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Lancashire Parish Register Society

Registered Charity No. 511396


AGM Minutes - 19th March 2022


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council and ordinary members of the Society held in the Friends Meeting House, Mount St, Manchester on 19th March 2022.

The President, Sir Thomas Woodcock KCVO, DL, BA, LLB, FSA, took the chair to commence the meeting at 1 p.m.

Also present were Council members Jackie Roberts (Treasurer), Tom O’Brien, John Dalton, Alan Kenwright (General Editor), Simon Oliver, Dr John Perkins, Dr Colin Rogers, members Leo Turner and Stephen Ward, and guest Barbara Kenwright.

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Jacquie Crosby, Tony Foster, Neil Hudson, Malcolm Parr, Rev Tom Steel and Ken Taylor.

The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read.

  1. Treasurer & Membership Secretary’s report: Jackie Roberts presented the papers detailing the accounts. She mentioned the difficulties experienced over the last two years, and the need for us to discuss where we, as a society, are going. Publicity had essentially stopped, as there have been no fairs held. She suggested that we ought to look at what it would be necessary for the society to do in the event of winding-up. The President expressed his opposition to winding up. Simon Oliver said we should wait a year before making any decision. Tom O’Brien asked where we would distribute our funds if we did eventually wind-up.

Our current total membership is 239, down from 257 in Dec 2020.

Our expenditure (£12,485) exceeded our income (£10,797) by £1,678, but we have produced two printed volumes, 196 Prestwich and 197 Accrington.

We still have a useful amount in funds: Dec 2021 Santander £5,361∙69

CAF GoldFund £31,266∙75

Shawcross Bond £20,000.00

Total £56,628∙44

Mrs Roberts proposed that the accounts, as checked by Independent Examiner David Smethurst, be approved. This was seconded by Tom O’Brien, and passed unanimously.

  1. Honorary General Editor’s Report: Alan Kenwright passed round his paper showing the publications issued during 2020 (volumes 193 Ashton-u-Lyne, 194 Ribble Valley parishes, 195 Warrington 1761-85 and cd NC13 Ormskirk Chapels) and 2021 (2 volumes mentioned above).

He also listed work in progress, and who was working on them, although only one is currently known to be active (Leo Turner on Leyland marriages 1781-1837). He emphasised that we have the money to publish more, especially if large parishes are put on CD, but still need transcribers and checkers. The President questioned whether existing CD’s might be produced as volumes.

Dr Perkins asked how many transcripts were still held by Manchester Central Library, to which Alan replied that all have either been used or are in preparation.

Tom O’Brien said he wished to resign from council, and Malcolm Parr has resigned as publications officer. Alan Kenwright is to collect the CD printer from him. The President suggested we need a deputy for the treasurer to assist her and learn the job. Dr Rogers asked if the treasurer’s job could be divided to make it easier for the individuals. He also asked if we could merge with another group. He suggested putting a notice on the website about the treasurer’s post. It was also noted that, owing to Malcolm Parr’s resignation from office, the society needs a new website manager. Simon Oliver said we must make sure that the passwords essential to run the website were obtained. He is to look into this.

Alan Kenwright stated that the next volume, another Church Kirk, was almost ready for the printer. The President suggested putting a note in the newsletter to go with it, about the vacancies which had just been discussed.

Dr Rogers said he could write a piece for Family Tree and Who Do You Think You Are magazines: AK and TW agreed to read it before publication and the President said that he was happy for it to go out under his name.

  1. Election of Officers

Douglas Wilson has resigned, and Tom O’Brien is not standing for re-election.

Colin Rogers proposed the remaining officers be elected en-bloc, seconded by Leo Turner.

It was proposed by Tom O’Brien and seconded by John Dalton that Stephen Ward and Barbara Kenwright be new council members. Agreed unanimously.

  1. Nomination of Independent Examiner:

It was agreed that David Smethurst be appointed again, with thanks to him for his examination of the 2021 accounts; agreed unanimously.

  1. Any Other Business

It was mentioned that Jacquie Crosby is retiring from her post at the Lancashire Record Office, so her replacement will be approached to see if they are willing to represent the LRO on the LPRS Council. John Dalton to pursue this.

Date of next meeting

The possibility of meeting at the LRO in Preston once again was suggested, possibly Saturday 18th March. JD to enquire when at the LRO.

The President thanked everyone for attending, and closed the meeting at 3.10 p.m.

John Dalton

Acting Minutes Secretary