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Lancashire Parish Register Society

Registered Charity No. 511396


AGM Minutes - 14th March 2020


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council and ordinary members of the Society held in the Lecture Room of Lancashire Archives, Bow Lane, Preston on 14th March 2020

The President, Thomas Woodcock CVO,DL,BA,LLB,FSA, Garter Principal King of Arms, took the chair to commence the meeting at 1 p m

Also present were Council members Jackie Roberts, Jacquie Crosby, John Dalton, Alan Kenwright, Tom O’Brien, Simon Oliver, Malcolm Parr, Dr John Perkins, Rev Thomas Streel, Douglas Wilson, member Stephen Ward and guests Barbara Kenwright and Pat Parr

  1. Apologies for absence were received from Neil Hudson, Dr Colin Rogers, Ken Taylor, Jennifer Holt, Tony Foster, Paula Matthews, Leo Turner

  2. The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 13th April 2019 were approved; there were no matters arising

  3. Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary’s Report. Jackie presented her report for the year ended 31 December 2019 as circulated. Our liquid assets at yearend total £66,043.33. There is an apparent loss of £2082.80 on the year’s activities. This includes a loss of £2152.85 on encashment of our CAF Bond, though this realised a considerable surplus for us over our initial investment. After consultation with our Independent Examiner David Smethurst our assets such as printers, copies and unsold volumes have been written out of the accounts, having no appreciable current value. The Treasurer requested guidance on investment of our balances, agreed that she have full discretion to invest at whatever small interest rate might now, or on repayment of our Shawcross Bond, be obtainable. Membership of the Society at December 2019 was 202, few new members replace resignations and deaths. No problems resulted from our subscription increase. Institutional membership at 64 remains steady since the steep decline c 2015. Any partnership with Lancashire Parish Clerk is unlikely, their policy is to operate entirely free of charge. The Treasurer was thanked for her untiring past and current work on our behalf

  4. Honorary General Editor’s Report, as now circulated. Volumes published 2019 were 191 Ashton under Lyne 1721-1760, 192 Lancaster St John 1755-1812, St Anne 1796-1812 and Priory 1778-1800 combined, also Preston CD 1815-1841. Ashton 1761-1785 is ready for publication, lacks an introduction. There was discussion on introductions, Jackie pointing to the lack of one for her second volume of Church Kirk. It was agreed that introductions can be brief, refer where relevant to other works of reference. On this basis Ribble Valley, Warrington and Lancaster Priory 1801-1812 are almost ready, perhaps also Liverpool where Simon Oliver reports he is well advanced. he and the rest of Council lament the lack of other volunteers for Liverpool area. Accrington awaits checking at Archives, Jacquie offers a pair of eyes from there to assist. Stephen Ward confirms he is one third into St Maxentius, Bradshaw. Alan will consider a reminder about Cartmel long promised. He aims to see Vol 200 published, meanwhile will check how many parishes in total we have published to date. There followed discussion on possible reversion to our traditional green bindings, item for our next AGM agenda. Council endorsed the President’s thanks to Alan for his continued dedication

  5. Manchester Central Library. We would be happy to welcome Larysa Bolton the Librarian as a member of Council. It would be useful to know that Central Library continue to hold our unpublished material safely. Alan said all have been scanned but they remain valuable archive material, occupying considerable shelf space. The Secretary to be asked to approach this gingerly, to avoid risk of losing our secure space. Jacquie Crosby indicated that Lancashire Archive is now full. They are to rent salt mine storage space for little used material. Discussion turned to potential archive material held by Council members ,some may be suitable to preserve, most will probably need recycling

  6. Sales and Publications Report as now circulated. Malcolm presented comparative sales figures 2012-2019. C D sales including Genfair and Parish Chest are steady, otherwise the position is grim, in 2019 only seven current volumes sold plus pre Vol 150 sales of 13. Malcom’s proposal was agreed, that in 2020 we try another advertising mail shot of available volumes. Malcolm and Pat continue to host all surplus volumes; thanks were expressed to them for this facility, and to Malcolm for his determined efforts. ( Full sets of volumes are held personally by Alan, Colin and Tom)

  7. Election of Officers and of Council. Being established that all are willing to stand, it was agreed unanimously,as proposed by Tom O’Brien and seconded by Simon Oliver, that (1) the Officers and (2) the Council members be reelected en bloc

  8. Nomination of Independent Examiner. Agreed that David Smethurst be renominated, with thanks to him for his time and advice

  9. In the absence of Colin, Alan read out Colin’s thoughts on the climate problem. Could we conduct our meetings electronically to save carbon footprint, and could we save trees by publishing less paper? Discussed and agreed that we might ,but the ethos of our Society is to meet up together for discussion , and to publish books of permanent record. Jacquie voiced our thanks to Colin for raising the issue

  10. Potential for working with Online Parish Clerk. Jacquie reported on an inconclusive discussion with Chris Cherry. Our aims diverge. John Dalton summarised as, theirs is to provide a searchable data base, ours is complete accuracy .No further action

  11. A o b. As proposed by Alan it was agreed that we try again via the Newsletter to promote membership and volunteering. Stephen Ward queried who now responsible for updating our website, updating appears erratic? .Alan will talk over with Malcolm with a view to clarifying

  12. Date and venue of next meeting. On the invitation of Jacquie Saturday 13th March 2021 at Lancashire Record office at 1 p m

  13. The President thanked the Record Office for their hospitality, closing the meeting at 2.20 pm