


St Peter, Birkenhead, Church of England


St Peter,
Cathcart Street,



^Our records show that this church is closed. Click the arrow on the line above to find links to search for web sites of current churches of the same denomination, or try the Nearby Churches link above.

Church History

It was founded in 1867. It closed in 1991.

Cathcart Street.

Church History

Founded in 1867 as a chapel to Birkenhead: Holy Trinity, and in 1868 it became the district church for part of the township of Birkenhead. The boundaries of "The District Chapelry of Saint Peter, Birkenhead" were described in the London Gazette on 4 August 1868:

"All that part of the particular district of the Holy Trinity, Birkenhead, sometime part of the parochial chapelry of Saint Mary, Birkenhead, in the county of Chester, and in rthe diocese of Chester, which is bounded on the north-east by the particular district of Saint Paul, Seacombe, sometime part of the parish of Wallasey. in the said county and diocese, on the north- west and on part of the south-west by the particular district of Saint Anne, Birkenhead, sometime part of the, parochial chapelry of .Saint Mary, Birkenhead aforesaid, and upon all other sides, that is to say; on the remaining part of the south-west and on the south-east, by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the said particular district of Saint Anne, Birkenhead, from the particular district of The Holy Trinity, Birkenhead aforesaid, at a point opposite to the grand entrance to Birkenhead Park., where Conway-street is joined by Park-road East, and by Victoria-street; and extending thence south-eastward along the middle of Conway-street aforesaid to its junction with Watson-street; and extending thence north-eastward along the middle of the last-named street to its junction with Cleveland-street; and continuing thence, still north-eastward, and in a straight line across the last-named street to a point in the middle of the south-western end of Rendel-street; and continuing thence, first north-eastward, and then eastward along the middle of the last-named street to its junction with Corporation-road; and extending thence north-eastward, and in a straight line across the last named road and across the line and premises of the Birkenhead Railway, to the south-eastern corner of the Great Float; and extending thence, generally northward, along the edge of the Quay at the eastern end of the said Great Float, to the boundary in the middle of the Lock connecting the Low Water Basin with the Great Float aforesaid, which divides the said particular district of The Holy Trinity, Birkenhead, from the particular district of Saint Paul, Seacombe aforesaid."

On 23 April 1969 the district was amalgamated with that of Birkenhead: St. Matthew, to form the combined district of "St. Peter with St. Matthew".  On 12 May 1974 this in turn became part of a unified Birkenhead district based at Birkenhead: St. Anne, until it closed on 22 March 1991.

Church Records

C = Christenings (Baptisms) ; M = Marriages ; B = Burials ; BTs = Bishop's Transcripts

Original RegistersC 1867-1991 ; M 1868-1991 — Cheshire Archives (P 105)
Microfilm CopiesC 1867-1957 ; M 1868-1947 — Cheshire Archives ; Birkenhead Central Library
Copies and IndexesM 1868-1968 — Cheshire BMD (WR:BK10)
NotesB — none


It was located at SJ3167789119 (Lat/Lon 53.394464, -3.028906). You can see this on maps provided by:
