Llanllwchaearn towns- Extract from 'A Topographical Dictionary of Wales' by Samuel Lewis
"NEW-QUAY, a small port in the Parish of LLANLLWCHAIRN, hundred of MOYTHEN, county of CARDIGAN, SOUTH WALES, 15 miles (N. W. by W.) from Lampeter. The population is included in the return for the parish. This place is advantageously situated on the shore of Cardigan bay, and affords good anchorage to vessels of small tonnage. The haven is securely sheltered from the westerly winds, and, if improved to the extent of which it is susceptible, might easily be made a safe retreat for ships of considerable burden. The pier might be enlarged, for which purpose a subscription has been opened with success ; but the attempt has been hitherto frustrated by the want of a sufficient title to the land, which would be requisite to carry that object into effect. There are at present from sixty to seventy vessels belonging to this port, averaging from forty to fifty tons' burden each, and employing from one hundred and fifty to two hundred men. Fish of very superior quality is found in abundance on this part of the coast, soles, turbots, and oysters, being taken in great numbers during the season ; a good herring fishery may also be established with advantage. The village is of considerable size, and is inhabited chiefly by persons connected with the business of the port. A fair is annually held on November 12th. "
[Gareth Hicks: 16 December 1999]