


St Anne (Christ the King), Birkenhead, Church of England


St Anne (Christ the King),
Beckwith Street,



The church does not have a graveyard.



^Click the arrow on the line above to find links to search for web sites of current churches when one is not listed here, or within the address. Some churches keep closing so if it has had to close then please let us know.

Church History

It was founded in 1847.

Beckwith Street/St. Anne Street

Church History

Built in 1847 as a chapel to Birkenhead: Holy Trinity. On 16 December 1861 it became the district church for part of the township of Birkenhead (previously served by Birkenhead: Holy Trinity).

The district was affected by the following boundary changes:

  • 1905 May 12 — extended to include following area transferred from Bidston: St. Oswald: "All that portion of the parish of Bidston, in the said county and diocese, which is bounded upon the greater part of the north and upon the east by the said new parish of Saint Anne, Birkenhead, and upon the remaining sides, that is to say, upon the south, upon the west and upon the remaining part of the north, by an imaginary line commencing at the point in the middle of Park-road South where the boundaries of the said new parish of Saint Anne, Birkenhead, the new parish of Saint John, Birkenhead, in the said county and diocese, and the said parish of Bidston all meet, and extending thence westward along the middle of Park-road South (thereby following in part the boundary which divides the new parish of Christ Church, Claughton-cum-Grange, in the said county and diocese, from the said parish of Bidston) for a distance of fifteen chains and a half or thereabouts to its junction with Park-road West, and extending thence north-westward along the middle of Park-road West for a distance of eleven chains and a half or thereabouts to its junction with Ashville-road, and extending thence north-westward and in a straight line (thereby crossing the premises of the house called The Hollies and the public recreation ground called Birkenhead Park and passing through the Norman Lodge entrance to the said recreation ground) for a distance of thirty chains and a half or thereabouts to the junction of Park-road North, Norman-street and Mallaby-street, and extending thence north-eastward along the middle of Mallaby-street for a distance of ten chains or thereabouts to its junction with Brassey-street, and extending thence eastward along the middle of Brassey-street (thereby crossing Laird-street) for a distance of six chains or thereabouts to the point where the boundaries which divide the said parish of Bidston, the new parish of Saint James, Birkenhead, in the said county and diocese, and the said new parish of Saint Anne, Birkenhead, all meet".

On 12 May 1974 the district was united with those of Birkenhead: St. Mary, Birkenhead: St. Paul, Birkenhead: Holy Trinity, Birkenhead: St. John the Evangelist, Birkenhead: St. Peter, Birkenhead: St. Matthew, and Birkenhead: St. Mark, to become part of a unified Birkenhead district based at St. Anne's.

St. Anne's church closed on 1 July 1990, and after extensive alterations it re-opened as Birkenhead Priory: Christ the King.

Church Records

C = Christenings (Baptisms) ; M = Marriages ; B = Burials ; BTs = Bishop's Transcripts

Original RegistersC 1850-1987 ; M 1862-1987 — Cheshire Archives (P 112)
Microfilm CopiesC 1850-1950 ; M 1862-1940 — Cheshire Archives
C 1850-1896 ; M 1862-1889 — Manchester Archives & Local Studies ; Family History Society of Cheshire
C 1850-1950 ; M 1862-1889 — Birkenhead Central Library
Bishop's TranscriptsC 1876-1915 (microfilmed) — Cheshire Archives
Copies and IndexesM 1862-1940 — Cheshire BMD (WR:BK3)
NotesB — none

As Christ the King:

C = Christenings (Baptisms) ; M = Marriages ; B = Burials ; BTs = Bishop's Transcripts

Original RegistersC from 1991 ; M from 1991 — Church
NotesB — none




It is located at SJ3111289473 (Lat/Lon 53.397572, -3.037478). You can see this on maps provided by:
