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Lancashire Parish Register Society

Registered Charity No. 511396


AGM Minutes - 7 April 2017


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council and ordinary members of the Society held in the Lecture Room of Lancashire Archives, Bow Lane, Preston on 7th April 2017

The President, Thomas Woodcock CVO, DL, BA, LLB, FSA, Garter Principal King of Arms, took the chair to commence the meeting at 1pm.

Present: Council Members Alan Kenwright, Jackie Roberts, Jacquie Crosby, Tom O’Brien, Malcolm Parr, Dr John Perkins, Dr Colin Rogers, John Dalton, Rev Tom Steel, and Douglas Wilson, and member Jill Drabble

The President welcomed us to our new meeting venue at Lancashire Archives

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Neil Hudson, Jennifer Holt, Simon Oliver, Hilary Myerscough, Ken Taylor, Alan Powell, Tony Foster, Paula Matthews and Leo Turner
  2. The minutes of the AGM held 23 April 2016 were accepted and approved
  3. Matters arising: Agreed that no further action is required in relation to supply of volumes to Lancashire Libraries (Item 4) and that in the present and future minutes the heading should refer to the AGM of Council and ordinary members. Action: Neil Hudson.
  4. Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary’s reports: As of now we have 297 paid up members. Ten resignations have been received. Several members probably will pay and Libraries will be approached again for outstanding subscriptions. They will continue to receive volumes for the time being. Fortunately we are not currently reliant solely on subscriptions. A legacy of £5000 from member Elizabeth Auty leaves an income over expenditure surplus of £1858.10 for the year ending 31 December 2016. Increase in the value of £30000 invested with CAF Equity at January 2016 left us with total investments £78422. After discussion it was agreed that subscription rates remain unaltered. After discussion it was agreed our subscriptions to Federation of Family History Societies and to the Federation of Local History Societies are of value to our profile. John Dalton raised a query as to whether there may not be duplication on insurance cover as we have cover from membership of these societies. The Treasurer will make some enquiry. The reports and accounts as circulated were accepted and the President thanked Jackie Roberts for her sterling work on our behalf.
  5. Honorary General Editor’s report: During 2016 we published Volumes 185 and 186, Furness and Farnworth (Prescot), and Volumes NC 09 and 10 both for Wigan. Alan’s written report details progress or otherwise on many volumes. Volume 187 Church Kirk 1747- 1812 is now with the packers. He presented the first copy to transcriber Jackie Roberts. Aughton, long promised, will go to the printers April 2017 as Volume 81a. Permission obtained for Ringley; Samlesbury 1623-1841 can go ahead as a stand alone volume. The Editor intends that we publish four volumes during 2017. There followed discussion on County Town Lancaster available to 1837, two volumes or three, possibly separate volumes for baptisms, marriages and burials. Agreed that we issue in three volumes, all events in one volume, and to be split as to years wherever most convenient to equalise the number of pages in each volume. Colin Rogers queried our publishing in some cases to 1841, can be punishing for the transcriber, agreed it can be so useful to catch late baptisms post 1837. The report was accepted and Alan congratulated on completing ten years as Editor. Colin emphasised how ready Alan always is to discuss and advise.
  1. Sales and Publications Report: Malcom Parr presented his written report showing sales holding steady particularly as regards sale of old volumes where we have been fortunate to obtain discarded library stock. He has members waiting for old volumes to make up sets. Genfair business holds up, not so Parish Chest now USA based. On the recommendation of Alan Powell, a DVD has been made in effect written on stone, “to last 1000 years”, at a cost of £35. All we have ever published is on the one disc readable by modern computer readers. Cost £3 per disk. Malcolm was thanked for his continued hard work, report accepted
  1. Election of Officers: All being willing to serve again, it was proposed by Colin Rogers and seconded by John Perkins that they be re-elected en bloc, proposal agreed unanimously
  1. Election of Council Members: All being willing to serve again it was proposed by Jill Drabble and seconded by Alan Kenwright that they be re-elected en bloc, agreed unanimously
  1. Burnley Transcripts: Douglas Wilson referred to John Holden’s introduction to Volume 151 where John mentions the existence of his own transcript beyond the published years to 1690 and also the previous transcript by William Farrer. There seems to be now no trace of these transcripts, search and enquiries to be made as to present whereabouts if still in existence. Action: Alan Kenwright/Douglas Wilson
  1. Appointment of Independent Examiner: Proposed by Jackie Roberts, seconded by Douglas Wilson and agreed unanimously that David Smethurst, Accountant, be elected to serve a further year and our hearty thanks be given to him for his services
  1. AOB: Discussion on assistant to Alan, no progress yet. Agreed that a summary of transcribing tasks be circulated to every member to consider, Alan to weigh up. Action: Alan Kenwright/Neil Hudson
  1. Date and time of next meeting: On the invitation of Jacquie Crosby again at Lancashire Archives, Saturday 14th April 2018 at 1 pm

There being no further business the President thanked Jacquie for her hospitality and all members for their attendance, including Pat Parr and Barbara Kenwright, as constant supporters of the Society, and observers of our meeting today.

Douglas Wilson

Acting Hon. Secretary