


St Paul, Birkenhead, Church of England


St Paul,
Argyle Street,



^Our records show that this church is closed. Click the arrow on the line above to find links to search for web sites of current churches of the same denomination, or try the Nearby Churches link above.

Church History

It was founded in 1864. It closed in 1948.

Argyle Street.

Church History

Built in 1862 as a chapel to Birkenhead: St. Mary. On 14 January 1864 it became the district church for part of the township of Birkenhead (previously served by Birkenhead: St. Mary).

The district was affected by the following boundary changes:

  • 1881 July 22 — enlarged when the following part of the township of Tranmere was transfererd from Tranmere: St. Catherine: "All that contiguous portion of the new parish of Saint Catherine Tranmere in the county and diocese aforesaid which is bounded on the east by the new parish of Saint Paul Birkenhead aforesaid, on the north by the particular district of Saint John Birkenhead in the same county and diocese and on the west and south by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the said particular district from the new parish of Saint Catherine Tranmere aforesaid at the point where Happy Valley-road is joined by the road called or known as Quarry Bank and extending thence first south-eastward and then eastward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of seven chains or thereabouts to its junction with Whetstone-lane and with the Woodlands-road and extending thence north-eastward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of three chains or thereabouts to its junction with Hollybank-road and extending thence south-eastward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of four and a half chains or thereabouts to its junction with Lowood-road and extending thence first north-eastward and then south-eastward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of fifteen chains or thereabouts thereby passing in front of the house called or known as Saint Paul's Parsonage to the junction of the said last-named road with Clifton-road and extending thence south-westward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of eleven chains or thereabouts to its junction with Whetstone-lane aforesaid and extending thence south-eastward along the middle of the last-named lane for a distance of six chains or thereabouts to its junction with the road which leads to the north-western end of Holt Hill-terrace and extending thence northward along the middle of the last-described road for a distance of two and a half chains or thereabouts to the north-western end of Holt Hill-terrace aforesaid and extending thence north-eastward and in a direct line for a distance of eighteen chains or thereabouts across certain open ground commonly known as the Gas Works Fields to the point near the gasometers at the southern end of Thomas-street where the boundary dividing the said new parish of Saint Catherine Tranmere from the new parish of Saint Paul Birkenhead aforesaid meets the boundary dividing the last-named new parish from the parochial chapelry of Saint Mary Birkenhead in the county of Chester and in the diocese of Chester aforesaid"
  • 1881 July 22 — enlarged when the following part of the township of Birkenhead was transferred from Birkenhead: St. Mary: "All that contiguous portion-of the said parochial chapelry of Saint Mary Birkenhead which is bounded on the north-east by the River Mersey or in other words by the boundary dividing the said county of Chester from the county of Lancaster, on the west partly by the particular district of the Holy Trinity Birkenhead in the said county of Chester and in the diocese of Chester aforesaid and partly by the said new parish of Saint Paul Birkenhead, on the south by the new parish of Saint Catherine Tranmere aforesaid, and on the remaining side that is to say on the east by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the last-named new parish from the parochial chapelry of Saint Mary Birkenhead aforesaid at the point where it is crossed by the line of the Birkenhead and Chester Railway and extending thence north-westward along the middle of the said line of railway for a distance of seventeen chains or thereabouts (following thereby the goods branch of the said railway) to the point at the south-eastern end of the tunnel by which the said goods branch line of railway passes under Grange-lane at its junction with Hamilton-street and extending theme first northward and then north-eastward along the middle of the last-named street for a distance of thirty-eight chains or thereabouts to the point in front of the Woodside Hotel where the said Hamilton-street joins Shore-road at the south-western end of the goods traffic bridge which leads to the landing-stage of the Woodside Ferry aud cont inuing thence still north-eastward along the middle of the said goods traffic bridge for a distance of eleven chains or thereabouts to the said landing-stage and continuing thence in the same direction and in a straight line for a distance of twenty-seven chains or thereabouts to the boundary in the middle of; the River Mersey which divides the said county of Chesler from the county of Lancaster aforesaid"
  • 1881 July 22 — enlarged when the following part of the township of Birkenhead was transferred from Birkenhead: St. John the Evangelist: "All that contiguous portion of the particular district of Saint John Birkenhead aforesaid which is bounded on the west and on the south by the hereinbefore described portion of the new parish of Saint Catherine Tranmere aforesaid, on the east by the new parish of Saint Paul Birkenhead aforesaid, and on the remaining side that is to say on the north by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the last-named new parish from the particular district of Saint John Birkenhead aforesaid at the point where Wilbraham-street joins Borough-road and .extending thence westward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of five and a half chains or thereabouts to the boundary at or near to the north-eastern end of Rodney-street which boundary divides the said particular district of Saint John Birkenhead from the new parish of Saint Catherine Tranmere aforesaid."

On 6 August 1948 the district was amalgamated with that of Birkenhead: St. Mary, to form the combined district of "St. Mary and St. Paul".  St. Paul's was subsequently demolished.

Church Records

C = Christenings (Baptisms) ; M = Marriages ; B = Burials ; BTs = Bishop's Transcripts

Original RegistersC 1863-1948 ; M 1864-1948 — Cheshire Archives (P 71)
Microfilm CopiesC 1863-1948 ; M 1864-1948 — Cheshire Archives ; Birkenhead Central Library
Copies and IndexesM 1864-1948 — Cheshire BMD (WR:BK17)
NotesB — none


It was located at SJ3241188906 (Lat/Lon 53.392644, -3.017824). You can see this on maps provided by:

200 m
500 ft