Cambridgeshire: Ely Methodists 1774-1932
Ely Methodists 1774-1932
"The Ely Methodists 1774 - 1932" Index - Copyright © Roger Fentiman 1999
The book "The Ely Methodists, 1774-1932" is copyright © Eileen Jakes - 1988 ISBN 0 9513457 0 2
Note to the Index:There is often room for confusion between individuals where the only information given is a surname and an initial. For instance, "ABLETT, A." and "ABLETT, Alfred" may or may not be the same person. I have indexed each form in which a name appears separately, unless they have a surname and at least two initials in common, when I have taken the liberty of combining the entries into one line to save space.
From your point of view, this means you should check all possible ways a name might be entered (initials, forenames, titles, ranks); and you should not assume that all references on one line necessarily point to one person.
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Entry | Page |
Aberdeen,University of | 21 |
ABLETT,A. | 94,95 |
ABLETT,Alfred | 47,48,50 |
ABLETT,B. | 56 |
ABLETT,Gladys | 57 |
ABLETT,J. | 56 |
ABLETT,Margery | 66 |
ABLETT, Miss E. | 54, 67 |
ABLETT, Miss G. | 54, 67, 68 |
ABLETT, Miss K. | 54 |
ABLETT, Mr. | 85 |
ACRED, H. | 94, 95, 113 |
ACRED, Miss | 113 |
ADA, E. J. | 71 |
ADAMS, Mr. | 32 |
ADAMS, B. | 112, 114 |
ADAMS, G. | 113 |
ADAMS, J. H. | 94 |
ADCOCK, Alfie | 105 |
Addenbrooke's Hospital | 106, 112 |
Adelaide | 104, 108 |
ALDENDALE, Ann | 31 |
ALDENDALE, John | 31 |
ALDENDALE, The Rev. Henry | 31, 32, 98 |
ALLEN, A. | 71, 87, 93 |
ALLEN, Arthur | 45, 46, 48, 53, 54 |
ALLEN, Beatrice | 54, 83, 91 |
ALLEN, Miss | 52 |
ALLEN, Miss B. M. | 56, 57, 66 |
ALLEN, Mr. | 52, 85 |
ALLEN, The Rev. George | 68 |
alms houses | 84 |
ANGLISS, The Rev. Joseph | 99 |
Annesdale | 100, 103 |
APPLEYARD, boat providers | 55 |
Archdeacon of Ely | 114 |
ARCHER, J. | 94, 95 |
Armistice 1918 | 58 |
ARMSBY, Kenneth | 66 |
ARMSBY, Millicent | 67 |
ARMSTRONG, The Rev. G. | 102 |
ARTIS, The Rev. Zacharia | 26 |
ASHWORTH, The Rev. Isaac | 98, 101 |
ASPEY, William | 17 |
ASPLAND, Lieut. Stanley R. | 60 |
ATKIN, Florence | 53, 90 |
ATKIN, Leslie | 66 |
ATKIN, Sapper F. | 58 |
ATKINS, A. L. | 95 |
AUSTIN, A. | 9 |
AUSTIN, M. | 9 |
Baby Linen Bag | 45 |
Back Lane | 9 |
BACON, Constable | 22 |
BACON, J. | 94 |
BALL, Edward M. P. | 37 |
BALLS, The Rev. F | 92 |
BALLS, The Rev. William | 98, 101 |
Band of Hope | 46, 67, 102 |
Band of the Militia | 28 |
BANWELL, George | 23 |
Baptismal Certificate | 31 |
BARBER, Dr. W. T. A. | 69 |
BARBER, J. | 93, 94, 95 |
BARBER, Joseph | 45, 69, 80, 83, 85 |
BARHAM, W. | 93 |
BARKER, G. | 109 |
Barnet | 7 |
Baron of Beef, The | 45 |
BARRET, Arthur | 64 |
BARRETT, E. | 108 |
BARRETT, G. | 108, 109 |
BARRETT, Mabel | 64 |
BARRETT, Mr. | 85 |
BARRETT, Winnie | 64 |
Barton Farm | 99, 103 |
Barton Farm Cottage | 35, 63 |
Barton Fields | 65 |
BATE, Caroline | 82 |
BATE, Frances | 82 |
BATE, John | 82 |
BATE, Rebecca | 31, 82 |
BATE, The Rev. James | 25, 26, 92 |
BATE, The Rev. John | 31, 82, 92 |
BATES, Mr. | 23 |
BATTERBEE, The Rev. William M. | 98, 108 |
BAXTER, S. | 9 |
BEACOCK, W. | 16 |
BEARCOCK, Alfred | 52 |
BEARCOCK, George Henry | 46 |
BEASANT, Albert | 66 |
BEAUMONT, The Rev. W. F. | 90 |
BEAZLEY, Mrs. | 100 |
Beck Row | 97 |
begging | 25 |
Belgians, refugees | 56 |
Bell Inn | 28 |
BELL, A. | 94 |
BELL, C. | 109 |
BELL, Mrs. | 100 |
BELL, The Rev. G. | 102 |
BELL, W. | 100, 108 |
BELL, William | 100 |
BENNETT, The Rev. E. A. | 111 |
BENSON, The Rev. F. H. | 88 |
BENTON, Bertie | 56 |
BENTON, Nina | 106 |
Benwick | 21, 23 |
Bermondsey Settlement | 71 |
BEVAN, The Rev. W. O. | 69, 114 |
Bible Class | 70 |
BIGGS, Eva | 67 |
BIGGS, Verna | 67 |
BIRD, Bruce | 106 |
BIRD, C. E. | 106, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114 |
BIRD, Mrs. | 105, 106 |
BIRD, Mrs. C. | 106 |
Birmingham | 41 |
Birmingham Central Mission | 71 |
Bishop of Ely | 8, 114 |
BLAKE, Arthur Ephraim | 100, 108 |
BLAKE, H. | 66 |
BLAKE, Mrs. | 100 |
BLAKE, The Rev. Ephraim | 98 |
BLAKEMAN, Miss P. | 6 |
BLAND, W. | 107 |
BLOWS, S. | 108 |
BOBBY, Mr. | 32 |
BODGER, Abraham | 9 |
BODYCOAT, Joseph | 14, 16 |
BODYCOAT, The Rev. James | 92 |
BOLTON, Mrs. | 85, 86, 87 |
Bolton's | 47 |
BOND, The Rev. H | 41 |
BOND, The Rev. John | 71 |
BOUTELL, G. B. | 86 |
BOWLES, The Rev. J. | 102 |
BOX, The Rev. William | 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 92 |
BOYCE, J. | 80, 81, 85 |
BOYCE, John | 9, 16, 18, 19, 35 |
BOYCE, Joseph | 46, 47 |
BOYCE, Mr. | 21, 23, 26, 32 |
BOYCE, Mrs. | 94 |
BOYCE, William | 9, 18, 19 |
Boys' Institute | 66 |
BRADLEY, J. | 113 |
BRADSHAW, B. | 93 |
BRAILEY, Miss F. | 54 |
BRAILEY, Miss I. | 67 |
Brandon Bank | 108, 109 |
Brandon Creek | 97, 108, 109 |
BREEDON, The Rev. William | 92 |
Bridge Hotel, Clayhythe | 55 |
BRIGHOUSE, The Rev. Charles | 92 |
BRIGHT, The Rev. E. M. M. | 93 |
Bristol | 26 |
British Astronomical Association | 106 |
Broad St. | 9, 46, 53, 56, 100, 103 |
BROAD, A. | 66 |
BROOKS, L. | 95 |
BROOKS, T. H. | 90 |
BRUCE, Arthur | 105, 106 |
BRUCE, Cissie | 105, 106 |
BRUCE, Pte. Thomas H. | 60 |
BRYANT, Carrie | 99 |
BRYANT, John | 99 |
BRYANT, Mrs. | 57 |
BRYANT, The Rev. Charles | 55, 56, 92 |
BUCKNELL, Sister | 57 |
BUDGEN, Alderman J. H. | 87 |
BUGLASS, The Rev. John | 98 |
Building Committee | 83 |
BULLINGHAM, Cissie | 57 |
BULLINGHAM, Edith | 56 |
BULLINGHAM, Edward | 56 |
BULLINGHAM, Mrs. H., nee LEMMON | 47 |
BULLINGHAM, Mrs. K., nee ABLETT | 47 |
BULLMAN, John Turner | 46, 50 |
BUMSTEAD, James | 10 |
BUNTING, The Rev. Jabez | 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 |
BURGESS, The Rev. John | 80, 81, 92 |
BURKETT, Mr. | 85 |
BURKETT, R. | 94 |
BURLEY, James | 10, 11 |
BURLEY, The Rev. James | 92 |
BURNIP, John | 101 |
Burnt Fen | 97 |
BURROUGHS, The Rev. C. R. | 80 |
BURROWS, Mr. | 21, 23 |
Burwell | 37 |
Bury St. Edmunds | 8 |
BUSH, The Rev. Joseph | 71 |
Butcher Fen | 15 |
Butcher Hill | 15 |
BUTCHER, A. | 109 |
BUTCHER, Richard | 9 |
Butter Market | 46 |
BUTTERISS, F. | 68, 94, 95 |
BYLES, The Rev. George Vipond | 47, 58, 59, 60, 92 |
C. L. 1847, memorial stone | 28 |
Cambridge | 15, 16, 21, 67, 102 |
Cambridge Central Library | 6 |
Cambridge Chronicle, The | 7, 13, 17, 33, 37, 63, 84, 100 |
Cambridge Independent Press, The | 39, 41, 49, 61, 80, 81, 84, 100 |
Cambridge, University of | 17 |
Cambridgeshire Collection | 6 |
Cambridgeshire County Records Office | 27, 29 |
Camp Meeting | 99 |
Canada | 82 |
CANT, Joan | 106 |
CANT, Mabel | 106 |
Cape of Good Hope | 33 |
CAREY, L. R. | 94 |
CARMAN, Elizabeth | 35 |
CARMAN, Robert | 35 |
CARTWRIGHT, The Rev. George | 46, 81, 92 |
Cass & Co charabancs | 66 |
CASS of Market St. | 55 |
CASS, The Rev. Robert | 32, 37 |
CATLING, Miss | 105 |
Cat's Lane | 17 |
Catt's Lane | 18 |
census 1851 | 31 |
census 1871 | 82 |
census 1881 | 82 |
Central Africa | 89 |
Ceylon | 14 |
Ceylon, South | 69 |
CHAMBERLAIN, The Rev. G. J. | 92, 94 |
CHAMBERS, James | 13 |
CHAMPNESS, The Rev. Thomas | 85, 86, 87 |
Chapel St., Ely | 6, 26, 35, 38, 56, 91 |
Chapel St., No. 32 | 94 |
Chapel St., the new chapel 1858 | 36 |
Chapel, structural defects 1888 | 79 |
Chatteris | 13, 15, 21, 22, 23, 97 |
CHEESERIGHT, H. B. | 112 |
CHEESERIGHT, Mary | 36 |
CHEESERIGHT, Matthew | 36 |
CHEESERIGHT, Matthew, death of | 49 |
CHEESERIGHT, Morley Cutlack | 35 |
CHEESERIGHT, Robert | 9, 36 |
Cheltenham | 81 |
Chettisham | 109 |
China | 69 |
Christian Endeavour | 101, 102, 106 |
Christmas Bazaar | 72, 73 |
Church of England | 99 |
Church Parlour, erection 1919 | 88 |
CHURCH, The Rev. Robert | 98 |
CHURCHYARD, Henry Elliot | 47, 48, 56 |
CHURCHYARD, Mrs. | 56 |
CHURCHYARD, Mrs. H. | 66 |
Circuit Fund | 43 |
Circuit Plan 1878 | 93 |
Circuit Plan 1885 | 93 |
Circuit Plan 1894 | 108 |
Circuit Plan 1910 | 93 |
Circuit Plan 1912 | 109 |
Circuit Plan 1923 | 94 |
Circuit Plan 1929 | 94 |
Circuit Plan 1932 | 109 |
City Road Circuit | 12 |
City Road, London | 21 |
Civil registration of Births 1837 | 31 |
CLACK, Mrs. | 100 |
CLACK, W. | 108 |
CLACK, William | 100 |
Clacton, trip to | 55 |
Clapton | 79 |
Clare Hall | 17 |
CLARK, Albert | 105 |
CLARKE, Mr. | 93 |
CLARKE, William | 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 85, 94 |
class money | 30 |
Clayhythe, trip to | 55 |
Cliff College | 72, 85 |
CLIFFORD, Rev. Fred | 6 |
COATES, J. | 93 |
COATS, Mr. | 21, 23 |
COCKERTON, J. | 93 |
COLLINS, Miss | 101 |
COLLINS, Tom | 105 |
COMPTON, The Worshipful William | 9 |
Congo, Central Africa | 103 |
Congregationalists | 11 |
Consistory Court | 8 |
COOKE, Mrs. | 105 |
COOPER, Miss A. | 54 |
COOPER, The Rev. P. | 114 |
Corn Exchange | 28, 37, 55, 73, 113 |
COSYNS, J. | 93 |
COSYNS, Mr | 32 |
Cottenham Circuit | 72 |
COULSON, Irene | 105 |
COULSON, Nellie | 105 |
Countess Church | 108 |
Countess of Huntingdon Chapel | 37 |
Coveney | 23, 47, 93, 94 |
COWLEY, Samuel | 100 |
COX, Mr. | 32 |
COX, E. | 55 |
COX, Pte. Edward | 60 |
CREAK, Miss N. | 54 |
CRISP, The Rev. G. | 108, 114 |
CROSS, A. | 109 |
CROSS, Albert J. | 103, 106, 108, 109, 112, 114 |
CROSS, Claud | 105 |
CROSS, Councillor S. | 111 |
CROSS, Elsie | 64 |
CROSS, F. T., caterers | 55 |
CROSS, Florrie | 105 |
CROSS, J. | 56, 109 |
CROSS, Jonathon | 100, 103, 105 |
CROSS, Miss D. | 113, 114 |
CROSS, Mrs. | 85, 100 |
CROSS, Mrs. A. J. | 105 |
CROSS, Mrs. Claud | 105 |
CROSS, Mrs. H. | 105 |
CROSS, Mrs. Herbert | 104 |
CROSS, Mrs. Jonathon | 105 |
CROSS, Mrs. S. | 105 |
CROSS, Mrs. Sybil | 105 |
CROSS, Phyllis | 105 |
CROSS, S. | 108, 109, 112, 114 |
CROSS, Samuel | 100, 103 |
CROWE, Mrs L. nee DEAN | 48 |
CROWE, The Rev. John | 92 |
Crown Lane, Littleport | 9 |
Crown Point | 101, 102 |
CROWN, The Rev. William | 98 |
CULLINGFORD, Mrs. | 85 |
CULLUM, Mr. | 85 |
CULLUM, Phyllis | 67 |
CULLUM, Sgt. C. | 55 |
CULPIN, W. | 108, 109 |
CURNOW, The Rev. Henry | 87, 88 |
CURRY & Co, cycle hire | 50 |
CURSON, J. | 93 |
CURTIS, The Rev. W. H. | 107 |
CUSTANCE, Mr. | 32, 93 |
CUSTANCE, William Mark | 35, 45, 46 |
CUTLACK, H. & J., ironwork | 84 |
CUTTRISS, Mr. | 32 |
CUTTRISS, W. | 93 |
Dairy Fen | 21, 23 |
Dairy Houses | 21, 23, 32, 93, 94 |
DANCER, Charles | 7 |
DANCER, Mrs. | 8 |
DAVIDSON, Mr. | 21 |
DAVIDSON, The Rev. James | 98 |
DAVIES, A. M. | 58 |
DAVIES, The Rev. John R. | 98, 108, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115 |
DAVIES, The Rev. W. Rhode | 69, 92 |
DAVISON, A. | 71, 80, 83, 85, 86, 87 |
DAVISON, A. E., F.R.C.O | 52, 53 |
DAVISON, J. | 16 |
DAVISON, Miss | 52 |
DAVISON, Mrs. | 86 |
DAY, W. | 95 |
DEAN, Alfred Edwin | 48, 54, 56, 66, 68, 94 |
DEAN, David | 56 |
DEAN, E. W. | 48 |
Deed of Union | 112 |
DEEKS, The Rev. David | 6 |
DENCH, Luke | 17 |
DENNIS, John | 100 |
DENNIS, Mrs. | 100 |
DENTON, James, shoemaker | 31 |
Denver | 35 |
Dersingham | 105 |
DIDCOCK, The Rev. Henry R. | 98, 106, 107 |
DIMMOCK, Dorothy | 105, 106 |
DIMMOCK, Jack | 105 |
disestablishmentarianism | 99 |
Diss | 8 |
Dissenters | 8, 9, 11 |
Dixie (charabanc) | 66 |
Dixies Stores | 13 |
Dixon & Wheaton, organbuilders | 51 |
DOCKERILL, Albert | 66 |
DOCKERILL, Ernest | 66 |
DOCKERILL, Olive | 67 |
Docking | 107 |
Doddington | 13, 23, 97 |
DOLMAN, The Rev. William | 98 |
Doncaster | 40 |
Downham | 15, 21, 23, 32 |
Downham La. (Egremont St.) | 28, 31, 82 |
Downham Market | 102 |
Downham Rd. | 56 |
DRAKE, A. | 113, 114 |
DRAKE, Ethel | 50 |
DRAKE, Ewart | 65 |
DRAKE, H. Ewart | 36, 48, 50, 67, 95 |
DRAKE, Henry Lavender | 48, 73, 89 |
DRAKE, Mr. | 85 |
DRAKE, Mrs. | 86 |
DRAKE, Mrs. Ewart nee LANE | 67 |
DRAKE, R. G. | 95 |
Drake's charabancs | 66 |
DRING, Hannah | 82 |
DRING, J. | 16, 21, 23 |
DUDLEY, Sir Henry Bate | 22 |
DUNHAM, A. | 94 |
DUNN, The Rev. J. P. | 33, 92 |
DUNNING, The Rev. Norman | 71 |
DUNTHORNE, Mr. | 85 |
DUNTHORNE, Phyllis | 66 |
DUTHIE, The Rev. J. Walker | 92 |
DUXBURY, Fred | 90 |
EAGLES, The Rev. Robert | 98 |
Earith | 8 |
East Anglia District Synod | 87 |
East Anglia District Synod 1932 | 107 |
Ebenezer Cottage | 99 |
EDMAN, The Rev. A. | 33 |
EDWARDS, Mr. | 23 |
EDWARDS, Albert G. | 104, 106, 109, 112, 113, 114 |
EDWARDS, Jack | 105 |
EDWARDS, Miss F. | 54, 67 |
EDWARDS, S. | 108 |
EDWARDS, The Rev. William | 92 |
Egremont St. (Downham La.) | 28, 31, 82 |
electric lighting, 1930 | 91 |
ELLIDGE, The Rev. Richard | 21 |
ELLIS, The Rev. W. | 93 |
Ely | 6, 15, 21, 23, 24, 32, 93, 97, 97, 108, 109 |
Ely and District Free Church Council | 50 |
Ely Cathedral | 7, 37, 52 |
Ely Circuit | 13, 103, 108 |
Ely Countess of Huntingdon Church | 50 |
Ely gaol | 25 |
Ely Gas Works, suppliers of coke | 88 |
Ely Methodist Society | 8 |
Ely Primitive Methodist Circuit | 50 |
Ely Riot | 18 |
Ely Tithe map, 1846 | 27 |
Ely Trust | 35 |
Ely Weekly Guardian | 80 |
Ely Wesleyan Accounts Book 1845 | 29 |
Ely Wesleyan Methodist Circuit | 50 |
Ely Wesleyan Orchestra | 90 |
Ely Wesleyan Orchestra Group | 73 |
Ely Wesleyan Tennis Club | 55 |
Ely, Bishop of | 19 |
Ely, Ordnance Survey 1885 map of | 62 |
Emancipation Day, 1834 | 34 |
ENGLAND, J. | 16, 21, 23 |
Epping | 7 |
Etheldreda (charabanc) | 55, 66 |
EUSDEN, James, death of | 49 |
EUSDEN, Mr. | 23 |
EVANS & Sons, solicitors | 63 |
EVANS, J. | 55 |
EVANS, J. W. | 54 |
GIBBONS, F. | 66 |
Falmouth Circuit | 34 |
FARNELL, The Rev. William | 93 |
FARRAR, M. J. | 6 |
FAWCETT, B. | 106 |
FAWCETT, Bobby | 105 |
FAWCETT, Miss Edna | 105 |
FEAST of Haddenham, seat makers | 62 |
FEAST, Henry/Harry | 86 |
FEAST, Henry/Harry, builders | 83, 84 |
FEAST, Mrs. | 85 |
FEAST, Walter | 84 |
FENN, A. B. | 60, 67, 94, 95 |
FENN, B. | 113 |
FENN, Bert | 54, 56 |
FENN, Bert Jr. | 54 |
FENN, David | 67 |
FENN, Ethel | 67 |
FENN, H. | 55 |
FENN, Miss F. | 54, 67 |
FENN, Miss P. | 67 |
FENN, Phyllis | 66 |
FENN, Pte. W. | 55 |
FENN, Sgt. Bert | 58 |
Festival of Praise | 113 |
fever | 25 |
Finchley | 90 |
FINLAY, The Rev. C. | 102 |
Finsbury Circus, London | 79 |
First London Synod | 79 |
FISHER, Mr. | 26 |
FISHER, Andrew | 19, 35 |
FISHER, H. | 80 |
FISHER, Henry | 19, 35, 41, 45, 46, 51, 60, 82 |
FISHER, Henry, death of | 63 |
FISHER, Marshall | 19, 40, 41 |
FISHER, Mary | 35 |
FISHER, Miss H. | 33 |
FISHER, Mr. | 93 |
FLETCHER, G. | 109 |
FLETCHER, W. | 108, 109 |
FLINTHAM, Rev. John | 6 |
FLOYD, Joseph | 35, 45, 46 |
Fordham | 97 |
FORDHAM, Margery | 67 |
FORDHAM, Stanley | 105 |
Fore Hill | 11, 45, 53 |
Fore St. | 11 |
Foreign Missions Anniversary 1854 | 33 |
FRANCIS, Betty | 105 |
Free Church Choirs Festival of Praise, 1924 | 54 |
FREEMAN, Miss | 114 |
FREEMAN, Richard & Sons, builders | 36, 39 |
FRETWELL, The Rev. A. | 50, 54, 68, 94 |
FULLER, G. | 94 |
funerals | 27 |
TYNDALL, G. H., Minster Place | 55 |
Garden Party | 73 |
Garden Party 1919 | 89 |
GARLICK, Florence May, nee SQUIRREL | 58 |
GARRETT, The Rev. Charles | 28 |
gas lighting, 1836 | 28 |
GATEHOUSE, The Rev. F. G. | 92, 112, 113, 114 |
GAY, Mrs., legacy | 91 |
General Chapel Committee | 86 |
GENTLE, The Rev. C. E. | 112, 113, 114, 115 |
GEORGE, J. L. | 53, 83, 85, 86, 87 |
G.E.R | 89 |
GIBBONS, J. R. | 55 |
GIBBONS, Jack | 65, 66 |
GIBBONS, Jack Henrick | 48, 54, 68, 90 |
GIBBONS, Miss | 56 |
GIBBONS, Miss L. | 68 |
GIBBONS, Miss Lily | 66 |
GIBBONS, Mr. | 85 |
GIBBONS, Mrs. G. | 86 |
GIBBONS, P. | 56 |
GILES, C. | 94 |
GILL, Amy | 20 |
GILL, The Rev. John | 20, 92 |
GIMBERT, Mr. | 32 |
GLOVER, C. | 108 |
Golden Queen, (charabanc) | 66 |
GOLDING, T. | 93 |
GOODALL, The Rev. A. E. | 106 |
GOODRIDGE, The Rev. Ernest | 58 |
GOODRIDGE, The Rev. J. Brooks | 58, 59, 60, 90 |
GOODWIN, The Rev. T. W. | 37 |
GOTOBED, Mr. | 26 |
GOTOBED, Job | 109 |
GOTOBED, L. | 55 |
GOTOBED, Miss A. | 54 |
GOTOBED, Tom | 106 |
GOTOBED, W. | 93, 112, 114 |
GOTOBED, William | 18 |
GOUDGE, Doris | 105 |
GOUDGE, Nellie | 105 |
GOULD, The Rev. John | 80, 81 |
GRANGER, Councillor & Mrs. T. B. | 72 |
GRANGER, Councillor T. B. | 81 |
GRANGER, Miss | 52 |
GRANGER, Mrs. | 58 |
GRANGER, Mrs. T. B. | 91 |
GRANGER, T. B. | 63, 85, 101 |
GRANT, The Rev. J. C. | 69 |
GRANT, The Rev. R. Parkin | 69, 71, 87, 92 |
Gravesend | 69 |
Great Chesterford | 7 |
GREEN, A. | 106, 108, 109, 112, 114 |
GREEN, Mrs. F. | 66 |
GREEN, The Rev. Thomas | 82, 92 |
GREEN, The Rev. Wesley | 82 |
GRIFFIN, John | 9 |
GUEST, John | 53 |
GUNTON, David Ph.D. | 35, 37 |
GUNTON, Dr. David, death of | 49 |
GUNTON, Josiah, architect | 79, 81 |
GUNTON, Margaretta | 36 |
GUNTON, Mr. | 32 |
Gymnasium, Victoria St. | 103 |
Haddenham | 15, 16, 21, 23, 32, 93, 94 |
Haddenham Baptist Church | 50 |
Haddenham Churchyard | 22 |
Haddenham, Love Feast 1824 | 29 |
HADDY, The Rev. R. | 33 |
HADFIELD, The Rev. Thomas | 98 |
HALL, Miss | 68 |
HALL, Miss Lily | 66 |
HALL, W. E. | 56 |
HAM, The Rev. T. | 69 |
HAMES, The Rev. Edward | 98 |
HAMMOND, C. | 109 |
HAMMOND, The Rev. W. H. | 104 |
hanging | 25 |
hard labour | 25 |
HARDWICK, D. | 93 |
HARDWICK, David | 45 |
HARDY, J. | 85 |
HARDY, Mrs. | 86 |
HARLAND, The Rev. E. S. | 86 |
HARLOCK, Robert | 17 |
HARLOCK's Brewery | 9 |
Harlock's Lane | 11 |
harmonium, purchase of | 51 |
HARNWELL, Edward | 66 |
Harpenden, TB sanatorium | 70 |
HARRIDINE, A. C. | 83 |
HARRIS, Alfred | 99 |
HARRIS, Mrs. Doris, nee LEMMON | 47 |
HARRISON, James | 35, 45 |
HARRISON, John | 35 |
HARRISON, Mr. | 32 |
HARTLE, The Rev. James | 92 |
Harvest Festival, 1916 | 57 |
HARVEY, Mrs. | 99, 100 |
HARVEY, The Rev. C. | 99 |
HARVEY, William | 9 |
HAWKES, Mr. | 66 |
HAWKINS, Mrs. | 85 |
HAYES, The Rev. Thomas | 92 |
HAYLOCK, farmer | 50 |
HAYLOCK, Pte. Charles | 60 |
HEAP, The Rev. W. H. | 107 |
HEFFER, J. | 109 |
HEYWOOD, The Rev. Thomas | 21, 22, 23, 92 |
High St. Passage | 47 |
High St., Ely | 35 |
HILEY, The Rev. Benjamin | 9, 12, 26, 92 |
HILL & Co, organ repairers | 84 |
Hills Lane | 103 |
Hills Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, Cambridge | 54 |
HILLS, Leslie | 105, 106 |
HILLS, Margery | 66 |
HILLS, Olive | 67 |
HILLS, Walter | 105, 106 |
Hinde St. Circuit | 40 |
Histon | 15, 16, 21 |
HITCH, Arthur | 105 |
HOARE, E. V. | 94 |
HOLBREY, The Rev. George | 32, 37 |
HOLLAND, Alfred | 66 |
HOLLAND, E. | 52 |
HOLLAND, Ernest | 64 |
HOLLAND, J. | 94, 95, 112, 114 |
HOLLAND, John | 47, 48 |
HOLLAND, L. | 54 |
HOLLAND, Leslie | 47, 66 |
HOLLAND, Mr. | 85 |
HOLLAND, Mrs. L. nee BRAILEY | 67 |
HOLLAND, Tom | 104 |
HOLLAND, Winifred | 54 |
HOLMES, May | 67 |
HOLMES, Miss | 99 |
HOLROYD, Ralph | 66 |
Holy Trinity, Parish of | 8 |
HOOD, John | 9 |
HOPKINSON, The Rev. Jonas | 98 |
Horse Hire Fund | 50 |
HORTON, F. | 95 |
HORTON, The Rev. Samuel | 104 |
HOSTLER, W. | 94 |
HOUGHTON, Mrs. | 100 |
HOWARTH, The Rev. A. S. | 112, 114 |
HOWE, Harold | 54 |
HOWELL, Gladys | 56 |
HOWELL, Kitty | 56 |
Huddersfield Circuit | 108 |
HUDSON, F. W. | 94 |
HUDSON, Winnie | 105 |
HULL, L | 94, 95, 114 |
HULME, The Rev. T. Ferrier | 81 |
HUMPHREY, R. P. | 112 |
HUMPHRIES, R. P. | 114 |
Hunstanton | 66, 67 |
Hunstanton, trip to | 55 |
Huntingdon, the Countess of, her Chapel | 21 |
Hymns and Psalms 1983 | 30 |
imprisonment | 25 |
IRONS, Mr. | 21 |
Isle of Ely | 108 |
Isleham | 97 |
Isolation Hospital | 106 |
Italy | 68 |
JACKSON, The Rev. Howard | 94 |
JAKES, C. | 6 |
Jamaica | 33 |
Japanese Bazaar | 73 |
JEFFERSON, Annette | 83 |
JEFFERSON, Miss Juliana | 56, 61, 70, 83, 85, 90, 92 |
JEFFERSON, Miss Juliana, death of | 91 |
JEFFERSON, Miss Juliana., gift of land | 89 |
JEFFERSON, Mr. | 61 |
JEFFREY, J. T. | 107 |
JERMYN, Sir Alfred, J.P. | 90 |
JOHNSON, Miss E. | 113 |
JOHNSON, Mr. | 85 |
JONES, Miss | 85, 86 |
JONES, Patty | 67 |
JONES, The Rev. C. W. | 107 |
JONES, Thomas | 66 |
JORDAN, H. | 56 |
JORDAN, W. | 56, 109 |
Joyful News | 85 |
Joyful News van | 72 |
JUGG, Charles | 66 |
Kate's Lane | 13, 23 |
KEATES, F.A.M. | 58 |
KELLY, The Rev. Charles H. | 71 |
Kelly's Directory 1847 | 28 |
KEMP, The Rev. George | 98, 99 |
KEMPTON, Mr. | 85 |
KEMPTON, Rebecca | 11, 14 |
KEMPTON, Thomas | 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26 |
KEMPTON, W. T. | 54 |
KENNEDY, The Rev. Joseph W. | 94 |
KENNETT, The Rev. Professor R. H., D.D. | 59 |
KERRIDGE, Arthur E. | 52 |
KIDD (jnr) | 23 |
KIDD, (snr) | 23 |
KIDD, George | 9, 10, 16, 18, 19, 21 |
KIDD, Mr. | 26, 32 |
KILLICK, S. | 105 |
KILLIP, The Rev. Robert | 93 |
King George V | 58 |
KING, May | 66 |
KING, Samuel | 100 |
KING, W. | 109 |
King's Lynn | 101 |
King's School, Ely | 59, 114 |
Kingston, Jamaica | 34 |
Kington Circuit, Herefordshire | 82 |
KIRKBY, The Rev. John | 98, 106 |
KIRKLAND, Canon T. J. | 59, 90, 114 |
KIRTLAN, The Rev. Dr. E. J. B. | 72 |
KITCHEN, Joseph | 26 |
Ladies Sewing Circle | 91 |
LALLAN, Mr. | 21 |
Lamb Inn | 28 |
LAMBERT, Col. Sgt. Major Frank | 60 |
LAMBERT, F. | 55 |
LAMBERT, Sister Myra | 57 |
Lambeth | 69 |
LAMONT, Robert | 34 |
LANCASTER, Mrs. | 105 |
LANCASTER, The Rev. James | 92 |
LANCASTER, The Rev. John T. | 98, 111 |
LANE, L. | 54 |
LANE, Miss G. | 54 |
LANE, Miss O. | 54, 67 |
LANE, Mrs W. nee ABLETT | 67 |
LANE, Mrs. G. nee ABLETT | 47 |
LANE, Olive | 66 |
LANE, W. | 66 |
LANGDELL, G. | 85 |
LANGFORD, farmer | 50 |
LANGFORD, Mr. | 32 |
LARGE, Isaac | 11 |
LEACH, A. | 113, 114 |
LEAH, Mrs. | 100 |
LEE, B. | 108, 113 |
LEE, Beatrice | 64 |
LEE, Cissie | 90 |
LEE, J. | 55 |
LEE, John | 11 |
LEE, Sylvia | 67 |
LEGGE, Ann | 97 |
LEGGE, Emily | 97 |
LEGGE, Miss J. | 52 |
LEGGE, Misses | 86 |
LEGGE, Pattie | 53, 91 |
LEMMON, A. | 85 |
LEMMON, A. P. | 47 |
LEMMON, A. Seymour | 47, 52, 95 |
LEMMON, Agnes | 64 |
LEMMON, Arnold | 64 |
LEMMON, Arthur Clarke | 47, 48, 52, 53, 67, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95,111, 112, 114 |
LEMMON, Daisy | 64 |
LEMMON, Doris | 56 |
LEMMON, H. W. | 55 |
LEMMON, Herbert | 63 |
LEMMON, Herbert Edward | 47, 52, 94, 95 |
LEMMON, Hilda | 57 |
LEMMON, Margery | 52, 58 |
LEMMON, Miss D. | 67, 68 |
LEMMON, Miss M. | 67 |
LEMMON, Pte. Arnold P. | 60 |
LESTER, J. | 16 |
LEVELL, W. | 16 |
Leys School, Cambridge | 51, 69 |
Liberal Party | 53 |
LIDGETT, The Rev. Dr. John Scott | 71, 112 |
LISTER, Lance | 105 |
LISTER, Roy | 105 |
Little Downham | 50, 93, 94 |
LITTLE, J. | 99 |
Littleport | 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 32, 36, 44, 93, 94, 97, 104, 108, 109, 113 |
Littleport Chain | 23 |
Littleport Fen | 23 |
Littleport Riot | 18, 25 |
Liverpool, Methodist Conference at | 26 |
LOCKE, The Rev. John | 92 |
LOFTS, E. | 93 |
LOFTS, Ernest | 51 |
LOFTS, Mrs. | 93 |
LOFTS, Mrs. M. | 93 |
LOFTS, Sarah | 82, 83 |
LOMAS, The Rev. Thomas H. | 92 |
London | 7, 14, 72 |
London, coach to | 28 |
LONG, G. | 99, 100 |
LONG, George | 100 |
LONG, Lizzie | 56 |
LONG, Mrs. | 100 |
Love Feast | 29, 103 |
Lowestoft | 65 |
LUPSON, Edward | 60, 62 |
Lynn | 7, 8, 102 |
Lynn District | 103 |
Lynn, coach | 28 |
M. P. 1845, memorial stone | 28 |
MALTPRESS, J. | 55 |
Manchester | 20 |
Manea | 15, 21, 23, 79 |
Manse, The | 82 |
March | 13, 15, 21, 23, 26 |
MARCHBANK, The Rev. Henry | 46, 53, 83, 86, 87, 92 |
Market Hill | 101, 102, 103 |
Market Place | 28, 37 |
Market Square | 28, 46, 62 |
Market St. | 47, 56 |
MARSDEN, G. | 27 |
MARSH, W. C. | 71 |
MARSHALL, William, Supt. Registrar | 31 |
Marston, Beds | 35 |
MARTIN, Henry | 18 |
MARTIN, I. W. | 108, 109, 113, 114 |
MATTHEWS, Col. Sgt. J. | 55 |
MATTHEWS, Col. Sgt. R. | 55 |
MATTHEWS, Flora | 83 |
MATTHEWS, Misses | 86 |
MATTHEWS, Mr. | 85 |
MATTHEWS, Mrs. | 86 |
MATTHEWS, W. | 55 |
McCUE, Miss Nora | 105 |
McCUE, Molly | 105 |
McFALL, Florence | 48, 52 |
McFALL, M. | 68 |
McFALL, Miss F. | 52, 54 |
McFALL, Mr. | 85 |
McFALL, Mrs. | 94, 95 |
McFALL, Mrs. W. | 105 |
McFALL, W. | 94, 95, 111 |
McFALL, W. E. | 60 |
McFALL, William | 48 |
McLELLAN, The Rev. E. | 106 |
MEADOWS, Eva | 105 |
MEADOWS, Ron | 105 |
Meeting House, Harlock's Lane | 8 |
memorial stones | 27 |
Mepal | 23 |
Mepal Baptist Church | 50 |
MERRY, Peggy | 105 |
MERRY, Phyllis | 105 |
MERRYWEST, J. W. | 67, 89, 94 |
MERRYWEST, Ruby | 57 |
Methodist Conference, 1807 | 10 |
Methodist Societies | 8 |
Methodist Union | 108, 111 |
Methwold | 103, 106 |
Middleton University USA | 21 |
MIDDLETON, David | 6 |
MIDGELEY, The Rev. Joseph | 92 |
Mildenhall | 104 |
Mildenhall Rd. | 93, 94 |
Militia Parade Ground | 63 |
Mill Pits | 25 |
MILLER & Son, organbuilders | 52 |
MILLMAN, Jane | 14 |
MILLMAN, The Rev. Benjamin | 13, 14, 92 |
Model Deed, the | 18 |
MONK, Donald | 6 |
MONK, Mrs. F. nee NASH | 67 |
MOORE, David | 68 |
MOORE, Flossie | 68 |
MOORFOOT, J. F. | 93 |
MORGAN, E. | 55, 68 |
MORGAN, Elsie | 64 |
MORGAN, Ernest | 64 |
MORGAN, Ethel | 52 |
MORGAN, Harold | 57 |
MORGAN, Henry | 45, 46, 47, 48, 67, 79, 82, 85, 89 |
MORGAN, Leslie | 57 |
MORGAN, Miss | 68 |
MORGAN, Miss D. | 67 |
MORGAN, Miss E. | 52, 54, 67 |
MORGAN, Miss Elsie | 56 |
MORGAN, The Rev. William | 93 |
MORGAN, William Henry | 46 |
MORLEY, Miss B. | 54 |
MORLEY, Miss H. | 54 |
MORTIMER, Francis Charles | 45, 46, 93 |
MOULTON, Dr. W. F. | 51 |
MOULTON, Harry | 105, 106 |
MOULTON, J. | 106 |
MOULTON, J. H. | 51 |
MOULTON, Jack | 105, 106 |
MOULTON, May | 105 |
MOULTON, Miss | 101, 103 |
MOULTON, Miss M. | 106 |
MOULTON, Mrs | 101 |
MOULTON, W. | 51 |
MUNNS, Mr. | 32 |
MURFITT, Peter | 105, 106 |
MUSSOLINI, Benito | 68 |
NASH, A. | 95 |
NASH, Arthur | 56, 57 |
NASH, F. W. | 60 |
NASH, Miss W. | 67 |
National Brotherhood | 70 |
National Children's Home and Orphanage | 69, 70 |
National Register | 31 |
NEAL, Henry F. | 86, 90 |
NEAL, Mrs. | 85 |
New Barnes | 103 |
New St. / Victoria St. | 97, 100 |
NEWELL, G. | 95 |
NEWELL, George | 50 |
NEWMAN, Elizabeth | 67 |
NEWMAN, Leslie | 66 |
NEWMAN, Wilfred | 66 |
Newmarket | 7 |
Newmarket Circuit | 58 |
NEWNES, George, M.P. | 82 |
NEWSTEAD, Robert | 14 |
NEWTON, Robert | 27 |
NEWTON, The Rev. John | 28, 29, 92 |
NICHOLAS, Ada | 105 |
NICHOLAS, Bobby | 105, 106 |
NICHOLAS, Dorothy | 106 |
NICHOLAS, Elsie | 105 |
NICHOLAS, Emily | 105 |
NICHOLAS, Gladys | 105 |
NICHOLSON, Charles John | 47 |
NODDINGS, Robert | 17, 21, 23, 91 |
Nonconformists | 11 |
NORMAN, Miss | 105 |
NORMAN, Mrs. | 80 |
NORMAN, William Henry | 45, 80, 93 |
NORMANDALE, The Rev. John | 98 |
NORTH, The Rev. George | 92 |
Norwich | 7, 8, 69, 100 |
Norwich and Lynn District | 80 |
Norwich District | 99, 100 |
OAKMAN, Ben | 56 |
OAKMAN, Leslie | 66 |
Old Tea Rooms, Fore Hill | 55 |
Olde English Bazaar | 73 |
organ, purchase of | 51 |
overseas missions | 31 |
OWEN, Dr. D. M. | 6 |
OWEN, The Rev. B. Hedd | 108 |
Oxlode | 32, 93, 94 |
PAGE, F. | 99 |
PAGE, F.A.M. | 58 |
PAGE, Queenie | 67 |
Palace Green | 28 |
PALMER, Florence | 66 |
PALMER, H. | 109 |
PALMER, Herbert | 104 |
PALMER, Ruby | 67 |
PALMER, The Rev. Jabez | 82, 92 |
PALMER, Thomas | 97 |
Paradise field | 55 |
Paragon (charabanc) | 66 |
Paris | 14 |
PARISH, J. | 54 |
PARISH, Miss | 54 |
PARISH, Mrs. | 54 |
PARKER, The Rev. Cecil | 65 |
PARR, Albert | 66 |
PARR, Mary | 66 |
PARR, Urban | 66 |
PARTHERICHE, John | 17 |
PARTRIDGE, John | 17 |
PATE, A. | 54 |
PATE, Mrs. | 86 |
PATE, Pte. John L. | 60 |
Pattie (charabanc) | 55 |
PAYNE, Miss | 105 |
PAYTON, A. | 55 |
Peacock Inn | 12, 82 |
PEARSE, The Rev. Mark Guy | 71 |
PECK, Mr., supplier of gas lamps | 88 |
PEELING, The Rev. T. W. | 68, 92, 94 |
PEELING, The Rev. W. | 50 |
PETTY, M. | 6 |
PHILIPS, The Rev. John | 31 |
PICKETT, The Rev. J. H. | 100 |
PIGGOT, H. | 94, 95 |
Pigot's Directory 1830 | 28 |
PLATFORD, A. M. | 58 |
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon (PSA) | 70 |
PLEDGER, George H. | 104 |
PLEDGER, Mr. | 23 |
PLUMB, George | 56 |
PONSONBY, Noel E. organist | 90 |
Poor Fund | 29, 44 |
Poor Fund Accounts 1845 | 29 |
Poor Law Institution | 106 |
Poor Stewards | 29 |
POPE, Jack | 105 |
PORTER of Southery, builder | 80, 81 |
PORTER, Barbara | 66 |
PORTER, Humphrey | 66 |
PORTER, Mr. | 85 |
PORTER, Mr. E. | 87 |
PORTER, S. | 67, 94 |
PORTER, Walter | 66 |
POSNETT, L. | 16 |
Post Office | 46 |
Pratt St., Soham | 36 |
PRICE, Bishop H. M. C. E. | 114 |
Prickwillow | 16, 21, 23, 32, 97, 104, 108, 109 |
Prickwillow Baptist Church | 50 |
Primitive Methodists | 23, 24, 97 |
Primitive Methodists, centenary 1909 | 102 |
Prince of Wales Relief Fund | 56 |
PRIOR, Joe | 105 |
PRIOR, Miss Hilda | 105 |
PRYKE, The Rev. W. R. | 106 |
PRYOR, R. | 100, 108 |
PRYOR, Robert | 100 |
PSA (Pleasant Sunday Afternoon) | 70 |
Public Registration Office | 31 |
PUNSHON, The Rev. William Morley MA,DD | 40 |
Pymore | 21, 23 |
Quakers | 11 |
Quay Side | 45 |
Queen Victoria, coronation | 28 |
RABY, Edward James | 46 |
RAIKES, Robert | 62 |
railway 1845 | 28 |
Railway Station | 55, 70, 103 |
rape | 25 |
RATTENBURY, The Rev. J. | 69 |
RAVEN, Canon C. E. | 114 |
RAWLINGS, Mr. | 13 |
RAWLINGS, Sarah | 11, 12 |
RAWLINGS, The Rev. Philip | 11, 13, 92 |
RAY, The Rev. James | 32, 92 |
Reach | 37 |
REESON, F. | 93 |
REEVE, T. | 108 |
religious census 1851 | 32 |
Renovation Fund | 83 |
RICHARDSON, B. | 108 |
RICHARDSON, G. | 94, 95 |
RICKARD, Mr. | 26 |
RICKARD, William | 18 |
RICKWOOD, Mr., gift of table | 85 |
RIDLEY, Mrs. | 83 |
RIDSDALE, The Rev. Benjamin | 92 |
RIGNOLD, J. | 99 |
RIX, Elsie | 67 |
RIX, Miss E. | 108 |
RIX, Mrs. | 106 |
ROADHOUSE, The Rev. John | 13, 23, 92 |
ROBERTS, The Rev. Charles | 92 |
ROBERTS, The Rev. G. H. | 86 |
ROBERTS, The Rev. J. E. | 111 |
ROBINSON, Mr. | 23, 32 |
Roll of Honour | 56, 57 |
Roman Catholics | 11 |
ROSE, C. D., M.P. | 73 |
ROSE, The Rev. J. H. | 111, 114 |
ROSE, The Rev. W. E. | 107 |
ROUTLEDGE, The Rev. A. R. | 114 |
ROWELL, Mr. | 85 |
Royal Albert Hall | 112 |
Royston | 7, 67 |
RUMBELOW, Jack | 105 |
RUMBELOW, Sid | 105 |
RUSHBROOK, Mrs. | 85 |
RUSSELL, The Rev. George | 92 |
RUSTON, Mr. | 23 |
RYVES, The Rev. George H. | 115 |
Salvation Army | 114 |
Salvation Barracks | 101 |
SAUNDERS, Sidney | 103 |
Savannah La Mar, Jamaica | 33 |
SAVIDGE, Mrs. | 80 |
SCOTT, J. | 16 |
SCULPHER, The Rev. John | 98 |
SEABER, J. | 113 |
seat rents | 30, 44, 84 |
SEELEY, C. | 108 |
SEELEY, Cornelius | 100 |
SEELEY, Mrs. | 100 |
SELLARS, The Rev. E. | 111 |
SENNITT, Mrs. | 86 |
sewers | 27 |
Sewing Meeting | 70 |
SHARR, The Rev. F. G. | 52 |
SHAW, H. | 108, 109, 112, 114 |
SHEARMAN, The Rev. William | 44, 92 |
Sheffield | 64 |
Sheffield Conference 1882 | 99 |
SHELTON, C. | 55 |
SHELTON, E. Dolby | 101 |
SHELTON, Pte. Charles | 60 |
SHILLAKER, William | 47 |
Shire Hall | 37 |
SHREEVE, The Rev. Charles | 98, 101, 103, 109 |
Silver St. Barracks | 55 |
Silver St. Boys & Girls School | 36 |
SINDALL, farmer | 50 |
slavery | 33 |
SODERQUIST, Captain | 114 |
Soham | 13, 32, 36, 93, 94, 97 |
Soham Circuit | 97 |
Soham Drove | 97 |
South Africa | 86 |
SOUTH, Charles | 66 |
SOUTH, Robert | 66 |
SOUTHERILL family | 11 |
Southlands Methodist College | 36, 69 |
Southport | 106 |
Spanish Town | 34 |
SPEIGHT, The Rev. George | 57 |
SPICER, H. | 105, 109, 113, 114 |
SQUIBB, The Rev. R. | 37 |
SQUIRES, C. | 83 |
SQUIRREL, George | 64 |
SQUIRREL, Mr. & Mrs. | 58 |
St. Ives | 8 |
St. John's Close | 63 |
St. John's Road | 25 |
St. Mary, Parish of | 8 |
St. Mary's Church | 8, 28 |
St. Mary's St. | 12, 17, 28, 82 |
Station Rd. | 46, 103 |
Steam Engine | 97, 108, 109 |
STEPHENSON, The Rev. Bowman | 69 |
STEPHENSON, The Rev. Dr. Thomas | 90, 92, 111 |
STEVENS, E. | 94, 95 |
STEVENS, J. | 93, 94, |
STEVENS, M. J. | 93 |
STEWART, Mr. | 85 |
STIMSON, Mr. | 21, 26 |
STIMSON, W. | 16 |
STIMSON, William | 18, 19, 35 |
Stockdale's field | 66 |
stone, Wesleyan Chapel, loss of | 82 |
Stretham | 15, 21, 23, 32, 93, 94 |
SUCKLING, Mrs. | 85 |
SUMMERLEE, Miss | 100 |
SUMMERLEE, Miss D. | 113, 114 |
Sunday School | 15 |
Sutton | 7, 8, 15, 16, 21, 23, 32, 93, 94, 108, 109 |
SWAN, T. | 93 |
SYKES, Cecily | 47, 64, 69 |
SYKES, Freda | 47, 67 |
SYKES, H. | 94, 95, 99 |
SYKES, Herbert | 47, 48, 67 |
SYKES, Miss | 52 |
SYKES, Mr. | 85 |
SYKES, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert | 69 |
SYKES, Mrs. H. | 94, 95 |
SYKES, Mrs. S. nee TAWN | 67 |
SYKES, S. | 68, 95 |
SYKES, Sidney | 47, 60, 64 |
Synod 1910 | 102 |
TALBOT, The Rev. William | 62, 67, 92, 93 |
TATTERSHALL, The Rev. Thomas | 21, 92 |
TAWN, Miss N. | 67 |
TAWN, Nellie | 56, 57 |
TAYLOR, Isaac | 9 |
TAYLOR, The Rev. Alfred | 92, 93 |
TAYLOR, The Rev. William | 92 |
TAYLOR, W. | 16 |
TEALE, Mrs. R. nee WESTLEY | 67 |
Terrington | 107 |
theft | 25 |
THEOBALD, Councillor W., J.P. | 71 |
THEOBALD, G. | 94, 95, 108 |
THEOBALD, George | 104 |
THEOBALD, J. | 108 |
THEOBALD, Miss | 109 |
THEOBALD, Miss E. | 112 |
THEOBALD, Mrs. | 100 |
THEOBALD, W. | 108, 109, 114 |
Thetford | 7, 8, 10 |
THOMPSON, Mrs. M. | 60 |
THOMPSON, Nurse | 68 |
THOMPSON, The Rev. Michael | 86 |
THOMPSON, The Rev. Peter | 69 |
THOMPSON, The Rev. Thomas | 59, 98, 103 |
THOMPSON, The Rev. William | 92 |
THOMSON, Lieut. | 114 |
THORNTON, The Rev. W. L. | 40 |
THORPE, Mr. | 32 |
THOSEBY, The Rev. William | 98 |
TIBBITS, Mrs. J. P. | 89 |
TIMMS, The Rev. W. | 59 |
TITMARSH, Mr. | 66 |
TOPPING, Thomas | 36, 39, 82 |
TOW, Mr. | 85, 93 |
TOW, Mrs. | 85 |
TOW, Philip Fowler | 45, 46, 47, 48 |
Tower House | 112 |
transportation | 25 |
TRUEMAN, Elizabeth | 31 |
TRUEMAN, The Rev. Samuel | 31, 32, 92 |
Trust Fund | 43 |
Trustees, 1885 | 45 |
Trustees, 1893 | 46 |
Trustees, 1902 | 46 |
Trustees, 1919 | 47 |
TUCK, H. | 10 |
TUCK, The Rev. Henry | 26, 82 |
TUCKER, A. R. | 67, 113 |
TUCKER, Arthur | 58 |
TUCKER, F. | 111, 112, 113, 114 |
TUCKER, F. J. | 48, 52, 67, 68 |
TUCKER, Fred | 57 |
TUCKER, Frederick | 48, 66, 67, 89, 90 |
TUCKER, Frederick Snr. | 58 |
TUCKER, Margery, nee LEMMON | 52 |
TUCKER, Mrs. F. J. nee LEMMON | 67 |
TUCKER, Mrs. M. nee LEMMON | 47 |
TUCKER, The Rev. Jonathon, D.D. | 89 |
Turks Island, S. Bahamas | 69 |
TUTTLE, J. | 93 |
Twentieth Century Fund | 69, 86 |
Union Infirmary | 84 |
VAIL, Mr., bandmaster | 89 |
Victoria Hall Central Mission, Sheffield | 64 |
Victoria St. | 31, 59, 103 |
Victoria St. / New St. | 97, 100, 101, 102, 103 |
Victoria St. Primitive Methodist Chapel | 32 |
Victoria St., Littleport | 104 |
VINCENT, A. | 109 |
Vince's charabancs | 66 |
Vineyards, The | 72, 89, 101 |
Virginia Cottage, Haddenham | 94 |
VYE, Miss | 85, 91, 94, 95 |
WADDINGTON, Harry Spencer M. P. | 17 |
WADDINGTON, John | 17 |
WAKERLEY, The Rev. J. E. | 90 |
Wales | 108 |
WALKER, Mary Ann | 31 |
WALKERLY, James | 12 |
WALLIS, W. | 109 |
WALLIS, W. J. | 95 |
WALSGROVE, John | 17 |
Walsham | 23, 32 |
Walsingham | 8 |
WALTER, Cpl. | 58 |
WALTERS, The Rev. W. D. | 69 |
WARD, Doris | 105, 106 |
WARD, May | 105, 106 |
WARD, The Rev. Samuel | 92 |
Wardy Hill | 21, 23, 32, 93, 94 |
Ware | 7 |
WASHINGTON, Bert | 104 |
WASHINGTON, G. | 108, 109 |
Watch Night Service | 30 |
Waterloo, Battle of, 1815 | 18 |
WATERS, Mrs. | 85 |
WATKINS, The Rev. Owen Spencer | 72 |
WATSON, Richard | 26 |
WAXHAM, J. | 16, 21, 23 |
WEBB, Alfred | 99 |
WEBB, Mr. | 85 |
WEBSTER, The Rev. Francis | 98 |
Weekly Offering | 44 |
Welches Dam | 23 |
Wells | 102 |
WENLOCK, Mr. | 85 |
WENN, H. | 56 |
Wentworth | 23 |
Wesley Guild | 68, 89, 101 |
Wesley House, Cambridge | 6 |
WESLEY, Charles | 6, 14, 30 |
WESLEY, John | 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 31, 33 |
Wesleyan Boys' Drum and Fife Band | 64 |
Wesleyan Chapel | 101 |
Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society | 33 |
West End | 103 |
West London Mission | 69 |
WEST, Francis | 10 |
WEST, Mrs. | 100 |
WESTCOMBE, H. | 93, 94 |
WESTCOMBE, Henry | 46, 47 |
WESTLEY, Kate | 66 |
WESTLEY, Miss K. | 54, 67 |
Westminster Central Hall | 69 |
Westmoor | 32, 93, 94 |
WETENHALL, John | 17 |
Wheatsheaf Inn | 8 |
WHITESIDE, The Rev. Cuthbert | 20 |
WHITE-THOMSON, The Rev. Dr. L. J. | 114 |
WHITING, Mr. | 23, 32, 93 |
WHITTAKER, The Rev. John W. | 98, 102, 112 |
WHITTLETON, The Rev. Robert | 92 |
Wicken | 97 |
Wilburton | 23 |
WILKS, Jonas (jnr.) | 12 |
WILKS, Jonas (snr.) | 12 |
WILKS, Mr. | 23, 28 |
WILKS, Mrs. Mary | 13 |
WILLIAMS, The Rev. W. D. | 62 |
WILLIAMSON, Mr. | 80 |
WILLIAMSON, Alfred | 45, 46 |
WILLIAMSON, Charlotte | 45 |
WILLIAMSON, Emily | 45, 52 |
WILLIAMSON, Mrs. | 80, 85 |
WILLIS, The Rev. G. Neal | 88 |
WILLS, The Rev. Tren | 6 |
WILSON, Daisy | 67 |
WILSON, Frank | 105 |
WILSON, George | 105 |
WILSON, Kenneth | 105 |
WILSON, Miss D. | 54 |
WILTON, The Rev. Thomas | 92 |
Wimblington | 13, 15, 21 |
Wisbech | 107 |
WISEMAN, The Rev. F. Luke | 71 |
WISEMAN, The Rev. Luke Hoult | 28, 69 |
Witcham | 15, 21, 23, 32, 93, 94 |
Witchford | 15, 21, 32, 97, 108, 109 |
WOLLERTON, The Rev. John | 93 |
Women's Pleasant Hour | 70 |
WOOD, Ida | 67 |
WOOD, Maud | 67 |
WOOD, The Rev. A. | 101 |
WOOD, The Rev. Cornelius | 92, 93 |
WOODROW, Ishmael Robert | 100, 103, 108, 109 |
WOODROW, Mrs. | 101, 105 |
WOODS, Dolly | 105 |
WOOLLARD, Ruby | 67 |
WOOLMER, The Rev. Charles | 92 |
Woolpack, The | 22 |
workhouse | 61 |
World War I | 55 |
Wormwood Scrubs | 72 |
WRIGHT, Mr. | 21, 23 |
Yarmouth | 8 |
YEADON, Fred | 99 |
YEADON, The Rev. William | 97, 98, 99 |
York, HRH Duke of | 112 |
YOUNGS, C. T. | 105 |
This index is copyright
© Roger Fentiman - 1999
Any errors should be reported to Roger
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