


District 8 - Dorset/Wiltshire



    This file is one of 27 files covering the 27 volumes
    of the St Catherine's Marriage Index for the March
    quarter of 1849.

    Errors in the St Cath's index are generally shown by
    giving the St Cath's data in square brackets.  For
    example this may indicate that St Cath's gives a wrong
    volume no. or district name.

    Where I am uncertain about a page number, I repeat the
    page no. with a question mark.  Where I am uncertain of
    one digit in a page no. I query that digit.

    All names are sorted into page sequence.  Some pages are
    found to have an uneven no. of entries.  This may reflect
    unclear fiche, or a page-no. error in the index, or may
    in many cases indicate an alias or variant spellings in
    the original record, or simply a double entry of the same
    name.  Or it may be an indexing/copying error at St Cath's.
    Or it may be my error.  If a user of these files is able
    to correct an error, please let me know.  In some cases
    I have been able to clarify the page no. because of the
    number of names in the different pages.

    In many cases I have abbreviated district names but I hope
    they are sufficiently obvious.  Personal names are given in
    full, but where St Cath's shows an abbreviation (eg Elizth
    or Thos) I have shown it highlighted.

    Marriage partners identified through the UK Marriage Witness
    system are indicated.

    Mike Foster
    19 Khouri Avenue
    Wellington, New Zealand      June 1995

    1849/Q1 District 8 - Dorset/Wilts                      Vol Page
    Bowditch     Simon                   Beaminster          8    1
    Bryant       Sarah                   Beaminster          8    1
    Bugler       Eleanor                 Beaminster          8    1
    Hallett      Eliza                   Beaminster          8    1
    Morgan       Elizabeth               Beaminster          8    1
    Paul         George                  Beaminster          8    1
    Simmonds     Charles                 Beaminster          8    1
    Tuck         Thomas                  Beaminster          8    1
    Batty        Charles                 Beaminster          8    3
    Bishop       Jane                    Beaminster          8    3
    Bishop       Eliza                   Beaminster          8    5
    Neale        William                 Beaminster          8    5
    Edwards      Mary                    Beaminster          8    7
    Sartin       James                   Beaminster          8    7
    Cornhill     Jane                    Beaminster          8    9
    Neal         Thomas                  Beaminster          8    9
    Honeyborn    William                 Beaminster          8   11
    Slade        Ellen                   Beaminster          8   11
    Collins      Levi                    Beaminster          8   13
    Collins      Maria                   Beaminster          8   13
    Cave         Elizabeth               Beaminster          8   15
    Raindle      Samuel                  Beaminster          8   15
    Greening     Phillis                 Beaminster          8   17
    Greening     Phyllis                 Beaminster          8   17
    Leg          Robert                  Beaminster          8   17
    Gillingham   Sarah Ann               Beaminster          8   19
    Spirle       James                   Beaminster          8   19
    Butcher      Eliza                   Beaminster          8   21
    Seal         Robert                  Beaminster          8   21
    Lovell       Elizabeth               Blandford           8   22
    Ball         Edmund                  Blandford           8   23
    Brockway     Martha                  Blandford           8   23
    Crouch       Samuel                  Blandford           8   23
    Kendall      Charlotte Jane          Blandford           8   23
    Maidment     Henry                   Blandford           8   23
    Stokes       John                    Blandford           8   23
    White        Jane                    Blandford           8   23
    Adams        James                   Blandford           8   24
    Coffin       Eliza                   Blandford           8   24
    Hart         Richard                 Blandford           8   24
    Malton       Elizabeth Griffin       Blandford           8   24
    March        Sarah                   Blandford           8   24
    Vanner       John                    Blandford           8   24
    Billett      Maria                   Blandford           8   25
    Hain         Samuel                  Blandford           8   25
    Hair         Samuel                  Blandford           8   25
    Hiscock      Henry                   Blandford           8   27
    Pearce       Eliza                   Blandford           8   27
    Jeans        George                  Blandford           8   29
    Pay          Phoebe                  Blandford           8   29
    Belfit       Catherine               Blandford           8   31
    Brockway     John                    Blandford           8   31
    Matthews     Elizabeth               Blandford           8   33
    Stickland    William                 Blandford           8   33
    Chaffey      James                   Blandford           8   35
    Foot         Mary                    Blandford           8   35
    Hain         Ann                     Blandford           8   37
    Hunt         James                   Blandford           8   37
    Jeans        Mary                    Blandford           8   37
    Jeans        Ann                     Blandford           8   37
    Jeans        Edmund                  Blandford           8   37
    Jeans        Edwin                   Blandford           8   37
    Upward       Edmund                  Blandford           8   37
    Upward       Mary Ann                Blandford           8   37
    Ames         Humphrey Edward         Blandford           8   39
    Amos         Humphrey Edward         Blandford           8   39
    Bungay       Mary                    Blandford           8   39
    Gilbert      Eliza                   Blandford           8   41
    Shaddock     William                 Blandford           8   41
    Card         William                 Blandford           8   43
    Hunt         Sarah                   Blandford           8   43
    Hodder       Henry Charles           Bridport            8   45
    Orchard      Marina                  Bridport            8   45
    Ackerman     Susan                   Bridport            8   47
    Bonfield     Martha                  Bridport            8   47
    Bussell      William                 Bridport            8   47
    Bussell      Samuel                  Bridport            8   47
    Dale         Susan                   Bridport            8   47
    Waldron      John                    Bridport            8   47
    Board        Charlotte               Bridport            8   49
    Frend        Ellen                   Bridport            8   49
    Greenham     William                 Bridport            8   49
    Paul         Harriett                Bridport            8   49
    Rendall      John                    Bridport            8   49
    Rowsell      Caroline                Bridport            8   49
    Williams     Richard Oliver          Bridport            8   49
    Worsdell     Thomas                  Bridport (JS)       8   49
    James        Elizabeth               Bridport            8   50
    Smith        William                 Bridport            8   50
    Bargery      Elizabeth               Bridport            8   51
    Dew          Mary                    Bridport            8   51
    Hallett      Robert                  Bridport            8   51
    Miller       James                   Bridport            8   51
    Murley       William                 Bridport            8   51
    Newberry     Charles                 Bridport            8   51
    Stevens      Mary                    Bridport            8   51
    Stone        Frances                 Bridport            8   51
    Hodges       Dorothy                 Bridport            8   53
    Slade        James                   Bridport            8   53
    Forsey       Elizabeth               Bridport            8   54
    Hiscock      Henry                   Bridport            8   54
    Dimond       Isaac                   Bridport            8   55
    Marsh        Mary                    Bridport            8   55
    Bartlett     Emma                    Bridport            8   57
    Rendall      Joseph                  Bridport            8   57
    Sprackling   Sarah                   Bridport            8   57
    Symes        Nathaniel               Bridport            8   57
    Hallett      William                 Bridport            8   59
    Sansom       Charlotte               Bridport            8   59
    Bagg         Thomas                  Bridport            8   61
    Champ        Sarah Christian         Bridport            8   61
    Ferris       George Edward           Bridport            8   61
    Samways      Eliza                   Bridport            8   61
    Northover    Elizabeth               Dorchester          8   63
    Peach        Eli                     Dorchester          8   63
    Paishen      Robert                  Dorchester          8   65
    Willis       Sarah                   Dorchester          8   65
    Bligdon      Mary                    Dorchester          8   67
    Charles      Rachel                  Dorchester          8   67
    Foss         John                    Dorchester          8   67
    Symonds      Charles                 Dorchester          8   67
    Lovel        Frances                 Dorchester          8   69
    Stagg        James                   Dorchester          8   69
    Lacy         Robert                  Dorchester          8   71
    Lee          Sarah                   Dorchester          8   71
    Caines       Charles                 Dorchester          8   73
    Tuck         Jane                    Dorchester          8   73
    Dennett      Thomas                  Dorchester          8   75
    Symes        Sarah Hayward           Dorchester          8   75
    Davis        Martha                  Dorchester          8   77
    Hallett      James                   Dorchester          8   77
    Soper        William                 Dorchester          8   77
    Tarr         Eleanor                 Dorchester          8   77
    Bryer        Charles Gray            Dorchester          8   79
    Kerley       Susan                   Dorchester          8   79
    Cornish      George                  Dorchester          8   81
    Glover       Thomas                  Dorchester          8   81
    Hawkins      Mary Jane               Dorchester          8   81
    Joslyn       Maria                   Dorchester          8   81
    Orchard      Henry                   Dorchester          8   81
    Pitfield     Joseph                  Dorchester          8   81
    Randall      Eliza                   Dorchester          8   81
    Tilly        Harriett Rebecca        Dorchester          8   81
    Collins      William                 Dorchester          8   82
    Hoskins      Phebe                   Dorchester          8   82
    Gillingham   John                    Dorchester          8   83
    Groves       Mary Ann                Dorchester          8   83
    Hansford     Harriott                Dorchester          8   83
    Russell      William                 Dorchester          8   83
    Syms         Anne                    Dorchester          8   85
    Thorn        William                 Dorchester          8   85
    Cross        Elizabeth               Dorchester          8   87
    Seymer       Samuel                  Dorchester          8   87
    Seymour      Samuel                  Dorchester          8   87
    Kingman      Henry                   Dorchester          8   89
    Mitchell     Sophia                  Dorchester          8   89
    De La Nole   Margaretta Lucchesa JaneDorchester          8   91
    West         John Temple             Dorchester          8   91
    Dyer         Robert                  Dorchester          8   93
    Tibbs        Charlotte               Dorchester          8   93
    Tibs         Charlotte               Dorchester          8   93
    Beater       Elizabeth               Dorchester          8   95
    Chalker      Joseph                  Dorchester          8   95
    Cosh         Mary Anne               Dorchester          8   95
    Holland      William                 Dorchester          8   95
    Miller       George                  Dorchester          8   95
    Loveless     Susan Corish            Dorchester          8   97
    Way          Joseph                  Dorchester          8   97
    Brown        John                    Dorchester          8   98
    Bullen       Edith                   Dorchester          8   98
    Mitchell     Frances Amelia Barkett  Dorchester          8   98
    Bartlett     Henry                   Dorchester          8   99
    Trevis       Eliza                   Dorchester          8   99
    Bartlett     Margaret Martin         Dorchester          8  101
    Tizard       James Hawkins           Dorchester          8  101
    Hyde         Jane                    Dorchester          8  102
    Hewer        Mary                    Dorchester          8  103
    Keats        George                  Dorchester          8  103
    Sansom       John                    Dorchester          8  103
    Shepherd     Jane                    Dorchester          8  103
    Smith        Henry                   Dorchester          8  103
    Smith        James                   Dorchester          8  103
    Wright       Mahala                  Dorchester          8  103
    Bishop       William                 Dorchester          8  104
    Daw          Eliza                   Dorchester          8  104
    Dent         Thomas Charles          Dorchester          8  104
    Horner       Elisha                  Dorchester          8  104
    Knott        Marianne                Dorchester          8  104
    Meech        Hannah                  Dorchester          8  104
    Skinner      Mary                    Dorchester          8  104
    Voss         George                  Dorchester          8  104
    Bateman      George                  Dorchester          8  105
    Taylor       Eliza                   Dorchester          8  105
    Barrett      George                  Poole               8  107
    Cole         William                 Poole               8  107
    Corder       Jane                    Poole               8  107
    Mitchell     Jane                    Poole               8  107
    Newman       Emily                   Poole               8  107
    Rollings     Walter                  Poole               8  107
    Sellers      Ellen                   Poole               8  107
    Stainer      George Morgan           Poole               8  107
    Cobb         Caroline                Poole               8  108
    White        Henry Bartholomew       Poole               8  108
    Hickman      William                 Poole               8  109
    James        Louisa                  Poole               8  109
    James        Anne                    Poole               8  109
    Waistcoat    George                  Poole               8  109
    Waistcott    George                  Poole               8  109
    Barnes       Charlotte               Poole               8  111
    Barns        Charlotte               Poole               8  111
    Coles        John                    Poole               8  111
    Hawkins      Charles                 Poole               8  111
    Lather       Rohda (sic)             Poole               8  111
    Latmar       William                 Poole               8  111
    Luther       Ronda                   Poole               8  111
    Poter        Elizabeth               Poole               8  111
    Squire       Caroline                Poole               8  113
    Young        Thomas                  Poole               8  113
    Carlton      Stephen                 Poole               8  115
    Harvey       Ann                     Poole               8  115
    Hine         Henry                   Poole               8  115
    Law          Sarah                   Poole               8  115
    Medway       James John              Poole               8  115
    Stainfield   Joseph                  Poole               8  115
    Stevens      Susan                   Poole               8  115
    Wheeler      Avis                    Poole               8  115
    Chant        Sarah                   Poole               8  116
    Clark        Thomas                  Poole               8  116
    Foot         John                    Poole               8  116
    Gaunder      Ann                     Poole               8  116
    Hancock      Adolphus Augustus       Poole               8  116
    Harley       Matilda Pearce          Poole               8  116
    Harman       William                 Poole               8  116
    Ricketts     Rosanna                 Poole               8  116
    Allen        James                   Poole               8  117
    Crabb        Edward                  Poole               8  117
    Holloway     Elizabeth               Poole               8  117
    Lockyer      Jane                    Poole               8  117
    Street       James Botly             Poole               8  117
    Welstead     Emily Maria             Poole               8  117
    Furner       James Oliver            Poole               8  119
    Kemp         Frances                 Poole               8  119
    Mowlan       Jane                    Poole               8  119
    Saunders     Ambrose Edwin           Poole               8  119
    Bench        Elizabeth               Shaftesbury         8  121
    Rideout      John                    Shaftesbury         8  121
    Short        Rhoda                   Shaftesbury         8  123
    Short        John Frowd              Shaftesbury         8  123
    Broadway     Isabella                Shaftesbury         8  125
    Oborne       George                  Shaftesbury         8  125
    Welch        George                  Shaftesbury         8  125
    Weld         Mary Jane               Shaftesbury         8  125
    Alner        Emily                   Shaftesbury         8  127
    Hoare        John                    Shaftesbury         8  127
    Hoare        Maria                   Shaftesbury         8  127
    Hoare        Richard                 Shaftesbury         8  127
    Arnold       Anna                    Shaftesbury         8  129
    Huse         Mary Ann                Shaftesbury         8  129
    Kolgatt      Maria                   Shaftesbury         8  129
    Pitman       William                 Shaftesbury         8  129
    Shepherd     George                  Shaftesbury         8  129
    Stainer      Charles                 Shaftesbury         8  129
    Gray         George                  Shaftesbury         8  131
    Hopkins      William                 Shaftesbury         8  131
    Jay          Elizabeth               Shaftesbury         8  131
    Lear         Rebecca                 Shaftesbury         8  131
    Stacey       Charles                 Shaftesbury         8  131
    Tuck         Elizabeth               Shaftesbury         8  131
    Hallett      James                   Shaftesbury         8  133
    Isgar        Catharine               Shaftesbury         8  133
    Lodder       Caroline                Shaftesbury         8  135
    Martin       Elizabeth               Shaftesbury         8  135
    Pike         James                   Shaftesbury         8  135
    Pike         George                  Shaftesbury         8  135
    Stone        James                   Shaftesbury         8  135
    Wilkins      Eliza                   Shaftesbury         8  135
    Burt         Mary                    Shaftesbury         8  137
    Harrison     Elizabeth               Shaftesbury         8  137
    Martin       Edward                  Shaftesbury         8  137
    Street       James                   Shaftesbury         8  137
    Allen        Eliza                   Sherborne           8  139
    Hann         George                  Sherborne           8  139
    Holloway     Susannah                Sherborne           8  139
    Miller       Thomas                  Sherborne           8  139
    Bragg        Charles                 Sherborne           8  141
    Parker       Elizabeth               Sherborne           8  141
    Laver        Thomas                  Sherborne           8  143
    Lemon        Elizabeth               Sherborne           8  143
    Durrant      Sarah                   Sherborne           8  145
    Old          Arthur                  Sherborne           8  145
    Jeans        Ann                     Sherborne           8  147
    Lewis        Aaron Hodder            Sherborne           8  147
    Blackmore    Amelia                  Sherborne           8  149
    Blackmore    Charlotte               Sherborne           8  149
    Down         Thomas                  Sherborne           8  149
    Noake        John                    Sherborne           8  149
    Hutchings    Matilda Close           Sherborne           8  151
    Vallis       John Dyke               Sherborne           8  151
    Capel        John                    Sherborne           8  153
    Cox          Charles                 Sherborne           8  153
    Day          George                  Sherborne           8  153
    Goddard      Mary                    Sherborne           8  153
    Lamb         James                   Sherborne           8  153
    Michel       Maria                   Sherborne           8  153
    Miles        Louisa                  Sherborne           8  153
    Sharp        Elizabeth               Sherborne           8  153
    Barrett      Robert                  Sherborne           8  154
    Brackster    Timotheas?              Sherborne           8  154
    Broad        Mary Ann                Sherborne           8  154
    Bush         Fanny                   Sherborne           8  154
    Kendal       Mary                    Sherborne           8  154
    Kendall      Mary                    Sherborne           8  154
    Lawrence     Alan                    Sherborne           8  154
    Russ         Elizabeth               Sherborne           8  154
    Stevens      Wm (sic) Henry          Sherborne           8  154
    Davison      John                    Sherborne           8  155
    Hamblin      James                   Sherborne           8  155
    Hilliar      Frances                 Sherborne           8  155
    Morris       Eliza                   Sherborne           8  155
    Childs       James                   Sherborne           8  157
    Colley       Robert                  Sherborne           8  157
    Jeans        Anna                    Sherborne           8  157
    Wareham      Caroline Charlotte      Sherborne           8  157
    Davis        Susan Ellen             Sherborne           8  159
    Marsh        Henry                   Sherborne           8  159
    Benjafield   George                  Sherborne           8  161
    Benjafield   Jane                    Sherborne           8  161
    Brooks       Isaac                   Sherborne           8  161
    Coombes      John                    Sherborne           8  161
    Ford         Amelia                  Sherborne           8  161
    Hodges       John                    Sherborne           8  161
    Roberts      Jane                    Sherborne           8  161
    Tite         Eliza                   Sherborne           8  161
    Caddy        Ann                     Sherborne           8  162
    Curtis       William                 Sherborne           8  162
    Priest       John                    Sherborne           8  162
    Trowbridge   Ellen Kingman           Sherborne           8  162
    Francis      James                   Sturminster         8  163
    Gillingham   Betsey                  Sturminster         8  163
    Parrock      Martha                  Sturminster         8  165
    Parrock      John                    Sturminster         8  165
    Percy        Henry                   Sturminster         8  165
    Watts        Anne                    Sturminster         8  165
    Aish         Mary                    Sturminster         8  167
    Butt         Eliza                   Sturminster         8  167
    Coombs       George Charles          Sturminster         8  167
    Dike         Susanna                 Sturminster         8  167
    Lodder       George                  Sturminster         8  167
    Webber       William                 Sturminster         8  167
    Ballam       Eliza                   Sturminster         8  169
    Besant       Mary Pitt               Sturminster         8  169
    Bessant      Mary Pitt               Sturminster         8  169
    Green        Joseph                  Sturminster         8  169
    Hutchings    Nathaniel               Sturminster         8  169
    Lambard      Martha                  Sturminster         8  169
    Lambert      Martha                  Sturminster         8  169
    Lilly        John                    Sturminster         8  169
    Meaden       James                   Sturminster         8  169
    Rowland      Sarah                   Sturminster         8  169
    Briggs       Thomas                  Wareham             8  171
    Burden       Mary                    Wareham             8  171
    Barnes       Maria                   Wareham             8  173
    Gould        Elizabeth Ann           Wareham             8  173
    Lanning      James                   Wareham             8  173
    Lovell       William                 Wareham             8  173
    Standerwick  Ruth                    Wareham             8  173
    Voss         Robert                  Wareham             8  173
    Way          Martha                  Wareham             8  173
    Baker        Jane                    Wareham             8  175
    Baker        John                    Wareham             8  175
    Crumpler     Thomas Gilbert          Wareham             8  175
    Orchard      Joseph                  Wareham             8  175
    Roberts      Ann                     Wareham             8  175
    Welstead     Elizabeth               Wareham             8  175
    Guy          Robert                  Wareham             8  177
    Hayso***     Ann                     Wareham             8  177
    Trent        Jane                    Wareham             8  177
    Dredge       William                 Wareham             8  179
    Dyke         Thomas                  Wareham             8  179
    Row          Mary Dioffatt           Wareham             8  179
    Langford     Ann                     Wareham             8  181
    Lucas        George                  Wareham             8  181
    Millen       William Henry           Wareham             8  181
    Millen       Sarah Jane              Wareham             8  181
    Miller       Sarah Jane              Wareham             8  181
    Miller       William Henry           Wareham             8  181
    Burt         John                    Wareham             8  183
    Hanwell      Frances                 Wareham             8  183
    Hicks        Ann                     Wareham             8  183
    Smith        John                    Wareham             8  183
    Allen        William                 Wareham             8  185
    Burt         George                  Wareham             8  185
    English      Charles                 Wareham             8  185
    Grant        Ann Amelia              Wareham             8  185
    Miller       Priscilla               Wareham             8  185
    Short        James                   Wareham             8  185
    Squibb       Harriet                 Wareham             8  185
    Stickland    George                  Wareham             8  186
    Toms         Harriet                 Wareham             8  186
    Wallis       Richard                 Wareham             8  186
    Filliter     Sarah                   Wareham             8  187
    Hunter       Thomas                  Wareham             8  187
    Toms         Elizabeth               Wareham             8  187
    Bowne        Mary                    Weymouth            8  189
    Galpin       Mary Jane               Weymouth            8  189
    Loveless     John                    Weymouth            8  189
    Player       John                    Weymouth            8  189
    Bunn         Joseph                  Weymouth            8  191
    Greening     Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  191
    Rashleigh    Charles                 Weymouth            8  191
    Winzar       Mary                    Weymouth            8  191
    Beer         Sarah                   Weymouth            8  193
    Dodge        Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  193
    Hine         Emma                    Weymouth            8  193
    Jey          William Manning         Weymouth            8  193
    Legg         Mary Yeats Gifford      Weymouth            8  193
    Miller       John Thomas Ellis       Weymouth            8  193
    Reynolds     Bishop                  Weymouth            8  193
    Talbot       Thomas                  Weymouth            8  193
    Carrell      Susan                   Weymouth            8  194
    Drew         Richard Randall         Weymouth            8  194
    Lovell       Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  194
    Sandey       Maria                   Weymouth            8  194
    Towars       William                 Weymouth            8  194
    Winzar       William                 Weymouth            8  194
    Bartlett     John                    Weymouth            8  195
    Coombs       Ann                     Weymouth            8  195
    Bennett      Rebecca                 Weymouth            8  197
    Collins      Benjamin                Weymouth            8  197
    Cook         Rebecca Arabella        Weymouth            8  197
    Dimmock      Charles                 Weymouth            8  197
    Gates        George                  Weymouth            8  197
    Newton       Robert Thomas           Weymouth            8  197
    White        Elizabeth Scriven Fleur Weymouth            8  197
    White        Charlotte Drusilla      Weymouth            8  197
    Bennett      Susanna Pearce          Weymouth            8  199
    Gibbs        Christopher             Weymouth            8  199
    Rod          Isaac                   Weymouth            8  199
    Stodgel      Ann                     Weymouth            8  199
    Hancox       Ann                     Weymouth            8  201
    Richards     George                  Weymouth            8  201
    Major        James                   Weymouth            8  203
    Tizard       Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  203
    Tizard       Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  203
    New          Thomas                  Weymouth            8  205
    Trent        Frances                 Weymouth            8  205
    Bartlett     Martha                  Weymouth            8  207
    Bennett      Emma                    Weymouth            8  207
    Burgess      George                  Weymouth            8  207
    Denner       John                    Weymouth            8  207
    Dew          Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  207
    Samways      Edward                  Weymouth            8  207
    Bird         Matthew Edward          Weymouth            8  209
    Carter       Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  209
    Hibbs        Liddy                   Weymouth            8  209
    Hodges       Mary                    Weymouth            8  209
    Roberts      Louisa                  Weymouth            8  209
    Sanders      William Schollar        Weymouth            8  209
    Stone        Charles Henry           Weymouth            8  209
    Valens       Edward                  Weymouth            8  209
    Allen        Thomas                  Weymouth            8  210
    Frampton     Mary                    Weymouth            8  210
    Thresher     Eliza                   Weymouth            8  210
    Beale        Jane                    Weymouth            8  211
    Chapman      Abraham                 Weymouth            8  211
    Forse        George Cox              Weymouth            8  211
    Haynes       Edward                  Weymouth? ?211      8  211
    Kanes        Grace                   Weymouth            8  211
    Morgan       Mary Ann                Weymouth            8  211
    Tizard       James                   Weymouth            8  211
    Warrell      Thomas                  Weymouth            8  211
    Webb         Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  211
    Goddard      Harriet                 Weymouth            8  212
    Hanger       Charles                 Weymouth            8  212
    Inkpen       Elizabeth Ann           Weymouth            8  212
    Loder        George                  Weymouth            8  212
    Paul         William Edward          Weymouth            8  212
    Summers      Elizabeth               Weymouth            8  212
    Thomas       John                    Weymouth            8  212
    Vincent      Anne                    Weymouth            8  212
    Harris       Henry                   Wimborne            8  213
    Parsons      Martha                  Wimborne            8  213
    Coombs       John                    Wimborne            8  215
    Lockyer      Charles                 Wimborne            8  215
    Rose         Charlotte               Wimborne            8  215
    Stanford     Eliza                   Wimborne            8  215
    Fuge         Charlotte               Wimborne            8  217
    Harwood      John                    Wimborne            8  217
    Davis        Thirza                  Wimborne            8  218
    Davis        James                   Wimborne            8  218
    Dewey        Augusta                 Wimborne            8  219
    Hunt         Charles                 Wimborne            8  219
    Frampton     Mary                    Wimborne            8  221
    Gubbins      William                 Wimborne            8  221
    Lush         Elizabeth               Wimborne            8  221
    Spearing     Joseph                  Wimborne            8  221
    Burridge     Robert                  Wimborne            8  223
    Derrick      Marina                  Wimborne            8  223
    Jesse        John                    Wimborne            8  223
    Moxam        Ann                     Wimborne            8  223
    Moxam        John                    Wimborne            8  223
    Moxham       Ann                     Wimborne            8  223
    Moxham       John                    Wimborne            8  223
    Pottle       Sarah                   Wimborne            8  223
    Chaffy       Robert                  Wimborne            8  225
    Whiffen      Kezia                   Wimborne            8  225
    Bennett      George                  Wimborne            8  227
    Carter       Jane                    Wimborne            8  227
    Giles        William                 Wimborne            8  227
    Short        Edna Cecilia            Wimborne            8  227
    Blandford    John                    Wimborne            8  228
    Foot         Martha                  Wimborne            8  228
    Star         Thomas                  Wimborne            8  228
    Young        Jane                    Wimborne            8  228
    Batter       Elizabeth               Wimborne            8  229
    Cuff         Henry                   Wimborne            8  229
    Gover        Charles                 Wimborne            8  229
    Hurll        Caroline                Wimborne            8  229
    Jacobs       Sarah                   Wimborne            8  229
    Knott        Anna Maria              Wimborne            8  229
    Panzera      Anthony Joseph Ignatius Wimborne            8  229
    Pleace       William                 Wimborne            8  229
    Jones        Henry                   Wimborne            8  231
    Shepard      Ellen                   Wimborne            8  231
    Hillard      Mary                    Wimborne            8  233
    Spearing     Harriet                 Wimborne            8  233
    Young        Robert                  Wimborne            8  233
    Young        Stephen                 Wimborne            8  233
    Best         Henry                   Wimborne            8  235
    Chapman      William                 Wimborne            8  235
    Dunford      Mary                    Wimborne            8  235
    Early        Ellen                   Wimborne            8  235
    Saunders     Henry                   Wimborne            8  235
    Spurrier     Sarah                   Wimborne            8  235
    Williams     Virtue                  Wimborne            8  235
    Butler       George                  Christchurch        8  237
    Dixon        Julia                   Christchurch        8  237
    Ginn         Martha Moore            Christchurch        8  237
    Ginn         Martha Moore            Christchurch        8  237
    Pitt         Thomas                  Christchurch        8  237
    Plumer       Mary                    Christchurch        8  237
    Plummer      Mary                    Christchurch        8  237
    Randle       George                  Christchurch        8  237
    Troke        Jane                    Christchurch        8  237
    Wilson       Edward Arthur           Christchurch        8  237
    Day          Susanna                 Christchurch        8  239
    Travers      John                    Christchurch        8  239
    Cox          Anna Maria              Christchurch        8  241
    Jenkins      Henry West              Christchurch        8  241
    Keeping      Sarah                   Christchurch        8  241
    Starks       George                  Christchurch        8  241
    Barrow       Stephen                 Christchurch        8  243
    Barrow       Susannah                Christchurch        8  243
    New          Stephen                 Christchurch        8  243
    Wheeler      Emma                    Christchurch        8  243
    Ells         Mary Ann                Fordingbridge       8  245
    Parrott      George                  Fordingbridge       8  245
    Webb         Charles                 Fordingbridge       8  245
    Wheatley     Elizabeth               Fordingbridge       8  245
    Downer       Fanny                   Fordingbridge       8  246
    Roberts      Stephen                 Fordingbridge       8  246
    Brothers     John                    Fordingbridge       8  247
    Henbest      Mary                    Fordingbridge       8  247
    Henbest      Robert                  Fordingbridge       8  247
    Marlow       James                   Fordingbridge       8  247
    Mouland      Fanny                   Fordingbridge       8  247
    Pope         Elizabeth               Fordingbridge       8  247
    Rose         James                   Fordingbridge       8  247
    Turner       Fanny                   Fordingbridge       8  247
    Andrews      Mary                    Fordingbridge       8  248
    Bacon        Charlotte               Fordingbridge       8  248
    Britten      Francis                 Fordingbridge       8  248
    Frampton     Elizabeth               Fordingbridge       8  248
    Hawkins      Martha                  Fordingbridge       8  248
    Hayward      John                    Fordingbridge       8  248
    Keith        William                 Fordingbridge       8  248
    Martin       James                   Fordingbridge       8  248
    Baron        Charlotte               Fordingbridge       8  249
    Herrington   Jane                    Fordingbridge       8  249
    Hurll        George                  Fordingbridge       8  249
    Lawer        George                  Fordingbridge       8  249
    Marks        Henry                   Fordingbridge       8  249
    White        Elizabeth               Fordingbridge       8  249
    Witt         Ann                     Fordingbridge       8  249
    Cox          John                    Fordingbridge       8  251
    Jolliffe     Elizabeth               Fordingbridge       8  251
    Warne        Sarah                   Fordingbridge       8  253
    Wilson       William                 Fordingbridge       8  253
    Earney       Eliza                   Fordingbridge       8  255
    Earney       George                  Fordingbridge       8  255
    Earney       Maria                   Fordingbridge       8  255
    Ralph        Alfred                  Fordingbridge       8  255
    Coles        Ann                     Lymington           8  257
    David        Eliza                   Lymington           8  257
    Monk         Joseph                  Lymington           8  257
    Mursell      William                 Lymington           8  257
    Pottle       Elizabeth               Lymington           8  257
    Salter       Harriett                Lymington           8  257
    StJohn       Henry                   Lymington           8  257
    Ward         James                   Lymington           8  257
    Allison      Henry White             Lymington           8  258
    Bran         Matilda                 Lymington           8  258
    Dunkinson    Mary                    Lymington           8  259
    Young        Joseph                  Lymington           8  259
    Clench       Elizabeth               Lymington           8  261
    Dudman       Harriet                 Lymington           8  261
    Reed         James                   Lymington           8  261
    Rickman      Michael                 Lymington           8  261
    Cole         John Wavell             Lymington           8  263
    Curtis       Henry                   Lymington           8  263
    Cutler       Amelia                  Lymington           8  263
    Dagwell      Phoebe                  Lymington           8  263
    Hookey       William                 Lymington           8  263
    Knight       Mary                    Lymington           8  263
    Payne        Richard                 Lymington           8  263
    Read         Martha Ann              Lymington           8  263
    Bastable     George Thomas           Lymington           8  265
    Cole         Elizabeth               Lymington           8  265
    Symonds      John Jermyn             Lymington           8  265
    Wilson       Alethea Seymour         Lymington           8  265
    West         John                    Lymington           8  267
    Wheeler      Emma                    Lymington           8  267
    Lewis        Anne                    Lymington           8  269
    Rogers       Mary Jane               Lymington           8  269
    Stride       Heribert (sic)          Lymington           8  269
    Veal         Joseph                  Lymington           8  269
    Biel         Elizabeth               N Forest            8  271
    Bundy        Mary                    N Forest            8  271
    Harvey       Elizabeth               N Forest            8  271
    Jarman       Thomas                  N Forest            8  271
    Purse        Maria                   N Forest            8  271
    Shilley      John                    N Forest            8  271
    White        Stephen                 N Forest            8  271
    White        James                   N Forest            8  271
    Bumstead     John                    N Forest            8  273
    Cooper       Mary                    N Forest            8  273
    Bowle        Henry                   N Forest            8  275
    Harding      Mary Ann                N Forest ?285       8  275
    Holland      Susan                   N Forest            8  275
    Bannister    Charlotte               N Forest            8  277
    Carpenter    Thomas                  N Forest            8  277
    Bundy        Elizabeth               N Forest            8  279
    Eldridge     Mary                    N Forest            8  279
    Eldridge     William                 N Forest            8  279
    Webb         Alexander               N Forest            8  279
    Blake        Samuel                  N Forest            8  281
    Pointer      Anne                    N Forest            8  281
    Lambert      John Henry              N Forest            8  283
    Wyatt        Alexina Louisa          N Forest            8  283
    Harding      Sarah Ann               N Forest            8  285
    Howles       Mary                    N Forest            8  285
    Longman      Thomas                  N Forest            8  285
    South        Harry                   N Forest            8  285
    Broomfield   Charles                 N Forest            8  287
    Read         Ann                     N Forest            8  287
    Hayter       Thomas                  Ringwood            8  289
    Read         Eliza                   Ringwood            8  289
    Crumpler     Charles                 Ringwood            8  291
    Masters      Mary Martha             Ringwood            8  291
    Ballard      Elizabeth               Ringwood            8  293
    Hatcher      Sarah                   Ringwood            8  293
    Newman       Mary Jane               Ringwood            8  293
    Rossiter     George                  Ringwood            8  293
    Scammell     William                 Ringwood            8  293
    Skeats       William                 Ringwood            8  293
    Staples      Jane                    Ringwood            8  293
    White        John                    Ringwood            8  293
    Barnes       James                   Ringwood            8  295
    Hatcher      Kezia                   Ringwood            8  295
    Morris       Edward                  Ringwood            8  295
    Pargett      Isaac                   Ringwood            8  295
    Targett      Isaac                   Ringwood            8  295
    White        Ann                     Ringwood            8  295
    Wooldridge   Ellen                   Ringwood            8  295
    Furmidge     Ann                     IOW                 8  297
    Miller       John                    IOW                 8  297
    Miller       William                 IOW                 8  297
    Wall         Hannah                  IOW                 8  297
    Goodall      James                   IOW                 8  299
    Love         Harriett                IOW                 8  299
    Birch        Stephen Peake           IOW                 8  301
    Stone        Helena Jane             IOW                 8  301
    Abrook       Thomas                  IOW                 8  303
    Dore         Sarah                   IOW                 8  303
    Jacobs       Hannah                  IOW                 8  303
    Paul         Charles                 IOW                 8  303
    Goodman      James                   IOW                 8  305
    Lee          Samuel Charles          IOW                 8  305
    Osborne      Caroline Mary           IOW                 8  305
    Sandwith     Charlotte               IOW                 8  305
    Simmonds     Sarah                   IOW                 8  305
    Simmons      Sarah                   IOW                 8  305
    Wadham       Harriet                 IOW                 8  305
    Wheeler      Henry                   IOW                 8  305
    Windebank    James                   IOW                 8  305
    Cavell       Elizabeth               IOW                 8  307
    Dyer         James                   IOW                 8  307
    Fry          John                    IOW                 8  307
    Gatrelle     George                  IOW                 8  307
    Plumbley     Eliza                   IOW                 8  307
    Read         Daniel                  IOW                 8  307
    Simmonds     Mary Ann                IOW                 8  307
    Petty        Jane                    IOW a               8  308
    White        Alfred                  IOW a               8  308
    Allen        Sarah                   IOW                 8  309
    Bartlett     Harriet                 IOW                 8  309
    Chiverton    Jane                    IOW                 8  309
    Gabelle      George                  IOW                 8  309
    Scott        John Edmund             IOW                 8  309
    Smith        George                  IOW                 8  309
    Williams     Edward                  IOW                 8  309
    Young        Frances                 IOW                 8  309
    Notten       John                    IOW                 8  311
    Tayler       Ann                     IOW                 8  311
    Arnold       James                   IOW                 8  313
    Civil        Emily                   IOW                 8  313
    Claughton    Henry                   IOW                 8  313
    Crossin      Jane                    IOW                 8  313
    Derrick      Mary Jane               IOW                 8  313
    Flux         Eliza                   IOW                 8  313
    Ford         William                 IOW                 8  313
    Row          Henry                   IOW                 8  313
    Barnes       James                   IOW                 8  314
    Elderfield   Elizabeth               IOW                 8  314
    Hollis       Harriet                 IOW                 8  314
    Lane         Mary Anne               IOW                 8  314
    Puddick      Charles                 IOW                 8  314
    Ratsey       Michael                 IOW                 8  314
    Russell      Edward                  IOW                 8  314
    Underwood    Jane                    IOW                 8  314
    Attrill      Ann                     IOW                 8  315
    Davis        Jane                    IOW                 8  315
    Flux         Louisa                  IOW                 8  315
    Gaulton      Jane                    IOW                 8  315
    Hollis       William James           IOW                 8  315
    Pomeroy      William                 IOW                 8  315
    Richards     John                    IOW                 8  315
    Whitticom    James                   IOW                 8  315
    Hayward      Jane                    IOW                 8  317
    Porter       Ruth                    IOW                 8  317
    Sinden       Henry                   IOW                 8  317
    Smythers     William                 IOW                 8  317
    Wearn        Louisa Waydene          IOW                 8  317
    Whitfield    John William            IOW                 8  317
    Abraham      Anne                    IOW                 8  319
    Wavell       Edith                   IOW                 8  319
    Blake        Charles Paget           IOW                 8  321
    Butt         Maria                   IOW                 8  321
    Cave         Susannah                IOW                 8  321
    Cooke        Caroline                IOW                 8  321
    Jay          William                 IOW                 8  321
    Leigh        Ellen                   IOW                 8  321
    Nicholas     William                 IOW                 8  321
    Rashley      George                  IOW                 8  321
    Vine         Thomas                  IOW                 8  321
    Jackman      John                    IOW                 8  323
    Oxford       Eliza                   IOW                 8  323
    Ratsey       Charles                 IOW ?325            8  323
    Way          Henry                   IOW                 8  325
    White        Ann                     IOW                 8  325
    Booker       Ann                     IOW                 8  327
    Grant        Fanny                   IOW                 8  327
    Homer        Eliza                   IOW                 8  327
    James        Martha                  IOW                 8  327
    Riley        Thomas                  IOW                 8  327
    Russell      Henry                   IOW                 8  327
    Taken        Patrick                 IOW                 8  327
    Whittington  Henry                   IOW                 8  327
    Dabell       Charlotte               IOW                 8  328
    Guy          Robert                  IOW                 8  328
    Harvey       Malcham                 IOW                 8  328
    Hendy        Fanny                   IOW                 8  328
    Loader       Elizabeth               IOW                 8  328
    Norris       James                   IOW                 8  328
    White        Elizabeth Peake         IOW                 8  328
    Bartlett     Edith Elizabeth         IOW                 8  329
    Brading      Mary                    IOW                 8  329
    Dyer         Leonard                 IOW                 8  329
    Gosden       Henry                   IOW                 8  329
    Phillips     Eliza                   IOW                 8  329
    Prangnell    George                  IOW                 8  329
    Slight       Elizabeth               IOW                 8  329
    Cassford     Ann                     IOW                 8  330
    Harding      Charles                 IOW                 8  330
    Long         James                   IOW                 8  330
    Scott        Ann                     IOW                 8  330
    Barkham      Jane Mary Ann           IOW                 8  331
    Dyer         Charles                 IOW                 8  331
    Gibbons      Eliza                   IOW                 8  331
    Jennings     Jeremiah                IOW                 8  331
    Mann         Thomas                  IOW                 8  331
    Stamp        Eliza                   IOW                 8  331
    Baker        Benjamin                IOW                 8  333
    Hacker       Mary                    IOW                 8  333
    Blake        Susan                   Alderbury           8  335
    England      Job                     Alderbury           8  335
    Gray         Elizabeth               Alderbury           8  335
    Pople        John                    Alderbury           8  335
    Coombs       Selina                  Alderbury           8  337
    Gait         Sidney William          Alderbury           8  337
    Allsop       John                    Alderbury           8  339
    Kimber       Marianne                Alderbury           8  339
    Bundy        Charles                 Alderbury           8  341
    Champ        William                 Alderbury           8  341
    Honeywell    Elizabeth               Alderbury           8  341
    Musselwhite  Eliza Jane              Alderbury           8  341
    Warner       Augusta                 Alderbury           8  341
    White        William                 Alderbury           8  341
    White        Betsey                  Alderbury           8  343
    Gale         John                    Alderbury           8  345
    Holland      Edwin O'Reilly          Alderbury           8  345
    Ings         William Jones           Alderbury           8  345
    Kite         Mary                    Alderbury           8  345
    Mullins      Anna Maria              Alderbury           8  345
    Peckham      Edward                  Alderbury ?4        8  345
    Simper       Matilda                 Alderbury ?5        8  345
    Smokem       James                   Alderbury           8  345
    Stainton     Elizabeth Emily         Alderbury           8  345
    Blake        Ann                     Alderbury           8  346
    Feltham      Richard                 Alderbury           8  346
    Sanger       Edward                  Alderbury           8  346
    Whatley      Grace                   Alderbury           8  346
    Cooper       Phoebe                  Alderbury           8  347
    Cooper       William Topp            Alderbury           8  347
    Holt         George                  Alderbury           8  348
    Collins      Elizabeth Ann           Alderbury           8  349
    Jolliffe     Mary                    Alderbury           8  349
    Mullens      Noah                    Alderbury           8  349
    Uphill       James                   Alderbury           8  349
    England      Anna                    Alderbury           8  350
    Nicholas     Sarah                   Alderbury           8  351
    Street       John                    Alderbury           8  351
    Bradley      Jane                    Alderbury           8  353
    Newman       John                    Alderbury           8  353
    Cooper       Daniel                  Alderbury           8  355
    Hayter       Harriet                 Alderbury           8  355
    Nicholas     Grace                   Alderbury           8  355
    Spreadbury   George                  Amesbury            8  357
    Willis       Jane                    Amesbury            8  357
    Elliott      Henry                   Alderbury           8  359
    Gray         Lucy                    Amesbury            8  359
    Long         Thomas                  Amesbury            8  359
    Thorn        Charles                 Amesbury            8  359
    Waters       Leah                    Amesbury            8  359
    Cook         George                  Amesbury            8  361
    Hillier      Elizabeth               Amesbury            8  361
    Crouch       James                   Amesbury            8  363
    Wiltshire    Sarah Sophia            Amesbury            8  363
    Robinson     Robert                  Amesbury            8  365
    Strange      Emily                   Amesbury            8  365
    Carter       Eliza                   Amesbury            8  367
    Goodfellow   Elizabeth Carter        Amesbury            8  367
    Leng         William                 Amesbury            8  367
    Lennard      John                    Amesbury            8  367
    Long         William                 Amesbury            8  367
    Shergold     Hannah                  Amesbury            8  367
    Shurgold     Hannah                  Amesbury            8  367
    Adlem        Jane                    Amesbury            8  369
    Alexander    John                    Amesbury            8  369
    Goddard      Mary                    Amesbury            8  369
    Goddard      John                    Amesbury            8  369
    Sainsbury    William                 Amesbury            8  371
    Vallis       Elizabeth               Amesbury            8  371
    Giddings     Thirza                  Amesbury            8  373
    Lawes        Ann                     Amesbury            8  373
    Laws         Ann                     Amesbury            8  373
    Mead         Elijah                  Amesbury            8  373
    Trueman      John                    Amesbury            8  373
    Barnes       Eliza                   Amesbury            8  375
    Neate        Henry Daniel            Amesbury            8  375
    White        Anna                    Amesbury            8  375
    White        Richard                 Amesbury            8  375
    White        Annah                   Amesbury            8  375
    Bennett      Thomas                  Amesbury            8  377
    Cook         Caroline                Amesbury            8  377
    Barrett      William                 Amesbury            8  379
    Burford      Sarah                   Amesbury            8  379
    North        James                   Amesbury            8  379
    Ovens        Mary                    Amesbury            8  379
    Lane         John                    Bradford W          8  381
    Toone        Mary Ann                Bradford W          8  381
    Austin       Ann                     Bradford W          8  383
    Coles        Elizabeth               Bradford W          8  383
    Goldsworthy  William                 Bradford W          8  383
    Howell       James                   Bradford W ?383     8  383
    Jennings     Mary Ann                Bradford W          8  383
    Ovens        James                   Bradford W          8  383
    Stokes       James                   Bradford W          8  383
    Atkins       Francis Thomas          Bradford W          8  384
    Batten       Mary                    Bradford W          8  384
    Bowyer       Elizabeth Caroline      Bradford W          8  384
    Emery        Jane                    Bradford W          8  384
    Guley        James                   Bradford W          8  384
    James        John                    Bradford W          8  384
    Elliott      William                 Bradford W          8  385
    Notton       Ann                     Bradford W ?389     8  385
    Parker       Elizabeth               Bradford W          8  385
    Tucker       Joseph                  Bradford W          8  385
    Wait         Mary                    Bradford W ?385     8  385
    Ferris       Sarah                   Bradford W          8  387
    Scott        Barnard                 Bradford W          8  387
    Chappel      Eliza                   Bradford W          8  389
    Millard      Thomas                  Bradford W          8  389
    Harper       Mary                    Bradford W          8  391
    Hobbs        Worthy                  Bradford W          8  391
    Cook         Mary                    Bradford W ?395     8  393
    Hiscocks     Mary Ann                Bradford W ?395     8  393
    James        Elias Isaac             Bradford W [Yks]    8  393
    Beaven       Joseph                  Bradford W          8  395
    Gardner      Emma                    Bradford W          8  395
    Martin       Virtue                  Bradford W          8  395
    Mayell       George                  Bradford W          8  395
    Smith        Frederick               Bradford W          8  395
    Angel        Ann                     Calne               8  397
    Brindsden    John                    Calne               8  397
    Lewis        James                   Calne               8  397
    Lumbler      CAroline                Calne               8  397
    Pinniger     Marianna                Calne               8  397
    Trimling     George                  Calne               8  397
    Watson       Mary                    Calne               8  397
    Weston       Robert                  Calne               8  397
    Fortune      Caroline                Calne               8  398
    Holly        William                 Calne               8  398
    Batt         Richard                 Calne               8  399
    Stevenson    Sarah                   Calne               8  399
    Heneage      Matilda Harriet Walker  Calne               8  401
    Sutton       Henry George            Calne               8  401
    Fell         Mary Ann                Calne               8  403
    Gregory      George                  Calne               8  403
    Hand         Elizabeth               Calne               8  403
    Hand         Jacob                   Calne               8  403
    Little       Sophia                  Calne               8  403
    Sprules      John                    Calne               8  403
    Stevenson    Joseph                  Calne               8  405
    Vines        Elizabeth               Calne               8  405
    Hazell       Martha                  Calne               8  407
    Pinniger     Joseph                  Calne               8  407
    Gale         William                 Chippenham          8  409
    Newman       Elizabeth               Chippenham          8  409
    Fry          Ann                     Chippenham          8  411
    Neat         William                 Chippenham          8  411
    Calvert      Elizabeth Grace         Chippenham          8  413
    Clifford     Henry                   Chippenham          8  413
    Curtis       Hannah                  Chippenham          8  413
    Hale         Mathew (sic)            Chippenham          8  413
    Harris       Isabella Frances        Chippenham          8  413
    Lane         John                    Chippenham          8  413
    Lifety       Jane                    Chippenham          8  413
    Sage         Frederick Charles       Chippenham          8  413
    Austin       Shadrach                Chippenham          8  414
    Summers      Matilda                 Chippenham          8  414
    Bath         Eliza                   Chippenham          8  415
    Bath         Charles                 Chippenham          8  415
    Compton      Joseph                  Chippenham          8  415
    Isaacs       Rebecca                 Chippenham          8  415
    Isaacs       Rebekah                 Chippenham          8  415
    Morris       Edward                  Chippenham          8  415
    Summers      Hannah                  Chippenham          8  415
    Warry        Mary Amelia             Chippenham          8  415
    Wilkins      Jasper                  Chippenham          8  415
    Coward       Thomas                  Chippenham          8  417
    Franklin     Mary Ann                Chippenham          8  417
    Mizen        William Charles         Chippenham          8  417
    Plummer      Anna Maria              Chippenham          8  417
    Banks        Sarah                   Chippenham          8  419
    Hull         James                   Chippenham          8  419
    Light        William                 Chippenham          8  419
    Sealy        Sophia                  Chippenham          8  419
    Clifford     James                   Chippenham          8  421
    Gough        Mary Ann                Chippenham          8  421
    Isaac        Jane                    Chippenham          8  423
    Lanham       Henry                   Chippenham          8  423
    Fry          Mary                    Chippenham          8  425
    Wheeler      John                    Chippenham          8  425
    Cole         Mary Anne               Chippenham          8  427
    Coller       Thomas                  Chippenham          8  427
    Milsom       Charlotte               Chippenham          8  429
    Neate        William                 Chippenham          8  429
    Wiltshire    Ellen                   Chippenham          8  429
    Wiltshire    Nathan                  Chippenham          8  429
    Lewis        Sarah                   Cricklade           8  431
    Tuck         Henry                   Cricklade           8  431
    Boulton      Maria                   Cricklade           8  433
    Cuss         Nevil                   Cricklade           8  433
    Ferris       John Saiste?            Cricklade           8  433
    Pike         Elizabeth               Cricklade           8  433
    Read         Gideon Henry Mackenzie  Cricklade           8  433
    Wakefield    Henrietta               Cricklade           8  433
    Herbert      Eliza                   Cricklade           8  435
    Strong       John                    Cricklade           8  435
    Houlday      Lewis                   Cricklade           8  437
    Simmons      Sophia                  Cricklade           8  437
    Dore         Elizabeth               Cricklade           8  439
    Ocwell       Benjamin                Cricklade           8  439
    Palmer       William                 Cricklade           8  439
    Poulton      Emma Jane               Cricklade           8  439
    Comeley      Eliz: (sic)             Cricklade           8  441
    Millard      Mary                    Cricklade           8  441
    Packer       William                 Cricklade           8  441
    Ruddle       Jane                    Cricklade           8  441
    Smith        Andrew                  Cricklade           8  441
    Wheeler      John                    Cricklade           8  441
    Bidmead      Ann                     Cricklade           8  443
    Hitchings    James                   Cricklade           8  443
    Rumming      William                 Cricklade           8  443
    Tuck         Jane                    Cricklade           8  443
    Landfear     Sarah                   Cricklade           8  445
    Sheldon      John York Rudler        Cricklade           8  445
    Brown        George                  Devizes             8  447
    Wotton       Ann                     Devizes             8  447
    Cooksey      Hannah                  Devizes             8  449
    Gee          Elizabeth               Devizes             8  449
    Gregory      Thomas                  Devizes             8  449
    Paget        Stephen                 Devizes             8  449
    Hayward      Mary Ann                Devizes             8  451
    Pinniger     William                 Devizes             8  451
    Baker        Marian                  Devizes             8  453
    Cole         James                   Devizes             8  453
    Bennett      Charles                 Devizes             8  455
    Cox          Thomas Harris           Devizes             8  455
    Davis        George                  Devizes             8  455
    Gumm         Mary                    Devizes             8  455
    Hughes       Elizabeth               Devizes             8  455
    Maslen       Stephen                 Devizes             8  455
    Norris       Sarah                   Devizes             8  455
    Stone        Grace                   Devizes             8  455
    Carnal       Charles                 Devizes             8  456
    Webley       Jane Mary               Devizes             8  456
    Brewer       John                    Devizes             8  457
    Giddings     Mary                    Devizes             8  457
    Gilbert      Mary                    Devizes             8  457
    Grant        William                 Devizes             8  457
    Greenland    Thomas                  Devizes             8  457
    Mead         Jane                    Devizes             8  457
    Ovens        James                   Devizes             8  457
    Wootten      Elizabeth               Devizes             8  457
    Stevens      Stephen                 Devizes             8  458
    Stokes       Harriet                 Devizes             8  458
    Ladd         Isaac                   Devizes             8  459
    Perrett      Mary Ann                Devizes             8  459
    Hitchcock    Caroline                Devizes             8  461
    Tayler       James                   Devizes             8  461
    Cooksey      William                 Devizes             8  463
    Hiscock      Sarah Anne              Devizes             8  463
    Hussey       William Slade           Devizes             8  463
    Tuck         Mary Ann Matilda        Devizes             8  463
    Hibberd      Louisa                  Devizes             8  465
    Nutland      James                   Devizes             8  465
    Plank        Sophia                  Devizes             8  465
    Wheeler      John                    Devizes             8  465
    Burden       Mary                    Devizes             8  467
    Glass        Thomas                  Devizes             8  467
    Hale         Stephen                 Devizes             8  467
    Hinder       Bethia                  Devizes             8  467
    Kite         Caroline                Devizes             8  467
    Loaf         Sarah                   Devizes             8  467
    Newman       Henry                   Devizes             8  467
    Wise         John                    Devizes             8  467
    Bath         Naomi                   Devizes             8  469
    Silcock      Edward                  Devizes             8  469
    Pinniger     Mary Broome             Devizes             8  471
    Reynolds     Robert                  Devizes             8  471
    Bristow      Joanna                  Devizes             8  473
    Broomham     Charles                 Devizes             8  473
    Maslen       Mary Ann                Devizes             8  473
    Swatton      John                    Devizes             8  473
    Sims         Daniel                  Devizes             8  475
    Wiltshire    Elizabeth               Devizes             8  475
    Dummer       Mary                    Devizes             8  477
    Giddings     Thomas                  Devizes             8  477
    Hayward      Eliza                   Devizes             8  477
    Stone        John                    Devizes             8  477
    Underwood    George                  Devizes             8  477
    Wiltshire    Eleanor                 Devizes             8  477
    Horton       Mary                    Swindon             8  479
    Simmonds     Elizabeth               Swindon             8  479
    Thrush       George                  Swindon             8  479
    Townsend     Joseph                  Swindon             8  479
    Fox          Mary                    Highworth           8  481
    Martin       Richard                 Highworth           8  481
    Hill         Harriet                 Highworth           8  482
    North        Joseph                  Highworth           8  482
    Baker        George                  Swindon             8  483
    Betterton    John                    Swindon             8  483
    Childs       Kezia                   Swindon             8  483
    Euston       Ann                     Swindon             8  483
    Law          Thomas                  Swindon             8  483
    Newman       Anne                    Swindon             8  483
    Rouse        Joseph                  Swindon             8  483
    Tabor        Ann                     Swindon             8  483
    Carter       Lucy                    Swindon             8  485
    New          Thomas                  Swindon             8  485
    Willis       Thomas                  Swindon             8  487
    Willis       Elizabeth               Swindon             8  487
    Smith        William                 Swindon             8  489
    Trotman      Martha                  Swindon             8  489
    Walters      William                 Swindon             8  489
    Yeates       Matilda                 Swindon             8  489
    Buckland     Maria                   Swindon             8  491
    Horton       William                 Swindon             8  491
    Cannon       Charles                 Swindon             8  493
    Douglas      Mary Ann                Swindon             8  493
    Pullen       Sarah                   Highworth           8  493
    Reynolds     Philip                  Highworth           8  493
    Franklin     Elizabeth               Highworth           8  495
    Mewman       Thomas Beasant          Swindon             8  495
    Reeves       Elizabeth               Highworth           8  495
    Woolford     Richard                 Swindon             8  495
    Archer       Henry                   Swindon             8  497
    Bowen        Ann                     Swindon             8  497
    Coleman      Isaac                   Swindon             8  497
    Hall         Sarah Ann               Swindon             8  497
    Hammond      Sarah                   Swindon             8  497
    Willoughby   Clarance (sic)          Swindon             8  497
    Parsons      Edith                   Malmesbury          8  499
    Sly          Timothy                 Malmesbury          8  499
    Curnock      John                    Malmesbury          8  501
    Hughes       Hester                  Malmesbury          8  501
    Pritchard    Thomas                  Malmesbury          8  503
    Saunders     Elizabeth               Malmesbury          8  503
    Paginton     John                    Malmesbury          8  505
    Cole         Henry                   Malmesbury          8  507
    Harding      Charles                 Malmesbury          8  507
    Heath        Eliza                   Malmesbury          8  507
    Hitchings    Ruth                    Malmesbury          8  507
    Hitchings    James                   Malmesbury          8  507
    Hitchins     James                   Malmesbury          8  507
    Hitchins     Ruth                    Malmesbury          8  507
    Reeve        Lucy                    Malmesbury          8  507
    Reeve        James                   Malmesbury          8  507
    Reeve        Mary Ann                Malmesbury          8  507
    Knapp        Caroline                Malmesbury          8  509
    Longstreet   Richard                 Malmesbury          8  509
    Parsloe      Anne                    Malmesbury          8  509
    Pike         Jacob                   Malmesbury          8  509
    Saunders     Marianne                Malmesbury          8  509
    Slade        Ann                     Malmesbury          8  509
    Tanner       Edmund                  Malmesbury          8  509
    Tanner       Charles                 Malmesbury          8  509
    Goodfield    Esther Matilda          Malmesbury          8  511
    Stonham      John Reeves             Malmsbury (sic)     8  511
    Bessant      Sarah Ann               Malmesbury          8  513
    Simpson      John                    Malmesbury          8  513
    Carey        Elizabeth               Malmesbury          8  515
    Chappel      Abia                    Malmesbury          8  515
    Grange       George                  Malmesbury          8  517
    Strange      Hannah                  Malmesbury          8  517
    Beale        John                    Malmesbury          8  519
    Sampson      Mary                    Malmesbury          8  519
    Coleman      Mary                    Marlbro             8  521
    Elkins       James                   Marlbro             8  521
    Brind        William                 Marlbro             8  523
    Shergel      Ester (sic)             Marlbro             8  523
    Dixon        John                    Marlbro             8  525
    Gay          Caroline                Marlbro             8  525
    Hillier      Rhoda                   Marlbro             8  525
    Hillier      Ann                     Marlbro             8  525
    Jones        Hannah                  Marlbro             8  525
    Piper        Edwin                   Marlbro             8  525
    Stiles       George                  Marlbro             8  525
    Webb         Richard Charles         Marlbro             8  525
    Judd         Hester                  Marlbro             8  527
    Judd         Esther                  Marlbro             8  527
    Liddall      Frederick               Marlbro             8  527
    Bird         Richard                 Marlbro             8  529
    Hunt         Elizabeth               Marlbro             8  529
    Hawkins      Ann                     Marlbro             8  531
    Jennings     James                   Marlbro             8  531
    Loveday      Solomon                 Marlbro             8  531
    Parker       Mary                    Marlbro             8  531
    Rawlings     Thomas Waite            Marlbro             8  531
    Smith        Ann                     Marlbro             8  531
    Baily        William                 Marlbro             8  533
    Chivers      Maria                   Marlbro             8  535
    Cox          William                 Marlbro             8  535
    Gale         Rebecca                 Marlbro             8  535
    Maslen       James                   Marlbro             8  535
    Hillier      George                  Marlbro             8  537
    Miles        Mary Ann                Marlbro             8  537
    Underwood    Emma                    Marlbro             8  537
    Holbrook     William                 Melksham            8  539
    Howe         Emma                    Melksham            8  539
    Ayres        Thomas                  Melksham            8  541
    Beaven       Mary Ann                Melksham            8  541
    Hughes       Henry                   Melksham            8  541
    Park         John                    Melksham            8  541
    Sumner       Augusta Matilda         Melksham            8  541
    Wiltshire    Mary                    Melksham            8  541
    Barnes       Abel                    Melksham            8  543
    Coles        Ann                     Melksham            8  543
    Hayward      Isaac                   Melksham ?543       8  543
    Marsh        Aaron                   Melksham            8  543
    Mizen        Elizabeth               Melksham            8  543
    Shell        Eliza                   Melksham            8  543
    Shephard     Sarah                   Melksham            8  543
    Willshire    James                   Melksham            8  543
    Hall         Alfred                  Melksham            8  545
    Pocock       Anne                    Melksham            8  545
    Bradley      Catherine               Melksham            8  547
    Dredge       Rhoda                   Melksham            8  547
    Garlick      Zebedee                 Melksham            8  547
    Gilbert      John                    Melksham            8  547
    Milsom       Eliza                   Melksham            8  547
    Parsons      Emily                   Melksham UKMW       8  547
    Smith        Samuel                  Melksham            8  547
    Stokes       Isaac                   Melksham UKMW       8  547
    Charmbury    Thomas                  Melksham ?548       8  548
    Helps        Sarah                   Melksham            8  548
    Hopkins      Mary                    Melksham            8  548
    James        Joseph                  Melksham            8  548
    Lindsay      Sarah                   Melksham            8  548
    Marchant     Maria                   Melksham ?548       8  548
    Sage         Henry                   Melksham            8  548
    Whatley      Henry                   Melksham            8  548
    Bigwood      Sarah                   Melksham            8  549
    Eames        George                  Melksham            8  549
    Hendy        Sophia                  Melksham            8  549
    Hobbs        Ellen                   Melksham            8  549
    Lucas        James                   Melksham            8  549
    Mundy        Samuel Pollard          Melksham            8  549
    Smith        John                    Melksham            8  549
    Tuck         Emma                    Melksham            8  549
    Batchelor    Frederick               Melksham            8  550
    Porter       Eliza                   Melksham            8  550
    Bodman       Ann                     Melksham            8  551
    Newham       Matthew                 Melksham            8  551
    Silby        Solomon                 Melksham            8  551
    Silcox       Eliza                   Melksham            8  551
    Wells        Eliza                   Melksham            8  551
    Woodwards    William                 Melksham            8  551
    Barnes       Mary                    Melksham            8  553
    Hayward      James                   Melksham            8  553
    Hurn         Martha                  Melksham            8  553
    Lansdown     Benjamin                Melksham            8  553
    Rutter       Daniel                  Melksham            8  553
    Stevens      Charlotte               Melksham            8  553
    Styles       Ann                     Melksham            8  553
    Tribe        John                    Melksham            8  553
    Pearce       Harriet                 Melksham            8  554
    Vince        William                 Melksham            8  554
    Hatherall    Mary Ann                Melksham            8  555
    Moon         John                    Melksham            8  555
    Redman       Ann                     Melksham            8  555
    Rose         Henry Smith             Melksham            8  555
    Scott        Ann                     Melksham            8  555
    Spencer      Mark                    Melksham            8  555
    Bailey       George                  Mere                8  557
    Lupham       Edward                  Mere                8  557
    Abbot        Thomas                  Mere                8  559
    Dorington    Emma                    Mere                8  559
    Prince       Henry                   Mere                8  559
    Young        Jane                    Mere                8  559
    Brimble      Andrew                  Mere UKMW           8  561
    Dorrington   Martha                  Mere                8  561
    Garratt      Joseph                  Mere                8  561
    Stone        Louisa                  Mere UKMW           8  561
    Burbidge     Edward                  Mere                8  563
    Moger        John                    Mere                8  563
    Morrison     Elizabeth               Mere                8  563
    Brockway     Elizabeth               Mere                8  565
    King         Thomas                  Mere                8  565
    Maidment     Emma                    Mere                8  565
    Riddick      Thomas                  Mere                8  565
    Sanger       Ann                     Mere                8  565
    Field        George                  Mere                8  567
    Ford         Mary Jane               Mere                8  567
    Gray         Charles                 Mere                8  567
    Green        Charlotte               Mere                8  567
    Maidment     Prudence                Mere                8  567
    Mills        Elizabeth               Mere                8  567
    Norris       Henry                   Mere                8  567
    Seymour      William Henry           Mere                8  567
    Moors        Fanny                   Mere                8  568
    Tremayne     Benjamin William        Mere                8  568
    Garrett      George                  Mere                8  569
    Presley      Mary Ann                Mere                8  569
    Green        George                  Mere                8  571
    Smart        Lydia                   Mere                8  571
    Hawkins      Elizabeth               Pewsey              8  573
    Trueman      Edward                  Pewsey              8  573
    Welsh        Mary Ann                Pewsey              8  573
    Culley       Mary Ann                Pewsey              8  575
    Hibberd      Joachim John            Pewsey              8  575
    Sloper       William                 Pewsey              8  575
    Townsend     Joseph                  Pewsey              8  575
    Tucker       Amelia                  Pewsey              8  575
    Carter       Sarah                   Pewsey (Enford)     8  577
    Worsdell     Richard                 Pewsey (JS)         8  577
    Burton       Mary Ann                Pewsey              8  579
    Jones        Thomas                  Pewsey              8  579
    Cotterell    Worthy                  Pewsey              8  581
    Maggs        Elizabeth               Pewsey              8  581
    Lake         Charles                 Pewsey [5]          8  583
    Perrett      Louisa                  Pewsey              8  583
    Amer         John                    Pewsey              8  585
    Bevins       Joseph                  Pewsey              8  587
    Pearce       Phoebe                  Pewsey              8  587
    Smith        William                 Pewsey              8  589
    Tuck         Elizabeth               Pewsey              8  589
    Dunford      Mary                    Pewsey              8  591
    Hawkens      Jane                    Pewsey              8  591
    Keepence     David                   Pewsey              8  591
    Stratton     George                  Pewsey              8  591
    Smith        Mary Ann                Pewsey              8  592
    Jordan       Thomas                  Pewsey              8  593
    Palmer       Mary Ann                Pewsey              8  593
    Sawyer       Henry                   Pewsey              8  593
    Church       Ann                     Pewsey              8  595
    Pool         George                  Pewsey ?575         8  595
    Woodroffe    Mary                    Pewsey              8  595
    Ainsworth    Anne                    Salisbury           8  597
    Blake        John                    Salisbury           8  597
    Bradley      Sarah                   Salisbury           8  597
    Dear         Charles                 Salisbury           8  597
    Humby        James                   Salisbury           8  597
    Thorn        Fanny                   Salisbury           8  597
    White        Elizabeth               Salisbury           8  597
    Whitlock     Thomas                  Salisbury           8  597
    Drake        Ellen Harwood           Salisbury           8  599
    Fry          William                 Salisbury           8  599
    Harris       Mary Jane               Salisbury           8  599
    Ings         George                  Salisbury           8  599
    Matthews     George William          Salisbury           8  599
    Penelo       Maria                   Salisbury           8  599
    Tunmer       Marian                  Salisbury           8  599
    Williams     Thomas                  Salisbury           8  599
    Barnes       Ann                     Salisbury           8  601
    Coleman      Thomas                  Salisbury           8  601
    Cooper       John                    Salisbury           8  601
    Dutch        Mary Ann                Salisbury           8  601
    Green        Edward                  Salisbury           8  601
    Osmond       Kezia                   Salisbury           8  601
    Tuffen       Thomas                  Salisbury           8  601
    Woodfield    Ellen                   Salisbury           8  601
    Burdan       Elizabeth               Salisbury           8  602
    Burden       Elizabeth               Salisbury           8  602
    Carter       Samuel                  Salisbury           8  602
    Dawkins      John Harris             Salisbury           8  602
    Forder       Samuel                  Salisbury           8  602
    Naish        Anne                    Salisbury           8  602
    West         Maria                   Salisbury           8  602
    Jarvis       John                    Tisbury             8  603
    Stevens      Mary                    Tisbury             8  603
    Harding      Maria                   Tisbury             8  605
    Jukes        Samuel                  Tisbury             8  605
    Jukes        Eliza                   Tisbury             8  605
    Leaver       Jane                    Tisbury             8  605
    Penny        William                 Tisbury             8  605
    Perry        Charles                 Tisbury             8  605
    Simpson      William                 Tisbury             8  605
    Yeats        Mary                    Tisbury             8  605
    Goddard      John                    Tesbury             8  606
    White        Sophia                  Tisbury             8  606
    Gerrard      Henry                   Tisbury             8  607
    Marsh        Alice Ann               Tisbury             8  607
    Harris       Eliza                   Tisbury             8  609
    Lever        Elizabeth               Tisbury             8  609
    Woods        Frederick George        Tisbury             8  609
    Yeates       John                    Tisbury             8  609
    Barrett      Sarah Mary              Tesbury             8  611
    Butler       Edward                  Tesbury             8  611
    James        Mary                    Tisbury             8  611
    Rideout      William                 Tisbury             8  611
    Hawkins      Jacob                   Warminster          8  613
    Marshment    Louisa                  Warminster          8  613
    Collins      Sarah                   Warminster          8  615
    Pranglen     Leonard                 Warminster          8  615
    Batter       William                 Warminster          8  617
    Draper       Jane                    Warminster          8  617
    Grant        Thomas                  Warminster          8  617
    Parsons      Louisa                  Warminster          8  617
    Poldon       George                  Warminster          8  617
    Poolman      Thomas                  Warminster          8  617
    Stokes       Harriet Rose            Warminster          8  617
    Thring       Mary Ann                Warminster          8  617
    Naish        Lavinia                 Warminster          8  619
    Topp         Thomas                  Warminster          8  619
    Barlow       William                 Warminster          8  621
    Giles        Thomas                  Warminster          8  621
    Stone        Elizabeth               Warminster          8  621
    Watts        Jemima                  Warminster          8  621
    Pearce       John                    Warminster          8  623
    Sainsbury    Sarah Ann               Warminster          8  623
    Cruse        William                 Warminster          8  624
    Pearce       Elizabeth               Warminster          8  624
    House        Anne                    Warminster          8  625
    Maxfield     William                 Warminster          8  625
    Ball         Elizabeth               Warminster          8  627
    Dredge       Elizabeth               Warminster          8  627
    Harris       Samuel                  Warminster          8  627
    Langley      James                   Warminster          8  627
    Scane        Matthew                 Warminster          8  627
    Tayler       Mary                    Warminster          8  627
    Thomas       John Daniel             Warminster          8  629
    Treharne     Mary                    Warminster          8  629
    Curtis       James William           Warminster          8  631
    Hilman       Rebecca                 Warminster          8  631
    Hinton       Arthur                  Warminster          8  631
    Neal         Betty                   Warminster          8  631
    Smith        Sidney                  Westbury            8  633
    Wheeler      Sarah                   Westbury            8  633
    Elms         Richard                 Westbury            8  635
    Mitchell     Mary                    Westbury            8  635
    Eyers        Jane                    Westbury            8  637
    Holland      George                  Westbury            8  637
    Middleton    Thomas                  Westbury            8  637
    Osborne      Mary Ann                Westbury            8  637
    Reeves       Guy                     Westbury            8  637
    Turner       Charlotte               Westbury            8  637
    Bath         Susan                   Westbury            8  639
    Emm          Sarah                   Westbury            8  639
    Legg         Thomas                  Westbury            8  639
    Mead         Benjamin                Westbury            8  639
    Benges       Hannah                  Westbury            8  641
    Bulter       Ann                     Westbury            8  641
    Clinch       John                    Westbury            8  641
    Stafford     Samuel Tree             Westbury            8  641
    Bush         Francis                 Westbury            8  643
    Holloway     Louisa                  Westbury            8  643
    Holloway     Emma                    Westbury            8  643
    Pearce       Mary Ann                Westbury ?3         8  643
    Read         John                    Westbury            8  643
    Vizzard      Ambrose                 Westbury            8  643
    Applegate    Eliza                   Westbury            8  645
    Bryan        Thomas                  Westbury            8  645
    Harris       Emma                    Westbury            8  645
    Weston       Thomas                  Westbury            8  645
    Matthews     Robert                  Wilton              8  647
    Noyce        Elizabeth               Wilton              8  647
    Painter      James                   Wilton              8  647
    Shergold     Mary                    Wilton              8  647
    Charlton     Emma                    Wilton              8  649
    Giddings     John                    Wilton              8  649
    Case         Ann                     Wilton              8  651
    Stevens      Sarah                   Wilton              8  651
    Thick        James                   Wilton              8  651
    Howse        James                   Wilton              8  653
    Jolliff      Ann                     Wilton              8  653
    Fletcher     John                    Wilton              8  655
    Macey        Sarah                   Wilton              8  655
    Roe          Susanna                 Wilton              8  655
    Smith        John                    Wilton              8  655
    Coombs       Henry                   Wilton              8  657
    Gosney       Fanny                   Wilton              8  657
    Blick        George                  Wilton              8  659
    Ford         James                   Wilton              8  659
    Rowe         Rachel                  Wilton              8  659
    Barnes       John                    Wilton              8  661
    Jeans        Joanna                  Wilton              8  661
    Davis        Eliza Honiton?          Wilton              8  663
    Marmon       Edward                  Wilton              8  663
    Carter       Jane                    Wilton              8  665
    Fleming      James                   Wilton              8  665
    Ings         James                   Wilton              8  665
    Mitchell     Peninnah?               Wilton              8  665
    Moore        Martha                  Wilton              8  665
    Pretty       George                  Wilton              8  665
    Read         Mary                    Wilton              8  665
    Rowe         George                  Wilton              8  665
    Crouch       Elizabeth               Wilton              8  667
    Goodfellow   Elizabeth               Wilton              8  667
    Jeffery      Joseph                  Wilton              8  667
    Sutton       Samuel                  Wilton              8  667