


St Elizabeth, Ashley, Church of England


St Elizabeth,
Ashley Road,



The church has/had a graveyard.



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Church History

Ashley Road

Church History

Built in 1880 as a chapel to Bowdon: St. Mary. In 1881 it became the district church for the township of Ashley, and parts of the townships of Bowdon, Hale and Mobberley (previously served by . Bowdon: St. Mary, Mobberley: St. Wilfrid, and Rostherne: St. Mary). The boundaries of "The Consolidated Chapelry of Saint Elizabeth, Ashley" were described in the London Gazette of 4 March 1881:

"All that portion of the parish of Bowdon consisting for the most part of the township of Ashley together with all those contiguous portions of the parish of Mobberley and of the parish of Rostherne all in the county of Chester and in the diocese of Chester which said portions of such parishes are comprised within and are bounded by an imaginary line commencing at the point in the middle of the River Bollin near Castle Mill where the boundary which divides the said parish of Mobberley from the parish of Bowdon aforesaid meets the boundary dividing the last-named parish from the new parish of Ringway in the county and diocese aforesaid and extending thence in a direction generally north-westward along the lastmentioned boundary for a distance of about two miles and a half following thereby for the first part the course of the River Bollin to the point where the road leading through Hale Bank and Warburton Green joins Chapel-lane and extending thence first southward and then westward for a distance of twelve chains or thereabouts along the said lane to a footpath which leads past the house called Hilltop and across Barrow-lane and past the houses called the Clough and Holloway Clough respectively into Bankhall-laue and extending thence in a direction generally north-westward along the middle of the said footpath for a distance of about three-quarters of a mile to its junction with the said Bankhall-lane at or near to the house called Holloway Clough aforesaid and extending thence westward along the middle of the last-named lane for a distance of rather more than half a mile (crossing the line of the Cheshire Midland Railway) to the junction of such lane at Ashley Heath with the road leading from Bowdon to Ashley and extending thence south-westward along the middle of the last-described road for a distance of twelve chains or thereabouts to the boundary which divides the said township of Ashley from the township of Hale also in the parish of Bowdon aforesaid such boundary being in the middle of the bridge which carries the last-described road over the River Bollin aforesaid and extending thence in a direction generally north-westward along such township boundary for a distance of twenty-nine chains or thereabouts to its junction with the boundary which divides the said township of Ashley from the township of Bowdon also in the parish of Bowdon aforesaid and continuing thence first north-westward and then southward and then, generally south-westward along the last-mentioned township boundary for a distance of about one mile and a half following for the most part the course of the said River Bollin to the point near Hanging Bank Covert where such township boundary diverges from the said river and continuing thence that is from the said township boundary north-westward still along the middle of the said river for a further distance of about half a mile to the boundary at or near to the junction of such river with Birkin Brook which divides the said parish of Bowdon from the parish of Rostherne aforesaid and extending thence south-eastward along the middle of the same brook for a distance of nearly two miles following thereby for the most part the last-described parish boundary to its junction a little to the south-east of Birkin Bridge with the boundary which divides the said parish of Rostherne from the parish of Mobberley aforesaid and extending thence generally southward along the last-described parish boundary still following thereby the course of the said Birkin Brook for a distance of about one mile to the bridge which carries a certain road leading into Tatton Park over the same brook and extending thence eastward and in a direct line for a distance of thirty chains or thereabouts to a boundary-stone inscribed 'A St. E. C. C. 1881, No. 1' and placed on the eastern side of the occupation-road leading past Farkside and Kellhouse to Birtles Farm at a distance of six chains or thereaboiits to the sputh of the western end of the footpath which leads from Kellhouse aforesaid to Pepper-street and continuing thence in exactly the same direction and for a further distance of twenty four chains or thereabouts to a boundary-stone inscribed ' A. St. E. C. C. 1881, No. 2' and placed on the eastern side of Pepper-street at the southwestern end of the footpath which leads along the south-eastern side of the closes numbered respectively 60, 77, 89, 102, and 118 upon the ordnance map of the said parish of Mobberley on the scale of 25.344 inches to the statute mile dated 1876 and upon the map hereunto annexed into Breach House-lane and extending thence north-eastward for a distance of about half a mile along the lastdescribed footpath (thereby crossing the Cheshire Midland Railway aforesaid) to the junction of such footpath with Breach House-lane aforesaid and extending thence sonth-eastward along the middle of the same lane for a distance of eight chains or thereabouts to a point opposite to a boundary-stone inscribed 'A. St. E. C. C. 1881, No. 3,' and placed at the eastern side of the said lane at the south-western end of the fence which divides the close numbered 123 upon the said maps from the Watering Pit numbered 116 upon the same maps and from the premises known as Breach House Farm and numbered 117 upon the same maps and extending thence northward along the middle of the said fence and along the middle of the fence which divides the close n umbered 121 upon the said maps from the closes numbered respectively 119 and 120 upon the same maps to a point a little to the south of BlackshawHeys Farm on the boundary which divides the parish of Mobberley from the parish of Bowdon aforesaid such point being distant about fourteen chains from and to the north of the last-described boundary-stone and extending thence north-eastward along the last-mentioned parish boundary for a distance of rather more than a mile to the point in the middle of the River Bollin aforesaid near Castle Mill where the said boundary meets the boundary dividing the parish of Bowdon from the new parish of Ringway as aforesaid at which point the said imaginary line commenced."

Church Records

C = Christenings (Baptisms) ; M = Marriages ; B = Burials ; BTs = Bishop's Transcripts

Original RegistersC 1880-1969 — Cheshire Archives (P 243)
C from 1970 ; M from 1982 — Church
Microfilm CopiesC 1880-1969 — Cheshire Archives ; Family History Society of Cheshire ; Warrington Library ; Wilmslow Library
Bishop's Transcripts1885-1889, 1909 (microfilmed) — Cheshire Archives
Copies and IndexesM 1882-1995 — Cheshire BMD (CE:1006)
NotesB — none


It is located at SJ7723584370 (Lat/Lon 53.355715, -2.343487). You can see this on maps provided by:

200 m
500 ft