


District 11 - Gloucestershire, etc.



    This file is one of 27 files covering the 27 volumes
    of the St Catherine's Marriage Index for the March
    quarter of 1849.

    Errors in the St Cath's index are generally shown by
    giving the St Cath's data in square brackets.  For
    example this may indicate that St Cath's gives a wrong
    volume no. or district name.

    Where I am uncertain about a page number, I repeat the
    page no. with a question mark.  Where I am uncertain of
    one digit in a page no. I query that digit.

    All names are sorted into page sequence.  Some pages are
    found to have an uneven no. of entries.  This may reflect
    unclear fiche, or a page-no. error in the index, or may
    in many cases indicate an alias or variant spellings in
    the original record, or simply a double entry of the same
    name.  Or it may be an indexing/copying error at St Cath's.
    Or it may be my error.  If a user of these files is able
    to correct an error, please let me know.  In some cases
    I have been able to clarify the page no. because of the
    number of names in the different pages.

    In many cases I have abbreviated district names but I hope
    they are sufficiently obvious.  Personal names are given in
    full, but where St Cath's shows an abbreviation (eg Elizth
    or Thos) I have shown it highlighted.

    Marriage partners identified through the UK Marriage Witness
    system are indicated.

    Mike Foster
    19 Khouri Avenue
    Wellington, New Zealand      June 1995

    1849/Q1 - District 11 - Gloucester &c                       Vol Page
    Digby          Sarah Ellen               Bath                11   1
    Hart           Frances                   Bath                11   1
    Long           James Tendey              Bath                11   1
    Milsom         Jacob                     Bath                11   1
    Savage         John                      Bath                11   1
    Shewing        Charlotte                 Bath                11   1
    Street         Elizabeth                 Bath                11   1
    Tomlinson      Henry                     Bath                11   1
    Allwood        Edwin                     Bath                11   2
    Baker          Sarah                     Bath                11   2
    Bullock        Martha Cutler             Bath                11   2
    Clark          Benjamin                  Bath                11   2
    Foster         Henry                     Bath                11   2
    Puxton         Amelia                    Bath                11   2
    Saxty          Richard                   Bath                11   2
    Speedey        Emily                     Bath                11   2
    Collis         Henry                     Bath                11   3
    Cottle         John                      Bath                11   3
    Curtis         Emma                      Bath                11   3
    Jones          Sophia                    Bath                11   3
    Sendell        Charles                   Bath                11   3
    Thomas         Celena White              Bath                11   3
    Turner         James                     Bath                11   3
    West           Anne                      BAth                11   3
    Oram           Emma                      Bath                11   4
    Peters         William                   Bath                11   4
    Barber         Mary Ann                  Bath                11   5
    Chalker        George                    Bath                11   5
    Clutterbuck    Eliza Hannah              Bath                11   5
    Gregory        Henry                     Bath                11   5
    Jacobs         Lucy                      Bath                11   5
    Rawlings       Elizabeth                 Bath                11   5
    Russell        Edward                    Bath                11   5
    Smith          Charles                   Bath                11   5
    Bird           John                      Bath                11   6
    Bowbeer        Mary Ann                  Bath                11   6
    England        Ellenor                   Bath                11   6
    Lewis          Philip                    Bath                11   6
    Manning        Nicholas                  Bath                11   6
    Stinnard       Mary                      Bath                11   6
    Turner         Bridget                   Bath                11   6
    Williams       William Lewis             Bath                11   6
    Gregory        Edward                    Bath                11   7
    Pallard        Prudence                  Bath                11   7
    Bowman         Mary Rickett              Bath                11   9
    Tyler          John Thomas               Bath                11   9
    Blair          Elizabeth Louisa          Bath                11  11
    Mayne          Frederic Otway            Bath                11  11
    Morley         Robert                    Bath                11  11
    Sparrow        Serena                    Bath                11  11
    Barry          John                      Bath                11  13
    Clark          George                    Bath                11  13
    Durnford       Hannah                    Bath                11  13
    Fletcher       Theophilus                Bath                11  13
    Hall           Charlotte                 Bath                11  13
    Hopes          Kezia                     Bath                11  13
    Sainsbury      Elizabeth                 Bath                11  13
    Smith          Charles                   Bath                11  13
    Burges         Mary                      Bath                11  14
    Chivers        Mary Jane                 Bath                11  14
    Evans          William James             Bath                11  14
    Smith          Mary Ann                  Bath                11  14
    Snellgrove     Caroline                  Bath                11  14
    Snook          William                   Bath                11  14
    Taylor         Samuel                    Bath                11  14
    Whitemore      James                     Bath                11  14
    Alford         Ellen                     Bath                11  15
    Brely          Mary Ann                  Bath                11  15
    Cottle         William                   Bath                11  15
    House          Thomas                    Bath                11  15
    Hunt           Hannah                    Bath                11  15
    King           James                     Bath                11  15
    Lane           Elizabeth                 Bath                11  15
    Ransom         James                     Bath                11  15
    King           George                    Bath                11  17
    Little         Mary                      Bath                11  17
    Collings       Jane                      Bath                11  19
    Dyke           Henry                     Bath                11  19
    Hancock        Eliza                     Bath                11  19
    Paisey         Samuel                    Bath                11  19
    Plenty         Harriet                   Bath                11  19
    Sims           Shadrach                  Bath                11  19
    Whitehead      Edward                    Bath                11  19
    Willes         Charlotte                 Bath                11  19
    Embery         James                     Bath                11  20
    White          Elizabeth                 Bath                11  20
    Reed           Mary                      Bath                11  21
    Young          William                   Bath                11  21
    Compton        Edward                    Bath                11  23
    Cornish        Elizabeth                 Bath                11  23
    Collins        John                      Bath                11  25
    Green          Stephen                   Bath                11  25
    Hobrow         Mary Ann                  Bath                11  25
    Oakley         Charles                   Bath                11  25
    Reece          Sarah                     Bath                11  25
    Slip           Edward                    Bath                11  25
    Taylor         Matilda                   Bath                11  25
    Warren         Hester                    Bath                11  25
    Andrew         Hannah Marshman           Bath                11  26
    Ellaby         Thomas                    Bath                11  26
    Harris         Mary Ann                  Bath                11  26
    Jefferies      Jemima                    Bath                11  26
    Kirkham        Samuel                    Bath                11  26
    Lewis          Ellen                     Bath                11  26
    Phillips       Thomas                    Bath                11  26
    Riley          Mary                      Blackburn           11  26
    Merry          Ann                       Bath                11  27
    Stockden       George                    Bath                11  27
    Alway          Diana                     Bath                11  29
    Collins        James                     Bath                11  29
    Hillier        Harriet                   Bath                11  29
    Parsons        George                    Bath                11  29
    Scudamore      Caroline                  Bath                11  29
    Willshire      William                   Bath                11  29
    Batchelor      Sarah                     Bath                11  31
    Comley         William                   Bath                11  31
    Oakford        Jane Dutch                Bath                11  31
    Whitelock      Thomas                    Bath                11  31
    Elliott        James                     Bath                11  33
    Kendall        Mary                      Bath                11  33
    Mendenhall     George                    Bath                11  33
    Ottey          Anna Sophia               Bath                11  33
    Rex            James                     Bath                11  33
    Sims           Jane                      Bath                11  33
    Talbot         Robert                    Bath                11  33
    Wolfe          Emma                      Bath                11  33
    Brown          Jenevera                  Bath                11  34
    Bullin         Ann                       Bath                11  34
    Jones          William                   Bath                11  34
    Organ          Jemima                    Bath                11  34
    Pitman         Charles                   Bath                11  34
    Popel          George                    Bath                11  34
    Richardson     Eliza                     Bath                11  34
    Treby          James Seward              Bath                11  34
    Balson         Mary Lewis                Bath                11  35
    Blizard        Benjamin                  Bath                11  35
    Fear           Thomas James              Bath                11  35
    Jewell         Mary Ann                  Bath                11  35
    Knowles        Sophia                    Bath                11  35
    Longford       Sarah                     Bath                11  35
    Pratten        James                     Bath                11  35
    Sanday         George                    Bath                11  35
    Ball           Charles                   Bath                11  36
    Bees           William                   Bath                11  36
    Cowdry         Mary Ann                  Bath                11  36
    Ellis          Richard James             Bath                11  36
    Franks         John                      Bath                11  36
    Fuller         Mary Maria                Bath                11  36
    Lawrence       Emma Louisa               Bath                11  36
    Mann           James Hargrave            Bath                11  36
    ORegan         Sarah Wollaston           Bath                11  36
    Benges         Rebecca                   Bath                11  37
    Cannings       Catharine                 Bath                11  37
    Goddard        Henry                     Bath                11  37
    Harvey         William                   Bath                11  37
    Hawkins        Caroline                  Bath                11  37
    Jenkins        Thomas                    Bath                11  37
    Kendall        James                     Bath                11  37
    West           Charlotte Elizabeth       Bath                11  37
    Carter         Thomas                    Bath                11  38
    Chambers       John                      Bath                11  38
    Chapman        Maria                     Bath                11  38
    Crabb          Mary                      Bath                11  38
    Davis          Ann                       Bath                11  38
    Hitchcock      Louisa                    Bath                11  38
    Holden         Joseph                    Bath                11  38
    Howell         Edmund                    Bath                11  38
    Collins        Thomas                    Bath                11  39
    Curtis         Elizabeth                 Bath                11  39
    Fisher         Charles                   Bath                11  39
    Watts          Martha Elizabeth          Bath                11  39
    Pearce         George                    Bath ?0             11  40
    Bath           Abel                      Bath                11  41
    Garraway       Joanna                    Bath                11  41
    Biggs          Mary Ann                  Bath                11  42
    Bowring        Jacob                     Bath                11  43
    Brown          William                   Bath                11  43
    Carpenter      Charlotte                 Bath                11  43
    Harwood        William                   Bath                11  43
    Jones          John                      Bath                11  43
    Smith          Elizabeth                 Bath                11  43
    Webb           Sarah                     Bath                11  43
    Blackman       Isaac                     Bath                11  44
    Forbes         Alexander                 Bath                11  44
    Hacker         Sybil                     Bath                11  44
    Price          Esther                    Bath                11  44
    Sims           Charlotte Clara           Bath                11  44
    Snell          Sarah                     Bath                11  44
    Strong         James                     Bath                11  44
    Wood           Edwin                     Bath                11  44
    Butler         Ann                       Bath                11  45
    Gullwell       Harriet                   Bath                11  45
    James          William                   Bath                11  45
    Miller         George Daniel             Bath                11  45
    Parsons        Sarah                     Bath                11  45
    Raines         Maria                     Bath                11  45
    White          Frederick                 Bath                11  45
    White          Thomas                    Bath                11  45
    Chapman        Henry                     Bath                11  46
    Cox            James                     Bath                11  46
    Davis          Mary Ann                  Bath                11  46
    Fry            Elizabeth                 Bath                11  46
    Horton         Matilda                   Bath                11  46
    Reynolds       Joseph                    Bath                11  46
    Townsend       George                    Bath                11  46
    Tuck           Eliza                     Bath                11  46
    Ambrey         Mary                      Bath                11  47
    Cavill         Richard                   Bath                11  47
    Cox            Henry                     Bath                11  47
    Hillier        Elizabeth                 Bath ?47            11  47
    Hockley        Robert William            Bath                11  47
    Horsey         Phoebe                    Bath                11  47
    Robins         Edward                    Bath                11  47
    Smith          Margaret                  Bath                11  47
    Bartlett       Mary                      Bath                11  48
    Bowman         Elizabeth                 Bath                11  48
    Clothier       Elizabeth Martin          Bath                11  48
    Collier        John                      Bath                11  48
    Gould          Amelia                    Bath                11  48
    Johnson        Robert                    Bath                11  48
    Shattock       George                    Bath                11  48
    Embury         John                      Bath                11  49
    Fry            Fanny                     Bath                11  49
    Green          George                    Bath                11  49
    Merry          Thomas                    Bath                11  49
    Mockridge      Lucy                      Bath                11  49
    Perkins        Elizabeth Mary Ann        Bath                11  49
    Tavener        James                     Bath                11  49
    Yeabury        Lucy                      Bath                11  49
    Adams          Ann                       Bath                11  50
    Amery          Ann                       Bath                11  50
    James          Sarah                     Bath                11  50
    Morkham        William                   Bath                11  50
    Newman         George Goodwyn            Bath                11  50
    Osborn         Thomas                    Bath                11  50
    Stafford       Charlotte                 Bath                11  50
    Sumner         John                      Bath                11  50
    Abraham        Sophia                    Bath                11  51
    Sharer         Nanoman                   Bath                11  51
    Chadwick       Harriette                 Bedminster          11  53
    Lucas          Rudd                      Bedminster          11  53
    Bowering       Mary Ann                  Bedminster          11  55
    Bowring        Mary Ann                  Bedminster          11  55
    Corson         Mary Ann                  Westbury on S [55]  11  55
    Cronin         Mary                      Bedminster          11  55
    Famsworth      William                   Bedminster          11  55
    Farnsworth     William                   Bedminster          11  55
    Foord          Jane                      Bedminster          11  55
    Gunning        Ann                       Bedminster          11  55
    Hames          William                   Bedminster          11  55
    Hurley         Eliza                     Bedminster          11  55
    King           James                     Bedminster          11  55
    Adams          Charles                   Bedminster          11  56
    Edwards        Henry                     Bedminster          11  56
    Ingram         Sarah                     Bedminster          11  56
    Leader         Thomas                    Bedminster          11  56
    Perry          Louisa                    Bedminster          11  56
    Smocomb        Harriette                 Bedminster          11  56
    Watkins        Sarah                     Bedminster          11  56
    Williams       John                      Bedminster          11  56
    Brooks         Jane                      Bedminster          11  57
    Cavil          Sarah                     Bedminster          11  57
    Cavill         Sarah                     Bedminster          11  57
    Court          James                     Bedminster          11  57
    Joy            Henry                     Bedminster          11  57
    Maher          Edward                    Bedminster          11  57
    Page           Sarah Ann                 Bedminster          11  57
    Webb           Thomas                    Bedminster          11  57
    Bailey         George                    Bedminster          11  58
    Barnes         Amelia                    Bedminster          11  58
    Hill           Eliza                     Bedminster          11  58
    Hollis         George                    Bedminster          11  58
    Ogborn         Edwin                     Bedminster          11  58
    Skuse          Charles                   Bedminster          11  58
    Turner         Hannah                    Bedminster          11  58
    Williamson     Sarah                     Bedminster          11  58
    Bishop         Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  59
    Fowler         Joseph                    Bedminster          11  59
    Jones          Jane                      Bedminster          11  59
    Light          Jane                      Bedminster          11  59
    Lock           George                    Bedminster          11  59
    Milton         Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  59
    Seaman         James                     Bedminster          11  59
    Trayburn?      William                   Bedminster          11  59
    Eastlake       William Oliver            Bedminster          11  60
    Goddard        William                   Bedminster [10]     11  60
    Hillman        Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  60
    Homeyard       Jane                      Bedminster          11  60
    Howell         Henry                     Bedminster          11  60
    Mitchell       Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  60
    Tarr           Maria                     Bedminster          11  60
    Trippick       George                    Bedminster          11  60
    Batt           Samuel                    Bedminster          11  61
    Chicken        Spurs Joseph              Bedminster          11  61
    Chinn          Betty                     Bedminster          11  61
    Davies         Herbert                   Bedminster          11  61
    Knapp          Caroline                  Bedminster          11  61
    Rogers         Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  61
    Shaddick       Thomas                    Bedminster          11  61
    Trewartha      Mary                      Bedminster          11  61
    Ball           Eliza                     Bedminster          11  62
    Cleverly       Benjamin                  Bedminster          11  62
    Cross          Mary Ann                  Bedminster          11  62
    Downs          William                   Bedminster          11  62
    Grubb          John Weavins              Bedminster          11  62
    Newman         Samuel John               Bedminster          11  62
    Pollard        Mary Jane                 Bedminster          11  62
    Richmond       Emily Priscilla           Bedminster          11  62
    Banfield       Harriet                   Bedminster          11  63
    Broad          Eliza                     Bedminster          11  63
    Davis          Eliza                     Bedminster          11  63
    Godfrey        Hester                    Bedminster          11  63
    Griffin        Charles                   Bedminster          11  63
    Powell         Absolom                   Bedminster          11  63
    Rees           John                      Bedminster          11  63
    Stokes         George                    Bedminster          11  63
    Browning       John                      Bedminster          11  64
    Cross          William                   Bedminster          11  64
    Hawkins        Edgar                     Bedminster          11  64
    Jewell         Jane                      Bedminster          11  64
    Pitcher        Louisa                    Bedminster          11  64
    Short          George                    Bedminster          11  64
    Stokes         Susan                     Bedminster          11  64
    Tittle         Fanny Sophia Vaughan      Bedminster          11  64
    Bristow        Hannah                    Bedminster          11  65
    Curtis         James Francis             Bedminster          11  65
    Dick           Sarah                     Bedminster          11  65
    Dick           Sarah                     Bedminster          11  65
    Floyd          Thomas                    Bedminster          11  65
    Horn           William                   Bedminster          11  65
    Reburn         Thomas                    Bedminster          11  65
    Shanessy       Isabella                  Bedminster          11  65
    Smith          Catherine Margaret        Bedminster          11  65
    Bishop         John                      Bedminster          11  66
    Burgess        Grace                     Bedminster          11  66
    Hill           Eliza                     Bedminster          11  66
    Hopkins        Charles                   Bedminster          11  66
    Phillips       Jane                      Bedminster          11  66
    Sims           Mary Harris               Bedminster          11  66
    Thomas         William                   Bedminster          11  66
    Townsend       Henry                     Bedminster          11  66
    Dure           Maria                     Bedminster          11  67
    Hallett        George                    Bedminster          11  67
    Hoole          Jane                      Bedminster          11  67
    Horle          Jane                      Bedminster          11  67
    Howell         Isaac                     Bedminster          11  67
    McCullock      Isabella                  Bedminster          11  67
    Rich           John                      Bedminster          11  67
    Smith          Daniel                    Bedminster          11  67
    Witts          Emma                      Bedminster          11  67
    Aplin          Henry                     Bedminster          11  68
    Brooks         Mary                      Bedminster          11  68
    Cook           Anne                      Bedminster          11  68
    Court          Elijah                    Bedminster          11  68
    Herbert        William                   Bedminster          11  68
    Iles           Ann                       Bedminster          11  68
    Harvey         William                   Bedminster          11  69
    Humpherys      Sabina                    Bedminster          11  69
    Stokes         John                      Bedminster          11  71
    York           Hester                    Bedminster          11  71
    Hawkins        Anna Maria                Bedminster          11  73
    Rossiter       John                      Bedminster          11  73
    Berney         Charles Caple             Bedminster          11  75
    Berry          Charles Caple             Bedminster          11  75
    Bryant         Sarah Ann                 Bedminster          11  75
    Croome         Johnanna                  Bedminster          11  75
    Moore          Lewis                     Bedminster          11  75
    Morgans        Thomas                    Bedminster          11  75
    Stuckey        Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  75
    Hale           Fanny                     Bedminster          11  77
    Shenton        James                     Bedminster          11  77
    Winstone       Ann                       Bedminster          11  79
    Wright         John                      Bedminster          11  79
    Beacham        Ann                       Bedminster          11  81
    Brookes        Emanuel                   Bedminster          11  81
    Fouracres      Elizabeth Harriet         Bedminster          11  81
    Jones          Ann                       Bedminster          11  81
    Knight         Uriah                     Bedminster          11  81
    Lovell         Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  81
    Lyons          Thomas Frances            Bedminster          11  81
    Morgan         David                     Bedminster          11  81
    Adlam          Martha                    Bedminster          11  83
    Bynon          Jane                      Bedminster          11  83
    Clayfield      Benjamin                  Bedminster          11  83
    Hayman         Samuel                    Bedminster          11  83
    Little         Louisa Elizabeth          Bedminster          11  83
    Rider          John                      Bedminster          11  83
    Salisbury      Elizabeth                 Bedminster          11  83
    Tuck           James                     Bedminster          11  83
    Bissix         Emma                      Bedminster          11  84
    Tuck           Elijah                    Bedminster          11  84
    Tuck           Hester                    Bedminster          11  84
    Whitlaw        Thomas                    Bedminster          11  84
    Challenger     Anna Maria                Clutton             11  85
    Cook           John                      Clutton             11  85
    Heal           Sarah                     Clutton             11  85
    Heale          Sarah                     Clutton             11  85
    Parfitt        William James             Clutton             11  85
    Higgins        Thomas                    Clutton             11  87
    Wookey         Ann                       Clutton             11  87
    Filer          Henry                     Clutton             11  89
    Flower         Mary Ann                  Clutton             11  89
    Holbrook       George                    Clutton             11  89
    Walker         Elizabeth                 Clutton             11  89
    Emery          John Bush                 Clutton             11  91
    Grist          John                      Clutton             11  91
    Gullick        Rebecca                   Clutton             11  91
    Perry          Ann                       Clutton             11  91
    Perry          Thomas                    Clutton             11  91
    Rogers         Lydia                     Clutton             11  91
    Bailey         Martha                    Clutton             11  93
    Palmer         George                    Clutton             11  93
    Dobree         Peter Stophand            Clutton             11  95
    Thompson       Charlotte                 Clutton             11  95
    Bridges        John                      Clutton             11  97
    Harvey         Charlotte                 Clutton             11  97
    Parfitt        Peter                     Clutton             11  97
    Treasure       Maria                     Clutton             11  97
    Fry            William                   Clutton             11  99
    Stokes         Ann                       Clutton             11  99
    Callow         Zechariah                 Clutton             11 101
    Smith          Edwin                     Clutton             11 101
    Wookey         Ann                       Clutton             11 101
    Wookey         Mary Ann                  Clutton             11 101
    Blinman        William                   Clutton             11 103
    Doman          Jane                      Clutton             11 103
    Weeks          Mary Anne                 Clutton             11 103
    Wyatt          Samuel                    Clutton             11 103
    Colwell        Ann                       Clutton             11 105
    Maggs          Uriah                     Clutton             11 105
    Atwood         Ellen                     Clutton             11 107
    Heal           Jacob                     Clutton             11 107
    Britten        Ellen                     Clutton             11 109
    Pratten        Farnham                   Clutton             11 109
    Chapple        Richard                   Clutton             11 111
    Exon           Ann Maria                 Clutton             11 111
    Chard          Mary Dando                Clutton             11 113
    Perkins        John                      Clutton             11 113
    Bees           Edward                    Clutton             11 115
    Brock          Hannah                    Clutton             11 115
    Brook          Hannah                    Clutton             11 115
    Durbin         Eliza                     Clutton             11 117
    Holly          Henry                     Clutton             11 117
    James          Priscilla                 Clutton             11 117
    Rapps          Joseph                    Clutton             11 117
    Britton        Sarah                     Keynsham            11 119
    Croom          William                   Keynsham            11 119
    Ford           James                     Keynsham            11 119
    Fry            Hannah                    Keynsham            11 119
    Hendy          Elizabeth                 Keynsham            11 119
    Jefferies      Hannah                    Keynsham            11 119
    Lismore        Thomas                    Keynsham            11 119
    Wiltshire      Benjamin                  Keynsham            11 119
    Hatherell      Ursula                    Keynsham            11 120
    Lane           Ann                       Keynsham            11 120
    Osmond         Thomas                    Keynsham            11 120
    Peacock        Aaron                     Keynsham            11 120
    Beese          Harriet                   Keynsham            11 121
    Davis          Elizabeth                 Keynsham            11 121
    Hicks          Jacob                     Keynsham            11 121
    Monk           Elizabeth                 Keynsham            11 121
    Norman         Joseph                    Keynsham            11 121
    Ollis          Elizabeth                 Keynsham            11 121
    Powell         William                   Keynsham [12]       11 121
    Tippett        Samuel                    Keynsham            11 121
    Britton        Hester                    Keynsham            11 122
    Calford        Joseph                    Keynsham            11 122
    Croom          John                      Keynsham            11 122
    Harding        Mary                      Keynsham            11 122
    Jenkins        James                     Keynsham            11 122
    Powell         George                    Keynsham            11 122
    Smith          Sarah                     Keynsham            11 122
    Stone          Louisa                    Keynsham            11 122
    Alvis          Charles                   Keynsham            11 123
    Fudge          Job                       Keynsham            11 123
    May            Harriet                   Keynsham            11 123
    Meere          Mary                      Keynsham            11 123
    Billett        Caroline                  Keynsham            11 125
    Buckland       James                     Keynsham            11 125
    Heal           Louisa                    Keynsham            11 125
    Smith          Thomas                    Keynsham            11 125
    Bernhard       Lewis                     Keynsham            11 127
    Blake          Ann Potter                Keynsham            11 127
    Richards       Eliza Lorinda             Keynsham            11 127
    Warry          John                      Keynsham            11 127
    Amos           Edwin                     Keynsham            11 129
    Pearce         Ruth                      Keynsham            11 129
    Short          George                    Keynsham            11 129
    Winstone       Emma                      Keynsham            11 129
    Alexander      William                   Keynsham            11 131
    Batton         Mercy                     Keynsham            11 131
    Button         Mercy                     Keynsham            11 131
    Baker          Frederick                 Bristol             11 133
    Diaper         James                     Bristol             11 133
    East           Diana Jane                Bristol             11 133
    Evans          Sarah                     Bristol             11 133
    Grigg          Mary Jane                 Bristol             11 133
    Morgan         John                      Bristol             11 133
    Titcombe       Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 133
    Trafford       John                      Bristol             11 133
    Butt           John                      Bristol             11 134
    Hedges         Sabina                    Bristol             11 134
    Pearce         William Richard           Bristol             11 134
    Pilbeam        Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 134
    Scudamore      John                      Bristol             11 134
    Vowles         Harriet                   Bristol             11 134
    Cullimore      Sarah                     Bristol             11 135
    Gunning        Robert                    Bristol             11 135
    Russell        Richard                   Bristol             11 135
    Thompson       Eliza                     Bristol             11 135
    Boley          Edward                    Bristol             11 137
    Bolez          Edward                    Bristol             11 137
    Chilton        Mary Anne                 Bristol             11 137
    Chitty         Martha Best               Bristol             11 137
    Cribb          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 137
    Housley        George                    Bristol             11 137
    Leonard        John Robert               Bristol             11 137
    Poole          Ann                       Bristol             11 137
    Rich           Isaac                     Bristol             11 137
    Durbin         Ann                       Bristol             11 138
    Loxton         Charlotte                 Bristol             11 138
    Osborne        Henry                     Bristol             11 138
    Rankin         Thomas Wright             Bristol             11 138
    Rogers         Hannah                    Bristol ?8          11 138
    Stone          George                    Bristol             11 138
    Bracey         Anne                      Bristol             11 139
    Colesworthy    Mary                      Bristol             11 139
    Harcombe       Mark                      Bristol ?139        11 139
    Hewett         Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 139
    Lippiatt       Hannah                    Bristol             11 139
    Organ          Julia                     Bristol             11 139
    Sage           John                      Bristol             11 139
    Stokes         John Leonard              Bristol             11 139
    Taylor         Thomas                    Bristol             11 139
    Davis          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 140
    Hicks          Francis                   Bristol             11 140
    Jones          Charlotte Mary            Bristol             11 140
    Lee            Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 140
    Lee            Henry                     Bristol             11 140
    Randall        William                   Bristol             11 140
    Slocombe       John                      Bristol             11 140
    Whitbread      Susan                     Bristol             11 140
    Amos           Job                       Bristol             11 141
    Biggs          Thomas                    Bristol             11 141
    Brown          Emily Anne                Bristol             11 141
    Cruse          John                      Bristol             11 141
    Drew           Maria                     Bristol             11 141
    Griffiths      Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 141
    Hatherly       James                     Bristol             11 141
    Sanders        John                      Bristol             11 141
    Watts          Eliza                     Bristol             11 141
    Burges         William                   Bristol             11 142
    Champion       Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 142
    Duckham        William                   Bristol             11 142
    Hobbs          Emma                      Bristol             11 142
    Keedwell       Stephen                   Bristol ?142        11 142
    Lowman         Henry                     Bristol             11 142
    Oldfield       Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 142
    Shellard       Mary Jane                 Bristol             11 142
    Hopkins        John                      Bristol             11 143
    James          Thomas                    Bristol             11 143
    Price          Ann                       Bristol             11 143
    Shipp          Susan                     Bristol             11 143
    Clark          Charles                   Bristol             11 145
    Clark          William Bryant            Bristol             11 145
    Lyons          Louisa                    Bristol             11 145
    Prewett        Emily                     Bristol             11 145
    Bickley        Francis                   Bristol             11 147
    Rowland        Harriet                   Bristol             11 147
    Britton        Charlotte                 Bristol             11 149
    Bullock        William                   Bristol             11 149
    Caple          George                    Bristol             11 149
    Filer          James                     Bristol             11 149
    Knight         Phebe                     Bristol             11 149
    Perkins        Eliza Gunning             Bristol             11 149
    Robbins        William                   Bristol             11 149
    Salisbury      Harriet                   Bristol             11 149
    Barnett        William                   Bristol 150?        11 150
    Bassett        Elias                     Bristol             11 150
    Jones          Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 150
    Lewis          Edmond                    Bristol             11 150
    Lewis          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 150
    Money          Clara                     Bristol             11 150
    Ricketts       James                     Bristol             11 150
    Smith          Margaret                  Bristol             11 150
    Bennett        Henry                     Bristol             11 151
    Brock          Mary                      Bristol             11 151
    Carpenter      Elizabeth Ann             Bristol             11 151
    Chamberlain    Thomas                    Bristol             11 151
    Gosling        Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 151
    Mitchell       Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 151
    Purrington     William Marwood           Bristol             11 151
    Wall           John                      Bristol             11 151
    Butler         Samuel                    Bristol ?182        11 152
    Dearsley       William                   Bristol             11 152
    Gibbons        Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 152
    Howe           Henry                     Bristol             11 152
    Jacob          Henry                     Bristol             11 152
    Palmer         Susanna                   Bristol             11 152
    Peckover       Emma                      Bristol ?152        11 152
    Stock          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 152
    Blackmore      John                      Bristol             11 153
    Davis          Ann                       Bristol             11 153
    Francombe      Deborah                   Bristol             11 153
    Gifford        Robert                    Bristol             11 153
    Hooper         Perlina                   Bristol             11 153
    Morgan         Thomas                    Bristol             11 153
    Ormandy        Margaret Richards         Bristol             11 153
    Young          Benjamin                  Bristol             11 153
    Avent          Cordelia                  Bristol             11 154
    Betts          George                    Bristol             11 154
    Betts          John                      Bristol             11 154
    Broom          Sarah Elizabeth           Bristol             11 154
    Hatherton      Martin                    Bristol             11 154
    Martin         William Emanuel           Bristol             11 154
    Meaden         Sophia                    Bristol             11 154
    Tuck           Mary                      Bristol             11 154
    Allaway        Ann                       Bristol             11 155
    Ann            Eliza                     Bristol             11 155
    Chamberlen     Frederick                 Bristol             11 155
    Hopkins        Mark                      Bristol             11 155
    Jennings       Martha                    Bristol             11 155
    Parker         Joseph                    Bristol             11 155
    Saunders       John                      Bristol             11 155
    Strange        Fanny                     Bristol             11 155
    Barber         Amelia                    Bristol ?15*        11 156
    Byrt           James                     Bristol             11 156
    Golding        Sarah                     Bristol             11 156
    Heal           John                      Bristol             11 156
    Leakey         Susan                     Bristol             11 156
    Mather         James                     Bristol             11 156
    Peddle         John                      Bristol             11 156
    Short          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 156
    Stabbins       Eliza                     Bristol             11 156
    Batt           Stephen                   Bristol             11 157
    Dudbridge      Sophia                    Bristol             11 157
    Jefferies      Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 157
    Neal           Joseph Henry              Bristol             11 157
    Hartree        Samuel                    Bristol             11 159
    Jones          Mary                      Bristol             11 159
    Maddicks       George                    Bristol             11 159
    Rogers         James                     Bristol             11 159
    Sheppard       Louisa                    Bristol             11 159
    Bullock        William Thomas            Bristol             11 161
    Christiansen   Adolph                    Bristol             11 161
    Christiansen   Adolph Gothard            Bristol             11 161
    Hunt           Harriett                  Bristol             11 161
    Luff           Jane Frances              Bristol             11 161
    Sanders        Agnes                     Bristol             11 161
    Sterry         Eliza                     Bristol             11 161
    Sterry         William                   Bristol             11 161
    Morgan         Margaret                  Bristol             11 162
    Worgan         Charles                   Bristol             11 162
    Broom          Edward Hunt               Bristol             11 163
    Cook           Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 163
    Evans          Richard                   Bristol             11 163
    Pullen         Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 163
    Smart          Lucy                      Bristol             11 163
    Underwood      James                     Bristol             11 163
    Williams       Daniel                    Bristol             11 163
    Williams       Eliza Jane                Bristol             11 163
    Bartlett       Susannah                  Bristol             11 164
    Cornock        Henry Thomas              Bristol             11 164
    Edwards        Caroline                  Bristol             11 164
    Facey          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 164
    Farr           Thomas                    Bristol             11 164
    Lord           Hannah                    Bristol             11 164
    Sheppard       John                      Bristol             11 164
    Smith          Samuel                    Bristol             11 164
    Adams          Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 165
    Gaulde         Joseph                    Bristol             11 165
    Harper         Mary                      Bristol             11 165
    Jenkins        Sarah                     Bristol             11 165
    Joyner         Edwin                     Bristol             11 165
    Pinnell        Esther                    Bristol             11 165
    Skidmore       James                     Bristol             11 165
    Sutton         Henry                     Bristol             11 165
    Gage           Maria                     Bristol             11 166
    Gazely         Catherine Cecilia         Bristol             11 166
    Harvey         Robert                    Bristol             11 166
    Hawker         Ann                       Bristol             11 166
    Hopes          Hannah                    Bristol             11 166
    Naish          John                      Bristol             11 166
    Parker         John                      Bristol             11 166
    Tanner         Thomas                    Bristol             11 166
    Blanchard      William Henry             Bristol             11 167
    Cloridge       Charles Robains           Bristol             11 167
    Dorney         Julia Ann                 Bristol             11 167
    Hyburt         Frederick William         Bristol             11 167
    Jones          Mary Jane                 Bristol             11 167
    Maggs          George Henry              Bristol             11 167
    Sommerwill     Isabella Ann              Bristol             11 167
    Windmill       Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 167
    Collett        Sarah                     Bristol             11 168
    Cook           Abel                      Bristol             11 168
    Davis          Priscilla                 Bristol             11 168
    Flower         Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 168
    Jenkins        William                   Bristol ?168        11 168
    Kendall        Joseph                    Bristol             11 168
    Pettigrove     Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 168
    Whitfield      Jonah                     Bristol             11 168
    Ball           Rosanna                   Bristol             11 169
    Ball           Rosanna                   Bristol             11 169
    Ball           Rosina                    Bristol             11 169
    Elliott        Harriet Shore             Bristol             11 169
    Hall           James                     Bristol             11 169
    Jelly          Eliza Jervis              Bristol             11 169
    Parrett        John                      Bristol             11 169
    Phillips       David                     Bristol             11 169
    Smith          Edward                    Bristol             11 169
    Williams       Caroline                  Bristol             11 169
    Cane           Ann                       Bristol             11 170
    Durston        Mary                      Bristol             11 170
    Hurford        John                      Bristol             11 170
    Jones          Hester                    Bristol             11 170
    Russell        George                    Bristol             11 170
    Russell        George                    Bristol             11 170
    Vowles         John                      Bristol             11 170
    York           Deborah                   Bristol             11 170
    York           Thomas                    Bristol             11 170
    Eardley        Francis                   Bristol             11 171
    Hodgson        John Airdes               Bristol             11 171
    Langridge      Amelia                    Bristol             11 171
    Langridge      Thomas                    Bristol             11 171
    Lindrea        Mary                      Bristol             11 171
    Pool           Alfred Arthur             Bristol             11 171
    Sarch          Sarah                     Bristol             11 171
    Thompson       Sarah Ann                 Bristol             11 171
    Bateman        Charles                   Bristol             11 172
    Flower         Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 172
    Haywood        Thomas                    Bristol             11 172
    Sibley         Edward                    Bristol ?2          11 172
    Simmons        Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 172
    Symmons        Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 172
    Cambridge      William                   Bristol             11 173
    Chappell       Henry                     Bristol             11 173
    Jones          Cecelia                   Bristol             11 173
    Joy            Harriet                   Bristol             11 173
    Shires         George                    Bristol             11 173
    Williams       Eliza Ann                 Bristol             11 173
    Baker          Richard                   Bristol             11 174
    Barrell        Henry                     Bristol             11 174
    Collins        Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 174
    Delve          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 174
    Manning        John                      Bristol             11 174
    Mayger         Alfred                    Bristol             11 174
    Rogers         Celia Ann                 Bristol             11 174
    Wilson         Eliza                     Bristol             11 174
    Chamberland    George                    Bristol             11 175
    Clements       Thomas                    Bristol             11 175
    Crinks         Emma                      Bristol             11 175
    Foster         Ann                       Bristol             11 175
    Gibbins        Anne                      Bristol             11 175
    Sheppard       Louisa                    Bristol             11 175
    Smart          Henry                     Bristol             11 175
    Underhill      William                   Bristol             11 175
    Brandon        Samuel Cornish            Bristol             11 176
    Clark          Ann                       Bristol             11 176
    Haers          Frances                   Bristol             11 176
    Hagger         George                    Bristol             11 176
    Lewis          Ann                       Bristol             11 176
    Parker         James Plumber             Bristol             11 176
    Wild           Benjamin                  Bristol             11 176
    Wiltshire      Sarah Ann                 Bristol             11 176
    Carver         John                      Bristol             11 177
    Ford           Keziah                    Bristol             11 177
    Gardener       Hannah                    Bristol             11 177
    Glock          Frances Barbara           Bristol             11 177
    Hand           Sarah                     Bristol             11 177
    Pool           William                   Bristol             11 177
    Waddy          Alfred                    Bristol             11 177
    White          Richard                   Bristol             11 177
    Ayland         Eli                       Bristol             11 178
    Brown          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 178
    Davis          Stephen                   Bristol             11 178
    Draper         Charles Edward            Bristol             11 178
    Hill           James                     Bristol             11 178
    Jukes          Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 178
    Sprague        Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 178
    Brain          Joseph                    Bristol             11 179
    Evans          Charlotte                 Bristol             11 179
    Frape          John                      Bristol             11 179
    Godfrey        Emma                      Bristol             11 179
    Guy            Emily                     Bristol             11 179
    Harris         Amelia                    Bristol             11 179
    Palmer         Henry                     Bristol             11 179
    Taylor         Philip                    Bristol             11 179
    Dyer           Thomas                    Bristol             11 180
    Hassell        Fanny                     Bristol             11 180
    Hodges         Maria                     Bristol             11 180
    Huxtable       Fanny                     Bristol             11 180
    Owen           John                      Bristol             11 180
    Radford        George                    Bristol             11 180
    Sams           Lucy                      Bristol             11 180
    Sherer         John                      Bristol             11 180
    Bailey         Pamela Ann                Bristol             11 181
    Bennett        Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 181
    Child          James                     Bristol             11 181
    Cottrell       Henry                     Bristol             11 181
    Hinks          Thomas                    Bristol             11 181
    Lacey          Mary                      Bristol             11 181
    Rogers         Richard                   Bristol             11 181
    Scourse        Eliza                     Bristol             11 181
    Coleman        Charles                   Bristol (was 183)   11 182
    Crates         Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 182
    Garraway       Jane                      Bristol             11 182
    Ivy            Thomas Jesse              Bristol             11 182
    Phillips       Amelia Holmes             Bristol             11 182
    Powell         James                     Bristol             11 182
    Robbins        Emma                      Bristol             11 182
    Wiltshire      Thomas                    Bristol             11 182
    Crane          William                   Bristol             11 183
    Evans          Nathaniel                 Bristol             11 183
    Frape          William                   Bristol             11 183
    Murphy         Catherine                 Bristol             11 183
    Neal           Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 183
    Rowley         Ann                       Bristol             11 183
    Jordan         Mary Harriet              Bristol             11 185
    Matthews       Alonzo Henry              Bristol             11 185
    May            Francis                   Bristol             11 185
    Merchant       Sarah Ann                 Bristol             11 185
    Rumley         Alexina Amelia            Bristol             11 185
    Tily           Mary                      Bristol             11 185
    Timmins        John Daniel               Bristol             11 185
    Vincent        John                      Bristol             11 185
    Harvey         Levi                      Bristol             11 186
    Hasell         James                     Bristol             11 186
    Mundy          Elvira George             Bristol             11 186
    Seaward        John                      Bristol             11 186
    Stratford      Ann Elizabeth             Bristol             11 186
    Walker         Thomas                    Bristol ?8          11 186
    Woodrow        Eliza                     Bristol             11 186
    Cole           James                     Bristol             11 187
    Hamlin         George                    Bristol             11 187
    Lovell         Harriet                   Bristol             11 187
    Moon           Hannah                    Bristol             11 187
    Poolman        Jane                      Bristol             11 187
    Randel         Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 187
    Richards       James                     Bristol             11 187
    Swyer          George                    Bristol             11 187
    Dando          Joseph                    Bristol             11 188
    Fear           John                      Bristol             11 188
    Manning        Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 188
    Mayo           Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 188
    Moore          Jane                      Bristol             11 188
    Poole          Mary Cavel                Bristol             11 188
    Poultney       Valentine                 Bristol             11 188
    Slade          Thomas                    Bristol             11 188
    Francis        Charles                   Bristol             11 189
    Hawkins        Frances                   Bristol ?189        11 189
    Jones          Eliza                     Bristol             11 189
    Keates         Thomas                    Bristol             11 189
    May            Charles                   Bristol             11 189
    Shingleton     Mary                      Bristol             11 189
    Woolley        James                     Bristol             11 189
    Yearsley       Sarah                     Bristol             11 189
    Baker          Thomas                    Bristol             11 190
    Bastin         Maria                     Bristol             11 190
    Davis          Charles                   Bristol             11 190
    Durston        Anna                      Bristol             11 190
    Evans          James                     Bristol             11 190
    George         Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 190
    Gow            Caroline Ann              Bristol             11 190
    Waterman       James                     Bristol             11 190
    Bryant         James                     Bristol             11 191
    Carter         Ann                       Bristol             11 191
    Dudden         Joseph                    Bristol             11 191
    Francomb       George                    Bristol             11 191
    Hillman        Caroline                  Bristol             11 191
    Locock         Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 191
    Merrett        George                    Bristol             11 191
    Stone          Charity                   Bristol             11 191
    Bradfield      Samuel                    Bristol             11 192
    Stabbins       Petience                  Bristol             11 192
    Hasell         Harriet Watts             Bristol             11 193
    Hayward        Thomas Chandler           Bristol             11 193
    Kingman        George                    Bristol             11 193
    Matthews       John Moore                Bristol             11 193
    Mattick        James                     Bristol             11 193
    Peddle         Maria Jane                Bristol             11 193
    Smith          Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 193
    Stowell        Louisa                    Bristol             11 193
    Gaynor         Matthew                   Bristol             11 194
    Mathling       Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 194
    Mathling       Thomas                    Bristol             11 194
    Nutt           Daniel                    Bristol             11 194
    Sill           Susanah (sic)             Bristol             11 194
    Sparrow        Elizabeth                 Bristol             11 194
    Tincknell      Thomas                    Bristol             11 194
    Voisey         Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 194
    Flight         Caroline                  Bristol             11 196
    Gore           George                    Bristol             11 196
    Healy          Michael                   Bristol             11 196
    Hodges         Emma                      Bristol             11 196
    Jones          Isaac                     Bristol             11 196
    Moran          John                      Bristol             11 196
    OConner        Margaret                  Bristol             11 196
    Owen           Hannah                    Bristol             11 196
    Burrows        William                   Bristol             11 197
    Donaldson      William                   Bristol             11 197
    Flinn          Robert                    Bristol             11 197
    Francis        Catherine                 Bristol             11 197
    Morrish        William                   Bristol             11 197
    Pady           Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 197
    Phillemore     Ann                       Bristol             11 197
    Roberts        Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 197
    Butler         John                      Bristol             11 198
    Coghlan        Margaret                  Bristol             11 198
    Howell         Ann Augusta               Bristol             11 198
    Hunt           Charles                   Bristol             11 198
    Reece          James                     Bristol ?8          11 198
    Richards       Eliza Charlotte           Bristol             11 198
    Rogers         Jane                      Bristol             11 198
    Thomas         George                    Bristol             11 198
    Bess           William                   Bristol             11 199
    Cornish        William Vinecombe         Bristol             11 199
    Curtis         Caroline                  Bristol             11 199
    Naish          Florence                  Bristol             11 199
    Ricketts       James                     Bristol             11 199
    Stevens        Ann                       Bristol             11 199
    Weight         Edmund William            Bristol             11 199
    Wookey         Selina                    Bristol             11 199
    Cullen         Stephen                   Bristol             11 200
    McBryant       Joanna                    Bristol             11 200
    Morgan         Sophia                    Bristol             11 200
    Poole          Mary                      Bristol             11 200
    Powell         Rowland                   Bristol             11 200
    Rowdon         Jane                      Bristol             11 200
    Simmons        William                   Bristol             11 200
    Veals          Henry                     Bristol             11 200
    Bryant         Lewis                     Bristol             11 201
    Catley         Anne Mary                 Bristol             11 201
    Elliott        William                   Bristol             11 201
    Hillier        John                      Bristol             11 201
    Moriarty       Jeremiah                  Bristol             11 201
    Morris         Jane Ann                  Bristol             11 201
    Scully         Ellen                     Bristol             11 201
    Smart          Ann                       Bristol             11 201
    Bacon          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 202
    Barrett        William                   Bristol             11 202
    Cottle         John                      Bristol             11 202
    Ellory         Fanny                     Bristol             11 202
    Gardner        William                   Bristol             11 202
    OConner        David                     Bristol             11 202
    Scanlan        Ellen                     Bristol             11 202
    Strong         Sarah                     Bristol             11 202
    Brain          Jane                      Bristol             11 203
    Conner         Daniel                    Bristol             11 203
    Davies         Thomas                    Bristol             11 203
    Horwood        Susanna                   Bristol             11 203
    Lewis          Mary                      Bristol             11 203
    Mills          Ann                       Bristol             11 203
    Stevens        Henry                     Bristol             11 203
    Williams       Joseph                    Bristol             11 203
    Byron          Mary Ann                  Bristol             11 204
    Eager          Stephen                   Bristol             11 204
    Johns          William                   Bristol             11 204
    Morgan         Charlotte                 Bristol             11 204
    Ormerod        Hannah                    Bristol             11 204
    Titcombe       Priscilla                 Bristol             11 204
    Wearing        Samuel Brewer             Bristol             11 204
    Young          Cuthbert George           Bristol             11 204
    Coombs         Louisa                    Bristol             11 205
    Humphreys      James                     Bristol             11 205
    Capper         Martha Gundry             Bristol             11 207
    Kidd           Richard                   Bristol             11 207
    Aldridge       Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 209
    Alexander      James                     Cheltenham          11 209
    Parsons        Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 209
    Roberts        Mary                      Cheltenham          11 209
    Ballinger      Eliza                     Cheltenham          11 211
    Cooke          Ann                       Cheltenham          11 211
    Hayward        Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 211
    Jackson        John                      Cheltenham          11 211
    Kennett        Martha                    Cheltenham          11 211
    Peart          William                   Cheltenham          11 211
    Allen          Miriam Mercy              Cheltenham          11 213
    Andrews        Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 213
    Attwood        William                   Cheltenham          11 213
    Cother         William Thomas            Cheltenham          11 213
    Gardner        Ann                       Cheltenham          11 213
    Green          Jane                      Cheltenham          11 213
    Hyde           Frederick                 Cheltenham          11 213
    Wardroper      Cutfield                  Cheltenham          11 213
    Dickson        Elizabeth Frances Loraine Cheltenham          11 214
    Gambier        Charles Gore Gambier      Cheltenham          11 214
    Longworth      David Fitzgerald          Cheltenham          11 214
    Pritchard      Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 214
    Rathborne      Isabella Sophia           Cheltenham          11 214
    Reid           Elizabeth Oakeley         Cheltenham          11 214
    Rodney         Thomas Maitland           Cheltenham          11 214
    Taylor         Eliza                     Cheltenham          11 214
    Birch          Amplias                   Cheltenham          11 215
    Forty          Eliza                     Cheltenham          11 215
    Hitchcock      William                   Cheltenham          11 215
    Perry          Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 215
    Smith          Mary                      Cheltenham          11 215
    Stephens       Sarah                     Cheltenham          11 215
    Turner         William                   Cheltenham          11 215
    White          George                    Cheltenham          11 215
    Aylmer         John Harrison             Cheltenham          11 216
    Coghill        Rosanna Louisa            Cheltenham          11 216
    Gunnell        William                   Cheltenham          11 216
    James          Ann                       Cheltenham          11 216
    Neate          Robert Tanner             Cheltenham          11 216
    Rees           William                   Cheltenham          11 216
    Warden         Eliza                     Cheltenham          11 216
    Woodyatt       Maria                     Cheltenham          11 216
    Bliss          Ellen                     Cheltenham          11 217
    Deighton       Mary Ann                  Cheltenham          11 217
    Hughes         George                    Cheltenham          11 217
    Ind            John                      Cheltenham          11 217
    Maclean        Flora Anne                Cheltenham          11 217
    Pearson        Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 217
    Press          Sarah                     Cheltenham          11 217
    Shubrick       Richard                   Cheltenham          11 217
    Draper         Hannah                    Cheltenham          11 218
    Fluck          Margaret                  Cheltenham          11 218
    Griffiths      Dean                      Cheltenham          11 218
    Hall           Edwin                     Cheltenham          11 218
    Heather        William Flower            Cheltenham          11 218
    Moore          Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 218
    Pearsall       Martha                    Cheltenham          11 218
    Sadler         Timothy                   Cheltenham          11 218
    Cartwright     Isabel                    Cheltenham          11 219
    Kent           Robert William            Cheltenham          11 219
    Lane           Joseph                    Cheltenham          11 219
    Marshall       Esther                    Cheltenham          11 219
    Pigot          George Robert             Cheltenham          11 219
    Roberts        Emma                      Cheltenham          11 219
    Rogers         Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 219
    White          Harriet Jane              Cheltenham          11 219
    Barnes         Joseph                    Cheltenham ?229     11 220
    Barnes         Mary                      Cheltenham ?229     11 220
    Excell         William                   Cheltenham          11 220
    Marshall       Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 220
    Sandling       Beta                      Cheltenham          11 220
    Strange        William                   Cheltenham          11 220
    Wood           Sarah                     Cheltenham          11 220
    Cook           Mary                      Cheltenham          11 221
    Draisey        Henry                     Cheltenham          11 221
    Ford           Ann                       Cheltenham          11 221
    Frankling      Ann                       Cheltenham          11 221
    Haines         Job                       Cheltenham          11 221
    Morley         Sarah                     Cheltenham          11 221
    Sandford       Benjamin                  Cheltenham          11 221
    Wade           Robert White              Cheltenham          11 221
    Alexander      John                      Cheltenham          11 222
    Barnett        Horatio                   Cheltenham          11 222
    Justice        Elizabeth Margaret        Cheltenham          11 222
    Lane           Ann Maria                 Cheltenham          11 222
    Summers        Ann                       Cheltenham          11 222
    Theobald       Theobald                  Cheltenham          11 222
    Wise           Eliza Anne                Cheltenham          11 222
    Young          Henry                     Cheltenham          11 222
    Goul           Emily Bartram             Cheltenham          11 223
    Veal           John                      Cheltenham          11 223
    Baylis         Emily                     Cheltenham          11 225
    Boulding       James                     Cheltenham          11 225
    Farr           Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 225
    Fennell        George                    Cheltenham          11 225
    Higgs          Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 225
    Pycroft        George                    Cheltenham          11 225
    Scott          Elizabeth                 Cheltenham ?5       11 225
    Smart          Maria                     Cheltenham          11 225
    Carter         Andrew Octavius           Cheltenham          11 226
    Carter         Sarah                     Cheltenham          11 226
    Deane          Emma                      Cheltenham          11 226
    Jones          Sarah                     Cheltenham          11 226
    Parry          Frederick                 Cheltenham          11 226
    Prosser        Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 226
    Spiers         Caroline                  Cheltenham          11 226
    Trow           Edwin                     Cheltenham          11 226
    Underhill      William                   Cheltenham          11 226
    Davis          George                    Cheltenham          11 227
    Davis          Mary Ann                  Cheltenham          11 227
    Wall           Jemima                    Cheltenham          11 227
    Webb           Henry Henn                Cheltenham          11 227
    Barnes         Benjamin                  Cheltenham ?220     11 229
    Beavan         Ann                       Cheltenham          11 229
    Edney          William                   Cheltenham          11 229
    Greening       Henry                     Cheltenham          11 229
    Harvey         John                      Cheltenham          11 229
    Hayward        John                      Cheltenham          11 229
    Howell         Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 229
    Jewell         Sarah                     Cheltenham          11 229
    Jones          Louisa                    Cheltenham          11 229
    Adams          Lewis                     Cheltenham          11 231
    Bliss          Clarissa                  Cheltenham          11 231
    Fisher         Charles                   Cheltenham          11 231
    Fowles         Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 231
    Lewis          Esther                    Cheltenham          11 231
    Sheriff        Jane Miller               Cheltenham          11 231
    Barnard        John                      Cheltenham          11 233
    Pratt          Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 233
    Cooke          Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 235
    Field          Edward                    Cheltenham          11 235
    Godwin         John                      Cheltenham          11 235
    Green          Catherine                 Cheltenham          11 235
    Mullis         Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 235
    Potter         Edwin                     Cheltenham          11 235
    Rutland        Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 235
    Smith          Susan                     Cheltenham          11 235
    Somersall      Eleanor Sarah             Cheltenham          11 235
    Baker          William David             Cheltenham          11 236
    Brookbanks     William                   Cheltenham          11 236
    Estid          Joseph                    Cheltenham          11 236
    Field          Mary Ann                  Cheltenham          11 236
    Hodges         Caroline Shelton          Cheltenham          11 236
    Knight         Elizabeth                 Cheltenham          11 236
    Malvern        Charles                   Cheltenham          11 236
    Taylor         Tabitha                   Cheltenham          11 236
    Leatham        Harriett                  Cheltenham          11 237
    Manning        Thomas                    Cheltenham          11 237
    Sturch         Martha                    Cheltenham          11 237
    Toghill        Harriet                   Cheltenham          11 237
    Twigg          Edward                    Cheltenham          11 237
    Twining        Peter                     Cheltenham          11 237
    Verrier        Joseph Lovaband?          Cheltenham          11 237
    Wilson         Mary                      Cheltenham          11 237
    Green          Rhoda                     Cheltenham          11 238
    Davis          Albert John               Cheltenham          11 239
    Davis          Maria                     Cheltenham          11 239
    Allis          Aaron                     Chipping S          11 241
    Bowyer         Elizabeth                 Chipping S          11 241
    Drew           Silas                     Chipping S          11 241
    Hollister      Robert                    Chipping S          11 241
    Moore          Catharine                 Chipping S          11 241
    Morgan         Mary                      Chipping S          11 241
    Hale           George                    Chipping S          11 243
    Shellard       Laetitia                  Chipping S          11 243
    Lester         Jane                      Chipping S          11 245
    Mathews        John                      Chipping S          11 245
    Mealing        William                   Chipping S          11 245
    Pitt           Caroline                  Chipping S          11 245
    Amos           Sarah                     Chipping S          11 247
    Amos           Sarah                     Chipping S          11 247
    Colborne       Joseph                    Chipping S          11 247
    Cornock        Julia                     Chipping S          11 247
    Cross          Jane                      Chipping S          11 247
    Nicholls       John                      Chipping S          11 247
    Reece          Daniel                    Chipping S          11 247
    Stevens        Henry                     Chipping S          11 247
    Alsop          Mary Ann                  Chipping S          11 248
    Mainstone      James                     Chipping S          11 248
    Palmer         Sarah                     Chipping S          11 249
    Winstone       George                    Chipping S          11 249
    Ward           Sarah                     Chipping S          11 251
    Wilcox         John                      Chipping S          11 251
    Hobby          Sarah Ann                 Chipping S          11 253
    Redwood        Isaac                     Chipping S          11 253
    Bennett        Hester                    Chipping S          11 255
    Werrett        Joseph                    Chipping S          11 255
    Scrivin        George                    Cirencester         11 257
    Trinder        Harriet                   Cirencester         11 257
    Barnett        Susanna                   Cirencester         11 259
    Beechy         Richard                   Cirencester         11 259
    Brown          John                      Cirencester         11 259
    Cuss           Ann                       Cirencester         11 259
    Hall           Maria                     Cirencester         11 261
    Jones          Samuel                    Cirencester         11 261
    Baylis         Priscilla                 Cirencester         11 263
    Jones          Charles                   Cirencester         11 263
    Whitman        William                   Cirencester         11 263
    Bingle         Emma                      Cirencester         11 265
    Clark          Mary Ann                  Cirencester         11 265
    Cull           George White              Cirencester         11 265
    Fry            Jane                      Cirencester         11 265
    Newman         Jane                      Cirencester         11 265
    Perring        John                      Cirencester         11 265
    Smith          Edmund                    Cirencester         11 265
    Herbert        Charles                   Cirencester         11 267
    Powell         Anne                      Cirencester         11 267
    Lane           Elizabeth                 Cirencester         11 269
    Little         Robert                    Cirencester         11 269
    Barnett        Isaac                     Cirencester         11 271
    Wilson         Frances                   Cirencester         11 271
    Gibbins        Obed John                 Cirencester         11 273
    Ivin           Elizabeth                 Cirencester         11 273
    Harrison       Sarah                     Cirencester         11 275
    Hutton         John Charles              Cirencester         11 275
    Davis          Thomas                    Cirencester         11 277
    Walter         Ann                       Cirencester         11 277
    Pinegar        Lucy                      Cirencester         11 279
    Rodway         Benjamin                  Cirencester         11 279
    Smith          Robert                    Cirencester         11 280
    Young          Roseanna                  Cirencester         11 280
    Goodman        Eliza                     Cirencester         11 281
    Hamblin        Daniel                    Cirencester         11 281
    Peters         Mary Ann                  Cirencester         11 281
    Yells          Charles                   Cirencester         11 281
    Bastin         Zechariah                 Cirencester         11 283
    Hall           Esther                    Cirencester         11 283
    Hooper         Joseph                    Cirencester         11 283
    Mathews        Sarah                     Cirencester         11 283
    Burroughs      Benjamin Gustavus         Clifton             11 285
    Clarke         Matilda Mackie            Clifton             11 285
    Clatworthy     John                      Clifton             11 285
    Corke          Sarah Ann                 Clifton             11 285
    Davies         George Sydney             Clifton ?285        11 285
    Hurley         Mary                      Clifton             11 285
    Ross           Anne                      Clifton ?5          11 285
    Waterman       James                     Clifton             11 285
    Byrne          James                     Clifton             11 286
    Cresswick      Fanny                     Clifton             11 286
    Davies         Eliza Thomas              Clifton             11 286
    Fryer          Edwin                     Clifton             11 286
    Hambly         George                    Clifton             11 286
    Langley        William Hilliar           Clifton             11 286
    Parsons        Susan                     Clifton             11 286
    Smele          Elizabeth                 Clifton             11 286
    Bond           William                   Clifton             11 287
    Chapman        Mary Ann                  Clifton             11 287
    Cripps         Louisa Harriette          Clifton             11 287
    Harman         Charles                   Clifton             11 287
    Rock           Mary Ann                  Clifton             11 287
    Scott          Edwin Wade                Clifton             11 287
    Smith          Sarah Easterbrook         Clifton             11 287
    Turner         Thomas                    Clifton             11 287
    Fox            Sarah Anne                Clifton             11 288
    Griffiths      George Barnabas           Clifton             11 288
    Lewis          William Stephen           Clifton             11 288
    Morris         James                     Clifton             11 288
    Sage           Joseph                    Clifton             11 288
    Townshend      Louisa                    Clifton             11 288
    Williams       Elizabeth Rebecca         Clifton             11 288
    Gale           Henry                     Clifton             11 289
    Hawkshaw       Eleanor Mary              Clifton             11 289
    Horwood        Ann                       Clifton             11 289
    Middleton      James                     Clifton             11 289
    Parrett        Frances                   Clifton             11 289
    Ram            Stopford James            Clifton             11 289
    Rogers         Harriett                  Clifton             11 289
    Worgan         Henry                     Clifton             11 289
    Brewer         Henry                     Clifton             11 290
    Goldsworthy    Charlotte                 Clifton             11 290
    Hicks          Sarah                     Clifton             11 290
    Manfield       James                     Clifton             11 290
    Alway          Henry                     Clifton             11 291
    Balsdon        John                      Clifton             11 291
    Britton        Sarah                     Clifton             11 291
    Bruce          Ann                       Clifton             11 291
    Butt           Isabella Webb             Clifton             11 291
    Capel          James                     Clifton             11 291
    Hodson         Elizabeth                 Clifton             11 291
    Thomas         Isaac                     Clifton             11 291
    Brightman      Charles                   Clifton             11 292
    Brown          Emma                      Clifton             11 292
    Ditchett       Hubert?                   Clifton             11 292
    Robins         Charlotte                 Clifton             11 292
    Brittan        Maria                     Clifton             11 293
    Densley        William                   Clifton             11 293
    Howard         Henry                     Clifton             11 293
    Jinkins        Rebecca                   Clifton             11 293
    Jones          Sarah Ann Blackmore       Clifton             11 293
    Rider          Mary Ann                  Clifton ?293        11 293
    Vaughan        John                      Clifton             11 293
    Downer         Isabella                  Clifton             11 295
    Eagles         Charles Lionel            Clifton             11 295
    Martin         Hester                    Clifton             11 295
    Peters         James                     Clifton             11 295
    Bawden         Henry                     Clifton             11 297
    Butler         Thomas                    Clifton             11 297
    Cox            George                    Clifton             11 297
    Hart           Anne                      Clifton             11 297
    Smart          Sarah                     Clifton             11 297
    Warbutton      Maria                     Clifton             11 297
    Williams       William Coates            Clifton             11 297
    Young          Isabella                  Clifton             11 297
    Bruton         James                     Clifton             11 298
    Childs         Mary Ann                  Clifton             11 298
    Huish          Jane                      Clifton             11 298
    James          Thomas Isaac              Clifton             11 298
    Jones          John                      Clifton ?295        11 298
    Stone          Mary                      Clifton ?8          11 298
    Stretton       Edward                    Clifton             11 298
    Thomas         Elizabeth                 Clifton             11 298
    Childs         Sarah                     Clifton             11 299
    Evans          Isaac                     Clifton             11 299
    Goodridge      William                   Clifton             11 299
    Harvey         Martha                    Clifton             11 299
    Hutchings      Elizabeth                 Clifton             11 299
    Knight         Abraham                   Clifton             11 299
    Caritt         Emily                     Clifton             11 301
    Reason         John                      Clifton             11 301
    Cooper         Absalom                   Clifton             11 303
    Holmes         Emma                      Clifton             11 303
    Owen           Samuel                    Clifton             11 303
    Tovey          Sarah                     Clifton             11 303
    Edmonds        John                      Clifton             11 305
    Neale          Ann                       Clifton             11 305
    Perry          Charlotte Martyn          Clifton             11 305
    Potter         James                     Clifton             11 305
    Barns          Ann                       Clifton             11 307
    Sheppard       John                      Clifton             11 307
    Niblett        William Daniel Thomas     Clifton             11 309
    Saunders       Caroline Ann              Clifton             11 309
    Bees           George Edward             Clifton             11 311
    Churchill      Isaac                     Clifton             11 311
    Hobbs          Priscilla                 Clifton             11 311
    Jones          Josiah Evan               Clifton             11 311
    McPherson      Nancy                     Clifton             11 311
    Smith          Mary                      Clifton             11 311
    Sweet          Elizabeth                 Clifton             11 311
    Winstone       Charles                   Clifton             11 311
    Masters        Henry                     Clifton             11 313
    Walcott        Susannah Catherine        Clifton             11 313
    Blandford      John                      Clifton             11 315
    Floyd          Mary Ann                  Clifton             11 315
    Gregory        Ellen                     Clifton             11 315
    Humphries      Thomas                    Clifton             11 315
    Maggs          Samuel                    Clifton             11 315
    Nichols        Aeneas                    Clifton             11 315
    Nickols        Aeneas                    Clifton             11 315
    Parry          Eliza Colston             Clifton             11 315
    Perry          Lydia                     Clifton             11 315
    Berry          Sarah                     Clifton             11 316
    Blitz          John                      Clifton             11 316
    Grimsted       Walter                    Clifton             11 316
    Hall           Ann                       Clifton             11 316
    Bellchamber    Mary                      Clifton             11 317
    Brown          John                      Clifton             11 317
    Gerrish        George                    Clifton             11 317
    Houlden        Sarah                     Clifton             11 317
    Jones          George                    Clifton             11 317
    Lawrence       John                      Clifton             11 317
    Thomas         Ann                       Clifton             11 317
    Thomas         Mary Ann                  Clifton             11 317
    Collins        George                    Clifton             11 318
    Freestone      William Lionel            Clifton             11 318
    Grant          Eliza                     Clifton             11 318
    Green          Catherine                 Clifton             11 318
    Reed           William                   Clifton             11 318
    Thomas         William Penton            Clifton             11 318
    Whippy         Elizabeth                 Clifton             11 318
    Whitwill       Isabella Matilda          Clifton             11 318
    Cavill         William                   Clifton             11 319
    Greenman       Emma Rosser               Clifton             11 319
    Malbott        William                   Clifton             11 319
    Powell         Mary                      Clifton             11 319
    Silke          Sarah                     Clifton             11 319
    Tudball        Charlotte                 Clifton             11 319
    Williams       David                     Clifton             11 319
    Yard           William                   Clifton             11 319
    James          Elizabeth                 Clifton             11 320
    Shellard       Job                       Clifton ?0          11 320
    Baglin         Hannah                    Dursley             11 321
    Clissold       George                    Dursley             11 321
    Ford           Charlotte                 Dursley             11 321
    Gabb           Ann                       Dursley             11 321
    Powell         Grace                     Dursley             11 321
    Saniger        Thomas                    Dursley             11 321
    Whitfield      John                      Dursley             11 321
    Workman        Edward                    Dursley             11 321
    Savage         Margaret                  Dursley             11 323
    Tudor          John                      Dursley             11 323
    Bricker        Ann                       Dursley             11 325
    Webb           William                   Dursley             11 325
    Ford           David                     Dursley             11 327
    Hale           Elizabeth                 Dursley             11 327
    Kitchen        Mary                      Dursley             11 327
    Richmond       George William            Dursley             11 327
    Ricketts       Charlotta                 Dursley             11 327
    Tanner         Alfred                    Dursley             11 327
    Cossons        Eliza                     Dursley             11 329
    Dauncey        Thomas                    Dursley             11 329
    Dyer           Jane                      Dursley             11 329
    Harding        Henry                     Dursley             11 329
    Organ          Charles                   Dursley             11 329
    Parker         Harriett                  Dursley             11 329
    Rymer          Hannah                    Dursley             11 329
    Turner         Edward                    Dursley             11 329
    Jotcham        Sarah                     Dursley             11 330
    King           Charles                   Dursley             11 330
    Burchell       Edward                    Dursley             11 331
    Cornock        Pauline                   Dursley             11 331
    Derrett        Ann                       Dursley             11 331
    Smith          George                    Dursley             11 331
    Smith          Mary                      Dursley             11 331
    Wall           Joseph                    Dursley             11 331
    Webb           Alfred                    Dursley             11 331
    Webb           Emma                      Dursley             11 331
    Wane           Mary Ann                  Dursley             11 332
    White          John Rawlings             Dursley             11 332
    Bendals        Mary Ann                  Dursley             11 333
    Clarke         Thomas Elliott            Dursley             11 333
    Cullimore      William                   Dursley             11 333
    Jackson        Ann Jemcettea Went        Dursley             11 333
    Glendall       Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 335
    Halling        William                   Gloster             11 335
    Houlday        Charles                   Gloster             11 335
    Drinkwater     Charlotte                 Gloster             11 337
    Goode          Henry                     Gloster             11 337
    Jones          Sarah                     Gloster             11 337
    Parrot         Walter                    Gloster             11 337
    Badcock        Emily                     Gloster             11 339
    Hawkins        Thomas                    Gloster             11 339
    Alley          Esther                    Gloster             11 341
    Meadows        Mary Ann                  Gloster             11 341
    Pulham         John                      Gloster             11 341
    Cavanagh       Hannah                    Gloster             11 343
    Close          Mary Anne                 Gloster             11 343
    Hale           William                   Gloster             11 343
    Harding        Emma                      Gloster             11 343
    Keep           George                    Gloster             11 343
    Mills          Paul                      Gloster             11 343
    Taylor         Charles                   Gloster             11 343
    Webb           Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 343
    Aldridge       John                      Gloster             11 344
    Bailey         Eliza                     Gloster             11 344
    Cole           David                     Gloster             11 344
    Jackson        Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 344
    Philips        Charles                   Gloster             11 344
    Russell        Samuel                    Gloster             11 344
    Walters        Ann                       Gloster             11 344
    Wigmore        Sarah                     Gloster             11 344
    Etheridge      Mary                      Gloster             11 345
    Williams       George                    Gloster             11 345
    Gaze           Frederick                 Gloster             11 347
    Large          Ann                       Gloster             11 347
    Martin         Mark                      Gloster             11 347
    Meek           Henry                     Gloster             11 347
    Robins         Eliza                     Gloster             11 347
    Simmons        Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 347
    Siveter        James                     Gloster             11 347
    Webb           Ellen                     Gloster             11 347
    Burrows        Caroline                  Gloster             11 348
    Cole           Henry                     Gloster             11 348
    Ellis          John                      Gloster             11 348
    Emery          John                      Gloster             11 348
    Haines         Matilda                   Gloster             11 348
    Pillinger      John                      Gloster             11 348
    Wreen          Emma                      Gloster             11 348
    Tarling        John                      Gloster             11 349
    Walker         Elizabeth Cambridge       Gloster             11 349
    Abell          George                    Gloster             11 351
    Barber         James                     Gloster             11 351
    Church         Mary                      Gloster             11 351
    Davis          Eliza                     Gloster             11 351
    Dickenson      Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 351
    Dickinson      Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 351
    Dorry          Maria                     Gloster             11 351
    Fisher         Eliza Jane                Gloster             11 351
    Ford           William                   Gloster             11 351
    Hobbs          Job                       Gloster             11 351
    Compton        William                   Gloster             11 353
    Dadd           Robert                    Gloster             11 353
    Gillespie      Eliza                     Gloster             11 353
    Gwillim        Jane                      Gloster             11 353
    Merrell        Jessie                    Gloster             11 353
    Shergould      George                    Gloster             11 353
    Wilkins        Richard                   Gloster             11 353
    Williams       Mary Ann                  Gloster             11 353
    Drinkwater     Ann                       Gloster             11 354
    Fowle          Francis Thomas            Gloster             11 354
    George         Thomas                    Gloster             11 354
    Kimber         Richard                   Gloster             11 354
    Mason          Catherine                 Gloster             11 354
    Morgan         James                     Gloster             11 354
    Ricketts       Caroline                  Gloster             11 354
    Watkins        Ann Hodges                Gloster             11 354
    Allen          Emily                     Gloster             11 355
    Garraway       Mary Ann                  Gloster             11 355
    Hinman         Thomas Martin             Gloster             11 355
    Bliss          Jesse                     Gloster             11 357
    Clifford       Thomas                    Gloster             11 357
    Critchley      Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 357
    Pitman         Amelia                    Gloster             11 357
    Rodway         William Hathaway          Gloster             11 357
    Rymer          James                     Gloster             11 357
    Stanton        Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 357
    Baker          Felix                     Gloster             11 358
    Bill           William                   Gloster             11 358
    Bryan          Emma                      Gloster             11 358
    Hobbs          William                   Gloster             11 358
    Newman         Mary Ann                  Gloster             11 358
    Sollers        Jane Mary                 Gloster             11 358
    Bennett        Ann                       Gloster             11 359
    Burgham        William                   Gloster             11 359
    Halford        Alfred                    Gloster             11 359
    Jordan         Elizabeth                 Gloster             11 359
    Mills          Nathanael                 Gloster             11 359
    Salcomb        Thomas                    Gloster             11 359
    Smith          Harriet                   Gloster             11 359
    Watkins        Eliza                     Gloster             11 359
    Coates         John                      Gloster             11 360
    Jones          Anne                      Gloster             11 360
    Nicholls       Thomas                    Gloster             11 360
    Staniford      Ann                       Gloster             11 360
    Richards       George                    Gloster             11 361
    Roberts        Abel                      Gloster             11 361
    Trigg          Ann                       Gloster             11 361
    Trotman        Edmund                    Gloster             11 361
    Weyman         Sarah                     Gloster             11 361
    Moore          Thomas                    Gloster             11 363
    Stone          Ann                       Gloster             11 363
    Duke           Henry                     Gloster             11 365
    Hodge          Sarah                     Gloster             11 365
    Brown          Sarah                     Gloster             11 367
    Welling        William Cowles            Gloster             11 367
    Freeman        Sarah                     Gloster             11 368
    Cother         Constance Eliza           Gloster             11 369
    Hooper         Thomas                    Gloster             11 369
    Kesteven       Edward Mason              Gloster             11 369
    Newman         Esther                    Gloster             11 369
    Cripps         William                   Gloster             11 371
    Daniels        Ann                       Gloster             11 371
    Hamlet         Ann                       Gloster             11 373
    Holder         John                      Gloster             11 373
    Johns          Susanna                   Gloster             11 373
    Matthews       George                    Gloster             11 373
    Critchley      Sarah                     Gloster             11 375
    Evans          James                     Gloster             11 375
    Fluett         Emanuel                   Gloster             11 375
    Hunt           Mary                      Gloster             11 375
    Hyett          Katharine                 Gloster             11 375
    Joy            Sophia                    Gloster             11 375
    Lane           William                   Gloster             11 375
    Walker         Joseph                    Gloster             11 375
    Hart           Harriet                   Gloster             11 376
    Huckson        Mary Ann                  Gloster             11 376
    Jenkins        Helen                     Gloster             11 376
    Jenkins        John                      Gloster             11 376
    Lodge          James                     Gloster             11 376
    Smith          Thomas                    Gloster             11 376
    Steel          Mary                      Gloster             11 376
    Wilkin         Jarvis                    Gloster             11 376
    Burlow         John                      Newent              11 377
    Hardman        Ellen                     Newent              11 377
    Bull           Emma                      Newent              11 379
    Charles        James                     Newent              11 379
    Gillett        John                      Newent              11 379
    Paine          Eliza                     Newent              11 379
    Dalby          James                     Newent              11 381
    Scrivens       Patience                  Newent              11 381
    Cox            Ann                       Newent              11 383
    Holder         Elizabeth                 Newent              11 383
    Kershaw        Edmund                    Newent              11 383
    Powell         John                      Newent              11 383
    Davis          Jeremiah                  Newent              11 385
    Dolby          Esther                    Newent              11 385
    Hitchman       Charles                   Northleach          11 387
    Mace           William                   Northleach          11 387
    Mills          Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 387
    Milton         Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 387
    Baylis         Martha                    Northleach          11 389
    Moss           Charles                   Northleach          11 389
    Scott          Richard                   Northleach          11 391
    Wheeler        Jane Elizabeth            Northleach          11 391
    Barratt        Sarah                     Northleach          11 393
    George         John                      Northleach          11 393
    Taylor         William                   Northleach          11 395
    Thomas         Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 395
    Earl           Jane                      Northleach          11 397
    Earle          Jane                      Northleach          11 397
    Ford           Charles                   Northleach          11 397
    Goddard        Richard                   Northleach          11 397
    Keen           William                   Northleach          11 397
    Larner         Ann                       Northleach          11 397
    Turner         Sarah                     Northleach          11 397
    Burton         Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 399
    Clark          Mary                      Northleach          11 399
    Cripps         George                    Northleach          11 399
    Hoar           William                   Northleach          11 399
    Barton         Richard                   Northleach          11 401
    Fowler         Jane                      Northleach          11 401
    Margetts       Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 401
    Turner         John                      Northleach          11 401
    Foggie         David                     Northleach          11 403
    Taylor         Ann                       Northleach          11 403
    Borradell      Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 405
    Laight         John                      Northleach          11 405
    Smedley        William                   Northleach          11 405
    Wilkes         Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 405
    Mustow         Richard                   Northleach          11 407
    Williams       Jane                      Northleach          11 407
    Coates         Elizabeth                 Northleach          11 409
    Newman         Henry                     Northleach          11 409
    Hayter         Mary Ann                  Shipston            11 411
    Hopkins        William                   Shipston            11 411
    Bishop         John                      Shipston            11 413
    Brewer         Mary                      Shipston            11 413
    Brace          Thomas                    Shipston            11 415
    Drinkwater     Jane                      Shipston            11 415
    Drury          Mary Ann                  Shipston            11 415
    Drury          William                   Shipston            11 415
    Izod           Lucy Ann                  Shipston            11 415
    Jenkins        Samuel                    Shipston            11 415
    Kingzett       William Henry             Shipston            11 415
    Merriman       Hannah                    Shipston            11 415
    Bishop         Maria                     Shipston            11 417
    Pickering      James                     Shipston            11 417
    Stephens       William                   Shipston            11 417
    Wells          Jane                      Shipston            11 417
    Keyte          Samuel                    Shipston            11 419
    Righton        Elizabeth                 Shipston            11 419
    Field          Sarah                     Shipston            11 421
    Freeman        Emmanuel                  Shipston            11 421
    Morley         Elizabeth                 Shipston            11 421
    Wilson         Thomas                    Shipston            11 421
    Forster        Robert                    Shipston            11 423
    Lyne           Eleanor                   Shipston            11 423
    Kimbrey        George                    Shipston            11 425
    Mills          Susan                     Shipston            11 425
    Nash           John                      Shipston            11 425
    Robinson       Elizabeth                 Shipston            11 425
    Davies         Mary                      Shipston            11 427
    Jones          George                    Shipston            11 427
    Edwards        Sarah                     Shipston            11 429
    Gardner        John                      Shipston            11 429
    Kitchen        Caroline                  Shipston            11 431
    Penn           William                   Shipston            11 431
    Fawdrey        Charles                   Shipston            11 433
    Gibbs          Sarah                     Shipston            11 433
    Hands          John                      Shipston            11 433
    Mayon          Sarah                     Shipston            11 433
    Holtom         Mary Anne                 Shipston            11 435
    Print          Israel                    Shipston            11 435
    Gilson         Elizabeth                 Shipston            11 437
    Lancett        Richard                   Shipston            11 437
    Walton         Mary                      Shipston            11 437
    Whitehead      Samuel                    Shipston            11 437
    Betts          Hannah                    Shipston            11 439
    Price          Thomas                    Shipston            11 439
    Rattley        Ann                       Shipston ?439       11 439
    Robinson       William                   Shipston            11 439
    Woodfield      Ann                       Shipston            11 439
    Woodfield      Robert                    Shipston            11 439
    Coles          William                   Shipston            11 441
    Dyer           John                      Shipston            11 441
    Gilson         Ann                       Shipston            11 441
    Hurlston       Mary                      Shipston            11 441
    Collins        John                      Shipston            11 443
    Joyner         James                     Shipston            11 443
    Reeves         Elizabeth                 Shipston            11 443
    Webb           Mary Anne                 Shipston            11 443
    Groves         Jane                      Stow/Wold           11 445
    Hardiman       John                      Stow/Wold           11 445
    Herbert        Robert                    Stow/Wold           11 447
    Trueman        Elizabeth                 Stow/Wold           11 447
    Jones          Reuben                    Stow/Wold           11 449
    Mason          Eliza                     Stow/Wold           11 449
    Greenaway      Jonathan                  Stow/Wold           11 451
    Parker         Mary Ann                  Stow/Wold           11 451
    Brandish       Sarah                     Stow/Wold           11 452
    Colin          Susanna                   Stow/Wold           11 452
    Hooper         Robert                    Stow/Wold           11 452
    Impey          Thomas                    Stow/Wold           11 452
    Berry          William                   Stow/Wold           11 453
    Cripps         Mary                      Stow/Wold           11 453
    Davis          Sarah Ann                 Stow/Wold           11 453
    Gibson         George                    Stow/Wold           11 453
    Hooper         Mary                      Stow/Wold           11 455
    Sandalls       James                     Stow/Wold           11 455
    Sevin          Benjamin                  Stow/Wold           11 457
    Williams       Fanny                     Stow/Wold           11 457
    Jonsey         George                    Stow/Wold           11 459
    Lapper         Louisa                    Stow/Wold           11 459
    Jenkins        Samuel                    Stroud              11 461
    Williams       Louisa                    Stroud              11 461
    Bowly          Sarah Jane                Stroud              11 463
    Coates         Mary                      Stroud              11 463
    Gill           Sarah                     Stroud              11 463
    Hicks          Emanuel                   Stroud              11 463
    Luker          Thomas                    Stroud              11 463
    Wight          Joseph                    Stroud              11 463
    Davis          Thomas                    Stroud              11 465
    Ellery         William                   Stroud              11 465
    Hall           Robert                    Stroud              11 467
    Young          Sarah                     Stroud              11 467
    Gardner        Ann                       Stroud              11 469
    Pearce         Benjamin                  Stroud              11 469
    Antill         Elizabeth                 Stroud              11 471
    Selwyn         Thomas                    Stroud              11 471
    Cook           Harriett                  Stroud              11 473
    Plummer        Charles                   Stroud              11 473
    Shipton        George                    Stroud ?7           11 473
    Williams       Mary                      Stroud              11 473
    Alexander      Henry                     Stroud              11 475
    Leonard        Charlotte                 Stroud              11 475
    Barnett        Hannah                    Stroud              11 477
    Bowne          Esther                    Stroud              11 477
    Clissold       Benjamin                  Stroud              11 477
    Hird           Robert                    Stroud              11 477
    Keyes          James                     Stroud              11 477
    Reeves         Joseph                    Stroud              11 477
    Rutter         Barbara                   Stroud              11 477
    Dean           Harriot                   Stroud              11 479
    Elliott        Sarah Sophia              Stroud              11 479
    Webb           Thomas                    Stroud              11 479
    Wells          Richard Forester          Stroud              11 479
    Benjamin       Caroline                  Stroud              11 481
    Burford        Jacob                     Stroud              11 481
    Castell        Rosa Sophia Jones         Stroud              11 481
    Davis          Charles Henry             Stroud              11 481
    Harewell       George                    Stroud ?481         11 481
    Niblett        Elizabeth                 Stroud              11 481
    Cole           Charlotte                 Stroud              11 483
    Drysdale       James                     Stroud              11 483
    Gardner        Pamila (sic)              Stroud              11 483
    Lusty          James                     Stroud              11 483
    Boucher        Selina                    Stroud              11 485
    Clissold       Christopher               Stroud              11 485
    Bennett        William                   Stroud              11 487
    Eddels         Robert                    Stroud              11 487
    Fullaway       Thomas                    Stroud              11 487
    Holland        Eliza                     Stroud              11 487
    Latham         George                    Stroud              11 487
    Smith          Jane                      Stroud              11 487
    Webb           Susannah                  Stroud              11 487
    Wood           Sophia                    Stroud              11 487
    Berryman       Charlotte                 Stroud              11 489
    Dymock         Harriet                   Stroud              11 489
    Hanks          Rosannah                  Stroud              11 489
    Hayward        Henry                     Stroud ?489         11 489
    Howell         Eliza                     Stroud              11 489
    Steel          John                      Stroud              11 489
    Teakle         William                   Stroud              11 489
    Vines          Henry                     Stroud              11 489
    Ansloe         Roger                     Stroud              11 490
    Baghott        Alice                     Stroud              11 491
    Baker          Elizabeth                 Stroud              11 491
    Smith          George                    Stroud              11 491
    White          Elijah                    Stroud              11 491
    Adams          William                   Stroud              11 493
    Arthurs        Ruth                      Stroud              11 493
    Bassett        William                   Stroud              11 493
    Coultas        William Henry             Stroud              11 493
    Gore           Joseph                    Stroud              11 493
    Hill           Jane                      Stroud              11 493
    Osborne        Mary Ann                  Stroud              11 493
    Whiting        Mary Bond                 Stroud              11 493
    Ball           Thomas Stephens           Stroud              11 494
    Baston         Martha Ann                Stroud              11 494
    Clutterbuck    Matilda                   Stroud              11 494
    Collett        Edwin                     Stroud              11 494
    French         Ann                       Stroud              11 494
    King           Georgiana                 Stroud              11 494
    Leech          Henry                     Stroud              11 494
    Smith          Edwin James               Stroud              11 494
    Green          Thomas                    Stroud              11 495
    Keene          Mary Ann                  Stroud              11 495
    Allwood        Ellen                     Stroud              11 497
    Browning       Harriett                  Stroud              11 497
    Carsy          Charles                   Stroud              11 497
    Dutfield       Mary Ann                  Stroud ?497         11 497
    Freeman        George                    Stroud              11 497
    Herbert        William                   Stroud              11 497
    Hewlings       Harriett Mary             Stroud              11 497
    Kirby          Beata                     Stroud              11 497
    Window         Enoch                     Stroud              11 497
    Butt           Eliza                     Stroud              11 499
    Dickerson      Caroline                  Stroud              11 499
    Pearce         James                     Stroud              11 499
    Barter         Hannah                    Stroud              11 501
    Cox            Meshach                   Stroud              11 501
    Cole           William                   Stroud              11 503
    Spearing       Sarah Selina              Stroud              11 503
    Burdock        Mary Ann                  Stroud              11 505
    Kennard        John Orrick               Stroud              11 505
    Edmonds        George                    Tetbury             11 507
    Matthews       Jane                      Tetbury             11 507
    Barnfield      Fanny                     Tetbury             11 509
    Bessant        Jeremiah                  Tetbury             11 509
    Cypher         John                      Tetbury             11 509
    Dawson         Harriet                   Tetbury             11 509
    Gibson         Lovday (sic)              Tetbury             11 509
    Lambert        Elizabeth                 Tetbury             11 509
    Lucas          George                    Tetbury             11 509
    Underhill      William                   Tetbury             11 509
    Beard          Sarah                     Tetbury             11 510
    White          William                   Tetbury             11 510
    Cox            Frederick                 Tetbury             11 511
    Fisher         Mary                      Tetbury             11 511
    Lamb           James                     Tesbury             11 511
    Shill          Mary Ann                  Tetbury             11 511
    Wellon         Louisa                    Tewkesbury          11 513
    Williams       Thomas                    Tewkesbury          11 513
    Morris         William                   Tewkesbury          11 515
    Scott          Jane                      Tewkesbury          11 515
    Hatch          Juliana                   Tewkesbury          11 517
    Hulls          John                      Tewkesbury          11 517
    Belcher        George                    Tewkesbury          11 519
    Davis          Esther                    Tewkesbury          11 519
    Clift          Thomas                    Tewkesbury          11 521
    White          Caroline                  Tewkesbury          11 521
    Barnfield      Eleanor                   Tewkesbury          11 523
    Barnfield      Helenor                   Tewkesbury          11 523
    Forty          Charles                   Tewkesbury          11 523
    Hiron          William                   Tewkesbury          11 525
    Stephens       Elizabeth                 Tewkesbury          11 525
    Arkell         Charles                   Tewkesbury          11 527
    Wilkins        Jane                      Tewkesbury          11 527
    Jenkins        Jane                      Tewkesbury          11 529
    Jones          Henry                     Tewkesbury          11 529
    Beesley        Harriet                   Tewkesbury          11 531
    Carter         John                      Tewkesbury          11 531
    Garthridge     William                   Tewkesbury          11 531
    Healey         Ann                       Tewkesbury          11 531
    Hook           William Evans             Tewkesbury          11 531
    Rigby          Ann                       Tewkesbury          11 531
    Sircombe       Richard                   Tewkesbury          11 531
    Sutton         Jane                      Tewkesbury          11 531
    Bacchus        Maria                     Tewkesbury          11 532
    Bullock        Thomas                    Tewkesbury          11 532
    Hale           Elizabeth                 Tewkesbury          11 532
    Holbrooke      Thomas                    Tewkesbury          11 532
    Turner         Sarah                     Tewkesbury          11 532
    Webb           William                   Tewkesbury          11 532
    Hogg           Caroline                  Tewkesbury          11 533
    Smallcomb      Isaac                     Tewkesbury          11 533
    Watts          John                      Tewkesbury          11 533
    Watts          Mary                      Tewkesbury          11 533
    Day            Sarah                     Tewkesbury          11 535
    Martin         John Henry                Tewkesbury          11 535
    Nash           Mary Ann                  Tewkesbury          11 535
    Page           Charles                   Tewkesbury          11 535
    Collins        Eliza                     Tewkesbury          11 537
    Sallis         Edwin                     Tewkesbury          11 537
    Baylis         Julia                     Tewkesbury          11 539
    Drew           Ann                       Tewkesbury          11 539
    Dunn           Joseph                    Tewkesbury          11 539
    Heming         John                      Tewkesbury          11 539
    Hemming        John                      Tewkesbury          11 539
    Cockle         William                   Thornbury           11 541
    Weeks          Matilda                   Thornbury           11 541
    Bennett        William C                 Thornbury           11 543
    Cornock        Ann                       Thornbury           11 543
    Beney          Mary Ann                  Thornbury           11 545
    Merrick        Mary                      Thornbury           11 545
    Mousell        Daniel                    Thornbury           11 545
    Organ          Henry                     Thornbury           11 545
    Pope           John Pearce               Thornbury           11 545
    Taylor         Mary Sophia               Thornbury           11 545
    Thomas         Enock                     Thornbury           11 545
    Watts          Hannah                    Thornbury           11 545
    McLellan       James                     Thornbury           11 546
    Menett         Anne                      Thornbury           11 546
    Esworthy       Elizabeth                 Thornbury           11 547
    Palmer         Thomas                    Thornbury           11 547
    Demmead        Ann                       Thornbury           11 549
    Fowler         Charles                   Thornbury           11 549
    Key            Lucy Wilson               Thornbury           11 549
    Parberry       George                    Thornbury           11 549
    Summers        Thomas                    Thornbury           11 549
    Thorn          Hannah                    Thornbury           11 549
    Grimes         William                   Thornbury           11 551
    Neale          Hannah                    Thornbury           11 551
    Thorne         Frederick                 Thornbury           11 551
    Young          Ann                       Thornbury           11 551
    Blomer         George                    Westbury            11 553
    Bullock        Joseph                    Westbury            11 553
    Hughes         Elizabeth                 Westbury            11 553
    Jones          John                      Westbury            11 553
    Seabright      Sarah                     Westbury            11 553
    Virgo          Ann                       Westbury            11 553
    Causton        Mary Ann                  Westbury            11 555
    Davis          George                    Westbury            11 555
    Jakeman        Joseph                    Westbury            11 555
    Procter        Julia                     Westbury            11 555
    Procter        Juliana                   Westbury            11 555
    Cooper         George                    Westbury            11 557
    Meek           Winnefrid                 Westbury            11 557
    Parry          Eliza                     Westbury            11 557
    Pritchard      William                   Westbury            11 557
    Beddis         Mary Ann                  Westbury            11 559
    Freeman        Samuel                    Westbury            11 559
    Jones          William                   Westbury            11 559
    Morgan         Mary                      Westbury            11 559
    Hale           Naomi                     Westbury            11 561
    Malpas         Josiah                    Westbury            11 561
    Cloudley       Samuel                    Westbury            11 563
    Lloyd          Jane                      Westbury            11 563
    Hill           John Rowland              Westbury            11 565
    Humphries      William                   Westbury            11 565
    Phillips       Harriet                   Westbury            11 565
    Selwyn         Mary                      Westbury            11 565
    Turner         Emma                      Westbury            11 567
    Venn           Enoch                     Westbury            11 567
    Headdon        William                   Westbury            11 569
    Jones          George                    Westbury            11 569
    Roberts        Mary                      Westbury            11 569
    Sims           Anne                      Westbury            11 569
    Belcher        Richard                   Westbury            11 571
    Brint          William                   Westbury            11 571
    French         Harriett                  Westbury            11 571
    Jelf           Elizabeth                 Westbury            11 571
    Ricketts       Elizabeth                 Westbury            11 571
    Wood           Christopher               Westbury            11 571
    Acutt          George                    Westbury            11 573
    Boughton       Jane                      Westbury            11 573
    Evans          William                   Westbury            11 573
    Harper         Eliza                     Westbury            11 573
    Matthews       Joshua                    Westbury            11 573
    Sims           Anne Rees                 Westbury            11 573
    Tingle         Ann                       Westbury            11 573
    Wood           William                   Westbury            11 573
    Clements       Sarah Ann                 Wheatenhurst        11 575
    Davis          Alfred                    Wheatenhurst        11 575
    Cox            Julia Ann                 Wheatenhurst        11 577
    Ruck           William                   Wheatenhurst        11 577
    Brown          William                   Wheatenhurst        11 579
    Butler         Caroline                  Wheatenhurst        11 579
    Davis          Eliza                     Wheatenhurst        11 579
    Evans          Caroline                  Wheatenhurst        11 579
    Holder         James                     Wheatenhurst        11 579
    Witts          George                    Wheatenhurst        11 579
    Allen          Mary Anne                 Wheatenhurst        11 581
    Ellis          David                     Wheatenhurst        11 581
    Cornock        Emma                      Wheatenhurst        11 583
    Jackson        Henry                     Wheatenhurst        11 583
    Dainty         William                   Wheatenhurst        11 585
    Merrett        Amelia                    Wheatenhurst        11 585
    Merrett        Emily                     Wheatenhurst        11 585
    Merritt        Amelia                    Wheatenhurst        11 585
    Merritt        Emily                     Wheatenhurst        11 585
    Berrow         Elizabeth                 Wheatenhurst        11 587
    Everett        John                      Wheatenhurst        11 587
    Humphries      George                    Winchcombe          11 589
    Smith          Mary Ann                  Winchcombe          11 589
    Agg            Caroline                  Winchcombe          11 590
    Parker         Henry                     Winchcombe          11 590
    Fenn           William                   Winchcombe          11 591
    Gibson         George                    Winchcombe          11 591
    Smith          Mary Ann                  Winchcombe          11 591
    Wood           Elizabeth                 Winchcombe          11 591