


District 4 - Surrey, etc.



    This file is one of 27 files covering the 27 volumes
    of the St Catherine's Marriage Index for the March
    quarter of 1849.

    Errors in the St Cath's index are generally shown by
    giving the St Cath's data in square brackets.  For
    example this may indicate that St Cath's gives a wrong
    volume no. or district name.

    Where I am uncertain about a page number, I repeat the
    page no. with a question mark.  Where I am uncertain of
    one digit in a page no. I query that digit.

    All names are sorted into page sequence.  Some pages are
    found to have an uneven no. of entries.  This may reflect
    unclear fiche, or a page-no. error in the index, or may
    in many cases indicate an alias or variant spellings in
    the original record, or simply a double entry of the same
    name.  Or it may be an indexing/copying error at St Cath's.
    Or it may be my error.  If a user of these files is able
    to correct an error, please let me know.  In some cases
    I have been able to clarify the page no. because of the
    number of names in the different pages.

    In many cases I have abbreviated district names but I hope
    they are sufficiently obvious.  Personal names are given in
    full, but where St Cath's shows an abbreviation (eg Elizth
    or Thos) I have shown it highlighted.

    Marriage partners identified through the UK Marriage Witness
    system are indicated.

    Mike Foster
    19 Khouri Avenue
    Wellington, New Zealand      June 1995

    1849/Q1 District 4 - Surrey &c         District          Vol Page
    Barnes       Francis                   Bermondsey          4    1
    Irish        Maria Louisa              Bermondsey          4    1
    Redfin       Eliza                     Bermondsey          4    1
    Rutter       Thomas Culling            Bermondsey          4    1
    Swales       Maria                     Bermondsey          4    1
    Watts        Lydia                     Bermondsey          4    1
    Wear         Thomas                    Bermondsey          4    1
    Wilcocks     George                    Bermondsey          4    1
    Bishop       John                      Bermondsey          4    2
    Hart         Emma                      Bermondsey          4    2
    Ingram       James Valentine           Bermondsey          4    2
    Keefe        Esther                    Bermondsey          4    2
    Kingham      Robert                    Bermondsey          4    2
    Spong        Stephen                   Bermondsey          4    2
    Waller       Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4    2
    Wilton       Jane                      Bermondsey          4    2
    Cadogan      George                    Bermondsey          4    3
    Caney        William                   Bermondsey          4    3
    Cannon       Caleb                     Bermondsey          4    3
    Hampton      Harriet                   Bermondsey          4    3
    Heather      Olive                     Bermondsey          4    3
    Lewin        Frederic George           Bermondsey          4    3
    Molloy       Mary                      Bermondsey          4    3
    Wheatley     Rachel                    Bermondsey          4    3
    Barling      Mary Jane?                Bermondsey          4    4
    Bell         Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4    4
    Davis        Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4    4
    Lee          Edmund                    Bermondsey          4    4
    Macarthy     Daniel D                  Bermondsey          4    4
    McCarthy     Daniel Dennis             Bermondsey          4    4
    Mullins      Thomas Rodwell            Bermondsey          4    4
    Pain         George                    Bermondsey          4    4
    Roberts      Mary Ann                  Bermondsey          4    4
    Bridges      Charles                   Bermondsey          4    5
    Brown        Joseph Hawkins            Bermondsey          4    5
    Connorton    John Merideth             Bermondsey          4    5
    Hunt         Rachel                    Bermondsey          4    5
    Owen         Frances Sarah             Bermondsey          4    5
    Sexton       John                      Bermondsey          4    5
    Symonds      Emily                     Bermondsey          4    5
    West         Frances                   Bermondsey          4    5
    Coffey       Ann                       Bermondsey          4    6
    Fish         Harriet                   Bermondsey          4    6
    Herring      William                   Bermondsey          4    6
    Hollis       Jane                      Bermondsey          4    6
    Paice        Thomas                    Bermondsey          4    6
    Richards     Edward                    Bermondsey          4    6
    Storr        Thomas                    Bermondsey          4    6
    Trench       Elizabeth Ann             Bermondsey          4    6
    Carey        Mary                      Bermondsey          4    7
    Feger        Charles Lewis             Bermondsey          4    7
    Freeman      Henry                     Bermondsey          4    7
    Groundwater  Edward                    Bermondsey          4    7
    Loveze       Hannah                    Bermondsey          4    7
    Macey        Hannah Mary               Bermondsey          4    7
    Martin       Robert William            Bermondsey          4    7
    Mortlock     Emma                      Bermondsey          4    7
    Buttemer     John                      Bermondsey          4    8
    Cookes       Thomas                    Bermondsey          4    8
    Dinen        Ellen                     Bermondsey          4    8
    Dunn         Margaret                  Bermondsey          4    8
    Hindle       George                    Bermondsey          4    8
    Lonsdale     Mary Elizabeth            Bermondsey          4    8
    Scurr        Rebecca                   Bermondsey          4    8
    Williamson   William                   Bermondsey          4    8
    Biggs        John                      Bermondsey          4    9
    Brown        Harriet                   Bermondsey          4    9
    Dagg         James                     Bermondsey          4    9
    Hall         Charlotte Sarah           Bermondsey          4    9
    Hogan        Margaret                  Bermondsey          4    9
    James        Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4    9
    Kingdon      John                      Bermondsey          4    9
    Swann        James                     Bermondsey          4    9
    Benson       William                   Bermondsey          4   11
    Clark        John                      Bermondsey          4   11
    Grove        Matilda Sarah             Bermondsey          4   11
    Harris       Eliza                     Bermondsey          4   11
    Hearn        Thomas Stephen            Bermondsey          4   11
    Hodson       Henry Thomas              Bermondsey          4   11
    Miller       Harriet Emma              Bermondsey          4   11
    Roberts      Rachel                    Bermondsey          4   11
    Bassett      Jane                      Bermondsey          4   12
    Denton       Eliza                     Bermondsey          4   12
    Dilnutt      Mary Ann                  Bermondsey          4   12
    Gibbs        Thomas                    Bermondsey          4   12
    Gosby        William Stephen           Bermondsey          4   12
    Mint         Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4   12
    Rendell      John Drake                Bermondsey          4   12
    Wright       Henry                     Bermondsey          4   12
    Bannister    Maria                     Bermondsey          4   13
    Farrar       Thomas                    Bermondsey          4   13
    Grinyer      Amelia                    Bermondsey          4   13
    Lockyer      Abraham                   Bermondsey          4   13
    Robson       Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4   13
    Scott        William                   Bermondsey          4   13
    Triggs       George Edward             Bermondsey          4   13
    Wood         Sarah                     Bermondsey          4   13
    Austin       George Thomas             Bermondsey          4   14
    Bray         William                   Bermondsey          4   14
    Butler       Edward                    Bermondsey          4   14
    Fielder      Patty                     Bermondsey          4   14
    Fielder      Maria                     Bermondsey          4   14
    Mason        Julia                     Bermondsey          4   14
    Stacey       Ann                       Bermondsey          4   14
    Trestrain    John                      Bermondsey          4   14
    Angleys      Giles John                Bermondsey          4   15
    Dufton       Eliza Hoadingham          Bermondsey          4   15
    Elliott      Jane                      Bermondsey          4   15
    Hawkins      Joseph                    Bermondsey          4   15
    Knierion     Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4   15
    Pitt         Richard                   Bermondsey          4   15
    Bedford      Christopher               Bermondsey          4   17
    Farmer       Betsey                    Bermondsey          4   17
    Field        Harriett                  Bermondsey          4   17
    Goldsmith    Sarah                     Bermondsey          4   17
    Jewell       Mary Ann                  Bermondsey          4   17
    Jones        Henry                     Bermondsey          4   17
    Simons       George                    Bermondsey          4   17
    Tate         John James                Bermondsey          4   17
    Basey        James Wilson              Bermondsey          4   18
    Brown        Susannah                  Bermondsey          4   18
    Hall         Nathaniel Perkins         Bermondsey          4   18
    Palmer       Elizabeth                 Bermondsey          4   18
    Simpson      Ann                       Bermondsey          4   18
    Sugar        Henry                     Bermondsey          4   18
    Barrett      John                      Bermondsey          4   19
    Blundell     William John              Bermondsey          4   19
    Dacey        Mary                      Bermondsey          4   19
    Durrant      James                     Bermondsey          4   19
    Leary        Mary                      Bermondsey          4   19
    Mason        Sarah Catherine           Bermondsey          4   19
    Voisey       Amelia                    Bermondsey          4   19
    Welton       Michael                   Bermondsey          4   19
    Bryan        William                   Bermondsey          4   20
    Good         Mary                      Bermondsey          4   20
    Murphy       Denis                     Bermondsey          4   20
    Parker       Thomas                    Bermondsey          4   20
    Ryan         Ann                       Bermondsey          4   20
    Sharco       Michael                   Bermondsey          4   20
    Slattery     Ellen                     Bermondsey          4   20
    Worley       Cecilia                   Bermondsey          4   20
    Coleman      John                      Bermondsey          4   21
    Daly         Hannah                    Bermondsey          4   21
    Purdue       Mary                      Bermondsey          4   21
    Richardson   Thomas Shepherd           Bermondsey          4   21
    Tuhill       Patrick                   Camberwell          4   21
    Harrold      George                    Camberwell          4   23
    Pearce       Elizabeth Ann             Camberwell          4   23
    Cole         James                     Camberwell          4   25
    Cooper       Stephen                   Camberwell          4   25
    Dale         Elizabeth                 Camberwell          4   25
    Harris       Eliza                     Camberwell          4   25
    Ricketts     Aubrey                    Camberwell          4   25
    Rippon       Sophia                    Camberwell          4   25
    Willingale   Jane                      Camberwell          4   25
    Double       Letitia                   Camberwell          4   26
    Eleson       John                      Camberwell          4   26
    Heyes        Ralph                     Camberwell          4   26
    Keeffe       Bridget Helena            Camberwell          4   26
    Morris       Sally                     Camberwell          4   26
    Page         Ann                       Camberwell          4   26
    Smith        Henry                     Camberwell          4   26
    Baker        John                      Camberwell          4   27
    Field        Ellen Louisa              Camberwell          4   27
    King         Samuel                    Camberwell          4   27
    Secker       Thomas Edmund             Camberwell          4   27
    Tilley       Henry Thomas              Camberwell          4   27
    Wood         Ellen                     Camberwell          4   27
    Woolmer      Lucy Abigail              Camberwell          4   27
    Beaney       William                   Camberwell          4   28
    Brown        Timothy                   Camberwell          4   28
    Bulstrode    Edward                    Camberwell          4   28
    Cautrell     Caroline                  Camberwell          4   28
    Child        Charlotte                 Camberwell          4   28
    Smee         Edward                    Camberwell          4   28
    Whiting      Sarah                     Camberwell          4   28
    Young        Elizabeth                 Camberwell          4   28
    Beswick      Eliza                     Camberwell          4   29
    Byford       William Samuel            Camberwell          4   29
    Dowson       John                      Camberwell          4   29
    Draper       Eliza                     Camberwell          4   29
    Griggs       Caroline                  Camberwell          4   29
    Lavell       Emma Elizabeth            Camberwell          4   29
    Perfect      Henry Thurtle             Camberwell          4   29
    Rogers       Mary Ann                  Camberwell          4   29
    Spratley     Michael William           Camberwell          4   29
    Bradley      Charles                   Camberwell          4   30
    Ennis        Emma                      Camberwell          4   30
    Gibson       Thomas                    Camberwell          4   30
    Martin       Jane Harriet              Camberwell          4   30
    Moore        William Hilbit            Camberwell          4   30
    Rance        Henry                     Camberwell          4   30
    Se[a]ward    Sarah Jane                Camberwell          4   30
    Turner       Ann                       Camberwell          4   30
    Fussell      Eliza                     Camberwell          4   31
    Hopkins      Delilah                   Camberwell          4   31
    Lewis        Joseph                    Camberwell          4   31
    Martin       Harriet Christia          Camberwell          4   31
    Monks        Edward                    Camberwell          4   31
    Richards     Amelia                    Camberwell          4   31
    Whiteing     Isaac Henry               Camberwell          4   31
    Wood         John                      Camberwell          4   31
    Adams        Elizabeth                 Camberwell          4   32
    Chapman      John Edward               Camberwell          4   32
    Eustace      Henry                     Camberwell          4   32
    Foster       Elizabeth                 Camberwell          4   32
    Robertson    Mary                      Camberwell          4   32
    Sanders      Thomas                    Camberwell          4   32
    Shaw         William                   Camberwell          4   32
    Yearwood     Mary Ann                  Camberwell          4   32
    Bonny        Richard                   Camberwell          4   33
    Clifford     Caherine                  Camberwell          4   33
    Elenor       Ann                       Camberwell          4   33
    Hope         James Butterfield         Camberwell          4   33
    Nutt         James                     Camberwell          4   33
    Rose         Mary Ann                  Camberwell          4   33
    Wallis       James                     Camberwell          4   33
    Wiggins      Elizabeth                 Camberwell          4   33
    Williams     James                     Camberwell          4   33
    Clark        Harriett                  Camberwell          4   34
    Denne        John Collard              Camberwell          4   34
    Green        Eliza                     Camberwell          4   34
    Massie       John                      Camberwell          4   34
    Mills        Sarah                     Camberwell          4   34
    Reeves       Martha                    Camberwell          4   34
    West         Thomas                    Camberwell          4   34
    Whicker      John James                Camberwell          4   34
    Bell         Benjamin                  Camberwell          4   35
    Burford      Margaret                  Camberwell          4   35
    Cundell      William                   Camberwell          4   35
    Drayner      James John                Camberwell          4   35
    Hatchett     Elizabeth                 Camberwell          4   35
    Jackson      Emily Marsh               Camberwell          4   35
    OBrien       Philip                    Camberwell          4   35
    Petley       Elizabeth Mary            Camberwell          4   35
    Collett      George                    Camberwell          4   37
    Connor       Dennis                    Camberwell          4   37
    Hutcheson    Mary                      Camberwell          4   37
    Keane        Agnes                     Camberwell          4   37
    Matthews     Sarah                     Camberwell          4   37
    Pash         Eliza Elizabeth           Camberwell          4   37
    Simmonds     Thomas                    Camberwell          4   37
    Vandermeulen William Joseph            Camberwell          4   37
    Astell       Sarah Maria               Camberwell          4   38
    Eden         Mary Ann                  Camberwell          4   38
    Ives         James Payne               Camberwell          4   38
    Jackson      Thomas Silverthorne       Camberwell          4   38
    Pain         Jane Congreave            Camberwell          4   38
    Raymon       Augustus                  Camberwell          4   38
    Starey       Major John                Camberwell          4   38
    Sumerfield   Sarah Terry               Camberwell          4   38
    Sumerfield   Sarah Terrey              Camberwell          4   38
    Adams        David William             Camberwell          4   39
    Adams        Daniel W                  Camberwell          4   39
    Freeman      Ann Brett                 Camberwell          4   39
    Gunner       Ann                       Camberwell          4   39
    Hearder      Charles George            Camberwell          4   39
    Lawrence     Jonathan                  Camberwell          4   39
    Lawrence     Johnathan                 Camberwell          4   39
    Rankin       Martha Sarah              Camberwell          4   39
    Sealy        Ann                       Camberwell          4   39
    Weeden       Henry James               Camberwell a        4   39
    Adams        Sophia                    Camberwell          4   40
    Caston       Joseph                    Camberwell          4   40
    Clark        Edmund                    Camberwell          4   40
    Hodgkinson   Mary                      Camberwell          4   40
    Puckle       William                   Camberwell          4   40
    Such         George                    Camberwell          4   40
    Tanner       Ann Maria                 Camberwell          4   40
    Wren         Agnes                     Camberwell          4   40
    Clements     Harriott Maria            Camberwell          4   41
    Coombs       Mary Ann                  Camberwell          4   41
    Dellar       Joseph                    Camberwell          4   41
    Garrard      Edgar                     Camberwell          4   41
    Harris       George                    Camberwell          4   41
    Hucks        Charles                   Camberwell          4   41
    Williams     Sarah                     Camberwell          4   41
    Wright       Louise Catherine          Camberwell          4   41
    Wright       Louisa Catherine          Camberwell          4   41
    Clancy       Elizabeth                 Camberwell          4   42
    Downes       James                     Camberwell          4   42
    Fletcher     John                      Camberwell          4   42
    Hailey       Sarah                     Camberwell          4   42
    Ives         James                     Camberwell          4   42
    Schlienger   Sebastian                 Camberwell          4   42
    StubbersfieldMary                      Camberwell          4   42
    Wynne        Julia                     Camberwell          4   42
    Clark        Richard                   Camberwell          4   43
    Goodwin      Mary Attfield             Camberwell          4   43
    Hallam       William Henry             Camberwell          4   43
    Hewer        Jane                      Camberwell          4   43
    Austen       Frances                   Camberwell          4   45
    Piper        Thomas Alexander          Camberwell          4   45
    Covington    Richard Hathorn           Camberwell          4   47
    Hunt         Charlotte                 Camberwell          4   47
    Stephens     William                   Camberwell          4   47
    Williams     Hannah Elizabeth          Camberwell          4   47
    Wade         Mary Ann                  Camberwell          4   49
    Wand         James                     Camberwell          4   49
    Grove        James                     Chertsey            4   51
    Hammond      Mary                      Chertsey            4   51
    Harvey       Charles                   Chertsey            4   51
    Hudson       Ann                       Chertsey            4   51
    Jones        George                    Chertsey            4   51
    Skeet        Elizabeth Ann             Chertsey            4   51
    Skeet        Rosa                      Chertsey            4   51
    Turrell      George                    Chertsey            4   51
    Benny        Richard Greenwood         Chertsey            4   52
    Attfield     Maria                     Chertsey            4   53
    Ansell       Eliza                     Chertsey            4   55
    Gould        Mary                      Chertsea            4   55
    Hayward      John                      Chertsey            4   55
    Sowerby      Alfred                    Chertsey            4   55
    Hone         John                      Chertsey            4   57
    Dewberry     Hester                    Chertsey            4   59
    Guichard     Martha                    Chertsey            4   59
    Hammond      Luke                      Chertsey            4   59
    Hill         Jane                      Chertsey            4   59
    Humphris     Maria Louisa              Chertsey            4   59
    Snell        Frederick                 Chertsey            4   59
    Williams     George                    Chertsey            4   59
    Deadmon      John                      Chertsey            4   60
    Mott         Charles                   Chertsey            4   60
    Smith        Emma                      Chertsey            4   60
    Williams     Mary Ann                  Chertsey            4   60
    Collins      Emma                      Chertsey            4   61
    Goulter      Joseph                    Chertsey            4   61
    Howard       Mary                      Chertsey            4   61
    Smith        William                   Chertsey            4   61
    Baigent      Rosanmah                  Croydon             4   63
    Baigent      Rosannah                  Croydon             4   63
    Hammond      David                     Croydon             4   63
    Horn         Mary Ann                  Croydon             4   63
    Howard       Isaace                    Croydon             4   63
    Howard       Isaac                     Croydon             4   63
    Large        Daniel                    Croydon             4   63
    Lewry        Eliza                     Croydon             4   63
    Lunn         Charles                   Croydon             4   63
    Neal         Mary Ann                  Croydon             4   63
    Atherfold    Elizabeth                 Croydon             4   65
    Hows         Charles                   Croydon             4   65
    Hull         Arthur Hill               Croydon             4   65
    Laurence     Harriet Anne              Croydon             4   65
    Longhurst    Robert                    Croydon             4   65
    Moore        Harriet                   Croydon             4   65
    Dawes        Elizabeth                 Croydon             4   67
    Daws         Elizabeth                 Croydon             4   67
    Tucknott     William                   Croydon             4   67
    Goodwin      Mary Ann                  Croydon             4   69
    Green        William                   Croydon             4   69
    Milliam      Emma                      Croydon             4   69
    Peters       James                     Croydon             4   69
    Pringle      Isabella                  Croydon             4   69
    Tanner       John                      Croydon             4   69
    Beven        Mary Ann                  Croydon             4   70
    Davies       Margaret                  Croydon             4   70
    Davis        George                    Croydon             4   70
    Martin       John                      Croydon             4   70
    Murphey      Ellen                     Croydon             4   70
    Saker        Abraham                   Croydon             4   70
    Stanley      Mary Ann                  Croydon             4   70
    Weight       George                    Croydon             4   70
    Bonwick      Elizabeth                 Croydon             4   71
    Bowr----     William                   Croydon             4   71
    Brewer       Charlotte Dugard          Croydon             4   71
    Collyer      Elizabeth                 Croydon             4   71
    Dentry       George                    Croydon             4   71
    Heffer       Robert                    Croydon             4   71
    Hempsted     Charles                   Croydon             4   71
    Weight       Elizabeth Mary            Croydon             4   71
    Griffiths    Edward                    Croydon             4   72
    Griffiths    Elizabeth                 Croydon             4   72
    Blackall     James                     Croydon             4   73
    Bonner       Emma                      Croydon             4   73
    Clark        Jane                      Croydon             4   73
    Cox          Ann                       Croydon             4   73
    Frampton     Mary                      Croydon             4   73
    Henden       George Phone              Croydon             4   73
    Sargent      Thomas                    Croydon             4   73
    Smith        Aaron                     Croydon             4   73
    Bicknell     John                      Croydon             4   74
    Sawyers      Mary Ann                  Croydon             4   74
    Dodd         Aldred                    Croydon             4   75
    Gaskin       George                    Croydon             4   75
    Hewitt       Mary                      Croydon             4   75
    Martins      Isaac                     Croydon             4   75
    Miller       Jane Eleanor              Croydon             4   75
    Quinby       Elizabeth                 Croydon             4   75
    Robinson     George                    Croydon             4   75
    Simmonds     Sarah                     Croydon             4   75
    Beare        Thomas                    Croydon             4   77
    Brien        Laura                     Croydon             4   77
    Dodd         Maria                     Croydon             4   77
    Earle        James                     Croydon             4   77
    Fisher       Frederick                 Croydon             4   77
    Hayes        Mary                      Croydon             4   77
    Lucas        Harriet                   Croydon             4   77
    Weston       James                     Croydon             4   77
    Betson       William                   Croydon             4   78
    Nash         Ellen                     Croydon ?78         4   78
    Penfold      Caroline                  Croydon             4   78
    Smith        George William            Croydon             4   78
    Hillier      Ann                       Croydon             4   79
    Humphrey     James                     Croydon             4   79
    Card         John                      Croydon             4   81
    Darven       Anne                      Croydon             4   81
    Donovan      Daniel                    Croydon             4   83
    Donovan      Kitty                     Croydon             4   83
    Gregory      Thomas                    Croydon             4   83
    Rivers       Frances Sarah             Croydon             4   83
    Bonniface    Malclius?                 Dorking             4   85
    Mitchell     Elizabeth                 Dorking             4   85
    Charman      James                     Dorking             4   87
    Richardson   Rhoda                     Dorking             4   87
    Bothwell     Ann                       Dorking             4   89
    Briggs       Thomas                    Dorking             4   89
    Curtis       George                    Dorking             4   89
    Manvill      Louisa                    Dorking             4   89
    Shove        Sarah                     [Docking]           4   91
    Tidy         Herbert                   Dorking             4   91
    Milsom       William                   Dorking             4   93
    Strickland   Jane                      Dorking             4   93
    Fillery      Caroline                  Dorking             4   95
    Hooker       Emily                     Dorking             4   95
    King         William                   Dorking             4   95
    Preece       James                     Dorking             4   95
    Grout        Edmund                    Epsom               4   97
    Worsfold     Mary                      Epsom               4   97
    Cave         Elizabeth                 Epsom               4   99
    Cave         Thomas                    Epsom               4   99
    Shallcrass   Elizabeth                 Epsom               4   99
    Puttock      Caroline                  Epsom               4  101
    Stemp        Henry                     Epsom               4  101
    Boswell      Francis                   Epsom               4  103
    Brown        Martha                    Epsom               4  103
    Neal         Emma                      Epsom               4  105
    Neall        Emma                      Epsom               4  105
    Rider        Robert                    Epsom               4  105
    Rivers       Mary                      Epsom               4  107
    Taylor       Richard                   Epsom               4  107
    Foster       Anne Maria                Epsom               4  109
    Whitton      Henry                     Epsom               4  109
    Fletcher     Eliza                     Epsom               4  111
    Marrell      James                     Epsom               4  111
    Shephard     Henry                     Epsom               4  111
    Wilson       Mary Ann                  Epsom               4  111
    Brockwell    Sarah                     Epsom               4  113
    Piggott      Ellen                     Epsom               4  113
    Ratcliff     Aaron                     Epsom               4  113
    West         George                    Epsom               4  113
    Cooper       Elijah                    Epsom               4  115
    Davis        William                   Epsom               4  115
    Hewett       Hannah                    Epsom               4  115
    Jackson      Sophia                    Epsom               4  115
    Rowland      William                   Epsom               4  115
    Winter       William                   Epsom               4  115
    Gregory      Sarah                     Farnbro             4  117
    Yeomans      Thomas                    Farnbro             4  117
    Chandler     John                      Farnbro             4  119
    Lunn         Emm (sic)                 Farnbro             4  119
    Gardiner     Elizabeth                 Farnbro             4  121
    Parfett      Charles                   Farnbro             4  121
    Alexander    George                    Farnbro             4  123
    Messenger    Harriet                   Farnbro             4  123
    Edwards      Thomas                    Farnbro             4  125
    Stilwell     Eliza                     Farnbro             4  125
    Barnett      William                   Farnbro             4  127
    Feild        Sarah                     Farnbro             4  127
    Froude       James                     Farnbro             4  127
    Gregory      William                   Farnbro             4  127
    Harmsworth   Martha                    Farnbro             4  127
    Lunn         Mary Ann                  Farnbro             4  127
    Trash        Elizabeth                 Farnbro             4  127
    Ventham      Levi                      Farnbro             4  127
    Blunden      William                   Farnbro             4  128
    Croucher     Sarah                     Farnbro             4  128
    Fraseer      Hannah                    Farnham             4  129
    Fraser       Hannah                    Farnham             4  129
    Green        George                    Farnham             4  129
    Hughes       Mary                      Farnham             4  129
    Mathews      Eleanor                   Farnham [Fareham    4  129
    Nuske        John Abraham              Farnham             4  129
    Quennell     Thomas                    Farnham             4  129
    Sandon       Thomas                    Farnham             4  129
    Stevens      Elizabeth                 Farnham             4  129
    Cranstone    Ann                       Farnham             4  130
    Hawkins      Isaac                     Farnham a           4  130
    Eade         Maria                     Farnham             4  131
    Lichfold     Edward                    Farnham             4  131
    Paice        Elizabeth                 Farnham             4  133
    Parker       John                      Farnham             4  133
    Spires       George                    Farnham             4  133
    Ware         Jane                      Farnham             4  133
    Barnet       Harriet                   Farnham             4  135
    Deadman      James                     Farnham             4  135
    Gold         Mary                      Farnham             4  135
    Larby        Stephen                   Farnham             4  135
    Newman       Thomas                    Farnham             4  135
    Patric       Caroline                  Farnham             4  135
    Patrick      Caroline                  Farnham             4  135
    Baldwin      Edward                    Farnham             4  137
    Berry        Sarah                     Farnham             4  137
    Bide         Hannah                    Farnham             4  139
    Gray         Henry                     Farnham             4  139
    Bashford     Eliza                     Godstone            4  141
    Bashford     James                     Godstone            4  141
    Ashby        John                      Godstone            4  143
    Reynolds     Maria                     Godstone            4  143
    Baldwin      John                      Godstone            4  145
    Cowlard      Eliza                     Godstone            4  145
    Jenner       Ellen                     Godstone            4  145
    Townsend     Thomas                    Godstone            4  145
    Ansell       Ann                       Guildford           4  147
    Bucklle      John                      Guildford           4  147
    Bucklle      Ann                       Guildford           4  147
    Cooke        James                     Guildford           4  147
    Eade         Mary Ann                  Guildford           4  147
    Waller       John                      [Guiltcross]        4  147
    Adams        John                      Guildford           4  149
    Cheeseman    Caroline                  Guildford           4  149
    Harms        James                     Guildford           4  149
    Harrison     Ann                       Guildford           4  149
    Hyde         Catharine                 Guildford           4  149
    Peter        George                    Guildford           4  149
    Fuller       William                   Guildford           4  151
    Styles       Harriet                   Guildford           4  151
    Dolley       Henry                     Guildford           4  153
    Gill         Amelia Jane               Guildford           4  153
    Joy          Mary                      Guildford           4  153
    Nash         Benjamin                  Guildford           4  153
    Pincott      Ann                       Guildford           4  153
    Pincott      John                      Guildford           4  153
    Smith        Ellen                     Guildford           4  153
    West         Jacob                     Guildford           4  153
    Beagley      George                    Guildford           4  154
    Boxall       Charles                   Guildford           4  154
    Chilman      Edward                    Guildford           4  154
    Denyer       Mary                      Guildford           4  154
    Hughes       Sarah                     Guildford           4  154
    Mills        Harriet                   Guildford           4  154
    Boughton     John Robert               Guildford           4  155
    Brown        Caroline                  Guildford           4  155
    Brown        Ellen                     Guildford           4  155
    Paine        George                    Guildford           4  155
    Potter       Mary Jane                 Guildford           4  155
    Warner       John Jarret               Guildford           4  155
    Warner       John Jarrett              Guildford           4  155
    Cox          Richard Charles           Guildford           4  157
    Dines        William                   Guildford           4  157
    Fulk         Harriet Sarah             Guildford           4  157
    Gunner       William                   Guildford           4  157
    Holmes       James                     Guildford           4  157
    Pitman       Elizabeth                 Guildford           4  157
    Searl        Jane                      Guildford           4  157
    Stevens      Sarah                     Guildford           4  157
    Arslett      Jane                      Guildford           4  158
    Simmonds     Ann                       Guildford           4  158
    Stevens      Edward                    Guildford           4  158
    Wilson       William                   Guildford           4  158
    Boxall       Edward                    Guildford           4  159
    Crosby       William                   Guildford           4  159
    Hunt         Mary Ann                  Guildford           4  159
    Lockwood     Martha Jane               Guildford           4  159
    Bixley       Charles                   Guildford           4  161
    Remnant      Ellen                     Guildford           4  161
    Ainslie      Catherine Bayley          Guildford           4  163
    Newton       Francis Wheat             Guildford           4  163
    Breach       Henry                     Guildford           4  165
    Coleman      Ann                       Guildford           4  165
    Gavin        John                      Guildford           4  165
    Pullinger    William                   Guildford           4  165
    Scanlan      Margaret                  Guildford           4  165
    Tickner      Sarah Jane                Guildford           4  165
    Blunt        Maria                     Guildford           4  167
    Colbourn     Ann                       Guildford           4  167
    Colebourne   Ann                       Guildford           4  167
    Corson       John                      Guildford           4  167
    Jenner       Elizabeth                 Guildford           4  167
    Line         George Baker              Guildford           4  167
    Rose         Jesse                     Guildford           4  167
    Trussler     Sarah                     Guildford           4  167
    Wood         David Randale             Guildford           4  167
    Birkin       Henry                     Guildford           4  169
    Ede          Charlotte                 Guildford           4  169
    Harris       Henry                     Guildford           4  169
    Lander       Avis                      Guildford           4  169
    Tuck         Joseph                    Guildford           4  169
    Webb         Maria                     Guildford           4  169
    Dolley       Mary                      Guildford           4  171
    Goddard      George                    Guildford           4  171
    Bullen       Caroline                  Guildford           4  173
    Greenfield   Ellen                     Guildford           4  173
    Reeve        Joseph Edward             Guildford           4  173
    Searle       George                    Guildford           4  173
    Matthews     Eliza                     Hambledon           4  175
    Stephens     Philip                    Hambledon           4  175
    Butcher      Henry                     Hambledon           4  177
    Newman       Jane                      Hambledon           4  177
    Hedger       John                      Hambledon           4  179
    Humphry      Sarah                     Hambleden           4  179
    Mosely       Josephine                 Hambledon           4  179
    Pellin       James                     Hambledon           4  179
    Aslatt       Fanny                     Hambledon           4  181
    Croft        John                      Hambledon           4  181
    Crofts       John                      Hambledon           4  181
    Franks       William                   Hambledon           4  181
    Haslett      Fanny                     Hambledon           4  181
    Raggett      Lucy                      Hambledon           4  181
    Raggott      Lucy                      Hambledon           4  181
    Archer       William                   Hambledon           4  183
    Turner       Mary                      Hambledon           4  183
    Curtis       Clara                     Hambledon           4  185
    Hersey       Nicholas                  Hambleden           4  185
    Billinghurst James                     Hambledon           4  187
    Holland      Thomas                    Hambledon           4  187
    Othen        Jane Elizabeth            Hambledon           4  187
    Tilbury      Harriett                  Hambledon           4  187
    Davis        Martha                    Hambledon           4  189
    Smithers     James                     Hambledon           4  189
    Burll        Rose Anna                 Hambledon           4  191
    Cole         Elizabeth Charlotte       Hambledon           4  191
    Stevenson    Joseph                    Hambledon           4  191
    Worsfold     James                     Hambledon           4  191
    Bedson       James                     Kingston            4  193
    Bedsor X'd   James                     Kingston            4  193
    Budd         Edward La Trobe           Kingston            4  193
    Douglas      Margaret                  Kingston            4  193
    Gooding      Ann                       Kingston            4  193
    Freestone    Louisa                    Kingston            4  195
    Jenkins      Thomas William            Kingston            4  195
    Brown        James                     Kingston            4  197
    Cranstone    Mary                      Kingston            4  197
    Foster       Richard                   Kingston            4  197
    Holmes       Mary                      Kingston            4  197
    Johnstone    Edward                    Kingston            4  197
    Lock         Hannah Eliza              Kingston            4  197
    Mills        Frances                   Kingston            4  197
    Robinson     John                      Kingston            4  197
    Ayres        William                   Kingston            4  199
    Bird         Susan                     Kingston            4  199
    Haigh        Charles Speight           Kingston            4  199
    Hook         Henry                     Kingston            4  199
    Hoole        Henry                     Kingston            4  199
    Rawdens      Ann                       Kingston            4  199
    Rush         Mary Clay                 Kingston            4  199
    Jackson      Elisabeth                 Kingston            4  201
    Johnson      Harriet                   Kingston            4  201
    Keely        Eliza                     Kingston            4  201
    Lamb         Henry                     Kingston            4  201
    Minet        Charles                   Kingston            4  201
    Moore        Frederick Henry           Kingston            4  201
    Perkins      Jane                      Kingston            4  201
    Syred        Charles Frederick         Kingston            4  201
    Bickerstaff  Mary Ann                  Kingston            4  202
    Dawn         Richard                   Kingston            4  202
    Farbrother   Eliza Hill                Kingston            4  202
    Wrist        James Christopher         Kingston            4  202
    Cock         Ann                       Kingston            4  203
    Cork         Ann                       Kingston            4  203
    Miles        James                     Kingston            4  203
    Farrar       Alice                     Kingston            4  205
    Magen        William                   Kingston            4  205
    Rakins       Eling (sic)               Kingston            4  205
    Rakins       Helen                     Kingston            4  205
    Richardson   William                   Kingston            4  205
    Anthony      Martha Frances            Kingston            4  207
    Crockford    Charles                   Kingston            4  207
    Hare         Joseph                    Kingston            4  207
    Hubbard      Jane                      Kingston            4  207
    Jays         Sarah                     Kingston            4  207
    Tesley       James                     Kingston            4  207
    Carter       Eliza                     Kingston            4  209
    Coatsworth   Joseph                    Kingston            4  209
    Fisher       Richard                   Kingston            4  211
    Hogg         Anne Hamilton             Kingston            4  211
    Bligh        Ann                       Lambeth             4  213
    Bligh        Frederick                 Lambeth             4  213
    Branson      William                   Lambeth             4  213
    Collett      Elizabeth Betsy           Lambeth             4  213
    Pearman      Edward                    Lambeth             4  213
    Pratt        Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  213
    Underwood    Ebenezer                  Lambeth             4  213
    Breedon      James                     Lambeth             4  214
    Harrington   Benjamin                  Lambeth             4  214
    Hill         Susan                     Lambeth             4  214
    Mowat        Mary                      Lambeth             4  214
    Oliver       Sophia                    Lambeth             4  214
    Parris       Edward                    Lambeth             4  214
    Saunders     Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  214
    Tester       Malcolm                   Lambeth a           4  214
    Turner       Henry Crofts              Lambeth             4  214
    Armitage     Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  215
    Dixon        Eliza Clarissa            Lambeth             4  215
    Pointer      Caroline                  Lambeth             4  215
    Richards     Caroline                  Lambeth             4  215
    Rose         James                     Lambeth             4  215
    Savill       Thomas Choate             Lambeth             4  215
    Vascoe       Robert                    Lambeth             4  215
    Woods        William                   Lambeth             4  215
    Allen        Susannah                  Lambeth             4  216
    Brown        Sarah                     Lambeth             4  216
    Butcher      William                   Lambeth             4  216
    Heath        Richard                   Lambeth ?216        4  216
    Lloyd        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  216
    Marlow       Elizabeth Ann             Lambeth             4  216
    Shrimpton    Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  216
    Zininger     Anthony Amedee            Lambeth             4  216
    Chambers     Frank                     Lambeth             4  217
    Finch        Eliza Ann                 Lambeth             4  217
    Gynne        Robert                    Lambeth             4  217
    Harris       Martha Ann                Lambeth             4  217
    Leckenley    Adolphus                  Lambeth             4  217
    Ring         Ellen                     Lambeth             4  217
    Simpson      James                     Lambeth             4  217
    Warren       Ann                       Lambeth             4  217
    Mee          Eliza                     Lambeth             4  218
    Pope         Anthony                   Lambeth             4  218
    Priseman     James                     Lambeth             4  218
    Raggett      Maria                     Lambeth ?218        4  218
    Read         Robert Knight Tracey      Lambeth             4  218
    Reed         Mary                      Lambeth             4  218
    Stevens      Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  218
    Weston       Mary                      Lambeth             4  218
    Wilks        William                   Lambeth             4  218
    Blake        Edwin                     Lambeth             4  219
    Paine        Albert                    Lambeth             4  219
    Pullin       Eliza                     Lambeth             4  219
    Reed         Henry                     Lambeth             4  219
    Rose         Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  219
    Smith        Caroline Theane           Lambeth             4  219
    Stockbridge  Sarah                     Lambeth             4  219
    Wardley      John Shaw                 Lambeth             4  219
    Aris         James                     Lambeth             4  220
    Chandler     James                     Lambeth             4  220
    Cumming      Alexander                 Lambeth             4  220
    Etherington  Robert                    Lambeth             4  220
    Janes        Sarah Ann                 Lambeth             4  220
    Mason        Ellen                     Lambeth             4  220
    Merrett      Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  220
    Waller       Agnes                     Lambeth             4  220
    Appleton     William                   Lambeth             4  221
    Bill         Richard                   Lambeth             4  221
    Davis        Eliza                     Lambeth             4  221
    Forster      Henry Defreene Ruffle     Lambeth             4  221
    Fortzer      William Thomas            Lambeth             4  221
    Freeman      Thomas                    Lambeth             4  221
    Jefferson    Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  221
    Kenning      Thomas                    Lambeth             4  221
    Lofthouse    Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  221
    Tull         Jane                      Lambeth             4  221
    Austin       Sarah                     Lambeth             4  222
    Garner       Alfred                    Lambeth             4  222
    Head         Ann                       Lambeth             4  222
    Hill         Jabez                     Lambeth             4  222
    Jenkins      Eliza                     Lambeth             4  222
    Mead         Henry                     Lambeth             4  222
    Shillite     Jehu                      Lambeth             4  222
    Shillito     Jehu                      Lambeth             4  222
    Tetchner     Sarah                     Lambeth             4  222
    Baker        Sidney Marcus             Lambeth             4  223
    Farley       Henry                     Lambeth             4  223
    Okey         Emma Georgianna           Lambeth             4  223
    Peacock      Mary                      Lambeth             4  223
    Robbins      Richard                   Lambeth             4  223
    Roche        James                     Lambeth             4  223
    Walsh        Ellen                     Lambeth             4  223
    Wheatley     Ellen                     Lambeth             4  223
    Brydges      Charles John              Lambeth             4  224
    Giddings     William White             Lambeth             4  224
    Grove        Emma                      Lambeth             4  224
    Hayward      Edwin                     Lambeth             4  224
    Henderson    Letitia Grace             Lambeth             4  224
    Smith        Ann                       Lambeth             4  224
    Studley      Lucy Aycrigg              Lambeth             4  224
    Westaby      William Amos Scarborough  Lambeth             4  224
    Westoby      Wm (sic) Amos Scarborough Lambeth             4  224
    Adlam        Charles                   Lambeth             4  225
    Dady         George                    Lambeth             4  225
    Dawson       Mary                      Lambeth             4  225
    Eyre         Sophia                    Lambeth             4  225
    Maskell      Mary                      Lambeth             4  225
    Merrifield   John                      Lambeth             4  225
    Stillwell    Sarah                     Lambeth             4  225
    Wayland      Philip                    Lambeth             4  225
    Bell         Louisa                    Lambeth             4  226
    Ellis        Eliza                     Lambeth             4  226
    French       William                   Lambeth             4  226
    Jenkins      Edward                    Lambeth             4  226
    Leathes      Augusta Stanger           Lambeth             4  226
    Page         Edward Joseph             Lambeth             4  226
    Sayer        Arabella                  Lambeth             4  226
    Spencer      William                   Lambeth             4  226
    Brown        Charles                   Lambeth             4  227
    Drew         James                     Lambeth             4  227
    Grinhane     Fanny                     Lambeth             4  227
    Skeel        William                   Lambeth             4  227
    Thompson     George                    Lambeth             4  227
    Till         Mary Jane                 Lambeth             4  227
    Walkley      Hannah                    Lambeth             4  227
    Wynn         Eliza                     Lambeth             4  227
    Baker        Harriet                   Lambeth             4  228
    Hancock      John                      Lambeth             4  228
    Jennins      Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  228
    Moore        Jesse Cornelius           Lambeth             4  228
    Morse        Charlotte                 Lambeth             4  228
    Parsons      Charles                   Lambeth             4  228
    Prigg        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  228
    Reilley      Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  228
    Evans        Ann                       Lambeth             4  229
    John         William James             Lambeth             4  229
    Bowling      Louisa                    Lambeth             4  231
    Clemment     William                   Lambeth             4  231
    Crane        George William            Lambeth             4  231
    Fulbrook     William                   Lambeth             4  231
    Knight       Louisa                    Lambeth             4  231
    Turner       Caroline                  Lambeth             4  231
    Wheeler      Sarah                     Lambeth             4  231
    Carrington   Eliza                     Lambeth             4  232
    Curtis       Edgar Morgan              Lambeth             4  232
    Emblin       John                      Lambeth             4  232
    Keylougher   Thomas                    Lambeth             4  232
    Plampin      Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  232
    Sinclair     Robert                    Lambeth             4  232
    Smith        Henrietta                 Lambeth             4  232
    Waterman     Emma                      Lambeth             4  232
    Hyett        Alfred                    Lambeth             4  233
    Upston       Sarah                     Lambeth             4  233
    Gould        Emma Maria                Lambeth             4  234
    Baird        William                   Lambeth             4  235
    Eades        Amelia                    Lambeth             4  235
    Gourley      Thomas                    Lambeth             4  235
    Hutchinson   John                      Lambeth             4  235
    King         Theresa                   Lambeth             4  235
    Ward         Peter                     Lambeth             4  235
    Welch        Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  235
    Earl         John                      Lambeth             4  236
    Hoskin       George                    Lambeth             4  236
    Mann         Katharine                 Lambeth             4  236
    Munday       Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  236
    Payne        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  236
    Spiers       Richard                   Lambeth             4  236
    Stubbs       Jane                      Lambeth             4  236
    Williams     Caroline                  Lambeth             4  236
    Burbery      Sophia                    Lambeth             4  237
    Garfield     Charles Scarman           Lambeth             4  237
    Johnson      Louisa                    Lambeth             4  237
    Kent         Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  237
    Mullins      George                    Lambeth             4  237
    Niblett      Edward William            Lambeth             4  237
    Penlington   Margaret                  Lambeth             4  237
    Shekley      Thomas                    Lambeth             4  237
    Bird         Edward Willy              Lambeth             4  238
    Cross        Robert Rufus              Lambeth             4  238
    Maggs        Sarah Ann                 Lambeth             4  238
    Spencer      Josiah                    Lambeth             4  238
    Varndell     Thomas                    Lambeth             4  238
    Vicat        Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  238
    Wildman      Pleasant Margaret         Lambeth             4  238
    Woodfine     Eliza                     Lambeth             4  238
    Berridge     Eleanor                   Lambeth             4  239
    Broad        Joseph                    Lambeth             4  239
    James        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  239
    Jenkins      Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  239
    Pearce       Caroline                  Lambeth             4  239
    Stupple      Richard                   Lambeth             4  239
    Tether       George                    Lambeth             4  239
    Wood         Caroline                  Lambeth             4  239
    Bone         Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  240
    Bow          Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  240
    Christmas    William Ambrose           Lambeth             4  240
    Dewey        Thomas William            Lambeth             4  240
    Godfrey      Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  240
    Haddon       Charlotte Ann             Lambeth             4  240
    Lambert      Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  240
    Plunkett     James                     Lambeth             4  240
    Strube       James Andreas             Lambeth             4  240
    Brown        George                    Lambeth ?241        4  241
    Clowsay      Maurice                   Lambeth             4  241
    Jarvis       Emily                     Lambeth             4  241
    Jones        Alfred                    Lambeth             4  241
    Lawrance     Mary                      Lambeth             4  241
    Macmahon     Ellen                     Lambeth             4  241
    Scanlan      John                      Lambeth             4  241
    Turner       Ann                       Lambeth             4  241
    Finn         Mary                      Lambeth             4  242
    Linbourn     Mary                      Lambeth             4  242
    Norton       John William              Lambeth ?242        4  242
    Reader       Robert                    Lambeth             4  242
    Turton       Eleanor Ann               Lambeth             4  242
    Withey       George James              Lambeth             4  242
    Eades        Emma                      Lambeth             4  243
    Edgeller     Adelaide Elizabeth        Lambeth             4  243
    Onley        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  243
    Smith        George Henry              Lambeth             4  243
    Watson       Richard                   Lambeth             4  243
    Whale        John                      Lambeth             4  243
    Williams     Caroline                  Lambeth             4  243
    Young        Mary                      Lambeth             4  243
    Carroll      William                   Lambeth             4  244
    Clarke       Jane                      Lambeth             4  244
    Furner       Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  244
    Horning      James Ripley              Lambeth             4  244
    Munday       Sarah                     Lambeth             4  244
    Oxlade       James                     Lambeth             4  244
    Sidey        William James             Lambeth             4  244
    Stallibrass  Sarah                     Lambeth             4  244
    Bignell      Catherine                 Lambeth             4  245
    Bottomley    Sampson Hugh              Lambeth             4  245
    Broomhead    Eleanor                   Lambeth             4  245
    Crowther     Walter                    Lambeth             4  245
    Davis        Catherine Sarah           Lambeth             4  245
    Emmett       Jonathan                  Lambeth             4  245
    Finnegan     James                     Lambeth             4  245
    Hobson       William                   Lambeth             4  245
    Neal         Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  245
    Boulton      Mary                      Lambeth             4  246
    Harris       James                     Lambeth             4  246
    Murphy       Thomas                    Lambeth             4  246
    Raymond      William Samuel            Lambeth             4  246
    Stephens     Caroline                  Lambeth             4  246
    Sullivan     Ellen                     Lambeth             4  246
    Twort        Eliza Mary Teressa        Lambeth             4  246
    Young        Joseph                    Lambeth             4  246
    Brinn        Mary                      Lambeth             4  247
    Griffiths    David                     Lambeth             4  247
    Kenyon       Mary                      Lambeth             4  247
    Murphy       Timothy                   Lambeth             4  247
    Portch       Frederick                 Lambeth             4  247
    Thompson     George                    Lambeth             4  247
    Whitehouse   Sarah Ruth                Lambeth             4  247
    Yealfe       Maria Anna                Lambeth             4  247
    Glanville    Frederick William         Lambeth             4  248
    Holsman      James Dudley              Lambeth             4  248
    Murton       Rachel                    Lambeth             4  248
    Phillips     Jane                      Lambeth             4  248
    Skinner      Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  248
    Stagg        Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  248
    Waters       George                    Lambeth             4  248
    Williams     William                   Lambeth             4  248
    Baldwin      Frances Emma              Lambeth             4  249
    Bevis        John                      Lambeth             4  249
    Cook         Frederick                 Lambeth             4  249
    Faulkner     Elizabeth Eliza           Lambeth             4  249
    Ledger       Frederick                 Lambeth             4  249
    Morgan       Elizabeth Louisa          Lambeth             4  249
    Page         Eliza Harriet Ann         Lambeth             4  249
    Payne        Edward                    Lambeth             4  249
    Ansley       Jane                      Lambeth             4  250
    Burne        John                      Lambeth             4  250
    Knight       John                      Lambeth             4  250
    Langford     Caroline                  Lambeth             4  250
    Marshall     Isabella                  Lambeth             4  250
    Masters      Charlotte                 Lambeth             4  250
    Phillips     George                    Lambeth             4  250
    Rowland      William Henry             Lambeth             4  250
    Attrill      Maria                     Lambeth             4  251
    Baldwin      Alfred George             Lambeth             4  251
    Bosworth     Harriet                   Lambeth             4  251
    Earl         Edward                    Lambeth             4  251
    Fleet        Elizabeth Maria           Lambeth             4  251
    Hyatt        William                   Lambeth             4  251
    Manfield     Charlotte Elizabeth       Lambeth             4  251
    March        George                    Lambeth             4  251
    Barker       Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  252
    Burns        Alison                    Lambeth             4  252
    Haydon       Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  252
    Lane         William                   Lambeth             4  252
    Satchell     William                   Lambeth             4  252
    White        Harriet                   Lambeth             4  252
    Wilson       William                   Lambeth             4  252
    Buzer        Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  253
    Faulkner     John James                Lambeth             4  253
    Hill         Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  253
    Hoey         Eliza                     Lambeth             4  253
    Langley      William                   Lambeth             4  253
    Pearse       Henry Harvey              Lambeth             4  253
    Rodd         Edward                    Lambeth             4  253
    Scott        Richard Bracken           Lambeth             4  253
    Shephard     Jane Hannah               Lambeth             4  253
    Abbott       Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  254
    Fisher       Catherine                 Lambeth             4  254
    Harris       William Gilbert           Lambeth             4  254
    Hunt         William                   Lambeth             4  254
    Painter      John Prowse               Lambeth             4  254
    Rook         Albert Ellis              Lambeth             4  254
    Stacey       Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  254
    Tattersall   Esther                    Lambeth             4  254
    Couldrick    Mary Ann Susannah         Lambeth             4  255
    Dickeson     Frederick                 Lambeth             4  255
    Downing      Hannah                    Lambeth             4  255
    Goss         John                      Lambeth             4  255
    Humphrey     Mary                      Lambeth             4  255
    Kelsey       George                    Lambeth             4  255
    Monney       Francis                   Lambeth             4  255
    Nickson      Eliza                     Lambeth             4  255
    Vaughan      Mary                      Lambeth             4  255
    Denn         Eliza                     Lambeth             4  256
    Floyd        Sarah                     Lambeth             4  256
    Grove        Richard                   Lambeth             4  256
    Harvey       Joseph                    Lambeth             4  256
    Orchard      David                     Lambeth             4  256
    Stoiell      John                      Lambeth             4  256
    Williams     Sarah                     Lambeth             4  256
    Zugg         Sarah                     Lambeth             4  256
    Adcock       Emma                      Lambeth             4  257
    Barlow       Isaac Haddock?            Lambeth ?237        4  257
    Innes        William                   Lambeth             4  257
    Keen         Emma                      Lambeth             4  257
    Pugh         Harriet                   Lambeth             4  257
    Sadler       Charles                   Lambeth             4  257
    Watkins      Thomas                    Lambeth             4  257
    Wilkinson    John Henry                Lambeth             4  257
    Anthony      Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  258
    Compson      Louisa                    Lambeth             4  258
    Elliott      John                      Lambeth             4  258
    May          William                   Lambeth             4  258
    Mitchell     James                     Lambeth             4  258
    Shain        Charles William           Lambeth             4  258
    Sharp        Margaret Norton George    Lambeth             4  258
    Downing      Sarah                     Lambeth             4  259
    Hambling     Ann                       Lambeth             4  259
    Jaques       Rosetta Jane              Lambeth             4  259
    Lodge        Richard                   Lambeth             4  259
    Mordey       George                    Lambeth             4  259
    Payne        Eliza                     Lambeth ?257        4  259
    Pulbrook     Lot                       Lambeth             4  259
    Sparrow      Frances                   Lambeth             4  259
    Warrener     Robert                    Lambeth             4  259
    Bridges      John                      Lambeth             4  260
    Ditcher      William                   Lambeth             4  260
    Gehrling     John                      Lambeth             4  260
    Hocken       Willam Henry              Lambeth             4  260
    Lawford      Harriet                   Lambeth             4  260
    Richards     Mary                      Lambeth             4  260
    Trickey      Martha                    Lambeth             4  260
    Woolford     Amelia                    Lambeth             4  260
    Alder        Emma                      Lambeth             4  261
    Bulling      Jane Delver               Lambeth             4  261
    Francklin    John James                Lambeth             4  261
    Harling      William                   Lambeth             4  261
    Hiatt        Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  261
    Spratley     Francis                   Lambeth             4  261
    Wakelin      Ann                       Lambeth             4  261
    Bradshaw     Martha                    Lambeth             4  262
    Coppins      Robert                    Lambeth             4  262
    Edwards      Sarah                     Lambeth             4  262
    Ellis        William                   Lambeth             4  262
    Figg         James                     Lambeth             4  262
    Hayes        Stephen                   Lambeth ?262        4  262
    Main         Elizabeth Mary Margaret   Lambeth             4  262
    Newland      James                     Lambeth             4  262
    Young        Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  262
    Briggs       Jane                      Lambeth             4  263
    Dumont       Ellen                     Lambeth             4  263
    Filder       John Wilson               Lambeth             4  263
    Fuller       Jeremiah                  Lambeth             4  263
    Lodge        Rebecca                   Lambeth             4  263
    Lofting      Jane                      Lambeth             4  263
    Robinson     John Samuel               Lambeth             4  263
    Seakins      Caroline                  Lambeth             4  263
    Thacker      William                   Lambeth             4  263
    Barnes       Anne                      Lambeth             4  264
    Cook         Francis                   Lambeth             4  264
    Knight       Squire Richard Thomas     Lambeth             4  264
    Nelson       Marylinn Elizabeth        Lambeth             4  264
    Piper        Ann                       Lambeth             4  264
    Semple       John                      Lambeth             4  264
    Wratten      Emma                      Lambeth             4  264
    Austin       Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  265
    Biggs        Frances                   Lambeth             4  265
    Fells        William                   Lambeth             4  265
    Green        Susannah                  Lambeth             4  265
    Grosmith     Sarah                     Lambeth             4  265
    Jordan       Joseph                    Lambeth             4  265
    Page         William                   Lambeth             4  265
    Smith        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  265
    Fiddler      Phoebe                    Lambeth             4  267
    Hayter       Eliza                     Lambeth             4  267
    Jones        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  267
    Kettele      Thomas                    Lambeth             4  267
    Nye          Elizabeth Margaret        Lambeth             4  267
    Spencer      Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  267
    Thornton     Henry                     Lambeth             4  267
    Woody        James                     Lambeth             4  267
    Clark        Abraham Elliott           Lambeth             4  268
    Foley        Benjamin Matthew          Lambeth             4  268
    Lewis        Mary                      Lambeth             4  268
    Taylor       David                     Lambeth             4  268
    Ward         Georgeana                 Lambeth             4  268
    Wharton      Elizabeth                 Lambeth ?8          4  268
    Blastock     Frederick                 Lambeth             4  269
    Dewey        John Augustus             Lambeth             4  269
    Lewis        Henry                     Lambeth             4  269
    Love         Margarett Esther          Lambeth             4  269
    Love         Margaret Esther           Lambeth             4  269
    Lyes         Elizabeth Ann             Lambeth             4  269
    Moss         Sarah                     Lambeth             4  269
    Paddon       Henry Grenter             Lambeth             4  269
    Pincott      Lydia                     Lambeth             4  269
    Bargale      Thomas                    Lambeth ?279        4  270
    Bowditch     Walter                    Lambeth             4  270
    Farley       Edwin Charles             Lambeth             4  270
    Kent         George                    Lambeth             4  270
    Kent         Jane                      Lambeth ?290        4  270
    Miller       Sarah                     Lambeth             4  270
    Newsome      Bethiah                   Lambeth             4  270
    Warren       Letitia                   Lambeth             4  270
    Bedford      James                     Lambeth             4  271
    Hudson       William                   Lambeth             4  271
    Jeffreys     Eliza                     Lambeth             4  271
    Luarey       Mary                      Lambeth             4  271
    Pursey       Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  271
    Talbott      Mary                      Lambeth             4  271
    Thompson     James                     Lambeth             4  271
    Wood         John                      Lambeth             4  271
    Beaverstock  William                   Lambeth             4  272
    Burton       Joseph                    Lambeth             4  272
    Davis        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  272
    Gardiner     Susan                     Lambeth             4  272
    Johnson      Elizabeth Harriot         Lambeth             4  272
    Ray          Rosetta Eliza Clark       Lambeth             4  272
    Rosewell     Joseph                    Lambeth ?2          4  272
    Wyatt        Victoria                  Lambeth             4  272
    Badger       Sarah                     Lambeth             4  273
    Burton       Frederick Alfred          Lambeth             4  273
    Carpenter    Emily Frances             Lambeth             4  273
    Chandler     Sophia                    Lambeth             4  273
    Donaldson    Walter Frederick          Lambeth             4  273
    Edwards      Francis Thomas            Lambeth             4  273
    Finch        Sophia                    Lambeth             4  273
    Hutchinson   Susannah                  Lambeth             4  273
    Usher        William                   Lambeth             4  273
    Boddy        Ann                       Lambeth             4  274
    Boulton      Thomas                    Lambeth             4  274
    George       Lucy Sarah                Lambeth             4  274
    Green        Frederick William         Lambeth             4  274
    Hawkes       Robert Joseph             Lambeth             4  274
    Hubbard      Mary                      Lambeth             4  274
    Potterill    William                   Lambeth             4  274
    Stone        Eliza                     Lambeth             4  274
    Blakeman     Charlotte                 Lambeth             4  275
    Grant        Isabella                  Lambeth             4  275
    Harrington   Caroline                  Lambeth             4  275
    Holyday      William                   Lambeth             4  275
    Parker       William Henry             Lambeth             4  275
    Rowe         Elizabeth Ann             Lambeth             4  275
    Skilbeck     Richard                   Lambeth             4  275
    Smith        George James              Lambeth             4  275
    Brooks       Richard James             Lambeth             4  276
    Ellis        Maria                     Lambeth             4  276
    Harper       Emma                      Lambeth             4  276
    Knight       John                      Lambeth             4  276
    Lee          Henry Isaac               Lambeth             4  276
    Lunn         Robert                    Lambeth             4  276
    White        Betsey                    Lambeth             4  276
    Boon         Louisa                    Lambeth             4  277
    Brinklow     Thomas                    Lambeth             4  277
    Chapman      Emma                      Lambeth ?277        4  277
    Griffis      John (Walker)             Lambeth             4  277
    King         James                     Lambeth             4  277
    Pitts        Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  277
    Todd         Emma                      Lambeth             4  277
    Warrington   Edward                    Lambeth             4  277
    Wood         Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  277
    Butcher      John Lennox               Lambeth             4  278
    Horroll      Jane Mary Ann             Lambeth             4  278
    Kingston     Sarah Hannah              Lambeth             4  278
    ODwyer       Stephen                   Lambeth             4  278
    Reid         Ebenezer                  Lambeth             4  278
    Stanton      Honora                    Lambeth ?8          4  278
    Strand       Margaret                  Lambeth             4  278
    Wardley      James                     Lambeth             4  278
    Bird         Caroline                  Lambeth             4  279
    Boyce        George                    Lambeth ?279        4  279
    Gale         Elija? Ralph              Lambeth             4  279
    Gerrard      Ann                       Lambeth             4  279
    Horsley      Edward                    Lambeth             4  279
    Stone        John                      Lambeth             4  279
    Tool         Esther                    Lambeth             4  279
    Turnbull     John                      Lambeth             4  279
    Cobbett      Edmund                    Lambeth             4  280
    Coward       Ann                       Lambeth             4  280
    Hodges       Eliza Grace               Lambeth             4  280
    Lockhard     William                   Lambeth             4  280
    Nixon        Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  280
    Paynter      Frances                   Lambeth             4  280
    Pike         James                     Lambeth ?230        4  280
    Strelley     Frederic Clayton          Lambeth             4  280
    Brown        Benjamin                  Lambeth             4  281
    Gordon       Ebenezer James            Lambeth             4  281
    Hammon       Susannah                  Lambeth             4  281
    Hopekirk     Walter                    Lambeth             4  281
    Langford     Lucy                      Lambeth             4  281
    Ray          Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  281
    Turner       Julia Augusta             Lambeth             4  281
    Weakner      George                    Lambeth             4  281
    Attryde      Hannah                    Lambeth             4  282
    Dickinson    Thomas                    Lambeth             4  282
    Goss         Martha                    Lambeth             4  282
    Jones        William                   Lambeth             4  282
    Pratt        Caroline                  Lambeth             4  282
    Pratt        Robert                    Lambeth             4  282
    Tickell      John                      Lambeth             4  282
    Windebank    Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  282
    Bond         James Cyrus               Lambeth             4  283
    Jones        Mary Ann Lovell           Lambeth             4  283
    Lampe        Susanna                   Lambeth             4  283
    Miles        Maria                     Lambeth             4  283
    Pearl        James                     Lambeth             4  283
    Richardson   Thomas                    Lambeth             4  283
    Scamell      Daniel                    Lambeth             4  283
    Banks        Sarah Ann Fawcett         Lambeth             4  284
    Cooper       Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  284
    Dent         William                   Lambeth             4  284
    Eyres        Daniel                    Lambeth             4  284
    Feuillade    Thamar Elizabeth          Lambeth             4  284
    Honnor       Esther                    Lambeth             4  284
    Powell       Richard Robert            Lambeth             4  284
    Wood         William                   Lambeth             4  284
    Barker       Frances                   Lambeth             4  285
    Cox          Robert                    Lambeth             4  285
    Dean         William Thomas            Lambeth             4  285
    Hales        Caroline                  Lambeth             4  285
    Langford     Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  285
    Seager       John                      Lambeth             4  285
    Udell        Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  285
    Wingrove     Henry                     Lambeth             4  285
    Bass         Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  286
    Daler        Margaret                  Lambeth             4  286
    Doyle        James                     Lambeth             4  286
    Goff         Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  286
    Holburn      Richard                   Lambeth             4  286
    Jordan       George                    Lambeth             4  286
    Williams     Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  286
    Wilmshurst   William                   Lambeth             4  286
    Wilmshurst   William                   Lambeth             4  286
    Berry        Henry                     Lambeth             4  287
    Chivers      Sarah                     Lambeth             4  287
    Coppin       Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  287
    Dunt         Ann                       Lambeth             4  287
    Jackson      William                   Lambeth             4  287
    Osmond       William                   Lambeth             4  287
    Scharff      Laura                     Lambeth             4  287
    Barrance     Sarah Sophia              Lambeth             4  288
    Bowen        James                     Lambeth             4  288
    Cooper       Emma                      Lambeth             4  288
    Gummow       James Reynolds            Lambeth             4  288
    Gummow       Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  288
    Hill         Thomas                    Lambeth             4  288
    Miles        Sarah                     Lambeth             4  288
    Smith        John                      Lambeth             4  288
    Stiff        Sarah Maria               Lambeth             4  288
    Baggs        Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  289
    Bain         John                      Lambeth             4  289
    Cooper       Ann Catherine             Lambeth             4  289
    Forsdicke    Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  289
    Johnson      Robert                    Lambeth             4  289
    Lansdown     Charles                   Lambeth             4  289
    Mathews      George                    Lambeth             4  289
    Woods        Sophia                    Lambeth             4  289
    Buttery      Sarah                     Lambeth             4  290
    Castell      Frederick                 Lambeth             4  290
    Clark        Edward John               Lambeth             4  290
    McDowell     William                   Lambeth             4  290
    McGhie       Charlotte                 Lambeth             4  290
    Revell       Mary Anne                 Lambeth             4  290
    Scott        Frederick John            Lambeth             4  290
    Ward         Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  290
    Berwick      William                   Lambeth             4  291
    Comeford     Eliza Caroline            Lambeth             4  291
    Condie       James                     Lambeth             4  291
    Ebelthite    Henry William             Lambeth             4  291
    Godfrey      William                   Lambeth             4  291
    Harper       Sarah                     Lambeth             4  291
    Reeks        Eliza Elizabeth           Lambeth             4  291
    Saunders     Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  291
    Sibley       William                   Lambeth             4  291
    Collins      James                     Lambeth             4  292
    Day          James Larvell             Lambeth             4  292
    Hall         Rebecca                   Lambeth             4  292
    Moody        Elizabeth Sarah           Lambeth             4  292
    Allam        John                      Lambeth             4  293
    Beazley      Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  293
    Downs        James                     Lambeth             4  293
    Harris       James                     Lambeth             4  293
    Hobbs        Catherine                 Lambeth             4  293
    Hooker       Sarah                     Lambeth             4  293
    Kislingbury  Anne Maria                Lambeth             4  293
    Meloy        William                   Lambeth             4  293
    Alpass       Thomas                    Lambeth             4  294
    Ediker       Julia                     Lambeth             4  294
    Eversfield   Frances Carlton           Lambeth             4  294
    Gellard      Walter                    Lambeth             4  294
    Hesson       Samuel                    Lambeth             4  294
    Hoare        Henry                     Lambeth             4  294
    Letford      Harriett                  Lambeth             4  294
    Looker       Harriett                  Lambeth             4  294
    Hill         Henry Shilson             Lambeth             4  295
    Littel       Ann                       Lambeth             4  295
    Long         Elizabeth Congreve        Lambeth             4  295
    Mead         John                      Lambeth             4  295
    Pallister    Thomas                    Lambeth             4  295
    Selway       Mary Ann Elizabeth        Lambeth             4  295
    Windett      Edward                    Lambeth             4  295
    Winterflood  Susan                     Lambeth             4  295
    Charlett     Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  296
    Hughes       Mary Ann                  Lambeth             4  296
    Long         Thomas                    Lambeth             4  296
    Nichols      Marion                    Lambeth             4  296
    Peas         Thomas Durdant            Lambeth             4  296
    Phillips     Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  296
    Yeates       George                    Lambeth             4  296
    Allen        Sarah                     Lambeth             4  297
    Amos         Ann                       Lambeth             4  297
    Granger      Eliza Ann                 Lambeth             4  297
    Matthews     William Henry             Lambeth             4  297
    Rooke        Thomas                    Lambeth             4  297
    Snelling     William                   Lambeth             4  297
    Vickery      John                      Lambeth             4  297
    Whittington  Esther                    Lambeth             4  297
    Brown        Frances                   Lambeth             4  298
    Simpson      Robert                    Lambeth             4  298
    Barber       George                    Lambeth             4  299
    Brewer       Maria                     Lambeth             4  299
    Copperwheat  Elizabeth                 Lambeth             4  299
    Liquorish    Mary                      Lambeth             4  299
    Ritter       Adam                      Lambeth             4  299
    Winders      George                    Lambeth             4  299
    Bate         Thomas Henry              Lambeth             4  301
    Edwards      Edward Lee                Lambeth             4  301
    French       Eliza Sarah               Lambeth             4  301
    Hale         James Lysander            Lambeth             4  301
    House        Mary Elizabeth            Lambeth             4  301
    Pike         Kate                      Lambeth             4  301
    Sewell       Adolph                    Lambeth             4  301
    Tatchell     Ellen                     Lambeth             4  301
    Berry        James                     Lambeth             4  302
    Rogers       Jane                      Lambeth             4  302
    Ford         Henry                     Lambeth             4  303
    Gover        Benedicta                 Lambeth             4  303
    Sainsbury    Sarah Hoare               Lambeth             4  303
    Samson       William                   Lambeth             4  303
    Bellmore     Ann Amelia                Newington           4  305
    Blinks       Edward                    Newington           4  305
    Brown        Elizabeth                 Newington           4  305
    Bull         Mary Ann                  Newington           4  305
    Osborn       Sarah                     Newington           4  305
    Potter       Francis William           Newington           4  305
    Still        John Frederick            Newington           4  305
    Webb         Henry                     Newington           4  305
    Brooker      Martha Harriet            Newington           4  306
    Brydon       Elizabeth Mary            Newington           4  306
    Creed        George                    Newington           4  306
    Gotter       Eliza Emma                Newington           4  306
    Jackson      William Langdale          Newington           4  306
    Phillips     George                    Newington           4  306
    Trigg        Sarah                     Newington           4  306
    Whittle      Frederick                 Newington           4  306
    Apps         Frances                   Newington           4  307
    Beaumann     Louisa                    Newington           4  307
    Flintan      William                   Newington           4  307
    Kember       James                     Newington           4  307
    Long         Edward                    Newington           4  307
    Rait         Alexander                 Newington           4  307
    Tipple       Harriette                 Newington           4  307
    Vaughan      Martha Eliza              Newington           4  307
    Weldon       Catherine                 Newington           4  307
    Allsworth    Anne Maria                Newington           4  308
    Bate         Elizabeth                 Newington           4  308
    Elvey        William Henry             Newington           4  308
    Speechley    Ann                       Newington           4  308
    Strudwick    Frederick                 Newington           4  308
    Tester       George                    Newington           4  308
    Watts        Caroline                  Newington           4  308
    Crew         Henry Chrichard           Newington           4  309
    Ellis        Richard                   Newington           4  309
    Haines       Samuel Charles            Newington           4  309
    Nicholls     Laura                     Newington           4  309
    Pinfold      Martha                    Newington           4  309
    Sharpe       Matilda                   Newington           4  309
    Topping      Thomas                    Newington           4  309
    Crosbie      James                     Newington           4  310
    Dowling      Catherine                 Newington           4  310
    Evans        Elizabeth                 Newington           4  310
    Kelly        Charles Allonzo           Newington           4  310
    Naish        Matilda                   Newington           4  310
    Watthew      Richard                   Newington           4  310
    Wilson       Thomas                    Newington           4  310
    Beadle       Daniel                    Newington           4  311
    Burt         Hannah                    Newington           4  311
    Chettle      Margaret Ann              Newington           4  311
    Fulton       Eliza                     Newington           4  311
    Glover       Louisa                    Newington           4  311
    Greenfield   Zephaniah                 Newington           4  311
    Parish       Mary Ann                  Newington           4  311
    Sandy        Thomas                    Newington           4  311
    Tanner       Thomas Farncomb           Newington           4  311
    Blunt        William                   Newington           4  312
    Harwood      Charles                   Newington           4  312
    Johnson      Frances                   Newington           4  312
    Pipe         John                      Newington           4  312
    Prosser      George                    Newington           4  312
    Samonelle    Mary Ann                  Newington           4  312
    Skinner      Matilda                   Newington           4  312
    Stevens      Elizabeth                 Newington           4  312
    Bell         Joseph Richard            Newington           4  313
    Boys         Ri---tta                  Newington           4  313
    Hawkins      John                      Newington           4  313
    Lee          Joseph Francis            Newington           4  313
    Parslow      Sarah Ann                 Newington           4  313
    Rodd         Mary Wilshar              Newington           4  313
    Sharp        Martha                    Newington           4  313
    Talbot       Henry                     Newington           4  313
    Clark        John                      Newington           4  314
    Cullingford  Ellen                     Newington           4  314
    Dinsley      Elizabeth                 Newington           4  314
    Harrington   Elizabeth Sarah           Newington           4  314
    Luce         William                   Newington           4  314
    Savory       Simeon                    Newington           4  314
    Scott        Francis William           Newington           4  314
    Webb         Martha Frances            Newington           4  314
    Alexander    Charles Louis             Newington           4  315
    Butler       Thomas                    Newington           4  315
    Earl         William                   Newington           4  315
    Graves       Eliza                     Newington           4  315
    Kirk         John                      Newington           4  315
    Nettle       Eliza                     Newington           4  315
    Quarrill     Sarah                     Newington           4  315
    Reynolds     Elizabeth                 Newington           4  315
    Sheppard     William                   Newington           4  315
    Brown        Rebecca                   Newington           4  316
    Charge       William Clarke            Newington           4  316
    Deeks        William                   Newington           4  316
    Goodman      Joanna                    Newington           4  316
    Hollingshead Maria Ellen               Newington           4  316
    Lovell       James                     Newington           4  316
    Neary        John                      Newington           4  316
    Saltmarsh    Charlotte                 Newington           4  316
    Braughall    Mary Ann                  Newington           4  317
    Brockwell    Edward                    Newington           4  317
    Bungard      Sarah                     Newington           4  317
    Duggin       Catherine                 Newington           4  317
    Garland      Joseph Thomas             Newington           4  317
    Smith        Mary Ann                  Newington           4  317
    Wing         George Francis            Newington           4  317
    Wood         Frederick                 Newington           4  317
    Bailey       Joseph                    Newington           4  318
    Durant       Ann Elizabeth             Newington           4  318
    Franklin     Ann                       Newington           4  318
    Gutheridge   William James             Newington           4  318
    Mears        Eliza                     Newington           4  318
    Reynolds     William                   Newington           4  318
    Smith        Frederick                 Newington           4  318
    Wheeler      Susannah                  Newington ?8        4  318
    Batchelor    William                   Newington           4  319
    Edmonds      Albertina                 Newington           4  319
    Faulder      James                     Newington           4  319
    Gibbons      John                      Newington           4  319
    Simmons      Lydia                     Newington           4  319
    Storey       Mary                      Newington           4  319
    Talbot       Georgiana                 Newington           4  319
    Tickner      George James              Newington           4  319
    Deverson     Stephen Henry             Newington           4  320
    Harris       John William              Newington           4  320
    May          John                      Newington           4  320
    Reynolds     Emma                      Newington           4  320
    Single       Mary                      Newington           4  320
    Smith        Mary Ann                  Newington           4  320
    Young        William                   Newington           4  320
    Cheek        Margaret                  Newington           4  321
    Covell       Eliza                     Newington           4  321
    Hayward      Sidney                    Newington           4  321
    Hyde         William Edward            Newington           4  321
    Knighton     Elizabeth                 Newington           4  321
    Murry        Michael                   Newington           4  321
    Reay         Thomas                    Newington           4  321
    Selkirk      Catherine                 Newington           4  321
    Whitworth    Mary Ann                  Newington           4  321
    Bugbird      William Henry             Newington           4  322
    Cooper       Richard                   Newington           4  322
    De Bock      Amelie                    Newington           4  322
    Eden         Mary Ann                  Newington           4  322
    Green        George                    Newington           4  322
    Moran        William Henry             Newington           4  322
    Rowley       Sarah                     Newington           4  322
    Wallis       Sophia                    Newington           4  322
    Bonney       Eleanor                   Newington           4  323
    Byfield      Thomas Richard            Newington           4  323
    Doach        Ann                       Newington           4  323
    Moon         Mary Ann                  Newington           4  323
    Trow         George                    Newington           4  323
    Westfold     William                   Newington           4  323
    Whibley      James Wiles               Newington           4  323
    Wiles        Elizabeth                 Newington           4  323
    Belcher      Charles John              Newington           4  324
    Bishop       Susan                     Newington           4  324
    Eden         William                   Newington           4  324
    Ellsley      Caroline                  Newington           4  324
    Hurley       Mary Ann                  Newington           4  324
    Lane         Robert                    Newington           4  324
    Smith        Eliza                     Newington           4  324
    Wild         Charles                   Newington           4  324
    Amory        Ellen                     Newington           4  325
    Francis      Elizabeth Susannah        Newington           4  325
    Hall         Henry                     Newington           4  325
    Marks        William                   Newington           4  325
    Percy        Sarah                     Newington           4  325
    Pike         Samuel Hitherell?         Newington           4  325
    Russell      Charlotte Maria           Newington           4  325
    Stannett     James                     Newington           4  325
    Croxford     Jane                      Newington           4  326
    Gibson       Benjamin                  Newington           4  326
    Hance        Charles                   Newington           4  326
    Kennely      Eliza                     Newington           4  326
    Scanlan      Batholomew                Newington           4  326
    Tinkler      Thomas                    Newington           4  326
    Turner       Mary                      Newington           4  326
    Wright       Elizabeth                 Newington           4  326
    Atkinson     Jane                      Newington           4  327
    Ballard      Marian Caroline           Newington           4  327
    Baron        Edward                    Newington           4  327
    Batten       Isaac                     Newington           4  327
    Charrington  Elizabeth Mary            Newington           4  327
    Hastie       Donald                    Newington           4  327
    Hughes       Ann Coley                 Newington           4  327
    Lee          Martha Maria              Newington           4  327
    Lees         William                   Newington           4  327
    Alexander    Anna Maria                Newington           4  328
    Balchan      Isaac                     Newington           4  328
    Gray         Caroline Elizabeth        Newington           4  328
    Haydon       Mary Eleanora             Newington           4  328
    Inkpen       Samuel                    Newington           4  328
    King         Caroline                  Newington           4  328
    Standish     George                    Newington           4  328
    Toft         Samuel Clark              Newington           4  328
    Asser        Sarah                     Newington           4  329
    Clarke       Rebecca                   Newington           4  329
    Fisher       John                      Newington           4  329
    Gussin       Thomas                    Newington           4  329
    Hall         Richard                   Newington           4  329
    Scott        James                     Newington           4  329
    Stout        Eliza                     Newington           4  329
    Thorn        Sarah                     Newington           4  329
    Cooper       William                   Newington           4  330
    Cutler       Charles                   Newington           4  330
    Gooding      William George            Newington           4  330
    Hawkes       Emma                      Newington           4  330
    Hodge        Mary Ann                  Newington           4  330
    Jackson      Mary                      Newington           4  330
    Richardson   Mary                      Newington           4  330
    Stone        George                    Newington           4  330
    Benwell      Thomas Riggs              Newington           4  331
    Burns        Catherine                 Newington           4  331
    Byard        William                   Newington           4  331
    Girdler      Amelia                    Newington           4  331
    Higlett      Hannah Maria              Newington           4  331
    Hughes       William Henry             Newington           4  331
    White        Eliza                     Newington           4  331
    Wilson       Godfrey Geroge            Newington           4  331
    Burge        Joshua George             Newington           4  332
    Meagle       Emma Eliza                Newington           4  332
    Orford       Sarah                     Newington           4  332
    Simpkins     Ann                       Newington           4  332
    Sopp         James                     Newington           4  332
    Wilson       Thomas William            Newington           4  332
    Babington    George Thomas             Newington           4  333
    Bathe        George                    Newington           4  333
    Humphrey     Susanna                   Newington           4  333
    Lambert      Sarah Maria               Newington           4  333
    Oliphant     Louisa Blender            Newington           4  333
    Partis       John                      Newington           4  333
    Wood         Charlotte                 Newington           4  333
    Woods        William                   Newington           4  333
    Cocks        Mary Ann Rock             Newington           4  334
    Kendall      Mary                      Newington           4  334
    Lush         William                   Newington           4  334
    Rest??r      James                     Newington           4  334
    Richards     Joseph Read               Newington           4  334
    Verrey       Elizabeth                 Newington           4  334
    Warren       William                   Newington           4  334
    Warren       Lucy                      Newington           4  334
    Drury        Jane                      Newington           4  335
    Dukes        Lavinia Ann               Newington           4  335
    Eve          Henry Claydon             Newington           4  335
    Kendall      Charles                   Newington           4  335
    Knights      Sarah Ann                 Newington           4  335
    Neal         William                   Newington           4  335
    Tibbel       Susan                     Newington           4  335
    Woodhouse    William Robert            Newington           4  335
    Hammond      Elizabeth                 Newington           4  336
    Harris       Samuel                    Newington           4  336
    Hickling     James                     Newington           4  336
    Lehon        Caroline                  Newington           4  336
    Martin       Eleanor                   Newington           4  336
    Mullis       Mary Ellen                Newington           4  336
    Scholefield  John                      Newington           4  336
    Barnett      John                      Newington           4  337
    Blackman     George                    Newington           4  337
    Cooke        Elizabeth                 Newington           4  337
    Davis        Mary Ann                  Newington           4  337
    Kent         Ann                       Newington           4  337
    Logan        Frances                   Newington           4  337
    Snow         Robert                    Newington           4  337
    Windley      James                     Newington           4  337
    Dobbs        Joseph                    Newington           4  338
    Fairhall     Joseph                    Newington           4  338
    Goldthorp    Francis                   Newington           4  338
    Jameson      Thomas                    Newington           4  338
    Jarvis       Ann                       Newington           4  338
    Miller       Ann                       Newington           4  338
    Pink         Eliza                     Newington           4  338
    Pitt         Ellen Ann                 Newington           4  338
    Bishop       Joseph                    Newington           4  339
    Brady        Mary Elizabeth            Newington           4  339
    Darvile      James                     Newington           4  339
    Donnavan     James                     Newington           4  339
    Marshall     Fanny Mary                Newington           4  339
    Plowman      Henry                     Newington           4  339
    Underwood    Charlotte                 Newington           4  339
    Wernham      Sarah                     Newington           4  339
    Hales        Caroline Eliza            Newington           4  340
    Jarvis       George                    Newington           4  340
    King         Ann                       Newington           4  340
    Spice        Daniel                    Newington           4  340
    Bayly        Ann                       Newington           4  341
    Bellati      Antonio                   Newington           4  341
    Fisher       Martha Sarah              Newington           4  341
    Ford         Henry Edward              Newington           4  341
    Henderson    Mary Ann                  Newington           4  341
    Pittard      Charles                   Newington           4  341
    Turner       Alexander Antonio         Newington           4  341
    Willis       Elizabeth                 Newington           4  341
    Bell         Diogenes                  Newington           4  342
    Frazer       Diana                     Newington           4  342
    Jarmain      Ann Eliza                 Newington           4  342
    Jenkins      William                   Newington           4  342
    Ranklin      William                   Newington           4  342
    Read         Charles                   Newington           4  342
    Sadler       Sarah                     Newington           4  342
    Wells        Louisa                    Newington           4  342
    Baker        George                    Newington           4  343
    Ferns        John Chatterton           Newington           4  343
    Leak         John Chapman              Newington ?343      4  343
    Lowe         William                   Newington           4  343
    Quennell     Martha Brandon            Newington           4  343
    Raven        Sophia                    Newington           4  343
    Shaw         Sophia                    Newington           4  343
    Verge        Harriet                   Newington           4  343
    Dobson       Henry Thomas              Newington           4  344
    Forster      Maria Louisa              Newington           4  344
    Gardener     John Edward               Newington           4  344
    Reeves       Elizabeth                 Newington           4  344
    Saffery      William                   Newington           4  344
    Scott        Elizabeth                 Newington           4  344
    Watkins      Mary Ann Eliza            Newington           4  344
    Chapman      Richard                   Newington           4  345
    Cussall      William                   Newington           4  345
    Dungate      Charles                   Newington           4  345
    Eagle        Jane                      Newington           4  345
    Edis         Louisa                    Newington           4  345
    Haynes       John                      Newington ?345      4  345
    Kelly        Elizabeth                 Newington           4  345
    Pavey        Alfred                    Newington           4  345
    Woodley      Martha                    Newington           4  345
    Giorgi       Leonard                   Newington           4  346
    Hall         James                     Newington           4  346
    Hulford      Sarah                     Newington           4  346
    Inman        Emma                      Newington           4  346
    Leighton     Matilda Ann               Newington           4  346
    Tanner       Amelia Jane               Newington           4  346
    Webb         Richard James             Newington           4  346
    Webber       James Thomas Coward       Newington           4  346
    Bage         Matilda                   Newington           4  347
    Cocks        William Henry             Newington           4  347
    Collins      Mary Ann                  Newington           4  347
    Dando        William                   Newington           4  347
    Evans        Richard                   Newington           4  347
    Marshall     William                   Newington           4  347
    Shingleton   Sarah Ann                 Newington           4  347
    Trigg        Mary                      Newington           4  347
    Ashton       Ann                       Newington           4  348
    Martin       Abram                     Newington           4  348
    Mouland      Mary                      Newington           4  348
    Reeves       Anne Maria                Newington           4  348
    Stanford     George                    Newington           4  348
    Ball         Mary Ann                  Newington           4  349
    Green        Benjamin Lepard           Newington           4  349
    Howard       John                      Newington           4  349
    Hunt         John                      Newington           4  349
    Lambert      James                     Newington           4  349
    Savage       Sarah                     Newington           4  349
    Styles       Jane                      Newington           4  349
    Watson       Catherine                 Newington           4  349
    Brown        Emma                      Newington           4  350
    Cushion      Sarah                     Newington           4  350
    Nash         George James              Newington ?350      4  350
    Walker       William                   Newington           4  350
    Gribble      John                      Newington           4  351
    Matthews     Anne                      Newington           4  351
    Erle         Hannah                    Reigate             4  353
    Haybittle    James                     Reigate ?353        4  353
    Mantle       Elizabeth                 Reigate             4  353
    Laker        Elizabeth                 Reigate             4  355
    Sherlock     James                     Reigate             4  355
    Budgen       Eliza                     Reigate             4  357
    Tyler        Stephen                   Reigate             4  357
    Budgen       Thomas                    Reigate             4  358
    Biggs        Abey                      Reigate             4  359
    Stevens      Edwin Colvil              Reigate             4  359
    Bashford     Elizabeth                 Reigate             4  361
    Woodman      John                      Reigate             4  361
    Dudley       William                   Reigate             4  363
    Pratt        Caroline                  Reigate             4  363
    Harding      Eliza Jane                Reigate             4  365
    Lake         Samuel                    Reigate             4  365
    Langton      Elizabeth                 Reigate             4  365
    Luck         George                    Reigate             4  365
    Norman       Mary Ann                  Reigate             4  365
    Piercey      James                     Reigate             4  365
    Robinson     Abraham John              Reigate             4  365
    Turner       Sarah                     Reigate             4  365
    Apted        Thomas                    Reigate             4  366
    Bellenes     Rebecca                   Reigate             4  366
    Collison     Elizabeth                 Richmond            4  367
    Gale         George                    Richmond            4  367
    Lewis        Sarah                     Richmond            4  367
    Penfond      Moses                     Richmond            4  367
    Penfoud      Moses                     Richmond            4  367
    Penfould     Moses                     Richmond            4  367
    King         Charles                   Richmond            4  369
    Lee          Edward                    Richmond            4  369
    Spong        Mary                      Richmond            4  369
    Swan         Ann                       Richmond            4  369
    Constable    Ann                       Richmond            4  371
    Evans        George                    Richmond            4  371
    Furnell      Eliza                     Richmond            4  371
    Lee          Thomas                    Richmond            4  371
    Long         James                     Richmond            4  371
    Parsons      Charles Spinks            Richmond            4  371
    Webster      Mary                      Richmond            4  371
    Wright       Sarah                     Richmond            4  371
    Hester       Ann                       Richmond            4  372
    Weston       James                     Richmond            4  372
    Brims        Margaret                  Richmond            4  373
    Chadwick     Emily Winter              Richmond            4  373
    Coleman      Sarah                     Richmond            4  373
    Frost        Walter                    Richmond            4  373
    Griffin      Mary Ann                  Richmond            4  373
    Rose         James Anderson            Richmond            4  373
    Callaghan    Ellen                     Richmond            4  375
    Kilivan      Thomas                    Richmond            4  375
    Gowens       Esther                    Rotherhithe         4  377
    Shore        Bernard                   Rotherhithe         4  377
    Atkins       James                     Rotherhithe         4  379
    Birch        John                      Rotherhithe         4  379
    Clarkson     George                    Rotherhithe         4  379
    Mears        Sarah                     Rotherhithe         4  379
    Money        William                   Rotherhithe         4  379
    Partridge    Elizabeth                 Rotherhithe         4  379
    Taylor       Martha                    Rotherhithe         4  379
    Wadham       Mary Elizabeth            Rotherhithe         4  379
    Golding      Mary                      Rotherhithe         4  380
    Hills        George                    Rotherhithe         4  380
    Davis        Sarah                     Rotherhithe         4  381
    Emonson      John                      Rotherhithe         4  381
    Phipps       Maria                     Rotherhithe         4  381
    Walker       Joseph                    Rotherhithe         4  381
    Brent        William                   Rotherhithe         4  383
    Bryant       Elizabeth Jane            Rotherhithe         4  383
    Coombe       Agness Ann                Rotherhithe         4  383
    Day          Sarah Ann Rampling        Rotherhithe         4  383
    Towner       William                   Rotherhithe         4  383
    Westwood     John Edward               Rotherhithe         4  383
    Williams     Joseph Henry              Rotherhithe         4  383
    Wood         Ann                       Rotherhithe         4  383
    Bennett      Betsey                    Rotherhithe         4  384
    Brown        Alfred                    Rotherhithe         4  384
    Cole         Mary Ann                  Rotherhithe         4  384
    Hampton      Edward                    Rotherhithe         4  384
    Lyel         Richard                   Rother[ham]hithe    4  384
    Lyelle       Richard                   Rotherhithe         4  384
    Shipp        Jane                      Rotherhithe         4  384
    Wait         William Grant             Rotherhithe         4  384
    Wall         Mary Ann                  Rotherhithe         4  384
    Bowie        Robert                    Rotherhithe         4  385
    Harsent      James                     Rotherhithe         4  385
    Hatred       Mary                      Rotherhithe         4  385
    Mills        Ann                       Rotherhithe         4  385
    Pearce       John                      Rotherhithe ?385    4  385
    Saunders     Ann                       Rotherhithe         4  385
    Scott        George                    Rotherhithe         4  385
    Waller       Mary                      Rotherhithe         4  385
    Becker       Frederick                 Rotherhithe         4  386
    Trott        Eliza Ann                 Rotherhithe         4  386
    White        Mary                      Rotherhithe         4  386
    White        William                   Rotherhithe         4  386
    Geddes       Susannah                  Rotherhithe         4  387
    Grady        Thomas                    Rotherhithe         4  387
    Brown        Elizabeth Jane            St Geo S            4  389
    Langstone    John                      St Geo S            4  389
    Perryman     Zachary                   St Geo S            4  389
    Spinks       Mary                      St Geo S            4  389
    Stock        Ellen                     St Geo S            4  389
    Tripp        Rebecca                   St Geo S            4  389
    Valiant      Thomas                    St Geo S            4  389
    Willson      Thomas William            St Geo S            4  389
    Burke        John David                St Geo S            4  390
    Dolby        Johnr Markillie           St Geo S            4  390
    Jones        Sarah                     St Geo S            4  390
    Newell       Sarah Ann                 St Geo S            4  390
    Prada        William                   St Geo S ?390       4  390
    Rush         Robert                    St Geo S            4  390
    Twilley      Louisa Lucy               St Geo S            4  390
    Weeden       Harriett                  St Geo S            4  390
    Austin       Celia                     St Geo S            4  391
    Cartey       Mary                      St Geo S            4  391
    Hedges       William                   St Geo S            4  391
    Huggett      Catherine                 St Geo S            4  391
    King         George                    St Geo S            4  391
    Liming       Thomas John               St Geo S            4  391
    Moore        Mary                      St Geo S            4  391
    Pittam       Samuel                    St Geo S            4  391
    Arlett       Thomas William            St Geo S            4  392
    Freeman      John                      St Geo S            4  392
    Gigney       Zorobabel                 St Geo S            4  392
    Knight       Mary                      St Geo S            4  392
    Pratt        Mary Ann                  St Geo S            4  392
    Thorns       Michael                   St Geo S            4  392
    Trower       Sarah                     St Geo S            4  392
    Turpin       Ann                       St Geo S            4  392
    Brown        Louisa Jane               St Geo S            4  393
    Cowdery      Jemima                    St Geo S            4  393
    Eyre         Lydia                     St Geo S            4  393
    Harmer       George                    St Geo S            4  393
    Sanders      Amy                       St Geo S            4  393
    Smith        George                    St Geo S            4  393
    Thompson     Valentine                 St Geo S            4  393
    Walls        William                   St Geo S            4  393
    Carr         Lydia                     St Geo S            4  394
    Homer        Mary Ann                  St Geo S            4  394
    Lee          Richard                   St Geo S            4  394
    Lyuo         Phillis Elizabeth         St Geo S            4  394
    Pavey        Ann                       St Geo S            4  394
    Sells        William                   St Geo S            4  394
    Smith        Benjamin                  St Geo S            4  394
    Williams     Charles                   St Geo S            4  394
    Allston      Susannah Sarah            St Geo S            4  395
    Browning     Elizabeth                 St Geo S            4  395
    Etherington  Harriet                   St Geo S            4  395
    Farmer       Benjamin William          St Geo S            4  395
    Grubb        James                     St Geo S            4  395
    Lambert      Edward                    St Geo S            4  395
    Marlow       Anthony                   St Geo S            4  395
    Young        Mary Ann                  St Geo S            4  395
    Black        Sarah                     St Geo S            4  396
    Griffin      Emma                      St Geo S            4  396
    Huntington   Ann Stamp                 St Geo S            4  396
    Jones        John                      St Geo S            4  396
    Richards     William Henry             St Geo S            4  396
    Rodway       Sarah                     St Geo S            4  396
    Sickelmore   Frederick Copley          St Geo S            4  396
    Smith        William                   St Geo S            4  396
    Allchurch    Rosena                    St Geo S            4  397
    Atwood       William                   St Geo S            4  397
    Cox          Martha                    St Geo S            4  397
    Day          James                     St Geo S            4  397
    Green        Jane                      St Geo S            4  397
    Simkins      James William             St Geo S            4  397
    Trower       Camilla                   St Geo S            4  397
    Wilkins      Isaac Weston              St Geo S            4  397
    Benham       William                   St Geo S            4  398
    Costlett     Augusta Barbara           St Geo S            4  398
    Crane        Sarah                     St Geo S            4  398
    Evans        Charles                   St Geo S            4  398
    Foster       Sarah                     St Geo S            4  398
    Lowry        James Lindsay             St Geo S            4  398
    Moncur       Elizabeth                 St Geo S            4  398
    Selmes       George                    St Geo S            4  398
    Chantler     Amelia                    St Geo S            4  399
    Cook         Eliza Jane                St Geo S            4  399
    Edwards      Thomas Martin             St Geo S            4  399
    Noble        Sarah Rebecca             St Geo S            4  399
    Rutland      Joseph                    St Geo S            4  399
    Smith        Maria                     St Geo S            4  399
    Thompson     Richard                   St Geo S            4  399
    Tompsett     William                   St Geo S            4  399
    Botten       James                     St Geo S            4  400
    Bradford     James                     St Geo S            4  400
    Brenchly     Elizabeth                 St Geo S            4  400
    Minns        Rebecca                   St Geo S            4  400
    Pollard      William                   St Geo S            4  400
    Schofield    Ann                       St Geo S            4  400
    Smith        Henry John                St Geo S            4  400
    Wainwright   Mary                      St Geo S            4  400
    Bayford      James Ward                St Geo S            4  401
    Biloe        Esther Arnold             St Geo S            4  401
    Gardiner     Sarah                     St Geo S            4  401
    Honess       William                   St Geo S            4  401
    Inman        Mary Ann                  St Geo S            4  401
    Shinn        Thomas                    St Geo S            4  401
    Sutton       Sarah                     St Geo S            4  401
    Viall        Alfred Pratt              St Geo S            4  401
    Bennett      Joseph                    St Geo S            4  402
    Chidley      Mary                      St Geo S            4  402
    Dixon        Elizabeth                 St Geo S            4  402
    Hollis       Edmund                    St Geo S            4  402
    Seppings     Thomazine Goulty          St Geo S            4  402
    Topper       Jane                      St Geo S            4  402
    Tremlett     William                   St Geo S            4  402
    Ware         John James                St Geo S            4  402
    Whiffin      Mary Ann                  St Geo S            4  402
    Keel         James                     St Geo S            4  403
    Knighton     William                   St Geo S            4  403
    Masey        Eliza                     St Geo S            4  403
    Baker        Elizabeth Page            St Geo S            4  405
    Coles        Charles Augustus          St Geo S            4  405
    Johnson      Caroline                  St Geo S ?405       4  405
    Lush         William                   St Geo S            4  405
    Philben      Sarah Dorcas              St Geo S            4  405
    Riches       William                   St Geo S            4  405
    Sadler       William                   St Geo S            4  405
    White        Mary Anne                 St Geo S            4  405
    Buckley      Joanna                    St Geo S            4  407
    Connor       Honora                    St Geo S            4  407
    Fitzgerald   David                     St Geo S            4  407
    Hatton       William                   St Geo S            4  407
    Healing      Honora                    St Geo S ?407       4  407
    Jude         William                   St Geo S            4  407
    Knight       Marianne                  St Geo S            4  407
    Knight       Marianne Taunton          St Geo S            4  407
    Lawless      Philip                    St Geo S            4  407
    Philippe     Ann Maria                 St Geo S            4  407
    Abbott       Caroline Phoebe Broom     St Geo S            4  408
    Dry          John Robert               St Geo S            4  408
    Foley        Francis                   St Geo S            4  408
    Heffernan    Cornelius                 St Geo S            4  408
    McCann       Mary                      St Geo S            4  408
    Peard        Emma                      St Geo S            4  408
    Pirrie       Jane                      St Geo S            4  408
    Ryan         James                     St Geo S            4  408
    Brian        Margaret                  St Geo S            4  409
    Collins      Timothy                   St Geo S            4  409
    Daley        Mary                      St Geo S            4  409
    Daly         Michael                   St Geo S            4  409
    Devine       Patrick                   St Geo S            4  409
    Hoffner      Edward                    St Geo S            4  409
    Looney       Ellen                     St Geo S            4  409
    Duffy        Sarah                     St Geo S            4  410
    Falby        Daniel                    St Geo S            4  410
    Fitzgerald   Ellen                     St Geo S            4  410
    Glynn        Patrick                   St Geo S            4  410
    Grant        John                      St Geo S            4  410
    Holland      Catherine                 St Geo S            4  410
    Lomasney     Thomas                    St Geo S            4  410
    Welch        Bridget                   St Geo S            4  410
    Capel        William James             St Geo S            4  411
    Casey        Timothy                   St Geo S            4  411
    Crawley      Mary                      St Geo S            4  411
    Cronan       Ellen                     St Geo S            4  411
    Green        Charlotte                 St Geo S            4  411
    Hurley       Michael                   St Geo S            4  411
    McCabe       John                      St Geo S            4  411
    Williams     Jane                      St Geo S            4  411
    Brady        Patrick                   St Geo S            4  412
    Brighting    Maria                     St Geo S            4  412
    Carragan     Mary                      St Geo S            4  412
    Dellow       John William              St Geo S            4  412
    Denny        Thomas                    St Geo S            4  412
    Falvey       Abbey                     St Geo S            4  412
    Hennessey    Thomas                    St Geo S            4  412
    Jones        Catherine                 St Geo S            4  412
    Lucy         Julia                     St Geo S ?412       4  412
    Galavan      Edward                    St Geo S            4  413
    McCarthy     Ellen                     St Geo S            4  413
    White        Robert                    St Geo S            4  413
    Cockin       Mary Ann                  St Geo S            4  415
    Naish        Arthur                    St Geo S            4  415
    Swinborn     John Deane                St Geo S            4  415
    Swinborn     Martha Ann                St Geo S            4  415
    Cheesman     John                      St Olave            4  417
    Cowland      Sydney William            St Olave            4  417
    Evans        William                   St Olave            4  417
    Henbrey      Ann Susannah              St Olave            4  417
    Jones        Margaret                  St Olave            4  417
    Langford     Esther                    St Olave            4  417
    Pope         Stephen                   St Olave            4  417
    Proctor      Emma Mary                 St Olave            4  417
    Allen        Thomas                    St Olave            4  418
    Kirse        Sarah                     St Olave            4  418
    Parker       Elizabeth                 St Olave            4  418
    Sexton       Sarah Jane                St Olave            4  418
    Stapleton    Thomas                    St Olave            4  418
    Stevens      Thomas John               St Olave            4  418
    Weakham      John                      St Olave            4  418
    Worringham   Sarah                     St Olave            4  418
    Aldous       Susannah                  St Olave            4  419
    Doolan       Ann                       St Olave            4  419
    Edwards      Mary Ann                  St Olave            4  419
    Farrer       Samuel                    St Olave            4  419
    Hirst        Richard                   St Olave            4  419
    Shackleton   James                     St Olave            4  419
    Ward         Martha                    St Olave            4  419
    Webber       James                     St Olave            4  419
    Dacey        Emma                      St Olave            4  420
    Drummond     William                   St Olave            4  420
    Gormish      Joachim                   St Olave            4  420
    Griffiths    Eleanor                   St Olave            4  420
    Hollands     Alfred Charles            St Olave            4  420
    Lewis        John                      St Olave            4  420
    Osborn       Ann                       St Olave            4  420
    Stokes       Susanna Wright Hurst      St Olave            4  420
    Fanning      Mary Ann                  St Olave            4  421
    Inskip       Mary Ann                  St Olave            4  421
    Mackinney    Thomas Snelling           St Olave            4  421
    Massam       Henry                     St Olave            4  421
    Priestly     Francis James             St Olave            4  421
    Ray          Grace Stricker            St Olave            4  421
    Wesleak      Richard                   St Olave            4  421
    Williams     Catherine                 St Olave            4  421
    Bresen       Cornelius                 St Olave            4  422
    Cross        Caroline                  St Olave            4  422
    Kenely       John                      St Olave            4  422
    Moore        Ellen                     St Olave            4  422
    Riley        Mary Ann                  St Olave            4  422
    Sawyer       James                     St Olave            4  422
    Slattry      Dennis                    St Olave            4  422
    Clark        Peter                     St Olave            4  423
    Cornish      Mary                      St Olave            4  423
    Ellis        Alfred                    St Olave            4  423
    Fuller       Mary                      St Olave            4  423
    Gilbey       Julia Elizabeth           St Olave            4  423
    Manwaring    William                   St Olave            4  423
    Poole        Ellen Frances             St Olave            4  423
    Prebble      Henry                     St Olave            4  423
    Eastcott     Richard                   St Olave            4  424
    Sanders      Mary                      St Olave            4  424
    Brown        Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  425
    Eades        Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  425
    Edwards      George                    St Saviour          4  425
    Gibbins      William Henry             St Saviour          4  425
    Holman       William                   St Saviour          4  425
    Parry        Thomas                    St Saviour          4  425
    Washbrook    Susan                     St Saviour          4  425
    Wheeler      Elizabeth                 St Saviour          4  425
    Crozier      Joseph                    St Saviour          4  426
    Hedges       Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  426
    Hedges       Thomas                    St Saviour          4  426
    Moffett      John                      St Saviour          4  426
    Sleeman      Elizabeth                 St Saviour          4  426
    Wicks        Ann                       St Saviour          4  426
    Wyness       Frederick Gray            St Saviour          4  426
    Yates        Maria                     St Saviour          4  426
    Beale        Ann                       St Saviour          4  427
    Glover       Charlotte                 St Saviour          4  427
    Harris       Charles                   St Saviour          4  427
    Jacobs       James Charles             St Saviour          4  427
    Jarvis       Thomas                    St Saviour          4  427
    MacKenzie    Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  427
    Milhench     Alexander                 St Saviour          4  427
    Pedgry       Martha                    St Saviour          4  427
    Eley         Mary Ann                  St Saviour ?425     4  428
    Hayward      William                   St Saviour          4  428
    Hemming      Frederick Shand           St Saviour          4  428
    Howard       Stephen                   St Saviour          4  428
    Hurst        Ann                       St Saviour          4  428
    Lakin        Elizabeth                 St Saviour          4  428
    Wilson       Mary Frances              St Saviour          4  428
    Woodward     Joseph                    St Saviour          4  428
    Alderman     Louisa                    St Saviour          4  429
    Yeo          James                     St Saviour          4  429
    Bassett      Louisa                    St Saviour          4  431
    Britter      William                   St Saviour          4  431
    Colegate     Richard                   St Saviour          4  431
    Hitchcock    Mary                      St Saviour          4  431
    Knight       Harriet                   St Saviour          4  431
    Maddock      Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  431
    Newnham      John                      St Saviour          4  431
    Rainsbury    Peter Cornelius           St Saviour          4  431
    Berry        John                      St Saviour          4  432
    Briggs       William                   St Saviour          4  432
    Hartie       Catharine                 St Saviour          4  432
    Johnson      Emily Susan               St Saviour          4  432
    Pateman      Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  432
    Pool         Vincent                   St Saviour          4  432
    Poole        Vincent                   St Saviour          4  432
    Shaw         Thomas                    St Saviour          4  432
    Smith        Jane Sophia               St Saviour          4  432
    Barnes       Henry Richard             St Saviour          4  433
    Bundock      Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  433
    Elliott      Daniel                    St Saviour          4  433
    Hill         William                   St Saviour          4  433
    Johnson      Mary Ann                  St Saviour          4  433
    Newcomb      John                      St Saviour          4  433
    Robinson     Elizabeth                 St Saviour          4  433
    Waymark      Henry                     St Saviour          4  433
    Wood         Matilda                   St Saviour          4  433
    Chapman      John                      St Saviour          4  434
    Hay          Margaret                  St Saviour          4  434
    Hodgson      Maria                     St Saviour          4  434
    Littlefield  James                     St Saviour          4  434
    Perry        Ann                       St Saviour          4  434
    Pound        Charlotte                 St Saviour          4  434
    Wiltshire    James                     St Saviour          4  434
    Balchin      Eli                       St Saviour          4  435
    Baumgartner  John Percy                St Saviour          4  435
    Brown        John                      St Saviour          4  435
    Brumbill     Eliza                     St Saviour          4  435
    Brumhill     Eliza                     St Saviour          4  435
    Cannon       Ferdinand James           St Saviour          4  435
    Jarrett      Eliza                     St Saviour          4  435
    Miller       Sarah                     St Saviour          4  435
    Ricktts      Eliza                     St Saviour          4  435
    Smallbone    Walter                    St Saviour          4  435
    Farrington   George Henry              St Saviour          4  436
    Fenn         Septimus                  St Saviour          4  436
    Milvern      George                    St Saviour          4  436
    Mitchell     Christiana Margaret       St Saviour          4  436
    Moss         Maria Lackington          St Saviour          4  436
    Parnell      William Frederick         St Saviour          4  436
    Parrott      Sarah Ann                 St Saviour          4  436
    Viner        Eliza                     St Saviour          4  436
    Adams        Sarah                     St Saviour          4  437
    Bentley      John                      St Saviour          4  437
    Chamberlain  Hannah                    St Saviour          4  437
    Croft        James                     St Saviour          4  437
    Dunk         Lucy                      St Saviour          4  437
    Pamphlett    Jethro                    St Saviour          4  437
    Punter       Louisa Matilda            St Saviour          4  437
    Wynn         Frederick George          St Saviour          4  437
    Broad        Robert                    St Saviour          4  438
    Brookman     Elizabeth                 St Saviour          4  438
    Gyton        Charlotte Frances         St Saviour          4  438
    Pearce       Patience Jane             St Saviour          4  438
    Smith        Thomas                    St Saviour          4  438
    Stanesby     George William Jackson    St Saviour          4  438
    Taylor       Elizabeth                 St Saviour          4  438
    Cartisser    George                    St Saviour          4  439
    Dawson       Samuel                    St Saviour          4  439
    Keogh        Julia                     St Saviour          4  439
    Lambert      Catherine                 St Saviour          4  439
    Bryan        Mary Jane                 St Saviour          4  441
    Crump        William Robert            St Saviour          4  441
    Evans        Watkin                    St Saviour          4  441
    Jones        Elizabeth                 St Saviour          4  441
    Bide         Anne                      Wandsworth          4  443
    Clarke       Mary Ann                  Wandsworth          4  443
    Cowans       Jane                      Wandsworth          4  443
    Hatfield     Henry                     Wandsworth          4  443
    Hill         Ann                       Wandsworth          4  443
    OBrien       Charles James             Wandsworth          4  443
    Spencer      John Coats                Wandsworth          4  443
    Walker       James                     Wandsworth          4  443
    Wright       Joseph                    Wandsworth          4  443
    Beagley      Charlotte                 Wandsworth          4  444
    Bennett      Henry                     Wandsworth          4  444
    Harris       Harriet                   Wandsworth          4  444
    Hursh        Alexander                 Wandsworth          4  444
    Mewes        Ellen                     Wandsworth          4  444
    Neighbour    James                     Wandsworth          4  444
    Parsons      William                   Wandsworth          4  444
    Sawyer       Harriett Mary             Wandsworth          4  444
    Doherty      Mary Ann                  Wandsworth          4  445
    Field        William                   Wandsworth          4  445
    Higgs        Elizabeth Sarah           Wandsworth          4  445
    Knight       Joseph                    Wandsworth          4  445
    Rooney       Matthew                   Wandsworth          4  445
    Shinn        Phoebe                    Wandsworth          4  445
    Toop         Emma                      Wandsworth          4  445
    Wigginton    William                   Wandsworth          4  445
    Darling      Charles                   Wandsworth          4  446
    Tizard       Sarah Frances             Wandsworth          4  446
    Allen        Elizabeth                 Wandsworth          4  447
    Austin       Thomas                    Wandsworth          4  447
    Browne       Sarah                     Wandsworth          4  447
    Davis        William                   Wandsworth          4  447
    Hardy        Charlotte                 Wandsworth          4  447
    Harris       Louisa Mary               Wandsworth          4  447
    Man          Edward Desborough         Wandsworth          4  447
    Spratley     Francis                   Wandsworth          4  447
    Carne        John                      Wandsworth          4  448
    Carter       John                      Wandsworth          4  448
    Compton      Sophia                    Wandsworth          4  448
    Davidson     Charlotte Elizabeth       Wandsworth          4  448
    Grove        Eliza                     Wandsworth          4  448
    Penfold      Robert                    Wandsworth          4  448
    Smale        Elizabeth                 Wandsworth          4  448
    Alfrey       Caroline                  Wandsworth          4  449
    Andrew       Thomas                    Wandsworth          4  449
    Andrews      Thomas                    Wandsworth          4  449
    Baker        Thomas                    Wandsworth          4  449
    Bennett      Thomas                    Wandsworth          4  449
    Chidell      Hester                    Wandsworth          4  449
    Fiddey       Amelia                    Wandsworth          4  449
    Johnson      Henry                     Wandsworth          4  449
    Monroe       Alice                     Wandsworth          4  449
    Britter      Caroline                  Wandsworth          4  450
    Cresswell    Harry                     Wandsworth          4  450
    Hall         Cresswell                 Wandsworth          4  450
    King         Hannah                    Wandsworth          4  450
    Sherer       Edward                    Wandsworth          4  450
    Barnes       Isaac                     Wandsworth          4  451
    Birch        Maria Christiana          Wandsworth          4  451
    Gray         George Edward             Wandsworth          4  451
    Heath        Elizabeth Snow            Wandsworth          4  451
    Lecocq       Louise Amidie             Wandsworth          4  451
    Scotland     John                      Wandsworth          4  451
    Stratford    John                      Wandsworth          4  451
    Underhill    Mary Ann                  Wandsworth          4  451
    Bellamy      Thomas Jones              Wandsworth          4  452
    Brown        Henry James               Wandsworth          4  453
    Chamberlain  Emma                      Wandsworth          4  453
    Collingridge Frederick                 Wandsworth          4  453
    Crabb        Jessie Pierson            Wandsworth          4  453
    Crabb        Fanny                     Wandsworth          4  453
    Goodbehere   Edmund                    Wandsworth          4  453
    Helling      Joseph Norris             Wandsworth          4  453
    Hopkins      Jane                      Wandsworth          4  453
    Barleycorn   Sarah                     Wandsworth          4  454
    Edmonds      Henry                     Wandsworth          4  454
    Heath        Winifred Susan            Wandsworth          4  454
    Knowles      Alfred                    Wandsworth          4  454
    Newton       Lucy                      Wandsworth          4  454
    Raggett      William                   Wandsworth          4  454
    Eggington    Robert                    Wandsworth          4  455
    King         Elizabeth                 Wandsworth          4  455
    Carter       James                     Wandsworth          4  457
    Skinner      Caroline                  Wandsworth          4  457
    Berjer       Alexander Gottlieb        Wandsworth          4  459
    Cracknell    Isabella                  Wandsworth          4  459
    Dixon        Edward                    Wandsworth          4  459
    Fathers      John                      Wandsworth          4  459
    Hart         Ann                       Wandsworth          4  459
    Lockwood     Maria                     Wandsworth          4  459
    Wood         Jonathan                  Wandsworth          4  459
    Wood         Sara                      Wandsworth          4  459
    Hall         Charles                   Wandsworth          4  460
    Tarrant      Phoebe                    Wandsworth          4  460
    Taylor       Ann                       Wandsworth          4  460
    Tubbs        Henry                     Wandsworth          4  460
    Davis        Ruth                      Wandsworth          4  461
    Fake         Charles                   Wandsworth          4  461
    Giddings     Jonathan                  Wandsworth          4  461
    Johnson      Henry                     Wandsworth          4  461
    Key          Ann                       Wandsworth          4  461
    Maskell      Ann                       Wandsworth          4  461
    Paine        Samuel                    Wandsworth          4  461
    Scriven      Elizabeth                 Wandsworth          4  461