


St Augustine, Stockport, Church of England


St Augustine,
St. Augustine's Road,


Church History

Built in 1893 as the district church for parts of the townships of Cheadle Bulkeley, Cheadle Moseley, and Stockport (previously in the parishes of Cheadle: St. Mary, Stockport: St. Matthew and Stockport: St. Peter). The boundaries of "The Consolidated Chapelry of Saint Augustine, Brinksway" were described in the London Gazette on 28 November 1893:

"All those several contiguous portions of the parish of Cheadle, of the new parish (sometime district) of Saint Matthew Stockport, and of the district chapelry of Saint Peter Stockport, all in the county of Chester and in the diocese of Chester which are comprised within and are bounded by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the said district chapelry of Saint Peter Stockport from the new parish of Saint Matthew Stockport aforesaid at a point in the middle of Hardman-street distant fifty feet or thereabouts to the south-east of the junction of such street with the road called or known as Chester-gate and extending thence that is to say from the said point, south-eastward along the middle of Hardman-street aforesaid for a distance of fifteen and a half chains or thereabouts to its junction with Gradwell-street and extending thence westward along the middle of the last-named street for a distance of eleven and three-quarter chains or thereabouts to its junction with Grenville-street and extending thence northwestward along the middle of the last-named street for a distance of two and three quarter chains or thereabouts to its junction with Lark Hill-road and extending thence westward along the middle of the last-named road for a distance of eighteen and a quarter chains or thereabouts to its junction with Northgate-street and with Springfield-lane and extending thence south-eastward along the middle of the last-named lane for a distance of twenty-seven chains or thereabouts to its junction with Cheadle-road and extending thence south-westward along the middle of the last-named
road for a distance of seven and three quarter chains or thereabouts to the point at or near to the junction of the same road with Waverley-road upon the boundary which divides the said new parish of Saint Matthew Stockport from the parish of Cheadle aforesaid and extending thence first generally south-westward then north-westward then southward then south-eastward then southwestward and then again generally south-eastward along the last-mentioned boundary for a distance of sixty chains or thereabouts (thereby following
the boundary of the parliamentary and municipal borough of Stockport) to the point where such boundary strikes the middle of the line of the War rington and Stockport Branch of the London and North Western Railway (the said point being distant three and a half chains or thereabouts to the west of the point where the same line of railway crosses the public footpa th leading from Cheadle old road to Bird Hall) and extending thence westward along the middle of the said branch line of railway for a distance of fifty-six chains or thereabouts to the centre of the bridge which carries the same branch line of railway over the high road leading from Cheadle to Brinksway and Stockport and extending thence north-eastward along the middle of the last-mentioned road for a distance of twenty and a half chains or thereabouts to the point distant five and a quarter chains or thereabouts to the south-west of the junction of the same road with Cheadle-road aforesaid where the boundary which divides the township of Cheadle Moseley from the township of Cheadle Bulkeley, both in the parish of Cheadle aforesaid, ceases to follow the middle of the said high road leading to Brinksway and Stockport and bends sharply towards the northwest and extending thence first north-westward and then north-eastward along the said township boundary for a distance of thirty-five and a half chains or thereabouts to the point in the middle of the River Mersey where the same township boundary meets the boundary which divides the said parish, of Cheadle from the new parish of Saint John Heaton Mersey in the county of Lancaster and in the diocese of Manchester, and extending thence first eastward and then north-eastward along the middle of the said river for a distance of one mile and eight chains or thereabouts (thereby following the boundary which divides the said county and diocese of Chester from the said county of Lancaster and the diocese of Manchester aforesaid or in other words which divides the said parish of Cheadle the said new parish of Saint Matthew , Stockport and the said district chapelry of Saint Peter Stockport from the said new parish of Saint John Heaton Mersey and from the new parish of Christ Church Heaton Mersey in the said county of Lancaster and in the diocese of Manchester aforesaid) to the point in the middle of the said river directly opposite to the middle of the northwestern end of Steel-street and extending thence south-eastward to and along the middle of the
last-named street .for a distance of four and a half chains or thereabouts to its junction with the road called or known as Chester-gate aforesaid and with Hardman-street aforesaid and extending thence south-eastward along the middle of the last-named street for a distance of fifty feet or thereabouts to the first-described point upon the boundary which divides the said district chapelry of Saint Peter Stockport from the new parish of Saint Matthew Stockport aforesaid where the said imaginary line commenced."

The original church was replaced by a new building in 1974.


Church Records

C = Christenings (Baptisms) ; M = Marriages ; B = Burials ; BTs = Bishop's Transcripts

Original RegistersC 1887-2009 ; M 1894-2003 — Cheshire Archives (P 269)
Microfilm CopiesC 1887-1950 ; M 1894-1947 — Cheshire Archives ; Stockport Heritage Library
Copies and IndexesM 1894-2005 — Cheshire BMD (ST:ST2)


It was located at SJ8783589564 (Lat/Lon 53.402752, -2.184429). You can see this on maps provided by:

200 m
500 ft