel Coleman               Blaby               15   75
    Billings      Deborah                      Blaby               15   77
    Norton        John                         Blaby               15   77
    Johnson       Sarah                        Blaby               15   79
    Mousley       John                         Blaby               15   79
    Brown         Rebecca                      Blaby               15   81
    Brown         Ralph                        Blaby               15   81
    Baker         Charles                      Blaby               15   83
    Burley        William                      Blaby               15   83
    Cox           Elizabeth                    Blaby               15   83
    Gee           Lois                         Blaby               15   83
    Howkins       Joseph                       Blaby               15   83
    Moreton       Ephraim                      Blaby               15   83
    North         Mary                         Blaby               15   83
    Smeeton       Mary Anne                    Blaby               15   83
    Heath         Jane                         Blaby               15   85
    Tipler        James                        Blaby ?5            15   85
    Burton        Joseph                       Blaby               15   87
    Freestone     Ann                          Blaby               15   87
    Pallet        Ann                          Blaby               15   89
    Preston       Joseph                       Blaby               15   89
    Cooper        John                         Blaby               15   91
    Root          Rebecca                      Blaby               15   91
    Johnson       Rebecca                      Blaby               15   93
    Smart         Thos (sic)                   Blaby               15   93
    Heghton       Ann                          Blaby               15   95
    Hill          Eliza                        Blaby               15   95
    Hopkins       William                      Blaby               15   95
    Munton        John                         Blaby               15   95
    White         Elizabeth                    Blaby               15   95
    Williams      Joseph                       Blably              15   95
    Branson       William                      Hinckley            15   97
    Brant         Ann                          Hinckley            15   97
    Burdett       Ann                          Hinckley            15   97
    Elson         William                      Hinckley            15   97
    Foxon         James                        Hinckley            15   97
    Hicken        Sarah                        Hinckley            15   97
    Loomes        Edward                       Hinckley            15   97
    Martin        Charlotte                    Hinckley            15   97
    Baldock       Charles                      Hinckley            15   99
    Clark         William                      Hinckley            15   99
    Colledge      William                      Hinckley            15   99
    Evatt         Mary                         Hinckley            15   99
    Goodyer       Hannah                       Hinckley            15   99
    White         Ann                          Hinckley            15   99
    Cobley        Charles                      Hinckley            15  101
    Marriott      Maria                        Hinckley            15  101
    Paul          Elizabeth                    Hinckley            15  101
    Sinclair      David                        Hinckley            15  101
    Villers       Sarah                        Hinckley            15  101
    Villiers      Sarah                        Hinckley            15  101
    Wale          Thomas                       Hinckley            15  101
    Bray          Mary                         Hinckley            15  103
    Clarke        William                      Hinckley            15  103
    Crow          James                        Hinckley            15  103
    Garrett       Harriet                      Hinckley            15  103
    Fletcher      Hannah                       Hinckley            15  105
    Wilkinson     William                      Hinckley            15  105
    Willett       Sophia Ann                   Hinckley            15  105
    Wood          Thomas                       Hinckley            15  105
    Kirby         William                      Hinckley            15  107
    White         Lucy                         Hinckley            15  107
    Kilgour       James                        Hinckley            15  109
    Sankey        Helen Elizabeth              Hinckley            15  109
    Smith         Martha                       Hinckley            15  109
    Taylor        David                        Hinckley            15  109
    Bonser        Susannah                     Hinckley            15  111
    England       Martha                       Hinckley            15  111
    Green         Isaac                        Hinckley            15  111
    Haddon        John                         Hinckley ?111       15  111
    Harrold       David                        Hinckley            15  111
    Horner        Francis                      Hinckley            15  111
    Palmer        Sarah                        Hinckley            15  111
    Sutton        Mary                         Hinckley            15  111
    Hastings      William                      Hinckley            15  112
    Smith         Ann                          Hinckley            15  112
    Bailey        John                         Hinckley            15  113
    Jacques       Charles                      Hinckley            15  113
    Law           Sarah                        Hinckley            15  113
    Slater        James                        Hinckley            15  113
    Southorn      Martha                       Hinckley            15  113
    Timson        Sarah                        Hinckley            15  113
    Boothby       Betsy Ann                    Leicester           15  115
    Burton        John                         Leicester           15  115
    Chandler      Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  115
    Goodman       Ann                          Leicester           15  115
    Leslie        John                         Leicester           15  115
    Phillips      Charles                      Leicester           15  115
    Robinson      Sarah                        Leicester           15  115
    Stevenson     Joshua                       Leicester           15  115
    Angrave       John                         Leicester           15  116
    Burton        Alfred                       Leicester           15  116
    Fowler        Joseph                       Leicester           15  116
    Hogg          Thomas                       Leicester           15  116
    Illston       Betsey                       Leicester           15  116
    Keightley     Eliza                        Leicester           15  116
    Read          Eliza                        Leicester           15  116
    Willson       Caroline                     Leicester           15  116
    Adams         Maria                        Leicester           15  117
    Derbyshire    Annie                        Leicester           15  117
    Ellis         Edward                       Leicester           15  117
    Gimson        William                      Leicester           15  117
    Palmer        Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  117
    Smith         Sarah                        Leicester           15  117
    Stevens       Richard                      Leicester           15  117
    Worrad        William                      Leicester           15  117
    Bailey        Abraham                      Leicester           15  118
    Carter        William                      Leicester           15  118
    Edwin         Mary                         Leicester           15  118
    Farley        Sarah                        Leicester           15  118
    Meres         Charlotte                    Leicester UKMW      15  118
    Oughton       Emma                         Leicester           15  118
    Webb          John                         Leicester           15  118
    Wilson        Allen                        Leicester UKMW      15  118
    Bingley       Thomas                       Leicester           15  119
    Harrald       Grace                        Leicester           15  119
    Heywood       Susannah                     Leicester           15  119
    Nursey        John                         Leicester           15  119
    Pickworth     Eliza                        Leicester           15  119
    Pole          William                      Leicester           15  119
    Pole          Eliza                        Leicester           15  119
    Turner        John                         Leicester           15  119
    Bettoney      Mary                         Leicester ?128      15  120
    Biggs         Joseph                       Leicester           15  120
    Cooke         Job                          Leicester           15  120
    Gray          Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  120
    Jelley        Sophia                       Leicester           15  120
    Newbold       Samuel                       Leicester           15  120
    Page          Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  120
    Taylor        Henry                        Leicester           15  120
    Bourke        William Taylor               Leicester           15  121
    Illston       Emma                         Leicester           15  121
    Knight        Alice                        Leicester           15  121
    Sawbridge     William                      Leicester           15  121
    Smith         Caroline                     Leicester           15  121
    Stewart       John                         Leicester           15  121
    Weston        David                        Leicester           15  121
    Wykes         Lucy                         Leicester           15  121
    Cliff         Mary                         Leicester           15  122
    Hunt          William Henry                Leicester           15  122
    Pratt         Thomas                       Leicester           15  122
    Rice          Reuben                       Leicester           15  122
    Riley         Emily                        Leicester           15  122
    Sharpe        Joseph                       Leicester           15  122
    Shaw          Caroline                     Leicester           15  122
    Twiggs        Sarah                        Leicester           15  122
    Burnham       Barbara Ann                  Leicester           15  123
    Doore         Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  123
    Herbert       Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  123
    Paget         Sarah                        Leicester           15  123
    Saddington    William                      Leicester           15  123
    Sharp         George                       Leicester           15  123
    Smith         George                       Leicester           15  123
    Turner        Thomas                       Leicester           15  123
    Ainge         George                       Leicester           15  124
    Dixon         Ann                          Leicester           15  124
    Ford          George                       Leicester           15  124
    Green         Sarah                        Leicester           15  124
    Hunt          Ann                          Leicester           15  124
    Moisey        Thomas                       Leicester           15  124
    Nutt          Thomas                       Leicester           15  124
    Watts         Maria                        Leicester           15  124
    Capell        Benjamin                     Leicester           15  125
    Elson         Elizabeth                    Leicester ?123      15  125
    Gee           Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  125
    Goodwin       Maria                        Leicester           15  125
    Moore         William                      Leicester           15  125
    Revett        Francis                      Leicester           15  125
    Roadley       James                        Leicester           15  125
    Wilson        Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  125
    Bradford      Louisa                       Leicester           15  126
    Brumage       John                         Leicester           15  126
    Freestone     Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  126
    Hancock       Wyatt                        Leicester           15  126
    Lewin         Frederick                    Leicester           15  126
    Taberer       Thomas                       Leicester           15  126
    Tookey        Sarah Jane                   Leicester           15  126
    Varden        Phoebe                       Leicester           15  126
    Cook          Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  127
    Green         Robert                       Leicester           15  127
    Hollingsworth John                         Leicester           15  127
    Langham       Mary                         Leicester           15  127
    Mason         Jane                         Leicester           15  127
    Read          Alfred                       Leicester           15  127
    Roe           Caroline                     Leicester           15  127
    Smith         Daniel                       Leicester           15  127
    Allen         Mary                         Leicester           15  128
    Brown         Henry                        Leicester           15  128
    Clay          Lydia Arnot                  Leicester           15  128
    Hales         Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  128
    Larard        John                         Leicester           15  128
    Larrand       John                         Leicester           15  128
    Morris        Sarah                        Leicester           15  128
    Walpole       John                         Leicester           15  128
    Weston        William Wells                Leicester           15  128
    Buswell       Ellen                        Leicester           15  129
    Hallam        Richard                      Leicester           15  129
    Hayes         John                         Leicester           15  129
    Turner        Mary                         Leicester           15  129
    Brewin        Ann Needham                  Leicester           15  131
    Clarke        Thomas                       Leicester           15  131
    Henson        John                         Leicester           15  131
    Loomes        Frances Mary                 Leicester           15  131
    Mee           Harriet                      Leicester           15  131
    Pratt         Mary                         Leicester ?121      15  131
    Steele        Matthew Richmond             Leicester ?3        15  131
    Watson        Joseph                       Leicester           15  131
    Bailey        Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  132
    Towers        William                      Leicester           15  132
    Barsby        Hannah                       Leicester           15  133
    Bland         Henry                        Leicester           15  133
    Creacall      Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  133
    Gibbons       Haney                        Leicester           15  133
    Jarvis        William Neal                 Leicester           15  133
    Millhouse     Abraham                      Leicester           15  133
    Posnett       Sarah                        Leicester           15  133
    Warden        Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  133
    Benford       James                        Leicester           15  134
    Freer         Sarah                        Leicester           15  134
    Holmes        Thomas                       Leicester           15  134
    Horton        Mary Roseanna                Leicester           15  134
    Kelham        Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  134
    Mattacks      William                      Leicester           15  134
    Preston       Ephraim                      Leicester           15  134
    Smith         Maria                        Leicester           15  134
    Barratt       William                      Leicester           15  135
    Brindley      Rebecca Louisa               Leicester           15  135
    Cowley        Mary                         Leicester           15  135
    Goodacre      Susannah                     Leicester           15  135
    Noon          Samuel                       Leicester           15  135
    Postlethwaite Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  135
    Wood          Henry                        Leicester           15  135
    Woodward      John                         Leicester           15  135
    Clark         Mary                         Leicester           15  136
    Hutchings     Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  136
    Knight        George                       Leicester           15  136
    Lythell       Matthew                      Leicester           15  136
    Lythill       Matthew                      Leicester           15  136
    Ratcliff      Thomas                       Leicester           15  136
    Stretton      Aminda                       Leicester           15  136
    Sutton        William                      Leicester           15  136
    Unwin         Mary                         Leicester           15  136
    Allbrighton   James                        Leicester           15  137
    Barnes        James                        Leicester           15  137
    Biggs         Sarah                        Leicester           15  137
    Branston      Thomas                       Leicester           15  137
    Hurst         Thomas                       Leicester           15  137
    Mann          Emma                         Leicester           15  137
    Platt         Emma                         Leicester           15  137
    Rider         Ellen                        Leicester           15  137
    Clarke        John                         Leicester           15  138
    Percival      Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  138
    Brown         Samuel                       Leicester           15  139
    Kelly         George                       Leicester           15  139
    Lemmon        Mary                         Leicester           15  139
    Marshall      Edward                       Leicester           15  139
    Smith         Eliza                        Leicester           15  139
    Wall          Martha                       Leicester           15  139
    Buckby        James                        Leicester           15  141
    Gibson        Sarah                        Leicester           15  141
    Holroyd       Elizabeth Ann                Leicester           15  141
    Huddlestone   Frederick                    Leicester           15  141
    Hunt          Thomas                       Leicester           15  141
    Miller        Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  141
    Skelton       Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  141
    Timson        Charles James                Leicester           15  141
    Biggs         Anne Maria                   Leicester           15  142
    Bracker       Thomas                       Leicester           15  142
    Hammersley    Charlotte                    Leicester           15  142
    Heley         John                         Leicester           15  142
    Knight        Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  142
    Lane          William                      Leicester           15  142
    Sibson        Ann                          Leicester           15  142
    Walker        Charles                      Leicester           15  142
    Anderson      William                      Leicester           15  143
    Groocock      Samuel                       Leicester           15  143
    Johnson       William                      Leicester           15  143
    Kenney        Mary                         Leicester           15  143
    Porter        Ann                          Leicester           15  143
    Wesson        Hannah                       Leicester           15  143
    Biggs         Elizabeth                    Leicester           15  145
    Dalby         Frederick                    Leicester           15  145
    Edwards       Joseph                       Leicester           15  145
    Hartshorn     James Glover                 Leicester           15  145
    Hurst         Mary                         Leicester           15  145
    Kenney        Sarah                        Leicester           15  145
    Linthwaite    John                         Leicester           15  145
    Upton         Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  145
    Colston       Mary Ann                     Leicester           15  146
    Daft          Edward                       Leicester           15  146
    Freestone     Eliza                        Leicester           15  146
    Hurst         Benjamin                     Leicester           15  146
    Mitchell      Catharine                    Leicester           15  146
    Murray        James                        Leicester           15  146
    Smith         Ann                          Leicester           15  146
    Wade          Stephen                      Leicester           15  146
    Warren        Elizabeth Amy                Loughbro            15  147
    Warren        Elizabeth                    Loughbro            15  147
    White         Thomas                       Loughbro            15  147
    Adams         Mary                         Loughbro            15  149
    Blunt         William                      Loughbro            15  149
    Crosby        Henry                        Loughbro            15  149
    Dudley        Ruth                         Loughbro            15  149
    Grice         Ann                          Loughbro            15  149
    Lea           John                         Loughbro            15  149
    Smith         Catherine                    Loughbro            15  149
    Wood          Samuel                       Loughbro            15  149
    Cooper        Ann                          Loughbro            15  150
    Palmer        Charles Henry                Loughbro            15  150
    Tanswell      Thomas                       Loughbro            15  150
    Wilkinson     Elizabeth                    Loughbro            15  150
    Bates         Catharine                    Loughbro            15  151
    Bevans        Mary                         Loughbro            15  151
    Chambers      George                       Loughbro            15  151
    Clarke        William                      Loughbro            15  151
    Clarke        Sarah Louise                 Loughbro            15  151
    Levers        George                       Loughbro            15  151
    Villers       William                      Loughbro            15  151
    Waring        Mary Ann                     Loughbro            15  151
    Hinds         John                         Loughbro            15  153
    Sharpe        Ann                          Loughbro            15  153
    Adkin         Mary Ann                     Loughbro            15  155
    Grimley       Thomas                       Loughbro            15  155
    Harriman      Lydia                        Loughbro            15  155
    Martin        Hannah                       Loughbro            15  155
    Newton        George                       Loughbro            15  155
    Richardson    George                       Loughbro            15  155
    Thurman       Charles                      Loughbro            15  155
    Ward          Margaret Jane                Loughbro            15  155
    Dawson        James                        Loughbro            15  156
    Hollis        Mary                         Loughbro            15  156
    Mills         Elizabeth                    Loughbro            15  156
    Saddington    John                         Loughbro            15  156
    Dalby         Thomas                       Loughbro            15  157
    Julian        Ann                          Loughbro            15  157
    Doughty       Samuel                       Loughbro            15  159
    Marshall      Sarah                        Loughbro            15  159
    Bancroft      Mary                         Loughbro            15  161
    Beighton      George                       Loughbro            15  161
    Fitchett      Thomas                       Loughbro            15  161
    Pearson       Sarah                        Loughbro            15  161
    Lyne          Rebecca                      Loughbro            15  163
    Smith         Samuel                       Loughbro ?3         15  163
    Daykin        Sarah                        Loughbro            15  165
    Murden        Richard                      Loughbro            15  165
    Barrow        Elizabeth Ann                Loughbro            15  167
    Beckworth     William                      Loughbro            15  167
    Cooper        John                         Loughbro            15  167
    Hancock       Louisa                       Loughbro            15  167
    Holmes        Catherine                    Loughbro            15  167
    Kirk          Henry                        Loughbro            15  167
    Tilly         Ellen                        Loughbro            15  167
    Wood          Joseph                       Loughbro            15  167
    Berridge      Eleanor                      Loughbro            15  168
    Beswick       John                         Loughbro            15  168
    Campion       Catherine                    Loughbro            15  168
    Coleman       Alfred                       Loughbro            15  168
    Dakin         Ann                          Loughbro            15  168
    Hickling      Elizabeth                    Loughbro            15  168
    Hudson        William                      Loughbro            15  168
    Milford       Thomas                       Loughbro            15  168
    Adcock        Ann                          Loughbro            15  169
    Bowley        Mary Elizabeth               Loughbro            15  169
    Bratby        William                      Loughbro            15  169
    Calladine     George                       Loughbro            15  169
    Coleman       Elizabeth                    Loughbro            15  169
    Palmer        Edward                       Loughbro            15  169
    Bucknell      Charles                      Lutterworth         15  171
    Reynolds      Jane                         Lutterworth         15  171
    Bryan         Hannah                       Lutterworth         15  173
    Stevens       William                      Lutterworth         15  173
    Clark         Mary                         Lutterworth         15  175
    Clarke        Mary                         Lutterworth         15  175
    Cowley        William                      Lutterworth         15  175
    Bennet        Eliza                        Lutterworth         15  177
    Goode         Jane                         Lutterworth         15  177
    Wilkinson     William                      Lutterworth         15  177
    Woodcock      Marshall                     Lutterworth         15  177
    Askew         James                        Lutterworth         15  179
    Garner        Elizabeth                    Lutterworth         15  179
    Fletcher      William Banister             Lutterworth         15  181
    Johnson       Jane                         Lutterworth         15  181
    Ludlow        Mary Sutton                  Lutterworth         15  181
    Voile         Thomas                       Lutterworth         15  181
    Cole          Catherine                    Lutterworth         15  183
    Howkins       William                      Lutterworth         15  183
    Spell         Joseph                       Lutterworth         15  183
    Underwood     Anne                         Lutterworth         15  183
    Billing       Jane                         Lutterworth         15  185
    York          Richard                      Lutterworth         15  185
    Green         John                         Lutterworth         15  187
    Mundey        Esther                       Lutterworth         15  187
    Daffein       John                         Lutterworth         15  189
    Griffin       Sarah                        Lutterworth         15  189
    Dunmore       Elizabeth                    Mkt Harbro          15  191
    White         Henry                        Mkt Harbro          15  191
    Foster        Joseph                       Mkt Harbro          15  193
    Fowler        Rachel Louisa                Mkt Harbro          15  193
    Keeber        George                       Mkt Harbro          15  195
    Vials         Charlotte                    Mkt Harbro          15  195
    Day           John                         Mkt Harbro          15  197
    Scott         Mary Ann                     Mkt Harbro          15  197
    Breftel?      Robert                       Mkt Harbro          15  199
    Knight        Emma                         Mkt Harbro          15  199
    Bird          James                        Mkt Harbro          15  201
    Coleman       Elizabeth                    Mkt Harbro          15  201
    Asher         Elizabeth                    Mkt Harbro          15  203
    Lay           Joseph                       Mkt Harbro          15  203
    Sturgess      Mary Ann                     Mkt Harbro          15  203
    Bennett       Catherine                    Mkt Harbro          15  205
    Chamberlain   Samuel                       Mkt Harbro          15  205
    Pywell        Edward                       Mkt Harbro          15  205
    Simpkin       Ann                          Mkt Harbro ?5       15  205
    Smith         Bryan                        Mkt Harbro          15  205
    Bamford       William                      Mkt Harbro          15  207
    Bodicote      Lydia                        Mkt Harbro          15  207
    Cossey        Henry                        Mkt Harbro          15  207
    Abbott        Sarah                        Mkt Harbro          15  209
    Bassett       Georgina                     Mkt Harbro          15  209
    Roberts       Frederic                     Mkt Harbro          15  209
    Saunt         Joanna                       Mkt Harbro          15  209
    Streeten      Frend Edward                 Mkt Harbro          15  209
    Temple        Thomas                       Mkt Harbro          15  209
    Martin        William                      Mkt Harbro          15  211
    Palmer        Anne                         Mkt Harbro          15  211
    Gilbert       Sarah                        Mkt Harbro          15  213
    Lees          George                       Mkt Harbro          15  213
    Sedgley       Alice                        Mkt Harbro ?3       15  213
    Spiers        Thomas                       Mkt Harbro          15  215
    Asher         Ruth                         Mkt Harbro          15  217
    Payne         Maria                        Mkt Harbro          15  217
    Wignal        John                         Mkt Harbro          15  217
    Buswell       Charlotte                    Mkt Harbro          15  219
    Buswell       Thomas                       Mkt Harbro          15  219
    Faulkner      Charles                      Mkt Harbro          15  219
    Meadows       Mary Ann                     Mkt Harbro          15  219
    Harris        Joseph Croshaw               M Bosworth          15  221
    Skermer       Bessy Jones                  M Bosworth          15  221
    Gardner       William                      M Bosworth          15  223
    Smith         Mary Ann                     M Bosworth          15  223
    Hargrave      Elizabeth                    M Bosworth          15  225
    Hitchcock     Charles                      M Bosworth          15  225
    Chapman       Sarah                        M Bosworth          15  227
    Preston       Richard                      M Bosworth          15  227
    Sherwin       Alexander                    M Bosworth          15  227
    Williams      Mary                         M Bosworth          15  227
    Bird          Frederck Charles             M Bosworth          15  229
    Harrison      Martha                       M Bosworth          15  229
    Corfield      Benjamin                     M Bosworth          15  231
    Hudson        Mary                         M Bosworth          15  231
    Rowell        Joseph                       M Bosworth          15  231
    Thirlby       Charlotte                    M Bosworth          15  231
    Arnold        William                      M Bosworth          15  233
    Baker         Mary                         M Bosworth          15  233
    Coulston      Elizabeth Jane               Melton Mowbray[233] 15  233
    Queenborough  Ann                          M Bosworth          15  233
    Turner        Joseph                       M Bosworth          15  233
    Argyle        Catharine                    M Bosworth          15  235
    Bassford      Joseph                       M Bosworth          15  235
    Goadby        Elizabeth                    M Bosworth          15  235
    Hains         Thomas                       M Bosworth          15  235
    Hyde          Edward                       M Bosworth          15  235
    Storer        Mary Ann                     M Bosworth          15  235
    Boyer         Thomas                       M Bosworth          15  237
    Dilks         Lydia                        M Bosworth          15  237
    Angrave       Sarah                        M Bosworth          15  239
    Lane          Robert                       M Bosworth          15  239
    Allen         James                        M Bosworth          15  241
    Marshall      Ann                          M Bosworth          15  241
    Miller        Elizabeth                    M Bosworth          15  241
    Moon          George                       M Bosworth          15  241
    Barrs         Ann                          M Bosworth          15  243
    Florendine    James                        M Bosworth          15  243
    Immins        Elizabeth                    M Bosworth          15  243
    Ingle         Louisa                       M Bosworth          15  243
    Moxon         Thomas                       M Bosworth          15  243
    Murs          Thomas                       M Bosworth          15  243
    Gretton       Isaac                        M Bosworth          15  245
    Wykes         Ruth                         M Bosworth          15  245
    Dilks         John                         M Bosworth          15  247
    Wykes         Elizabeth                    M Bosworth          15  247
    Pointon       Catharine                    M Bosworth          15  249
    Thompson      Edward                       M Bosworth          15  249
    Chesterton    Thomas                       M Bosworth          15  251
    Deacon        William                      M Bosworth          15  251
    Knowles       Sarah                        M Bosworth          15  251
    Miles         Sarah                        M Bosworth          15  251
    Miller        John                         Melton M            15  253
    Ruddle        Eliza                        Melton M            15  253
    Pick          William                      Melton M            15  255
    Tuckwood      Mary                         Melton M            15  255
    Beadle        Isaac                        Melton M            15  257
    Detberry      Robert                       Melton M            15  257
    Johnson       John                         Melton M            15  257
    Tebb          Ann                          Melton M            15  257
    Warrington    Sarah                        Melton M            15  257
    Warrington    Zillah                       Melton M            15  257
    Brookes       Joseph                       Melton M            15  259
    Brooks        Joseph                       Melton M            15  259
    Smith         Harriet                      Melton M            15  259
    Goodburn      Joseph                       Melton M            15  261
    Veasey        Sarah                        Melton M            15  261
    Day           William                      Melton M            15  263
    Grice         Mary                         Melton M            15  263
    Collin        Mary                         Melton M            15  265
    Collins       Mary                         Melton M            15  265
    Garton        Samuel                       Melton M            15  265
    Brown         Joseph                       Melton M            15  267
    Welch         Alice                        Melton M            15  267
    Kettle        Isabella                     Melton M            15  269
    Norris        Henry                        Melton M            15  269
    Rose          William                      Melton M            15  269
    Streeton      Sarah                        Melton M            15  269
    Burrowbridge  William                      Melton M            15  271
    Franks        Sarah                        Melton M            15  271
    Bellamy       Elizabeth                    Melton M            15  273
    Bellamy       George                       Melton M            15  273
    Pearson       Elizabeth                    Melton M            15  273
    Pearson       Thomas                       Melton M            15  273
    Brown         James                        Melton M            15  275
    Carr          Emma Millis                  Melton M            15  275
    Allen         Elizabeth                    Melton M            15  277
    Pick          Benjamin                     Melton M            15  277
    Cave          Edmund                       Melton M            15  279
    Lambat        Ellen                        Melton M            15  279
    Lambert       Ellen                        Melton M            15  279
    Pepper        Eliza                        Melton M            15  279
    Stead         John                         Melton M            15  279
    Sturgess      John                         Melton M            15  279
    Taylor        Emily                        Melton M            15  279
    Wakerley      Elizabeth                    Melton M            15  279
    Wright        Thomas                       Melton M            15  279
    Gunby         William                      Melton M            15  280
    Price         Sarah                        Melton M            15  280
    Croote        George Henry                 Melton M            15  281
    Sharman       Ann Alice                    Melton M            15  281
    Watchorn      William                      Melton M            15  282
    More          Sarah                        Melton M            15  283
    North         Sarah                        Melton M            15  283
    Tinkler       Thomas                       Melton M            15  283
    Franks        Adah (sic)                   Melton M            15  285
    Isom          John                         Melton M            15  285
    Baily         Jane                         Melton M            15  287
    Clayton       Thomas                       Melton M            15  287
    Laye          Mary                         Melton M ?287       15  287
    Patchett      John                         Melton M            15  287
    Coulston      Elizabeth Jane               Melton M            15  289
    Hallam        John                         Melton M            15  289
    Mason         Hannah                       Melton M            15  289
    Merrin        Mary                         Melton M            15  289
    Sowter        James                        Melton M            15  289
    Stimson       Joseph Fawlks                Melton M            15  289
    Turner        Ann                          Melton M            15  289
    Woodcock      Isaac                        Melton M            15  289
    Coy           Thomas                       Melton M            15  290
    Osborn        Elizabeth                    Melton M            15  290
    Parker        Francis                      Melton M            15  290
    Welch         Ann                          Melton M            15  290
    Friday        William                      Brackley            15  291
    Price         Martha                       Brackley            15  291
    Archer        Elizabeth                    Brackley            15  293
    Bowden        Betsy                        Brackley            15  293
    Garrett       Samuel                       Brackley            15  293
    Giles         Helen                        Brackley            15  293
    Metcalf       John                         Brackley            15  293
    Metcalfe      John                         Brackley            15  293
    Whitlock      John                         Brackley            15  293
    Ashby         William                      Brackley            15  295
    Manning       Sarah                        Brackley            15  295
    Chattell      Ann                          Brackley            15  297
    Mathews       Mary Ann                     Brackley            15  297
    Wakeling      John                         Brackley            15  297
    Walker        George                       Brackley            15  297
    Jones         Isaac                        Brackley            15  299
    Parker        Jane                         Brackley            15  299
    Hiorns        John                         Brackley            15  301
    Hirons        John                         Brackley            15  301
    Sabin         Hannah                       Brackley            15  301
    Barber        Jane                         Brackley            15  303
    Cousins       James                        Brackley            15  303
    Fathers       Eliza                        Brackley            15  303
    Green         John                         Brackley            15  303
    Humphriss     Ann                          Brackley            15  303
    Moreby        Benjamin                     Brackley            15  303
    Mumford       Ann                          Brackley            15  303
    Turvey        Robert                       Brackley            15  303
    Jones         Susanna                      Brackley            15  305
    Southam       George                       Brackley            15  305
    Payne         Mary                         Brackley            15  307
    Wootton       Joshua                       Brackley            15  307
    Clarke        George                       Brackley            15  309
    Whitmill      Elizabeth Ann                Brackley            15  309
    Hornsby       William                      Brixworth           15  311
    Travell       Amelia                       Brixworth           15  311
    Morris        William                      Brixworth           15  313
    Summerfield   Jane                         Brixworth           15  313
    Ekins         Thomas                       Brixworth           15  314
    Rice          Mary Anne                    Brixworth           15  314
    Irby          Caroline                     Brixworth           15  315
    Stockdale     Septimus                     Brixworth           15  315
    Corby         Hannah                       Brixworth           15  317
    Heeps         Ann                          Brixworth           15  317
    Hunt          John                         Brixworth           15  317
    Willis        Joseph                       Brixworth           15  317
    Lawson        Robert                       Brixworth           15  319
    Moore         Mary Anne                    Brixworth           15  319
    Cole          Caroline                     Brixworth           15  321
    Wood          Isaac                        Brixworth           15  321
    Dainty        Henry Edward                 Brixworth           15  323
    Holliday      Susannah                     Brixworth           15  323
    Garrett       Mary                         Brixworth           15  325
    Stevenson     Charles                      Brixworth           15  325
    Falkner       Elizabeth                    Brixworth           15  327
    Frisby        John                         Brixworth           15  327
    Haddon        Elizabeth                    Brixworth           15  327
    Ringrose      Edward                       Brixworth           15  327
    Ringrose      Elizabeth                    Brixworth           15  327
    Wilford       John                         Brixworth           15  327
    Adams         Susannah                     Brixworth           15  329
    Evans         William                      Brixworth           15  329
    Bowman        Joseph                       Brixworth           15  331
    Everard       David                        Brixworth           15  331
    Frisby        Elizabeth                    Brixworth           15  331
    Linnitt       Sarah                        Brixworth           15  331
    Butlin        Elizabeth Anne               Daventry            15  333
    Fenemore      Joseph                       Daventry ?335       15  333
    Gery          Thomas Lewis                 Daventry ?333       15  333
    Allen         George                       Daventry            15  335
    Chamberlain   Charles                      Daventry            15  335
    Cherry        Mary Ann                     Daventry            15  335
    Haynes        William                      Daventry            15  335
    Tomalin       Hannah                       Daventry            15  335
    Tomalin       Sarah                        Daventry            15  335
    White         Sarah                        Daventry            15  335
    Blinco        John                         Daventry            15  336
    York          Elizabeth                    Daventry            15  336
    Eyles         Mary                         Daventry            15  337
    Hiorns        Joseph                       Daventry            15  337
    Hirons        Joseph                       Daventry            15  337
    Allen         Edward                       Daventry            15  339
    Gibbins       William                      Daventry            15  339
    Heartwell     Mary Ann                     Daventry            15  339
    Linnell       Jane                         Daventry            15  339
    Powell        James Bignell                Daventry            15  339
    Sutton        Sarah                        Daventry            15  339
    Kenning       Mary Ann                     Daventry            15  341
    Pain          Rebecca                      Daventry            15  341
    Smith         John                         Daventry            15  341
    Vernon        Joseph                       Daventry            15  341
    Faulkner      Mary Ann                     Daventry            15  343
    Webb          James                        Daventry            15  343
    Whittaker     Lucy                         Daventry            15  343
    Maule         William                      Daventry            15  345
    Nutt          Hannah                       Daventry            15  345
    Nutt          Mary                         Daventry            15  345
    Russell       John                         Daventry            15  345
    James         Charles                      Daventry            15  347
    Tilley        Mary Ann                     Daventry            15  347
    Murcott       George                       Daventry            15  349
    Masters       James                        Daventry            15  351
    Rathbone      Caroline                     Daventry            15  351
    Harris        Anne                         Daventry            15  353
    Webb          Edward                       Daventry            15  353
    Clarke        William                      Daventry            15  355
    Sharp         Jane                         Daventry            15  355
    Bell          Mary                         Daventry            15  357
    Carvell       John                         Daventry            15  357
    Eastwood      Thomas                       Daventry            15  357
    Goodman       Henry                        Daventry            15  357
    Holden        Charlotte                    Daventry            15  357
    Montgomery    John                         Daventry            15  357
    Nown          Sophia                       Daventry            15  357
    Ward          Ann                          Daventry            15  357
    Harris        Sarah                        Hardingstone        15  359
    Williams      Ephraim                      Hardingstone        15  359
    Clark         Gray                         Hardingstone        15  361
    Wardell       Maria                        Hardingstone        15  361
    Harris        Jane                         Hardingstone        15  363
    Simmons       Felix                        Hardingstone        15  363
    Lawley        George                       Hardingstone        15  365
    Westby        Kezia                        Hardingstone        15  365
    Evans         William                      Hardingstone        15  367
    Goode         Harriet                      Hardingstone        15  367
    Clarke        Charles                      Hardingstone        15  369
    Kent          Jane                         Hardingstone        15  369
    Redley        Elizabeth                    Hardingstone        15  371
    Wingrove      Frederick                    Hardingstone        15  371
    Capell        John                         Hardingstone        15  373
    James         Elizabeth                    Hardingstone        15  373
    Dickins       Edward                       Kettering           15  375
    Woodward      Sarah                        Kettering           15  375
    Clifford      Mary                         Kettering           15  377
    Gray          Robert                       Kettering           15  377
    Langley       Thomas                       Kettering           15  377
    Latemir       Mary Ann                     Kettering           15  377
    Latimer       Mary Ann                     Kettering           15  377
    Patrick       Elizabeth Ann                Kettering           15  377
    Wilson        Samuel                       Kettering           15  377
    Cannam        William                      Kettering           15  379
    Perkins       Mary                         Kettering           15  379
    Newman        Ann                          Kettering           15  381
    Saddington    James                        Kettering           15  381
    Coe           Esther                       Kettering           15  383
    Tomkins       John                         Kettering           15  383
    Bates         Martha                       Kettering           15  385
    Beal          William                      Kettering           15  385
    Drage         Elizabeth                    Kettering           15  385
    Wilson        Miller                       Kettering           15  385
    Bates         Edward                       Kettering           15  387
    Harris        Sarah                        Kettering           15  387
    Alsop         Richard                      Kettering           15  389
    Chapman       James                        Kettering           15  389
    Mason         William                      Kettering           15  389
    Skellam       Mary Ann                     Kettering           15  389
    Smith         Drusilla                     Kettering           15  389
    Wilford       Mary                         Kettering           15  389
    Burnham       Isaac                        Kettering           15  391
    Cross         Sarah                        Kettering           15  391
    Cross         William                      Kettering           15  391
    Groocock      Francis                      Kettering           15  391
    Smith         Elizabeth                    Kettering           15  391
    Waters        Elizabeth                    Kettering           15  391
    Dexter        Alice                        Kettering           15  393
    Thomson       Lewis                        Kettering           15  393
    Bell          Thomas                       Kettering           15  395
    Chappell      Ann Rebecca                  Kettering           15  395
    Maunsell      Lucy Diana                   Kettering           15  397
    Oliver        John                         Kettering           15  397
    Burford       George                       Kettering           15  399
    Curchin       Ann                          Kettering           15  399
    Knibb         Rebecca                      Kettering           15  399
    Smith         Joseph                       Kettering           15  399
    Austen        George                       NHampton            15  401
    Wood          Mary Ann                     NHampton            15  401
    Smith         Elizabeth                    NHampton            15  403
    West          John                         NHampton            15  403
    Craxton       Charles                      NHampton            15  405
    Marsh         Stephan Manning              NHampton            15  405
    Parberry      Elizabeth                    NHampton            15  405
    Parrott       Sarah                        NHampton            15  405
    Underwood     Charlotte                    NHampton            15  405
    Whiting       John                         NHampton            15  405
    Barnes        Esau                         NHampton            15  407
    Curtis        Elizabeth                    NHampton            15  407
    Bosworth      Edward                       NHampton            15  409
    Burton        Andrew                       NHampton            15  409
    Fellows       Eliza                        NHampton            15  409
    Garner        Martha                       NHampton            15  409
    Hancock       Emma                         NHampton            15  409
    Pell          Ann                          NHampton            15  409
    Seward        Joseph                       NHampton            15  409
    Bissaker      Charles                      NHampton            15  410
    Bisscker      Charles                      NHampton            15  410
    Casey         William                      NHampton            15  410
    Ellis         William                      NHampton            15  410
    Hillary       Maria                        NHampton            15  410
    Nichols       Phoebe                       NHampton ?410       15  410
    Steevenson    Thomas Langfield             Nhampton            15  410
    Trusler       Eliza                        Nhampton            15  410
    Westley       Sarah                        Nhampton            15  410
    Allchin       William                      Nhampton            15  411
    Dix           Elizabeth                    Nhampton            15  411
    Hickman       Elizabeth                    Nhampton            15  411
    Hollis        Joseph                       Nhampton            15  411
    Smith         Eliza                        Nhampton            15  411
    Spencer       Lucas                        Nhampton            15  411
    Young         William                      Nhampton            15  411
    Young         Martha                       Nhampton            15  411
    Gooding       Elizabeth                    Nhampton            15  412
    Kenning       Samuel                       Nhampton            15  412
    McCaughan     John                         Nhampton            15  412
    Warren        Jane                         Nhampton            15  412
    Beetson       Jessie Jane Charlotte        Nhampton            15  413
    Clayson       Martha                       Nhampton            15  413
    Cooke         George                       Nhampton            15  413
    Gibson        Ann                          Nhampton            15  413
    Perkins       Frederick                    Nhampton            15  413
    Pryce         William Broughton            Nhampton            15  413
    Smalley       Elizabeth                    Nhampton            15  413
    Wiggins       Thomas                       Nhampton            15  413
    Allard        Mary                         Nhampton            15  414
    Allbright     Edward                       Nhampton            15  414
    Crowson       Christopher                  Nhampton            15  414
    Farmer        Mary                         Nhampton            15  414
    Freeman       William                      Nhampton            15  414
    James         Emma                         Nhampton            15  414
    Barry         Catherine                    Nhampton            15  415
    Basely        Henry                        Nhampton            15  415
    Cannan        William                      Nhampton            15  415
    Deacon        Charlotte                    Nhampton            15  415
    Hall          Elias John                   Nhampton            15  415
    Harris        Ann                          Nhampton            15  415
    Jenkins       Harriett                     Nhampton            15  415
    Johnson       Joshua                       Nhampton            15  415
    Collins       Joseph                       Nhampton            15  417
    Harlow        Lucy                         Nhampton            15  417
    Smith         Thomas ----ton               Nhampton            15  417
    Trusler       Ann                          Nhampton            15  417
    Walton        William                      Nhampton            15  417
    West          William                      Nhampton            15  417
    Willett       Elizabeth                    Nhampton            15  417
    York          Harriott                     Nhampton            15  417
    Bullock       Sarah Ann                    Nhampton            15  418
    Chamberlain   Eliza                        Nhampton            15  418
    Groom         Hannah                       Nhampton            15  418
    King          Edward                       Nhampton            15  418
    Norton        William                      Nhampton            15  418
    Pursor        William                      Nhampton            15  418
    Salmon        Hannah                       Nhampton            15  418
    Wilson        John                         NHampton            15  418
    Halford       Elizabeth                    NHampton            15  419
    Laxton        James                        NHampton            15  419
    Matthews      Richard                      NHampton            15  419
    Brawn         Ann?                         NHampton            15  421
    Crossman      Mary                         NHampton            15  421
    Graham        John                         NHampton            15  421
    Hills         Martha                       NHampton            15  421
    Jones         Ammarita                     NHampton            15  421
    Kearney       Peter                        NHampton            15  421
    Negus         Isaac                        NHampton            15  421
    Palmer        George                       NHampton            15  421
    Astin         Hannah                       NHampton            15  422
    Ellis         Arnold                       NHampton            15  422
    Garratt       Christopher Gibson           NHampton            15  422
    Gibbins       Sarah                        NHampton            15  422
    Pool          Daniel                       NHampton            15  422
    Pratt         Rebecca                      NHampton            15  422
    Savage        Mary Ann                     NHampton            15  422
    Turk          Isaac                        NHampton            15  422
    Boddington    George                       NHampton            15  423
    Morgan        Selina                       NHampton            15  423
    Adams         Mary                         NHampton            15  425
    Bramley       Charles                      NHampton            15  425
    Bullivant     Henry                        NHampton            15  425
    Chapman       Martha                       NHampton            15  425
    Hiams         Martha                       NHampton            15  425
    Jeyes         Ann                          NHampton            15  425
    Johnson       William                      NHampton            15  425
    Jones         William                      NHampton            15  425
    Adams         Ann                          NHampton            15  426
    Baxter        Sarah                        NHampton            15  426
    Corby         John                         NHampton            15  426
    Darker        William                      NHampton            15  426
    Faulkner      Alfred                       NHampton            15  426
    Gee           Ann                          NHampton            15  426
    Hart          George                       NHampton            15  426
    Hefford       Susannah                     NHampton            15  426
    Lyman         Ann                          NHampton            15  427
    Smith         George                       NHampton            15  427
    Loweth        James                        Oundle              15  429
    Timpson       Mary Ann                     Oundle              15  429
    Timson        Mary Ann                     Oundle              15  429
    Dalby         Thomas                       Oundle              15  431
    Goodwin       Sarah                        Oundle              15  431
    Church        Mary Ann                     Oundle              15  433
    Edden         Maria                        Oundle              15  433
    Mackness      Frances                      Oundle              15  433
    Morton        Edmund                       Oundle              15  433
    Spriggs       John                         Oundle              15  433
    Stevens       William                      Oundle              15  433
    Chapman       George                       Oundle              15  435
    Close         John                         Oundle              15  435
    Denton        Emma                         Oundle              15  435
    Palmer        Catherine                    Oundle              15  435
    Reedman       Elizabeth                    Oundle              15  435
    George        Mary Ann                     Oundle              15  437
    Leach         William                      Oundle              15  437
    Adams         Elizabeth                    Oundle              15  439
    Billiald      Frederick                    Oundle              15  439
    Hallam        Joseph                       Oundle              15  439
    Spencer       John                         Oundle              15  439
    Warpole       Eliza                        Oundle              15  439
    Wood          Mary                         Oundle              15  439
    Burrows       William                      Oundle              15  441
    Landan        Louisa                       Oundle              15  441
    Owen          Thomas                       Oundle              15  441
    Ward          Martha                       Oundle              15  441
    Godwin        William                      Oundle              15  443
    Green         Thomas                       Oundle              15  443
    Mason         Emma                         Oundle              15  443
    Shield        Elizabeth                    Oundle              15  443
    Swann         Ann                          Oundle              15  443
    West          Rowland                      Oundle              15  443
    Leonard       Mary                         Oundle              15  445
    Reynolds      John                         Oundle              15  445
    Mason         Thomas                       Oundle              15  447
    Osborne       Sarah Ann                    Oundle              15  447
    Butterworth   William                      Oundle              15  449
    Rose          Mary                         Oundle              15  449
    Gore          Mary                         Oundle              15  451
    Ireson        John                         Oundle              15  451
    Nichols       Samuel                       Oundle              15  451
    Starsmore     Elizabeth                    Oundle              15  451
    Barnes        James                        Oundle              15  453
    Clarke        Ruth                         Oundle              15  453
    Cunnington    Robert                       Oundle              15  453
    Glitheroe     Diana                        Oundle              15  453
    Walter        Obed                         Oundle              15  455
    Betts         Lucy Preston                 Peterboro           15  457
    Blanchard     Thomas                       Peterboro           15  457
    Boon          Elizabeth Amy                Peterboro           15  457
    Gilbert       Edward                       Peterboro           15  457
    Hall          Amos                         Peterboro           15  457
    Mitchel       Ann                          Peterboro           15  457
    Usill         Peter                        Peterboro           15  457
    Williams      Amy Jane                     Peterboro           15  457
    Copeland      Susan                        Peterboro           15  459
    Hogg          James                        Peterboro           15  459
    Skinner       Rachel                       Peterboro           15  459
    Steels        James                        Peterboro           15  459
    Boulton       John                         Peterboro           15  461
    Chapman       Elizabeth                    Peterboro           15  461
    Brown         James                        Peterboro           15  463
    Cakebread     Millicent                    Peterboro           15  463
    Dean          Harriet                      Peterboro           15  465
    Row           James Ley                    Peterboro           15  465
    Fox           James                        Peterboro           15  467
    Tailly        Harriot                      Peterboro           15  467
    Essoin        Mary Ann                     Peterboro           15  469
    Knight        Richard                      Peterboro           15  469
    Clark         Susanna                      Peterboro           15  471
    Clarke        Susanna                      Peterboro           15  471
    Jellis        Charles Samuel               Peterboro           15  471
    Brown         Sarah Ann                    Peterboro           15  473
    Culpin        Elizabeth                    Peterboro           15  473
    Harwood       William                      Peterboro ?475      15  473
    Plant         Sarah Ann                    Peterboro           15  473
    Truss         John                         Peterboro           15  473
    Ward          George                       Peterboro           15  473
    Ashley        William                      Peterboro           15  475
    Bennett       Maria                        Peterboro           15  475
    Branston      William                      Peterboro           15  475
    Cox           Elizabeth                    Peterboro           15  475
    Edis          Robert                       Peterboro           15  475
    Lloyd         George                       Peterboro           15  475
    Rowlett       Mary                         Peterboro ?7        15  475
    Woodcock      Harriet                      Peterboro           15  475
    Allen         John                         Peterboro           15  476
    Brakes        Ann Maria                    Peterboro           15  476
    Miller        Joseph                       Peterboro           15  476
    Parker        William                      Peterboro           15  476
    Pratt         Martha                       Peterboro           15  476
    Southwell     John Beharrell               Peterboro           15  476
    Wallis        Margaret                     Peterboro           15  476
    Weston        Isabella                     Peterboro           15  476
    Avis          John                         Peterboro           15  477
    Brockwell     Thomas                       Peterboro           15  477
    Cotton        Robert                       Peterboro           15  477
    Frisby        Sarah                        Peterboro           15  477
    Hick          Phoebe                       Peterboro           15  477
    Paramore      Edward                       Peterboro           15  477
    Thompson      Ann                          Peterboro           15  477
    Williamson    Louisa                       Peterboro           15  477
    Copley        John                         Peterboro           15  478
    Fenwick       Frederick                    Peterboro           15  478
    King          Sarah                        Peterboro           15  478
    Woodward      Charlotte                    Peterboro           15  478
    Ireland       Sarah                        Peterboro           15  479
    Lambert       John                         Peterboro           15  479
    Climenson     Mary Elizabeth               Peterboro           15  481
    Harwood       Thomas                       Peterboro           15  481
    Lines         William                      Peterboro           15  481
    Maxwell       Mary Elizabeth               Peterboro           15  481
    Maxwell       George Alfred                Peterboro           15  481
    Palmer        Ann                          Peterboro           15  481
    Pibbles       Mary                         Peterboro           15  481
    Bosworth      George                       Peterboro           15  483
    Goodman       Maria                        Peterboro           15  483
    Ireson        John                         Peterboro           15  483
    Sykes         Mary Ann                     Peterboro           15  483
    Bains         James                        Peterboro           15  485
    Bradley       John                         Peterboro           15  485
    Duddington    Harriet                      Peterboro           15  485
    Knighton      Ann                          Peterboro           15  485
    Rogers        William                      Peterboro           15  485
    Scholey       Edwin Augustus               Peterboro           15  485
    Serjeant      Jane Litchfield              Peterboro           15  485
    Smith         Jane                         Peterboro           15  485
    Baldwin       Eliza                        Potterspury         15  487
    Battams       Sophia                       Potterspury         15  487
    Jelley        John                         Potterspury         15  487
    Shipham       Joseph Thornton              Potterspury         15  487
    Andrews       Elizabeth                    Potterspury         15  489
    Bignall       John                         Potterspury         15  489
    Endall        Lucy                         Potterspury         15  489
    Frost         Henry                        Potterspury         15  489
    Grant         Anne                         Potterspury         15  489
    Russell       John                         Potterspury         15  489
    Bignel        Eunice                       Potterspury         15  491
    Cooper        Hannah                       Potterspury         15  491
    Foster        Coelia                       Potterspury         15  491
    Middleton     Hannah                       Potterspury         15  491
    Roddis        Samuel                       Potterspury         15  491
    Savage        William                      Potterspury         15  491
    Tew           William                      Potterspury         15  491
    Webb          James                        Potterspury         15  491
    Baldwin       George                       Potterspury         15  493
    Haines        William                      Potterspury         15  493
    Peasland      Eliza                        Potterspury         15  493
    Roberts       Rebecca                      Potterspury         15  493
    Robinson      Mary Ann                     Potterspury         15  493
    Adams         Sarah                        Potterspury         15  495
    Holman        Joseph                       Potterspury ?495    15  495
    Woodley       James                        Potterspury         15  495
    Robson        Jane                         Potterspury         15  497
    Todd          James                        Potterspury         15  497
    Blunt         Robert                       Potterspury         15  499
    Druce         Ann                          Potterspury         15  499
    Chapman       William Bird                 Thrapston           15  501
    Wilson        Sarah Ann                    Thrapstone          15  501
    Clark         Mary                         Thrapston           15  503
    Clarke        Mary                         Thrapston           15  503
    Jinks         Thomas                       Thrapstone          15  503
    Mays          Ann                          Thrapstone          15  503
    Swan          Charles                      Thrapstone          15  503
    Lumbers       Sarah                        Thrapston           15  505
    Stock         Edward                       Thrapstone          15  505
    Baxter        Thomas                       Thrapston           15  507
    Betts         Hannah                       Thrapston           15  507
    Abbott        Henry                        Thrapston           15  509
    Steers        Charlotte                    Thrapstone          15  509
    Gambrell      George                       Thrapston           15  511
    Hinch         Fanny                        Thrapstone          15  511
    Blott         William                      Thrapstone          15  513
    Lovell        Robert                       Thrapston           15  513
    Mills         Elizabeth                    Thrapstone          15  513
    Bateman       Marianne                     Thrapston           15  515
    Bateman       Mary Ann                     Thrapston           15  515
    Coales        Mary                         Thrapston           15  515
    Codgbrook     Wiler                        Thrapston           15  515
    Eaton         Spencer                      Thrapstone          15  515
    Ekins         Ann                          Thrapstone ?515     15  515
    Gam           Martha Fryer                 Thrapston           15  515
    Whitlock      Samuel                       Thrapstone          15  515
    Betts         Thos. (sic)                  Thrapstone          15  517
    Eaton         Rebecca                      Thrapstone          15  517
    Essant        Thomas                       Thrapstone          15  517
    Gunn          Emma                         Thrapstone          15  517
    Richardson    John                         Thrapston           15  517
    Tiney         Mary                         Thrapstone          15  517
    Earp          Frederick                    Thrapstone          15  519
    Green         Jane                         Thrapston           15  519
    Knight        Thomas Grant                 Thrapston           15  519
    Rayson        Catherine                    Thrapston           15  519
    Ayres         Ann                          Towcester           15  521
    Snelson       John                         Towcester           15  521
    Harris        Frances                      Towcester           15  522
    Kinman        George                       Towcester           15  523
    Mattock       Mary Ann                     Towcester           15  523
    Ayers         Elizabeth                    Towcester           15  525
    Curtis        George                       Towcester           15  525
    Lazenby       Ann                          Towcester           15  525
    Mallard       Joseph                       Towcester           15  525
    Mallard       Lucy                         Towcester           15  525
    Pacey         George                       Towcester           15  525
    Marriott      Susannah                     Towcester           15  527
    Norris        Edward                       Towcester           15  527
    Beck          Eliza                        Towcester           15  529
    Course        George                       Towcester           15  529
    Lord          Emma                         Towcester           15  531
    Reeve         William                      Towcester           15  531
    Heel          William                      Towcester           15  533
    Adams         William                      Towcester           15  535
    West          Thomas                       Towcester           15  535
    Whitlock      Catherine                    Towcester           15  535
    Whitmore      Mary                         Towcester           15  535
    Denny         Elizabeth                    Towcester           15  537
    Robinson      James                        Towcester           15  537
    Adams         Mary Ann Evans               Towcester           15  539
    Davis         Ann                          Towcester           15  539
    Johnson       William                      Towcester           15  539
    Richards      George                       Towcester           15  539
    Shakleton     Sarah                        Towcester           15  539
    Turland       Charlotte Elizabeth          Towcester           15  539
    Walmsby       James                        Towcester           15  539
    Walmsley      James                        Towcester           15  539
    Webb          John                         Towcester           15  539
    Cross         David                        Towcester           15  540
    Eales         Samuel                       Towcester           15  540
    Faircloth     Ann                          Towcester           15  540
    Hicks         James                        Towcester           15  540
    Johnson       Ann                          Towcester           15  540
    Phillips      Mary Ann                     Towcester           15  540
    Spencer       Mary                         Towcester           15  540
    Webb          George                       Towcester           15  540
    Ashbey        Elizabeth                    Towcester           15  541
    Colton        William                      Towcester           15  541
    Cross         Mary                         Towcester           15  541
    Foster        Job                          Towcester           15  541
    Dunckley      Thomas                       Towcester           15  543
    Fielding      Charlotte                    Towcester           15  543
    Green         Joseph Coghlan               Towcester           15  543
    Kirby         Amelia Catherine             Towcester           15  543
    Perkins       Mary                         Towcester           15  543
    Starmer       John                         Towcester           15  543
    Denton        Sarah                        Wellingbro          15  545
    Dobbs         Mary                         Wellingbro          15  545
    Hensman       Catherine                    Wellingbro          15  545
    Robinson      James Charles                Wellingbro          15  545
    Silby         Thomas                       Wellingbro          15  545
    Surridge      John                         Wellingbro          15  545
    Tomkins       Mary                         Wellingbro          15  545
    Chapman       William                      Wellingbro          15  547
    Hobbs         Reuben                       Wellingbro          15  547
    Pettitt       Mary Ann                     Wellingbro          15  547
    Scott         Bryan                        Wellingbro ?7       15  547
    Thornton      Ann                          Wellingbro          15  547
    Coe           Charles                      Wellingbro          15  549
    Martin        Jane                         Wellingbro          15  549
    Bedford       Alice                        Wellingbro          15  551
    Robinson      Josiah                       Wellingbro          15  551
    Cooper        Lydia                        Wellingbro          15  553
    Dradge        William                      Wellingbro          15  553
    Sanderson     Mary                         Wellingbro          15  555
    Smith         Thomas                       Wellingbro          15  555
    Bettles       Elizabeth                    Wellingbro          15  557
    Stokes        William                      Wellingbro          15  557
    Holbrook      John                         Wellingbro          15  559
    Wright        Mary Elizabeth               Wellingbro          15  559
    Barry         Jane                         Wellingbro          15  561
    Willis        George                       Wellingbro          15  561
    Barker        Lydia                        Wellingbro          15  563
    Garley        Samuel                       Wellingbro          15  563
    Boddington    Mary                         Wellingbro          15  565
    Flanders      Henry                        Wellingbro          15  565
    Halls         Caroline                     Wellingbro          15  565
    Pateman       Mary Christmas               Wellingbro          15  565
    Tysoe         Abraham                      Wellingbro          15  565
    Wells         George                       Wellingbro          15  565
    Carter        Ann                          Wellingbro          15  567
    Thornton      Thomas                       Wellingbro          15  567
    Perkins       Henry                        Wellingbro          15  569
    Saxby         Elizabeth                    Wellingbro          15  569
    Johnson       Joseph                       Basford             15  571
    Voce          Martha                       Basford             15  571
    Houseley      William                      Basford             15  573
    Walker        Susan                        Basford             15  573
    Bellaby       William                      Basford             15  575
    Copley        Sarah                        Basford             15  575
    Fisher        George                       Basford             15  575
    Lane          Elizabeth                    Basford             15  575
    Marlow        Hannah                       Basford             15  575
    Sanderson     Samuel                       Basford             15  575
    Skevington    Harriet                      Basford             15  575
    Varley        Samuel                       Basford             15  575
    Bishop        Samuel                       Basford             15  576
    Bugg          George                       Basford             15  576
    Clayton       Ann                          Basford             15  576
    Marlow        Walter                       Basford             15  576
    Rigley        Alice                        Basford             15  576
    Taylor        Emma                         Basford             15  576
    Thornton      Eliza                        Basford             15  576
    Whitt         David                        Basford             15  576
    Barrow        George                       Basford             15  577
    Cliff         Ann                          Basford             15  577
    Dennis        Jesse                        Basford             15  577
    Elliott       Mary                         Basford             15  577
    Hall          Edward                       Basford             15  577
    Harrison      Sarah Ann                    Basford             15  577
    Langworth     John                         Basford             15  577
    Pearson       Elizabeth                    Basford             15  577
    Allen         Mary                         Basford             15  578
    Grocock       Emma                         Basford             15  578
    Hopkin        Samuel                       Basford             15  578
    Jackson       Sarah                        Basford             15  578
    Martin        James                        Basford             15  578
    Owen          Thomas                       Basford             15  578
    Shirtcliff    Dorothy                      Basford             15  578
    Tilley        Joseph                       Basford             15  578
    Garrett       John George                  Basford             15  579
    Kirk          Mary                         Basford             15  579
    Brentnall     John                         Basford             15  581
    Chapman       Samuel                       Basford             15  581
    Fletcher      Hannah                       Basford             15  581
    Spray         Hannah Moor                  Basford             15  581
    Allcock       Sarah                        Basford             15  583
    Ebsworth      Alfred                       Basford             15  583
    Rippon        John                         Basford             15  583
    Turner        Elizabeth                    Basford             15  583
    Barnett       Robert                       Basford             15  585
    Dakin         William                      Basford             15  585
    Davies        Sarah                        Basford             15  585
    Davy          Sarah                        Basford             15  585
    Elliott       Violette                     Basford             15  585
    Henson        Sarah                        Basford             15  585
    Phipps        James                        Basford             15  585
    Cooper        Hannah                       Basford             15  587
    Foster        William                      Basford             15  587
    Hallam        Dinah                        Basford             15  587
    Hallam        John                         Basford             15  587
    Meads         John                         Basford             15  587
    Meads         Hannah                       Basford             15  587
    Miller        John                         Basford             15  587
    Pilkinton     Rebecca                      Basford             15  587
    Bestwick      Ann                          Basford             15  589
    Kirkland      Mirah                        Basford             15  589
    Parkin        John                         Basford             15  589
    Saxton        Emmanuel                     Basford             15  589
    Deabill       John                         Basford             15  591
    Newham        Sarah                        Basford             15  591
    Bardill       Elizabeth                    Basford             15  593
    Davis         John                         Basford             15  593
    Fisher        William                      Basford             15  593
    Gregory       Thomas                       Basford             15  593
    Knighton      Penelope                     Basford             15  593
    Lacey         Phoebe                       Basford             15  593
    Lacey         Violet                       Basford             15  593
    Mee           John                         Basford             15  593
    Beardsley     Jane                         Basford             15  595
    Hand          Henry                        Basford             15  595
    Barton        William                      Basford             15  597
    Baston        William                      Basford             15  597
    Blatherwick   Mary                         Basford             15  597
    Gray          Alfred                       Basford             15  597
    Hancock       Sarah                        Basford             15  597
    Swincoe       Hannah                       Basford             15  597
    Swinscoe      Hannah                       [Rasford 15/497]    15  597
    Swinscoe      Thomas                       Basford             15  597
    Watson        Hugh                         Basford             15  597
    Whitt         Harriet                      Basford             15  597
    Armstrong     Charles                      Basford             15  599
    Howard        Alice                        Basford             15  599
    Allcock       Isaac                        Basford             15  601
    Brentnall     Zillah                       Basford             15  601
    Coultas       Ann                          Basford             15  601
    Roe           Elizabeth                    Basford             15  601
    Shaw          John                         Basford             15  601
    Wright        Joseph                       Basford             15  601
    Brough        Mary Ann                     Basford             15  603
    Burks         Mary Anne                    Basford             15  603
    Eley          Joseph                       Basford             15  603
    Fletcher      Dorothy                      Basford             15  603
    Gillott       Enoch                        Basford             15  603
    Osborne       William Fletcher             Basford             15  603
    Burton        Kezia Ann                    Basford             15  605
    Clarke        Reuben                       Basford             15  605
    Granger       Mary                         Basford             15  605
    Saxton        James                        Basford             15  605
    Hopkin        William                      Basford             15  607
    Meakin        Sarah                        Basford             15  607
    Musson        Ruth                         Basford             15  607
    Pass          Joseph                       Basford             15  607
    Purdy         Joseph                       Basford             15  607
    Stokes        Samuel                       Basford             15  607
    Wallace       Sarah Ann                    Basford             15  607
    Wysall        Elizabeth                    Basford             15  607
    Bartlam       William                      Basford             15  608
    Foulds        George                       Basford             15  608
    Lee           Edward                       Basford             15  608
    Orrell        Hannah                       Basford             15  608
    Phillips      George                       Basford             15  608
    Taylor        Sarah                        Basford             15  608
    Tonks         Mary                         Basford             15  608
    Webster       Mary Ann                     Basford             15  608
    Chadwick      Ann                          Basford             15  609
    Higgitt       Henry                        Basford             15  609
    Knighton      Eliza                        Basford             15  609
    Pearson       Henry                        Basford             15  609
    Shaw          Isaac                        Basford             15  609
    Wright        Pamella (sic)                Basford             15  609
    Matthews      Hannah                       Basford             15  611
    Rowland       George                       Basford             15  611
    Coleman       Elizabeth                    Basford             15  613
    Fox           Levi                         Basford             15  613
    Fox           Elijah                       Basford             15  613
    Haslam        Rose                         Basford             15  613
    Higdon        Elizabeth                    Basford             15  613
    Lucas         Joseph                       Basford             15  613
    Hudson        William                      Basford             15  615
    Smith         Joseph                       Basford             15  615
    Sparrow       Eliza                        Basford             15  615
    Beardall      Millicent                    Basford             15  617
    Wykes         Charles                      Basford             15  617
    Allsebrook    Jonathan                     Basford             15  619
    Noon          John                         Basford             15  619
    Rigley        Fanney (sic)                 Basford             15  619
    Sedgwick      Maria                        Basford             15  619
    Shipman       John                         Basford             15  619
    Smithurst     Hannah                       Basford             15  619
    Walker        Sarah Ann                    Basford             15  619
    Wilson        John                         Basford             15  619
    Bramley       Ann                          Basford             15  620
    Granger       Martha                       Basford             15  620
    Hawkins       Ann                          Basford             15  620
    Kirkland      Ann                          Basford             15  620
    Meakin        William                      Basford             15  620
    Newberry      Henry                        Basford             15  620
    Rowley        Thomas                       Basford             15  620
    Walters       James                        Basford             15  620
    Allwood       Charlotte                    Basford             15  621
    Branson       Elizabeth                    Basford             15  621
    Murden        George                       Basford             15  621
    Pyke          Thomas                       Basford             15  621
    Barlow        Mary                         Basford             15  623
    Eve           Alfred Disbrow               Basford             15  623
    Seardison     Elizabeth                    Basford             15  623
    Ward          David                        Basford             15  623
    Bestwick      Hannah                       Basford             15  625
    Boam          Henry Joseph                 Basford             15  625
    Brownlow      Henry                        Basford             15  627
    Hesketh       Rebecca Ann                  Basford             15  627
    Hind          Henry                        Basford             15  627
    Litchfield    Joseph                       Basford             15  627
    Rawson        Elizabeth                    Basford             15  627
    Wightman      Maria                        Basford             15  627
    Wightman      Matthew                      Basford             15  627
    Wilson        Harriet                      Basford             15  627
    Beardsley     James                        Basford             15  628
    Daubner       Richard                      Basford             15  628
    Eyre          Lydia                        Basford             15  628
    Levers        Mary                         Basford             15  628
    Sansam        George                       Basford             15  628
    Sansom        George                       Basford             15  628
    Turpin        Mary                         Basford             15  628
    Baker         Richard                      Bingham             15  629
    Chamberlain   Ann                          Bingham             15  629
    Foottit       William                      Bingham             15  629
    Shelton       Jane                         Bingham             15  631
    Starbuck      Harding                      Bingham             15  631
    Griffin       Stephen                      Bingham             15  633
    Rosseter      Emma                         Bingham             15  633
    Morris        Elizabeth                    Bingham             15  635
    Wormal        John                         Bingham             15  635
    Webster       Jane                         Bingham             15  637
    Whyler        Samuel                       Bingham             15  637
    Cragg         Thomas                       Bingham             15  639
    Hand          Eliza                        Bingham             15  639
    Palmer        John                         Bingham             15  639
    Tyman         Ann                          Bingham             15  639
    Whitehead     Sarah                        Bingham             15  639
    Horton        Mary                         Bingham             15  641
    Murden        Samuel                       Bingham             15  641
    Watts         William                      Bingham             15  641
    Wilson        Sarah                        Bingham             15  641
    Carter        Martha                       Bingham             15  643
    Robson        William                      Bingham             15  643
    Daybell       Henry                        Bingham             15  645
    Marsh         Thomas                       Bingham             15  645
    Marshall      George                       Bingham             15  645
    Padgett       Jane                         Bingham ?645        15  645
    Williamson    Harriett                     Bingham             15  645
    Wood          Jemima                       Bingham             15  645
    Reason        Martha                       Bingham             15  647
    Swanwick      Hannah                       Bingham             15  647
    Wakefield     William                      Bingham             15  647
    Wootton       George                       Bingham             15  647
    Crampton      Sarah                        Bingham             15  649
    Keyworth      John                         Bingham             15  649
    Freeman       William                      E Retford           15  651
    Justice       George                       E Retford           15  651
    Parkin        Elisabeth                    E Retford           15  651
    Rushby        Elizabeth                    E Retford           15  651
    Whelton       Eliza                        E Retford           15  651
    Taylor        Hannah                       E Retford           15  653
    Wells         William                      E Retford           15  653
    Briggs        Mary Ann                     E Retford           15  655
    Stocks        William                      E Retford           15  655
    Borley        Sarah                        E Retford           15  657
    Brown         John                         E Retford           15  657
    Swinburn      John                         E Retford           15  657
    Gabbitas      Ann                          E Retford           15  659
    Shillito      David                        E Retford           15  659
    Tomlinson     John                         E Retford           15  659
    Valentine     Mary Ann                     E Retford           15  659
    Vallentin     Mary Ann                     E Retford           15  659
    Cuckson       William                      E Retford           15  661
    Salmon        Rachel                       E Retford [12]      15  661
    Downs         Elizabeth                    E Retford           15  663
    Johnson       William                      E Retford           15  663
    Lilliman      Gatty                        E Retford           15  663
    Nettleship    Charles                      E Retford           15  663
    Byron         William                      E Retford           15  665
    Pettinger     Ann                          E Retford           15  665
    Harrison      Charlotte                    E Retford           15  667
    Staniland     Reuben                       E Retford           15  667
    Barker        Thomas                       E Retford           15  669
    Cowdel        Francis                      E Retford           15  669
    Spivey        Mary                         E Retford           15  669
    Stabler       Margaret                     E Retford           15  669
    Armstrong     George                       E Retford           15  671
    Butterworth   Benjamin                     E Retford           15  671
    Colton        Fanny                        E Retford           15  671
    Ellwood       William                      E Retford           15  671
    Marchant      Susanna                      E Retford ?671      15  671
    Markham       Henry                        E Retford           15  671
    Shaw          Mary Hannah                  E Retford           15  671
    Welton        Elizabeth                    E Retford           15  671
    Whelton       Elizabeth                    E Retford           15  671
    Holliday      Maria                        E Retford           15  672
    Shaw          George Wager                 E Retford           15  672
    Hopkins       George Thomas                E Retford           15  673
    Warriner      Kezia                        E Retford           15  673
    Birks         Jonathan Robert              E Retford           15  675
    Gray          Ann                          E Retford           15  675
    Plaxton       George                       E Retford           15  675
    Skelton       Mary Elizabeth               E Retford           15  675
    Atkinson      Sarah                        E Retford           15  677
    Tawn          Edward                       E Retford           15  677
    Turner        John Offer                   E Retford           15  679
    Wright        Mary                         E Retford           15  679
    Good          Elizabeth                    E Retford           15  681
    Mitchell      Hannah                       E Retford           15  681
    Parkin        George                       E Retford           15  681
    Snaith        Richard                      E Retford           15  681
    Story         Robert                       E Retford           15  681
    Taylor        Mary                         E Retford           15  681
    Taylor        William                      E Retford           15  683
    Walker        Mary                         E Retford           15  683
    Clarke        William                      Mansfield           15  685
    Clarke        Mary                         Mansfield           15  685
    Cowper        Mary Ann                     Mansfield           15  685
    Else          Thomas                       Mansfield           15  685
    Parker        Hannah                       Mansfield           15  685
    Peckburn      Elijah                       Mansfield           15  685
    Pickburn      Elijah                       Mansfield           15  685
    Tomlinson     William                      Mansfield           15  685
    Woodhead      Sarah                        Mansfield           15  685
    Bird          Hannah                       Mansfield           15  687
    Clover        William                      Mansfield           15  687
    Clark         Ann                          Mansfield           15  689
    Hallam        Thomas                       Mansfield           15  689
    Orton         Martha                       Mansfield           15  689
    Parker        Mary Ann                     Mansfield           15  689
    Parker        Betsey Brough                Mansfield           15  689
    Renshaw       Henry                        Mansfield           15  689
    Tyas          Joseph                       Mansfield           15  689
    Walliss       Henry Bell                   Mansfield           15  689
    Armstrong     Isaac                        Mansfield           15  690
    Columbine     John                         Mansfield           15  690
    Hilton        Elizabeth Frances            Mansfield           15  690
    Johnson       Elizabeth                    Mansfield           15  690
    Loose         William                      Mansfield           15  690
    Spinks        Robert                       Mansfield           15  690
    Wells         Elizabeth                    Mansfield           15  690
    Wolsoncroft   Ann                          Mansfield           15  690
    Bettison      Mary                         Mansfield           15  691
    Brown         Elizabeth                    Mansfield           15  691
    Cooper        Thomas                       Mansfield           15  691
    Hayes         Joseph                       Mansfield           15  691
    Heywood       Isaac                        Mansfield           15  691
    Morton        Ann                          Mansfield           15  691
    Ransby        Charlotte                    Mansfield           15  691
    Wass          Luke                         Mansfield           15  691
    Broadbery     Frederick                    Mansfield           15  692
    Davison       Sarah                        Mansfield           15  692
    Grosvenor     Thomas                       Mansfield           15  692
    Jewkes        Ann                          Mansfield           15  692
    Melbourn      Sophia Amington              Mansfield           15  692
    Wapplington   John                         Mansfield           15  692
    Bacon         Mary                         Mansfield           15  693
    Fletcher      Catherine                    Mansfield           15  693
    Millns        William                      Mansfield           15  693
    Pegg          Mary                         Mansfield           15  693
    West          Thomas                       Mansfield           15  693
    Witham        Joseph                       Mansfield           15  693
    Ball          Levi                         Mansfield           15  695
    Barrocliff    Sarah                        Mansfield           15  695
    Duffield      Eliza                        Mansfield           15  695
    Heywood       Maria                        Mansfield           15  695
    Rowe          Samuel                       Mansfield           15  695
    Ward          Thomas                       Mansfield           15  695
    Hollingsworth Thomas                       Mansfield           15  697
    Saunders      Mary                         Mansfield           15  697
    Bowmar        Joseph                       Mansfield           15  699
    Wells         Anne                         Mansfield           15  699
    Speed         George                       Mansfield           15  701
    West          Sarah                        Mansfield           15  701
    Dennis        Joseph                       Mansfield           15  703
    Else          Sarah                        Mansfield           15  703
    Heathcote     Samuel                       Mansfield           15  703
    Stringfellow  Reuben                       Mansfield           15  703
    Tomlinson     Thomas                       Mansfield           15  703
    Turner        Ann                          Mansfield           15  703
    Waterall      Frances                      Mansfield           15  703
    Daves         Mary                         Mansfield           15  704
    Davies        Mary                         Mansfield           15  704
    Hall          Fanny                        Mansfield           15  704
    Hardstaff     George                       Mansfield           15  704
    Marriott      Edward                       Mansfield           15  704
    Naylor        Mary Ann                     Mansfield           15  704
    White         John                         Mansfield           15  704
    Wilson        Thomas                       Mansfield           15  704
    Wood          Susannah                     Mansfield           15  704
    Bent          William                      Mansfield           15  705
    Fowler        Mary Ann                     Mansfield           15  705
    Reynolds      Elizabeth                    Mansfield           15  705
    Simms         Eliza                        Mansfield           15  705
    Taylor        Matthew                      Mansfield           15  705
    Brooks        Anne                         Mansfield           15  707
    Heath         William                      Mansfield           15  709
    Taylor        Jane                         Mansfield           15  709
    Wells         Joseph                       Mansfield           15  709
    Brownlow      George                       Mansfield           15  711
    Chadwick      Fanny                        Mansfield           15  711
    Renshaw       Mary                         Mansfield           15  711
    Taylor        Thomas                       Mansfield           15  711
    Beardsley     Edward                       Mansfield           15  713
    Crooks        Samuel                       Mansfield           15  713
    Daykin        Mary Ann                     Mansfield           15  713
    Gamble        Enoch                        Mansfield           15  713
    Linwood       William                      Mansfield           15  713
    Newman        Frances                      Mansfield           15  713
    Parkin        Ann                          Mansfield           15  713
    Shaw          Ann                          Mansfield           15  713
    Bottomley     Mary Ann                     Mansfield           15  714
    Chapman       John                         Mansfield           15  714
    Formon        Benjamin                     Mansfield           15  714
    Linney        Caroline                     Mansfield           15  714
    Sargent       William                      Mansfield           15  714
    Truelove      Jane                         Mansfield           15  714
    Fletcher      Jane                         Newark              15  715
    Huskisson     Thomas                       Newark              15  715
    Sneath        Susannah                     Newark              15  717
    Sowerby       Joseph                       Newark              15  717
    Revett        Samuel                       Newark              15  719
    Richman       Sarah                        Newark              15  719
    George        William                      Newark              15  721
    Hindson       martha                       Newark              15  721
    Portwood      John                         Newark              15  721
    Watson        Mary                         Newark              15  721
    Hodsall       Thomas                       Newark              15  723
    Speckeley     Sarah                        Newark              15  723
    Speckley      Sarah                        Newark              15  723
    Ball          Elizabeth                    Newark              15  725
    Clarkson      William Henry                Newark              15  725
    Felde         Margaret                     Newark              15  725
    Harston       Ann                          Newark              15  725
    Lauer         Philippe Heinrich            Newark              15  725
    Palethorpe    John                         Newark              15  725
    Pilsworth     William                      Newark              15  725
    Reynolds      Mary Ann                     Newark              15  725
    Beck          John                         Newark              15  726
    Gratrick      Mary                         Newark              15  726
    Padgett       John                         Newark              15  726
    Parlby        Charlotte                    Newark              15  726
    Porter        Sarah                        Newark              15  726
    Raven         Mary Ann                     Newark              15  726
    Snell         William                      Newark              15  726
    Wright        Edward                       Newark              15  726
    Berry         Sophia                       Newark              15  727
    Eto           Henry                        Newark              15  727
    Etoe          Henry                        Newark              15  727
    Fletcher      Eliza                        Newark              15  727
    Garner        Mary                         Newark              15  727
    Hodges        Naomi                        Newark              15  727
    Newton        George                       Newark              15  727
    Tansley       Fowler                       Newark              15  727
    Turner        John                         Newark              15  727
    Bean          George                       Newark              15  729
    Frankish      Sarah                        Newark              15  729
    Fisher        John Henry                   Newark              15  731
    Marshall      Catherine Mary               Newark              15  731
    Fisher        John Henry                   Newark              15  732
    Marshall      Catharine Mary               Newark              15  732
    Haslam        Mary                         Newark ?735         15  733
    Hawdin        Jane                         Newark              15  733
    Johnson       William                      Newark              15  733
    Cragg         Elizabeth                    Newark              15  735
    Hutchinson    Sarah                        Newark              15  735
    Newcombe      Robert                       Newark              15  735
    Newcome       Robert                       Newark              15  735
    Robotham      Joseph                       Newark              15  735
    Barnsdall     William                      Newark              15  737
    Bentley       James                        Newark              15  737
    Harrison      Mary                         Newark              15  737
    Little        Ann                          Newark              15  737
    Martin        Caroline                     Newark              15  737
    Mitchell      William                      Newark              15  737
    Nicholson     William                      Newark              15  737
    Spilsworth    Mary                         Newark              15  737
    Good          George                       Newark ?733/5       15  738
    Hopkinson     Ann                          Newark              15  738
    Joynes        Elizabeth                    Newark ?738         15  738
    Lane          Thomas                       Newark              15  738
    Mayfield      John                         Newark              15  738
    Pidd          William                      Newark              15  738
    Storr         Rebecca                      Newark              15  738
    Cree          James                        Newark              15  739
    Crow          William                      Newark              15  739
    Glass         Thomas                       Newark              15  739
    Jenks         Eliza Elizabeth              Newark              15  739
    Lacy          Mary                         Newark              15  739
    Scott         Charles                      Newark              15  739
    Smith         Ann                          Newark              15  739
    Watkin        Susan                        Newark              15  739
    Marsden       Thomas                       Newark              15  740
    Peck          Mary                         Nottingham          15  740
    Addicott      Martha                       Nottingham          15  741
    Clarkson      Harriett                     Nottingham          15  741
    Lee           Joseph                       Nottingham          15  741
    Mayo          Thomas                       Nottingham          15  741
    North         Benjamin                     Nottingham          15  741
    Nowlan        Michael                      Nottingham          15  741
    Poxon         Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  741
    Scrimshaw     Hannah                       Nottingham          15  741
    Ballard       Ann                          Nottingham          15  742
    Crosland      Jane                         Nottingham          15  742
    Johnson       John                         Nottingham          15  742
    Johnson       Henry                        Nottingham          15  742
    Northwanger   John                         Nottingham          15  742
    Sharp         William                      Nottingham          15  742
    Wager         Mary                         Nottingham          15  742
    Allcock       Anne                         Nottingham          15  743
    Dabell        Katherine Ann                Nottingham          15  743
    Daniels       Ann                          Nottingham          15  743
    Eyre          Edward Reuben                Nottingham          15  743
    Gill          Sarah Mills                  Nottingham          15  743
    Lowe          Edward Joseph                Nottingham          15  743
    Spyby         Henry William Allsworth      Nottingham          15  743
    Streets       William                      Nottingham          15  743
    Atkin         Ellen                        Nottingham          15  744
    Broxholm?     Harriet                      Nottingham          15  744
    Campion       Mary Anne                    Nottingham          15  744
    Desborough    Ann                          Nottingham          15  744
    Harrison      William                      Nottingham          15  744
    Maddocks      Thomas                       Nottingham          15  744
    Meekin        Enoch Gamble                 Nottingham          15  744
    Thorpe        William                      Nottingham          15  744
    Hopkinson     Thomas                       Nottingham          15  745
    Pacey         George                       Nottingham          15  745
    Palfrey       Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  745
    Redmill       John                         Nottingham          15  745
    Rowe          Margaret Mary                Nottingham          15  745
    Smith         Margaret Ann                 Nottingham          15  745
    Spurr         Henry                        Nottingham          15  745
    Watts         Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  745
    Adams         Ellen                        Nottingham          15  746
    Gissy         Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  746
    Greaves       Charles                      Nottingham          15  746
    Kirkham       William                      Nottingham          15  746
    Parks         Sarah                        Nottingham          15  746
    Reynolds      Thomas Henry                 Nottingham          15  746
    Sampson       Louisa                       Nottingham          15  746
    Trueman       Charles                      Nottingham          15  746
    Baker         Thomas                       Nottingham          15  747
    Barrow        William                      Nottingham          15  747
    Browne        George                       Nottingham          15  747
    Fletcher      Mary                         Nottingham          15  747
    Flinders      Charlotte                    Nottingham          15  747
    Ireland       William                      Nottingham          15  747
    Miller        Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  747
    Tesson        Ann                          Nottingham          15  747
    Blatherwick   Eleanor                      Nottingham          15  748
    Emery         Thomas                       Nottingham          15  748
    Hogg          Caroline                     Nottingham          15  748
    Hughes        Louis Lamere Florance        Nottingham          15  748
    Hurst         Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  748
    Hurt (Hurst?) Jane                         Nottingham          15  748
    Potts         Thomas                       Nottingham          15  748
    Starkey       Alfred                       Nottingham ?8       15  748
    Starkey       Alfred                       Nottingham          15  748
    Blatherwick   John                         Nottingham          15  749
    Bowers        Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  749
    Brandreth     Mary                         Nottingham          15  749
    Flynn         Thomas                       Nottingham          15  749
    Harness       Sarah                        Nottingham          15  749
    Povey         William                      Nottingham          15  749
    Teat          Mary                         Nottingham          15  749
    Turner        Joseph                       Nottingham          15  749
    Botheway      William                      Nottingham          15  750
    Clarke        John Rogers                  Nottingham          15  750
    Denely        Sarah                        Nottingham          15  750
    Dobson        Lewis                        Nottingham          15  750
    Drifty        Thomas                       Nottingham          15  750
    Sarson        Louisa                       Nottingham          15  750
    Scruton       Louisa Elicia                Nottingham          15  750
    Wragg         Susan Martha                 Nottingham          15  750
    Green         George                       Nottingham          15  751
    Hardy         Thomas                       Nottingham          15  751
    Hill          Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  751
    Kinghom       Susannah                     Nottingham          15  751
    Kinghom       Susan                        Nottingham          15  751
    McIntosh      Alexander                    Nottingham          15  751
    Ringhom       Susan                        Nottingham          15  751
    Ringhom       Susannah                     Nottingham          15  751
    Savage        Alice                        Nottingham          15  751
    Skevington    James                        Nottingham          15  751
    Brailsford    Mary                         Nottingham          15  752
    Burton        William                      Nottingham          15  752
    Gibson        Ann                          Nottingham          15  752
    Knight        Harriet                      Nottingham          15  752
    Nutt          Matilda                      Nottingham          15  752
    Roper         William                      Nottingham          15  752
    Sheppard      William                      Nottingham          15  752
    Sims          George                       Nottingham          15  752
    Allison       Mary                         Nottingham          15  753
    Baxter        Robert                       Nottingham ?755     15  753
    Cragg         William                      Nottingham          15  753
    Foone         Martha                       Nottingham          15  753
    Gibson        Caroline                     Nottingham          15  753
    Hinchcliffe   Ann                          Nottingham          15  753
    Mather        Samuel                       Nottingham          15  753
    Williams      William                      Nottingham          15  753
    Cope          Abel                         Nottingham          15  754
    Corbett       Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  754
    Merriman      Maria                        Nottingham          15  754
    Merriman      John                         Nottingham          15  754
    Mundell       Edward                       Nottingham          15  754
    Pointer       John                         Nottingham          15  754
    Salmons       Martha                       Nottingham          15  754
    Treice        Alice                        Nottingham          15  754
    Goodall       Sarah                        Nottingham          15  755
    Goodwin       Harriet                      Nottingham          15  755
    Gripper       Henry                        Nottingham          15  755
    Middleton     William                      Nottingham          15  755
    Pendleton     Theophilus                   Nottingham ?755     15  755
    Selby         Emma Griffis                 Nottingham          15  755
    Slack         Mary Ann                     Nottingham          15  755
    Stonley       John                         Nottingham          15  755
    Burrows       Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  756
    Burrows       John                         Nottingham          15  756
    Godfrey       Jane                         Nottingham          15  756
    Green         Bernard                      Nottingham          15  756
    Hallam        Phoebe Sophia                Nottingham          15  756
    Marlow        Mary Ann                     Nottingham          15  756
    Oakden        Ralph                        Nottingham          15  756
    Walkerdine    David                        Nottingham          15  756
    Beardsall     Ann                          Nottingham          15  757
    Brooksbank    William                      Nottingham          15  757
    Carnelley     Thomas                       Nottingham          15  757
    Carnelly      Thomas                       Nottingham          15  757
    Dally         John                         Nottingham          15  757
    Glover        Phoebe                       Nottingham          15  757
    Hazeldine     William                      Nottingham          15  757
    Hazledine     William                      Nottingham          15  757
    Stokes        Eliza                        Nottingham          15  757
    Whitehead     Louisa                       Nottingham          15  757
    Bickly        Timothy                      Nottingham          15  758
    Bonolly       Mary Ann                     Nottingham          15  758
    Housman       Louisa                       Nottingham          15  758
    Moss          Letitia                      Nottingham          15  758
    Parks         John                         Nottingham          15  758
    Sanders       James Robert                 Nottingham ?8       15  758
    Wainman       Rebecca                      Nottingham          15  758
    Wigley        John                         Nottingham          15  758
    Crosby        William                      Nottingham          15  759
    Greensmith    Samuel                       Nottingham          15  759
    Grey          Sarah                        Nottingham          15  759
    Guy           Sarah                        Nottingham          15  759
    Richards      Mary                         Nottingham          15  759
    Shaw          Richard                      Nottingham          15  759
    Sheppard      Henry                        Nottingham          15  759
    Southgale     Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  759
    Watts         Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  759
    Allen         Ellen                        Nottingham          15  760
    Baxter        John                         Nottingham          15  760
    Griffin       John                         Nottingham          15  760
    Hebb          William                      Nottingham          15  760
    Lee           Mary                         Nottingham          15  760
    Mansell       George                       Nottingham          15  760
    Thompson      Jane                         Nottingham          15  760
    Tish          Margaretta                   Nottingham          15  760
    Doncaster     William                      Nottingham          15  761
    Hollingworth  Mary Ann                     Nottingham          15  761
    James         Joseph Edward                Nottingham          15  761
    Kendall       Robert                       Nottingham          15  761
    Lawson        Sarah                        Nottingham          15  761
    Redgate       Eliza                        Nottingham          15  761
    Richmond      Mary                         Nottingham          15  761
    Slater        Eliza                        Nottingham          15  761
    Somerfield    George                       Nottingham          15  761
    Godber        Ann                          Nottingham          15  762
    Harrison      William                      Nottingham          15  762
    Joynes        Thomas                       Nottingham          15  762
    Maclean       John                         Nottingham          15  762
    Murray        Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  762
    Pilkington    Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  762
    Thurms        Mary Ann                     Nottingham          15  762
    Woollatt      Thomas                       Nottingham          15  762
    Blake         Jane Eugenia Laurentine MaxemNottingham          15  763
    Blake         Jane Eugenia Lamertine MaximiNottingham          15  763
    Boot          John                         Nottingham          15  763
    Henson        Solomon George               Nottingham          15  763
    Huthwaite     Cornelius Francis            Nottingham          15  763
    Huthwaite     Francis Cornelius            Nottingham          15  763
    Renshaw       Sarah                        Nottingham          15  763
    Spencer       William                      Nottingham          15  763
    Thomas        Jane                         Nottingham          15  763
    Wills         Mary                         Nottingham          15  763
    Peck          Leonard                      Nottingham          15  764
    Taylor        Sarah                        Nottingham          15  764
    Allwood       William                      Nottingham          15  765
    Bradbury      James                        Nottingham          15  765
    Burrows       Selina                       Nottingham          15  765
    Cooke         Richard                      Nottingham          15  765
    Hitchcock     Emma                         Nottingham          15  765
    Pepper        Elinaor                      Nottingham          15  765
    Pepper        Elianor                      Nottingham          15  765
    Smith         Samuel                       Nottingham          15  765
    Wilden        Mary                         Nottingham          15  765
    Burrowes      Fanny                        Nottingham          15  766
    Fox           Ester (sic)                  Nottingham          15  766
    Oakland       Edward                       Nottingham          15  766
    Taylor        William Eaton                Nottingham          15  766
    Tillford      Mary                         Nottingham          15  766
    Tyler         Thomas                       Nottingham          15  766
    Wells         Alice                        Nottingham          15  766
    Woolley       Edward                       Nottingham          15  766
    Cowley        Alice                        Nottingham          15  767
    Leaviss       Thomas Cooke                 Nottingham          15  767
    Allen         Alfred                       Nottingham          15  769
    Briggs        Eliza Sarah                  Nottingham          15  769
    Ford          John                         Nottingham          15  769
    Fox           Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  769
    Longmate      Robert                       Nottingham          15  769
    Pickard       John                         Nottingham          15  769
    Sissons       Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  769
    Thirlby       Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  769
    Crouchman     Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  770
    Flowers       Selina                       Nottingham          15  770
    Hite          William                      Nottingham          15  770
    Martin        John                         Nottingham          15  770
    Archer        Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  771
    Daft          Ann                          Nottingham          15  771
    Harston       Thomas                       Nottingham          15  771
    Millington    William                      Nottingham          15  771
    Brown         Sarah                        Nottingham          15  773
    Cundy         William                      Nottingham          15  773
    Dalley        Thomas                       Nottingham          15  773
    Fisher        Alice                        Nottingham          15  773
    Hoult         Samuel                       Nottingham          15  773
    Marriott      Mary                         Nottingham          15  773
    Mumford       Thomas                       Nottingham          15  773
    Pepper        Ann Elizabeth                Nottingham          15  773
    Bostock       Mary Ann                     Nottingham          15  774
    Dawson        Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  774
    Handford      William                      Nottingham          15  774
    Hyson         Mary Ann                     Nottingham          15  774
    Marriott      Mary                         Nottingham          15  774
    Selby         Edwin Joseph                 Nottingham          15  774
    Whelan        Timothy                      Nottingham          15  774
    Wombwell      William                      Nottingham          15  774
    Bailey        Samuel                       Nottingham          15  775
    Boot          Hannah                       Nottingham          15  775
    Bradshaw      Mary                         Nottingham          15  775
    Cleaver       Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  775
    Housley       Ann                          Nottingham          15  775
    Mart          Thomas                       Nottingham          15  775
    Measures      William                      Nottingham          15  775
    White         Samuel                       Nottingham          15  775
    Buttery       Charlotte                    Nottingham          15  777
    Hodgkinson    Frederick                    Nottingham          15  777
    Lacey         Thomas                       Nottingham          15  777
    Lager         Edward                       Nottingham          15  777
    Lambert       Thomas Hewitt                Nottingham          15  777
    Rigley        Elizabeth                    Nottingham          15  777
    Robinson      Elizabeth Sands              Nottingham          15  777
    Wilson        Monica                       Nottingham          15  777
    Burton        Sarah                        Nottingham          15  778
    Grady         Ellen                        Nottingham          15  778
    Hooley        George                       Nottingham          15  778
    Huthwaite     Cornelius Francis            Nottingham          15  778
    Kilmartin     Michael                      Nottingham          15  778
    Seward        Mary                         Nottingham          15  778
    Wombwell      Charles                      Nottingham          15  778
    Barke         George                       Nottingham          15  779
    Bryan         Walter                       Nottingham          15  779
    Buck          Oliver                       Nottingham          15  779
    Fox           Sarah                        Nottingham          15  779
    Hill          Sarah                        Nottingham          15  779
    Loseby        Caroline                     Nottingham          15  779
    Slater        Sarah                        Nottingham          15  779
    Turner        John                         Nottingham          15  779
    Bird          Thomas                       Radford [11]        15  781
    Burrows       Sarah                        Radford             15  781
    Goddard       Charles                      Radford             15  781
    Mather        William                      Radford             15  781
    Mullen        Mary                         Radford             15  781
    Spurr         John                         Radford             15  781
    Topham        Ann                          Radford             15  781
    Wade          Ann                          Radford             15  781
    Baguley       Elizabeth                    Radford             15  782
    Caunt         Samuel                       Radford             15  782
    Charles       Joseph                       Radford             15  782
    Crackle       Mary                         Radford             15  782
    Daft          William                      Radford             15  782
    Grant         Benjamin                     Radford             15  782
    Humphries     Eliza                        Radford             15  782
    Jennison      Sarah                        Radford             15  782
    Cooper        Kezia                        Radford             15  783
    Fisher        William                      Radford             15  783
    Fletcher      Catherine                    Radford             15  783
    Hooton        Eliza                        Radford             15  783
    Maspoli       Mary Ann                     Radford             15  783
    Revett        Esther                       Radford             15  783
    Toone         George                       Radford             15  783
    Woolley       Thomas                       Radford             15  783
    Brown         William                      Radford             15  784
    Jennison      Thomas                       Radford             15  784
    Ligget        Elizabeth                    Radford             15  784
    Liggett       Elizabeth                    Radford             15  784
    Moult         Sophia                       Radford             15  784
    Smith         Harriet                      Radford             15  784
    Westmoreland  James                        Radford             15  784
    Ackroyd       William                      Radford             15  785
    Barnes        Sarah                        Radford             15  785
    Gadd          Alfred                       Radford             15  785
    Godber        Mary                         Radford             15  785
    Lake          Harriet                      Radford             15  785
    Lowe          Emma                         Radford             15  785
    Tow           Joseph                       Radford             15  785
    Trueman       Eliza                        Radford             15  785
    Brewer        James                        Radford             15  786
    Crofts        Sarah                        Radford             15  786
    Hall          John                         Radford             15  786
    Page          Betsy Woodcock               Radford             15  786
    Rushton       William                      Radford             15  786
    Townsend      Sarah                        Radford             15  786
    Bannister     Elizabeth                    Radford             15  787
    Crafts        Ann                          Radford             15  787
    Hopkins       John Henry                   Radford             15  787
    Livingston    John                         Radford             15  787
    Pollard       Catherine                    Radford             15  787
    Wildman       Ann                          Radford             15  787
    Young         Henry                        Radford             15  787
    Young         John                         Radford             15  787
    Bentley       Mary                         Radford             15  788
    Grimwood      James                        Radford             15  788
    Presant       John                         Radford             15  788
    Townsend      Sarah Ann                    Radford             15  788
    Baker         John                         Radford             15  789
    Beard         Ann                          Radford             15  789
    Orchard       Elizabeth                    Radford             15  789
    Parker        Phoebe                       Radford             15  789
    Pilgrim       Richard                      Radford             15  789
    Roe           John                         Radford             15  789
    Swanwick      Caroline                     Radford             15  789
    Wilcock       James Godwin                 Radford             15  789
    Green         Samuel Arthur                Radford             15  790
    Hague         Eliza                        Radford             15  790
    Kidger        Thomas                       Radford             15  790
    Otler         George                       Radford             15  790
    Roper         Elizabeth                    Radford             15  790
    Watson        Elizabeth                    Radford             15  790
    White         Margaret                     Radford             15  790
    Wright        John                         Radford             15  790
    Emmerson      Esther                       Radford             15  791
    Hopewell      John                         Radford             15  791
    Lodge         Mary Ann                     Radford             15  791
    Reynolds      Sarah                        Radford             15  791
    Thorp         William                      Radford             15  791
    Wilson        George                       Radford             15  791
    Berridge      Mary                         Radford             15  793
    Cooper        Ann                          Radford             15  793
    Doubleday     Actcyner                     Radford             15  793
    Hancock       Samuel                       Radford             15  793
    Lake          Ann                          Radford             15  793
    McHarty       Elizabeth                    Radford             15  793
    Oddy          Thomas                       Radford             15  793
    Plumbley      Stephen                      Radford             15  793
    Blow          William                      Radford             15  794
    Bowdler       Soloman                      Radford             15  794
    Burton        Thomas                       Radford             15  794
    Clarke        Ann                          Radford             15  794
    Hallam        Caroline                     Radford             15  794
    Rogers        John                         Radford             15  794
    Smith         Ann                          Radford             15  794
    Toplis        Ann                          Radford             15  794
    Varney        Emma                         Radford             15  794
    Wright        James                        Radford             15  794
    Armstrong     John                         Southwell           15  795
    Arnold        Caroline                     Southwell           15  795
    Crowe         Alice                        Southwell           15  795
    Hodgson       Thomas                       Southwell           15  795
    Barge         Ann                          Southwell           15  797
    Hopkinson     John                         Southwell           15  797
    Bettinson     Eliza                        Southwell           15  799
    Mansell       John Robert                  Southwell           15  799
    Broome        George                       Southwell           15  801
    Maude         Harriet                      Southwell           15  801
    Raworth       Sarah                        Southwell           15  801
    Smith         John                         Southwell           15  801
    Stendell      Thomas                       Southwell           15  803
    Wagstaff      Ann                          Southwell           15  803
    Booth         Nathaniel Harrison           Southwell           15  805
    Fells         Elizabeth                    Southwell           15  805
    Millns        Eliza                        Southwell           15  805
    Torr          Joseph                       Southwell           15  805
    Jackson       William                      Southwell           15  807
    Trueman       Sarah                        Southwell           15  807
    Lamley        Sarah                        Southwell           15  809
    Long          Sarah                        Southwell           15  809
    Sponage       Matthew                      Southwell           15  809
    Towers        William                      Southwell           15  809
    Challand      Ellen                        Southwell           15  811
    Challand      Joseph                       Southwell           15  811
    Cooper        Hannah                       Southwell           15  811
    Dixon         Maria                        Southwell           15  811
    Marriott      William                      Southwell           15  811
    Slaney        John                         Southwell           15  811
    Sheppard      Mary                         Southwell           15  813
    Sheppeard     Mary                         Southwell           15  813
    Wilson        George                       Southwell           15  813
    Dolphin       Elizabeth                    Southwell           15  815
    Taylor        Thomas                       Southwell           15  815
    Hayes         Elosher                      Southwell           15  817
    Whitworth     Henry                        Southwell           15  817
    Cooke         Mary                         Southwell           15  819
    Merrills      William                      Southwell           15  819
    Machin        Mary                         Southwell           15  821
    Stokes        Thomas                       Southwell           15  821
    Brompton      Sarah                        Southwell           15  823
    Broughton     Sarah                        Southwell           15  823
    Coe           Joseph                       Southwell           15  823
    Herod         Charlotte                    Southwell           15  825
    Hewick        Joseph                       Southwell           15  825
    Newton        George                       Southwell           15  825
    Smith         Mary Ann                     Southwell           15  825
    Baguley       Mary                         Southwell           15  827
    Hitchcock     Ann                          Southwell           15  827
    Pearson       Richard                      Southwell           15  827
    Taylor        Samuel                       Southwell           15  827
    Lloyd         Sarah                        Southwell           15  829
    Waterson      William Judd                 Southwell           15  829
    Brown         Ann                          Southwell           15  831
    Brydges       William                      Southwell           15  831
    Fletcher      Elizabeth                    Southwell           15  831
    Williams      John William                 Southwell           15  831
    Fisher        John                         Southwell           15  833
    Hole          Emily                        Southwell           15  833
    Brock         Beenney                      Southwell           15  835
    Cox           William                      Southwell           15  835
    Hamblin       Charles                      Southwell           15  835
    Lee           Hannah                       Southwell           15  835
    Lilliaman     David                        Southwell           15  835
    Marsh         Sarah                        Southwell           15  835
    Bee           William                      Southwell           15  837
    Botham        Mary                         Southwell           15  837
    Brown         Emma                         Southwell           15  837
    Dixon         William                      Southwell           15  837
    Finns         Eliza                        Southwell           15  837
    Price         Joseph                       Southwell           15  837
    Ratcliff      Henry                        Southwell           15  837
    Tinkler       Caroline                     Southwell           15  837
    Reynolds      Samuel                       Southwell           15  838
    Statham       Hannah                       Southwell           15  838
    Durham        Elizabeth                    Worksop             15  839
    Fells         Christopher                  Worksop             15  839
    Gilberthorpe  Margaret                     Worksop             15  839
    Holland       Mary                         Worksop             15  839
    Howard        Benjamin                     Worksop             15  839
    Pigott        Thomas                       Worksop             15  839
    Porter        Sarah                        Worksop             15  839
    Transfield    Thomas                       Worksop             15  839
    Froggatt      John                         Worksop             15  841
    Gill          Mary                         Worksop             15  841
    Ellis         Thomas                       Worksop             15  843
    Justice       Elizabeth                    Worksop             15  843
    Pearson       Charlotte                    Worksop             15  843
    Rowland       Thomas                       Worksop             15  843
    Greaves       Gervase                      Worksop             15  845
    Johnson       Mary                         Worksop             15  845
    Kaye          George                       Worksop             15  847
    Shirtliff     George                       Worksop             15  847
    Thorp         Sarah                        Worksop             15  847
    Walker        Mary                         Worksop             15  847
    Bell          Elizabeth                    Worksop             15  849
    Humphrey      James                        Worksop             15  849
    Hinde         Frances                      Worksop             15  851
    Pickburn      John                         Worksop             15  851
    Broadhead     Mary                         Worksop             15  852
    Woods         Henry                        Worksop             15  852
    Adwick        Charles                      Worksop             15  853
    Collinson     Eliza                        Worksop             15  853
    Durdy         Mary                         Worksop             15  853
    Gyles         John                         Worksop             15  853
    Hornshaw      George                       Worksop             15  853
    Savage        Henry                        Worksop             15  853
    Simpson       Harriet                      Worksop             15  853
    Wallis        Ann                          Worksop             15  853
    Ashley        Mary                         Worksop             15  854
    Bowles        Thomas                       Worksop             15  854
    Bowskell      Sarah                        Worksop             15  854
    Grafton       Mary Ann                     Worksop             15  854
    Hawson        George                       Worksop             15  854
    Highfield     Joseph                       Worksop             15  854
    Lamb          Mary                         Worksop             15  854
    Sewell        Charles                      Worksop             15  854
    Sewill        Charles                      Worksop             15  854
    Bowles        James                        Worksop             15  855
    McDonnell     James                        Worksop             15  855
    Powell        Sarah                        Worksop             15  855
    Stacey        Anne Hoole                   Worksop             15  855
    Traunter      Susanna                      Worksop             15  855
    Turner        John Atkinson                Worksop             15  855
    Walker        Matilda                      Worksop             15  855
    White         William                      Worksop             15  855
    Bell          Charles                      Worksop             15  856
    Dakin         Ann                          Worksop             15  856
    Eaton         Mary                         Worksop             15  856
    Hagnes        Charles                      Worksop             15  856
    Miller        Mary                         Worksop             15  856
    Pagdin        John                         Worksop             15  856
    Hallam        William                      Worksop             15  857
    Saxon         Mary Ann                     Worksop             15  857
    Armstrong     Margaret                     Worksop             15  859
    Egg           Ann Mary                     Worksop             15  859
    Ellis         Jane                         Worksop             15  859
    Pearce        John                         Worksop             15  859
    Rich          Robert                       Worksop             15  859
    Thorpe        John                         Worksop             15  859
    Beaver        Jane                         Oakham              15  861
    Hickling      Thomas                       Oakham              15  861
    Reynolds      Sarah                        Oakham              15  861
    Skirth        Elizabeth Ann                Oakham              15  861
    Wakefield     Benjamin                     Oakham              15  861
    Wyatt         William                      Oakham              15  861
    Chapman       Thomas                       Oakham              15  863
    White         Rhoda Ann                    Oakham              15  863
    Burman        Henry                        Oakham              15  864
    Gilliat       Emma                         Oakham              15  864
    Hare          Fanny                        Oakham              15  865
    Islip         Elisabeth                    Oakham              15  865
    Stafford      Robert                       Oakham              15  865
    Tewson        Edward                       Oakham              15  865
    Hubbard       Charlotte Ann                Oakham              15  867
    Knight        George                       Oakham              15  867
    Biddle        Sarah                        Oakham              15  869
    Chamberlain   Arthur                       Oakham              15  869
    Chamberlin    Arther                       Oakham              15  869
    Draycott      Frances Ann                  Oakham              15  869
    McLove        William                      Oakham              15  869
    Moore         William                      Oakham              15  869
    Peake         Mary Ann                     Oakham              15  869
    Rose          Thomas                       Oakham              15  869
    Smith         Hannah                       Oakham              15  869
    Gilbert       William                      Oakham              15  870
    Hill          Eliza                        Oakham              15  870
    Grant         Jane                         Oakham              15  871
    Reynolds      William                      Oakham              15  871
    Richardson    Charles                      Oakham a            15  872
    Richardson    Ruth                         Oakham              15  872
    Stokes        Lucy                         Uppingham           15  873
    Ward          Isaac                        Uppingham           15  873
    Aldwinckle    Thomas                       Uppingham           15  875
    Corby         Elizabeth                    Uppingham           15  875
    Crowson       Jane                         Uppingham           15  875
    Crowson       Sarah                        Uppingham           15  875
    Deacon        John Thomas                  Uppingham           15  875
    Deacon        Jane                         Uppingham           15  875
    Jeffs         Matthew Henry                Uppingham           15  875
    Tookey        Robert                       Uppingham           15  875
    Fitzjohn      Henry                        Uppingham           15  877
    Innocent      William                      Uppingham           15  877
    Rhodes        Emma                         Uppingham           15  877
    Waterfield    Lois                         Uppingham           15  877
    Monk          Mary                         Uppingham           15  879
    Payn          Robert Smeeton               Uppingham           15  879
    Warner        Charles Enos                 Uppingham           15  879
    White         Sarah                        Uppingham           15  879
    Faulks        Sarah                        Uppingham           15  881
    Tomblin       Thomas                       Uppingham           15  881
    Colwell       Mary Ann                     Uppingham           15  883
    Hewitt        Joshua                       Uppingham           15  883
    Oram          William                      Uppingham           15  885
    Steele        Catherine                    Uppingham           15  885
    Hawley        John                         Uppingham           15  887
    Payn          Jane                         Uppingham ?887      15  887
    Cliff         Mary                         Uppingham           15  889
    Keightley     Barzillai                    Uppingham           15  889
    Keightly      Barzillai                    Uppingham           15  889
    Needham       Emma                         Uppingham           15  891
    Seaton        William                      Uppingham           15  891
    Drake         Ann                          Uppingham           15  893
    Woolston      Thomas                       Uppingham           15  893
    Pateman       John                         Uppingham           15  895
    Ward          Jane                         Uppingham           15  895
    Brudnett      Joseph Cawthorn              Uppingham           15  897
    Church        Emma                         Uppingham           15  897
    Penney        Matilda                      Uppingham           15  897
    Wright        William                      Uppingham           15  897
    Johnson       Robert                       Uppingham           15  899
    Lock          Ann                          Uppingham           15  899
    Broughton     John                         Uppingham           15  901
    Hargreave     Elizabeth                    Uppingham           15  901
    Stimson       Joseph Fawles                Melton M (S)        15 2331

    The full name of Jane Blake (p763) is Jane Eugenie
       Laurentine Maximilienne Blake