County Tipperary

"Tipperary, a county of Ireland, province of Munster, bounded N by King's and Queen's counties, E by Queen's county and Kilkenny, S by Waterford and Cork, and W by Limerick, Clare, and Galway; length from N to S is 73 1/2 m, breadth 39 1/2. Area, 882,398 acres, or 1420 square m. The lands of Tipperary have always been ranked amongst the most productive in Ireland. It has, however, been always a great grazing county. It has also extensive tracks of bog and mountain. S of a range of bog, and between the small town of Kinnenaule and the county of Kilkenny, is the coal district. The high hills adjoining Limerick are called the Keepe mountains, from the highest of them. In this district are lead and copper mines; and some parts of it afford fine mill-stones. The rivers are the Suir, and its tributaries. Chief towns, Clonmell, Cashell, Roscrea, Nenegh, Tipperary, and Carrick. Pop. 353,402."[From The New London Gazetteer]
"COUNTY TIPPERARY, an inland county in the province of Munster, Ireland, is bounded N. by Galway and King's County, E. by King's County, Queen's County, and Kilkenny, S. by Waterford, and W. by Cork, Limerick, Clare, and Galway. It lies between 52° 12' and 53° 9' N. lat. and 7° 20' and 8° 26' W. long. Its greatest length from N. to S. is 70 miles, and from E. to W. 40 miles. The area is 1,659 square miles, or 1,061,731 acres, of which 843,887 are arable, 178,183 uncultivated, 23,779 under continuous plantations, 2,359 in towns, and 13,523 under water. The population in 1841 was 435,553, in 1851 it was 331,567, and in 1861 it had fallen to 249,106. The poor-law valuation in 1851 was £618,148, and the general valuation in 1861 was £670,525. The number of persons from this county who emigrated from Irish ports between May, 1851, and December, 1865, with the expressed intention of not returning, was 110,248, or 33 per cent. of the population at the former date......More" [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]
"TIPPERARY, a county, of the province of MUNSTER, bounded on the east by the King's and Queen's counties, and that of Kilkenny; on the south, by that of Waterford; on the west, by those of Cork, Limerick, and Clare, from which latter it is separated by the Shannon and Lough Derg; and on the north, by that of Galway and King's county. It extends from 52° 12' to 53° 9' N. Lat., and from 7° 20'to 8° 26' W. Lon.; comprising an area, according to the Ordnance survey, of 1,013,173 statute acres, of which 819,69S consist of cultivated land, 182,147 of bog, mountain, and unimproved waste, and 11,328 are covered with water. The population, in 1821, was 346,896; and in 1831, 402,363. ....More" [Transcription from A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland - Samuel Lewis - 1837 Mel Lockie ©2013]
Tipperary County Library
Castle Ave.Thurles,
Co. Tipperary
Website for the Library System: County Tipperary Libraries
Tipperary Books - from County Tipperary Genealogy (IGP)
Ireland Books, includes parish, history, genealogical, books, etc.
- Tipperary Cemetery Records - on IGP
- Tipperary Headstone Photos - on IGP
- County Tipperary Cemetery Records - on interment.net
1821 Census Fragments - Courtesy of the IGP Tipperary website
1799 Unofficial Census of Carrick - IGP's County Tipperary website
Tipperary Photos (churches) - on IGP
Tipperary Church Records - on IGP
Tipperary Roman Catholic records - on Irish Ancestors
County Tipperary; Roman Catholic Records, list - on fianna
Tipperary Vital Records (BMD) - on IGP
"The lakes of the county are numerous, but small and unimportant, except Lough Derg, which separates it from Galway and Clare. The only communications by water are the Shannon and the Suir, which latter is navigable for large barges to Clonmel. The Great Southern and Western railway enters near Borris-in-Ossory, and passes Thurles and Tipperary, communicating with Dublin on the N. and Cork City on the S., and having a branch line by Roscrea and Nenagh, to Limerick city. The Waterford and Limerick railway runs through the S. of the county, passing Clonmel and Tipperary. The roads are numerous, and are kept in excellent order." [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]
Tipperary - on wikipedia
1787 Directory- Clonmel - contributed by Sheryl Zenzerovich for inclusion on the County Tipperary Genealogy IGP Website.
Slaters Directory of Ireland - 1856 - Annette McLean and volunteers for the IGP Tipperary website
Book of County Tipperary (Bassett's 1889 Directory) database by Brian Phelan. Arranged here by Richard Callanan and Christina Hunt
Directories at IGP
- Directory of Clonmel 1787
- Clonmel Directories 1788-1930
- 1823 Directory of Nenagh
- 1823 Directory of Roscrea
- 1824 Pigot's Directory Tipperary + various parishes
- Book of County Tipperary by George Henry Bassett, 1889
- The Borough Guide to Clonmel (Images only)
The transcription for this county from the National Gazetteer (1868), provided by Colin Hinson.
The transcription for this county from the 1837 Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of Ireland [Mel Lockie ©2013]
The Ireland Genealogy Project's County Tipperary page, and its listing of the Project's available Tipperary Records.
The Irish Ancestors website (subscription) has the following types of records: State Registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Census returns, Land records, Church records, Genealogical Office records, Gravestone inscriptions, Directories, Newspapers, Wills, Deeds, and Occupations.
Irish Ancestors' extensive County Tipperary website.
The LDS FamilySearch Wiki's Ireland Online Genealogy Records.
The Fianna website's pages for County Tipperary provide important addresses and extensive information about online and other genealogy resources.
Roots Ireland (subscription) "offers access to a unique database of more than 20 million Irish records". Its Tipperary (North) coverage includes Baptismal/Birth Records, Marriage Records, Burial/Death Records, Census Records, Gravestone Inscriptions, Griffith's Valuation (Free Access), and Census Substitutes, and its Tipperary (South) coverage includes Baptismal/Birth Records, Marriage Records, Burial/Death Records and Griffith's Valuation (Free Access).
Tipperary Family History Research The Heritage Centre with records for the Diocese of Cashel & Emly.
Bru Boru Heritage Centre Portions of South Tipperary can be found at this Bru Boru Heritage Center.
Irish Records from Tipperary - Lots of valuable information on Tipperary records from Jean Skar. Includes information on the Hearth Roll, Civil Survey and Tithe Applotments.
ConnorsGenealogy County Tipperary section - various databases including the Tithe Applotments, Griffith's Valuation, pictures, parish records, surname registry
From-Ireland County Tipperary Page - various information including history, ballads, links, good explanations for civil registration and Griffith Valuation
Tipperary Miscellaneous Records (A lot of them) - on IGP
Tipperary Photos (people) - on IGP
Genealogy - at Tipperary Studies
"It is divided for civil purposes into North Riding and South Riding, the former consisting of the baronies of Ormond, Lower and Upper, Owney and Arra, Ikerrin, Eliogarty, and Upper Kilnamanagh; the latter of Slievardagh, Lower Kilnamanagh, Middlethird, Clanwilliam, East and West Offa and Wit; and contains 193 parishes." [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]
Tipperary civil parishes - on Irish Ancestors
See the county Tipperary page on logainm.ie which has links to its civil parish pages
"The Placenames Database of Ireland was created by Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge in collaboration with The Placenames Branch (Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht). This is a comprehensive management system for data, archival records and placenames research conducted by the State. It is a public resource for Irish people at home and abroad, and for all those who appreciate the rich heritage of Irish placenames."
TIPPERARY, Insolvent Debtors - 1783 - on IGP
History of Tipperary taken from The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland 1844 - on IGP
List of names for the County Palatine of Tipperary-1695 - on IGP
County Tipperary in 1916 (A History in 40 Documents) - on Tipperary Studies
Rate Books (1840s+) - at Tipperary Studies
- Cashel Poor Law Union Rate Books
- Nenagh Poor Law Union Burial Rate Books
- Nenagh Poor Law Union Rate Books
- Thurles Poor Law Union Rate Books
Estate Rentals - at Tipperary Studies
- Valentine Maher Turtulla Rental 1839 – 1843
- Milton Damer Papers 1787-1798
Property Owners late 1870's - an offering of Tom Cleary's CMC Project
Tipperary Land Records - on IGP
Griffiths Valuation 1847/64 on the Ask about Ireland site. Use the search box to bring up entries showing Barony/Parish/Townlands and lists of Occupants
Tithe Applotment Books for county Tipperary and its parishes are available online on the National Archives of Ireland website (free).
- The Tithe Applotment Books were compiled between 1823 and 1838 as a survey of land in each civil parish to determine the payment of tithes (a religious tax). Unlike Griffith's Valuation they do not cover cities or towns.
Various items - on IGP
- TIPPERARY, Freeholders of Crosse - 1600
- Tipperary - Freemans Journal, 23-Nov-1786, Return of the inhabitants of the Parish of Moyalive
- Tipperary - Freemans Journal, 23-Nov-1786, Return of the Inhabitants of the Hickey's River to the Hill of Ballycahill
- Tipperary - Freemans Journal, 23-Nov-1786, Return of the inhabitants of the Bog of Lissnavidogue
- Tipperary - Hearth Money Records 1666-1667, also other dates and parishes
- List of Landowners 1870's
Tithe Applotment Books for county Tipperary and its parishes are available online on the National Archives of Ireland website.
1783 Maps of Tipperary - Taylor and Skinner's Maps of the Roads of Ireland surveyed in 1777 and Corrected down to 1783 (Second edition 1783).
1878 Map of County Tipperary - From "A Picturesque Ireland, a Literary, & Artistic Delineation of its Scenery, Antiquities, Buildings, Abbeys Etc."
Tom Burnell’s Tipperary War Graves Database - at Tipperary Studies
- "Military Historian Tom Burnell (author of ‘The War Dead’ series and ‘Irishmen in the Great War’) has recently presented to Tipperary Studies a most valuable and unique collection charting the burial sites of British soldiers in Co. Tipperary. Complete with photographs of headstones and service information on each soldier, this thorough database of burial sites will be of great interest to anyone studying the genealogy of families with military links. The Collection is searchable through an Excel sheet and the soldiers’ dates of death range from 1914 to 1947. 43 different cemeteries are included and they are spread throughout Co. Tipperary."
Tipperary Military Records - on IGP
- Irish Constabulary with native county of Tipperary 1840+
- 1st, Or South Tipperary Militia- 1859
Tipperary Headstone Photos - on IGP
Gravestone Inscriptions (inc. The Ormond Historical Society Index to Graveyard Inscriptions) - at Tipperary Studies
Newspaper Collection - at Tipperary Studies
Tipperary Newspaper Records - on IGP These are the newspapers concerned;
- Tipperary News
- Freema's Journal
- Tipperary Free Press
- Limerick Chronicle
- Nenagh Guardian
- Tipperary Vindicator
- Irish American Weekly
- London Times
- Clonmel Advertiser
"Coal is found on the eastern border, and thence to within a few miles of Cashel, with a small outlying district at Cashel, and one at Clonmel. The coal is of the nature of anthracite, or blind coal, and is an extension of the Kilkenny field. Copper is found at Hollyford, and zinc and lead mixed with silver at Silvermines and Shallee. The sandstone of Slievenamuck yields excellent flags, and from the Arra hills, near Lough Derg, slates are quarried equal to those of North Wales.
The climate is temperate and healthy. The soil in the level parts is fertile, particularly in the Golden Vale, which is of calcareous loam, and in the district to the N. of the Devil's Bit range, comprising the baronies of Upper and Lower Ormond. Agriculture is principally attended to, but the importation of foreign corn has caused a change in this particular, while the rearing of cattle, and more particularly of sheep, has increased. In 1847, 319,334 acres were under crops, and in 1865 only 297,551 acres. The condition of the peasantry, though not satisfactory, has been considerably improved. Drainage has been carried out in many districts, and a better system of farming is adopted. "
[Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]
TIPPERARY, Some Tradesmen in Fethard 1812-1813 - on IGP
Tipperary Historical Journal (1988+) - on Tipperary Studies
Poor Law Union Records - at Tipperary Studies
Workhouse Registers - at Tipperary Studies
- Thurles Workhouse Register, various dates 1849+
- Deaths in Cashel Workhouse 1848, 1849, 1850
- Cashel Workhouse Indoor Register December 1847/1848
- Roscrea PLU Outdoor Relief Register 1899-1917
- Roscrea PLU Indoor Relief Register 1906-1908
Tipperary Wills - on IGP
General Register Office - The General Register Office (Oifig An Ard-Chláraitheora) is the central civil repository for records relating to Births, Deaths and Marriages in the Republic of Ireland.
"Of the population in 1861, 12,800, or 5.1 per cent., were members of the Established Church; 234,881, or 94.3 per cent., were Roman Catholics; and 1,425, or 0.6 per cent., belonged to other Christian denominations"[Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]
Various items - on IGP
- Tipperary - Freemans Journal, 23-Nov-1786, Roman Catholic inhabitants of the Parish of Bourney
- Tipperary - Freemans Journal 10-Oct-1786, Protestant inhabitants of the town and parish of Thurles
- Tipperary - Freemans Journal 130-Sep-1786, Catholic inhabitants of the town and parish of Thurles
"In 1863 there were 271 National schools, attended by 17,104 male and 18,046 female children, besides Church Education, private, and other schools." [Description from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868) Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2018]
Schools Registers - at Tipperary Studies
- Borrisofarney School Register Boys 1864 – 1920
- Borrisofarney School Register Girls 1863 – 1920
- Gortagarry Roll Book 1899 – 1902
Ardmayle National School Examination Rolls 1882 – 1889 - at Tipperary Studies
Schools’ Folklore Collection - at Tipperary Studies
County Tipperary Historical Society - The County Tipperary Historical Society was formed in 1987 to create a forum whereby previously unpublished material relating to the history, archaeology, genealogy, folklore and geography of County Tipperary could be published in one all embracing Journal. It had the further aim of fostering and encouraging new research in these fields.
Electors and Voters polled, Barony of Cashel (and other baronies) , 1835 - on IGP